Alexander Ostrovsky "An unexpected case. Ostrovsky A.N.


Sergei Andreich Roz, unemployed landowner, aged 27.
Pavel Gavrilych Druzhin, official, comrade of Rozovy educational institution.
Sofya Antonovna, widow, 30 years old.
Masha, Sofya Antonovna's maid.


Single man's office

Pink is on the couch.

Pink (one). However, this is the devil knows how stupid! Even ashamed! .. After all, here you are sitting alone, and throws you into the paint. And you also consider yourself a decent person, you say about others: that one does not behave like that, the other is ridiculous. And what could be worse than my behavior? Perfect crap! Well, what does it look like that I can’t see a woman indifferently: as soon as I approach, I lose my mind and all reason, you say and do such things that after that it’s as if you dreamed all this in a dream. Well, why did I get so soft yesterday, for example. At first, just like a good man, he spoke to her about the weather, about literature, and then he went and went: “And what a blessing it is to be loved by a woman like you, Sofya Antonovna! Yes, I don’t dare to dream of such happiness .. Let's suppose that others say the same thing, but with them it somehow looks like a joke; and I'm almost in tears. Oh, what a bastard! Yes, and Sofya Antonovna is good too! .. She would laugh at me and the matter is over - I would not bother anymore, otherwise: "Yes, you can’t be trusted, but you all say that." But I swear, I swear! .. Fu! .. (He covers his face with his hands.) Why did I do this, now I ask? There is absolutely no need for me to marry her, I can find better and richer than her. And yet, out of my stupidity, I managed the matter in such a way that now she thinks that I am in love without memory and she only has to make me happy for life. But how can she not think when I myself swear it to her!.. Ah, a fool, a fool! (Lies silently.) Why, it's disgusting that every such stupidity torments me afterward, it doesn't get out of my head. After all, sometimes you forget things that are even more important, and then suddenly, for no reason at all, it will occur to you sometimes even during a conversation with someone - you will all flare up and be embarrassed by the devil knows what. I don’t even know whether to tell Druzhnin about this or not. he will be furious with me, he will certainly be furious, he will scold me, perhaps! .. But all the same, it is necessary to consult with him, this matter is beginning to take on a serious character. Only I think not to tell him all the nonsense, but just something, slightly, and ask him for advice. And then you get married, perhaps, by God, you get married! My heart already feels that someday I will marry such a completely stranger woman, I will suddenly offer my hand, and the matter is over. (Thinking.) And what a girl there was yesterday!.. What a charm! Here's a beauty! I was tempted to talk to her about something, but I was afraid. Well, all of a sudden, for no reason at all, you open up in love ... A young girl! .. What should you think? Either he will be offended, or he will consider him a fool.

Druzhnin (enters). Hello Seryozha!
Pink. Ah, hello, Pavel!
Druzhnin (sits down). Well, what's new with you?
Pink. What news can I have!
Druzhnin. What are you talking about: what news! After all, I haven’t seen you for a whole week - have you really been sitting at home?
Pink. No, not all at home, was somewhere.
Druzhnin. Where would it be, for example?
Pink. I've been to the theatre, I've visited somewhere else."
Druzhnin. Yes, where to? What is this secrecy in you, Seryozha, how disgusting! Really, Seryozha, it's disgusting. I don't seem to be hiding anything from you.
Pink. There is no secrecy here; Yes, I do not like to talk about trifles.
Druzhnin. What kind of nonsense is this? Well, what nonsense! You're making me out of patience. A person with participation asks you, cares about you, and you say: nothing.
Pink. Yes, by God, Pasha, there is nothing to tell; say you something.
Druzhnin. What am I, to amuse, or something, you came! What are you really? I break away from the case, I run to him without memory: has something happened? and he doesn't want to know, No, it's not like anything. Well, that's enough, Seryozha, don't fool around, tell me where you've been; on Wednesday, I know you were at the theater, and then?
Pink. Well, then: on Friday at Sofya Antonovna's, on Saturday at the Khokhlovs', yesterday again at Sofya Antonovna's, that's all for you.
Druzhnin. Stop, stop! Which Sofya Antonovna? Who is this Sofya Antonovna? I had never heard of her before.
Pink. How, brother, did not hear - I think I told you.
Druzhnin. When did he speak? You didn't tell me anything - you're lying! .. No, brother, you have some news! And it's probably stupid.
Pink. But what kind of nonsense, Pasha? There are no stupid things.
Druzhnin. Please don't talk, I know you. You don't say a word and you get to know the devil knows who!
Pink. Yes, I've known her for a long time.
Druzhnin. That's cute! Yes, I don't know anything. What are you doing to me, tell me, do me a favor?
Pink. Yes, you should not know something - so, an empty acquaintance.
Druzhnin. Yes, all the same mean! .. If she is a good woman, you should have introduced me to her.
Pink. No, Pasha, it's not worth it. I know in advance that you won't like it.
Druzhnin. Why are you familiar with her?
Pink. Yes, we met by chance.
Druzhnin. What is she, a widow?
Pink. Widow.
Druzhnin. Rich?
Pink. No, you can't say.
Druzhnin. Pretty good, right?
Pink. Nothing special; the most common face.
Druzhnin. Well, it's erysipelas. If you say that it's an ordinary face, then there's nothing to interpret.
Pink. No, Pasha, you're overdoing it too much! And to tell the truth, there really is nothing attractive.
Druzhnin. At least clever woman or very good, or what?
Pink. Well, I won't say that either. There is something in her character that I don't like.
Druzhnin. What did you find in her? is now asked.
Pink. Didn't find anything. It's like you have to look for something. As familiar as everyone knows her, no more, no less.
Druzhnin. Well, I believe you! That's my trouble, that you never do the way people do. Well, now tell me how you met her, what kind of relationship you have with her, and so on...
Pink. Why, Pasha?
Druzhnin. Seryozha! .. Well, do me a favor! Dear! Well, I'm begging you.
Pink. If you please, please! .. I met her at the Okunevs. Then, three days later, I met her on the Kuznetsk bridge: she was walking ... You should have seen how she was walking! .. Lovely! What a gait! .. Oh, Pasha, how other women walk.
Druzhnin. Well, well, well, I already know you. Keep going, keep going!
Pink. Well, we met. She called me to her.
Druzhnin. Of course you went.
Pink. Known to go. Why not go?
Druzhnin. Well, then what?
Pink. That's how we met.
Druzhnin. What are you doing to her?
Pink. The same as the others ... That's what, Pasha, - you only confuse me with such questions, but I seriously wanted to talk to you about this matter.
Druzhnin. Well, speak, speak! Speak quickly!
Pink. Just don't interrupt me, do me a favor. By God, you, Pasha, are already very strict with me; I, right, always embarrass you.
Druzhnin. Well, good, good! I'm listening to.

Pink thinks.

Yes, speak quickly, do not torment me.
Pink. Case, Pasha, more important than that What do you think, I'm completely confused and I don't know what to do now. You see, I was at the Khokhlovs this week, and she was there too. I don't know, brother, what happened to me: that evening I was in a special disposition for tenderness. I offered to take her home on my horses. Don't be angry, please.
Druzhnin. Oh well...
Pink. She agreed. I went to her, sat with her for half an hour, talked about something, and the idea came into my head to kiss her hands.
Druzhnin. Both?
Pink. Both.
Druzhnin. What a fool!
Pink. Well, the same thing happened yesterday. Yesterday I got so mellow that, really, Pasha...
Druzhnin. Well?
Pink. Himself, Pasha, ashamed! ..
Druzhnin. Well, why are you such a stupid face, then food is okay? What are you laughing at? He does stupid things, and you dare to. It's just out of hand. (Walks around the room.) Oh, my God, my God, what is he doing! (Approaches Pink.) Well, Serezha, I will talk to you in cold blood. Now tell me frankly, why did you kiss her hands, why? Well, tell me, why are you silent? I also understand that a person with a weak heart can kiss a woman's hand on occasion; well, damn it, what an importance! Why did you kiss someone else?
Pink. For what? I don’t know why! .. I kissed you like that, and that’s it!
Druzhnin. That's a vile trait in your character. She always confuses you. It's annoying to death; you're not a fool by nature, well, and educated person, And what are you doing!..
Pink. You, Pasha, do not be angry, do me a favor.
Druzhnin. But how can one not be angry with you when you the devil knows what you are doing. Ah, my fathers! You will get caught sometime.
Pink. Well, brother, you can't resist doing something.
Druzhnin. Don't tell me this, do me a favor! Can't resist! You're the only one who can't resist. So, some kind of porridge, it's disgusting to look at. And why? Because the character is very loose, so loose, that it's vile, simply vile! ..
Pink. Yes, yes, Pasha, it's bad, I can see for myself that it's bad. I have a bad life with my character. Sometimes it's so awkward, so embarrassing, that you don't know where to hide from yourself.
Druzhnin. You see, Seryozha, you yourself feel it. Why don't you try, Seryozha, to improve somehow?
Pink. How can you fix it?
Druzhnin. Yes, here's what you try: you pretend to be disappointed. Try Serena!
Pink. Yes, what's the point.
Druzhnin. Yes you try.
Pink. Yes, I've tried.
Druzhnin. What?
Pink. Even worse! .. No, Pasha, for this you need people with strong characters. Ah, how nasty! My God, how disgusting! You approach everyone with tenderness, with frankness. They laugh at you, tell jokes about you! ..
Druzhnin. You see, Seryozha, you see! .. After all, you yourself understand.
Pink. Yes, what am I to do? It's been with me since childhood. You won’t believe it, Pasha, they even flogged me when I was little for this. Yes, it's nothing! If only you knew how much trouble I have endured for my character! I just don't know what to do with myself. I'll go somewhere, I'll definitely go. I will go to my village and stay there for the rest of my life. You, Pasha, visit me, do me a favor.
Druzhnin. That's enough, that's enough, Seryozha, what are you doing!
Pink. No, Pasha, I will leave, I will certainly leave.
Druzhnin. What are you fooling around, what are you?
Pink. Don't you see that we can't stay here?
Druzhnin. But why?
Pink. What is my character...
Druzhnin. What is character?
Pink. Bad character, obscene. How can I stay here with such a character?
Druzhnin. Complete, complete, Seryozha! You are proud of your character. I wish I had a heart like you.
Pink (shakes his hand with feeling). Pasha! You are my real friend, the only one, it can be seen from everything. Now you only want to console me, but you don’t say what you feel at all.
Druzhnin. By God, Seryozha, what do I feel, by God)
Pink. Eh, Pasha! .. (He sits in thought.)
Druzhnin. Seryozha, Seryozha! listen to me. After all, if this is analyzed strictly, from the present point of view, it cannot even be called a disadvantage; this is pretty good quality.
Pink. No, Pasha, don't say it: it's a bad trait. Constantly reach you by the side hurtful remarks; you blush constantly, you are embarrassed for yourself.
Druzhnin. Yes, what is there to be embarrassed about!
Pink. Yes, how not to be embarrassed: they take you for a fool, but not only for a fool, but much worse, more offensive.
Druzhnin. And what's your business? There will always be people who can appreciate you. And that I made a mistake two or three times - this is not important. Not a criminal case, because you did not do any meanness.
Pink. So you think, Pasha, that this is not important? Support me, Pasha, otherwise my suspiciousness tortures me to death. It sometimes occurs to me that this is really not important.
Druzhnin. Yes of course!
Pink. By God, Pasha, I always need support. After all, now I myself see that this is not important - just nonsense, and that's all. You made me laugh, Pasha! Let's go to the theater today.
Druzhnin. Perhaps we'll go. What did it suddenly come to your mind?
Pink. Yes so. Let's go, and that's it,
Druzhnin. Here you are again, Seryozha, starting something...
Pink. I'm not up to anything. It's the same story.
Druzhnin. What is the same?
Pink. Sofya Antonovna called!
Druzhnin. What did you call?
Pink. Yes, it's simple: yesterday I began to say goodbye to her, and she says to me: come tomorrow to my box ... And from the theater to call on her for a minute.
Druzhnin. Are you going?
Pink. I'll go!..
Druzhnin. And are you determined to go?
Pink. I will definitely go! .. (Looks at the clock.) Yes, it's time.
Druzhnin. Seryozha! I beg you, don't go.
Pink. You can't, Pasha!
Druzhnin. Seryozha! If you want to be my friend, don't go.
Pink. It’s impossible, Pasha, by God, it’s impossible, - I gave honestly.
Druzhnin. Seryozha, don't go!
Pink. They tell you not to!
Druzhnin. Why not? Say you're sick.
Pink. How can this be: I had lunch with her cousin today.
Druzhnin. Yes, what are you doing, come to your senses! ..
Pink. Why, you said it yourself, it's not important.
Druzhnin. Look, you invented - it's not important! That's what's important. Not important! Yes, judge well. You'll get confused, get married ... After all, you will certainly get married, as soon as a woman takes you into her hands. Your wife is not good, apparently, a coquette; maybe even evil. She will start to flirt with others, obviously neglect you, be capricious, you, of course, due to your gentleness, you will not dare to say a single word against her; you will endure everything on yourself, you will not even allow yourself to speak out, you yourself, perhaps, will fall in love with someone: if you start to yearn, you will drink, shoot yourself, or go crazy with grief. What a fate awaits you! For some reason, her first husband died. What a terrible prospect lies ahead of you. (Pink stands in thought.) Use your position while you are still completely free to choose.
Pink. Yes, I'm still completely free.
Druzhnin. You can take a young girl with an uncorrupted soul, with good heart who will be able to appreciate your tenderness.
Pink. Yes, yes, Pasha, a young girl, just a young girl. Oh, how good it is to take a young girl. And what kind of girl I know, Pasha, eighteen years old.
Druzhnin. You see now.
Pink. Beauty! .. What a beauty, then .. Only, Pasha, this cannot be!
Druzhnin. What can't be?
Pink. Yes, how? such a beauty, her cheeks are burning, and suddenly - your wife! ..
Druzhnin. What is surprising here?
Pink. It always seems to me that this only happens in novels; I, it seems, would not dare to woo such a beauty myself.
Druzhnin. What a fool you are.
Pink. But sometimes, Pasha, as you dream about it, it seems that you can go crazy with happiness. You: imagine - a beauty, and this beauty is your wife! ..
Druzhnin. Well, after all, you yourself understand.
Pink. So don't drive?
Druzhnin. Don't go, Seryozha, do me a favor, don't go!
Pink (sits down on a chair with a hat in his hand). I will not go! You see, Pasha, how obedient I am... (Looks at his watch.) Five minutes past eight. Do you know what, Pasha, - we will go to the armchairs, take it next to us. I'll go to her in the intermission for a minute, and back. If you don't believe me, come with me - you'll wait for me in the corridor. At least I won't be so ashamed; because you know how conscientious I am in these things, And then suddenly he promised, and he was not, what it looks like.
Druzhnin. And from the theater will you go to her tea to drink?
Pink. It is possible not to go, - I will say that I am unwell. And if it becomes very annoying, then ... so we will go together. Here's a great idea! Fine, fine; How did this not occur to me before. We will go together: you will stop me; at least you will see everything with your own eyes.
Druzhnin. Well, well, let's go; just look at me!
Pink. Oh, Pasha, how grateful I am to you! You are my friend! Here's a friend!
Druzhnin. Do you remember what prospect awaits you if you marry this woman.
Pink. I know, I know ... (Thinks.) The prospect is terrible! (Going to the door.)
Druzhnin. And it's good that I was in time to save you from this abyss.
Pink. Thank you, Pasha, thank you! .. (They leave.)


Living room in Sofya Antonovna's house.

Sofya Antonovna in a hat and Rosy enter from the hall.

Sofia Antonovna. Listen, Sergei Andreevich, I'll be angry with you.
Pink. Why, Sofya Antonovna?
Sofia Antonovna. I already told you not to compliment me.
Pink. Yes, by God, Sofya Antonovna, these are not compliments. By God, no compliments!
Sofia Antonovna. I know you, believe you, and then...
Pink. Can't you believe me, Sofya Antonovna? Can't believe me? God!
Sofia Antonovna. I just don't believe you.
Pink. Sofia Antonovna! yes for what? Yes you
order me to prove something, if you do not believe the words.
Sofia Antonovna. Well, all right, all right... Who came with you?
Pink. One of my short buddies, Druzhnin, the finest person.
Sofia Antonovna. All of you are great!
Pink. No, Sofya Antonovna, you must believe me. It's quite special person, very special. What a soul this man has! Extraordinary! He has long wanted to meet you.
Sofia Antonovna. And I thought that you and I would spend the evening together. I was so inclined towards this: I didn’t even order my brother to come.
Pink. Are you Sofia Antonovna?
Sofia Antonovna. Sergei Andreich! So you yourself do not believe me, and you also need proof.
Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna! No, Sofya Antonovna! .. So I'll go and drive him away. He's nothing... He's a great person.
Sofia Antonovna. What are you, what are you!.. How is that possible!..
Pink. Ah, how is it?
Sofia Antonovna. What to do, it's your own fault.
Pink. Ah, what a shame!

Druzhnin enters.

Pink. I recommend you, Sofya Antonovna, my best friend.
Sofia Antonovna. Very nice. I have heard so much about you from Sergei Andreevich.
Druzhnin. I have long wanted, sir ... and have long asked Sergei Andreevich.
Sofia Antonovna. Sit down, gentlemen! Sergei Andreevich, keep your friend busy, and excuse me; I'll leave you for a minute. (Exits.)

Druzhnin (takes Rozovy to the forefront). How you behaved meanly, just death. You exhausted me.
Pink. Why, Pasha, exhausted! You are very annoying to me today.
Druzhnin. Firstly: you said that you would go to her box for one minute, and I was waiting for you in the corridor whole hour, exactly one hour, so that the attendants felt ashamed. You always put your friends in such positions. Secondly: they whisper, are amiable ... What were you whispering about there?
Pink. Yes, about nothing, about trifles!
Druzhnin. So why was there something to hide?
Pink. Yes, Pasha! After all, it is easy to talk about this, but if you yourself were in my place ... You need to listen, Pasha, as she says. No, I was mistaken just now: she is smart, very smart.
Druzhnin. Well, that's what I expected! So our whole conversation went to the wind. Yes, listen to me, Seryozha, I am ready to ask you with tears, listen to me ...
Pink (looks at the door). Speak, Pasha, I'm listening.
Druzhnin. Yes, you are listening.
Pink. No, Pasha, really, this is not the place, by God, not the place. We're better off some other time.
Druzhnin. You are a lost man!

Masha enters with a tea utensil.

Pink. What, Masha, is Sofia Antonovna wearing?
Masha. Get dressed! They will come out now. (Exits.)
Druzhnin. Farewell, Seryozha.
Pink. What are you, what are you? How is it possible. Wait a little!
Druzhnin. No, that's enough! You tortured me tonight!
Pink. Well, a little, Pasha. I'll go myself now. (Takes out his watch.) In a quarter of an hour.
Druzhnin. If you please, I will stay for a quarter of an hour, only not a single second more, I tell you in advance.
Pink. That's how it will be half past eleven, so let's go,

Sofya Antonovna enters.

Sofia Antonovna. Sorry gentlemen for keeping you waiting.

Pink sits down beside her.

Mr Friends! (To Pink.) What's his name?
Pink. Pavel Gavrilovich.
Sofia Antonovna. Pavel Gavrilovich, sit closer to us.

The friend is moving.

