Dance lessons from 3 years old. Easy and fast dance ride for kids


Even if the child is not set for a career at the Bolshoi Theater, learning to dance will give him a lot. This is grace, and beautiful posture, and strong immunity, and self-confidence.

Academy of Arts "Muza"

st. Myasnitskaya, 13, building 20

Over the three years of the existence of the Academy, the most best destinations in dance and music, which will allow your child to realize and achieve high altitudes in their chosen field of creativity.

The profile of the studio is classical ballet. Soloists of the Bolshoi Theater with many years of teaching experience teach at the school. For kids from 2.7 years old, the author's program "Introduction to Ballet" has been created, which will help the child acquire all the necessary basic skills and discover talent.

academy ballroom dancing unites sports and art. Break dance and hip hop teams are great for boys who want to get strong and strong in spirit. There is a vocal academy for all children, where everyone can take lessons from the RAM graduate Gnesins and improve their sense of rhythm.

Moscow School of Irish Dance by Maria Singal

Preobrazhenskaya sq., 12

Jiga, reel or hornpipe? At the school of Maria Singal, you can master all the main types of solo and double Irish dances! And not only to comprehend the basics, but also to become a professional: the students of the institution often participate in international competitions. Now in the arsenal of the school there is the first place in the group Irish dances of the European Championship, the second places in the solo programs of world competitions and other awards. Maybe it's all about the quality of teaching. The founder of the school, Maria Singal, is the first certified Irish dance teacher in the Russian Federation (TCRG) and a judge of international championships (ADCRG), all teachers take advanced training courses abroad. In addition, the lessons do not just study the elements and patterns of dances. The studio provides stretching classes, a special "show class" for performing on stage, and exercises to develop a sense of rhythm.

It is worth bringing a child to Maria Singal's school and ... staying on your own: adults are accepted into groups without age restrictions.

Classical choreography, hip-hop, folk, pop or club dances- in the school "Gulliver" there are directions for every taste and age. Here, not only improve posture or show elementary movements. In "Gulliver" they give the opportunity to express themselves through music and dance, energize, teach not to be afraid of the stage and prepare for a brilliant future. Pupils of the school participate in popular TV shows, demonstrate YanaStasia brand items, act in video clips and easily enter theater universities capital Cities.

Training for schoolchildren takes place 3 times a week for 2 hours and costs 5,500 rubles per month. Children up to 7 years of age study twice a week for 1 hour. The cost of training is 4000 rubles per month.

House of dance in the cultural center "ZIL"

House of Dance in cultural center"ZIL" is called the epicenter of dance creativity. You can find inexpensive programs here for a child of any age and level of training.

In ZIL, they invite you to enroll in ZumbaKids classes - for incendiary children's parties for kids from 3 years old. Soul lies to the classical direction? Children's ballet theater has existed in the Palace of Culture since 1982, classes for children over 4 years old include rhythmics, gymnastics, classical, modern dances and even stage practice. And "Young Zilovets" is the oldest ensemble folk dance, teenagers will be interested in visiting a hip-hop studio, street dance, popping. There are also areas of ballroom, variety and sports dance. More recently, the Dance Theater was opened in ZIL, an association for children aged 3-12, designed to teach pupils modern dance. There are budget places.

Eco-club "Umnichka"

Moscow Dance Studio Eco-Club "Umnichka" is a cozy and, importantly, safe space for children different ages. Safe in literally words, environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials were used to decorate the premises.

You can sign up for dancing at the development center from the age of 2.5, for the smallest, the best direction will be “ dance rhythm". Children older - variety dances(from 3.5 years old), choreography in the ballet hall - from 4 years old. Well, the students will surely like it. modern direction- hip-hop, house and club children's dances. All courses are focused on small groups of up to 8 dancers, they are taught in "Umnichka" by "star teachers". The average duration of one lesson is 45-50 minutes.

