Harry styles biography. Harry Styles - facts from life and work

Harry Edward Styles - English singer and the idol of millions of teenagers, the youngest of the five members of the boy band One Direction, which has gained worldwide fame.

The first disc of this group was the leader of the charts in several countries and for the first time in british history topped the American Billboard-200, which allowed him to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

Childhood and first creativity

The future star performer was born on February 1, 1994 in the city of Redditch, located in the north-east of the ceremonial county of Worcestershire, England, and became the second child in the family of Ann Cox and Desmond Steele.

In 2001, his parents divorced, and he moved with his mother and older sister Gemma to the village parish of Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. Later, his mother remarried and he had an older step-brother Mike, son of Robin Twist's stepfather.

Harry's interest in music and singing was discovered already in childhood. By own confession, his fate as a musician was especially influenced by the work of Freddie Mercury, Elvis Presley, Rolling Stones and the Beatles. After schoolwork he worked in a bakery and was developing his vocal talent.

IN school years he and his three friends created musical ensemble White Eskimo became popular enough to win a competition among amateur boy bands with the hit "Summer of 69".

Concert White Eskimo

This experience helped the teenager understand that he likes to perform in front of the public and that music is his calling. By the way, he was the frontman of the quartet and its author of the name, and later came up with the same successful name for his current band One Direction.

Harry Styles in X Factor

At the age of 16, the young man went to the casting British show talents "X-factor", in order to find out the opinion of professionals and secretly dreaming of getting a fabulous chance to develop a solo career. At the audition, he sang the song American singer and composer Stevie Wonder "Isn "t She Lovely" ("Isn't she beautiful") and "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" ("Stop crying") by the British rock band Oasis.

Harry Styles at the X-factor audition

Before the final, the judges of the show rejected his candidacy, but made an unexpected proposal to create a common team along with four other singers, his rivals, and continue the procession to victory in the new line-up: Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson.

As a result, the young people presented by the jury as One Direction became one of the most popular participants, according to the results of the program they took 3rd place and received a contract with recording studio syco Records, subsidiary Sony Music.

Creativity in One Direction

After the show, the singer and other project participants went on tour. Then there was work on the first disc "Up All Night". It was recorded in Britain, Sweden and the USA. The disc was released in November 2011, making the musician and the whole team famous.

One Direction - Up All Night (Live version)

In December they toured the UK on their own, in April 2012 they embarked on a tour of Australia and North America. Tickets for all their performances were sold out completely - long before the start of the performance, the box office was decorated with a “sold out” sign.

On the wave of success, the musicians released a live DVD that topped the world charts, a book that took first place in the list of the most popular works of the Sunday Times, the record "What Makes You Beautiful" won the Brit Awards 2012, the British analogue of the Grammy. The boy band also became the winner at the Teen Choice Awards in three categories at once. In the spring of 2012 in Stockholm, the band started to create the 2nd studio disc "Take Me Home", which was released six months later. The composition "Live While We" re Young, which represents the album, again broke popularity records, as did the disc itself, which ended up on the 1st line of the charts in 35 countries. In December of the same year, the star band performed in New York and then made another Tour, which included more than a hundred concerts, their performances were a constant success, in New Zealand and Australia, ticket sales reached almost $ 16 million.

The lead single of the boy band's 3rd album Midnight Memories, released in November 2013, was "Best Song Ever". It also featured on the main soundtrack of the documentary One Direction: This Is Us, which premiered in August. The film grossed over $60 million at the box office, and the album outsold the previous disc and took 1st place on the Billboard 200 chart. For the first time in history, the first three discs of the group were in the leading position of the authoritative American list the most popular musical groups.

One Direction – Best Song Ever

In December 2013, another boy band record was set - for 3 days of sales in Britain of their film "One Direction: This is Us" on DVD and BD, the number of copies sold reached 270 thousand, exceeding the previous maximum sales of 10 thousand belonging to the tape many times over. "Michael Jackson: That's It".

