Start in science. Philological foundations for considering fairy tales


I hope this blog will help those who decide to take part in fabulous competition , which started on November 01, on the mystical and magical Veles night, which we often replace with American Halloween (which grew out of Samhain, an ancient Celtic holiday, during which it is believed that the boundaries between the worlds disappear, and fairies and elves can get to us, and we - in their magical seeds, or hills). Be that as it may, this is a time of secrets and mysteries, travel between worlds and magic, for which there are no limits. Magic story time.

Entries are accepted until January 15, 2018, at which point the first qualifying round will end.
When selecting texts, the following will be taken into account: literacy, fairy-tale stylization, originality of the presentation of the topic.
Conditions for accepting works for the competition:
1. You must be registered on the site
2. The size of the fairy tale should not exceed 60,000 characters.
3. The time of laying out the text does not matter (even if you posted a fairy tale on the site a year ago) - the main thing is that it is presented only on our portal. Works, more than 50% of the text of which is posted on other sites, are not allowed to be selected.
4. Maximum compliance with the genre. Your work should be written in the fairy tale genre or correspond to it as much as possible (for example, fairy tale fantasy). Rejected papers are not reviewed.
5. Themes of violence, Stockholm syndrome, erotica (slash, etc.) are prohibited, such fairy tales will not be admitted to the competition. Terrible tales, where there is no savor of cruelty (a vivid example is the tales of Gauf), are allowed to participate.
6. Simultaneous participation this work prohibited in other competitions.
7. The fairy tale must be placed in full, giving access to all users of the site.
8. Only one work from one author participates in the competition! You can send collections that follow a single theme
Important clarifications: the second stage will best work, but their number is not limited - it can be either three fairy tales, or all of them, it will depend on how the participants approached the genre and theme, how literate and readable the works are.

Supporting literature:
Vladimir Propp. Historical roots Magic Tale
Vladimir Propp. Morphology of the "magic" fairy tale
The fairy tale genre has always attracted writers. Many of us grew up on magic stories Pushkin, Andersen, Perrault, Bazhov and many others. I always wanted to revive the tradition literary fairy tale, to revive the genre, to give readers as many fairy tale stories as possible.

Noticing the tendency to call a fairy tale not only fairy / folk fantasy (which is very close to this genre and the boundaries between them are often blurred), but even modern
romance novels, meaning by this concept something that does not happen in real life, I have long wanted to write about a fairy tale as a genre.

Yes, the concept of a fairy tale is too rooted among our readers, as “a story about the best, magical life”, where the heroine necessarily finds love and happiness, and the surroundings can be anything - even modern city, at least the conditional Middle Ages. Naturally, in these pseudo-fairytale stories there are no archetypes, no plots characteristic of fairy tales, no moralizing. There is only hope for a bright future and conditionally magical scenery so that the reader can take a break from the worries and troubles of real life, which often does not indulge in joy.

But I still strive to convey information to the reader about the genre, I want them to understand that a fairy tale is not always a bright and easy story for relaxation. Fairy tale is the whole world, and now I will lift the veil leading into it.
In this article, I will try not to copy-paste from various scientific articles and try to convey everything in my own words, in a simple way. I propose a conversation, a leisurely conversation around a fire kindled in a magical mystical night, and I'm not going to lecture or tell anyone how to write. All this is a personal matter for everyone. And each author decides for himself which genre to choose. But if you choose to follow tradition fairy tale genre, then I hope my recommendations and this article will be useful to you.
So let's step into the shade of the trees magical forest, walk along the enchanted paths and try to find answers to at least some of your questions. If you have little information, questions remain, then you should know that I am always open for communication, and in this blog dedicated to the topic of fairy tales, you can ask in more detail, I promise to answer everyone.

First, let's talk about how a fairy tale differs from fantasy., and why it is impossible to indiscriminately call all fantasy novels fabulous.
One of the first and main differences between fairy tales and fantasy lies in the use of certain symbols and archetypes by fairy tales (you can read more about archetypes from Propp in "The Morphology of a Fairy Tale" and from Jung in his studies, but I will touch on this topic here, and references to scientific work at the beginning of the article), Fantasy usually does not use symbolism and archetypes to the extent that is characteristic of a fairy tale (or rather, fantasy has its own clichés, but they are somewhat different, unless, of course, this is not a fairy tale fantasy, it is more difficult to draw the line here). And it is important that the fairy tale does not pretend to be authentic. The world of a fairy tale is a different world, with its own laws and images. It is also fundamentally wrong to assume that in a fairy tale it is obligatory a happy ending- on the contrary, earlier fairy tales were close to gothic and horror, and if you get to know the Brothers Grimm or Basile and Perrault in the original (or read our Afanasyev), you will find that the plots familiar from childhood have a completely different development (nobody woke up the Sleeping Beauty kiss, and she gave birth to children in a dream, and then the children and her mother-in-law almost ate her, no one saved Little Red Riding Hood, etc.), even Andersen's fairy tales, which had a strong religious bias, were reworked in Soviet times, and many of us have not read the original versions.

