How Kazakh clans differ from each other.


“And let it be the battle cry “Kok bөri” - a gray wolf.”
(“Legend of Oghuz-Kagan”, 13th century. Manuscript of epic content, the only list written in Uighur script. Kept in National Library in Paris),

Most Kazakh tribes, along with the tribal tamga, also have their own ұran - a battle cry. Most of the calls today are familiar only to a narrow circle of people, leading their ancestry from one ancestor and representing one specific genus. But it is not uncommon for several clans to use one tamga and one common uranium, considering themselves descendants of one distant ancestor. Such uraniums could be called ordinary or standard. But in the history of the Kazakh people there were also unusual, one might say, great uraniums, such as, for example, the nationwide battle cry - Alash. No less important were once the uraniums of three well-known Kazakh tribal unions- Senior zhuz, Middle zhuz and Junior zhuz, respectively: Bakhtiyar, Akzhol ...

The role of the latter for an ordinary steppe dweller was much more important and significant than his own ancestral uranium, because they helped him in a difficult moment to feel unity not only with his close relatives, but with the whole people, which could inspire him to accomplish unprecedented feats. But it should be noted that in the steppe, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, there were no continuous armed clashes with foreigners, when the Kazakhs every now and then were forced to gather under the banner of zhuzes or flock to the national banner. That is why the demand for great uraniums was not an ordinary phenomenon. In the Kazakh steppe, big wars were in themselves an extreme phenomenon. The Dzungarian invasion is the exception rather than the rule. In addition, it happened in the era of the decline of the Kazakh Khanate and its collapse into three separate, stable, competing for influence tribal unions. Evidence for this is the fact that Junior zhuz almost did not suffer from the invasion of the Dzungars, the Middle Zhuz was partially affected, while the main blow of the Dzungar hordes fell on Senior zhuz, which is why the maximum damage fell on the lot of the Kazakhs, nomadic in the south of the country. The fact that the occupation of Semirechie and vast territories along the Karatau Mountains lasted for three whole decades can testify to what efforts were required after that to drive out the invaders.

If we dwell in more detail on the issue of the strategy of conducting big wars nomads, it should be noted that here the question of the role of a particular individual in the community comes to the fore. For success in such campaigns, a real leader had to appear among the nomads, capable of uniting the people by all available means and methods. A leader capable of rallying everyone into one powerful fist. And to do this in a nomadic environment has always been extremely difficult, because numerous tribes, where conservative elders ruled, zealous of their high position, have always been hostile to any encroachment on their power. Leaders like Mode, Kultegina, Genghis Khan or Tamerlane were not born very often. And in the long epochs of timelessness, when the weather conditions in the steppe favored normal housekeeping, the nomads, according to their simple nature, were rather inert and preferred to lead an idle lifestyle.

It is no coincidence that almost all travelers of the Middle Ages note this - “While the koumiss is stretching, they do not care about other food”(Guillaume de Rubruk, "Journey to Eastern Countries", XIII century).

But one should not think that the Kazakhs generally sat idly by. Nomad, probably, like no one else, understood that major military campaigns cost a lot and fraught with great dangers, which is why he preferred the common, familiar barymta - stealing horses from his neighbors. In addition to stealing livestock, they often went to steal girls and women, which saved them from the burdensome payment of bride price, and they also did not disdain to rob caravans. All this, of course, did not contribute to the rapprochement of disparate tribes and the rapid formation of united people, and, in the end, led to the fact that the great uraniums gradually completely fell out of use. In a word, the peak of the great uraniums, which originated at the dawn of the formation of nomadic communities, came and was most in demand during the era of upsurges, flourishing and unprecedented power of nomads - Saks, Xiongnu and Huns, Turks, the Golden Horde, when some battle cries gathered dozens under one banner, or even hundreds of thousands of armed horsemen. Probably, in those days the ancient general Kazakh uranium - Alash. But after the collapse of the empire of Genghis Khan, the role of the great battle cries began to steadily decline and slowly fade away. The root cause of this was the appearance in the steppe a large number weak rulers who hastened to divide a powerful state into separate fiefdoms.

