The hero of Shakespeare's most famous drama. Hamlet main characters


Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies. The eternal questions raised in the text are still worrying mankind. Love conflicts, political themes, reflections on religion: all the main intentions of the human spirit are collected in this tragedy. Shakespeare's plays are both tragic and realistic, and images have long become eternal in world literature. Perhaps this is where their greatness lies.

Famous English author was not the first to write the history of Hamlet. Before him, there was the "Spanish Tragedy", written by Thomas Kidd. Researchers and literary scholars suggest that Shakespeare borrowed the plot from him. However, Thomas Kidd himself probably referred to more early sources. They were most likely novels. early medieval.

Saxo Grammaticus, in his History of the Danes, described real story the ruler of Jutland, who had a son named Amlet (eng. Amlet) and wife Gerut. The ruler had a brother who was jealous of his wealth and decided to kill, and then married his wife. Amlet did not submit to the new ruler, and, having learned about the bloody murder of his father, decides to take revenge. The stories match up to the smallest details, but Shakespeare interprets the events in a different way and penetrates deeper into the psychology of each character.


Hamlet returns to his native castle of Elsinore for his father's funeral. From the soldiers who served at the court, he learns about a ghost that comes to them at night and resembles the deceased king in outline. Hamlet decides to go to a meeting with an unknown phenomenon, a further meeting terrifies him. The ghost reveals to him true reason his death and inclines his son to revenge. The Danish prince is confused and on the verge of insanity. He does not understand whether he really saw the spirit of his father, or did the devil come to him from the depths of hell?

The hero reflects on what happened for a long time and eventually decides to find out on his own whether Claudius is really guilty. To do this, he asks a troupe of actors to play the play "The Murder of Gonzago" to see the king's reaction. During a key moment in the play, Claudius becomes ill and leaves, at which point an ominous truth is revealed. All this time, Hamlet pretends to be crazy, and even Rosencrantz and Guildenstern sent to him could not find out from him the true motives of his behavior. Hamlet intends to speak to the Queen in her quarters and accidentally kills Polonius, who has hidden behind a curtain to eavesdrop. He sees in this accident the manifestation of the will of heaven. Claudius understands the criticality of the situation and tries to send Hamlet to England, where he is to be executed. But this does not happen, and the dangerous nephew returns to the castle, where he kills his uncle and dies from poison himself. The kingdom passes into the hands of the Norwegian ruler Fortinbras.

Genre and direction

"Hamlet" is written in the genre of tragedy, but the "theatricality" of the work should be taken into account. Indeed, in the understanding of Shakespeare, the world is a stage, and life is a theater. This is a kind of specific attitude, a creative look at the phenomena surrounding a person.

Shakespeare's dramas are traditionally referred to. It is characterized by pessimism, gloominess and aestheticization of death. These features can be found in the work of the great English playwright.


The main conflict in the play is divided into external and internal. Its external manifestation lies in Hamlet's attitude towards the inhabitants of the Danish court. He considers them all base creatures, devoid of reason, pride and dignity.

The internal conflict is very well expressed in the emotional experiences of the hero, his struggle with himself. Hamlet chooses between two behavioral types: new (Renaissance) and old (feudal). He is formed as a fighter, not wanting to perceive reality as it is. Shocked by the evil that surrounded him from all sides, the prince is going to fight him, despite all the difficulties.


The main compositional outline of the tragedy consists of a story about the fate of Hamlet. Each separate layer of the play serves to fully reveal his personality and is accompanied by constant changes in the thoughts and behavior of the hero. Events gradually unfold in such a way that the reader begins to feel a constant tension that does not stop even after the death of Hamlet.

