Hitler's swastika origin. Key Travel Locations


    The swastika, that is, a cross with curved ends, has been known to many peoples, including the Slavs, for a long time. The ends of the swastika can be bent both clockwise and counterclockwise. Its color can be different, there are different options for shapes and location. The fascist swastika was banned at the Nuremberg trials, as Nazi symbols. Our Red Army soldiers also once wore a swastika on their uniforms.

    This symbol - the swastika was used by the ancient Aryans, Slavs and other peoples from time immemorial. It's just that Hitler made the swastika the symbol of his party, and when he came to power, the symbol of the Third Reich.

    Denotes the symbol of the Sun, the Solstice.

    The swastika is one of the most widely used graphic symbols that has been used by many peoples of the world since ancient times. This symbol was present on clothes, coats of arms, weapons, household items. In Sanskrit, svasti means happiness. In America, these are four letters L, four words Love - love, Life - life, Luck - fate, luck, Light - light.

    Hitler made the swastika a symbol of Nazi Germany and since then the attitude towards it has changed. She became a symbol of Nazism, barbarism, misanthropy. The Nazi swastika was a black hoe-shaped cross with the ends pointing towards right side and rotated at an angle of 45 degrees. After the Second World War, the image of the swastika was banned in a number of countries.

    The German swastika appeared during the reign of Hitler. He approved it as a symbol of the Aryan nation.

    But the swastika appeared before Hitler's Germany, and for many peoples meant the symbol of the Sun, solar energy. True, these two swastikas differ in that the corners of the cross are turned in the other direction.

    The swastika is a cross with continued sides, both clockwise and counterclockwise.

    It gained great popularity after the Second World War, when the Nazis made the swastika with the sides turned clockwise as their symbol and became famous all over the world ...

    In fact, the swastika appeared a very long time ago and was a symbol for many peoples, mostly on the positive side - it meant movement, the sun or together: the movement of the sun, as well as light and in many ways well-being ...

    Germany acquired this symbol in the summer of 1920, then Hitler approved it as a symbol of the party in which he was the leader ...

    By the way, Hitler thought that this symbol - the swastika actually reflected the struggle of the Aryans and as a triumph of the victory of the Aryan race ...

    Is the swastika an ancient graphic symbol? or ?, which was used by almost all nations in the world, but Nazi Germany used the swastika sign as a symbol of Nazism and because of this coincidence, everyone thinks that it is forbidden.

    The German swastika is not just any swastika used by all peoples as a symbol of the Sun and prosperity.

    At Nazi swastika there are distinctive features - it is a quadrangular cross with corners bent at 45 degrees and with a turn to the right. For comparison, the Suasti (Kolovrat among the Slavs) is turned to the left. Well, the color scheme of different peoples to designate the symbol of the sun is different

    The Nazis took the idea of ​​the swastika from Indian culture.

    In India, the swastika is a visual embodiment of the sound Om:

    The Nazis, without the knowledge of the Indians, took the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis sign from them and distorted the meaning of the symbol.

    Even the word Aryans is taken from the Indian Arya, which means supreme, pure.

    In India, this word is used in positive value: suave, refined, scholarly, and the Nazis called the Aryans the highest class of people.

    Many Germans behaved somewhat like Hindus. Himmler practiced yoga, called himself a kshatriya (the second most important caste in India), and claimed to have waged a just war.

    The Nazis received new spiritual knowledge from India from the spy Savitri Devi. She gave Hitler all the information about the customs of India, and the SS leader remade everything to his tune.

    Repeating the traditions of the Hindus in his country, Hitler wanted to become the last avatar of Vishnu - Kalki. God in this incarnation was supposed to destroy everything impure and repopulate the planet. This was Hitler's key idea - he wanted to remove the unworthy and leave people of the highest rank on the planet - the Aryans.

    Is the swastika banned?

    The swastika is now prohibited only in the Hitlerite version. I am from Kyiv, and somehow I saw how people gathered in front of the building of the Verkhovna Rada strange people in identical outfits with an image very similar to a swastika. Turns out they were Hindus. Thus, they showed that you can put up with everything, and that you need to be wiser (I talked with them).

    And never blindly believe in anything! The Germans believed Hitler, and what did this lead to? Analyze, don't be fooled and be fair. No philosophy or idea is worthy of existence if it divides people.

    The German swastika is the opposite of the sun. It is prohibited everywhere. I know for sure that in Germany it is still banned. In many computer games the swastika was replaced by another symbol, especially for Germany.

    In general, the swastika is a symbol of the Sun, good luck, happiness and creation. It was used at all times and by all peoples, and they probably began to ban it after the Nazis began to use it.

    The swastika is a graphic symbol. In different peoples different time had their images of the swastika. The most commonly used 4-ray swastika. German swastika Adopted by Hitler himself as a symbol of the workers' party. She represented

Swastika (Skt. स्वस्तिक from Skt. स्वस्ति , match, greeting, good luck) - a cross with curved ends ("rotating"), directed clockwise (卐) or counterclockwise (卍). The swastika is one of the most ancient and widespread graphic symbols.

The swastika was used by many peoples of the world - it was present on weapons, everyday items, clothes, banners and coats of arms, and was used in the design of churches and houses. The oldest archaeological finds with the image of the swastika date back to approximately 10-15 millennium BC.

The swastika as a symbol has many meanings, for most peoples they were all positive. The swastika among most ancient peoples was a symbol of the movement of life, the Sun, light and prosperity.

