How to open a bookmaker's office in Russia: step-by-step instructions. How to open a bookmaker's office and do it legally


Many entrepreneurs today want to open a bookmaker's office, but not everyone knows how to do it. There are several models of bookmakers, which will be discussed in this material. It will be useful to anyone who is thinking about opening a bookmaker's office.

Principle of operation

The main goal any bookmaker's office is extracting and maximizing profits. For the most part success depends on the correctness of the forecast and subsequent determination of the coefficients. They should be formed in such a way that even with the most incredible outcome of the event, the office does not incur losses.

First required determine the odds of all possible outcomes of an event. Let's say we're talking about a Premier League match between Manchester City and Sunderland. Among the many forecasting methods, statistical and expert ones are usually chosen. In the first case, techniques and methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics are used based on the results of measurements of past periods. In the second case, a survey of experts is conducted who assess the teams' chances of winning.

Using the selected forecast methods, a final percentage estimate of the probable outcomes of the event is compiled. Since Manchester City are significantly stronger than Sunderland and have a win/draw/loss ratio of 69/26/49, the outcome options would be:

  • Manchester City win – 60%
  • Draw – 15%
  • Sunderland win – 30%

When converted to coefficients, we obtain the following values:

  • Manchester City win – 1.82
  • Draw – 6.67
  • Sunderland win – 3.33

These are the so-called "fair chances" which will never be included in the final tables, since in this case the office will be left without profit. Therefore, these coefficients are adjusted, and something close to the following values ​​is obtained:

  • Manchester City – 1.65
  • Sunderland - 2.90
  • Draw – 5.00

Now let's get back to probabilities. Their amount will be 115 percent instead of 100, since this includes the bookmaker’s margin (profit amount). In our example, this is 15%, but in reality, CIS bookmakers usually take from 5 to 10 percent. The margin amount is taken into account when forming odds. So, the odds are set and the clients have placed their bets. They were distributed as follows:

  • Manchester City – 75%
  • Sunderland - 10%
  • Draw – 15%

That is, if the office accepted 100,000 rubles in bets, then 75 thousand were bet on Manchester City, 15 on a draw and 10 on Sunderland. Usually clients prefer not to take risks and bet on the favorite team. Now let’s calculate the match result for the bookmaker:

  • Manchester City victory – 123,750 rubles in payments, 23,750 rubles in losses
  • Sunderland victory – 50,000 rubles in payments, 50,000 rubles in profits
  • Draw – 43,500 rubles in payments, 56,500 rubles in profits

If Manchester City wins, which is more likely, the bookmaker will suffer losses. The odds of winning if Sunderland draw or win are too low to take any risks, so the bookmaker should lower the odds of the favorite team even further.

Predicting the exact distribution of bets in advance is a difficult task, but the favorite is usually known in advance. By artificially increasing the probability of winning, the bookmaker can adjust the odds in a more favorable way:

  • Manchester City – 72%, odds 1.18
  • Sunderland – 25%, odds 4.00
  • Draw – 18%, odds 5.55

This guarantees the bookmaker a reduction in losses, but still does not eliminate them. Having calculated the possible payments, we have the following amounts:

  • Manchester City victory – 104,250 rubles in payments, 4,250 rubles in losses
  • Sunderland victory – 60,000 rubles in payments, 40,000 rubles in profits
  • Draw – 55,500 rubles in payments, 44,500 rubles in profits

Indeed, the bookmaker is suffering losses again. In reality, bookmakers tend to overestimate the favorite for this very reason.

Absolutely accurate forecast the results of events and the distribution of bets in reality is impossible, there is always the possibility of a different outcome, so when opening a bookmaker's office, you should take care of a reliable system of forecasting and setting odds that will protect the business from losses.

What is needed to open a bookmaker's office?

First of all you have to find room for a future office. Ideally, this is a small room with an area of ​​6-8 square meters, located in a sports bar and capable of accommodating workplace for the manager, the equipment necessary for work and some free space. You also need to resolve all paperwork issues, take out insurance and enter into an agreement with a security company.

At the beginning of the office's activities staff will consist of one or two managers who receive and process orders. At this stage, you will most likely perform the functions of a manager yourself - firstly, this will save a certain amount of money, which at first will not be very much. Secondly, this way you will delve into many of the intricacies of this business and be able to get to know your client.

