The theme of the spiritual rebirth of man in the stories of A. P.


All the life of A.P. Chekhov was interested in the theme of the spiritual rebirth of man. The writer thought about how people change. Chekhov always dreamed of changing a person into better side, but saw that his dreams are not always similar to reality.

He was interested in why good-natured decent people suddenly become rude and hypocritical. What are the reasons for this? Anton Pavlovich in his works always analyzed, assumed and tried to explain the change in people for better or worse.

According to the writer, spiritual rebirth was influenced by life-related changes: marriage, career advancement, grief in the family, and many, many other life situations.

Let's consider several works and try to understand the writer's thoughts, agree with them or, conversely, refute them. For example, in the famous lyrical comedy « The Cherry Orchard"We meet such a hero as the young footman Yasha, who is nothing like a person, an ordinary guy from the village. Why did his life change for the worse? Where did you go good feelings, spiritual qualities Russian village man?

Chekhov reveals these changes to us, linking them with life situation. It's simple: Yasha, after spending five years with his landowner abroad, returned to his native land. But what effect these five years have had on him! When Yasha was told that his mother had come to see him and had been sitting since yesterday, he did not react to this in any way, he only showed his rotten insides: “God be with her at all! Very necessary. I could come back tomorrow."

Wealth and beauty metropolitan life abroad influenced the footman negatively. He picked up "cheap things" there: "Yes, sir, it's nice to smoke a cigar on clean air... "But since Yasha is an uneducated person, then, trumping this, he does not understand that he did not become an intelligent and secular person from this.

Chekhov hated book phrases, buzzwords and everything contrived by which a Russian person wanted to portray himself as a European. Using the example of Yasha, the writer makes it clear to the reader that all this is stupid and absolutely unnecessary. Chekhov shows to what degree of "scrap" a person can change, striving only for external gloss and despising those who (as it seems to him) are not as developed and enlightened as himself.

Anton Pavlovich always felt sorry for such people and wanted them to become simpler, more truthful, more natural. Chekhov has many such heroes. One of them is Olga Ivanovna Dymova, the heroine of the story "The Jumper". This is a young woman who lives off her husband, whom she does not value, makes fun of him with her friends, who are not really her friends.

It seems to Olga Ivanovna that Dymov himself does not notice this, because, from her point of view, he is a simple, narrow-minded person, unlike her - refined, artistic, secular. She has many unusual acquaintances: artists, artists, among them there is also a "landowner - an amateur illustrator."

All her company is "spoiled by fate", all are rich, bohemian people. Among this company, Dr. Dymov turns out to be a stranger. His young wife, who was very fond of singing, playing the piano, painting, sculpting, was drawn to this bohemian audience.

It was she who came to them, and not vice versa, because after the death of her husband, when there was no money and balls, these so-called friends also disappeared. Only then Olga Ivanovna realized how hypocritical and unfair she was towards her husband. After all, Dymov loved her, but did she love him? No, she liked to be loved, she liked his attitude towards her and reliability in everything.

Olga Ivanovna believed very much in her friends, who constantly praised her: “She is ruining herself: if she hadn’t been lazy and had pulled herself together, then a wonderful singer would have come out of her.” It turned out that all the praises were only flattery, and Olga Ivanovna was a person with whom it was possible not without pleasantness to spend time. When her husband died, and Olga Ivanovna herself became useless to anyone.

Chekhov is a master short story, and the subject of research in them most often for the writer becomes inner world person.

He was an implacable enemy of vulgarity and philistinism, he hated and despised the townsfolk, their empty and aimless life, devoid of lofty aspirations and ideals. Main question, which is set by A.P. Chekhov throughout his creative way, - these are the reasons for the loss of spirituality by a person, his moral decline.

Most often, such reasons are the susceptibility of a person to the influence of the environment in which he leads his existence. The writer is concerned that people with good inner inclinations, with a pure heart And good soul, those people who are called upon to lead the people turn into ordinary people, degrade under the influence of the environment in which they fall. The most revealing in this regard, in my opinion, is the story "Ionych".

Dmitry Ionych Startsev, a young doctor, smart and interesting person, falls into deaf, gray provincial city C. He gives himself completely to work, lives as a hermit. Startsev despises the townsfolk, with whom there is nothing to talk about, since their interests are limited to food, wine, cards and gossip. Startsev rarely talked to his patients, because whatever he talked about was perceived by the townsfolk as a personal insult. They are incapable of thinking and talking about anything that does not concern food or their petty worldly interests. When Startsev tried to talk to them about the benefits of labor, everyone felt a reproach for this. For the inhabitants of the city, Startsev was a stranger, the townsfolk called him "pouted Pole", feeling his detachment from them.

But time passes, and Dmitry Startsev descends and becomes the same as them. The hero has changed under the influence of the passage of time, to which he resisted little. He no longer sympathizes with his neighbor, he becomes greedy, indifferent. The hospital, which used to take all his time and energy, is no longer interested in Startsev, he has lost all his ideals, the vulgarity of philistine life has overwhelmed him. He has nothing else to do in life but to eat, drink, save money and play cards in a club.

