The exhibition “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations" 


Significant exhibition this summer and autumn, one can name the multimedia performance “Windows to Russia

Masterpieces of seven generations”, the opening of which took place on August 15, 2017 in Sochi. This production is part of a series of exhibitions of the same name, which take place in different cities Russia as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Ingosstrakh. The project is being implemented jointly with the company's partners - the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (IRRI) and will be a logical continuation of Ingosstrakh's program to support art and culture in Russia.

Visitors to the exhibition, located on the territory of the Imeretinsky Resort District, saw a spectacular video fantasy, the heart of which was the canvases of Ivan Shishkin, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Valentin Serov, Aristarkh Lentulov, Alexander Deineka, Georgy Nissky, Yuri Pimenov, Arkady Plastov, Geliy Korzhev and other artists.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Head of the Department of Investments and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises Krasnodar Territory Vasily Shvets, acting Head of the Department of Culture of the Sochi City Administration Irina Shuiskaya, CEO of the Ingosstrakh company Mikhail Volkov, art director of the IRRI Nadezhda Stepanova, general director of the Imeretinsky group of companies Vladlen Voloshin.

Sochi became the first city in which the project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations” is presented in the format of a multimedia performance. The exhibition invites you to take a unique journey through the country through images artists of the 19th and the twentieth centuries, which they captured in their paintings, open a window to Russia and see the wealth cultural traditions through times and epochs. More than 70 paintings by Russian masters of fine arts are involved in creating a special space for a multimedia performance.

As part of the project, free open lectures are held weekly with the participation of specialists from the Institute of Russian Realistic Art. You can see the schedule and sign up on the project website

SPAO "Ingosstrakh" is not only a co-author, but also the main insurer of the project "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations. Works by artists from the collections of the IRRI and Tretyakov Gallery, as well as multimedia installations, are provided with insurance protection in case of damage or total loss that occurred for any reason.

"Company" Ingosstrakh "supports a large number of projects in the field of culture every year is an important area of ​​our activity,” says Mikhail Volkov, Director General of Ingosstrakh. – We are very pleased to present our anniversary project “Masterpieces of Seven Generations” to the residents and guests of the city of Sochi. Sochi became the first city in which we are implementing a project in a multimedia format, using the most modern technologies. It should be noted that the use of digital technologies is very important for our company - we are actively integrating various technological tools into business processes. Moreover, digital technologies become a promising area of ​​our activity.

“We thank the organizers of this creative project and we are glad that the Ingosstrakh multimedia show series has started in Sochi, where more than 200 events of various genres are held annually, - comments and. O. Irina Shuiskaya, Head of the Department of Culture of the Sochi City Administration. – Project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations” was a gift to our city, to all residents and guests of Sochi, who had an excellent opportunity to get to know the work of Russian artists of two centuries and the history of our country.”

“As part of our exhibition, we tried to combine the masterpieces of Russian artists different generations, from the 19th to the end of the 20th century, into a full-fledged performance that provides the viewer with the opportunity to look at the history of our country through the prism of art,” said Nadezhda Stepanova, art director of the IRRI. “We hope that the exhibition will draw the attention of viewers to the history of Russian art and will become an occasion to visit the museums of our country.”

“We are pleased that this wonderful exhibition has opened on the territory of the Imeretinskiy Kurortny District. This is fully consistent with the concept of our development, which provides for the active promotion of cultural projects,” comments Vladlen Voloshin, General Director of the Imeretinsky group of companies.

The multimedia performance will stay in Sochi until September 17, 2017, the exhibition is open daily from 10:00 to 22:00 at the Imeretinsky resort area, st. Sailing, d.7. Free admission.

Where else can you see the exhibition?

Spectators in Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok are waiting for traveling exhibitions, which will include paintings from the collections of the IRRI and the Tretyakov Gallery. IN exhibition project more than a hundred paintings will take part, including masterpieces by Alexander Deineka, Sergey Gerasimov, Yuri Pimenov, Georgy Nyssa, Geliy Korzhev, Viktor Popkov and others famous painters XIX and XX centuries. In Sochi and Yekaterinburg, visitors will see a multimedia performance. This is a spectacular video fantasy based on the works of Ivan Shishkin, Marc Chagall, Kazimir Malevich, Alexander Deineka and others. outstanding artists. Besides, special projects will be presented to audiences in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

It should be reminded that Ingosstrakh's project launched in July will last until the end of the year. Entrance for visitors to all exhibitions is free.