Occasionally, the swastika is also used in heraldry, mainly English, where it is called fylfot and is usually depicted with shortened ends.

In the Vologda region, where swastika patterns and signs are extremely widespread, village old people in the 50s said that the word swastika - Russian word, which comes from sva- (one’s own, following the example of a matchmaker, brother-in-law, etc.) -isti- or is, I exist, with the addition of a particle -ka, which must be understood as a diminishing value of the main word (river - river, stove - stove, etc. . d.), that is, a sign. Thus, the word swastika, in such an etymology, means the sign "one's own", and not someone else's. What was it like for our grandfathers, from the same Vologda region, to see on the banners of their own worst enemy the sign "your own".

Near the constellation Ursa Major (dr. Makosh) allocate a constellation swastikas, to date not included in any astronomical atlas.

Constellation swastikas in the upper left corner of the image of the map of stars in the sky of the Earth

The main human energy centers, called in the East chakras, earlier - on the territory of modern Rus' were called swastikas: the oldest amulet symbol of the Slavs and Aryans, a symbol of the eternal cycle of the Universe. The swastika reflects the Highest Heavenly Law, to which everything that exists is subject. This fiery sign was used by people as a talisman that guards the existing order in the universe.

Swastika in the cultures of countries and peoples

The swastika is one of the most archaic sacred symbols, found already in the Upper Paleolithic among many peoples of the world. India, ancient Rus', China, Ancient Egypt, the Mayan state in Central America - this is the incomplete geography of this symbol. Swastika symbols denoted calendar signs back in the days of the Scythian kingdom. The swastika can be seen on old Orthodox icons. The swastika is a symbol of the Sun, good luck, happiness, creation (the "correct" swastika). And, accordingly, the swastika of the opposite direction symbolizes darkness, destruction, the “night Sun” among the ancient Russians. As can be seen from ancient ornaments, in particular, on jugs found in the vicinity of Arkaim, both swastikas were used. It has deep meaning. Day replaces night, light replaces darkness, new birth replaces death - and this is the natural order of things in the Universe. Therefore, in ancient times there were no "bad" and "good" swastikas - they were perceived in unity.

This symbol was found on clay vessels from Samarra (territory modern Iraq), which date back to the 5th millennium BC. The swastika in the left-handed and right-handed form is found in the pre-Aryan culture of Mohenjo-Daro (Indus River basin) and ancient China around 2000 BC. In Northeast Africa, archaeologists have found a burial stele of the Meroz kingdom, which existed in the 2nd-3rd centuries AD. The fresco on the stele depicts a woman entering into afterworld, the swastika also flaunts on the clothes of the deceased. The rotating cross also adorns the golden weights for scales that belonged to the inhabitants of Ashanta (Ghana), and the clay utensils of the ancient Indians, and the carpets of the Persians. The swastika was on almost all amulets among the Slavs, Germans, Pomors, Skalvians, Curonians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Mordovians, Udmurts, Bashkirs, Chuvashs and many other peoples. In many religions, the swastika is an important religious symbol.

Children light oil lamps on New Year's Eve Diwali.

The swastika in India has traditionally been seen as solar sign- a symbol of life, light, generosity and abundance. It was closely associated with the cult of the god Agni. She is mentioned in the Ramayana. Was made in the shape of a swastika wooden tool to get the sacred fire. They laid him flat on the ground; the recess in the middle served for the rod, which was rotated until the appearance of fire, kindled on the altar of the deity. It was carved in many temples, on the rocks, on the ancient monuments of India. Also a symbol of esoteric Buddhism. In this aspect, it is called the "Seal of the Heart" and, according to legend, was imprinted on the heart of the Buddha. Her image is placed on the hearts of the initiates after their death. Known as the Buddhist cross (it resembles a Maltese cross in shape). The swastika is found wherever there are traces Buddhist culture- on rocks, in temples, stupas and on Buddha statues. Together with Buddhism, it penetrated from India to China, Tibet, Siam and Japan.

In China, the swastika is used as a sign of all the deities worshiped in the Lotus School, as well as in Tibet and Siam. In ancient Chinese manuscripts, it included such concepts as "region", "country". Known in the form of a swastika are two curved mutually truncated fragments of a double helix, expressing the symbolism of the relationship "Yin" and "Yang". In maritime civilizations, the double helix motif was an expression of the relationship between opposites, a sign of the Upper and Lower Waters, and also meant the process of becoming life. Widely used by Jains and followers of Vishnu. In Jainism, the four arms of the swastika represent the four levels of existence. On one of the Buddhist swastikas, each blade of the cross ends in a triangle indicating the direction of movement and crowned with an arch of a flawed moon, in which, like in a boat, the sun is placed. This sign represents the sign of the mystical arba, the creative quaternary, also called Thor's hammer. A similar cross was found by Schliemann during the excavations of Troy.

Greek helmet with swastika, 350-325 BC from Taranto, found at Herculanum. Cabinet of medals. Paris.

Swastika in Russia

A special kind of swastika, symbolizing the rising Sun-Yarilu, the victory of Light over Darkness, Eternal life over death, was called brace(lit. "wheel rotation", Old Church Slavonic form kolovrat was also used in Old Russian).

The swastika was used in rituals and construction. So, in particular, many ancient Slavic settlements had the form of a swastika, oriented to the four cardinal points. The swastika was often the main element of Proto-Slavic ornaments.

