Kazakh singer Roza Rymbaeva: biography, career and family. Kazakh music


Quoting Akbar:

What kind of nonsense are you writing: the tore are the rendered Chingizid Mongols? “Mongols of Genghis Khan” is nothing more than the name of the troops, a political term that unites the Turkic tribes of the Naimans, Kereis, Zhalairs, Konyrats, Kyyats, etc. the peoples living in felt yurts were henceforth called Mongols!"
At the time of Genghis Khan, an ethnos or tribe called "Mongol" did not physically exist, but the now well-known Mongolian ethnos (Khalkha-Mongols) and the Mongolian language developed only in the 17th century, through a mixture of Turkic-Tungus-Manchurian peoples. Stop screaming about Kazakh tribes Mongolian origin. Genghis Khan was made a Mongol by Soviet historians.

Oh, another Kazakh pseudo-historian has appeared. Yes, and with an Arabic nickname. In the 13th century Kazakh-Kipchaks were defeated by the Mongols and expelled from their lands of Desht-i-Kipchak. Then, in 1242, the Mongols accepted them into their newly created state of the "Golden Horde" as slaves and vassals. Leaving 4 thousand Mongols to rule the Golden Horde, the main army returned to Mongolia. The remaining Mongols were mainly from the Mongolian clans Mangut, Kungirat, Kireit, Kiyat. All this is described in historical primary sources. The Naimans were defeated by the Mongols even earlier in Mongolia and driven west to the Kipchak steppes. The Kireyites were also defeated by the Mongols and distributed among the Mongolian military units. Naimans and Kireyites are originally Mongolian tribes. They also have Mongolian ethnonyms. "Naiman" is the Mongolian numeral "eight", "khareit" - "crows".
The Kazakhs of the 6th century were ruled by the Mongol dynasty of Chingizids. In the middle of the 19th century the Russian authorities abolished the khan's power among the Kazakhs, thereby freeing the Kazakhs from the yoke of the Mongol ruling dynasty. Genetically, the Kazakh Chingizids did not come from Genghis Khan, but from the Merkit Chilgir. As you know, Borte, the first wife of Genghis Khan, conceived Jochi in captivity from Merkit from Chilgir. The Merkits are one of the Mongol tribes, also defeated by the Mongols and expelled from Mongolia.
The Khalkha Mongols are the descendants of the medieval Mongols of Genghis Khan. They conquered China and ruled there under the name of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty. After the defeat from the Chinese, they returned to Mongolia and subsequently took the ethnonym "Khalkha-Mongols". Read the history of Mongolia. And read less of your pseudo-historians. They take advantage of your illiteracy and zombify you with false pseudo-scientific information. You need to know exactly the true history of your people. Do not make idols for yourselves from your conquerors. It looks stupid and funny. You still have not erected monuments to Kipchak Bachman and Kair Khan, the ruler of Otrar. This glorious sons the Kipchak people, active participants in the anti-Mongolian resistance, who died the death of heroes. The Mongols ruthlessly slaughtered the entire Kipchak aristocracy and instead stood at the head of the Kipchak-Kazakh people. And now such illiterate and ignorant people like you glorify their enslavers. IN Lately it has become almost widespread. The Kazakhs stubbornly refuse to know their true history and feed on pseudo-historical illusions. It's sad to see all this. You cannot build the future without knowing your true past.

Gennady Golovkin.

2014 turned out to be a very positive and emotional year for Kazakhstani sports fans. Our athletes showed high results in world class competitions.

So, Gennady Golovkin (1st place in the ranking, 81 points) had four fights, which he ended with knockouts, thereby securing the status of the best knockout among the reigning world champions. Denis Ten (8th month, 51 points) - pride figure skating Kazakhstan - became the bronze medalist of the Sochi Winter Olympics. The national weightlifting team became the third in the team standings in terms of the number of medals won at the World Championship, which was held in mid-November in Almaty. In total, 12 world records were set during the championship, three of which were held by Zulfiya Chinshanlo and Ilya Ilyin. (Unfortunately, our weightlifters have not yet been included in the rating, since the activity of participants from October 1, 2013 to October 1, 2014 was taken into account.)

