The spool is small and the value is expensive. The spool is small, but expensive - the meaning of the proverb


The meaning of this proverb is clear even without explanation - it emphasizes the merits of either something small in size, seemingly insignificant, but important in essence, or someone young, but promising. Let me remind you that our ancestors under the spool did not mean “a person looking for gold”, not “gold nuggets”, and not even a “gold mine”, but the smallest (just over 4 g) old Russian measure of weight or a weight that has the same weight . Moreover, the latter got its name only because in Rus' it was used mainly when weighing gold and silver. That is why, according to some researchers of Russian literature, initially full version This proverb was: “The spool is small, but they weigh gold, the camel is large, but they carry water.” True, then she was reborn into a more familiar one for us: "The spool is small, but expensive, Fedora is great, but a fool."

I did not accidentally delve into the history of this proverb. After all, it accurately describes the attitude of IT companies towards customers from the SMB sector.

Firstly, because these same IT companies (both dealers and vendors and distributors), in conditions when the market sectors familiar to them were “saturated” with everything related to IT, suddenly appreciated the importance of these customers for their business ( although many have not noticed either themselves or their IT budgets before). This is proven by a recent study by DISTREE Events. Its results showed that 62% of Russian ICT retail companies expect sales growth for SMEs in 2014. You can read more about this study, conducted on the eve of the DISTREE Russia & CIS forum.

Here I will give the words Liam McSherry, director of marketing for DISTREE Events, who best describe how much this “spool” has become dear to IT vendors: “Three-fourths of all channel partners plan to expand the range of products and services aimed at SMB clients. Access to a broad base of SMB customers through retailers and resellers has become a priority for manufacturers and providers of ICT solutions and products that want to capture their share of this growing market.”

In addition, the well-being of enterprises in the SMB sector is, according to economists, one of the most accurate indicators of the state of the economy in a single country. So it turns out that the SMB is exactly the same, albeit very small, “weight”, which cannot be dispensed with when evaluating something important and significant.

“In China, 82% of the employed population works in the enterprises of the SMB sector *, - Marina Nikitina, Associate CEO of Treolan, shared her insights with the panellists** "Growth Opportunities for IT Companies - SMB Clients". - In the US, medium and small enterprises employ almost half of the population. In Russia, this figure is 25%. Let's leave a question why so it is not enough? Let's take these numbers as an indicator of the huge potential for growth. The same can be said about the second most important indicator after "employment" - the share of SMEs in GDP. In Russia, these enterprises account for 21% of GDP, while on average in Europe their "importance" reaches 50%, and, for example, in Turkey, even more - about 70%. That is, the Russian SMB has yet to grow and grow. The potential is huge, and we must learn to use it.”

It is clear that by “learning to use” IT companies primarily mean the supply of equipment, software and integrated solutions to these customers. But is it necessary for the clients themselves? The Boston Consulting Group tried to answer this question. The global study, which was conducted for two years by order of Microsoft Corporation, involved 4,000 companies from five countries: Germany and the United States (representing advanced economies) and China, Mexico, India (developing). His main task was to assess the impact of IT on the business of small and medium-sized businesses.

All surveyed companies were divided according to the level of IT use in business into three groups: "technological leaders", "followers" and "laggards".

“It turned out that the growth of the business of technology leaders (companies that actively use IT), taken in certain period time, ahead of the dynamics of development of the “lagging behind” in the same period by 15 percentage points, - draws attention to Marina Nikitina. - Technology leaders create jobs twice as fast as lagging companies, i.e. we see a direct correlation between the activity of using IT and the development of core business, which is observed in both "developing" and "developed" countries. This trend does not depend on geography or on the gender of the head of the company. But I can’t help but say that there are more companies led by women among technology leaders than those led by men.”

It is also worth noting the fact that “technological leaders” are usually the first to introduce new technologies. Judging by the results of the study, the vast majority of these SMB clients already use "clouds", mobile devices, all companies have long had "representations" on the Internet, etc.

At the same time, as Marina Nikitina notes, in our country, as of January 1, 2013 (more recent data has not yet been published), 6,037 thousand small and medium-sized businesses were registered, which employ almost 18 million people. - about 25% of economically active citizens.