The action can be divided into five parts:

  1. First part - plot. Here Hamlet meets the ghost of his dead father, who bequeaths him to avenge his death. In this part, the prince first encounters human betrayal and meanness. This is where his mental anguish begins, which does not let him go until his death. Life becomes meaningless for him.
  2. Second part - action development. The prince decides to pretend to be crazy in order to deceive Claudius and find out the truth about his act. He also accidentally kills the royal adviser - Polonius. At this moment, the realization comes to him that he is a performer higher will heaven.
  3. The third part - climax. Here Hamlet, with the help of the trick of showing the play, is finally convinced of the guilt of the ruling king. Claudius realizes how dangerous his nephew is and decides to get rid of him.
  4. The fourth part - the Prince is sent to England to be executed there. At the same moment, Ophelia goes crazy and tragically dies.
  5. Fifth part - denouement. Hamlet escapes execution, but he has to fight Laertes. In this part, all the main participants in the action die: Gertrude, Claudius, Laertes and Hamlet himself.
  6. Main characters and their characteristics

  • Hamlet- from the very beginning of the play, the reader's interest focuses on the personality of this character. This "book" boy, as Shakespeare himself wrote about him, suffers from the disease of the approaching age - melancholy. In essence, he is the first reflective hero of world literature. Someone might think that he is a weak, incapable person. But in fact, we see that he is strong in spirit and is not going to submit to the problems that have befallen him. His perception of the world is changing, particles of past illusions turn into dust. From this comes the very "Hamletism" - internal discord in the soul of the hero. By nature, he is a dreamer, a philosopher, but life forced him to become an avenger. The character of Hamlet can be called "Byronic", because he is maximally focused on his own internal state and quite skeptical about the world around him. He, like all romantics, is prone to constant self-doubt and tossing between good and evil.
  • Gertrude mother of Hamlet. A woman in whom we see the makings of a mind, but a complete lack of will. She is not alone in her loss, but for some reason she does not try to get closer to her son at the moment when grief happened in the family. Without the slightest remorse, Gertrude betrays the memory of her late husband and agrees to marry his brother. Throughout the action, she constantly tries to justify herself. Dying, the queen realizes how wrong her behavior was, and how wise and fearless her son turned out to be.
  • Ophelia Daughter of Polonius and beloved of Hamlet. A meek girl who loved the prince until her death. She also faced trials that she could not endure. Her madness is not a feigned move invented by someone. This is the same madness that comes at the moment of true suffering, it cannot be stopped. There are some hidden indications in the work that Ophelia was pregnant from Hamlet, and from this the realization of her fate becomes doubly difficult.
  • Claudius- a man who killed his own brother in order to achieve his own goals. Hypocritical and vile, he still bears a heavy burden. Pangs of conscience daily devour him and do not allow him to fully enjoy the reign to which he came in such a terrible way.
  • Rosencrantz And Guildenstern- the so-called "friends" of Hamlet, who betrayed him at the first opportunity to make good money. Without delay, they agree to deliver a message announcing the death of the prince. But fate has prepared for them a worthy punishment: as a result, they die instead of Hamlet.
  • Horatio- an example of a true and faithful friend. Only person in whom the prince can confide. Together they go through all the problems, and Horatio is ready to share even death with a friend. It is to him that Hamlet trusts to tell his story and asks him to "breathe more in this world."


  1. Revenge of Hamlet. The prince was destined to bear the heavy burden of revenge. He cannot coldly and prudently deal with Claudius and regain the throne. His humanistic attitudes make you think about the common good. The hero feels his responsibility for those who suffered from the evil spread around. He sees that not only Claudius is to blame for the death of his father, but all of Denmark, which carelessly turned a blind eye to the circumstances of the death of the old king. He knows that in order to commit revenge, he needs to become an enemy to the entire environment. His ideal of reality does not coincide with real picture of the world, the "shattered age" causes hostility in Hamlet. The prince realizes that he cannot restore the world alone. Such thoughts plunge him into even greater despair.
  2. Love of Hamlet. Before all those terrible events in the life of the hero, there was love. But, unfortunately, she is unhappy. He was madly in love with Ophelia, and there is no doubt about the sincerity of his feelings. But the young man is forced to refuse happiness. After all, the offer to share sorrows together would be too selfish. To finally break the bond, he has to hurt and be merciless. Trying to save Ophelia, he could not even imagine how great her suffering would be. The impulse with which he rushes to her coffin was deeply sincere.
  3. Friendship of Hamlet. The hero values ​​friendship very much and is not used to choosing his friends based on their position in society. His only true friend is the poor student Horatio. At the same time, the prince is contemptuous of betrayal, which is why he treats Rosencrantz and Guildenstern so cruelly.


The issues covered in Hamlet are very broad. Here are the themes of love and hate, the meaning of life and the purpose of a person in this world, strength and weakness, the right to revenge and murder.

