Birch paintings conversation for children. Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in the senior group on familiarization with landscape painting using the painting I


I. Formulation of the problem: ineffective subject environment in the corner of iso.

II. Justification of the problem:

1. Lack of equipment in the creative corner.

2. The inability of children to draw with non-traditional techniques.

3. Incompetence of parents in the matter of drawing using non-traditional techniques.

III. Objective of the project: create conditions for fine development children with non-traditional techniques.

IV. Tasks:
1. Replenish the corner with equipment.
2. Teach children unconventional drawing techniques.
3. To give knowledge to parents in the matter of drawing using non-traditional techniques.

V. Actions:
1. Cooperative activity teacher and children
2. Consultations, memo, master class for parents.

- non-traditional equipment for art.

VI. Calendar plan/terms of project implementation: 2014-2015 year.

  • Study and analysis of research, methodological literature on this issue; selection of visual-demonstration, handout material.
  • Drawing up a project plan.
  • Consultation for parents "Drawing unconventional ways»
  • Joint activity of the teacher and children "Printing with leaves"
  • Stencil making.
  • Master class for parents on the topic: Using non-traditional drawing techniques with children preschool age».
  • Joint activity of the teacher and children "Signet from an apple"
  • Production of the album "Unconventional drawing technique"
  • Public event for parents "Skillful Hands" (circle)
  • Joint activity of the teacher and children "Drawing with fingers and palms"
  • Consultation for parents "Raising interest in drawing in children"
  • Joint activity of the teacher and children "Drawing cotton swabs»
  • Advice for parents "How to organize a home drawing lesson"
  • Joint activity of the teacher and children "Drawing with a candle + watercolor"
  • Memo for parents: "How to prepare workplace»
  • Joint activity of the teacher and children "Imprint with crumpled paper"
  • Production of equipment according to
  • Advice for parents "We love to draw"
  • Open event for parents "Skillful Hands" (circle)
  • Album "Unconventional drawing technique"
  • Open event for teachers "Skillful Hands" (circle)
  • Exhibition of material on non-traditional drawing techniques "Drawing without a brush"

VII. Resources:


  • Sakulina, a guide for educators. - 2nd ed. and additional - M .: Education, 1982. - 208 p.
  • Davydova, G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten[Text] / G.N. Davydova, Scriptorium, 2003.
  • Wenger, L.A. Raising a child's sensory culture [Text] / L. A. Wenger, E. G. Pilyugina, N. B. Wenger. - M .: "Enlightenment", 2005.
  • Subbotina L. The development of imagination in children [Text] L. Subbotina. - Yaroslavl, 1998.
  • Nikitina, A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten [Text] Nikitin. – Karo, 2007.

VIII. Personnel: teachers, parents, children.

IX. Equipment: paper, paint, waste material, candles, fruits, cotton buds.

X. Project staff:

Full name, functions, product of activity:

  • Educator, organizer and leader, consultations;
  • Parents, listeners and participants, drawing;
  • Children, participants, drawing skills.

XI. Project product:

  • equipment for a corner of creativity.

XII. Efficiency criteria:

The goal is achieved if:

  • children use on their own unconventional techniques drawing,
  • more than 50% of the pupils' parents improved their competence in drawing using non-traditional techniques

Theme essay-description based on the painting by I. Levitan "Birch Grove"


General : come to a holistic understanding of the role of nature in human life; view the natural world as a reflection inner world man, his mood.

Educational : promote the development of a culture of speech behavior, attention to detail, figurative thinking enrichment of vocabulary.

Nurturing: to cultivate the ability to see beauty in the ordinary, to feel the beauty of a work of art in its verbal expression.

Tasks: through the emotional perception of the picture and its analysis, learn to create an independent speech statement using figurative and expressive and figurative means the language suggested by the picture; correlate the theme of the picture with the theme of the future speech statement; to form the ability to analyze a picture as a work of art, to perceive a work of art as a whole and to express what is perceived by means of language (adequately to the content of the picture) in the unity of form and content.

General concepts: theme, main idea, artistic means, composition, genre, harmony, association, artistic image, symbol.

Equipment: reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "Birch Grove", audio recording of sounds of wildlife, birch twig with task leaves.


No, it's not the landscape that attracts me,

The greedy gaze will not notice the colors,

And what shines in these colors

Love and joy of being.

IIA. Bunin

I. Introduction by the teacher.

Today it is difficult to imagine that in the second half of the 18th century, landscape painting was not valued at all and was considered something of secondary importance. It took decades and the efforts of many masters for this genre of painting to become as significant as historical picture or portrait.

