And how many wonderful discoveries we have. Experience is the son of difficult mistakes


"And chance, God is an inventor..." September 22nd, 2011


Oh how many wonderful discoveries we have

Prepare enlightenment spirit
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, friend of paradoxes,
And chance, god is the inventor...

IN Soviet time four lines of Pushkin's verse served as a screensaver in S. Kapitsa's TV show "Obvious - Incredible", and the fifth line was omitted as it did not fit into the temporal context - because of the word "god" or for another reason. This fifth unrhymed line is suggestive...

Wonderful discoveries (new knowledge, revelations) are preparing:

- enlightenment spirit
Enlightenment (H) enye - that which shines through, illuminates. Spirit of Light. Wave of light. The spirit of light was changed to the "holy spirit". The word "swa" in Sanskrit means "own", "own". Shine yourself, enlighten yourself, do not expect miracles from "holiness", and the result will not slow down!

- Experience, son of difficult mistakes
O-experiment (attempt) is always associated with the difficulty of overcoming - the ancestors could make mistakes, and you are no exception, before you learn your lesson, you will fill yourself with a lot of bumps (o-error, u-shib). Shared experience previous generations, former incarnations goes in parallel with the spirit of enlightenment.

- Genius, paradox friend
Among Russian words, Pushkin has only one Greek origin- PARADOX (from other Greek παράδοξος - unexpected, strange from other Greek παρα-δοκέω - I seem). Something that can exist in reality, but has no logical explanation.
The prefix "para" means "outside", "beyond", "dox" - "doctrine" (compare with Latin doctrine teaching - scientific, philosophical, religious, etc. system of views). If there is "orthodoxy" right opinion, the doctrine that I profess, I glorify” (ὀρθός - “straight”, “correct” + δόξα - “opinion”, “glory”), then paradoxes are out of doctrine. Here is a GENIUS and a friend!

But here's what catches your eye: the only "foreign" word PARADOX strongly resembles Russian word ORDER-DOK (well, its derivative is “parade”). ON RA DOC. (The Latin alphabet, as you know, comes from the Etruscan).
What do we get?
According to RA, a scientist (according to RA, think (thoughts) according to RA, praise).

Genius is the spirit of the house, the genes of the Family, the heritage former lives and incarnations. Genius is friends with paradoxes. A genius lives DOXALLY IN RA, the Cosmos opens to him (the order of things in the SERIES, the Golden chain of life).

- Chance, god the inventor
From-Acquirer is not the one who acquires, but the one who receives knowledge from the outside - (for example, having studied the wing of a bird, he builds an aircraft). They often invent thanks to tips from outside (a solution comes in a dream).

What is SLU TEA? (Heard tea? Heard tea? The word tea!)
The word "case" refers to the Tree of words that stand on the root of the SL: (first of all, the verb Slyt (from it - Glory, Hear (HEARING), WORD, syllable, case, thought, village, universe, etc.)

The second part of the word is TEA (see Fasmer's Dictionary: from other Russian CHAYATI "expect, hope", Old Slav. chaѩti, chaѭ (compare with Bulgarian teas se "I stare, I go where my eyes look", Serbohorv chajati, chajem "wait", Slovene čаj "wait", Polish przyczaić się, Old Polish czaić się "to ambush, lurk, creep" Praslav *čаjati cognate OE sāuati "observes, is afraid."
Examples are interesting in Ushakov’s dictionary: “I didn’t look forward, stupid, to remain an orphan” (Nekrasov). “I didn’t look forward to how to wait for such joy!” (A. Ostrovsky). "And how do you make your people happy tea?" (Krylov). “Do not look forward to the soul” (colloquial expression). “Climbing up the narrow path to the Elizabethan spring, I overtook a crowd of civilian and military men, who, as I later learned, constituted a special class of people between those who looked forward to the movement of water” (Lermontov).

What do we get as a result? A CASE is to expect the WORDING (prophetic word), that which SEETS (sounds in the universe). Hearing is associated with sound, with the word. That's why the man and Slovek, who has the gift of speech and hearing. He waits (waits) for hints from the Universe and the god of inventions CASE is right there!

Nothing supernatural. Have only developed hearing, flair, patience. If you make a mistake, you misunderstand, you can throw away your unsuccessful invention, your bicycle with square wheels. If you understand the hint correctly, you will gain good luck, and, thanks to chance, you will make a discovery, acquire something useful for development, become an assistant to Life, a participant in the Universal Game, and even introduce others to it!

Pushkin's genius begins with O, opening up endless scope for discoveries...


