Summer show of Professor Nicol. Chemical show for children


Today my friend, the famous Professor Nicolas turns 26 years old. If you don't already know, he hosts amazing science shows for kids, where every child takes part in interesting experiments and thus learns something from physics and chemistry. I recently filmed one of his performances, about this in today's report.

Once Nikolay peeped an idea from a Canadian company and decided to create the first science show for children in Russia. At first there was one small show with dry ice, but over time he began to add more and more experiments. Now the program includes 14 science shows and more than 70 experiments. By the way, now Nikolai can be seen on the boxes of children's science kits.

The most important assistant and assistant to the professor is Dasha's wife. He constantly mocks her, jokes and swears. Dasha is a very patient woman.

Of course, the most spectacular experiments with dry ice.

I have never seen such joyful children.

What are the most interesting places where did you perform?
- Children's colony for juvenile delinquents. The children were quite mature, 16-18 years old, and an incident occurred during the performance. I brought in one of the teenagers to help with the classic experiment on how to get an egg into a flask. I give the flask to a volunteer, and at the same moment an aunt appears - a policeman and takes the flask away from him. As a result, I had to do the whole experiment myself, and the guy just stood by.

In a trolleybus, which he rode along the boulevard ring. Of course, all this was not just like that, I showed experiments as part of the environmental campaign “Green Trolleybus”, told the audience about what carbon dioxide is.

Rainbow room.

Freezing a rose in liquid nitrogen...

And we break!


Some of the experiments are carried out by children themselves. They made super slime in cups, then they made worms.

Nikolai, by the way, often performs for free, takes part in charity events. Several times he made children happy who were being treated at the RCCH, the University Children's Clinical Hospital of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov, Center medical care children with malformations of the cranio-facial region and congenital diseases of the nervous system.

The cost of the show for the class is about 10,000 rubles, it all depends on the program.

Kolya, thanks for the show! It was very interesting. Sorry for so few photos, it was hard to tear myself away from the show!

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Public offer (offer) of the online store "Professor Nicolas Show" for the sale of goods

1. Terms and definitions.

1.1. In this offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings and are an integral part of this offer:

Seller - Veselaia Nauka LLC. Legal address: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky proezd, 4/1.

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(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2002 N 81).

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11.4. For a return Money on the Buyer's bank card, it is necessary to fill out the "Application for the return of funds", which is sent upon request by the Seller to email address Buyer, and send it along with a copy of the Buyer's passport to the Seller at the address: 141707, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky proezd, 4. page 1.

In order to return funds credited to the Seller's settlement account erroneously through payment systems, the Buyer must apply with a written application and attach a copy of the passport and checks / receipts confirming the erroneous crediting. This statement must be sent to the Seller at the address: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky proezd, 4 bld. from the date of receipt of the application to the Buyer's bank account specified in the application. In this case, the refund amount will be equal to the amount of erroneously credited funds to the Seller's settlement account minus bank fees.

The term for consideration of the Application and the return of funds to the Buyer begins to be calculated from the moment the Seller receives the Application and is calculated in working days, excluding holidays/weekends. If the application is received by the Seller after 18:00 on a business day or on a holiday/day off, the moment the Company receives the Application is the next business day.

The Buyer must submit the demand for the return of the Goods to the Seller either in writing at the address: 141707, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky proezd, 4 bld. when ordering the Goods, the name of the returned Goods and the reasons for the return. The Buyer has the right to ask all the questions that have arisen to the Seller by phone +7 495 617-41-11.

When returning the Goods of inadequate quality, the Seller shall reimburse the Buyer for the cost of the returned Goods and the cost of the delivery paid by the Buyer. When returning the Goods of good quality, the refunded amount of money will be reduced by the amount of the commission for transferring funds to the Buyer's account, as well as by the cost of shipping the Goods from the Buyer back to the Seller.

In case of payment bank card the refund is made in full, without deducting a commission, if the bank does not charge this commission.

12. Miscellaneous terms.

12.1. All disputes related to non-fulfillment, or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this agreement, the parties will try to resolve during negotiations.

12.2. In case of failure to reach an agreement during negotiations, disputes will be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Details of the Seller.