Signs of a fairy tale and the main mistakes in the classification of the genre- a fabulous entourage does not mean that we have a fairy tale in front of us. You can write about Kashchei, Baba Yaga and Vasilisa, but it will be one hundred percent fantasy. And vice versa - you can describe an ordinary city and ordinary children, but it will be just a fairy tale. The main thing is the competent use of archetypes and a certain set of characters.
In addition, at the heart of fantasy worlds (classical, especially) is still real world, with all its laws and history. Fantasy is a subgenre of science fiction, and everything in it is logically justified, the fantastic assumption is also usually somehow explained, magic has its own structure and laws (I do not take into account now some pseudo-fantasy novels with a complete lack of logic, which I generally find it difficult to classify , since the authors write about stamped orc-elves-witches and use the same type of plot, which is easy to predict). But in a fairy tale, magic usually does not require explanation (but this does not mean that the author can be weird, whatever he wants, because no one has canceled the folklore archetypes, the fairy tale will use them to the fullest, expanding or changing them, but still observing them) .
Fairy tales are different - and good does not necessarily triumph over evil (as in classic fairy tale), as we said above, but any hero will usually get what he deserves, that is, a fairy tale often contains a certain morality (often, but not always, you need to understand that this morality may differ from what we are used to or even contradict it, because before people had a different mentality, and this must also be taken into account).
Another mistake is to assume that a fairy tale is intended for children.. This is not entirely true - it's just that when the concept of children's literature appeared, many fairy tales were adapted for them. In Russian folklore, Afanasiev was a collector of fairy tales - he also has not quite decent fairy tales, there are also very cruel ones (like those of Perro, Basile, Andersen).

In fairy tales, heroes have precise and clear roles.- the heroes are usually brave and kind, noble, the heroines are beautiful and kind, the sorceress-stepmothers are evil, the antagonists plot intrigues, good helpers provide the hero with support and help win, etc. An exception is the so-called "dark" fairy tale, which is similar to dark fantasy, but this is a separate issue and does not belong to the classics (it has now become especially popular - this is also scary tales Gaiman, and Angela Carter - Bloody Room, and Margot Lannagan - Lacquer Pieces).
There are a lot of “masks” and archetypes, as well as variants of plots, but very often (even in different peoples) they intersect and have common roots.
So what is the fairy archetype? Archetype (from the Greek arche beginning + typos image) is a concept introduced by K.G. Jung to refer to the original primitive images, universal symbols or motifs that exist in the collective unconscious and manifest in the dreams of each of us. They are repeated in the plots of myths and fairy tales of different peoples, as they have been "stored" in the collective unconscious since the first days of mankind. Dragon, hero, sage, mother, treasure are examples of archetypal images. "The hero slaying the dragon", "the struggle between good and evil" are also archetypal motifs. here is a good article on Jung, written in quite simple language.
What are the most common archetypes in fairy tales? In fairy tales, there is an image of a sage (wizard, teacher) who gives advice to the hero, he is expressed in a completely different incarnation, this is considered an image of our subconscious, a desire for a dream to come true - while clear instructions are attached (go there, do something), and the archetypes of magical helpers is, in fact, the desire to get everything at once (the image of the Golden Fish, which grew out of the Western European fairy tale about the tree of desires, or our Pike in the fairy tale about Emelya). There is also an archetype of travel between worlds, one of the most beloved by storytellers (and not only, fantasy has also begun to use this archetype). The classic hero's journey (according to Propp) is a reflection of the rite of rebirth, a journey to the "other world" and a return to one's own world. And in fairy tales, both the heroes of the "other world" and the real one are reflected. But there are still heroes of the frontier world. They have the features of a man and an animal, or a man and a dead man. Meeting with them is the transition of the hero to a different state, to another world. One of the clearest examples is Baba Yaga. Bayun can also be attributed there with his terrible songs that can kill, and many other heroes. The image of a fabulous magical land, another world - another symbol. We have this Nav, in Celtic - Hills or the country of fairies (elves), there can be a lot of names for this world. But the main thing is that there are certain conditions that are similar for all peoples. Time goes differently there (in reality, a hundred years may pass and the hero will return, and everyone he knew has died, or maybe he will crumble to dust), in this world you can’t eat or drink - you will stay forever, etc. Our ancestors considered the ancient forest to be the Other Side (Elizaveta Dvoretskaya uses this myth well in her books), so hunters, for example, were not allowed to go to the common table until they wash and prove that they are people. They could be checked with iron, they could be evicted behind a fence for a week, etc. All this is due to the fact that people believed in afterworld and were afraid that he would drag away a living person. The fairy tale/other side in all fairy tales is different, despite the signs that unite it - it can be evil and kind, beautiful and ugly. And the key to the archetype and its ubiquitous distribution is that in fairy tales the world is magical, and world of the dead- it's basically the same thing.