And the more they became, the deeper they became mired in the struggle for power. All these endless internal conflicts and squabbles could not contribute to prosperity and increase military power nomads. On the contrary, pretty soon the once large tribal unions began to break up into parts and move from one khan or sultan to another. It was in such timelessness, in the second half of the 15th century, that the dissatisfied sultans Kerey and Zhanibek took with them from Khan Abulkhayyr part of his subordinates, who later formed the backbone of the future Kazakh Khanate. At the same time, in the places of their former wanderings, many of their fellow tribesmen remained with the same tribal tamgas and the same uraniums. A hundred years later, this multi-tribal composition of the nomads who left to "Cossack" joined large group Mangyts (their descendants are today's Nogais). They also had their own tamgas and uraniums. Hence, as part of many Turkic peoples genera appeared with the same names and similar tamgas. In this era of decline and timelessness, new battle cries, significant for the majority, could hardly have appeared. It seems that then the nomads had to use their ancestral uraniums more or some kind of cries that temporarily replaced the former ones.

Let's take a closer look at the issue of how nomads use their uranium. Reached our days Manuscript "Baburname", written by the great-grandson of Tamerlane himself - the ruler of Samarkand, Emir Babur. There are such curious lines: “Khan and those who stood near him also turned their faces to the banner and splashed koumiss on it. And immediately roared copper pipes, the drums were beaten, and the warriors lined up in a row began to loudly repeat the war cry. From all this, an unimaginable noise arose around, which soon subsided. All this was repeated three times, after which the leaders jumped on their horses and circled the camp three times ... ". From this it follows that uraniums were shouted out many times during the review of troops even before they set out on a campaign. Such a kind of medieval triple "Hurrah!". It seems that uraniums were shouted out immediately before the start of the battle, when the opposing sides lined up in battle formation face to face. But the nomads entered the battle in a different way: with a long, many-voiced cry "U-U-Ur!!!", which means, moreover, in the literal sense, the Russian "Bey!". By the way, the famous Slavic-Russian “Hurrah!!!” takes its roots from here. Later, advancing on the enemy, the warriors also began to shout “Ұ-ұ-ұр!”, And already biting into the advanced ranks of the bristling enemy, they exhaled a drawn-out “ah-ah ...” with force. From the merger of these two syllables, one word, familiar today to every inhabitant of the post-Soviet space, "Hurrah!" Was formed. Probably, it would be useful to say here that the root of the Turkic word "ұran" itself is - ur (bey).

It is noteworthy that the Russian "Hurrah!" already deeply rooted in the minds of today's Kazakhs. This happened even after, along with the collapse of large tribal unions and the fragmentation of strong nomadic communities, their great uraniums faded into the background or were completely forgotten. In this situation, the role of ordinary generic battle cries came to the fore and became much more significant. Of course, when dashing horsemen drove into pitch darkness herds of horses of their neighbors, they tried to keep their mouths shut, but shortly before, when they were just about to speak out on barymta, they probably cheered themselves up with the pronunciation of the generic uranium. War cries also pronounced during various gatherings. For example, during big toy or a feast arranged by the descendants of some major feudal lord or elder. At this time, horse races were held - baige or kokpar - goat-wrestling. At such gatherings, other competitions were also held, such as kures - wrestling or kyz kuu - catch up with the girl. Gluttons often competed with each other to see who would drink more koumiss or eat meat. And, of course, during these competitions and fun, the morale of the competitors was supported by nothing more than a loud shouting, or even better - shouting over the generic uranium.

In conclusion, I would like to cite a rare case of the use by a steppe dweller not of his ancestral uranium, but of a special battle cry, invented by him in a difficult hour for himself. This will help shed light on how some uraniums were replaced by others among the nomads. This unusual fact preserved in legends about the great Kazakh khan Abylay. As you know, Abylai Khan was given a different name at birth - Abilmansur (Abilmansur). It just so happened that his relatives were slaughtered by the Sarts (now they are usually called Uzbeks) and he, being then about nine years old, miraculously escaped from the hands of the villains, ended up in the Kazakh steppe. There he had to forget about his noble origin for a long time and hired as a laborer to the famous biy of the Senior Zhuz - Tole bi. At that time, he was hailed only as Sabalak - a shaggy, lousy dog. With this contemptuous nickname, the future khan went on a campaign as an ordinary militia against the hated Dzhungars. In the very first battle, Sabalak decides to accept the challenge of the famous warrior who cut off the head of more than one Kazakh, the Dzungarian noyon Sharysh-bahadur. To the surprise of his fellow tribesmen, before entering into single combat, he utters not one of the many generic uraniums, but a completely different word, hitherto unheard of by anyone - “Abylay!”. With this battle cry, he miraculously manages to defeat the experienced warrior, and when, after the massacre organized by the Kazakhs over their sworn enemy, they search for him and ask where he got this uranium, Sabalak confesses who he really is. And he took the uranium "Abylay" in memory of his grandfather, whom the Sarts called for ruthlessness "Kanisher Abylai" - Bloodsucker Abylai.