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Amazing close by! Exactly one year ago I met Crazy Professor V . And today Kolya invited me to his show, which he held at the Obidimsk boarding school near Tula.
Kolya and Olya (his assistant) gave a small but real holiday to the children and teachers who gathered in the school assembly hall.
This is often written about, but I will say it again: such grateful eyes and such emotions, as we saw today, you see infrequently. All children, of course, enjoy the holidays. But children who are not spoiled by variety are doubly happy. Today they were happy. Thank you Kolya and his team for that!
Thanks also to the director of the school, Timur Nadarovich Tolordav, who decided to invite the Professor and make the children happy. Timur Nadarovich has been working in an orphanage for 19 years. He came to the Tula region from Abkhazia by distribution, and remained so. The director talked a lot about the children, the life of the village and about himself. But he struck me to the core with one phrase: although I am an atheist, I believe in God!

As soon as we arrived in Obidimo and entered the hall, the guys began to prepare for the performance, collecting props for experiments. Everything worked out. So literally in 15 minutes everything was ready. It remains to put on the "overalls".

Numerous photographers captured every step of the Professor

...and his assistants Olga))

Charging the sweet making machine.

"Look, what a funny pip..." ©

Everything is ready, you can start.

But, first you need to have a bite)) The director Timur Nadarovich treated us with true Caucasian hospitality.

The walls of the school are painted.

Everywhere order and cleanliness.

Nicolas does the professor's hair.

A real professor: even to the stage, even to a meeting of the Academy of Sciences))

How are the audience there?

Everything is fine!

Both Nikolai's phones ring continuously. There is no end to those wishing to order a show. But ... Kolya and his entire team are scheduled for many days ahead.

All right, you can go on stage.

Spectators in the field.

The show starts!

A simple yet effective experience with dry ice.

Another "smoky" experience - crazy soda)

Getting ready" death number". An assistant from the audience is about to pour the contents of the glass on the Professor's head.

And pours out! But ... the gel formed in the glass does not want to pour out))

The next number is Kolya Yaikin.

Which has to crawl through the narrow neck of the flask and come back.

Experiment with colored liquids. Everything is smoking again!

Experience with disappearing ink.

This is how snow is made.

Everyone wants to touch the resulting snow.

Which of the two arcs is longer?

And now?

It turns out that you can inflate the balloon not only by blowing air, but also by blowing it out.

Kolya is amazingly artistic and emotional. I think this is half of his success.

Soap super bubbles.

But what kind of experience, I do not remember.

Another highlight of the program is gel worms.

Singing pipe.

Sings, if it is well untwisted.

Another type of buzzer.

Giant chimney!

Kolya and Olya are completing the main program.

And they move on to the final - the preparation of cotton candy in front of the astonished audience.

In order to have time to prepare cotton wool for everyone (and there were about 80 people at today's performance!), You have to work on two machines in four hands.

The results of this experience are edible.

Which of course pleases the audience.

Someone came with a sword, someone with wings)

The distribution of wool continues.

Boys are boys! Arranged a fight on sticks from cotton wool)

The cotton wool is eaten, the show is over. Group photo for memory. And the guys will have something to remember!

And this one of the boys asked for a camera and took a picture of me with his comrades.

Then I realized that it was time to move on new level. “Professor Nicolas' Show” had already begun to generate a stable income by that time, and it was difficult for me alone to cope with a large flow of orders. I hired two assistant hosts, trained them and rented an office. Now, four years after the start, there are 23 people in the Moscow team, 12 of them are leaders.

We have 200 shows per month per season (September, January and May). The hosts conduct 15-17 programs per day. In normal months, there is a decline. I take the choice of presenters seriously: 97% of those who came are eliminated at the casting. We do real acting auditions once or twice a year. 100 people came to the last casting, everyone had to show the proposed experiment in an interesting way and get out of difficult situation. As a result, five coped with the task, and only three were able to work. We immediately decided that we would not take professional animators, because they had to be retrained.


The starting capital was 100,000 rubles, which I took from the bank four years ago. I spent this money to buy chemical reagents and a cotton candy machine, and then said no to loans. I still adhere to this policy: I invest money from free ones.

Our services are not cheap: in Moscow, the price for a performance varies from 8,000 to 60,000 rubles, depending on the length of the show. IN small towns the price, as a rule, does not exceed 8,000 rubles.

Very proud of our Peugeot Nicolas carson which the leaders ride. We bought three cars for Moscow - it is more profitable to keep new cars than to repair used ones and pay taxi drivers. Branded cars are useful: new customers often call after seeing Professor Nicolas' flashy cars in traffic. We spend the most on contextual advertising, about 100,000 rubles a month - it brings 30% of orders. I do not save on brand development - this is my long term investment. I am satisfied with the result: compared to last year, the revenue increased by 50% and is about 25 million rubles. Franchising gives about 25% of the turnover, the rest - income from the show, sales of kits for home experiments a la "Young Chemist" and monetization of the YouTube channel through advertising.