One of the most ancient cults among ancient peoples is the cult of worship of the dead.. And magical creatures are the souls of the dead (which can be seen in the images of navok mermaids, etc.). From the creepy custom of some peoples to bring home the heads of enemies from the battlefield in order to force them to serve and help, for example, such a magical hero as a brownie appeared. In Slavic tales, this is, in fact, the spirit of the ancestor. All sorts of symbols and archetypes (the hero's journey, going there-I don't-know-where, etc.) - there are many more, you can read more about this in Propp.

What is a fairy tale?
Let's talk about genres. The fairy tale genre includes everyday fairy tales (accustomed reality, everyday life), fairy tales and fairy tales about animals.
A bit of theory: the fairy tale is based on the image of initiation - hence the “other kingdom”, where the hero needs to get to find a bride or acquire fabulous values, after which he must return home. The narrative is "carried out entirely outside of real life."
Characteristic features of a fairy tale: verbal ornament, sayings, endings, stable formulas (rhythmized prose phrases such as "once upon a time"). In the fairy tales that interest us, the different types plots, but JOURNEY is the most common among them (“overcoming” something is also often included in this type of plot), archetypes are played out in a variety of ways, and their presence is very important, but most importantly, the hero must have some kind of goal . He must strive for something, fulfill something, overcome some obstacles, win someone. If the hero doesn't do any of this, then we're just trying to make a fabulous stylization. Often in a fairy tale, the hero violates some kind of prohibition, loses something, and this is what serves as an impetus for the plot.
The symbolism of three times and the presence of magical helpers are inherent in this particular type of fairy tale, and its main difference from others is the presence of two worlds, ordinary and magical. Most often, the Journey leads the hero to another world, sometimes he is given difficult task which to execute ordinary person will be unrealistic. Everything is always resolved in a miraculous way, the banter and sarcastic beginning inherent in a household fairy tale is not here and cannot be. Everything is exaggerated, exaggerated. The composition of a fairy tale is complex - with a plot, exposition, climax and denouement.
Propp identifies seven characters in such tales - the antagonist (pest), the donor, the assistant, the princess or king, the sender, the hero, the false hero.
That is, fairy tales include heroic tales (serpent fighting and quests that became the basis for epic fantasy), archaic tales about heroes who are in the power of demons (the persecuted hero), tales about wonderful spouses, about wonderful objects, about wedding trials (so that the theme of the Selection, so popular today, and the theme of the Brides were born in old fairy tales, and, by the way, some authors very successfully beat these fairy tale plots).
It turns out that many themes are rooted precisely in folk art, in folklore.

15.12 the article was changed, slightly expanded, I hope the information was useful, over time I will return to this topic

Fairy tales are one of the most interesting and amazing genres. literary creativity. This, one might say, is our heritage, which we inherited from our ancestors. As before, now fairy tales play big role in the development of the child, his formation of the perception of human values.

General information about fairy tales

The appearance of fairy tales among the people was due to the fact that people tried to find an explanation for certain natural phenomena, the origin of which was unclear to them, and also told about their life and rituals in this way. Of course, fantasy was also connected to this. So folk tales have some reflection historical development nationalities.

How did magic appear in fairy tales? Obviously, this was a reflection of the desire for a happy resolution of the situation, for the victory of good over evil. Each image in the fairy tale is deeply symbolic. In some nations, even the characters are similar, only they are called differently. For example, the Russian Baba Yaga and the old woman Loukhi from Finland. Or our Ivan the fool and the Englishman Jack the lazy. Even the stories are very repetitive.

Also in a fairy tale, magical things were indispensable attributes. For example, a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet or Baba Yaga's stupa.

Who could compose a fairy tale? In the distant past, these were those people who traveled a lot, and therefore saw and heard a lot. They talked about what they learned. Then these stories gradually changed, the spirit of fantasy was introduced.