According to archaeological excavations, some ancient cities on the territory of Russia were built in this way. Such a circular structure can be observed, for example, in Arkaim, one of the most famous and oldest structures in Russia. Arkaim was built according to a pre-designed plan as a single complex complex, moreover, oriented to astronomical objects with the greatest accuracy. The pattern formed by four entrances in the outer wall of Arkaim is a swastika. Moreover, the swastika is “correct”, that is, directed towards the Sun.

The swastika was also used by the peoples of Russia in homespun production: in embroideries on clothes, on carpets. The swastika was used to decorate household utensils. She was also present on the icons.

In the light of the often heated and controversial discussions around ancient symbol Russian National Culture - the Gamma Cross (Yarga-Swastika) must be reminded that it was one of the symbols of the struggle against the age-old oppression of the Russian people. Not many people know that many centuries ago, “The Lord God pointed out to Emperor Constantine the Great that with the Cross he would win… only with Christ, and precisely with the Cross, the Russian People would defeat all their enemies and finally throw off the hated yoke of the Jews! But the Cross with which the Russian People will win is not simple, but, as usual, golden, but for the time being it is hidden from many Russian Patriots under the rubble of lies and slander. In news reports made according to the books of Kuznetsov V.P. "The history of the development of the shape of the cross." M.1997; Kutenkova P. I. "Yarga-swastika - a sign of Russian folk culture» St. Petersburg. 2008; Bagdasarov R. "Mysticism of the Fiery Cross" M. 2005, tells about the place in the culture of the Russian People of the most fertile cross - the swastika. The swastika cross has one of the most perfect forms and contains in graphic form the whole mystical mystery of God's Providence and the whole dogmatic fullness of the Church's doctrine.

Icon "Symbol of Faith"

Swastika in the RSFSR

It is necessary to remind and remember in the future that "Russians are the third God's Chosen People ( "Third Rome - Moscow, Fourth - do not happen"); swastika - a graphic representation of the entire mystical secret Providence of God, and all the dogmatic fullness of the Church doctrine; The Russian People under the sovereign hand of the Victorious Tsar from the Royal House of the Romanovs, who swore to God in 1613 to be faithful until the end of time and this people will defeat all their enemies under banners on which, under the face of the Savior Not Made by Hands, a swastika will develop - a gamma cross! In the State Emblem, the swastika will also be placed on a large crown, which symbolizes the power of the God-Anointed Tsar both in the earthly Church of Christ and in the Kingdom of the God-chosen Russian People.

In 3-2 millennia BC. e. a swastika braid is found on the ceramics of the Eneolithic of the Tomsk-Chulym region and on the gold and bronze products of the Slavs found in the barrows of Stavropol in the Kuban. In the second half of the 4th millennium BC. e. swastika symbols are common in the North Caucasus (where the Sumerians come from - Proto-Slavs) in the form of huge models of the Sun-mounds. In terms of mounds are already known varieties swastika. Only magnified a thousand times. At the same time, a swastika ornament in the form of a braid is often found in the Neolithic sites of the Kama region and the Northern Volga region. The swastika on a clay vessel found in Samara has also been dated to 4000 BC. e. At the same time, a four-pointed zoomorphic swastika is depicted on a vessel from the area between the Prut and Dniester rivers. In the 5th millennium BC. e. Slavic religious symbols - swastikas - are common everywhere. Anatolian dishes feature a centripetal rectangular swastika surrounded by two circles of fish and long-tailed birds. Spiral-shaped swastikas were found in Northern Moldavia, as well as in the area between the Seret and Strypa rivers and in the Moldavian Carpathian region. In the 6th millennium BC. e. swastikas are common on whorls in Mesopotamia, in the Neolithic culture of Trypillya-Kukuteni, on the bowls of Samara, etc. In the 7th millennium BC. e. Slavic swastikas are inscribed on the clay seals of Anatolia and Mesopotamia.

An ornamental swastika grid was found in stamps and on a bracelet made of mammoth bone in Myozyn, Chernihiv region. And this is a find from the 23rd millennium BC! And 35-40 thousand years ago, the Neanderthals inhabiting Siberia, due to two to three million years of adaptation, acquired the appearance of Caucasoids, as evidenced by the teeth of adolescents found in the Altai caves of Denisov, named after Okladchikov and in the village of Sibiryachikha. And these anthropological studies were carried out by the American anthropologist K. Turner.

The swastika in post-imperial Russia

In Russia, the swastika first appeared in official symbols in 1917 - it was then, on April 24, that the Provisional Government issued a decree on the issuance of new banknotes in denominations of 250 and 1000 rubles. The peculiarity of these banknotes was that they had an image of a swastika on them. Here is the description of the front side of the 1000-ruble banknote, given in paragraph No. 128 of the Senate resolution of June 6, 1917:

“The main pattern of the grid consists of two large oval guilloche rosettes - right and left ... In the center of each of the two large rosettes there is a geometric ornament formed by cross-intersecting wide stripes bent at right angles, at one end to the right, and at the other - to the left ... The intermediate background between both large rosettes is filled with a guilloche pattern, and the center of this background is occupied by a geometric ornament of the same pattern as in both rosettes, but of a larger size.

