Year of birth of Maslyakov Sr. Alexander Maslyakov


Seven Russian cities claim to be the place of imprisonment of the leading KVN

The popularity of some people is so high that it leads to all sorts of historical disputes. So in Ancient Greece seven cities disputed the right to be considered the birthplace of the great Homer. IN modern Russia this tradition was taken up settlements, claiming that it was in their colony that the permanent host of KVN Alexander Maslyakov served his term of imprisonment.

“Don’t you know?!”, the inhabitants of the Verkhnekamsky district are surprised Kirov region. “Everyone here knows that Maslyakov was imprisoned in Lesnoy. Years later, he was even invited here for some kind of anniversary: ​​“Welkom, Alexander Vasilyevich! Lesnoy is waiting for you again! But he refused."

The version about the Tver trace of the main "kaveenshchik" was once launched by the singer Mikhail Krug. Express Gazeta then turned to AMiK for comments, and Efimov, the administrator of KVN, officially assured that Maslyakov had never been in jail. Only Krug insisted: “No, it’s true, he was sitting on our “weave”. Everyone in Tver knows this.”

The vast majority of Internet resources agree that Rybinsk had the honor of hosting the future president of KVN. Although, they are probably just copying the news from each other. Pretty much the way it did" Russian newspaper– Week”: “According to the media, Alexander Maslyakov spent several months in colony 83/12 of the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region.” Found a certain former employee this colony Safonov, who confirmed this version: “For the administration of the zone, Maslyakov was an ordinary convict, like the rest. Quiet, intelligent, he did not particularly annoy the authorities.

However, the patriots of the territories do not agree with such a falsification of history. Here are a few quotes from various forums and sites that refute the championship of Rybinsk.

“In fact, he was serving a term in the Udmurt colony st. Karkalay. At that time, buying and selling dollars was considered a very serious crime, but the case was presented as insignificant, Maslyakov served a short term and was released ahead of schedule a few months later.

“Maslyakov was serving his sentence on the outskirts of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, in a colony general regime. There is even a hut with the name "Maslyakovsky", or simply - "KVN". The inmates wanted to install a memorial plaque on the barracks and name the street on which the barracks are located after KVNshchik.

“He was sitting in the 70s for sure, in the Tula region, the city of Donskoy, with Gusman, for currency matters!” Like, local historians, in the absence of other celebrities, are proud of this fact.

"Maslyakov was in Tagil, so he never missed our teams."

In general, the story is dark, from the distant past - the beginning of the seventies, each time starting with the dubious "according to some reports." According to some information from the blogger, in 1972, the captain of the KVN team of the Dental Institute, when leaving for Israel during a customs inspection at Sheremetyevo, was arrested for trying to take out of the country about a kilogram precious stones. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that Maslyakov handed over the stones for sale to him, and he received 8 years in prison under Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “Illegal transactions with currency values”. However, the Minister of Culture Furtseva allegedly stood up for the talented TV presenter, who put the corresponding letter on the table to Brezhnev. In 1974, Maslyakov's sentence was reviewed, the term was reduced, and he himself was released on parole.

The president of KVN himself completely denies the fact of his short stay in places not so remote. And the questions for this topic cause him by no means a cheerful and resourceful reaction, but obvious irritation and anger. He even got a certificate of no criminal record. However, despite the presence of a certificate, which can be completely consulted on Odessa import, there is no reason not to believe Alexander Vasilyevich. Although, it seems, in vain he does not want to use such a stable rumor to further popularize the game, after all, in Russia, every fourth adult man was directly related to the prison re-education system.

And I said to myself, hold on

The Lord is harsh but right

You can't live life in Russia

I haven't seen prison.

(Igor Guberman)

And why bring up the past now? Not so long ago, Channel One spoke about the changes that have taken place in his beloved national game. For the first time “Voicing KiViN” was held not in Jurmala, but in Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region, and, judging by the comments made, all the changes are only for the better. Firstly, the KVN players admitted, it’s better to have a hall that is not blown through, the audience here does not freeze, as in Jurmala, it is more convenient for them to watch what is happening on the stage, and, most importantly, here are the spectators who are hungry for KVN. Secondly, A. Maslyakov noted, new investments came to the region along with the festival. Thirdly, Acting Governor N. Tsukanov said: “The roads are good, and a passport is not needed, and the service is the same as in Europe, even better.” All this was listened to with pleasure by President Vladimir Putin, who came to inspect the Yantar Hall. Fourth, a joke was made especially for the head of state, which Channel One chose to illustrate, as the presenter put it, “sparkling and rather bold” speeches. Judge for yourself.

