Projects of work plans for rural houses of culture. Required resources available


Municipal educational institution"Count average comprehensive school Shebekinsky district of the Belgorod region


House of Culture

school project

Leaders: Miroshnichenko G.I.

Novoseltseva V. A.

Shcherbakova N. A.

Members: Belikov A., 10th grade student

Gridchina E., 10th grade student

Grafovka, 2014

    Introduction to the subject area (description of the "as is" situation). The relevance of the project.

    General model of project implementation.

    Purpose, tasks.

    Members and partners. Project working group.

    Solution method.

    The timing of the project.

    Stages of the project.

    Expected results and their social significance.

    Required resources available.

    Project budget.

    Project risks.

    Factors and signs of successful implementation.

    The timing of the project.


Subject: We will improve the House of Culture

Introduction to the subject area

(description of the situation "as is")

Project relevance

“... The environment where we live, work, study, and rest is a powerful educational factor. It forms the basis of the cultural, spiritual and moral behavior of people, the feeling that we figuratively call "love for small homeland».

E. Savchenko

In our village, everything should be permeated with the desire for beauty, so at present great attention given to landscaping. Everything must be done so that the room Houses of culture, its territory were attractive, somewhat magical. Everyone in the recreation center and around it should work for education square meter.

The area around the recreation center covers an area of ​​1 ha. It has an unfinished building. The peculiarity of the location of our institution is that it is located in the center of the village. Therefore, the state of the territory of the House of Culture is always in the field of view of fellow villagers. This imposes on the team a great responsibility for educating students, their parents and villagers. careful attitude to the wealth of the region, aesthetic taste and the ability to appreciate the beautiful.

The recreation center is located on the territory of the park, so the problem of landscaping is relevant.

Work on the improvement of the territory of the House of Culture acts as an effective means of forming ecological culture the rising generation.

Landscaping activities are universal remedy, which simultaneously performs a number of functions: cognitive, developing, spiritual and moral, civil formation of the individual, the function of designing one's own activity.

Becoming participants in the project, students try themselves in various social roles which contributes to their successful socialization in society. The project is effective tool formation of an active citizenship schoolchildren and their ecological culture.

Goals and objectives of the project.

Objective of the project:


Dissemination among students of knowledge about landscape design;
- mastering the skills of a communicative culture, teamwork;
- development of analytical skills and critical thinking skills;
- the formation of a sense of civic responsibility in the decision actual problems local community.

Getting started, we analyze the situation at the moment in order to identify the most important problems that require prompt solutions.

Once problems have been identified, work is carried out to decoration yard.

The presented mini-projects can determine the main directions for landscaping the yard:

Creating flower beds using modern elements landscape design;

Equipment for recreation areas;

Tree beautification;

Territory lighting.

On the basis of mini-projects, the initiative group developed a project for the improvement of the territory of the recreation center. The practical implementation of the project should be carried out in April-May 2014 by the villagers, the administration rural settlement, school, clinic and other institutions. In the fall of 2014, the results will be summed up and tasks for the future will be determined.

General project implementation model

Target project "Let's improve the territory of the recreation center":

    complex improvement of the territory of the courtyard of the House of Culture;

    creating conditions for comprehensive development and recreation of youth through the organization of patriotic activities for the improvement and landscaping of the territory.


    develop and implement a plan for landscaping and landscaping the courtyard;

    create conditions for the active involvement of students and pupils of all ages and their parents in social practice, in socially significant, feasible service activities through various competitions and actions for the improvement of the territory;

    develop the skills of a communicative culture, work in a team;

    deploy modern technology creation of flower beds, flower beds, vertical gardening, aesthetic design of the territory;

    to spread knowledge about landscape design among students.

Members and partners

Project working group

Area of ​​responsibility

Job title

Project curator

Krivoguzova N. A.

Deputy head of administration

Project Manager

Miroshnichenko G.I.

Novoseltseva V. A.

Shcherbakova N. A.

Teachers of MBOU “Grafovskaya secondary school”

Project Administrator

Polyakova E.V.

Deputy director of the school for


S/n administration, school, community, population.