Egor Simachev Ballet Workshop

You can join the beautiful through classical ballet within the walls of Yegor Simachev's workshop. Here they instill a love of dancing for children from two years and older. The best of the most famous choreographic studios Moscow has many branches, so it will not be difficult to sign up for classes as close to home as possible.

Ballerinas of the Bolshoi Theater and professional choreographers teach beauty and lightness, magical flight in dance. For the first time, children can put on a tutu and special shoes at a trial lesson to feel with their hearts whether ballet suits them. And even if the child does not want to go on stage in the future, in the studio he will learn to think creatively, work on himself, and acquire an elegant posture. Lessons for little dancers and dancers are built in a special rhythm, alternating with game exercises, so everyone will be comfortable.

A subscription for four classes costs 4000 rubles, a single visit - 1250 rubles. You can study both in a group with peers and individually. Duration - from one hour.

International Center for Dance and Performance "TSEKH"

Find out what is contemporary dance Parents and their children can enroll in the dance school of the "Tsekh" association. This international center is able to convince that modern dance is a special genre.

However, the program covers not only the study of pas, students learn the basics of the creative movement, participate in non-verbal theater. All teachers of the "Workshop" are young and energetic people who are in love with their work. For children there is a division by age: 3-5, 6-9, 10-12 years. Recruitment to the group is held every season.

Recruitment to the dance school under the guidance of Alla Dukhova is conducted from the age of 4. Show-ballet "Todes" is a world-famous brand that offers group training for children. Moscow has many branches, and there are no fewer in the regions, so you will definitely be able to enroll in a school closer to home.

To attend rehearsals, it is not necessary to have a certain level physical training. Acquaintance with classical ballet, hip-hop, jazz-modern and other areas of dance, you can start from scratch. Each workout is individual sessions not provided - is built according to a certain scheme: warm-up, learning new elements, staging dance number and consolidation of the past. Children in the show ballet "Todes" will be able to participate in competitions, reporting concerts of the studio, outdoor events and more. The duration of the lesson is 1 hour 15 minutes.

A charge of vivacity, self-confidence and impeccable posture, coupled with good mood can be obtained by choosing your favorite training program in dance school Galla dance.

Set in children's group is coming from the age of 4, the Zumbatomic direction is open for the smallest. From the age of 6 you can sign up for oriental or ballroom dancing, including incendiary Latin American dances. From the age of 13 - welcome to ClubDanceTeen. Remarkably, the parents of their child can get detailed advice from the choreographers of the school to decide which dance style more suitable for a child. Trial lesson is free individual training or group (from 7 to 20 people in a team)


Learning to dance a sparkling lezginka, charging others with positive, is also within the power of children. Complicated, but bewitching art, demonstrates lightness, grace, refined movements and virtuoso music - perhaps caucasian dances may not like it?

School "Above the Mountains" offers training in Caucasian and Transcaucasian dances for children over 3 years old. Recruitment in groups is carried out all year round, you only need to have a colossal desire to dance. The cost of one lesson for children is 350 rubles, a subscription for 8 lessons is 2800 rubles, there are individual lessons.

The easiest way to develop a child comprehensively is to send him to dance. He doesn't have to be a soloist Bolshoi Theater or connect your life with choreography, but enrolling in classes helps children:

  • form a beautiful posture;
  • develop flexibility and sense of rhythm;
  • develop social skills and the ability to work in a group;
  • pull the child up physically, because dancing is the most suitable and gentle option for the fragile bones and joints of the child.

Today, you can enroll your child in classes at almost any dance school, but experienced instructors work at MAINWOOD, it is possible to perform at competitions and championships, and receive sports categories.

Prices for dance lessons for young children from 3 years

Child development

Your child may develop in the following areas:

  • rhythm - 3-5 years
  • modern choreography - groups 6-8, 9-11, 12-15 years old
  • ballroom dance - groups 6-8, 9-14 years old

Learning Format

A distinctive feature of dance classes for children in MAINWOOD school the fact that the lessons are held every day, and you yourself choose the schedule and directions that are convenient for you.