In April 2014, the singer became a member of the world tour "Where We Are Tour" as part of the group, and in November the 4th music album"Four", which again took 1st position on the Billboard 200. The tour in support of it was called "On the Road Again Tour. Since April 2015, the number of members of the group has been reduced to four. Farewell to Zayn Malik, who announced his departure, was warm and touching - Harry could not even hold back his tears, bursting into tears on stage.

Styles has repeatedly noted in interviews that he is constantly working to develop and improve his abilities, wherever he is. The songwriting process never stops. Moreover, the young man is not limited to creating musical compositions for my boy band. He co-wrote the songs Irish group"Kodaline", American pop singer Megan Trainor. The singer is the author of the song "Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart", included by Adriana Grande in her album "My Everything". He also wrote many songs with Johnny McDaid.

Harry Styles personal life

The musician is not married, but is known for an impressive list of romantic adventures. His personal life is closely followed by the press and the army of fans.

How has Harry Styles changed?

When he was 15, he had a year-long affair with a girl of the same age named Felicity Skinner. Subsequently, she characterized him as a shy and romantic teenager.

In 2011, while on The X Factor, he dated TV presenter Caroline Flack. He was 17 years old, and his chosen one was 32, which became the subject of condemnation among the singer's fans. By the way, by this time the army of his fans had become so huge that it had a lot of inadequate representatives who tirelessly poured dirt on Caroline. In January 2012, the young man announced on Twitter that they had separated, but remained friends.

From November 2012 to January 2013 he had a close relationship with American singer Taylor Swift. After parting, the girl called them "fragile and full of obstacles." She mentioned the failed romance in her songs "Style" and "Out Of The Woods", and he - in the composition "Perfect", co-written with Louis Tomlinson.

There were also rumors about the alleged existence of an affair between Harry and Louis Tomlinson, a bandmate. They began to attribute a gay romance after the appearance of a photo of them kissing on the Web. Louis said that at first it was funny for him to read about such assumptions, but later it became no laughing matter, because at that moment he was dating model Eleanor Calder.

It was also reported about the romantic attachment of the musician and top model Cara Delevingne, but the singer denied these rumors in September 2013.

Since the end of 2013, Harry has often been seen in the company of Kendall Jenner, TV stars and younger sister Kim Kardashian . In January 2014 and December 2015, they went on vacation with the singer's parents and his friend Jeff Azoff. However, due to a busy work schedule, their relationship was unstable. In January 2016, they allegedly broke up, but in September they were again seen on a romantic date in a restaurant in Los Angeles. In 2016, Harry Styles took up solo career

Before filming, to the horror of the fans, the young man said goodbye to his curls. True, the fans were somewhat reconciled with the incident by the fact that he disinterestedly handed over the cut hair to an organization engaged in the manufacture of wigs for children who lost them due to treatment for cancer. The release of the debut picture of the singer is scheduled for July 2017.

Harry Styles is a young British musician. Although he is only 21 years old, he is already well known far beyond the borders of his homeland.

This young singer was born in small town Redditch, in Worcestershire, England. It happened significant event February 1, 1994. His father, whose name is Des Stiles, divorced his mother Ann Cox when the boy was 7 years old.

Harry also has an older sister, Gemma. Together with her and his mother, the boy moved to live in the village, in the town of Holmes Chapel in Cheshire. Harry barely survived the breakup with his father and was sincerely happy for his mother when not so long ago she remarried Robin Twist, whom Harry respects and considers the best game for someone dear to him.

Musical career of Harry Styles

Harry loved music and singing with early childhood. His idol was Elvis Presley, he even believes that this performer greatly influenced him in the future. During his school years, Harry was already the soloist in his own band, White Eskimo. Such a funny name (White Eskimo) he came up with himself. He also gave the name to the group in which he plays now - one direction.

The White Eskimo group was able to win one of the musicians' competitions. And when the young man received a graduation certificate high school, he did not study further, but went to work in a bakery.

