Day of Slavic Literature concert program. Day of Slavic Literature and Culture (May 24)


28.05.2015 00:00

863 is considered the year of birth of the Slavic alphabet, the creators of which were Cyril and Methodius

In order to be able to preach Christianity in the Slavic language, it was necessary to make a translation of the Holy Scripture into the Slavic language. This is how the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets were created. The Slavs got the opportunity to read and write in their own language. Day Slavic writing and culture is a Russian holiday dedicated to the day of memory of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Methodius and Cyril.

Russian choral music is one of the art forms that most fully reflects Slavic culture, so the welcome guest of the Gogol House was Sacred Music Ensemble "Blagovest". Artistic Director - Honored Artist of Russia Galina Koltsova. Conductor and chief choirmaster of the ensemble - Denis Anzigitov.

Choral concert "Soul Light" opened with the troparion "Glorifying Cyril and Methodius". The program included spiritual choral compositions D. Bortnyansky, S. Titov, A. Arkhangelsky, anonymous composers. Modern sacred music was represented by the works of the composer A. Viskov "Three Lenten verses" and "Madrigal". The program was also supplemented secular music S. Taneeva, M. Glinka, G. Sviridova. Among the masterpieces of Russian choral music two compositions by S. Taneyev were performed: “Evening” and “Look, what a haze”.

Host of the concert - Honored Worker of Culture, composer Anton Viskov told the audience about the significance of the holiday of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture and spoke about the significance of Russian choral music, which most fully reflects Slavic culture.

The audience warmly welcomed the excellent professional team

Two choral masterpieces by S. Taneyev “Evening” and “Look what a darkness”, as well as original choral compositions by A. Viskov, delighted the audience. The traditional encore "Many years" sounded.

The creation of the Slavic alphabet was and still is of great importance for the development of writing, Slavic peoples, Slavic culture. Sacred music as a part of human culture brings us its light through the centuries.

Choral concert dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

Teacher : Hello, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. May 24 marks an important holiday closely related to the history and culture of Russia - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. Today we will talk about the birth of letters, words, mother tongue which we hear, which we write and read. Without this language, there would be no our nation - the Russian people, there would be no history, great dates and names.

The choir performs the song “Where the Motherland Begins” (music by V. Basner, art. M. Matusovsky)

Presenter1: In the beginning was the word. Man at the dawn of his development learned to speak: gestures, sounds, cries. Many peoples have myths that help to understand the meaning of the word - what is said, what is being done. From here Magic force words. But human memory imperfect. Life experience, passed down from generation to generation, was distorted and forgotten. It was necessary to convey information in a visible form. That is how the letter came about. Our ancestors - Slavs - pagans - counted and wrote using some types of ancient writing.

Host 2: One of the types of writing is the subject. The Slavs made notches on wooden “commemorative” plaques or, as they said, “on the nose”. “Kill it on your nose” meant to remember. Also, the "nodular" letter was adopted among the Slavs. The knots were tied in a special way to remember something. Isn't it true, and now we often tie a "knot for memory"? But such a letter could not become the "memory" of mankind.

Presenter 1 : One of the most important mysteries of Russian writing are the so-called "features and cuts", which, perhaps, were written in Ancient Rus'. This was reported in his book "The Legend of the Letters" by the Bulgarian scholar monk Chernorizets Brave. Writing with the help of "features and cuts" could be the first Slavic ancient writing, very primitive, including the simplest counting and capital signs in the form of dashes and notches, signs for divination, calendar dates, etc.

Lead 2 : With the birth of the first Slavic states such a letter became unusable. From "devils and cuts" Slavs toVIIIcentury are moving to the use of Greek and Latin letters. Letters of strangers, obscure, but the only possible for church worship, state records.

Presenter 1: We learn about the beginning of Slavic writing from the main Russian chronicle - The Tale of Bygone Years. It talks about how once Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine king Michael with the words: “Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct and instruct us and explain the holy books. For we know neither Greek nor Latin; some teach us in this way, and others in another way, because of this we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning. .

