Allegorical concept or abstract idea in art. Lexical resources of the language


Allegory is one of artistic techniques, which is widespread in literary creativity. In the literal sense, this word means the expression of an idea or concept through a certain artistic image, monologue, dialogue.

In other words, a real phenomenon or event is described using an abstract concept in such a way as to emphasize its features even more expressively. This technique is used not only in literature, but also in painting, performing arts and film genre.

It is worth noting that an allegorical image, which is based on the similarity of life events and phenomena, can take a significant, and sometimes central in literary or theatrical work.

The described or depicted object is not called directly, but is characterized with the help of another object. In other words, allegory is a detailed likening of one object or phenomenon to another through a whole system of hints. However, the meaning is not only not lost, but also becomes more obvious, vivid and extremely understandable.

Most allegorical images reflect such concepts as good and evil, justice and inequality, love and hatred. Many moral values it is much easier to describe it in allegorical language than to speak directly, calling a spade a spade.

The beauty and grandeur of literary images

Allegory has much in common with symbolism, but the concept itself is much broader. Symbolic images reflect life nature and inspired by song traditions. Images-symbols evoke emotional analogies with human life. Allegory, on the other hand, is distinguished by bias and deliberateness, when in the described object or life phenomenon the reader immediately draws the necessary parallel with a real object or phenomenon.

Most a prime example allegorical are Krylov's fables, where human vices are clearly shown with the help of animal characters:

  • fox - cunning;
  • donkey - stubborn;
  • wolf - evil;
  • bear - stupidly imposing;
  • ram - stupid;
  • hare is cowardly.

Legendary ancient Greek poet Aesop, who also wrote fables, pursued the goal of affirming public morality. The use of allegory helped him to ridicule the bad qualities of people, putting them on display and showing all the squalor of bad traits and inclinations.

There is even the term "Aesopian language", meaning a kind of literary cryptography, deliberately masking the author's thought. This is a kind of "system of deceptive means" that the slave Aesop was forced to use, because he could not directly expose his masters.

Literature and censorship: tricks of Russian classics

Russian writers used allegory to circumvent censorship. Especially often you can find such a device in the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, who interacted with his reader, hiding the true meaning from the censors. Fairy tale " wise gudgeon"It is very rich from the artistic side - it traces not only the desire to deceive censorship, but also to reveal the essence of some life phenomena.

Drawing the image of a “small fish”, pathetic and cowardly, the writer perfectly reflected the essence of a different layman. A well-aimed characterization hits right on target, illustrating the breed of a petty and worthless citizen through a minnow.

endowing the fish human qualities , Saltykov-Shchedrin in his work touches philosophical problem search for the meaning of life and the purpose of man.

Another example of allegory is the poem " Dead Souls”, where the hidden meaning is embedded even in the names of the characters - Sobakevich, Plyushkin. In this work there is a whole illusory world, showing the whole of Russia in the context, along with its vices and shortcomings.

Lifestyle of the time in which Gogol lived is described very figuratively - what is the only allegorical world of the peasants who died or fled from their masters worth! This world, as it were, is opposed to the world of the living, thereby emphasizing the poverty of the morals of the main characters.

IN foreign literature There are also many works that use allegory. For example, Dante depicted in his " Divine Comedy» human passions in the form of animals:

  • panther - sensuality;
  • lion - pride and ambition;
  • wolf - greed.

Medieval Oriental poetry is also full of allegories - Alisher Navoi in "Seven Planets" talks about love and at the same time denounces the then rulers in an allegorical form. Sultan Hussein-Merzy and his courtiers are subjected to veiled criticism - the author exposes allegorical literary means tyranny, covetousness, ignorance and cruelty.

Thus , allegory is a way to give brightness to a work, originality, expressiveness and originality. Through a hidden hint, you can express the idea more vividly, and the image - more colorful, which is not always possible when using ordinary narration.


In this video you will learn about visual expressive means in literature.

