Lesson new hero of the era Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Chichikov - New hero of the era


At the lesson of literature, we got acquainted with the work of N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls". This poem has become very popular. The work was repeatedly filmed both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters became symbolic: Plyushkin - a symbol of stinginess and storage of unnecessary things, Sobakevich - an uncouth person, Manilovism - immersion in dreams that have no connection with reality. Some phrases have become catchphrases.

The main character of the poem is Chichikov. The portrait of Chichikov is different from other residents of the city. He's not handsome, but he's not bad-looking Not too fat, not too thin, not old, but not young either. The author refers him to the "gentlemen of the middle hand." But still, Chichikov liked everything in his appearance to be noble, because. appearance is one of his main weapons. At first he wore a lingonberry-colored tailcoat, but later, towards the end of the poem, he changes it for a jacket. European style. This can be explained by the fact that he feels a change in his position in society. His status has grown, the poet now needs to look different. People with high ranks he tried to flatter and did not allow rudeness in conversation, and with equals or with lower ranks he behaved proudly. All the heroes spoke of him as a decent person, even "Sobakevich, who rarely spoke of someone on the good side," called him "an unpleasant person."

The origin of Chichikov is "dark and modest." He - a nobleman, pillar or personal - is not known. His childhood passed in little house, without comrades, friends, with a sick father. The father constantly forced his son to learn to read and write, and brought him up on the principle of "do not lie, obey your elders and carry virtue in your heart." When the father gave his son to the school, he gave him instructions: “Look, Pavlusha, study, don’t be a fool and don’t hang out, but most of all please the teachers with the bosses. Get along with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be useful to you. Behave better so that you are treated, and most of all take care and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable thing in the world. ” Chichikov followed his father’s instructions and was very successful in this matter. As a result, he grew up to be an egoist whose greed has no limits.
At school, he pleased the teacher, as his father instructed, and graduated with good grades. Chichikov also succeeded in commercial affairs. He denied himself everything and sold his comrades their own treats, after which he took the initiative different ways and started making good money doing it. A penny became for him above all human relations. When it former comrades collected money to help a teacher who was in trouble, Chichikov dissuaded himself by lack of money and was ready to give only a nickel of silver. Thus began his policy of hoarding.

In the service, Chichikov found an approach even to the most impregnable boss. He subtly feels the nature of a person and is a good artist. All this helps in the work. I would also like to note his patience. Not everyone is willing to wait that long to achieve their goal, given all the ups and downs that Chichikov has experienced. I would like to tell you about his service at customs. At the beginning, he pretends that he came to serve with good intentions. The authorities raise him, and then he is taken for his true goals. But by negligence, he involves his comrade in this case. After, allowing himself stupidity, he manages to quarrel with him. And in the end they inform the authorities about each other.