Without the help of working youth, without the support of the administration of the school, settlement, the community of the village, the population, parents, the head of the house of culture, sponsorship, we cannot cope, but nevertheless, we are aimed at final result and hopefully it will be like this:

The territory at the rural house of culture will be landscaped;

Favorable living conditions will be created in our village;

A humanistic developing environment for the life of children and youth will be created, they will be provided with additional opportunities for self-development, self-affirmation, self-expression;

Conditions will be created for the possible organization of the process of joint pastime, contributing to the spiritual rapprochement of children and adults, the birth common interests and hobbies.

Project implementation timeline

Stages of the project

1. preparatory (

2. Design (

3. Practical (

4. Analytical and corrective

5. Final(Comparison of real and desired results work. Go to next level Development), September 2014

    Analysis of the ecological state of the territory.

    Start of the competition for the best mini-project for the improvement of the recreation center”.

    Drawing competition "House of Culture of my dreams".

Action plan of the design stage

    Development of a collective project for the improvement of the territory of the recreation center.

    Creation of a project team.

    Drawing up a plan for landscaping and landscaping.

    Labor landing for improvement.

    Soil tillage and planting seedlings of flower crops on the territory of the Palace of Culture.

    Creation of a recreation area (manufacturing and installation of benches).

    Fountain maintenance.

Expected results and their social significance

Required resources available

To implement the project, we conducted an analysis of the availability of the necessary resources. It turned out that we already have a certain part of them in the DC, and the rest needs to be purchased.

Water is an integral part of almost any harmonious landscape. Its attractive power is such that even a miniature pond, fountain, artificial waterfall or spring can decorate the landscape and bring a special spirit of peace and tranquility to the landscape. However aesthetic function The role of water in landscape design is not limited. The microclimate of the site largely depends on the presence and nature of reservoirs. Water, moving or standing, increases the level of air humidity, which at any time of the year benefits both plants and people resting on the territory of the Palace of Culture.

We decided to take advantage of this, studied the main types of landscape gardening water objects: ponds, pools, swamps, streams, canals, waterfalls, cascades, fountains, springs. And they stopped at the creation of the fountain.

When studying coatings for paving, we considered such materials as: a natural stone, decorative tiles, clinker bricks, decorative and ordinary concrete, wood, grass, concrete slabs, ground cover plants. Wooden paving seemed to be more suitable for us, because. with its help we will create a common compositional solution.

One of the tasks of external improvement is to increase the diversity and artistic expressiveness open green spaces. The design element that solves these aesthetic, functional and utilitarian tasks is small architectural forms. Their artistic qualities, meticulous workmanship, the expediency of placement techniques and composition affect the final result - the creation of a harmonious spatial environment.

On the territory there is:

    unfinished building;

    Free space for the arrangement of flower beds, benches, a fountain, etc.

To complete the project, we also need:

    purchase seeds and seedlings of plants;

    purchase paving slabs;

    purchase benches and architectural elements.

Project budget

Name of materials

price, rub.

The number of packages. PC.

Cost, rub.

petunia seeds

salvia seeds

Ipomoea seeds

Eschscholzia seeds

Thuja big


Maple Bordeaux


Name of materials

price, rub.


Cost, rub.


architectural elements

Sidewalk tile

The need for petunia seeds

Central flowerbed No. 1 75 m 2, length 50 m, width 2 m

50m x 2 =100m

For 1 linear meter you need 7 plants.

Total required 100 m x 7 = 700 pieces

700 pieces: 15 = 40 bags.

25 rub. x 40 \u003d 1000 rubles.

The Need for Salvia Seeds

For 1 linear meter you need 5 plants.

Total required 50 m x 5 = 250 pieces

250 pieces: 25 = 10 bags.

12 rub. x 10 \u003d 120 rubles.

Project risks

    Low activity of students in the work on the project

    Insufficient upbringing of children in the family, indifference of parents

    search for new sources of financing;

    work done by students.

Factors and signs of successful implementation

Signs of Successful Implementation

    awareness by adults and children of the need for improvement and aesthetic design of the territory;

    awareness of the importance of the problem by parents and interest in the activities of most families.