Host 2: Then Tsar Michael summoned two learned brothers - Constantine (in monasticism Cyril) and Methodius, and "the king persuaded them and sent them to the Slavic land. Cyril and Methodius, creating the Slavic alphabet, took their Greek alphabet as a model, but they had to come up with a lot on their own. On May 24, 863, in the city of Pliska (at that time the capital of Bulgaria), Slovenian first teachers announced the invention Slavic alphabet.

(The bell sounds).

Thus was created the first pan-Slavic literary language. And the first book translated by the brothers into the Slavic language was the Gospel: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was God…”.

Presenter 1: Originally there was firm conviction that only three languages ​​are worthy for worship and writing church books (Hebrew, Greek and Latin). The Pope of Rome, after the introduction of the new alphabet by the brothers, approved worship in the Slavic language, and ordered the books translated by the brothers to be placed in Roman churches and to celebrate the liturgy in the Slavic language.

(Sounds troparion to Saints Cyril and Methodius)

Host 2: Two hundred years after the adoption of Christianity, Rus' already had a rich and diverse written literature. These were the first historical writings- annals. For each year, records were kept about the events in the country, about who and where built new town who reigned in it, with whom he fought, whether it was successful. There was information about solar eclipses, floods, earthquakes, fires, plagues, cholera, famine. Such a chronicle, written by a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, has come down to usNestor it's called"The Tale of Bygone Years". This first history of our country was written by hand, the monk Nestor wrote it for 5-7 years.

(Stromov Alexey reads the poem "Old Church Slavonic" by O. Dmitriev)

And yet, unfortunately, rarely

Among the revered books

We are looking for the language of our ancestors -

It's an uncomfortable language for us.

Let it not be clear in everything

And wise scientists sometimes,

And there are more white spots in it,

Than even on the earth's map -

But listen to this old

Epoch, behind each line

There is no lightness in the words,

There is no haste!

Above the lunar brow of the chronicler

Tatar horses snore.

And yet the page accepts

Not every word in a row:

When they are weak and shallow

Worthless and take on the work,

Above him are not second hands,

Deadly arrows sing.

And a long experience suggested

What can be more accurately expressed

The incessant clatter of horses,

The ringing of armor, and coins, and churches,

Nabat open throat,

The roar of a horn and a shot of an ax, -

Not our lazy "ORO",

And the terrible formidable "RA"!

Reached great heights

Two syllables in the sound of steel,

Remaining two syllables

In a warlike style alone.

And with brevity - a sign of strength

Words acquired then

The flying weight of the axe.

Calm heaviness of the fetus ...

Long live Old Church Slavonic!

There was blood and sweat in it!

Thick, opaque and viscous,

Heavy as honeycomb!

Like its golden drops,

They still live in the language

Words poured, thick,

At least weigh each one on your hand.

They are funny and tough.

brought to our time

Significance of each word

At the beginning of the Russian land.

Presenter1: Cyril created an original alphabet well adapted to recording Slavic speech. Today all Slavic world writes in Cyrillic. The Proto-Slavic Alphabet is the first in history modern civilization textbook.

The song "Our primer" music sounds. A. Pakhmutova, art. N. Dobronravova

First graders read poetry

About the Russian language (

Russian language- wealth of the people,

The powerhouse of the spirit of the Russian kind.

Thousand years developing, lives,

Like the great Russian people.

Through thorns to the stars the path passed,

Language and people shared the cup of grief.

Victories celebrated the enemies by defeating,

Feasts of hospitality eclipsed the whole world.

To this day the mighty language flourishes,

And adds to its glory every day.

Brothers Slavs - blond curls,

Nice, funny, funny people.

The whole color of a multifaceted culture

He kept and protected for posterity.

Remember, cherish and preserve

To say "thank you" our ancestors,

Honor the holy memory

We dear have one holiday,

It reflects the essence of our nature.

