Zemfira concert on the ground. Zemfira regrets giving an interview to Vladimir Pozner


In our age, it's getting harder to find a corner the globe untouched by civilization. Of course, in some places the so-called national color is still the main attraction for tourists. But all this is for the most part exotic feigned, artificial. Take, for example, the formidable Masai - business card Kenya. Hearing the sound of an approaching bus engine, representatives of this tribe hide away TVs, phones and jeans and urgently give themselves primeval view. Quite a different thing himba- small tribe in northern Namibia. They have preserved the traditions of the Stone Age in their life, not for the sake of tourists, but because they do not want to live differently.

The climate of the province of Kunene, where the himba roam, cannot be called mild. During the day, the thermometer inexorably tends to + 60 °, sometimes frost falls at night. The breath of the oldest desert on the planet - Namiba affects.

The Himba migrated to northern Namibia about a few hundred years ago from East Africa. Once it was big tribe, but in mid-nineteenth centuries it has been divided. Most of it migrated south, to an area richer in water. The people who broke away from the Himba became known as the Herero. They made contact with the Europeans, which ultimately killed them.

A few decades ago in Namibia they realized: there were few indigenous people who had preserved the way of life and beliefs of their ancestors. In general, the Himba decided to leave alone and let them live the way they want. Any laws of Namibia in their territory come into force only after the approval of the tribal leader, who is called the king.

Like hundreds of years ago, the tribe leads a semi-nomadic life. The main occupation is the breeding of cows, goats and sheep. The number of cows determines social status, cows also serve as a means of payment. Himba is practically not interested in money, because they do not use any manufactured goods in everyday life. The exception is plastic canisters for storing and carrying water and various little things that accidentally fall into your hands.

Himba live in kraals with a circular layout. In the middle is a barnyard surrounded by a wicker fence. Around - round or square huts. They are built from poles dug into the ground and fastened with leather straps. The frame is coated with clay, and the roof is covered with straw or reed. The floor in the huts is earthen, there is no furniture. Himba sleep on mattresses stuffed with straw. At the entrance to the hut there is a hearth, which is heated in black.

As the pastures are depleted, they dismantle the huts and migrate. Himba water used to be mined by digging deep holes in the sand, and suitable places for this were found in one way they knew. They never put the kraal close to the source, so that outsiders could not peep where the water comes from. Not so long ago, by order of the government, artesian wells were dug on nomadic routes. But the aborigines do not drink this water, except that they feed herds with it.

In the old-fashioned way, life-giving moisture can be obtained only for one's own use, and even then just barely enough. Washing is out of the question. Helps magic ointment, which Himba owes a red skin tone. This is a mixture of butter whipped from cow's milk, various vegetable elixirs and bright red volcanic pumice ground into the finest powder. It is mined in one single place - on a mountain on the border of the plateau, which is occupied by himba. The mountain, of course, is considered sacred, and they do not disclose the recipe for the ointment to anyone.

With this composition, Himba women smear the whole body and hair several times a day. The ointment protects against sunburn and insect bites. In addition, when the ointment is scraped off in the evening, the dirt comes off with it, which is strange, but effective tool personal hygiene. Surprisingly, the skin of Himba women is perfect. With the help of the same ointment, a traditional hairstyle is made: other people's hair - usually men's, most often from the father of the family - is woven into their own, creating "dreadlocks" on the head.

As a rule, one family occupies one kraal, but there are larger settlements. Almost all Himba can read, count, write their name and know a few phrases in English. This is the merit of mobile schools, which are attended by almost all the children of the tribe. But only a few complete more than two or three classes - in order to continue education, you need to go to the city.

Only women work in the kraals. They carry water, look after cattle, churn butter, sew and mend simple clothes. In addition, the weaker sex is engaged in gathering, so that the diet of the tribe does not consist only of dairy products. Of course, women also take care of the upbringing of children. By the way, kids are not divided into friends and foes.

Cattle are grazed by old people and teenagers. Himba men do not overwork. Assemble and disassemble the kraal - here, by by and large and all their affairs. Hunting is not among the permanent occupations of the tribe, it is rather a hobby of Himba men. The constant duty of the representatives of the stronger sex is the extraction of the very reddish breed that is used to prepare body paint. However, the composition is also made by women.