Children's groups are held in the daytime from 15 to 18 hours.

Of course, the child needs to be developed so that in the future he has the skills necessary for life. Dancing is a great way to improve yourself. Thanks to group activities The child develops communication skills. Music develops a sense of rhythm. The health of your child will also always be in order thanks to the classes.

Groups are divided into age categories. The smallest dancers are offered rhythm lessons. Older children have a choice between modern dance, ballroom and ballet. From 11 years old for children open Eastern dance, which are characterized by elegance and sophistication. We cooperate with the Moscow College of Arts and Innovations, and all our children have the opportunity to enter it and get an education in this area!

Every child has the opportunity to perform at festivals and competitions. And thanks to our experienced coaches, they will only receive prizes

Children's dances at MainWood school

If your child is already 3 years old, then welcome to MAINWOOD. Each teacher finds an approach to any child, becoming not only his coach, but also a friend. Often children are eager to run to modern dance classes, as professional teacher allows the child to relax in the classroom and release all his indefatigable energy.

“Movement is life” - we often hear, but immersed in our worries and problems, we practically forget about our children. They have much more energy than adults, it needs to be thrown out somewhere, because this is not always possible in a preschool institution. Yes, they do morning exercises there, but that's all. This is not enough for a growing organism. But what about the internal development of the intellect, attracting the baby to art and everything beautiful? It is the parents who should take care of this, looking for a hobby for the crumbs. Our dance school for the little ones has solved this puzzle. No need to rack your brains and look on the Internet for circles and sections where they accept such an age. The best option for a child 3 years old and older is a pool and rhythmic movements to music.

Communicative development

Quite often you can meet a crumb on the street or in a clinic who is shy of everything around. Does not communicate with peers, avoiding them, hiding behind mom or dad. If the parents do nothing, it will be difficult for such a child to adapt to different segments of the population, including at work. In order for the kid to grow up successful and self-confident, it is necessary to give him to developing circles. Modern dances for young children, a video on the Internet clearly makes it clear that they develop a young body not only on a physical, but also on an emotional level - they liberate, strengthen, coordinate, train. Any dance club for children from 3 years old will reveal the potential of the child in the shortest possible time. In just a few lessons, relatives will not recognize their fidget, because he will begin to change for the better and with cosmic speed.

healthy generation

If you want to live interestingly - develop, if you want to be healthy - temper yourself. Any movement strengthens the muscular frame, but modern life pulls us in a different, lazy direction. Where do people get obesity, and babies aged 3-4 years are overweight. Minimal movements during the day lead to devastating consequences for the organism, especially if this same organism is still very small. continuous a rhythm lesson for children 3-4 years old a couple of times a week will completely solve health problems, with curvature of the spine and with a weakened immune system. Parents will forget what trips to doctors, sick days, pills and injections are. You won't even need to go to the sea to improve your and your children's body. Profitable? And how ! And most importantly - useful.
At this age, a beautiful figure and posture in girls will begin to form, and the bones in boys will go into growth. Our dance club for children from 3 years old competently organizes the leisure of the child, bring your active or modest baby to us, change his development today.

What is rhythm and how does it change a child?

This new , it would seem , word began to appear frequently on the Internet and in this article we will try to explain what it is and how it affects the development of the child . Many children at a young age like to move to the music, jump, wave their arms, while experiencing emotions of happiness and joy. In this case, you should think about which direction to determine your bunny or sun. Modern rhythm has changed significantly and has become more perfect and more diverse. From the outside, it may seem that this is an ordinary exercise to the music, and in part, this is a true statement. But it is very different from the exercises that children do in kindergarten. First, she longer, secondly, it is aimed at strengthening and developing bones and muscles.

