Outstanding painters of Spain. Five great Spanish artists - five world masterpieces of painting that are worth seeing in Spain


21.03.2013 16:17

Queen Isabella (1451-1504)

Queen Isabella of Castile in the history of Spain is like Catherine II together with Peter I for Russia.

It is difficult to imagine a monarch more revered by the Spaniards than Isabella, nicknamed the Catholic. She united the Spanish lands, completed the process of the Reconquista (recapturing the lands of the Iberian Peninsula from the Moors), allocated funds for the expedition of Christopher Columbus, during which the famous navigator from Genoa discovered America.

Chronicles write that Isabella was "good-looking, smart, energetic and pious." Marrying the Prince of Aragon Ferdinand in 1469, she united the lands of the two kingdoms - Castile and Aragon. Spanish historians call Isabella's reign "severe but fair". In 1485, on her initiative, a new penal code was introduced, which was extremely rigid compared to the previous one. Isabella suppressed any uprisings and unrest with fire and sword. At the same time, war was declared on dissent - the Grand Inquisitor Thomas Torquemada was Isabella's personal confessor. During the reign of the queen, the Dominicans burned in Castile alone more than ten thousand "infidels - Muslims, Jews and other dissidents. Hundreds of thousands of people, fleeing the fires of the Inquisition, hastily left Spain.

IN last war with the Arabs of 1487-1492. Isabella, dressed in armor, personally led the advance of the Spanish troops, who, with the help of Swiss mercenaries, were still able to take Granada, the last bastion of the Muslims. The vanquished who did not accept baptism were either expelled from the country or executed. The Spanish episcopate has long been seeking the canonization of Isabella from the Vatican, but, apparently, this issue will not be resolved soon. Not all ministers of the Holy See can turn a blind eye to the support of the Castilian queen of the Inquisition and her policy towards Muslims and Jews.

Hernando Cortes (1485-1547)

The 1,000 peseta banknote, which until recently circulated in Spain, depicts two stern, bearded men. These are Hernando Cortes and Francisco Pizarro - the most famous in history and at the same time the most bloody conquerors.

One destroyed the Aztec civilization, the other razed the Inca empire to the ground. Having made many important geographical discoveries and becoming national heroes in Spain, they went down in world history primarily as infinitely greedy and incredibly cruel people. Ten years after the momentous discovery of Christopher Columbus, a young representative of the poor noble family Hernando Cortes sailed to America with the sole purpose of correcting his financial situation. In which he succeeded. Having heard about the untold wealth of the Aztecs, the most powerful people of Mexico at that time, Cortes, with a detachment of four hundred people, went on a campaign to the capital of the state - the three hundred thousandth Tenochtitlan. Using the methods of bribery and deceit, the Spaniard captured the Aztec leader Montezuma, and then began to devastate the treasuries of the city and melted all the gold jewelry found into ingots in three days. The Spaniards dealt with the captured Indians very simply - they tied them with straw and set them on fire ...

Having destroyed the Aztec empire and becoming the governor of a new country called Mexico, Cortes did not rest on his laurels, he again went on an expedition - to Honduras and California. He was ready to tirelessly search for gold and kill for it until the very last day of his life. At the same time, Cortes was insanely lucky. Having been ill in America with then-deadly malaria, he returned to Spain, where the king granted the conqueror the title of Marquis. Already being elderly, Cortes commanded a punitive expedition in Algiers. He died a wealthy and respected man on his estate in Spain. For the conquistadors who flooded new lands, such a peaceful death was a rarity.

Cervantes (1547–1616)

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's immortal novel The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha ranks second in the world after the Bible in terms of the number of reprints.

Last year, the 400th anniversary of the first publication of the book that made Cervantes famous was widely celebrated around the world. About two thousand exhibitions, performances and other events were organized in the homeland of the writer and his heroes in honor of the anniversary of Don Quixote. The most devoted admirers of the novel were invited to take a tour of the places of military glory of the knight and his servant - the route ran through one hundred and five villages, in which the book took place.

Meanwhile, the life of Cervantes himself was no less interesting than the wanderings of his hero. He was born in 1547 in the town of Alcala de Henares in the family of a surgeon, from childhood he was drawn to books and composed poetry at a young age. At the age of twenty, Miguel went to Italy. In 1570, he was in military service in the Royal Navy and a year later took part in famous battle under Lepanto, which put an end to Turkish dominance in the Mediterranean.

Cervantes in that battle was seriously wounded by a shot from an arquebus, as a result of which his left arm remained paralyzed. But he did not leave the service and later fought in Corfu and Tunisia. Having finally received permission to go to his homeland, to Spain, along the way, Cervantes was captured by Algerian pirates and spent five long years in slavery. He repeatedly tried to escape, but each time he was caught. As a result, the monks of the brotherhood of the Holy Trinity ransomed him from captivity.

Returning after all his wanderings to Madrid, he married and began to write his first novel, Galatea. But soon the need forced him to move to Seville and take up the post of tax collector. In 1597, he was imprisoned for financial shortfall. It was there that he came up with the idea to write a novel about Don Quixote. In 1605 the book was published. The tremendous success that fell upon him, great writer enjoyed the last ten years of his life, during which he managed to write the second part of Don Quixote and the novel The Wanderings of Persiles and Sichismunda. Cervantes completed his last book three days before his death.

Salvador Dali (1904–1989)

At the age of six, he wanted to be a chef. At seven, Napoleon. As a result, he became one of the greatest artists in human history.

About Salvador Dali, his mesmerizing paintings and love story hundreds of studies and articles have been written in a lifetime, and many more will probably be written. Too unusual was his life and his genius bordering on insanity. About the genius of this Dali himself was very fond of both talking and writing without any shade of embarrassment. He was absolutely immune to any criticism. And he was always one hundred percent sure that he was right.

“I don’t care what the critics write. I "know that deep down they love my work, but they are afraid to admit it," Dali wrote in one of his articles. he only laughed in response, uttering the famous phrase: "Surrealism is me." However, the political predilections of the great mystifier were never serious. He just did not want to be like everyone else, he always opposed himself to those around him, even if they were his friends. When all the creative intelligentsia of Spain supported the Republic, Dali, unexpectedly for everyone, sided with Franco.

The reasons for the eccentric behavior and difficult nature of the artist should be sought in childhood. The mother spoiled her only child terribly (Dali's older brother died before the birth of Salvador), forgiving him all the whims and tantrums. native of rich family, Dali could afford these whims in the future. At fifteen, he was expelled from the monastic school for “misbehavior, and at nineteen from the Academy of Arts. The habit of "playing pranks" did not leave the artist throughout his eighty-five-year life.

One of these stories was told in the essay "Sabre Dance" by the writer Mikhail Veller. The famous Soviet composer Aram Khachaturian, while in Spain, decided to visit the great artist. Dali's servant warmly received the guest, saying that "the maestro is working, but will soon come down." Khachaturian was offered fruits, wine and cigars. Having quenched his thirst, he began to wait. One hour, two, three - Dali still does not appear. I checked the doors - they were locked. And the composer really wanted to go to the toilet. And then he, an honored guest from the USSR, having sacrificed his principles and cursing the crazy old man to himself, was forced to use an old Moorish vase. And at that very moment, the famous “Saber Dance” thundered from the speakers, the doors flew open, and Dali burst into the room - completely naked, riding a mop and with a crooked saber in his hand. Poor Aram Khachaturian, blushing with shame, fled from the surrealist...

Dali did his last trick after his death on January 23, 1989. According to the will, the body of the artist was embalmed and demonstrated for a week in the house-museum in Figueres. Tens of thousands of people came to say goodbye to the genius.

Garcia Lorca (1898-1936)

His image has long been glorified and romanticized. Odes and poems to the Spanish "slave of honor" were dedicated by his Soviet "colleagues" Yevtushenko and Voznesensky. They tried to make a singer of the revolution out of him. But was Lorca really? Most of the evidence indicates that Lorca was united with Che Guevara only by the fact that both were loved by the common people and were shot without trial or investigation. Federico Garcia Lorca was born in Andalusia, in a region where Romani and Spanish cultures intertwined in a wonderful way. His mother played the piano beautifully, and his father sang the old Andalusian "cante jondo" with the guitar. Lorca began to compose poetry while studying at the University of Granada, and in 1921 his first poetry collection was published in Madrid. He wrote a lot, telling about everything he sees and feels in poems, dramas, poems, plays for the puppet theater. He was friends with Salvador Dali and tried his hand at painting. For two years he traveled around the USA and Cuba, and then triumphantly returned to Spain, where in 1931 a republic was proclaimed ...

By the age of thirty-five, Lorca had become a world famous poet and playwright. He really supported the republican government, but did not aspire to be a politician, remaining only an artist. In the very first months civil war he did not heed the advice of his friends to leave for a while in the United States, but went to his native Granada, where he was shot by the Falangists. When, after the murder of Garcia Lorca, the image of a martyr who gave his life for the ideas of the Republic began to be created, many of the poet's friends expressed their protest to the left. “Lorca, a poet to the marrow of his bones, remains the most apolitical creature I have ever known. He just turned out to be a redeeming victim of personal, super-personal, local passions, and most importantly, he fell the innocent prey of that omnipotent, convulsive, universal chaos that was called the civil war in Spain, ”said Salvador Dali about the death of Lorca.

Seventy years have passed since the execution of Lorca, and his body has not yet been found. Recently, the government of the Andalusian autonomy has developed a grandiose program, the purpose of which is to identify the body of the poet. To do this, the authorities will try to identify the remains of four thousand victims of Francoist repression, found in a mass grave near Granada. There are about fifty thousand such graves in Spain.

Francisco Franco (1892-1975)

On March 17, 2005, the last monument to the military dictator of Spain, General Franco, was removed in Madrid. The bronze general, prancing on a horse, was removed from the pedestal in San Juan de la Cruz Square and delivered by truck to the warehouse.

By official version, Franco was removed because the monument "interfered with construction work." Polls public opinion, the bronze horseman was not liked by most of the townspeople. However, soon after the dismantling, a mass rally of Francoists began on the square. They carried portraits of the general in their hands, sang the anthem of the former regime, and then laid bouquets of flowers with wreaths on the orphaned pedestal - for "saving Spain from communism" ...

