famous sculptors. Hermes with Dionysus in his arms


Museums of the world are open to anyone who wants to get acquainted with the art of sculpture. Figures of people and animals were made in different centuries from different materials. Among the most famous sculptures- statues of gods and antique sculptures. What inspired the masters and what are the most famous sculptures?

Famous ancient sculptures

Antique sculptures are the most famous. We see their image everywhere, including in everyday life.

"Venus de Milo"

Perhaps there is no more recognizable sculpture than the sculpture of the Venus de Milo. Many institutions decorate their halls with copies of it. Neither the date of creation nor the author himself are known.

Scientists have determined the time of creation only approximately. According to them, Venus was sculpted in the year 130 BC. e. Today it is on display at the Louvre.


The author of the bronze "David" is the sculptor Danatello. His work is a sculpture in full height standing without any support. As conceived by the author, smiling naked David looks at the head of Goliath, which he just chopped off.

The date of creation of this sculpture is one thousand four hundred and forty. "David" is demonstrated by the Florentine National Museum.

"Discus thrower"

Another of the most famous ancient sculptures- Discobolus. Initially, the author cast a bronze sculpture. Date of creation - approximately four hundred and fifty years BC. e. Later, several copies appeared, but already made of marble.

The most famous statues of the gods

Statues of gods can be found in almost every country. Somewhere they standard size and are shown in museums, somewhere they are simply huge and are a landmark of the city.

Statue of Christ the Savior

The huge statue of Christ the Savior stands in Rio de Janeiro and is one of the main national attractions. Nearly two million people come to see it every year.

This statue is a sacred symbol of Brazil. The figure of Christ rises seven hundred meters above sea level. Its height is thirty-eight meters. The sculpture was erected in 1931 with donations from the population and the church.

Maitreya Buddha Statue

The largest statue in the world is the Maitreya Buddha statue in China. This record-breaking statue is carved right into the rock. Its height is seventy-one meters.

It is known that work on it was started in the seven hundred and thirteenth year and lasted ninety years. Numerous tourists who come to China strive to see the statue of God, which for about a thousand years was considered the highest in the world.

Shiva statue

The modern statue of the god Shiva appeared already in the twenty-first century in Nepal. Its construction took seven years. Shiva with a height of forty-three and a half meters is the tallest statue of the god Shiva in the world. The interest of tourists in it is understandable.

Other recognizable statues

The art of sculpture is several thousand years old. Over the years, sculptors have created the most various works. Some of the sculptures are real sights.


There are eight hundred and fifty monolithic stone statues on Easter Island. Surprisingly, they are all turned towards the center of the island. Some of them are over six meters long and weigh twenty tons.

One of the expeditions found a giant unfinished statue there. Its weight is approximately two hundred and seventy tons, and its height is twenty meters.

"Manneken Pis"

It is not known exactly when the Manneken Pis statue appeared in Brussels and who was its creator. This miniature statue-fountain is made of bronze: a naked boy pissing into the pool. It is believed that the statue was created in the fifteenth century.

The Bronze Boy has been repeatedly kidnapped. Copies appeared in its place. From time to time, the statue is dressed in different costumes, depending on memorable date or holiday.

Great Sphinx

The oldest sculpture preserved in Giza is the Great Sphinx lying on the banks of the Nile. This is a monolithic work. The Sphinx is carved from a rock of calcareous origin. Between its paws, stretched forward, there was once a sanctuary. The face of the lion statue has a portrait resemblance to one of the Egyptian pharaohs. Attractions are themselves Egyptian pyramids. The site has a site about Egyptian and other wonderful pyramids.

The most famous sculpture in the world

The most replicated, most recognizable image of the sculpture in the world is The Thinker. This famous sculpture is on display in Paris. Its author is Rodin.

Rodin in 1880, got a big order. The work was to be called The Gates of Hell. It was assumed that the author would create several sculptures that would be installed at the entrance to the museum. This project remained unfinished, however, Rodin decided to make a number of sculptures large. Thanks to this, the world saw the "Thinker". To the ingenious master managed to accurately convey the deep thought process of a man sitting on a stone.
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Speaking about what is the most famous sculpture in the world, it is impossible to specify. The fact is that throughout the history of mankind there have been many geniuses, each of which left its mark. But there are statues that have been pleasing people for more than one century. They deserve attention.

Sculptures are usually kept in museums. Some of them remain in the place where they were built by the author. And the smallest part is in private collections. In fact, they should not be someone else's, as they are world heritage. And anyone who wants to look at them must have access to this.