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When the author writes literary work, paints a picture or creates another work of art, he aims to convey as accurately as possible the character of the characters, their inner world and relationships. Poetry, painting, sculpture is not just a collection of words and information. If you use only clear definitions in poetry, they are unlikely to hook the reader with anything. Therefore, there are so many means in Russian artistic expression. One of them is allegory. What is an allegory can be understood with specific examples.

How is it used in different art forms?

An allegory, if you try to formulate a definition, can be called certain remedy, designed to call something abstract a specific concept or subject.

Allegory is used as a means of expression in many forms of art:

  1. In painting, in the Renaissance, very often in paintings, artists, drawing various objects, invested in paintings deep meaning. These were not just compositions of incomprehensible elements, it was the call of the artist, his view of the world. However, not all viewers could unravel the meaning, but only those who were familiar with the concepts of allegory;
  2. In sculpture. The streets of cities, especially those that are cultural centers, often decorate monuments, sculptures and statues. But in each monument a certain idea is expressed;
  3. In literature. Very often, poets disguise feelings, intangible concepts under animals, plants, objects, giving the verse unique style and thus allowing free rein for the reader's imagination.

In sculpture and painting

As an example of allegory in painting, one can cite the painting “Liberty Leading the People” by Eugene Delacroix, french artist. In the picture, freedom, which is an intangible, abstract concept, is depicted as a woman with a red flag, who towers over other people. The weapon in her hand symbolizes strength, and the turned head is a call to action.

An allegory in sculpture is a striking example of the "Motherland", which personifies the victory over the Nazis, and says that Volgograd, as if with a sword, hit the enemy. A " Bronze Horseman” in St. Petersburg emphasizes the greatness of Peter I, every detail has its own hidden meaning: a block in the form of a wave is the element, and the horse is overcoming obstacles.

What is allegory in literature?

If you open the explanatory dictionary, you can find the following definition of allegory - this is extended metaphor, allegory, a trope that enhances the expressiveness of a work by presenting an abstract concept concrete way or expression.

That is, it's like artistic synonym. For example, in Krylov's fables, all characters are animals, but each animal is an intensified expression human vices or vice versa merits. The fox is cunning, the crow is stupidity, and the oak is wisdom.

If the author presented the same traits of human characters, but in a different way, for example, he would describe simply cunning, simply stupid, or simply wise man, it would hardly be possible for the reader to convey the truths of life in such an ironic, easy and simple form.

What is the difference between metaphor and allegory?

Allegory can be confused with metaphor, because both concepts denote expressing something through something .

But an allegory is a more extended metaphor:

  • Metaphor is a more concrete, narrow expression, an allegory is wider, it is the whole picture allegories;
  • Metaphor - figurative meaning based on similarity, allegory uses associations more. For example, the expression “cunning like a fox” would be a metaphor, but if you call someone a “fox” it will already be an allegory;
  • A metaphor most often expresses an animated concept, and an abstract allegory. That is, about a person, you can say “proud like a lion” and this will be a metaphor, but the image of a lion means strength, power and pride - this is an example of an allegory.

What is an allegory: examples

Allegory is very often used in literature. A vivid image of allegories is fables, in which each character is an incarnation.

Poetry also uses this means of expressing thoughts. Allegories are not easy to understand.

For example, in the lines of Marina Tsvetaeva "Poems grow like stars and like roses":

  • Stone slabs are creative lull when the poet has neither ideas nor inspiration;
  • A heavenly guest is a sudden insight, a muse, with four petals, meaning a flower, which in turn will personify something beautiful;
  • The law of the star is a certain vision of the world, its undercurrents;
  • The flower formula - says that only a poet knows how to convey all the truths in a word.

In the lines " Winter night»Boris Pasternak, there are also allegorical expressions:

  • Blizzard and winter mean hardships that have come everywhere,
  • Candle - unquenchable hope;
  • “On the illuminated ceiling” - the illuminated ceiling symbolizes the fact that, despite difficulties, hope can illuminate everything around;
  • "Crossing of arms, crossing of legs" - passion and love;
  • “It was snowy all month in February, and every now and then the candle burned on the table, the candle warmed” - here, in the last lines, it seems to say how persistent the small candle turned out to be, which, despite the month of adversity, burned.