KRASNOYARSK, November 9, 2017 Exhibition “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Ingosstrakh, opened in Krasnoyarsk on November 8. The exposition is presented in the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. V. I. Surikov and includes 50 works by Russian and Soviet artists XX century from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (IRRI) and the Krasnoyarsk art museum them. V. I. Surikov.

The day before, the first deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexei Kleshko, the mayor of Krasnoyarsk, Sergei Eremin, took part in the opening ceremony of the exhibition. Minister of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Elena Mironenko, General Director of Ingosstrakh Mikhail Volkov. The event was also attended by art director of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art Nadezhda Stepanova, co-curator of the exhibition, curator of the Tretyakov Gallery Olga Polyanskaya, director of the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. V. I. Surikov Vladimir Luzan.

"We are pleased to present the exhibition of our project "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations" in the heart of Siberia - the city of Krasnoyarsk. I can say with confidence that each exhibition of the project is unique both in terms of the content of the exposition and in the format of its implementation, for which we express We are very grateful to our partners,” says Mikhail Volkov, Director General of Ingosstrakh, “We hope that the exhibition will help the residents of Krasnoyarsk take a fresh look at the history of our country, and will also make a significant contribution to cultural development cities".

Project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations”, which Ingosstrakh is implementing in partnership with the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Institute of Russian Realistic Art, started in July this year with the opening of an exhibition in Kaliningrad. In addition, the exhibition was presented in Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg, and in Sochi, visitors saw multimedia show. The project will end with an exhibition in Vladivostok, and special projects will be presented in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

"Krasnoyarsk is a city with special traditions and a rich culture. The inhabitants of the city are very sensitive to painting, which is largely due to the rich heritage of Vasily Surikov, - comments Alexei Kleshko, First Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. - Exhibition "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of the Seven generations" - significant event for Krasnoyarsk, as in the works domestic artists presented within its framework reflects the view of our people on the history of the country".

"We are grateful to the organizers of the project for the unique opportunity to touch famous works domestic painters. The implementation of such projects is of great importance for the development and popularization of culture and art in our city, - says the mayor of Krasnoyarsk Sergey Eremin. - Separately, I would like to note the concept of the exhibition and its exposition - in my opinion, the theme of "window to Russia" and the works presented within its framework will be interesting and close to the residents of Krasnoyarsk."

“We are very pleased to welcome the exhibition of the project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations” within the walls of one of the most significant museums in our region,” says Acting Minister of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Elena Mironenko. “The organization of such projects is an excellent impetus for the development of cooperation between state and business, and also makes a significant contribution to the development of culture in Russia. We hope that cooperation with the Ingosstrakh company, as well as with museum institutions represented by the IRRI and the Tretyakov Gallery, will be strengthened and developed every year."

"It is very symbolic that the exhibition opens at the Vasily Surikov Art Museum. Vasily Ivanovich was an itinerant artist. "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations" is a series of traveling exhibitions that have not been seen on such a scale for more than a hundred years Nadezhda Stepanova, art director of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art and curator of the project, notes, “In addition, the project is the heir to a 100-year tradition of Russian philanthropy - the Ingosstrakh company acts as its organizer and gives the project to the people of Russia, and the history of our museum and the State Tretyakov gallery began with the support of patrons. We hope to continue this tradition and open new bright exhibitions."

“We are grateful to the Ingosstrakh company and the Institute of Russian Realistic Art for their help in organizing exhibitions. I would like to note that the project has become an important link in the interaction between public and private institutions in our country,” commented Olga Polyanskaya, curator of the State Tretyakov Gallery. “I would like to wish everyone pleasant viewing and excellent impressions to visitors of the exhibition, I hope that it will become for them a window into the world of great art".

"We want to express our deep gratitude to the Ingosstrakh company, cooperation with which goes far beyond the insurance business and is implemented in the format of such wonderful projects as "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations." In addition, we express our gratitude major museums Russia - the Tretyakov Gallery and IRRI, for providing paintings that have become a real decoration of the exposition, - comments the director of the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. V. I. Surikov Vladimir Luzan. “I would like to note the contribution of the organizers to the creation of the educational component of the exhibition - lectures and master classes from art critics will be of interest to all visitors of the exhibition, regardless of age and level of knowledge in the field of culture.”