Sometimes a painter cannot indifferently paint a landscape. This or that corner of nature causes a special excitement in him, awakens thin strings souls. Such a landscape is called a mood landscape.

One of consummate masters such a landscape was Isaac Levitan. You already know this name; together with him we visited the Volga, enjoyed the beauty of autumn, and today we have a trip to a birch grove. So, are you ready to hit the road?

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Audio recording with sounds summer forest. Childrenhear the chirping of birds, the gentle sound of the breeze. On screen outputthe image of the painting by I. Levitan "Birch Grove"(1885-1889).

    Let's imagine that we are miraculously transferred to Levitan's canvas. Look closely at what surrounds us? What do we see and hear around? What do we feel?

    Did you like the picture in which we found ourselves? What exactly attracted you to her? (Yes, I remember a wonderful versecreation of F. I. Tyutchev.)

See how the grove turns green

Covered in scorching heat.

And in it such bliss blows

From every branch and bush!..

    We are not just contemplatives, we still act today as art researchers. To be able to see, to feel beauty is wonderful! But how interesting, guys, to discover by what means the artist achieves such a stunning effect.

    Look at what an unusual birch twig I have in my hands, with wonderful leaves on which tasks for groups are indicated.

Students are divided into groups of 5-6 people, thenthe putter from each group tears off a sheet for his grouptask check.

Sample group responses:

1) How much light, air is in this picture! What jubilation
she carries! Everything that is depicted on this canvas, as if breathing
and trembles. That's why she can't help but bewitch! And what
palette! What colors!

2) The composition is not accidental: everything is thought out to the smallest detail.
On the right, close to the edge of the canvas, two trees are painted in the foreground. Two birches in the prime of life and beauty. Although we do not see them fully, their crowns go beyond the canvas. Behind them is a small clearing, and behind it - a cheerful roll call of white-barreled young beauties. They seem to be playing catch up. Thus, the artist shows us birch trees running deep into the grove from the foreground right diagonally to the left background. This is how liveliness, cheerfulness, joy of life, fun and enthusiasm are transmitted.

    Main artistic medium used by the artist rhythm. The rhythm of sunlight on the grass, the alternation of dark and gold spots, the uneven alternation of emerald, bright green and gold in the fluttering foliage. And the birch trunks themselves, because they also have an uneven rhythm. Amazing use of light and shade. Hence the feeling of a peculiar dance of birch trees: either in pairs, or alone, white-barreled beauties perform, uniting in a friendly cheerful dance, admiring themselves and their white-barreled girlfriends. And what a play of colors! Do we see clearly White color the trunk of at least one birch? No! The shaded part of the trunk is depicted in lilac, bluish and greenish colors, and the part illuminated by the sun is pink and slightly yellowish.

    The very image of a birch is deeply symbolic: it is rightfully a symbol of Russia, the personification of its purity and beauty. In the works of many poets and writers, this cute gentle image-symbol is found, for example, in Lermontov's poems. Tyutchev, Yesenin, Blok. And how many references to birch in Russian songs!

For example, “birch-friend”, “birch Rus'”, “a couple of whitening birches”, “bare breasts of birches”, “milk of birches”.

The leaf turns green young.

See how young leaves

Birches are covered with

Aerial greenery through,

Translucent like smoke...

F. I. Tyutchev

I'm forever behind fogs and dews

I fell in love with the birch camp,

And her golden braids

And her canvas sundress.

S. Yesenin

5) The world on Levitan's canvas is mobile and changeable. To be able to see, to catch this moment of transience - wonderful gift. It helps a person to feel that joy of being, that harmony, that love that reigns in the nature around him. To see that in this world “there is a smile on everything, life in everything...” and how “the blooming world of nature is intoxicated with an abundance of life...” (F.I. Tyutchev).

By what means will we express the impression of what we see on the canvas? I propose to fill in the plates of working materials (distributed to everyone).


working material

Cheerful, perky, mischievous, playful, a little shy, beautiful in her beauty and originality

Sunny, bright, dazzling, moving, playing; hot

Birches: foliage, trunks

Fluttering, smiling, young, fresh, tender, juicy, playful, "golden braids", "airy greens"; flexible, thin, caressed by the sun, dressed up in "canvas sundresses", "birch milk", their wonderful round dance

Emerald, silky cover, modest scattering of flowers, golden highlights, alluring greenery

Drunk with freshness, fragrance of forest herbs and flowers, life-giving light and warmth


Wonderful, summery, joyful, upbeat, jubilant

Let's make a plan together, according to which you are at home.
write your speech essay.

T. Wonderful summer day.

II. "Look how green the grove is..."

1 Round dance of birch girlfriends.

2 "Aerial greenery young."

