How to read writings. Abstracts of future performances


But someone who has mastered the skill of speed reading well enough will tell you with confidence -

What speed reading is a complex skill.

Speed ​​reading is not just the quick folding of letters into words and words into sentences. And it's not reading diagonally. This skill implies that a person has several skills:

  1. Has a wide field of view.
  2. Doesn't speak text.
  3. Able to concentrate.
  4. Possesses imaginative thinking.
  5. Reads forward only, no backtracking.
  6. Reinforces what has been read.

Here is such a moment: the information given below will be useful to you only if you think that you need it - to read fiction quickly. If you have the mindset “if only I could read fiction quickly, I would love to learn”, then these tips are for you. But, if you think that "what an utter heresy - to read fiction quickly!" - what Ford said, "you're right."

You can walk and have fun, or you can drive a sports car and have fun too. And you can do it equally well. It’s just that walking is a little more familiar, but in order to “drive”, you need to train.

So, the complex skill of speed reading. What can you do to read even more good books:

1. Increase the angle of view

If you have a wide angle of view, then you can read both self-education books and novels faster.

Someone has one word in their field of vision, someone has two. Less often - 3-4. But there are those who read in sentences and paragraphs. Yes, just like that - I looked at the paragraph and understood what was written. And moreover - presented in all its glory and remembered in detail. Because the angle of view is large and lateral peripheral vision developed. It can be trained. In I described how to do this using Schulte tables.

2. Learn to read without speaking

The duration of the audiobook "Smilla and her sense of snow" is 27 hours. Thus, if you say everything, you need to spend 27 hours to read this detective story. I read it in 4.

If you want to save dozens of hours, learn to read without internal pronunciation.

The process of reading ordinary person goes like this:

Saw - Spoken - Heard - Understood

And so - for a person who owns the skills of speed reading:

Saw - Understood

It happens that I stop and say some word that seems unusual, new, interesting. But reading every word like that is not a rational waste of time. And in order to feel all the charm of the language, to immerse yourself in beautiful pictures and get aesthetic pleasure, it is not at all necessary to read the book to yourself. You can understand it right away. And at any time you can return to normal reading with pronunciation.

Eat simple exercises in order to learn to read without articulation:

  1. While reading the text, do not pronounce the words, but count their number. Read one page in this way. Retell what you remember.
  2. As you read, count to yourself from nine to one. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, nine, ... . Counting continuously, read one page. Retell what you remember.

3. Concentrate on the text

The time we think we spend reading is actually often spent on the following thought processes:

  • reading;
  • reproduction of the plot in the head;
  • reading analysis;
  • fantasizing (thinking, inventing);
  • replaying past life events;
  • planning.

The one who owns the skill of speed reading is completely focused on the first three points and does it all at the same time. At the time of reading, a person plays the plot in his head and makes an analysis of it. Simultaneously. It's all in the book. Note - not in your thoughts, but in a book.

The exercise “Point of Concentration of Attention” will help develop this skill.

focus point

The point of concentration of attention is located on the back of the head in the place where it is convex.

Close your eyes. Make sure to breathe deeply. Exhale a little slower than you inhale. Exhalation is a relaxation reflex. As soon as you feel relaxed while watching your breath, place your fingertips on the same spot on the back of your head. Be aware of touch. Concentrate very intensely on this touch to the back of your head with each breath. As you exhale, focus on lowering your shoulders.

Imagine holding an imaginary golf ball in your hand. You run your fingers along its wavy surface. Estimate the weight of this imaginary golf ball in your hand. Now mentally place it on the back of your head. To do this, bring your hand to this point again. Imagine that you remove your hand again, and the ball, as if magically, remains lying in this place. Concentrate intensely on that golf ball as you inhale, and as you exhale, focus on lowering your shoulders. Open your eyes and start reading.

Approximately here is the point of concentration of attention.

4. Develop imaginative thinking

Speed ​​reading is not only speed, but also the depth of the absorbed text. For those who read quickly, images also appear quickly. And most importantly, these images are very clear and bright even for abstract concepts.

After taking speed reading courses, many people say that reading is like watching interesting movie with all the characters, events, scenes that are described.

Try it the next time you're reading a book:

  1. Clearly understand the meaning of the word, its meaning.
  2. Mentally choose an image for each word.
  3. Make the sounds louder, the picture brighter. Let it be an exciting 3d action, not letters on a page.
  4. Be aware of what emotions, sensations and feelings correspond to each word.

Each time you will be easier and faster to launch your imaginative thinking.