How did you feel about today's performance?
Druzhnin. I don't know how to tell you, I didn't look at the stage much.
Sofia Antonovna. Where did you look?
Druzhnin. I looked more at the audience.
Sofia Antonovna. Yes, it looks like there was nothing to see! There were few people, pretty faces and I did not see a single one.
Druzhnin. Ah, no; I'm not looking for that at all. I'm not a big fan of looking at pretty faces from a distance.
Sofia Antonovna. So what are you looking for? Ah, I guess you're probably looking for food for wit?
Druzhnin. Yes, sir! You guessed.
Sofia Antonovna. That's how! .. So you a dangerous person.
Pink. Don't believe me, Sofya Antonovna, he's joking. But the first play went very well.
Druzhnin. Have you seen her?
Pink. Of course I saw it. How beautifully the role of the nephew was played! Do you know who played?
Druzhnin. What nephew?
Pink. Well, in love.
Druzhnin. There was no nephew. What, got it!
Pink (embarrassed). So I must have mixed it up... Sofya Antonovna, why don't you smoke?
Sofia Antonovna. Ah, I completely forgot! Bring me my cigarettes, they're on the table there.

Pink quickly gets up and leaves.

Sofia Antonovna. Isn't it true that your friend is a very kind person?
Druzhnin. I think it's too much!
Sofia Antonovna. And is it stupid?
Druzhnin. For my part, I find nothing attractive in this. What kind of man is ready to melt away from any woman?
Sofia Antonovna. I think it's still better than being an evil person!
Druzhnin. Hardly!
Sofia Antonovna. You think? I don't find it; however, as anyone thinks. Do you smoke?
Druzhnin. I smoke.
Sofia Antonovna. Smoke, do me a favor.

Druzhnin lights a cigarette. Brief silence.

I really don't like it in young people when they pretend to be disappointed. It's so easy these days, and they hardly gain anything by it.
Druzhnin. However, they are also successful.
Sofia Antonovna. Doubtful! After all, a lot of people slander women. A woman who understands her purpose, believe me, will not be carried away by the skillful playing of a pre-learned role. At least for me they always seemed funny.
Druzhnin. I agree with you; But are there many such women?
Sofia Antonovna. Believe that there are much more women who understand their duties than men,
Druzhnin. Let me disagree with you on this.
Sofya Antonovna, It's very understandable, you are a man ... as far as I am concerned, the highest bliss for a woman is to be a good wife and a good mother. However, this is my personal opinion, and I do not impose it on anyone.
Druzhnin. This is a very laudable belief. (Silence.)
Sofia Antonovna. Why did he disappear there... Sergei Andreevich, what are you doing there?
Pink (offstage). I won't find it, Sofya Antonovna!
Sofia Antonovna. Yes, right on the table.
Pink (offstage). Not on the table.
Sofya Antonovna (gets up and walks). What a boring! (Exits.)

Friends (one). I understood her ... She's just a coquette, and a terrible coquette. I wonder how Sergei does not see this. However, where is he! But with my assistance, little by little, he will understand this. Get to work, Pavel Gavrilovich, get to work! Save your friend while you can. I think I made her feel that I understand her. Why did they disappear there? .. What is it? .. (Jumps up from the chair.) My Pink kisses her hands? And how loud! .. it's terrible! .. No, the devil knows what it is! You can't do business with this person. The scoundrel is perfect! ..

Pink enters.

What are you doing, tell me, for God's sake?
Pink. Oh, Paul, don't say that! I'm happy!..
Druzhnin. Are you happy?.. Ha, ha, ha. Are you happy! A man stands on the edge of the abyss and says that I am happy!
Pink. No, Pasha, don't say that.
Druzhnin. Don't say it? Have you forgotten the previous conversation? .. Have you forgotten what the prospect awaits you?
Pink. Pasha, just now we made a mistake with you; this is a miracle, not a woman! You look, do me a favor; look!
Druzhnin. Why are you telling me, I saw with my own eyes that she is a coquette, which the world has not produced!
Pink. No, Pasha, do me a favor, don't say that. You offend me with this. You look, look!
Druzhnin. I don't want to look! Worth a look!
Pink. Look, you can't talk like that. You offend me!
Druzhnin. And you think it's easy for me to see your disgusting behavior. You sat down for me! ..
Pink. Still, Pasha, if you are my friend, you must respect a woman who is dear to me.
Druzhnin. You have all the roads; dress your chair in a woman's dress, you're ready to melt here too.
Pink. Well, Pasha, say what you want, I'm not angry with you, I understand that you are all out of friendship, out of love for me. I know that you wish me well. I appreciate it, Pasha, you believe me that I appreciate it; only, excuse me, you needlessly get excited. Now it's too late.
Druzhnin. And I want it to be not too late!
Pink. No, Pasha, it's too late.
Druzhnin. I don't want to know. I came here to save you, and without that I will not leave here. You need to take drastic measures. Let's go home now, let's go, let's go, and don't talk!
Pink. You don't understand me, Pasha, I already made an offer.
Druzhnin. Have you made an offer? You?.. How dare you?
Pink. Pasha, my dear, don't be angry!
Druzhnin. No, it's out of hand! How dare you do something so mean to me? He assured me that you were dying, asked for help, I try my best; and he is somewhere behind the door, slowly, makes an offer!
Pink. Pasha, I'm not on the sly.
Druzhnin. So, under the guise of friendship, you will take me somewhere to the cheaters and beat me, probably. You will become. No, now I myself will decide on all meanness. I’ll go to Sofya Antonovna now and tell her that you have two mistresses, I’ll say that you are married, that you have six children ...
Pink. Pasha, you won't do it.
Druzhnin. But you will see ... Slowly, behind the door ... you can already see that it is baseness when a person runs away from people. Why would I go out the door when I fair man. Okay, buddy, I'll remember that for you.
Pink. Yes, by God, Pasha, not at the door ... We had a conversation about this for a long time. I was just afraid to tell you about it. Here's how it's done...
Druzhnin. What are you telling me? I really need to know. I don't even want to know. It is of great importance that you marry: one more fool and that's it. (Silence.) What do I care who anyone marries there! (Rises.) Farewell, Sergei Andreevich!
Pink. Where are you, wait a little!
Druzhnin. No with! So what am I to do here?
Pink. Pasha, if you love me, then stay
Druzhnin. You, I think, can reason that I cannot stay here.
Pink. God be with you, Pasha! I didn't expect you to leave me at a time like this.
Druzhnin. What do you friends - you will have a wife, a beautiful woman. Farewell, Sergei Andreevich!
Pink. I can't hold you back, only me, really, it's very sad. Goodbye!
Druzhnin. Goodbye!
Pink. Goodbye!
Druzhnin (goes to the door, stops). And you think that I will remain your friend after this? ..
Pink. By God, I don't know, Pasha, how I should be. I'm in the most critical position...
Druzhnin. No, you judge coolly: can I remain your friend?
Pink. Really, Pasha, I don't know; I feel guilty before you.
Druzhnin. What is guilty! Do you think I'm angry with you? Not at all. It's nothing to me that you're to blame, I'm not at all in a claim on you. I love you even more than before, much more. But still I can't be your friend, I can't see you!
Pink. But why, Pasha?
Druzhnin. Please don't think that I'm angry with you. Give me your hand. Like this! Let's kiss. (They kiss.) Well, now you believe that I'm not angry with you?
Pink. I believe, Pasha, I believe.
Druzhnin. And yet, Seryozha, I must not see you. It will be hard for me, very hard, but there is nothing to do,
Pink. Excuse me, I don't understand, I'm just like in a fog.
Druzhnin. A! You do not understand?
Pink. I don't understand.
Druzhnin. And here I will explain to you. Imagine yourself in my place: you have a friend, a man with a tender heart, he marries - marries a woman who cannot make him happy; his position is hopeless; he melts day after day, you cannot help him, he notices your compassion, and it becomes even harder for him; he begins to think, then goes crazy and commits suicide - and you should see all this!
Pink. Enough, Pasha, what kind of black thoughts.
Druzhnin. Don't tell me this. I had a consumptive friend, how was it for me to look at him? No, Seryozha, for my peace of mind, I must give up on you: I know that it will be hard for me, I may not be able to bear it ...
Pink. At least stay for a few minutes, I beg you.
Druzhnin. Please, I can do this for you.

Sofya Antonovna enters, sits down at the table.

Sofia Antonovna. Lord! Would you like some more tea?
Druzhnin. No, thank you very much.
Pink (sits down beside Sofya Antonovna). What bliss, Sofya Antonovna, to end the day like this family picture. You won't believe, Sofya Antonovna, how nice it is. The soul is resting. (He kisses her hand.) Oh, by God, how nice it is!
Sofia Antonovna. Who is stopping you from enjoying this bliss? Come visit me more often.
Pink. I will, Sofya Antonovna, visit you every day. Will you let me?
Sofia Antonovna. I ask you about it.
Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna!
Druzhnin. Sergei Andreevich, I have to go!
Sofia Antonovna. Where are you in such a hurry?
Druzhnin. Yeah, it's about time. I have a lot to do tomorrow
Sofia Antonovna. What are you doing, you're just bored with me.
Druzhnin. On the contrary, I am very pleased. Only I really have a lot to do tomorrow.
Pink (kissing Sofya Antonovna's hand). It's full, full. I'll tell you later, Sofya Antonovna, why he's in a hurry.
Sofia Antonovna. Why later and not now?
Pink. No, I'll tell you later.
Sofia Antonovna. No, now.
Druzhnin. He'll tell you.
Pink. We confess, Pasha! Sofya Antonovna is such a woman that she will surely forgive us.
Sofia Antonovna. Oh, if that's what's behind it, then please don't bother.
Pink. I knew in advance, Sofya Antonovna, that you have an angelic heart. (He kisses her hand.) You see, Pasha, we have nothing to fear, all that remains is to repent sincerely.
Druzhnin. Repent, perhaps! I am not to blame for anything before Sofya Antonovna.
Pink. How not to blame? And what plans did you and I have against Sofya Antonovna?
Druzhnin. Well, excuse me, I didn’t know Sofya Antonovna at all ... Come on, stop it! (Moves off to the other side and examines a picture.)
Sofia Antonovna. However, this is getting very interesting. What were your intentions?
Druzhnin. I am ashamed to remember, Sofya Antonovna!.. If not for your kindness, by God, I would never have confessed to you. We have come to you today with the lowest intention.
Sofia Antonovna. That's how!
Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, you'd better scold me, I really won't be so ashamed!
Read the work unexpected case from Ostrovsky A.N., in the original format and in full. If you appreciated the work of Ostrovsky

Chaikina Tatyana Vasilievna 2012


Chaikina T.V.

A.N. Ostrovsky gave all his plays precise genre definitions. One of the genres that formed in his work was dramatic study. As well as to early works Ostrovsky in the genres of paintings, scenes, most critics disapproved of the dramatic sketch "An Unexpected Case". The playwright was reproached for the lack of depth of content, weakness of intrigue, and this play was considered just a sketch, a test of the author's pen. This article reviews the attitude towards small dramatic genres that have taken shape in the work of Ostrovsky. An analysis of the play "An Unexpected Chance" suggests that the dramatic sketch is an independent dramatic genre for Ostrovsky, which embodies not only the traditions of domestic and foreign drama, but also turned out to be close to pictorial art in its technique, content, methods of recreating life.

Keywords: A.N. Ostrovsky, genre, genre subtitle, dramatic sketch, life world, dialogues, monologues.



Ostrovsky A.N. gave concise scenic definitions to all his plays. One of his genre was dramatic etude. Many critics voiced their negative attitude towards his play ‘An unexpected incident’. They reproached the playwright for the content lacking profundity and weak plots. They considered the play to be a tentative sketch of a fledgling playwright. The author of the article reviews the attitude towards ‘small genres’ which revealed themselves in the plays of Ostrovsky. The analysis of the play 'An unexpected incident' makes it possible to claim that dramatic etude is an independent genre in Ostrvsky's works which epitomizes the traditions of Russian and foreign drama and becomes close to the art of painting due to its technique, content and ways to reproduction of reality.

Keywords: Ostrovsky A.N., genre, genre subheading, dramatic etude, the lifeworld, dialogs, monologs.

The work was carried out with the financial support of the state represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

After the play “Our People - Let's Settle,” which is a complete comedy-type work with a clear conflict and prominently outlined characters, A.N. Ostrovsky needed to consolidate his success, to find new material for future works. He plans to write the tragedy "Alexander the Great in Babylon" about the era of Alexander the Great, a drama about Xenia Godunova. But the work was not argued, the plans never materialized. In the early 1950s, the playwright turned to translations, worked with enthusiasm on Shakespeare's "Pacification of the Wayward", translates into

Russian language Plautus, Terence, Seneca, and also creates the plays “Morning young man” in the genre of scenes and “An Unexpected Case” with the genre subtitle “dramatic etude”. Small in size, these plays were milestone, preceding the creation of a larger and deep works, with complex and socially significant issues.

In a critical environment, a skeptical attitude was formed towards Ostrovsky's early plays in the genres of paintings, scenes, and dramatic studies. A whole series of harsh judgments was caused by the play-etude "An Unexpected Case". The reviewers of Sovremennik, Domestic notes”, “Libraries for Reading” accused the playwright of the weakness of the plot, of the inappropriateness of repetition. The dramatic sketch by Ostrovsky and E.N. Edelson, and I.S. Turgenev, and Ap. Grigoriev. Ignoring Ostrovsky's genre subtitle, critics tried to see traditional comedy in the play.

Ostrovsky's genre designations have never been random nominations. For each of his plays, the author chose a clear genre subtitle, offering a kind of key to its interpretation. Among genre definitions the author knows "scenes from Moscow life", "scenes from the life of the outback", "scenes from Moscow life", "folk drama", "drama", "comedy", " spring fairy tale», « historical chronicle", etc. In the critical, as well as in research literature about the work of Ostrovsky, dramatic specificity the author's heritage was comprehended in line with traditional ideas about the genre.

Ostrovsky's dramatic sketch "An Unexpected Case", consisting of two scenes, initially gives the impression of a kind of sketch, where local themes, details, and dramatic techniques are just beginning to be developed. According to the playwright himself, he had no intention of writing a comedy, but simply wanted to present "relationships arising from characters" actors. Here practically

there are no comedy situations, situations, which, apparently, Ostrovsky subtly felt, whose theater will develop mainly as a comedy one. The nomination "dramatic etude" accurately noticed the genre essence of the play.

As you know, it is customary to classify works that are a sketch, a sketch, which is just a part of a compositional whole, to pictorial sketches. In etudes, artists captured, as a rule, only the main thing; they were distinguished by the speed of execution and some schematic, conventionality.

In Ostrovsky's play, the characters really give the impression of sketches, since they are created from sketches and strokes, from silence (pauses) or, on the contrary, from repeated phrases. So, main character In the dramatic sketch by A. N. Ostrovsky, a young landowner Sergei Andreich Rozy, who does not work anywhere, acts within the framework of a well-learned role of a ladies' man and turns out to be a hostage of the speech and behavioral cliches he has learned. He is weak-willed, cannot resist a new hobby. In his introductory monologue, Pink announces about himself: “Well, what does it look like that I can’t see a woman indifferently: as soon as I come up, I lose my mind and all reason.” The self-characterization of the hero, preceding the plot of the action, immediately reveals individual signs of his image.

His friend at the educational institution Pavel Gavrilych Druzhin, trying to warn his friend against rash decisions, invites him to "pretend to be disappointed." But this role, found and assigned to him, is used to cover up his true intentions.

Sofya Antonovna, Rozovy's last passion, expresses her contemptuous attitude towards roles in the spirit of the then fashionable Pechorinism, but her own role of "dame coquette" soon makes you forget about it, and she allows Druzhnin to change the role of the disappointed to the role of the enchanted.

WITH picturesque sketches“An Unexpected Case” is also brought together by the fact that Ostrovsky’s play is practically devoid of everyday realities, objective world characters. The remarks briefly capture the behavior of the characters, succinctly note the specifics of their movement in the space of the scene: “covers his face with his hands”, “walks around the room”, “shakes his hand with feeling”, “sits down on a chair with a hat in his hand”, “Druzhnin lights up a cigarette cigarette "," moves away in the other direction and examines some kind of picture ", etc. Interior details are conditional, information about appearance characters, costume minor.

In all likelihood, it was more important for the playwright to carefully convey the speech element of the action, that unhurried speech movement that allows events to develop gradually. Like the work of a painter, the play "An Unexpected Case" captivates with its special dramatic technique, color, and not the power of the idea. Ostrovsky, like the artist, “values ​​form, color, and not the inner content, which even in works describing phenomena human life, V simple story, V genre painting, are added randomly to the color problem" .

Even the ancient Greeks were attracted by simple social moments and situations, without any pretense of thought, and in this respect they were naturalists in their genre. IN European painting etudes or studios were called paintings in which “there is nothing related to the field of thought, everything is given to one picturesque nature» . A similar trend also existed in American painting(Alexander Harrison). Unpretentious paintings, written off from nature, are also known among Dutch painters.

Ostrovsky's dramatic etude, as well as for plays with genre subtitles of painting and scene, is characterized by integrity and consistency in the transmission of events. Ostrovsky makes the main components of the work

dialogues that are clearly built, finished, plot-organized miniatures. The characters' lines are constantly echoing, intersecting, clinging to one another. Such a combination of words and phrases creates the impression of the integrity of the play, and, at the same time, reveals not only the cultural and everyday level of a certain socio-psychological environment of the 19th century, but also the special life world of the characters.

The situation taken separately in the sketch is an episode in the chain of human life, the behavior of the characters in it is based on previous life experience. Ostrovsky depicts the life world of the characters in a natural setting of consciousness (natural attitude). As in plays with genre subtitles of painting and scene, Ostrovsky's dramatic etude does not feel cut off from the past. The depicted episodes are not unexpected in the fate of the characters, out of the ordinary, they become the result of the behavioral clichés of the characters, due to their lifestyle. Thus, Ostrovsky's study allows you to capture a kind of "being in a biographically determined situation" .

Due to the etude nature of the two characters depicted in the play, "An Unexpected Case" is also close to the genre of a psychological essay. “Effective little thing in the spirit of French dramatic proverbs”, as Ostrovsky V.Ya. wrote about this work. Lakshin turned out to be in tune with the time, since by the second half of the 19th century, small French plays were fashionable on the Russian stage.

So, Alfred de Musset - French poet, playwright and prose writer - creates several similar short plays, publishing them in the collection "Comedies and Proverbs". After the failure on the stage of his first play "Venetian Night", the shortcomings of which were considered superficiality, lightness and inconsistency, the author began to think less about the stage nature of his dramatic experiments. Musset begins to create short pieces with a limited number of heroes, close to a joke.

Formed in French literature the genre of dramatic proverbs was also distinguished by: simplicity of content and setting (in the first plays of this genre there were no remarks at all); there are rarely more than three characters in it. The advantages of a dramatic proverb have always been considered clarity and simplicity of action, liveliness and elegance of dialogue, refinement psychological portraits, sometimes reaching the mannerisms. Similar signs distinguish Ostrovsky's "An Unexpected Case". The activities of the translator and deep knowledge foreign literature, its main directions and genres helped Ostrovsky to feel more deeply the form of his works, to use a certain genre affiliation their own artistic means.

During its creative activity Ostrovsky will not write other sketches, he will turn to more complex and full-fledged dramatic genres. However, his early dramatic sketch became not only a way to work out dramatic techniques, but also an indicator of the depth of the author's genre thinking. The features of the dramatic form of the etude "An Unexpected Case" make it possible to speak of the formation in Ostrovsky's work of yet another dramatic genre, full-fledged and independent. Like pictures, scenes not seen for a long time How separate genres dramaturgy, dramatic etude - the result of the skill of Ostrovsky as a genre painter.


1. Ivanova L.G. book element everyday life in the modern urban community // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk state university. Philosophy. Sociology. Culturology. Issue. 18. No. 20 (201). 2010. S. 45-52.

