The relationship between Bazarov and Arkady. Final friendship of the main characters



(based on the novel by I.S.
Turgenev "Fathers and Sons")

opposite people in the novel by I.S.
Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” showing two friends
- Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov.
Bazarov - son county doctor. He denies
Not only

but also music, art, painting, love for
nature. He taunts Rafael. IN
unlike Bazarov, Arkady
seems to us a romantic who
wants the world around to be just as happy
and joyful, like himself: music, poetry,
painting is present in his life. Turgenev
emphasizes Arkady's desire to appear
adults and have their own view on
the world around him. This young man
trying hard to be like everything
to Evgeny Bazarov and deserve it
respect. Under the influence of a friend
Arkady is only carried away by the idea of ​​negation. He
depends on Bazarov, but not in everything
look like him. But Bazarov never looks for
no respect, no attention. He is free
a person who does not depend on anyone. Bazarov
believes that
man must educate himself. Author
reminds us all the time that Eugene
Bazarov is not a monster, but only
unhappy, lonely man, with a sharp mind.

sincere, selfless, loving person.
Bazarov denies romanticism, but still
is a romantic, like Arkady. And in
in a burst of revelation, he confesses to Arkady
love for those around you. Let's trace how
the characters of the characters are revealed in similar
situations. Strongly and passionately loves Bazarov
Odintsov, hiding his feelings before
dying explanation with

Arkady repeated the fate of his father:
marriage, family, peace - how much more does he need?
Quiet happiness is not necessary for Bazarov, next to him
must be a strong and intelligent friend, whom,
unfortunately, I did not find it in Anna Sergeevna.

lives by the principles that Bazarov
trying to destroy. Bazarov - doctor
education and gives preference only to
natural sciences because they give
exact knowledge, the beauty of nature is alien to him,
the art world, it denies the principles
aristocrats. And Turgenev is in solidarity with the hero.
Bazarov believes that “nature is not a temple, but
workshop, and the person in it is a worker. WITH
Arkady was ready to agree with this thought,
but, developing this idea, he did not come to the same
results, as Bazarov. Arkady
argued that the employee needed to rest, and he

limit yourself to one sleep after
tedious work. In this matter, they
opinions did not agree.

throughout the novel, Bazarov seeks to understand
men. He is perceived by them as a jester, and
the peasants expect him not to talk about their
affairs, and medical care. About Arcadia
it can be said that he never climbs into
other people's affairs and does not flaunt himself.
Saying goodbye to Arkady, Bazarov gives a personal

friend: “For our bitter, tart
bean life you are not created. You don't have any
impudence, no anger, but there is young courage
yes young enthusiasm, for our cause it is not

Bazarov's relationship with Arkady Kirsanov
there is no real understanding. Is not
like-minded people, but only temporary
fellow travelers.


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The novel "Fathers and Sons", written by I. S. Turgenev in the second half of the 19th century, will never lose its relevance.

The name already proves this, because the contradictions that arise between different generations are quite a common occurrence at any time. And when social differences are added to age differences, the conflict becomes even more acute and becomes a socially significant phenomenon.

The main characters of the work of I. Turgenev are the commoner Bazarov and the hereditary aristocrats Kirsanovs. Each of them is distinguished by a special upbringing, lifestyle, attitude to the world, and is also convinced that it is he who can serve, if not as an ideal, then as a model. modern man. Comparative and Pavel Kirsanov (these are the main antipodes in the novel) allows readers living a century and a half later to form their own idea of ​​​​the main social forces and features of the development of Russia in the middle of the 19th century.

Getting to know the main character

The plot of the action is the arrival in the village, on vacation, of a young nobleman Arkady. The father meeting his son looks at his comrade with some surprise - he is very unlike the Kirsanovs. Evgeny Bazarov (friend and spiritual teacher Arkashi) is the son of a simple doctor. Dressed simply - in a long hoodie with tassels. His big red hands and long hair. Yes, and the behavior was special - somewhat cheeky, rude. Such was the characteristic given by Nikolai Petrovich at the first meeting.

Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov were tied up at that moment common interests, but as the relationship of all the characters develops, young people will increasingly move away from each other. One of the reasons is the conflict between the young raznochinets-democrat and the already elderly, but retaining sophistication and innate aristocracy, Pavel Petrovich.

The beginning of the confrontation

The appearance of Bazarov at the Kirsanovs was an event that disrupted the peaceful course of life in the house. Pavel Petrovich immediately took a dislike to his nephew's friend. This is understandable. In contrast to Eugene, he loved gloss in everything and supported the order that had formed over the years. With a handsome, well-groomed appearance, in an English suit, with starched collars and impeccable behavior, he was the complete opposite of Bazarov. Their antipathy will begin from the first moment they meet and end in a duel.

Bazarov and Kirsanov Pavel (literature has not yet known such clashes of generations) helps not only to reveal them inner world and ideological convictions, but also to get an idea of ​​the features of the development of society in that period.

Origin, education and social activities

Appearance is the first thing that catches your eye when meeting two completely opposite characters. The more heated their relationship, the more clearly the absolute difference between them becomes visible.

Bazarov is the son of an impoverished noblewoman and an ordinary doctor. He achieved everything in his life by his own work, not wanting to at least to some extent depend on his parents. This is a man of strong mind and character, who decided to devote his life to medicine and science. He believed in nothing and proudly proclaimed himself a nihilist.

Pavel Petrovich, a nobleman in several generations, was brought up in a completely different environment. A good education, officer service and universal love - this is what formed the basis of his life. However, the passion for Princess R. and rather quick disappointment (she left him) caused him to age prematurely and alienate himself from the world. He lost his taste for life, then settled on his brother's estate and from then on led a closed, useless life.

Thus, the characterization of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov helps to understand how different these people were initially.

Ideological contradictions

Such a clear difference in social status could not but affect the relationship of the characters. If Nikolai Petrovich tried to show indulgence to the guest, even to yield somewhere, his brother immediately showed complete hostility. And the more Bazarov and Kirsanov communicated, the stronger their confrontation became, resulting first in a fierce dispute, and then in a duel. A deep analysis of the attitude of a democrat-raznochinets and a hereditary nobleman to public role aristocrats and nihilists, the way of government, the people, nature and art - best characteristic characters.

Yevgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov also, in fact, did not resemble each other much - this will become clear in the finale of the novel. Therefore, the second tried to convince his friend that he was mistaken in relation to Pavel Petrovich and asked him to be more lenient. However, the reconciliation of the two different people was impossible, and the duel is proof of that.

What is the essence of the ideological differences between a young commoner and an elderly nobleman?

Attitude towards the aristocracy

The first point of contention for them was the question of what is the role of the nobility in state structure and general way of life.

Pavel Petrovich, who was an aristocrat "to the marrow of his bones", claimed that they were the main driving force any development, and this right was given to them at birth. And the ideal of any state is a monarchy and liberal reforms leading to progress.

This point of view caused bitterness in the opponent, main reason which he explained by the complete inability of the aristocrats to act and, as a result, their uselessness for any society. Proof of this was Kirsanov himself, idly spending his life in the countryside.

Nihilists - who are they?

This is not the end of their disputes, acting as a comparative characteristic. Bazarov and Kirsanov were also interested in other issues.

So, after discussing the role of the aristocracy, they could not help but move on to a discussion of the activities of the nihilists, during which the phrase “he does not believe in anything”, uttered earlier by Arkady, is somewhat corrected by Bazarov. He calls himself a person who accepts only what can be useful. At the current moment, science and medicine were such for him, and the established views on life, monarchy and serfdom, religion were absolutely denied, since they led to stagnation. For Kirsanov, the nihilists were people who only caused irritation with their impudence and unbelief.

Aristocrat and nihilist - two absolutely different generations, which convincingly proves the comparative characteristics of Bazarov and Kirsanov.