5. Read forward only, no backtracking

Returning to what has already been read can be for two reasons. Or you fly away into the clouds and start thinking not at all about what is written in the book. In other words, you are distracted. Or I wanted to try the idea, because I liked it. And this can happen both when reading non-fiction literature and literary texts.

As for distractions, see point 3. As for the so-called conscious stops and returns, I can say that it is still not necessary to return to what has already been read. It is necessary to accustom the brain to grasp everything from the first reading. At first, this may seem very unusual. But very quickly the brain will get used to this way of reading. A pointer will help get rid of return movements.

Tony Buzan experiment

Imagine a perfect circle half a meter in diameter at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from the eyes directly in front of you. Circle her eyes slowly along the contour. If someone were watching you, he would say that the trajectory of your eyes is broken and jumpy. Perhaps you yourself have felt it. If you circle this circle with a pointer, then the trajectory will be smooth and smooth.

Eye movement without a pointer and with a pointer.

Pointer exercise

When you guide through text with your hand or pointer, it increases your attention and reading speed and reduces eye strain. The main thing is to follow the rule - the eyes follow the pointer, and not vice versa. Those. you set the speed with your hand, and your eyes only keep up with the movements of your hand. If it seems to you that the reading speed is slow at the same time - just increase hand speed.

6. Consolidate what you read

You can pin what you read while reading. This is called mental structuring.

Formulate the main idea after reading the chapter. You need to do this as quickly as possible - and read and summarize the main ideas very quickly so that you eventually start doing it in parallel.

You can draw mind maps in your mind - in parallel with reading, we draw a plot map on the inner background. You can try first for individual paragraphs: you read the paragraph - you fix a small mindmap in your mind.

And here is what you can do to fix a fully read book in your memory:

  1. Retell the text.
  2. Write out citations.
  3. Take 10-20 minutes to memorize the written quotes.
  4. 15 minutes to sit in silence, think, reflect on the book.
  5. Formulate the main idea and conclusions in 3-5 sentences.
  6. Write a mini essay.

All this will give you great opportunity analyze the text, express your thoughts, realize your feelings, activate thinking, develop analytic skills and memory.

The brake is in the head. human brain I'm used to working fast. My experience is that speed reading is applicable to literary texts. And if you need this skill - you can easily learn it. Do the exercises described in the article and follow the releases of the rubric to become a super reader and quickly meet the magnificent, beautiful, smart art books of our and past centuries from your wish-read list.

So here are some tips on how to read correctly. It's not just about reading technique. Correct in this case is maximum benefit from what you read. Naturally, first of all, these tips relate to reading non-fiction literature - books on self-development, on the profession, educational and scientific literature etc. That is, those from the reading of which some very specific benefit is expected: knowledge, skills, competencies. However, these "rules" can be successfully applied to fiction as well. After all, fiction, especially classical literature, is designed not so much to entertain the reader as to give him some kind of new experience. Here's how to get this experience and our advice will help.

1. Read regularly

Make it a rule to dedicate at least an hour a day to reading and do not deviate from this rule for anything. If in your daily routine it is impossible to carve out such a period of time entirely - break this time into two 30-minute segments, or even three 20-minute ones. Taking time to read before bed - not too much good idea in terms of productivity. During the day, your brain gets tired and saturated with information, it will be difficult for him, especially if you read non-fiction.

2. Read with a notepad handy

Possibility to issue right thoughts from the book, or their own considerations that arise in the course of reading, significantly increase the effectiveness of reading. From these notes, you can then easily recall the key points of the book in your memory, you can use them when the book is not at hand. Even just writing out quotes from art book be of great benefit. Some advise even to compose the "skeleton" or "summary" of the book in this way, but these are already details.

3. Read thoughtfully

"Read right" does not mean "read fast", rather the opposite. Never chase the speed of reading. The benefits of books "are determined not by the amount of reading, but by the amount of understanding." It is better to re-read a difficult or controversial passage than to skip without understanding anything. Do not be lazy learn the meanings of unfamiliar words and terms (fortunately, now it’s very easy. Pay attention to the context. If the author refers to a theory or study that is unfamiliar to you, find out at least in in general terms what is the essence of the theory or research. This, by the way, will help you with the next step.

4. Constantly look for books

It would seem, what to look for - there are so many of them. But most of these books are of no use to you, they are just rubbish. In order not to fill your head with garbage, you need to responsibly approach the choice of literature for reading. Make sure you have a "to read" list. Follow the news in the area you are interested in, read. Determine the next book in advance. In a word - plan the process of reading.