A.S. Pushkin:

“Providence is not algebra. Mind h<еловеческий>, according to the popular expression, he is not a prophet, but a guesser, he sees the general course of things and can deduce from it deep assumptions, often justified by time, but it is impossible for him to foresee the case - a powerful instant tool of Providence.

According to Vasmer, CASE comes from the verb BEAM

I other Russian. luchiti (Ukrainian luchiti "to mark, hit", blr. luchyts "to happen, to get", old Slav. louchiti τυγχάνειν, Bulgarian luchi "I aim", Serbo-Chorv. "throw, throw", Czech lučiti "throw, hit", Polish ɫuczyć "to mark, hit".
Initial "look after something, wait", hence "to mark, hit, throw, receive"; related Lit. láukiu, láukti "wait", suláukti "wait, live, receive", susiláukti - the same, Old Prussian laukīt "seek"; with another degree vowel alternation: Lit lūkiù, lūkė́ti "wait", Latvian lũkât "look, try", nùolũks "goal, intention", other ind. lṓcatē "sees, notices", lōcanam "eye", Gr. λεύσσω "I see, I notice";
II beam
beam I., for example. separate, separate, happen, Ukrainian get "connect", blr. beam - the same, st.-glory. heal χωριζειν, Bolg. lacha "separate, separate", Serbohorv. beam, beam "to separate", sloven. lǫ́čiti "to separate, separate", Czech. louciti, slvts. lúčit᾽ "to separate", Pol. ɫączyć "to connect".
Praslav. *lǫčiti, originally, probably "to bend, bind", received in additions with prefixes otъ (see excommunicate), *orz meaning. "divide"; cf. lit. lankýti, lankaũ "visit", lánkioti "go around", lankúoti "to bend, make flexible", ltsh. lùocît, lùoku "tilt, direct".

Prepares enlightenment spirit
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, friend of paradoxes,

Science in Pushkin's work

Inclusions of "scientific" topics in poetic works Pushkin are quite frequent. But this five-verse can be called the quintessence of the theme "Science in Pushkin's work."
Only five lines, and what coverage - enlightenment, experience, genius, chance- all the components that determine the progress of mankind.
Pushkin's interest in contemporary science was very deep and versatile (as, indeed, in other aspects of human activity). Confirmation of this is his library, which contains works on the theory of probability, the works of Pushkin's contemporary, academician V.V. Petrov, a Russian experimental physicist in the study of electrical phenomena, and others (in Russian and foreign languages).
Pushkin's library in his apartment museum includes many books on natural science topics: the philosophical works of Plato, Kant, Fichte, the works of Pascal, Buffon, Cuvier on natural science, Leibniz's works on mathematical analysis, Herschel's works on astronomy, research on physics and mechanics of Arago and d'Alembert, Laplace's work on the theory of probability, etc.
Pushkin, being the editor and publisher of the Sovremennik magazine, regularly posted articles by scientists reflecting scientific and technical topics in it.
Pushkin could also learn about the achievements of physics of that time from communication with the famous scientist, inventor P.L. Schilling, the creator of the first electromagnetic telegraph apparatus, an electric mine. Pushkin knew him very well and Schilling's inventions could well be seen in action.
The Poet's interest in Lomonosov's work can be estimated from the fact that, having read the "M.V. Lomonosov's track record for 1751-1756" in the Moscow Telegraph magazine, he was struck by the versatility and depth of research. The poet expressed his admiration as follows: “Combining extraordinary willpower with extraordinary power of concept, Lomonosov embraced all branches of education. Historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything ... ". And later he adds: "He created the first university. It is better to say that he himself was our first university."

If you, my guest, have read my Marginal Notes in the right column, now look at what this poem could have been like if the Poet had tried to complete the line with the missing rhyme.

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have
Prepares enlightenment spirit
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, friend of paradoxes,
And chance, god is the inventor...
And an idle dreamer.

​Vitaly STRUGOVSCHIKOV, additional education teacher:

Since childhood, I have had a desire to know how it is made, arranged, works: how watches are arranged, how motors work, and other complex mechanisms. I became interested in numbers, design, in the future - physical phenomena and chemical transformations: from the details of the designer built chemical substances, connecting various balls with each other, he received models of molecules of new substances with properties unknown to me, later he independently tried to study the properties of the resulting substances. These little independent studies were a discovery for me! In shaping my worldview, I have always relied on the knowledge of senior teachers-mentors (lucky!). Later I came to the idea that giving and helping to master knowledge is much more important and interesting than just knowing. While studying at the Machine Tool Institute, I became a teacher: as a student, I helped my fellow students to master the complex science - mathematics.