The holiday is called "Day of the Slavic

Writing and Culture!

Slavic culture- force

ancient generations,

Having so many

Various branches.

If Slavic old speech

The grain broke into the light

So the nation has a spirit

And the power of the ancestors remained.

Let the word be strong

And the whole Slavic world forever

Remains whole and friendly.

Many centuries ago

Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers

Cyril and Methodius to match

Opened writing with a seal.

According to new books - electronic,

And hang out on the Internet

Subdued by his boundlessness.

We remember the origins, sacredly honor,

And we bow our heads

We want to pass on to our descendants

Preserving our culture.

May our people prosper

And culture develops

Science is moving forward

And literature will live!

The song "Together it's fun to walk" sounds music. V. Shainsky, Art. M Matusovsky

Host 2: From Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian language to the modern Russian language - long haul. Historical reference: " INIXAndXFor centuries, the main books were Church Slavonic. When Russian scribes rewrote them, they also added features of their native language to them. Thus, the Old Russian literary language was gradually created, in which many chronicles were written.

(Manyakhina Iraida reads the poem "Russian language" by K. Altaisky)

Since ancient times,

When the horn was still honored,

Our land was famous for its riches.

In the foliation of the ridges - emeralds and platinum,

In the rivers - sturgeons,

In the forests - sable.

No wonder everywhere winged rumor

So exacted, delighting everyone with beauty,

Our Moscow Kremlin with the Armory,

St. Basil's dome twisted.

But, all the gems are a hundred times more precious,

In the mist of hard times we were able to save

Creation of folk bright genius



Juicy speech.

ABOUT Russian word! Not with the clang of a chain,

Neither the squealing of the rod, nor the whistle of the whip

Your unshakable splendor,

Your purity and your simplicity.

For centuries you have been polished tirelessly

In oral speech and in the order of the line

Poets with unknown chrysostoms,



And men.

You passed through the darkness of historical midnight

To the radiance of the Kremlin unfading stars,

Truthful in hoodies

Sunny like Pushkin

Gorky clear, transparent and simple.

You are free and smooth, like the Volga and Ladoga,

Like our plains, wide and great,

Alive like a spring

Multicolored like a rainbow

Sounding like music, Russian language.

The song "The Road of Good" music is performed. M Minkova, Art. Yu Entina.

Poem about Motherland (read by Liza Sharipova)

The best, most sonorous song

I want to glorify the Motherland.

In the whole world there is no more wonderful

She can handle any business.

It's a hot day in Sochi

In Norilsk - a blizzard -

That's the scope of my country!

But - it is from north to south -

Fits in our hearts.

And not without reason the whole planet sees,

And not without reason the whole earth sees,

How many people of festive light

Give the stars of the ancient Kremlin.

Let's be proud of our country

We will always be faithful to her.

Sunny, bright pages

Let's write in the biography of the country.

Song "Enchanted distance" music. A. Pakhmutova, art. N. Dobronravova

Teacher : So our concert ended. We hope you understand how amazing phenomenon we meet every day - amazing, wonderful is our alphabet, our Russian word and our Russian language. I want to remind you of the words of N.V. Gogol: “You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift, everything is grainy, large, like pearls themselves, and, really, a different name is more precious than the thing itself.” Let's take care of our Russian language, given to us by our ancestors. From generation to generation, the great Russian word was tremblingly, with love, passed on. And we have to keep and enrich it.

I. Bunin's poem "The Word" sounds against the background organ music Bach

Silent tombs, mummies and bones -

Only the word is given life:

From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,

Only letters are heard.

And we have no other property!

Know how to save

Though to the best of my ability, in the days of anger and suffering,

Our immortal gift is speech.

"Think Good!"

