Criticism - what is it and how to criticize correctly? open criticism.


We all have our own opinions - and, of course, there will always be someone wrong. As a result, every day we observe around us a cloud of unflattering remarks and elementary rudeness from the lips of relatives and strangers who do not seem to think at all about the appropriateness or effect of their words. The easiest way is to dismiss them with counter aggression, but you can also benefit from other people's comments - of course, if the criticism is constructive. We have heard this magic spell more than once, and it's time to figure out whether constructive criticism is possible at all and why it is so important to learn how to criticize correctly without hurting the feelings of another person.

So what is correct criticism and why is it so rare?


Oddly enough, praise does not necessarily lead to positive results, and criticism does not necessarily lead to negative ones. It is not easy for us to perceive any feedback on our actions and work - both positive and negative - as they affect several important points for us at once: on the one hand, our desire for self-development, on the other hand, the desire to be accepted and respected by others.

And yet, we tend to react more sharply to criticism than to praise. We almost always remember negative events (which include criticism) more strongly and in more detail. The reason for this may be evolution - in the course of it, we learned to respond faster and more strongly to negative stimuli: in the wild, they often mean a mortal threat, so paying attention to them in time was important for survival. Now our life has changed, but we still react strongly to negative events.

Another reason criticism evokes so many emotions and feelings is the novelty of the experience. We react more strongly to new and unfamiliar stimuli. In a culture where polite approval (albeit often only formally) is the norm, open and direct criticism is perceived by us as something unusual and new - and therefore more impressive.


Contrary to popular belief, criticism is an important tool that helps us improve and work on our mistakes. Correct and constructive criticism - required element working relationships, it is also important in relationships with a partner, friends and loved ones: without the ability to discuss what does not suit you, it is impossible to build a strong relationship.

Being calm about criticism helps us make bolder, less obvious decisions and teaches us that our actions and our work will not necessarily please everyone. We cannot evaluate the result of our work or our idea from the outside. Constructive criticism helps to identify weaknesses in the work and understand what can make it better. Obviously, if a project or idea has a serious flaw, it is better to hear a remark, even if not very pleasant, the main thing is constructive, which will help to correct it, than a false assurance that everything is perfect.

Criticism is, in principle, one of the main and, under certain conditions, productive tools for the development of society and human relations. When we are criticized, we learn not to assert ourselves alone in our opinion, position, but to open up to the world of others, to interact with them at the level of mutual rational understanding.


It is worth criticizing if your remark is aimed at helping a person, and not humiliating and insulting him or simply pointing out his shortcomings. It is generally accepted that if a person shows his work, he should be ready to listen to any remark and gratefully accept everything that he is told. This is not so: even if you see flaws in the work of another person, consider whether you are target audience project and whether you understand this topic, because otherwise your remark does not have as much weight as it seems to you, do these shortcomings really have such great importance, or something just doesn't match your preferences and expectations?

The basic right to criticize appears when the product of the activity of the criticized is directly related to you and your life - this happens in family and relationships, and when working together. You can also criticize if it is you who has to deal with the consequences of other people's "jambs". Criticism in all other cases - free choice criticizing.

An important feature of correct and constructive criticism is the appropriateness of the remark - a person should really want to hear your opinion and a clear understanding that it will really benefit the other person, and not just upset him. This also applies to comments about appearance - it is stupid and presumptuous to expect that a person will rush to change himself to please your taste. It makes sense to criticize where the lack of criticism can lead to disastrous consequences. For example, when an obviously unfair law is passed, or when another person behaves unethically towards you or another member of society. But in this case, it is important to remember that in order for your opponent to accept your criticism, it must satisfy the basic requirements of social ethics. It should be directed at an unfair act or position, not at a person, appeal to a shared sense of fairness or mutual respect, expect a response, and use the most respectful language of mutual communication.