Unlike the banknote of 1000 rubles, on the 250-ruble banknote there was only one swastika - in the center behind the eagle. From the banknotes of the Provisional Government, the swastika also migrated to the first Soviet banknotes. True, in this case this was due to production necessity, and not ideological considerations: it was just that the Bolsheviks, who were preoccupied with issuing their own money in 1918, simply took ready-made, created by order of the Provisional Government, clichés of new banknotes (5,000 and 10,000 rubles) that were being prepared for release in 1918. Kerensky and his comrades could not print these banknotes, due to certain circumstances, but the clichés were useful to the leadership of the RSFSR. Thus, swastikas were also present on Soviet banknotes in denominations of 5,000 and 10,000 rubles. These banknotes were in circulation until 1922.

Not without the use of the swastika in the Red Army. In November 1919, the commander of the South-Eastern Front, V.I. Shorin, issued order No. 213, which introduced a new sleeve insignia for the Kalmyk formations. The appendix to the order also included a description of the new sign: “Rhombus measuring 15x11 centimeters made of red cloth. In the upper corner there is a five-pointed star, in the center - a wreath, in the middle of which is "LYUNGTN" with the inscription "R. S. F. S. R. "The diameter of the star is 15 mm, the wreath is 6 cm, the size of the "LYUNGTN" is 27 mm, the letter is 6 mm. Badge for command and administrative staff embroidered with gold and silver and screen-printed for the Red Army. The star, "lyungtn" and the ribbon of the wreath are embroidered with gold (for the Red Army - yellow paint), the wreath itself and the inscription - in silver (for the Red Army - in white paint). The mysterious abbreviation (if, of course, it is an abbreviation at all) LYUNGTN just denoted the swastika.

Over the course of a number of years, the author's collection was replenished, and in 1971 a full-fledged book on vexillology was prepared, supplemented by historical reference information explaining the evolution of flags. The book was provided with an alphabetical index of country names in Russian and English. The book was designed by artists B. P. Kabashkin, I. G. Baryshev and V. V. Borodin, who painted flags especially for this edition.

Although almost two years had passed from putting it into typesetting (December 17, 1969) to signing for publication (September 15, 1971), and the text of the book was as ideologically verified as possible, a disaster struck. Upon receipt from the printing house of signal copies of the already finished circulation (75 thousand copies), it was found that the illustrations on a number of pages historical section contain images of flags with a swastika (pages 5-8; 79-80; 85-86 and 155-156). Emergency measures were taken to reprint these pages in an edited form, that is, without these illustrations. Then, manual (for the entire print run!) Cutting out ideologically harmful, “anti-Soviet” sheets was made and new ones pasted in the spirit of communist ideology.

The Ynglings claim that the ancient Slavs used 144 swastika symbols. Also, they offer their interpretation of the word "Swastika": "Sva" - "arch", "heaven", "C" - the direction of rotation, "Tika" - "running", "movement", which determines: "Coming from the sky" .

Swastika in India

Swastika on Buddha statue

In pre-Buddhist ancient Indian and some other cultures, the swastika is usually interpreted as a sign of auspicious destinies, a symbol of the sun. This symbol is still widely used in India and South Korea, and most weddings, holidays and festivities cannot do without it.

Swastika in Finland

Since 1918, the swastika has been part of state symbols Finland (now depicted on the presidential standard, as well as on the banners of the armed forces).

Swastika in Poland

IN Polish army the swastika was used in the emblem on the collars of the Podhalyansky Riflemen (21st and 22nd Mountain Rifle Divisions

Swastika in Latvia

In Latvia, the swastika, which in local tradition had the name "fiery cross", was the emblem of the air force from 1919 to 1940

Swastika in Germany

  • Rudyard Kipling, whose collected works were always decorated with a swastika, ordered that it be removed in the latest edition in order to avoid association with Nazism.

After the Second World War, the image of the swastika was banned in a number of countries and can be criminalized.

Swastika as an emblem of Nazi and fascist organizations

Even before the Nazis entered the political arena of Germany, the swastika was used as a symbol of German nationalism by various paramilitary organizations. It was worn, in particular, by members of the detachments of G. Erhardt.

Nevertheless, I was forced to reject all the countless designs sent to me from all over by young supporters of the movement, since all these projects boiled down to only one theme: they took the old colors [of the red-white-black German flag] and painted against this background in different variations hoe cross.<…>After a series of experiments and alterations, I myself drew up a completed project: the main background of the banner is red; white circle inside, and in the center of this circle is a black hoe-shaped cross. After long alterations, I finally found the necessary ratio between the size of the banner and the size of the white circle, and finally settled on the size and shape of the cross.

In the view of Hitler himself, she symbolized "the struggle for the triumph of the Aryan race." This choice combined both the mystical occult meaning of the swastika, and the idea of ​​the swastika as an "Aryan" symbol (due to its prevalence in India), and the already established use of the swastika in the German extreme right tradition: it was used by some Austrian anti-Semitic parties, and in March 1920 During the Kapp putsch, it was depicted on the helmets of the Erhardt brigade that entered Berlin (here, perhaps, there was the influence of the Baltic states, since many fighters of the Volunteer Corps encountered the swastika in Latvia and Finland). In 1923, at a Nazi congress, Hitler reported that the black swastika was a call for a merciless fight against communists and Jews. Already in the 1920s, the swastika became increasingly associated with Nazism; after 1933, it finally began to be perceived as a Nazi symbol par excellence, as a result of which, for example, it was excluded from the emblems of the scouting movement.