When Harry was 16 years old, he decided to take part in the British X-factor project. There he competed with several other performers, but not so successfully that he was read solo career. Therefore, one of the judges suggested that the musicians unite in a group, and this became good advice, after all a new group one direction took third place in the project. And already in 2011, the team recorded their debut album.

In his youth, when Harry was just taking his first steps in the musical field, he was terribly afraid to go on stage. He was so nervous that when he went out big stage, even forgot the words of the songs, moreover, sometimes nausea approached him.

Now Harry is treated kindly by fame and thousands of fans. He is a favorite of women, but prefers not to talk about his personal life. At his age, he is not yet married and is not going to. When asked by journalists whether he has an affair with this or that girl, he answers evasively, laughs and tries to turn the conversation to another topic. The only thing he is certain about himself is that he is not gay.

Harry has unusual hobby A: He loves tattoos. He himself jokes that he has so many of them that it seems as if he is applying them every two weeks. According to him, he has about 44 tattoos. The most remarkable is a large butterfly right in the center of the chest.

Harry Styles Lately began to devote a lot of time to sports, does not eat sweets. He also takes piano lessons.

Harry, he invests heavily in charity. He is considered one of the richest celebrities in England under 30.

In general, this young man is very cheerful and charming. When communicating with journalists, he is always smiling and optimistic, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with him.

Musicians of various styles around the world, interesting stories and look at the beautiful pictures.

British singer and an actor. Member of the famous English group one direction, formed as part of the seventh season of the popular UK musical talent show The X Factor.

Harry Styles / Harry Styles. Biography

Harry Edward Styles born February 1, 1994 in Redditch (Worcestershire, England) in the family Ann Cox(Sally) and Desmond Stiles who worked in the financial sector. Many of Harry's ancestors were farmers in Norfolk. When the boy was seven, he, along with his mother and older sister Gemma settled in the town of Holmes Chapel in Cheshire, where he studied at general education school. Subsequently, Harry had a half-brother Mike - son Robin Twist, whom the mother of the future singer married.

Since childhood, Harry had a passion for music, his work was influenced by Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury, bands The Rolling Stones and The Beatles. At school he organized group White Eskimo, which won the Battle of the Bands Competition, which included amateur teen bands. After graduating from high school, 16-year-old Styles took a part-time job at a candy store in Holmes Chapel and developed his vocal talent along the way.

Harry Styles / Harry Styles. creative path

In 2010, Harry took part in the popular British music show talents The X Factor, but as a solo artist failed to achieve success. However, the project judge Nicole Scherzinger invited the guy to unite in a group with other contestants - Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik. So there was a boy band called one direction. The team, which took 3rd place on the show, soon signed a contract with Cowell's Syco label and recorded their first album, Up All Night.

In 2011, the collection became a real bestseller in Britain, and in 2012 in the USA. Six months after the birth of the first album, the group released the second disc - "Take Me Home", which turned out to be no less popular. In 2013, the guys went on a world tour in support of their second album. Then the records saw the release of Midnight Memories (2013), Four (2014) and Made in the A.M. (2015). In early 2016, the band members went on a "sabbatical".

Harry Styles, like his other colleagues in one direction, also decided to build a solo career. In March 2017, the performer announced his debut single « Sign of the Times", which soon topped the charts in several countries. And his first full album, consisting of 10 songs and titled " Harry Styles”, was released on May 12.

Before that, Styles managed to make his debut in a feature film, having received one of the main roles in the military drama Dunkirk directed by Christopher Nolan in 2016, which premiered in July 2017.

Christopher Nolan on Styles: "When we put together an ensemble cast, we already had famous names- Kenneth Branagh, Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, Cillian Murphy. But for the roles of the guys on the beach, we wanted to cast young, unknown actors. Undoubtedly, Harry cannot be called unknown, but he had never been an actor before. That's why we auditioned. Literally thousands of young actors participated in the casting. But he had what we needed."

