Modern Ukrainian poets. Famous Ukrainian writers and poets


Modern Ukrainian literature is being created by writers of a new generation, such as: Yuriy Andrukhovych, Oleksandr Irvanets, Yuriy Izdryk, Oksana Zabuzhko, Mykola Ryabchuk, Yuriy Pokalchuk, Konstantin Moskalets, Natalka Belotserkovets, Vasyl Shklyar, Yevheniya Kononenko, Andriy Kurkov, Ivan Malkovich, Bogdan Zholdak, Sergei Zhadan, Pavel Ivanov-Ostoslavsky, Alexandra Barbolina and others.

Yuri Andrukhovych - one of the most famous Ukrainian cultural figures. His works are very popular not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Andrukhovych's books and journalistic works are translated and published in many European countries.

1993: Laureate literary prize Blagovist

1996: Ray Lapika Award

2001: Herder Prize

2005: Received a special award as part of the Peace Prize. Erich Maria Remarque

2006: European Understanding Award (Leipzig, Germany)

Western criticism defines Andrukhovych as one of the most prominent representatives of postmodernism, comparing his importance in the world literary hierarchy with Umberto Eco. His works have been translated into 8 European languages, including the novel "Perversion" published in Germany, Italy, Poland. The book of essays was published in Austria.

Alexander Irvanets - poet, prose writer, translator. Born on January 24, 1961 in Lvov. Lived in Rivne. In 1988 he graduated from the Moscow literary institute. Author of 12 books, 5 of which are poetry collections. Collaborated with many periodicals. Now he has an author's column in the magazine "Ukraine". One of the founders of the popular Bu-Ba-Bu society, which also included Yuri Andrukhovych and Viktor Neborak. A. Irvanets teaches at the Ostroh Academy. Lives in Irpen.

Yuri Izdryk

In 1989 he founded the magazine "Chetver", which since 1992 he has been editing together with Yuri Andrukhovych.

Actively involved in artistic life in the late 1980s. He took part in many exhibitions and actions, worked on the design of books and magazines, recorded music. At the same time, the first publications appeared - the cycle of stories "The Last War" and the poetic cycle "Ten poems about the Motherland". Some of it was later published in the Warsaw magazine "Belp". Acquaintance with the writer Yuri Andrukhovych, as well as the association around the magazine "Chetver" of young Ivano-Frankivsk authors turned out to be an important factor in the formation of Izdryk as a writer. The result was an exit from the "countercultural underground" and the first "legitimate" publication in the journal "Suchasnist" of the story "Island of Krk". The story was positively evaluated by critics and eventually appeared in a Polish translation in Literatura na Swiecie.

He also acts as an artist (a number of collective and personal exhibitions) and composer (two piano concertos, musical composition"Medieval menagerie" on poems by Yuri Andrukhovych)

Prose: Krk Island, Wozzeck, Double Leon, AMTM, Flash.

Translations: Cheslav Milos"Kind Europe", together with Lydia Stefanovskaya.

Oksana Zabuzhko - one of the few Ukrainian writers who live on royalties from written books. Although, a significant share of income is still from books published abroad. Zabuzhko's works were able to conquer European countries, and also found their adherents in the USA, moreover, in a number of exotic countries.

In 1985, the first collection of Zabuzhko's poems "Herbal Iniy" was published.

Oksana Zabuzhko is a member of the Association of Ukrainian Writers.

In August 2006, the magazine "Korrespondent" included Zabuzhko among the participants in the TOP-100 "Most influential people in Ukraine”, before that, in June, the writer’s book “Let my people go” topped the list of “Best Ukrainian book”, becoming the choice of readers of Correspondent No. 1.

Yuri Pokalchuk - writer, translator, candidate philological sciences, member of the National Union of Writers since 1976. From 1994 to 1998 - Chairman of the foreign branch of the NSPU. In 1997-2000 - President of the Association of Ukrainian Writers.

In the USSR, he was the first translator of the Argentinean cultural writer Jorge Luis Borges. In addition to him, he translated Hemingway, Salinger, Borges, Cortazar, Amada, Mario Vargas Llosa, Kipling, Rimbaud and many others, wrote more than 15 fiction books.

Author of the books “Who are you?”, “I at once, and forever”, “Colorful melodies”, “Kava z Matagalpi”, “Great and Maliy”, “Shablya and arrow”, “Chimera”, “Those on the back” , “Doors to ...”, “Lake Wind”, “Last Bik Month”, “Other Sky”, “Odysseus, Father Icarus”, “Stink Seems”, “Beautiful Hour”.
Among the most famous books Pokalchuk - "Taxi Blues", "Circular Road", "Forbidden Games", "Intoxicating Smell of the Jungle", "Kama Sutra".

Konstantin Moskalets - poet, prose writer, literary critic, musician.

One of the founders of the Bakhmach literary group DAK. He served in the army, worked at a radio factory in Chernihiv, was a member of the Lviv theater-studio "Do not scold!", acting as a songwriter own songs. Laureate of the first all-Ukrainian festival "Chervona Ruta" (1989) in the nomination " art song". He is the author of words and music of the famous song in Ukraine “She” (“Tomorrow I will come to the room...”). Member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine (1992) and the Association of Ukrainian Writers (1997). Since 1991, he has been living in the village of Mateevka in the Cell of the Tea Rose, built with his own hands, engaged exclusively in literary work.

Konstantin Moskalets is the author of the poetic books “Thoughts” and “Songe du vieil pelerin” (“The Song of the Old Pilgrim”), “Night Shepherds of Being” and “The Symbol of the Rose”, prose books “ Early autumn”, philosophical and literary essays “A Man on an Ice Floe” and “The Game Goes On”, as well as books diary entries"Tea rose cell".

The prose of Konstantin Moskalets has been translated into English, German and Japanese; into Serbian and Polish, translated numerous poems and essays.

Prize winner. A. Beletsky (2000), im. V. Stus (2004), im. V. Svidzinsky (2004), im. M. Kotsiubinsky (2005), named after. G. Skovoroda (2006).

