Souvenir paintings based on chipboard. Production and sale of paintings from chipboard


I worked in 2009 at a TV factory as a personnel manager, but the crisis destroyed the factory, and it was time to make decisions about further earnings. We have the Kaliningrad region with a tourist bias and I decided to engage in souvenir business. All souvenirs are basically the same from manufacturers and I wanted to make something of my own. I have a friend who makes furniture and I've always wondered how much waste he throws away. I especially felt sorry for the waste of chipboard, plywood, MDF. I decided to experiment. He cut the remains of chipboard to a certain size and tried various options processing. As a result, I developed my own technology of souvenir paintings from chipboard, plywood, MDF. The picture is a monolithic product. The image smoothly blends into the frame. Design options depend on imagination: stone imitation, ivory, vintage, gold, etc. I print the image on a simple Epson inkjet printer, put a continuous ink supply system there, printing images turns out to be a penny. I use my garage as a production base.

I opened my own stall, where I began to sell my products, I began to hand over my pictures to entrepreneurs for sale, I opened several revolving windows in supermarkets. To my surprise, not only tourists began to buy my products, but also ours, spoiled with various souvenirs, locals.

A little about the product
The product "souvenir picture" is a monolithic picture, with an image embedded to the depth of the base, with chopped edges, stylized as vintage, or as gold, ivory, stone. Most popular size finished product 16×21cm and 26×34 cm.
Product cost

- Chipboard (chipboard) - 10-15 rubles. a plank (this is if you buy a sheet and cut it), if there is any small furniture production, then they will gladly give waste of chipboard, MDF, plywood for many months of production of pictures, for example, for a bottle of cognac.

- Photo paper - 3 rubles. sheet A4

- "Sandpaper" - 5 rubles. for one picture.

- PVA glue and various tinting compounds 10 rubles. to the picture.

As a result, the cost of one picture 16 × 21 is no more than 30 rubles.

In a day, it is really possible for one person to make 15 pictures without overstraining.

I sell pictures for 150-200 rubles. wholesalers.

In a month, I sell (during the season and holidays) 450-500 pictures.

Profitability of my IP only from the sale of paintings from waste furniture production is about 60,000 rubles. per month.

Now I have this family business. Together we master such production and distribution by points. Plus, we have developed several more unique technologies, and we successfully sell products from them.

In general, the topic and idea of ​​​​my article is that how much interesting and surprising can be done from what we sometimes think is not needed. You just need to come up with the final form of this waste, and then they will start to bring money.

Anyone who is interested in communication on the topic of souvenir production and exchange of experience, write to my email [email protected](with a note that you are writing from the KHOBIZ.RU website).

Dmitriev Alexander

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To give a hateful interior design a new character and color, as well as to bring a fresh stream into the design of the kitchen, bedroom, nursery, paintings created by yourself will help. Do unique paintings with your own hands you can use any materials at hand; this absolutely does not require professional art education. Stylish works of art that rightfully occupy a dominant role in the house - this is bright accent, which will be able to revive the interior, filling it with individual features.

In fact, you can make a picture with your own hands from almost anything. Yes, yes, this is not a joke. Applying imagination, all creativity and creativity, it is really possible to use any materials at hand: coins, shells, buttons, threads, fabric cuts, leaves, dried berries, small branches, cutlery, sewing accessories, personal photographs and even miniature children's toys.

An excellent solution not only for the kitchen, but also for the bedroom, living room, nursery. Such modular compositions look holistic due to a single trunk and branches extending from it. The background of each individual element corresponds to a certain season (autumn - orange, summer - emerald, spring - light green, winter - blue). The button foliage is also made in a tonality corresponding to the presented seasons.

Button painting

Composition of buttons "Seasons"

A few more buttons

Buttons are the perfect material for self-creation interior paintings. Using the structure, dimensions, shape and materials wisely, you can create real masterpieces without having an art education.

fluttering butterfly

Cat for cat lovers

Seascape from buttons

Color spectrum-rainbow

Leather goods

Despite the fact that the skin is quite easy to process, the picture is not so easy to handle. Here you need an understanding of working with the material, knowledge of the basic properties of the skin, considerable patience and perseverance. Therefore, it is recommended that you first try to make small trial compositions, and then move on to voluminous, fundamental works.