As for the Kazakh show business market, the volume of which amounted to about $80-100 million, last year by and large did not define him. This market is still, in fact, a toy business, when domestic stars receive the bulk of their income (80-90%) through performances at private events, corporate parties, weddings, and now in casinos. It is not necessary to talk about artists' income from concert tours or album sales (their release is mainly of an image and representative nature) due to the small size of the market.

Nevertheless, we have a small number of artists who more or less successfully organize their concert performances, covering several cities within the tour with 100% occupancy of the halls. These are the performers (for example, Kairat Nurtas - 2nd place, 78 points, or the MuzArt group), target audience which is the Kazakh-speaking public. The rest, as a rule, cannot provide an average occupancy of more than 50%.

In general, interest in compositions on Kazakh language and the desire to consume music of their own production in Kazakhstan is growing. According to Gulvira Ilahunova, producer of the FM group, today there is only one Russian-speaking concert for every five or six performances of Kazakh-speaking artists.

The increase in demand is accompanied by the fact that the market standards, albeit slowly, are growing, despite the fact that for the most part the public does not think about the quality of text and music, the genre and style of this or that artist. The main thing is that the song should be incendiary. Therefore, the toy business will flourish in Kazakhstan for a long time, and there will be more and more artists who want to make money on it. Already today there are performers who record one hit song and a video for it, and as a result, they become very popular on toys (see the top 5 "Toy" hits). This means that it will be more and more difficult for such projects as Galymzhan Moldanazar and Tom Soir, performing songs in the style of indie rock, soul and synth-pop, to break into the local market.

Along with the increase in the quality of content, artists and their producers are becoming more ways promotion of creativity.

This year, the number of music TV channels has increased in our market. Along with the leader - MuzzOne started their broadcast Gakku TV, dedicated exclusively to Kazakh music ( general producer Timur Balymbetov), ​​and MuzLife, which broadcasts domestic and foreign music (it was opened by music and television producer Eric Tastembekov).

The director of the MuzzOne TV channel, Adylzhan Sadykov, explains such activity by the fact that after the change of format by the Hit TV channel, a free niche has formed, which new participants are striving to fill. And Sanjar Mustafin, the founder of Gakku Media, justifies the launch of these projects by two reasons: either the need for space for the rotation of subsidiaries (in the case of large production centers or media structures), or an excess of money supply (then this is an oligarchic whim). “In our case, the project is exclusively “industrial”. We studied the market, assessed the potential of each existing niche and launched a project that is most convenient for us in terms of business model and important in cultural and sociological terms,” he emphasizes.

At the same time, the experts interviewed by Forbes Kazakhstan found it difficult to say for what volume of the market the players are fighting for today, since "it is impossible to assess the market that is just being formed." “In fact, it is divided into two parts: in one, multi-profile channels fight (foreign music, entertainment programs etc.), while in the other we modestly try to raise our heads. But if the first party is able to raise money in the field of the entire entertainment sector of TV, then we are focused specifically on the music and only domestic material, Mustafin explains. “The criteria for selecting content in this niche are harsh, therefore, it is more difficult to get the required amount of content.”

This market, according to the participants, can still be replenished with players, but only those that will be format, niche projects.

“I think there will be many more attempts by various structures and individuals to create some kind of project in this area. The vast majority of them will go unnoticed. The procedures for integration into cable and satellite networks are currently expensive and complex. I think the most interesting projects are waiting for us on the Internet,” comments the founder of Gakku Media.

Therefore, both Gakku Media (an online multimedia project will be presented in the very near future) and MuzzOne (the website has been relaunched, online broadcasting is developing) are already betting on the Global Network.

In addition to the fact that the Internet is interesting platform for TV channels, it becomes a new way to promote creativity for artists and producers. If earlier producers budgeted about $20 thousand for rotation on TV channels and radio, now cheaper and more popular ways of promotion are used. With the help of platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, producers and artists can distribute new songs, videos for free and reach out to their audience more efficiently, while saving a lot of money.