Natalka Belotserkovets - her first book of poetry "Ballad of the Undefeated" was published in 1976 when she was still a student. Collections of poems underground fire(1984) and November(1989) became real signs of Ukrainian poetic life in the 1980s. Her meticulous, refined lyrics became a serious competitor to the powerful masculine verse of the 1980s generation. For the entire young generation of post-Chernobyl Ukraine, her poem "We Will Not Die in Paris" was a kind of prayer. Her name is often associated with this poem, although she wrote many other wonderful poems. last book Belotserkovets Allergy(1999) is considered the pinnacle of her poetry.

Vasily Shklyar

One of the most famous, widely read and "mystical" modern writers, "the father of the Ukrainian bestseller". He graduated from the philological faculties of Kyiv and Yerevan universities. While still a student, he wrote his first story “Snow” in Armenia, and in 1976 a book was already published, and he was admitted to the Writers' Union. Armenia, of course, forever remained in his soul, it left a mark on his worldview, consciousness, feelings, because he lived in this country in his youth, at the time of his formation as a person. In all his books, stories, novels there are Armenian motifs. After graduating from the university, he returned to Kyiv, worked in the press, was engaged in journalism, wrote prose and translated from Armenian. The first translations are the stories of the classic Axel Bakunts, the poems of Hamo Sagyan, Vagan Davtyan, and “Hunting Tales” by Vakhtang Ananyan. From 1988 to 1998 he was engaged in political journalism, visited "hot spots". This experience (in particular, the details of saving the family of General Dudayev after his death) was then reflected by him in the novel "Elemental". As a result of a fishing accident, he ended up in intensive care, and after "returning from the next world" he wrote his most famous novel "The Key" in a month. For him, Vasily Shklyar received several literary awards (Grand Prix of the competition of the action-packed novel "Golden Babai", awards from the capital's magazines "Modernity" and "Oligarch", the award of the international science fiction convention "Spiral of Centuries", etc.). Of these, his favorite is "the author whose books have been stolen the most in stores." The “Key” has already gone through eight reprints, translated into several languages, twice published in Armenian, and it also contains Armenian realities. Shklyar headed the Dnepr publishing house, within which he publishes his translations-adaptations of foreign and domestic classics(“Decameron” by Boccaccio, “Taras Bulba” by M. Gogol, “Povia” by P. Mirny) - in abbreviated form and modern language, without archaisms, dialectisms, etc.

About two dozen of his prose books were published, which were translated into Russian, Armenian, Bulgarian, Polish, Swedish and other languages.

Evgenia Kononenko

Writer, translator, author of more than 10 published books. Works as a researcher at the Ukrainian Center for Cultural Research. Laureate of the Prize. N. Zerova for the translation of the anthology of the French sonnet (1993). Laureate of the literary prize "Granoslov" for a collection of poetry. Author of short stories, children's books, short stories, novels and many translations. Some short stories by Kononenko have been translated into English, German, French, Finnish, Croatian, Belarusian and Russian.

A book edition of the collection of short stories by Kononenko in Russia is being prepared.

By analogy with Balzac, who wrote all his life " human comedy”, Evgenia Kononenko can be called the demiurge of the “Kyiv comedy”. But unlike french classic, genre forms there is much less, and the means are more compact.

Andrey Kurkov (April 23, 1961, Leningrad region) - Ukrainian writer, teacher, cinematographer. He began writing in high school. Graduated from the School of Translators Japanese language. Worked as an editor of the Dnepr publishing house. Since 1988 he has been a member of the English Pen Club. Now he is the author of 13 novels and 5 books for children. Since the 1990s, all of Kurkov's works in Russian in Ukraine have been published by the Folio publishing house (Kharkov). Since 2005, Kurkov's works have been published in Russia by the Amfora publishing house (St. Petersburg). His novel "Picnic on Ice" sold 150,000 copies in Ukraine - more than a book by any other contemporary Ukrainian writer. Kurkov's books have been translated into 21 languages.

Kurkov is the only post-Soviet writer whose books have made it into the top ten European bestsellers. In March 2008, Andrey Kurkov's novel "The Night Milkman" entered the " long list Russian Literary Award "National Bestseller". He worked as a screenwriter at the film studio A. Dovzhenko. Member of the Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine (since 1993) and the National Union of Writers (since 1994). Since 1998 he has been a member of the European Film Academy and a permanent jury member of the Felix European Film Academy Award.

More than 20 feature and documentary films have been staged according to his scripts.

Books: Don't Bring Me to Kengarax, 11 Extraordinaries, Bickford's World, Death of an Outsider, Picnic on Ice, Good Angel of Death, Dear Friend, Comrade of the Dead, Geography of a Single Shot, The President's Last Love, A Cosmopolitan's Favorite Song, The Adventures of the Apparitions (Children's Book), School of Cat Ballooning (children's book), Night Milkman.

Scenarios: Exit, Pit, Sunday Escape, Night of Love, Champs Elysees, Inkblot, Death of an Outsider, Friend of the Dead.

Ivan Malkovich - poet and book publisher, - author of the collections Biliy kamin, Klyuch, Virshi, Iz yangol on the shoulders. His poems have become a symbol of the generation of the 80s (a review of the first collection of poems was written by Lina Kostenko). Malkovich is the director of the children's publishing house A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-GA. Publishes children's books. Known for his unshakable convictions not only about the quality of the book, but also about the language - all books are published exclusively in Ukrainian.

One of the first in Ukraine to start conquering the foreign market - the rights to A-BA-BA books were sold to leading publishing houses in ten countries of the world, including such a giant of the book market as Alfred A. Knopf (New York, USA). And Russian translations Snow Queen and Tales of Foggy Albion, the rights to which were bought by the Azbuka publishing house (St. Petersburg), entered the top ten best-selling in Russia.

A-BA-BA is one of the most nominated publishing houses in Ukraine. His books won the Grand Prix 22 times and took first place at the All-Ukrainian Forum of Publishers in Lviv and in the Book of Rock rating. In addition, they consistently lead the sales rankings in Ukraine.