One of the main - problem of choice faced with main character. There is a lot of uncertainty in his soul, he alone thinks for a long time and analyzes everything that happens in his life. There is no one next to Hamlet who could help him make a decision. Therefore, he is guided only by his own moral principles and personal experience. His consciousness is divided into two halves. In one lives a philosopher and humanist, and in the other, a man who understood the essence of a rotten world.

His key monologue "To be or not to be" reflects all the pain in the hero's soul, the tragedy of thought. This incredible internal struggle exhausts Hamlet, imposes thoughts of suicide on him, but he is stopped by his unwillingness to commit another sin. He began to worry more and more about the topic of death and its mystery. What's next? Eternal darkness or the continuation of the suffering that he endures during his lifetime?


The main idea of ​​tragedy is the search for the meaning of being. Shakespeare shows an educated person, always searching, having a deep sense of empathy for everything that surrounds him. But life forces him to face true evil in various manifestations. Hamlet is aware of it, trying to figure out exactly how it arose and why. He is shocked by the fact that one place can turn into hell on Earth so quickly. And the act of his revenge is to destroy the evil that has penetrated his world.

Fundamental in the tragedy is the idea that behind all these royal showdowns there is a great change in the whole European culture. And at the tip of this turning point, Hamlet appears - a new type of hero. Together with the death of all the main characters, the system of worldview that has developed over the centuries collapses.


Belinsky in 1837 writes an article on Hamlet, in which he calls the tragedy a "brilliant diamond" in the "radiant crown of the king of dramatic poets", "crowned by the whole of humanity and neither before nor after himself has no rival."

In the image of Hamlet, there are all the universal features "<…>it’s me, it’s each of us, more or less…,” Belinsky writes about him.

S. T. Coleridge, in Shakespeare's Lectures (1811-1812), writes: "Hamlet hesitates because of natural sensitivity and lingers, held by reason, which makes him turn effective forces in search of a speculative solution."

Psychologist L.S. Vygotsky focused on the connection of Hamlet with the other world: “Hamlet is a mystic, this determines not only his state of mind on the threshold of dual existence, two worlds, but also his will in all its manifestations.

And the literary critic V.K. Kantor considered the tragedy from a different angle and in his article “Hamlet as a “Christian warrior”” he pointed out: “The tragedy “Hamlet” is a system of temptations. He is tempted by a ghost (this is the main temptation), and the task of the prince is to check whether the devil is trying to lead him into sin. Hence the trap theatre. But at the same time, he is tempted by love for Ophelia. Temptation is a constant Christian problem."

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Engravings from an old English edition of The heroines of Shakespeare: comprising the principal female characters in the plays of the great poet, 1849. This is a kind of album published by the engraver and illustrator Heath Charles. The original album of lyrics, with excerpts corresponding to scenes from William Shakespeare's plays, is in the US Library of Congress.

Title page of the English edition of the Heath Charles album

When I read in the scroll of dead years
About fiery lips, long silent,
About the beauty that composes the couplet
To the glory of ladies and beautiful knights,

Traits kept for centuries -
Eyes, smile, hair and eyebrows -
They tell me that only in the ancient word
You could totally reflect.

In any line to your beautiful lady
The poet dreamed of predicting you
But he could not convey all of you,

Staring into the distance with loving eyes.
And to us, to whom you are finally close, -
Where can I get a voice to sound for centuries?

W. Shakespeare

Ophelia from the tragedy "Hamlet"

The Merry Wives of Windsor

Anna Page

Mrs Page

Mrs Ford

"Twelfth Night, or Whatever?" (Twelfth Night, or What You Will)

Her eyes don't look like stars
You can’t call the mouth corals,
Not snow-white shoulders open skin,
And a strand twists like a black wire.
With a damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet delicate petal.

You won't find perfect lines in it
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how goddesses walk

But the darling walks the earth.
And yet she will hardly yield to those
Whom in comparisons magnificent slandered.

W. Shakespeare

"As You Like It" or "As You Like It" (As You Like It)

"Measure for Measure"



King Henry VIII(Henry VIII)

Ann Bolein

Queen Catherine

In the external that the eye finds in you,
There is nothing to fix.
Enmity and friendship common verdict
Can't add dashes to the truth.
Behind appearance- external and honor.
But the voice of the same incorruptible judges
Sounds different when it comes down to it
About the properties of the heart, inaccessible to the eye.
Rumor talks about your soul.
And the mirror of the soul is its deeds.
And drowns out the weeds
The fragrance of your sweetest roses.