However, strictly speaking, Nazi symbol there was not any swastika, but four-pointed, with the ends directed to the right side, and rotated by 45 °. At the same time, it should be in a white circle, which in turn is depicted on a red rectangle. It was such a sign that was on the state banner of National Socialist Germany in 1933-1945, as well as on the emblems of the civil and military services of this country (although, of course, other options were used for decorative purposes, including by the Nazis).

In 1931-1943, the swastika was on the flag of the Russian Fascist Party, organized by Russian emigrants in Manchukuo (China).

The swastika is currently used by a number of racist organizations.

Swastika in transcripts of Soviet teenagers

The acrophonemic convention of the meaning of the Nazi swastika of the Third Reich, - common in deciphering among Soviet children and adolescents from films and stories about the Great Patriotic War (WWII), - the encrypted name of state political figures, leaders and members of the Social Socialist German Workers' Party in Germany, according to the first letters of famous names in history: Hitler ( German Adolf Hitler), Himmler ( German Heinrich Himmler), Goebbels ( German Joseph Goebbels), Goering ( German Hermann Goring).

Swastika in the USA

It so happened that in the small, relatively secluded town of Rewalsar in the Himalayas, we arrived quite late, so late that it was hard for small, sleepy and lazy provincial hotels to bother with our settlement. The hosts of the hotels shrugged their shoulders, shook their heads and waving their hands somewhere in the direction of the night slammed the doors in front of our noses. But we were willingly, though not free of charge, accepted to live in a guest house on the territory of a Tibetan Buddhist monastery on the lake.

As is often the case in Tibetan places, our meeting and accommodation was handled by a Hindu, since it is unsuitable for Tibetan monks to deal with money and worldly matters. In addition, the monastery had been immersed in night darkness for more than an hour, and the monks should have had enough sleep, so that tomorrow early in the morning they should go to meditation with a cheerful and pious face. The Hindu who gave us the keys to the hotel room told us about this and other sorrows of the world, and in order to somehow console himself, he strongly recommended that we visit this event at seven in the morning.

The main topics are below: buses and trains, flights and visas, health and hygiene, safety, route selection, hotels, food, necessary budget. The relevance of this text is spring 2017.


"Where will I live there?" - this question is for some reason very strong, just terribly annoying for those who have not yet traveled in India. There is no such problem. Hotels there are a dime a dozen. The main thing is to choose. Further we are talking about inexpensive, budget hotels.

In my experience, there are three main ways to find a hotel.


Usually you will arrive in a new city by bus or train. So around them there is almost always a great mass of hotels. Therefore, it is enough to move a little away from the place of arrival and start walking in a circle with an increasing radius to come across a lot of hotels. inscriptions "Hotel" designates a place where you can have a bite to eat in a large area of ​​India, so signboards are the main landmarks "guest house" And Lounge.

In the zones of mass idleness (Goa, the resorts of Kerala, the Himalayas), the private sector is developed, well, as we have on the Black Sea coast. There you can ask about housing from the local population and focus on the signs " Rent". In Buddhist places you can live in monasteries, in Hindu places in ashrams.

The further you move away from the bus station or railway station, the lower the prices, but hotels are becoming rarer and rarer. So you look at several hotels of reasonable price and quality and return to the chosen one.

If you are traveling in a group, then you can send one or two people light in search of a hotel, while the rest are waiting at the station with things.

If the hotel is refused and they say that the hotel is only for Indians, then insisting on settling is practically useless.

Ask a taxi driver

For those who have a lot of luggage or are just too lazy to look. Or you want to settle near the sights, for example, at the Taj Mahal, and not at the station. Even in large cities there are places of traditional congestion of tourists: in Delhi it is Main Bazaar, in Calcutta it is Sader Street, in Bombay it is also called something, but I forgot, that is, in any case, you need to go there.

In this case, find a rickshaw or taxi driver and set the task of where you want to live, in what conditions and for what kind of money. In this case, you can sometimes be taken to the desired hotel for free, even show you several places to choose from. It is clear that the price immediately increases, it is pointless to bargain, since the taxi driver's commission is already included in the price. But sometimes, when you are too lazy or in the middle of the night, it is very convenient to use this method.

Book online

This is for those who like certainty and assurance, more comfort and less adventure.

Well, if you book in advance, then book hotels of better quality and not too cheap (at least $30-40 per room), because otherwise there is no guarantee that in reality everything will be as beautiful as in the photographs. They also complained to me that sometimes they came to a booked hotel, and the rooms, despite the reservation, were already occupied. The owners of the hotel were not embarrassed, they said that a client came with money, and there was not enough willpower to refuse the client with cash. The money was returned, of course, but it's still a shame.

Finding, checking in and staying in cheap Indian hotels can be an adventure in itself, a source of fun and sometimes not so fun memories. But then there will be something to tell at home.

Settlement technology

  • Get rid of the presence of "Hindu helpers" and barkers, their presence automatically increases the cost of settling.
  • Go to a hotel that seems worthy of you and ask how much it costs and decide whether it is worth living there, at the same time you have time to appreciate the interior and helpfulness.
  • Be sure to ask to show the room before checking in, show dissatisfaction and indignation with all your appearance, ask to show another room, most likely it will be better. You can do this several times, achieving everything better conditions accommodation.