The weaker sex is also a kind of engine of progress. If tourists want to buy some souvenir from the tribe, then they have to bargain only with women. IN last years among the people of the tribe, bright plastic bags began to enjoy unprecedented popularity. Himba are ready to give the last for them. Indeed, in these bags it is so convenient to store your poor belongings, jewelry and, of course, scallops. With the help of the latter, it is very convenient to construct fantastic hairstyles that Himba women are famous for. They, among other things, are considered the standard of beauty on the African continent.

By the age of 12-14, each Himba is missing four lower teeth. This is a consequence of the rite of initiation. Teeth are knocked out with a stone. If you want to be an adult - be patient. By the age of 14, Himba are allowed to marry, but weddings do not happen often, since a large ransom must be paid for the bride.

The wedding ceremony is very original. The newlyweds spend the night in the hut of the bride's family. In the morning they are accompanied by girlfriends future wife leave parental home getting out into the street without fail on all fours. Then everyone rises to their feet and, taking each other by the loincloths, head towards the “sacred fire”, where the leader is already waiting for the ceremony for the young. If someone from the procession stumbles, the rite will have to be repeated, but not earlier than in a few weeks.

The participants in the ceremony sit around the fire, and three vessels of milk are brought to the leader - one each from the huts of the groom, the bride and the leader himself. He takes a sample, after which the remaining members of the tribe are applied to the vessels in turn. After that, all those present go to the leader's hut, where the newlyweds will spend three days. In order for the first wedding night to be successful, in front of the hut the bride and groom again fall on all fours and thus go around the house counterclockwise.

Even if a Himba man and woman are married, they are not required to be faithful. Each Himba can have as many wives as he can support. Wives can be changed, and if a man goes to long journey, then he puts his wife to live with someone he knows.

Such freedom of morals worries the local authorities. More than 20% of the Namibian population has AIDS, so the Himba is a kind of risk group. However, in the tribe, medical problems are treated philosophically. The gods give life, they can take it away, say the Himba. In general, they are long-livers: almost all live up to 70 years, and some even up to a hundred.

The Himba justice system is also interesting. If, for example, a husband kills his wife or one of her relatives, he must pay compensation of 45 cows. If a wife or one of her relatives kills her husband, then no ransom is provided. The authorities of Namibia do not punish himba in any way, considering all this to be their internal affair.

Himba believe that their tribe descended from the progenitor Mukuru, who, along with his wife, came from sacred tree Omumborombongo. Mukuru created everything and endowed the souls of dead Himba ancestors supernatural powers. But then the enemies drove the tribe from its ancestral lands and captured the tree. Someday the Himba will return there. By the way, having no idea of ​​geography, any head of the clan will show with his hand the direction where to look for Omumborombongo.

In the middle of the 19th century, the himba almost disappeared from the face of the earth. They were attacked by the largest and most powerful tribe in Namibia - the Nama. As a result of cruel raids, the Himba lost all their herds and fled to the mountains. There they had to hunt, but such a life was not to their liking, and they went north to Angola.

For some time it was believed that the Himba died out or mixed with other tribes, when they suddenly reappeared in the old place. It happened in 1903, when the Nama rebelled against the German colonialists. European troops quickly defeated the Nama and their allied Herero, after which they staged a real genocide. As a result, both tribes practically ceased to exist. The Germans and Himba did not bypass "attention". Almost all Himba were killed or captured and sent to black camps. Fortunately, after the First World War, the colonies were taken away from Germany. And if the Herero and the Nama did not recover from the blow, then the Himba "rose" like a phoenix bird from the ashes.

The third time they were considered extinct was in the mid-1980s. A terrible multi-year drought destroyed 90% of the livestock, and in 1988 the last hearth in the last Himba kraal went out. The remaining people of the tribe were resettled in the city of Opuwo as refugees. But in the early 1990s, the Himba returned. Now they number just under 50,000, and the population is growing. At the same time, they live exactly the same as their ancestors hundreds of years ago.

In the valley of the lower reaches of the Omo River, in Ethiopia (East Africa), up to 50 different tribes live. Their way of life practically does not change. This region has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Of all the tribes, there are two most famous for their unusual appearance: Mursi (women of this tribe wear special plates in their lower lip) and body.

We will focus on the latter. If, in general, the men of all the tribes of the Omo Valley are thin, sinewy and muscular, then the men body tribe on the contrary, complete.

Mursi woman.

Bodi tribe man.

Being complete is beautiful.

The women of the Bodi tribe are famous for their graceful beauty: slender, with large and expressive eyes. Men, on the contrary, are very full, with large bellies. The more complete a man is, the more attractive he is to women.