The hero hated and despised the life of the inhabitants around him, but this did not prevent him, in the end, from multiplying their number himself. Chekhov showed us the process of transformation young doctor Dmitry Startsev into a fat money-grubber, whom everyone now calls simply Ionych, thereby emphasizing that he has become “one of his own” in their town.

Even memories of his former love for Ekaterina Turkina cannot awaken Startsev's half-asleep soul. He thinks wearily: "It's good that I didn't marry her." Startsev is spiritually dead. This creates an even more painful impression, because he is fully aware of what a swamp he is plunging into, but does not try to fight it. He does not feel sorry for either youth, or love, or his unfulfilled hopes. The hero hated and despised the life of the inhabitants around him, but this did not prevent him, in the end, from multiplying their number himself.

With his story, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov warns us: "Do not succumb to the destructive influence of the environment, do not betray your ideals, take care of the person in you."

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    • Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a master of the short story, the peculiarity of which is that in a small volume you need to fit the maximum content. In a short story, lengthy descriptions are impossible, long internal monologues, so it comes to the fore artistic detail. It carries a huge artistic load in Chekhov's works. spiritual and moral choice hero, the responsibility of a person for his destiny, the denunciation of the vulgarity of Russian life form the basis of the work of Anton Pavlovich […]
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  • From that moment on, life and perception increased even more, everything became clearer and I achieved peace. Faith is with me, love in my heart, the spirit guides me through this life and I get to know everything around expanding my consciousness. But after that conversation, something remained inside that was not open ... time passed and I was going on the road again. This is the real way where I make new friends. My travels open up a dialogue with my self, everything becomes transparent for analysis and understanding of myself in myself. I am imbued with even greater gratitude for everything that is happening and happening around, everything becomes timeless.

    I can't help but ask you. For me, words are sometimes closed, like a question, but for some reason I see you as their presence in the general information field around me. So, from time to time I return to the site, re-read something, but ... I can’t understand that something is eluding me. Therefore, I probably wanted to ask you for advice on what to look for when reading the signs. How to start reading the signs, they never leave me. So the figure is basically 222 I see everywhere, in everything, all the time. So other situations happen to me, like people, their reflections in me, me in them.

    Time .. it is gone for me and at the same time flies at lightning speed at times. All space events become brighter and brighter, reflecting on me and the people around me. I see how the composition of people around change and at the same time inside me, in my soul, complete calm. Inner voice tells me about the changes that are coming. But it wasn't there... I began to receive signs, in the form of deja vu, when I was still sleeping and my consciousness was not working. When I woke up, I realized that my soul led me on the right path and my inner nature illuminated my path for me. On a subconscious level, for moments I just surrendered and believed those who told me.

    In 2009, I had an injury to my right knee… after playing sports… as it turned out, I damaged the meniscus… For a long time I didn’t go to the doctors (I refused them a long time ago)… but one day my friend persuaded me to go to a traumatologist. After the X-ray, the doctor gave me a newly entered card, number 222 ... from that moment I clearly remember how one deuce was chopped off.

    Addiction 222 and the reaction of my spirit, almost completely. It was at the moment when the numbers appeared that I humbly gave myself to the world and the Universe, believing in the truth of what was given to me. It doesn’t matter what it is, and what it brings me, good or pain, for me it’s all good, as I grow in my mind and spirit. Since the knee injury, time has really changed. My consciousness determined the turn of fate and became freer from it. The implementation of intentions accelerated many times, because I saw how after each deed my path acquired new features and opportunities. Now, analyzing what happened to me, I understand that this is exactly how it should have been, because I went to this with all my being.

    Until now, this sign 222 is with me… They lead me so clearly that I accept this help, indisputably and divinely obeying what was sent to me. I searched a lot for the answer on the Internet and in my mind and ended up in India. There I met Baba, who already knew that I would come to him and ask this question. There I began to wake up and saw how the world looks and what awaits me. He said that it could be my mistakes, related to my waking dream. Now my path is tart and exhausting, but by my will, I go my own way and thank the Lord for giving me strength on this path.

    I am in dialogue with myself and my highest manifestation. In the struggle with the attachments of his mind, in the last 2 months. I ride alone on a bike across America, and my whole being is overwhelmed with the joy of accomplishing this event. Every significant moment in my life is consecrated precisely by the number 222. It can be, as a rule, in mileage numbers, for which I am immensely grateful to this help. But the nature of it, I don't know, if you have any idea about it, share it, I will be very grateful.

    It gives me a lot of new spiritual strength on my way!

    Strength and Light to you and your family!

    Thanks Michael. Good and Warm to your family!

    Chekhov is a master of short stories, and the subject of research in them most often for the writer is the inner world of a person.

    He was an implacable enemy of vulgarity and philistinism, he hated and despised the townsfolk, their empty and aimless life, devoid of lofty aspirations and ideals. The main question that A.P. Chekhov asks throughout his entire career is the reasons for the loss of spirituality by a person, his moral decline.