Those who are interested in the energy of Osho and Buddha, meditation and India, we invite you all to travel to the places where you were born, lived the first years of life and gained enlightenment greatest mystic 20th century Osho! In one trip, we will combine the exotic of India, meditation, absorb the energy of Osho's places!
The tour plan also includes a visit to Varanasi, Bodhgaya and possibly Khajuraho (subject to availability of tickets)

Key Travel Locations


A small village in central India, where Osho was born and lived for the first seven years, surrounded and cared for by his loving grandparents. There is still a house in Kuchvad, which has remained exactly the same as it was during Osho's lifetime. Also next to the house is a pond, on the banks of which Osho liked to sit for hours and watch the endless movement of the reeds in the wind, funny Games and the flights of herons over the surface of the water. You can visit Osho's house, spend time on the banks of a pond, stroll through the village, soak up that serene spirit of rural India, which undoubtedly had an initial influence on the formation of Osho.

In Kuchvada there is a fairly large and comfortable ashram under the patronage of sannyasins from Japan, where we will live and meditate.

A small video "emotional impression" from visiting Kuchvada and Osho's house.


At the age of 7, Osho, together with his grandmother, moved to his parents in the small town of Gadarwara, where he school years. By the way, the school class where Osho studied still exists, and there is even a desk where Osho sat. You can go to this class, sit at a desk, where our beloved master spent so much time in his childhood. Unfortunately, getting into this class is a matter of chance and luck, depending on which teacher conducts classes in the class. But in any case, you can walk along the streets of Gadarvara, visit the initial and high school, the house where Osho lived, Osho's beloved river...

And most importantly, on the outskirts of the city there is a quiet, small and cozy ashram, where there is a place where, at the age of 14, Osho experienced a deep experience of death.

Video from Osho Ashram in Gadarwar


Large city with over a million inhabitants. In Jabalpur, Osho studied at the university, then worked as a teacher and became a professor, but the main thing is that at the age of 21 he gained enlightenment, which happened to him in one of the parks of Jabalpur, and the tree under which this happened is still growing on old place.

In Jabalpur we will live in a quiet and comfortable ashram with a magnificent park.

From the ashram it is easy to get to the Marble Rocks - a natural wonder where Osho liked to spend time during his stay in Jabalpur.


Varanasi is famous for its cremation fires, which burn day and night. But it also has a surprisingly pleasant promenade, the famous Kashi Vishwanath temple, boat rides on the Ganges. Near Varanasi is the small village of Sarnath, famous for that there the Buddha read his first sermon, and the first listeners were ordinary deer.


The place of Buddha's enlightenment. In the main temple of the city, which is surrounded by a beautiful and extensive park, a tree still grows in the shade of which the Buddha gained enlightenment.

In addition, Bodhgaya has a wide variety of Buddhist temples erected by followers of the Buddha from many countries: China, Japan, Tibet, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma ... Each temple has its own unique architecture, decoration, and ceremonies.


Khajuraho itself is not directly related to Osho, except that Osho often mentioned the tantric temples of Khajuraho, and his grandmother was directly related to Khajuraho.

Today, many people, having heard the word "swastika", immediately imagine Adolf Hitler, concentration camps and the horrors of the Second World War. But, in fact, this symbol appeared even before new era and has very rich history. It also received wide distribution in Slavic culture, where there were many of its modifications. A synonym for the word "swastika" was the concept of "solar", that is, sunny. Were there any differences in the swastika of the Slavs and the Nazis? And if so, what were they expressed in?

First, let's recall what a swastika looks like. This is a cross, each of the four ends of which is bent at a right angle. Moreover, all corners are directed in one direction: to the right or to the left. Looking at such a sign, a feeling of its rotation is created. There are opinions that the main difference between the Slavic and fascist swastikas lies in the direction of this very rotation. For the Germans, this is right-hand traffic (clockwise), and for our ancestors it is left-hand (counterclockwise). But this is not all that distinguishes the swastika of the Aryans and Aryans.

External differences

Also important hallmark is the constancy of color and shape in the sign of the Fuhrer's army. The lines of their swastika are quite wide, absolutely straight, black. The underlying background is a white circle on a red canvas.

But what about the Slavic swastika? First, as already mentioned, there are many swastika signs that differ in shape. The basis of each symbol, of course, is a cross with right angles at the ends. But the cross may not have four ends, but six or even eight. Additional elements may appear on its lines, including smooth, rounded lines.

Secondly, the color of the swastika signs. There is also diversity here, but not so pronounced. The predominant symbol is red on a white background. The red color was not chosen by chance. After all, he was the personification of the sun among the Slavs. But there are also blue yellow colors on some of the signs. Thirdly, the direction of movement. Earlier it was said that among the Slavs it is the opposite of fascist. However, this is not quite true. We meet both right-handed swastikas among the Slavs, and left-handed ones.

We have considered only the external distinctive attributes of the swastika of the Slavs and the swastika of the Nazis. But much more important facts are the following:

  • Approximate time of sign appearance.
  • The value given to it.
  • Where and under what conditions was this symbol used.

Let's start with the Slavic swastika

It is difficult to name the time when it appeared among the Slavs. But, for example, among the Scythians, it was recorded in the fourth millennium BC. And since a little later the Slavs began to stand out from the Indo-European community, then, for sure, they were already used by them at that time (the third or second millennium BC). Moreover, among the Proto-Slavs they were fundamental ornaments.