KVN joke (song to the motive of "Island of Bad Luck"):

“- All covered with worries, absolutely all,

There is a decent person in this world.

Make trouble for him from night to dawn

It seems not from Africa, but savage people "(and, apparently, to hint who are decent pigs in our mortal world, portraits of Obama, Merkel, Hollande soared up)".

“Hooligans,” Vladimir Vladimirovich somehow reacted not too cheerfully. And I'm afraid to admit, this joke made me laugh a lot. A complex association arose - I don’t know why, but the song for two voices reminded me of the dialogue between the first minister and the king from the play by Yevgeny Schwartz:

"First Minister. Let me tell you directly, rudely, in an old man's way: you great person, sovereign!

King (he is very pleased). Oh well. Why why.

First Minister. No, your majesty, no. I can't get over myself. I repeat once again - forgive me my unbridledness - you are a giant! Light!".

Well, a note.

August 6, 2015 Izvestia published an article in which they told how Alexander Maslyakov's long-term project to find a building for the club of the cheerful and resourceful ended - since this winter it has been controlled by his personal firm. It follows from the Rosreestr database that on January 29, 2015, the building of the former Havana cinema, owned by the city authorities and reconstructed at their expense, was transferred to the ownership of Dom KVN LLC. 51% of this firm is controlled by Alexander Maslyakov and his wife Svetlana; the CEO of this company, established in November 2014, is the wife of Maslyakov Jr. Angelina. Real estate market experts valued this building at up to 2 billion rubles.

Famous Russian TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov belongs to the generation of children of war. He was born on the way to the evacuation to the city of Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) in November 1941. Most he devoted his life to television.

Maslyakov's childhood passed in several cities. long time his family lived in Sverdlovsk, then moved for a short period of time to Chelyabinsk, and then to Moscow. Alexander's father, Vasily Vasilyevich, was a military pilot. During the Second World War, he fought as an Air Force navigator. At the end of the war, my father did not leave the service, but was transferred to Moscow to the Air Force General Staff.

Maslyakov's mother was a housewife. After the birth of her son, Zinaida Alekseevna violated the tradition that existed in the Maslyakov family to call the boys Vasily. Four generations of men in the family before Alexander bore this name.

Maslyakov Alexander graduated from school with honors. He never had any particular problems with studies and behavior. Immediately after school, he entered MIIT, graduating in 1966.

At the institute, he chose the specialty of an energy engineer, which he very quickly changed to the profession of a television broadcaster. MIIT gave Maslyakov not only a specialty, but also a ticket to KVN.

This transfer became his destiny. The path to TV began with Alexander from the student theater. He came into it by chance in 1960. As they say, looked at the light. The smiling guy very quickly became a prominent figure in the student parties of the cheerful and resourceful. His smile played a role for him entrance ticket into the TV presenter profession.

In 1961, a youth edition was created on Central Television and the KVN project was launched. Maslyakov never played in KVN as part of the MIIT team, but he was always next to the team.

After her victory in 1963, in the form of an experiment, the program management decided to try as the presenter of the representative of the winning team. At the suggestion of the captain of the KVN MIIT team, Maslyakov became him. So since 1964, Alexander became long years the permanent host of the popular program.

After graduating from MIIT in 1966, Maslyakov gets a job at Giprosahar. The young engineer decided to combine his work at this design institute with his studies at the Higher Courses for Television Workers. This decision became a fateful one for him. The knowledge gained in the courses helped Maslyakov in his future.

Coming from design institute on TV, he stayed there for the rest of his life. Alexander came to work in the youth editorial office on TV in 1969 and immediately received the position of senior editor, which he held for almost 8 years.

“Hello, we are looking for talents”

The program was the first in the USSR created in the show genre. The program has been on TV since 1970. The audience saw the first issue on January 24. The essence of the program was to find the young, talented performers. The program was filmed in different cities countries. Once they took place in Western Ukraine.

In Chernivtsi spectators for a long time they did not let the Smeichka and Arnika groups leave the stage. going to live the program exceeded its time limit by 20 minutes.

Maslyakov was reprimanded for violating the time limit, and grateful viewers flooded the editorial office with letters. The program was very popular, but was closed.

"Come on guys!"