Over time, their stories became fairy tales for children. What the great-grandfathers considered true, turned into a legend. But in the end, they had a positive impact on the child's correct understanding of the world.

The influence of fairy tales on the upbringing of children

Fairy tales are about educating children. Many generations have grown up with such figurative battles between good and evil. Perceiving Magic world such stories, the child is immersed in a special atmosphere. With an easy and entertaining language, the child perceives the world and adapts to it. Easily perceives the system of correct values, relations between people.

Mandatory happy end fairy tales allows you to realize that everything is possible, while the kid on a subconscious level gains confidence in himself, in his abilities.

Magical folk tales are also great for developing imagination. Very often, the child identifies with one of the characters and throughout the reading goes through his path of adventure with him.

Plots of fairy tales

Folk fairy tales are different in their plot, according to which they can be divided into several groups:

  • those in which the hero miraculously defeats a monster (usually the Serpent Gorynych);
  • fairy tales where you need to pass some kind of test;
  • those where children are saved from some villain;
  • fairy tales in which the hero is expelled from own house, turns out to be either in captivity fabulous creature, or simply goes "where the eyes look";
  • those where some kind of test should be overcome in order to find family happiness;
  • fairy tales, where the hero acquires some magic item.

Of course, the classification is very arbitrary, since in some fairy tales the plots are intertwined, some cannot be clearly attributed to any type at all.

Folk tales: what are they

In addition to fairy tales in folk art, there are everyday stories about animals. What are the differences between them?

If we talk about fairy tales, then, as mentioned above, these are those in which there is some miraculous salvation, deliverance, victory.

In everyday life, it is told about work, about those daily events that occur in a person's life. They may also have a little magic in them, but they usually overcome difficulties with the help of ingenuity and resourcefulness.

There are also stories about animals. The latter in them, like people, can talk, and behave the same way. Each animal has its own special features. For example, a fox is cunning, a hare is cowardly, a bear is strong.

Fairy tales that have authorship

There are also numerous Russian fairy tales, the author of which is famous, and they are no less popular and loved by children. They maintain purity and justice. folk art. Remember the names of the authors who gave us fairy tales. This:

  • Pushkin A.S. Tsar Saltan" and others);
  • Bazhov P.P. ("Tayutkino mirror", " Malachite Box" and etc.);
  • Zhukovsky V.A. ("The Sleeping Princess", "Puss in Boots", etc.);
  • Aksakov S.T. ("The Scarlet Flower").

But of course, these are just some of the magical ones which are the most popular. In Russian art there are a lot of authors who wrote amazing stories for kids different ages. Very often they were based on legends, in other cases they were fictions of the writer himself.

Popular folk tales for children of different ages

Every fairy tale has its own audience. For example, some are suitable for kids of three years of age, but will not be interesting for seven-year-old children. Consider popular fairy tales. The list includes these:

  • For kids younger age fairy tales about animals will be more understandable. For example, "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear".
  • For older children (5 years and older), Morozko, Frog Princess, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Swans Geese, Daughter and Stepdaughter are already suitable.
  • For children over 8-9 years old, everyday fairy tales are understandable. For example, "Seven-year-old daughter", "Porridge from an ax", "It's good, but it's bad", "It's not nice - don't listen."

However, this is all individual. When reading a fairy tale to a child or inviting him to do it himself, the parent must be prepared for possible questions from his child. If he refuses to perceive the fairy tale at all - do not be discouraged! Perhaps the child is simply not yet ready to read this work.

Fairy tales of the peoples of the world

Magical folk tales can serve as a description of history. Sometimes they are quite funny. However, every fairy tale of any nation teaches something. For example, nobility, courage, honor.

Some fairy tales of different nationalities are similar to each other, although they have different names. The characters are also different, but their traits and behaviors are the same. For example, many peoples have a fairy tale with a story about three brothers or about a poor stepdaughter and an evil stepmother.

We suggest taking note of the most popular fairy tales in the world. Their names sound like this:

  • "Goldilocks" (Czech);
  • "magic ring" (Italian);
  • "The Witch's Daughter" (Greek);
  • "Twelve months" (Slovak);
  • "Musician-sorcerer" (Belarusian);
  • "Princess Frog" (Monskaya);
  • "Three princes" (Indian).

As you can see, some names are very similar to Russian fairy tales.

Russian folk fairy tales: characters

Russian fairy tales tell how about positive characters, and about negative, and about men, and about women. Pro good heroes we can say that they are noble, brave and honest. This, for example, is Ivan Tsarevich or Ivan the Fool, who will definitely defeat the enemy and help in trouble.

