What are the customs? How flower traditions came to the Russian imperial court.


Historically established stable social norms and attitudes that determine the behavior of people in certain situations of life; component national culture. There are religious, ethnic, demographic, family and household and other customs. They are associated with the worldview of people, reflect certain ideas, views and ideas, convey social experience, a culture of behavior and are designed to evoke feelings and moods corresponding to these ideas. During historical development some of the customs die off, give way to new ones, others change, enriched with modern content. This is especially evident in the customs associated with family and marriage relations. Timeless was the custom to solemnly celebrate (albeit in varying forms) such crucial moment in a person's life as a conclusion of marriage.
many customs wedding ceremony, which did not correspond to the spirit of the time, which humiliated the dignity of the young, especially the bride, disappeared. Other, carrying people kindness, optimism, wisdom, rethought and preserved (for example, the traditional wedding train of the groom and his squad and the custom of blocking his way, the “ransom” of the bride from her parents, the custom of meeting the young with bread and salt and showering them with grain with wishes of happiness, prosperity and health, wedding feast, division of the loaf and presenting young people with gifts). From the ancient wedding ritual, the custom of exchange on the day of marriage returned. wedding rings (cm. Engagement).
Preserved and wedding attire brides: a long white dress as a symbol of eternal human values- love, chastity, feminine dignity.

(Source: Sexological Dictionary)

(lat. rims) (rituals), stereotyped behaviors that are reproduced in a particular society or social group and are familiar to their members. In ancient times, cult O. were most common, which determined the order of sacrifices, processions, fasting, prayers, etc. Later, a group of O. related to the family and marriage sphere (dowry payment; demonstration of bloody sheets after the wedding night, etc.) .

(Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms)


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    Custom customs (1) 1. Habit, habit, habit individual person: What wounds, dear brother, forgetting the honor of both the stomach, and the city of Chrnigov from the gold of the table, and your own dear desire, red Glebovna, custom and custom? 13 14. At the time Jesus came in ... Dictionary-reference book "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

    Morals, habits and customs Dictionary of Russian synonyms. customs mores; habits and customs (outdated) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

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    In a broad sense, any detail or feature of life (other than purely physiological or pathological), repeated, constantly, periodically or with known cases, consciously or unconsciously (out of habit, tradition, etc.), greater ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    customs- CUSTOM | AND (501), ˫A p. 1. Habit, habit: And you hear unclean voices. and custom are pernicious. razhdizayusht and razpalѧyusht and vzhizayusht on blѹd. Izb 1076, 223; all these customs are more blessed. ˫like many times in the night of getting up. and otai everything ... ... Dictionary Old Russian language(XI-XIV centuries)

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    A rule, a form of behavior that enshrined what has evolved as a result of long-term social practice; the main means of regulating behavior in a tribal system. Observance O. is provided with measures public influenceencyclopedic Dictionary economics and law

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Customs and traditions: the most tough examples

What are customs and traditions? Customs are historically established certain actions and orders that have long become the habit of the whole people. Under traditions, we "decipher" a certain " cultural code which is passed down from generation to generation.

Traditions and customs are very similar in their meaning. Sociologists even point out e. They are closely connected not only with history, but also with religious views. It was with the advent of beliefs that the beginning of customs and traditions was laid.

We all follow some traditions and customs, but not all of us truly know their purpose and history. I believe that people should pay special attention to history, because all traditions and customs are an interesting part of the culture of the people, the history of generations and religion, and are also one of the components of a person’s upbringing and his worldview.

The history of the emergence of customs and traditions

Initially, customs and traditions arose out of the need for survival. Thus was born the so-called hunting magic. It must be understood that people in ancient times were much more dependent on nature than we are. The hunt could be successful - or unsuccessful. Therefore, rituals arose that, it was believed, could bring good luck to the side of the hunters. The elders had knowledge of such rituals, therefore, in ancient times, the elderly were treated with due respect, not like now.

There were other customs and traditions among the ancients: not to wake a sleeping person (his soul may not have time to return from the world of dreams), not to mate during a hunt - this is fraught with uncontrolled births, etc. By the way, it is within the framework of hunting magic that rock painting: people wanted to attract the spirit of the animal to their side.