Venus Capitoline

The most famous sculpture in the world, which was created millennia ago, is the Capitoline Venus. It is made of marble in the 2nd century. Its prototype is the statue of Aphrodite, which was created in the 4th century BC.

It depicts a woman covering her nakedness with her hands. The sculptor managed to convey all the embarrassment experienced by the model (if there was one). Therefore, she is also called "modest Venus." Next to the woman is a vessel on which her robe is folded.

The sculpture was found quite late, in 1667. Then, in 1754, he donated it. There is a widespread opinion that this particular statue of Venus is considered the most beloved, since it fully reflects her grace, elegance and beauty.

David Donatello

The most famous sculpture in the world, the creation of which dates back to the Renaissance, is David, made by the master Donatello. She gained her popularity pretty quickly. This is due to the fact that in the Renaissance it was the first naked statue.

The sculpture is made of marble and depicts a young man holding a sword in his hand. Under his feet is the head of Goliath. But the pretentious pose shows the author's mockery. And David does not hold his weapon like a warrior at all. He seems to lean on him like a cane.

Starting with the sculpture in question, Donatello's work has acquired certain features. Further, he created sculptures only in own style, where there was a certain homogeneity and gothic. The subsequent creations of the author were also popular, but it was David who caused a stir among fans and critics. Therefore, it can be considered a masterpiece of Donatello.

The risen and dying slave of Michelangelo

The great Michelangelo did not leave mankind without masterpieces. His most famous sculpture is the Dying Slave. However, before the creator started the sculpture, he did a lot of work.

In 1505 Michelangelo began his new project- Creation of the tomb of Pope Julius II. Initially, he planned to decorate the mausoleum with too many statues (about 40), but his plans were not destined to come true. The work was long (until 1545), but there were much fewer sculptures, and only three have survived to this day. The basis of the tomb is the mighty Moses, who had titanic strength and temperament.

On the sides of her were to be located two slaves. The first, the rebel, which depicts the desire of a young and strong youth to break his bonds. The second is a dying slave. In this case, the young man only hung helplessly in his bonds.

Of these two statues, it is impossible to single out any one. They are both wonderful.

Voltaire Jean Baptiste Pigalle

The list of "the most famous sculptures in the world" must include the Nude Voltaire. It was created by Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, and he caused too much hype around him.

First, the sculpture looked too realistic. For that time (1776) it was a real challenge to critics. Pigalle created this sculptural portrait for 6 years. First, he completed the body, an old soldier became his sitter. Then he transferred the face from the bust.

Secondly, the statue did not display any beauty and sophistication at all. It depicts a flabby old body with saggy skin, and a mocking and ironic smile adorns her face.

When the sculpture was exhibited in Paris Salon, high society refused to accept it, a huge scandal arose. They forgot about the work of the master. It was only in the 20th century that she was remembered, and the masterpiece was given its due - Pigalle was appreciated.

Bronze Horseman of Falcons

If you recall the most famous sculptures in Russia, then the first thing that comes to mind is this. But thanks to Pushkin's work, he is known by a different name. It was created by three French sculptors, headed by Falcons. At the end of the work, he gouged out on the statue on Latin words that the monument is his brainchild.

IN total The sculpture has been in the making for 15 years. According to the author's intention, it was supposed to reflect the power of the Russian emperor over nature and history, his will and talent as a reformer. It must be said that it succeeded.

Unique feature Bronze Horseman is that it was fully cast, so it is impossible to find joints or welding on its surface. And also the rock on which it stands is the largest monolith ever moved by man.

Today, everyone can look at the Bronze Horseman, which is located next to St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Thinker Rodin

The most famous, as well as the most recognizable, is located in the Parisian museum of the same name. This is the popular Thinker. The creation of the author was inspired by the "Divine Comedy". Accordingly, if it were not for the talented Dante, then the "Thinker" would not exist.

In 1880, Rodin received an order for a large-scale work called The Gates of Hell. According to his plan, it will include several individual sculptures. The project itself was supposed to decorate the entrance to the museum. But the work was not finished. However, Rodin decided to enlarge some of the statues and present them to the world separately.

This is how The Thinker was born. The sculpture depicts a man who is frozen in a sitting position on a stone. His stubborn thought process is literally visible to everyone who looks at him - the author managed to convey the emotional coloring so reliably.

Chicago and Picasso

If we consider large-scale and famous sculptures of the world, then one cannot ignore the one that has not even received a name. It is installed in Chicago and is a kind of gift to this city from the master Picasso. By the way, its name is exactly what it sounds like “nameless sculpture”.