General Franco has been in the grave for more than thirty years, and there was no unanimity regarding his person in Spanish society, and there is no. For some, he is a cruel dictator and "Spanish Hitler", for others - a strong politician and father of the nation. Some call the thirty-six years of Franco's dictatorship an era of stagnation and timelessness, others call it the most stable period in Spanish history. Some prefer to remember the six hundred thousand human lives lost in the Spanish Civil War, while others say that without this war and without the brutal repression of the Franco regime, Spain would have lost its integrity and simply ceased to exist. Francisco Paulino Ermenhildo Teodulo Franco Baamonde was born in 1892 in Galicia. He went to Sacred Heart College and drew well - biographers write that young Franco had great abilities. But he did not become an artist - at the age of twelve, dreaming of a military career, Francisco entered the Naval preparatory school. After graduating at the age of eighteen, he recovered to fight in Morocco.

They say that Franco was very complex because of his short stature (164 centimeters) and was ready for anything for a successful career. And it turned out not just successful - brilliant. At twenty-three he became a major, at thirty-three he became a general. At thirty-eight, when he led a military mutiny against the Republic, Franco promoted himself to generalissimo. In the three-year civil war, the Falangists were helped by Italian and German fascists, and the Republicans by the Soviet Union and international brigades formed from foreign volunteers. Franco called his war with the "ghost of communism" the second Reconquista, and ordered himself to be called "caudillos" - like medieval kings who fought against the Moors.

The victory of Franco's supporters in April 1939 marked a new period in the life of Spain - the era of military dictatorship and the total power of the caudillos. However, the cunning "cookie-shorty", as ill-wishers dubbed Franco, managed to do a lot for the good of his country. By convincing Hitler of his total loyalty, Franco was able to maintain Spain's independence from the Reich, as well as its neutrality in World War II. This allowed the dictator to restore the country devastated by a long civil war. In 1945, at a conference in Potsdam, Spain was not recognized as an interventionist country, which gave it a good head start in the post-war period.

Being a "tyrant and dictator", it was Franco who returned the monarchy to Spain, appointing as his successor the young prince Juan Carlos, a man whose name is associated in the country with the implementation of reforms and the advent of a new era.

Pablo Picasso (1881–1973)

Recently, Russian economists calculated that the total cost of Pablo Picasso's paintings exceeds the cost of Gazprom. And this is hardly an exaggeration.

During his long ninety-two-year life, the great Spaniard created hundreds of masterpieces, which today are estimated at tens of millions of dollars. It is the Picasso painting that holds the record as the most expensive piece of art sold at auction. In 2004, Sotheby's sold one of the early work maestro - "Boy with a pipe"...

Picasso himself never in his life thought about big money, or profit, or even fame. Although from childhood he did not live well, as he came from a noble, but impoverished family. The love of painting was instilled in little Pablo by his father, Jose Ruiz Blanco, who taught drawing at the University of La Coruña, Galicia. One day, the father saw the pencil sketches made by Pablo and was amazed at the boy's skill. Then he handed him his palette and brushes and said: "There is nothing more I can teach you, my son."

The first creative period of the young Picasso is usually called “blue”, due to the predominance of blue tonality in his canvases. At this time, he lived in Paris and Barcelona and created one masterpiece after another - "Itinerant Gymnasts", "Girl on a Ball", "Portrait of Vollard". For a long time he could not sell any of his works and hardly made ends meet. Picasso's position improved only after meeting the Russian collector Sergei Shchukin, who was amazed by Pablo's paintings and bought fifty of his works.

Picasso is often called the founder of cubism, but he himself never considered himself an adherent of any one genre of art. He was always experimenting - both in painting, and in sculpture, and in creating scenery for the theater. In 1946, while living in France, he became interested in the art of ceramics, and a year later he developed a special technique of lithography.

One of the main masterpieces of Picasso is considered "Guernica" - a grandiose anti-war painting, painted in response to the bombing of the city of Guernica in the Basque Country by the German allies of General Franco in the Basque Country in 1937. The town was razed to the ground, in a few hours more than a thousand people died. And two months after the event, the panel appeared at the International Exhibition in Paris. Everyone knew about the crimes of fascism. Guernica returned to Spain, to the Prado Museum in Madrid in 1981. Its creator did not live to see the end of Franco's dictatorship for only two years.

Juan Antonio Samaranch (1920-2010)

Now the former, and once seemingly eternal president of the International Olympic Committee, Marquis Juan Antonio Samaranch, most of all disliked when he was criticized and when his past was remembered - very difficult and ambiguous.

And so when the British reporter Andrew Jennings found in the archive and published photographs in which the future head of the Olympic movement, on his knees, welcomes General Franco, Samaranch's reaction was extremely harsh. When the journalist arrived on editorial business in Lausanne, the capital of the Olympic movement, he was immediately seized and sent to jail on charges of spreading slander about the Spanish marquis.

After serving five days in prison, Jennings, with redoubled zeal, continued to dig under the throne of the Olympic emperor. In the books The Lord of the Rings and The Great Olympic Swindle published in the late 90s, the venerable Marquis, who pulled the Olympic movement out of debt and turned it into profitable business, is presented as "a notorious conformist, fascist and corrupt official". The merits of Samaranch in financing the Olympics from such profitable sources as royalties from advertising and television broadcasts, the author of books that instantly became bestsellers, called dubious, noting that corruption, doping and scandals came into the sport along with big money.

Along the way, the reader learned a lot of unpleasant facts from the biography of the Marquis. So, in his youth, Samaranch, to the complete surprise of his completely democratic family, joined the Francoists. Later he left his beloved, but by no means rich girl for the sake of marrying a representative of a noble family. In the 60s, he was the only Catalan who was part of the Francoist government and, being the governor of the caudillo in his native Barcelona, ​​dealt harshly with the opposition ...

In the spring of 1977, an angry mob cordoned off Samaranch's residence in Barcelona, ​​demanding the blood of a "dictator's henchman." The special forces miraculously managed to evacuate the Catalan prime minister - it is hard to imagine what would have happened to the history of the Olympic movement if the police had been late. Having gone “to the diplomatic exile of the USSR, Juan Antonio realized that it was time to finish with big politics - and went in for big sports.

In Spain, his merits are recognized - many agreed to close their eyes to Samaranch's past, because it was he who secured the 1992 Olympics for Barcelona. However, love is not love. Recently, in the Catalan Almetia, a protest was held against the decision of the authorities to name one of the streets after Samaranch.

Luis Buñuel (1900–1983)

“He made movies like he was writing a novel. I used the camera like a pen. He never re-shot scenes. If you played badly, then there was no way to replay. He immediately rewrote the scene, otherwise he would get bored,” Luis Buñuel remembered French cinema star Carole Bouquet, a representative of a whole galaxy of actors and actresses, whose talent was discovered by the great director.

Luis Buñuel, like General Franco, received his first education in a strict Jesuit college. Only one of them became a reactionary and a dictator, and the other a devoted champion of freedom and democracy. The life of the greatest film director, like the lives of dozens of other representatives of the generation of the golden Spanish intelligentsia of the early 20th century, can be divided into two parts. The first is a happy and carefree time of youth and daring experiments in art and cinema, which lasted until the civil war and the establishment of the Franco caudillo regime. The second is the time spent in exile in the USA, Mexico, France and other countries of the world. The main milestones of Buñuel's pre-war life were his move to Madrid in 1917, acquaintance with Ortega y Gasset, Unamuno, Lorca, Dali, participation in the Parisian Avant-Garde movement, directing experiences in cinema.

In 1928, he made his first film, The Andalusian Dog, which was immediately criticized by the Catholic Church. Bunuel's second film, The Golden Age, and the documentary Land Without Bread, which tells about the terrible conditions of peasant labor, are banned from showing in the country. During the civil war, Bunuel immediately took the side of the Republicans, and in 1939, after the victory of the junta, he was forced to leave for the United States ...

Surprisingly, he returned to Spain twenty-two years later at the invitation of the very man who expelled him from the country - Francisco Franco. True, the romance of the director and the dictator did not last long. Filmed in 1961, "Viridiana", enthusiastically received by European critics and received the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival, was censored in Spain because of the accusation of insulting the church...

Buñuel can be compared to a good Spanish collection wine. The older the director became, the more elegant, beautiful, thoughtful pictures he produced. Luis Buñuel made his best films at an advanced age. These are the most interesting works with the Frenchwoman Catherine Deneuve in leading role- "Beauty of the Day" and "Tristana". And a magnificent surreal film canvas " Discreet charm Bourgeoisie” won an Oscar in 1972.

By the way, the maestro, like a real Spaniard, was very fond of wine. But even more he loved vermouth. In his autobiographical book "Buñuel" about Buñuel, he details how his favorite cocktail is prepared from Noyailly Prat, the driest French vermouth. The main condition is that the ice must be very hard and cold - at least twenty degrees below zero. “When friends gather, I take everything I need and first pour a few drops of Nuaili Prat and half a spoonful of Angostura coffee liqueur on very hard ice. I shake and empty, leaving only the ice that retained the smell. I fill this ice with pure gin, stir a little and serve. That's all, but you can't think of a better one."

Julio Iglesias (b. 1943)

If little Julio Iglesias were told that he would become the most popular singer Spain and sell the most albums in the world, he would call such a predictor a liar. Because from the very young years the Madrid native was preparing for a career as a professional footballer. He became a football player, and at the age of eighteen he defended the gates of the main team of the country - Real Madrid.

However sports career Iglesias ended before it really started. Julio had a severe accident, spent two years in the hospital. I had to say goodbye to my ambitious plans to play at the World Cup. But he discovered a new talent in himself - to compose and perform songs. “When I realized that I would live, I began to think about how to live on. I lacked human warmth, communication, and I began to look for them, writing songs and playing along with the guitar, ”recalls Iglesias. Already the first performance at the competition in Benidorm brought him fame. Unlike the noisy and hot singers of that time, Julio Iglesias went on stage in an unchanged suit and tie, he was calm and reserved. At first, for decency, he was criticized. And then all together began to worship him. The songs Gwendoline, Paloma and Canto A Galicia became national hits.