It is important to stipulate that not everything that we consider "our" truth, view and opinion is correct and constructive. The concept of "correctness" is a very voluminous meaning and adherence to minimum ethical requirements:

  • it is necessary to criticize with maximum respect for the opponent;
  • enter into a position and understand the real situation of the person opposite;
  • the fact of discovering a certain flaw in another is not yet a reason for criticism;
  • you first ask the subscriber: does he have a need and desire to hear your opinion on this matter;
  • should be criticized where appropriate, assuming that you will be perceived adequately and will be able to maintain a conversation at a decent level;
  • are there other people who can somehow influence your communication or hear something;
  • Are you an expert on the subject yourself?
  • the characteristic "on time" is when there is a favorable time, opportunity and emotional condition the person opposite;
  • be calm and balanced;
  • do not transfer the shortcomings to the person as a whole, use figurative and metaphorical forms of communication;
  • be able to stop, not ask again and stop if the person does not want to listen to you.

Before you begin to criticize, you should always try at the beginning to note all the merits, and best view correct criticism is the ability to use only questions that are open to reflection. You need to criticize by carefully considering your arguments, and not emotionally reacting to any words or personal qualities of the opponent.

REMEMBER! You always have the right to politely refuse to listen to criticism from any person, pointing out to him the use of unacceptable vocabulary, time, place and arguments against you.

Correct and constructive criticism is, first of all, a friendly, appropriate and respectful review of the work or actions of another person. It does not imply a transition to personalities, splashing out negative emotions and self-affirmation at the expense of another, and also should not hurt the self-esteem of another person - all this has nothing to do with criticism.

Correct and constructive criticism is made by the position of rapprochement, not distance. The focus here should not be on hurting, demonstrating superiority, ridiculing - but on real help. But this approach is unpopular in our country because of the harsh conditions in which not only we, but also entire generations of our parents grew up. For many years it was believed that the correction of shortcomings is paramount both in the upbringing of children and in the lives of adults, that this is how we help each other a lot and only want good for the other. And praise, approval and support were not considered important, they were neglected by everyone, from families to the state. It is not surprising that criticism has such an impact on us and we have adopted this state of affairs as the norm.

We now have a very egocentric culture, so criticism is most often used as a way of dominating, showing power and scratching the ego. Therefore, with this approach, people usually "for politeness" at best listen, but do not hear, and at worst, they do evil, intensifying their reaction, starting to prove their position, which usually leads to even more deplorable consequences, in which the criticized he himself pushes the other with his incorrectness, and as a result says the beaten and very unloved by many phrase "I knew it, well, I said so", they smirk and take on the role of a great soothsayer. I think that many people recognized in these words their loved ones, and especially moms and dads, who, with their incorrectness and their "truth", drove us into unnecessary events in life, which then came back to us for a long time. But this is not their fault, no one is to blame, the whole point is that this is how two immature (it's not about age) EGO or MIND meet, which by such actions educate and involve us in various experiences.


When expressing critical remarks, we, as a rule, do not strive to ensure that our criticism is correct and constructive. Often we do not even think about helping another - instead, we talk about our thoughts, preferences and tastes or splash out on the interlocutor negative emotions. Constructive criticism should be appropriate and timely - unsolicited humiliating remarks and caustic comments will not bring your interlocutor any benefit.

In most cases, we don't care about constructability. No one taught us this, oh peace of mind people are not supposed to worry. But literally with mother's milk, we learn that any invading, touching and evaluative statement should be listened to and taken into account. This is how most people interpret the word. For the most part, if you can now admit it and not do it, it will be a big leap forward for you, we use criticism as a veiled manipulation to adjust a person to suit your interests, tastes, conveniences, and someone to participate and be needed for the look . We do not have a culture of constructive everyday criticism, any comments are usually instructive, aggressive and humiliating, which only helps to distance people from each other, and help develops into aggravation.


Before you criticize another person, count to ten and try to understand your ulterior motives. If they are connected with the help of the criticized, you are ready to be correct and matched the characteristics "on time" - that's good, you can try. If you notice that you still want to show your superiority more and various motives are more connected with you, and not with another person, and the subject of criticism does not directly affect your life, it is better to remain silent.

You should never turn your remark into an accusatory monologue: criticism is primarily a form of communication and thinking out loud, and not proving opinions. Your comments should always be respectful and friendly. The main rule of correct and constructive criticism is the “rule of sandwich”: “place your comments and criticism between two positive statements: first approve, then criticize, and finally cheer again.” It is important to understand that correct criticism is a skill and essential tool communication to learn...