Ingosstrakh is not only the organizer, but also the general insurer of the project, providing protection for all valuables and artistic masterpieces from museum collections. Insurance coverage provides liability for all risks.

The exhibition is open to the public until December 10, 2017 at the address: Krasnoyarsk, Prospekt Mira, 12, Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V. I. Surikov (KKhM named after V. I. Surikov). Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday from 13:00 to 21:00, day off - Monday. Free admission.

Nizhny Novgorod, Kremlin, bldg. 3 ("Governor's House"),

Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum,

The museum is open:
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun - from 11.00 to 18.00
Thu - from 12.00 to 20.00
Tue - day off

Entrance to the exhibition is free!

"Morning" from "Native speech"

Tatiana Yablonskaya. Morning

At the exhibition “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations” was worth a visit, even if there were no other masterpieces, except for everyone famous painting Tatyana Yablonskaya "Morning".

We all saw it in childhood in the textbook "Native speech" (or "Russian language" - it depends on your age :) and wrote an essay on it. Now "Morning" was brought to us for an exhibition from the Tretyakov Gallery.

The girl is doing exercises in a flooded sunlight room. This, as they say in the annotations to the picture, is the daughter of the artist Elena. And the apartment is in Kyiv. And various painted decorative plates and vases are from the collection that Tatyana Yablonskaya collected.

And if you still dig on the Internet, you can find a melodramatic story about a boy from Kazakhstan who fell in love with this girl from the picture. He cut out a reproduction from some magazine and hung it over the table. And years later, while studying in Moscow, the young people met and got married...

Mikhail Kugach. Parting

In total, the exhibition has 5 paintings from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery - in addition to the mentioned "Morning" by Tatyana Yablonskaya, these are the works of Alexander Deineka, Yuri Pimenov, Alexander Labas, Dmitry Zhilinsky.

And five dozen works from the collection of IRRI - the Institute of Russian Realist Art, one of the largest, if not the largest private museum in Moscow.

Personally, I haven’t heard much about IRRI, but after seeing today’s exhibition and opening its website, I decided to definitely go there. And I advise you. This museum opened in 2011, but is already considered one of the the best collections Russian realistic painting 20th century. The exposition occupies three floors of the former building of the Moscow cotton-printing factory. Too bad it's far from the subway...

A few more paintings at the exhibition are from our art museum.

You didn't think strange name Exhibitions? What is “Windows to Russia”? And what are the "Seven Generations"?

The organizers decided to show the history of Russia, as it were, "through a window", and for this they selected paintings in which there are windows. (Only one exception is A. Deineka's painting "On the Balcony", but where there is a balcony, there must be a window somewhere. Yes, such an author can be included in the exposition without a window and without a balcony - everyone will only be happy!)

When they began to search, it turned out that there were enough paintings with windows for more than one exhibition, they were so often seen on canvases. Probably not by chance. The window is a symbol. This is a window from century to century or from home life to public life. This is the opportunity to combine two genres in one picture, and much more than windows help the artist. It is strange that no one had thought of making an exhibition according to this criterion before.

But now we will be pleased with the lectures "The Image of a Window in the Art of the Thaw", "From Stained Glass to a Window Window. A Window in World Architecture", "Oknography, or Seven Ways of Representing a Window in Russian Painting of the 20th Century" and others, with the same speaking names.

By the way, the exhibition itself, and lectures, and excursions, and even interesting master classes for children - all this is free! Information about the time of the event can be found on the websites of the museum and the exhibition. The number of places is limited - you need to have time to register on the exhibition website:

Alexander Gritsai. Autumn gold

And in honor of what is this auction of unprecedented generosity and what kind of "Seven Generations"?

This entire project is dedicated to the anniversary of the Ingosstrakh company and continues the Ingosstrakh program to support the arts and culture of Russia.

In the year of the 70th anniversary of Ingosstrakh, the exhibition “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations” takes place in 8 cities of Russia - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Our Nizhny Novgorod is the third in the list.

The main idea of ​​the project is to show millions of Russians how our country has been changing over the course of almost 200 years (seven generations?) using the example of works created by classical painters of Russian and Soviet art.