(Scenario of the holiday dedicated to

Day of Slavic Writing and Culture)

The concept of education, aimed at the spiritual and moral formation of the personality of the student, requires special attention to the history of the native language, Slavic writing and culture. Last days V academic year always tense for the teacher and students, but it is on these days that the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated, which has now become a state celebration and is widely celebrated by the Slavic world.

Here is a script for a concert dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. This holiday is not only an occasion to talk about the native language, its spiritual foundations, beauty and mystery, but also an opportunity to sum up a kind of creative result of the work of the teacher and children during the year. To make the holiday personally significant for each student, it was preceded by a quiz in which anyone could take part (see Appendix).

The uniqueness of the script is that it can be used by anyone creative person. The script is a frame in which you can insert any numbers that are suitable for the subject. The links between the numbers are not only entertaining, but also informative. They represent a dialogue between the hosts who “decipher” the Cyrillic alphabet, because, as you know, the Slavic alphabet can be read as a text-message of our ancestors to us, the descendants. The dialogues of the hosts, in my opinion, this is the most important thing in the script. An accessible and entertaining presentation of serious material increases interest in the language, makes viewers respond emotionally, and broadens their horizons.

The performances of the concert are designed to make it bright, to bring up patriotism, love for our history and culture, national dignity, so they are partly pathetic. The numbers in the script (can be replaced by others at will) are creative products created by me during the year. Performance fairy tale hero Ivan the peasant son, an ode to Russia - this is homework for the game "Russian World"; concert - great opportunity to showcase these creative masterpieces to everyone. The scene "Naum-literate" was created for the Day of Naum-literate (December 14), which became the day of the native language in our school. This is an informative theatrical costumed number, which was accompanied by live music - the game of balalaika players.

The epigraph to the concert and the final song are united by the theme: Word, Spiritual values, Motherland. The concert ends bright mass scene: final song and dance.

The only thing borrowed for the script are poems inII And XIparts (authors unknown), song for children's choir " morning prayer»; everything else - concert numbers, riddle poems about letters, dialogues of the hosts about the Slavic alphabet - original text, created by the script writer.

The scenario was tested in MAOU secondary school No. 73 at the city seminar dedicated to the spiritual and moral education of students.

Goals: Broaden your horizons, deepen your knowledge of the Slavic alphabet; arouse interest in the language, history, UNT, literature, culture of Russia; to form spiritual values; to cultivate love for the motherland, respect for the historical past of their people.

Members : middle and high school students

Form: concert

Equipment : costumes for artists participating in the numbers, plates with Cyrillic letters, presentations, music

Stage decoration : The name of the holiday "Think Good!", written in Cyrillic; capital letters Slavic alphabet, combined into following groups: AB; WHERE; ZhZ; NOP; PCT, because the names of these letters add up to the sentences that will be discussed in the script. Screen saver - collage (see Appendix) - always when the presenters speak.

Lineup of artists: According to the scenario, three presenters (at our concert there were 2 students and a teacher); four readers; artists performing numbers; children's choir; a dancing group

The course of the holiday

I Part. Epigraph

(On the screen Presentation 1. Hymn to Cyril and Methodius. A pathetic voice is heard behind the scene in silence)

As long as we keep the language

And in the Word the mountain light,

The people are strong, united,

And he has no equal!

What did fathers value?

We were commanded to protect:

Faith native side,

Song, prayer and speech!

After the epigraph, a hymn to Cyril and Methodius sounds.

II Part. Introduction

(On the stage, the first group of artists - 3-4 people), their remarks:


May 24 in all Slavic countries The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated.

Every year on this day, the entire Slavic world glorifies the creators of our alphabet - the Holy Brothers of Thessalonica Cyril and Methodius.

- "Enlighteners of the Slavs" created an alphabet that reflects live speech!

They trained whole nation created schools, wrote books, trained teachers!

This is a huge job!

We honor their feat in the name of the light of knowledge and faith!

And with gratitude we call saints and Equal-to-the-Apostles.

Did you know that Cyrillic can be read as text? Translate into modern Russian, decipher?