The level of training determines the group

What movements the child will perform when coming to children's dances for the little ones will depend on the teacher. Our school has brought together the best choreographers with special education in the field of dance and pedagogy, so each professional the coach will find a common language with any kid. Depending on age, each group is selected relevant program . Little dances for children 3 years old with simple movements, older children with stretching and a complex set of exercises. And it doesn’t matter from what year the baby began to go to classes, he will be assigned to a group relevant preparation . He will feel like a full-fledged link, no different from others.

From simple to more complex

And still the question arises “why do we need rhythm for 3-4 years, if there are modern dances that are more interesting and emotionally rich?”. Our choreographers recommend exactly this direction if the child still does not know how to dance at all, is modest and shy, and is also underdeveloped. Simple exercises with musical accompaniment do absolutely everything, they are easy to master and perform. Having started to perform dance lessons for little ones, in the future it will be easier to understand and perform more complex elements. In addition, we record rhythm lessons on video, parents will be able to train with their crumbs at home, further stimulating his passion, praising his successes. Come with the whole family to adult and children's educational dances for kids, it will be great and interesting.

History of occurrence

A few decades ago, rhythmic for children 3 years old was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, but in the 21st century everything has changed. Today it exists in almost every dance school, because its benefits for the children's body are obvious and proven by time. We can say with confidence that every child needs rhythm from the age of 3 for his all-round development, so come to us. The first introductory lesson is free and introductory.

What should be the dance for children 3 years and older?

It would seem that a child at such a young age can dance if he can hardly stand on his feet and practically does not eat on his own. By failing to develop a child's daily life, parents run the risk of ending up with a pinched and shackled baby. With such it is more difficult to find a common language, communicate and spend time. To prevent this from happening, send your child to dance from 3 years old. Moscow now offers a wide range of schools with excellent choreographers and various modern programs. The benefits of dancing are obvious and known since ancient times, and today there are significantly more opportunities than 10 years ago. What stops parents in this modern age? Often the lack of money and time, but a smart dance school for children from 3 years old and not only simplified and diversified the interaction of all participants in the process.

Strengthens and develops the child's body without stress

Almost all modern dances are presented to the attention of children and parents, which today interest most kids, but most often the crumbs are happy to master the usual exercises at first glance. Healing Rhythm for 3-4 years gently and without stress trains the child's body, strengthens and develops it. After her, the child quickly and easily begins to master more complex dance movements, and by the age of 5 he can be released onto the stage. Not only V physical plan going on intensive development, But And in all the rest. Such Baby better hears music, feels dance. For 3 summer girls important posture And V future beautiful figure. For boyThis before Total physical force, dexterity, plastic And reaction.

Let us help you unlock your potential

If WhoThat thinks, What lessons dancing For children 3 years And more this Not contributeYou deep you are mistaken. Exactly They And Nothing more contribute becoming personalities. Let's together pursuit To healthy generation through music And movements, A our school And dancing For children 3 4 years V this help. First class free, That's why Come all family funny conduct leisure. Get to know With choreographers, With program training, look, How baby will communicate With others children And With them to interact. Competently matched under specific age rhythm from 3 years And older will allow open up potential child even on such early stages his development.
Hobbies may be different, But modern dancing children 3 years being mastered faster. To make sure V this, Come co their fidget on introductory lesson.

Modern dances for children from 3 years old in Moscow from the club "Soyuz-Sport" - the right way direct the energy of the baby in the right direction. Classes develop the musical and choreographic abilities of the child, increase his concentration and self-esteem. Being engaged in the company of peers, the kid masters communication skills and broadens his horizons. Parents get acquainted with the results of his achievements during a conversation with a coach and at reporting concerts.

Dancing lessons from 3 years old: benefits for kids

Three years is the age when children show individuality and independence, but still cannot perform most tasks without the support of adults. Experienced trainers at the World of Movement school, children are taught to set goals and compare the outcome of actions with the expected result. The program becomes more complicated gradually, and a feasible load develops the vestibular apparatus of a child of 3 years old, teaches him to navigate in space.