By the way, film critics praised acting game Styles, and he himself at the premiere " Dunkirk”In London, he admitted that he did not intend to develop a film career. Probably the reason for such thoughts young musician was a large-scale world tour starting in the fall of 2017, uniting 50 concerts on five continents.

Harry Styles / Harry Styles. Personal life

For several months Harry had romantic relationship with food blogger and author of the Naked Diet cookbook Tess Ward, however, in early June 2017, she left the musician for her ex-boyfriend.

Harry Styles / Harry Styles. Filmography

  • Actor
    Dunkirk / Dunkirk (2017). Alex
    Saturday evening at live/ Saturday Night Live (TV series 2017)
    One Direction: The TV Special (2014, short)
    iCarly / iCarly (TV series 2012), Harry Styles

Harry Styles was born in the English town of Redditch, which is located in Worcestershire. He became the youngest of two children with Des Stiles and Ann Cox. Harry's older sister's name is Gemma. The parents separated when the boy was seven years old. He, along with his sister, remained in the upbringing of his mother, who moved with the children to the small town of Holmes Chapel, located on the outskirts of Cheshire. Harry recalls that he was very worried that he was growing up without his father's attention, so he was delighted when his mother decided to remarry. His stepfather Robin managed to win the respect of children, and for Harry he became an example of male behavior.

Harry Styles became interested in music as a child. He loved the songs and even learned "The Girl of My Best Friend" by heart as a preschooler.

At the Holmes Chapel secondary school, the future singer was more interested in the possibility of creating his own ensemble than in compulsory lessons. Your first Music band Harry called "White Eskimo" and became the vocalist and frontman in it. Also included were classmates and friends of Stiles - guitarist Hayden Morris, bassist Nick Kloof and drummer Will Sweeney.

The band performed at all school concerts, in many local clubs, and even won the Battle of the Bands Competition, which was attended by local amateur teen bands.

After graduating from high school, Harry did not continue his studies, but focused on rehearsals and developing vocal talent. He also worked part-time at a bakery.

"X factor"

In 2010, Harry Styles went to the casting of one of the most famous vocal television shows in the world, The X Factor. The singer performed two songs: "Isn't She Beautiful" and "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" by Oasis. It was the seventh season of the TV show, and the requirements for the participants have already become increased.

Harry could not convince the judges that he might be of interest as a solo artist, but one of the jury members suggested that Harry team up with four other vocalists, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik. So the group was organized, which Harry himself called "One Direction".

According to the results of The X-factor competition, the group took third place.

"One Direction"

Success on famous show allowed the guys to immediately sign a contract with a fairly well-known record company Syco Records, which is owned by Simon Cowell, their head of the X Factor project. A year later, One Direction released their first studio album"Up All Night" and instantly become famous.

The song "What Makes You Beautiful" from this album topped most of the world charts, and the album itself became the first in famous ranking Billboard 200. Two more songs - "Gotta Be You" and "One Thing" - managed to get into top ten the UK hit parade. The increased popularity allowed the band to conclude an additional contract with the American recording studio Columbia Records.

The second album "Take Me Home" was recorded in Sweden and was released at the end of 2012. The song "Live While We "re Young" hit the top ten of all world charts, and even topped the charts in New Zealand and Ireland. The album itself was the first in thirty-five countries.

The third album "Midnight Memories" was released in November 2013. After the release of the disc, the group went on a world tour called "Where We Are Tour". The third album debuted again in the most famous Billboard 200 chart right from the first line. Thus, "One Direction" became the first group in the history of music, whose first three albums started with the maximum position in the ranking.

The last album to date, "Four", was released at the end of 2014 and again took first place on the Billboard 200 chart. In support of the album, a world tour called "On the Road Again Tour" was organized, which stretched for almost the entire 2015. But if all members of the band participated in the first concerts of the tour, then since April only four guys remained in the band. Zayn Malik couldn't handle the constant stress from concert activity and left the group in March.