Factors for Successful Implementation

    willingness to participate in project activities;

    desire and willingness of the villagers and the public to participate in the work on the project.

Expected results

Project result

    Ensuring safe and comfortable conditions for recreation and development.

    Comprehensive landscaping of the territory of the House of Culture.

    Formation of skills and specific skills of practical activities for improvement.

    Increasing the interest of children, parents, the population in the protection and preservation of the natural environment.

    Organization of socially significant social activities schoolchildren.

    Creation of conditions for the possible organization of the process of spending time together, contributing to the spiritual rapprochement of children and adults, the birth of common interests and hobbies.

Result requirements

    Assistance in improving the environmental situation through the organization of work in the institution for improvement and gardening.

    Socialization of students through acquaintance with specialties related to working with plants: floriculture, agriculture, soil science, garden design, floristry.

    The study of the main directions of work on the improvement of institutions.

    The study of modern domestic and foreign practice of improvement.

Users of the project result

All residents and guests of the Grafovsky rural settlement.


Survey results

300 residents of the village Grafovka were interviewed:

    Would you like to take part in the improvement of the territory of the House of Culture?

75% of those surveyed wanted to participate.

    What amenities would you like to include in the school grounds?

100% would include in appearance flower beds and flower beds.

95% would set up benches and architectural structures.

60% would pave the yard with paving slabs.

    Do you support the landscaping initiative by diversifying flower beds and flowerbeds?

Everyone answered yes, of course.

    Do you think that a well-maintained recreation area is needed on the territory of the House of Culture?

All participants in the survey believe that of course, yes.

List of used literature

    Grigoriev D.V. Extracurricular activities schoolchildren. Methodological constructor: a guide for the teacher / D.V. Grigoriev P.V. Stepanov. - M.: Education, 2010. - 223 p. - (Standards of the second generation).

    Gospodnikova M.K. Joint educational projects. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 152 p.

    Lebedev O.E. Competence approach in education // School technologies. - 2004. - S. 3-13

    Goryachev A.V. I know everything, I can do everything. Benefit for project activities.-M. Balass, 2010.-64 p.

    Sapelin Yu.A., Lessons in garden design. Garden compositions, Publisher: Fiton +, 2008

    Lerner P.S. Engineer of the third millennium (evaluation criteria) - M .: Academy, 2005. - P. 232-233.

    Intel@ Learning for the Future. Project activity in information educational environment XXI century: Proc. allowance-10th ed., Rev.-M.: NP "Modern technologies in education and culture", 2010.- 168s. + CD

Internet resources:

    "Children's" flowerbed

2. Project evaluation Improving the quality of education

View presentation content

school project

Leaders: Miroshnichenko G. I. Novoseltseva V. A.

Shcherbakova N. A.

Members: Belikov A.

Gridchina E.

“... The environment where we live, work, study, and rest is a powerful educational factor. It forms the foundations of the cultural, spiritual and moral behavior of people, the feeling that we figuratively call "love for a small homeland."

E. Savchenko

Main goals and objectives

Objective of the project :

Creation of conditions for the implementation of civil patriotic education youth through the organization of patriotic activities of schoolchildren for the improvement and landscaping of the territory;


Development and implementation of a plan for landscaping and landscaping of the courtyard;

Dissemination among students of knowledge about landscape design; - mastering the skills of a communicative culture, teamwork; - development of analytical skills and critical thinking skills; - formation of a sense of civic responsibility in solving urgent problems of the local community.

Members and partners





1-11 cells




  • conducting sociological research, monitoring the state environment on the territory of the courtyard of the recreation center;
  • holding a competition "Let's improve the territory of the House of Culture" for the best mini-project for the improvement and gardening of the courtyard of the recreation center for students in grades 8-10;
  • holding a drawing competition “House of Culture of My Dreams”;
  • involvement of parents and to assist in the breakdown of flower beds and flower beds, the purchase of seeds, in growing seedlings and the public to provide charitable assistance;
  • acquisition of knowledge necessary for the successful implementation of the project;
  • dissemination of information among the population;
  • organization and holding practical work for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of the recreation center.