Ethiopian girls of the Bodi tribe.

Ethiopian woman of the Bodi tribe with a child.

Every year, with the onset of the month of June, the tribe chooses the most prominent representative of the tribe, the fattest man. Representatives of the stronger sex who wish to occupy an honorable position in society must be unmarried. Preparation for the event lasts from 3 to 6 months.

During this time, men are on a high-calorie diet based on cow's blood with milk. This food doubles, in some cases triples, body weight. Some participants resemble women in labor who are about to give birth.

When X time comes, a holiday is held in the village. The villagers dance and have fun. Here is one of the peoples inhabiting Ethiopia.

And then the turn comes to measure the girth of the stomachs and weigh the participants in the competition. The winner is declared the king of the day and is rewarded with the hand of the beautiful girl in the tribe.

Ethiopian women of the Bodi tribe.

Symbol of prosperity.

Why is male fatness the reason for worship? Unlike most neighboring tribes, the Bodies are neither hunters nor warriors. They do not need a slender and athletic build to forage for food. They keep a lot of cows, so they can feed a family. Thus, fat man among the tribe, body is a symbol of well-being.

obesity problems.

True, there are problems associated with speed dial weight. The level of cholesterol in the blood becomes extremely high, and men often suffer from cardiovascular diseases. So many young people after the holiday trying to lose weight and get back the good physical form. This is all thanks to the efforts of doctors who work in this region and are gradually trying to introduce healthy lifestyle life. Who knows, perhaps very soon this custom in Ethiopia will disappear forever.

The influence of civilization.

Until recently, grazing was the only means of subsistence. But due to tsetse flies infecting cows, the body makes timid attempts to practice agriculture . Because of this, they lead more and more sedentary life. Does this mean that they will give up nomadism? Wait and see. Meanwhile, the tribe continues its normal life: talking to the cows, singing songs to them, and looking for new pastures.

April 3 the final concert Zemfira in the "Olympic" as part of her large-scale tour "Small man".

This concert was held under the slogan "for those who didn't make it". But as it turned out, many did not. For an additional, last within the framework of the tour, Zemfira's concert drew about 30 thousand spectators. Again, there were traffic jams at the entrance, in the cloakroom and toilets. However, all this could be experienced for the sake of the grandiose final show, which the star delighted the audience with.

All the most significant hits of Zemfira were performed at the concert, the audience sang along, sobbed and laughed.

In addition, the fans live broadcast from hall to Periscope. Broadcast scored about 32 thousand views. Thus, we can safely say that two concert days Zemfira gathered an audience in the capital three"Olympic"!

During the concert, Zemfira, as usual, talked a lot with the audience. However, no harsh statements were made in anyone's address, like.

Zemfira's mood was sad and joyful. The singer seemed to say goodbye: whether it was due to the end of the tour, or with the desire to take time out for an indefinite period.

"Remember me! Don't you dare forget me!"

"All special moments, all important moments fly by at an especially high speed."

"In the morning I was confused, depressed, during the day I felt better, now I am happy, and at night I will jump from the balcony."
The audience immediately shouted out in unison: "No!"
“Of course not, I can’t let you down like that! Thank you, Moscow, thank you for your trust, thank you for my happiness. And you be happy. I will write songs and sing them for you!”, Zemfira encouraged the fans at the end of the performance.

The April 3 concert was also remembered for being performed right on stage. Recall that Renata Litvinova is not only best friend Zemfira, but also the director of the film - the first full-length musical film-concert in the national cinema.

Concerts held on April 1 and 3 were filmed Channel One(director Ildus Kurmaleev), and everyone who did not get into the "Olympic" and was not at any performance during the "Little Man" tour will finally be able to see the magic performed by Zemfira.

Tracklist of Zemfira's concert on April 3 at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex:

01. Snow will start
02. Airplane
03. River
04. Love is like an accidental death
05. Macho
06. Results
07. Somersault
08. Live in your head
09. Mountain
10. In me
11. Blues
12. Money
13. Spray
14. Scandal
15. Interesting
16. For tickets
17. Walk
18. Caffeine
19. Light bulbs
20. Thank you
21. P.M.M.L.
22. Looking for
23. Do you want?
24. We crash
25. Main
26. Out of my head
27. Infinity

Fraser MacColl - guitar
Harry Mead - drums, backing vocals
Christopher Dagger - bass guitar, double bass
Craig Lowe - keyboards, programming, sfx
Ross Chapman - guitar

On April 1, the first of two concerts by Zemfira Ramazanova as part of the Little Man tour took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex in the capital. Tickets for big show has not been on sale for a long time, the concert has become the most important city cultural and social event. BORIS BARABANOV looked at the stage and the audience.