In 1963 American company ordered models of the statue from Picasso, which were ready in 2 years. After the approval of the project, construction began. It was financed by two charitable companies, the whole process cost 352 thousand dollars. The weight of the structure is 162 tons, and the height is just over 15 meters.

The sculptor himself was offered 100 thousand dollars for planning and processing the project. However, Picasso refused, he was very insistent that he wanted to donate this structure to the city.

Two forms of Henry Moore

Perhaps the world's most famous sculpture by Henry Moore is his Two Forms. It was completed in 1936. Moore himself - British sculptor, which is clearly the greatest master 20th century.

"Two Forms" is considered a descendant of "The Kiss". However, they are more elegant, they show notes of modernity, or, as the creator himself called it, “new aesthetics”.

The sculpture is ideally named because it really embodies two forms. It seems like they complement each other. But also they will not be meaningless if we consider each form separately. This is the whole of Henry, he also breathes mystery, alienation, as well as from all his works.

Unfortunately, in Russian museums there are no works by Moore, but exhibitions are often held here. Therefore, it is still possible to get acquainted with his art and technique.


All famous sculptures and their authors differ from each other. But only one thing can be said for sure about each of them. All of them gave the world a lot of new things. Art has always existed. Moreover, many talented craftsmen were not accepted at the time. Their masterpieces had to wait centuries to glorify the creator. But in any case, the sculpture has always found its audience, its recognition.

Not all famous sculptures are listed here. Photos of many masterpieces can be seen on thematic sites. However, they are not able to reflect all the sophistication and beauty that the sculptors wanted to convey to the people. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to touch the beautiful, then you should use it and look at the sculptures of talented masters live.

For many centuries, great artists have given humanity their art, producing incredible works. One of the directions is sculpture. We present to your attention the rating of the greatest sculptures in the history of mankind, of course, like all ratings that cannot be measured by any clear parameters, it is controversial, and it did not include all works worthy of this, but still, it is close to the truth. And so - the most recognizable statues around the world.

10. Bronze David

Made in 1440 by Donatello (1386-1466), bronze David, today, is one of the most famous sculptures. It should be noted that this is the first statue of a free-standing nude human body bronze during the Renaissance. She portrays a young David with enigmatic smile, with a foot on the severed head of Goliath with his sword in his hands, immediately after the giant was killed. There is also much speculation as to when the statue was made. Suggested dates vary from the 1420s to the 1460s, although the exact date is not known.

9. Bronze statue "Girl from the Savannah, feeding the birds"

The sculpture, known as The Girl Feeding the Birds, was created in 1936 by female sculptor Sylvia Shaw Judson (1897-1978) in Lake Forest, Illinois, for her own garden. This sculpture gained notoriety when it appeared on the cover of the 1994 novel Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Made of bronze, 50 inches (1 m 27 cm) in height, the image of a young girl in a simple dress with a sad or contemplative expression on her face, with her head tilted to the left, standing straight, her elbows resting on her waist, with her arms spread apart, she holds two bowls. The bowls are often described by viewers as "feeders".

8. Disco Thrower

The discus thrower is a replica of a lost famous Greek bronze statue. The sculptor is still not known for certain, it is believed Myron, completed by the end of 460-450 BC. Numerous Roman copies survive, both in bronze and marble. Represents the body of an athlete in motion. Like all Greek athletes, the Discus Thrower is completely naked.

7. "Kiss"

"Kiss" 1889, marble sculpture French sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840-1917). This sculpture has interesting story, it depicts the 13th century Italian noblewoman Paolo Malatesta immortalized by Dante in his Divine Comedy falling in love with the wife of his older brother Francesca da Rimini, the couple being exposed and murdered by Francesca's husband, Gianciotto Malatesta. The sculpture shows that the lips of the lover did not actually touch completely, the kiss was interrupted, and having met their death, their lips never once touched. When critics first saw the sculpture in 1887, they suggested the name Le Baiser (French)

6. Hermes with baby Dionysus

Known Hermes sculptor Praxiteles. The statue was discovered in 1877 on the ruins of the temple of Hera in Olympia. This is displayed in the archaeological museum of Olympia. It is traditionally attributed to Praxiteles and dated to the 4th century BC, the identification of authorship is based on the remarks of the Greek traveler Pausanias, who made a significant contribution to the definition of Praxiteles' style.

5. "Themis"

The sculpture "Themis" is one of the most famous sculptures in the world. This statue is not attributed to a specific artist, but the fact that it adorns many courthouses around the world has made it one of the most popular sculptures. This sculpture goes by many names, including "Themis", "Scales of Justice". Themis, Themis was among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the goddess of justice, legality and justice. Themis is always depicted with a blindfold, as a symbol of impartiality, and with scales in her hands, a symbol of measure and justice.