Project implementation timeline

Social institution project






(around DC)



Long term


Stages of the project

1. preparatory ( Motivation, goal setting of the project), September 2013

2. Design ( Construction of an indicative scheme of activities), September 2013

3. Practical ( Project implementation), April - September 2013

4. Analytical and corrective(Analysis of interim results of work and introduction of changes), May - August 2014

5. Final(Comparison of actual and desired results of work. Transition to the next level of development), May-August 2014

Plan activities preparatory phase

  • Analysis of the ecological state of the territory of the House of Culture.
  • Start of the competition for the best mini-project for the improvement of the House of Culture.
  • Drawing competition "House of culture of my dreams".

Plan activities of the practical stage

  • Acquisition of seeds and cultivation of seedlings.
  • Labor landing on the improvement of the territory of the Palace of Culture.
  • Soil cultivation and planting seedlings of flower crops.
  • Creation of a recreation area (production and installation of benches).
  • Care of planted flower crops.
  • Autumn work: collection of seeds, preparation of seeds for storage, autumn tillage.

Expected results and their social significance

  • Comprehensive improvement of the recreation center territory;
  • Organization of socially significant social activities;
  • An integrated approach to the education of citizenship, patriotism, environmental and aesthetic culture, labor education;
  • Creation of conditions for the possible organization of the process of spending time together, contributing to the spiritual rapprochement of children and adults, the birth of common interests and hobbies;
  • Introduction to a healthy lifestyle as an important component of ecological culture;
  • Creation of a humanistic developing environment for the life of students, providing them with additional opportunities for self-development, self-affirmation, self-expression;
  • Creation of favorable living conditions.

Possible obstacles and ways to overcome them

1. Low activity of students in the work on the project

  • carry out work to explain the necessity and importance of this problem; through various assignments to involve in the work of the passive; method of suggestion, persuasion to involve more participants in project activities.
  • carry out work to explain the necessity and importance of this problem;
  • through various assignments to involve in the work of the passive;
  • method of suggestion, persuasion to involve more participants in project activities.

2. Insufficient upbringing of children in the family, indifference of parents

  • at school and classroom meetings to talk about the need to educate the civic qualities of the child; involve parents in school events for landscaping.
  • at school-wide and class meetings to talk about the need to educate the child's civic qualities;
  • Invite parents to participate in school-wide events to improve the territory.

3. Incapacity financially - stakeholders fund the project adequately

  • - search for new sources of financing;
  • - Carrying out work by the population.

Project budget

Name of materials

price, rub.

petunia seeds

The number of packages. PC.

salvia seeds

Cost, rub.

Ipomoea seeds

Eschscholzia seeds

Thuja big


Maple Bordeaux


Name of materials

price, rub.


Cost, rub.


architectural elements

Sidewalk tile

The cost of the improvement project: 191180 rubles.

  • creation of conditions for the comprehensive development and recreation of young people through the organization of patriotic activities of schoolchildren for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of the House of Culture;
  • acquisition by students of knowledge about landscape design;
  • the acquisition by students of practical skills in the improvement and aesthetic design of the territory, the skills of communicative culture, teamwork.

We wish all participants in the competition for landscaping and gardening projects to create beauty, convenience and comfort on the territory of the House of Culture, thereby bringing to life all their landscape fantasies.

The object of study in this thesis is the territory of the Petrovsky rural house of culture.

Purpose of the study. Develop a concept for the improvement of the multifunctional territory of the Petrovsky rural house of culture, which would meet current trends and served as a kind of urban space, which has a modern look, does not stand out against the general background of the rural landscape, and would attract young people to cultural life village.

Objectives of the work: to study and analyze analogues; break the territory into functional zones; develop a scheme for moving around the territory of the complex, ways of entrances, placement of parking lots; provide for the arrangement of the territory with objects small architecture (Street lights, ballot boxes, benches, sports equipment, children's complexes); change the appearance of the facade.

The landscaped area has a flat relief, therefore it has a radial-ring system of paths. The building of the House of Culture is the dominant feature in the landscape. The design of the paths divided the territory into functional zones. To determine the functional fullness of the site, we started from the functional purpose of the building of the house of culture. Zones have been formed: a mass entertainment zone, a free walking zone, a children's zone, a sports zone, and an economic zone. Car parking provided.