The relatives recognize him as their sultan, and over time, Abilmansur himself begins to be called none other than Abylai. So one day the name turned into uranium, and uranium turned into a name. True, history is silent about whether Abylai Khan used his unusual battle cry until the end of his life or after some time, he decided to change it to the original uranium of the Torah-Chingizids - Arkhar. But this is not so important anymore, the main thing is that uraniums could easily disappear over time, giving way to new ones, more significant at that time, as happened once in the steppe with the despicable shepherd Sabalak...

Hello dear.
Since time is even earlier (everything in the world is relatively certain, as old Einstein used to say, but still .. nevertheless ...), then first of all, you should cheer up with something like that, from which the soul will first unfold, and then curl up into a tube . And I know such a remedy! Honestly! It's….(pause like before an Academy Award)…a battle cry! Yes, darlings, you heard right! I suggest that everyone urgently move away from their four-legged friends (well, there are chairs, couches, sofas, and not what you thought about) slowly and with dignity to stand up, clear your throat, take more air into your lungs and announce the walls of the room surrounding you with a loud and joyful battle cry. Happened? Are you happier and happier? That's it! Uncle id77 will not advise bad - only stupid :-)))

Well, now, while colleagues, relatives and friends, and just strangers convulsively dialing 03 and calling for orderlies with a straitjacket, we have time to sort out a little bit about what a battle cry is ... and what it is eaten with.

They have already left for you.

If you believe various dictionaries and reference books (and there is no reason not to believe in this particular issue), then a battle cry is a loud call, cry or exclamation before, after or during a battle, with the goal of: a) cheering up comrades in arms, b) distinguishing friends from strangers, c) intimidate and (or) humiliate the enemy, d) create a feeling of unity of all of their own, and e) turn to the Mountain Forces for support.

When and from which people the battle cry appeared for the first time, it is not possible to find out in principle, even if you really, really want to. If only because, in my opinion humble opinion the first battle cry originated with the first armed conflict between clans or tribes. And the ancient Egyptians had their own cries, and the Greeks and the Romans. This topic has not been ignored by the most frequently published book in the history of our planet - the Bible. Here is an offhand Exodus, 32:17 - "And Jesus heard the voice of the noisy people and said to Moses: A cry of war in the camp." In general, you understand, the topic is old.

It is quite understandable and natural that for each nation, ethnic group, group, these battle cries or, as the ancient Irish and Scots would say, slogans, were different.

Is it weak to shout at the Na'vi?

What battle cry first comes to mind is, of course, our domestic "Hurrah". Good cry, short, powerful, in general healthy! But where it came from and what it means exactly is difficult to say. There are several main versions, and everyone can choose the one that he likes best. Version 1 - the famous Russian cry comes from the Tatar word "ur" - that is, beat. Version 2 - "urrra" - is a South Slavic term for the term "take over". Version 3 - from the Lithuanian word "virai (vir)" - "husbands, men, boys" ...

Version 4-Bulgarian term "Urge" - that is, "up, up". Version 5 - from the Turkic exclamation "Hu Raj", which can be translated as "In Paradise!". And finally, version 6 - from the Kalmyk "Uralan!" (remember, probably, still such a football club), which translates as "forward." me this latest version likes more than anything. Somehow it is closer to reality, and it began to be used in the Russian troops under Peter, who heard how the irregular Kalmyk cavalry greeted each other and him with this cry.

“Friend of the steppes” (c) Uralan shouts joyfully!

Whatever it was, this combat slogan turned out to be so successful that the Germans “hurra!” began to use it through the Russian troops. and the English "hurray", and the French "hurrah!", and the Italians "Urra!"

It is clear and natural that the rolling “Hurrah!” not the only battle cry in the world. Here are some other very famous ones:
"Alla!"(God) - so the warriors shouted Ottoman Empire
"Aharai!"- (Follow me!) in Hebrew - the battle cry of the ancient Jews
"Bar-rr-ah!"- the cry of the Roman legionnaires, in imitation of the trumpet cry of war elephants
"Marga!"(kill!) - the battle cry of the Sarmatians
"Montjoie!" And "Saint Denis"(abbreviated from "Mont-joie Saint-Denis" - "Our protection is Saint Dionysius") - these were the cries of the Franks
"Nobiscum Deus"(God is with us!) - so the Byzantines shouted
"Caelum denique!"(Finally to heaven!) and "Deus vult"(God wants it) - the war cries of the crusaders.
"Bosean!"- the cry of the poor knights of the Order of the Temple of Solomon, who are commonly called the Templars.