3 On the emerald clearing...

III. "A smile on everything, life in everything ..."

III. Summing up the lesson.

I hope you guys enjoyed our trip in years-
nyuya "Birch Grove" by I. Levitan. Moreover, you could
whether to feel both in the role of art critics and in the role of masters
artistic word. But most importantly, we realized that
means of such a beautiful genre as landscape, we learn
see and appreciate beauty native nature, the harmony that
everything is subordinate in our world. Learning to appreciate every moment, gift
bathed in life.


Glossary of terms

Association- a relationship between separate views, in which one of the views calls another.

Harmony - consistency, proportionality, unity of parts and whole in a work of art.

Genre - historically established internal division in most arts. In the visual arts, the main genres are determined primarily by the subject of the image (landscape, portrait, still life, household genre, historical genre, etc.).

Painting - a work in which an image is applied to a specially prepared canvas oil paints.

Composition- construction artwork.

Palette- a list of paints used by the artist.

perspective - derived from Latin word"clearly see" - a system of image on the plane of space and three-dimensional bodies, their removal from the observer.

Chiaroscuro- gradation of light and dark, distribution of different brightness colors, tonal and color shades.

Symbol- an artistic image that embodies an idea.

Tone- translated from Greek "stress, tension" - the simplest element chiaroscuro, light saturation of a separate visible area of ​​an object.

Artistic image - a generalization of reflections and assessment of the world by an artist who is the spokesman for the worldview of a certain historical time.

Color - light waves that visually color the material world in certain tones of the spectrum. In the visual arts, color has the most important function of the emotional and semantic impact of a work of art. Local color in painting is a pure, primary color inherent in this subject(e.g. grass is green, sky is blue). Mixing colors, interpenetration, color contrasts and subtle nuances suggest a changeable, mobile color system of a work of art. Color is the most important artistic expressiveness in the visual arts.


1. Bialik, V. Encyclopedia of painting for children. Landscape / V. Bialik. - M. : White City 2006.

    Yesenin, S. Collected works: in 2 volumes / S. Yesenin, - M., 1991.

    Savina, L. N. Integration as the essence of education: exemplary planning of integrated classes / L.N.Savina, E.A. Shmidt. - Volgograd, 2006.

    Composition according to the picture in the 5th grade: method, manual / L.A. Khodyakova [i dr.]. - M.: ACT: Astrel, 2003.

Yesenin, S. Collected works: in 2 volumes / S. Yesenin, 1991.

    Savina, L. N. Integration as the essence of education dimensional planning of integrated classes / L. 11. (P\ E. A. Schmidt. - Volgograd, 2006.

    Composition according to the picture in the 5th grade: method, manual / L, L Dyakova [et al.]. - M.: ACT: Astrel, 2003.


Conversation with children 5-6 years old based on the painting by I. I. Levitan "Birch Grove"

Purpose: To acquaint with the work of I.I. Levitan. Painting "Birch Grove"

Material and equipment: the text of A. Prokofiev's poem "Russian Birch", a reproduction of the painting "Birch Grove", a recording of "Sounds of the Forest".

Logic of educational activity

The teacher puts on the easel a reproduction of the painting by I. I. Levitan "Birch Grove" and reads to the children A Prokofiev's poem "Russian Birch".

The teacher tells the children that many Russian artists loved to paint nature (such paintings are called landscape). Artists chose very beautiful or something to them memorable places. They themselves admired nature and shared their joy with us by drawing beautiful pictures.

Today I want to introduce you guys to the painting by I. I. Levitan "Birch Grove" Let's listen to the composition "Sounds of the Forest" and take a close look at the picture.

Guys! What do you think is shown in the picture?

Why did Levitan call his painting so - "Birch Grove"?

What time of year do you think? (how did you guess that?)

- What do you feel, feel, looking at the reproduction?

What mood do you think the artist wanted to convey?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Synopsis of GCD
for artistic and aesthetic development
(Breaking appliqué with elements of decorative drawing)
V senior group DOW
(Using ICT)

"Birch Grove"

Educator MBDOU DS No. 7 "Sun"