Zholda to Bogda n Alekseevich (1948) - Ukrainian writer, screenwriter, playwright.

Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Kyiv state university them. T. G. Shevchenko (1972). was the host of several television programs on Ut-1 and channel "1 + 1" and a weekly radio broadcast on the first channel of the National Radio "Breaks - literary meetings with Bogdan Zholdak". Works at the film studio "Ros" at JSC "Company" Ros ", lays out screenwriting at the film department of the Kyiv State Institute theatrical art them. I. Karpenko-Kary. Member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine and the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine and the association "Kinopis".

Books: "Calm down", "Yalovichyna", "Like a dog fid tank", "God bovaє", "Anticlimax".

Sergey Zhadan - poet, prose writer, essayist, translator. Vice President of the Association of Ukrainian Writers (since 2000). Translates poetry from German (including Paul Celan), English (including Charles Bukowski), Belarusian (including Andrei Khadanovich), Russian (including Kirill Medvedev, Danila Davydov) languages. Own texts were translated into German, English, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Lithuanian, Belarusian, Russian and Armenian.

In March 2008, Zhadan's novel "Anarchy in the UKR" in Russian translation was included in the "long list" of the Russian literary award "National Bestseller". The nominee was Dmitry Gorchev, a writer from St. Petersburg. This book was also shortlisted in 2008 and received certificate of honor competition "Book of the Year" at the Moscow International Book Fair.

Poetry collections: Quote book, General Yuda, Pepsi, Selected poetry, Baladi about war and death, History of culture on the cob of the century, Quote book, Maradona, Ethiopia.

Prose: Bіґ Mak (collection of short stories), Depeche Mode, Anarchy in the UKR, Anthem of Democratic Youth.

Pavel Ivanov-Ostoslavsky - poet, publicist, local historian, public donor. In 2003, Pavel Igorevich published his first collection of poetry, Sanctuary of Fire. This book has since been reprinted several times. In 2004, Pavel Ivanov-Ostoslavsky organized and headed in Kherson the Regional branch of the International Association of Russian-speaking writers, as well as the regional branch of the Union of Writers of the South and East of Ukraine; became the editor of the poetic almanac "Milky Way". In the same year, the poet published a collection of poems "You and I".

2005 - Laureate of the First All-Ukrainian Literary Festival "Pushkin Ring" in the nomination "For the aristocracy of creativity."

2006 - Laureate of the Nikolai Gumilyov International Literary Prize (awarded central organization International Association of Russian-Speaking Writers). This award was given to the poet for his debut collection "Sanctuary of Fire".

In 2008, Pavel Ivanov-Ostoslavsky became the chairman of the jury of the All-Ukrainian independent literary award "Art-Kimmerik".

The poet is a member of the Interregional Union of Writers of Ukraine, the Union of Russian Journalists and Writers of Ukraine, the Congress of Russian-speaking Writers of Ukraine. His poems and articles are published in newspapers and magazines: "Moskovsky Herald", "Bulava", "Reflection", "Kherson Visnik", "Hryvnia", "Tavriysky Kray", " Russian Enlightenment" and etc.

Alexandra Barbolina

He is a member of the Interregional Union of Writers of Ukraine, the Union of Writers of the South and East of Ukraine, the Congress of Russian-speaking writers of Ukraine and the International Association of Russian-speaking writers, deputy chairman of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Independent Literary Prize "Art-Kimmerik".

The work of the poetess is characterized by lyricism and technicality. In her collection of poems "Love is like God's grace", published in 2000, there is a theme of intimate relationships between a man and a woman. The author touches in his poems on the depth psychology of these relations. Art world Alexandra Barbolina is full of nobility. The intimacy of the poetess's poems suggests that for her lyrical heroine, love is like a precious nectar enclosed in a bowl. This cup must be carried carefully, without spilling a drop, otherwise there will not be enough nectar to quench the thirst for love.

The later poems of Alexandra Barbolina are a complex search for inner harmony, the author's desire to comprehend her true destiny.

Alexandra Barbolina prefers poetic miniatures. Her creative credo is to write about the complex - briefly and, if possible, simply.

Besides the fact that Tychyna was a good poet, he was also an excellent musician. These two talents are closely intertwined in his work, because in his poems he tried to create music from words. He is considered to be the only true follower of the aesthetics of symbolism in Ukraine, however, literary critic Sergei Efremov noticed that Tychyna does not fit into any literary direction, because he is one of those poets who create them themselves.

However, when Ukraine officially joins the Soviet Socialist Republic, Tychyna becomes a true Soviet writer, a "singer of a new day", descends to composing praises of the new government and lines like "Tractor in the field dir-dir-dir. We are for the world. We are for the world." For the Communist Party, he left many works, but for posterity - perhaps only the first three collections: "", "", "In the Space Orchestra". But even if after the first of them he had not written a single line, Tychyna would still be included in the ranks of the best Ukrainian poets.

The poet, scientist, translator, leader of the Ukrainian neoclassicists Mykola Zerov in his work has always been guided by the spiritual values ​​and traditions of the world classics verified over the centuries - from antiquity to the 19th century. However, his poems are not inheritance classical texts, but the modernization of the culture of the past.

Zerov sought to recreate the harmony between the individual and the world around him, feelings and mind, man and nature. And even in terms of sound, his poems are distinguished by an ordered, polished form, because he used only clear classic poetic meters.

Zerov was an authority not only for his neoclassical colleagues, but also for many other writers, including prose writers. He was the first, and after him all the rest, proclaimed that it was worth destroying the primitive "Liknep" reading material for the masses, which filled the bookshelves of Soviet Ukraine, and directing our literature along the European path of development.

Heir of the ancient Polish noble family Maxim Rylsky became one of the most famous Ukrainian poets. In the fateful 1937, he changed the apolitical course of the neoclassics to glorify the valor of Soviet workers and peasants, thanks to which he was the only one from the “group” who survived. However, becoming a propagandist, he did not stop being a poet. Unlike the same Tychyna, he continued to write thin lyrical works dedicated to everyday life.