Such customs and traditions accompanied life ancient man. They have penetrated our culture so much that we do not even notice and do not track them! For example, look at a teenager at a bus stop. He smoked, spat and wiped his grub on the asphalt with his foot. What is this? This is a genetic memory: in fact, he destroyed the trace of himself. After all earlier people believed that through saliva, hair and other remnants of a person, you can bring trouble to him. Don't believe? Read the textbook "History primitive society» for universities!

wedding traditions- in general, continuous antiquity: White color(dress, veil) is a symbol of transition to another state. We wear white according to the rite three times in our lives: when we are born, when we get married or get married, and when we die. Did you even know about all this? Write in the comments!

Food habits. Come on new job- you need to "put down", you go on vacation - the same way. wedding table, parties, - in a word, a lot is connected precisely with eating food. Why? It turns out that in ancient times there was such a custom of potlatch, when the leader of the tribe fed all his community members. This meant that he did them good - we must respond in kind! And today: went on vacation, and we work? We're stressed! Gotta eat! And there is a gap. Did you graduate from high school and get your diploma? Are you stressed? School ball, graduation is again associated with food. Didn't notice

Interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world

The peoples of the whole world have many traditions and customs, and they are different for all peoples. For example, Russians have a tradition of celebrating the New Year, a holiday that connects the past and the future. This holiday brings bright feelings and many miracles, but, like most other traditions, New Year goes back to ancient times.

An integral part of the New Year is a Christmas tree with funny and clockwork toys, bright and glossy balls and garlands flashing in different colors. Do you know why everyone decorates the Christmas tree so quickly before this holiday? Because according to customs, people believed that by decorating the Christmas tree, they make the evil forces that surround them good. At present, many have forgotten about these forces, and the decorated Christmas tree is still a symbol of new year holiday. This magical holiday is described in many Russian fairy tales and poems, the authors of which are well-known A. S. Pushkin, S. A. Yesenin and others.

The Russian people also have interesting customs which are incomprehensible to foreign residents. For example, on the eve of Easter, happy holiday, which appeared in Rus' at the end of the tenth century, in honor of the resurrection of Christ, we paint chicken eggs. And many color them with onion peel, because it gives a burgundy-red hue, this shade symbolizes the blood of Christ crucified on the cross. A egg in turn - a symbol of the birth of a new life.

But not only the Russian people are famous for their traditions and customs. Abroad there is the well-known All Hallows' Eve or, as we call it, Halloween. The holiday became a tradition several centuries ago and, as we know from the book "Scarlett" by Alexandra Ripley, this holiday was rooted in Ireland. An attribute of such a tradition is a pumpkin, which symbolizes at the same time the harvest, evil forces and the fire that scares them away.

There are no less interesting traditions in the countries of the East. For example, polygamy. Polygamy also came into life from the ancestors and is preserved in the countries of the East to this day. For example, the Book of Mormon can tell us a lot about such a tradition. From the book it is known that in ancient times, with a nomadic lifestyle, considerable care was required for numerous herds of horses or camels, so the owner forced to have several women who could provide care for mares or camels. Camel fur made it possible to have warm and light blankets, and camel milk was highly valued. Only a woman could do all this, men had no time to do housework, they were the earners. At present, in the Eastern countries, polygamy determines the prestige of a man, which is no less important for the inhabitants of the East.

Departing from the history of the traditions of polygamy in the Eastern countries, one cannot help but recall the monogamy of the Caucasus. No matter how sad it may sound, there are always wars in countries, after which the number of men decreases sharply. Girls, as a rule, are born more than boys, and in the future, many adult girls do not have enough husbands, and as a result, families and children.

In general, if you recall, there have been cases in history when only one survivor from the male population of the village returned to the village from the front. However, after some time, the population again became at the same level.

So during Caucasian War of the nineteenth century, the leader of the Caucasian highlanders, Imam Shamil, eased the fate of widows and single women. They were allowed to choose a husband at their own discretion, which actually legitimized the existing relationship. As S. Essadze wrote: "The named man, single or married, was obliged to marry the one who chose him."

I propose to recall the customs and traditions of the inhabitants of such interesting country like Thailand. Thailand is famous for its exotic customs. During calendar year Indigenous Thais have many customs and traditions that delight tourists. Solemn holidays celebrated throughout the kingdom of Thailand. In general, some of the most interesting rituals can be observed in the "backward" cultures, whose carriers live in.

An example of this is one of the most beautiful holidays Thailand - Loy Krathong, dedicated to the spirits of water. This day falls at the beginning of November on the day of the full moon. Thais, floating their boats along the rivers - krathongs, in which candles burn brightly and fresh flowers, coins, various incense lie. Thais firmly believe that with the help of these boats that night, the spirits of water will wash away all the sins of the previous year from them.