In order to become the number one singer in Spain, Iglesias only had a few years. And he still retains the palm, releasing an album a year and constantly touring. In terms of the number of these concerts - something about five thousand - he is only slightly behind James Brown. By the number of released numbered albums - almost eighty - it is ahead of Rolling Stones. Finally, in the Guinness Book of Records, Julio Iglesias appears as the only owner of a “diamond disc” in the history of music - he received it for the fact that over two hundred and fifty million copies of his albums were sold in the world.

Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish Artists)

Spain (Spanish: España).
Spain The country of Spain.
Spain State of Spain.

In ancient times, this country was called Iberia!
The Greeks called Spain Hesperia - the country of the evening star, and the Romans called it Hispania.!
But no matter how they call Spain, this is a country that has always aroused and continues to arouse admiration and surprise!

The official name of the state of Spain is the Kingdom of Spain.
The Kingdom of Spain is a state in southwestern Europe. The Kingdom of Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula.
Spain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and west, as well as the Mediterranean Sea in the south and east.
Spain It is believed that the name of the country comes from the Phoenician expression "i-spanim", which means "coast of rabbits".
Spain Capital of the Kingdom of Spain City of Madrid
Spain The largest cities in Spain are: Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Malaga
Spain The Kingdom of Spain borders:
in the west of the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal;
in the south of the Iberian Peninsula with the British possession of Gibraltar;
in northern Africa with Morocco (enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla);
in the north with France and Andorra.
Spain Today, more than 45 million people live in the Kingdom of Spain.
Spain The main national holiday in the Kingdom of Spain is the Day of the Spanish Nation, which is celebrated annually on October 12 (the day of the discovery of America by the most famous Spaniard Christopher Columbus is chosen as the Day of the Spanish Nation!).

Spain History of Spain
Spain Ancient history Spain Primitive society
Spain Primitive society The first traces of the appearance of man in the north of the Iberian Peninsula date back to the end of the Paleolithic. Stylized drawings of animals on the walls of caves appeared about 15 thousand years BC. e. The best preserved paintings are in Altamira and in Puente Viesgo near Santander.
Spain Primitive society In the south and east of the territory of modern Spain in the III millennium BC. e. Iberian tribes appeared. Some hypotheses suggest that the Iberian tribes came here from the territory of North Africa. From these tribes comes ancient name peninsula - Iberian. In the middle of the II millennium BC. e. Iberians began to settle in fortified villages on the territory of modern Castile. And five centuries later they were joined by the Celtic and Germanic tribes.
Spain Primitive society The Iberians were mainly engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and hunting, they knew how to make tools from copper and bronze. The Iberians had their own script. The Celts and Iberians lived side by side, sometimes uniting, but more often fighting with each other, and, in the end, created the Celtiberian culture, becoming famous as warriors. It was here that the double-edged sword was invented, which later became the standard weapon of the Roman army.

Spain History of Spain Ancient Spain
Spain History of ancient Spain The first colonies on the territory of modern Spain belonged to the Phoenicians. Around 1100 B.C. e. The Phoenicians settled on the southern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, where their colonies of Malaka, Gadir (Cadiz), Cordoba and many others were founded.
Spain History of ancient Spain On the east coast of modern Spain (modern Costa Brava), the colonies were founded by the ancient Greeks. After 680 B.C. e. the city of Carthage became the main center of Phoenician civilization, and the Carthaginians established a trading monopoly in the Strait of Gibraltar. On the east coast, Iberian cities were founded, reminiscent of the Greek city-states.
Spain The history of ancient Spain In Andalusia, from the first half to the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. there was a state of Tartessos. The origin of the inhabitants of Tartessos - the Turdetans, obviously close to the Iberians, but standing at a higher stage of development, still does not have a sufficiently indisputable version.
Spain History of ancient Spain In the V-IV centuries BC. e. the influence of Carthage is increasing, the empire of Carthogen at that time occupied most of Andalusia and the Mediterranean coast. The largest colony of the Carthaginians in the Iberian Peninsula was New Carthage (modern Cartagena).
Spain History of ancient Spain At the end of the First Punic War, Hamilcar and Hannibal subjugated the south and east of the peninsula to the Carthaginians (237-219 BC). The defeat of the Carthaginians (whose troops were led by Hannibal) in the Second Punic War in 210 BC. e. paved the way for the establishment of Roman domination in the Iberian Peninsula. The Carthaginians finally lost their possessions after the victories of Scipio the Elder (206 BC).
Spain The history of ancient Spain The Romans tried to bring the entire territory of the Iberian Peninsula under their citizenship, but they succeeded only after 200 years of bloody wars. The Celtiberians and Lusitanians (under the leadership of Viriatus) resisted especially stubbornly, and the Cantabri only in 19 BC. e. were conquered by Emperor Augustus, who divided Spain instead of the previous two provinces (Hispania citerior and Hispania ulterior) into three - Lusitania, Batica and Tarraconian Spain. From the latter, the emperor Hadrian separated Gallaecia, from Asturias.
Spain The history of ancient Spain and the Roman Empire gave a powerful new impetus to the development of Spain. Roman influence was strongest in Andalusia, southern Portugal and the Catalan coast near Tarragona. The Basques were never fully Romanized, while the other pre-Roman peoples of Iberia were already assimilated by the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. e.
Spain The history of ancient Spain and the Roman Empire During their reign, the Romans spent many military roads in Spain and set up numerous military settlements (colonies). Spain in that period was quickly Romanized, even becoming one of the centers of Roman culture and one of the most flourishing parts of the Roman Empire, to which Spain gave its best emperors (Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, Theodosius) and remarkable writers (both Senek, Lucan, Pomponius Melu, Martial, Quintilian and many others).
Spain The history of ancient Spain and the Roman Empire Trade flourished on the territory of Spain, industry and agriculture were at a high level of development, the population was very numerous (according to Pliny the Elder, under Vespasian there were 360 ​​cities).
Spain History of ancient Spain For the first two centuries of our era, gold from Spanish mines served as a source of wealth for the country. Villas and public buildings were built in Mérida and Cordoba, and the inhabitants used roads, bridges and aqueducts for many centuries. Several bridges in Segovia and Tarragona have survived to this day.
Spain The history of ancient Spain The three living Spanish languages ​​are rooted in Latin, and Roman law became the foundation of the Spanish legal system. Christianity appeared on the peninsula very early, for some time Christian communities were subjected to severe persecution.
Spain History of ancient Spain In the V century AD. e. barbarians poured into the Iberian Peninsula - the Germanic tribes of the Sueves, Vandals, Visigoths and the Sarmatian tribe of the Alans, which accelerated the collapse of the already declining Roman Empire.
Spain History of ancient Spain In 415, the Visigoths appeared in Spain, first as allies of the Romans. Gradually, the Visigoths drove the Vandals and Alans into northern Africa and created a kingdom with its capital in Barcelona, ​​and then in Toledo. The Sueves settled in the northwest in Galicia, creating the Suevian kingdom.
Spain History of ancient Spain The state of the Visigoths suffered from many shortcomings that undermined its existence; huge social inequality was inherited from Roman times between a few owners of huge latifundia and the mass of the population, ruined by taxes and oppressed; the Catholic clergy acquired excessive power and, in alliance with the nobility, prevented the consolidation of a firm order of succession to the throne, in order to narrow the limits of royal power as far as possible in the election of each new king; a new class of disaffected arose as a result of the forced conversion of Jews (according to Gibbon, the number of forcibly converted reached 30,000).
Spain The history of ancient Spain Despite all the difficulties, the Visigoths, making up only about 4% of the population, in the VI century AD. e. they annexed the Suebi to their kingdom, and by the 8th century they also ousted the Byzantines (who settled in the south and southeast of the peninsula in the middle of the 6th century).
Spain History of ancient Spain The three-hundred-year rule of the Visigoths on the territory of the Iberian (Perinean) peninsula left a significant mark on the culture of the peninsula, but did not lead to the creation of a single nation. The Visigothic system of electing a monarch created a fertile ground for conspiracies and intrigues. Although in 589 the Visigothic king Reccared I converted to Catholicism, this did not remove all the contradictions, religious strife only intensified. By the 7th century, all non-Christians, especially Jews, were faced with a choice: exile or conversion to Christianity.

Spain History of Spain Byzantine Spain
Spain Byzantine Spain was conquered from the Visigothic kingdom by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. The springboard for the invasion of Visigothic Spain was the lands of the Vandal kingdom defeated by the Byzantines in North Africa, including the fortress of Ceuta. The Byzantine army managed to advance deep into the Iberian Peninsula for 150-200 km, subjugating the Guadalquivir valley, Andalusia and the southern coastal strip from the Algarve to Valencia. Byzantine Spain also included the Balearic Islands, in which, due to their more eastern geographical location the influences of Byzantine culture proper were most strongly felt.
Spain Byzantine Spain The provincial capital was probably Cordoba, then Cartagena and/or Malaga. The overwhelming majority of the population of Byzantine Spain, as well as Spain as a whole, were Romano-speaking Hispano-Romans (Ibero-Romans). Representatives of German Arianism, Western (Roman) and Eastern (Constantinople) Orthodox Christianity (including Orthodoxy) coexisted in the region. Relations between representatives of the three faiths were rather cool, although not as antagonistic as in Visigothic Spain.
Spain Byzantine Spain Until now, the boundaries of the territory occupied by the Byzantines in Spain are not exactly known, although a formal agreement on the existence of a border between the Byzantine and Visigothic possessions was drawn up around 555. It provided for the free crossing of the border in any direction, which was soon taken advantage of by the strengthened Visigothic kings. Very soon, the Visigoths began to make predatory raids on countryside and only isolated fortified cities recognized the authority of the Byzantine emperor or his governor.
Spain Byzantine Spain In 568 - 586, Leovigild captured almost all of Byzantium's inland possessions in Spain. After that, Byzantium controlled only a narrow coastal strip south of the Sierra Nevada mountains. By 624, the Visigoths captured the last Byzantine cities, but already in 711, Spain was covered by a wave of Arab invasion under the banner of Islam.