Later, you can hire your own team of analysts, which will increase wage costs, increase the prestige of the office and improve the odds.

You will need set of equipment. It can be bought either new or used. Many large enterprises They regularly change equipment, so if you are smart enough, you can purchase almost new equipment from such a company for next to nothing.

To work you will definitely need:

  1. Computer (PC or laptop);
  2. Additional monitors;
  3. Copier;
  4. A printer;
  5. Licensed software for bookmakers;
  6. Secure high-speed Internet connection.

The last point is especially important. If you decide at first to save on the provider and connection, there is a high risk of vulnerability of the servers with the office data. This entails many problems, ranging from damage to reputation and ending with penal payments to clients.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker's office?

For getting licenses for the opening in the Federal tax service you will need a bank guarantee in the amount of half a billion rubles. If you enter into a franchising agreement with a license holder, it will cost approximately 150 thousand rubles plus monthly payments in the amount of 15-30 thousand.

It is worth remembering that this type entrepreneurial activity relates to the gambling business and is subject to large tax– 125 thousand rubles. The profitability of this business is not very high - from 10 to 20 percent, depending on the choice of coefficients.

A small room is enough for a bookmaker’s office, therefore, for rent you won’t have to spend a lot - you can find a comfortable small space that costs about 10 thousand per month, the same amount will be spent on the insurance premium. At first, the staff will consist of two managers with a salary of 50-70 thousand rubles.

When expanding and increasing the capitalization of your office, you will need sports services expert analysts, which can be recruited both from professionals who have left your competitors, and from among professional privateer players. Your own team of analysts will allow you to improve the system for calculating odds and make your offer unique.

You should not save on employee salaries - this is Foundation stone staff motivation.

In addition to fixed costs wages employees, taxes, insurance and rental premises can also be included rental of specialized software, which you will need at first and in the event that you decide not to form your own analytical department.

In addition, you should think in advance payment for equipment(monitors, computers, cash register and printer), payment Internet and security company services, as well as future advertising your bookmaker's office. Here the amount may vary depending on your financial capabilities and willingness to pay more for quality equipment and contractor services.

If there are not enough funds, then in the next article we will describe.

Required documents

  1. License to conduct bookmaking activities or franchise agreement.
  2. Lease contract.
  3. Plan from the Technical Inventory Bureau.
  4. Confirmation of the owner of the premises.
  5. Official guarantees of compliance with current legislation.

If you are going to work as a franchise, you will also need:

  1. Certificate of registration of the company with limited liability.
  2. Personal data of company employees (not always required): passport code, TIN, photocopies of some documents and individual insurance number personal account.
  3. They may request a copy of the contract with the private security company.

Preparing all the documents to open a bookmaker’s office will take a month to a month and a half.

Business plan

Before you start work, you need to draw up a document that defines short-term, medium-term and long-term goals, as well as methods for achieving them, it defines performers and areas of responsibility. This is a document in which all the data of the enterprise will be spelled out to the smallest detail and the direction of its development in the future will be set.

A business plan is drawn up by the founders or trustees before the office starts operating. It must contain the following:

  • description of the bookmaker's office: brief summary, location and capabilities, services, technology used in the operation;
  • purpose, mission and objectives of the enterprise, ways to achieve goals, persons responsible for their achievement;
  • organization structure (management, employees, staffing table(see also) and staff costs);
  • analysis of the market and competitors (description of the market, its segmentation, description of competitors);
  • the target audience(clients and their behavior);
  • operating activities;
  • financial plan;
  • risk assessment;
  • marketing strategy;
  • social and corporate responsibility;
  • conditions for leaving the business.

About other rules for drawing up a business plan.

How to open a bookmaker's office in Russia

The features of this business in Russian Federation These include strict legal requirements, especially the heavy tax burden and requirements for office location.

There are a number of requirements for the location of the office - mandatory and unspoken. The legislation prohibits the opening of gambling establishments in permanent buildings and structures, while it is prohibited to open offices in children's and medical institutions, at train stations and buildings owned by the state or city.

As for the unspoken rules, this should be a place with a high concentration of people, located on the first floor of the first building line. It is desirable that the house is not residential. Remember that the vast majority of your clients will be men, so it would be wise to open an office in a bar or near a gym or stadium.

It should also be taken into account that due to high margins and more low odds advanced privateers prefer foreign offices, and the number of players among the population is not so large due to internal economic problems and low living standards.