Same special treatment in fairy tales for women. They are often strong in spirit, support their men, giving them strength to fight with their boundless faith. Also, many of them are endowed with remarkable intelligence and ingenuity, they may have a difficult share, but they never lose hope. The names of women often have a definition that can tell a lot. For example, Elena the Beautiful or Vasilisa the Wise.

Fairy tales are also a world of faithful animal helpers, who often help the main character and have some power. This may be a faithful horse, a cunning cat or others. All of them can speak, move quickly.

The magical world is also rife with negative characters. It can be the well-known Baba Yaga, or the Serpent Gorynych, or each of them has its own power and with its help harms people. Serpent Gorynych, for example, kidnaps beautiful girls and locks them in a dungeon, Baba Yaga eats little children.

Besides this, there are other negative characters that harm the environment to the best of their ability. These are water, goblin, kikimora, mermaids. Some can induce haze, drag them into the water.

Separate characters are heroes. They appear most often in snake-fighting fairy tales. The heroes free the enchanted and stolen princesses and maidens.

A few words about the importance of books in a child's life

Remember also that it is equally important for a child to see how the parents themselves pick up books, their own, adults, and read them with pleasure. It is important to show kids your faith in a miracle, in justice.

The story is amazing! A wonderful world familiar from childhood, where good always triumphs over evil. On the pages fairy tale books talking animals and dragons, brave heroes and beautiful princesses live, good fairies and evil wizards. Fairy tales call not only to believe in miracles, but also teach kindness, responsiveness, not to succumb to difficulties, listen to parents and not judge others by appearance.

What are fairy tales

A fairy tale is a narrative with fictitious characters and a plot that is everyday, heroic or magical character. They are folklore (compiled by the people), literary (include the features of folk tales, but belong to one author) and author's (written by one specific author). Folk tales are divided into magical, household and about animals.


Before reaching the reader, they go a long way. AT oral are passed down from generation to generation until some collector of legends writes them down on paper. It is believed that the heroes of the first stories were the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and others. natural phenomena, and images of people and animals began to be used later.

Folk tales have a fairly simple structure: a saying, a beginning, and an end. Text is easy to read and does not contain compound words. But with apparent simplicity, it retains all the richness of the Russian language. Folklore tales are easily perceived even by kids, which makes them the best choice to read before bed. This will not only prepare the child for sleep, but also unobtrusively teach life values.

The main features of a fairy tale:

  1. Fairy-tale stamps "Once upon a time", "In a certain kingdom".
  2. Use of proverbs and sayings.
  3. Mandatory victory for good in the final.
  4. The tests that the heroes go through are educational and moral character.
  5. The animals saved by the hero help him get out of difficult situations.


The action takes place in Everyday life, not "in distant kingdom", a ordinary city or village. The life of that time, features and habits are described. The heroes are the poor and merchants, spouses, soldiers, servants and gentlemen. The plot is based on ordinary life situations and conflicts, which the heroes have to solve with the help of skill, ingenuity and even cunning.

Household fairy tales ridicule human vices greed, stupidity, ignorance. The main message of such stories is that one should not be afraid of work, not be lazy and confidently overcome obstacles. Treat others with kindness, be responsive to someone else's grief, do not lie and do not be stingy. For example, "Porridge from an ax", "Turnip", "Seven-year-old daughter".

About animals

Often the characters are animals. They live and communicate like people, talk and play pranks, quarrel and make peace. Among the characters there is no clear division into positive and bad guys . Each of them is endowed with one distinctive feature, which is played out in the plot of the tale. A cunning fox, an evil wolf, a hardworking hare, and a wise owl. Such images are understandable to children, and give ideas about intelligence and stupidity, about cowardice and courage, about greed and kindness.


What is a fairy tale? This is a mysterious world filled with magic and sorcery. Where animals, nature and even objects can speak. The composition is more complex, includes an introduction, an outset, a central plot, a climax and a denouement. The plot is based on overcoming any difficult situation or return of the loss. For example, "Morozko", "Finist clear falcon", "Cinderella".

The world of characters is unusually diverse. G master heroes possess all positive qualities, and that is, such as kindness, generosity, responsiveness, courage. They are opposed by evil, greedy and selfish negative characters. In the fight against enemies, the goodies are helped by wonderful helpers and magic items. The denouement is certainly happy. The hero returns home with honors, having overcome all hardships and obstacles.