Spain History of Spain Muslim domination Moors
Spain History of Spain In 711, one of the Visigothic clans called for help from Arabs and Berbers from North Africa who were later called the Moors. The Mauritanian corps was led by Tariq ibn Ziyad (the name Gibraltar comes from his name - the distorted "Jabal Tariq" - "Tariq's Rock"). The Arabs crossed from Africa to Spain and, with a victory near Jerez de la Frontera, on the river called Wadi Becca by the Arabs, they put an end to the Visigothic state that had existed for almost 300 years. Almost all of Spain was quickly conquered by the Arabs and formed part of the great Umayyad Caliphate.
Spain History of Spain Rapid conquest of the peninsula by the Moors in just a few years - amazing example the rapid spread of Islam. Despite the desperate resistance of the Visigoths, ten years later only the mountainous regions of Asturias remained unconquered.
Spain History of Spain Until the middle of the VIII century, the Mauritanian territories were part of the Umayyad Caliphate, the origin of the name of the Mauritanian state Al-Andalus dates back to the same time, the territory of which either increased or decreased, depending on the success of the Reconquista.
Spain History of Spain The Arabs (Moors) at first treated the population of conquered Spain very mercifully and spared their property, language and religion. Their domination eased the position of the lower classes and Jews, and the transition to Islam provided slaves and servitude with freedom. Many of the free and noble also accepted the new faith, and soon most of the Arab subjects belonged to it. At the same time, the Moors were very tolerant of Christians and Jews, granted autonomy to various areas and made a huge contribution to the development of Spanish culture, creating a unique style in architecture and fine arts.

Spain History of Spain Reconquista
Spain History of Spain The Christian Reconquista (in translation - "reconquest") is a continuous centuries-old war against the Moors, started by part of the Visigothic nobility led by Pelayo. In 718, the advance of the expeditionary force of the Moors at Covadonga was stopped.
Spain History of Spain Pelayo's grandson Alfonso I (739-757), son of the first Cantabrian duke Pedro and Pelayo's daughter, connected Cantabria with Asturias. In the middle of the VIII century, the Asturian Christians under the leadership of King Alfonso I, taking advantage of the Berber uprising, occupied neighboring Galicia. In Galicia, the tomb of Saint James (Santiago) was claimed to have been discovered, and Santiago de Compostela becomes a center of pilgrimage.
Spain History of Spain Alfonso II (791-842) undertook devastating raids against the Arabs up to the Tajo River and conquered the Basque country and Galicia up to the Minho River. At the same time, in the north-west of Spain, the Franks, under Charlemagne, stopped the advance of Muslims into Europe and created the Spanish March in the north-east of the peninsula (the border area between the possessions of the Franks and the Arabs), which broke up in the 9th-11th centuries into the counties of Navarre, Aragon and Barcelona (in 1137 Aragon and Barcelona united to form the Kingdom of Aragon) and ensured, by numerous migrations, the dominance of Christianity in Catalonia. In the almost unceasing wars with the infidels, a brave feudal nobility developed. To the north of the Duero and the Ebro, four groups of Christian possessions gradually formed, with legislative assemblies and rights recognized by the estates (fueros):
1) in the north-west of Asturias, Leon and Galicia, which in the tenth century under Ordoño II and Ramiro II were united into the kingdom of Leon, and in 1057, after a short subjugation of Navarre, the son of Sancho the Great, Fernando, were united into the kingdom of Castile;
2) the Basque country, together with the neighboring region, Garcia, was proclaimed the kingdom of Navarre, which, under Sancho the Great (970-1035), extended its power to the whole of Christian Spain, was united with Aragon in 1076-1134, but then again freed;
3) a country on the left bank of the Ebro, Aragon, since 1035 an independent kingdom;
4) the hereditary margraviate of Barcelona, ​​or Catalonia, which arose from the Spanish brand. Despite this fragmentation, the Christian states were not inferior in strength to the Arabs.
Spain The history of Spain, the Reconquista, led to the fact that the Spanish peasants and residents of the cities who fought along with the knights received significant benefits. Most of the peasants did not experience serfdom, free peasant communities arose on the liberated lands of Castile, and cities (especially in the XII-XIII centuries) received greater rights.
Spain History of Spain When, after the fall of the Umayyad dynasty (1031), the Arab state fell apart, the county of Leon-Asturias, under the rule of Ferdinad I, received the status of a kingdom and became the main stronghold of the Reconquista. In the north, at the same time, the Basques founded Navarre, and Aragon merged with Catalonia as a result of a dynastic marriage. In 1085, the Christians captured Toledo, and then Talavera, Madrid and other cities fell under the power of the Christians. Summoned by the Emir of Seville from Africa, the Almoravids gave new strength to Islam with victories at Sallak (1086) and Ucles (1108) and again united Arab Spain; but the religious fervor and military courage of the Christians at the same time received a new impetus from the crusades.
Spain History of Spain The Almoravides (1090-1145) briefly stopped the spread of the Reconquista. The period of their reign includes the exploits of the legendary knight Cid Campeador, who conquered the lands in Valencia in 1095 and became national hero Spain.
Spain History of Spain In 1147, the African Almoravides, overthrown by the Almohads, turned to the Christians for help, who took possession of Almeria and Tortosa on this occasion. The Spanish knightly orders (Calatrava from 1158, San Yago de Compostella from 1175, Alcantara from 1176) fought especially successfully against the Almohads, who subjugated southern Spain, who made up for the defeat at Alarcos (1195) with a victory at Las Navas de Tolosa (July 16, 1212). It was the most impressive victory over the Almohads, which was won by the united kings of León, Castile, Aragon and Navarre. This was soon followed by the fall of the power of the Almogads.
Spain History of Spain Battle of Merida (1230) Extremadura was taken from the Arabs; after the battle of Jerez de Guadiana (1233), Ferdinand III of Castile in 1236 led his army to Cordoba, and twelve years later to Seville. The Portuguese kingdom expanded almost to its present size, and the king of Aragon conquered Valencia, Alicante, and the Balearic Islands. Muslims moved in thousands to Africa and to Grenada or Murcia, but these states also had to recognize the supremacy of Castile. The Muslims who remained under Castilian rule more and more adopted the religion and customs of the conquerors; many rich and noble Arabs, having been baptized, passed into the ranks of the Spanish aristocracy. By the end of the 13th century, only the Emirate of Grenada remained on the peninsula, forced to pay tribute.
Spain History of Spain While the external power of Castile, thanks to the victories of Ferdinand III, greatly increased, turmoil raged inside the country, which, especially during the reign of the patron of science and art, Alphonse X the Wise (1252-1284) and his immediate successors, served as a source of unrest and increased power nobility. Crown lands were plundered by private individuals; communities, unions and powerful nobles resorted to lynching and were freed from all power.
Spain History of Spain In Aragon, James I (Jaime, 1213-1276) subdued the Balearic Islands and Valencia and penetrated as far as Murcia. The son of James I - Pedro III (1276-1285) successfully continued the work begun by his father. Pedro III took Sicily from the house of Anjou. Later, James II (1291-1327) conquered Sardinia and in 1319, at the Diet in Tarragona, established the indivisibility of the state.
Spain History of Spain These conquests cost the Aragonese kings many concessions to the estates, of which the Zaragoza "general privilege" of 1283 is especially important. In 1287, Alphonse III added to it the "privilege of the union", which recognized the right of subjects to revolt in case of violation of their freedom. In both states the clergy were the most powerful class; victories over the infidels increased his rights and wealth, and his influence on the lower classes of the people aroused in them a spirit of persecution and fanaticism. The higher nobility included among its rights the right to refuse obedience to the king. All nobles were free from taxes. Cities and rural communities had their own special rights (fueros), recognized for them by special treaties. In both states, the estates gathered at the Diets (Cortes), conferring on the welfare and security of the country, on laws and taxes. Trade and industry were protected by provident laws. The royal court patronized the poetry of the troubadours. Most of all, the internal improvement of the state advanced in Aragon under Pedro IV (1336-1387), who eliminated some of the burdensome aspects of noble privileges, among other things, the right to war. Thanks to these measures, when the old dynasty died out (1410), the Castilian in the person of Ferdinand I (1414-1416) came to the throne, who retained power over the Baleares, Sardinia and Sicily and for a short time took possession of Navarre as well.
Spain History of Spain In Castile, on the contrary, the higher nobility and orders of chivalry dominated. The desire of cities for independence from the feudal aristocracy was not crowned with success due to the tyranny of Pedro the Cruel (1350-1369). The French and the British intervened in the strife caused by it. By the 14th century, the temporary alliances of the Christian kingdoms had disintegrated, and each began to pursue its own personal interests. Henry II (1369-1379), who took possession of Biscay, and Juan (John) I (1379-1390) weakened the kingdom with fruitless attempts to conquer Portugal, but the two-year war ended with the defeat of the Castilian army in 1385, when Portugal victoriously defended its independence at the Battle of Alhubarrota.
Spain History of Spain However, victories over the Arabs went on as usual: in 1340, Alfonso XI won a brilliant victory at Salado, and four years later, Grenada was cut off from Africa by the conquest of Algeziras.
Spain History of Spain Henry III (1390-1406) restored order and took possession of the Canary Islands. Again Castile was thrown into disarray by the long and feeble reign of Juan II (1406-1454). The unrest that grew under Henry IV ended with the accession to the throne of his sister Isabella. She defeated King Alfonso of Portugal and subdued her recalcitrant subjects with weapons.