However, at our exhibition of paintings painted before the revolution, I did not notice something. Perhaps they are too valuable to carry around the country.

Therefore, the project travels in two formats - classic and multimedia exhibitions. Within the framework of classical exhibitions, more than a hundred works are presented (apparently, the exhibition catalog changes from city to city), including masterpieces by Alexander Deineka, Sergey Gerasimov, Yuri Pimenov, Georgy Nyssa, Geliy Korzhev, Viktor Popkov, Erik Bulatov and other famous painters of the twentieth century.

And here multimedia project makes it possible to see living canvases famous paintings Ivan Shishkin, Ilya Repin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Marc Chagall, Kazimir Malevich and other prominent artists, including those of the 19th century.

Now let's go through the halls.

A guided tour was held for journalists at the opening. But even if you look on your own - pleases good design exhibitions and especially detailed information plates for almost every painting. Moreover, many names of artists are not so well known to everyone. Let's broaden our horizons.

Yuri Pimenov. Window

In the first hall - the most masterpiece of the brought masterpieces. About "Morning" I have already said. About a woman who is either washing or sunbathing "On the balcony" also mentioned - see for yourself.

But on the production theme - "Window" by Y. Pimenov from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Yuri Pimenov. Morning in the city. From the series "New Quarters"

“The topic that I call “New Quarters” has been for me for many years and remains very attractive now. Not even because it is very architecturally beautiful. For me, new quarters are not plans or blueprints at all. For me, it's just people moving into new homes. These are housewarming parties, weddings, some dates at new doors, in general - walks in new areas. This is new air - the air of new, good, fresh houses,” said Yuri Pimenov.

Friends and relatives of the artist said that he liked to walk for hours among the neighborhoods under construction. This passion for novelty remained with the artist until the end of his life.

Yuri Pimenov. At the fitting room

And the third work of Pimenov - from the funds of the Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum.

Alexander Labas. On the train

(from the Tretyakov Gallery)

"Alexander Labas belongs to a generation of innovative artists who sought to capture the formation of a mechanized world. Labas is one of the usual modern man phenomena as a miracle: the movement of cars and trains, the swiftness of planes cutting through the sky, he exalts to the state of poetry.

The work "On the train" is no exception. The speed of the train is palpable. The artist blurs the landscape, makes the figures of passengers abstract. Neglecting technical details, Labas is looking for the exact rhythm of movement, trying to convey with the help of painting the feeling of frantic speed, which is breathtaking."

Sergei Gerasimov. Panorama of the city

By the way, the urban view of the "Panorama of the City" stands out against the background of Gerasimov's other works of this genre. The master was more interested in the idyllic views of his native Mozhaisk and its environs."

George Nyssky. Moscow. Stadium "Dynamo"

"In the 1920s, Georgy Nissky joined the circle of masters of the Society of Easel Artists (OST). Unlike the Ahrrovites (Association of Artists revolutionary Russia), who continued the traditions of the Wanderers, the Ostovtsy did not deny the avant-garde developments of the artists of the first two decades of the 20th century. The themes of their works are the construction of cities, industrialization, sports, transport, the creation of the image of a new generation of people and healthy people ready for exploits.

Emphasized contouring of objects, lapidarity, rejection of narrative and superfluous details determine the artist's pictorial search in his favorite genre of industrial landscape.

In the painting "Moscow. Stadium "Dynamo" (1942) Georgy Nissky depicted the neighborhood of the "Town of Artists" on Nizhnyaya Maslovka, where he worked.

Helium Korzhev. Family

"Geliy Korzhev is one of the most powerful masters of the 20th century, the author of the famous triptych "Communists" (1957-1960) and the series "Scorched by the Fire of War" 0962-1967).

The work "Family" was created by Korzhev in the 1950s - during this period the artist concentrated on genre painting... At this time, new quarters are growing all over the country, and literature and cinema are showing more and more interest in the lives of ordinary people.

Usually in mid-century painting household plots are distinguished by excessive staging, but only not by Korzhev. The realist artist here is trying to convey to the viewer not an impressionistic impression, but a feeling that rallied these two people. The couple here is combined into a plastically organic, single figure.

Alexander Deineka. Restoration of Rostselmash (panel sketch)
Late 1940s

"Deineka actively participated in artistic life young Land of Soviets since the 1920s. His paintings fully reflect the poetics of the Society of Easel Artists, at the origins of which stood Deineka.