The Slavic alphabet is a word addressed to a person!

The Slavic alphabet is the message of the ancestors to us, the descendants!

The Slavic alphabet is a mandate for every person who speaks Russian!

(The group sings the following poem, accompanied by the bells)

Across wide Rus' - our mother

bell ringing spills.

Now brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

Glorified for their labors

They remember Cyril and Methodius,

Brothers of the glorious Equal-to-the-Apostles,

In Belarus, in Macedonia,

In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia,

Praise the wise brothers in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All nations that write in Cyrillic,

What are called from ancient times Slavic,

Praise the feat of the first teachers,

Christian enlighteners.

So these are our origins,

Floating, glowing in the twilight,

Solemnly strict lines,

Cast Slavic ligature.

(The bells intensify, there is a change of artists on the stage)

III Part. Riddles about the alphabet

(The hosts are on stage. They play with the audience. Presentation for riddles - see Appendix)

Friends! Let's remember the letters of the Slavic alphabet together! I will make riddles, and you continue the line (Slides 2-12 appear when the answers are given)

We used to have an alphabet

Started with a letter..? ("Az")

All sciences begin with it.

And after az follows ..? ("Buki")

It's interesting to live in the world

If you know, you know. Otherwise..? ("Lead").

About our wise alphabet

Our conversation has gone.

The fourth letter of the Cyrillic alphabet..? ("Verb")

Bring your warmth to the world.

This is what the letter teaches us..? ("Good")

good people in the world do not count.

This is what the letter says..? ("Eat")

"Let your heart be merciful" -

The letter addressed us..? ("People")

"Think, think

Cleanse your thoughts,

Calls each letter..? ("Think")

To the Creator, the Creator, prayer and bow.

And in Slavic is the letter ..? ("He")

Be wise and bright

Live in harmony with yourself.

This bequeaths the letter ..? ("Peace")

(ABC is the basis of knowledge.

The most cherished letter in it ..? ("Word")

Well done boys! Know the letters of the Slavic alphabet!

The first conversation about the alphabet

( leading)

Why are the letters in that order?

Because the Slavic alphabet is a mandate, a lesson. And today we will read together this order of our ancestors to us. And we'll start with the basics!

What does az mean? And why do they say “know the basics of science” or “do not know a single thing”?

Az is the first letter of the Slavic alphabet. It is the beginning of every person's path to literacy. That's why they say: First az yes beeches, and then science.

Az means me. And beeches?

Beeches - a letter, a letter, a letter.

This means that the alphabet itself appears: az, beeches - I am a letter, in me are the letters of your language.

The third letter of the Cyrillic alphabet is "Vedi". What does it mean?

We need to remember the words with such a root.

Know, reconnoiter, news, conscience ...

And the bear, and the witch, and the bride! And many more interesting things can be opened by the letter “Lead”. The main thing is to strive to know, to know, to discover.

What about "verb"?

To speak means to speak. But only first “Lead”, and then “verb”!

First learn, then speak!

And to know, to know - you have to be literate!

And in Rus' there has always been a special, respectful, reverent attitude towards literacy.

Remember, the day when the child was sent to study was special, festive, and it was called -day of Nahum - literate (together).

IV Part. Scene "Naum-literate" (see Attachment)

The balalaika players take the stage, then the artists.

V Part . The second conversation about the alphabet

( Leading on stage)

What are you thinking, thinker?

I understand! I understood why after the letter "Verb" comes the letter "Good"! Verb Welcome! Say only good!

And there is good! This is the alphabet!

And the following letters: “Live”, “Zelo”, “Earth”!

- "Live" - ​​live! How should one live?

Zelo! - says our alphabet, i.e. very, very strong!

And where is it necessary to live?

On the ground!

Russians teach it folk tales! What good is! That it is necessary to live greenly, firmly, thoroughly, righteously - as our ancestors lived! And they bequeathed to us!