4. "Pieta"

Created by Michelangelo (1475-1564), the Pieta depicts the Virgin Mary holding the body of Jesus Christ in her arms. Before the sculpture "Pieta", Michelangelo was not very famous artist. In 1498, a life-size sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding her son in her arms was commissioned to him. Within two years, from a single marble slab, Michelangelo created one of the most beautiful sculptures in the world.

3. Thinker

The Thinker is a famous sculpture by Auguste Rodin. Originally called "The Poet", it was part of a composition created for the gates of the Museum decorative arts in Paris. Rodin based the composition on the plot " Divine Comedy"Dante. Each of the statues represented one of the main roles in the epic poem. "The Thinker" was originally conceived to depict Dante himself in front of the Gates of Hell, pondering his great poem. (Ultimately, a miniature statue sits at the top of the gate, contemplating the hellish fate of those below.) The sculpture depicts a naked figure of a man, in a very serious thought and a state of internal contradiction.

2. Venus de Milo

The sculpture "Venus de Milo" was created sometime between 100 and 130 BC. She is believed to represent Aphrodite (Venus to the Romans), the Greek goddess of love and beauty. This is a marble sculpture, slightly larger than life size 203 cm (6 ft 8 in) high. Her arms and original plinths were lost. According to the inscription on its plinth, it is considered the work of Alexandros of Antioch, was previously erroneously attributed to the work of the sculptor Praxiteles. Venus is currently on display at the Louvre (Paris). Surprisingly, the statue was discovered by chance in a field by a farmer.

1. David

The sculpture "David" is a Renaissance masterpiece created between 1501 and 1504 by the Italian artist Michelangelo. This marble statue naked male 5 m 17 cm (17 ft) tall. The statue represents the biblical hero David, a beloved hero in Florentine art. It was originally commissioned to be placed high on the façade of the Florence Cathedral, but was instead placed in the main city square. Due to the nature of the hero, the statue soon became a symbol of the defense of civil liberties enshrined in the Florentine Republic, an independent city-state that was threatened from all sides by more powerful rival states. David's eyes, with a warning, were turned to Rome.

Statues are an important part human history and culture. All of them are different and unlike each other, but we all once heard about them. Below is a list of the ten most famous statues in the world.

The Manneken Pis is a symbol of Brussels, a miniature figurine-fountain 61 cm high, made of bronze. Located next to the main Grand Place in the Belgian capital Brussels. The exact time and circumstances of the creation of this statue are unknown. There are numerous urban legends about her appearance. According to some reports, it already existed in the 15th century, possibly from 1388.

The Little Mermaid is a bronze statue by Edvard Eriksen depicting a character from the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen. The sculpture is located on a rock, on coastline Langelinje promenade in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is 1.25 m tall and weighs 175 kg. It was opened on August 23, 1913. Is one of the most famous characters Copenhagen and a world famous tourist attraction. According to the German magazine Der Spiegel, the statue, located in the harbor of Copenhagen, has always been a copy, and the original is kept by the descendants of the sculptor in an unknown location.

Thinker - bronze sculpture 181 cm high by the French sculptor Auguste Rodin, on which he worked from 1880 to 1882. Since 1922 it has been in the collection of the Musée Rodin in Paris. Now it is one of the most recognizable sculptures in the world. In addition to the original, there are about 20 more copies from plaster and bronze, located in different cities Worldwide.

The Motherland is a famous statue located on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia. Was dedicated to Soviet soldiers fighting in Battle of Stalingrad During the Second World War. When the monument was completed in 1967, it was one of the tallest in the world for 22 years (85 meters). The very same figure has a length of 52 meters, the sword - 33 m. The entire sculpture weighs about 8,000 tons.

Leshan Buddha statue - Buddha statue near Leshan city in Chinese province Sichuan. It has a height of 71 meters, which makes it one of the tallest Buddha statues in the world. It was carved into the rock at the confluence of the Ming and Dadu rivers. Its construction began in 713 under the leadership of the Chinese monk Hai Tong during the Tang Dynasty. He hoped that the Buddha would calm the turbulent waters that interfere with shipping vessels traveling along the river. The work was completed after 90 years.

Giant stone heads Olmec - a series of sculptures on the coast Gulf of Mexico in Mexico representing human heads big size. Carved from basalt boulders, they date back to at least 900 BC. e. and are a distinctive attribute of the ancient Mesoamerican civilization of the Olmecs. Each of the 17 famous statues has a distinctive headdress. The back of the monuments is mostly flat. The smallest of the heads weighs 6 tons, while the largest, according to various estimates, is from 40 to 50 tons.