However, the present creative revival the poet falls on the 50s, when the Khrushchev thaw. Poetry collections of this last period the poet's life - "", "", "", "" - adequately complete his biography. They synthesized all the best from previous books. Rylsky was mostly remembered for exactly the kind of poet he became in his later days - a supporter of wise simplicity and a melancholy dreamer in love with autumn.

Folk poetic images, which in all their diversity abounded in the Ukrainian poetry of the Romantic era, in the 20th century receive a new development in the work of Volodymyr Svidzinsky. This poet refers to pre-Christian Slavic beliefs, archaic legends and myths. In the structure of his poems, one can find elements of magical rituals and spells, and their vocabulary is replete with archaisms and dialectisms. In the sacred world created by Swidzinski, a person can communicate directly with the sun, earth, flower, tree, etc. As a result, his lyrical hero completely dissolves in such a dialogue with Mother Nature.

Swidzinsky's poems are complex and incomprehensible, they should not be recited, but analyzed, looking for ancient archetypes and hidden meanings in each line.

Antonych was born in the Lemkivshchyna, where the local dialect is so different from the Ukrainian literary language that the latter is hardly understood there. And although the poet quickly learned the language, he still did not master all its possibilities. After unsuccessful formal experiments with rhythm and alliteration in the first collection "", he realized that he was primarily the creator of images, and not the melody of verse.

Antonich turns to pagan motifs, which he organically intertwines with Christian symbols. However, this worldview n "yanoy dіtvaka іz sun kishenі”, as he called himself, is more close to the pantheism of Walt Whitman. He looks like a child who is just beginning to discover the world for himself, so landscapes have not yet become familiar to him, and words have not lost their novelty and beauty.

Olzhych considered poetry to be his true calling, but he was forced to work as an archaeologist in order to earn money for his family. His profession in a sense determined his work. Creating the poetic cycles "Flint", "Stone", "Bronze", "Iron", he brings into Ukrainian poetry new images of Scythia, Sarmatia, Kievan Rus and more. He sings of the distant past, hidden in the ruins of material culture - in jewelry, household utensils, weapons, rock paintings and patterns on ceramic products.

Olzhych was a member of the Organization Ukrainian nationalists(OUN), which also determined the vector of his work. He became the author of heartfelt lines, appealing to the patriotic feelings of readers and urging them to fight for the independence of Ukraine.

Elena Teliga is a civic activist, a member of the OUN, a well-known poetess, who wrote only 47 poems, but even this small creative heritage provided her with an honorable place among our best poets. In her poems, she created the image of a Ukrainian revolutionary woman. Already in the first works, she proclaimed:

І voltage at a glance
Vіdshukati u tmi glibokіy -
Bliskavok fanatical eyes,
And not a peaceful month

Her poems are poetry of high ideological tension, in which there is a direct or veiled call to fight for Ukraine, a proposal to plunge into a mortal risk.

She believed that poetry is not just fiction, but an instrument of influence on the souls of people, so each line places a huge responsibility on the one who wrote it. “If we, poets,” said Teliga, “we write about courage, firmness, nobility, and with these works we ignite and send danger to others, how can we not do this ourselves?” She never backed down from the principles she proclaimed, so when the time came to risk her life, she did it without hesitation. In 1941, Teliga left Poland and illegally arrived in Ukraine, where she was lost a year later. In her cell in the Gestapo, she drew a trident and wrote: “Elena Teliga sat here and from here goes to be shot.”

Pluzhnyk became the most consistent representative of existentialism in Ukrainian poetry. Discarding all realities surrounding reality, he focuses on the inner life, experiences and thoughts of his lyrical hero. Pluzhnik is primarily interested not in the metanarratives of his time, but in global philosophical issues such as the dichotomy of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, lies and truth. He had a unique ability to express a lot in a few words: in his small, concise poems, he reveals complex philosophical thoughts.

This poet visited almost all Ukrainian literary groups and organizations, and left everyone with a scandal. He was also a member of the Communist Party, from which he was expelled several times, and once party officials even sent him to Saburov's dacha, a well-known mental hospital, for treatment. His work did not fit into any ideological parameters of Soviet Ukraine. Unlike his politicized and patriotic colleagues, Sausyura always remained only the author of a beautiful love lyrics. For your long creative way He published dozens of collections. If in his first books he sought to shock the reader with unusual images of the imagists like “ pocі the holes are squashing like grains on patelnі”, then in the latter he created simple and heartfelt poems, for example, “If you pull the daring of the gurkoche” and “Love Ukraine”.

The Futurists, those artistic revolutionaries who proclaimed the death of the old and the emergence of an absolutely new art, were a kind of illusionists, showmen of their time. They traveled through the cities of Eastern Europe, read their poems and found new followers. There were many Ukrainian amateur futurists, but only a few who wrote in Ukrainian. And the most talented poet among them was Mikhail Semenko. Even though he so vehemently denied the succession aesthetic principles different eras, his merit to the Ukrainian poetic tradition undeniable: he modernized our lyrics with urban themes and bold experiments with the form of verse, and also forever entered the annals domestic literature as the creator of unusual neologisms and bright outrageous images.

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Ukrainian literature has come a long way of becoming in order to reach the level that exists on this moment. Ukrainian writers have contributed throughout time since the 18th century in the works of Prokopovich and Hrushevsky and ending with modern works authors such as Shklyar and Andrukhovych. Literature has developed and enriched over the years. And it must be said that modern Ukrainian writers are very different from the authors who laid the foundation for Ukrainian literature. But one thing remained unchanged - the love of the native language.

19th century literature

In this century, Ukrainian literature acquired figures who glorified the country throughout the world with their works. With their works, Ukrainian writers of the 19th century showed the beauty of the language. It is this era that is considered the beginning of the formation of national thinking. The famous "Kobzar" became open statement that the people are striving for independence. Ukrainian writers and poets of that time made a huge contribution both to the development of the language itself and dramaturgy. There are many different genres and trends in literature. These were novels, and stories, and short stories, and feuilletons. Most writers and poets have taken the direction of political activity. Most schoolchildren study authors in school curriculum reading the works and trying to understand the main idea of ​​each work. Analyzing each work separately, they take out the information that the author wanted to convey to them.

