The legend of the Don television and radio broadcasting Rosalia Puchkovskaya is celebrating her jubilee. Almost native voices


The well-known Rostov journalist, local historian, professor of the Southern Federal University Vladislav Vyacheslavovich Smirnov wrote a lot and interestingly about the history of Rostov radio. On the radio in different years bright and interesting personalities worked. We had our own "Levitans", "Kirillovs", "Shatilovs", "Zhiltsovs". It is impossible not to recall the legendary Rostov announcers Nikolai Andreevich Andreev (Andriasyants), Vladimir Dmitrievich Andryushchenko, Alexander Ivanovich Popovich, the incomparable Svetlana Pashkova, Rosalia Puchkovskaya. Listening to the speech of the announcers, we learned to speak Russian correctly. By the way, the current star of the morning television on the Rossiya TV channel, Vladislav Zavyalov, began his journey on Russian television via Rostov radio. On our radio long years my friend Pavel Petrov worked as an announcer. He is called "Rostov Levitan". I have known Pasha since childhood. He studied music and violin with my mother, Galina Nikolaevna Bagdykova. Pasha graduated from the conservatory. Teaches at music school, performs solo concerts in Rostov and the region. On radio and television, he hosted various programs, including musical themes. He told Rostov listeners about famous musicians and composers of our city. The first broadcast of Pavel Petrov on Rostov radio took place more than twenty years ago. I am pleased to note that we spent a lot of programs together. On the radio "Don Wave" for about a year they conducted night program"Club of Jokes", and on "Echo of Rostov" they made programs about the history of our city. Since 1992, I have been taking part in the competition “Here, I remember, there was a case ...” of the Vecherniy Rostov newspaper. I was lucky to be the winner of this competition many times. So the hero of many of my stories was Pavlik Petrov. It is definitely very bright and talented person. A wonderful musician, violinist, presenter, parodist and born toastmaster. He has a subtle sense of humor. And Pavlik has a great capacity for work. He can spend the whole day without rest preparing for a concert. At the same time, it is impossible to get bored with Petrov. It attracts the most interesting and unusual people. On the Rostov radio under the direction of N.M. Skrebov and E.P. Smirnova Pavel Petrov created a whole cycle music programs"On the Eminent Performers of the Twentieth Century". It was Petrov who revived the tradition of musical broadcasting in our city in live. The guests of his programs were People's Artists of Russia Anatoly Gololobov and Nadezhda Karapetyan, professors of the Rostov Conservatory. Rachmaninov Solomon Borisovich Kutsovsky, Anatoly Moiseevich Zucker, Krikor Dzeronovich Khurdayan, Susanna Borisovna Arabkertseva, Honored Artist of Russia Nadezhda Chernyavskaya, famous opera director of Rostovsky musical theater Konstantin Balakin, the first baritone of Yerevan opera house Arkady Martirosyan, Honored Worker of the All-Russian musical society Sergei Alekhin and many, many others. For many years it was Pavel Petrov who wished Good morning Rostov radio listeners. He led the program "New Day" (it was also called "Morning Microphone"). Every day at half past six in the morning it went on the air. He was the first in the city to learn from weather forecasters about the weather and inform Rostovites what day awaits them ahead. Thanks to Pavel Petrov, I met many wonderful presenters of our radio and television who are now working in Moscow. For example, with Vladislav Zavyalov, Dmitry Yumashev, Dmitry Dibrov. I had the good fortune to communicate with Kirill Serebryannikov and Vladislav Vetrov. Pavel Petrov has a favorite saying: “Radio is something that is never seen. But, mind you, you can always hear very well. When I asked him what is important in the work of a radio host, he always answered me: “The voice of the presenter should never lie - this is the time. The opportunity to change at least something in this life is important - these are two. At the same time, to be convinced that no one will do it for you is three. In general, radio is a very intimate process of life.” Pavel Petrov always summed up everything that was said by the end of the broadcast. He did it harshly, uncompromisingly, but with humor and sarcasm. I will never forget how Petrov, Anna Ivashchenko and I prepared programs on medical topics. How much good humor they had. But at the same time, all these programs were, first of all, scientific and educational in nature.
It so happened that now Pavel Petrov works as a teacher at a music school, gives solo concerts. He also performs on the radio when he is invited. Of course, he also develops his acting skills, acts as a parodist. Often leads various concerts in our city. I know that Pavel Petrov always dreamed of his students. Let these students be not only in music. I think that many novice presenters can take an example from Petrov, as a multi-talented, bright and extraordinary person.