The program, which was a sports and entertainment show. Came out on TV screens of the USSR in 1970. The first host of the program was Vladimir Voroshilov. The script for the transfer was written by Leonid Yakubovich.

In 1972, an accident occurred while filming the program. The transmission was closed until 1975. When filming resumed, Alexander Maslyakov acted as the host. He has been with the program for over 10 years.

"Come on girls"

The show began airing in 1970. The show was based on professional competitions in which the girls took part. The winner received the title of the best in the profession. Between competitions, performances by popular artists were included.

Maslyakov joined the project in 1975. Filming of the program was closed in 1985.

"Funny boys"

Maslyakov worked on the project from 1979 to 1981. Initially, the program was conceived as a competition, but in 1982 its format was changed. The project was taken off the air in 1990.

KVN made a real sensation on television in the 60s. The program appeared not on empty place. Before it was launched on the air, a similar project was tested by the youth editorial office in 1957. It was called "Evening of funny questions."

The Czechs launched a similar program on their TV. They called it "Guess, guess, fortune teller." IN Russian version transmissions to funny questions were answered by the audience, not by the teams. After three issues, the program was closed.

In a modified format, the project was resumed under the name KVN. A large number of viewers associated this abbreviation with the name of KVN-49, which was produced at that time in the country.

Today, at the mention of the name Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich, every Russian understands that it will be about KVN. He appeared on the stage of the cheerful and resourceful, replacing Albert Axelrod, who was the first host of this program and one of the authors of the idea. In the history of Soviet and Russian TV, this was the most ideal introduction to the project of a new face.

In the first years after the launch of the broadcast, Maslyakov had a co-host on stage - Svetlana Zhiltsova. Then it was decided to leave only Maslyakov. About a couple of presenters went various rumors. Many considered them husband and wife, which was not true.

Until 1968, the program was broadcast live. The sharp jokes of the teams did not always coincide with the party line. At first, they tried to limit them to KGB directives, and in the 70s the program was closed. Latest release The program was released on August 5, 1972.

It was possible to resume the project only after 15 years. The initiator of the revival of KVN on television was Andrei Menshikov. In the 60s he was the captain of the MISI team. Maslyakov was invited to host the program. The first release of the revived program beat the expected ratings.

Despite the long break, the new generation was carried away by KVN no less than before. From television program the project has grown into an international student movement.

The whole country was infected with the game. Everyone wanted to be cheerful and resourceful. In 1990, TO "AMiK" was created. It became the official organizer of the KVN games held in the country and the festivals that arose on its basis.

Recognition of Maslyakov's merits in the field of television came to him in the 90s. In 1994, he received the title of Honored Art Worker and became the laureate of the Ovation Prize. "Tefi" was given to him in 2001. Maslyakov has orders and medals from various countries.

His merits in the field of television development were appreciated not only by the Government of the Russian Federation, but also by Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Chechnya, etc. Maslyakov was repeatedly awarded diplomas, he was awarded badges of honor.

An asteroid was named after Maslyakov.

Personal life

KVN did not bypass the personal life of the TV presenter. He met his wife on the project. In 1966, she joined the program as an assistant director. The couple got married 5 years after they met. The marriage of the Maslyakovs has not yet broken up. The couple still live and work together. In 1980, they had a son, who was named Alexander in honor of his father. So in the Maslyakov family, Vasiliev was replaced by Alexandra.

In 2006, Alexander and Svetlana Maslyakov had a granddaughter, who was named Taisiya. She continues the dynasty of her grandfather. Since 2017, she has been leading the KVN children's league. Works in KVN and the wife of Alexander Jr. She is the director of the KVN house.

After the KVN was closed in the 70s, rumors began to appear that Maslyakov was imprisoned for currency fraud. People tried to explain his temporary disappearance from TV screens in this way. These rumors had nothing to do with reality. In 2017, articles appeared in the media that Maslyukov Sr. had a stroke, after which he died. And these messages turned out to be a duck.

Maslyakov's first fees were 20 rubles for performances. Money for young guy at that time were not the main thing. They were driven by the desire to appear on the screen and please their parents with their fame. Maslyakov does not drink. According to the spouses, having lived together for more than 40 years, they quarreled only because of KVN. For a long time, Maslyakov insisted that his wife leave the program, but she did not do this and is still working in it.

Maslyakov was the first host of the What? Where? When?". He was replaced by Vladimir Voroshilov. Maslyakov conducted only the 1st edition of this program.