And it is necessary to live zealously on your own land! At home!

On the land of your kind, your ancestors!

VI Part. fabulous

(On stage Ivan - peasant son. The text of the speech - see Appendix 2)

VII Part. The third conversation about the alphabet

(leaders on stage)

And they also say that one is not a warrior in the field.

It turns out that there is only one warrior in the field, if he is tailor-made in Russian!

I think the letterilooks like a military spear that smashes evil (the leader holds a sign with a letter in his hands).

I really like this letter, it still looks like a candle! A candle is a symbol of the burning of the soul, creativity, creation, active doing good.

And if you want to make the world brighter -

Light a candle in your soul! (We say the last line in unison)

VIII Part. song "Morning Prayer" (children's choir, flashlights in hands) - (text, notes - see Appendix).

IX Part. The fourth conversation about the alphabet

( Leading on stage)

And why was Rus' called Holy?

Rus' was called Holy because the ideals of our ancestors were holy!

Because we have many holy saints: holy warriors-heroes, holy princes, holy monks.

And because our great-grandfathers sacredly kept their faith.

They knew exactly the elementary truth: He is Our Peace. “He” means God is the Creator, Creator.

After all, Cyril and Methodius took up the creation of the alphabet in order to preach the Word of Truth in the Slavic language!

And our alphabet calls: "Rtsy Word is Firm"! Rtsy means “speak”, “preach”.

Rtsy The Word is Firm, if it is the Word of Faith!

Rtsy Word is Firm, if it is the Word of Love!

Rtsy The word is firm, especially if the word is about the motherland, about Russia.

X Part. Ode to Russia ( text, presentation to the ode - see Attachment)

XI Part . The final

(On the stage, the first group of artists who started the concert. A poem sounds)

Get up, people, take a deep breath,

Hurry towards the dawn.

And the alphabet given to you

Write the future fate.

Hope, faith warms souls.

Our path is thorny - the path forward!

Only that people does not perish,

In whom the spirit of the Fatherland lives!

Passing under the sun of enlightenment

From distant glorious antiquity,

We are now, Slavic brothers,

Faithful to the first teachers!

To the glorious apostles

Holy love is deep.

Cases of Methodius, Cyril

The Slavs will live for centuries!

(The first chords of the final song sound (text, backing track - see Appendix). The stage is filled with artists: a group of singers, dancers in folk costumes. The dance and the ending song are performed at the same time).


Think good - the light of your native land will not go out!

Thanks to the artists for their sincerity, love for the word, interest in our origins.

Thank you viewers for your attention! And Happy Holidays!

List of sources:

    Glinkina L.A. From Aza to Izhitsa. - Orenburg, 2000

    Spiritual and moral culture of Russia: Orthodox heritage. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference, issue 1. - Chelyabinsk, 2009

    Sipinev Yu.A., Sipineva I.A. Russian culture and literature. - S.P., 1997

Konstantin Balmont
Language, our magnificent language.
River and steppe expanse in it,
In it screams of an eagle and a wolf roar,
The chant, and the ringing, and the pilgrimage incense.

In it the cooing of a dove in the spring,
The rise of the lark to the sun - higher, higher.
Birch Grove. Light through.
Heavenly rain spilled on the roof.

Green meadow. Cheerful round dance.
Eve in the sky. In black - the run of lightning.
Bonfire of tramps behind the forest, on the mountain,
About the Nightingale the robber of an epic.
"Ay!" In the woods. Firefly at night.
In the autumn garden, red bunches of mountain ash.

Shepherd's horn. Pity until dawn.
Native home. Longing became sharper.

(The boy Vanya looks at the Old Slavonic letters, admires them.)

— Oh, what marvelous letters!

Beautiful, looks old!

They were once important

Now no one needs them.

(To the sounds dance music letters run in, Children have crowns with Cyrillic letters.)

Vanya: (surprised) Who are you?

I am the letter Izhitsa.