Swastika signs abounded in the everyday life of the Slavs. And therefore it is impossible to attribute the same meaning to all of them. In fact, each symbol was individual and carried its own semantic load. By the way, the swastika could be either an independent sign or be part of more complex ones (moreover, most often it was located in the center). Here are the main meanings of the Slavic swastika (solar symbols):

  • Sacred and Sacrificial fire.
  • Ancient wisdom.
  • Unity of the Genus.
  • Spiritual development, self-improvement.
  • The patronage of the gods in wisdom and justice.
  • In the sign of Valkykria, it is a talisman of wisdom, honor, nobility, justice.

That is, in general, we can say that the meaning of the swastika was somehow sublime, spiritually high, noble.

Archaeological excavations have given us a lot of valuable information. It turned out that in ancient times the Slavs put similar signs on their weapons, embroidered on a suit (clothes) and textile accessories (towels, towels), carved on elements of their homes, household items (dishes, spinning wheels and other wooden devices). They did all this mainly for the purpose of protection, in order to protect themselves and their home from evil forces, from grief, from fire, from the evil eye. After all, the ancient Slavs were very superstitious in this regard. And with such protection, they felt much more secure and confident. Even mounds and settlements of the ancient Slavs could have a swastika shape. At the same time, the ends of the cross symbolized a certain direction of the world.

Nazi swastika

  • Adolf Hitler himself adopted this sign as a symbol of the National Socialist movement. But, we know that he did not come up with it. In general, the swastika was used by other nationalist groups in Germany even before the emergence of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Therefore, we take the time of appearance for the beginning of the twentieth century.

An interesting fact: the person who suggested to Hitler to take the swastika as a symbol initially presented a left-sided cross. But the Fuhrer insisted on replacing it with a right-hand one.

  • The meaning of the swastika among the Nazis is diametrically opposed to that of the Slavs. According to one version, it meant the purity of German blood. Hitler himself said that the black cross itself symbolizes the struggle for the victory of the Aryan race, creative work. In general, the Fuhrer considered the swastika an ancient anti-Semitic sign. In his book, he writes that the white circle is the national idea, the red rectangle is the social idea of ​​the Nazi movement.
  • And where was the fascist swastika used? First, on the legendary flag of the Third Reich. Secondly, the military had it on the belt buckles, as a patch on the sleeve. Thirdly, the swastika "decorated" official buildings, occupied territories. In general, it could be on any attributes of the Nazis, but these were the most common.

So in this way, the swastika of the Slavs and the swastika of the Nazis has tremendous differences. This is expressed not only in external features, but also in semantic ones. If among the Slavs this sign personified something good, noble, high, then among the Nazis it was true Nazi sign. Therefore, you should not, having heard something about the swastika, immediately think about fascism. After all Slavic swastika was lighter, more humane, more beautiful.

The swastika and the six-pointed star are stolen Slavic symbols.

Yes, reader, let's now be puzzled by this question, why did Adolf Hitler make the swastika a symbol of National Socialism ?!

The fact that the swastika - the gamma cross - is an Aryan symbol, most modern people the planet learned, unfortunately, at the suggestion of Hitler. Alas, it happened. The Nazi Fuhrer himself claimed that he was Aryan, and for this reason he had every right to adopt the Aryan swastika.

What this "Aryan" did in history, we all know. Unleashed by him the Second World War(1939-1945) only killed 50 million people different nationalities and another 100 million people became crippled. And all this atrocity against many peoples was committed under the sign of the Aryan swastika. Here under this sign:

At the same time, it is known that a few decades earlier, the same cross symbol, only with a different direction of bending its ends, was especially revered in the Russian Empire.

It could be seen, for example, on the car of Tsar Nicholas II and in the everyday life of ordinary Russians. Here are a number of photographic documents to confirm this.

Towel. Tarnogsky district of the Vologda region. Late XIX century.

What did the sign of the swastika symbolize in the minds of Russians?

Why did the last Russian tsar have it with him, and why did ordinary Russians in the recent past also have a swastika in their homes in the form of embroideries and drawings?

If you dig in encyclopedias, you can find the following explanation: "The swastika has been a symbol of well-being for the Slavs since ancient times."

Such a definition explains quite exhaustively why this symbol was once widely used. Was it thought to bring prosperity? Well, who doesn't want to have one?

Once I saw the same signs of the swastika on the one kept in the museum vintage clothes Orthodox priests. This museum is located in the Novodevichy Bogoroditsa-Smolensky Monastery.

For me personally, this is the presence of swastikas on old clothes Russian clergy were a little surprised, puzzled and then pushed to the idea that the swastika is not just"symbol of prosperity", behind this sign-cross lies something more. And I wanted to dig deeper, explore this topic.

In the process of searching, I found out that the words "symbol of prosperity" is just an adjective. A simple example: sometimes at weddings, the groom is given the task of naming 10 adjective words for his bride, and he begins to list: beloved, affectionate, kind, caring, and so on ... So the words "symbol of well-being" are adjectives .. .

I am sure that most modern people who have not conducted such a search, like me, will never guess that in distant times the swastika was, it turns out, the most important symbol of Christianity!

Yes, yes, the most important!

I will say more: it was the only cross in true Christianity, if true Christianity is understood as the practical activity of Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples-apostles.

So, this symbol of the swastika in the teachings and practice of Jesus Christ graphically denoted God, who is Spirit!

"God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24).

Have you heard, know these words of Christ the Savior?

From the very beginning, this graphic image of the God-Spirit in the form of a swastika filled the Teachings of Jesus Christ with a deep ideological meaning, one might even say a natural science meaning.