The mass entertainment zone is located in the western part of the site. A stage has been organized here, which can serve as a concert and dance platform, as well as visual places.

In the southern part there is a zone of free walking recreation, where there are places for recreation: outdoor chairs and deck chairs, which have long been used in parks and gardens in Europe.

In the southeastern part there is a sports and children's area, the building of the cultural center will prevent the winds blowing from the north. The sports area has a place for roller skating and skateboarding, a basketball court, a table games area, and a place for free sports games.

The utility zone is located behind the building where the public toilet for visitors.

The building of the House of Culture is in need of reconstruction. The main material for the reconstruction of the house of culture is wood. The use of natural materials is typical for general image. The plastic form of the building is emphasized by arched structures. They carry several functions: load-bearing structures for street lighting, structures for climbing plants, places for recreation - benches. The arches highlight the main alleys and form the entrance group to the house of culture. Children's play complexes, benches, tables and benches, arches, as well as stage paving and an auditorium are made of wood. The area around the perimeter is fenced for the safety of spending time on the territory of children and adults.

The main activity of the Rassvetovsky rural House of Culture

Rassvetovsky Rural House of Culture carries out its activities on the basis of specific requests and needs of the population, actively using the means and forms of leisure activities, expanding the range of cultural services. The task is to support those for whom all types of creativity are becoming a preferred pastime.

The objectives of the task of the House of Culture:

Organization of cultural and leisure activities and involvement of residents of the Rassvetovsky rural settlement in creativity, cultural development and self-education, amateur art;

Meeting the needs of the population in the preservation and development of traditional artistic creativity, amateur art, other amateur creative initiatives and social and cultural activity of the population. Creation of favorable conditions for the organization of cultural leisure and recreation of residents of the municipality;

Providing services of a socio-cultural, educational, health-improving, preventive and entertaining nature, accessible to the general population.

To achieve its goals, the House of Culture carries out the following types activities:

  • creation and organization of the work of circles, clubs of interest of various directions;
  • holding, various in form and subject, cultural events, holidays, performances, competitions, concerts, exhibitions, evenings of rest, game entertainment programs, youth and children's discos and other forms of displaying the results of the creative activities of club formations.
  • carrying out preventive measures, calling for a healthy lifestyle with difficult children and minors;

The organization of cultural, leisure, outreach and other events for all categories of the population is provided with timely information about ongoing events, affordability.

One of the main aspects of cultural and leisure activities is the study of the spiritual needs of the population, employees of cultural institutions have an accurate idea of ​​​​the interests of people different ages, social status, which makes it possible to correctly compose long-term plans work for the year, which takes into account:

  • holidays and anniversaries;
  • folk and national holidays;
  • activities for children, adolescents and youth,
  • activities for the elderly and people with disabilities;
  • activities aimed at military-patriotic education;
  • activities for various categories of the population.

The Rassvetovsky rural House of Culture sets realistic goals for educating the population of civic patriotism, which is largely facilitated by the organization and holding of public holidays, which include cycles of diverse events for an audience of different ages.

Much attention is paid to children and adolescents in the work of the Rassvetov KFOR. For this, activities are carried out in the following areas:

  • prevention bad habits with difficult children and minors;
  • prevention of terrorism among the younger generation;
  • patriotic education in children;
  • development of creative abilities in children and adolescents of the village;
  • organization of leisure activities for children;
  • work with children and adolescents summer period(organization and holding of cultural and leisure venues)

Activities for preschoolers have their own specifics: gaming entertainment programs with frequent change of activities lasting 30-40 minutes. To make the event bright and interesting for young children, the employees of the recreation center use theatrical moments, including those with the participation of the children themselves.

Particular attention is paid to working with children on various types of registration. The workers of the Rassvetovsky Palace of Culture try to involve children at risk in active creative life, teach a healthy lifestyle. Of course, the main direction of work with this group of children and adolescents was the activities promoting healthy lifestyle life, preventive and patriotic activities.

In our DC, an interest club "Juventa" has been created, within the framework of which events, conversations, and trainings in these areas are held.