Meet Bossean! No, not a man ... that's what the banner is called

"Santiago!"("Saint James with us"!) - the call of the Spanish caballeros during the Reconquista, and also the conquistadors shouted like that
"Alba gu brath"("Scotland forever")! - the war cry of the Scottish fighters
"Saryn on a kitchka!"- the cry of the earmen
"Rebel yell"- the battle cry of the Confederates during civil war in USA.
"Forwarts!"- "Forward" - so shouted the Prussians and Austrians.
"Alga!"(forward) - the cry of the ancient Kyrgyz, as well as the Kazakhs. There is even an anecdote when a Kyrgyz is asked how his ancient ancestors (and they were settled throughout Siberia and had great influence and power) went on the attack? He answers - they shouted "Alga!". Then they ask him - how did they retreat? He thought for a few seconds and says - they turned the horses in the other direction and shouted "Alga!"
"Horrido!"- experts of the Luftwaffe (named after St. Horridus, the patron saint of pilots).
"Branzulet"! - the cry of the Romanian border guards
"Savoy!"(in honor of ruling dynasty), shouted the Italians until the end of World War II.

I wonder if he managed to shout Horrido!...

All of the above calls have basically already sunk into oblivion and now, if used, it is extremely, extremely rare. Unlike the ones I list below:
"Allah Akbar"(God is great) - everything is clear here
"Banzai"- (10,000 years). An ancient and still used battle cry of the Japanese. Most often they shout "Geika banzai!", which can literally be translated as "Many years to the emperor!"
The same thing (about 10,000 years) is shouted by the Koreans (both southern and northern), as well as the Chinese. Manse - the cry of the Koreans, wansui - the Chinese
"Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gorkhali!"- ("Glory to the Great Kali, the Gurkhas are coming!") - the battle cry of one of the most effective and cool units of the British army (and the Indian too), recruited from the men of the Gurkha tribe living in Nepal
Viva la France!- (Long live France!) - so the French shouted, shouted and will shout


"Bole So Nihal Sat Sri Akal"- "Victory belongs to those who repeat the name of the Almighty!" - Sikhs.
"Ho-hoy!"- Kurds
"Sigidi!"- Zulus
"Hurra"- so the Finns shout
"To the knife!"- the cry of the Bulgarians
"Polundra!"- (from Dutch fall - fall and onder - below) - this is the battle cry of all sailors of the former 1/6 of the land.

The most interesting thing is that the US Army does not have an official battle cry. But some of its divisions have it. US Navy SEALs yell Hoo, but the paratroopers "Geronimo!" If everything is clear with the latter - this is the name of the leader of the Apaches, famous for his fearlessness, then not everything is clear with the former. Most likely, their Hooah comes from the first letters as an answer to the team - heard and understood. By the way, if you are interested in how American special equipment differs from each other, I can advise you to go here: You never know, it will be interesting.

The stern Apache leader Geronimo is watching you...

In general, this is all I wanted to tell you about. I hope you haven't fallen asleep reading these lines. And now "attention is a question" (Vladimir Voroshilov's voice). Maybe any battle cries you use in Everyday life, moreover, self-composed and endowed with a special meaning. Share, feel free! Also, maybe I missed something, and you know something else from the battle cries of the peoples of the world. I will wait for your opinions.
Have a nice time of the day

WE decided to find out what are the unique features of this or that Kazakh clan and how they differ from each other.

Since ancient times, all Kazakhs were divided into clans, which in turn were included in three zhuzes: Junior, Middle and Senior.













It so happened that with the course of history, some clans acquired their own character traits and some of them have survived to this day. WE decided to find out how the Kazakh clans differ today and what distinctive features they have.

director public fund"Dominant", copyright holder international festival author's song "Astana"

I am a representative of the Argyn clan. My family has an amazing penchant for musical and creative professions. If we recall all domestic popular musicians, then surely there are Argyns in their pedigree. If we draw parallels in the world, then Gypsies or African Americans, who have music in their blood, can probably become analogues of the Argyns in Kazakhstan. In general, this feature of the Kazakhs to remember their ancestors is remarkable.

