Magic wand - a game (competition) for adults. Musical game "have time to pass


Already very close New Year. The time when you don't want to be bored. I suggest you take a few fun games, for liberated companies in which jokes and jokes are appreciated.

1. Competition "who has longer". Several teams are formed, the participants make a chain out of clothes. The one with the longest chain wins. Naturally, the boundaries of what is permitted and the limits of decency in each company will be different.

Game-competition for the Day of the Medical Worker

Good afternoon, dear ministers of the beautiful science - medicine!

We invite you to cheer yourself up and take part in a fun competition for honey. workers. Members of the first team medical professions, the members of the second team are their potential patients.

Competition task

Game-competition "Guess the gift"

This competition is funny enough. The host and several couples take part in it. The man speaks in the ear of the presenter what he is going to give to his half. In turn, the lady tells what she will do with the gift, not at all knowing what her man has prepared for her. In the case of a guess, she is awarded the appropriate prize. Thus, it seems quite amusing that the lady is "putting the pot on for work", or "boiling the book".


With the help of hair bands, you can hold a "Harem" contest. In it, the main roles belong to men. Each of the men receives rubber bands of a certain color (one is red, the other is green, and so on). In a few minutes, each of the participants must “ring” as many women as possible. Ring - an elastic band is put on the ladies on the wrist. Then the number of rubber bands is counted and the most agile participant is determined.


Before the start of the game, tell the participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each of the participants choose a partner for the game and make him the most ruffled out of him. To do this, give the ladies multi-colored hair bands. The task of the participants is on the head of men with the help of rubber bands to make the largest number khokholkov. The partner of the most ruffled is awarded a prize.


Put a bottle on the table, on top of which put a deck of cards. The task of the participants is to take turns blowing cards from the deck. Who will blow away the rest of the deck latest maps), he lost and was eliminated. The game is played until one winner is determined.


Guests should split into pairs. In each of the couples - a woman and a man. Clothespins are attached to the back of the partner's clothes. The partner's task is to move the clothespins from the back of the clothes to the clothes on the partner's chest with their blindfolded teeth. The first pair to complete the task wins.


For this game, you need an empty matchbox, which is put on the nose of the participant in the game. The box should be put on as tightly as possible. The participant must, with the help of facial expressions, remove the boxes from the nose.

Master class for music directors and educators


Compiled by:

Glazunova Irina Petrovna

Musical director

I qualification category

MBDOU D / s No. 32

Pos. Balakirevo

Alexandrovsky district


Target: Raise professional level teacherson the use of exercises with wooden sticks to help develop a sense of rhythm in children.


  • To acquaint the participants of the master class with the methods of developing feelings

Rhythm in preschoolers using wooden sticks.

  • Expand the repertoire of games to develop rhythmic abilities


  • Uncover the content of the master class through the implementation

A set of game exercises.

By nature, every child has musical inclinations, so any child should be taught music. Along with the development of children's musical abilities, the most serious attention must be paid to rhythmic education, since rhythmic perception is one of the foundations musical development. Translated from Greek, rhythm is proportionality, the alternation of different durations of sounds in music. Rhythm is one of the main elements of the expressiveness of a melody, and a melody is formed if the sounds are organized rhythmically, that is, they have certain durations. Rhythm is present in our life everywhere. The beating of the heart is the rhythm of our body, and our speech, mastery of reading and writing also requires a developed sense of rhythm. Therefore, musical rhythm lessons are a training that gives the child an invaluable life experience.But even if the child does not become a professional dancer or musician (but who knows?), developed sense rhythm will help him move well to the music, coordinate the movements of his body, and even breathe correctly, evenly. Elementary music playing has a great opportunity in the development of a sense of rhythm in children, since it is one of the favorite types of children musical activity. Elementary music making involves the widespread use of children's musical instruments, primarily noise instruments, since these instruments are simple and most accessible to children preschool age. In addition, they constitute the most attractive thing for young children in music.

Technical ease of playing on noise, percussion instruments, their ability to immediately respond to any touch disposes and encourages children to play with sound and color, and through it - to the simplest improvisation.