5. Read different books

Sometimes it is very useful to read several books on the same topic in a row, compare them with each other, look at the problem with different parties. But you shouldn't get hung up on the same thing. Read science fiction after self-development books, Russian classics after business literature, and so on. Some advise even to do it at the same time - to read one book "for good", and another, artistic, for pleasure.

6. Go to e-books

Paper books are wonderful and I do not call for them to be abandoned. But the reality is that reading e-books from a tablet is much more convenient. The e-book market is developing and more and more new titles are available in electronic format. If you really want to read a lot and profitably, then e-books are an almost inevitable choice.

7. Draw conclusions about what you read

After you've flipped last page, it would be nice to formulate your thoughts about what you read - to draw some conclusions for yourself. What do you understand, what do you agree/disagree with, what can be used. Even after reading a fiction book, it can be helpful to structure your thoughts. If you followed the second point, then it will be quite simple to do this. It is good practice to write reviews and reviews of what you have read.

Why read fiction? Isn't this occupation an empty pastime? Is it worth wasting your precious time on fictional heroes when the writings of the holy fathers of the Church remain unread?

Indeed, if main goal Reading should be considered only obtaining the necessary information, then you need to read only spiritual, reference and educational literature. Meanwhile, obtaining information is not the only, and perhaps not the main task of reading.
While documentary literature reveals facts and truths to the reader, fiction literature, influencing the emotional sphere, reveals human soul to accept these truths, enhances the ability to perceive and process information. A person who reads good fiction better understands other people, their thoughts, feelings, motivation of actions; it is easier for him to analyze various life situations, build their own destiny and relationships with other people.
Fiction, like other forms of art, can be attributed to the spiritual sphere of our life. And this is precisely the area where it originates human personality. The Holy Fathers note that it is the development of spiritual qualities that makes a person aesthetically sensitive, refines him, loosens his soul, preparing him for spiritual growth. Can a person, without developing his spiritual qualities grow spiritually? The apostle Paul answers this question, saying: “But not the spiritual first, but the natural, then the spiritual” (1 Corinthians 15:45).
In addition, fiction provides invaluable psychological and moral material for studying life, human destinies, their experience of ups and downs. One of the works of Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) is called: “ Pastoral Study life and people based on the works of Dostoevsky.
At the same time, it is important to selectively approach reading, since everything that we read leaves its mark on our soul, leaving its mark on it. Today, in the conditions of “tolerance” imposed on society, when sin has become accepted as the norm, this is especially true.
The Orthodox online store "Zerna" provides its readers with the opportunity to choose books to their liking and for the soul, including works fiction. It's not only the best works Russian and foreign classics, but also books by contemporary Orthodox authors. On our virtual shelves you can find such names as Ivan Shmelev, Vasily Nikiforov-Volgin, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov), Nina Pavlova, Olga Rozhneva, Alexander Donskikh, Archpriest Nikolai Agafonov, Natalya Sukhinina, Archpriest Yaroslav Shipov, Maria Saradzhishvili, Vladimir Krupin, Marina Goncharenko, Natalya Gorbacheva and many, many others.

Do you know, how to read books? I think that not everyone will be able to answer an unequivocal “Yes”. Therefore, today I decided to consider the main book reading rules to help you get the most out of your reading experience.

Any person involved in, needs constant training, constant getting new information. One of the most common sources of such information is books.

However, observations show that for many, reading books is almost wasted: the necessary information is not absorbed, everything is mixed up in the head, and after a while it is completely forgotten. And all because these people do not know how to read books correctly. Therefore, I will try to give some tips and recommendations, to consider important rules for reading books, using which you will not only read books, but also get the most out of them.

Choosing a book to read.

Reading books begins with their choice. I think it's no secret to anyone that not all books are equally useful. I propose to divide all the diversity of literature into 3 important areas:

1. Fiction;

2. Useful books for general development;

3. Useful books from the field in which you are engaged.

I have arranged these groups of books as they grow. practical value for you. This is not to say that books from the first category do not bring any benefit at all: by reading them, you replenish your lexicon improve your overall literacy rate, especially when we are talking about the most worthy representatives of this trend, for example, classical literature.

The books you choose to read should match your life goals should help you solve your problems, should teach you what you want to learn. When thinking about which book to read, remember the professional and life goals that are in front of you, and choose those books whose reading will help you realize them.