2. Ostrovsky, A. N. complete collection works: In 12 volumes / Under the general. ed. G. I. Vladykina and others. Enter. Art. A. Salynsky. T. 1. Artistic prose. Plays 1843-1854. M.: Art. 1973. 576 p.

3. Ostrovsky A.N. Encyclopedia / ch. ed. and comp. I.A. Ovchinina. Kostroma: Kostromaizdat; Shuya: Publishing House of the FGBOU VPO "SHGPU". 2012. 660 p.

4. Pavlutsky G. On the meaning of the term genre. From an introduction to history Greek theater. Kyiv. 1895. 21 p.

1. Ivanova L.G. Vestnik Chelyabinsk State University. philosophy. Sotsiologiya. Kul "turologiya 201, no. 18 (2010): 45-52.

2. Ostrovskiy A. N. Full sobranie sochineniy: V 12-t t. . The opening article is written by Sallynsky A. Volume 1. Fiction. Plays 1843-1854. Moscow Iskusstvo 1973. 576 p.

3. Ostrovskiy A.N. Entsiklopedia. Kostroma: Publishing houses of Kostroma, Shuya: the publishing house of SSPU. 2012. 660 p.

4. Pavlutskiy G. O znachenii termina zhanr. Iz vvedeniya v istoriyu grecheskogo teatra. Kiev. 1895. 21 p.

Chaikina Tatyana Vasilievna, candidate philological sciences, doctoral student Shuisky State Pedagogical University st. Cooperative, d.24, Shuya, Ivanovo region, 155908, Russia e-mail: [email protected]


Chaikina Tatiana Vasilievna, PhD in Philology, doctoral student

Shuya State Pedagogical University

24, Kooperativnaya St, Shuya, Ivanovo Region, 155908, Russia e-mail: [email protected]


Shukurov Dmitry Leonidovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Literature, Shuya State Pedagogical University

"An Unexpected Case"

dramatic study

Sergei Andreich Roz, unemployed landowner, aged 27.

Pavel Gavrilych Druzhin, an official, Rozovy's comrade at an educational institution.

Sofya Antonovna, widow, 30 years old.

Masha, Sofya Antonovna's maid.


Single man's office

Pink is on the couch.

Pink (one). However, this is the devil knows how stupid! Even ashamed! .. After all, here you are sitting alone, and throws you into the paint. And you also consider yourself a decent person, you say about others: that one does not behave like that, the other is ridiculous. And what could be worse than my behavior? Perfect crap! Well, what does it look like that I can’t see a woman indifferently: as soon as I approach, I lose my mind and all reason, you say and do such things that after that it’s as if you dreamed all this in a dream. Well, why did I get so soft yesterday, for example. At first, just like a good man, he spoke to her about the weather, about literature, and then he went and went: “And what a blessing it is to be loved by a woman like you, Sofya Antonovna! Yes, I don’t dare to dream of such happiness .. Let's suppose that others say the same thing, but with them it somehow looks like a joke; and I'm almost in tears. Oh, what a bastard! Yes, and Sofya Antonovna is good too! .. She would laugh at me and the matter is over,

I wouldn’t have climbed more, otherwise: “Yes, you can’t be trusted, but you all say so.” But I swear, I swear! .. Fu! .. (He covers his face with his hands.)

Why did I do this, now you ask? There is absolutely no need for me to marry her, I can find better and richer than her. And yet, out of my stupidity, I managed the matter in such a way that now she thinks that I am in love without memory and she only has to make me happy for life. But how can she not think when I myself swear it to her!.. Ah, a fool, a fool! (Lies silently.) Why, it's disgusting that every such stupidity torments me afterward, it doesn't get out of my head.

After all, sometimes you forget things that are even more important, and then suddenly, for no reason at all, it will occur to you sometimes even during a conversation with someone - you will all flare up and be embarrassed by the devil knows what. I don’t even know whether to tell Druzhnin about this or not. he will be furious with me, he will certainly be furious, he will scold me, perhaps! .. But all the same, it is necessary to consult with him, this matter is beginning to take on a serious character. Only I think not to tell him all the nonsense, but just something, slightly, and ask him for advice. And then you get married, perhaps, by God, you get married! My heart already feels that someday I will marry such a completely stranger woman, I will suddenly offer my hand, and the matter is over. (Thinking.) And what a girl there was yesterday!.. What a charm! Here's a beauty! I was tempted to talk to her about something, but I was afraid. Well, suddenly, for no apparent reason, you open up in love ...

A young girl! .. What should I think? Either he will be offended, or he will consider him a fool.

Druzhnin (enters). Hello Seryozha!

Pink. Ah, hello, Pavel!

Druzhnin (sits down). Well, what's new with you?

Pink. What news can I have!

Druzhnin. What are you talking about: what news! After all, I haven’t seen you for a whole week - have you really been sitting at home?

Pink. No, not all at home, was somewhere.

Druzhnin. Where would it be, for example?

Pink. I've been to the theatre, I've visited somewhere else."

Druzhnin. Yes, where to? What is this secrecy in you, Seryozha, how disgusting! Really, Seryozha, it's disgusting. I don't seem to be hiding anything from you.

Pink. There is no secrecy here; Yes, I do not like to talk about trifles.

Druzhnin. What kind of nonsense is this? Well, what nonsense! You're making me out of patience. A person with participation asks you, cares about you, and you say: nothing.

Pink. Yes, by God, Pasha, there is nothing to tell; say you something.

Druzhnin. What am I, to amuse, or something, you came! What are you really?

I break away from the case, I run to him without memory: has something happened? and he doesn't want to know, No, it's not like anything. Well, that's enough, Seryozha, don't fool around, tell me where you've been; on Wednesday, I know you were at the theater, and then?

Pink. Well, then: on Friday at Sofya Antonovna's, on Saturday at the Khokhlovs', yesterday again at Sofya Antonovna's, that's all for you.

Druzhnin. Stop, stop! Which Sofya Antonovna? Who is this Sofya Antonovna? I had never heard of her before.

Pink. How, brother, did not hear - I think I told you.

Druzhnin. When did he speak? You didn't tell me anything - you're lying! .. No, brother, you have some news! And it's probably stupid.

Pink. But what kind of nonsense, Pasha? There are no stupid things.

Druzhnin. Please don't talk, I know you. You don't say a word and you get to know the devil knows who!

Pink. Yes, I've known her for a long time.

Druzhnin. That's cute! Yes, I don't know anything. What are you doing to me, tell me, do me a favor?

Pink. Yes, you should not know something - so, an empty acquaintance.

Druzhnin. Yes, all the same mean! .. If she is a good woman, you should have introduced me to her.

Pink. No, Pasha, it's not worth it. I know in advance that you won't like it.

Druzhnin. Why are you familiar with her?

Pink. Yes, we met by chance.

Druzhnin. What is she, a widow?

Pink. Widow.

Druzhnin. Rich?

Pink. No, you can't say.

Druzhnin. Pretty good, right?

Pink. Nothing special; the most common face.

Druzhnin. Well, it's erysipelas. If you say that it's an ordinary face, then there's nothing to interpret.

Pink. No, Pasha, you're overdoing it too much! And to tell the truth, there really is nothing attractive.

Druzhnin. At least a smart woman, or very kind, or what?

Pink. Well, I won't say that either. There is something in her character that I don't like.

Druzhnin. What did you find in her? is now asked.

Pink. Didn't find anything. It's like you have to look for something.

As familiar as everyone knows her, no more, no less.

Druzhnin. Well, I believe you! That's my trouble, that you never do the way people do. Well, now tell me how you met her, what kind of relationship you have with her, and so on...

Pink. Why, Pasha?

Druzhnin. Seryozha! .. Well, do me a favor! Dear! Well, I'm begging you.

Pink. If you please, please! .. I met her at the Okunevs. Then, three days later, I met her on the Kuznetsk bridge: she was walking ... You should have seen how she was walking! .. Lovely! What a gait! .. Oh, Pasha, how other women walk.

Druzhnin. Well, well, well, I already know you. Keep going, keep going!

Pink. Well, we met. She called me to her.

Druzhnin. Of course you went.

Pink. Known to go. Why not go?

Druzhnin. Well, then what?

Pink. That's how we met.

Druzhnin. What are you doing to her?

Pink. The same as the others ... That's what, Pasha, - you only confuse me with such questions, but I seriously wanted to talk to you about this matter.

Druzhnin. Well, speak, speak! Speak quickly!

Pink. Just don't interrupt me, do me a favor. By God, you, Pasha, are already very strict with me; I, right, always embarrass you.

Druzhnin. Well, good, good! I'm listening to.

Pink thinks.

Yes, speak quickly, do not torment me.

Pink. The thing, Pasha, is more important than what you think, I'm completely confused and don't know what to do now. You see, I was at the Khokhlovs this week, and she was there too. I don't know, brother, what happened to me: that evening I was in a special disposition for tenderness. I offered to take her home on my horses. Don't be angry, please.

Druzhnin. Oh well...

Pink. She agreed. I went to her, sat with her for half an hour, talked about something, and the idea came into my head to kiss her hands.

Druzhnin. Both?

Pink. Both.

Druzhnin. What a fool!

Pink. Well, the same thing happened yesterday. Yesterday I got so mellow that, really, Pasha...

Druzhnin. Well?

Pink. Himself, Pasha, ashamed! ..

Druzhnin. Well, why are you such a stupid face, then food is okay? What are you laughing at?

He does stupid things, and you dare to. It's just out of hand. (Walks around the room.)

Oh my God, my God, what is he doing! (Approaches Pink.) Well, Serezha, I will talk to you in cold blood. Now tell me frankly, why did you kiss her hands, why? Well, tell me, why are you silent? I also understand that a person with a weak heart can kiss a woman's hand on occasion; well, damn it, what an importance! Why did you kiss someone else?

Pink. For what? I don’t know why! .. I kissed you like that, and that’s it!

Druzhnin. That's a vile trait in your character. She always confuses you. It's annoying to death; you are not a fool by nature, well, and an educated person, but what are you doing! ..

Pink. You, Pasha, do not be angry, do me a favor.

Druzhnin. But how can one not be angry with you when you the devil knows what you are doing. Ah, my fathers! You will get caught sometime.

Pink. Well, brother, you can't resist doing something.

Druzhnin. Don't tell me this, do me a favor! Can't resist! You're the only one who can't resist. So, some kind of porridge, it's disgusting to look at.

And why? Because the character is very loose, so loose, that it's vile, simply vile! ..

Pink. Yes, yes, Pasha, it's bad, I can see for myself that it's bad. I have a bad life with my character. Sometimes it's so awkward, so embarrassing, that you don't know where to hide from yourself.

Druzhnin. You see, Seryozha, you yourself feel it. Why don't you try, Seryozha, to improve somehow?

Pink. How can you fix it?

Druzhnin. Yes, here's what you try: you pretend to be disappointed. Try Serena!

Pink. Yes, what's the point.

Druzhnin. Yes you try.

Pink. Yes, I've tried.

Druzhnin. What?

Pink. Even worse! .. No, Pasha, this requires people with strong characters. Ah, how nasty! My God, how disgusting! You approach everyone with tenderness, with frankness. They laugh at you, tell jokes about you! ..

Druzhnin. You see, Seryozha, you see! .. After all, you yourself understand.

Pink. Yes, what am I to do? It's been with me since childhood. You won’t believe it, Pasha, they even flogged me when I was little for this. Yes, it's nothing! If only you knew how much trouble I have endured for my character! I just don't know what to do with myself. I'll go somewhere, I'll definitely go. I will go to my village and stay there for the rest of my life. You, Pasha, visit me, do me a favor.

Druzhnin. That's enough, that's enough, Seryozha, what are you doing!

Pink. No, Pasha, I will leave, I will certainly leave.

Druzhnin. What are you fooling around, what are you?

Pink. Don't you see that we can't stay here?

Druzhnin. But why?

Pink. What is my character...

Druzhnin. What is character?

Pink. Bad character, indecent. How can I stay here with such a character?

Druzhnin. Complete, complete, Seryozha! You are proud of your character. I wish I had a heart like you.

Pink (shakes his hand with feeling). Pasha! You are my real friend, the only one, it can be seen from everything. Now you only want to console me, but you don’t say what you feel at all.

Druzhnin. By God, Seryozha, what do I feel, by God)

Pink. Eh, Pasha! .. (He sits in thought.)

Druzhnin. Seryozha, Seryozha! listen to me. After all, if this is analyzed strictly, from the present point of view, it cannot even be called a disadvantage; this is pretty good quality.

Pink. No, Pasha, don't say it: it's a bad trait. Offensive remarks constantly reach you by the side; you blush constantly, you are embarrassed for yourself.

Druzhnin. Yes, what is there to be embarrassed about!

Pink. Yes, how not to be embarrassed: they take you for a fool, but not only for a fool, but much worse, more offensive.

Druzhnin. And what's your business? There will always be people who can appreciate you. And that I made a mistake two or three times - this is not important. Not a criminal case, because you did not do any meanness.

Pink. So you think, Pasha, that this is not important? Support me, Pasha, otherwise my suspiciousness tortures me to death. It sometimes occurs to me that this is really not important.

Druzhnin. Yes of course!

Pink. By God, Pasha, I always need support. After all, now I myself see that this is not important - just nonsense, and that's all. You made me laugh, Pasha! Let's go to the theater today.

Druzhnin. Perhaps we'll go. What did it suddenly come to your mind?

Pink. Yes so. Let's go, and that's it, Druzhnin. Here you are again, Seryozha, starting something...

Pink. I'm not up to anything. It's the same story.

Druzhnin. What is the same?

Pink. Sofya Antonovna called!

Druzhnin. What did you call?

Pink. Yes, it's simple: yesterday I began to say goodbye to her, and she says to me: come tomorrow to my box ... And from the theater to call on her for a minute.

Druzhnin. Are you going?

Pink. I'll go!..

Druzhnin. And are you determined to go?

Pink. I will definitely go! .. (Looks at the clock.) Yes, it's time.

Druzhnin. Seryozha! I beg you, don't go.

Pink. You can't, Pasha!

Druzhnin. Seryozha! If you want to be my friend, don't go.

Pink. It’s impossible, Pasha, by God, it’s impossible, - I gave my word of honor.

Druzhnin. Seryozha, don't go!

Pink. They tell you not to!

Druzhnin. Why not? Say you're sick.

Pink. How can this be: I had lunch with her cousin today.

Druzhnin. Yes, what are you doing, come to your senses! ..

Pink. Why, you said it yourself, it's not important.

Druzhnin. Look, you invented - it's not important! That's what's important. Not important! Yes, judge well. You'll get confused, get married ... After all, you will certainly get married, as soon as a woman takes you into her hands. Your wife is not good, apparently, a coquette; maybe even evil. She will start to flirt with others, obviously neglect you, be capricious, you, of course, due to your gentleness, you will not dare to say a single word against her; you will endure everything on yourself, you will not even allow yourself to speak out, you yourself, perhaps, will fall in love with someone: if you start to yearn, you will drink, shoot yourself, or go crazy with grief. What a fate awaits you! For some reason, her first husband died. What a terrible prospect lies ahead of you. (Pink stands in thought.) Use your position while you are still completely free to choose.

Pink. Yes, I'm still completely free.

Druzhnin. You can take a young girl with an unspoiled soul, with a kind heart, who will be able to appreciate your tenderness.

Pink. Yes, yes, Pasha, a young girl, just a young girl.

Oh, how good it is to take a young girl. And what kind of girl I know, Pasha, eighteen years old.

Druzhnin. You see now.

Pink. Beauty! .. What a beauty, then .. Only, Pasha, this cannot be!

Druzhnin. What can't be?

Pink. Yes, how? such a beauty, her cheeks are burning, and suddenly - your wife! ..

Druzhnin. What is surprising here?

Pink. It always seems to me that this only happens in novels; I, it seems, would not dare to woo such a beauty myself.

Druzhnin. What a fool you are.

Pink. But sometimes, Pasha, as you dream about it, it seems that you can go crazy with happiness. You: imagine - a beauty, and this beauty is your wife! ..

Druzhnin. Well, after all, you yourself understand.

Pink. So don't drive?

Druzhnin. Don't go, Seryozha, do me a favor, don't go!

Pink (sits down on a chair with a hat in his hand). I will not go! You see, Pasha, how obedient I am... (Looks at his watch.) Five minutes past eight. Do you know what, Pasha, - we will go to the armchairs, take it next to us. I'll go to her in the intermission for a minute, and back. If you don't believe me, come with me - you'll wait for me in the corridor. At least I won't be so ashamed; because you know how conscientious I am in these things, And then suddenly he promised, and he was not, what it looks like.

Druzhnin. And from the theater will you go to her tea to drink?

Pink. It is possible not to go, - I will say that I am unwell. And if it becomes very annoying, then ... so we will go together. Here's a great idea!

Fine, fine; How did this not occur to me before. We will go together: you will stop me; at least you will see everything with your own eyes.

Druzhnin. Well, well, let's go; just look at me!

Pink. Oh, Pasha, how grateful I am to you! You are my friend! Here's a friend!

Druzhnin. Do you remember what prospect awaits you if you marry this woman.

Pink. I know, I know ... (Thinks.) The prospect is terrible! (Going to the door.)

Druzhnin. And it's good that I was in time to save you from this abyss.

Pink. Thank you, Pasha, thank you! .. (They leave.)


Living room in Sofya Antonovna's house.

Sofya Antonovna in a hat and Rosy enter from the hall.

Sofia Antonovna. Listen, Sergei Andreevich, I'll be angry with you.

Pink. Why, Sofya Antonovna?

Sofia Antonovna. I already told you not to compliment me.

Pink. Yes, by God, Sofya Antonovna, these are not compliments. By God, no compliments!

Sofia Antonovna. I know you, believe you, and then...

Pink. Can't you believe me, Sofya Antonovna? Can't believe me?

Sofia Antonovna. I just don't believe you.

Pink. Sofia Antonovna! yes for what? Yes, you order me to prove something, if you do not believe the words.

Sofia Antonovna. Well, all right, all right... Who came with you?

Pink. One of my short friends, Druzhin, is a very excellent person.

Sofia Antonovna. All of you are great!

Pink. No, Sofya Antonovna, you must believe me. This is a very special person, very special. What a soul this man has! Extraordinary! He has long wanted to meet you.

Sofia Antonovna. And I thought that you and I would spend the evening together.

I was so inclined towards this: I didn’t even order my brother to come.

Pink. Are you Sofia Antonovna?

Sofia Antonovna. Sergei Andreich! So you yourself do not believe me, and you also need proof.

Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna! No, Sofya Antonovna! .. So I'll go and drive him away. He's nothing... He's a great person.

Sofia Antonovna. What are you, what are you!.. How is that possible!..

Pink. Ah, how is it?

Sofia Antonovna. What to do, it's your own fault.

Pink. Ah, what a shame!

Sofia Antonovna. Very nice. I have heard so much about you from Sergei Andreevich.

Druzhnin. I have long wanted, sir ... and have long asked Sergei Andreevich.

Sofia Antonovna. Sit down, gentlemen! Sergei Andreevich, keep your friend busy, and excuse me; I'll leave you for a minute. (Exits.)

Druzhnin (takes Rozovy to the forefront). How you behaved meanly, just death. You exhausted me.

Pink. Why, Pasha, exhausted! You are very annoying to me today.

Druzhnin. Firstly: you said that you would go to her box for one minute, and I was waiting for you in the corridor for a whole hour, exactly an hour, so that the attendants felt ashamed. You always put your friends in such positions.

Secondly: they whisper, are amiable ... What were you whispering about there?

Pink. Yes, about nothing, about trifles!

Druzhnin. So why was there something to hide?