How to communicate usefully and enjoy it Gummesson Elisabeth

open criticism

open criticism

Never criticize a colleague or subordinate in front of others. For such criticism to be met with sympathy by others, a very special situation must arise, but I do not think that open criticism is acceptable in such a case either. The purpose of criticism, praise, and feedback is to stimulate change, but for this purpose to be achieved, the interlocutor must be able to absorb the information and think about it. When you are criticized in front of others, your ability to think sensibly is blocked, self-preservation instincts take over, and you rush to your defense. You stop absorbing information, and the essence of the message eludes you.

There are situations when a leader or someone else is forced to openly draw attention to unacceptable behavior or a mistake in order to show the rest of the group that such actions - negligence, disrespect, and the like - are unacceptable. But even in this case, criticism must be expressed in the correct form. To be criticized in front of colleagues, clients, and simply strangers extremely unpleasant and can generate fear rather than a desire to correct the situation.

The most sensible approach is to have a private conversation with the employee before you explain to the group what is acceptable and what is not.

Another thing is a positive response. You can safely distribute praise in the presence of the general public. You can briefly describe the situation, talk about the results of the employee's work, emphasize his positive personal qualities that contributed to the successful solution of the problem. However, if praise is directed to the same employee all the time, colleagues may suspect the manager of favoritism. Unfortunately we are still chained social stereotypes like a syndrome successful person(when a weaker environment reduces the abilities of an outstanding individual) or Jante's law, which implies self-denial and the absence of the right to individuality.

Things to keep in mind when receiving a response

You need to know the feedback ladder.

To make it easier for ourselves to get feedback from others, it is helpful to know how we humans usually respond to others' opinions or thoughts about us. The feedback ladder is simple model explaining these reactions. On the first rung of the ladder you are little receptive to feedback, on the last rung your receptivity reaches its maximum.

First stage. Negation

You simply deny that this information can be relevant to you: "I have nothing to do with this."

Second step. Protection

You form an alternative view of the facts and stick to it to ensure your survival. You answer: “No, it was not like that at all.”

Third step. excuses

You start making excuses: "Yes, of course, but." or "I know, but.".

Fourth step. Awareness

You start taking in the information, listening and absorbing the facts: “OK, I get it.”

Fifth step. Change/Improvement In this step, you show what you have learned and decide to change. You have no resentment towards the person who made a negative judgment about you.


How do you usually react when someone gives you feedback? Does your reaction depend on who is doing it, on the situation, or on the essence of the statement?

Think about it and determine which stage you are most often at. Decide what you need to do to rise higher for personal and professional growth.

Be aware that getting a response is difficult.

Sometimes even harder than giving it. It all depends on what we are used to. If we are talking about praise, we are beginning to be haunted by Jante's law, which whispers to us that in reality we are nothing, we are not smart, we work not so hot as no one cares about us. The best way accept praise - say a short and sincere THANK YOU. This is all that is needed and all that is expected of you. Thank you is enough to get started.

If, upon hearing praise addressed to you, you want to say:

This old rag? Yes, she is a hundred years old at lunchtime. It's just the only clean blouse I found today.

We all did a good job today.

No thanks, this is my job.

Nothing special. Anyone could do it.

Say better:

Thank you!

I'm very glad to hear this.

Yes, I am also happy with my work.

Yes, lovely blouse.

Be silent and listen carefully.

Feedback is a gift that you can turn to your advantage. Listen carefully. What are the results of your behavior in this situation? What do people expect from you in the future? Your silence will help the person giving feedback to focus (keep in mind that he, too, may be nervous and uncomfortable). Let him finish his speech.

Try to understand what you hear.

This is important not only for the person who addresses you with a speech, but also for you. You must be clear about what you should do next. The more specific your dialogue, the easier it will be for you to create a plan of action. Therefore, ask any necessary questions when your interlocutor has finished speaking and you have finished listening. Make sure you understand everything correctly and know exactly what to do, when, where and how. Find out all the details so that there is no misunderstanding between you and the interlocutor and you do not have to ask him again later. Show respect.

My advice to you: show respect to the one who gives you feedback, whether he praises you or criticizes you. Many find it difficult to speak their mind openly, and we must respect their efforts.