The curriculum for 3-4 year old children was compiled by the head of the school, Victoria Kopylova. The complex is designed for a gradual study of all muscle groups. It includes stretching, simple themed dances and games, partner and finger gymnastics. Sports dances at this age develop the musculoskeletal system, become the prevention of flat feet, scoliosis, kyphosis and other problems with the spine.

How are dance classes for a child 3-4 years old?

Modern dances for children from 3-4 years old are an alternative to a sedentary lifestyle, boredom and blues at home. Regardless of the mood with which the guys come, the coaches conduct classes in such a way that they find it interesting and fun. Productive work is carried out in an easy game form. Well-known dance elements are gradually honed, and new dance elements are added.

Children learn sports dances in small groups, under the personal attention of a trainer. Lessons are 60 minutes in a relaxed way and include:

  • warm-up, coordination exercises, stretching, learning to dance to beautiful dynamic music;
  • small surprises that stimulate interest in teamwork;
  • summing up and a compliment from the coach to each pupil at the end of the lesson;
  • gradual introduction to the basics acting skills, elements of training for emancipation.

Registration for dance classes for children

Dance can be both an art and a sport. And, like any serious business, they are recommended to start with early childhood. Dancing classes for children from 3 years of age greatly affect the development of the child.

This will not only allow you to achieve greater success in the future compared to peers, but the skills themselves will be better fixed - in early age children are the best at learning.

Dances for children from 3 years

You can start dancing with a child as early as 2 years old, but individually. In groups, this is possible only from 3 years.

In these classes, children are taught basic dance skills. They are taught:

hear the rhythm
feel the beat;
move according to the music.
The learning process for children of this age is built on the principle of imitation. This is how, at the age of three, a child learns to interact with the outside world. The teacher demonstrates various movements, and the kids repeat after him.

Everything is organized in the form of a game. Therefore, children do not get bored, but on the contrary, they are interested and want to dance as much as possible.

Dances for children 4 years old

The psyche of a four-year-old child is already quite well formed. If he was already dancing a year before, then he is guaranteed to have mastered the basics. If not, they are given to him.

Also at this age, ear and memory training continues in the classroom. In parallel with this, kids are taught to control their emotions and express them in the process of dancing.

Such children begin to be taught basic classical choreography. Its main goals are to give the body the correct posture, as well as to develop the skills of feeling and owning one's own body.

At this stage, it is often already possible to understand what kind of dance the child is more adapted to. Therefore, it can be developed in the appropriate direction.

Sports dancing as a sport

Professional dancing is a sport. First, they develop the body:

increase strength;
increase endurance;
improve plasticity.
Secondly, dancing accelerates the reaction. In the process of its execution, you need to quickly and in time with the music make various movements, which necessarily leads to the development of the necessary reflexes.

Thirdly, dancing disciplines. Indeed, those who practice them often have to improvise, but still, even in this case, many rules must be followed.

And, of course, this sport develops intelligence, and, in particular, memory. Professional dancers need not only to know the movements, but also the order in which they are performed.

But the main thing is that the competitive moment plays a huge role in the world of dance. In this case, there is no limit to perfection, and the level of skill is evaluated in comparison with others. And this is determined by the results of the competition.

Ballroom dancing: sport or art?

Ballroom dancing is a sport and contemporary art. They are performed in pairs.

Their main difficulty lies in the fact that the dancer, among other things, needs not only to perfectly control his body, but also to know his partner well.

What is sports dancing for children

Sports dances for children are varieties of ordinary, adult types adapted to their age. sports dances. At the same time, performance styles can be very different - from waltz to foxtrot and tango.

Those interested in exactly how aspiring professionals perform their dances can easily find hundreds of videos of various lengths on the Web. Below is only one example - a fragment of one relatively recent competition.

Sports dancing is a great hobby for a child of any gender, which he can fall in love with for life and, possibly, in the future, connect his career with this business. In addition, these classes will be able to strengthen his body, develop intelligence and discipline.

This is guaranteed to make him more successful both in school and in adulthood.

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