Pink. Yes, Pasha! After all, it is easy to talk about this, but if you yourself were in my place ... You need to listen, Pasha, as she says. No, I was mistaken just now: she is smart, very smart.

Druzhnin. Well, that's what I expected! So our whole conversation went to the wind.

Yes, listen to me, Seryozha, I am ready to ask you with tears, listen to me ...

Pink (looks at the door). Speak, Pasha, I'm listening.

Druzhnin. Yes, you are listening.

Pink. No, Pasha, really, this is not the place, by God, not the place. We're better off some other time.

Druzhnin. You are a lost man!

Masha enters with a tea utensil.

Pink. What, Masha, is Sofia Antonovna wearing?

Masha. Get dressed! They will come out now. (Exits.)

Druzhnin. Farewell, Seryozha.

Pink. What are you, what are you? How is it possible. Wait a little!

Druzhnin. No, that's enough! You tortured me tonight!

Pink. Well, a little, Pasha. I'll go myself now. (Takes out his watch.) In a quarter of an hour.

Druzhnin. If you please, I will stay for a quarter of an hour, only not a single second more, I tell you in advance.

Pink. That's how it will be half past eleven, so let's go,

Sofya Antonovna enters.

Sofia Antonovna. Sorry gentlemen for keeping you waiting.

Pink sits down beside her.

Mr Friends! (To Pink.) What's his name?

Pink. Pavel Gavrilovich.

Sofia Antonovna. Pavel Gavrilovich, sit closer to us.

The friend is moving.

How did you feel about today's performance?

Druzhnin. I don't know how to tell you, I didn't look at the stage much.

Sofia Antonovna. Where did you look?

Druzhnin. I looked more at the audience.

Sofia Antonovna. Yes, it looks like there was nothing to see! There were few people, pretty faces and I did not see a single one.

Druzhnin. Ah, no; I'm not looking for that at all. I'm not a big fan of looking at pretty faces from a distance.

Sofia Antonovna. So what are you looking for? Ah, I guess you're probably looking for food for wit?

Druzhnin. Yes, sir! You guessed.

Sofia Antonovna. That's how! .. So you are a dangerous person.

Pink. Don't believe me, Sofya Antonovna, he's joking. But the first play went very well.

Druzhnin. Have you seen her?

Pink. Of course I saw it. How beautifully the role of the nephew was played! Do you know who played?

Druzhnin. What nephew?

Pink. Well, in love.

Druzhnin. There was no nephew. What, got it!

Pink (embarrassed). So I must have mixed it up... Sofya Antonovna, why don't you smoke?

Sofia Antonovna. Ah, I completely forgot! Bring me my cigarettes, they're on the table there.

Pink quickly gets up and leaves.

Sofia Antonovna. Isn't it true that your friend is a very kind person?

Druzhnin. I think it's too much!

Sofia Antonovna. And is it stupid?

Druzhnin. For my part, I find nothing attractive in this.

What kind of man is ready to melt away from any woman?

Sofia Antonovna. It seems to me that this is still better than being an evil person!

Druzhnin. Hardly!

Sofia Antonovna. You think? I don't find it; however, as anyone thinks. Do you smoke?

Druzhnin. I smoke.

Sofia Antonovna. Smoke, do me a favor.

Druzhnin lights a cigarette. Brief silence.

I really don't like it in young people when they pretend to be disappointed. It's so easy these days, and they hardly gain anything by it.

Druzhnin. However, they are also successful.

Sofia Antonovna. Doubtful! After all, a lot of people slander women.

A woman who understands her purpose, believe me, will not be carried away by the skillful playing of a pre-learned role. At least for me they always seemed funny.

Druzhnin. I agree with you; But are there many such women?

Sofia Antonovna. Believe me, there are much more women who understand their duties than men, Druzhin. Let me disagree with you on this.

Sofya Antonovna, It's very understandable, you are a man ... as far as I am concerned, the highest bliss for a woman is to be a good wife and a good mother.

However, this is my personal opinion, and I do not impose it on anyone.

Druzhnin. This is a very laudable belief. (Silence.)

Sofia Antonovna. Why did he disappear there... Sergei Andreevich, what are you doing there?

Pink (offstage). I won't find it, Sofya Antonovna!

Sofia Antonovna. Yes, right on the table.

Pink (offstage). Not on the table.

Sofya Antonovna (gets up and walks). What a boring! (Exits.)

Friends (one). I understood her ... She's just a coquette, and a terrible coquette. I wonder how Sergei does not see this. However, where is he! But with my assistance, little by little, he will understand this. Get to work, Pavel Gavrilovich, get to work! Save your friend while you can. I think I made her feel that I understand her. Why did they disappear there?.. What is it?..

(Jumps up from the chair.) My Pink kisses her hands? And how loud! .. it's terrible! .. No, the devil knows what it is! You can't do business with this person. The scoundrel is perfect! ..

Pink enters.

What are you doing, tell me, for God's sake?

Pink. Oh, Paul, don't say that! I'm happy!..

Druzhnin. Are you happy?.. Ha, ha, ha. Are you happy! A man stands on the edge of the abyss and says that I am happy!

Pink. No, Pasha, don't say that.

Druzhnin. Don't say it? Have you forgotten the previous conversation? .. Have you forgotten what the prospect awaits you?

Pink. Pasha, just now we made a mistake with you; this is a miracle, not a woman! You look, do me a favor; look!

Druzhnin. Why are you telling me, I saw with my own eyes that she is a coquette, which the world has not produced!

Pink. No, Pasha, do me a favor, don't say that. You offend me with this. You look, look!

Druzhnin. I don't want to look! Worth a look!

Pink. Look, you can't talk like that. You offend me!

Druzhnin. And you think it's easy for me to see your disgusting behavior. You sat down for me! ..

Pink. Still, Pasha, if you are my friend, you must respect a woman who is dear to me.

Druzhnin. You have all the roads; dress your chair in a woman's dress, you're ready to melt here too.

Pink. Well, Pasha, say what you want, I'm not angry with you, I understand that you are all out of friendship, out of love for me. I know that you wish me well. I appreciate it, Pasha, you believe me that I appreciate it; only, excuse me, you needlessly get excited. Now it's too late.

Druzhnin. And I want it to be not too late!

Pink. No, Pasha, it's too late.

Druzhnin. I don't want to know. I came here to save you, and without that I will not leave here. You need to take drastic measures. Let's go home now, let's go, let's go, and don't talk!

Pink. You don't understand me, Pasha, I already made an offer.

Druzhnin. Have you made an offer? You?.. How dare you?

Pink. Pasha, my dear, don't be angry!

Druzhnin. No, it's out of hand! How dare you do something so mean to me? He assured me that you were dying, asked for help, I try my best; and he is somewhere behind the door, slowly, makes an offer!

Pink. Pasha, I'm not on the sly.

Druzhnin. So, under the guise of friendship, you will take me somewhere to the cheaters and beat me, probably. You will become. No, now I myself will decide on all meanness. I’ll go to Sofya Antonovna now and tell her that you have two mistresses, I’ll say that you are married, that you have six children ...

Pink. Pasha, you won't do it.

Druzhnin. But you will see ... Slowly, behind the door ... you can already see that it is baseness when a person runs away from people. Why would I go out the door when I'm an honest man. Okay, buddy, I'll remember that for you.

Pink. Yes, by God, Pasha, not at the door ... We had a conversation about this for a long time. I was just afraid to tell you about it. Here's how it's done...

Druzhnin. What are you telling me? I really need to know. I don't even want to know. It is of great importance that you marry: one more fool and that's it.

(Silence.) What do I care who anyone marries there! (Rises.)

Farewell, Sergei Andreevich!

Pink. Where are you, wait a little!

Druzhnin. No with! So what am I to do here?

Pink. Pasha, if you love me, then stay Druzhnin. You, I think, can reason that I cannot stay here.

Pink. God be with you, Pasha! I didn't expect you to leave me at a time like this.

Druzhnin. What do you friends - you will have a wife, a beautiful woman.

Farewell, Sergei Andreevich!

Pink. I can't hold you back, only me, really, it's very sad. Goodbye!

Druzhnin. Goodbye!

Pink. Goodbye!

Druzhnin (goes to the door, stops). And you think that I will remain your friend after this? ..

Pink. By God, I don't know, Pasha, how I should be. I'm in the most critical position...

Druzhnin. No, you judge coolly: can I remain your friend?

Pink. Really, Pasha, I don't know; I feel guilty before you.

Druzhnin. What is guilty! Do you think I'm angry with you? Not at all. It's nothing to me that you're to blame, I'm not at all in a claim on you. I love you even more than before, much more. But still I can't be your friend, I can't see you!

Pink. But why, Pasha?

Druzhnin. Please don't think that I'm angry with you. Give me your hand.

Like this! Let's kiss. (They kiss.) Well, now you believe that I'm not angry with you?

Pink. I believe, Pasha, I believe.

Druzhnin. And yet, Seryozha, I must not see you. It will be hard for me, very hard, but there is nothing to do, Pink. Excuse me, I don't understand, I'm just like in a fog.

Druzhnin. A! You do not understand?

Pink. I don't understand.

Druzhnin. And here I will explain to you. Imagine yourself in my place: you have a friend, a man with a tender heart, he marries - marries a woman who cannot make him happy; his position is hopeless; he melts day after day, you cannot help him, he notices your compassion, and it becomes even harder for him; he begins to think, then goes crazy and commits suicide - and you should see all this!

Pink. Enough, Pasha, what kind of black thoughts.

Druzhnin. Don't tell me this. I had a consumptive friend, how was it for me to look at him? No, Seryozha, for my peace of mind, I must give up on you: I know that it will be hard for me, I may not be able to bear it ...

Pink. At least stay for a few minutes, I beg you.

Druzhnin. Please, I can do this for you.

Sofya Antonovna enters, sits down at the table.

Sofia Antonovna. Lord! Would you like some more tea?

Druzhnin. No, thank you very much.

Pink (sits down beside Sofya Antonovna). What bliss, Sofya Antonovna, to end the day with such a family picture. You won't believe, Sofya Antonovna, how nice it is. The soul is resting. (He kisses her hand.) Oh, by God, how nice it is!

Sofia Antonovna. Who is stopping you from enjoying this bliss?

Come visit me more often.

Pink. I will, Sofya Antonovna, visit you every day. Will you let me?

Sofia Antonovna. I ask you about it.

Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna!

Druzhnin. Sergei Andreevich, I have to go!

Sofia Antonovna. Where are you in such a hurry?

Druzhnin. Yeah, it's about time. Sofya Antonovna has a lot to do with me tomorrow. What are you doing, you're just bored with me.

Druzhnin. On the contrary, I am very pleased. Only I really have a lot to do tomorrow.

Pink (kissing Sofya Antonovna's hand). It's full, full. I'll tell you later, Sofya Antonovna, why he's in a hurry.

Sofia Antonovna. Why later and not now?

Pink. No, I'll tell you later.

Sofia Antonovna. No, now.

Druzhnin. He'll tell you.

Pink. We confess, Pasha! Sofya Antonovna is such a woman that she will surely forgive us.

Sofia Antonovna. Oh, if that's what's behind it, then please don't bother.

Pink. I knew in advance, Sofya Antonovna, that you have an angelic heart.

(He kisses her hand.) You see, Pasha, we have nothing to fear, all that remains is to repent sincerely.

Druzhnin. Repent, perhaps! I am not to blame for anything before Sofya Antonovna.

Pink. How not to blame? And what plans did you and I have against Sofya Antonovna?

Druzhnin. Well, I'm sorry, I didn't know Sofya Antonovna at all...

Come on, stop it! (Moves off to the other side and examines a picture.)

Sofia Antonovna. However, this is getting very interesting. What were your intentions?

Druzhnin. I am ashamed to remember, Sofya Antonovna!.. If not for your kindness, by God, I would never have confessed to you. We have come to you today with the lowest intention.

Sofia Antonovna. That's how!

Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, you'd better scold me, I really won't be so ashamed!

Druzhnin. Come on, do me a favor.

Pink. And yes, you need to stop. When I started, I thought that I had the courage to tell everything, but now I see that I can not. I'm just ashamed! Scold me better, Sofya Antonovna, for me, by God, it will be easier.

Sofia Antonovna. I won’t scold you and I don’t have the right, but it’s still strange for me that you had any intentions against a woman, which you are even ashamed to say about.

Pink. Sofya Antonovna, please don't think that this is anything important.

Sofia Antonovna. However, it is enough that you are ashamed to say this. Is it possible to rely on you for anything now, when you have had enough spirit to do some kind of trouble to a woman. And what should I expect from you in advance?

Pink. Sofya Antonovna, let me tell you. (Takes her by the hand.)

Sofya Antonovna (withdraws her hand). Do me a favor, you don't have to. You have already had enough time to compose whatever you please.

Pink. How dare I, how dare I do this?

Sofia Antonovna. How difficult it is to make out a man, and how much a poor woman must be mistaken.

Pink (quietly). Ah, Sofya Antonovna, you don't quite think so, by God, I'm not to blame.

Sofia Antonovna. Come on you!

Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna! By God, not me! What is it?

(Points to Druzhnin.) This is him ...

Sofia Antonovna. That is good! You don't even have enough nobility to frankly admit your guilt, you blame it on your friends.

Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, it's him, by God, he!

Sofia Antonovna. And you think that this can be justified? Why do you surround yourself with such people?

Pink. Ah, no, Sofya Antonovna; he, by God, wonderful person oh my god, he's beautiful.

Sofia Antonovna. Okay, nothing to say.

Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, no, not that, not that! Oh! I can't express how I feel. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, it happens with good people;

finds sometimes so foolishly. Ah, Pasha! Pasha!..

Druzhnin. What do you want?

Pink (looks at him pleadingly). Pasha! It's your fault, aren't you? Confess, confess, do me a favor! Say everything frankly.

Druzhnin. Please, I confess. That's the point, Sofya Antonovna. I must confess to you that I love him very much... I love him very much, Sofya Antonovna.

Pink looks at him with a gaze that expresses gratitude.

I know his weak heart; I happened to see the trouble he had to endure for this shortcoming. I recently learned that he met you. Sorry, for some reason I had a not entirely favorable opinion about you; I was afraid that this acquaintance would not lead him to something serious and came to you with the intention of preventing your rapprochement.

Sofia Antonovna. But only?

Druzhnin. Nothing else.

Sofia Antonovna. Tell me, do me a favor, why did you form such an opinion about me?

Druzhnin. Really, I can't tell you why!

Sofia Antonovna. Did they say something about me to you? We really are such pathetic creatures.

Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna, will we trust anyone?

Sofia Antonovna. Anyone can say what he pleases about me: there is no one to intercede for me.

Pink. How can there be no one, Sofya Antonovna? Why do you offend me?

Masha (from behind the door). Sofia Antonovna!

Sofia Antonovna. What do you want?

Masha. Please come here.

Sofia Antonovna leaves.

Druzhnin. Well, you now seem to have achieved your goal. I understand you well now. You made up your mind long ago to marry her, but just now you deceived me, taking advantage of my: disposition; played a trick on me for his amusement. She hates me now. And do you really think that after all this I can remain your friend? No, thank you very much.

Pink. You yourself saw, Pasha, in what position I was.

Druzhnin. If you had to get rid of me, you would say so.

Pink. No, Pasha, no, I didn’t think at all.

Druzhnin. Whether you thought it or not, only you betrayed me, and betrayed me to justify yourself, out of cowardice. And this is friendship, what do you think? This betrayal is the lowest.

Pink. Oh, what a character I have! I don't even remember how it all happened. It’s as if I’m in some kind of fog, however, I don’t think she’s angry with you, Pasha.

Druzhnin. That's nice. And not only angry, she must hate me. You will see it now, as soon as you get married.

Pink. You come to us sooner.

Druzhnin. Thank you very much. I thought so. And if she does not want to see me at all, will you then say, do not come to us at all? Of course, you don’t want to contradict her, and if you do, you won’t dare.

Pink. Ah, Pasha, I will never forget you; I will always remember you, to the grave. However, we can sometimes see each other on the sly.

Druzhnin. However, what will it be like for me that the wife of my best friend considers me the devil knows for whom.

Pink. Yes, yes, we will have to part. But what will it be like for me? Oh my God, what am I to do now? By God, I'm ready to cry.

Druzhnin. You will exchange a friend, faithful and tested, but for a wife whom you still do not know well, and perhaps a terrible prospect awaits you, and without support. It's really terrible. No, you must immediately reconcile me with her; for your own good, you must reconcile me. The more I think about it, the more clearly I see the need for it. Yes, you also take into account: you will need a best man. Where will you take it? And besides, I, as your first friend, should be the best man.

Pink. Yes, Pasha, yes ...

Druzhnin. How can I be best man when she can't see me? No, you even have to reconcile me with her.

Pink. Of course, Pasha, as soon as it comes out.

Druzhnin. You judge calmly: after all, this is your duty, you are to blame for everything, and you must arrange it. I don't care, I probably don't need to; Yes, it's all done for you. Understand what is for you.

Pink. Yes, Pasha, for me.

Druzhnin. Well, then, my dear, do this business; now you are in such a relationship that she, right, will not refuse you. Yes, and let's go, Seryozha, let's go, my dear, it's time for you to rest. Yes, wrap yourself up dearly well, how long will it take to catch a cold. (Takes him by the head.) Look how hot you are!

Pink. Yes, Pasha, my head is spinning. (They take their hats.)

Sofia Antonovna (enters). Where are you, gentlemen, in a hurry?

Pink. It's time for us, Sofya Antonovna.

Druzhnin. It's time. (Looks with the most obsequious look.)

Pink. And we are tired, and you, Sofya Antonovna, I think, too.

Druzhnin. We must give you peace, sir!

They stand in silence, Druzhnin pushes Pink with his elbow.

Pink. Sofya Antonovna, will you refuse me if I ask you about one thing? For you it costs nothing, but for us it is very important, very important.

Sofia Antonovna. What's happened? ask!

Pink. Do not be angry with Pavel, Sofya Antonovna, (Takes her by the hand.)

Sofia Antonovna. Why should I be angry with them?

Druzhnin. However, I must be in your eyes a terrible person.

Sofia Antonovna. Uh, come on: I'm so used to it.

Druzhnin. I would like, Sofya Antonovna, that you not have the slightest unpleasant feeling against me, because all this, Sofya Antonovna, arose from a misunderstanding.

Sofia Antonovna. I'm not at all angry with you. (She holds out her hand to him.)

Druzhnin (kisses). By God, Sofya Antonovna, from a misunderstanding!.. I, Sofya Antonovna, love him very much. You ask him.

Sofia Antonovna. I believe you! But where are you, gentlemen, in a hurry? And I, Sergei Andreevich, wanted to do a little assignment for you.

Pink. What do you order?

Sofia Antonovna. Yes, I should buy a mirror for the sofa.

Druzhnin. So let me, sir! Where is he, he is busy, and he does not know the sense in this. That's my business, sir. To which sofa? To this, sir?

Sofia Antonovna. To that.

Druzhnin. Do you have a yardstick?

Sofia Antonovna. Masha! Give me an arshin!

Druzhnin. Let me run myself. (Exits.)

Pink (kissing Sofya Antonovna's hand). Ah, Sofya Antonovna, to have such a friend, such a wife! why, why is fate so merciful to me!

Sofya Anton ovna (with noticeable coquetry). You are worth it, Sergei Andreevich! You value yourself too little.

Pink. I’m not standing, I’m not standing, Sofya Antonovna, it’s just you, out of your kindness, saying that I’m standing. There are people who all their lives cannot find either a friend or a good wife... Ah, Sofya Antonovna, there are poor people...

We often happily forget about it!

Druzhnin enters with a yardstick and Masha.