KVN workers nicknamed the TV presenter "Barin". This is their revenge for the harsh temper and exactingness of their leader. The players joke among themselves that Maslyakov wanted to name his son Kaveen, but changed his mind.

Alexander Maslyakov now

In early December, Maslyakov resigned from his post as director of AMiK and remained only the host in the program. The reason for this act was widely covered by the media. Famous TV presenter abuse of office was charged. The story was not the most pleasant and threatened Maslyukov with criminal liability.

In the end, everything was limited to him voluntary refusal from company management. It can still be seen on the KVN stage.


Alexander Maslyakov continues to delight fans of KVN with new projects. Invented in the 60s of the last century, the game became the work of his whole life for him and still does not lose its relevance and popularity.

Since 1964, the head and host of the TV show "Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful."

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region. Father Vasily Maslyakov served as a military pilot, fought during the Great Patriotic War, and after was listed in the General Staff of the Air Force. Sasha was brought up by her mother Zinaida Alekseevna. Interestingly, four generations of the Maslyakovs were called Vasily, and only Zinaida decided to break this tradition by naming her son Alexander.

After leaving school, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, which he successfully completed in 1966. Further, at first Maslyakov worked in his specialty, but later decided to retrain as journalists. Since 1969, he worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Office of Youth Programs, after that, special correspondent. Since 1981, he worked as a commentator at the Experiment television studio.

Maslyakov got on television quite by accident, as a fourth-year student. As Alexander Vasilyevich recalls, the captain of the institute's KVN team asked him to become one of the five hosts of a humorous program, which was supposed to be filmed by the winning team of the last game. By chance, it turned out to be the MIIT team.

The humorous TV show "Club of the Merry and Resourceful" appeared in 1961. Its prototype was Sergei Muratov's program "An Evening of Merry Questions" in 1957, which, in turn, was copied from the Czech counterpart "Guess, Guess, Fortune Teller". At the evening, the questions were answered not by the teams, but by the viewers. The program was created by the first television youth editorial office in the USSR, known as the “Festival Edition Central Television". On the third edition of the TV show, due to an unfortunate mistake by the host, the program and the entire editorial office had to be closed.

Four years later, the creators of the "Evening of Funny Questions" released a new humorous program called "KVN". The decoding of this name was twofold: in addition to traditional meaning"Club of Merry and Resourceful" the name hinted at the brand of TV KVN-49, which was produced in those years.

The first host of the game was Albert Axelrod. Three years later he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov. At first, Maslyakov was a co-host, with the Soviet announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova hosting the program. Subsequently, Alexander Vasilyevich became the sole host, which remains to this day.

For the first seven years, KVN aired exclusively live. But later, since the jokes of the teams sometimes related to Soviet ideology and reality, the releases began to be broadcast in recordings, after cutting out from them all the moments that were objectionable to the party leadership.

The head of the Central Television, Sergei Lapin, did not like the club for its unpredictability and courage, and from some point on, the State Security Committee began to closely deal with the censorship of the program. The directives of the KGB were sometimes simply absurd: for example, the participants in the program were forbidden to wear beards, as this was seen as a mockery of Karl Marx. And at the end of 1971, KVN was closed altogether.

The break lasted for 15 years. But at the beginning of perestroika, in 1986, at the initiative of the captain of the MISI team of the 60s, Andrei Menshikov, KVN again appeared on the screens. The host was Alexander Maslyakov.

The confidence with which the young man kept in the frame, his competent speech, innate tact and great feeling humor made Maslyakov an indispensable leader. In addition to KVN in different years Alexander led various programs. Among them were the talent show "Hello, we are looking for talents."

By the way, several times Alexander Maslyakov appeared in programs that were very unusual for him. So, in 1976 he held the second edition intellectual games"What? Where? When? ”, the author and creator of which is Vladimir Voroshilov. And in 1988 famous TV presenter hosted the April Fool's edition of Pozner's Vzglyad program.

Maslyakov also acted as the host of the Sochi song festivals, in the late seventies he hosted the Song of the Year program, and also conducted reports with international festivals youth and students, which were held in Havana, Berlin, Sofia, Moscow and Pyongyang.

In 2013 he became a member of the jury of the TV show "Sense of Humor" together with Yuli Gusman.

In August 2016, it became known that the AMiK creative association had filed for Federal Service on intellectual property of the Russian Federation documents for the registration of the trademark "Alexander Maslyakov".