Today my office is equipped with modern high-tech equipment, these are adaptive and program-controlled turning, milling, drilling, cutting machines; 3D-machines, computer and multimedia equipment, electrical and electronic small machines and tools. All these tools help to make classes richer, more colorful and interesting, which increases the motivation of students to master new knowledge. Special interest when working with children - the creation of design and design work both as part of the lesson and as additional activity(projects related to the construction of high-speed cars and aircraft adapted for unmanned movement). Knowledge in the field (know how - know how) of design and new technologies allows my students to perceive the world differently (they begin to understand how it works, is arranged, designed), and some of them will be able to become architects (technologists, designers) of a new modern world. WITH younger students we create projects of simple bench models that allow you to master the manufacturing technology and see the design as a whole; Students come up with a new “product”, draw up a technical justification, design (create design and technological documentation), develop and build visual and working layouts, and, finally, the “product” is ready for production and for the consumer. An important direction is work with gifted children, because it is they who achieve success in competitions, contests, exhibitions. high level. I created methodological development to prepare children for competitions in technical sports.

The title of teacher has become life credo, calling. It is important for me that the classes are interesting and effective, so that students make their little discoveries at each lesson.

Irina REVYAKINA, teacher of Russian language and literature:

Each of us came to the profession by different roads, but the school does not tolerate "passers-by". After working for a year or two, a person forever remains in this profession or leaves without returning.

It is difficult to be a magician: all the time he himself works miracles and teaches others to create, opening a book of knowledge, but not everyone has the desire to learn, to create. How to motivate a student, how to help him understand himself, in the sciences? How to help not to pass by the beautiful? How to make it clear that all this knowledge is necessary for him. Words often pass by, but deeds are remembered. To discover something, you need to make an effort. When asking children, ask yourself first. It is necessary to teach not only by words, but also by personal example. After all, a teacher is daily under the gun of hundreds of eyes. We must teach our computerized students to dream, to think associatively, to look more often at a book than at a screen; to see, feel, understand those who are close to them, empathize with someone else's grief and sincerely rejoice in the victories of others, teach them to realize themselves in this crazy information flow modern life. Love and knowledge help us in educational activities.

I really love my profession. When I see children's eyes, I dissolve in them, carrying the reasonable, kind, eternal, forgetting about everything. We plunge into the secrets of spelling and punctuation of the Russian language, into the secrets of the words of fiction. When explaining the rules, I always give examples from life, I say where they could apply them. Why do you need to know these prefixes, suffixes, parts of speech? Necessary! It is necessary to know everything: phonetics and orthoepy, morphemics and word formation, morphology and vocabulary, otherwise children will not learn to write or speak correctly. This is how the spirit of enlightenment hovers in the classroom, helping to create miracles.

Literature lessons are true magic. Then we on unknown paths we study the traces of unseen animals, then on a broom, like grandmas-yeshki, we fly to distant lands, then, thinking, crying: why did Gerasim do this to Mumu? And when we are already older, we are going to the first ball, admiring the charm summer night, we think about the questions: is it possible to kill one in order to save several? Who am I - a trembling creature or do I have the right? How many in this world "why?" and why?"! And after all, all this in books will be revealed to those who carefully and patiently not only read, but carefully study everything hidden, encrypted by the author.

I build my lessons in such a way that children feel comfortable, so that they can not only receive the necessary information from different sources, but also find it on their own, use it correctly so that children are not afraid to make mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes, but few recognize and correct their mistakes . Theoretical material I associate with practice real life, I compare the events of ancient years with today.

Our profession is such that we do not immediately see the result of our work. We give children not only knowledge, but also a part of our soul, parts of our heart, warmth, but sometimes they don’t teach, they don’t know, they don’t know how, they don’t do it, they don’t listen, and they just don’t want to. Our words and deeds bear fruit through the years. How happy the heart is when you meet graduates or hear on the phone: “Thank you for your lessons!”, “Thank you, we passed all the exams and entered the institute!” (For many years pedagogical activity I didn’t have a single deuce for the exam, although the students were different, even correction classes.) “We often remember your lessons!”, “And you were right when you said ...”, “We read so many books. The way you taught us!”, “Do you remember our excursions, hikes?”, “We invite you to our wedding.” ... Indeed, "how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment prepares for us."

Today, the teacher not only teaches, but also learns constantly.