Druzhnin (climbs onto the sofa and measures the wall with a yardstick). Don't you have, dear, mother-in-law?

Masha. Please!

DRUZHNIN (measures with a cord; ties a knot on the cord, and then stands for some time thinking). Arshin nine inches and three quarters. (Hides the cord in his pocket.) Done, sir!... I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Pink. Farewell, Sofya Antonovna! (Kisses the hand.)

Druzhnin. Farewell! (He also kisses the hand.)

Sofia Antonovna. Farewell, gentlemen. Do not forget me.

Druzhnin. How can you, please! But how suddenly it all happened!

Pink. Yes, Pasha, quite unexpectedly.

Druzhnin. An amazing thing! Farewell, Sofya Antonovna!

Pink (kissing Sofya Antonovna's hand). Farewell.

Sofia Antonovna! If you want me to be perfectly happy, don't be angry with Paul!

Sofia Antonovna. I didn't mean to be angry.

Druzhnin (kissing her hand). Farewell, Sofia Antonovna! I will try to justify myself to you. (Exits.)

Sofya Antonovna comes to the door.

Druzhnin (from the front). Don't catch a cold, Sofya Antonovna! Farewell, sir.

Pink (also from the front). Farewell!

Druzhnin (going to the door). Farewell, Sofya Antonovna. So I'm tomorrow than light-sir!

Sofya Antonovna (sitting down on the sofa). How funny is this friend of his

(yawns) should be a kind person(yawns). Freaks!!.

Alexander Ostrovsky - An unexpected case, read text

See also Ostrovsky Alexander - Prose (stories, poems, novels ...):

Did not get along!
Pictures of Moscow life FIRST PERSON PICTURE: Prezhnev, completely decrepit...

(1854, 1859) folk drama in three acts PERSONS: Ilya Ivanovich, lit...

Sergei Andreich Roz, unemployed landowner, aged 27.

Pavel Gavrilych Druzhin, an official, Rozovy's comrade at an educational institution.

Sofya Antonovna, widow, 30 years old.

Masha, Sofya Antonovna's maid.

scene one

Single man's office


Pink is on the couch.

Pink(one) . However, this is the devil knows how stupid! Even ashamed! .. After all, here you are sitting alone, and throws you into the paint. And you also consider yourself a decent person, you say about others: that one does not behave like that, the other is ridiculous. And what could be worse than my behavior? Perfect crap! Well, what does it look like that I can’t see a woman indifferently: as soon as I approach, I lose my mind and all reason, you say and do such things that after that it’s as if you dreamed all this in a dream. Well, why did I get so soft yesterday, for example. At first, like a good man, he spoke to her about the weather, about literature, and then he went and went: “And what a blessing it is to be loved by a woman like you, Sofya Antonovna! Yes, I don’t dare to dream of such happiness ... ”Let's suppose that others say the same thing, but with them it somehow looks like a joke; and I'm almost in tears. Oh, what a bastard! Yes, and Sofya Antonovna is good too! .. She would laugh at me and the matter is over - I would not climb anymore, otherwise: “Yes, you can’t be trusted, but you all say that.” And I swear, I swear! .. Fu! .. (He covers his face with his hands.) Why did I do this, now you ask? There is absolutely no need for me to marry her, I can find better and richer than her. And yet, out of my stupidity, I managed the matter in such a way that now she thinks that I am in love without memory and she only has to make me happy for life. But how can she not think when I myself swear it to her!.. Ah, a fool, a fool! (Lies silently.) Why, it's disgusting that every such stupidity torments me afterward, it doesn't get out of my head. After all, sometimes you forget things that are even more important, and then suddenly, for no reason at all, it will occur to you sometimes even during a conversation with someone - you will all flare up and be embarrassed by the devil knows what. I don’t even know whether to tell Druzhnin about this or not. he will be furious with me, he will certainly be furious, he will scold me, perhaps! .. But all the same, it is necessary to consult with him, this matter is beginning to take on a serious character. Only I think not to tell him all the nonsense, but just something, slightly, and ask him for advice. And then you get married, perhaps, by God, you get married! My heart already feels that someday I will marry such a completely stranger woman, I will suddenly offer my hand, and the matter is over. (Thinking.) And what a girl there was yesterday!.. What a charm! Here's a beauty! I was tempted to talk to her about something, but I was afraid. Well, all of a sudden, for no reason at all, you open up in love ... A young girl! .. What should you think? Either he will be offended, or he will consider him a fool.


Druzhnin(included). Hello Seryozha!

Pink. Ah, hello, Pavel!

Druzhnin(sits down). Well, what's new with you?

Pink. What news can I have!

Druzhnin. What are you talking about: what news! After all, I haven’t seen you for a whole week - have you really been sitting at home?

Pink. No, not all at home, was somewhere.

Druzhnin. Where would it be, for example?

Pink. I've been to the theatre, I've been to some other places.

Druzhnin. Yes, where to? What is this secrecy in you, Seryozha, how disgusting! Really, Seryozha, it's disgusting. I don't seem to be hiding anything from you.

Pink. There is no secrecy here; Yes, I do not like to talk about trifles.

Druzhnin. What kind of nonsense is this? Well, what nonsense! You're making me out of patience. A person with participation asks you, cares about you, and you say: nothing.

Pink. Yes, by God, Pasha, there is nothing to tell; say you something.

Druzhnin. What am I, to amuse, or something, you came! What are you really? I break away from the case, I run to him without memory: has something happened? and he doesn't want to know, No, it's not like anything. Well, that's enough, Seryozha, don't fool around, tell me where you've been; on Wednesday, I know you were at the theater, and then?

Pink. Well, then: on Friday at Sofya Antonovna's, on Saturday at the Khokhlovs', yesterday again at Sofya Antonovna's, that's all for you.

Druzhnin. Stop, stop! Which Sofya Antonovna? Who is this Sofya Antonovna? I had never heard of her before.

Pink. How, brother, did not hear - I think I told you.

Druzhnin. When did he speak? You didn't tell me anything - you're lying! .. No, brother, you have some news! And it's probably stupid.

Pink. But what kind of nonsense, Pasha? There are no stupid things.

Druzhnin. Please don't talk, I know you. You don't say a word and you get to know the devil knows who!

Pink. Yes, I've known her for a long time.

Druzhnin. That's cute! Yes, I don't know anything. What are you doing to me, tell me, do me a favor?

Pink. Yes, you should not know something - so, an empty acquaintance.

Druzhnin. Yes, all the same mean! .. If she is a good woman, you should have introduced me to her.

Pink. No, Pasha, it's not worth it. I know in advance that you won't like it.

Druzhnin. Why are you familiar with her?

Pink. Yes, we met by chance.

Druzhnin. What is she, a widow?

Pink. Widow.

Druzhnin. Rich?

Pink. No, you can't say.

Druzhnin. Pretty good, right?

Pink. Nothing special; the most common face.

Druzhnin. Well, it's erysipelas. If you say that it's an ordinary face, then there's nothing to interpret.

Pink. No, Pasha, you're overdoing it too much! And to tell the truth, there really is nothing attractive.

Druzhnin. At least a smart woman, or very kind, or what?

Pink. Well, I won't say that either. There is something in her character that I don't like.

Druzhnin. What did you find in her? is now asked.

Pink. Didn't find anything. It's like you have to look for something. As familiar as everyone knows her, no more, no less.

Druzhnin. Well, I believe you! That's my trouble, that you never do the way people do. Well, now tell me how you met her, what kind of relationship you have with her and so on ...

Pink. Why, Pasha?

Druzhnin. Seryozha! .. Well, do me a favor! Dear! Well, I'm begging you.

Pink. If you please, please! .. I met her at the Okunevs. Then, three days later, I met her on the Kuznetsk bridge: she was walking ... You should have looked at how she was walking! .. Charm! What a gait! .. Oh, Pasha, how other women walk.

Druzhnin. Well, well, well, I already know you. Keep going, keep going!

Pink. Well, we met. She called me to her.

Druzhnin. Of course you went.

Pink. Known to go. Why not go?

Druzhnin. Well, then what?

Pink. That's how we met.

Druzhnin. What are you doing to her?

Pink. The same as the others ... That's what, Pasha, - you only confuse me with such questions, but I seriously wanted to talk to you about this matter.

Druzhnin. Well, speak, speak! Speak quickly!

Pink. Just don't interrupt me, do me a favor. By God, you, Pasha, are already very strict with me; I, right, always embarrass you.

Druzhnin. Well, good, good! I'm listening to.

Pink thinks.

Yes, speak quickly, do not torment me.

Pink. The thing, Pasha, is more important than what you think, I'm completely confused and don't know what to do now. You see, I was at the Khokhlovs this week, and she was there too. I don't know, brother, what happened to me: that evening I was in a special disposition for tenderness. I offered to take her home on my horses. Don't be angry, please.

Druzhnin. Oh well…

Pink. She agreed. I went to her, sat with her for half an hour, talked about something, and the idea came into my head to kiss her hands.

Druzhnin. Both?

Pink. Both.

Druzhnin. What a fool!

Pink. Well, the same thing happened yesterday. Yesterday I got so mellow that, really, Pasha...

Druzhnin. Well?

Pink. Himself, Pasha, ashamed! ..

Druzhnin. Well, why are you such a stupid face, then food is okay? What are you laughing at? He does stupid things, and you dare to. It's just out of hand. (Walks around the room.) Oh my God, my God, what is he doing! (Goes with Pink.) Well, Serezha, I will talk to you in cold blood. Now tell me frankly, why did you kiss her hands, why? Well, tell me, why are you silent? I also understand that a person with a weak heart can kiss a woman's hand on occasion; well, damn it, what an importance! Why did you kiss someone else?

Pink. For what? I don’t know why! .. I kissed you like that, and that’s it!

Druzhnin. That's a vile trait in your character. She always confuses you. It's annoying to death; you are not a fool by nature, well, and an educated person, but what are you doing! ..

Pink. You, Pasha, do not be angry, do me a favor.

Druzhnin. But how can one not be angry with you when you the devil knows what you are doing. Ah, my fathers! You will get caught sometime.

Pink. Well, brother, you can't resist doing something.

Druzhnin. Don't tell me this, do me a favor! Can't resist! You're the only one who can't resist. So, some kind of porridge, it's disgusting to look at. And why? Because the character is very loose, so loose, that it's vile, simply vile! ..

Pink. Yes, yes, Pasha, it's bad, I can see for myself that it's bad. I have a bad life with my character. Sometimes it's so awkward, so embarrassing, that you don't know where to hide from yourself.

Druzhnin. You see, Seryozha, you yourself feel it. Why don't you try, Seryozha, to improve somehow?

Pink. How can you fix it?

Druzhnin. Yes, here's what you try: you pretend to be disappointed. Try Serena!

Pink. Yes, what's the point.

Druzhnin. Yes you try.

Pink. Yes, I've tried.

Druzhnin. What?

Pink. Even worse! .. No, Pasha, this requires people with strong characters. Ah, how nasty! My God, how disgusting! You approach everyone with tenderness, with frankness. They laugh at you, tell jokes about you! ..

Druzhnin. You see, Seryozha, you see! .. After all, you yourself understand.

Pink. Yes, what am I to do? It's been with me since childhood. You won’t believe it, Pasha, they even flogged me when I was little for this. Yes, it's nothing! If only you knew how much trouble I have endured for my character! I just don't know what to do with myself. I'll go somewhere, I'll definitely go. I will go to my village and stay there for the rest of my life. You, Pasha, visit me, do me a favor.

Druzhnin. That's enough, that's enough, Seryozha, what are you doing!

Pink. No, Pasha, I will leave, I will certainly leave.

Druzhnin. What are you fooling around, what are you?

Pink. Don't you see that we can't stay here?

Druzhnin. But why?

Pink. What is my character...

Druzhnin. What is character?

Pink. Bad character, indecent. How can I stay here with such a character?

Druzhnin. Complete, complete, Seryozha! You are proud of your character. I wish I had a heart like you.

Pink (shakes his hand with feeling). Pasha! You are my real friend, the only one, it can be seen from everything. Now you only want to console me, but you don’t say what you feel at all.

Druzhnin. By God, Seryozha, what do I feel, by God)

Pink. Oh Pasha! (Sits thinking.)

Druzhnin. Seryozha, Seryozha! listen to me. After all, if this is analyzed strictly, from the present point of view, it cannot even be called a disadvantage; this is pretty good quality.

Pink. No, Pasha, don't say it: it's a bad trait. Offensive remarks constantly reach you by the side; you blush constantly, you are embarrassed for yourself.

Druzhnin. Yes, what is there to be embarrassed about!

Pink. Yes, how not to be embarrassed: they take you for a fool, but not only for a fool, but much worse, more offensive.

Druzhnin. And what's your business? There will always be people who can appreciate you. And that I made a mistake two or three times - this is not important. Not a criminal case, because you did not do any meanness.

Pink. So you think, Pasha, that this is not important? Support me, Pasha, otherwise my suspiciousness tortures me to death. It sometimes occurs to me that this is really not important.

Druzhnin. Yes of course!

Pink. By God, Pasha, I always need support. After all, now I myself see that this is not important - just nonsense, and that's all. You made me laugh, Pasha! Let's go to the theater today.

Druzhnin. Perhaps we'll go. What did it suddenly come to your mind?

Pink. Yes so. Let's go, and that's it,

Druzhnin. Here you are again, Seryozha, up to something ...

Pink. I'm not up to anything. It's the same story.

Druzhnin. What is the same?

Pink. Sofya Antonovna called!

Druzhnin. What did you call?

Pink. Yes, it’s simple: yesterday I began to say goodbye to her, and she says to me: come tomorrow to my box ... And from the theater to call on her for a minute.

Druzhnin. Are you going?

Pink. I'll go!..

Druzhnin. And are you determined to go?

Pink. I will definitely go! (Looks at the clock.) Yes, it's time.

Druzhnin. Seryozha! I beg you, don't go.

Pink. You can't, Pasha!

Druzhnin. Seryozha! If you want to be my friend, don't go.

Pink. It’s impossible, Pasha, by God, it’s impossible, - I gave my word of honor.

Druzhnin. Seryozha, don't go!

Pink. They tell you not to!

Druzhnin. Why not? Say you're sick.

Pink. How can this be: I had lunch with her cousin today.

Druzhnin. Yes, what are you doing, come to your senses! ..

Pink. Why, you said it yourself, it's not important.

Druzhnin. Look, you invented - it's not important! That's what's important. Not important! Yes, judge well. You’ll get confused, get married ... After all, you will certainly get married, as soon as a woman takes you into her hands. Your wife is not good, apparently, a coquette; maybe even evil. She will start to flirt with others, obviously neglect you, be capricious, you, of course, due to your gentleness, you will not dare to say a single word against her; you will endure everything on yourself, you will not even allow yourself to speak out, you yourself, perhaps, will fall in love with someone: if you start to yearn, you will drink, shoot yourself, or go crazy with grief. What a fate awaits you! For some reason, her first husband died. What a terrible prospect lies ahead of you. (Pink stands in thought.) Use your position while you are still completely free to choose.

Pink. Yes, I'm still completely free.

Druzhnin. You can take a young girl with an unspoiled soul, with a kind heart, who will be able to appreciate your tenderness.

Pink. Yes, yes, Pasha, a young girl, just a young girl. Oh, how good it is to take a young girl. And what kind of girl I know, Pasha, eighteen years old.

Druzhnin. You see now.

Pink. Beauty! .. What a beauty ... Only, Pasha, this cannot be!

Druzhnin. What can't be?

Pink. Yes, how? such a beauty, her cheeks are burning, and suddenly - your wife! ..

Druzhnin. What is surprising here?

Pink. It always seems to me that this only happens in novels; I, it seems, would not dare to woo such a beauty myself.

Druzhnin. What a fool you are.

Pink. But sometimes, Pasha, as you dream about it, it seems that you can go crazy with happiness. You: imagine - a beauty, and this beauty is your wife! ..

Druzhnin. Well, after all, you yourself understand.

Pink. So don't drive?

Druzhnin. Don't go, Seryozha, do me a favor, don't go!

Pink (sits down on chair with hat in hand). I will not go! You see, Pasha, how obedient I am ... (Looks at the clock.) Five minutes past seven. Do you know what, Pasha, - we will go to the armchairs, take it next to us. I'll go to her in the intermission for a minute, and back. If you don't believe me, come with me - you'll wait for me in the corridor. At least I won't be so ashamed; because you know how conscientious I am in these things, And then suddenly he promised, and he was not, what it looks like.

Druzhnin. And from the theater will you go to her tea to drink?

Pink. It is possible not to go, - I will say that I am unwell. And if it becomes very annoying, then ... so we will go together. Here's a great idea! Fine, fine; How did this not occur to me before. We will go together: you will stop me; at least you will see everything with your own eyes.

Druzhnin. Well, well, let's go; just look at me!

Pink. Oh, Pasha, how grateful I am to you! You are my friend! Here's a friend!

Druzhnin. Do you remember what prospect awaits you if you marry this woman.

Pink. I know, I know... (Thinks.) The prospect is terrible! (Going to the door.)

Druzhnin. And it's good that I was in time to save you from this abyss.

Pink. Thank you, Pasha, thank you! .. (They leave.)

scene two

Living room in Sofya Antonovna's house.


Sofya Antonovna in a hat and Rosy enter from the hall.

Sofia Antonovna. Listen, Sergei Andreevich, I'll be angry with you.

Pink. Why, Sofya Antonovna?

Sofia Antonovna. I already told you not to compliment me.

Pink. Yes, by God, Sofya Antonovna, these are not compliments. By God, no compliments!

Sofia Antonovna. I know you, believe you, and after ...

Pink. Can't you believe me, Sofya Antonovna? Can't believe me? God!

Sofia Antonovna. I just don't believe you.

Pink. Sofia Antonovna! yes for what? Yes, you order me to prove something, if you do not believe the words.

Sofia Antonovna. Well, well, well ... Who is it that came with you?

Pink. One of my short friends, Druzhin, is a very excellent person.

Sofia Antonovna. All of you are great!

Pink. No, Sofya Antonovna, you must believe me. This is a very special person, very special. What a soul this man has! Extraordinary! He has long wanted to meet you.

Sofia Antonovna. And I thought that you and I would spend the evening together. I was so inclined towards this: I didn’t even order my brother to come.

Pink. Are you Sofia Antonovna?

Sofia Antonovna. Sergei Andreich! So you yourself do not believe me, and you also need proof.

Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna! No, Sofya Antonovna! .. So I'll go and drive him away. He's nothing... He's a great person.

Sofia Antonovna. What are you, what are you!.. How is that possible!..

Pink. Ah, how is it?

Sofia Antonovna. What to do, it's your own fault.

Pink. Ah, what a shame!

Druzhnin enters.

Sofia Antonovna. Very nice. I have heard so much about you from Sergei Andreevich.

Druzhnin. I have long wanted, sir... and have long asked Sergei Andreevich.

Sofia Antonovna. Sit down, gentlemen! Sergei Andreevich, keep your friend busy, and excuse me; I'll leave you for a minute. (Exits.)


Druzhnin (takes Pink to the front of the stage). How you behaved meanly, just death. You exhausted me.

Pink. Why, Pasha, exhausted! You are very annoying to me today.

Druzhnin. Firstly: you said that you would go to her box for one minute, and I was waiting for you in the corridor for a whole hour, exactly an hour, so that the attendants felt ashamed. You always put your friends in such positions. Secondly: they whisper, are amiable ... What were you whispering about there?

Pink. Yes, about nothing, about trifles!

Druzhnin. So why was there something to hide?