Taras Shevchenko

Rightfully considered the founder national literature and a symbol of the country's patriotic forces. Years of life - 1814-1861. The main work is considered to be "Kobzar", which glorified both the author and the people all over the world. Shevchenko wrote his works in Ukrainian, although there are several poems in Russian. the best creative years in the life of Shevchenko were the 40s, when, in addition to "Kobzar", the following works were published:

  • "Gaidamaki".
  • "Hire".
  • "Khustochka".
  • "Caucasus".
  • "Poplars".
  • "Katerina" and many others.

Shevchenko's works were criticized, but the Ukrainians liked the works and won their hearts forever. While in Russia he was received rather coldly, when he returned to his homeland, he always met with a warm welcome. Shevchenko later became a member of the Cyril and Methodius Society, to which other great Ukrainian writers belonged. It was the members of this society who were arrested for their political views and exiled.

The life of the poet was full of events, both joyful and mournful. But all his life he did not stop creating. Even when he did military service as a recruit, he continued to work, and his work was imbued with love for the motherland.

Ivan Franko

Ivan Yakovlevich Franko is another bright representative of the literary activity of that time. Years of life - 1856-1916. Writer, poet, scientist, he almost received the Nobel Prize, but an early death prevented him from doing so. The extraordinary personality of the writer causes many different statements, since it was he who was the founder of the Ukrainian radical party. Like many well-known Ukrainian writers, in his works he revealed various problems that worried him at that time. So, in his works "Gritseva school science" and "Pencil" he shows the problems of school education.

It is worth noting that Franko was a member of the Russophile society, which existed at that time in Transcarpathia. During his membership, he wrote his works "Folk Song" and "Petria and Dovbuschuk". Frank's famous work is also his Ukrainian translation of Faust. For his activities in society, Ivan was arrested for nine months, which he spent in prison.

After his release from prison, the writer temporarily fell out of literary society so he was ignored. But this did not break the poet. During the time that Franco spent in prison, and later, when he was released, he wrote many works that reveal human shortcomings and, conversely, show the breadth human soul. His work "Zakhar Berkut" received an award at the national competition.

Grigory Kvitka-Osnovyanenko

The years of the writer's life - 1778-1843. The main stage of his work falls precisely on the 19th century, it was during this period that he created most of his masterpieces. Being a very sickly boy, while blind until the age of six, Grigory began his creative path only in student years. He studied in Kharkov and it was there that he began to write and send his works to a magazine for publication. He wrote poetry and short stories. This was the beginning of his work. The real works that deserved attention were the stories written in the 30s in Ukrainian:

  • "Marusya".
  • "Konotop witch".
  • "Soldier portrait".
  • "Heart Oksana" and others.

Like other Ukrainian writers, Gregory also wrote in Russian, which is confirmed by the novel "Pan Kholyavsky". The author's works are distinguished by a beautiful literary style, simple expressions that are easily perceived by the reader. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko showed excellent knowledge of all aspects of the life of both a peasant and a nobleman, which can be observed in his novels. According to the story of Gregory, the play “Trouble in a County Town” was released, which was the predecessor of the famous “Inspector General”.

20th century literature

The Ukrainians distinguished themselves with their works due to the fact that many of them devoted their works to the Second World War. Ukrainian literature experienced a difficult period of development at that time. Partially banned, then studied at will, it has undergone many corrections and changes. But all this time, Ukrainian writers did not stop creating. Their works continued to appear and delight not only the Ukrainian reader, but also other connoisseurs of literary masterpieces.

Pavel Zagrebelny

Pavel Arkhipovich Zagrebelny is a writer of that time who made a huge contribution to literature. Years of his life - 1924-2009. Pavel's childhood passed in a village in the Poltava region. Then he studied at the artillery school and went to the front. After the war, he entered the university in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, and only there he began his career, publishing the collection "Kakhov's Stories" in the Rodina magazine. Among the works of the author there are such famous ones as:

  • "Steppe flowers".
  • "Europe, 45".
  • Southern Comfort.
  • "Wonder".
  • "I am Bogdan."
  • "Pervomost" and many others.

Anna Yablonskaya

Anna Grigoryevna Yablonskaya is another literary figure that I want to talk about. The years of the life of the writer - 1981-2011. Since childhood, the girl was fond of literature and dramaturgy. Firstly, her father was a journalist, wrote feuilletons, and it was largely because of him that she developed a passion for literature. Secondly, since school, Anna began to write poems and read them with pleasure from the stage. Over time, her works began to be published in Odessa magazines. In the same school years Yablonskaya performed at the theater of Natalia Knyazeva in Odessa, who subsequently staged a play based on Yablonskaya's novel The Door. One of the most famous works of the author, which Ukrainian writers talk about, was the play "Video Camera". In her works, Anna skillfully showed the pros and cons of society, combining different facets family life, love and sex. At the same time, there was not a hint of vulgarity, and not a single work shocked the viewer.

Anna died very early as a result of a terrorist attack at Domodedovo Airport. She did not manage to do much, but what she managed to do left an indelible mark on the literature of that time.

Alexander Kopylenko

Alexander Ivanovich Kopylenko was born in the Kharkov region. Born 08/01/1900, died 12/1/1958. I have always striven for knowledge and learning. Before the revolution, he studied at the seminary, then traveled a lot, which gave him a lot of experience and impressions for further literary activity. Was in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Georgia. During the war of 1941-1945. He worked on the radio, where he conducted programs for partisan detachments. After that he became the editor of the Vsesvit magazine and worked closely with many directors, screenwriters and writers. His poems first saw the light in 1922. But most of all he wrote prose:

  • Kara Krucha.
  • "Rampant hop".
  • people".
  • "Solid Material" etc.

He also has children's works, such as:

  • "Very good".
  • "tenth graders".
  • "In the forest".

In his works, the writer wrote about many problems of that time, revealed various human weaknesses, illuminated historical events and battles of the times civil war. Kopylenko's works have been translated into many foreign languages peace.