In every country of our vast world have their own special customs, traditions that determine the way of life and culture of people How often do we hear about the customs and traditions of China? One of the most special traditions in China is the greeting. In the old days, the Chinese greeted each other by bowing with their hands folded across their chests. At the same time, it was believed: the lower the bow, the more respect a person shows. The modern Chinese today simply make a slight bow with their heads. However, if they want to show respect, they can bow lower.

The customs and traditions of all the peoples of the world inhabiting the Earth are very extensive and multifaceted. They are directly related to factors that are rooted in the very depths of history, and with religion, which helps a person to realize and perceive the world believing in the supernatural. It is necessary to respect and honor not only the customs and traditions of your country, your people, but also other countries and its inhabitants.

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© Sokolova E. A.

Editing Andrey Puchkov

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, when a person spoke only with gestures or individual sounds, people came up with various kinds of actions that could affect the outcome of events. This went on for thousands of years, people changed, there were more rituals, each community gave any custom certain meaning passing them by inheritance. Ceremonies imperceptibly entered our lives and became an integral part of modern society.

worship of idols

IN ancient world great importance attached to the ritual of idol worship. Idols were deified, prayed to, sacrificed to them, different peoples there were deities, idols, gods in the form of clay figurines, but they all carried the same meaning. Idolatry originates from global flood, where the first deity became tower of babel. As the years passed, customs acquired new form and traditions, signs, superstitions, talismans, amulets appeared.

The most common superstitions and customs

Common superstitions

Which of you at least once in your life has not spat over your left shoulder or knocked three times on wood? We all believe in certain signs, wear gizmos that protect against the evil eye, and are afraid of superstitions, however, few people know where it all came from.

  • Why is it considered that spilling salt on the table is a quarrel? In ancient times, salt was one of the most expensive spices, and it was almost impossible to get it. People reclaimed salt deposits and used salt as currency.
  • Another superstition that has come down to our days: you can’t say hello or pass something to each other through the threshold. It serves as a boundary between the outer and inner world of the dwelling and can attract evil spirits.
  • IN new apartment or the house, according to custom, must be the first to enter old man or a cat. It was believed that the house could lie in wait devilry, and the old man or the animal will serve as a certain payment. IN modern world they try not to sacrifice the elderly, but make do with pets.
  • The fate of cats in many cultures was to be the offspring of all troubles, the embodiment of the power of evil. By tradition, we try to avoid the place where the black cat crossed the road.
  • The usual sign of decency for us, to cover your mouth with your palm while yawning, used to have a different meaning. It was believed that while yawning, a person exposes his soul and a demon can live in it, flying through his mouth.
  • The sign that “you can’t eat from a knife - you will become evil” is known in every family. By
  • versions of the ancient Slavs, the knife was considered a magical and dangerous weapon.
  • You can’t whistle in the house - there will be no money. This sign originates in antiquity, when it was believed that the whistle calls for the wind, which came from nowhere, which means it is an evil spirit.

Do you know what was the standard of beauty among the ancient Maya?

Traditionally little child a bead or ball of rubber was attached to the hair on a string, which hung between the eyes to develop squint, which was considered the main sign of charm.

customs of ancient civilization

ancient civilizations

The life of ancient people was not as diverse as it is now. Basically, customs and rituals were aimed at the brightest events: the birth of a child, death, making clothes, getting food. The attire of the ancient peoples consisted of skins and fur, various kinds of beads carved by hand from mammoth tusks served as decoration. When a person died, his feet and hands were tied, and they were placed in the grave in the form of an embryo so that he could not return. It was also customary to bury household items with the deceased, it was believed that after death he would be able to use all this.

Listen: Ether from 18.08.html

- Why did the Lord show His heavenly glory and the lordship of His Divinity?

Everything that we read in the New Testament gospel history is divine and mysterious, and we should not think that every question will find its solution. “What God does, he does not tell anyone,” our pious ancestors thought. Church hymns, the troparion, the kontakion of the feast, the service composed by St. John of Damascus testify to us that before His rising from the tomb, the Lord assures the apostles, strengthens their faith in His divine sonship. And with their own ears, with the spiritual hearing of their hearts, these three chosen ones - John, James and Peter - hear the voice of the Father, as perhaps they have not yet heard Him at the Jordan. The Savior is shining. Glory to the Divine. This is the radiance of Divine Grace.