The bookmaking business in the Russian Federation began to flourish rapidly in the 2010s, after the ban on casinos and gambling halls in 2009. Over the past 7 years, the number of license holders in the Russian Federation has grown from 5 to 27, and the annual turnover of this industry is estimated by experts at two and a half billion dollars. This business is perceived positively by government agencies, because due to the high tax rate, regions receive impressive payments from business owners.

Creation of a bookmaker's office as a franchise

Due to the high requirements (primarily financial) for a license, many entrepreneurs prefer to enter into a franchise agreement. In fact, the office becomes a branch of the existing network. She has obligations to the main company, but she functions independently.

Bookmaker networks provide support to branches by helping with staff training, providing a license for special software and analyst reports, and also helping with promotion.

The requirements that are put forward to applicants for partnership usually include the availability of space for opening a branch, a secure Internet connection, minimum amount cash to replenish the reserve fund, business skills and experience.

The cost of opening a franchise office varies from half a million to two and a half million rubles; this amount can be recouped in the first two quarters of operation. Different bookmaker networks put forward different offers under franchise agreements and before contacting candidates, it is worth carefully studying this market and choosing the most advantageous offer.

Advice: find an entrepreneur who is already working under the franchise you have chosen, and as a future colleague, ask him about cooperation with the license holder and about all the pitfalls.

Opening a bookmaker's office on the Internet

Currently, the online betting market is on the rise. New players appear every day, striving to push the mastodons of online betting, and the growth of the audience and the volume of bets is regularly recorded. This is due to the prospects that many investors see in bookmaking on the World Wide Web.

To open an online office, you will need to go through a standard licensing procedure. In addition, you will need to find a ready-made script for a bookmaker and buy hosting along with a domain - at this stage everything is quite simple.

Promoting a website will require a lot of resources and effort. You will need either additional personnel (programmer, SEO optimizer and site administrator), or a contractor that will handle promotion and be able to provide technical support. Promoting a bookmaker’s website will take 3-4 months, its cost depends on many factors and averages 150 thousand rubles.

Try to find competent specialists with a good portfolio. This will save time and effort, which you will spend on inexpensive services of laymen and correcting their mistakes. Paying a professional will pay off in any case.

Is it profitable to open a bookmaker's office?

Due to low profitability, income from single point may seem too small and not worth the effort. However, if you build your network correctly, profits will increase, and as the network grows, you can think about expanding your influence on smaller firms, offering them partnerships and receiving additional income.

10 interesting facts about bookmaking (video)

From the video you will learn about 10 interesting facts about bookmaking, which will help you create and develop your own bookmaker's office.

In this material, we tried to reveal for you as much as possible the essence of the bookmaker business and the nuances that should be taken into account when planning the creation of this business. Bookmaking is one of the few gambling businesses that remain legal in Russia and other CIS countries. Market gaming bets is a very promising investment, and we sincerely hope that your experience in this business will become successful.

Bookmakers are familiar to everyone today. But few people know that this is a whole industry with its own deep history, rules of the game, heroes and pitfalls. Today we’ll talk about bookmaking as a business with the head of the “FIRST BOOKMAKER’S OFFICE” Baev Maxim.

Journalist: Maxim, tell us where this thing called “bookmaking” came from, when did it originate?

Maxim: Since time immemorial sports gathered crowds of spectators and forced them to empathize with their participants. It is not known who was the first to think of betting on the outcome of an event - in the Colosseum, at a gladiator battle, or at horse racing V Ancient Greece, but from that time to the present day sport competitions do not leave indifferent a lot of people all over the world and they are all united by a passion for risk and excitement. In the 18th century, an avid fan, the Duke of Queensberry, bet one thousand guineas (a fortune at that time) against five hundred on the outcome of one of the fist fights.

Zh: When did this type of activity appear in the post-Soviet space, and what contributed to its development?

M: Before the ban on gambling was introduced, the Russian bookmaker market was very poorly developed and had a narrow circle of clients. The offices operated in the “booth” format - minimal in area and extremely sparse in interior design. Such offices attracted mainly a clientele of fans of sports statistics, as well as rare random guests. In fact, we can say that in Russia in the 90s there was no bookmaking culture.