Vanya: You are beautiful and smells of antiquity from you, but our alphabet has become different, I am very sorry and very sad that you have disappeared from our letters.

1. What does disappeared mean?
That we are not important

Do you need old stuff?

2. A kerosene lamp is also junk,
But you didn't throw it away.

Vanya: This is my grandmother's mother, by the light of this lamp, she wrote letters to her great-grandfather to the front.

These things have become rare.

This is the memory of our ancestors.

4. Well, we are the same memory,

We cannot be forgotten and we cannot be left,

Us Pushkin, Lermontov wrote,

We illuminated their path with the light of letters.

5. We live in old books.

And not only the view is beautiful.

We keep the Orthodox spirit

We will be on guard of our church.

1. Holy Scripture The Bible is the Books of the Old and New Testaments.

They show how to live. What means Orthodox Christian be.

(The hymn to Saints Cyril and Methodius is performed).

Today we will talk about our history, about the emergence of Slavic writing. Every year on May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. A nation, a people, a state cannot live without culture, literacy, writing.

(Illustration depicting Cyril and Methodius)

centuries have passed since then,

as the letter was given to the Slavs.

And, overcoming ignorance shame,

They are equal to all enlightened countries.

Who has revealed the truth to people?

Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril!

Exactly they are Bulgarian Enlighteners Cyril and Methodius created the first Slavic alphabet, which we use to this day. The alphabet got its name from the name of the youngest of the brothers - euryllic.

The history of the Cyrillic alphabet is inextricably linked with Orthodoxy. Using the created alphabet, the brothers translated from the Greek language Holy Scripture and a number of liturgical books.

The first words written Slavic alphabet, were the opening lines of the Poschal Gospel of John:

In the beginning was the Word

With the Word was with God,

The Word was God.

It is no coincidence that the feat of life of Cyril and Methodius is equated with the apostolic, calling them the "first teachers" of the Slavs. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius were canonized as saints in antiquity.

The day of memory of Cyril and Methodius established by the church - May 24 according to the new style - is now celebrated in Russia as a public holiday

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is the only church and state holiday in our country.

Volumes in blue cover
familiar volumes,
The pulse of Russia beats in them,
They have eternal life.
Page after page...
You will find an answer for everything.
No, they don't get dusty
And after many years.

Writing is a real treasure that a person has mastered.

So in ancient times, people exchanged information by sending each other various items. It turned out cumbersome and not particularly clear. When people realized that exchanging message items is a troublesome business, they began to draw these items.

(Demonstration of rock paintings)

Such images have been found on the walls of caves where ancient people once lived. These are the first steps of man to the creation of writing. Gradually, people began to replace the drawings with symbols.

(Demonstration of rock symbols-letters)

The inscriptions were made on stones, rock, on the board. Of course, it was inconvenient to carry such “letters” over distances, and these signs could be understood in different ways.

In Rus', another material for writing was also used - birch bark. Signs on birch bark were applied with a bone rod

Time passed. Gradually, people moved from drawing to signs, which they began to call letters. This is how writing was born.

Before Cyril and Methodius, the Slavs did not have a single written language. Cyril and Methodius created the first Slavic alphabet. They wrote and translated gospel parables, sermons, apostolic letters and liturgical texts, enlightened the Slavs in Moravia.

(old books)

Skillfully the ancestors of the book decorated
Stones, gilding and enamel.
And like precious crowns,
The old gospels shone.

In the cloisters, novices-scribes
With diligent skillful hand
Line after line was carried on diligently.

Letters of Slavic patterned ligature
entwined with a floral ornament,
And the silhouettes of forest animals and birds
Flowers, herbs and stems curled.

During three years Cyril and Methodius worked in Moravia. They brought up many students who made a great contribution to the history of Slavic writing and culture. After the death of the great brothers, their disciples suffered persecution. The Pope banned the study Slavic language. The case of Cyril and Methodius, despite a stubborn and lengthy struggle for many years, failed Western Slavs, but it firmly established itself in Bulgaria, and from there it was transferred to Serbia, Romania and Rus'.