One of the most complex directions The work of Rassvetovsky KFOR is the organization of youth leisure. The development of computerization, the availability of the Internet and cable television leads to other forms of organizing youth leisure, which makes it difficult to attract teenagers and youth to the Houses of Culture. Working with this age category is a priority. However, the lack of new technologies and equipment in DC limits the work. Commercial entertainment establishments, due to their high competitiveness in technical and household equipment, attract young people more, in connection with this, this age category takes little active part in events. Despite these difficulties, the employees of the Rassvetovsky SDC are trying to expand the youth audience, creating conditions for organizing leisure activities for young people. So, for example, young people are invited to the classes of the clubs "Yuventa", the club for young families "Rhythm", the club of interests "Who is over 30 .." So in 2013, 96 events were held for the youth of the village, which were attended by 1,337 people.

Patriotic education is the education of love for native land, father's house, Fatherland, pride in one's state, people, the formation of readiness to defend the Motherland, a sense of civic duty - the main tasks that were solved during the events for patriotic education.

Specialists of the Rassvetovsky House of Culture conduct military-patriotic events with children, trying from an early age to instill in them love for the Motherland, with young people, and with the elderly. So in 2013, 21 events in this direction were held, which were attended by more than 859 people.

The main task of the employees of the Rassvetovsky Palace of Culture when working with the elderly is to organize leisure, involve them in cultural, creative activity, thanks to which the pensioners of the village can lead an interesting and fulfilling life. For this, activities are carried out in the following areas:

  • recreational activities for the organization of leisure of the elderly;
  • military-patriotic events;
  • preventive measures to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the elderly;
  • circle activities - for the development of creative abilities in the elderly;

Gatherings, tea parties, meetings are arranged for the elderly. These holidays become an occasion for them to get together. It should be noted that older generation is one of the most active participants in all cultural and leisure events held in the House of Culture. In 2013, together with the veteran organization of the village of Rassvet, trips to regional holiday concerts, festivals and competitions in which our pensioners took an active part.

Also, older people are engaged in various circles and interest clubs working at the Palace of Culture, attend solo and vocal singing, interest clubs: « Wise Owl”, “Harmony” and “Hope”. So in 2013, 25 events were held, attended by 985 older people.

Much attention is paid to the work of people with disabilities. Work in this direction is carried out jointly with the organization of the VOI of the village of Rassvet. For the disabled of the village in the Rassvetovsky rural House of Culture, an interest club "Hope" is organized, in addition, 6 people with disabilities attend the solo circle "Istok" and the vocal "Inspiration" on an ongoing basis.

Also, every year the Palace of Culture takes part in the district festival for people with disabilities "A drop of kindness", and in 2013 two participants were selected to perform at the regional festival. In addition, people of this category actively attend other events held in the House of Culture.

One of the important tasks of the Rassvetovsky rural House of Culture is the organization of leisure for all age categories of the village, involving them in cultural and leisure activities.

To do this, events are held at which children, youth and people can attend at the same time. old age. Employees of the Palace of Culture are trying to find the edges of contact between all these categories and to interest each of them individually. The most appropriate forms of events for all age categories in 2013 were:

  • festive events dedicated to calendar dates;
  • concert programs;
  • festivities (Maslenitsa and village day dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the Isetsky district)
  • thematic and entertainment programs and much more.

In the House of Culture there are circles for various age categories, where participants of amateur performances realize their Creative skills. In turn, the leaders of hobby groups and clubs conduct classes taking into account individual abilities each amateur participant:

4 mugs for children and teenagers:

  • circle of vocal singing "Stars"
  • circle of solo singing "Rainbow"
  • Literary circle "Artistic word"
  • theatrical circle "Lik".

3 circles for adults:

  • circle of vocal singing "Inspiration"
  • circle of solo singing "Istok"
  • sports and health circle (health group) - "Rodnichok"

2 interest clubs for teenagers and youth:

  • Interest club "Yuventa" (head of the club - Sozonova T.F. specialist in working with youth).