Modern Ukrainian writers

Modern Ukrainian literature does not lag behind in terms of the number of prominent people. Nowadays, there are many authors whose works are worthy of being studied in schools and translated into different languages peace. We present you a list of far from all modern authors, but only the most popular ones. Their popularity was taken in accordance with the rating. To compile the rating, Ukrainians were interviewed, who were asked several questions about contemporary authors and their works. Here is the list:

  1. L. Kostenko.
  2. V. Shklyar.
  3. M. Matios.
  4. O. Zabuzhko.
  5. I. Karpa.
  6. L. Luzina.
  7. L. Deresh.
  8. M. and S. Dyachenko.

Lina Kostenko

He is in first place in the ranking of modern Ukrainian writers. She was born on March 19, 1930 in a family of teachers. Soon she herself went to study at the Pedagogical Institute, and then at the Moscow Literary Institute. Her first poems, written in the 50s, immediately attracted the attention of readers, and the book Travels of the Heart put the poetess on a par with outstanding literary figures. Among the works of the author such works as:

  • "Over the banks of the eternal river."
  • "Marusya Churai".
  • "Uniqueness".
  • "Garden of non-melting sculptures".

All Lina Kostenko's works are distinguished by individual literary style and special rhyme. The reader immediately fell in love with her work and is looking forward to new works.

Vasily Shklyar

While still a student, Vasily created the first work - "Snow". Living at that time in Armenia, he wrote about the culture of this people, about their way of life and customs. In addition to the fact that Shklyar created himself, like many Ukrainian writers, he translated a lot of works from the Armenian language, which earned him special respect. Readers are well aware of his works "Elemental", "Key". His works have also been translated into different languages ​​of the world, and book lovers from different countries enjoy reading his prose.

Maria Matios

Maria published her first poems when she was fifteen years old. Later, Matios tried her hand at prose and wrote the short story “Yuryana and Dovgopol”. The writer is loved for her works rich in meaning. Her books of poetry include:

  • "Women's Fence in the Garden of Impatience".
  • "From grass and leaves."
  • "Garden of impatience".

Maria Matios also created a number of prose works:

  • "Life is short"
  • "Nation"
  • "Sweet Darusya"
  • "Diary of the executed and many others".

Thanks to Maria, the world got acquainted with another talented Ukrainian poetess and writer, whose books are read with great pleasure abroad.

Children's Ukrainian writers

Separately, it is worth talking about those writers and poets who create works for children. It is their books that children read with such pleasure in libraries. It is thanks to their works that the guys from the very early age have the opportunity to hear beautiful Ukrainian speech. Rhymes and stories for toddlers and older children are what authors such as:

  • A. I. Avramenko.
  • I. F. Budz.
  • M. N. Voronoi.
  • N. A. Guzeeva.
  • I. V. Zhilenko.
  • I. A. Ischuk.
  • I. S. Kostyria.
  • V. A. Levin.
  • T. V. Martynova.
  • P. Punch.
  • M. Podgoryanka.
  • A. F. Turchinskaya and many others.

Ukrainian writers, the list of which is presented here, are familiar not only to our children. Ukrainian literature as a whole is very multifaceted and vibrant. Its leaders are known not only in the country itself, but also far beyond its borders. The works and quotes of Ukrainian writers are published in many editions of the world. Their works are translated into dozens of languages, which means that the reader needs them and is always waiting for more and more new works.

Ukrainian literature originates from the common for three fraternal peoples(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian) source - Old Russian literature.

revival cultural life in Ukraine at the end of the 16th - the first half of the 17th century, connected with the development of the Ukrainian nationality, reflected the axis in the activities of the so-called brotherhoods, schools, printing houses. The founder of book printing in Ukraine was the Russian pioneer Ivan Fedorov, who founded the first printing house in Ukraine in Lvov in 1573. The emergence of printing contributed to the growth of the cultural community of the Ukrainian people, strengthened its linguistic unity. In the conditions of the acute struggle of the Ukrainian people against the Polish-gentry oppression and Catholic expansion in the late 16th - early 17th centuries. appeared in Ukraine polemical literature. He was an outstanding debater famous writer Ivan Vyshensky (second half of the 16th - early XVII V.). During the liberation war of 1648-1654. and in the following decades, school poetry and drama were rapidly developing, directed against the Latin Uniate dominance. School drama had predominantly religious and instructive content. Gradually, she retreated from narrow-church themes. Among the dramas there were works on historical plots (“Vladimir”, “God's Grace liberated Ukraine from the easily bearable insults of Lyadsky through Bohdan-Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky”). In displaying the events of the liberation war, elements of realism and nationality are observed. They are amplified in interludes, nativity scenes, and especially in the works of the philosopher and poet G.S. Ukrainian literature.

The first writer of new Ukrainian literature was I.P. Kotlyarevsky (17b9-1838) - the author of the famous works "Aeneid" and "Natalka-Poltavka", which reproduced the life and way of life of the people, high patriotic feelings ordinary people. Progressive traditions of I. Kotlyarevsky in the period of formation and approval new literature(the first half of the 19th century) were continued by P. P. Gulak-Artemovsky, G. F. Kvitko-Osnovyanenko, E. P. Grebenka and others. also the works placed in the almanac "Mermaid of the Dniester" (1837).

The work of the greatest Ukrainian poet, artist and thinker, revolutionary-democrat Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861) finally established critical realism and nationality as the main method of artistic reflection of reality in Ukrainian literature. "Kobzar" (1840) T. Shevchenko marked a new era in the development of artistic creativity of the Ukrainian people. All poetic creativity of T. Shevchenko is permeated with humanism, revolutionary ideology, political passion; it expressed the feelings and aspirations of the masses. T. Shevchenko is the founder of the revolutionary-democratic trend in Ukrainian literature.

Under the powerful influence of T. Shevchenko’s creativity, in the 50s and 60s, literary activity Marko Vovchok (M. A. Vilinskaya), Yu. Fedkovich, L. I. Glibov, A. P. Svidnitsky and others. Folk stories)," the story "Institute" were a new stage in the development of Ukrainian prose along the path of realism, democratic ideology and nationality.