BATYRBEK MUSIN, 57 years old
director of the branch of KaR-Tel LLP, TM Beeline

Some features did not belong to a separate clan, but to the whole zhuz, in which they were united. For example, representatives of the Middle Zhuz were better adapted to the humanitarian and creative work. Many biys and akyns came out of this zhuz. They are also distinguished by tolerance and calmness. The younger zhuz are warriors. They react faster emergencies and bright temperament. Natives of the Senior Zhuz are known for their prudence, many rulers came from there. Their hospitality was well developed, it sometimes even bordered on self-sacrifice. By the way, the great Russification of the north is associated with this, since the Younger Zhuz hardly made compromises with its neighbors, and the Middle Zhuz better made contact with the Russian Empire.

auditor, Kedentransservice JSC

When Abylai Khan wanted to unite the entire Kazakh people, he hoped that we all forget about the boundaries that exist between us, as they divide people. Therefore, highlighting some features can cause conflicts and misunderstandings. Rods and zhuzes are needed only in order not to accidentally get married or marry your relative. But in general, in all births there are both negative and positive features.

Deputy Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the West Kazakhstan region

In the composition of the Younger Zhuz there is a clan called Berish. Makhambet Otemisov and Isatay Taimanov were its famous representatives. In the Middle Ages, they were part of the squads that defended their territories. In this regard, they had a large physique. This feature has been preserved to this day, and if you now meet someone from this family, you will recognize them by their strong physique.

Also in Western Kazakhstan there is the Baibakty clan, which is now jokingly called "thieves". There is even a parable about two brothers from this kind, who in Once again set out to steal cattle. But it soon became clear that they would not succeed. Then one of the brothers imperceptibly opened the other brother's boot with a knife and stole the insole from him. Baibakta had a belief that if luck suddenly turns away and no profit is expected, then you need to bring at least something with you so that luck does not turn away completely.

ZHAYSAN AKBAY, 89 years old
writer, publicist

Of course, all significant differences between the genera remained in the past. For example, the Berish clan is distinguished by militancy, Sherkesh from the Younger Zhuz is a family of rulers. The clan of Kurmangazy is Kyzylkurt, many composers and musicians came out of it. Ysyk from the Little Zhuz is a kind of brave and rich people. Some of these features in a modified form can be traced in the representatives of these genera even now.

The battle cry is designed to motivate fighters to attack and defend, to cheer, provoke and destroy fear.

Silently go on the attack is not accepted. It is customary to go loud and intimidating.

Of course, the most famous and replicated battle cry of the Russian troops is “Hurrah!” Historians are still arguing about where he came from. According to one version, "cheers" comes from the Tatar word "ur", which translates as "beat". This version deserves the right to exist, if only for the reason that Russians throughout history have come into contact with Tatar culture, our ancestors more than once had the opportunity to hear the battle cry of the Tatars. Let's not forget about the Mongol-Tatar yoke. However, there are other versions.

Some historians elevate our "hurrah" to the South Slavic "urrra", which literally means "we will prevail." This version is weaker than the first. Borrowings from the South Slavic languages ​​mainly concerned book vocabulary.

There are also versions that “hurray” comes from the Lithuanian “virai”, which means “men”, from the Bulgarian “urge”, that is, “up”, and from the Turkic exclamation “Hu Raj”, which translates as “in paradise ". In our opinion, these are the most unlikely hypotheses.

Another version deserves special attention. It says that "hurray" comes from the Kalmyk "uralan". In Russian it means "forward". The version is quite convincing, especially considering the fact that the first documented use of the “Hurrah” cry dates back to the time of Peter I. It was then that the irregular Kalmyk cavalry appeared in the Russian army, which used the “uralan” as a greeting.

In such an unsubstantiated case as the search for the origin of the war cry, of course, there were some pseudo-historical hypotheses. These include the version of the "historian" Mikhail Zadorny, who assures that "cheers" is nothing more than a praise of the Egyptian god of the sun Ra.

Saryn on a kick!

Another Russian battle cry, which is believed to have been used by the Cossacks, is "Saryn to the kitchka!". Although Dahl's dictionary explains both what a saryn (rabble, crowd) is and what a kichka (bow of a ship) is, the origin of this battle cry remains a mystery. According to Dahl, such a cry was adopted among the sea robbers of the ushkuiniki, who, attacking the boats, shouted “Saryn to the kitch!”, which meant “all the rabble on the bow of the boat, do not interfere underfoot.”

There are other versions, they seem no less interesting. Thus, the art critic Boris Almazov suggested that “saryn on a kitchka” goes back to the Polovtsian “Sary o kichkou”, which translates as “Polovtsy, go ahead!”.