Pink. Yes, Pasha! After all, it’s easy to talk about it, but if you yourself were in my place ... You need to listen, Pasha, as she says. No, I was mistaken just now: she is smart, very smart.

Druzhnin. Well, that's what I expected! So our whole conversation went to the wind. Yes, listen to me, Seryozha, I am ready to ask you with tears, listen to me ...

Pink (looks at the door). Speak, Pasha, I'm listening.

Druzhnin. Yes, you are listening.

Pink. No, Pasha, really, this is not the place, by God, not the place. We're better off some other time.

Druzhnin. You are a lost man!

Masha enters with a tea utensil.

Pink. What, Masha, is Sofia Antonovna wearing?

Masha. Get dressed! They will come out now. (Exits.)

Druzhnin. Farewell, Seryozha.

Pink. What are you, what are you? How is it possible. Wait a little!

Druzhnin. No, that's enough! You tortured me tonight!

Pink. Well, a little, Pasha. I'll go myself now. (Takes out his watch.) In a quarter of an hour.

Druzhnin. If you please, I will stay for a quarter of an hour, only not a single second more, I tell you in advance.

Pink. That's how it will be half past eleven, so let's go,


Sofya Antonovna enters.

Sofia Antonovna. Sorry gentlemen for keeping you waiting.

Pink sits down beside her.

Mr Friends! (To Pink.) What's his name?

Pink. Pavel Gavrilovich.

Sofia Antonovna. Pavel Gavrilovich, sit closer to us.

The friend is moving.

How did you feel about today's performance?

Druzhnin. I don't know how to tell you, I didn't look at the stage much.

Sofia Antonovna. Where did you look?

Druzhnin. I looked more at the audience.

Sofia Antonovna. Yes, it looks like there was nothing to see! There were few people, pretty faces and I did not see a single one.

Druzhnin. Ah, no; I'm not looking for that at all. I'm not a big fan of looking at pretty faces from a distance.

Sofia Antonovna. So what are you looking for? Ah, I guess you're probably looking for food for wit?

Druzhnin. Yes, sir! You guessed.

Sofia Antonovna. That's how! .. So you are a dangerous person.

Pink. Don't believe me, Sofya Antonovna, he's joking. But the first play went very well.

Druzhnin. Have you seen her?

Pink. Of course I saw it. How beautifully the role of the nephew was played! Do you know who played?

Druzhnin. What nephew?

Pink. Well, in love.

Druzhnin. There was no nephew. What, got it!

Pink(confused). So I must have mixed it up... Sofya Antonovna, why don't you smoke?

Sofia Antonovna. Ah, I completely forgot! Bring me my cigarettes, they're on the table there.

Pink quickly gets up and leaves.


Sofia Antonovna. Isn't it true that your friend is a very kind person?

Druzhnin. I think it's too much!

Sofia Antonovna. And is it stupid?

Druzhnin. For my part, I find nothing attractive in this. What kind of man is ready to melt away from any woman?

Sofia Antonovna. It seems to me that this is still better than being an evil person!

Druzhnin. Hardly!

Sofia Antonovna. You think? I don't find it; however, as anyone thinks. Do you smoke?

Druzhnin. I smoke.

Sofia Antonovna. Smoke, do me a favor.

Druzhnin lights a cigarette. Brief silence.

I really don't like it in young people when they pretend to be disappointed. It's so easy these days, and they hardly gain anything by it.

Druzhnin. However, they are also successful.

Sofia Antonovna. Doubtful! After all, a lot of people slander women. A woman who understands her purpose, believe me, will not be carried away by the skillful playing of a pre-learned role. At least for me they always seemed funny.

Druzhnin. I agree with you; But are there many such women?

Sofia Antonovna. Believe that there are much more women who understand their duties than men,

Druzhnin. Let me disagree with you on this.

Sofia Antonovna. Very understandable, you are a man... as far as I am concerned, the highest bliss for a woman is to be a good wife and a good mother. However, this is my personal opinion, and I do not impose it on anyone.

Druzhnin. This is a very laudable belief. (Silence.)

Sofia Antonovna. Why did he disappear there ... Sergey Andreevich, what are you doing there?

Pink(behind the scenes) . I won't find it, Sofya Antonovna!

Sofia Antonovna. Yes, right on the table.

Pink(behind the scenes) . Not on the table.

Sofia Antonovna(gets up and walks). What a boring! (Exits.)


Druzhnin(one) . I understood her ... She's just a coquette, and a terrible coquette. I wonder how Sergei does not see this. However, where is he! But with my assistance, little by little, he will understand this. Get to work, Pavel Gavrilovich, get to work! Save your friend while you can. I think I made her feel that I understand her. Why did they disappear there?.. What is it?.. (Jumps up from chair.) My Pink kisses her hands? And how loud! .. it's terrible! .. No, the devil knows what it is! You can't do business with this person. The scoundrel is perfect! ..

Pink enters.

What are you doing, tell me, for God's sake?

Pink. Oh, Paul, don't say that! I'm happy!..

Druzhnin. Are you happy?.. Ha, ha, ha. Are you happy! A man stands on the edge of the abyss and says that I am happy!

Pink. No, Pasha, don't say that.

Druzhnin. Don't say it? Have you forgotten the previous conversation? .. Have you forgotten what the prospect awaits you?

Pink. Pasha, just now we made a mistake with you; this is a miracle, not a woman! You look, do me a favor; look!

Druzhnin. Why are you telling me, I saw with my own eyes that she is a coquette, which the world has not produced!

Pink. No, Pasha, do me a favor, don't say that. You offend me with this. You look, look!

Druzhnin. I don't want to look! Worth a look!

Pink. Look, you can't talk like that. You offend me!

Druzhnin. And you think it's easy for me to see your disgusting behavior. You sat down for me! ..

Pink. Still, Pasha, if you are my friend, you must respect a woman who is dear to me.

Druzhnin. You have all the roads; dress your chair in a woman's dress, you're ready to melt here too.

Pink. Well, Pasha, say what you want, I'm not angry with you, I understand that you are all out of friendship, out of love for me. I know that you wish me well. I appreciate it, Pasha, you believe me that I appreciate it; only, excuse me, you needlessly get excited. Now it's too late.

Druzhnin. And I want it to be not too late!

Pink. No, Pasha, it's too late.

Druzhnin. I don't want to know. I came here to save you, and without that I will not leave here. You need to take drastic measures. Let's go home now, let's go, let's go, and don't talk!

Pink. You don't understand me, Pasha, I already made an offer.

Druzhnin. Have you made an offer? You?.. How dare you?

Pink. Pasha, my dear, don't be angry!

Druzhnin. No, it's out of hand! How dare you do something so mean to me? He assured me that you were dying, asked for help, I try my best; and he is somewhere behind the door, slowly, makes an offer!

Pink. Pasha, I'm not on the sly.

Druzhnin. So, under the guise of friendship, you will take me somewhere to the cheaters and beat me, probably. You will become. No, now I myself will decide on all meanness. I’ll go to Sofya Antonovna now and tell her that you have two mistresses, I’ll say that you are married, that you have six children ...

Pink. Pasha, you won't do it.

Druzhnin. But you will see ... Slowly, behind the door ... you can already see that it is baseness when a person runs away from people. Why would I go out the door when I'm an honest man. Okay, buddy, I'll remember that for you.

Pink. Yes, by God, Pasha, not at the door ... We had a conversation about this for a long time. I was just afraid to tell you about it. Here's how it's done...

Druzhnin. What are you telling me? I really need to know. I don't even want to know. It is of great importance that you marry: one more fool and that's it. (Silence.) What do I care who anyone marries there! (Rises.) Farewell, Sergei Andreevich!

Pink. Where are you, wait a little!

Druzhnin. No with! So what am I to do here?

Pink. Pasha, if you love me, then stay

Druzhnin. You, I think, can reason that I cannot stay here.

Pink. God be with you, Pasha! I didn't expect you to leave me at a time like this.

Druzhnin. What do you friends - you will have a wife, a beautiful woman. Farewell, Sergei Andreevich!

Pink. I can't hold you back, only me, really, it's very sad. Goodbye!

Druzhnin. Goodbye!

Pink. Goodbye!

Druzhnin (goes to the door, stops). And you think that I will remain your friend after this? ..

Pink. By God, I don't know, Pasha, how I should be. I'm in the most critical position...

Druzhnin. No, you judge coolly: can I remain your friend?

Pink. Really, Pasha, I don't know; I feel guilty before you.

Druzhnin. What is guilty! Do you think I'm angry with you? Not at all. It's nothing to me that you're to blame, I'm not at all in a claim on you. I love you even more than before, much more. But still I can't be your friend, I can't see you!

Pink. But why, Pasha?

Druzhnin. Please don't think that I'm angry with you. Give me your hand. Like this! Let's kiss. (They kiss.) Well, now you believe that I'm not angry with you?

Pink. I believe, Pasha, I believe.

Druzhnin. And yet, Seryozha, I must not see you. It will be hard for me, very hard, but there is nothing to do,

Pink. Excuse me, I don't understand, I'm just like in a fog.

Druzhnin. A! You do not understand?

Pink. I don't understand.

Druzhnin. And here I will explain to you. Imagine yourself in my place: you have a friend, a man with a tender heart, he marries - marries a woman who cannot make him happy; his position is hopeless; he melts day after day, you cannot help him, he notices your compassion, and it becomes even harder for him; he begins to think, then goes crazy and commits suicide - and you should see all this!

Pink. Enough, Pasha, what kind of black thoughts.

Druzhnin. Don't tell me this. I had a consumptive friend, how was it for me to look at him? No, Seryozha, for my peace of mind, I must abandon you: I know that it will be hard for me, I may not be able to bear it ...

Pink. At least stay for a few minutes, I beg you.

Druzhnin. Please, I can do this for you.


Sofya Antonovna enters, sits down at the table.

Sofia Antonovna. Lord! Would you like some more tea?

Druzhnin. No, thank you very much.

Pink (sits down beside Sofya Antonovna). What bliss, Sofya Antonovna, to end the day with such a family picture. You won't believe, Sofya Antonovna, how nice it is. The soul is resting. (Kisses her hand.) Oh, by God, how nice it is!

Sofia Antonovna. Who is stopping you from enjoying this bliss? Come visit me more often.

Pink. I will, Sofya Antonovna, visit you every day. Will you let me?

Sofia Antonovna. I ask you about it.

Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna!

Druzhnin. Sergei Andreevich, I have to go!

Sofia Antonovna. Where are you in such a hurry?

Druzhnin. Yeah, it's about time. I have a lot to do tomorrow

Sofia Antonovna. What are you doing, you're just bored with me.

Druzhnin. On the contrary, I am very pleased. Only I really have a lot to do tomorrow.

Pink (kisses Sofya Antonovna's hand). It's full, full. I'll tell you later, Sofya Antonovna, why he's in a hurry.

Sofia Antonovna. Why later and not now?

Pink. No, I'll tell you later.

Sofia Antonovna. No, now.

Druzhnin. He'll tell you.

Pink. We confess, Pasha! Sofya Antonovna is such a woman that she will surely forgive us.

Sofia Antonovna. Oh, if that's what's behind it, then please don't bother.

Pink. I knew in advance, Sofya Antonovna, that you have an angelic heart. (Kisses her hand.) You see, Pasha, we have nothing to fear, all that remains is to sincerely repent.

Druzhnin. Repent, perhaps! I am not to blame for anything before Sofya Antonovna.

Pink. How not to blame? And what plans did you and I have against Sofya Antonovna?

Druzhnin. Well, excuse me, I didn’t know Sofya Antonovna at all ... Come on, stop it! (Moves off to the other side and examines a picture.)

Sofia Antonovna. However, this is getting very interesting. What were your intentions?

Druzhnin. I am ashamed to remember, Sofya Antonovna!.. If not for your kindness, by God, I would never have confessed to you. We have come to you today with the lowest intention.

Sofia Antonovna. That's how!

Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, you'd better scold me, I really won't be so ashamed!

Druzhnin. Come on, do me a favor.

Pink. And yes, you need to stop. When I started, I thought that I had the courage to tell everything, but now I see that I can not. I'm just ashamed! Scold me better, Sofya Antonovna, for me, by God, it will be easier.

Sofia Antonovna. I won’t scold you and I don’t have the right, but it’s still strange for me that you had any intentions against a woman, which you are even ashamed to say about.

Pink. Sofya Antonovna, please don't think that this is anything important.

Sofia Antonovna. However, it is enough that you are ashamed to say this. Is it possible to rely on you for anything now, when you have had enough spirit to do some kind of trouble to a woman. And what should I expect from you in advance?

Pink. Sofya Antonovna, let me tell you. (Takes her by the hand.)

Sofia Antonovna(takes his hand away). Do me a favor, you don't have to. You have already had enough time to compose whatever you please.

Pink. How dare I, how dare I do this?

Sofia Antonovna. How difficult it is to make out a man, and how much a poor woman must be mistaken.

Pink(quiet) . Ah, Sofya Antonovna, you don't quite think so, by God, I'm not to blame.

Sofia Antonovna. Come on you!

Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna! By God, not me! What is it? (Pointing to Druzhnin.) It is he…

Sofia Antonovna. That is good! You don't even have enough nobility to frankly admit your guilt, you blame it on your friends.

Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, it's him, by God, he!

Sofia Antonovna. And you think that this can be justified? Why do you surround yourself with such people?

Pink. Ah, no, Sofya Antonovna; he is, by God, a beautiful man, by God, he is beautiful.

Sofia Antonovna. Okay, nothing to say.

Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, no, not that, not that! Oh! I can't express how I feel. Ah, Sofya Antonovna, this happens to good people too; finds sometimes so foolishly. Ah, Pasha! Pasha!..

Druzhnin. What do you want?

Pink (looks at him pleadingly). Pasha! It's your fault, aren't you? Confess, confess, do me a favor! Say everything frankly.

Druzhnin. Please, I confess. That's the point, Sofya Antonovna. I must confess to you that I love him very much... I love him very much, Sofya Antonovna.

Pink looks at him with a gaze that expresses gratitude.

I know his weak heart; I happened to see the trouble he had to endure for this shortcoming. I recently learned that he met you. Sorry, for some reason I had a not entirely favorable opinion about you; I was afraid that this acquaintance would not lead him to something serious and came to you with the intention of preventing your rapprochement.

Sofia Antonovna. But only?

Druzhnin. Nothing else.

Sofia Antonovna. Tell me, do me a favor, why did you form such an opinion about me?

Druzhnin. Really, I can't tell you why!

Sofia Antonovna. Did they say something about me to you? We really are such pathetic creatures.

Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna, will we trust anyone?

Sofia Antonovna. Anyone can say what he pleases about me: there is no one to intercede for me.

Pink. How can there be no one, Sofya Antonovna? Why do you offend me?

Masha(from behind the door). Sofia Antonovna!

Sofia Antonovna. What do you want?

Masha. Please come here.

Sofia Antonovna leaves.


Druzhnin. Well, you now seem to have achieved your goal. I understand you well now. You made up your mind long ago to marry her, but just now you deceived me, taking advantage of my: disposition; played a trick on me for his amusement. She hates me now. And do you really think that after all this I can remain your friend? No, thank you very much.

Pink. You yourself saw, Pasha, in what position I was.

Druzhnin. If you had to get rid of me, you would say so.

Pink. No, Pasha, no, I didn’t think at all.

Druzhnin. Whether you thought it or not, only you betrayed me, and betrayed me to justify yourself, out of cowardice. And this is friendship, what do you think? This betrayal is the lowest.

Pink. Oh, what a character I have! I don't even remember how it all happened. It’s as if I’m in some kind of fog, however, I don’t think she’s angry with you, Pasha.

Druzhnin. That's nice. And not only angry, she must hate me. You will see it now, as soon as you get married.

Pink. You come to us sooner.

Druzhnin. Thank you very much. I thought so. And if she does not want to see me at all, will you then say, do not come to us at all? Of course, you don’t want to contradict her, and if you do, you won’t dare.

Pink. Ah, Pasha, I will never forget you; I will always remember you, to the grave. However, we can sometimes see each other on the sly.

Druzhnin. However, what will it be like for me that the wife of my best friend considers me the devil knows for whom.

Pink. Yes, yes, we will have to part. But what will it be like for me? Oh my God, what am I to do now? By God, I'm ready to cry.

Druzhnin. You will exchange a friend, faithful and tested, but for a wife whom you still do not know well, and perhaps a terrible prospect awaits you, and without support. It's really terrible. No, you must immediately reconcile me with her; for your own good, you must reconcile me. The more I think about it, the more clearly I see the need for it. Yes, you also take into account: you will need a best man. Where will you take it? And besides, I, as your first friend, should be the best man.

Pink. Yes, Pasha, yes ...

Druzhnin. How can I be best man when she can't see me? No, you even have to reconcile me with her.

Pink. Of course, Pasha, as soon as it comes out.

Druzhnin. You judge calmly: after all, this is your duty, you are to blame for everything, and you must arrange it. I don't care, I probably don't need to; Yes, it's all done for you. Understand what is for you.

Pink. Yes, Pasha, for me.

Druzhnin. Well, then, my dear, do this business; now you are in such a relationship that she, right, will not refuse you. Yes, and let's go, Seryozha, let's go, my dear, it's time for you to rest. Yes, wrap yourself up dearly well, how long will it take to catch a cold. (Takes him by the head.) Look how hot you are!

Pink. Yes, Pasha, my head is spinning. (They take their hats.)


Sofia Antonovna(included). Where are you, gentlemen, in a hurry?

Pink. It's time for us, Sofya Antonovna.

Druzhnin. It's time. (Looks with the most obsequious look.)

Pink. And we are tired, and you, Sofya Antonovna, I think, too.

Druzhnin. We must give you peace, sir!

They stand in silence, Druzhnin pushes Pink with his elbow.

Pink. Sofya Antonovna, will you refuse me if I ask you about one thing? For you it costs nothing, but for us it is very important, very important.

Sofia Antonovna. What's happened? ask!

Pink. Don't be angry with Pavel, Sofya Antonovna, (Takes her by the hand.)

Sofia Antonovna. Why should I be angry with them?

Druzhnin. However, I must be in your eyes a terrible person.

Sofia Antonovna. Uh, come on: I'm so used to it.

Druzhnin. I would like, Sofya Antonovna, that you not have the slightest unpleasant feeling against me, because all this, Sofya Antonovna, arose from a misunderstanding.

Sofia Antonovna. I'm not at all angry with you. (She holds out her hand to him.)

Druzhnin(kisses). By God, Sofya Antonovna, from a misunderstanding!.. I, Sofya Antonovna, love him very much. You ask him.

Sofia Antonovna. I believe you! But where are you, gentlemen, in a hurry? And I, Sergei Andreevich, wanted to do a little assignment for you.

Pink. What do you order?

Sofia Antonovna. Yes, I should buy a mirror for the sofa.

Druzhnin. So let me, sir! Where is he, he is busy, and he does not know the sense in this. That's my business, sir. To which sofa? To this, sir?

Sofia Antonovna. To that.

Druzhnin. Do you have a yardstick?

Sofia Antonovna. Masha! Give me an arshin!

Druzhnin. Let me run myself. (Exits.)


Pink (kisses Sofya Antonovna's hand). Ah, Sofya Antonovna, to have such a friend, such a wife! why, why is fate so merciful to me!

Sofia Antonovna (with conspicuous, coquetry). You are worth it, Sergei Andreevich! You value yourself too little.

Pink. I’m not standing, I’m not standing, Sofya Antonovna, it’s just you, out of your kindness, saying that I’m standing. There are people who, all their lives, cannot find either a friend or a good wife... Ah, Sofya Antonovna, there are poor people... We often forget about it in happiness!


Druzhnin enters with a yardstick and Masha.