The most commonly used color palette in paintings made of genuine leather - brown-beige. But some daredevils are happy to use green, red, orange, yellow patches.

The main advantages of leather images:

  • Exclusivity - due to the originality of the material, it is impossible to repeat the picture one to one;
  • Relief - depth, elevation, highlights and shadows create an unsurpassed 3D effect, thanks to which the picture "comes to life";
  • Availability - small pieces of leather can be found both at home and purchased at the "flea" market or from shoemakers literally for next to nothing.

Still life of multicolored leather

Game of contrasts (applied red, black and white patches)

Convex leather flowers

Video master class: do-it-yourself leather painting

Panel of products

One of the most relevant techniques for creating paintings for the kitchen is subject application. Moreover, in this case, cereals, coffee beans, small dry vegetables and fruits, citrus peels, spices and the like are most in demand.

Food panels look harmoniously in the interior of the kitchen, as they look not only stylish, but also appetizing.

Monochrome composition of black and white beans

Landscape from various cereals and seeds

Round panel of legumes

Framed wallpaper

Paintings from wallpaper are a very budgetary addition to the interior. Moreover, you can create in several techniques at once: applique, 3D format, stretching on a wooden base, etc. Wallpaper is good because it fits perfectly into any room in style - after all, the remnants of rolls purchased in excess are used.

Ornament elements

creative collage

Panel from the remnants of wallpaper

Wallpaper frames

Application of dried flowers and leaves

Unusually look on the wall and paintings made from pre-dried vegetation. Buds, flower buds, petals, small twigs, leaves, blades of grass - everything is used. Having drawn pencil sketch on paper, just glued on top necessary elements according to your preferred color and shape.

Vase with Flowers

3D picture from dry vegetation

Unusual application of flower petals

Photography in the interior of the kitchen

For those who prefer to follow the path least resistance, a wonderful way to add color to the room - photo paintings. In this case, it is enough to pick up a photo on the Internet or from a personal archive, and print it on a large-format color printer.

Do-it-yourself photo-triptych for the kitchen

Thematic composition of several photos

Photo collage on canvas

Fabric drawings

Fabric paintings are also widely applicable in the design of kitchens. They always look original, colorful and stylish. To prevent dust and grease from penetrating inside, upon completion of the creation of a work of art, textiles are usually treated with varnish. For fabric products, synthetic material, burlap and silk are best suited.

Textile application in 3D format

Flat patchwork appliqué

Fabric painting made with a sewing machine

  • When creating a picture for the interior with your own hands, it is best not to dazzle with colors, but to use a tone that matches the design of the kitchen. You also always need to adhere to the style of the overall concept of interior design. For example, in a classic room, leather goods and canvases painted in oils are acceptable. The following materials are suitable for high-tech style: glass, metal, mirror. Provence can be filled floral ornaments and paintings from cereals. Volumetric works harmoniously look in modern kitchens and combined styles.
  • The color palette should include three primary colors and several (at the request of the owner) close shades. Cold tonality is allowed to be diluted with warm accents, but you need to take colors from the opposite spectrum.

Color spectrum: the right principles for combining shades

  • For convex shapes, you should always use alternating light and dark tones. Moreover, oversized dark volumes look best on a light plane. Approximately the same principle of a tandem of glossy with matte materials: matte should protrude above glossy. Thus, great depth pictures and maximum 3D effect.
  • When making paintings on your own, whether it is an application or a drawing, it is important to observe the basic compositional principles, dynamics and balance.

  • easy way make the picture original - bring the inner picture outside basic contour. For example, to extend the image to the frame or, with relief forms, beyond the border of the frame.