This graphic work was created in the late 1940s and is dedicated to the restoration largest enterprise for the production of agricultural machinery - Rostselmash. During the Great Patriotic War the plant was evacuated to Tashkent a few days before the occupation of Rostov-on-Don by fascist troops. The plant began its work already 10 days after the liberation of the city, and by November 1948. Rostselmash has been completely restored."

Grigory Chainikov. Spring came

Apparently, this work is too new to be included in the list of "masterpieces". Therefore, the organizers did not write anything about her.

But almost every visitor to the exhibition took a selfie against the backdrop of this village girl. For what? To immediately be noted in social networks about involvement in "masterpieces", as they say. But the picture is really big and bright.

Alexander Laktionov. Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Ilyashev

Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum

"In this portrait, Laktionov depicted his countryman and distant relative, Rostov lawyer Ivan Ivanovich Ilyashev. Ilyashev's wife, Tatyana Nikiforovna, was the artist's aunt. This connection with the artist once saved Ilyashev's life. During the occupation of Rostov by fascist troops, he, according to neighbors, worked translator in the German commandant's office.

Now it is already difficult to understand whether this denunciation was false - the wealthy Ilyashevs kept apart from their neighbors in house No. Z6 on Socialist Street, in which the family lived, but after the release of Rostov, Ivan Ivanovich appeared before the court. Thanks to the intercession of Laktionov, whose work "Letter from the Front" was then known throughout the country, the execution was replaced by exile in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

ABOUT later life Ilyashev after returning to Rostov, it is known that he taught at the Rostov Institute of National Economy.

Evgeny Frolov. Portrait of a ballet dancer Usova

"Evgeny Frolov was nicknamed the "Nizhny Novgorod Dutchman" - in the 1990s and 2000s, the artist created works in the spirit of the classical academic tradition of Western European painting. This portrait depicts the sister of the artist's wife. Frolov painted a baperina at the open window, in which you can see the city landscape with idealized architecture.In this parallel, the influence of the era of romanticism can be traced, when nature and the model in the picture exist in harmony with each other. "

It's nice when the works of Nizhny Novgorod masters get into the "Masterpieces ...". It immediately comes to mind that two years ago the first personal exhibition Evgeny Alekseevich, which, unfortunately, he no longer saw.

Viktor Popov. One. Sketch of the painting of the same name
Late 1960s

"... The painting "One" is part of the famous "Mezen cycle" by Popkov. While working on it, the artist repeatedly visited northern villages. Mezen is a small town in the border zone in the Arkhangelsk region. In addition to the Popkov cycle, he is known for his folk craft - wood painting - existing for 200 years.

The main themes of the cycle were the fate of Russian women - widows who lost all their loved ones during the war. Preserved diary entries artist at work

“I made a drawing from my mistress. Its very silhouette, internally very similar to the marvelous, black in the rain, wooden church, served as an occasion for the painting "One". One often comes across the opinion that this work is gloomy, dreary. I understand that not everyone wants to look at her, to enter this world, when there is so much joy, happiness, youth around. It's not easy for me either. But what to do?"

Igor Obrosov. Flowers and Sun

And again, the organizers did not find what to write about this picture. No problem. Many citizens of Nizhny Novgorod are familiar with Obrosov's work.

Dmitry Zhilinsky. Winter in the south

State Tretyakov Gallery

“In this portrait, Zhilinsky depicted himself with his mother, Anastasia Fedorovna.

The composition of the picture is built in the manner of a classical Dutch portrait 17th century. Hence the image of an artist with attributes - a brush and a canvas.

The window opening plays an interesting role here. The view from the window was interpreted by Zhilinsky as a panorama of the world - it is no coincidence that one can see in it not only a country road, but also hills, sea and sky on the horizon. To enhance this impression, Zhilinsky slightly "tip" the landscape on the viewer.

Mikhail Kugach. Temple in the village of Ozeyarovo

Mikhail Kugach was born in Moscow, but at the same time he calls the famous Academic Dacha near Vyshny Volochok his homeland. There he created many landscapes and genre paintings. Kugach repeatedly painted temples of the Vyshnevolotsk region, among them such indisputable masterpieces as the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Ozeryaevo.