My own experience

I'm bored of trudging along the paved rut in professional activity so I always welcome change. One day I decided to approach a person, a director, who I heard could help me improve my presentation skills in lectures. He replied that he would be happy to help, and we agreed that he would attend one of my lectures to evaluate my performance. Then, the next day, we were to meet and discuss for several hours what I should do to make my lectures more interesting. That is, I had to receive exceptional feedback.

The evening of my performance arrived. The director followed me everywhere like a shadow, watched me prepare for the lecture, how I communicate with the organizers, technical specialists and the audience before the talk, how I use PowerPoint, body language, tone of voice, how I intersperse a serious speech with jokes, how I open and close a lecture, and so on.

I was pleased with my performance and expected the director to immediately praise me, but no. I was hoping to hear from him that I was great and that all I need to add to my performances minor changes. Our meeting will be short, I thought.

How wrong I was!

The director brought to the meeting a whole pile of A4 sheets covered in small handwriting. These were his observations and remarks. All are critical. Every word. I couldn't believe my eyes! Is he confusing me with someone else, I thought.

Zero introspection. I considered myself a professional speaker, but it turned out that I was not. The director noticed everything, every little thing: my “uh.” when I was thinking; inappropriate smiles; the way I was literally glued to the computer screen and stood on the stage, clicking the mouse, instead of talking to the audience. And I didn't pause before going on stage to gather my thoughts and focus on the performance.

I barely resisted the temptation to jump in my defense and justify my actions or simply deny what he was saying. Instead, I began to persuade myself: “This is the development that I was so eager for, this is a challenge, I will accept it and become more confident in myself, and the audience will get a better lecturer. You need to regard this as an upgrade and listen carefully to everything he says.

Four hours later, pale and exhausted, I thanked the director, paid for his services, and appointed new meeting after two months. He was supposed to come to my lecture, evaluate the effectiveness of my work and decide whether I learned the lesson well.

That autumn I worked like a horse. Strange, but this hard work on myself brought me joy. I solved one problem after another, constantly remembering the goal. I also kept in mind that the director would have to come and evaluate how

I worked effectively.

I wanted him to attend a short lecture, but unfortunately our schedules did not match and the only event he could attend before Christmas was my performance at the Stockholm circus in front of 1400 women. Imagine a tiny me in this huge arena. Pink dress, heels, ramp lights. God, how nervous I was! It was not an easy excitement, my nerves were taut like ropes.

And so I went on stage, started the performance, won the attention of the audience and felt at my best.

The director and I were supposed to meet right after the lecture, and I walked into the dressing room with a big smile on my face.

Well, I thought, what will he say this time?

The director said that the results of my work on myself are definitely noticeable, I got rid of all my previous shortcomings. But he brought two sheets with new remarks.

As a result, his response became a key factor in the development of my professional activity, at least as a lecturer. His contribution was truly invaluable to me, and we became good friends. Ten years ago, I would have rejected all his criticisms, but today I am psychologically more stable and glad that I can correctly perceive constructive criticism.

And you can do it too!

P.S. Think how wonderful it is to praise someone. If you think something good about another person, express your thoughts out loud, and he will be proud of himself, will feel happy that he was noticed.

So take every chance to praise someone! Whether it's the taxi driver who got you home quickly, the cleaning lady who scrubbed the office floor so you can eat off it, the waitress who poured your wine, or someone who looks stunning, be generous. for compliments!

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Criticism is something that can be easily avoided by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nobody. This is how Aristotle put it categorically in his ancient times. That is, criticism, it is like politics - if you do not criticize yourself, then someone will criticize you. Every day, people are faced with expressing feelings and evaluating the result of not only their actions.

Criticism - what is it?

You can often hear - "I can not stand criticism in my address" or "this critic spoke with approval about the film." And many other phrases in which the word criticism appears, which came from the ancient Greek language. Kritikos in Greek meant "the art of taking apart". Criticism is:

  1. Making a judgment about the merits of something.
  2. Reprimand, search for mistakes.
  3. Art of analysis and evaluation of artistic work.

What is a critic?