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    • What is an image literary hero? Chichikov - the hero of the great, classical work, created by a genius, a hero who embodied the result of the author's observations and reflections on life, people, their actions. An image that has absorbed typical features, and therefore has long gone beyond the framework of the work itself. His name has become a household name for people - crafty careerists, sycophants, money-grubbers, outwardly "pretty", "decent and worthy". Moreover, other readers' assessment of Chichikov is not so unambiguous. Comprehension […]
    • “A rather beautiful spring chaise drove through the gates of the hotel in the provincial city of NN ... In the chaise sat a gentleman, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but it is not so that he is too young either. His entry made absolutely no noise in the city and was not accompanied by anything special. So our hero appears in the city - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Let us, following the author, get acquainted with the city. Everything tells us that this is a typical provincial […]
    • French traveler, author famous book"Russia in 1839" Marquis de Kestin wrote: “Russia is ruled by a class of officials, right from school bench occupying administrative positions ... each of these gentlemen becomes a nobleman, having received a cross in his buttonhole ... Upstarts in the circle of those in power, they use their power, as befits upstarts. The tsar himself admitted with bewilderment that it was not he, the autocrat of all Russia, who governed his empire, but the clerk appointed by him. The provincial city […]
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    • N.V. Gogol conceived the first part of the poem "Dead Souls" as a work that reveals the social vices of society. In this regard, he was looking for a plot not simple fact of life, but one that would make it possible to expose the hidden phenomena of reality. In this sense, the plot proposed by A. S. Pushkin was the best fit for Gogol. The idea to “travel all over Rus' with the hero” gave the author the opportunity to show the life of the whole country. And since Gogol described it in such a way, “so that all the little things that elude […]
    • In the autumn of 1835, Gogol set to work on Dead Souls, the plot of which, like the plot of The Inspector General, was suggested to him by Pushkin. “I want to show in this novel, although from one side, all of Rus',” he writes to Pushkin. Explaining the idea of ​​"Dead Souls", Gogol wrote that the images of the poem are "not at all portraits from worthless people on the contrary, they contain the features of those who consider themselves better than others "Explaining the choice of the hero, the author says: "Because it is time, finally, to give rest to the poor virtuous person, because […]
    • It should be noted that the episode of the collision of the crews is divided into two micro-themes. One of them is the appearance of a crowd of onlookers and "helpers" from neighboring village, the other - Chichikov's thoughts, caused by a meeting with a young stranger. Both of these themes have both an external, superficial layer, directly related to the characters of the poem, and a deep layer, bringing to the scale of the author's thoughts about Russia and its people. So, the collision occurs suddenly, when Chichikov silently sends curses to Nozdryov, thinking that […]
    • Chichikov met Nozdryov earlier, at one of the receptions in the city of NN, but the meeting in the tavern is the first serious acquaintance with him for both Chichikov and the reader. We understand what type of people Nozdryov belongs to, first seeing his behavior in the tavern, his story about the fair, and then reading the direct author's description this "broken little one", " historical man", having" a passion to spoil one's neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all. We know Chichikov as a completely different person - […]
    • Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is one of the greatest and at the same time mysterious works 19th century Genre definition"poem", which at that time unambiguously meant a lyric-epic work written in poetic form and predominantly romantic, was perceived by Gogol's contemporaries in different ways. Some found it mocking, while others saw hidden irony in this definition. Shevyrev wrote that “the meaning of the word ‘poem’ seems to us to be twofold… because of the word ‘poem’ a deep, significant […]
    • In Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" the way of life and customs of the feudal landowners is very correctly noticed and described. Drawing images of the landlords: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Plyushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of serf Russia, where arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the personality was undergoing moral degradation. After writing and publishing the poem, Gogol said: “‘Dead Souls’ made a lot of noise, a lot of murmuring, touched the nerves of many with mockery, and truth, and caricature, touched […]
    • Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is one of the most brilliant authors of our vast Motherland. In his works, he always spoke about the sore, about what His Rus' lived in His time. And he does it so well! This man really loved Russia, seeing what our country really is - unhappy, deceitful, lost, but at the same time - dear. Nikolai Vasilievich in the poem "Dead Souls" gives a social profile of the then Rus'. Describes landlordism in all colors, reveals all the nuances, characters. Among […]
    • The poem "Dead Souls" reflects social phenomena and conflicts that characterized Russian life in the 1930s and early 1940s. 19th century It very correctly noticed and described the way of life and customs of that time. Drawing images of the landowners: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Plyushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of serf Russia, where arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the personality underwent moral degradation, regardless of whether it was the personality of a slave owner or [... ]
    • Plyushkin is an image of a moldy cracker left over from the Easter cake. Only he has a life story, Gogol depicts all the other landowners statically. These heroes, as it were, have no past that would at least somehow differ from their present and explain something in it. Plyushkin's character is much more complicated than the characters of other landowners represented in Dead Souls. Features of manic stinginess are combined in Plyushkin with painful suspicion and distrust of people. Saving the old sole, a clay shard, […]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol noted that the main theme of "Dead Souls" was contemporary Russia. The author believed that "it is impossible otherwise to direct society or even the whole generation towards the beautiful, until you show the full depth of its real abomination." That is why the poem presents a satire on landed nobility, bureaucracy and others social groups. The composition of the work is subordinated to this task of the author. The image of Chichikov, traveling around the country in search of the necessary connections and wealth, allows N. V. Gogol […]
    • Landowner Appearance Manor Characteristics Attitude to Chichikov's request Manilov The man is not yet old, his eyes are as sweet as sugar. But this sugar was too much. In the first minute of a conversation with him you will say what a nice person, after a minute you will not say anything, and in the third minute you will think: "The devil knows what it is!" The master's house stands on a hill, open to all winds. The economy is in complete decline. The housekeeper steals, something is always missing in the house. The kitchen is preparing stupidly. Servants - […]
    • Landowner Portrait Characteristic Manor Attitude towards housekeeping Lifestyle Outcome Manilov Handsome blond with blue eyes. At the same time, in his appearance "it seemed too sugar was transferred." Too ingratiating look and behavior Too enthusiastic and refined dreamer who does not feel any curiosity about his household or anything earthly (he does not even know if his peasants died after the last revision). At the same time, his daydreaming is absolutely […]
    • Compositionally, the poem "Dead Souls" consists of three externally closed, but internally interconnected circles. landowners, the city, Chichikov's biography, united by the image of the road, plot-related by the main character's scam. But the middle link - the life of the city - itself consists, as it were, of narrowing circles, gravitating towards the center; This graphic image provincial hierarchy. Interestingly, in this hierarchical pyramid, the governor, embroidering on tulle, looks like a puppet figure. true life seething in civilian […]
    • Chichikov, having met the landowners in the city, received an invitation from each of them to visit the estate. The gallery of the owners of "dead souls" is opened by Manilov. The author at the very beginning of the chapter gives a description of this character. His appearance initially produced a very pleasant impression, then - bewilderment, and in the third minute "... you say:" The devil knows what it is! and move away…” Sweetness and sentimentality, highlighted in the portrait of Manilov, are the essence of his idle lifestyle. He is constantly talking about […]
    • Gogol was always attracted by everything eternal and unshakable. By analogy with " Divine Comedy"Dante, he decides to create a work in three volumes, where the past, present and future of Russia could be shown. The author even designates the genre of the work in an unusual way - a poem, since different fragments of life are collected in one artistic whole. The composition of the poem, which is built on the principle of concentric circles , allows Gogol to trace the movement of Chichikov through the provincial town of N, the estates of […]
  • At the lesson of literature, we got acquainted with the work of N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”. This poem has become very popular. The work was repeatedly filmed both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters became symbolic: Plyushkin - a symbol of stinginess and storage of unnecessary things, Sobakevich - an uncouth person, Manilovism - immersion in dreams that have no connection with reality. Some phrases have become catchphrases.