Is yours gentle garden launched because
That it is available to everyone and no one.

W. Shakespeare

"Much Ado About Nothing"


"The Tragedy of Coriolanus" (The Tragedy of Coriolanus)


"Othello, the Moor of Venice" (The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice)


The Merchant of Venice(The Merchant of Venice)


"Romeo and Juliet" (Romeo and Juliet)


"All's well that ends well" (All's Well That Ends Well)

"Cymbeline" (Cymbeline)

"Antony and Cleopatra" (Antony and Cleopatra)


"King John" (The Life and Death of King John)


"King Lear" (King Lear)


The heart with the eye has a secret pact:
They relieve each other's pain
When your gaze searches in vain
And the heart suffocates in separation.

Your image of a keen eye
Gives and heart to admire plenty.
And the heart to the eye at its appointed hour
Dreams of love give way to share.

So in my thoughts or in the flesh
You are in front of me at any moment.
You can go no farther than a thought.
I am inseparable from her, she is with you.

My gaze draws you in a dream
And wakes up the heart sleeping in me.

W. Shakespeare

"Troilus and Cressida" (Troilus and Cressida)


"Titus Andronicus" (Titus Andronicus)

"Richard III" (Richard III)

Lady Anna

"King Henry VI" (Henry VI)

Lady Gray


Queen Margaret

"King Henry IV" (Henry IV)

Lady Percy

"Macbeth" (The Tragedy of Macbeth)

Lady Macbeth

"The Tempest" (The Tempest)

"The Winter's Tale" (The Winter's Tale)

"Julius Caesar"

Portia, wife of Brutus

"Love's Labour's Lost" (Love "s Labor" s Lost)

french princess

My eye has become an engraver and your image
Imprinted in my chest truthfully.
Since then I have served as a living frame,
And the best thing about art is perspective.

Through the master look at the skill
To see your portrait in this frame.
The workshop that keeps it
Glazed with loving eyes.

My eyes are so friendly with yours
I draw you in my soul with mine.
Through yours from heavenly heights
The sun peeks into the workshop.

Alas, my eyes through the window
Your heart cannot be seen.

Shakespeare is a writer who wrote a lot beautiful works that are known all over the world. One of these works is the play "Hamlet", where intertwined different fates and touched upon social and political issues of the 16th-17th centuries. Here in the tragedy both betrayal and the desire to restore justice are shown. Reading the work, the characters and I experience, feel their pain, loss.

Shakespeare Hamlet the main characters of the work

In his work "Hamlet" Shakespeare created different characters, whose images are ambiguous. Each hero of Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" is a separate world, where there are shortcomings and positive sides. Shakespeare in the tragedy "Hamlet" created a variety of heroes of the work, where there are both positive and negative images.

Images of heroes and their characteristics

So, in the work we get acquainted with Gertrude, the mother of Hamlet, who was smart, but weak-willed. Immediately after the death of her husband, she marries his killer. She doesn't know the feeling maternal love, so she easily agrees to become Claudius' accomplice. And only after she drank the poison that was intended for her son, she realized her mistake, realized how wise and just her son was.

Ophelia, the girl who last breath loved Hamlet. She lived surrounded by lies and espionage, was a toy in the hands of her father. In the end, she goes crazy, because she could not endure the trials that fell on her fate.

Claudius - goes to fratricide, just to achieve his goals. Sneaky, cunning, a hypocrite, who was also smart. This character has a conscience and it also torments him, preventing him from fully enjoying his dirty achievements.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern - a prime example what real friends should not be, because friends do not betray, but here, making a characterization of the heroes of Shakespeare's Hamlet, we see that these heroes easily betray the prince, becoming Claudius' spies. They easily agree to take the message, which talks about the murder of Hamlet. But in the end, fate does not play into their hands, because in the end it is not Hamlet who dies, but they themselves.

Horatio, on the contrary, is a true friend to the last. Together with Hamlet, he experiences all his anxieties and doubts and asks Hamlet, after he felt the inevitable tragic end, breathe more in this world, yes tell all about it.