Moai are monolithic statues carved from rocks of volcanic origin on Easter Island. Of the more than 900 in existence, most date from between 1250 and 1500. There are many hypotheses about who carved the moai. The most popular of them say they were made by Polynesian settlers. The usual size of the statues is 3–5 m, weight less than 5 tons. The largest moai - the so-called Paro, is about 10 meters high and weighs 75 tons.

Great Sphinx

Great Sphinx- a monumental sculpture of the Sphinx, located on the Giza plateau in Egypt, on west bank Nile, near modern Cairo. It has a length of 73 m and a height of 20 m. It was carved from a monolithic limestone rock around 2550 BC at the initiative of Khafre, the son of Cheops, the fourth pharaoh of Egypt from the IV dynasty.

The Christ the Redeemer statue is a famous statue of Jesus Christ built atop the Corcovado granite mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was erected between 1922 and 1931 and solemnly opened to visitors on October 12, 1931. The statue is 39.6 m high (together with a 9.5 m pedestal), and weighing 635 tons, is one of the main attractions of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil as a whole. At least 1.8 million tourists visit it every year.

The Statue of Liberty is a national monument of the United States, a symbol of freedom, democracy and justice, one of the most famous sculptures in the world, often called the "symbol of New York and the United States." It is a gift from French citizens for the centenary of the American Revolution. This monumental neoclassical building was erected between 1884 and 1886 to designs by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, Gustave Eiffel (construction) and Richard Morris Hunt (pedestal). The height of the statue is 93 m, the total weight is 204.1 tons.

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Sculptors are masters of three-dimensional art who have worked throughout history to shape marble, bronze, wood and other materials into incredible shapes. Sculpture has always been important way understand culture and society, be it portrait busts of great leaders or symbolic image ethical principles.

If you try to count all the famous sculptures in the history of mankind, you will find that the list is endless. Today we will show you 15 of the most iconic and great works of this amazing visual arts that everyone should know about.

Bust of Nefertiti, Thutmose, 1345 BC An image that has long been a symbol of the ideal of female beauty. It is now kept in the Neues Museum in Berlin.

Terracotta army, 3rd century BC Incredible example of funerary art: 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots, 670 horses. The army was created to protect the Chinese emperor in the afterlife. It was only discovered in 1974 when farmers were digging a well.

Nike of Samothrace, 190 BC A cult example of Hellenistic Greek sculpture, kept in the Louvre.

Venus de Milo, 130 BC Legendary marble sculpture dedicated to the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Also located in the Louvre.

David, Donatello, 1430-1440 Italian Renaissance sculptor Donatello created his David nearly 100 years before Michelangelo's legendary David.

David, Michelangelo, 1501-1504 One of the most iconic sculptures in human history.

Statue of Liberty designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and built by Gustave Eiffel, 1876-1886 The copper statue depicting the Roman goddess Libertas is a symbol of US freedom.

The Thinker, Rodin, 1880 (cast 1904). The masterpiece of the French sculptor Auguste Rodin, which has become a symbol of philosophy.

Unique forms of continuity in space, Umberto Boccioni, 1913 (cast 1931). A stunning sculpture by the brilliant Italian artist Umberto Boccioni, who died at 33, is now on display at the New York Museum of Modern Art.

Fountain, Duchamp, 1917 Once upon a time, Marcel Duchamp set the world of art on the ears with his Fountain, a sculpture that is essentially a porcelain urinal. The groundbreaking work challenged all art connoisseurs and made them think about traditional concepts of craftsmanship and aesthetics in art.

Lincoln Memorial designed by Daniel Chester French and cast by PICCIRILLI BROTHERS, 1920 Sculpture depicting Lincoln contemplating as he sits inside the majestic temple that forms the rest of the Lincoln Memorial. In the 1930s, this space became a symbol of race relations in the United States.

Bird in Space, Constantin Brancusi, 1923 A series of sculptures by a Romanian artist in marble and bronze, depicting, rather than the physical likeness of a bird, but a sense of movement. The original version is currently kept at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Inflatable dog, Jeff Koons, 1994-2000 The artist, who created some of the most outstanding works of the 20th century, created a whole series of similar sculptures of sparkling toy dogs. One of them went under the hammer at Christie's for $58.4 million in 2013.

Mom, Louise Bourgeois, 1999. Considered a symbol of the fusion of physical and psychological strength, this masterpiece is located outside the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.

Cloud Gate, Anish Kapoor, 2004 One of the most famous works of the controversial sculptor is located in Chicago. The artist was inspired to create such an object by liquid mercury.

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