Spain History of Spain Unification of Spain into the Kingdom of Spain
Spain History of Spain In 1469, a significant event for the future of Spain took place: the marriage between Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, whom Pope Alexander VI called "Catholic kings." Ferdinand II of Aragon, after the death of his father, John II of Aragon, in 1479 inherited the Kingdom of Aragon, the union of the Castilian and Aragonese crowns marked the beginning of the Kingdom of Spain. Nevertheless, the political unification of Spain was completed only by the end of the 15th century; Navarre was annexed in 1512.
Spain History of Spain In 1478, Ferdinand and Isabella approved the church court - the Inquisition, designed to protect the purity of the Catholic faith. The persecution of Jews, Muslims, and later Protestants began. Several thousand suspects of heresy went through torture and ended their lives at the stake (auto-da-fe - initially the announcement, and then the execution of the sentence, in particular, public burning at the stake). In 1492, the head of the Inquisition, the Dominican priest Tomaso Torquemada, convinced Ferdinand and Isabella to persecute non-Christian people throughout the country. Torquemada burned in the fires of the Inquisition anusim - (en: Anusim - "forced"), Jews who were forced to convert to another religion, but in one way or another they observed the prescriptions of Judaism. Many Jews fled from Spain, but the Jews still lived better than other Catholics and held high positions, for example, Don Yitzhak Abarbanel was the Minister of Finance at the court of the Spanish king.
Spain History of Spain To put an end to wrongdoing by the nobility, the ancient Hermandad brotherhood was restored. The highest positions were transferred to the king. The higher Catholic clergy were subject to royal jurisdiction. Ferdinand was elected Grand Master of the three orders of chivalry, which made them obedient instruments of the crown. The Inquisition helped the government keep the nobility and people in obedience. The administration was reorganized, the royal revenues increased, some of them went to the promotion of sciences and arts. In 1492, numerous Jews (160,000 thousand) were expelled from the state.
Spain History of Spain With the conquest of Grenada by Spain (January 2, 1492), the time of the Reconquista ends. And in the same year, Christopher Columbus reaches America and establishes Spanish colonies there. The discovery of America gave Spain a wide field of activity on the other side of the ocean.

Spain History of Spain Golden Age of Spain
Spain Golden Age of Spain The end of the Reconquista and the beginning of the conquest of America allowed Spain to become for a short time the strongest political power in Europe. The ambitions of the numerous Spanish nobility (hidalgo) and the inspiration from the success of the centuries-old “holy war” under the banner of the Catholic faith made the Spanish army one of the strongest in the world and demanded new military victories.
Spain The golden age of Spain Already in the wars for Italy in 1504 Naples was conquered by Spain. The heiress of Ferdinand and Isabella was their eldest daughter Juana, who married Philip I, son of Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg. When Philip died young in 1506, and Juana went mad, Ferdinand was appointed guardian of her son Charles by the Castilian estates, who conquered Oran in 1509 and annexed Navarre to Spain in 1512. After the death of Ferdinand (1516), Cardinal Jimenez assumed the regency until the arrival of the young king Charles I, who in 1517 took over personally. Charles of the House of Habsburg in 1519 becomes, under the name of Charles V, also Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Spain Golden Age of Spain When Charles was elected German emperor in 1519 (as Charles V) and therefore left Spain again (1520), the Communeros revolted against the absolutism of Charles and his Dutch advisers in the name of the national institutions of Iberia. But with the victory of the noble militia at Villalar (April 21, 1521) and the execution of Padilla, the uprising was pacified.
Spain The golden age of Spain After the suppression of the uprising, Charles V issued a full amnesty. But at the same time, he took advantage of the fear that the Communero movement had caught up with the nobility in order to narrow down the old privileges and liberties. The Cortes turned out to be incapable of resisting the government, the nobility began to look at loyalty as their main duty, and the people patiently submitted to the royal power and its conquest plans. The Cortes unquestioningly began to supply Charles V with money for the war with France, enterprises against the Moors in Africa, and the suppression of the Schmalkaldic League in Germany. For the Habsburgs and for the spread of the Roman Catholic faith, Spanish troops fought on the banks of the Po and Elbe, in Mexico and Peru.
Spain The golden age of Spain Meanwhile, in Spain itself, the industrious Moriscos were oppressed and expelled, thousands of Spaniards were sent to the fires by the Inquisition, every attempt to freedom was suppressed. The industry, trade and agriculture of the Spanish kingdom perished from an arbitrary system of taxes. Not only the nobility, but also peasants and townspeople, sought to go to war and public service. This policy has led most people to view other urban and rural pursuits with contempt. The Church owned large areas of land that came to her at the expense of direct heirs. These were deserted or turned into pastures, and the amount of cultivated land decreased more and more. Trade passed into the hands of foreigners who benefited both from Spain and from its colonies. When Charles V resigned the crown in 1556, the Austrian possessions of the Habsburgs and Spain again separated from each other. Spain retained in Europe only the Netherlands, Franche-Comte, Milan, Naples, Sicily and Sardinia. The goals of Spanish policy remained the same. Spain became the center of Catholic reactionary politics.
Spain The Golden Age of Spain At the beginning of the 16th century, the Spanish colonial empire was formed (based on colonial conquests in America). The Spanish Empire reached its peak in the 16th century with the expansion of the colonies in South and Central America and the capture of Portugal in 1580.

Spain History of Spain The Spanish kingdom became the owner of vast colonies. Revenues from the colonization of the New World were directed by the Spanish crown mainly to achieve political goals, which were - the restoration of dominance catholic church in Europe and the dominance of the Habsburgs in European politics.
Spain History of Spain In parallel with this, in Spain there is a rapid stratification of property of the nobility, the elite of which discovers a taste for luxury. However, the influx of gold from across the ocean did not contribute to the development of the country's economy; numerous Spanish cities remained predominantly political, but not trade and craft centers.
Spain History of Spain Trade and craft were concentrated in the hands of the descendants of the Muslim population, the Moriscos.
Spain History of Spain Ultimately, the financing of wars and the needs of the court and the Spanish nobility occurred through a constant increase in the tax burden, confiscation of the property of "unreliable" sections of society, primarily Moriscos, as well as internal and external loans, often forced (damage to coins, "donatives" ). All this worsened the situation of the population and even more suppressed the development of trade and crafts, exacerbating the economic and then political backwardness of Spain from the Protestant countries of Northwestern Europe.

Spain History of Spain Economic decline of Spain
Spain History of Spain From the middle of the 16th century, economic decline began in Spain. Rigid ill-conceived foreign and domestic policy. Incessant wars, exorbitant (and at the same time regressive) taxes inevitably led Spain to a serious economic decline.
Spain History of Spain The son of Charles V, Philip II, decides to move the capital of the kingdom from Toledo to Madrid, which required a lot of resources and meant new era V political history Spain. Spanish absolutism began to suppress the relatively broad rights of estates, provinces and religious minorities that had been preserved since the Reconquista. The Catholic Church and the Inquisition turned out to be closely connected with the state apparatus and acted as its repressive tools. In 1568 there was an uprising of the Moors, which was suppressed two years later after a bloody war. 400,000 Moriscos were evicted from Grenada to other parts of the country.
Spain History of Spain The progressive disintegration of the state apparatus, which served as an instrument of enrichment for the nobility, led to a decline in the quality of internal and external administration and the weakening of the Spanish army. Despite defeating the Turks at Lepanto in 1571, Spain lost control of Tunisia. The policy of terror and violence of the Duke of Alba in the Netherlands led to an uprising of the local population, which the Spanish crown, despite the enormous costs, was unable to suppress. An attempt to return England to the bosom of the Catholic Church ended in the death of the "invincible armada" in 1588. Spanish intervention in religious strife in France only led to a deterioration in relations between the two countries and the strengthening of the French monarchy.

Spain History of Spain Economic decline of Spain
Spain History of Spain After the death of the Spanish King Philip II, the government for a long time is in the hands of various groups of nobility. Under King Philip III (1598-1621), the country was ruled by the Duke of Lerma, as a result of whose policy the once richest state in Europe became bankrupt in 1607. The reason for this was the colossal cost of maintaining the army, part of which was appropriated senior officials led by Lerma himself. The kingdom was forced to conclude peace agreements with the Netherlands, France and England. In 1609, the eviction of the Moriscos from Spain began, but the proceeds from the confiscation of their property did not compensate for the subsequent decline in trade and the desolation of many cities, led by Valencia.
Spain History of Spain Under Philip IV, the foreign and domestic policy of the state was led by the greedy and intolerant Duke of Olivares. Spain intervenes in another conflict between Austria and the Protestants of Central Europe, resulting in the Thirty Years' War. The entry into the war of Catholic France deprived the conflict of religious grounds and led to disastrous consequences for Spain. Mass dissatisfaction with high taxes and the arbitrariness of the central authorities caused uprisings in a number of Spanish provinces, in 1640 Catalonia seceded from the crown, followed by the secession of Portugal. At the cost of abandoning centralization and losing Portugal, the government managed to keep Spain from disintegrating, but the former foreign policy ambitions were over. In 1648, Spain recognized the independence of the Netherlands and the equality of Protestants in Germany. According to the Peace of the Pyrenees (1659), Spain ceded Roussillon, Perpignan and part of the Netherlands to France, and Dunkirchen and Jamaica to England.
Spain History of Spain During the reign of the seriously ill King Charles II (1665-1700), Spain turns from a subject of European politics into an object of French territorial claims and loses a number of possessions in Central Europe. From joining Catalonia to France, Spain was saved only by an alliance with recent opponents - England and the Netherlands. The Spanish economy and its state apparatus fell into a state of complete decline. By the end of the reign of King Charles II, many cities and territories were depopulated. Due to the lack of money in many provinces returned to barter. Despite exceptionally high taxes, the once luxurious court of Madrid was unable to pay for its own maintenance, often even a royal meal.