In general, all the characters are bright, unforgettable, unique in their own way, and among them, of course, it is impossible not to recall in Shakespeare's work "Hamlet" the image of the main character, that same Hamlet - Danish prince. This hero is multifaceted and has extensive image that is filled vital content. Here we see Hamlet's hatred for Claudius, while he has a wonderful attitude towards actors. He can be rude, as in the case of Ophelia, and he can be suave, as in the case of Horatio. Hamlet is witty, wields a sword well, he is afraid of God's punishment, but at the same time, he blasphemes. He loves his mother, despite her attitude. Hamlet is indifferent to the throne, always remembers his father with pride, thinks and reflects a lot. He is smart, not arrogant, lives by his thoughts, guided by his judgment. In a word, in the image of Hamlet we see the versatility human personality, who thought about the meaning of people's existence, which is why he utters the well-known monologue: "To be or not to be, that is the question."

Characteristics of the characters based on Shakespeare's "HAMLET"

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Characteristics of the heroes based on Shakespeare's "King Lear" - Lear

Dramaturgy of the 16th-17th centuries was an integral and perhaps the most important part of the literature of that time. This kind literary creativity was the closest and most understandable to the broad masses, was a spectacle that made it possible to convey to the viewer the feelings and thoughts of the author. One of the most prominent representatives the playwrights of that time, which are read and re-read to our time, put on performances based on his works, analyze philosophical concepts, is William Shakespeare.

The genius of the English poet, actor and playwright lies in the ability to show the realities of life, to penetrate the soul of each viewer, to find in it a response to his philosophical statements through feelings familiar to every person. The theatrical action of that time took place on a platform in the middle of the square, the actors in the course of the play could go down to the “hall”. The viewer became, as it were, a participant in everything that was happening. Nowadays, such an effect of presence is unattainable even when using 3d technologies. All the more important in the theater was the word of the author, the language and style of the work. Shakespeare's talent is manifested in many respects in his linguistic manner of presenting the plot. Simple and somewhat ornate, it differs from the language of the streets, allowing the viewer to rise above everyday life, to stand for some time on a par with the characters of the play, people of the upper class. And genius is confirmed by the fact that it has not lost its significance in more later times- we get the opportunity to become for some time accomplices in the events of medieval Europe.

The pinnacle of Shakespeare's work was considered by many of his contemporaries, and subsequent generations after them, to be the tragedy "Hamlet - Prince of Denmark". This is the work of an acclaimed English classic became one of the most significant for the Russian literary thought. It is no coincidence that the tragedy of Hamlet has been translated into Russian more than forty times. Such interest is caused not only by the phenomenon of medieval dramaturgy and literary talent the author, no doubt. Hamlet is a work that reflects " eternal image"a seeker of truth, a philosopher of morality and a man who stepped above his era. The galaxy of such people, which began with Hamlet and Don Quixote, continued in Russian literature with the images of “superfluous people” Onegin and Pechorin, and further in the works of Turgenev, Dobrolyubov, Dostoevsky. This line is native to the Russian seeking soul.

History of creation - Tragedy Hamlet in romanticism of the 17th century

Just as many of Shakespeare's works are based on short stories in the literature of the early Middle Ages, so the plot of the tragedy Hamlet was borrowed by him from the Icelandic chronicles of the 12th century. However, this plot is not something original for the "dark time". The theme of the struggle for power, regardless of moral standards, and the theme of revenge is present in many works of all time. Based on this, Shakespeare's romanticism created the image of a person protesting against the foundations of his time, looking for a way out of these shackles of conventions to the norms of pure morality, but who himself is a hostage to existing rules and laws. The crown prince, a romantic and a philosopher, who asks eternal questions of being and, at the same time, is forced to fight in reality in the way that was customary at that time - “he is not his own master, his birth is tied hand in hand” (act I, scene III), and this causes him an internal protest.