Application in religion

Any religion is designed to change a person in better side. Parables and commandments teach people love, mercy, justice and humility. For example, in Christian religion in each parable, all characters, objects and actions are allegorical.

The parable of the talents: it tells how the master, leaving for another country, gave his slaves talents: five to one, three to the third, one to the third. When he returned, he saw that the one who had five talents multiplied them and received only ten, the one who had three did the same, and the slave who had one talent buried it in the ground.

  • The owner is God, talents are all that we have been awarded from birth: abilities, opportunities and health.
  • A slave who has buried talent in the ground is a lazy person who does not want to develop and improve.

Almost every parable is built on allegories in order to more easily convey the truth to people.

Art serves to lead a person to perfection, otherwise it is not art, but simple catering. In order to better convey to a person this or that understanding of the world, it is necessary to create vivid images and enhance contrasts.

Therefore, art cannot be dry, monotonous and open to understanding. For this, there are various means of expression. Any true master knows not only what an allegory, metaphor, epithet, symbol is, but also knows how to correctly apply all this in his creations.

Video: examples of allegories and metaphors in creativity

In this video, literature teacher Elena Krasnova will tell you what allegory is and how it is used in art, she will give the most striking examples:

  • ALLEGORY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    sometimes used in Russian poetics, the translation of the term "allegory" (see) ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    an expression that contains a hidden meaning; used as literary device(Pugachev's conversation with the owner of the inn in " Captain's daughter" A. …
  • ALLEGORY in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    V strict meaning- same as allegory; in broad use - a hidden form of expression, a statement where "letter" and ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    cm. …
  • ALLEGORY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, cf. An expression containing a different, hidden meaning, an allegory. Speak …
  • ALLEGORY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ALLOY, an expression that contains a hidden meaning; used as lit. reception (for example, Pugachev's conversation with the owner of the inn in the "Captain's ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? cm. …
  • ALLEGORY in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -I'm with. 1) Allegory. Natural poetry resorts to allegory (Belinsky). 2) An expression that contains a hidden meaning, ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    see hint, ...
  • ALLEGORY in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    allegory, parabola, ...
  • ALLEGORY in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    cf. 1) A statement, an expression containing a hidden meaning, a hint. 2) The expression of an abstract concept through an artistic image as a literary device; …
  • ALLEGORY in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    allegory, ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    allegory, ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    allegory, ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    an expression containing a different, hidden meaning, an allegory To speak ...
  • ALLEGORY in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    an expression that contains a hidden meaning; used as a literary device (Pugachev's conversation with the owner of the inn in A. ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    allegory, cf. (book). Same as allegory (lit.). || An expression that contains a hidden meaning, a hidden allusion. He loves to talk...
  • ALLEGORY in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    allegory cf. 1) A statement, an expression containing a hidden meaning, a hint. 2) The expression of an abstract concept through an artistic image as a literary device; …
  • ALLEGORY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
  • ALLEGORY in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    cf. 1. A statement, an expression containing a hidden meaning, a hint. 2. Expression of an abstract concept through an artistic image as a literary device; …
  • SYMBOL in the Dictionary of Analytical Psychology:
    (Symbol) - the best possible expression or representation of something unknown. The concept of a symbol should be distinguished from the concept of a sign. “Every mental product, since ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (Greek allegoria - allegory) - one of the ways of aesthetic exploration of reality, the reception of the image of objects and phenomena through an image, the basis of which ...
  • LAMB in the Dictionary-Index of Names and Concepts on Old Russian Art:
    (lat. lamb) 1. A one-year-old male lamb without any blemish, which the Israelites were ordered to eat with special rites when performing ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Dictionary of Fine Art Terms:
    - (from the Greek allegoria - allegory) in art, the embodiment of a phenomenon, as well as speculative ideas in a visual image (for example, a woman with ...
  • SYMBOLISM in the Dictionary Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
    - A figurative expression of an idea or thought. The original letter did not have letters at first, usually a symbol expressed a whole phrase or sentence. Symbol, …

Allegory is primarily a tool, a means that is designed to convey the author's thought as clearly and accurately as possible. It helps to convey the idea more expressively in writing. The author's talent lies in the brilliant command and wide use of all elements of the allegorical language.