    The main character of the poem is Chichikov. The portrait of Chichikov is different from other residents of the city. He is not handsome, but not bad-looking, not too fat, not too thin, not old, but not young either. The author refers him to the "gentlemen of the middle hand." But still, Chichikov liked everything in his appearance to be noble, because appearance is one of his main weapons. At first he wore a lingonberry-colored tailcoat, but later, towards the end of the poem, he changes it for a European-style jacket. This can be explained by the fact that he feels a change in his position in society. His status has grown, the poet now needs to look different.

    He tried to flatter people with high ranks and did not allow rudeness in conversation, and with equals or with lower ranks he behaved proudly. All the heroes spoke of him as a decent person, even "Sobakevich, who rarely spoke of someone with a good side," called him "an unpleasant person."

    The origin of Chichikov is “dark and modest”. He is a nobleman, pillar or personal - it is not known. His childhood passed in a small house, without comrades, friends, with a sick father. The father constantly forced his son to learn to read and write, and brought him up on the principle of “do not lie, obey your elders and carry virtue in your heart.” When the father sent his son to the school, he gave him instructions: “Look, Pavlusha, study, don’t be a fool and don’t hang out, but most of all, please the bosses with teachers. Get along with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be useful to you. Behave better so that you are treated, and most of all take care and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable thing in the world. ” Chichikov followed his father’s instructions and was very successful in this matter. As a result, he grew up to be an egoist whose greed has no limits.
    At school, he pleased the teacher, as his father instructed, and graduated with good grades. Chichikov also succeeded in commercial affairs. He denied himself everything and sold his comrades their own treats, after which he took the initiative in various ways and began to earn good money from it. A penny became for him above all human relations. When his former comrades collected money to help a teacher in trouble, Chichikov dissuaded himself by lack of money and was ready to give only a nickel of silver. Thus began his policy of hoarding.

    In the service, Chichikov found an approach even to the most impregnable boss. He subtly feels the nature of a person and is a good artist. All this helps in the work. I would also like to note his patience. Not everyone is willing to wait that long to achieve their goal, given all the ups and downs that Chichikov has experienced. I would like to tell you about his service at customs. At the beginning, he pretends that he came to serve with good intentions. The authorities raise him, and then he is taken for his true goals. But by negligence, he involves his comrade in this case. After, allowing himself stupidity, he manages to quarrel with him. And in the end they inform the authorities about each other.