The next step in development realistic prose was the work of I. S. Nechuy-Levitsky (1838-1918), the author of the social stories Burlachka, Mykola Dzherya (1876), The Kaidash Family (1878) and others, in which the writer created truthful images of peasants rebels.

The intensified development of capitalist relations after the reform of 1861 led to a sharp aggravation of social contradictions in Ukrainian society, to the intensification of the national liberation movement. Literature is enriched with new themes and genres, reflecting the originality of new socio-economic relations. Critical realism in Ukrainian prose acquired qualitatively new features, the genre of the social novel arose, works from the life of the revolutionary intelligentsia and the working class appeared.

The intensive development of culture during this period, the activation of social thought, and the intensification of the political struggle contributed to the emergence of a number of important periodicals. In the 1970s and 1980s, such magazines and collections were published as “Friend”, “Gromadsky friend” (“Public friend”), “Dzvsh” (“Bell”), “Hammer”, “Svt> (“Peace” in the meaning of the universe). A number of Ukrainian almanacs appear - "Moon" ("Echo"), "Rada" ("Council"), "Niva", "Steppe" and others.

At that time, the revolutionary-democratic direction in Ukrainian literature acquired significant development, represented by such outstanding writers- revolutionary democrats like Panas Mirny (A. Ya. Rudchenko), I. Franko, P. Grabovsky - followers and successors of the ideological and aesthetic principles of T. Shevchenko. Panas Mirny (1849-1920) began his literary activity in the early 70s of the 19th century. (“Dashing beguiled”, “Drunkard”) and immediately took a prominent place in Ukrainian literature critical realism. His social novels"Xi6a roar of will, like a manger povsh?" (“Do oxen roar when the manger is full?”), “Pov1ya” (“Walking”) represent a further stage in the development of revolutionary-democratic literature. A new phenomenon in the literature of the revolutionary-democratic trend was the work of I. Ya. public figure. After T. Shevchenko's "Kobzar", the collection of poems by I. Franko "3 Peaks and Lowlands" ("Peaks and Lowlands", 1887) was the most outstanding event in Ukrainian literature of the 80s. In the poems and poems of I. Franko, high ideological content is affirmed revolutionary art, the principles of a new, civil poetry, born in the revolutionary political struggle, the poetry of broad socio-philosophical generalizations. For the first time in Ukrainian literature I. Franko showed the life and struggle of the working class (“Borislav laughs”, 1880-1881). I. Franko's influence was enormous, especially in Galicia, which was then part of Austria-Hungary; it was reflected in the work and social activities of writers M.I. Pavlik, S.M. Kovaliv, N.I. Kobrinskaya, T.G. Bordulyak, I.S. Makovei, V.S. M. Gorky, JI. S. Martovich, Mark Cheremshina and others.

The revolutionary poet P. A. Grabovsky (1864-1902), known for his original poetic and critical works, published in the 90s of the 19th century, reflected the thoughts, feelings and moods of the revolutionary democracy of the 80s and 90s.

A high level of development was reached in the 80-90s by Ukrainian drama, represented by the names of prominent playwrights and theatrical figures M. Starytsky, M. Kropyvnytsky, I. Karpenko-Kary. In the works of these playwrights, which are successfully staged and Soviet theaters, the life and way of life of the Ukrainian village, class stratification and the struggle of the progressive intelligentsia for progressive art, the struggle of the people for freedom and national independence are displayed. The most prominent place in the history of Ukrainian drama belongs to I. Karpenko-Karom (I. K. Tobilevich, 1845-1907), who created classical samples social drama, new type social comedy and tragedy. An ardent patriot and humanist, the playwright denounced the contemporary system, revealing social contradictions bourgeois society. His plays are widely known: "Martin Borulya", "One Hundred Thousands", "Sava Chaly", "Master", "Vanity", "The Sea of ​​Life".

In the development of literature late XIX- beginning of XX century. the work of M. Kotsyubinsky, Lesya Ukrainka, S. Vasilchenko was the highest stage of Ukrainian critical realism, organically connected with the birth of socialist realism.

M. M. Kotsyubinsky (1864-1913) in the story "Fata morgana" (1903-1910) showed the leading role of the working class in the bourgeois-democratic revolution in the countryside, revealed the rottenness of the bourgeois system, exposed the traitors to the interests of the people. Lesya Ukrainka (1871 - 1913) sang the revolutionary struggle of the working class, exposed the reactionary Christian ideals. In a number of art and journalistic works the poetess revealed the reactionary meaning of bourgeois philosophy and affirmed the ideas of revolution, the international unity of workers from different countries. The Bolshevik newspaper Pravda, responding to the death of the writer, called her a friend of the workers. The most significant works of Lesya Ukrainka are collections of political lyrics (“On the wings of the horse”, 1893; “Dumi i mri” - “Thoughts and Dreams”, 1899), dramatic poems"An old fairy tale" (" old fairy tale”), “In the Forest”, “ autumn fairy tale”, “In the catacombs”, the plays “Forest Song”, “Kamshny Gospodar” (“Stone Lord”) - refer to the best works Ukrainian classical literature.

In the conditions of the cruel national oppression of the Russian autocracy, along with the creation of works of art, Ukrainian writers carried out a great cultural and educational work. Especially vigorous activity in the national-cultural movement, the scientist and realist writer B. Grinchenko distinguished himself.

The literary process in Ukraine was not ideologically homogeneous; it was a struggle of different social and political forces. Along with the artists of the word democratic direction, writers of liberal-bourgeois, nationalist convictions (P. Kulish, A. Konissky, V. Vinnichenko, and others) spoke.

For everyone historical stages Ukrainian Literature pre-October period developed in close connection with the liberation movement of the people, in organic unity with progressive Russian literature. Writers who expressed the interests of advanced, revolutionary art fought for realism, nationality and high ideological content of Ukrainian literature. Therefore, the Ukrainian classic literature was a reliable basis for the creation of a new Soviet literature, born of the October Socialist Revolution.