Four simple master classes

Photo end result

You will need:

  • empty candy box or any deep frame
  • bilateral colored paper
  • simple pencil, eraser
  • cardboard scraps
  • sharp scissors
  • PVA or transparent stationery glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. At the bottom of the candy box you need to draw a big heart. It is desirable that the distance to the frame is at least 20 ... 50 mm (depending on the size of the box).
  2. Make several templates of different sizes from cardboard in the shape of hearts.
  3. cut by cardboard templates multi-colored paper hearts. Fold each heart in half vertically.
  4. Glue two hearts of the same color and size. Gluing is done along the edge of the upper figure.
  5. Lay out a composition of double miniature hearts inside the frame. Important - you can not go beyond the contours of the drawn big heart.
  6. Glue all the elements according to the laid out scheme. Glue should be applied only to the edges of the hearts.
  7. Volumetric 3D picture is ready! Then you can decorate it by painting a plain frame or using a hanging decor (candy on ribbons, paper butterflies on a fishing line, and the like).

DIY drawing

Photo of the final result

You will need:

  • colored cardboard
  • simple pencil, eraser
  • ruler
  • black marker or marker
  • PVA glue
  • scissors

Even a child can make such a picture on their own. After all, the exact shapes and proportions are not important here. The main thing is to skillfully wield a ruler and a pencil, and also to have at least a little creativity.

How to draw a picture yourself: step by step

Tip: The drawing can be left in monochrome or painted with colored pencils, watercolor, wax crayons to match the interior.

How to make modular composition yourself

Photo of the final result

You will need:

  • piece of fabric (the size should be with a margin - for each detail you need a margin of at least 10 cm in width and 10 cm in height)
  • pieces of plywood and wood slats for the frame
  • foam or chipboard for the base
  • furniture stapler
  • scissors
  • tape measure or long ruler
  • a simple pencil or chalk (chalk is useful if the fabric is dark in color)

Step by step instructions:

  1. Two options for creating a base for a do-it-yourself painting:
  • Making a stretcher with your own hands. Saw the ends of the rails at 45 degrees and connect them with glue or a stapler. For reliability, it is recommended to fix isosceles triangles small size at the corners of the frame. Triangles can be made from plywood or fiberboard. Also, for structural rigidity, you can stretch the fabric around the perimeter by attaching it with a stapler.

    Making a stretcher with your own hands

  • Cut the finished base strictly in size from chipboard (16 ... 25 mm) or prepared foam.

    Chipboard base

    1. Fixation of textile fabric. Cut the fabric to a size larger than the stretcher, taking into account all the folds. Next, you should slightly moisten the material and only after that proceed to pulling on the base. Corners require special care and attention.

    Tip: First you need to pull the long sides future picture and then short ones.

    Before fixing one of the sides, you need to make sure that the material is not crumpled and not crushed.

    1. That's all - modular picture ready. By the same principle, you can make a photo decoration for the interior.

    Decor for the kitchen from threads with your own hands

    Photo finished work

    You will need:

    • base - you can use wood, laminated chipboard, corkboard and the like
    • miniature carnations with wide caps (so that the thread does not slip off)
    • ball of yarn of medium thickness
    • scissors
    • hammer

    Step by step master class

    This technique of self-creation of paintings is only the first step towards the manufacture of masterpiece works of art from threads. Having learned the basics, it will be possible to make pictures of the most complex configurations from multi-colored threads.

    Pictures from threads: video master class

    Fountain with ideas, create and get up - let the interior paintings made with your own hands please not only you, but also amaze, surprise, delight guests! Stylish interior the kitchen and the whole house are the merit of enterprising owners who are not afraid to experiment.

Today we will talk about the idea that our reader sent us. Sometimes, in order to stake out a place for yourself in the market, you need to create something unique, special, not the same as others, something that can attract the attention of the consumer and arouse his interest.

For a long time I was in the position of head of the personnel development department in one of the large manufacturing enterprises. I can say that I liked the work, and wage was high. But meanwhile, I never left the desire to do my own thing. own business. In 2009, the crisis came and the plant was closed, the entire staff was left without work.