Native speech is the foundation of the Fatherland.

Do not muddy the Divine spring,

Keep yourself: the soul gives birth to the word -

Our great Holy Russian tongue.

(display Glagolitic and Cyrillic)

The Slavic alphabet existed in Rus' unchanged for more than seven centuries. Its creators tried to make each letter of the first Russian alphabet simple and clear, easy to write. They remembered that the letters should also be beautiful, so that a person who barely saw them would immediately want to master the letter. The alphabet of Cyril and Methodius amazes us with its simplicity and convenience.

(modern alphabet)

Now our alphabet, compiled by Cyril and Methodius, is the simplest and most convenient. It contains the optimal number of letters - 33. European peoples, who did not compose an alphabet for themselves, but took the Latin, still suffer from inconvenience. Our alphabet is amazing! And every person who studies the Russian language should know and keep in his memory the names of the first Slavic enlighteners - the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

(monument to Cyril and Methodius)

I appeal to you, comrade children!

There is nothing more useful than a book!

Let friends' books come to houses

Read all your life, gain your mind.

Festival "Commonwealth".

May 24 at the House of Culture " Starry" settlement Krasnopakhorskoe as part of the All-Russian event "Great Rus' " there will be a festival "Commonwealth", dedicated to the day Slavic writing and culture.
- There will be numbers at the festival amateur performances. Favorite folk songs creative teams will perform in modern processing, - told artistic director Houses of culture " Starry" Nadezhda Matveeva.
The festival will start at 18.00. Information from the site

Young parliamentarians of Troitsk on May 24 held another action. The event was dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature.

The action took place on the central streets of the city district. There were three people from our association. For several hours, the guys offered the residents of Troitsk to take a short survey on the Russian language and literature. All participants were awarded sweet prizes, - commented representatives of the Youth Chamber of Troitsk.

In total, about 20 people tested their knowledge of the Russian language.

Already today, traffic will be limited in the very center of Moscow: from 08:00, the Ilyinka section from Birzhevaya to Red Square will be blocked. The restrictions are related to the celebration of the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. They will be valid until 15:00. Drivers are advised to take detour routes. More details - in the plot of the TV channel Moscow 24.

On Thursday, residents and guests of Moscow will be able to attend a festive concert on Red Square, which is timed to coincide with the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, where compositions of Russian sacred music, popular songs by Soviet authors will be performed, according to the website of the press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

In Russia on May 24, on the Day of Remembrance Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated. Saints Cyril and Methodius are considered the creators of the Slavic alphabet and writing.

"According to the tradition that has developed over the past few years, on May 24, 2018 at 13:00 in Moscow on Red Square, an all-Russian festive concert dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture will be held. The organizers holiday events perform Russian Orthodox Church, Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, Government of Moscow, FGBUK " ROSCONCERT", according to the website.

Holiday programs in all regions of Russia, from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, will begin at 13:00 Moscow time. The main celebration will take place on Red Square in the capital.

IN holiday concert dozens of children's and youth academic choirs: Academic Grand Choir "Masters choral singing"Russian State Musical Television and Radio Center, Moscow Synodal Choir, Sretensky Monastery Choir, State Academic Russian folk choir named after M.E. Pyatnitsky, as well as VIA " PESNARY" and others.

In a concert called "When my friends are with me!" compositions of Russian sacred music, popular songs of Soviet authors, as well as famous Belarusian and Russian folk songs will be performed. Entrance to the concert is free.

In connection with the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, restrictions are being introduced for the movement of cars on Ilyinka Street on May 24. . . . . . Also, in connection with the gala concert, visitors will not leave the territory of the Moscow Kremlin through the Spassky Gates. On the same day, the Mausoleum of Vladimir Lenin and the necropolis near the Kremlin wall will be closed to visitors.

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