(Antique engraving - London, 17th century)

England in the year of writing and staging the tragedy experienced crucial moment in his feudal history(1601), therefore, in the play there is some gloom, a real or imaginary decline in the state - "Something has rotted in the Danish kingdom" (act I, scene IV). But we are more interested in the eternal questions “about good and evil, about fierce hatred and holy love”, which are so clearly and so ambiguously spelled out by the genius of Shakespeare. In full accordance with romanticism in art, the play contains heroes of pronounced moral categories, an obvious villain, a wonderful hero, there is a love line, but the author goes further. romantic hero refuses to follow the canons of time in his revenge. One of the key figures of the tragedy - Polonius, does not appear to us in an unambiguous light. The theme of betrayal is considered in several storylines and is also offered to the viewer's judgment. From the obvious betrayal of the king and the infidelity of the memory of the late husband by the queen, to the trivial betrayal of the friends of the students, who are not averse to finding out the secrets from the prince for the mercy of the king.

Description of the tragedy (the plot of the tragedy and its main features)

Ilsinore, castle of the Danish kings, night watch with Horatio, Hamlet's friend, meets the ghost of the deceased king. Horatio tells Hamlet about this meeting, and he decides to personally meet with his father's shadow. The ghost tells the prince terrible story his death. The king's death turns out to be a dastardly murder by his brother Claudius. After this meeting, a turning point occurs in Hamlet's mind. What was learned is superimposed on the fact of the unnecessarily fast wedding of the king's widow, Hamlet's mother, and the murderous brother. Hamlet is obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge, but is in doubt. He must make sure of everything himself. Feigning madness, Hamlet observes everything. Polonius, adviser to the king and father of Hamlet's beloved, tries to explain to the king and queen such changes in the prince with rejected love. Before, he forbade his daughter Ophelia to accept Hamlet's courtship. These prohibitions destroy the idyll of love, further leading to depression and insanity of the girl. The king makes his attempts to find out the thoughts and plans of his stepson, he is tormented by doubts and his sin. The former student friends of Hamlet hired by him are with him inseparably, but to no avail. The shock of what he learned makes Hamlet think even more about the meaning of life, about such categories as freedom and morality, about eternal question the immortality of the soul, the frailty of being.

Meanwhile, a troupe of wandering actors appears in Ilsinore, and Hamlet persuades them to insert several lines into the theatrical action, exposing the king in fratricide. In the course of the performance, Claudius gives himself away with confusion, Hamlet's doubts about his guilt are dispelled. He tries to talk to his mother, to throw accusations in her face, but the ghost that appears forbids him to take revenge on his mother. tragic accident exacerbates tension in the royal chambers - Hamlet kills Polonius, who hid behind the curtains out of curiosity during this conversation, mistaking him for Claudius. Hamlet is sent to England to cover up these unfortunate accidents. Spy friends are sent with him. Claudius hands them a letter for the King of England asking him to execute the prince. Hamlet, who managed to accidentally read the letter, makes corrections in it. As a result, traitors are executed, and he returns to Denmark.

Laertes, the son of Polonius, also returns to Denmark, the tragic news of the death of his sister Ophelia as a result of her insanity because of love, as well as the murder of his father, pushes him to an alliance with Claudia in revenge. Claudius provokes a duel with swords between two young men, the blade of Laertes is deliberately poisoned. Not dwelling on this, Claudius poisons the wine as well, in order to make Hamlet drunk in case of victory. During the duel, Hamlet is wounded by a poisoned blade, but finds an understanding with Laertes. The duel continues, during which the opponents exchange swords, now Laertes is wounded by a poisoned sword. Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude, cannot stand the tension of the duel and drinks poisoned wine for her son's victory. Claudius is also killed, only one remains alive true friend Hamlet Horace. The troops of the Norwegian prince enter the capital of Denmark, who occupies the Danish throne.

Main characters

As can be seen from the entire development of the plot, the theme of revenge fades into the background before moral quest Main character. The accomplishment of revenge for him is impossible in the expression, as is customary in that society. Even having convinced himself of his uncle's guilt, he does not become his executioner, but only an accuser. Unlike him, Laertes makes a deal with the king, for him revenge is above all, he follows the traditions of his time. The love line in tragedy is only an additional means of showing moral images of that time, set off the spiritual searches of Hamlet. Main actors plays are Prince Hamlet and King's adviser Polonius. It is in the moral foundations of these two people that the conflict of time is expressed. Not a conflict of good and evil, but a difference in the moral levels of the two positive characters- the main line of the play, brilliantly shown by Shakespeare.