In her essay about Alexei Pavlovich Kuznetsov, journalist Lyudmila Fedorovna Rychalovskaya writes that at the time when Kuznetsov came to television, “personnel was needed, who, however, learned the profession within the walls of the Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting, that is, right at the workplace . And it was accepted to know it from the very beginning.

And it was deystivtlno so. Here is what Alexei Pavlovich himself says about this, answering the questions of a journalist:
How did you get used to the new place?
- With difficulties. True, I was lucky: at that time such well-known journalists as the senior editor of the industrial department Vasily Ivanovich Yurchenko, who had several newspapers and a publishing house, were already working on television.
He met Nikolai Pavlovich Belikov. A well-known director in Rostov, who became the main director on television. But I did not get to him as an assistant, but to no less famous director promotional department to Sergei Ivanovich Pozharsky, a man interesting fate. He came to television from the theater, where he worked as an actor and director. And here his talent was revealed. He first began to give television plays. This was facilitated by the specifics of the then television: we broadcast to the Rostov region from 8 in the morning until 24 in the morning alone - Central Television not accepted yet.

Alexey Kuznetsov, director Lyudmila Kochur, assistant director Alexander Bakmatov, cameraman Rostislav Kozlov. Bottom row: typist Natalya Gorozhayeva (?), maize grower from the Semikarakorsk region, Hero of Socialist Labor Raisa Gorozhayeva, not famous man; combine operator, Hero of Socialist Labor Nina Pereverzeva, operator Gennady Evstratoven.

Therefore, the air had to be filled by ourselves. So they staged performances, played 3-4 films, the rest of the time was given to the editorial offices - industrial, informational, Latest News, musical-dramatic, rural, party life and others. As a rule, then each transmission was at least an hour.

So, Sergei Ivanovich managed to stage performances almost every month. All programs were then broadcast live. Sometimes footage was used. These were short - for 1-2 minutes - film plots (there was no film for more).

Cinematographer Alexander Adamenko, ASB engineer Sergei Rudenko, assistant director Nadezhda Zalunina, announcer Svetlana Pashkova, journalist Alexei Kuznetsov; singer, star of the country of Yugoslavia, now defunct, Radmila Karaklaich, cameraman Alexander Perminov, electrician Viktor Gulshin, cameraman Oleg Kurilov. Below: announcer Viktor Kravchenko, assistant director Alexander Bakmatov

Often television workers themselves played in these performances. I remember such a case. In one of them, I, a journalist, played a partisan, and Misha Bushnov, an actor, now National artist Russia - the Gestapo. Misha interrogated me passionately. The performance was dedicated to the liberation of Rostov, the artists of the Youth Theater, Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky.
On the eve of the performance on the air, Pozharsky calls me and says:
- Lyosha, we need to get 20-30 sheepskin coats, dress the artists who played the soldiers-liberators of Rostov.
But where can you get them? I called the prison on Kamenka, explained the situation and received an encouraging answer: “Come, let's look.”

We are going there with Sergei Ivanovich. The political officer of the prison gets into the car with us and drives us through the checkpoint. We ship coats. And then the political officer is summoned somewhere. Half an hour, an hour, he's gone. And without it, they won't let us out. Temperamental Pozharsky runs, swears: filming is disrupted, and in the evening - performance is on live.