Two years later, he was registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections on March 18, 2018.

Awards and Prizes of Alexander Maslyakov

Ovation Award (1994).

Honored Art Worker Russian Federation(September 13, 1994) - for services in the field of art.

Commonwealth charter Independent States(June 1, 2001) - for active work to strengthen and develop the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The highest award of the Academy of Russian Television - "TEFI" (2002) - "For personal contribution to the development domestic television».

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (November 21, 2006) - for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of creative activity.

Order of Merit (Ukraine), III degree (December 14, 2006) - for a significant personal contribution to the development of cultural ties between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, many years of fruitful creative activity.

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (November 12, 2011) - for great services in the development of domestic television and many years of fruitful activity.

Order of Alexander Nevsky (2015).

Order "For Merit to the Kaliningrad Region" (July 8, 2016) - for his contribution to the development of the culture of the region and the promotion of the region.

Honorary diploma of the Moscow City Duma (October 19, 2016) - for services to the city community and in connection with the anniversary.

Honorary Worker of Culture of the City of Moscow (November 7, 2016) - for merits in the development of culture and many years of conscientious work.

Insignia "For Merit to Sverdlovsk region» III degree (November 8, 2016) - for special merits in the field social development Sverdlovsk region.

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (November 24, 2016) - for outstanding contribution to the development of national television and many years of fruitful activity.

Order "For Merit to the Republic of Dagestan" (2016).

National artist Chechen Republic(January 18, 2017) - for a significant contribution to the development of pop art and cultural ties between peoples, an activity that has become widely known.

Medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth" (Ministry of Defense of Russia) (January 25, 2017) - for a great personal contribution to strengthening the military commonwealth and assistance in solving the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Order "Dostuk" (November 22, 2017, Kyrgyzstan) - for a great contribution to strengthening friendship between the peoples of Kyrgyzstan and Russia, many years of fruitful creative activity.

An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, is named in honor of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

Filmography of Alexander Maslyakov

2008 - Voices of fish - Maslyakov
1985 - How to become happy - host of the competition
1982 - I don't want to be an adult - TV presenter
1975 - Ar-hi-me-dy! - Entertainer
1970 - Mechanical adventures of Tarapunka and Plug

Family of Alexander Maslyakov

Wife - Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova (nee Semenova, born October 11, 1947) - director of KVN, came to television as an assistant director of KVN in 1966. On October 2, 1971, Alexander and Svetlana got married.

Son - Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov (born 1980) - graduate of MGIMO, general director of TTO AMiK, host of the KVN Premier League.

Daughter-in-law - Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova (Marmeladova), journalist, publicist, director of the KVN House (born February 14, 1980).

Granddaughter - Taisiya Maslyakova (born 2006) since 2009, the soloist of the Neposedy group, since 2017 the host of the children's KVN.

Soviet and Russian TV presenter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Ovation Prize in 1994, academician of the Academy of Russian Television. Lives and works in Moscow. Founder and owner of AMiK (Alexander Maslyakov and Company) - the organizer of KVN. He is the chairman of the jury of the Minute of Glory.



Alexander Maslyakov has been working on television since 1964. In 1966 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, in 1968 - Higher Courses for Television Workers.

He was the host of the programs: “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Come on, guys”, “ Funny boys»; made reports with World festivals youth and students in Sofia, Havana, Berlin, Pyongyang, Moscow; for several years he was a permanent host of international song festivals in Sochi, he also hosted the programs “Song of the Year”, “Alexander Show” and many others.

In 1974, for illegal currency transactions, he ended up in colony UN 83/2 in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. At that time, buying and selling dollars was considered a very serious crime, but the case was presented as insignificant, Maslyakov served a short term and was released ahead of schedule a few months later.

The first host of the program “What? Where? When?" (1975)

Maslyakov is a permanent host and head of the popular TV program "KVN" (Club of Cheerful and Resourceful), president of the International Union of KVN and television creative association"AMIK". Several times Maslyakov himself sat on the jury major league. Father Vasily Vasilyevich Maslyakov (1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, military pilot, navigator, participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he served in the General Staff of the Air Force. Mother Zinaida Alekseevna Maslyakova (born 1911), housewife.

Wife Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova, came to television as an assistant director of KVN in 1966. In 1971 Alexander and Svetlana got married.


Now Maslyakov works as a director of KVN. Their son (born 1980) Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is a graduate of MGIMO, the host of the programs “Planet KVN” (currently not released), “Outside the Game” and “Premier League of KVN”.