In the process of playing on children's musical instruments develop musical ability and above all all kinds musical ear: pitch, metro-rhythmic, harmonic, timbre, dynamic and feeling musical form. They also help to develop a child's sense of rhythm, to form good diction, articulation of poetic speech exercises using "sounding gestures". This form of work is easy and accessible to all children. Children's poems (small, with a bright, memorable text and plot) help develop memory, expressive and emotional speech, they are the basis of good literary taste. Game exercises for the formation of a sense of rhythm, especially with poetic accompaniment, are not only educational in nature, but also have a certain therapeutic effect; they are aimed at relieving emotional stress and forming volitional efforts in a preschooler.Therefore, it is recommended to engage in the development of a sense of rhythm from the very beginning. early age and in a form accessible to preschoolers: rhythmic exercises and games.After all, as he said in 1910. Swiss teacher and composer Emile Jacques Dalcroze - rhythm forms the body and spirit of a person, relieves physical and psychological complexes, helps to realize one's strengths and find the joy of life through creativity.

The players line up in one line. Standing on the right flank receives a "musical stick". To the music, they begin to pass it from hand to hand to the end of the line, first in one direction, and then in the other. As soon as the music stops, the one who at that moment has a “wand” in his hands is out of the game. After that, the game starts again. Music should be interrupted often and unexpectedly. The one who ends up last wins.


All players become in a circle. The driver walks inside the circle to the music, suddenly stops in front of one of the players and, having bowed, invites them to follow him. Then they go around the circle together. The driver again stops in front of someone and invites a third, then in the same way they invite another 10-12 people standing at different ends of the circle. The driver can move with a dance step and, on the move, make all kinds of movements to the music, which everyone following him must repeat exactly. Suddenly, the leader gives a signal (or the music stops). The driver and the players scatter in different directions and stand in a common circle (anywhere, regardless of

who stood where). The one who is late and stands last in the circle becomes the new leader.

Find a musical stick

Participants sit down, leaving most of the room empty. One of the players is asked to leave for a while. While he is gone, the “musical stick” is hidden in one or another accessible place. When the player returns, it is explained to him that he must find the hidden "wand". The melody helps him in this. When he approaches the subject, the music sounds loud, and when he moves away, it is quiet.

Waltz evening

Goals And tasks:

- to promote instilling in students a sense of beauty, love for music, the rules of a culture of behavior;

To promote students' interest in the life and work of famous composers;

Carry out further work on the formation of the team.

Music sounds.

Leading: In one of winter evenings In 1786, on the outskirts of Vienna, in a small village house, a sick old man, a former cook for Countess Thun, was dying. A few years ago, the cook went blind from the heat of the ovens. Together with the cook lived his daughter Maria, a girl of 18 years old. Mary's only wealth was the harpsichord. When Mary washed the dying man and put on a clean shirt, the old man said:

I have always disliked priests and monks. I cannot call a confessor, meanwhile I must clear my conscience before I die.

What to do? - scared girl asked.

Go out into the street, - said the old man, - and ask the first person you meet to come to our house to confess the dying. Nobody will refuse you.

Our street is so empty! But she put on her scarf and left. She ran across the garden, pushed open the rusty gate with difficulty, and stopped. The street was empty. The wind carried leaves along it, and cold drops of rain fell from the dark sky. Maria waited a long time

and listened. At last it seemed to her that a man was walking along the fence and whistling. She took a few steps towards him, collided with him and screamed. The man stopped and asked:

Who is there?

Speak! Perhaps by the power given to me not from God, but from the art that I serve, I will ease your last moments and remove the burden from your soul.

The dying man said that he worked all his life until he became blind. When his wife fell ill with consumption - her name was Martha - and the doctor prescribed various medicines for her, ordered her to be fed with cream and wine berries, to drink sweet wine, he stole a small golden dish from the service of Countess Thun, broke it into pieces and sold it. The stranger comforted the dying man.

You are innocent before people, he said. - What you have done is not a sin, but, on the contrary, can be credited to you as a feat of love.

The stranger invited the dying man to say his last will.

I want someone to take care of Maria.

I will do it. What else do you want?

I would like to see Martha again the way I met her in my youth. See the sun and this old garden when it blooms in spring. But that's impossible, sir. Don't get mad at me for stupid words. Illness has taken a toll on me.

Okay, said the stranger and stood up.