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    In the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol typifies the images of Russian landowners, officials and peasants. Only person, which stands out clearly from overall picture Russian life, - This main character poems, Chichikov. Like “ extra people”, Onegin and Pechorin, he does not look like a crowd, but not with the exclusivity of nature and not with the desire to transform the world, but with his activity, activity and enterprise.
    What kind of person is Chichikov? In the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol shows that the old patriarchal noble Russia dies. The inexorable course of history gives rise to people of a different life orientation, businessmen-entrepreneurs.
    Revealing the image of the main character, the author tells about his origin and the formation of his character. Chichikov is the only character, with the exception of Plyushkin, whose life story is given in all details. From the eleventh chapter of the poem, we learn that Pavlusha belonged to a poor noble family, whose estate ceased to be a source of income. Chichikov's father left him a legacy of half a copper and a covenant to study diligently, to please teachers and supervisors, and, most importantly, to save and save a penny. In the will, the father did not say anything about honor, duty and dignity. Unlike Grinev, Chichikov quickly realized that lofty concepts only hinder the achievement of the cherished goal.
    That is why Pavlusha makes his way in life by his own efforts, without relying on anyone's patronage. But he builds his well-being at the expense of other people: insult, deceit, bribery, embezzlement, fraud at customs - Chichikov's tools. No setbacks can break his greed. And every time, committing unseemly acts, he easily finds an excuse.
    Gogol, carefully analyzing not only the actions, but also the thoughts of the hero, says with sad irony that in his "reasoning there was some side of justice." Chichikov is capable of sympathy in his own way, he worries in his own way that stupidity and injustice triumph in the world. The hero knows what pity and compassion are, moreover, he "felt both, he would even like to help, but only so that it does not consist in a significant amount." So, the basis of the comedy and at the same time the tragedy of this image is that the hero sees the meaning of life only in acquisition, hoarding. This is not the Plushkin mania of enrichment for the sake of enrichment. For Chichikov, money is a means, not an end. He wants prosperity decent life for himself and his children, but this is the trap: a person deprived of moral basis, deceives himself, considering money as a means.
    The strength of character also distinguishes Chichikov from the rest of the characters in the poem. Having set a goal for himself, he shows tremendous energy, perseverance and incredible ingenuity to achieve it. The author says of him: “We must do justice to the irresistible strength of his character. After all that was enough, if not to kill, then to cool and pacify a person forever, an incomprehensible passion did not go out in him. The only pity is that this passion was far from being the most noble.
    Chichikov knows how to adapt to any microcosm in which he finds himself. Even appearance the hero is such that he will suit any situation: “not handsome, but not bad-looking”, “not too fat, not too thin”, “middle-aged man” - everything in him is vague, nothing stands out. Chichikov can not be denied knowledge of people. He comprehended great secret like”, with each of the characters he speaks his language, on topics close to the interlocutor. Moreover, it is Chichikov who is the only character capable of manifesting the movements of the soul. “It can be seen that the Chichikovs also turn into poets for a few minutes,” says the author, watching his hero stop, “as if stunned by a blow,” in front of a young sixteen-year-old girl. Ultimately, it was not the dubious purchases, not the suspicious dexterity of Chichikov, but the "human" movement of the soul that caused the collapse of his undertaking. This is how life works, says Gogol, that it is sincerity, sincerity, disinterestedness that are the most dangerous. Gogol does not accidentally single out Chichikov from a number of other characters in the poem, talking about the hero's past and giving his character development. According to the plan, the author was going to "lead Chichikov through the temptation of possessiveness, through life's dirt and vileness to moral revival." It was with people who were not completely dead, who had at least some purpose, that the author tried to connect his hopes for the revival of Russia. But the history of the second and third volumes of the poem is known. ingenious artist, Gogol realized the impossibility of incarnating original intention. The Chichikovs cannot and do not want to save Russia, their world will inevitably close on the idea of ​​hoarding.
    The genius of Gogol's foresight lies in the fact that in the poem "Dead Souls" for the first time in Russian literature a type of people was deduced who inevitably enter the arena public life in the period of the birth of capitalism, the type of a businessman-entrepreneur, a person of a “new formation”. lazy officials. But a vulgar man of even such a gigantic caliber as Chichikov certainly has some kind of flaw, a hole through which one can see a worm, a miserable shriveled fool who lies crouching in the depths of a vacuum saturated with vulgarity.