In 2002 Alexander Maslyakov was awarded the highest award Academy of Russian Television - "TEFI" "For personal contribution to the development of domestic television." In 2006, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, in commemoration of the 45th anniversary of KVN, awarded Maslyakov with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, "for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of creative activity."

Alexander Maslyakov, Jr., was born in 1980 and from the age of 6 he began attending the KVN game. According to him own words, he missed 4 or 5 Major League games, and it's only natural that he tied his life to this unique and grandiose phenomenon.

And it is not at all surprising that he also attracted his wife to work in the family business.

Family is KVN

It is unnecessary to talk about the fact that KVN today is not just a game, but an entire industry that brings fabulous income to the Maslyakov family. At the same time, the “heir” of the empire himself is often characterized as a soft-bodied person, devoid of the business acumen of his famous father. Indeed, it is difficult to compete with Alexander Maslyakov, the elder, in charisma, energy, and strong-willed character.

San Sanych himself in one of the interviews says that he does not imagine the future of KVN after, albeit not very soon, but still the inevitable retirement of Alexander Vasilyevich. Whatever one may say, the master will soon turn eighty years old, and with all his cheerfulness and activity, the years take their toll.

The wife of Maslyakov Jr., Angelina, can become a great assistant in the management of the AMiK company. Already today she has been appointed general director of the IMC "Planet KVN", and her promotion along the administrative line is unlikely to stop there. Who is she, the mysterious companion of SanSanych, who always accompanies her husband at all games?

Good girl from a good family

In fact, there is no mystery here. The wife of Maslyakov Jr. is from an intelligent professorial family, an excellent student, clever and beautiful.

They met Alexander in the first year of MGIMO. It was not easy for Maslyakov Jr. to study, and at first the girl simply helped him "gnaw the granite of science." Of course, it so happened that the young students became close and began to meet.

“The wedding turned out no longer for us, but for the parents,” recalls Angelina.

Long fees, registry office, cortege, Eternal flame- all the best traditions of the Soviet marriage tired the young. Ten years later, the couple made up for this gap by gathering close friends and arranging a holiday in Italy.

In 2006, the couple had a daughter, Tasya.. Maslyakov Jr. admits that he was not ready for such a grand event in his life. “The whole world has turned upside down,” he says. The first nights, the parents hardly slept, they checked whether the girl was breathing, whether everything was in order.

Now Taisiya is actively engaged in creativity, she sings in the Fidget group. Once she took part in one of the KVN numbers, taking part in the number of the GUUMISIS team. The number was called "Pelageya's Nightmare Dream", in which the program "Voice. Children".

Despite their success in singing activity, the girl admitted that she dreams of becoming an architect and designer.

My life together spouses cannot be called idyllic, they often argue and sort things out.

Education received in a diplomatic university does not save. Save what is by the nature of the spouses are very similar - they quickly start up and quickly calm down.

Angelina, on the other hand, lacks romance in a relationship. She herself loves to prepare various gifts and surprises for her relatives, but such impulses do not come from Alexander.

“I promise to improve,” the husband says, and immediately adds: I really don’t understand all these romantic impulses.

Ensure continuity

Apart from family life, Angelina has always paid a lot of attention to her career and self-realization. She worked in the Federation Council, was engaged in journalism and released three books.

Their genre is characterized as love prose, modern prose And female romance. "Amore Mio", "Not dolce vita", "Women and Men in Friendship and Love" were not published in huge circulations and were not awarded attention literary criticism. Rather, it is light reading for women tired of everyday worries.

Interesting Notes:

However, over time, Angelina Maslyakova, a member of the Maslyakov clan, began to work in the structure of her father-in-law and husband. Today she occupies a respectable post Director GeneralММЦ "Planety KVN". This is a whole complex, with multimedia concert hall, rehearsal rooms and many dressing rooms, parking, elevators, restaurant and buffet.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. does not hide the fact that his father is still leading his life today. Maitre Russian television can't help but understand that it can't go on like this forever. The day will come, and the ship named "KVN" will have to lead the successor, who grew up as an obedient man and dependent on his father's will.

It is quite possible that big hopes are assigned precisely to the daughter-in-law of Maslyakov Sr., Angelina. It is she who should become the core around which both the family clan and AMiK itself will grow and strengthen.

"AMiK" stands for simply - Alexander Maslyakov and company.

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