Druzhnin (climbs onto the sofa and measures the wall with a arshin). Don't you have, dear, mother-in-law?

Masha. Please!

Druzhnin (measures with a cord; ties a knot on the cord and then stands for some time thinking). Arshin nine inches and three quarters. (Hides the cord in his pocket.) Done, sir!.. I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Pink. Farewell, Sofya Antonovna! (Kisses the hand.)

Druzhnin. Farewell! (He also kisses the hand.)

Sofia Antonovna. Farewell, gentlemen. Do not forget me.

Druzhnin. How can you, please! But how suddenly it all happened!

Pink. Yes, Pasha, quite unexpectedly.

Druzhnin. An amazing thing! Farewell, Sofya Antonovna!

Pink (kissing Sophia Antonovna's hand). Farewell. Sofia Antonovna! If you want me to be perfectly happy, don't be angry with Paul!

Sofia Antonovna. I didn't mean to be angry.

Druzhnin (kissing her hand). Farewell, Sofia Antonovna! I will try to justify myself to you. (Exits.)

Sofya Antonovna comes to the door.

Druzhnin(from the front). Don't catch a cold, Sofya Antonovna! Farewell, sir.

Pink (also from the front). Farewell!

Druzhnin (approaching the door). Farewell, Sofya Antonovna. So I'm tomorrow than light-sir!


Sofia Antonovna (sits on sofa). How funny this friend of his is (yawns), but he must be a kind person (yawns). Freaks!!.

A. N. Ostrovsky

unexpected case

dramatic study

A. N. Ostrovsky. Full composition of writings. Volume I Plays 1847-1854 M., GIHL, 1949

Sergey Andreevich Rozov, unemployed landowner, aged 27. Pavel Gavrilych Druzhin, official, comrade of Rozov in an educational institution. Sofya Antonovna, widow, 30 years old. Masha, Sofya Antonovna's maid.


Single man's office

Pink is on the couch.

Pink (one). However, this is the devil knows how stupid! Even ashamed! .. After all, here you are sitting alone, and throws you into the paint. And you also consider yourself a decent person, you say about others: that one does not behave like that, the other is ridiculous. And what could be worse than my behavior? Perfect crap! Well, what does it look like that I can’t see a woman indifferently: as soon as I approach, I lose my mind and all reason, you say and do such things that after that it’s as if you dreamed all this in a dream. Well, why did I get so soft yesterday, for example. At first, just like a good man, he spoke to her about the weather, about literature, and then he went and went: “And what a blessing it is to be loved by a woman like you, Sofya Antonovna! Yes, I don’t dare to dream of such happiness .. Let's suppose that others say the same thing, but with them it somehow looks like a joke; and I'm almost in tears. Oh, what a bastard! Yes, and Sofya Antonovna is good too! .. She would laugh at me and the matter is over - I would not bother anymore, otherwise: "Yes, you can’t be trusted, but you all say so." But I swear, I swear! .. Fu! .. (He covers his face with his hands.) Why did I do this, now I ask? There is absolutely no need for me to marry her, I can find better and richer than her. And yet, out of my stupidity, I managed the matter in such a way that now she thinks that I am in love without memory and she only has to make me happy for life. But how can she not think when I myself swear it to her!.. Ah, a fool, a fool! (Lies silently.) Why, it's disgusting that every such stupidity torments me afterward, it doesn't get out of my head. After all, sometimes you forget things that are even more important, and then suddenly, for no reason at all, it will occur to you sometimes even during a conversation with someone - you will all flare up and be embarrassed by the devil knows what. I don’t even know whether to tell Druzhnin about this or not, he will be furious with me, will certainly be furious, scold, perhaps! Only I think not to tell him all the nonsense, but just something, slightly, and ask him for advice. And then you get married, perhaps, by God, you get married! My heart already feels that someday I will marry such a completely stranger woman, I will suddenly offer my hand, and the matter is over. (Thinking.) And what a girl there was yesterday!.. What a charm! Here's a beauty! I was tempted to talk to her about something, but I was afraid. Well, all of a sudden, for no reason at all, you open up in love ... A young girl! .. What should you think? Either he will be offended, or he will consider him a fool. Druzhnin (enters). Hello Seryozha! Pink. Ah, hello, Pavel! Druzhnin (sits down). Well, what's new with you? Pink. What news can I have! Druzhnin. What are you talking about: what news! After all, I haven’t seen you for a whole week - have you really been sitting at home? Pink. No, not all at home, was somewhere. Druzhnin. Where would it be, for example? Pink. I've been to the theatre, I've been to some other places." Druzhnin. But where to? there is no secrecy here; yes, I don’t like to talk about trifles. Friends. What kind of trifles are these? Well, what trifles! You will drive me out of patience. A person asks you with participation, cares about you, and you say: trifles. Pink. Yes By God, Pasha, there's nothing to tell; tell me something. Friends. What am I, to amuse you, or something! But what are you really? I break away from business, run to him without memory: has anything happened "But he doesn't even want to know, No, it's not like anything. Well, that's enough, Seryozha, don't fool around, tell me where you were; on Wednesday, I know, you were at the theater, and then? Pink. Well, and then: on Friday at Sofya Antonovna's, on Saturday at the Khokhlovs', yesterday again at Sofya Antonovna's, that's all for you. her. Pink. How, brother, did not hear - I think I told you. Druzhnin. When did he speak? You didn't tell me anything - you're lying! .. No, brother, you have some news! And it's probably stupid. Pink. But what kind of nonsense, Pasha? There are no stupid things. Druzhnin. Please don't talk, I know you. You don't say a word and you get to know the devil knows who! Pink. Yes, I've known her for a long time. Druzhnin. That's cute! Yes, I don't know anything. What are you doing to me, tell me, do me a favor? Pink. Yes, it’s not worth knowing something - so, an empty acquaintance. Druzhnin. Yes, all the same mean! .. If she is a good woman, you should have introduced me to her. Pink. No, Pasha, it's not worth it. I know in advance that you won't like it. Druzhnin. Why are you familiar with her? Pink. Yes, we met by chance. Druzhnin. What is she, a widow? Pink. Widow. Druzhnin. Rich? Pink. No, you can't say. Druzhnin. Pretty good, right? Pink. Nothing special; the most common face. Druzhnin. Well, it's erysipelas. If you say that it's an ordinary face, then there's nothing to interpret. Pink. No, Pasha, you're overdoing it too much! And to tell the truth, there really is nothing attractive. Druzhnin. At least a smart woman, or very kind, or what? Pink. Well, I won't say that either. There is something in her character that I don't like. Druzhnin. What did you find in her? is now asked. Pink. Didn't find anything. It's like you have to look for something. As familiar as everyone knows her, no more, no less. Druzhnin. Well, I believe you! That's my trouble, that you never do the way people do. Well, now tell me how you met her, what is your relationship with her and so on ... Pink. Why, Pasha? Druzhnin. Seryozha! .. Well, do me a favor! Dear! Well, I'm begging you. Pink. If you please, please! .. I met her at the Okunevs. Then, three days later, I met her on the Kuznetsk bridge: she was walking ... You should have seen how she was walking! .. Lovely! What a gait! .. Oh, Pasha, how other women walk. Druzhnin. Well, well, well, I already know you. Keep going, keep going! Pink. Well, we met. She called me to her. Druzhnin. Of course you went. Pink. Known to go. Why not go? Druzhnin. Well, then what? Pink. That's how we met. Druzhnin. What are you doing to her? Pink. The same as the others ... That's what, Pasha, - you only confuse me with such questions, but I seriously wanted to talk to you about this matter. Druzhnin. Well, speak, speak! Speak quickly! Pink. Just don't interrupt me, do me a favor. By God, you, Pasha, are already very strict with me; I, right, always embarrass you. Druzhnin. Well, good, good! I'm listening to.

Pink thinks.

Yes, speak quickly, do not torment me. Pink. The thing, Pasha, is more important than what you think, I'm completely confused and don't know what to do now. You see, I was at the Khokhlovs this week, and she was there too. I don't know, brother, what happened to me: that evening I was in a special disposition for tenderness. I offered to take her home on my horses. Don't be angry, please. Druzhnin. Well, well... Pink. She agreed. I went to her, sat with her for half an hour, talked about something, and the idea came into my head to kiss her hands. Druzhnin. Both? Pink. Both. Druzhnin. What a fool! Pink. Well, the same thing happened yesterday. Yesterday I got so mellow that, really, Pasha... Druzhnin. Well? Pink. Himself, Pasha, ashamed!.. Druzhnin. Well, why are you such a stupid face, then food is okay? What are you laughing at? He does stupid things, and you dare to. It's just out of hand. (Walks around the room.) Oh, my God, my God, what is he doing! (Approaches Pink.) Well, Serezha, I will talk to you in cold blood. Now tell me frankly, why did you kiss her hands, why? Well, tell me, why are you silent? I also understand that a person with a weak heart can kiss a woman's hand on occasion; well, damn it, what an importance! Why did you kiss someone else? Pink. For what? I don’t know why! .. I kissed you like that, and that’s it! Druzhnin. That's a vile trait in your character. She always confuses you. It's annoying to death; you're not a fool by nature, well, and an educated person, but what are you doing!.. Pink. You, Pasha, do not be angry, do me a favor. Druzhnin. But how can one not be angry with you when you the devil knows what you are doing. Ah, my fathers! You will get caught sometime. Pink. Well, brother, you can't resist doing something. Druzhnin. Don't tell me this, do me a favor! Can't resist! You're the only one who can't resist. So, some kind of porridge, it's disgusting to look at. And why? Because the character is very loose, so loose, that it's vile, simply vile!... Pink. Yes, yes, Pasha, it's bad, I can see for myself that it's bad. I have a bad life with my character. Sometimes it's so awkward, so embarrassing, that you don't know where to hide from yourself. Druzhnin. You see, Seryozha, you yourself feel it. Why don't you try, Seryozha, to improve somehow? Pink. How can you fix it? Druzhnin. Yes, here's what you try: you pretend to be disappointed. Try Serena! Pink. Yes, what's the point. Druzhnin. Yes you try. Pink. Yes, I've tried. Druzhnin. What? Pink. Even worse! .. No, Pasha, this requires people with strong characters. Ah, how nasty! My God, how disgusting! You approach everyone with tenderness, with frankness. They laugh at you, tell jokes about you! .. Druzhnin. You see, Seryozha, you see! .. After all, you yourself understand. Pink. Yes, what am I to do? It's been with me since childhood. You won’t believe it, Pasha, they even flogged me when I was little for this. Yes, it's nothing! If only you knew how much trouble I have endured for my character! I just don't know what to do with myself. I'll go somewhere, I'll definitely go. I will go to my village and stay there for the rest of my life. You, Pasha, visit me, do me a favor. Druzhnin. That's enough, that's enough, Seryozha, what are you doing! Pink. No, Pasha, I will leave, I will certainly leave. Druzhnin. What are you fooling around, what are you? Pink. Don't you see that we can't stay here? Druzhnin. But why? Pink. And what kind of character I have ... Druzhnin. What is character? Pink. Bad character, indecent. How can I stay here with such a character? Druzhnin. Complete, complete, Seryozha! You are proud of your character. I wish I had a heart like you. Pink (shakes his hand with feeling). Pasha! You are my real friend, the only one, it can be seen from everything. Now you only want to console me, but you don’t say what you feel at all. Druzhnin. By God, Seryozha, what do I feel, by God) Pink. Eh, Pasha! .. (He sits in thought.) Druzhnin. Seryozha, Seryozha! listen to me. After all, if this is analyzed strictly, from the present point of view, it cannot even be called a disadvantage; this is pretty good quality. Pink. No, Pasha, don't say it: it's a bad trait. Offensive remarks constantly reach you by the side; you blush constantly, you are embarrassed for yourself. Druzhnin. Yes, what is there to be embarrassed about! Pink. Yes, how not to be embarrassed: they take you for a fool, but not only for a fool, but much worse, more offensive. Druzhnin. And what's your business? There will always be people who can appreciate you. And that I made a mistake two or three times is not important. Not a criminal case, because you did not do any meanness. Pink. So you think, Pasha, that this is not important? Support me, Pasha, otherwise my suspiciousness tortures me to death. It sometimes occurs to me that this is really not important. Druzhnin. Yes of course! Pink. By God, Pasha, I always need support. After all, now I myself see that this is not important - just nonsense, and that's all. You made me laugh, Pasha! Let's go to the theater today. Druzhnin. Perhaps we'll go. What did it suddenly come to your mind? Pink. Yes so. Let's go, and that's it, Druzhnin. Here you are again, Seryozha, starting something... Pink. I'm not up to anything. It's the same story. Druzhnin. What is the same? Pink. Sofya Antonovna called! Druzhnin. What did you call? Pink. Yes, it's simple: yesterday I began to say goodbye to her, and she says to me: come tomorrow to my box ... And from the theater to call on her for a minute. Druzhnin. Are you going? Pink. I'll go! .. Druzhnin. And are you determined to go? Pink. I will definitely go! .. (Looks at the clock.) Yes, it's time. Druzhnin. Seryozha! I beg you, don't go. Pink. You can't, Pasha! Druzhnin. Seryozha! If you want to be my friend, don't go. Pink. It’s impossible, Pasha, by God, it’s impossible, - I gave my word of honor. Druzhnin. Seryozha, don't go!.. Pink. They tell you not to! Druzhnin. Why not? Say you're sick. Pink. How can this be: I had lunch with her cousin today. Druzhnin. What are you doing, come to your senses!.. Pink. Why, you said it yourself, it's not important. Druzhnin. Look, you made it up - it's not important! That's what's important. Not important! Yes, judge well. You'll get confused, get married ... After all, you will certainly get married, as soon as a woman takes you into her hands. Your wife is not good, apparently, a coquette; maybe even evil. She will start to flirt with others, obviously neglect you, be capricious, you, of course, due to your gentleness, you will not dare to say a single word against her; you will endure everything on yourself, you will not even allow yourself to speak out, you yourself, perhaps, will fall in love with someone: if you start to yearn, you will drink, shoot yourself, or go crazy with grief. What a fate awaits you! For some reason, her first husband died. What a terrible prospect lies ahead of you. (Pink stands in thought.) Use your position while you are still completely free to choose. Pink. Yes, I'm still completely free. Druzhnin. You can take a young girl with an unspoiled soul, with a kind heart, who will be able to appreciate your tenderness. Pink. Yes, yes, Pasha, a young girl, just a young girl. Oh, how good it is to take a young girl. And what kind of girl I know, Pasha, eighteen years old. Druzhnin. You see now. Pink. Beauty! .. What a beauty, then .. Only, Pasha, this cannot be! Druzhnin. What can't be? Pink. Yes, how? such a beauty, her cheeks are burning, and suddenly - your wife! .. Druzhnin. What is surprising here? Pink. It always seems to me that this only happens in novels; I, it seems, would not dare to woo such a beauty myself. Druzhnin. What a fool you are. Pink. But sometimes, Pasha, as you dream about it, it seems that you can go crazy with happiness. You: imagine - a beauty, and this beauty is your wife! .. Druzhnin. Well, after all, you yourself understand. Pink. So don't drive? Druzhnin. Don't go, Seryozha, do me a favor, don't go! Pink (sits down on a chair with a hat in his hand). I will not go! You see, Pasha, how obedient I am... (Looks at his watch.) Five minutes past eight. Do you know, Pasha, we will go to the armchairs, we will take it next to you. I'll go to her in the intermission for a minute, and back. If you don't believe me, come with me - you can wait for me in the corridor. At least I won't be so ashamed; because you know how conscientious I am in these things, And then suddenly he promised, and he was not, what it looks like. Druzhnin. And from the theater will you go to her tea to drink? Pink. It is possible not to go, - I will say that I am unwell. And if it becomes very annoying, then ... so we will go together. Here's a great idea! Fine, fine; How did this not occur to me before. We will go together: you will stop me; at least you will see everything with your own eyes. Druzhnin. Well, well, let's go; just look at me!.. Pink. Oh, Pasha, how grateful I am to you! You are my friend! Here is a friend! .. Druzhnin. Do you remember what prospect awaits you if you marry this woman. Pink. I know, I know ... (Thinks.) The prospect is terrible! (They go to the door.) Druzhnin. And it's good that I was in time to save you from this abyss. Pink. Thank you, Pasha, thank you! .. (They leave.)


Living room in Sofya Antonovna's house.

Sofya Antonovna in a hat and Rosy enter from the hall.

Sofia Antonovna. Listen, Sergei Andreevich, I'll be angry with you. Pink. Why, Sofya Antonovna? Sofia Antonovna. I already told you not to compliment me. Pink. Yes, by God, Sofya Antonovna, these are not compliments. By God, no compliments! Sofia Antonovna. I know you, believe you, and after... Pink. Can't you believe me, Sofya Antonovna? Can't believe me? God! Sofia Antonovna. I just don't believe you. Pink. Sofia Antonovna! yes for what? Yes, you order me to prove something, if you do not believe the words. Sofia Antonovna. Well, all right, all right... Who came with you? Pink. One of my short friends, Druzhin, is a very excellent person. Sofia Antonovna. All of you are great! Pink. No, Sofya Antonovna, you must believe me. This is a very special person, very special. What a soul this man has! Extraordinary! He has long wanted to meet you. Sofia Antonovna. And I thought that you and I would spend the evening together. I was so inclined towards this: I didn’t even order my brother to come. Pink. Are you Sofia Antonovna? Sofia Antonovna. Sergei Andreich! So you yourself do not believe me, and you also need proof. Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna! No, Sofya Antonovna! .. So I'll go and drive him away. He's nothing... He's a great person. Sofia Antonovna. What are you, what are you!.. How can this be!.. Pink. Ah, how is it?.. Sofya Antonovna. What to do, it's your own fault. Pink. Ah, what a shame!

Druzhnin enters.

Pink. I recommend you, Sofya Antonovna, my best friend. Sofia Antonovna. Very nice. I have heard so much about you from Sergei Andreevich. Druzhnin. I have long wanted, sir ... and have long asked Sergei Andreevich. Sofia Antonovna. Sit down, gentlemen! Sergei Andreevich, keep your friend busy, and excuse me; I'll leave you for a minute. (Leaves.) Druzhnin (takes Rozovy to the forefront). How you behaved meanly, just death. You exhausted me. Pink. Why, Pasha, exhausted! You are very annoying to me today. Druzhnin. Firstly: you said that you would go to her box for one minute, and I was waiting for you in the corridor for a whole hour, exactly an hour, so that the attendants felt ashamed. You always put your friends in such positions. Secondly: they whisper, are amiable ... What were you whispering about there? Pink. Yes, about nothing, about trifles! Druzhnin. So why was there something to hide? Pink. Yes, Pasha! After all, it is easy to talk about this, but if you yourself were in my place ... You need to listen, Pasha, as she says. No, I was mistaken just now: she is smart, very smart. Druzhnin. Well, that's what I expected! So our whole conversation went to the wind. Yes, listen to me, Seryozha, I'm ready to ask you with tears, listen to me... Pink (looks at the door). Speak, Pasha, I'm listening. Druzhnin. Yes, you are listening. Pink. No, Pasha, really, this is not the place, by God, not the place. We're better off some other time. Druzhnin. You are a lost man!

Masha enters with a tea utensil.

Pink. What, Masha, is Sofia Antonovna wearing? Masha. Get dressed! They will come out now. (Leaves.) Friends. Farewell, Seryozha. Pink. What are you, what are you? How is it possible. Wait a little! Druzhnin. No, that's enough! You tortured me tonight! Pink. Well, a little, Pasha. I'll go myself now. (Takes out his watch.) In a quarter of an hour. Druzhnin. If you please, I will stay for a quarter of an hour, only not a single second more, I tell you in advance. Pink. That's how it will be half past eleven, so let's go,

Sofya Antonovna enters.