If there are already many successful stories and examples in Western markets when an artist received world fame thanks to the Internet (the most famous are Justin Bieber, PSY, Carly Ray Jepsen), there are still few of them in Kazakhstan. But this trend is already being actively observed in the domestic market. For example, last year our and Russian Internet space was "blown up" by Galymzhan Moldanazar, and this year - by the Project Zenit group. The video for the track "Again" is rotated by the Muz-TV channel and has already become popular among young people.

How we thought

Taking into account the specifics of the domestic market, a kind of hit parade of the 25 most sought-after celebrities was compiled according to the MuzzOne TV channel, with the support of Forbes Kazakhstan. The long list of candidates initially included about 90 celebrities from various fields of activity: athletes, singers, actors, producers, presenters. Their ranking was based on a cumulative assessment of four key indicators: annual income from October 1, 2013 to October 1, 2014 (average cost per performance multiplied by the average number of performances for the specified period), the number of requests in Yandex search engines , Google, Mail.ru for the same period of time, the number of Instagram followers at the beginning of October of the current year, as well as awards received during the period under review.

The essence of the methodology lies in the fact that we made four lists of applicants, placing them according to four parameters. According to the first three parameters, each participant received points according to the places taken (the highest score received 25 points, the lowest - 1 point). 20 points were awarded for the presence of an international award for a celebrity, 10 points for a Kazakhstani one. Then the points for four parameters were summed up, on the basis of which the final places were assigned.


Gennady Golovkin


"Invincible Machine", "King of Knockouts", "Kazakh Batyr" - such headlines are full of Kazakh and foreign media throughout this year. Golovkin, whose coach is Abel Sanchez, had a series of spectacular fights, ending them with early victories. In just four fights (in the period from October 1, 2013 to

October 1, 2014) the world boxing star received about $ 2.550 million. Gennady is assigned the status of the best knockout among the reigning world champions. The percentage of fights ending in a knockout is 90.3%.


Kairat Nurtas


Kairat Nurtas this year gave the first 3D concert "Yerkelep elge an arnay" in Almaty (special effects were prepared by the Ukrainian team) and a solo concert in Astana "Ol Sen Emes".

Both shows sold out within a few weeks. This year has not been without controversy last moment the organizers moved the performance of the singer from the Sports Palace. Baluan Sholak to the restaurant, which provoked the indignation of his fans.

Winner in the nomination " Best Performer» EMA awards 2014. The income of the 25-year-old singer in the period under review amounted to about $ 2.5 million.


Bayan Yesentayeva

Producer, TV presenter, actress

Bayan Yesentayeva has had a busy year. She starred in comedy film"Caution, cow!", created a new group "Lashyn", replenishing the treasury of existing musical projects, such as the KeshYou group, singers Yerke Esmakhan and Zhanar Dugalova.

In addition, in the fall of 2014, Yesentayeva announced the launch of a new 12-episode youth series “Mahabbattym zhuregimde” on the Khabar TV channel.

This allowed her to earn an income of about $ 850 thousand.




In September 2014, the presentation of his new album "Asylym" took place. The artist's income for the period under review amounted to approximately $720,000.


Dilnaz Ahmadieva


Dilnaz Akhmadieva is the head of the production center Embassy of Art. One of her projects (whose funding she has suspended) is the group Some Toir.

She plans to release three albums before the new year - in Russian, Kazakh and English, and by spring - in Uighur.

The singer shot three video clips, was a member of the jury for the projects “I want to become a star” and X-Factor. Akhmadiyeva's income was about $768,000.




The Rin’Go group, produced by Alua Konarova, shot a video for the song “Tolgau” this year, and also won the Astana Zhuldyzy award in the Best Male Group nomination.

In 2014, the team earned approximately $702,000.




In 2014, Luina earned about $400,000.

The singer received the title of the best performer in version III Eurasian EMA Award, launched the Lui Boomby LUINA clothing line for girls, and also became the face of a creative studio founded by Leo Media.