The impetus for the development of bookmaking was the introduction of a ban on gambling - bookmakers gradually switched to working in a slightly different format. Firstly, with the closure gambling establishments many “familiar” places began to be converted into bookmaker offices as the closest and most legal alternative that could retain the old clientele. Secondly, great emphasis was placed on interior design teaching staff premises, equipping the halls with numerous monitors with the presentation of bookmaker products and sports broadcasts. The design of the PPP has acquired the features of a casino. This format was called a “sports bar”, since in most cases the betting point was combined with a bar and retail sales alcoholic beverages, although, in my opinion, this is contrary to the format of the bookmaker's office today.

Zh: How are modern bookmakers different?

M: Today in bookmakers there is such an important link as the analytical department, the main task which is to correctly set the odds for events. The analyst, using mathematical calculation formulas and probability theory, as well as statistical estimates, sets a line coefficient for a particular event. An error-free analytical department is an indispensable guarantee of the profitability of a bookmaker’s office. On initial stage The activities of the analytical department are related to the collection of information ( statistical indicators players, teams, etc.), then its processing and formation of a sports line. Analysts study incoming bets for a strong bias towards one outcome or another and promptly respond to changes in quotes for sporting events and factors influencing them.

Zh: What is the operating principle of the analytical department? Is it important to predict the outcome as accurately as possible?

M: In their work, analysts should always remember the principle of making a profit. To do this, several conditions must be met. The odds must be set in such a way as to attract the interest of players, but in case of any, even the most unexpected sports outcome, bring profit to the office.

Zh: How to avoid contradictions in the bookmaker's line?

M: How to do this? Constantly monitor these contradictions, and, even more so, control the players’ ability to make a sure bet (i.e. bet on two events in such a way that the player remains a winner no matter the outcome). In this, the analytical department should not allow the slightest error.

Zh: What constitutes a “unique event” in bookmaking?

M: The fact is that bookmaking is not only about strict mathematics. Fetus creative imagination analytical department when creating a line - these are the so-called unique events (events that have no analogues in the lines of other bookmakers). For example, someone takes bets on the end of the world or whether it will rain tomorrow. In principle, the creative field for creating bets on unique events is limitless.

Zh: If you imagine the bookmaking business as a scale, what disadvantages could you counter with the advantages? Are there any pitfalls and what are the benefits of developing bookmaking?

M: Today, opening your own bookmaker’s office is a fairly profitable investment with good prospects for the future, because bookmaking is one of the few types of gambling business in Russia. And since there are no legal alternatives, bookmaking is good platform for development. Opening your own office is an excellent solution for those who already have or have premises in mind, for those who are or have been involved in the activities of cafes, restaurants and catering establishments. Well, of course, this is a certain path further development for those who were involved in the gambling business and have retained their client base since then.

The downside of the bookmaker business is, perhaps, a sufficient outflow of customers to the Internet to gaming sites that currently illegal according to the laws of the Russian Federation. Such sites, popular among Russian players, operate on the basis of licenses from offshore territories. When playing on such sites, the player does not receive any legal protection, and at any time his account can be reset by the operator without explanation. If the bet is calculated incorrectly, the player will not be able to formalize his legal claims in any way. Thus, when playing on the Internet, the gambler is based only on trust in the office.

Also, the disadvantages of opening a bookmaking business include all sorts of underground gambling establishments, which attract some of the clients and cast a shadow on the business as a whole.

Zh: If we talk about legislation in the field of bookmaking, what restrictions could you name?

M: It is always worth being aware of the main restrictions in the law regarding the opening of teaching staff. These restrictions mainly relate to rather strict requirements for the premises: the betting office of a bookmaker cannot be located in residential buildings, in the same building with medical, educational or municipal institutions. The most stringent requirement, of course, is the restriction on residential buildings, in fact, even a separate extension to residential building, having the same address as the house itself, will not be able to undergo the licensing procedure for bookmaking activities. Because of this, a lot is lost good places to open a bookmaker.

Zh: So, let’s imagine that the office is open. What is the profile of the audience you should target?

M: If the goal of a business is profit, then its source is the target audience. Who are these people? Most often these are male representatives from 18 to 50 years old (and older), fans of sports analytics and statistics. Or just gambling people who want to try their luck and just have a good time.

Zh: What advice could you give to novice bookmakers to attract visitors?

M: It is important to remember that in order to attract the target audience, it is necessary to provide players with a full guarantee of any payments for winnings. Players prefer to place bets in an office where winnings are always paid on time and in full, and possible conflict situations are smoothed out in their favor.