A critic is not only a person who judges and evaluates, it is also a specialty. A professional critic analyzes works of art:

  • literary;
  • musical;
  • theatrical;
  • architectural;
  • cinematic.

For him, to criticize is to weigh all aspects - to consider the ways of transmitting material, to assess the extent to which the author has succeeded in achieving his goal, whether the chosen means are justified. A good critic owns the subject that he analyzes. A famous cultural critic was the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. He wrote critical essays on religion, morality, contemporary art and science.

Criticism - psychology

Criticism in psychology - subject great interest. Psychology explores the cognitive and emotional effects of criticism. Psychologists are interested in:

  1. The intentions that people have for criticism.
  2. The effect that criticism has on people.
  3. How people react to criticism and how they deal with it.
  4. forms of criticism.
  5. Rejection of criticism.

For psychologists, criticism is a form of ego defense. They found that people who tend to constantly judge others were often criticized in childhood when it hurt the most. Children under the age of seven in the phrase "you good boy, but this bad behavior see only the second part. Any criticism, even very mild, means for the child that he is bad and unworthy.

Is criticism good or bad?

Criticism is good if you have a positive attitude towards it. This is an important life skill. Everyone is subject to criticism, sometimes professional. Sometimes it is difficult to accept, but it all depends on the reaction. You can use criticism:

  • in a positive way that leads to improvement;
  • negative, which reduces self-esteem and causes stress, anger or even aggression.

What is the criticism?

There are many types of criticism. They differ in the scope of use, the way they are presented and perceived, and the goals they pursue. Criticism happens:

  1. aesthetic. About beauty and ugliness, taste and bad taste, style and fashion, the meaning and quality of the work.
  2. logical. About an idea, argument, action, or situation that has no rational meaning.
  3. Actual. About the lack of sufficient evidence.
  4. Positive. On the positive, but ignored aspects. Often people only see negative side something, so there is a need to highlight the positive. Often used for self-defense and justification.
  5. Negative. About what is wrong and meaningless. Expresses disapproval, disagreement and emphasizes shortcomings. Often interpreted as an attack.
  6. Practical. about beneficial effect.
  7. theoretical. About the meaning of the ideas on which the practice is based.

There are many types of criticism - it is an integral part of almost all areas. human life. But the most famous are two types - and destructive criticism. Indeed, no matter how many options for criticism exist, they can all be divided into these two “camps”. The difference between constructive and destructive criticism lies in the way the judgment is presented.

Constructive criticism

Constructive criticism is intended to identify errors and help what, where and how can be improved. It should be seen as useful feedback. When criticism is constructive, it is usually easier to accept, even if it hurts a little. It is important to remember that it can be used to your advantage. Therefore, letting go of criticism in someone's address, it is worth considering what benefit it will bring. Rules for constructive criticism:

  1. Follow the "sandwich" method: first focus on strengths, then - the disadvantages, and at the end - a repetition of the advantages and possible positive results after the elimination of the disadvantages.
  2. Focus on the situation, not the .
  3. Specify feedback.
  4. Give advice on how to do better.
  5. Avoid sarcasm.

Destructive criticism

Destructive criticism hurts pride and negatively affects self-esteem, deprives confidence. Destructive criticism is sometimes just a thoughtless act of another person, but can also be intentionally mean, and in some cases lead to anger and aggression. Types of destructive criticism:

  1. Bias. The critic does not admit that he can be wrong.
  2. Nebula. The assessment is given without specifics.
  3. irrelevance. The arguments are irrelevant.
  4. Contempt. Expressing judgments in a rude manner.
  5. unsubstantiated. No examples or justifications.
  6. sweeping. Rejection alternative points vision.

How to criticize correctly?

There are two types of critical behavior:

  1. A person objectively weighs the pros and cons, and then draws a conclusion.
  2. The critic makes judgments based on emotions.

The latter is often associated with cruelty. Criticism in this case stems from an inner sense of dissatisfaction and a continuous effort to resist it. A person who tends to be "emotionally" critical tries to increase the feeling dignity by denying the value of the other person. Such criticism is based on arrogance and is a relationship killer.