Has a specific author but closely related to folklore. A literary tale reflects the author's view of the world, his ideas and desires, while folk tales demonstrate shared values. The writer empathizes with the main characters, expresses sympathy for individual actors and openly ridicules the negative characters.

The basis is often the plots of folk tales.

  • the hero's belonging to the world of magic;
  • hostility between foster parents and children;
  • the hero is helped by nature, living creatures and magical attributes.

To imitate folk tales, the same principles apply: fairy-tale setting, talking animals, triple repetitions and vernacular. The images of the main characters of folk tales are often used: Ivan the Fool, Baba Yaga, Tsar Koschey and others. The author strives for greater detail, characters and personal qualities The characters are written in detail, the environment is close to reality and there are always two generations: the older (parents) and the younger (children).

To prime examples literary fairy tale can be attributed to the work of A. Pushkin " gold fish", G. Andersen " The Snow Queen"And Ch. Perrot" Puss in Boots ".

Whatever the fairy tale, its goal is to teach the child not to despair, to boldly take on tasks, to respect the opinions of others. Looking at the bright illustrations, it is easy to come up with your own plot for an already familiar story. It will be useful even for an adult to break away from the usual cycle of days and plunge into beautiful world magic.

AT fairy tale before the listener there is a different, than in fairy tales about animals, a special, mysterious world. It has extraordinary fantastic heroes, goodness and truth defeat darkness, evil and lies.

"This is a world where Ivan Tsarevich rushes through a dark forest on a gray wolf, where the deceived Alyonushka suffers, where Vasilisa the Beautiful brings a scorching fire from Baba Yaga, where a brave hero finds the death of Kashchei the Immortal" .. 1

Some of the fairy tales are closely related to mythological representations. Such images as Frost, Water, Sun, Wind are associated with the elemental forces of nature. The most popular of Russian fairy tales are: "Three Kingdoms", "Magic Ring", "Finist's Feather - Clear Falcon", "The Frog Princess", "Kashchei the Immortal", "Marya Morevna", "The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise", " Sivka-Burka", "Morozko", etc.

The hero of a fairy tale is courageous, fearless. He overcomes all obstacles in his path, wins victories, wins his happiness. And if at the beginning of the tale he can act as Ivan the Fool, Emelya the Fool, then at the end he necessarily turns into a handsome and well done Ivan Tsarevich. A.M. drew attention to this at one time. Bitter:

"The hero of folklore -" fool ", despised even by his father and brothers, always turns out to be smarter than them, always the winner of all worldly hardships." 2

A positive hero is always helped by others. fairy tale characters. So, in the fairy tale "Three Kingdoms" the hero gets out on White light with the help of a wonderful bird. In other fairy tales, both Sivka-Burka and Gray wolf, and Elena the Beautiful. Even such characters as Morozko and Baba Yaga help the heroes for their diligence and good manners. In all this, people's ideas about human morality and morality are expressed.

Always next to the main characters in a fairy tale wonderful helpers: The gray wolf, Sivka-Burka, Obyalilo, Opivalo, Dubynya and Usynya, etc. They possess wonderful means: a flying carpet, walking boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisibility hat. images goodies in fairy tales, helpers and miraculous objects express people's dreams.

Images of female heroines of fairy tales in popular imagination extraordinarily beautiful. They say about them: "Neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen." They are wise, possess magical power, possess remarkable intelligence and resourcefulness (Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, Marya Morevna).

Opponents of goodies - dark forces, scary monsters(Kashchei the Deathless, Baba Yaga, famously one-eyed, Serpent Gorynych). They are cruel, treacherous and greedy. This is how the idea of ​​the people about violence and evil is expressed. Their appearance sets off the image of a positive hero, his feat. The storytellers did not spare colors to emphasize the struggle between light and dark beginnings. In its content and in its form, a fairy tale bears elements of the miraculous, the unusual. The composition of fairy tales is different from the composition of fairy tales about animals. Some fairy tales begin with a saying - a playful joke that is not related to the plot. The purpose of the saying is to attract the attention of the listeners. It is followed by the opening that begins the story. It takes listeners to fairy world, denotes the time and place of the action, the situation, the characters. The fairy tale ends with an ending. The narrative develops sequentially, the action is given in dynamics. Dramatically tense situations are reproduced in the structure of the tale.

In fairy tales, episodes are repeated three times (with three snakes it beats on Kalinov bridge Ivan Tsarevich, three beautiful princesses rescued by Ivan underworld). They use traditional artistic means expressiveness: epithets (good horse, valiant, green meadow, silk grass, azure flowers, blue sea, dense forests), comparisons, metaphors, words with diminutive suffixes. These features of fairy tales resonate with epics and emphasize the brightness of the narrative.