A modern teacher is a virtuoso in his field, sociable, mobile, creatively thinking, well-versed in computer technology, respectful of the individual, stylish. The teacher prepares the future.

I am proud to be a teacher. These rules help me prepare children for “wonderful discoveries”: try to make learning fun, teach energetically, make the student correctly verbally and in writing. educational material, follow his speech, never stop!

Working at school helped me realize many opportunities: a psychologist, an actor, a director, a cameraman, a tour guide, a fashion designer, a make-up artist... And I help my students to open up and feel like geniuses.

Nadezhda VOROBYEVA, teacher:

How far science has stepped forward, with what inexorable speed it is moving forward thanks to the genius of scientists, the talented skill of thousands of people! This process touched all areas of our life, including education. The discussion about what pedagogy is - science or art does not subside. I am close to the idea that pedagogy is a science that turns the co-creation of a wise adult and child into art. Gain experience based on knowledge, notice " amazing near”and make discoveries, be responsible for your actions - isn’t this the philosophy of new education standards ?!

We, as educators, teach the future, that is, what does not yet exist, to live in conditions that we can only imagine now ... In this, we are helped by such a genius as the skill of a teacher, and such a genius as the curiosity of a child, the experience of an adult and the child's desire for a new experiment... Adult and child... Hand in hand... On and on...

Pushkin, being brilliant writer and a poet, obviously, was also a brilliant teacher. Confirmation is his numerous children's works (including such informative and instructive tales as, for example, "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"). The poem "Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have ..." can even be considered program work, in which Pushkin, looking ahead, showed us what teachers of the future should strive for in the upbringing and educational process, as they are now considered to be innovators. Having read the poem to the end, it seems to me that in these lines one can consider almost all the identified areas of the child's development, formulated in the federal state educational standards.

From the very first lines, “Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment prepares for us ...” we plunge into a sense of anticipation that any of our useful work, work carried out not only with children, with parents, with the team, in the world around us, but also first of all, above yourself (any activity must begin with yourself), it will certainly lead to a positive result and open up something new, unusual and unexpectedly beautiful for you and your environment.

Following the thought of Alexander Sergeevich “and experience, the son of difficult mistakes, and genius, paradoxes are a friend ...”, we come to the realization that, investing in each child the maximum possible knowledge, skills, skills, love, we experience difficulties, it happens , we make mistakes, but we always strive for the best and we get this result, possibly short-term, because our whole life consists of cases and paradoxes. But throughout our activities, both we, teachers, and all objects of the educational process gain experience that cannot be replaced by any scientific literature, no higher education.

Reading a poem, we come to a description of those areas that a person needs to develop in order to achieve his most best qualities, a positive result, progress, what we are called to by the modern requirements reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard. Alexander Sergeevich advises to develop in a person such qualities as the ability to invent, create, develop the imagination, regardless of who the person is in essence (“one is a diamond, the other is a diamond”). The Federal State Educational Standards dictate to us absolutely the same requirements for the development of the child's personality, but through certain educational areas: the ability to invent - knowledge, music, fine art, reading fiction, labor; creation - music, health, Physical Culture, socialization, work, safety, reading fiction, communication, cognition, artistic creativity; imagination - music, work, reading fiction, artistic creativity.

As a result, we come to the conclusion that to achieve enlightenment, discoveries, to achieve anything at all in our life, no matter what country, region, city we live in, what century it is outside the window, it is possible only daily, hourly, every second working and working over yourself and the world around you. Through the centuries, the words of the brilliant Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin sound like parting words to the descendants: "Everything is achieved through work."

Olga Lyakhova
Essay "Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment prepares for us"

Numerous books and articles have been published on creative heritage Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In these works, Pushkin is presented as the great Russian national poet, the creator of the modern Russian language, literary critic, historian, thinker, artist. Unfortunately, to the point of insulting, little attention has been paid to the statements of Alexander Sergeevich on issues public education, which are contained in his writings, as well as in official materials, notes. According to Pushkin, powerful, first of all, in national literature And national history. Pushkin did not think of a solution to the problem of the spiritual education of young people without the formation of a Russian national ideal in them. According to the poet, powerful enlightening power is enclosed primarily in national literature and national history. The views of A. S. Pushkin on education deserve the most close attention and deep research.

ABOUT how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment prepares for us ....