Spain History of Spain Bourbon era
Spain History of Spain With the death in November 1700 of Charles II, who left no heirs, the question of who should be the new king led to the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) between France and Austria with its allies, the main of which was England. France elevated to the Spanish throne Philip V of Bourbon (grandson of Louis XIV), who remained king at the cost of ceding possessions in the Netherlands and Italy to Austria. For many decades, the political life of Spain began to be determined by the interests of its northern neighbor.
Spain History of Spain The accession of the Bourbons to the royal throne of Spain meant the coming to government posts of immigrants from France and Italy, led by Alberoni, which contributed to some improvement in the state apparatus. Following the example of French absolutism, taxation was centralized, and the privileges of the provinces were abolished. Attempts to limit the rights of the Catholic Church, the only structure that enjoyed broad public confidence, failed. In foreign policy Spain of the Bourbons followed in the wake of France and took part with it in the costly Polish and Austrian wars for the treasury. As a result, Spain received Naples and Parma, which immediately went to the younger lines of the Spanish Bourbons.
Spain History of Spain In the middle of the 18th century, during the reign of Ferdinand VI, a number of important reforms were carried out in the country. Taxes were lowered, the state apparatus was updated, and by the concordat of 1753, the rights of the Catholic clergy, primarily financial, were significantly limited. Further transformations of Carlos III (1759-88) in the spirit of the Enlightenment and his ministers Aranda, Floridablanca and Campomanes led to positive results. In Catalonia and some port cities, the development of manufactory production began, and transatlantic trade with the colonies flourished. However, the development of industry and transport in the country, due to the complete economic decline of the previous time, was possible only by the state and required large loans. At the same time, the finances of the crown were depleted by the need to support and protect the colonies and participation in the wars waged by France.
Spain History of Spain With the accession of Charles IV, weak and incapable of public affairs, the situation in Spain worsened again, and the actual power passed into the hands of the favorite of Queen Godoy. The revolution in France forced Spain to defend the deposed Bourbons. However, the war with revolutionary France was conducted by Spain inactively and led to the French invasion of the north of the country. Economic and political weakness led Spain to sign the extremely disadvantageous Treaty of San Ildefonso (1796), which required Spain to enter the war against England. Despite the obvious lagging behind of the Spanish army and navy and the series of defeats that followed, Spain remained in alliance with Napoleonic France until the remnants of the Spanish fleet were destroyed at Trafalgar (October 20, 1805). Skillfully using the ambition of Godoy, Napoleon, promising him the Portuguese crown, achieved the conclusion of another military alliance between France and Spain.
Spain History of Spain This is a decision that draws an exhausted and starving Spain into new war for foreign interests, caused a popular uprising against Godoy, which led to the abdication of King Charles IV from the throne on March 18, 1808 in favor of his son Hernando. However, the new king Hernando VII was summoned by Napoleon to negotiate with his father, which, under French military and political pressure, ended with the transfer of the crown to Joseph Bonaparte.
Spain History of Spain On May 2, 1808, at the news of Hernando's departure to France, a rebellion broke out in Madrid, which the French managed to suppress only after a bloody struggle. Provincial juntas were formed, the guerrillas armed themselves in the mountains, and all the accomplices of the French were declared enemies of the fatherland. The brave defense of Zaragoza, the removal of Joseph from Madrid, and the general retreat of the French contributed to the enthusiasm of the Spanish. At the same time, Wellington, with an English corps, landed in Portugal and began to oust the French from there. The French nevertheless defeated the Spaniards and on December 4 again entered Madrid.
Spain History of Spain A massive guerrilla war began in Spain, led by the central junta established in September 1808 in Aranjuez. At first, all sections of Spanish society, nobles, clergy and peasants, with equal zeal, sought to expel the invaders, who controlled only large cities and responded to the resistance of the Spaniards with cruel terror. By early 1810, the odds had shifted to the side of the French, as the Spanish elite became more loyal to Joseph. The defenders of the country's independence in Cadiz established a regency, convened the Cortes, and adopted a constitution (March 18, 1812), based on the old Spanish traditions of communal self-government and the principles of democracy. At the same time, organized resistance to the French was provided only by the English troops of Wellington, who defeated the French at Salamanca on July 22, 1812, but could not keep them in Madrid.
Spain History of Spain The devastating defeat of the Napoleonic army in Russia changed the situation in Spain as well. On May 27, 1813, King Joseph left Madrid with French troops, but was defeated by Wellington at Vittoria on June 21. The French were expelled from Spain, but the question of the further political structure of the country remained open.

Spain History of Spain Restoration of the Bourbons
Spain History of Spain King Hernando VII was released by Napoleon to his homeland, but the Cortes demanded that he swear allegiance to the constitution, which he refused to do. The intervention of the army, going over to the side of the king, General Elio, decided the issue in favor of an absolute monarchy. After the dispersal of the Cortes and entry into Madrid, King Hernando VII promised amnesty and the adoption of a new constitution, but began his reign with repression both against those who supported Joseph Bonaparte and against the most liberal supporters of the Cortes. The army and the clergy became the backbone of the monarchical power of King Hernando VII.
Spain History of Spain Court intrigues and the weak policy of King Hernando VII did not contribute to the restoration of order either in internal or external affairs. During the French occupation of Spain, a war of independence began in its overseas colonies, during which the local elites broke away from the weakened mother country. In Spain itself, discontent was accumulating among the people. As a result, the troops under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Riego (January 1, 1820) proclaimed the constitution of 1812 and created a provisional government in Isla de León, which issued a proclamation to the people. After going over to the side of the rebellious provinces and Madrid, King Hernando VII swore allegiance to the constitution and convened the Cortes. Their activities were directed mainly against the property privileges of the church - the clergy were taxed, but this did not improve the state of affairs in the country. In view of the absence of the bourgeoisie, the liberal undertakings of the Cortes were perceived negatively in society, especially among the peasantry. The Catholic opposition was gaining strength in the provinces and the country again began to slide into anarchy.
Spain History of Spain As a result of the elections held on March 1, 1822, the radicals received a majority of votes, after which forces loyal to the king took failed attempt take Madrid. King Hernando VII was forced to seek foreign assistance, and in the autumn of that year the Holy Alliance decided on armed intervention in the affairs of Spain. In April 1824, a French expedition under the command of the Duke of Angouleme (95 thousand soldiers) crossed the border and defeated the Spanish troops. Already on April 11, the Cortes, having captured the king, fled from Madrid, where on May 24 the Duke of Angouleme entered, enthusiastically received by the people and the clergy. Surrounded in Cadiz, the Cortes returned absolute power to the king, but the resistance of the liberals continued for another two months. 45 thousand French soldiers remained in Spain to protect the Bourbons.
Spain History of Spain In 1827, King Hernando VII decisively suppressed the rebellion in Catalonia of supporters of his brother Carlos, and three years later issued the so-called pragmatic sanction, which canceled the Salic law introduced by the Bourbons in 1713, and introduced succession to the throne through the female line. In October 1832, Queen Christina was declared regent for her daughter Isabella in the event of the king's death. Former Minister Zea-Bermudez stood at the head of the administration, announced an amnesty and convened the Cortes, who on June 20, 1833 swore allegiance to Isabella as heir to the throne.
Spain History of Spain Don Carlos, on April 29, 1833, in Portugal proclaimed himself King of Spain, Charles V. He was immediately joined by the Apostolic Party, the Basque provinces and Navarre, whose ancient benefits fueros, including the right to duty-free import of goods, were not recognized by the liberals. The Carlist uprising began in October 1833 with the appointment of a junta and general armament. The Carlists soon occupied Catalonia. The Madrid government of the "Christinos" (named after the regent) could not suppress the rebellion, as it experienced deep divisions. In 1834, a new constitution was adopted, which displeased the radical liberals, who rose in revolt in 1836 and forced Christina to return to the 1812 constitution.
Spain History of Spain However, soon the new president of the council of ministers, Calatrava, convened the Cortes, which subjected the old constitution to revision. During this time, Don Carlos won a number of victories, but disagreements in the ranks of supporters led to his retreat to France. Not wanting to continue the war, the Cortes confirmed the fueros of the Basque provinces. By the end of the summer of 1840, all of Spain was under the control of the Madrid government. General Espartero gained popularity and forced Queen Christina to give up her regency and leave the country. On May 8, 1841, Espartero was elected regent, but two years later he was forced to flee to England after a general rebellion of the army.
Spain History of Spain On November 8, 1843, the conservative majority of the Spanish Cortes declared the 13-year-old Queen Isabella an adult. Changes soon followed in political life countries - rival generals and favorites of the young queen succeeded each other at the helm of the state, her mother Christina was returned from exile, a high property qualification was introduced for elections to the Cortes, senators were appointed for life by the crown, and the Catholic religion was declared state.
Spain History of Spain An increasing role in the government of the country was played by the army. In 1854, after another rebellion, General Espartero was again appointed first minister, but did not stay long in this post. His successor O'Donnel suppressed several military uprisings, repelled an attempt by the Carlist pretender Count Montemolin to land in Spain (1860), but also could not stay in power. General Narvaez, who replaced him, at the head of the government, relied on the clergy and persecuted the liberals. Shortly after his death in 1868, a general revolt began in the country and Isabella fled to France.
Spain History of Spain At the head of the provisional government of the Unionists and Progressives stood Serrano, who first of all abolished the Jesuit order and declared freedom of the press and education. Since the convened Spanish Cortes did not agree on the candidacy of a new monarch, Serrano became regent. The authority of Madrid in the northern provinces of Spain was low - Carlists and Republicans became more active there.
Spain History of Spain after long negotiations, the son of the Italian king Amadeus agreed to accept the Spanish crown, but after two years of ongoing anarchy and open struggle of political parties supported by various army officers, he returned to his homeland in Italy. The Cortes proclaimed a republic and elected as president Figveras, a federalist republican who sought to expand the rights of the Spanish provinces and cities in order to secure their loyalty to Madrid. Figveras was soon displaced, the north of the country fell away from Madrid, where the Carlists seized power, and Andalusia, where a group of radical federalists formed their own government. Castelar's troops regained control of Andalusia, but he was soon deposed, and Serrano returned to rule the country, also deposed a year later. This was the end of the history of the first Spanish Republic.
Spain History of Spain Since the Carlists were not popular, the eldest son of Isabella Alfonso was invited to take the vacant throne.

Spain History of Spain The election of Alfonso XII seemed to many, especially officers, the only way out of the chaos. Agreeing with the most influential people, General Martinez Campos on December 29, 1874 in Segunto proclaimed Alfonso XII King of Spain.
Spain History of Spain The reign of the new monarch, King Alfonso XII, was successful - the Carlists were defeated, the Basque lands were deprived of fueros, and the centralized government of the country was restored. The tidying up of the financial system began, the rebellions in Cuba and in the northern provinces of Spain were suppressed. Politically, Spain during these years drew closer to Germany and Austria-Hungary, as opposed to France, whose interference in Spanish affairs ceased. During these years, industry and trade began to develop in Spain, the face of largest cities countries. Liberal transformations were carried out: universal suffrage and jury trials were introduced.
Spain History of Spain In 1886 after the death of the young King Alfonso XII new his newborn son Alphonse XIII became the monarch, under whom his mother was the regent, who continued her husband's policy. At the turn of the century, tourism began to develop in Spain. Unrest in the north of the country continued repeatedly, Catalonia and the Basque country were ahead of the agrarian provinces of central and southern Spain in economic development, a layer of intelligentsia was formed in large cities, advocating autonomy and democratic reforms. Since the end of the 19th century, in connection with the growth of autonomist movements in the Spanish provinces, a large-scale polemic about the “essence of Spain” (about the “two Spains”) begins, which continues, with some interruptions, to the present.
Spain History of Spain Defeat in the Spanish-American War and the loss of the last overseas colonies led to an increase in protest moods in Spanish society. During the First World War, Spain was neutral, but its economy was seriously affected.