The golden rule that psychologists recommend to adhere to is “Respect the person. Focus your criticism on the behavior that needs to be changed—on what people are actually doing and saying.” In any case, whatever criticism overtakes, you need to remember that it can be extremely useful if you remember:

  1. Criticism is a form of communication. Accepting criticism, you get feedback, and with it the opportunity to improve for the better.
  2. Feedback helps you get better. If you always think you're right without getting feedback from anyone, how do you know you're right?
  3. Correct criticism is advantageous. Especially it concerns professional sphere if the customer can tell what is the ideal product or service they need.
  4. You need to respond to criticism correctly - language is very important. Better not to get into an argument.
  5. No need to take criticism, even seemingly extremely unfair, to heart.

Artists from different countries answer the question of how to draw historical comics and not screw up

April 7 at 15:00 at the Museum of Moscow portal “Rara Avis. Open Criticism” ( within the framework of the 17th Moscow International Festival of Drawn Stories “KomMissia” arranges a discussion “How to draw historical comics and not screw up?”

The meeting will be attended by the artist, author of the textbook on comics Ilpo Koskela (Finland), comics artist, Chief Editor comic book Aargh! Tomas Prokupek (Czech Republic), artist, coordinator of the project dedicated to Armenian caricature, Badabada Tigran Arakelyan (Armenia), artist and art director of the ComMission festival Alexey Iorsh (Russia). Moderator - Alena Bondareva, founder and editor-in-chief of the Rara Avis portal.

Participants will discuss who draws comics about history and why. Is superficial knowledge about the chosen era enough or is it necessary to study history in depth? What mistakes do budding comic artists make when portraying historical events two hundred years ago? And how to draw something that happened only two years ago? Are there hacks? Is it important, and most importantly, is it possible to have an unbiased assessment of what happened?

"The historical comic is special genre, requiring the artist to pay special attention to the details and circumstances of previous eras. Usually, work on such a comic is preceded by a serious research not only on the Internet, but also in museums, work with scientific literature. Artists painting on historical themes they often “fall ill” with material history and at the same time are engaged in reconstruction and collecting,” said Alexei Iorsh, comics artist and art director of the KomMissia festival.

Moscow international festival hand-drawn stories "KomMissia" ( - one of the largest domestic comics festivals held in the Russian state library for young people. The festival has been successfully introducing the ninth art form to Russian readers for several years.

The audience was, as always, noisy and bright. The listeners, who had not yet departed from the stormy weekend, discussed and shared, winked and boasted ...

Already in place, sit down! - came gloomy, like Monday itself, and the door closed behind the teacher who entered the classroom with a tired groan.

A tall but round-shouldered man with a briefcase in one hand and a stack of papers in the other, without raising his head, walked to the pulpit and threw white sheets of writing on the table. Without taking his eyes off the clumsy ink lines, he began listing:

Elena Vilar. "Once you open your eyes" So-o-o, lovers of blondes can be free, - the top sheet became the first in a new pile, - lovers of porridge smeared on a plate - not your day, connoisseurs of fairies and magic wands- please, out the door, - the sheets, rustling, migrated from one pile to another, and the lecturer continued: - lovers of TV shows - come tomorrow, thirsty for spicy scenes - you know ... - the teacher's hand pointed to the door, every now and then announcing that the room for classes are empty. - So…

When the sheets from the pack ran out, and the door hinges fell silent, the reciter sat down at the table, leaned over a tattered briefcase standing on the floor, took out and uncorked a thermosock. Then, continuing to ignore the audience, he poured a drink into a glass - the familiar cozy smell of Brazil floated around the audience. Only when the chair creaked, and the professor's legs freely settled on the table top, the man marked another pile of papers in his hands and bestowed attention on the audience:

So who do we have left? His eyes flickered back to the papers. - Greedy consumers of errands... Eaters of chewed up emotions... - the lecturer indifferently went over the caustic characteristics, while denoting a complete lack of a sense of humor. - Lovers of vague personalities and no less vague images... Obsessors of time jumps... Absorbers of growling consonants... Normal...

Apparently, not wanting to test himself for strength any longer, the man threw the papers he had left on the table and assumed an even more relaxed pose.