    So what? Chichikov - vulgar? Yes. only if? No. Let's take a closer look at the name again: does it have hidden meaning? Of course: from the bureaucratic-soulless meaning of the word “soul” (some abstract human unit, for which a tax is levied from the landowner) direct meaning- “the soul of man”, in the immortality of which the author could not help but believe. Even the censorship was frightened by this second meaning of the name: the soul, they told Gogol, cannot be dead. Following the censorship, the reader should have been frightened: the second meaning of the title is really terrible. A thread is drawn from the title to the narrative: the theme of death unfolds in it (in all the ambiguity of this word). The conductor of this theme is Chichikov, about whom Gogol's researcher Yu. Mann writes as follows: “Chichikov is interested not in the hidden side of life, but in something more: its opposite is “death”. Catcher of dead souls, tracker of death, Chichikov sharpens attention to the forbidden to a grotesque climax. Already the very first questions of Chichikov in the city of NN fix an unusual state of mind, exceeding the degree of traditional interest in hidden side life: the visitor “asked carefully about the state of the region: were there any diseases in their province, epidemic fevers, some murderous fevers, smallpox, and the like, and everything was so detailed and with such accuracy that showed more than one simple curiosity” . In the future, "the strange direction of Chichikov's interest is emphasized and varied in every possible way."
    In this context, “vulgarity” goes beyond the mere comic and begins to be perceived as an attribute of “death” (in the ultimate sense of the word, “death of the soul”). The theme of vulgarity, doubled (“vulgarity vulgar person”) and absolutized (even about the “Inspector General” Gogol said that the audience was frightened by “the vulgarity of everything together”), leads a person down the stairs of the universe: faces turn into animals “snouts”, “snouts” - into soulless things. And the very “bottom” of this ladder is in hell. If so, then who is Chichikov? Not just a scoundrel (“it’s time to hide the scoundrel as well”), but also petty demon, hellish minion.
    But that's not all - far from all. The association with hell is not accidental. Let's think about it: "Dead Souls" is not a picaresque novel, and not a novel at all, but a poem. Here is how Gogol himself writes about it: “The thing that I am sitting and working on now ... does not look like either a story or a novel ... If God helps me to complete my poem as it should, then this will be my first decent creation". Why a poem? "Dead Souls" was conceived by analogy with Dante's "Divine Comedy" - in three parts: the first part - "Hell", the second part - "Purgatory", the third part - "Paradise". The idea, therefore, was not limited to the image of “hell”, “vulgarity of a vulgar person”, its limit is the salvation of this very “vulgar person”. Who exactly from the first part of "Dead Souls"? Chichikov first of all. What points (to this in the text of the first part?
    The first thing that distinguishes Chichikov (along with Plyushkin) from the rest of the characters in the poem is that he has a past - a biography. The biography of Chichikov (as well as Plyushkin) is the story of the “fall of the soul”; but if the soul “fell”, it means that it was once pure, then its rebirth is possible - through repentance.
    What is necessary for repentance, for the purification of the soul? Inner "I" inner voice. Right to mental life, only Plyushkin (to a lesser extent) and Chichikov (to a greater extent) also have “feelings” and “thoughts”. “With some indefinite feeling he looked at the houses...”; “It was unpleasant, vague in his heart...”; “some strange feeling, incomprehensible to himself, took possession of him,” Gogol captures the moments of “introspection” (inner voice) in his hero. Not only that: there are often cases when Chichikov’s inner voice turns into the author’s voice or merges with it - for example, a digression about Sobakevich’s dead peasants or about a girl who met Chichikov (“Everything can be done from her, she can be a miracle, or maybe come out rubbish, and the rubbish will come out!”).
    As the hero of the poem, Chichikov ceases to be one-dimensional. In the vulgarity and petty demonism of the “scoundrel”, the glare of the “living soul” flickers, for which it is possible to ascend in subsequent volumes of the poem. Let us pay attention to how the author of "Dead Souls" proceeds to the famous digression about the "bird-troika", which concludes the first volume of "Dead Souls". Selifan drove the horses; Chichikov smiled, "because he liked fast driving"; and then - the author's generalization: "And what Russian does not like to drive fast?" Next: “Oh, three! Threesome bird, who invented you?” And finally, the ultimate, to become a grandiose poem, a plan of generalization: “Aren't you, Rus, that you are rushing about without overtaking a brisk trio?” From Chichikov with his chaise to mysteriously pathetic questioning. “Rus, where are you going? Give an answer. Does not give an answer ”- It turns out that Chichikov is also involved in this “flight”, and therefore in the “secret”: he did not freeze, did not end, he is open for rebirth and it is worth asking about his fate.
    The first volume of "Dead Souls" begins with a riddle: "two Russian peasants" are discussing whether the wheel of Chichikov's britzka will reach Moscow; and ends with the same chaise, the same word - “Russian”, merged into “Rus-troika”, - and again with a riddle that has grown to a grandiose symbol: “Rus, where are you rushing to?” Who is the one who is in this britzka - Chichikov? Yes, vulgar, yes, petty demon - in and a mystery. Here is how Herzen responded to it: "Where the eye can penetrate the fog of impure fumes, there he will see a dashing nationality full of strength."