Assessment of the role of art in human life

The heroes express their attitude to culture in furious disputes, especially since for Pavel Petrovich it was an attempt to defeat Bazarov, who “denies everything”. Here they appear as complete antipodes. The first is a romantic whose life was spent at balls and in entertainment. It is no coincidence that he advocates poetry, music, love (although at the same time the author shows the emptiness of his reasoning). The second was brought up by labor, so all this for him is stupidity, distracting from the real thing (in this, Turgenev condemns his hero, proving the inconsistency of such views with Bazarov's love for Odintsova).

Comparative characteristics of Bazarov and Kirsanov - conclusions

The novel "Fathers and Sons" was an innovative work, since it depicted not just representatives of the elder and younger generation, but also completely different socio-political forces that played important role in the development of Russia.

Comparative characteristics Bazarova and Kirsanova makes it clear that both of them were outstanding personalities, the best representatives(and this was emphasized by the author himself) nobles and commoners. In some ways they were right, in some ways they were wrong - this is not so important. The main thing is that both of them have contributed to the development of the country. And I. S. Turgenev managed to catch and convey in his novel important point when generational change occurs and new stage in the development of society.

The image of Arkady Kirsanov in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" can rather be attributed to the past than to the new generation. He is a student of Bazarov, but his "nihilism" is more simplified.

How the author shows the image of Arkady Kirsanov in the novel

Arkady is, in a way, an intermediate link between the old and the new. His life position formed under the influence of two factors: era and age. His fascination with the ideas of nihilism is superficial. He is not like that, simply, the desire for freedom, independence from centuries of established traditions seem to him attractive values. This is very typical for young people entering adulthood. independent life. And at the same time, all these nihilistic views are perfectly combined in his soul with other properties that are very far from nihilism.

By nature, Arkady Kirsanov is very a kind person. On the way to the estate, an avalanche of feelings swept over him, at the sight of a landscape familiar from childhood, dirty ragged men, destroyed village houses. He is full of desire to fix all this, but the hero has no idea how to translate desires into reality. He sees only the good in people, does not feel hatred for anyone, pities Evgeny's parents. For a convinced nihilist, this is a sign of weakness.

What could connect Kirsanov Arkady and Bazarov

In the image of Arkady, Bazarov found a man who admired him, absorbed all his beliefs and actions. Seeing such compliance, Bazarov begins to re-educate his friend, to make him his follower. But, rather quickly, Eugene realizes that this is not feasible and Arkady Kirsanov, whose appearance is soft and insecure, cannot be re-educated. Foundations and principles pull him to their side.

From the first pages of the novel, the reader sees how Arkady submits to his friend. The influence of Bazarov is very great and the characterization of Arkady Kirsanov in the first chapters fully confirms this.

But living among familiar environment and relatives, the young man begins to understand that he is under the influence strong personality and lives not quite the way he wants. Gradually, he becomes independent and moves away from Bazarov.

His enthusiastic judgments of nihilism proved alien to him. Throughout the novel, Arkady copies his friend, tries to be like him. However, he failed to endure his role to the end.

In other words, Arkady Kirsanov in the novel "Fathers and Sons" was never a nihilist. And he himself probably did not like Bazarov very much. Just a young man who was carried away did not quite clearly understand his goal in life, and Bazarov took advantage of his gentleness and inspired ideas that were completely alien to him.

Artwork test

Arkady and Bazarov are very different people, and the friendship that arose between them is all the more surprising. Despite belonging to the same era, young people are very different. It should be noted that they originally belonged to different circles society. Arkady is the son of a nobleman, he early childhood absorbed what Bazarov despises and denies in his nihilism. Father and uncle Kirsanov intelligent people who value aesthetics, beauty and poetry. From the point of view of Bazarov, Arkady is a soft-hearted "barich", a weakling. Bazarov does not want to admit that the liberality of the Kirsanovs is the result of a deep education, artistic talent and high spirituality of nature. Bazarov denies such qualities as completely unnecessary. However, in this case we are talking not only about intelligence, but also about the deep continuity of experience previous generations, about keeping traditions and everything cultural heritage.