The club is attended by 30 people, classes are held twice a month. "Juventa" - translated from Latin, means - YOUTH. This is the name given to their club by the participants seven years ago, because they are all young and full of energy. During the classes of this club, various events military-patriotic, anti-drug and anti-alcohol orientation, focused on a healthy lifestyle. The main task of the club is to bring up a healthy and strong generation.

  • Interest club "Teenager" (head of the club - Sozonova T.F.), permanent members of the club are 30 people. The club is organized for children and teenagers who want to free time play billiards, tennis, Board games: checkers, chess, loto and other games;

Two interest clubs for the elderly:

  • interest club "Wise Owl" (head of the club - Bayakhmetova T.G.). There are 25 permanent members of the club, classes are held once a month. The club is organized for the elderly, leading active image life involved in various public organizations(such as the council of veterans of the village of Rassvet, etc.) The purpose of this club is to organize the leisure of the elderly, as well as to involve them in the creative activities of the House of Culture.
  • club of interests "Harmony" (heads of the club - Bayakhmetova T.G.). The club is visited, on a regular basis, by 20 people. "Harmony" is a women's club that has classes twice a quarter. Regular participants like to gather for a cup of tea, read poetry, share their impressions, culinary secrets. During each lesson, there are thematic events, entertainment programs;

Interest club for young families:

  • interest club for young families "Rhythm" (head of the club - Sozonova T.F.) - a specialist in youth work. The club is attended by 25 people. The club for young families "Rhythm" takes place once a quarter. Since the club is a family club, all the events held in it, one way or another, are focused on preserving family values;
    • interest club for people with disabilities:

Interest club "Nadezhda" (head of the club Panevkina L.A.). Club sessions are held once a quarter. The Hope Club was organized to unite the interests of people with disabilities. Within the framework of this club, various cultural and leisure events are held, meetings of people with disabilities, where topical issues are resolved.

Interest club for middle-aged people:

  • club of interests "Who is over 30 ..." (the head of the club is Panevkina L.A.). Permanent members of the club - 24 people, classes are held three times a quarter. The club "Who is over 30 ..." was created for those who like to spend their leisure time having fun, in good company, dancing, playing interesting joke games and contests. The goal of the club is to organize leisure activities for the youth of the village and the older generation.

In the Rassvetovsky rural House of Culture, year after year, it is possible not only to maintain the number creative associations, but also to increase their quantitative composition by creating new age groups, the influx of new members. And this means that the House of Culture fulfills the tasks assigned to it.

Collectives amateur performances Rassvetovsky House of Culture take part in regional district festivals and competitions, so in 2013 the Rassvetovsky House of Culture took part in 10 district and regional festivals and competitions:


Festival, competition

Name of participant


Correspondence competition prof. skill "Masters of good mood"

Rassvetovsky SDK

Diploma 2 tbsp.

Certificate for 7,000 rubles.

Regional festival - competition "Iset constellations".

Muzaeva Liana Saitov Igor Aprodu Sasha Beregova Katya

Diploma 3 tbsp. Diploma 3 tbsp. Diploma Diploma

Regional festival - competition "Siberian Springs".

Tsvetkova T.I. Cherepanova G.N. Bayakhmetova T.G. Panevkina L.A.

Diplomas of the participants of the festival

Pop Song Festival "Red Summer"

Muzaeva Liana Aprodu Sasha Kandratova Katya Mezentseva Masha

Diplomas of the participants of the festival

regional festival - competition of young families "Semya".

Certificate of honor

regional competition of young families “Vera. Hope. Love".

Beregova G.A. Beregov S., Beregova Katya, Koksharova Lera.

Certificate of honor

District festival - review of veteran organizations "Iset Mosaic"

Kungurova G.I. Kubasova L.N. Koshkarova A.P. Koptyaeva G.F. Morokova G.S. Markova A.I. Markova O.D. Tsvetkova T.I. Novikova M.P. Sokolova L.A. Rychkova L.V. Sannikova L.F. Erypalova N.A. Muzaeva L. Kopytov T. Burakova A. Zelenina L.V. Kiseleva V.I. Saitov I. Panevkina L.A. Bayakhmetova T.G. Sozonova T.F.

regional festival "Friendship Bridge"

Panevkina L.A. Bayakhmetova T.G. Sozonova T.F. Saitov I. Koinosova E.V.