Also of interest is the Saka version, according to which the call already known to us comes from the Saka “Seriini k?ske”, which translates as “Let's give a fight!”. Kus is strength, serii is host.


It is interesting that war cries used to be a kind of marker of the genus. As an example, we can recall the Kazakh "uraniums". Each clan had its own "uranium", most of them cannot be restored today, since war cries outside the battlefield were considered taboo vocabulary and were kept secret. Of the most ancient Kazakh "uraniums", the national one is known - "Alash!"

We know about the battle cry of the Kazakhs from the Baburname manuscript, which was written by Tamerlane's great-grandson Babur. In particular, it says:

“The Khan and those who stood near him also turned their faces to the banner and splashed koumiss on it. And then copper pipes roared, drums beat, and warriors lined up in a row began to loudly repeat the war cry. From all this, an unimaginable noise arose around, which soon subsided. All this was repeated three times, after which the leaders jumped on their horses and circled the camp three times ... ".

This fragment of "Baburname" is important in that it shows that the battle cry was used not only in battle, but also before it. It was a kind of mood formula for a successful battle. The then uranium of the Kazakhs "Urr" was shouted out like our triple "Ura".


There is no combined arms cry in the American army. But the fur seals have a battle cry - "Hoo", and the paratroopers - "Geronimo!". The origin of the latter is not without interest. In 1940, before jumping from an airplane, private of the 501st Experimental Airborne Regiment Eberhard suggested that a timid colleague shout “Geronimo!” while jumping. Before that, their regiment had watched a movie about the Indians, and the name of the legendary Apache leader was on the soldiers' lips. And so it happened. After that, all the American paratroopers growled "Geronimo!" during the landing.

Other calls

The phenomenon of the battle cry has existed for as long as there has been war. The warriors of the Ottoman Empire shouted "Alla!", the ancient Jews - "Aharai!", the Roman legionnaires "Bar-rr-a!", "Horrido!" - Luftwaffe pilots, "Savoy!" - Italians in World War II, "Bonzai!" - Japanese, "Hurra!" - Finns. And so on.

However, it must be admitted that often in the course of hostilities I motivate fighters to attack not at all with such cries, but with others. But the law does not allow us to write them in this material.

In Kazakhstan, as in the United States, there is an agrarian patriarchal South, a cosmopolitan industrial North and a wild West - the Senior, Middle and Junior zhuzes, respectively.

To start - disclaimer.
1. In no case do I pretend to deep knowledge Topics. I am just a traveler in Kazakhstan, and somehow I did not have a chance to discuss this topic with a competent Kazakh. All of the following is a combination of book information with the subjective impressions of a tourist.
2. Since most of the photographs are taken without asking, I cannot guarantee that the people depicted in them correspond to what is described in the text adjacent. So we will consider: photos of people - separately, text - separately.

Three zhuzes - the most mysterious detail Kazakh history. It is not known exactly when they appeared, under any circumstances, or even the origin of the word "zhuz" (in translation - "union" or Arabic "branch"). The spread in dates is about a thousand years: from those times when the Turks settled in the Great Steppe to the era of the war with the Dzungars, when the Kazakh Khanate collapsed. Sometimes zhuzes are called "hordes", "uluses", "khanates" - but this is not true. Be that as it may, on the one hand, all three zhuzes existed as different states with their khans, and even became part of Russia separately and with a spread of more than a hundred years, but on the other hand, they never forgot that they were one people, not fought among themselves and, if necessary, united against an external enemy. Their nomad camps converged near the lonely mountain Ulutau, 120 km from the present Zhezkazgan, there is also a mausoleum of the 13th century, where the mythical Alashakhan is buried - in the literal translation "Motley Khan", that is, the Unifier.


In general, only in the twentieth century, through the efforts Soviet power, the main steppe unit, the tribes, was wiped out. Every steppe people, even the Bashkirs, even the Turkmens, even the Mongols, is a collection of tribes artificially consolidated in the 1920s and 30s. Moreover, the peoples and tribes do not even completely coincide: for example, there are Naimans among the Turkic-speaking Kazakhs, Kirghiz and Uzbeks and among the Mongol-speaking Buryats and Mongols proper; bayuls - among Kazakhs and Bashkirs, Kanlins - among Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Karakalpaks, etc. Tribes are divided into clans, and in theory every Kazakh is obliged to know the genealogy up to the 7th generation - the fact is that in the old days, only with such a depth of absence of relatives, marriage was not considered incest. All this information is contained in shezhire (or "zhety-ata" - "seven grandfathers"), geniological reference books of the clan, tribe, zhuz and, finally, the whole nation (the latter, however, is already modern project). And in the 21st century, the Kazakhs do not forget kinship - everyone will name at least their own zhuz, as for the tribes, it seemed to me that the Kazakhs mostly remember this, but they don’t initiate Russians unnecessarily - most likely, simply based on the fact that such non-Kazakhs can no longer understand the details. But in any part of Kazakhstan, you can hear something like the following from the locals: "Be more careful there! We have hospitable people here, but look - people are evil, cunning!" (read - "there another tribe lives!").
The attributes of each tribe are uranium (motto and battle cry) and tamga - a generic sign. Here is a Y-shaped tamga made from a branch in the cemetery near the Alashakhana mausoleum - alas, unlike the Kazakhs, I don’t remember which tribe.