The meaning of the concept of "allegory"

There are many explanations that decipher what an allegory is. They all mean the same thing. First of all, allegory is a literary device used to express an abstract concept in a concrete artistic image. It always carries a hidden meaning, a hint.

Types of allegory

What is allegory: examples in literature

Allegory can be considered a feature of literature as an art form. Whole works are built on this principle. Russians folk tales, Aesop's fables, Garshin's stories, Maeterlinck's plays, Wilde's fairy tales were created through this special language. It is examples from the literature that will help to reveal the meaning of the concept of allegory. In Shchedrin's fairy tale "Konyaga" there is allegorical images horses as representatives of different classes. IN folk songs married couple likened to a pair of birds: doves, peacocks or falcons.

IN lyrical works this feature of literature occurs even more than in prose. The poet Gennady Aigi shows allegoricalness in every word. His poems are like a cipher that not every person is able to solve. The author, whose lines are even more allegorical than those of Gennady Aigi, is Vladimir Kazakov. There is no integrity in his works, but there is an endless repetition of words-images. For example, "mirror", "clock", "tea" are very common in his creations, often changing their meaning.

Allegory is most clearly manifested in fiction. The authors of such works convey real phenomena life through fiction. The use of numerous methods of allegory allows you to visually and figuratively convey what happened thousands of years ago or will happen in the future.

Functions of allegory in other spheres of human life and society

Allegory is used as a means of describing objects of the surrounding world that are difficult to name. It helps to master non-physical objects, phenomena. Allegory develops analytical thinking, the way of comprehending the world of which is division.

The purpose of art in human life is to achieve perfection. In order to convey certain phenomena of life, it is necessary to create vivid symbols and emphasize their properties and differences. That's why poetic language always diverse and deciphered depending on the understanding specific person. Every real master Words understands what an allegory, metaphor, personification, epithet, symbol is and knows how to use them correctly in his works.


Allegory, according to the Bolshoi Encyclopedic Dictionary, is a literary device, an expression with hidden meaning. In the strict sense, allegory is a synonym. In a more extended interpretation, this is a statement in which "letter" and "spirit" do not coincide, they can even be opposite. That is why in containing allegories, the meaning does not always “lie in the palm of your hand” - you need to see it, you need to correctly understand the idea that you wanted to convey to the reader. The same BES refers irony and Aesopian language to allegories. On the other hand, feelings or other concepts that do not have a visible form, thanks to the use of allegory, become accessible, recognizable. Embodied in images, they help to express an abstract concept as accurately as possible.

Types of allegory

1. Personification (otherwise - personification) - endowing the features of a living being with inanimate objects: “revitalization” (“queen-night”, “sorceress-winter”) or use, applied to living beings, in figurative meaning towards inanimate objects(began to play, birches whisper).
2. Indirect satire - works that show, ridicule, condemn the shortcomings of their time under the guise of transference of actions (, future tense or fictional worlds and faces. This may include, for example, "The Wise Gudgeon").
3. - the image of ideas, concepts in a certain image, the connection with which is established by analogy through certain ones. Under many allegorical expressions, a mythological or folklore base has been summed up. Examples of allegories: the lion is a sign of strength, the hare is cowardice, justice is Themis with a sword and scales.
4. Euphemism - or expressions that replace words that are synonymous in meaning. Euphemism is characterized by softness, collectiveness. They are used in situations where other designations are undesirable (impolite, too harsh). Examples: face gay- gay, African American - Negro and others.


Allegory is used very often in prose to give images brightness, color, as a way to avoid platitudes. However, trying to make your work memorable through the use of this technique, novice authors run the risk of encountering the opposite effect, since many of the most commonly used personifications, allegories, have themselves become beaten. At the other end of the extreme - abundance and interweaving various kinds allegory, making the work extremely difficult to read and understand. It is important to find golden mean”, which in most cases is achieved through training and increasing creative experience.

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