The "Little Man" tour and the April Fool's concert at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex are a tribute to a tradition that seems to have developed to the surprise of even Zemfira herself. Since 2000, every eight years she has performed on April 1 in this hall and every time she makes the show bigger and gathers more and more viewers. In 2016, not having a new album on the agenda, she was even forced to announce the second date at Olimpiyskiy, on April 3, which is an unprecedented event for the domestic concert industry. Tickets for April 1 were sold out instantly and became something of a currency. The tour was sold out and was under the scrutiny of the press and the Internet community. Everyone argued about what Zemfira had in mind when in Nizhny Novgorod announced the termination of touring activities, and was she right when she asked the audience to remove the Ukrainian flag at a concert in Vilnius. The music and the singer's new concert lineup were not as hotly discussed as ticket sales and scandals inflated by the media.

The concert on April 1 at the Olimpiysky was, according to Zemfira, the main thing for which everything was started. From the first steps in the hall, one felt the weight of responsibility, which put pressure not only on the singer and the organizers, but also on all those who came. 30 thousand people is only 6 thousand less than the hall can accommodate in a sports configuration. This is a record. The feeling of a huge space, in which the beams of searchlights seemed to dissolve into darkness, without reaching the shore, was unlike anything that happened here. Perhaps this is how the audience felt at the concerts Pink Floyd in 1989.

It was possible to “take” such a hall with hits, especially since Zemfira was not constrained by the presentation of the album and could well build a program from the best. But she has her own ideas about the right setlist: no concessions. Of the 19 songs that made up the main part of the concert, only two or three could be categorized as more than just hits. different years but to the number of things that unite a nation. But even they are arranged extremely radically for the current program. In the main array of music there were many songs from the album “Live in your head” (2013), there were two things from the album “Thank you” (2007), which was not understood by the general public, three songs from “Vendetta” (2005), an indispensable “Love as an accidental death”, as well as the unofficially released song “For Tickets”. This part of the concert was closed by the song “Lightbulbs” (“Light Bulbs”) by Zemfira’s side project The Uchpochmack, the whole tour is named after a line from this song.

The songs were performed to the accompaniment in their entirety foreign composition musicians who accompanied Zemfira throughout the tour. The forces of five legionnaires made dense dark arrangements with the maximum use of two electric guitars, and this did not encourage easy pastime. It is worth adding that the complex gloomy sound new group The acoustics of the Olimpiysky sports complex did not serve the best. Behind technical support foreign professionals were also responsible, but Zemfira's current partners failed to overcome the hall, as another foreign technical team did at a concert in 2008. In any case, this applies to the most information-laden songs, those that involve empathy rather than nostalgic dances. Each beat of the drumstick was not only processed electronically, but also reflected from the stands, and it was difficult to separate the ingenious new sound from the usual echo.

Wherein most of those present clearly enjoyed what was happening. This was clear both from the reaction in the hall and from the subsequent comments in in social networks. Zemfira's loyal fans, whom she defines as a fan zone, are a special resource for the tremendous success of the tour. These are the people who are the first to buy tickets, go to all the singer's concerts and come up with flash mobs. Here at Lightbulbs, for example, a sailboat hung with light bulbs floated over the hands of the inhabitants of the dance floor - an amazing gift for the heroine of the evening. Another category of absolutely enthusiastic spectators is those who love Zemfira quietly, at home, but for a long time and for life. Those who, in principle, rarely go to any concerts, for whom Zemfira's performance is an important and expensive experience of socialization. For such viewers, critical perception is completely disabled, at the very first sounds of familiar chords, the intracranial player turns on, and they no longer sing along to the singer on stage, but to their youthful memories. And, finally, a relatively small category of viewers - those who are really interested in her progress, the course of her thoughts, but who still want entertainment. I would venture to suggest that for this part of the public it was not easy to live up to the encores, among which were “P.M.M.L.”, “Iskala” and “Do you want?”. Some didn't budge.