She recorded duets with Ali Okapov, Bibo and the Russian rap group "The District of My Dreams", and a video work with Morison for the song "Don't worry".


Denis Ten

Figure skater

Young figure skater Denis Ten in 2014 became the bronze medalist of the XXII Winter Olympics in Sochi. At home, Denis was thanked for this achievement with the keys to the Chevrolet Cruze car and the apartment in the Central Park Residence residential complex, and was also awarded the Athlete of the Year award and the Kurmet order.

Thus, in total, his income amounted to approximately $ 243 thousand. In May and June, Ten spent in Almaty and Astana ice show"Denis and friends", where the best figure skaters of the world performed.

Last year, Ten became the face of kaspi bank and announced cooperation with by All That Sports, a sports management company.




The KeshYou group, with an annual income of about $500,000, is one of the most successful projects of producer Bayan Yesentayeva. KeshYou advanced to the semi-finals international competition songs Turkvizyon-2013, released two new videos ("Kelshi zhanyma", "Rizamyn").

KeshYou became the owner of the Astana Zhuldyzy award in the Best Female Group nomination.


Makpal Isabekova

Singer, actress

In October 2014, the film "Hunted" was released by the novice Kazakh director Sapar Tolegen, better known as a music video director. The main role in the film, the box office of which amounted to 1.7 million tenge, was played by Makpal Isabekova.

This year, she also served on the jury of the musical reality show “I Want to Become a Star”, shot four video clips, one of which is solo and three in a duet with Dilnaz Akhmadiyeva, Daut Shaikhislamov and Ivan Breusov.

To date, Makpal's discography includes three albums. The singer plans to release a new album in 2015. The annual income left about $300 thousand.


Ali Okapov

Singer, presenter

The winner in the nomination "Best performer - 2013" of the EMA award this summer presented new album"Armanga", which included 15 both new and already known compositions.

He became a co-host of the morning show "Jana Kun" on "Khabar", joined the jury of the musical reality show "I Want to Become a Star", and also shot a video for the song "Bile".

In addition, in 2014, Ali became music producer Roza Mukataeva and shot the first video for his mother Roza Rymbaeva for the song "Otken kunder". For the year, the singer earned about $ 288 thousand.


Rinat Safargulov

Showman, TV presenter

Rinat Safargulov became famous thanks to his work as the host of the TV shows “Light for a Million” and “It's Not Evening Yet”. In addition, he is the host of the Eurasian League of KVN "Asia-Mix" and the ex-leader intellectual games"Mafia" in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

Now Safargulov is the host of the BOOM show on Channel 7, as well as many "corporate parties" and other events.

The showman's annual income from October 1, 2013 to October 1, 2014 amounted to approximately $ 845 thousand.


Golden eagle


The pop singer, who has been performing under the pseudonym Berkut for 12 years, has shot seven video clips, one of which is over seven minutes long.

This year, with his wife Aisha, they shot a video for the song “Bari zhaqsy boldy”. The singer's annual income was about $1.080 million.


Serik Ibragimov


The protege of producer Altynbek Rakhmetov, Serik Ibragimov, only this year gained wide popularity with the song “Station dakauyshkan kyz” (although his creative career has been going on for a year and a half), thanks to which he became the winner of the III EMA Eurasian Award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” nomination and a very sought-after singer on toys.

This allowed him to earn about $ 270 thousand in a year. Ibragimov's video clip for the hit song gained more than 350 thousand views on Youtube. In October 2014, the singer participated in the national final of the Turkvizyon-2014 international competition.



pop group

Last year, the production center of the soloist and producer of the group Yerbolat Bedelkhan, Orda Brothers, created its own reality show K-TOP IDOLS, which was broadcast on the MuzzOne TV channel.

The group also released a new video work for the song "Zhauap Ber". "Orda" became the best male band according to the III EMA Eurasian Music Award. During the period under review, she received an income of approximately $ 275 thousand.


Alua Konarova


Producer Alua Konarova is currently promoting three musical projects - the most successful Rin'Go, as well as the girl band Ayumi and the newly minted group Juniors, which debuted in 2013.