It was then that the question arose: “what to do next?”. I live in the Kaliningrad region and there are a lot of those who deal in souvenirs (from amber, as a rule). So I decided to move in this direction. I opened a point of sale in a small resort town and purchased a batch of souvenirs. But since the products are all the same due to the purchase of goods from one supplier, my business is stuck. And then I realized that it was necessary to create something that others would not have. Something special and unique.

I am by no means an artist by nature, so the production had to be simple for me, and the materials and technologies should be low-cost and affordable. I opted for making souvenir pictures. I wanted the picture and the frame to be as one whole, and the image itself was located inside. I tried a large number of materials and different ways processing and brought out something special, his own. I started using this technique and initially produced three types of products (under gold, under stone and vintage). Now there are five of them.

In my production, I used the so-called product processing room (simply a garage), a computer, a printer (I used the simplest four-color one) and the most ordinary PVA glue.

I use pictures for my work. famous artists, views of the sights of your area and views of the sea, interesting pictures Japanese style. There was a big order for the last theme from a Japanese restaurant. Portraits are in rather good demand. I have partnered with photographers working for various events and they are the same and offer my services.

On this moment I have several points of sale - two of my own in resort towns, six points in souvenir shops in Kaliningrad itself (we want to sell them now) and two points in hypermarkets in the department with gifts. In February, we planned to open a souvenir shop with a personal brand “Pozitiff”, which will be located at the railway station in Kaliningrad.

There will be sold my work and the work of my two partners involved in the manufacture of individual works.
Let's talk a little about the product itself. It is a monolithic picture, which is embedded deep into the base. I stylize it now under a stone, under gold and under vintage. The most commonly purchased product sizes are 16x21 and 26x34 cm.

Product cost

Chipboard, cut into pieces 16 by 21 cm - 10 rubles apiece

Business card or photo paper - 8 rubles per A4 sheet

Printing a picture - 1 ruble

PVA - (expense for 50 pictures - one bucket) - 1.6 rubles apiece

Sandpaper - 2 rubles per 1 picture

The composition with which wood is processed - 4.6 rubles per piece

As a result, it turns out that the cost of a product for a vintage style in the amount of 16x21 is 23.2 rubles.

If you make it under a stone or under gold, then the cost will increase by 3-6 rubles.

You can find all the materials I have listed above in any of the specialized stores.

Now let's calculate the income:

I sell pictures at a price of 200-220 rubles (in stores, their average cost is 300 rubles). On average, about 300 pictures are sold per month. Taking into account production costs, taxes and transportation costs, the net income is 180 rubles per picture. From here you can already find out how much I have per month. If we take the average for several months, it turns out that my net income starts at 55,000 rubles.

As surprising as it may seem to you and to me, my main clients are not tourists at all, but local residents. At the moment I am in the business of producing paintings from chipboard. And this occupation brings me joy and desire to develop in it.

I advise you to create your own, unique and unlike the others. Then you will definitely be doomed to success!
Good luck!


Most of us go to work and most of of us force ourselves to do it. Very few people get high from the business they have been doing for most of their lives. Me too for a long time worked at the enterprise as a manager, and this was not what I would like to do all my life. I always have hands itched'Do something for yourself.

Once I visited a friend of mine at a furniture factory, and I was very surprised at how much material they throw into a landfill. These are the remains of chipboard, plywood, MDF. I always had a desire to get into the production of souvenirs, because. There are a lot of them all year round in our area. I took a large amount of chipboard leftovers from him and began to experiment with them. I wanted to create something unique, not like other souvenirs sold by our entrepreneurs. And I succeeded. I did souvenir paintings, where the image transitions into a frame, stylized as different types: under the stone, under the vintage, under the gold, etc. Fantasy here can be limitless. I myself am not an artist at all, so I print all the images on a printer.