    At the lesson of literature, we got acquainted with the work of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". This poem has become very popular. The work was repeatedly filmed both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters became symbolic: Plyushkin - a symbol of stinginess and storage of unnecessary things, Sobakevich - an uncouth person, Manilovism - immersion in dreams that have no connection with reality. Some phrases have become catchphrases.

    The main character of the poem is Chichikov. The portrait of Chichikov is different from other residents of the city. He is not handsome, but not bad-looking, not too fat, not too thin, not old, but not young either. The author refers him to the "gentlemen of the middle hand." But still, Chichikov liked everything in his appearance to be noble, because. appearance is one of his main weapons. At first he wore a lingonberry-colored tailcoat, but later, towards the end of the poem, he changes it for a European-style jacket. This can be explained by the fact that he feels a change in his position in society. His status has grown, the poet now needs to look different. He tried to flatter people with high ranks and did not allow rudeness in conversation, and with equals or with lower ranks he behaved proudly. All the heroes spoke of him as a decent person, even "Sobakevich, who rarely spoke of someone on the good side," called him "an unpleasant person."

    The origin of Chichikov is "dark and modest." He - a nobleman, pillar or personal - is not known. His childhood passed in a small house, without comrades, friends, with a sick father. The father constantly forced his son to learn to read and write, and brought him up on the principle of "do not lie, obey your elders and carry virtue in your heart." When the father gave his son to the school, he gave him instructions: “Look, Pavlusha, study, don’t be a fool and don’t hang out, but most of all please the teachers with the bosses. Get along with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be useful to you. Behave better so that you are treated, and most of all take care and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable thing in the world. ” Chichikov followed his father’s instructions and was very successful in this matter. As a result, he grew up to be an egoist whose greed has no limits.
    At school, he pleased the teacher, as his father instructed, and graduated with good grades. Chichikov also succeeded in commercial affairs. He denied himself everything and sold his comrades their own treats, after which he took the initiative in various ways and began to earn good money from it. A penny became for him above all human relations. When his former comrades collected money to help a teacher in trouble, Chichikov dissuaded himself by lack of money and was ready to give only a nickel of silver. Thus began his policy of hoarding.

    In the service, Chichikov found an approach even to the most impregnable boss. He subtly feels the nature of a person and is a good artist. All this helps in the work. I would also like to note his patience. Not everyone is willing to wait that long to achieve their goal, given all the ups and downs that Chichikov has experienced. I would like to tell you about his service at customs. At the beginning, he pretends that he came to serve with good intentions. The authorities raise him, and then he is taken for his true goals. But by negligence, he involves his comrade in this case. After, allowing himself stupidity, he manages to quarrel with him. And in the end they inform the authorities about each other.