As a result, they managed to shoot and show the performance.
- You are all your creative life devoted to information topics. How did the information service on Rostov television begin?
- WITH " Latest news". When I came here, the editorial office was headed by Boris Samoilovich Zilberov, an old newspaperman who had gone through a great school of journalism: a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda in the South of Russia and Ukraine, a tanker during the war, again journalistic work, and from the first days - Rostov television. He taught me wisdom.
- News - this means being the first to arrive at the place and broadcast the story ...
- I took an almost 10-kilogram Reporter, ran to Lenzavod, which was nearby to the studio, since there were no cars in the editorial office then, organized responses to the next decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU or made a report on the labor victory of the team, talked about individual leaders, famous people .
In 1967-68, the shortage of film became smaller, and synchronous sound recording appeared, which revolutionized television. Separated from Latest News into a separate editorial office, Novosti became the main information program, which included the best reporters of the Committee. Then she acquired a new name - "Day of the Don".

In the center - Mikhail Sholokhov, above him - journalist Alexei Kuznetsov

went through all the stages of formation both as a journalist and as a leader, but reporter work, in my opinion, is the most interesting. Every day you meet new and new people, you become a witness of the most important events that you pass through your heart and soul. a plant was built, a mine was opened, Atommash was put into operation, a whole city grew - Volgodonsk, someone set a record, a kindergarten was passed ...

Hundreds, thousands of such events have passed before you, and you are in a hurry to go everywhere, tell about everything, show everything. Of course, I did not do all this work alone: ​​I had film crew, which included: operator, director, sound engineer, illuminator, driver. Television is a collective effort. Dozens of people are involved even in filming, editing and broadcasting a minute story.

In general, TV journalism is a big organizational work. Moreover, at the dawn of television, filming equipment was cumbersome, they carried a “carriage” of lighting devices with them. It is now possible to quickly film the event on a video camera, immediately review and write the text.

And in the 60-70s, having filmed the plot, they were waiting for what would come out of the development. And if there was a marriage in terms of image or sound, you had to draw out the plot with text.
Over the long years of work in the "Day of the Don" I had the opportunity to meet and show the most diverse and famous people not only on the Don, but also in the country. Many of the characters in my stories have sunk into my heart for life. You can talk a lot about meetings with them, but, perhaps, a special place in my work was occupied by trips to Veshenskaya, to Sholokhov ... And, although it was not possible to interview our great countryman, meetings with him were remembered for a lifetime.

And only when Sholokhov was already seriously ill, could hardly move, we filmed in his house, in the dining room, where he received another delegation from various regions of the country, foreign guests and his countrymen, we managed to record his speech.
We were young, we worked and believed that we were bringing benefits to our state and people. And this was our happiness.

Make-up artist Raisa Seitova, assistant director Alla Taukina, editor of the program "Rostov and Rostov" Lyudmila Solonuhina, singer and actress Lyudmila Senchina, journalist Alexei Kuznetsov, director Lyudmila Kochur, singer Iosif Kobzon

Well, it remains to add what exactly for his journalistic activity Kuznetsov has received many awards, is an Honored Worker of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Don-TR", and continues to work fruitfully, being still aware of all the current events in the life of our region ...

Sound engineer Nikolai Kononenko with a tape recorder "Rhythm 2", cameraman Sergei Ivanov with a movie camera "2 sr", journalist Alexei Kuznetsov, a builder (?) An unknown man.

On March 24, Alexei Pavlovich turned 75 years old. He works now, as before, at the Don TR television company. Only now - the boss production department. ANNIVERSARY, ALEXEY PAVLOVICH!
(Published in the newspaper "DonTR")

At the announcer of the Don-TR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Svetlana Pashkova. She has worked in our TV and radio company for 47 years. Throughout this time, she visited almost every house of a resident Rostov region. She dreamed of becoming an artist and even entered theater school, but it so happened that she preferred the news to the stage and, it seems, did not regret it.