At the time of writing the picture, the church was in disrepair - closed since 1936, it has never been restored. In 2007, the inhabitants of Ozeryaevo started in the church repair work which continue today.

Max Birstein. Honored Artist of the RSFSR master bone cutter Tukkay. Whalen.

"A tireless traveler, Max Birshtein traveled almost the whole world. He also visited Chukotka. In many ways, this trip was a forced measure for him - in the 1960s, the artist was banned from traveling abroad for ten years. At the same time, the trip was very fruitful, from Chukotka Birshtein brought a lot of sketches and sketches.

He reached the easternmost locality Eurasia - the village of Uelen, where the artist met the famous artisan Tukay, who ran a local bone carving workshop.

“We settled in the house of the famous bone carver Tukkay,” Birshtein notes in his travel notes, - "I am painting his portrait at work."

Vasily Yakovlev. Whistle Village

"The future artist began studying painting in the workshop of Vasily Meshkov, and then continued it at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where at that time Konstantin Korovin and Abram Arkhipov taught.

Master of the ceremonial portrait. Vasily Yakovlev showed his talent in other genres, including the peasant one, which includes the work "The Village of the Whistler".

In the picture, rural life takes on a special sound. The artist writes an old house and a barn with more than once repaired roof. The barn door is open, at the entrance a woman in a headscarf feeds chickens. The second heroine of the picture stands with her back to the viewer, talking to someone through an open window. Nearby is a calf with its head stuck in an empty bucket. The artist is passionate about every little thing and puts together the image of a cozy peasant life from seemingly ordinary details.

Ironic and at the same time not indifferent attitude to peasant life reflected in the picture, the compositional and color techniques refer to the work of the Dutch painters of the 17th century."

July 19 in Kaliningradskaya art gallery the first exhibition within the framework of the project prepared for the 70th anniversary of the Ingosstrakh company began its work. Mobile for six months art project visited six cities: Kaliningrad, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok, where he is now. Special projects were presented in Moscow and St. Petersburg. During this time, almost 54,000 people (the data is being updated - the insert has not yet closed in Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok) were able to see paintings from the collections of the IRRI and the Tretyakov Gallery. More than a hundred paintings took part in the exhibition project, including masterpieces by Alexander Deineka, Sergei Gerasimov, Yuri Pimenov, Georgy Nyssky, Geliy Korzhev, Viktor Popkov, Erik Bulatov and other famous painters of the 20th century.

"Implementation joint project“Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations" has become important event. During the exhibitions, we have strengthened relations with the museum institutions of the regions of Russia and got the opportunity to present to the audience works that were previously inaccessible to viewing. Moreover, we have revised our views on the funds and on the permanent exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery and plan to replace the paintings of some artists with those of their works that took part in the project,” says Zelfira Tregulova, General Director of the Tretyakov Gallery. — Separately, I would like to note that without the support of Ingosstrakh and IRRI, this project would not have been possible. Exactly the fact that the curator and operator of the entire project was the young private museum Institute of Russian Realistic Art, allowed to realize it on the very high level and in the most as soon as possible. In addition, the exhibition “Windows to Russia” will certainly be another step towards opening a branch of the Tretyakov Gallery in Vladivostok.”

“Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations” is a project that symbolically unites our entire country from west to east. “I am sure that our exhibitions delighted the guests and brought them unforgettable impressions,” comments Mikhail Volkov, Director General of Ingosstrakh. — It is no coincidence that we chose the theme of art for our anniversary federal project. The company traditionally supports cultural events and is a participant in conservation programs cultural heritage nation. In addition, Ingosstrakh has been insuring art objects for many years in a row, and during the exhibition of masterpieces not only in Russia, but also abroad.”

According to the director of the Tretyakov Gallery, Zelfira Tregulova, “for museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg, regardless of whether it is a state museum or a private one, as in the case of the IRRI, it is very important to show exhibitions of their works in the regions.”

“Previously, there was a state-supported program to show capital exhibitions in regional centers. Now, unfortunately, due to the lack of budget funding, such programs are facing big problems. In the project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations” it is very important to unite the efforts of the largest national art museum, one of the most interesting and vibrant private museums and the Ingosstrakh company, which does an incredible amount so that we can organize exhibitions in the regions and reliably insure works, not “ while flying out into the pipe.