Family theme played big role in Russian literature, so the demonstration of intra-family conflict turned out to be revolutionary. The integrity and harmony of society were measured by the unity of the family. Consequently, such problems turned out to be not just problems of the family, but also problems of the whole society.

Bazarov attracted Arkady with his sharpness, originality and courage. For a young "baric" such personalities were a curiosity. Arkady has become a kind of embodiment of youth, which is drawn to everything new and unusual, easily carried away by new ideas, has a keen interest in life in all its manifestations. Arkady is looking for his own life path by trial and error. His attitude to traditions, authorities and other things important to his father is rather frivolous. He lacks the wisdom of years, tolerance and attention to other people that his father has. The conflict between Arkady and Nikolai Petrovich does not carry any political beginning, it is cleared of social motives. Its essence is the eternal misunderstanding between youth and old age. However, this position is not at all contrary to the nature of things. On the contrary, old age is a guarantor of the preservation of moral values, cultural heritage and traditions in society. Youth, in turn, provides the movement of progress with its craving for everything new and unknown.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a completely different matter. He came from a simple family, he is even somewhat ashamed of his parents. He is harsh, at times rude, resolute, categorical in his judgments and peremptory in his conclusions. He quite sincerely believes that a good chemist is worth twenty poets. He does not understand the role of culture in society. He proposes to destroy everything in order to clean slate start writing history again. By this, he sometimes drives Pavel Petrovich, with whom he argues, into despair. We see the maximalism of both sides, taken to the extreme. Neither one nor the other is willing to give in to each other and recognize the correctness of the opponent. This is their main mistake. All parties are right up to a certain point. Pavel Petrovich is also right, speaking about the need to preserve the heritage of his ancestors, rights, and Bazarov, speaking about the need for change. Both sides are sides of the same coin. Both are sincerely concerned about fate home country but their methods are different.

The friendship of Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov begins to crack when Bazarov falls in love with Odintsova, and Arkady with Katya. This is where their difference comes into play. If the feeling is hard for Bazarov, he cannot surrender to love, then Arkady and Katya learn to be themselves. Bazarov moves away from his friend, as if feeling his rightness, and not his own.

The image of Arkady was drawn in order to set off the image of Bazarov and show the versatility of human nature and the same social problem. This makes the image of Bazarov even more lonely and tragic. Bazarov is considered, like Rudin, Pechorin, Onegin and Oblomov, " an extra person". He has no place in this life, although such rebels always arise in troubled times.

The novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev already reflected the main conflict of the work in its title. In the environment of "good representatives of the nobility" like a sharp gust of fresh wind bursts " new person"- the son of a doctor, democrat, nihilist Bazarov. He is the embodiment of denial habitual life noble estate, its emptiness. Contradictions between conservatives and democrats are at the forefront of the novel. However, of particular interest is the analysis of the conflict between characters who formally belong to the same camp, are, at first glance, allies. Almost at the very beginning of the work, the reader meets Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. An advanced student, a democrat, comes to visit his comrade's estate. Arkady is sincerely grateful for this, he says to his father: “He is so kind that he agreed to stay with us!”

We can say that Bazarov condescends to friendship with the young Kirsanov. Arkady is passionate about Bazarov's ideas, he is one of his best "students". A smart, insightful person. Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov quickly realized that it was impossible to make Arkady "his own", to completely change his views. The image of Arkady Kirsanov thus occupies a very special place in the novel. On the one hand, he adjoins the camp of "children", in other words, revolutionaries, and on the other hand, he is an integral part of the camp of "fathers". The author himself emphasizes this: “Look into the faces of Nikolai Petrovich. Pavel Petrovich. Arcadia. Weakness, lethargy, or limitation."
One of the main techniques for creating images (in this work of Turgenev is contrast. So, Arkady differs in some character traits and in some views from his father and grandfather. He strives for something new, his passion natural sciences probably not only doe fashion. Arkady seeks to imitate Bazarov in everything, listens to his advice. Young Kirsanov is by no means deprived positive qualities. He is smart, inquisitive. However, the main difference between these characters, also created on the basis of contrast, was pointed out by the author of the novel: "Arkady was a sybarite, Bazarov was working."