These eyes, smile and voice are known to thousands of Don residents. Svetlana Pashkova, one of the first Rostov television announcers, was born in 1941. She spent her childhood with her family in the occupation. After the war, she dreamed of becoming a pilot, but later left this venture and took up art.

“I began to attend the drama club, after which I wanted to become an artist. After graduating from school, she went to Moscow to enter the theater school. However, the first time she did not enter and returned to Rostov, ”says the son of Svetlana Pashkova, Dmitry Chernichkin.

It was 1958, the city then announced the recruitment of announcers. A long line of stately beauties lined up in the corridor of the TV studio, among them was a 17-year-old girl with pigtails.

“We look at one woman, another. All of them do not fit - they do not look and speak the wrong way. And then a girl sits down, who immediately spoke in a magnificent voice, she looked great, ”recalls the director of Rostov television from 1958 to 1989, Evelina Economidi.

Thus began her career, she spent thousands of radio and television broadcasts. Conducted all responsible broadcasts and the main news program Don Day. Colleagues note the high professionalism of Svetlana Vasilievna. Once, during the broadcast, a lighting device exploded right above her, Pashkova did not even flinch and calmly continued to read the text.

"Release ends. We look at the burning fragments on the floor and on the table. They melted the floor. We were all surprised. This, of course, is a super-professional person, ”notes Leonid Kovalevsky, TV cameraman of the Don-TR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

“Svetlana Vasilievna was young, beautiful, charming, very smart, she always told some incredible stories. interesting stories We listened to her with our mouths open. It was a pleasure to work with her,” says Lyudmila Skvortsova, director of the Don-TR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Svetlana Pashkova worked for the TV and radio company for 47 years. She shone on the screen, but remained in life humble person and never used popular glory to please yourself. And today, April 4, the anniversary is celebrated behind the scenes, in a narrow family circle. Svetlana Pashkova is 75 years old, she is still good and loved by the audience.

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03/17/2019 Panorama Many in our region start the morning with "New Day" - one of the most popular programs of the Rostov state television and radio company "Don-TR".

Today we have hosts of the "New Day" Yuri Minkin and Angelika Volf.

What is the person missing?

“But it’s true that,” with these words I started a conversation with Yuri Minkin, because the day before I learned from his colleagues a thing that struck me. Colleagues said that Yuri Minkin lives in Novocherkassk, but for the sake of the New Day, which starts on Don-TR at seven twenty, he spends the night in Rostov with friends, acquaintances

It's true: I'm very afraid of being late, Minkin confirmed.

On other days (and work on the radio is not only “live broadcasts”), he travels to the Radio House from Novocherkassk. The round trip takes an average of five hours Labor feat, I would say.

I have loved our Rostov radio since childhood. Rozalia Puchkovskaya, Svetlana Pashkova, Nikolai Skrebov, I grew up on these voices of our announcers, radio journalists. Therefore, when I received only an invitation to cooperate as a freelance correspondent, the joy was indescribable, says Yury Vitalievich.

However, he is not one of those for whom life is equal to a profession. Yuri Minkin author of several collections of poetry, previously led in Novocherkassk literary association. He jokes that he has not yet decided to whom to attribute himself: either to poets who have wormed their way into journalism, or to journalists who have wormed their way into poetry?

Probably, these doubts will greatly surprise radio listeners, especially those who heard the broadcasts, during which Minkin helped in resolving housing and communal problems, raised acute social issues And in fact, how does he manage to combine it: poetry and the most furious prose of everyday life?

Switching from poetry (walking on clouds) to purely earthly issues, everyday problems is sometimes useful and interesting.

And do you know by heart not only poetic classics, but also the housing code?

Not by heart, but housing and land codes, and many others legal documents studied thoroughly.

Yuri Vitalyevich, people often call you during a live broadcast, you invite them to express their opinions and ask questions on the studio phone for another hour. What are the most frequently asked questions? What are people missing?