Having originated several centuries ago, bookmaking does not die, but remains a thriving and constantly developing industry. Why? Because passion and the desire to win are the same eternal needs of people as, for example, communication. This is a form of personal expression. A Eternal values worth the investment.

The bookmaker services industry is one of the largest in the world in terms of turnover. The profitability of bookmakers’ business, according to their own statements, reaches 8-10%, although the reality is most likely significantly different.

When starting this business, you need to understand what level of profitability you expect. Unlike trade, catering and other business sectors, the profitability of a bookmaker's office is relatively low - up to 10%. This means that with a turnover of 1 million rubles, an entrepreneur will earn 100 thousand rubles per month.

The operating principle of the bookmaker's office is simple.

Every day the office offers a list of quotes for sporting events, which is called the “line”. Each outcome of a sporting event has its own unique coefficient, which is necessary to calculate the winning amount.

There are offices that work for a mass audience and accept bets (from 20 to 5,000 rubles) and for the elite. These are mainly Moscow networks. Their minimum bet is 500 rubles. The average price category includes rates from 100 to 100 thousand rubles.

But a beginner cannot match these turnovers, and therefore it is worth starting with small bets.

Of course, this business has a seasonality that is closely related to world sports championships. Most bets are traditionally placed on football matches.

Let's look at the work of a Western bookmaker from the inside based on an example

Every day the bookmaker creates his lines, why he finds out. the balance of power for a particular match to determine the probabilities of the outcome of that match. Of course, different companies may have their own vision of the outcome. And that means your bets.

Let’s say in the Eagles - Hares match, the bookmaker believes that the percentage chances are 50% - 30% - 20%. That is, 50% that the Eagles will win, 30% that there will be a draw and 20% that the Hares will win.

According to the European system of presenting odds, the line for this event will be formed as 2 - 3.33 - 5. This is done simple division units per team chance percentage.
But then the bookmaker will not receive anything if he allows the player to play on such lines. So he introduces a margin. For example, our margin will be 15%.

That is, the player will have to be 10% smarter (minimum) than the bookmaker to win. The balance of power with profit margin in percentage terms will be 57.5% - 34.5% - 23% = 115%. Or in the European format - this: 1.74 - 2.90 - 4.35.

This is the line he will give to the player.

Let’s say people put the total down like this: $6,000 - $3,000 - $1,000.

What will the bookmaker answer? What risks does it bear?

If the Eagles win, then the bookmaker will have to pay the players $6000*0.74=$4440 and he will receive $3000+$1000 =$4000 from the players and the total loss will be -$440.

If there is a draw, then the bookmaker will have to fork out 1.90*$3000 =$5700, and he will receive $6000+$1000=$7000 from the players and the total loss will be -$1300.

If the Hares win, the bookmaker will pay $1000*3.35=$3350 and receive $9000 from the players. Thus, the profit he will receive will be $5,650.

Now about the procedure for starting a business:

To open a bookmaker's office that is part of the gambling business, you must obtain a license.

The founder of a bookmaker's office must have experience in gambling business. Otherwise, no one will issue a license to open a bookmaker's office. Therefore, entrepreneurs often look for an experienced director or offer a share in the business.

You need to enter the market with a certain line of bets (daily quotes) in order to stand out from competitors, which means you will need either a staff of analysts or partnerships with a large bookmaker. The subscription fee for providing a daily line and software is $300-500 per month.

As soon as a new office opens, people immediately rush to it experienced players. Everyone knows: beginners make a lot of mistakes, which means real chance make money from inexperience. If the line proposed by the entrepreneur is fundamentally different from the proposals of competitors, the entrepreneur will be given large sum V short term. Therefore, in order not to burn out at the very beginning of work, the bookmaker needs to have a reserve fund and limit the maximum bets.

The reserve fund must be replenished in case of a loss and collected in case of a win. The size of the reserve fund depends on the volume of bets and turnover that the entrepreneur expects.

For placing a bookmaker's office, the ideal places are those with the highest traffic, where men appear. According to statistics, 95% of players are men who are interested in sports. In principle, a betting office can be opened on an area of ​​4 square meters, and therefore significantly save on rent. Bookmakers often open on b
aze entertainment and gambling establishments (often for a share of the profits).