“True, if we take the strongest component ( medium business), alas, it is not numerous in Russia, - Marina Nikitina notes. - A total of 16 thousand enterprises, 10% of those employed in the segment. But these are exactly the companies that primarily deserve the attention of IT vendors. And the most main question: what needs to be done so that these customers use information Technology in my work."

Based on the results of the study, the Boston Consulting Group proposed a "road map": recommendations for politicians, IT companies and SMBs themselves. But the opinion of those who not only work at the “forefront”, but also belong to the SMB sector is interesting: Russian IT companies, second-level partners, who, by introducing advanced technologies not only for large corporate customers, but also for themselves, could to replicate this experience, create a kind of knowledge base and solutions for SMEs, become those very “technological leaders” and own example show customers what it takes to move faster.

Alas, but this time the theme of the round table did not cause "optimism" among its participants. And the desire of the organizers of the discussion to get answers to the questions about whether SMB enterprises are really important customers for IT companies or whether sales to them are one-time; what are the main differences between these customers and other consumers of IT products; whether these clients need services and what “IT” is, etc., remained a desire. Apparently, the participants of the round table are interested in completely different problems. Which ones, read below.

Vadim Lata, CEO of the Technocrat company: “In any country middle class- this is the basis of the economy, and in our country it is constantly strangled and spread rot. You don't have to look far for examples. Let me tell you about my investments in IT. My company belongs to the segment of small and medium business. At the beginning of 2013, I invested in the development of my own IT equipment, simply because I myself work in this market and understand what is needed to increase the efficiency of my staff. The accountant is horrified: they torture us with checks, we have just begun to make a profit, and immediately it goes to “servers”, to “buy additional software”, etc. And I understand that she is right. Well, tell me how, under such conditions, to offer something to SMB customers like me, who, at the same time, do not work in IT.

If we talk about this market as a whole, then it definitely exists. But this, as you know, is the most vulnerable segment of the economy. I have been working in the corporate supply segment for three years, currently about 40% of our turnover is made up of SMEs. But when we started, they accounted for all 100% - you can’t climb with zero experience in state competition. So it turns out that for us, deliveries to SMEs are a “dying” direction. And now I'm seriously thinking about what I should do with it and how to retrain people who were originally “sharpened” to work with small businesses.

Do these clients need any solutions? No. Everyone who is responsible for “automation and computerization” in such an organization (and most often its leader) believes that he himself can come up with something for his own needs, and his solution will be the best. We have experience in implementing some ideas for small and medium-sized businesses, but, alas, we did not succeed in replicating them - each SMB representative decides for himself. Analysts and vendors are trying to convince us that we are wrong, that at the moment these customers have a need for our solutions, for example, in electronic document management systems. To this I can only answer one thing: at the moment in Russia, only large corporate clients and government customers are interested in EDMS. And the SMB before the SED is still growing and growing - it’s even difficult for them to introduce a “copy”. You explain to them: guys, you won’t have equipment hanging on your balance sheet, they will periodically come to you, carry out scheduled maintenance, and that’s all. One answer: Chief Accountant does not know under which item of expenditure to spend. It's not regulated. Unfortunately, even vendors who constantly tell us about the need to work with these customers, did not help us - real examples even they don’t have successful replicated solutions.”

Igor Vetlugin, General Director of Mechatronika (Orenburg): “Let me add my own fly in the ointment. The main areas of work of our company are system integration and information security. We have been working in the B-2-B segment for almost 20 years. And about two years ago, we determined that the SMB segment was over for us, we no longer work with it. main reason - financial condition these customers have deteriorated greatly. The stagnation of the economy has led to the fact that small businesses are now most receives its income from state and municipal customers. According to our estimates, in our region from 50 to 80% of the turnover of these enterprises are state and municipal orders. You know the government's policy of placing government orders: maximum budget savings. What does this lead to? Moreover, the resulting contract as a result of the struggle at the auction has zero (or close to it) marginality. As a result, SMEs have no profit, which means that they also have no funds for their own development, for stimulating staff and for social programs. It's scary to take a loan - it's not clear how to give it back tomorrow.