Maybe because I once led the program “Question with an edge”, dedicated to social problems and housing and communal services, no matter what I talk about now on the air, calls continue to be heard about the problems of housing and communal services. Although Other hosts of the New Day also receive calls about the problems of housing and communal services: the topic is sore for the majority.

But, you know, I noticed that people, especially the elderly, sometimes just do not have enough attention, an interlocutor. They call because our radio is treated with respect and they know that they will be listened to here.

Last fall, Yuri Minkin was awarded Poklonnaya Hill a special prize for a program about our countryman Alexei Berest. It was a program from the "Remember Their Names" series, anniversary Victory. Yuri Minkin won his victory in All-Russian competition military-patriotic programs "Shield of Russia".

Although for Yuri Minkin front-line soldiers are the generation of fathers and grandfathers, he perceives the theme of the Great Patriotic War as personal. It often appears in his poems.

Not surprisingly, Minkin's series of programs and stories about the war on the radio did not end with the end of the anniversary celebrations. Today, as part of the "New Day" he has New episode about that war. Exciting and interesting.

And finally, on behalf of and on behalf of the listeners of the New Day program (they are among my friends), I asked Yuri Vitalievich Question about astrology.

Why do you always include some astrological advice in your radio broadcasts? Is there something personal here?

Each host of the "New Day" brings some kind of inca raisin to the program, Additional information. For example, Natalya Milovanova leafs through the folk calendar, I astrological. Then I also consult with a real astrologer and voice the astrological advice of the day. At the same time, my rule is: advice should sound in such a way that no one will spoil the mood.

Her name is known to several generations of Don TV viewers and radio listeners, and her beautiful voice can be learned from thousands. It was she who spoke live about important events region, and simple people turned to her with a request to increase the pension or arrange a child in the garden. Today the legend of the regional television and radio broadcasting Rosalia Puchkovskaya celebrates her anniversary.

There were few first regional television announcers, they were known in every house. Among the legends of the Don screen, she is Rosalia Puchkovskaya. Her manner of communicating with the audience has always fascinated. Pioneer, workaholic, professional. All this is her. But a chance brought her into the frame.

Rozalia Puchkovskaya started working as an electromechanical technician. Once she was asked to install microphones in the studio. "Ten, nine, eight, seven," she said. Those present in the studio were struck by both the voice and the face. But being just beautiful for an announcer on television has always been not enough. You need to be literate, impeccably master the skill, constantly learn. Rosalia Savelyevna Puchkovskaya, the masters recall, in the evenings after live broadcasts came to the studio, sat down at the microphone and read texts - both strangers and her own. Her development as an announcer took place in front of the director Evelina Economidi.

“Her voice lay down on the microphone, well, just perfect. They immediately said: turn on the light, put the camera. Looked - sits beautiful girl. And we said: “Rosochka, let's audition for the announcer!”, - says the director of the regional Rostov television Evelina Ekonomidi.

A velvet voice, a unique timbre is a gift that is given from God. If you can learn the right accents, the logic of intonation, diction, then this, says Lyudmila Chaus, the sound engineer of the Don-TR radio, who has worked with Rozalia Savelyevna for 30 years - never!

“When she sat down at the microphone, she was transformed, she liked this work, and the listener, it seems to me, heard it. I remember the programs that we hosted at Mayak - "By Candlelight". She came dressed up, it was a program about classical music, where we gave the most popular operas, operettas, talked about composers,” says sound engineer of the Don-TR television and radio company Lyudmila Chaus.

On television, Rosalia Puchkovskaya hosted the Don Day program, on the radio there was not only information, but also thematic programs, even prose and poetry.

“One reads well, beautifully, wonderfully. But this is not what comes from within. Rosa's benevolence came from within, her attitude towards people, her love for work, all this always went on the air, ”says Evelina Economidi, director of the regional Rostov television.

She has many students. Today, many of them are well-known journalists and presenters in the country. In addition to mastery, they managed to adopt from the best announcer the same desire and assertiveness, thanks to which Rosalia Puchkovskaya became a star on the air.

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