“For us, this traveling exhibition has become a new and extremely important experience. Despite our young age - IRRI turned five last year, we have implemented two notable international projects, but did not stop thinking about showing canvases from our collection in the cities of Russia. Thanks to Ingosstrakh, this idea came to life. Selection principle for traveling exhibition allowed us to take a fresh look at own collection. Interesting, intriguing stories are connected with the canvases presented at the exhibition, which we tell our new viewers in full detail, ”says Alexei Ananiev, founder of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art, about his participation in the project.

Entrance to all exhibitions and the master classes and lectures dedicated to them was absolutely free. The exhibition can still be seen in Vladivostok - the exposition is open until January 14, 2018.

Masterpieces by Alexander Deineka, Sergei Gerasimov, Yuri Pimenov, Georgy Nissky, Geliy Korzhev, Viktor Popkov, Erik Bulatov and other famous painters of the 20th century. Kaliningrad, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok and other Russian cities. All this - organized by "Ingosstrakh" for its 70th anniversary of a series of exhibitions across the country "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations."

Mine anniversary year Ingosstrakh is celebrating under the motto "Ingosstrakh 7.0 - insurance in the seventh generation". The main idea of ​​the project is to show millions of Russians how the country has changed over the course of almost 200 years, using the example of works created by classical painters of Russian and Soviet art.

“It is customary to receive gifts on a birthday. But we decided to depart from this tradition and in our anniversary year we ourselves present a unique gift to the Russians - the project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations,” says Mikhail Volkov, Director General of Ingosstrakh. “This is a project that symbolically unites our entire country from west to east. I am sure that our exhibitions will delight guests and bring them unforgettable impressions. anniversary federal project. The company traditionally supports cultural events and is a participant in programs to preserve the cultural heritage of the nation. In addition, Ingosstrakh has been insuring art objects for many years in a row, and during the exhibition of masterpieces not only in Russia, but also abroad."

The idea, which will be implemented jointly with the company's partners - the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (IRRI), starts in the westernmost point of Russia. Two weeks later, on July 19, an exhibition will open at the Kaliningrad Art Gallery, which will present paintings and graphics from the collection of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art. Further, the audience in Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok are waiting for traveling exhibitions, which will include paintings from the collections of the IRRI and the Tretyakov Gallery. More than a hundred paintings will take part in the exhibition project, including masterpieces by Alexander Deineka, Sergey Gerasimov, Yuri Pimenov, Georgy Nyssky, Geliy Korzhev, Viktor Popkov, Erik Bulatov and others famous artists last century.

In turn, in Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg, visitors will see the multimedia project Masterpieces Without Borders. This is a spectacular video fantasy based on the works of Ivan Shishkin, Ilya Repin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Marc Chagall, Kazimir Malevich, Alexander Deineka and other outstanding artists. The big tour will end in November of this year in Vladivostok. In Primorskaya art gallery will be introduced the most important works art created in the 20th century.

According to the founder of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art Alexei Ananyev, this traveling exhibition will be a new and extremely important experience.

"Despite our young age - IRRI turned five last year, we carried out two notable international projects, but did not stop thinking about how to show canvases from our collection in the cities of Russia. Thanks to Ingosstrakh, this idea came to life. Principle selection for a traveling exhibition allowed us to take a fresh look at our own collection.Interesting, intriguing stories are connected with the canvases presented at the exhibition, which we will tell our new viewers in full detail," says Ananiev about his participation in the project.

“For museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg, whether it is a state museum or a private one, as in the case of IRRI, it is very important to show exhibitions of their works in the regions,” Zelfira Tregulova, director of the State Tretyakov Gallery, picks up. in regional centers. Now, unfortunately, due to the lack of budget funding, such programs are facing big problems. In the project "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations" it is very important to unite the efforts of the largest national art museum, one of the most interesting and vibrant private museums, and the Ingosstrakh company, which does an incredible amount so that we can organize exhibitions in the regions and reliably insure works, not flying out at the same time "into the pipe".

The paintings that will be presented at the exhibitions are insured by Ingosstrakh under the terms "with responsibility for all risks". The insurance covers all possible damages, as well as the risks of complete loss of items that occurred for any reason. The project will last until the end of the year. Entrance for visitors to all exhibitions will be free.

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