Harry Styles himself enjoys performing, meeting with fans and is looking forward to the start of recording a new album.

Personal life

Since Harry Styles is focused on musical career, he doesn't have Serious relationships. But the novels known to the general public, although fleeting, are interesting in that among his passions are the most desired star girls.

During a speech at show The X-factor Harry had a relationship with TV presenter Caroline Flack, who is fourteen years older than him. Young people dispersed, remaining on friendly terms.

For several months, Harry Styles had a relationship with a country music singer. Moreover, before the couple started dating, Harry sought the girl for about a year. But young people could not maintain a relationship for a long time, since both are very busy people.

Then Harry was often seen in society as a model, but a serious relationship did not work out again.

Apart from love affairs, Harry has another hobby - he loves tattoos, of which he has more than forty. The singer goes in for sports, tries to eat right, does not eat sweets. He participates a lot in charitable activities.


  • 2011 - Up All Night
  • 2012 - Take Me Home
  • 2013 - Midnight Memories
  • 2014 - Four
  • 2017 - Harry Styles

Harry Edward Styles (Harry Styles) is a popular English singer, vocalist of the One Direction musical group. In addition to a serious passion for music, Harry tries his hand at cinema - starring in TV shows and films as himself.

Childhood and family

Harry was born on February 1, 1994. He spent his childhood years in the city of Holmes Chapel, Great Britain. When he was 7 years old, his father and mother divorced. Surviving the divorce of Harry's parents and his sister Gemma was very difficult. To end the past, the mother decided to take the children out of the city - for some time the family moved to the province of Cheshire. However, after 5 years they returned to Holmes Chapel. There, the mother met Robin Twist, who soon became Harry's stepfather. "This man and my mother are perfect for each other," said Harry.

The birth of talent

Since childhood, Harry sang a lot. But not at all the songs that other kids sang. The boy adored Elvis Presley. The father even gave his son a karaoke system for his birthday, with which he sang and recorded everything on tape. famous compositions Elvis in his own performance.

The beginning of a musical career

Back in school, Harry created his first musical group- "White Eskimo". He was a soloist and school friends- musicians: Hyde Morris - guitarist, Nick Klaw - bass guitarist, Will Sweeney - drummer. The band once participated in and won a local Battle of the Bands competition. So it became clear to the young singer that he was moving into right direction, and his dreams of a musical career became clearer and more expressive.

The X Factor and the Creation of the Group

"Singing is what I would like to do," said Harry Styles as he went to audition for the seventh season of the British television music competition The X Factor. He wanted to be in the category solo artists, but his first performances were not very successful. The judge of the show, Nicole Scherzinger, invited Harry to team up with other applicants - with Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson. So in 2010 was born group One direction.

IN music competition The X Factor One Direction took third place.

Successes of One Direction

Immediately after the end of the show The X Factor, a team of young musicians signed a contract with Syco Records. Under the guidance of the company's producers, in 2010 the band's first album, Up All Night, was released.

Two years later, in 2012, new album One Direction - Take Me Home.

The band's first single What Makes You Beautiful won the One Direction BRIT Award for Best British Single.

Harry Styles personal life

Harry is very cute musician performer who, despite his youth, managed to become a real celebrity. It is not surprising that there are many rumors around his star persona. Many suspect Harry of unconventional sexual orientation. Perhaps the reason is that the One Direction group supports the rights of the LGBT community. However, the singer denies his belonging to this category.

Harry's very first girlfriend was Phoebe Fox, the daughter of his mother's friend. They were still children, but their relationship was tender and romantic. At the age of 12, Harry Styles began dating Emily, whom he still considers his friend.

Among the favorites young singer Singer Taylor Swift, model Cara Delevingne, screenwriter Erin Foster visited.

Harry Styles

Harry is one of the most stylish modern celebrities, a frequent guest of European fashion shows. In 2013, he was named MTV's Most Stylish Singer at the Europe Music Awards and also won Vodafone's British Style Award at the British Fashion Awards.

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