The next point that I would advise you to pay attention to when choosing a book to read is the ease of perception of the material. I do not recommend reading books written in a language that is incomprehensible and inaccessible to you, for example, full of special terms that you are not yet familiar with. It is quite possible that in the future you will be able to master this literature, but for now it is worth finding something simpler for yourself.

If a book is too abstruse, this does not mean that it is more useful than a simple and easy to understand book. No need to rack your brains to figure out complex books. Remember the motto of the Financial Genius website: everything ingenious is simple!

Rules for reading books.

Now let's move on to how to read books correctly. Consider the most important rules for reading books. I will immediately make a reservation that these rules are intended for reading specialized, educational, and not fiction, that is, what is of the greatest value.

Rule 1. Active reading. When reading a book, try to highlight the main points from it. For example, using underlining, highlighting, copying, etc. Firstly, from the first time you will definitely not remember all the most important information, so in the future, when reading the book again, you can already read only the most important thing - what you have highlighted, thereby optimizing your time costs. Secondly, highlighting the main points, you will immediately better remember them.

When reading a book, conduct a mental dialogue with its author: agree with what he writes or disagree, supplement it, criticize, if necessary, recall examples of what you read from own life, immediately think about where and how you can apply what you have read.

Rule 2. Moderate reading. Proper reading of books involves reading just as much material as you can absorb. No need to think that the more you read, the more benefits you will get: this is absolutely not the case. You will benefit only if you fully understand and feel the material, draw conclusions from it, remember well what you read. If the very next day you can’t remember what you read yesterday, this is a sure signal that you overdid it, read more than you can absorb, and it didn’t do you any good: you still have to go back and reread it again.

Rule 3. Application of knowledge in practice. Another the most important rule reading books lies in the fact that you must put the acquired knowledge into practice as quickly as possible. If you have nowhere to apply them yet, you simply chose the wrong book to read.

Remember famous expression“theory without practice is dead” is absolutely true. If you don’t put the acquired knowledge into practice soon after reading the book, they will simply be forgotten, and the benefit from reading will be zero. It's better not to read at all. next book until you have tried what you read about in the previous one - otherwise you will just get everything mixed up in your head.

Rule 4. Not everything you read will work for you. And this interesting rule reading books suggests that it is not at all necessary that what the author describes can be applied to your situation. All people are different, they different abilities And life principles and life situations are also different. Therefore, applying the acquired knowledge in practice, be extremely careful and attentive.

In conclusion, a little more simple tips and tips on how to read books correctly:

- Immediately find out the meaning of terms you do not understand when you read. The Internet will help you a lot with this. You don't have to read about what you don't understand.

- Do not read two or more books at the same time - so you get a complete mess in your head. Be consistent.

– Increasing your level of knowledge in a certain area, read books on the principle “from simple to complex”. You do not need to immediately lean on the works of doctors of sciences, in which you will understand little - this will not add to your knowledge without understanding more elementary things.

– Read books in a quiet environment, when you are not distracted by extraneous noises and sounds. In public transport and on the street, it is much easier to absorb information from audiobooks.

– Keep your journal of books you read with brief notes: what main thoughts did you draw from them, how this book was useful to you. Subsequently, based on it, you will be able to make recommendations to others.

You now have some idea of ​​how to read books properly. Use these simple rules for reading books so that you don’t just be clever in front of others “but I read such a book!” (there are people who seem to read them only for this), but really benefit from reading books, extract from them useful lessons and apply them in practice in your life.

sports, music, hiking. But where to get the time when all of it goes to study. Do you want to study successfully with a minimum investment of time? Here are some recommendations.

First, make the most of your time in class at school. Follow our guidelines for taking notes quickly, figure out everything you don't understand in class, and don't leave anything for later. writing down homework, simultaneously construct a model of its execution.

Second - after all, you have problems with some sections of the program being studied. Find additional literature on the topic and read it. You can find this literature yourself, or a teacher will help you. Remember: the more diverse literature you read on a particular topic, the easier and more accurately you will understand it.

For each subject, be sure to read the additional literature recommended by the teacher, as well as the one that you found on your own. Do not forget to write down the results of what you read.

3. Before the exam. Exams are a crucial stage of study. For you, this stage represents special interest: you must show teachers not only what you know from the program of the subject being studied, but also much of what came into your field of vision from additional literature. The basis successful exam- this is a solid knowledge of the sections of the program. It is necessary to calmly repeat everything, remember, put it into the system. Once again, we remind you of efficient system repetition, set out in detail in the conversation on memory (see p. 126). What can fast reading give at this stage? After a deep and thorough study of the textbook with exam papers, it is very useful to “storm” a few additional books on this topic, fixing your attention on the most difficult and obscure problems for you.