Good,” he repeated, went up to the harpsichord and sat down on a stool in front of it.

Fine! he said loudly for the third time, and suddenly ringing sound scattered around the gatehouse, as if hundreds of crystal balls had been thrown on the floor.

Listen, said the stranger.

Listen and watch.

He played. The harpsichord filled with its sounds not only the gatehouse, but the whole garden around the house.

I see the house when I met Martha and she broke a jug of milk out of embarrassment. It was winter in the mountains. The sky was as clear as blue glass, and Martha laughed.

The old man listened to the murmur of the music.

Look, the stranger said quickly, without ceasing to play. - The night turned from black to blue, and then blue, and warm light is already falling from somewhere above, and white flowers are blooming on the old branches of trees.

I see it all! shouted the old man.

Maria opened the window. Cold air rushed into the room. The stranger played very softly and slowly. The old man fell on the pillow, breathing greedily, rummaged through the blanket with his hands.

Maria rushed to him. The stranger stopped playing. He sat at the harpsichord without moving, as if bewitched by his own music.

The old man shouted out of breath:

I saw everything as clearly as many years ago. But I wouldn't want to die and not know... Name! Name!

My name is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Maria bowed low before the great musician. Leading: Try to imagine the familiar world around us that has lost its colors: everything has become gray - the blue sky and the sea, green leaves and grass, the first flowers. It would be very uninteresting to live in such a world. After all, it is no coincidence that we rejoice at the arrival of spring, with it bright colors return to the earth, wakes up, nature comes to life.

Artists convey the living colors of life on their canvases. The painting is living canvas» - a letter with paints. Every art has its own means of expression. The artist has paints, the composer has musical sounds.

Music accompanies a person all his life. In it, he finds the expression of the highest feelings and the most subtle emotional experiences in grief. and in joy, in work and in the air - music is always with a person. With the help of the magical language of music, you can in the blink of an eye find yourself in an amazingly mysterious and wonderful world beauty and inspiration.

Leading: Waltz! How great is his glory, how joyfully the human heart opens up to meet him. Boys and girls, men and women different countries and eras generously gave and give him their favor. They chose and distinguished it among many other dances and made it the king of dances.

The Waltz of the Flowers by P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds.

Leading: The history of the waltz dates back to XVIII century, century of camisoles and powdered wigs. Vienna is considered the birthplace of the waltz. It was in it that the Austrian-German rural folk dance Lendler took the form of a waltz, in which it then spread to all countries. Lendler was brought to Vienna by simple village musicians, who began to perform this dance in cafes, in the open air of city squares, at street intersections, and in places of folk festivals.

Waltz is one of the most expressive and poetic dances. He contrasted the stiffness and cuteness of aristocratic dances with simplicity, ease and naturalness of movements, liveliness and freedom of circulation.

He came to aristocratic salons and ballrooms as an unexpected and uninvited guest. Precisely because the waltz in aristocratic circles seemed like an alien from another world - “vulgar”, “low”, - its progress met with obstacles and obstacles in all countries.

In Russia, under Paul I, the waltz was persecuted as a low dance and insulting noble dignity, and the German Kaisers allowed it to their court balls only in XX century.

Leading: Time passed and the waltz became fashionable. It is said to have spread through Europe like an epidemic of the common cold. TO late XIX centuries in Germany, France, Austria and other European countries, the waltz is already being danced everywhere: at city balls, in gardens and restaurants.

The light goes out. There is a display of portraits of Schumann, Chopin, Schubert. At this time, the voice of the leader sounds.

Leading: Waltz, which has become very popular in folk life. occupied a significant place in the work of the German composer Schumann, the Polish composer Chopin and the Austrian composer Franz Schubert. Franz Schubert composed his waltzes directly on

dance parties, carnivals. His dances immediately, immediately entered into life. Schubert wrote over 200 waltzes and landlers.

The music of the waltz in A-flat by Schubert sounds.

Every restaurant in the Austrian capital contained a small string orchestra. It was in this orchestra that he began musical career founder of the Viennese waltz Joseph Lanner and Johann

Strauss father.

Portraits are on display.