Spain History of Spain The collapse of the European monarchies and the spread of socialist ideas among the poor urban intelligentsia led to a series of riots. The rebels demanded social and political transformations - the abolition of noble privileges, secularization, and the establishment of republican rule. In the face of growing instability, General Miguel Primo de Rivera rebelled and seized power in Catalonia, soon the king granted him exclusive powers. It was announced the creation of a "military directory", the introduction of martial law, the abolition of the constitution, the dissolution of the Cortes. During the years of Primo de Rivera's rule, Spain achieved victory in Morocco and some internal stability through repressions against anarchists. Government guarantees ensured an influx of investments into the country and an increase in the well-being of the population. However, the general uncertainty of foreign and domestic policy and the growing radicalization of society led to the resignation of Primo de Rivera. The struggle for power began radical Republicans and Falangists, led by his son José Antonio.

Spain History of Spain On April 14, 1931, as a result of mass protests, the Spanish monarchy was overthrown and Spain became a republic again. This did not bring stability to Spanish society, since the traditional contradictions between the conservative-monarchist and the republican wing were supplemented by disagreements between the Republicans themselves, in whose ranks there were various forces from supporters of liberal capitalism to anarchists. The ongoing terror, the inability of the authorities to resolve economic problems, the threatening international situation led to the growth of popularity in the army circles of the Spanish Falange, its rebellion in 1936 and the bloody civil war, which ended in 1939 with the capture of Madrid by the rebels and the establishment of the life-long dictatorship of Francisco Franco.
Spain History of Spain The years of Franco's reign are the period of conservative modernization of Spain. The country did not participate in the Second World War, in the post-war period it enjoyed the support of many Western powers. In the 1950s and 60s, the Spanish "economic miracle" occurs, associated with an influx of investment in a previously backward agrarian country, urbanization and the development of industry and tourism. At the same time, political rights and freedoms were limited in the country for a long time, repressions were carried out against separatists and adherents of leftist views. Franco bequeathed after death to restore the monarchy and transfer the throne to Juan Carlos, the grandson of the deposed Alfonso XIII. The will of the dictator was carried out.

Spain History of Spain History of modern Spain
Spain History of Spain In 1947, on the initiative of Francisco Franco, Spain was again declared a kingdom (however, the throne remained unoccupied under the regency of the "caudillo" Franco himself).
Spain History of Spain In November 1975, after the death of Franco, according to his will, Juan Carlos I was proclaimed king of Spain, the dismantling of the former regime and new democratic reforms began. In December 1978, a new constitution was adopted and entered into force in Spain.
Spain History of Spain In 1985, Spain joined the European Union (EU). Today the Kingdom of Spain is a highly developed prosperous country with a developed industry and agriculture. The Kingdom of Spain is an interesting country with friendly people and its bright colors. national traditions. Spain is loved and willingly visited by numerous tourists!

Spain Culture of Spain
Spain Painting and sculpture of Spain
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish artists)Spain Culture of Spain Spain is considered to be an open-air museum. The vastness of this country carefully preserves cultural and historical monuments that are world famous.
Spain Culture of Spain Most famous museum Spain - Prado Museum - located in Madrid. Its vast exposition cannot be viewed in one day. The museum was founded by Isabella of Braganza, wife of King Ferdinand VII. The Prado has its own branch, located in Cason del Buen Retiro, which houses unique collections of Spanish paintings and sculptures of the 19th century, as well as works by English and French painters. The museum itself presents large expositions of Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Flemish and German art.

Spain Culture of Spain The Prado Museum owes its name "Prado" to the Prado de San Jeronimo alley, where it is located, laid back in the Enlightenment. Currently, the funds of the Prado Museum are 6,000 paintings, over 400 sculptures, as well as numerous treasures, including royal and religious collections. During several centuries of its existence, the Prado Museum was patronized by many kings.
Spain Culture of Spain It is believed that the very first collection of the Prado Museum was formed under King Carlos I, known as the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. His heir, King Philip II, became famous not only for his bad temper and despotism, but also a love of art. It is to him that the museum owes priceless acquisitions of paintings by Flemish masters. Philip was distinguished by a gloomy outlook, it is not surprising that the ruler was a fan of Bosch, an artist known for his bizarre pessimistic fantasy. Initially, Philip bought Bosch's paintings for El Escorial, the hereditary castle of the Spanish kings. And only in the XIX century the paintings were transferred to the Prado Museum. Now here you can see such masterpieces of the Dutch master as the "Garden of Delights" and "Hay Cart". Currently, in the Prado Museum you can enjoy not only paintings and sculptures, but also theatrical performances designed to "revive" famous paintings. The first such staging at the Prado Museum was dedicated to the paintings of the famous Spanish artist Velasquez and enjoyed great success with the public.

Spain Culture of Spain On the territory of the Kingdom of Spain there are many more unique museums and galleries.
Spain Culture of Spain The most famous museums in Spain with world fame:
1. The Picasso Museum and the National Art Museum of Catalonia, located in Barcelona.
2. National Museum of Sculpture in Valladolid.
3. El Greco Museum in Toledo.
4. The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.
5. Spanish Museum abstract art in Cuenca.

Spain Culture of Spain Painting of Spain
Spain Spanish painting Artists of Spain (Spanish artists)
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish Artists) Frenzy and passion, intense search for meaning in love and death - painting in Spain is unthinkable without this. Both El Greco and Salvador Dali capture their great and unlike country, its people and its history, using new means of expression. If the architecture of Spain was mainly imitative, then the painting is certainly original. It is in Spain that the strangest, strongest and most scary pictures in world culture: Toledo landscapes and El Greco's apostolic series, Goya's "black" etchings, Picasso's Guernica, Dali's surrealistic visions...
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish artists) As A. Benois accurately noted, “among the Spaniards, the artistic preference for black paint, gloomy partial shade fully corresponded to spiritual experiences, relentless thoughts about the sadness of earthly existence, about the redemptive benefit of suffering, about poetry and the beauty of death.”
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish Artists) Spain's painting has left a significant mark in the world history of fine arts. The brilliant flowering of painting begins with the appearance in Spain in 1576 of the painter Domenico Theotokopuli, nicknamed El Greco, since he was of Greek origin and was born on the island of Crete (1541-1614).
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish Artists) The artist El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) studied in Italy with the famous Titian and was invited to Spain by Philip II. El Greco moved to Spain in 1575 and settled in the city of Toledo. El Greco became the founder and head of the Toledo art school and painted mainly on commission from the monasteries and churches of Toledo.
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish artists) The unusual, at first glance recognizable style of the artist El Greco (elongated figures, tensely frantic poses and faces of characters, the predominance of silver-blue colors) developed precisely in Toledo Today, the artist El Greco and the Spanish city of Toledo are inconceivable friend without a friend. Some famous works of El Greco (for example, "The Burial of Count Orgas") were intended for Toledo temples and never left the city. You can see these unique works of the genius of world art El Greco only there.
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish Painters) Another master of Spanish painting, Luis Morales (c. 1510-1586), also painted religious scenes full of austerities and suffering. The paintings of Luis Morales can be compared with the best works of the famous El Greco in terms of their impact on the viewer. The whole life of Luis Morales was spent in the city of Badajoz, a small town near the Portuguese border, and his works are kept in the museums of Toledo, Madrid and other cities.
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish artists) Many Spanish artists deservedly belong to the category of classics of world painting. Among them are Jose de Ribera, Francisco Zurbaran, B. E. Murillo and D. Velasquez, who already in his youth became the court painter of Philip IV. The famous paintings by Velasquez "Las Meninas" or "Ladies of Honor", "Surrender of Breda", "Spinners" and portraits of royal jesters are in the most famous Prado Museum in Madrid.
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish Artists) The political and social upheavals of the 18th and 19th centuries are reflected in the work of Francisco Goya, for example, his "Shooting of the rebels on the night of May 3, 1808", as well as the series "Disasters of War". The fear-inducing "black paintings" created shortly before the death of the master are not only an expression of his own despair, but also evidence of the political chaos of that time.
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish painters) The period of 18-19 centuries is generally characterized as a period of calm in the Spanish art of painting, closed on imitative classicism.
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish Painters) The revival of the great Spanish painting takes place in the first half of the 20th century. New paths in world art were blazed by Salvador Dali (1904-1989), one of the founders of cubism, Juan Gris (1887-1921), abstract artist Juan Miro (1893-1983) and Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), the founder and prominent representative of surrealism in painting. , who contributed to the development of several areas of contemporary art.
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish artists) Miro and Dali were faithful to Spain until the end of their lives. They left their homes only for the duration of wars and exhibitions. Pablo Picasso received his art education in A Coruña, Barcelona and Madrid, and from 1904 he lived and worked in Paris. By order of the Spanish government in 1937, Pablo Picasso painted his "Guernica" - a tragic symbol of the Civil War, during which a small Basque town was destroyed. In the same year, 1937, Juan Miro wrote "Help Spain" - a furious and bright, memorable poster, and Salvador Dali - a painting "Premonition of Civil War" with spread and intercepted bodies.
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish Artists) The essence of Spanish painting can best be characterized by the expression of Salvador Dali himself, which he cited in his autobiography: “In order to become Dali, you must first of all be a Spaniard, or rather a Catalan, in other words, a creature equipped for delirium and paranoia, able to penetrate them to the very depths, like the fishermen of Cadaqués, who are in the habit of decorating the altar statues with their catch - dying lobsters. The spectacle of agony makes the fishermen with special force sympathize with the passions of the Lord. Indeed, in such a "live" living of religion - the whole soul of Spain, from El Greco to Dali.