A smart, devoted and honest servant to the king and the fatherland, a caring father and a respected citizen of his country. He is sincerely trying to help the king understand Hamlet, he is sincerely trying to understand Hamlet himself. His moral principles at the level of that time are impeccable. Sending his son to study in France, he instructs him on the rules of conduct, which today can be given without changes, they are so wise and universal for any time. Worried about his daughter's moral character, he exhorts her to refuse Hamlet's courtship, explaining the class difference between them and not excluding the possibility frivolous attitude prince to the girl. At the same time, according to his moral views corresponding to that time, there is nothing prejudicial in such frivolity on the part of the young man. With his distrust of the prince and the will of his father, he destroys their love. For the same reasons, he does not trust his own son either, sending a servant to him as a spy. The plan for observing him is simple - to find acquaintances and, slightly slandering his son, lure out the frank truth about his behavior away from home. To eavesdrop on the conversation of an angry son and mother in the royal chambers is also not something wrong for him. With all his actions and thoughts, Polonius seems smart and kind person, even in the madness of Hamlet, he sees his rational thoughts and gives them their due. But he typical representative a society that puts so much pressure on Hamlet with its deceit and duplicity. And this is a tragedy that is understandable not only in modern society but also to the London public early XVII century. Such duplicity is protested by its presence and in modern world.

Hero with strong spirit and an outstanding mind, searching and doubting, having become one step higher than the whole society in his morality. He is able to look at himself from the outside, he is able to analyze those around him and analyze his thoughts and actions. But he is also a product of that era and that binds him. Traditions and society impose a certain stereotype of behavior on him, which he can no longer accept. On the basis of the plot about revenge, the whole tragedy of the situation is shown when a young man sees evil not just in one vile act, but in the whole society in which such acts are justified. This young man calls himself to live in accordance with the highest morality, responsibility for all his actions. The tragedy of the family only makes him think more about moral values. Such a thinking person cannot but raise universal philosophical questions for himself. The famous monologue "To be or not to be" is only the pinnacle of such reasoning, which is woven into all his dialogues with friends and enemies, in conversations with random people. But the imperfection of society and the environment still pushes for impulsive, often unjustified actions, which are then hard experienced by him and ultimately lead to death. After all, the guilt in the death of Ophelia and the accidental mistake in the murder of Polonius and the inability to understand the grief of Laertes oppress him and shackle him with a chain.

Laertes, Ophelia, Claudius, Gertrude, Horatio

All these persons are introduced into the plot as Hamlet's entourage and characterize ordinary society, positive and correct in the understanding of that time. Even looking at them modern point view, one can recognize their actions as logical and consistent. The struggle for power and adultery, revenge for the murdered father and the first girlish love, enmity with neighboring states and obtaining land as a result of jousting tournaments. And only Hamlet stands head and shoulders above this society, bogged down to the waist in the tribal traditions of succession to the throne. Three friends of Hamlet - Horatio, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, are representatives of the nobility, courtiers. For two of them, spying on a friend is not something wrong, and only one remains a faithful listener and interlocutor, a smart adviser. An interlocutor, but nothing more. Before his fate, society and the whole kingdom, Hamlet is left alone.

Analysis - the idea of ​​the tragedy of the prince of Denmark Hamlet

Shakespeare's main idea was to show psychological portraits contemporaries based on the feudalism of the “dark times”, a new generation growing up in society that can change the world for the better. Competent, seeking and freedom-loving. It is no coincidence that in the play Denmark is called a prison, which, according to the author, was the whole society of that time. But the genius of Shakespeare was expressed in the ability to describe everything in semitones, without sliding into the grotesque. Most of the characters are positive and respected people according to the canons of that time, they reason quite sensibly and fairly.

Hamlet is shown as a person prone to introspection, spiritually strong, but still bound by conventions. The inability to act, inability, makes him related to " superfluous people» Russian Literature. But it carries a charge of moral purity and the desire of society for the better. The genius of this work lies in the fact that all these issues are relevant in the modern world, in all countries and on all continents, regardless of the political system. And the language and stanza of the English playwright captivate with their perfection and originality, make you re-read the works several times, turn to performances, listen to performances, look for something new, hidden in the mists of time.