Zvenigorodskaya Natalya Evgenievna

Belaya Kalitva

Target: Arouse children's interest in the image of a birch tree based on a lyric poem.
Educational: Learn to combine different fine arts For
transmission characteristic features crown (application) and slender
snow-white trunk with thin flexible branches (application and drawing).
Developing: improve technical skills. Develop artistic perception landscape paintings, content and means of expressiveness of painting.
Educational: To form in children a culture of communication with nature and an aesthetic attitude towards it. To cultivate love for the Motherland through artistic and aesthetic perception. Cultivate accuracy, the desire to work with paper.
Preliminary work: Examination of reproductions, art postcards, illustrations with landscapes. A conversation about a birch grove. Preparation compositional foundations for children. Excursion to the park - observation of birches. Learning poems about birch.
Materials, tools, equipment.
Sheets of paper of different colors and sizes for the background, colored paper for the image of birches (green in different shades, white), scissors, brushes, white and black gouache, cups of water, colored pencils, boxes for scraps, paper and cloth napkins. Variable samples for showing children how to decorate the crown of birch trees using the broken application technique (one-piece silhouette, from pieces of torn paper of various sizes, modular application from small pieces of paper, from torn strips, etc.) Projector, computer.
Integration of educational areas:
Social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, cognitive development.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about a tree that has long been revered in Rus'.
Ran across the edge
Girlfriends in white dresses.
What tree is the mystery about? (children's answers)
Of course it's birch. Look (draws the attention of the children to the leaves laid out in a semicircle on the carpet) which birch leaves the wind brought us. Choose the sheet you like and stand near it.
Children, how many of you know the name of the forest in which only birches grow?
Children: Such a forest is called "Birch Grove"
Educator: Yes, you are right, it is a birch grove. Would you like to go to the birch grove? (children's answers)
I know the magic words that will help us go to the birch grove.
We stomp our feet,
Let's clap our hands.
Let's turn around ourselves
Let's take hands together.
Let's close our eyes, say: "Ah!"
And we'll be visiting.
Slideshow "Birch - Russian beauty"
(paintings famous artists)
Birch is a symbol of Russia. No other country in the world has as many birches as ours.
Birch trees, like girlfriends in elegant dresses, stand in pairs, leaning towards each other, as if whispering about something. The trunks of the birch trees are covered with white birch bark, and the thin twigs are tilted down. Our people love the beautiful birch.
The teacher draws the attention of children to a reproduction of the painting by I. Levitan "Birch Grove"
and reads a poem by V. Nabokov "Birches":

Trunks through a light green glow
They turn white, thin, and the air is refreshed
A storm that has passed.
Slightly audible chime.
A barely audible murmur echoes above me.
And sways on invisible waves.
Grass, covered in shady purple cobwebs,
All in dazzling convolutions, and there.
Between bright clouds, luxuriously swan
A rainbow is streaming and vaguely from a height
She smiles at me, melting in the gentle azure.
So tender, innocent, holy.
That, touched, the sheets are bowing.
Shedding long sparkling tears,
And this is my life, and this is my native land. Native beauty...
And a light, green radiance is pouring over me - birches ...

A short discussion is held on the content of the poem.
Educator: You can see for yourself what our Russian birch is. Let's say what is it?
Children: Slender, beautiful, white, white-trunked, flexible, beautiful, curly.
Educator: Do you want a beautiful birch grove to “grow” in our group? (children's answers)
Educator: I suggest you create your own beautiful picture with Russian beauties - birches, but for this we need to return to kindergarten.
We stamp our feet, clap our hands.
Let's turn around ourselves
Let's close our eyes and go back to the garden.
The children are seated at the tables.
The teacher shows the children one by one different variants decorating the crown using the broken appliqué technique and asks the children to independently determine the method:
A solid silhouette, which can first be drawn and then not cut out with scissors, but plucked with fingers along the drawn contour;
Crown of a tree made of pieces of torn paper of various sizes;
Tree of torn strips of different lengths and widths;
Modular application of small pieces of paper;
The teacher invites the children to choose their own technique (or combine different ways breakaway application) and, if desired, decorate birch branches with decorative elements.
Children's work
A reminder of the rules for using scissors, glue.

Fizminutka "Birches"
Birches grew in the field.
It's good to grow free! (Sipping - arms to the sides)
Everyone is trying
Reaching for the sky, for the sun. (pulling arms up)
Here is a cheerful wind blowing,
The branches immediately swayed, (Children wave their hands)
Even slender trunks
Leaned down to the ground. (forward bends)
Right-left, back-forward -
So the birches are oppressed by the wind. (Tilts right-left, forward-backward)
He turns them, he turns them.
But when will the rest be? (body rotation)
The wind died down. The moon has risen.
There was silence. (Children sit at tables)

Individual work with children as needed.
Exhibition children's creativity on the topic "Birch Grove"
Educator: You did a great job, we got a real Birch Grove. (If desired, children can add the sun, clouds, grass, flowers to the picture ...)
At the end of the lesson, medals in the form of leaflets are awarded. different trees
On a walk, a game is played with medals "From what branch of the kids."

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