It turns out that SMEs do not have any funds at all to invest in their development (either their own or borrowed), there is no way to raise the salaries of employees. At the same time, salaries in the public sector are constantly increasing. There is a bias - qualified specialists working in SMEs are paid worse than in the public sector, - personnel from the business "leak". As a result, the budget simply receives less taxes that could be collected, including from medium and small enterprises. It turns out to be completely absurd: state employees pay taxes to the budget from their budgetary salaries.

Of course, the state order must be carried out at a reasonable price, with the quality that is required for the announcement. But you have to understand what a "reasonable price" is. This is the price that includes payback, taxes and at least some small profit. And the position of the state, which sounds like “the minimum price is a way to fight corruption” or “ the main task Law 44-FZ save budget resources", - it is a crime.

I repeat, without state support in the form of an affordable government order with a reasonable price, SMEs will not survive in any country. What do we have? Much is expected on paper. different forms placing an order. But in fact, in practice there is only one - auction, i.e. price minimization. But to hold auctions, for example, for design local network it is forbidden. I speak on the example of our projects, because this also applies to us. It is necessary to hold a competition in which it is necessary to take into account qualifications, work experience, etc. And with us: everything (both companies with experience and one-day ones) is up for auction. And what do we end up saving? Nothing. We only make it worse. And if the situation does not change, then SMBs, as clients of IT companies, will very soon be completely forgotten - in last years they just die quietly.

We tried to lend to medium and small businesses with our projects and the goods supplied to them. And here we are not talking about a delay in payment for a month or two. I mean big projects- six months or more. And if earlier we calmly went for it, now no one can guarantee anything even to those suppliers who agree to “pay later”. We just don't agree with it. Now we have five bad debtors. And now we don’t even offer such a form of work, because we don’t know how we will return our money later. But for those SMB companies that still have the opportunity to pay, solutions as such are not needed.

Igor Cherednichenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of DESTEN: “I represent a computer assembly company. Some time ago, we also mainly focused on medium and small businesses. And, answering the questions posed here, I can say that at the moment, for us, micro-business (up to 10 people) is generally “no” clients. They have any issues resolved at the level of "neighbor, brother, nephew or someone else who" fumbles "in this matter." In companies with 10 to 50 employees, the situation is similar - there is no single point of decision. But in organizations with a staff of 50 people or more, those with whom you can discuss delivery issues are finally appearing - real staff responsible for this area and determining the strategy in building infrastructure.

At the same time, if before 2010 we sold 20-30 thousand desktop systems per year to customers with a staff of 50 to 250 people, then over the past four years this volume has decreased by half. And this is not connected either with the capture of the market by foreign manufacturers, or with any other similar factors. Russian desktops were very well “consumed” before, and now they have a stable sales market. The main problem of supplying them to SMB clients is the lack of funding. State support for small businesses is only in words. In reality, there is no support. Who can survive. In business, as in society, stratification occurs. Either the company manages to enter the segment very quickly big business by building a network or geographical expansion, having increased its staff to 500 jobs in two or three years, or, remaining SMB, it is gradually dying.

And for those who remain “small”, it is impossible to come up with anything replicable. Each time it is necessary to develop an individual, one-time solution. Forces and means are invested in these developments, but in the end it turns out that the customer still has no money. According to our data, at enterprises ranging from 50 to 300 jobs, the average amount of the monthly IT budget allocated to the “hardware” part is $5,000. We focus on this amount when we build own forecasts sales".

Of course, I wanted to end both the discussion and this article with something positive, for example, a story about the positive experience of working with clients from the SMB sector. But, alas, it didn't work out. At the same time, as Marina Nikitina notes, IT companies themselves, which also belong to the SMB sector, live contrary to what was said above: “And this means that each of you, being a representative of this segment, is a potential object interest for representatives of other businesses, since there is something, and you can provide the IT component for yourself. And I really want to believe that in other businesses there are people fighting for their lives who can become “technological leaders” and will use IT for their own benefit. And this, in turn, gives us some hope that they will still become promising, and not dying clients of IT companies. I believe that despite the seeming doom of this topic, it just needs to be constantly talked about. And at the same time think about what we can do to make life easier and better for these companies. It is clear that no one calls for financing them from their own pocket. But if they have money and we have optimal solution that will help them, this gives us a chance not only to develop our client, but also to replicate the solution for those SMB companies that will appear in the future.”