The crisis broke out and the company where I worked was closed, and I had to turn my hobby into income. I found several points of sale through entrepreneurs, and opened my point in a resort town. Things went slowly, but there was a stable demand, because. The items were truly unique. To expand the turnover, I found more points of sale, not only focused on tourists, but also on local buyers. To my surprise, the turnover from such points was on a par with tourist ones. They began to order pictures in the form of postcards from me to flower shops, because. they are very well taken along with flowers. I also made 20 custom-made paintings for a Japanese restaurant and began to collaborate with photographers who are now constantly making orders. By the end of the season, I calculated the average profit, it amounted to about 50,000 rubles. per month.

A little about the product.

The picture is a monolithic product with chopped edges, the basis of chipboard, plywood, MDF, board. I print images on a printer, and process them so that it goes into a frame. I choose the style relative to the image. Most popular– vintage, stone effect, ivory. All tools and materials for processing are available at any hardware store, I don’t use anything specific and expensive. the main objective- simplicity and low cost of production and aesthetic appeal of products.

The cost of the product does not exceed 25 rubles. Moreover, I take furniture production waste for free and give it life. I sell them for at least 250 rubles. I make about 15-18 pictures per day. During the season, the sale is about 15 paintings per day from all points. This is about 2200 rubles. per day net, taking into account overhead costs. In the off-season I sell about 8 pcs. in a day. It's about 1200 rubles. in a day.

Today I have my own souvenir pavilion where 80% of my products are produced according to my technologies and about 15 points of sale through other entrepreneurs.

What I want to say with this article. A crisis- this is still the engine of progress and a reason to stir in every sense of the word. The main thing is to correctly think about what you will do and how to sell it.

For those who are interested in my products and want to communicate directly, for all questions, write to me by mail [email protected]

Examples of my paintings:

Interview with Alexander Dmitriev

Chipboard plywood,

PVA glue,

Reproductions of popular pictures printed on an inkjet printer in 4 colors

be able to make as many as 4 styles of products (vintage, gold, stone, aging) and open your own souvenir business, giving from 55 thousand rubles of net income per month?

If you are really interested in all this, read a unique interview with a businessman who knows how to work with his hands.

Interview with Alexander Dmitriev, owner of the Pozitiff Souvenir Production Studio

Tell us a little about your business?

Every person in his heart strives to do what he likes. Therefore, many people, in addition to the work that brings material wealth, engaged in various hobbies. Great happiness for a person when a favorite hobby brings income.

For a long time I worked as a manager in a TV factory. But the crisis came, and the huge production slowly came to naught. There was a choice of what to do next. We have a region (Kaliningrad region) with a tourist bias, there are several good resort towns where souvenirs are traded briskly all year round. However, all souvenirs from each seller are similar to each other, and pictures from amber are produced in Lithuania at several enterprises, so they also do not differ much. I decided to do something special, not like everyone else. I myself am not an artist at all (a full-blooded entrepreneur). Therefore, the production technology had to become low-cost, absolutely affordable, and the final product should delight and surprise the buyer. I wanted to make a picture, completely monolithic. In order for the image to be inside the base, the frame and the picture were a single whole. And in the end I came up with something special. The picture is very interesting. For work, I needed a computer, an inkjet printer (I have the simplest 4-color one), a room for processing the product (I use my garage), and PVA glue itself (great glue! We do all our work on its basis). On my logos, I always indicate that the pictures are a reproduction and the name of the artist, so that there are no questions about authorship.

He also began to make portraits to order (especially wedding ones are ordered).

The product itself is a monolithic picture, embedded to the depths of the base, with chopped edges, stylized as vintage, gold, stone. The most popular size of the finished product is 16X21 cm., 26X34 cm. The technology is called "IgAl", paintings based on chipboard

How was the idea for this business born? Was it a sudden insight, or has it been going on for some time?