On this holiday in Russia, autumn begins, because we rejoice so much in spirit, because our heart responds to this radiance of the Tabor light, and in fact it burns, flickers the flame of Divine grace, communicated to us in baptism. We are, by God's grace, calling, sons of the Kingdom, children of the Light. We are called to walk in this light, and it truly illuminates, sanctifies our feelings, the entire circle of earthly existence, if we apply humility, purity and mercy to the right faith. When these green sprouts of virtues sprout in our hearts, then the Eternal Light will shine, and we will make sure in spirit that the King of Heaven and Earth Jesus rests on the throne of our hearts.

Transfiguration is a holiday that tells us that there is a paradise, it exists. And this is the answer to those who say that no one returned from the next world.

Not only the Transfiguration, but also the stay of Christ with Peter in the boat, when the net from the abundance of fish almost broke, and the Zion Room, in which the apostles dined with their Teacher - all these are the threshold of paradise. Where the Lord is, where His peace and love is, there is paradise. Indeed, before the Transfiguration, the Divine Glory never appeared in such fullness, was not revealed to the apostles. And Peter, forgetting himself, said: "Let's put three canopies - Moses, Elijah and You, it's good for us to be here." He really tasted, as the Savior promised the disciples six days earlier, he tasted the power of the Kingdom of God. His spirit was exhausted from the bliss that the apostles felt in their hearts, and Peter did not want this to ever stop. Therefore, he invited the Savior to stay.

What is the reason for the difference: in the Gospel of Mark it is written "and after six days Jesus took Peter, James and John." And in the Gospel of Luke, for some reason, there is a conversation that he took after 8 days?

- "Days of six" does not say exactly what six days are. The apostles, often speaking about times and dates, firstly, call a conditional period of time, and, secondly, we must remember that in the Jewish perception of the day does not completely coincide with our idea of ​​it. So, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, which took place on the third day, can only be understood if we take into account that even part of the day could be taken as a whole. Therefore, if you open Lopukhin's Explanatory Bible, you will find there a very detailed explanation that harmonizes both of these Gospel narratives. And there are no contradictions between the disciples of Christ, both in this case and in all others.

- Why did the ancient prophets appear on Mount Tabor, and why did they also appear in Heavenly Glory?

When the apostles woke up, you remember, a certain mysterious light cloud descended on them, which seemed to embrace the Savior, and the voice that came from above “this is My beloved Son” was pronounced over one of them by their Teacher. Elijah and Moses were no longer around, but they talked with Christ about His suffering death, about the outcome, the evangelists mention this, before the voice of the Heavenly Father sounded. It is obvious that it was these and not other Old Testament prophets who conversed with the Lord not by chance. Because Elijah, as you remember, has not yet tasted death, and he was transferred from the heavenly storehouses by the power of God here to Mount Tabor. And the lawgiver, that is, the prophet through whom that very covenant with Israel was concluded on Mount Sinai, was returned from the underworld, where they languished, of course, not in such torments as the inhabitants of Sodom, but still they were deprived of the Cross of the Lord, up to Resurrection, heavenly bliss. Thus, both the underworld and Heaven appeared in the person of Elijah and Moses at the feet of Christ. The apostle gave it to be understood that Jesus Christ is the true Son of God, as soon as, revered more than other prophets among the Jews, Moses converses with Him as a slave with a master. This means that Jesus Christ is truly not an opponent of Moses, and He came to complete the ancient law, to renew it. And Ilya is a zealot, most of all he baked during his lifetime about the Glory of God. If Jesus Christ had been an opponent of the Father, Elijah the Prophet would never have bowed his knee and head before Him. Thus, the events of the Transfiguration of the Lord tell us in this trinity assembly of Christ and His prophets that Jesus Christ is truly the Radiance of the Father.

- Why were the disciples afraid when they heard the voice of God?