Very soon you will feel: the exam is a joy for you, a way to demonstrate your knowledge that goes beyond the school curriculum.

Usually, our students, who have mastered the speed reading method and used it in preparing for exams, got into such a taste that they later told us that they regret the end of the exams.

It can be said with absolute certainty that there is still no unambiguous answer to this question. Several different approaches are possible here.

How to read fiction? There is a very simple answer to this question: as artistic. But after this, obviously, the following question arises: what is the artistry of literature? If you are interested in this question, we recommend reading a book that fully reveals this concept: Gay N.K. Artistic Literature. - M., 1975. In our book, only the main approaches to the problem will be analyzed. It is not by chance that we consider this question, for there is literature called fiction, which, upon closer examination, is not such. In our opinion, it is very important to be able to understand this. In order to show the complexity and depth of the problem of measuring artistic value, let's look at the graph shown in Fig. 41. This shows the dependence of the value of a work of art on a number of basic factors. Note that researchers led by the famous French scientist A. Mol consider this schedule to be universal for all types of art: literature, music, visual arts and so on.

Rice. 41. Graph of the value of a work of art depending on a number of factors

As shown in the graph, a work of art is a message, characterized by the degree of complexity or amount of information, and this characteristic, in turn, depends on the culture of a given society. As shown in the graph, the value of a work varies with its complexity, following a curve that has a maximum at some point. This maximum is in progress historical development society and the growth of its culture is shifting. At the same time, it becomes blurred as a result of a more even distribution of cultural elements. In other words, the general evolution of art leads to the emergence of more and more refined and difficult to understand combinations of elements, that is, what is called incomprehensible in every era. How can I disagree with famous saying Goethe:

Everyone sees the world in a different way,

And everyone is right

So much meaning in it.

The science of art has long and stubbornly fought to decipher nature artistic creation. Each writer, based on the specific content of the words, creates artistic text, in which the combination of words is not arbitrary, but depends on the meaning and meaning of the constituent elements. As a result, the word receives a special, no longer verbal, but figurative meaning, which distinguishes a literary text from a scientific one, where everything is subject to logic, and only to it. Poetic content words suggest existence in the art world an infinite number of images. The essence of a truly artistic work is manifested in the fact that the word appears here not as a means of information or communication, but as an actor in which they see not himself, but the image that he embodies. When a writer writes: “There was an apple in the world. It shone in the foliage, gently rotated, grabbed and turned with it pieces of the day, the blueness of the garden, the window sash ”(Yu. Olesha), then this is not the naming of objects in a word, but rather the transformation of words into objects, into visual images that arise in the mind reader while reading.

And here we come to the most important thing: what can quick reading give for the perception of fiction?

The main thing is not the acceleration of the reading process, but the deepening of the aesthetic impact due to the development of visual, figurative components of thinking in the process of reading. It is no coincidence that many schoolchildren, after completing speed reading courses, noted a sharp increase in the visual components of the reading process. “It’s as if I’m not reading, but watching an interesting movie with all the characters, events, landscapes that are described in the book,” one of our listeners wrote.

M. Gorky, whose rapid reading we spoke about at the beginning of the book, read literary texts quickly precisely because he was distinguished by a vivid imagery of perception. Even as a child, while reading books, Alyosha Peshkov imagined what he read so clearly that he was struck by the magical power of the printed line and, not understanding the secret hidden in the artistic word, examined the pages to the light.

Is there a reading algorithm works of art? Experts have developed three levels of penetration, or immersion, into a literary text, which are a kind of reading algorithms.

The first stage of immersion: understand the plot and plot. The writer resorts to a plot to show what the hero does, what he does, how he acts. The task of the reader is to keep track of all this, not to miss anything. This stage can be called "event" or "plot". All readers have it. Researchers have noticed that at this stage of perception, when retelling, many use mainly verbs denoting action. So, when retelling the film “Come to me, Mukhtar!” out of 175 words, there were 32 verbs denoting action, and only 1 - state. Up to 80% of young viewers are characterized by this level of perception.

Is it important to know the action - the plot? Undoubtedly. A good understanding of the plot and plot of a work means getting closer to understanding the psychology of the writer's work, his skill.

The art of the writer "to tell" - special art, which requires that, as the story progresses, the reader's interest increases all the time.

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