Bazarov does not want to be a slave to the principles that others have come up with, to blindly follow traditions, he denies the principles "taken on faith." He is a direct person, often even harsh. Speaking about his convictions, Eugene is not at all inclined to soften or smooth them. It would seem that. many of Bazarov's views are shared by Arkady. But the passion of this "gentleman" for nihilism is very superficial. In addition, some of Yevgeny's statements unpleasantly offend Kirsanov. Such, for example, are Bazarov's words about women, about art.
In order to show common features Arkady and Bazarov and what distinguishes these heroes from each other, I. S. Turgenev, one might say, leads them through the same trials. The character traits of the characters are especially pronounced in situations where they need to make a choice. When friends arrived at the Kirsanov estate. Arkady realized that Yevgeny Bazarov did not immediately like his uncle. But this time he took the side of the one who considered not only his friend, but also a teacher. Bazarov, however, was not at all embarrassed, he even deliberately emphasized the harshness of his own manners and judgments.
In the course of the novel, the author exposes both heroes to temptation, he invites them to choose "noble happiness." It is embodied in the images of Katerina and Anna
Odintsov. Arkady, who at first was fascinated by the extraordinary nature of Anna Sergeevna, this time heeds Evgeny's advice to pay attention to younger sister. Arkady finds spontaneity, sincerity, openness in dear Katerina Odintsova. which are close to his nature. He even plays music, although he is embarrassed when he finds Bazarov doing this. Perhaps it is in the estate of Odintsova that Arkady realizes that harsh life, to which Bazarov calls, is not at all an ideal for him, Kirsanov. In Katenka, he finds his destiny and is quite happy. By the way, his "nihilistic" knowledge came in handy in life. Arkady managed much better than his father to run the household. Bazarov, on the other hand, finally realized that Arkady was only a temporary ally, which means that it was necessary to part with him. Saying goodbye to him, Eugene says: “... we say goodbye forever, and you yourself feel it ... You have neither impudence nor anger, but there is young courage and young
enthusiasm: it is not good for our dale. It is in this conversation that Bazarov utters words that can be called historical, gives an unusually accurate description of both Arkady and people like him: “You are a nice fellow, but you are still soft,
liberal barich ... ”Evgeny understands that she is harsh. the life full of hardships for which he is preparing himself does not suit Kirsanov at all. Various feelings struggle in Bazarov's soul: "regret, fear of getting pissed off." The author managed to psychologically correctly convey this state in the speech of the hero. Eugene says in a friendly way: “Farewell, brother!”, And then, as if recollecting himself, ironically adds:
"Farewell, sir!"
In the novel "Fathers and Sons" it is Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov who is the most complex and controversial character. He is lonely, his attempts to find friendship, love are practically fruitless. Turgenev believed that Bazarov was a "tragic face." And this statement is true. The tragedy of Yevgeny Bazarov is not only that his time has not yet come, not only that he cannot find happiness, but also that. that he deliberately refuses this happiness. It seems that Eugene is afraid to freely express his feelings, trying to seem more harsh. even crude, more rational than he really is. Perhaps this manifests the same fear of "getting pissed off". Only before death does it reveal qualities that the reader could only guess about before: tenderness for parents hidden under external severity, indifference, poetry of love for Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. The hero is overwhelmed with a thirst for life and work for the good of the country, but he understands that he can’t do anything; All that remains is to face death with dignity and courage. And Bazarov finally allows you to break through true feelings, for the first time speaks frankly about himself to the end; “I also thought: I’ll break off a lot of things, I won’t die where! there is a task, because I am a giant. Only now he does not hesitate to openly show concern for his parents. Entrusting their fate to Odintsova, Evgeny says: “After all, people like them are in your big light you can’t find it with fire in the daytime ... ”Evgeny Bazarov dies“ the day before ”, he does not seem to do anything significant, but the strength and charm of this character are so strong that they literally riveted the reader’s attention. I. S. Turgenev managed to show about the novel not only the main socio-political conflict of the era, but also to create vivid images heroes who provided such long life this work.

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