The new office will need a computer, a printer (for printing checks or cards), a photocopier (for duplicating the line), and the Internet. And of course the cashier.

Also, any self-respecting bookmaker network should have advanced software for accepting bets. You can buy an existing program, or you can write a program for yourself by paying the developers for it (cost up to 40 thousand dollars).

? ABOUTThe relatively high profitability of this type of business activity is of great interest to many, but it is difficult to imagine a more costly startup than organizing a business accepting bets. What you need to become a bookmaker, how much it will cost and what requirements the law puts forward, you will learn from this article.

I want to open a bookmaker’s office: what is needed for this and how much does it cost?

A bookmaker’s office is one of the types of gambling establishments where the organizer and the participant make a bet between themselves, backed by cash rate. Since the gambling business in Russia is under special attention of the state, the legislation establishes clear conditions for its implementation. First of all, strict restrictions apply to the founders of bookmaker firms.

Basic requirements for organizing a bookmaker's office

  • Only a legal entity can become a founder. Individual entrepreneurs, partnerships and other business entities are not allowed to carry out bookmaking activities.
  • You must have a license to conduct gambling in bookmakers and betting shops.
  • You need to join a self-regulatory organization of organizers of gambling in bookmakers.

Basic requirements for founders

  1. No criminal record - the founder of a bookmaker’s office cannot be a person convicted of an economic crime, as well as for serious and especially serious crimes. serious crimes of any direction - until the criminal record is expunged or removed.
  2. Having experience in the gambling business - before you are puzzled by the question of whether, you need to work in this field for some time. However, the legislator does not establish length of service.
  3. Reaching adulthood (18 years old).

How much money will be needed?

Those who wonder about how to open a bookmaker's office, must be prepared for huge investments. The Law “On State Regulation of Gambling Activities” dated December 29, 2006 No. 244-FZ names specific amounts that must be available at the stage of business registration.

In particular, the size authorized capital such a company cannot be less than 100 million rubles. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to use borrowed funds for this - the origin of the money will have to be confirmed when obtaining a license, so any attempts to deceive the state are doomed to failure in advance.

IMPORTANT: In accordance with the Procedure for determining the cost net assets(approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated August 28, 2014 No. 84n) this is the difference between the total assets of the organization and its liabilities. In other words, this is how much the entire business will be worth, taking into account all the property and Money on the company's accounts minus any kind of debts.

Compared to these amounts, the costs of opening a company, obtaining a license, etc. do not look so global, but you will still have to bear them:

  • state registration fee legal entity— 4,000 rubles;
  • obtaining a license for bookmaking activities - 100,000 rubles;
  • joining an SRO - 30 million rubles plus entrance fees, and subsequently monthly fees.

Another fairly large expense item for future bookmakers is the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of a bank guarantee. According to the law, its size must be at least 500 million rubles, and only a bank can act as a guarantor. The size of the commission depends on the rate of a particular credit institution. On average, this is about 10% of the guarantee amount - so high rate due to high commercial risks in this area of ​​business.

In addition, you should take into account the costs of purchasing or renting premises, opening a current account, making an organization seal, purchasing equipment, software, hiring personnel, etc.

Is it possible to reduce costs?

How to open a bookmaker's office at lower cost? You can reduce costs by organizing a franchise business, that is, in fact, becoming a division of an already existing bookmaker. In this case, the costs of licensing, joining an SRO, recruiting and training personnel, as well as purchasing expensive software are eliminated or significantly reduced.

But you will have to register a legal entity and form an authorized capital in any case.

How to open a bookmaker's office: instructions

The startup process in the bookmaking business is very lengthy and extremely energy-intensive - you will have to visit many authorities, collect a lot of documents, etc.

Stage 1: company registration

Registration of a legal entity - the future organizer of a bookmaker's office is carried out in general procedure. The period for consideration of an application for entering information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is 3 business days.

Stage 2: search for premises

The premises can be rented, purchased as property, or used as an existing one. The main thing is that it should not be placed in:

  • educational, religious, medical, sanatorium and resort organizations;
  • transport infrastructure buildings;
  • state and municipal institutions;
  • residential buildings.

IMPORTANT: the organization of bookmakers is allowed only in facilities capital construction, that is, various non-stationary premises - kiosks, pavilions, etc. are not suitable for this.