Leading: Johann Strauss son became the king of the Viennese waltz. The father decided to devote his life to commerce, and the life of the second, Joseph - military service. But the young people had a huge passion for music. One day, my father heard the sounds of a violin coming from the nursery. Approaching the door, he was amazed: Johann, in festive costume, standing in front of a mirror, played one of his father's waltzes, exactly imitating his manner of behaving on the stage, conducting, bowing. It turned out that the son had been taking game lessons for a long time.

Strauss-son announced his independent concerts when his father was only 40 years old and he was at the height of his fame. Johann Strauss-son conquered Vienna from the very first concert. At the request of the public, his waltz was repeated 4 times. Three times they played a polka after him, also of their own composition. The final "Allegorical Waltz" was repeated 19 times! The debut was a triumph. The public went wild. Even in the creative biography of his father, there has never been such a success.

Strauss's success, flashing like fireworks, shone on

long years.

Leading: Now it is no longer a small restaurant, but a huge hall becomes an arena for the Strauss orchestra. His ensemble was in great demand. By tradition, each performance of the Strauss orchestra was to be distinguished by the performance of a new work by the composer. The young musician did not feel a lack of talent or diligence. According to contemporaries, tablecloths, cuffs and even nightgowns were covered with musical notation, if he did not find music paper at hand.

Leading: One day at dawn, after a tiring night concert, one of the organizers of the ball scheduled for the same day approached Johann with a request to give him the finished waltz. Strauss forgot about this order, but there was no other way out than to compose a waltz here, and he wrote it on a crumpled sheet of a restaurant menu.

Soon in the life of I. Strauss, a period of foreign concerts began, which secured him world fame and contributed to the widespread dissemination of the Viennese waltz. Strauss was deeply moved by the warm welcome he received in the Russian capital. He wrote many works on the topic related to his stay in Russia: "Farewell to St. Petersburg", the fantasy waltz "Russian Village", the polka "Neva" and others.

Leading: The dawn of genius is coming. He writes a series of waltzes, each of which by itself could make his name immortal:

"Tales of the Vienna Woods", "The Blue Danube", "The Life of an Artist", etc. It is difficult to say which one is better. Not a single generation has passed, but even now all these melodies evoke completely accurate artistic ideas in us.

Against the background of the Blue Danube waltz.

Leading: Blue Danube. Strauss' fantasy was ignited by his frequent walks along the banks of the majestic Danube. Indeed, the melody that poured out from under his pen, with its movements, at first smooth and calm, and then excited and stormy, resembles the course of the blue Danube, bursts of its waves. Music seems to paint a picture of the morning awakening of coastal nature over the rays of the rising sun.

The "Blue Danube" was given a worthy welcome in Paris at international exhibition in 1837. He captured the hearts of the Parisians. At the very first performance, the chords that completed the 1st part of the waltz drowned in a storm of enthusiastic applause.

Strauss' publisher did not have time to satisfy the avalanche of orders. With a normal circulation of 5-10 thousand copies, the circulation of the "Blue Danube" in short term reached a fantastic figure of -1 million copies. Another masterpiece of this period was Tales from the Vienna Woods. From the first chords before the eyes of the listeners appear the Vienna forest, green meadows, where under the shade of

couples dance merrily in the oaks, joyful laughter sounds. Permeated with solar warmth and light, bright and juicy waltz music

sounds like a hymn of youth and love.

The "Tales of the Vienna Woods" are more than a hundred years old, but even today they retain their unique charm and seem as beautiful as when they were created.

(Waltz sounds).

Leading: People lovingly pronounce the name of Johann Strauss. His works are often performed in various concert halls. Strauss waltzes are music loved by millions, music that still lives among us, music that makes "sparkle

our eyes and souls" (Dunaevsky).

Leading: And waltzes in the ballets of P. I. Tchaikovsky! They are like beautiful fantastic flowers created by the magic of genius. They contain bright poetic flowers that open up the world of fairy-tale images.

Waltz from Swan Lake.

Leading: Are you familiar with the slow Boston waltz? In his music, pauses are like sighs. The birthplace of this waltz is the USA. It is named after the American city of Boston. It began to be danced at the end of the last century. They dance to this day.

Leading: The rhythms of the waltz also live in vocal music. The waltz is sung by the young Juliet in Gounod's opera Romeo and Juliet, waltzes for voice are heard in the operettas of Strauss and Kalman.