I would like to reflect on this topic and transfer these words to pedagogical science. How many discoveries makes a man for his long life. The first, and perhaps the most important, begin as early as childhood. To learn and understand something new, parents, teachers, educators help children. Pedagogical science consists entirely of discoveries. Many famous teachers of the past spoke about this. For example, K. D. Ushinsky showed that, like any other science, pedagogy cannot develop without experience and that this discoveries are necessary precondition improvement of training and education. Taking into account the achievements related to the pedagogy of sciences, exploring practical experience educational work, teachers come to opening new, previously unexplored methods of education and upbringing. IN modern science- these are innovative methods of work, experimentation in different areas. Discoveries in experiments, so they said in antiquity and now this expression is very relevant. Sukhomlinsky also said that the process of mastering new knowledge is very important, therefore, in kindergarten there should be no clear line between everyday life and experimentation, because experimentation is not an end in itself, but only a way to familiarize children with the world discoveries in which to live. Much has been said about discoveries material and this is important, because more Chinese philosophers spoke:

What I heard I forgot

what i saw i remember

what I did, I know.

I want to talk about the importance children's personality discoveries. Every little man has its own characteristics of character and as he said Sukhomlinsky: "The teacher, first of all, must be able to learn spiritual world child, understand in every child "personal".

It is to the personality that the teacher is addressed in his activity, therefore the teacher is a person who not only mastered the theory of pedagogy, but also the practice, who feels the child, he is a thinker who combines theory and practice together.

I often want to say about a real teacher - marvelous, and sometimes wonderful. What does it mean? talking wonderful, I don’t want to offend at all, but on the contrary, I want to note that a born teacher will always find the key to any child, sometimes such unusual methods that was hard to even imagine. This quality cannot be earned by years of practice or by reading a lot of literature. This quality is given to a person at birth and accompanies him throughout his life. Therefore, it happens that at first you get to know a person and you think - he is some kind of wonderful, but you will talk and want to already say - what is he like marvelous!

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky said that education should be original, national, the matter of public education should be in the hands of the people themselves, who would organize it, lead and manage the school, the people determined the content and nature of education, the entire population should be covered enlightenment.

When working with children, one should not forget about their parents, because it is they, these are those close people who also invest a lot in the personality of the child and sometimes do not always understand what needs to be given to the child and what is not needed. It is for this that the teacher works with the parents of his pupils, one might even say enlightens them.

In conclusion, I would like to say in the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky:

“Dozens, hundreds of threads that spiritually connect a teacher and a student are those paths that lead to human heart. A teacher and students should be connected by a spiritual community, in which it is forgotten that the teacher is a leader and mentor.

"Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

Prepare enlightenment spirit

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes ... "

These lines from a poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin are a kind of parting word for people and make you think about the role of experience and mistakes in their lives. What is experience? Experience is knowledge gained over a lifetime. Is it possible to gain experience without making mistakes? Practice shows that it is not. You can learn from the mistakes of others, but it is impossible to live without making your own. Each person, having been born, begins to gain experience, making mistakes in order to become better than they are. “Experience and mistakes” can be called relatives, because experience comes from mistakes. These two concepts are very close and one is a continuation of the other. What role do experiences and mistakes play in people's lives?

These and other questions are cause for long reflection. IN fiction the topic of choosing one's own path, in the course of making mistakes and gaining experience, is touched upon very often.

Let us turn to the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". This piece tells about failed love Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina. Onegin at the beginning of the work is presented as a frivolous nobleman who has lost interest in life, and throughout the novel he tries to find new meaning of its existence. Tatyana takes life and people seriously, she is a dreamy person. When she first met Onegin, she immediately fell in love with him. When Tatyana writes to Evgeny love letter, she shows courage, and puts all her love for him into him. But Onegin rejects Tatyana's letter. This happened because then he was not yet in love with her.

Having fallen in love with Tatyana, he sends her a letter, but then she could no longer accept his feelings. She learned from her mistakes and did not repeat them again, now she knew that falling in love with such a frivolous person, she made a big mistake.

Another example where one can trace the acquisition of experience from mistakes is the work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”. Evgeny Bazarov was a nihilist all his life, he denied everything, all feelings that could be born in a person, including love. His nihilistic views were his biggest mistake. Having fallen in love with Odintsov, his world begins to crumble. He could hardly talk about his feelings, which he so vehemently denied. And although Odintsova loved Evgeny, she still chose a quiet life and refused him. Before Bazarov's death, the covenant was precisely the one because of whom his world was destroyed, his love did not disappear. Before his death, he realized his mistake, but, alas, he could no longer correct anything.

So, mistakes are what allows people to accumulate life experience. And it is not so important whose mistakes they are, a person must learn from his own mistakes, as well as from the mistakes of others. Only in this way will people be able to improve and develop as a person.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2017-04-02

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