An example of such a tale is the tale "Two Ivan - soldiers' sons".

The beginning of a fairy tale abounds everyday paintings and bears little resemblance to magical circumstances. It conveys the usual everyday information: a peasant lived, the time has come - he went to the soldiers, in his absence, twin boys were born, who were called Ivans - "soldier's sons". Thus, in this tale there are two main characters at once. Nothing miraculous, magical yet happens in it. It tells about how children study, how they comprehend reading and writing, "lordly and merchant children were shut up by the belt." In the development of the action, a plot is planned, when the good fellows go to the city to buy horses. This scene is filled with elements of a fairy tale: the brothers tame stallions, as fairy tale characters possess heroic strength. With a "valiant whistle" and with a loud voice, the stallions who had run away into the field are returned. The horses obey them: "The stallions came running and stood in place, as if rooted to the spot." The main characters of the tale are surrounded by special objects that emphasize their heroism (heroic horses, sabers of three hundred pounds). It is also wonderful that they received these objects from a gray-haired old man, who brought out horses for them, opening a cast-iron door into great sorrow. He also brought them two heroic sabers. So peasant children turn into heroes. The good fellows got on their horses and rode off.

The fairy tale includes images of the crossroads, pillars with inscriptions that determine the choice of the path and the fate of the brothers. The objects accompanying the brothers turn out to be miraculous, for example, the handkerchiefs symbolizing death, which they exchanged. The narrative is framed by stable fabulous formulas. One brother reached the glorious kingdom, married Nastasya the Beautiful and became a prince. "Ivan Tsarevich lives in joy, admires his wife, gives order to the kingdom and amuses himself with animal hunting." 3

And the other brother "rides tirelessly day and night, and a month, and another, and a third." Then Ivan suddenly finds himself in an unfamiliar state.

In the city he sees great sadness. "Houses are covered with black cloth, people stagger as if sleepy" 4 . The twelve-headed serpent that emerges from the blue sea, from behind the gray stone, eats a person at a time. Even the king's daughter is taken to be eaten by a snake. The serpent personifies the dark forces of the world with which the hero fights. Ivan rushes to help. He is brave, knows no fear and always wins in battle. Ivan cuts off all the heads of the snake. The fairy tale element is enhanced by the description of nature, against which the snake appears: "Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea stirred - a snake comes out of the blue of the sea, rises up the mountain ... "5. Ivan's duel with the snake is described succinctly.

Repeating verbs give impetus to the action: "Ivan drew his sharp saber, swung, struck and cut down all twelve heads of the snake; he raised a gray stone, put his heads under a stone, threw his body into the sea, and he returned home, went to bed and slept for three days" . 6

It would seem that this is where the fairy tale should end, the plot is exhausted, but suddenly new circumstances are woven into it with the introduction of a character from the royal environment - a water carrier, whose thoughts are vile and base.

The situation is getting worse. The climax comes 7 . The water carrier acts as the "savior" of the princess, under pain of death, forcing her to recognize him as a savior. The episode is repeated two more times with the other two daughters of the king. The tsar granted the water carrier to the colonels, then to the generals, and, finally, he married his youngest daughter.

And Ivan fights with the monster three times, three times the water carrier threatens to kill the king's daughters. However, the story ends with the victory of the hero, evil is punished, the water carrier is hanged, truth triumphs, youngest daughter married to Ivan. This episode of the fairy tale ends with a well-known saying: "The young began to live, live, and make good."

The narration in the fairy tale again returns to another brother - Ivan Tsarevich. It is told how he got lost while hunting and met with an ugly monster - a red maiden, the sister of a twelve-headed serpent, who turned into a terrible lioness. She opens her mouth and swallows the prince whole. The story has an element of reincarnation. A wonderful object comes to the aid of the hero - a scarf of his brother, announcing what happened. The search for a brother begins. The description of the hunt and the actions of the hero are repeated in the tale. Ivan, the peasant son, finds himself in the same situation as Ivan the Tsarevich, but remains alive thanks to a wonderful helper - a magic horse. The red maiden pouted like a terrible lioness and wanted to swallow the good fellow, but a magic horse came running, "grabbed her with heroic legs", and Ivan forced the lioness to throw Ivan Tsarevich out of herself, threatening that he would chop her to pieces.

An extraordinary miracle in a fairy tale and living water saving, reviving Ivan Tsarevich. The tale ends with an ending: Ivan Tsarevich remained in his state, and Ivan, the soldier's son, went to his wife and began to live with her in love and harmony.