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    Gogol, according to V. G. Belinsky, “was the first to look boldly and directly at Russian reality.” The writer's satire was directed against the "general order of things", and not against individuals, bad executors of the law. The predatory money-grubber Chichikov, the landowners Manilov and Sobakevich, Nozdrev and Plyushkin, the officials of the provincial town from Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" are terrible in their vulgarity. “It was possible to go crazy,” A. I. Herzen wrote, “at the sight of this menagerie of nobles and officials who loiter in the deepest darkness, buying and selling the “dead souls” of peasants.” The image of Chichikov reflects a new phenomenon in Russian life - the birth of the bourgeois. This - typical hero primitive capitalist hoarding, a representative of those businessmen who, in in large numbers appeared in Russia in the 1930s, when the crisis of the serf system was sharply outlined.
    Chichikov is the son of a poor nobleman, who inherited a “dilapidated house with an insignificant piece of land”, becoming a real tradesman in his way of life. All his life he remembered and followed his father's instructions - most of all, save and save a penny: “You will do everything and break everything with a penny”; to please teachers and bosses, while at the same time blatantly deceiving them in order to get a profitable position. Already in youth the hero learned to evaluate people from the point of view of real benefit for himself, showed resourcefulness, iron restraint and meanness of soul. By petty speculations, he "made increments" to the half, donated by his father. “When he had accumulated money up to five rubles, he sewed up the bag and began to save it in another.” A bag of money replaced Chichikov's friendship, honor and conscience.
    Deciding on a scam with dead souls, he thinks: “And now the time is convenient. Lost in cards, swaggered and squandered, as it should. Chichikov's whole life became a chain of fraudulent machinations and crimes, his slogan was this: "hooked - dragged, broke - do not ask." Chichikov shows tremendous efforts and inexhaustible ingenuity, embarks on any scam if they promise success and promise a cherished penny. The hero understands that capital becomes the master of life, that all the power is in the box with which he travels around Russia, buying dead souls from the landowners. Life and the environment taught him that “you can’t take the straight road and that the oblique road is more straight”.
    Ready to deceive and rob the nobles, Chichikov himself is under the spell of the life of the noble class. Imagining himself a Kherson landowner, he sincerely seeks to adapt himself to the nobility psychologically and in everyday life, which finds expression in the appearance and habits of the hero.
    Chichikov can be called a gentleman in manners and a bourgeois entrepreneur in his soul. His bourgeois entrepreneurship still appears in the form that characterizes the period of primitive accumulation. Gogol calls Chichikov a scoundrel, a master, an acquirer. The meanness of the hero is that he is ready to cash in on grief, people's illnesses. The author notes that Chichikov seeks to get into those provinces where epidemics and epidemic diseases have passed, since more peasants died there. For the same reason, he is interested in more frequent crop failures and famines. About the acquisition of the hero, the author writes: “Acquisition is the fault of everything; because of it, deeds were made, to which the world gives the name of not very clean.”
    The images of the landowners are created by describing the village, master's house and interior, portrait characteristics, attitude to Chichikov's proposal, description of the buying and selling process itself; Gogol at the same time highlights the leading, main character trait of the character. Chichikov is revealed somewhat differently. There is no display here through the attitude to serfdom, through the description of life. If all the landowners, except Plyushkin, are given statically, then Chichikov is given in development, in the process of becoming. Depicting the landlords, the writer highlights their defining features, while Chichikov is revealed in many ways.
    In order to more clearly illuminate the origin and life development of a new type - Chichikov, to comprehend it historical place, the writer dwells in detail on his biography, character and psychology. Gogol shows how his ability to adapt to the situation, to navigate in any situation has developed; depending on the conditions, the manner and tone of Chichikov's conversation changes. Everywhere he enchants, sometimes admires and always achieves his goal: “You need to know that Chichikov was the most decent person who ever existed in the world ... He never allowed himself an obscene word in his speech and was always offended if he saw in the words of others lack of due respect for rank or title…”
    New hero era has many advantages that the local nobles do not have: some education, energy, enterprise, extraordinary dexterity. Chichikov knows how to find an approach to each person, quickly guessing the features of the character of people, accurately determining their strengths and weak sides; to win over new acquaintances, the guise of good manners helps the hero gain confidence. In a conversation with Manilov, he looks like Manilov, with Korobochka Chichikov “spoke ... with more freedom than with Manilov, and did not stand on ceremony at all.”
    In a conversation “with the rulers, he very skillfully knew how to flatter everyone. Somehow he hinted to the governor in passing that you enter his province like in paradise, the roads are velvet everywhere ... He said something very flattering about the city guards to the police chief ... ” Constantly changing his appearance, Chichikov carefully hides his fraudulent goals from those around him.
    Symbolizing the advent of the era of the bourgeois, the era of dexterous, tenacious, energetic people who profess the morality of acquisition, Chichikov demonstrates perseverance, energy, practicality of mind, willpower. Gogol writes: "We must do justice to the irresistible strength of his character." With regard to practical ingenuity and resourcefulness, the hero - the "acquirer" stands out strongly among the representatives of the patriarchal local way of life, in which immobility, inertness and death have firmly built a nest for themselves.
    At the same time, Chichikovo also has features in common with the landowners - this is the lack of civic interests, socio-political conservatism. Chichikov worships neither humility nor virtue, but he needs them to achieve his goal. He is prudent, knows how to patiently wait for the right moment. Thirst for profit, the desire to take a commanding position in society do not give him rest. Civil and patriotic feelings are alien to Chichikov, with complete indifference he treats everything that does not concern his personal, selfish interests.
    Noble Society mistook the swindler and rogue Chichikov for outstanding person. Gogol writes that “the word “millionaire” is to blame for everything, not the millionaire himself, but precisely one word; for in one sound of this word, beyond any bag of money, there is something that affects people scoundrels, and people for nothing, and good people, in a word, it affects everyone. In Chichikovo, bourgeois features are manifested with such force and truthfulness that contemporaries already saw a wide public importance of this type.

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