In general, the formation of the Kazakh Khanate took place, in general, on a tiny patch of its vast territory. Broken up in 1428 Golden Horde, and in its Central Asian part the White Horde was ruled by Abulkhair, a descendant of Shiban - one of the sons of Jochi, who was the eldest son of Genghis Khan and received the Turkic steppe in the ulus. Also, the sultans Zhanibek and Kerey, the descendants of Orda-Ejen, the eldest son of Jochi, claimed the throne. Having raised a rebellion, they migrated to Semirechie, that is, the steppe between Balkhash and Tien Shan, and after the death of Abulkhair conquered his possessions. The grandson of Abulkhair, Mohammed Sheibani tried to fight, but losing the fight in the steppe, he migrated to present-day Uzbekistan with his supporters. So there was a division of one people into Kazakhs and Uzbeks, whose rivalry for supremacy in Central Asia is still going on.

The senior zhuz in Kazakhstan is the smallest, but the most isolated. Firstly, even in the Middle Ages it was not part of the Jochi ulus (as the Great Steppe), but in the Chagatai ulus - along with "deep" Central Asia and Xinjiang. Secondly, it turned out to be the last in Russia: South Kazakhstan was conquered (with the consent of the Kazakhs) in the 1860s from the Kokand Khanate, which, in turn, conquered it back in the 18th century, and for Semirechye it was still necessary to compete diplomatically with China. In general, the most distant and exotic, the Senior Zhuz, is unconditional Central Asia.


Here is a completely different nature - a clayey desert with intricate weathering forms, from which it is almost impossible to distinguish the ruins of ancient fortresses and settlements with shards and bones on the ground. The winding Syr Darya, green oases with the remains of ancient cities, and camels grazing among clay and thorns... including one-humped ones, as in the Middle East:


And beyond the desert - the Tien Shan and Dzungarian Alatau mountains, the proximity of which greatly distinguishes the Senior Zhuz from the other two:


In principle, South Kazakhstan and Semirechye themselves differ very much, and in pre-Mongolian times they generally belonged to different entities - Mavveranakhr (the sphere of influence of Persia and Arabia) and Moghulistan (the sphere of influence of China), respectively, that is, in fact, Semirechye is a part of East Turkestan that did not become Xinjiang . There is a huge variety of landscapes, sometimes extremely exotic:


Unlike the completely nomadic Middle and Younger zhuzes, many Kazakhs in the senior zhuz have long been settled - therefore, the local auls are much more thorough, cleaner and more comfortable than in most of the country. The streets are planted tall trees, ditches with clear water are laid along the roads - they are here in much best condition than in cities. Yes, perhaps the Russians made them like that, I don’t know - but if so, then the local Kazakhs at least did not make it all worthless:


In many auls there are rural mosques (although they are already not uncommon in the Kyzylorda region), almost always brand new, although there are also in the 19th century.


In the cities there are real oriental bazaars, to which I even dedicated


The national costume is worn by many not even elderly women, but National cuisine- absolute everydayness. No, of course, shurpa, kuyrdak or manti are sold all over Kazakhstan, but it’s hard to find something else here. Kurt is extremely popular - very hard and salty dry cottage cheese:


On the lush, of which there are many throughout Kazakhstan, old, old adobe mazars are in the order of things:


Yes, and it's just very ancient land. Here are the pre-Mongolian mausoleums near Taraz:


Here are the excavations ancient city Otrar (or Farab) near the grave of St. Arystan Baba:


And of course, the main shrine of the entire Turkic world is the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, the "Muslim apostle" of Central Asia. A giant mausoleum over his grave was built by Tamerlane himself, and it served the Kazakh khans as a ceremonial palace and a necropolis.