In William Shakespeare's comedy As You Like It (1599), one of the court nobles of the exiled duke, a melancholic and philosopher, among whose reasonings there is the famous monologue "The whole world is a theater

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Adam In W. Shakespeare's comedy "As You Like It" (1599), a devoted servant of the family of Sir Roland de Bois

Foam In William Shakespeare's comedy "Measure for Measure" (1604), a reveler, who, along with the pimp Pompey, is brought to court by Constable Elbow

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Abram In Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" (1595), the servant of Montague

Arthur In the chronicle of William Shakespeare "King John" (1596), the young nephew of John, the son of his older brother Gottfried, who has legal rights to the English throne

Banquo In Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth (1606), the general of King Duncan, who was killed on Macbeth's orders, haunted by the witches' prediction that the descendants of Banquo would rule Scotland

Dumaine In W. Shakespeare's comedy "Love's Labour's Lost" (1594), one of the close associates of King Ferdinand of Navarre, who agreed to spend three years with him in academic studies away from all worldly temptations and immediately, forgetting about the promise, fell in love with Catherine, the maid of honor of the French princess .

Lucio A character in William Shakespeare's comedy "Measure for Measure" (1604), whose story is a side story storyline plays; a young rake, a dandy, a talker and a liar, a frequenter of brothels and pubs

Taisa In Shakespeare's tragedy "Pericles" (circa 1607, published 1609), the daughter of King Simonides, who arranges her marriage in the good old way - organizes a jousting tournament and appoints Taisa's hand as the main prize

Tubal In W. Shakespeare's comedy "The Merchant of Venice" (1596), Shylock's friend, who goes in search of his daughter Jessica, who has run away from home

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Angelo In William Shakespeare's comedy "Measure for Measure" (1604), the Viennese governor in the absence of Duke Vincenzio

Bianca In W. Shakespeare's comedy "The Taming of the Shrew" (1593), a gentle and meek girl, in character the direct opposite of her older sister Katharina

Gremio In W. Shakespeare's comedy "The Taming of the Shrew" (1593), a rich old man, one of Bianchi's suitors, whom she rejects for the sake of Lucentio.

Elbow In William Shakespeare's comedy "Measure for Measure" (1604), a stupid and illiterate Viennese constable, one of the frequent police officers in Shakespeare's plays, endowed with these personal qualities

Ophelia In Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet (1601), daughter of Polonia, sister of Laertes and beloved of the title character

Password The character of William Shakespeare's comedy "The End is the Crown of Things" (1603), an associate of Count Bertram, a noble nobleman and a dashing swordsman in words, a dapper parvenu, a braggart and a coward in deeds

Publius In W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Titus Andronicus" (1594), the son of Mark Andronicus and the nephew of Titus, who participates in the scene of shooting the statues of the gods with bows in imperial palace, and then helps capture his family's enemies Demetrius and Chiron.

Fabian In W. Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth Night" (1600), an approximate Countess Olivia, social status which is not entirely clear: he may be a simple servant or a poor nobleman living at the court of an aristocrat, as hinted at by his rather familiar treatment of Olivia's relative Sir Toby Belch

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alexas in William Shakespeare's tragedy Antony and Cleopatra (1607).

Apemantus In W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Timon of Athens" (1608), a grumpy philosopher who constantly denounces those around him

Imogen The heroine of W. Shakespeare's tragicomedy "Cymbeline" (circa 1610), the daughter of King Cymbeline and the wife of Postumus Leonat, who married him for love, but against her father's will

Nerissa In W. Shakespeare's comedy "The Merchant of Venice" (1596), a servant and friend of Portia

Pantino In William Shakespeare's comedy The Two Veronians (1594), the servant Antonio, who advises the latter to send his son Proteus to Milan in order to be trimmed at the ducal court, and then tries to speed up the action, now and then hurrying Proteus and his servant Lance, who without the slightest desire to prepare for departure.

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Valentine One of the main characters in W. Shakespeare's comedy "Two Veronians" (1594)

dogberry In W. Shakespeare's comedy "Much Ado About Nothing" (1598), a stupid officer

Cornelius In W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Cymbeline" (circa 1610), the doctor of the Queen of Britain, by order of which Cornelius supplies her with potent poisons, allegedly for scientific experiments on animals

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