The producer's income for the year was about $1.276 million.


pop group

In 2013, the band parted ways with producer Marlene Karabas, with whom they worked for nine years. Do-Mi-No soloist Zakir Egemberdiev became the new producer.

This year they became the owners of the III Eurasian EMA Award in the nomination " Best Team of the year". In 2014, the list of clips was replenished with two works for the songs “Catch my breath” and “My love”.

Estimated income was $384,000.


All Day


Team All Davay, previously produced by Marlen Karabas and today one of the soloists by Shokan Maratuly, was founded in 1998 and became the first Kazakh boy band.

This year, the guys made a video with Kazakh singer Anastasia Rossoshanskaya “Tell”, starred in commercials for Coca-Cola and SsangYong. The income of the team from October 1, 2013 to October 1, 2014 amounted to about $ 600 thousand.


Nurlan Abdullin

Singer, producer

famous singer, producer, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Abdullin is the author of many musical hits, as well as a mentor to such performers as Asylbek Ensepov, Rinat Gaisin, the JCS group and others.

In 2002, for the first time in the history of national show business, he recorded the album "Bul-bul zaman" on the legendary recording studio Abbey Road in London. Abdullin is the president of the Paryz charitable foundation, the head of the Seven Notes and Avtokruiz publishing houses, and one of the authors of the KZ Duet and The Magic of Nomads musical projects.

This year he released a video with the singer Elya "Me and You", starred in an advertisement for the Kimex chain of stores. This gave him the opportunity to earn about $1.9 million.


Nurtas Adambaev

Actor, screenwriter, director, producer

Showman Nurtas Adambaev (annual income - about $ 480 thousand) performed in the Highest League of KVN for the team "Astana. KZ", starred in the sketch-coms "Kyzyk Radiosy" and "Our Kazasha".

Owns the production center Nurtas Production (projects "Our Kazasha", "Escape from the village", "Escape from the village - 2", "Escape from the village - 3", "KZlandia", "KZlandia: Reboot").

In November 2014, his film "Kelinka Sabina" was released.



Singer, model, designer

In 2013, Lido created own collection, which includes 16 bows, which was presented at Villa Dei Fiori.

She also released a video for Dina Dzhantelova's song "I draw you", starred in the video of the group "Orda" for the song "Zhauap Ber", participated in the charity project of the shelter for homeless animals "New Chance".

In June, Lido became the face of Nikon's line of system cameras in Kazakhstan. Her annual income was about $ 384 thousand. For six months, the singer lived in the United States, having moved there for family reasons.



pop group

One of the most famous boy bands of Kazakhstan, which was elected the ambassador of the Asian Games in 2011, this year, thanks to its composition "Nege Undemedin", won in the nomination " Best Song» III Eurasian EMA Award. The pop group Mysterions has released two new videos, one of which is in a duet with the Arai group for the song Karagym-ai.

Actively involved in charity work. Annual income (from October 1, 2013 to October 1, 2014) was approximately $220,000.


Adil Liyan

Producer, TV presenter, art director

Ex-presenter of MuzzOne TV channel, ex-director of Hit TV channel (which changed its broadcasting format this year) Adil Liyan, whose annual income was about $299,000, once hosted such projects as SuperStar KZ and X-Factor. In 2014, he became a producer on the NTK television channel and host of the Revue program.

He played a major role in the television series directed by Akan Musakulov "Life in the big city." Adil Liyan is the art director of the A + 1 production center, which organizes events of national and international scale.


Ekaterina Krasnova

TV and radio presenter, model, actress

Ekaterina Krasnova, a well-known TV presenter in Kazakhstan, works on MuzzOne and NTK TV channels, hosts the evening show “Taste of Love” on NS radio. She starred in such series as "Urban Legends", "Officer's Honor", "Geysers". Her income was about $ 215 thousand.


Alen Niyazbekov


The owner of the company Niyazbekov Production for three years of work shot more than 60 clips for domestic performers. In 2014 Alain created 24 video works. The average cost of a video is $7,000. The annual income is approximately $240,000. Works with All Davay, Tural and others.