Diploma for participation

District festival "How do you live a veteran."

Kubasova L.N. Koptyaeva G.F. Markova A.I. Tsvetkova T.I. Novikova M.P. Sokolova L.A. Rychkova L.V.. Erypalova N.A. Muzaeva L. Kopytov T. . Kiseleva V.I. Panevkina L.A. Bayakhmetova T.G. Sozonova T.F.

Diplomas for participation in the festival

District festival for people with disabilities "The way is open for good and understanding"

Mezentseva M.N. Sizykh G.A. Ulyanova M.N. Koinosova E.V.

Diploma 1 st.

A party project aimed at developing and updating the material and technical base of rural clubs and houses of culture in cities with a population of less than 50 thousand people appeared as a mechanism for fulfilling voters' orders received during the 2016 election campaign. Houses of culture in small settlements most often they are the only center of additional education for children and adolescents, leisure of the population, preservation and development folk art. More than half of all facilities (and there are about 35,000 of them in the country) are in need of repair, updating outdated or lost logistical bases.

Despite this, on the basis of the database of institutions, creative teams, libraries, and club work are preserved and work. Therefore, the Party initiated the allocation of funds from the budget for the modernization of these facilities and offered the public a mechanism for joint work on the project, which makes it transparent, targeted and takes into account the opinion of residents.

Project implementation timeline: 2017 - 2019

Objective of the project:

Implementation of the mandates of voters in terms of improving the quality of leisure and the availability of cultural benefits for all population groups
. Increase in the number of participants in cultural events
. The growth of club formations and circles aimed at development creativity children and youth
. Preservation cultural heritage and local traditions

Creation modern conditions for the organization of leisure of rural youth

Project objectives:

Repair and modernization of local houses of culture

Ensuring the participation of the population in the processes of forming plans for the repair and modernization of local houses of culture and public discussion of their implementation with the involvement of experts, public activists, representatives creative teams and local population

Implementation of public and parliamentary control over the progress of work and spending money

Resource support for project implementation:

Federal budget funds - 1.4 billion rubles. per year for the period 2017 - 2019, as well as financial resources of regional and local budgets, attracted extra-budgetary funds.

It is planned to allocate more than 30 million rubles for the implementation of the project in the Kirov region in 2018.

"Center of Culture and Leisure" of the Afanasyevsky district of the Kirov region

Municipal state-financed organization"Center of Culture and Leisure" of the Afanasevsky district of the Kirov region / Afanasevo town, Afanasevsky district, Kirov region

The following types of work will be carried out:

Repair of ceilings, floors, wall cladding with plasterboard, painting, installation of plumbing, laying of internal sewerage pipes

Cost of work:

Federal budget - 425,315 rubles.

The subject's budget is 22,385 rubles.

Local budget - 26,064 rubles.

  • "Center of Culture and Leisure" of the Afanasyevsky district of the Kirov region
  • "District House of Folk Art" of the Soviet District
  • "Regional Center for Culture and Leisure" Sloboda district, Vakhrushi village
  • "Podosinovsky District House of Culture" Podosinovsky District
  • "Centralized club system" of the Nolinsky district Tataurovsky rural house of culture
  • "Darovsky District Center for Culture and Leisure" Darovsky District
  • "Beloholunitsky House of Culture of the Kirov Region" Polomsky House of Culture of the Belokholunitsky District
  • “Regional club association “Leisure” of the Verkhnekamsky district Kirsinsky paradise. Leisure Center»
  • Sanchur Centralized Club System Sanchur District House of Culture
  • Tuzhinsky Regional Cultural and Leisure Center Nyrovsky Rural House of Culture
  • Tuzhinsky Regional Cultural and Leisure Center Grekovsky Rural House of Culture
  • "Sun District Leisure Center" Sun District
  • "District House of Folk Art" Yaransky District
  • «Verkhoshizhma Centralized Club System» Punginskiy rural house of culture
  • "Center of culture and leisure of Demyanovo village" Podosinovsky district
  • "Regional Center for Culture and Leisure" of the Bogorodsky District
  • "Falena Central House of Culture" of the Falensky District

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