Spain Modern Spain Painting of Spain
Spain Spanish painting today Artists of Spain (Spanish artists)
Artists of Spain Sculptors of modern Spain
Spain Artists of Spain (Spanish Artists) Today, a new generation of Spanish artists, sculptors, and masters of fine art photography lives and works in the Kingdom of Spain. Modern Artists of Spain (Spanish artists) create new original paintings and sculptures.

Poets about Spain Poems about Spain
Spain is a country of great culture!

Spain is a country of sun, sea, mountains, Flamenco, Corida and beautiful people!

"Where nature captivates, as in a fairy tale
Mountains are wonderfully white in the distance.
Rubens, Velasquez worked there,
Picasso and Goya, Dali.
Where the bright sun shines
And where marvelous dreams, dreams.
Spain conquers us again
Everything sparkles in the rays of beauty.
Where the gold of the beaches sparkles
Oranges and palm trees grow
And such a beauty all around!
And Marbella gardens are blooming!
Where fields and vast open spaces,
Where the transparent wave splashes
And crystal clear sea
It's a wonderful country there!
Where there are flamenco songs and dances,
The sound of castanets is heard loudly,
Where are the cheerful faces of the Spaniards,
That country is not more beautiful!

Poets dedicate their poems to Spain Artists of Spain paint wonderful pictures!
Spanish artists Pictures of Spanish artists
Artists of Spain (Spanish Artists) In our gallery you can get acquainted with the works of the best Spanish artists and Spanish sculptors.

Artists of Spain (Spanish Artists)In our gallery you can find and purchase for yourself the best works of Spanish artists and Spanish sculptors.

The great Spanish artists in their works touched on topics that excite every person, so their names have remained for centuries. Starting with El Greco, there are nine such masters who lived from the 16th to the 20th century. The highest flourishing is the 17th century. Otherwise, it is also called Golden. This is the baroque period.

sixteenth century

The first to glorify the Spanish school was the Greek Domenico Theotokopoulos (1541-1614), who was nicknamed El Greco in Spain. In those days, bonfires were often lit over heretics. Therefore, secular topics were practically not touched upon. easel and fresco painting- These are types of illustrations for the Holy Scriptures. But even here great caution had to be exercised. Traditional interpretations were required.

El Greco combines religious themes with an amazingly beautiful and opulent color scheme that anticipates the advent of the Baroque. One of his masterpieces, The Apostles Peter and Paul (1582-592), is kept in Russia. It depicts a simple illiterate fisherman Peter and the creator of the entire Christian doctrine, the highly educated Paul, of course, with the Bible. Christianity in the first centuries won all hearts with its love for people, mercy and simplicity - it was enough just to believe, and any person, educated or not, poor or rich, became a Christian. Spanish artists learned a lot from the painter, who had a unique style associated with eye disease. However, for a long period his painting was forgotten and rediscovered three centuries later.

Baroque - Golden Age

Like nowhere else, Catholicism is still strong, moreover, it represents a powerful and formidable force that requires a person to mortify carnal desires and joys and complete immersion in religious rituals. Spanish artists such as José Ribera (1591-1652), (1598-1664), Diego Velasquez (1599-1660) and Bartolomeo Murillo (1617-1682) are the brightest representatives of this period. They are familiar with the works of Caravaggio, who has a great influence on them, not for their still lifes, but for their understanding of what death is and how closely it comes into contact with life.

Spanish artists Ribera and Zurbaran

This association is somewhat arbitrary. The painting of José Ribera (1591-1652) is distinguished by the themes associated with martyrdom and naturalism in the depiction of the suffering of saints and heroes from mythology, as well as the sharp contrast of light and shadow. Francisco Zurbaran (1598-1664) creates his best paintings, colored with lyricism, in the 30s of the 16th century. In 1662, with tenderness, he will write "Madonna and Child with John the Baptist."

The light image of the baby, which is in the center of a simple and natural composition, immediately attracts attention, like the gentle face of the Madonna, and the golden clothes of John kneeling, at whose feet a symbolic white sheep is located. The grown-up Christ will be the shepherd of the vast flock of those who believe in him. Zurbaran paints only from nature - this is his principle, using the contrast of deep shadows and strong light. Zurbaran was friendly with brilliant artist Diego Velazquez, who helped him with orders. Spanish artists sought to support each other.

Velasquez (1599-1660)

Initially, the Spanish artist Diego Velasquez, living in Seville, works a lot on genre scenes, as well as on allegorical paintings. But acquaintance with Italian painting from the royal collection greatly changed his aesthetic views. It changes color to soft silver and moves to transparent tones. With great difficulty, he manages to get a job as a court painter. But King Philip IV immediately appreciated the gift of the young artist, and he later created portraits of members of the royal family. The pinnacle in his work were two paintings, unsolved until now, so many meanings were laid in them by the artist. These are Meniny (1656), that is, a retinue of courtiers with the heirs to the royal throne, and Spinners (1658).

In "Meniny" at first glance, everything seems simple. In the large room are a young infanta surrounded by ladies-in-waiting, a bodyguard, two dwarfs, a dog and an artist. But behind the painter, a mirror hangs on the wall, in which the king and queen are reflected. Whether the royal couple is in the room or not is one of the mysteries. There are many more, for a huge article. And not a single riddle is given a definite answer.

From Francisco Goya to Salvador Dali

Born in Zaragoza, Goya (1746-1828) becomes the official court painter, but then loses this place and receives the position of vice director of the Academy of Arts. In any capacity, Goya works hard and quickly, creating tapestries, portraits, painting churches, painting for the cathedral in Valencia. He works hard and hard all his life, changing like a master, moving from light festive compositions with rich colors to fast-paced and sharp graphics, and if this is painting, then dark and gloomy.

The drawing school in Spain is not dying, but the next artist of Spanish painting, a great master, will appear in 1881. This is Picasso. What is not marked by his work. These are the "blue" and "pink" periods, and cubism, and surrealism, and pacifism. Behind all his works is a subtle irony and a desire to sell. And he could draw. Creating portraits of his beloved during the cubist period, which were sold like hot cakes, he paints her for himself in the style of realism. And only after becoming a wealthy person, he began to allow himself to draw as he wants.

Laconic is his work Don Quixote (1955). The knight himself, his squire, a horse, a donkey and several Don Quixote are depicted light, weightless, and Rosinante is almost a bag of bones. In contrast, Sancho on the left is a black heavy mass. And although both figures are standing still, the drawing is full of movement. The lines are energetic, catchy, full of humor.

The famous Spanish artist Salvador Dali is eccentric. This man had everything for sale. And pictures, and diaries, and books. He made a fortune for himself thanks to the energetic help of his wife, better known as Gala. She was both his muse and manager. Their union was very successful commercially.

Concluding this article on the topic of famous Spanish artists, it must be said that they all had a personality as bright as the sun of Spain.

Spanish artists are known to all art lovers. Their paintings are in many museums around the world. Spain gave us a large number of surprising people with their talent in all areas of art. We will talk about a few outstanding painters because a complete list is hard to come by.

Prado Museum

The collection of this royal collection is surprising in that it contains almost all the outstanding Spanish artists, and there are no foreign ones. This can be explained by the fact that, from the 16th century to the 19th century, they all served at the court of kings. Another very large customer was the Church. Therefore, in the paintings we often see religious subjects. Private orders were quite rare, and painting was the property of a narrow circle of its connoisseurs. Let us now turn our attention to some outstanding representatives of this school.

Renaissance era

Great, brilliant painters gave us the time of the late Renaissance. The Spanish Renaissance artists are undoubtedly El Greco, de Ribera, Zurbaran and Velasquez. We will focus on a brief biography of the latter. He was born in Seville and quickly became in his native land famous painter. He went to Madrid, but he did not manage to get to the royal court right away. Pretty soon he became a court painter.

This happened in 1623, when the artist painted a portrait of King Philip IV. To improve Diego Velazquez went to Italy, visited Genoa, Milan, Venice and Rome. After that, his palette played bright colors. Only after 1630 his work can be called mature. He paints a lot of portraits of jesters and dwarfs, penetrating deeply into the innermost world of people offended by nature. After the second trip to Italy, from 1651, the late, most perfect period of this master begins. He applies new techniques, and portraits of infants, ladies of the royal family, come out from under his brush, deeply psychological picture Philip IV, as well as large-scale canvases "Spinners" and "Las Meninas". He died in 1660. He is 61 years old. D. Velasquez had a huge impact on the development of world painting, and many, not only Spanish, artists studied at his works.

Painter, draftsman and engraver

We begin a brief conversation about F. Goya. His work defies any one definition. It is free from conventions, filled with passion, unbridled fantasy. We will present the canvas, which is made in a light elegant rococo style.

For us, this is an unusual Goya. The picture is called "Autumn. Vintage". She captivates with her cheerfulness. This work is entirely decorative and pleasing to the eye. In general, Spanish artists learned from the painter a different, more satirical depiction of life.

Other genre

Still lifes were painted in imitation of the Flemings in XVII century when the Spaniards discovered them. The background of these paintings is usually dark. The paintings of Spanish artists are characterized by carefully calibrated composition, fine drawing of each flower and petal, bug or butterfly. They also depict moments of food preparation. The works are so believable that, looking at them, you want to eat heartily.

Shown here is a still life by Luis Meléndez. It was eminent master who knew how to show appetizing food. All products are prepared. We are only waiting for a chef who will turn them into delicious dishes.

famous spanish artist

In the 20th century it is difficult to choose who is more known to the general public - P. Picasso or S. Dali. Picasso created over twenty thousand works. His pre-war canvases are usually divided into four periods, when he experimented with color and form. Later, he felt that painting had a greater range of influence on the viewer, and this was reflected in his canvases. His works are most expensively valued at auctions. The creator himself said that he wanted to live like a poor person, but at the same time be rich. The eccentric S. Dali amazed his contemporaries not only with his mustache and fantastic canvases that came to him from dreams, but also with antics that actively worked for advertising.

Commercial activity, thanks to his wife, was very successful, and only very wealthy people could buy his work.

Not all of the listed Spanish painters represent their homeland here. Modern Spanish artists work mostly in a realistic or romantic style. There is a place for fantasy, but it occupies a small part. Their paintings include landscapes, portraits, animalistic works, and still lifes.

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