Profession young man far from music - he works as a graphic designer, but for several years now he has been writing electronic music. Arys decided to try his luck for the first time in 2012 by sending recordings to qualifying round festival Tokyo's Red Bull Music Academy, where the young artist was selected from many other applicants. Thus, for the first time in 7 years, Kazakhstan was represented at this international festival. The Arys awards did not end there - in January 2016, the popular American television channel CNN included Arenov in the top five musicians who are the most prominent representatives countries of modern Silk Road. you can listen to the tracks of the Kazakh artist.

Photo: harpersbazaar.kz 2


You may have heard about Zarina Beisembaeva before - she was a member of the IceCream cover band. solo career the girl started recently thanks to cooperation with producers Chingiz Kabidin and Eldar Tagi. The union turned out to be fruitful: in 2015, Zzara released their debut album “Perplex”. There are 5 tracks on the disc, of which the very “Almaty” “Sunshine City” stands out: immediately after the release, the song was aired by Ne.Fm radio.

Galymzhan Moldanazar

Kazakh talent was born in Kyzylozek. From the 10th grade, Galymzhan began to get involved in songwriting, which motivated him to enter the creative specialty to the National Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenov in Almaty. There he met the performer Aisa and recorded several tracks at his studio, after which he was noticed by the large production center Orda Brothers. For the first time, the local public saw him at the musical symposium of the Hit TV channel in May 2011, and fame abroad came to the performer after joint performance With American group rock cellists Break of Reality at New York's Highline Ballroom.

Jah Khalib

Bakhtiyar Mamedov is a talented author and performer, who is rightfully considered one of the best beatmakers and producers of Kazakhstani hip-hop. The most popular tracks are “Your Sleepy Eyes”, “You Are For Me”, “Burning Down” and “Sex, Drugs”, and it was the last of them that made Bach famous outside the country.

Cardio Beat

This Almaty group was organized by a talented musician Vladimir Zolotukhin back in 2009. Initially, the guys performed in clubs and bars. Later group decided to take a risk and applied for Russian project « main stage”, where they were lucky - Cardio Beat made it to the semi-finals. Today they can be heard on the air of Our Radio and Mayak, they tour Russia and perform in Almaty.


Adil Zhalelov was born in Pavlodar and at the age of 11 he was fond of rap, and began to write music a little later, at the age of 15. Since 2009, a career in the professional field began: Scryptonite, together with his friend Anuar (Niman), created the JILLZ group, which also includes Yurik Chetverg, Truwer, Six O and Strong Symphony. Even before signing a contract with Gazgolder, Scryptonite managed to release several hit singles and gain fans of his work, and also became famous as a performer of "real" trap music. Popularity abroad was brought by the 2015 album "House with Normal Phenomena".

Da Gudda Jazz

The group performing hip-hop music was formed in 2009 in Almaty. The team was constantly updated, and today there are several musicians left in it: Tanir, Tyomcha and Crime Wizard. Despite regular line-up changes, the guys have already released 3 albums, and some of them even became soundtracks for Kazakhstani films. Da Gudda Jazz received recognition abroad after participating in several international rap battles.


The Almaty rapper and singer conquered the local audience already at the age of 16: he performed on school stages with his poems. First steps in musical career Nathan started doing with the group "Syndicate" in 1999. Later, in 2003, the group released the first album in a small edition, which was accepted by fans, and the group began to perform in clubs.

Since 2013, Natan Mirov has been living in Moscow. The reason for such a radical change was the competition "Young Blood", which was organized by the production center Black Star Incorporated, Timati label. In 2014, Nathan released several new songs, including "Bomb Girl" (together with Timati), "Part of Me", "Microphone", "Just a Story". But still, Nathan's most famous and, undoubtedly, successful hit was the composition “Hey, why are you so daring?”.

Musical taste is something indefinite. No one can judge you for listening to "Hands Up" or call you an old man for admiring Soviet war songs. But why do our compatriots dance with pleasure at weddings to Kazakh hits, but they will never turn them on in the car? It's time to admit to yourself that there are among the Kazakh songs worthy of their listeners. And today, our guest author Zhanna Asanova shares a list of performers that we have not yet appreciated.