Left without a job, I began to engage in entrepreneurship, selling amber souvenirs on a street stall in one of the resort towns. But the products are the same for everyone, because. produced at 2-3 enterprises, and the competition is very high. I wanted to do something unique, different from competitors, and so that the cost would not be higher than the cheapest amber picture. I did not hatch the idea of ​​the product for a long time, it took the longest time to come to the result. Pick up essential tool and materials. After about 2 months of experiments, I came to the result. Technique perfected. Now, according to my technology, I make 4 styles of products: vintage, gold, stone, aging.

Have you ever had doubts about the success of others? How did you deal with it?

Actually, I didn’t have to face doubt, there was a very bright desire for a result. When the first high-quality commercial products began to be obtained and the first batch was sold in 5 days (30 pictures), then all doubts from those who had them also disappeared.

How long did it take from the inception of the idea to its final implementation?

In January 2011, I was fired from a management position at a TV factory. In March, I registered as an entrepreneur and began to bring amber souvenirs from Lithuania (such a paradox we have, amber is mined in our region, and good products are made in Lithuania and Poland), in May I began to try to make my own products. In July, he made the first commercial batch. Since then, I have been manufacturing and distributing only my products.

What were the stages of the process of launching your business?

The first thing I needed was a place to work. For this, my own garage came up to me. I prepared the worktop for processing (to make it convenient to work alone). I made a small box for drying (it is a cabinet with an ordinary electric heater). When he began to make the first commercial products, he began to organize sales (about him in paragraph 6)

What difficulties did you face in initial stage? How did you overcome them?

I did not encounter any particular difficulties, most likely, the most subtle thing that was in the work was to select those materials with which the product would look high quality, complete, quickly produced and had a low cost. I did it.

How do you promote your services? Name the main promotion channel.

Because I was already an entrepreneur at that time, I placed my products on my tray, and also agreed to sell them through souvenir shops. Now I have 2 points of my own in resort towns, 2 showcases in supermarkets (I placed spinning showcases as for postcards) here people take pictures very well as a gift even as a postcard, I also sell them to 4 souvenir shops in the city of Kaliningrad and one store in airport.

What are the main expenses when starting your business?

Basic expenses:

  1. Computer (I already had it), but you can use any, even the cheapest one.
  2. Epson color inkjet printer. I bought the simplest and most inexpensive model TX109. It cost me 2500 rubles together with refillable cartridges.
  3. Business card paper 8 rub. sheet A4
  4. Chipboard cut unenhanced size 16X21 - 10 rubles. PC.
  5. PVA glue and other water-based woodworking compounds - up to 500 rubles. (this is about 40-50 pictures)
  6. Sandpaper - 2 rubles. (for 1 picture)
  7. Compositions for wood processing (water-based) - 4.6 rubles. PC.

TOTAL: 23.2 rubles. PC. format 16x21 in vintage style

If gold or stone-like coating, then the cost increases by another 2-5 rubles. PC.

All materials are available in any specialized store

We sell pictures for 200-220 rubles. ( average price in the store 300 rubles.)

On average, about 300 pictures are sold per month.

Net output from one sold picture 180 rubles. (this includes manufacturing costs, shipping costs and taxes).

If you were starting this business now, what mistakes would you try to avoid?

I don't think I've made any mistakes in this business. The only difficulty is working with supermarkets, they have their own system of settlements to which you need to get used (but these are not mistakes). Two points in supermarkets make half a turn.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are just thinking about starting their own business?

The most important thing is to find that thin thread of business, to find something that will allow you to differ from competitors. Not risking big money is not justified. And the most important thing is, as entrepreneurs say, to “sit out” your business. Give him a break for a few months. Many do not stand up and after a couple of months they close, this moment needs to be waited out.

I have organized several points of sale: 2 of my own in resort towns, 2 points in supermarkets in the gift department, and we also sell in 4 more souvenir shops.

To my surprise, the main buyers were not tourists, but our local residents. Now the production of paintings based on chipboard is my business. I am very interested in working with and developing them.

Create something unique, different and you will enjoy SUCCESS!!!

Alexander Dmitriev

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01.11.2012 10:38:20

Collections best ideas business 2018

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