The licensed "Professor Nicolas Show" has been collecting, entertaining and giving gifts for 5 years good mood children and adults throughout Russia and in many countries of the world. The presentation is based on simple and effective experiments from school physics and chemistry, and professional presenters - showmen turn them into unforgettable show. Programs are designed for viewers from 5 years old, absolutely safe, all equipment has all the necessary quality certificates and licenses.

Dear compatriots! This summer, the interactive scientific "Professor Nicolas Show" begins its activities in Europe and Montenegro has become the first host country!!!

We are pleased to offer our services for organizing and holding children's holidays, such as children's birthdays, children's show by tickets concert programs for children, show outdoors. As well as adult programs - wedding shows, anniversary celebrations, interactive programs in restaurants, etc. The show works throughout the territory of Montenegro with a visit to the customer. The licensed "Professor Nicolas Show" has been gathering, entertaining and giving a great mood to children and adults throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine and even the United Arab Emirates for 5 years. The presentation is based on simple and spectacular experiments from school physics and chemistry, and professional presenters - showmen turn them into an unforgettable show. Programs are designed for viewers from 5 years old, absolutely safe, all equipment has the necessary quality certificates and licenses. Birthday celebration with "Professor Nicolas' Show" is always interactive, exclusive and safe.

The main rule is that everyone takes part in the experiments! And the kids will take home a science gift like super slime or handgam and keep experimenting at home!

science show can be ordered anywhere: at home, in a cafe, school and even in kindergarten, after all, we have developed a show "For the smallest" especially for younger children!

Science shows for kids

1. 4 elements(7-12 years old)

Fire, water, earth, air - lots of experiments!
Fire, water, earth, air - how many interesting things are around us!

This rich program includes many experiments, each of which is associated with a particular element.

So the guys will see a real volcano, the explosion of a balloon filled with hydrogen, appreciate the air pressure of a super-blower - more than a dozen experiments in total, and at the end, young researchers will prepare polymer worms and take them home with them as a scientific gift!

2. Super Lab (7-12 years old)

A science show with many experiments - a real "Super Lab"!
How can you pierce balloon so that you get a barbecue?

Is it possible to draw with the heat of the hands or leave a bloody imprint on a piece of paper? How will the beads jump out of the jar by inertia?

How can you make a ball out of a nipple, and is it possible to hypnotize the whole class as a whole? The guys will find answers to these and many other questions in the Super Lab show. And the preparation of polymer worms by each participant will be a worthy end to the program.

3. All inclusive (5-18 years old)

The most festive scientific program, where the most interesting experiments are selected
Especially for children's birthday parties in scientific style prepared the program "All inclusive".

Here are interesting experiments with dry ice, and excellent experiments with sound, polymers. Each of the participants will see a rainbow with the help of special glasses, prepare a polymer worm.

And the climax of the child scientific holiday there will be cotton candy, and each of the young explorers will prepare it on their own!

4. Summer show (5-18 years old)

Summer is a great time to experiment!
Summer! Sun! Beauty!!!

We have prepared especially for you summer show - scientific program, all experiments in which it is simply necessary to carry out on fresh air- in a children's camp or on the lawn near the house.

10 meter cork shot, beads that change color under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, a rocket taking off a hundred meters, a giant lather, a jet bottle and a soda machine, and of course a five-meter soda fountain - no one has a higher one! Hurry up to see, because in the fresh air you can experiment on a grand scale!

5. For the little ones (3-6 years old)

This science show is perfect for the youngest explorers!
The show includes the safest yet interesting experiments to get young explorers to start exploring the world!

Interesting experiments with dry ice, as well as artificial snow, a whirlpool in a bottle, tweeter pipes, roly-poly birds and many other experiments, all this is a "Show for the little ones"

Why is it great

- Informative and fun
Often, our show is no less interesting for parents than for children. The presenters explain the laws of physics and chemistry in an accessible way and demonstrate them in practice.

- Experiments are absolutely safe
We use only the highest quality props and reagents for the show from our American partner. There are all certificates.

- More than 4000 shows in 5 years
We have been organizing smart holidays for 5 years. During this time, more than 4,000 shows were held for 15,000 children.

- We go to your site
Our scientific laboratory can come anywhere: to your home, school, kindergarten, restaurant or shopping mall. All we need for work is a table, an outlet and hot water.

Educational holidays with chemical experiments and scientific experiments will be remembered for a long time by both children and parents!!!

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