How do you think creation might feel when it hears the voice of the Father? Let's remember another mountain - Sinai. And let us remember how, at the foot of it, the Old Testament Jews prayed to their leader - "Let God not speak to us, but speak only to you, we cannot hear His voice." Even then, mankind had not found a redeemer, God had not yet been incarnated, and therefore Moses was forced to border Mount Sinai with a circular line, so that neither the beast, nor the bird, nor the man crossed this line, for they could die. It was then impossible for a common man, either regenerated or renewed by the Holy Spirit, to see His glory. Therefore, the apostles are depicted on the icon of the Transfiguration as fallen down, as if they are headlong flying from this mountain, covering their eyes and ears, unable to either see or hear the voice of the Heavenly Father. And so it always has been, and so it always will be. Let's move mentally into the events of the Apocalypse, and you will remember that one of the witnesses of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the beloved disciple, taken to the mountain, because he was a virgin, his heart was a pure mirror of theology, already on the island of Patmos, seeing the resurrected Christ also in radiance, John fell at the feet of the Savior while dead. If the Savior had not laid his right hand on the already aged disciple and raised him up, then the spirit would have gone out of the apostle. Therefore, the reverence, that fear and trembling that filled the hearts of the disciples, even in a small world, let it touch our hearts, so that we at least talk about these lofty subjects not on the go, but reproaching ourselves that our lips are not enough pure, as well as hearts, in order to fully understand and rise to what appeared to the minds, ears of the apostles.

Is there any explanation why the Lord did not allow the disciples to talk about what they saw on Tabor?

So after all, in other cases, he often did not allow it, ordered those who were healed by Him, those who witnessed wonderful miracles, for example, the resurrection of a dead maiden, to remain silent. Why? The Savior does everything in wisdom. In some cases, it teaches us modesty so that we do not magnify ourselves before people, when God puts into our mouths or into our hands to do something worthy of His holy Name. But in the case of His Transfiguration, obviously because he forbids the apostles to share what they saw before the time, that he had not yet ascended the cross. For it was necessary first for the Savior to assimilate the guilt that weighed on sinning mankind, it was necessary to atone for Adam's sin with His blood, it was necessary to pass from humiliation to the glory of the Resurrection and Ascension. And if a multitude of people were tempted by the cross, do you remember the Pharisees and scribes who cynically, with incredible hardness of heart, mocked the Lamb crucified on the tree. If some of those who followed the Lord, among the apostles, doubted when they saw Him resurrected, then what can we say about the glory of the Transfiguration?! Many would not believe. That is why the Savior teaches the apostles not to throw beads, but to hide this pearl of Tabor's light. And only after the descent of the Holy Spirit, when the peoples were subdued to faith thanks to the apostolic faith, confirmed by miracles and signs, only after that did Peter record in writing everything that he saw and heard. And today we can read about it in one of his two messages.

The Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt writes in his sermon on the Transfiguration that on this most radiant feast we celebrate not only the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor, but also the glorification of human nature in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, could you explain what you mean?

The Lord testifies to us to what glory and honor we are called. For He took on His shoulders a lamb, assimilated our nature to Himself, and in Him, in Christ, our nature is also glorified. This means that today we too, children of the Church, receive from the Lord by His grace, by His gift, by His grace what He has by nature as a God-man. Indeed, we find evidence from the Apostle Peter that we, who believe in the Son of God, become partakers of the Divine nature in the Sacrament of Communion, and I know that on the feast of the Transfiguration, most of our listeners receive communion. Together with the Life-Giving Blood and Flesh of the Redeemer, they will also receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. Grace will fill our inner world. And we must always remember this. That is why no sane Christian will ever accept the false blasphemous idea that man can borrow his nature from some primates (monkeys). Human body- this is an icon case that serves as a frame for the soul. Our nature is unique.

- Where did the custom not to eat apples before the Transfiguration come from? After all, the harvest is dying!

Quite recently, I read the reflections of a priest who, not without some reason, says: “Friends, but how long can these formulas be repeated?! It's not very pious. The word Spas - Savior should be used in such a phrase - Apple Spas, Honey Spas. Well, somehow it's not good. Batiushka would be right if we put such a meaning into this phrase that it correlates with the personality of the Savior. In this case, we will not transfer linguistic phenomena to the very realities that stand behind them. Because then it was necessary to accuse our most pious, patriarchal people of almost blasphemy - "Peter and Paul reduced the hour, Elijah the prophet dragged away two." Well, how did you get it? Stole, took without asking? This, you know, can be obtained with lightning from Elijah the Prophet, if indeed these phraseological units are so straightforwardly correlated with the very persons who stand behind these expressions. There is no familiarity behind this, you need to see something else - a thousand-year-old Russian culture, such an acquaintance with the month-word, which implies the entry of the calendar itself into working life Russian people. These are phrases traditional for the Russian ear.