The waltz entered music as part of symphonies, suites, as an independent orchestral or instrumental work.

Glinka's waltz begins to sound.

Leading: The waltz is more than a dance or a musical form. This mood, impulse, special feeling impulse of life. Performance of dance couples.

Looking for fun and original contests to a corporate party with colleagues? Holidays Workshop has collected 10 of the best entertainment for an office event. These contests are ideal for any corporate event and will allow you to have fun with your colleagues.

Fill the box

In the middle of the room there are 2 large boxes - they will be "caskets". Two players are selected. They need to fill the boxes with any items that are in the office, for certain time eg 1 minute. The main condition is that you can bring only one thing at a time. The one with the most items in the box wins.

flying gait

This fun should be carried out in a spacious room, after removing breaking objects. Ropes are pulled in the room (7-10 pieces) at a height of 40-50 sentiments from the floor, having built a “road with obstacles”. The participant must walk along it without hitting the threads and remembering their location. The player is then asked to do the same while blindfolded. Only while he is preparing to overcome the route, the leader removes the ropes. As a result, all those present get a unique chance to see the general manager walking with a proud flamingo gait.

This competition at a corporate party should be held with male colleagues. For fun, you should prepare balloons and boxes with matches (according to the number of players), adhesive tape. Those wishing to take part in the competition are attached with adhesive tape inflated balloons to the stomach and offered to collect matches scattered on the floor. The winner is the one who completes the task the fastest. And whose "belly" remains intact.

Insidious partner

For the competition you need 2 pairs of players, a lot of little pouts balloons and two big bags. One participant from a pair collects balls in a bag, and the other must interfere with him and burst them. It takes a few minutes to complete the task. Then the leader counts the balls in both bags. The player with the most whole balls wins.


For this corporate competition, employees are divided into 2 teams. In front of each of them is a large drawing paper and pencils. The task of the players: draw a blindfolded elephant. Everyone should depict only one part of the animal's body. The team that finishes faster and whose creation is more like an elephant wins.


This is a calm, but very funny entertainment that is suitable for a small team. You can play the game at the table. The first participant thinks of a word and whispers it to his neighbor. He tells the next player a word that is associated with the hidden one. Everything repeats until last member who says his word aloud. The variant can be very different from the original and be very unexpected.

If suddenly…

This competition for a corporate party will not only add positive to the holiday, but also allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about your colleagues. No props required for fun. The host asks any player tricky question bound by his duties. You can ask the accountant what he would do if the child painted an important report that needs to be handed in tomorrow. You can ask the director what he would do if he lost the entire salary of the casino employees. Then all those present vote to choose the most resourceful player.

Sample questions:

If suddenly…:

  • you are stuck in an elevator with the CEO;
  • all employees quit;
  • fell asleep at the workplace and the boss saw it.

Find a candy

This interpretation of the children's game familiar to everyone, but to the best of the drunk company, it goes “with a bang!”. Participants sit at the table and choose a driver. The task of the players is to quietly pass candy to each other under the table. The task of the driver: to catch someone in gear. The caught player becomes the driver.


Funny dance competition sure to please everyone! To carry it out, you need to prepare a cut of various well-known tracks and props - any stick about a meter long. Participants stand in a circle, dance and pass each other a “transformer wand”, suddenly the music stops. The one who has the props in his hands goes to the center. The host announces that the “transformer wand” turns into a microphone, and the participant - into a world-class singer. He needs to portray the most chic performance of his hit to the music. The DJ then plays any popular track.

It is important to ensure that everyone present takes part in the game and stop the music on the right employees in time. Vasya, the programmer, in the guise of a romantic violinist, can be very surprising.

Here are a few ideas of what a "transformer wand" can turn into:

  • violin;
  • rock singer's guitar;
  • mop;
  • fishing rod;
  • hockey stick;
  • bar.

Who am I?

For this entertainment, you need to print out the signs with different words(but not very simple). For example: cutie, lemur, container, etc. Then the facilitator attaches a card to each participant's back. Player task: find out what is written on the back by asking questions of others. They can only answer "Yes" or "No". Whoever guesses the word the fastest wins.

These are the competitions for a corporate party with colleagues that the Workshop of Holidays offers to hold. What are you playing?

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