Zemfira's new show turned out to be a story not only about the burden of responsibility, but also the burden of popularity, the burden of independence, and, in the end, the pain of family loss. Zemfira definitely took a new bar, choosing those musicians whom she considers the best for herself, selecting songs that she considers appropriate, showing a grandiose commercial result and demonstrating what it means to "be a free man". But no matter what she said about the happiness of preparing this program, it was difficult to believe in Zemfira's happiness to the end.

UPD: Broadcast, recording of Zemfira's concert Small man from Channel One in HD:

Second, additional concert in the Olympic, in Moscow, the Little Man tour from Zemfira in Russia and the CIS countries ended. Some videos from the concert best songs, information about filming the concert and showing on TV - below ...

As Zemfira herself said during the second concert in Moscow, for 5 years she has been thinking about doing a tour with foreign musicians. Like, more choice. As a person who has attended 3 or 4 concerts of Zemfira over the past 5-8 years, including festivals such as Invasion, should say ... Damn, or maybe it’s true, you shouldn’t have kept this thought in your head for so long?

To be honest, the decision to go to Zemfira was spontaneous, I really didn’t want to. Being seriously disappointed by her last concerts: either at Nashestie, or at DK Gorbunova (how long ago it was), or somewhere else, where it hit ... Average sound, very dumb arrangements of old songs, as far as possible from the original ones, too underground and incredibly boring . And the very mood of Zemfira to the guests who came is akin to "I went out, rejoice, I will be so, I will stand here, I will sing a couple of songs." But I got tickets for myself and my friends to the dance parterre (I had to personally go to the box office of the Olympic on the day the sales started, because they ran out quickly,), first of all, I decided thanks to the videos that were posted by fans from other cities of the tour, where Zemfira had already visited . There I saw interesting show, good sounding, and, most importantly, quite sociable and emotional Zemfira, as in the past, extremely old years, without “aplomb” and excessive “star”, sorry.

Already by the second song, Planes, I realized that I would like the concert. Zemfira V good mood, the moment when the artist himself catches the buzz from the support of the audience and his performance - was here too. And the sound… What a cool, incredibly powerful, voluminous and driving sound, guys. This cannot be transmitted to the smartphone camera, although there will be a couple of videos below. Such a cool sound, I just like that and I don’t remember when last time heard at concerts. And I stood almost in the center of the dance floor. I repeat, but yes, Zemfira, why wouldn’t you and these guys not sing before? The sound was just mind-blowing, beyond all praise. Plus, the show itself turned out to be spectacular and interesting. Zemfira, even in a boat with a sail, despaired of sailing along the arms of the dance partner to the stands. It was great. By the way, I can only offer my condolences to those who took tickets to the stands. For it was 200 meters to the stage ... That is, INCREDIBLY far.

Unfortunately, out of about 30 songs, the old ones, from the first three albums, were not very many. I would like more old ones, less new ones. But this is a standard desire, however, for any popular artist who has been on the scene for over 15 years.

And in a speech before the song You want (in the video below it is), Zemfira said the phrase. which will be replicated by all the media tomorrow: Remember me! Don't you dare forget me! Watch the video below.

I am very happy that I went to the concert. Received a lot of positive emotions. And here's a little snippet of them:

Zemfira Olympic - Forgive Me My Love:

Zemfira Olympic - Do you want (+ speech to the hall):

Zemfira - farewell (speech):

And one more important point. During the concert there was an on-air recording, and, according to rumors, very soon a concert from Moscow, on April 3, will be on the air of Channel One! Tour Little Man from Zemfira on Channel One… Waiting for details…

By the way, for the second concert Zemfira COMPLETELY COLLECTED THE OLYMPIC. That's it. I think, and the third time would have collected. Even on Monday.

The track list of Zemfira's concert at the Olympic and the names of the musicians:

01. Snow will start
02. Airplane
03. River
04. Love is like an accidental death
05. Macho
06. Results
07. Somersault
08. Live in your head
09. Mountain
10. In me
11. Blues
12. Money
13. Spray
14. Scandal
15. Interesting
16. For tickets
17. Walk
18. Caffeine
19. Light bulbs

20. Thank you
21. P.M.M.L.
22. Looking for
23. Do you want?

24. We crash
25. Main
26. Out of my head
27. Infinity

Fraser MacColl - guitar
Harry Mead - drums, backing vocals
Christopher Dagger - bass guitar
Craig Lowe - keyboards, programming, sfx
Ross Chapman - guitar

Hidden Charms - warming up for Zemfira

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