The image presented here is dated 2-5 century AD. This drawing (on the left - restored, on the right - a fragment of the original) was found on the wall in the catacombs of Priscilla, in Rome. It is interpreted that the dove here depicts the soul of a deceased righteous man who flew to Paradise to take communion from a vessel with"by the Holy Spirit" . Not to write on the bowl of the word"Holy Spirit"or"spirit"who drew replaced the words graphic image- sign of the swastika.

Reference: Catacombs of Priscilla- Christian underground burials of the II-V centuries in Rome, forming three levels. These catacombs originated in the burial place of the Roman family of the consul Aquilia Glabrius. In the 1st century A.D. e. this family owned vast lands. One of the representatives of this family, Priscilla, was executed by order of the emperor Domitian. In the Greek chapel (Italian: Capella Greca), named after the discovered inscriptions in Greek, a feast scene (an allegory of the Eucharist) is depicted. This chapel contains examples of early Christian art, including ancient image Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms and the prophet Isaiah or Balaam, dating from the 2nd century.

Exactly the same vessel"by the Holy Spirit" , which is guarded by birds of paradise, was depicted in an old mosaic floor painting, also related to early Christian art. And here we also see the swastika. This image is a screen capture from a documentary about Christianity in the early centuries. In 2016, it was shown on the Russian TV channel Kultura.

And now you will see a completely interesting mosaic floor picture of one of the early Christian churches. To be honest, this picture really impressed me!

This is a swastika on a mosaic floor in a Christian church built in the city of Geras (Jerash) in the Northern Jordan in 553. Orthodox Church"Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian".

This floor mosaic picture shows multiple images of swastikas moving in all directions! So the early Christian artist tried to convey through painting the meaning that was previously clear to every believing Christian: "Holy Spirit" moves in space, and in movement he performs some kind of sacred action known only to him.

In the presented picture, we find in the form of such "bricks" a swastika of different directions of rotation in the projection - left-sided and right-sided.

If a simple flat sign of the swastika symbolizes a certain rotation around its axis in one direction or another, then creating a similar three-dimensional image of the swastika, the ancient orthodox artist tried to show some kind of "spiritual movement" in space, in which one can guessspiral movement!

This mosaic picture testifies that in ancient times the first Christians had a natural-scientific idea of"Holy Spirit" !

And there is evidence (practically proof!) that the ancients saw the physical meaning of the "Holy Spirit" - in its spiral movement!

In the language of ancient scientists - Latin - the word spiral (spiralis from spira) - means "coil, curl". And the word spiro translated from the same Latin into Russian - means "to blow, winnow, be alive."

I note that in the old days the people in Russia image "gamma cross" did not call "swastika", but called the word "breeze". Which completely coincides with the meaning of "to blow, winnow, be alive." This can be read historian Roman Bagdasarov.

Now attention! "Holy Spirit" in Latin - Spiritus Sanctus.

As you can see, the root is the same everywhere - "spir", and therefore the meaning is the same!

These are the wonders that open up for someone (for me they have been open for a long time!) after past centuries from Christmas!!!

And now we are all being convinced, and many have already been convinced, literally forced to believe that main character Christianity is the cross on which, according to the Gospels, the Savior was crucified. And no one among the believers thinks (there is faith - no mind is needed?) That it is blasphemy - to turn the object or instrument of killing a holy person into a symbol of faith. However, today, alas, Christians of all denominations, after the war unleashed by Adolf Hitler, revere only the wooden cross-crucifix, well, the golden cross-crucifix that they hang around their necks, as a symbol of Christianity. And if you think about it, this cross is nothing more than a symbol of the torment and death of one of the great enlighteners.

It is phenomenal that many people today literally look at the swastika with fear, and at the same time, the crucifixion of Christ the Savior on display does not frighten or shock them at all!

Roman play called: "Look, Christians, what we have done to your God!"

Do you think Adolf Hitler did not know about the real sacred sense swastikas when he took it as a symbol of Nazism and World War II?!

Do you think he did not know that in early Christianity it was a symbol of God, who is a spirit?

Of course he did! He had a powerful organization "Ahnenerbe", which was specially created back in 1935 for "studying the traditions, history and heritage of the German race with the aim of occult and ideological support for the functioning of the state apparatus of the Third Reich".

And if he knew everything, then what?

Why the early Christian symbol of God, a symbol of well-being, (a symbol of receiving good!), Which in pre-revolutionary Russia was a holy symbol, why did he use it to make June 22, 1941, on the day of the summer solstice, perfidious attack on the USSR?

Pay attention to the word "treacherous", and to the fact that Hitler planned the attack on the USSR on a holy day for the sun-worshipping Slavs. It was, firstly, the summer solstice, and secondly, it was Sunday!

In 1941, in the reports of the Sovinformburo about Germany's treacherous attack on the USSR has been said more than once, and every soviet man understood it in his own way. Most, of course, thought that this word referred to the political relationship and agreements between Stalin and Hitler. In part, this was true. But it was even more true in a religious sense: using the swastika as a symbol of war and Nazism, Adolf Hitler acted literally as the Anti-Christ. That was the biggest treachery on his part...

Perfidy in the sense that he used the symbol of the Christian God to kill millions of people...

Continuation of the topic in a separate article "DEVIL'S LAIR: The Truth About Switzerland, Zionism and the Jews!"

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