There are few minerals in the Senior Zhuz, but they are very relevant - here are the main deposits of uranium, in the production of which Kazakhstan, having quadrupled (!) Production, has become a solid world leader in the last few years.

39a. Lead-zinc mine in the South Kazakhstan region, against the background of it - it seems, the settlement of Sygnak, the first capital of the Kazakh Khanate.

Other nations also live here - in the South Kazakhstan region there are many Uzbeks, who from time immemorial settled near Muslim shrines; in Almaty, Uyghurs who fled from China in the 1870s when it crushed their uprising; in Dzhambulskaya - Dungans, that is, Muslim Chinese who fled at the same time both from China and from the Uighurs. The Kazakhs of the Senior Zhuz have the highest birth rate, and in addition, Kyrgyz and Uzbeks from their poor homelands are very actively moving here. In general, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the current Senior Zhuz of Kazakhstan is the center of all Central Asia.

40. Chimkent - possibly the future capital of Kazakhstan. People different peoples at the bookstore before September 1st.

It is sultry in the Senior Zhuz, and people here are calm and imposing in an oriental way. Although the atmosphere here is the most Asian, it was in the Senior Zhuz that I felt most secure. back side- typical Asian familiarity: everyone you meet should say hello to me and take ten minutes from me with questions about how old I am, whether I have a wife and children, who I am by nationality and religion, and of course it’s scary to be surprised how it is at 27 years - and without children? The way of life here is much more patriarchal than in the rest of Kazakhstan.


I don’t know why it’s so - either the influence of the Uzbeks (and the very, very “eastern flavor” in both Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the places of their compact residence), or the climate favors, or the fact that in 1930- In the Middle and Younger Zhuzs, the Elder Zhuz suffered the least from collectivization, which turned into a monstrous famine that broke the back of traditional Kazakh society. In general, it is in the Elder Zhuz that this spirit of unshakable Asia is strong.


In the villages of the Senior Zhuz, many do not speak Russian, but here Alma-Ata stands - the most open and cosmopolitan city of Kazakhstan. Here are her contrasts on Kok-Tobe:


And in general, if the Middle zhuz leaves a feeling of order and progressive development, and the Younger - an evil and wild freemen, then the Senior zhuz is primarily a hot life force, bubbling on the streets of cities and villages.


And from the Senior Zhuz comes Sam, and therefore most of the Kazakh elite:


In the old days, the zhuzes did not include the Torah (Chingizids), the Khojas (descendants of Mohammed, his associates and Arab missionaries) and the Tolengits (descendants of the Dzungarian prisoners of war), but these estates are in the past. So it is worth telling about two more categories of modern Kazakhs, which are difficult to attribute to one or another zhuz - oralmans and shala-Kazakhs.

Oralmans are just repatriates, their official name in Kazakhstan: at one time, Nazarbayev launched a powerful campaign to return them to their homeland, primarily to replace the Russians who had left. As it turned out, there are a lot of Kazakhs scattered around the world - primarily in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, China and Mongolia. But most often their ancestors moved there even before the Soviet regime, often before the entry of three zhuzes into Russia, therefore oralmans differ very much from the "indigenous" Kazakhs. I talked with Mongolian and Uzbek oralmans - in general, Mongols and Uzbeks, although they speak Kazakh language. "Indigenous" Kazakhs do not like oralmans and look at them as second-class people


But Shala Kazakhs are more interesting. In principle, if you meet such people in Moscow, you will mistake them for the Japanese or Koreans. In translation, it means "half-Kazakhs", "as if Kazakhs", and in Russian they are usually called "asphalt Kazakhs", that is, for whom the soil is not their native steppe, but the asphalt of cities built by Russians. Shala-Kazakhs are almost always Russian-speaking, often do not even speak their native language, among them there are many intelligent people with the European way of life and thinking. Most of them, as you might guess, in Alma-Ata and Astana.


In modern Kazakhstan, it is generally accepted that these are, as it were, not quite Kazakhs ... but no one, even the most notorious nationalist, can argue with the fact that the country owes its well-being to the shala-Kazakhs. Having saved national identity, but having discarded everything that is called "babeyism" (by the way, Kazakhs also have their own synonym for "cattle" - mambets), shala Kazakhs penetrated into power, business, and culture, and it was thanks to them that the country found its own place in the world, becoming closer to Russia and Ukraine than to their "neighbors from below".


Well, in the next part - about the Russians. The fate of the Russian community in Kazakhstan is perhaps the most unusual of all 14 seceding countries.


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