In addition, the room must be zoned - the service and client areas are separated from each other in such a way as to exclude the possibility of free access from the second to the first.

Stage 3: technical and personnel support

In addition to the standard office set, the bookmaker's office equipment must contain the hardware and technical base for accepting and recording bets, including the appropriate software.

In addition, it will be necessary to ensure proper storage of cash and its collection - for this purpose, premises are equipped with safes, agreements are concluded for the security of the facility, etc.

The personnel composition also differs from the standard - the presence of specialists such as:

  • programmers (system administrators);
  • cashiers;
  • software and financial analyst;
  • accountant.

Stage 4: Licensing

In the case of bookmakers, the licensing authority is the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation - you should contact the inspectorate at the place where the company is registered. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • company registration certificate;
  • certificates of no criminal record for the founders;
  • documents confirming the right of ownership of the premises in which the office is located (certificate of registration of rights, lease agreement, etc.);
  • certificates confirming the availability of sufficient hardware and technical equipment;
  • information about the size of the authorized capital and the sources of its formation;
  • calculation of net asset value;
  • business plan;
  • an agreement with a private security company or private police department (confirmation of the presence of employees responsible for the safety of visitors and staff is also allowed);
  • information about office employees with copies of their passports and work books.

Stage 5: joining an SRO

The choice of a specific bookmaker SRO depends on personal preferences and entry conditions. If the contribution to the compensation fund is fixed and amounts to 30 million rubles, then the amounts of entrance and monthly contributions vary from 1,000 and 7,500 to 15,000 and 1,200,000 rubles, respectively.

Online betting business: how to open a bookmaker on the Internet

Russian legislation does not allow the opening of an exclusively online version of a bookmaker's office. In any case, you will need to register a company, have an office, licensing, membership in an SRO, etc. That is, you will have to go through the entire above procedure regardless of the place and method of accepting bets.

But accepting interactive bets through global network is quite possible - this will require your own Internet resource (website), as well as renting or purchasing a virtual server.

IMPORTANT: bookmakers have the right to accept bets in any way, with the exception of postal and bank transfers. In other words, it can be cash or electronic money.

In addition, the formula “one office - one site” applies. The use of two or more domain names to accept interactive bets is prohibited by law.

Added 14 December 2012

The bookmaking business in Russia is very young, it is only 20 years old, but it is already a very promising option for investment.

We will talk in detail about how to open a small betting club and what factors need to be taken into account.

Traditionally, many people equate the bookmaking business with slot machines and casinos, which is not entirely true. It is an axiom that you cannot beat a casino, but the bookmaker business can theoretically be unprofitable. The bookmaker's profit is earnings from passion (and in this the bookmaker business is similar to a casino) and the ability to predict the results of events more objectively than the players. But the bookmaker may also incur losses that are caused by the deliberate and balanced work of players using sports knowledge, analytics and statistics.

As a result, Gross Gaming Revenue - marginal (gaming) profit, as a rule, reaches 10-15 percent, which can make it possible to achieve business profitability at the level of 60-80 percent, and under current conditions this is another argument in favor of this type of activity.

Entrance to the bookmaker market

There are several important obstacles and requirements that need to be met on the way to entering the betting market. The most important barrier is legislative. Bookmaking is a licensed type of activity, and a bookmaker’s license is very expensive, and for most, the only way to enter the market is not to obtain one, but to add a betting office to an existing license. By by and large, this is the option that is most actively used on Russian market. Of course, there are many illegal PPPs on the market that operate illegally, but such activities are associated with increased risks and we will not consider them.

After the decision legal issue What remains is the organization of the bookmaker's office itself. First you need to worry about the premises. The area can be 5-10 square meters (sublease is possible) or hundreds of square meters. There is a trend towards business consolidation, that is, small points appear less and less often. Regardless of the size of the room, the location of the teaching staff plays a very important role. As we have already said, gaming profit is 10-15 percent, therefore, the amount of profit depends on the turnover. To ensure good turnover and high profitability, it is necessary to choose the right location for the PPP, taking into account the main target audience (TA) of the bookmaker business.