Sofia Antonovna. Sorry gentlemen for keeping you waiting.

Pink sits down beside her.

Mr Friends! (To Pink.) What's his name? Pink. Pavel Gavrilovich. Sofia Antonovna. Pavel Gavrilovich, sit closer to us.

The friend is moving.

How did you feel about today's performance? Druzhnin. I don't know how to tell you, I didn't look at the stage much. Sofia Antonovna. Where did you look? Druzhnin. I looked more at the audience. Sofia Antonovna. Yes, it looks like there was nothing to see! There were few people, pretty faces and I did not see a single one. Druzhnin. Ah, no; I'm not looking for that at all. I'm not a big fan of looking at pretty faces from a distance. Sofia Antonovna. So what are you looking for? Ah, I guess you're probably looking for food for wit? Druzhnin. Yes, sir! You guessed. Sofia Antonovna. That's how! .. So you are a dangerous person. Pink. Don't believe me, Sofya Antonovna, he's joking. But the first play went very well. Druzhnin. Have you seen her? Pink. Of course I saw it. How beautifully the role of the nephew was played! Do you know who played? Druzhnin. What nephew? Pink. Well, in love. Druzhnin. There was no nephew. What, got it! Pink (embarrassed). So I must have mixed it up... Sofya Antonovna, why don't you smoke? Sofia Antonovna. Ah, I completely forgot! Bring me my cigarettes, they're on the table there.

Pink quickly gets up and leaves.

Sofia Antonovna. Isn't it true that your friend is a very kind person? Druzhnin. I think it's too much! Sofia Antonovna. And is it stupid? Druzhnin. For my part, I find nothing attractive in this. What kind of man is ready to melt away from any woman? Sofia Antonovna. It seems to me that this is still better than being an evil person! Druzhnin. Hardly! Sofia Antonovna. You think? I don't find it; however, as anyone thinks. Do you smoke? Druzhnin. I smoke. Sofia Antonovna. Smoke, do me a favor.

Druzhnin lights a cigarette. Brief silence.

I really don't like it in young people when they pretend to be disappointed. It's so easy these days, and they hardly gain anything by it. Druzhnin. However, they are also successful. Sofia Antonovna. Doubtful! After all, a lot of people slander women. A woman who understands her purpose, believe me, will not be carried away by the skillful playing of a pre-learned role. At least for me they always seemed funny. Druzhnin. I agree with you; But are there many such women? Sofia Antonovna. Believe me, there are much more women who understand their duties than men, Druzhin. Let me disagree with you on this. Sofya Antonovna, It's very understandable, you are a man ... as for me, the highest bliss for a woman is to be a good wife and a good mother. However, this is my personal opinion, and I do not impose it on anyone. Druzhnin. This is a very laudable belief. (Silence.) Sofya Antonovna. Why did he disappear there... Sergei Andreevich, what are you doing there? Pink (offstage). I won't find it, Sofya Antonovna! Sofia Antonovna. Yes, right on the table. Pink (offstage). Not on the table. Sofya Antonovna (gets up and walks). What a boring! (Leaves.) Druzhnin (alone). I understood her ... She's just a coquette, and a terrible coquette. I wonder how Sergei does not see this. However, where is he! But with my assistance, little by little, he will understand this. Get to work, Pavel Gavrilovich, get to work! Save your friend while you can. I think I made her feel that I understand her. Why did they disappear there? .. What is it? .. (Jumps up from the chair.) My Pink kisses her hands? And how loud! .. it's terrible! .. No, the devil knows what it is! You can't do business with this person. The scoundrel is perfect! ..

Pink enters.

What are you doing, tell me, for God's sake? Pink. Oh, Paul, don't say that! I'm happy!.. Druzhnin. Are you happy?.. Ha, ha, ha. Are you happy! A man stands on the edge of the abyss and says that I am happy! Pink. No, Pasha, don't say that. Druzhnin. Don't say it? Have you forgotten the previous conversation? .. Have you forgotten what the prospect awaits you? Pink. Pasha, just now we made a mistake with you; this is a miracle, not a woman! You look, do me a favor; look! Druzhnin. Why are you telling me, I saw with my own eyes that she is a coquette, which the world has not produced! Pink. No, Pasha, do me a favor, don't say that. You offend me with this. You look, look! .. Druzhnin. I don't want to look! Worth a look! Pink. Look, you can't talk like that. You offend me! Druzhnin. And you think it's easy for me to see your disgusting behavior. That's where you sat down for me! .. Pink. Still, Pasha, if you are my friend, you must respect a woman who is dear to me. Druzhnin. You have all the roads; dress your chair in a woman's dress, you're ready to melt here too. Pink. Well, Pasha, say what you want, I'm not angry with you, I understand that you are all out of friendship, out of love for me. I know that you wish me well. I appreciate it, Pasha, you believe me that I appreciate it; only, excuse me, you needlessly get excited. Now it's too late. Druzhnin. And I want it to be not too late!.. Pink. No, Pasha, it's too late. Druzhnin. I don't want to know. I came here to save you, and without that I will not leave here. You need to take drastic measures. Let's go home now, let's go, let's go, and don't talk! Pink. You don't understand me, Pasha, I already made an offer. Druzhnin. Have you made an offer? You?.. How dare you? Pink. Pasha, my dear, don't be angry! Druzhnin. No, it's out of hand! How dare you do something so mean to me? He assured me that you were dying, asked for help, I try my best; and he is somewhere behind the door, slowly, makes an offer! Pink. Pasha, I'm not on the sly. Druzhnin. So, under the guise of friendship, you will take me somewhere to the cheaters and beat me, probably. You will become. No, now I myself will decide on all meanness. I will now go to Sofya Antonovna and tell her that you have two mistresses, I will say that you are married, that you have six children ... Pink. Pasha, you won't do it. Druzhnin. But you will see ... Slowly, behind the door ... you can already see that it is baseness when a person runs away from people. Why would I go out the door when I'm an honest man. Okay, buddy, I'll remember that for you. Pink. Yes, by God, Pasha, not at the door ... We had a conversation about this for a long time. I was just afraid to tell you about it. That's how it happened... Druzhnin. What are you telling me? I really need to know. I don't even want to know. It is of great importance that you marry: one more fool and that's it. (Silence.) What do I care who anyone marries there! (Rises.) Farewell, Sergei Andreevich! Pink. Where are you, wait a little! Druzhnin. No with! So what am I to do here? Pink. Pasha, if you love me, then stay Druzhnin. You, I think, can reason that I cannot stay here. Pink. God be with you, Pasha! I didn't expect you to leave me at a time like this. Druzhnin. What do you friends - you will have a wife, a beautiful woman. Farewell, Sergei Andreevich! Pink. I can't hold you back, only me, really, it's very sad. Goodbye! Druzhnin. Goodbye! Pink. Goodbye! Druzhnin (goes to the door, stops). And you think that I will remain your friend after this?.. Pink. By God, I don't know, Pasha, how I should be. I am in the most critical position... Druzhnin. No, you judge coolly: can I remain your friend? Pink. Really, Pasha, I don't know; I feel guilty before you. Druzhnin. What is guilty! Do you think I'm angry with you? Not at all. It's nothing to me that you're to blame, I'm not at all in a claim on you. I love you even more than before, much more. But still I can't be your friend, I can't see you! Pink. But why, Pasha? Druzhnin. Please don't think that I'm angry with you. Give me your hand. Like this! Let's kiss. (They kiss.) Well, now you believe that I'm not angry with you? Pink. I believe, Pasha, I believe. Druzhnin. And yet, Seryozha, I must not see you. It will be hard for me, very hard, but there is nothing to do, Pink. Excuse me, I don't understand, I'm just like in a fog. Druzhnin. A! You do not understand? Pink. I don't understand. Druzhnin. And here I will explain to you. Imagine yourself in my place: you have a friend, a man with a tender heart, he marries, marries a woman who cannot make him happy; his position is hopeless; he melts day after day, you cannot help him, he notices your compassion, and it becomes even harder for him; he begins to think, then goes crazy and commits suicide - and you must see all this! Pink. Enough, Pasha, what kind of black thoughts. Druzhnin. Don't tell me this. I had a consumptive friend, how was it for me to look at him? No, Seryozha, for my peace of mind I must give up on you: I know that it will be hard for me, I may not be able to bear it... Pink. At least stay for a few minutes, I beg you. Druzhnin. Please, I can do this for you.

Sofya Antonovna enters, sits down at the table.

Sofia Antonovna. Lord! Would you like some more tea? Druzhnin. No, thank you very much. Pink (sits down beside Sofya Antonovna). What bliss, Sofya Antonovna, to end the day with such a family picture. You won't believe, Sofya Antonovna, how nice it is. The soul is resting. (He kisses her hand.) Oh, by God, how nice it is! Sofia Antonovna. Who is stopping you from enjoying this bliss? Come visit me more often. Pink. I will, Sofya Antonovna, visit you every day. Will you let me? Sofia Antonovna. I ask you about it. Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna! Druzhnin. Sergei Andreevich, I have to go! Sofia Antonovna. Where are you in such a hurry? Druzhnin. Yeah, it's about time. Sofya Antonovna has a lot to do with me tomorrow. What are you doing, you're just bored with me. Druzhnin. On the contrary, I am very pleased. Only I really have a lot to do tomorrow. Pink (kissing Sofya Antonovna's hand). It's full, full. I'll tell you later, Sofya Antonovna, why he's in a hurry. Sofia Antonovna. Why later and not now? Pink. No, I'll tell you later. Sofia Antonovna. No, now. Druzhnin. He'll tell you. Pink. We confess, Pasha! Sofya Antonovna is such a woman that she will surely forgive us. Sofia Antonovna. Oh, if that's what's behind it, then please don't bother. Pink. I knew in advance, Sofya Antonovna, that you have an angelic heart. (He kisses her hand.) You see, Pasha, we have nothing to fear, all that remains is to repent sincerely. Druzhnin. Repent, perhaps! I am not to blame for anything before Sofya Antonovna. Pink. How not to blame? And what plans did you and I have against Sofya Antonovna? Druzhnin. Well, excuse me, I didn’t know Sofya Antonovna at all ... Come on, stop it! (Goes off to the other side and looks at some picture.) Sofya Antonovna. However, this is getting very interesting. What were your intentions? Druzhnin. I am ashamed to remember, Sofya Antonovna!.. If not for your kindness, by God, I would never have confessed to you. We have come to you today with the lowest intention. Sofia Antonovna. That's how! Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, you'd better scold me, I really won't be so ashamed! Druzhnin. Come on, do me a favor. Pink. And yes, you need to stop. When I started, I thought that I had the courage to tell everything, but now I see that I can not. I'm just ashamed! Scold me better, Sofya Antonovna, for me, by God, it will be easier. Sofia Antonovna. I won’t scold you and I don’t have the right, but it’s still strange for me that you had any intentions against a woman, which you are even ashamed to say about. Pink. Sofya Antonovna, please don't think that this is anything important. Sofia Antonovna. However, it is enough that you are ashamed to say this. Is it possible to rely on you for anything now, when you have had enough spirit to do some kind of trouble to a woman. And what should I expect from you in advance? Pink. Sofya Antonovna, let me tell you. (Takes her by the hands.) Sofya Antonovna (takes her hand away). Do me a favor, you don't have to. You have already had enough time to compose whatever you please. Pink. How dare I, how dare I do this? Sofia Antonovna. How difficult it is to make out a man, and how much a poor woman must be mistaken. Pink (quietly). Ah, Sofya Antonovna, you don't quite think so, by God, I'm not to blame. Sofia Antonovna. Come on you! Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna! By God, not me! What is it? (Pointing to Druzhnin.) It's him... Sofya Antonovna. That is good! You don't even have enough nobility to frankly admit your guilt, you blame it on your friends. Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, it's him, by God, he! Sofia Antonovna. And you think that this can be justified? Why do you surround yourself with such people? Pink. Ah, no, Sofya Antonovna; he is, by God, a beautiful man, by God, he is beautiful. Sofia Antonovna. Okay, nothing to say. Pink. Oh, Sofya Antonovna, no, not that, not that! Oh! I can't express how I feel. Ah, Sofya Antonovna, this happens to good people too; finds sometimes so foolishly. Ah, Pasha! Pasha! .. Friends. What do you want? Pink (looks at him pleadingly). Pasha! It's your fault, aren't you? Confess, confess, do me a favor! Say everything frankly. Druzhnin. Please, I confess. That's the point, Sofya Antonovna. I must confess to you that I love him very much... I love him very much, Sofya Antonovna.

Pink looks at him with a gaze that expresses gratitude.

I know his weak heart; I happened to see the trouble he had to endure for this shortcoming. I recently learned that he met you. Sorry, for some reason I had a not entirely favorable opinion about you; I was afraid that this acquaintance would not lead him to something serious and came to you with the intention of preventing your rapprochement. Sofia Antonovna. But only? Druzhnin. Nothing else. Sofia Antonovna. Tell me, do me a favor, why did you form such an opinion about me? Druzhnin. Really, I can't tell you why! Sofia Antonovna. Did they say something about me to you? We really are such pathetic creatures. Pink. Ah, Sofya Antonovna, will we trust anyone? Sofia Antonovna. Anyone can say what he pleases about me: there is no one to intercede for me. Pink. How can there be no one, Sofya Antonovna? Why do you offend me? Masha (from behind the door). Sofia Antonovna! Sofia Antonovna. What do you want? Masha. Please come here.

Sofia Antonovna leaves.

Druzhnin. Well, you now seem to have achieved your goal. I understand you well now. You made up your mind long ago to marry her, but just now you deceived me, taking advantage of my: disposition; played a trick on me for his amusement. She hates me now. And do you really think that after all this I can remain your friend? No, thank you very much. Pink. You yourself saw, Pasha, in what position I was. Druzhnin. If you had to get rid of me, you would say so. Pink. No, Pasha, no, I didn’t think at all. Druzhnin. Whether you thought it or not, only you betrayed me, and betrayed me to justify yourself, out of cowardice. And this is friendship, what do you think? This betrayal is the lowest. Pink. Oh, what a character I have! I don't even remember how it all happened. It’s as if I’m in some kind of fog, however, I don’t think she’s angry with you, Pasha. Druzhnin. That's nice. And not only angry, she must hate me. You will see it now, as soon as you get married. Pink. You come to us sooner. Druzhnin. Thank you very much. I thought so. And if she does not want to see me at all, will you then say, do not come to us at all? Of course, you don’t want to contradict her, and if you do, you won’t dare. Pink. Ah, Pasha, I will never forget you; I will always remember you, to the grave. However, we can sometimes see each other on the sly. Druzhnin. However, what will it be like for me that the wife of my best friend considers me the devil knows for whom. Pink. Yes, yes, we will have to part. But what will it be like for me? Oh my God, what am I to do now? By God, I'm ready to cry. Druzhnin. You will exchange a friend, faithful and tested, but for a wife whom you still do not know well, and perhaps a terrible prospect awaits you, and without support. It's really terrible. No, you must immediately reconcile me with her; for your own good, you must reconcile me. The more I think about it, the more clearly I see the need for it. Yes, you also take into account: you will need a best man. Where will you take it? And besides, I, as your first friend, should be the best man. Pink. Yes, Pasha, yes ... Druzhnin. How can I be best man when she can't see me? No, you even have to reconcile me with her. Pink. Of course, Pasha, as soon as it comes out. Druzhnin. You judge calmly: after all, this is your duty, you are to blame for everything, and you must arrange it. I don't care, I probably don't need to; Yes, it's all done for you. Understand what is for you. Pink. Yes, Pasha, for me. Druzhnin. Well, then, my dear, do this business; now you are in such a relationship that she, right, will not refuse you. Yes, and let's go, Seryozha, let's go, my dear, it's time for you to rest. Yes, wrap yourself up dearly well, how long will it take to catch a cold. (Takes him by the head.) Look how hot you are! Pink. Yes, Pasha, my head is spinning. (They take their hats.) Sofya Antonovna (enters). Where are you, gentlemen, in a hurry? Pink. It's time for us, Sofya Antonovna. Druzhnin. It's time. (Looks with the most obsequious look.) Pink. And we are tired, and you, Sofya Antonovna, I think, too. Druzhnin. We must give you peace, sir!

They stand in silence, Druzhnin pushes Pink with his elbow.

Pink. Sofya Antonovna, will you refuse me if I ask you about one thing? For you it costs nothing, but for us it is very important, very important. Sofia Antonovna. What's happened? ask! Pink. Don't be angry with Pavel, Sofya Antonovna. (Takes her by the hand.) Sofya Antonovna. Why should I be angry with them? Druzhnin. However, I must be in your eyes a terrible person. Sofia Antonovna. Uh, come on: I'm so used to it. Druzhnin. I would like, Sofya Antonovna, that you not have the slightest unpleasant feeling against me, because all this, Sofya Antonovna, arose from a misunderstanding. Sofia Antonovna. I'm not at all angry with you. (She holds out her hand to him.) Druzhnin (kisses). By God, Sofya Antonovna, from a misunderstanding!.. I, Sofya Antonovna, love him very much. You ask him. Sofia Antonovna. I believe you! But where are you, gentlemen, in a hurry? And I, Sergei Andreevich, wanted to do a little assignment for you. Pink. What do you order? Sofia Antonovna. Yes, I should buy a mirror for the sofa. Druzhnin. So let me, sir! Where is he, he is busy, and he does not know the sense in this. That's my business, sir. To which sofa? To this, sir? Sofia Antonovna. To that. Druzhnin. Do you have a yardstick? Sofia Antonovna. Masha! Give me an arshin! Druzhnin. Let me run myself. (Leaves.) Rosy (kisses Sofya Antonovna's hand). Ah, Sofya Antonovna, to have such a friend, such a wife! why, why is fate so merciful to me! Sofya Anton ovna (with noticeable coquetry). You are worth it, Sergei Andreevich! You value yourself too little. Pink. I’m not standing, I’m not standing, Sofya Antonovna, it’s just you, out of your kindness, saying that I’m standing. There are people who, all their lives, cannot find either a friend or a good wife... Ah, Sofya Antonovna, there are poor people... We often forget about this in happiness!

Druzhnin enters with a yardstick and Masha.

Druzhnin (climbs onto the sofa and measures the wall with a yardstick). Don't you have, dear, mother-in-law? Masha. Please! DRUZHNIN (measures with a cord; ties a knot on the cord, and then stands for some time thinking). Arshin nine inches and three quarters. (Hides the cord in his pocket.) Done, sir!... I'll see you tomorrow morning. Pink. Farewell, Sofya Antonovna! (Kisses his hand.) Druzhnin. Farewell! (He also kisses his hand.) Sofya Antonovna. Farewell, gentlemen. Do not forget me. Druzhnin. How can you, please! But how suddenly it all happened! Pink. Yes, Pasha, quite unexpectedly. Druzhnin. An amazing thing! Farewell, Sofya Antonovna! Pink (kissing Sofya Antonovna's hand). Farewell. Sofia Antonovna! If you want me to be perfectly happy, don't be angry with Paul! Sofia Antonovna. I didn't mean to be angry. Druzhnin (kissing her hand). Farewell, Sofia Antonovna! I will try to justify myself to you. (Leaves.) Sofya Antonovna comes up to the door. Druzhnin (from the front). Don't catch a cold, Sofya Antonovna! Farewell, sir. Pink (also from the front). Farewell! Druzhnin (going to the door). Farewell, Sofya Antonovna. So I'm tomorrow than light-sir! Sofya Antonovna (sitting down on the sofa). How funny this friend of his is (yawns), but he must be a kind person (yawns). Freaks!!.

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