Group Konyr. Respectful, constant, calm.
Rich velvet color, not feigned style, discriminating taste and a fantastically impeccably selected repertoire, as well as a certain halo of mystery - that's what distinguishes these guys from the rest.

Gaukhar Alimbekova

Each of her songs is a depth, a reflection of many things in our lives that we sometimes don’t even think about. Subtle and sensual melodies on the guitar, modern melodies soldered with folk traditions, as if they reveal our emotions and feelings, which we began to forget a little in the frantic urban rhythm. Listening to them, you seem to dissolve in them, again and again experiencing a piece of life in each song, along with Gaukhar.

Zattybek Kөpbosynuly

Usually little is said about him. In fact, they don't speak at all. Many don't even know what it looks like.

But his songs are familiar to everyone. There is not a single Kazakh family that would not hear Zattybek's songs, whether it was a wedding or a neighbor's car. All traditional toi and festive ceremonies are usually held to the incendiary motives of Zattybek's songs.

And when the intermission comes, the dashing dances of the older generation guests begin, mixed with the exciting slow dances of the youth - all this happens mainly to the songs performed by Zattybek.

Zattybek is a living ornament of Kazakh culture, his songs are the background of life ordinary people. And he has universal love. Probably because it is simple and uncomplicated. He is simply ours.

Akylbek Zhemeney

"Kyzyl Orik", "Sary Alma", and it seems like everything))). But these are the songs!

What the cheerful song “Kyzyl Orik” just did not survive. When she just started spinning at weddings, she was quickly appropriated by representatives Kazakh family Kyzylborik (representatives of Uly Zhuz), making it their cult song. Then it turned out that we are talking all the same, about the Red Apricot, to which the Kyzylborikter were a little offended and resisted for a long time, because by that time there had been a lot different stories that the song was written by order of the elders of this ancient family)).

And if jokes aside - the cheerful song "Kyzyl Orik", which has settled forever in every corner of our Motherland, and continues to delight with its sparkling gaiety - this is Akylbek Zhemeney.

And in the excellent performance of the Rodina Band team

Sayat Medeuov

Modest and balanced, his melodic voice with colorful folk timbres won the love of many Kazakhstanis. He makes the hearts of the parents of daughters cry, dragging sad song about a thin maiden share. His melodic songs about the Motherland cause a slight sadness among those who left their native lands. His dombra sings dashingly under Koksholak, so that the hunt will start dancing. He is truly a people's favorite, he does not need PR, he is already listened to by all the remote places of Kazakhstan.

Well, I can not say a few words about my favorite band The Magic of Nomads.

Apparently I missed the moment of the peak of fame of this team and was in the dark about their work, until one day I received a gift from my good friend and mentor Yerlan Stambekov - the disk "Bulbul Zaman".

And since then I have become a loyal fan of these amazingly talented people, the disc has become my favorite, it's especially cool to listen to it when you drive along a deserted highway - it's something!

The group consists of well-known Kazakh musicians, each of whom is a bright individuality: Gaziza Gabdrakhimova, Renat Gaisin, Viktor Khomenkov, Edil Khusainov, Ermek Diyarov, Salimgerei Sadykov. In this composition, The Magic of Nomads was applauded by the best halls of New York, London, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hannover, and Munich. For the first time in history national culture Music band from Kazakhstan recorded the album "Bulbul Zaman" on one of best studios the Abbey Road world in London (the same studio where the world-famous legendary group The Beatles recorded).

It seems that both the venerable band and the music are amazing, but not so much has been said about him lately, they are known only in the circles of connoisseurs real music, and young people even more so have no idea about it.

But instrumental music performed by this group is the background of many Kazakhstani programs, the Gakku music channel, for example, often rotates an excerpt of the composition of the same name.

And most importantly, the website The Magic of Nomads you can get acquainted with all types of Kazakh folk musical instruments, as well as hear the live sound, and each instrument separately, as if you yourself touched them.

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