Portrait of an average player

Floor: male (99.9 percent)

Age: 35-45 years

Education: secondary, higher

Social status: middle managers, workers and middle-income workers

Bet on: football (60% – 70%)

Average sports bet: 500 - 1000 rubles

In this regard, placing and ensuring the recognition of teaching staff in a place where “suitable” people gather or pass through will ensure higher turnover, greater profits and a faster return on business. The most suitable places for placement of teaching staff include central streets of cities, residential areas, places close to main transport junctions, large shopping and entertainment centers, places located near sports arenas (stadiums, popular sports facilities, etc.), sports bars and so on. It is impossible to offer any unambiguous recommendations in terms of choosing a location, but the main criterion is simple: those places where people visit regularly are profitable.

In accordance with legal requirements, any teaching staff must have round-the-clock security, which will necessarily become an important cost item. For example, in Moscow, 24-hour security costs an average of 90 thousand rubles per month.

Bookmaker equipment

To mandatory technical means relate:

  1. Computer (processor with at least 2 cores, RAM at least 4 GB, video card with memory at least 1 GB with HDMI/DVI outputs (based on 1 video card for 2 monitors), hard drive from 250 GB);
  2. Monitors (minimum 4, one for the cashier and the rest for the players, while vertical monitors are needed to conveniently demonstrate the line, and horizontal monitors to display games);
  3. Thermal receipt printer (required for printing coupons);
  4. Laser printer or MFP (for printing lines).

Important technical requirement– stable Internet access with a minimum speed of 5 Mbit/s.

Organization of teaching staff work

For the full operation of the betting shop, you need modern software that can automate many routine processes, allow you to accept bets on the Internet, regularly update and expand the list of events on which you can place bets, organize full accounting and secure your work.

The cost of software can be hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars, so for most market participants, a more acceptable option is to collaborate with existing software developers, renting their lines and other software solutions.

It is extremely important to take care of the insurance (reserve) fund, which will allow you to pay the players according to the calculated bets. It is desirable that the amount of the insurance fund be 50 times greater than the stipulated maximum payment for one event. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the new teaching staff will be beaten very quickly (for example, by competitors), and the start-up will fail.

Before opening a bookmaker's office, it is necessary to select and train staff to work with software and equipment, thereby ensuring that workers are skilled and able to solve daily operational problems. In addition, it is necessary to bring staff up to date, convey the mission and goals of your business so that they have an understanding of what your company and the bookmaking business as a whole are.

PPP concept

To create a bookmaker's office, you need to think through its concept. Despite the fact that we are considering only small teaching staff, there may be several conceptual solutions for business:

1) "Minimum"– a small teaching station with an area of ​​about 10 square meters. It is possible to use only one cash desk for accepting bets, 2-3 monitors for players, and, if desired, tables and chairs. To attract people you will need a sign at the entrance. The premises can be subleased, the initial investment is minimal, but high turnover may not come immediately. This a budget option, very relevant for the regions of Russia.

2) "Comfort"– PPP from 50 square meters. There are several cash desks for accepting bets, the number of monitors reaches 8 or more. It is better to divide the room into two zones - sports (sports betting) and gaming (Betting Games). In the sports area there must be a place for rest, where comfortable chairs Players will be thinking about and calculating their betting options, as well as watching live sports broadcasts while placing Live bets.

The reason for the division of zones is simple: sports betting and Betting Games are significantly different in nature and their target audience is different. A mandatory requirement is a noticeable, catchy sign. Optional promotions to attract customers. The amount of investment is greater, the rent for the premises is higher, but players in such teaching staff will be drawn to it faster.

3) "Combo"– Teaching staff in a small sports bar. This is not only a place for betting, but also an establishment Catering. It is necessary to simultaneously ensure the functioning of the teaching staff and develop the “restaurant business”. The teaching staff itself can be organized both according to the budget (for example, sublease of several square meters in a sports bar) and according to the comfortable option. In matters of advertising and promotion, you need to advantageously present your product, which combines 2 interesting relevant services at once. This perfect option for owners of cafes and bars.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker's office?

To open any version of the teaching staff, you need to spend from 300 thousand rubles on entering a license and purchasing equipment; the remaining costs associated with renting premises, paying staff, and other operating expenses will differ in each option. The payback period will be from 6 to 12 months, it all depends on the correctness decisions made on all the above issues.

It remains only to draw your attention to the fact that the Rub90 company is ready to help you with all stages of entering or expanding an existing bookmaking business, starting from resolving the issue of introducing PPP into the license, consulting on the choice of equipment, offering your own software at the most favorable conditions, and ending with full support of your business.

With respect to the bookmaker business, Rub90

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