Main character! - loudly sounded over the hall, forcing the students to come to life and squeak with pencils. - Domineering, beautiful, bitch ... However, having a huge hole in her memories - it's not surprising. The best protection is an attack. Hence - excessive aggressiveness and rudeness at times. Bonus - often pop-up fragments of past lives. Of the features: magical abilities at the level of a fortune teller, scanner hands (determined in handbag the color of plastic to the touch), a pathological rejection of alpha males and a built-in compass of the polar distribution "friend-foe", occasionally failing. Fighting skills - an unspecified level: at the very beginning of the story, the girl uses a painful paralyzing technique, but the rest of the time she allows herself to be grabbed, pressed, squeezed and kissed.

When the coffee swayed in the glass, filling the room with its hot aroma again, envious sighs of the audience were heard, but a new loud cry from the professor forced them to return to pencils and notebooks.

Scene! - only for a moment the lecturer's gaze rested on the ceiling. Then he jumped back to the toes of light brown shoes. - The land of the distant future, which survived the bacteriological apocalypse and froze in the grip of a utopian technogenic society "werewolves". Moreover, people - separately, werewolves - separately. But in one pot. A world filled with colors, for some reason, has only the smell of natural foliage, water and coffee. All other smells are either absent, or the author has swept aside as unnecessary. Of the man-made advantages: portals for moving between two inhabited continents, mirror-TVs, phones-plates, means of individual transportation - capsules, strings and claps, constantly inviting to visit their insides. The inhabitants of the world live mainly in houses, hotels, work in offices, eat in restaurants. How they have fun is unknown. They breathe air, do not swim in the ocean and do not swim in boats. In the first case - lethal outcome. In the second case - is unknown. Cause ecological disaster, as it turns out at the end of the story, it was bacteria that killed all life in the world's oceans and mutated under the influence of antibacterial weapons. Why bacteria did not climb into fresh water or did not fall into the general water cycle remains an unsolved mystery.

Having blurted out a long speech literally in one breath, the teacher wet his throat with a drink from a thermos and continued:

Plot! After waiting for the students to relax, the professor barked again, puzzling the audience. - A multi-level puzzle game played by the main character in the hope of getting a prize - freedom. Tasks are received by e-mail. The organizers, sometimes, puzzle with inconstancy - they reduce the deadlines. However, main character constantly turns out to be a trump card in the hands. Not to be confused with a piano in the bushes!

Yawning and fidgeting in his chair, the teacher puzzled the audience with a new twist:

The author ... - not so smartly - more lazily flew over the heads of young people. - Loves the name of the main character and the combination of question and exclamation marks. He does not bother (or is conceived by the author's style) with obligations of diversity, names objects and subjects in the same way: Troy is a surname, trun is an analogue of a car, TROM is the name of the fund, and the funniest thing is the CEM corporation. Not "tsem", but "TSEM"! Instead of making the reader think with his own head, he chews on the emotions of the characters. So she said (direct speech) and immediately thought (author's words). That is, the reader does not strain the brain at all - everything is explained. All nebulae dissipate as the initial information enters the heroine's head. Tasks are solved gradually and in a strict order. And even the steps, which are regularly put by representatives of the strong half of humanity, the heroine uses to break off these legs. Having passed the cleansing fire, the heroine completely burned out her conscience, does not disdain a strong word - "Damn", and is not afraid of teenage maximalism. The author dresses the characters in clothes that are familiar to us - in the future, jeans are also more popular than other types of clothing. Let's go back a little and pay attention to the similarity of the name of the vehicles and the Ukrainian "trunA", which in Russian means - a coffin. And if we consider that at the very beginning of the story, it is he who is present in the interior of the office of the main character, then the name of the car is justified. AND last question and where did the coffin go? Why was he in the first place? Shouldn't he have fired at the end? Finally, gentlemen! - the thermojuice was rolled up and carefully placed on the bottom of a light brown briefcase to match the boots. - We give the book to read to those who like to jump over bumps, throw insults and are not going to start a family in the near future. Freedom of speech and movement - it is such a freedom! That sometimes you want to strangle those who encroach on even a tiny piece of it. See you!

Auditorium door slammed last time and froze in anticipation of new disputes, boasting and gossip - the weekend had just ended ...

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