And the second question is not to eat apples. This is, undoubtedly, the reality of Russian church life. You know what desperate Greekophiles the Russians were, and still, to a certain extent, remain, because we adopted church charters and Christian bookishness from the beautiful Byzantium, and the typikon prescribed abstinence from grapes. And from our diligence, we also added traditional apples for us. However, that learned priest who was offended by the Apple Savior on our people, he expresses a different idea, that if apples ripen much earlier, then, according to this priest, it is necessary to bring them to the temple. “From the abundance of your heart, thank the Lord,” said the priest, “and eat.” But I didn’t say it, it was that learned father. I would say that you need to cook compote, a whole barrel and invite the employees of the Radonezh radio station to sit by this barrel for the Transfiguration, talk about this and that.

Customs are historically established in any locality (or among a certain community) the rules of behavior of people in a particular life situation.

What are the customs

Depending on which event in human life they are all tied folk customs can be divided into the following large groups:

  • wedding customs;
  • funeral customs;
  • customs for the baptism of a child;
  • holiday customs (these include the customs of celebrating church and folk holidays- Easter, Trinity, Ivan Kupala Day, Christmas, Shrovetide, etc.);
  • customs for laying a new house;
  • customs associated with sowing and harvesting.

wedding customs

  • A wedding in Rus' is preceded by a number of customs. Any wedding begins with the bride's bride. After the wedding, matchmakers are sent to the bride's house. After the matchmakers agree on the dowry and receive consent from the bride's parents, the wedding day is set. On the day before the wedding, a bachelorette party is arranged. During a meeting with her friends, the bride says goodbye to her former unmarried life.
  • On the first day of the wedding, in the morning, the bride puts on her wedding dress to the plaintive tunes of her friends. The groom's boyfriend comes to her house to find out if the young woman is ready for the wedding.
  • After this visit, the groom drives up to the bride's house with matchmakers and the inalienable and still the most fun part of the wedding action begins - the ransom rite. The bridesmaids flatly refuse to give the groom their future spouse, ask him and the matchmakers comic riddles and demand a ransom for entering the house and for the bride herself. All this fun ends with the fact that the groom gives his girlfriends money and sweets, picks up his bride and takes her to the altar.
  • From the church, the newly-made husband takes the young wife to his house, where they are met on the threshold by the groom's parents with an icon and a loaf in their hands. After receiving parental blessing, the young married couple enters the house, they are seated in a central place at the table and presented with gifts. Then begins a plentiful and long wedding feast.

Funeral customs

  • The body of the deceased person is washed immediately after his death. This is done by elderly widowed women. Ablution can only be done during daylight hours.
  • In a house where there is a dead person, all mirrors are hung with a dark cloth.
  • While a dead person lies in the house, they do not sweep the floor and do not wash things.
  • The deceased is carried out of the house feet first.
  • When they carry him to the cemetery, in no case do they cross the road in front of the funeral procession.
  • After the funeral, a feast (commemoration) is held for the rest of the soul of the deceased.
  • On the evening after the funeral, the floor in the whole house must be washed.

Baptismal customs

  • They try to baptize the child in a period of time, starting from the eighth and ending with the fortieth day after birth.
  • Godmother and father cannot be husband and wife.
  • The godfather on the day of baptism gives the baby a cross and the Holy Bible, godmother gives kryzhma - a long white shirt embroidered and trimmed with lace.
  • After baptism, a festive dinner is necessarily arranged with a lot of sweets - candied nuts, sweets, cookies and buns. The main treat of such a dinner is baptismal porridge - buckwheat boiled in milk and thickly flavored butter and honey.

holiday customs

The number of holidays is so great, and the festive customs are so diverse that it is simply impossible to describe them all in detail in a small article. Therefore, we will only talk about the most famous of them.

  • On Easter, they bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and make cottage cheese Easter.
  • On Easter morning people go to watch the "sun play". On a hillock, they wait for the sunrise and look at the sun disk rising from the horizon through a smoked glass. It is believed that on this festive morning the sun scatters rays that sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.
  • On Trinity in the church, green branches of trees and bouquets of wild flowers are consecrated and richly decorated with them dwellings.
  • On the night of Ivan Kupala, to cleanse from evil spirits, they jump over the fire and splash in open water. On Midsummer Day, medicinal herbs are collected, which, according to folk beliefs, at this time they acquire a special healing power.

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