    Most often, such reasons are the susceptibility of a person to the influence of the environment in which he leads his existence. The writer is concerned that people with good inner inclinations, a pure heart and a good soul, those people who are called to lead the people, turn into ordinary people, degrade under the influence of the environment they find themselves in. The most revealing in this regard, in my opinion, is the story "Ionych".

    Dmitry Ionych Startsev, a young doctor, an intelligent and interesting person, finds himself in a deaf, gray provincial city of S. He devotes himself completely to work, lives as a hermit. Startsev despises the townsfolk, with whom there is nothing to talk about, since their interests are limited to food, wine, cards and gossip. Startsev rarely talked to his patients, because whatever he talked about was perceived by the townsfolk as a personal insult. They are incapable of thinking and talking about anything that does not concern food or their petty worldly interests. When Startsev tried to talk to them about the benefits of labor, everyone felt a reproach for this. For the inhabitants of the city, Startsev was a stranger, the townsfolk called him "pouted Pole", feeling his detachment from them.

    But time passes, and Dmitry Startsev descends and becomes the same as them. The hero has changed under the influence of the passage of time, to which he resisted little. He no longer sympathizes with his neighbor, he becomes greedy, indifferent. The hospital, which used to take all his time and energy, is no longer interested in Startsev, he has lost all his ideals, the vulgarity of philistine life has overwhelmed him. He has nothing else to do in life but to eat, drink, save money and play cards in a club.

    The hero hated and despised the life of the inhabitants around him, but this did not prevent him, in the end, from multiplying their number himself. Chekhov showed us the process of turning the young doctor Dmitry Startsev into a fat money-grubber, whom everyone now calls simply Ionych, thereby emphasizing that he became “one of them” in their town.

    Even memories of his former love for Ekaterina Turkina cannot awaken Startsev's half-asleep soul. He thinks wearily: "It's good that I didn't marry her." Startsev is spiritually dead. This creates an even more painful impression, because he is fully aware of what a swamp he is plunging into, but does not try to fight it. He does not feel sorry for either youth, or love, or his unfulfilled hopes. The hero hated and despised the life of the inhabitants around him, but this did not prevent him, in the end, from multiplying their number himself.

    With his story, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov warns us: "Do not succumb to the destructive influence of the environment, do not betray your ideals, take care of the person in you."

    Chekhov is a master of short stories, and the subject of research in them most often for the writer is the inner world of a person.

    He was an implacable enemy of vulgarity and philistinism, he hated and despised the townsfolk, their empty and aimless life, devoid of lofty aspirations and ideals. The main question that A.P. Chekhov asks throughout his entire career is the reasons for the loss of spirituality by a person, his moral decline.

    Most often, such reasons are the susceptibility of a person to the influence of the environment in which he leads his existence. The writer is concerned that people with good inner inclinations, a pure heart and a good soul, those people who are called to lead the people, turn into ordinary people, degrade under the influence of the environment they find themselves in. The most revealing in this regard, in my opinion, is the story "Ionych".

    Dmitry Ionych Startsev, a young doctor, an intelligent and interesting person, finds himself in a deaf, gray provincial city of S. He devotes himself completely to work, lives as a hermit. Startsev despises the townsfolk, with whom there is nothing to talk about, since their interests are limited to food, wine, cards and gossip. Startsev rarely talked to his patients, because whatever he talked about was perceived by the townsfolk as a personal insult. They are incapable of thinking and talking about anything that does not concern food or their petty worldly interests. When Startsev tried to talk to them about the benefits of labor, everyone felt a reproach for this. For the inhabitants of the city, Startsev was a stranger, the townsfolk called him "pouted Pole", feeling his detachment from them.

    But time passes, and Dmitry Startsev descends and becomes the same as them. The hero has changed under the influence of the passage of time, to which he resisted little. He no longer sympathizes with his neighbor, he becomes greedy, indifferent. The hospital, which used to take all his time and energy, is no longer interested in Startsev, he has lost all his ideals, the vulgarity of philistine life has overwhelmed him. He has nothing else to do in life but to eat, drink, save money and play cards in a club.

    The hero hated and despised the life of the inhabitants around him, but this did not prevent him, in the end, from multiplying their number himself. Chekhov showed us the process of turning the young doctor Dmitry Startsev into a fat money-grubber, whom everyone now calls simply Ionych, thereby emphasizing that he became “one of them” in their town.

    Even memories of his former love for Ekaterina Turkina cannot awaken Startsev's half-asleep soul. He thinks wearily: "It's good that I didn't marry her." Startsev is spiritually dead. This creates an even more painful impression, because he is fully aware of what a swamp he is plunging into, but does not try to fight it. He does not feel sorry for either youth, or love, or his unfulfilled hopes. The hero hated and despised the life of the inhabitants around him, but this did not prevent him, in the end, from multiplying their number himself.

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