Ukrainian Soviet literature

Ukrainian Soviet literature is an integral and integral part of the multinational literature of the peoples of the USSR. Even in the early stages of its development, it acted as an ardent fighter for the ideas of socialism, freedom, peace and democracy, for the revolutionary transformation of life on the foundations of scientific communism. The creators of the new Soviet literature were people from the working class and the poorest peasantry (V. Chumak, V. Ellan, V. Sosiurai, etc.), the best representatives democratic intelligentsia, who began their activities even before the October Revolution (S. Vasilchenko, M. Rylsky, I. Kocherga, P. Tychina, Y. Mamontov

In the first post-revolutionary years, the books of poets were very popular: V. Chumak “Zapev”, V. Ellan “Blows of the Hammer and the Heart”, P. Tychyna “The Plow”, poems and poems by V. Sosyura, etc. The process of establishing Soviet literature took place in a tense struggle against the enemies of the revolution and the agents of the bourgeois-nationalist counter-revolutionaries.

During the recovery period National economy(20s) Ukrainian literature developed especially intensively. At this time, writers A. Golovko, I. Kulik, P. Panch, M. Rylsky, M. Kulish, M. Irchan, Yu. Yanovsky, Ivan Jle, A. Kopylenko, Ostap Vishnya, I. Mikitenko and many others Young literature reflected the liberation struggle of the people and their creative work in creating a new life. During these years, a number of writers' unions and groupings arose in Ukraine: in 1922, the "Plug" co*oz of peasant writers, in 1923, the "Gart" organization, around which proletarian writers grouped, in 1925, the union of revolutionary writers " Western Ukraine»; in 1926, an association of Komsomol writers Molodnyak arose; There were also futuristic organizations (Association of Pan-Futurists, New Generation). The existence of many diverse organizations and groupings hampered the ideological and artistic development of literature and hindered the mobilization of writers throughout the country to carry out the tasks of socialist construction. At the beginning of the 1930s, all literary and artistic organizations were liquidated, and a single Union of Soviet Writers was created.

Since that time, the theme of socialist construction has become the leading theme of literature. In 1934, P. Tychina published a collection of poems "The Party Leads"; M. Rylsky, M. Bazhan, V. Sosyura, M. Tereshchenko, P. Usenko, and many others come out with new books. Ukrainian prose writers achieve great success; the novels and stories of G. Epik “First Spring”, I. Kirilenko “Outposts”, G. Kotsyuba “New Shores”, Ivan Le “Roman Mezhyhirya”, A. Golovko “Mother”, Y. Yanovsky “Horsemen”, etc. The theme of the revolutionary past and contemporary socialist reality is also becoming the main theme in dramaturgy. In the theaters of Ukraine, the plays “Personnel”, “Girls of our country” by I. Mikitenko, “Death of the Squadron” and “Platon Krechet” by A. Korneichuk and others are performed with great success.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945) a third of the entire writers' organization of Ukraine joined the ranks of the Soviet Army and partisan detachments. Journalism is becoming a particularly important genre. Writers appear in the army press with articles, publish pamphlets and collections of articles in which they expose the enemy, and contribute to the education of high morale. Soviet people who rose to fight the fascist invaders. WITH works of art in which the heroism and courage of the people are depicted, patriotism and the high ideals of Soviet soldiers are sung, M. Rylsky ("Zhaga"), P. Tychina ("Funeral of a friend"), A. Dovzhenko ("Ukraine on fire"), M. Bazhan (“Daniil Galitsky”), A. Korneichuk (“Front”), Y. Yanovsky (“Land of the Gods”), S. Sklyarenko (“Ukraine Calls”), A. Malyshko (“Sons”) and others. Ukrainian literature was a loyal assistant to the Party and the people, a reliable weapon in the fight against the invaders.

After the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War, writers for a long time turn to the theme of heroism and patriotism, military prowess and courage of our people. The most significant works on these topics in the 40s were A. Gonchar's "Banner Bearers", V. Kozachenko's "Certificate of Maturity", V. Kucher's "Chernomortsy", L. Dmiterko's "General Vatutin", A. Malyshko's "Prometheus", works Ya. Galan, A. Shiyan, Ya. Bash, L. Smelyansky, A. Levada, Yu. Zbanatsky, Yu. Dold-Mikhaylik and many others.

The themes of socialist labor, friendship of peoples, struggle for peace, international unity become leading in Ukrainian literature of all post-war years. The treasury of the artistic creativity of the Ukrainian people was enriched with such outstanding works as the novels by M. Stelmakh "Big Relatives", "Human Blood Is Not Water", "Bread and Salt", "Truth and Falsehood"; A. Gonchar "Tavria", "Perekop", "Man and Weapon", "Tronka"; N. Rybak "Pereyaslav Rada"; P. Panch "Bubbling Ukraine"; Y. Yanovsky "Peace"; G. Tyutyunnik "Whirlpool" ("Vir") and others; collections of poems by M. Rylsky: “Bridges”, “Brotherhood”, “Roses and Grapes”, “Goloseevskaya Autumn”; M. Bazhan "English Impressions"; V. Sosyura "Happiness of the working family"; A. Malyshko "Beyond the Blue Sea", "Book of Brothers", "Prophetic Voice"; plays by A. Korneichuk "Over the Dnieper"; A. Levada and others.

Important events in literary life were the second (1948) and third (1954) congresses of Ukrainian writers. A huge role in the development of Ukrainian literature was played by the decisions of the 20th and 22nd Congresses of the CPSU, which opened up new horizons for the ideological and artistic growth of Ukrainian literature, its strengthening on the positions of socialist realism. The path of development of Ukrainian Soviet literature testifies that only on the basis of socialist realism could the artistic creativity of the Ukrainian people develop rapidly. Ukrainian Soviet literature at all stages of its development was true to the ideas of the Communist Party, the principles of friendship between peoples, the ideals of peace, democracy, socialism and freedom. It has always been a powerful ideological weapon of Soviet society in the struggle for the victory of communism in our country.

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