The fairy tale "Two Ivan - soldiers' sons" combines all the elements of a fairy tale: composition, three-fold repetition of episodes and actions of heroes, development of the plot, positive heroes and the opposition of negative monsters to them, miraculous transformations and objects, the use of figurative and expressive means ( constant epithets, stable folklore formulas). The fairy tale affirms good and debunks evil.

It is interesting to note that the text of the tale has a continuation (Russian folk tales by A.N. Afanasyev, No. 155). Here is the text:

"At some time, Ivan, a soldier's son, went out for a walk in an open field; a small child comes across him and asks for alms. It became a pity good fellow, took out a golden one from the pocket and gives it to the boy; the boy accepts alms, and he pouts - he turned into a lion and tore the hero into small pieces. A few days later, the same thing happened to Ivan Tsarevich: he went out into the garden for a walk, and an old man met him, bowing low and asking for alms; the prince gives him gold. The old man accepts alms while he pouts. - He turned into a lion, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and tore it to pieces. And so the mighty heroes perished, the serpentine sister exterminated them. "8

Good feelings Ivan - peasant son, who took pity on the beautiful maiden sister of the snake and let her go, were punished by the death of their brothers. Although similar tragic ending generally not characteristic of fairy tales.

Posted on Sat, 01/04/2014 - 10:32 by iadmin2

1. What are fairy tales?

2. Name folk fairy tales. Who are their heroes? What miracles happen in fairy tales? Find answers in a textbook or study reader

Russian folk tale"Havroshechka". Main characters: Khavroshechka, stepmother, three daughters, an old man, a cow.

The miracles in the fairy tale lie in the fact that the girl spoke with a cow, climbed into her ear, and crawled out of the other, the hostess had daughters with one eye and three eyes, an apple tree grew from the bones of a cow.

Tatar folk tale "Three sisters". Main characters: mother, three sisters, squirrel.

The squirrel has turned eldest daughter into a turtle, the middle one - into a spider, the youngest - into a bee.

3. Name the fairy tale of A. Pushkin. Thanks to whom do magical transformations occur in a fairy tale? Find the answer in the textbook and read.

Fairy tale A.s. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". In this tale, the magical item is a goldfish.

4. What fairy tales foreign writers you know? Name it.

Charles Perrault "Puss in Boots"; The Brothers Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians"

5. From which fairy tales are these passages? Name, find fairy tales in the textbook. Read or talk about the characters in a fairy tale you like.

1st excerpt: Russian fairy tale "Khavroshechka".

2nd excerpt: Charles Perrault "Puss in Boots".

3rd) excerpt: A.s. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

6. Name your favorite fairy tale and your favorite fairy tale hero. Tell about him.

My favorite fairy tale is "Two Frogs" by L. Panteleev. She teaches that in any, even the most difficult, situation, one should not lose one's presence of mind, but rather try to find a way out. Any activity is better than inaction.

7. What fairy tales H.-K. Andersen we studied? Find them in the textbook and reader. Which one do you like? Why?

Fairy tale H.-K. Andersen "Five from one pod". In this fairy tale, a green pea sprout helped a little girl who had been ill for a very long time to recover.

8. Remember the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Which fairy tale of these authors did you like the most? Tell it to your friends.

Tales of the Brothers Grimm "Little Men", "Puss in Boots", "Seven Brave Men". I liked the fairy tale "Little Men", because in this fairy tale the little men helped the shoemaker's family to get out of poverty, and the shoemaker and his wife repaid these little men with kindness.

9. Look at the illustration. Name the story. Find and read the passage that matches this illustration.

Fairy tale by Ch. Perro "Puss in Boots".

Excerpt: "Spread out on the grass and pretending to be dead... the simpleton rabbit immediately jumped into his sack."

10. Compose a fairy tale with one of the fairy tale characters.

There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest in autumn. People go, collect, but everything is different. Those who are attentive will not step on the mushroom, they will look under each leaf. Who is lazy, knocks off hats to all fly agarics. A fly agaric is a medicine for moose.

People do not know that a forest fungus lives in the forest. He keeps order in the forest, protects mushrooms from bad people. He has a magic staff. With this staff, he points out mushroom places to neat mushroom pickers, substitutes pointer mushrooms. Through these mushrooms, a person goes to a mushroom place. And the opposite is bad: he hides mushroom families with a staff. It looks like such a mushroom picker walks through the forest and returns home with an empty box.

So think about it, what kind of mushroom pickers are you?

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