DISTREE Russia & CIS 2014

DISTREE Russia & CIS 2014, held from June 24 to 26 in St. Petersburg, was the eleventh event where vendors and distributors meet with retailers and resellers operating in the ICT and consumer electronics channel.

Frédéric Simard, Director and Founder of DISTREE Events, said: “This year's forum has exceeded our expectations in terms of the quality of the lineup. DISTREE Russia & CIS allowed vendors and channel partners to discuss new business opportunities and new ways to collaborate to accelerate company growth and development in the region.”

This year the forum was attended by more than 600 representatives of companies, including over 130 leading buyers from more than 100 retail chains in the region; senior executives from the top 100 resellers; and nearly 250 vendor and distributor representatives. More than 2,500 scheduled one-on-one meetings took place during the forum.

DISTREE Russia & CIS - 2014 was sponsored by Sony (Platinum), Dell and Merlion (Gold), Digis, Energy Sistem, Lexmark and Strontium (Silver). GfK became the official partner of the event and the content partner. In addition, content partners included CONTEXT, Deloitte, Ocean Solutions and Wbird.

Within the framework of the forum, the popular session “Convince in 60 Seconds” took place. Winner in the category Best Design Product Award won the Cougar 700M gaming mouse, Sony Action Cam AS100V won the Best Innovation category, and the Sony Action Cam AS100V the best presentation received Fitbug and Mixberry for the Fitbug Orb fitness tracker.

* True, there is the highest limit of those employed in medium-sized businesses - 2 thousand people.

** Round table was held as part of the Strategic Forum, a traditional event of the DISTREE Russia & CIS conference.

Proverbs and sayings have long become an integral part of the culture of speech. And often we use folk aphorisms automatically, without thinking about their meaning and origin, or without even knowing that the phrase used is a proverb. One of the most popular popular expressions is the phrase "small spool, but expensive." The meaning of this saying, although it lies on the surface, is incomprehensible to the younger generation. Let's try to figure out where this came from. folk wisdom and what does it mean.

What used to be called golden?

To understand the meaning of the winged expression, first you need to deal with the unfamiliar word "spool". It's an archaism, an obsolete word. It came from the "zlatnik" - a gold coin that was used in Kievan Rus and later.

In addition to a coin, this word is also used to refer to a technical device in steam engines, but the proverb appeared much earlier than such devices were invented, therefore, the word "spool" means precisely the monetary unit.

The origin of the catchphrase

The weight of the spool (or zlatnik) was equal to 4.2 grams, and it was often used as a measure of weight. Over time, a small weight was widely used, equal in weight to this gold coin and inheriting its name. That is why, over time, the word "zolotnik" began to denote a unit of measurement and was actively used by pharmacists, jewelers and culinary specialists until the twentieth century (in 1917, Russia introduced and began to use it as the main international system units, or SI).

Such a weight was used to find out the amount of pure silver, precious stones or gold coins, and since even a small gold pebble was great value, over time, this folk wisdom appeared.

"Small spool, but expensive": the meaning of the expression

It is used in a wide variety of situations, mainly to characterize not only a person, but also some object. points to exceptional features and the quality of someone or something that has an ordinary appearance. And it is for these qualities that a person or object is valued.

Incidentally, like many others idioms, this folk aphorism also has a continuation. One of the options is considered "Fedora is great, but a fool, the spool is small, but expensive." The meaning of this proverb is as follows: despite youth or small stature, a person has many virtues.

And in the book of V. I. Dahl, in which a large number of Russian proverbs and sayings, several variants of the famous aphorism are indicated at once:

  • "The spool is small, but they weigh gold, the camel is large, but they carry water." Obviously, in this version of the famous proverb, we are talking about the measure of the weight and value of an object.
  • "The spool is small, but expensive. The stump is large, but the hollow." And here it is precisely the generally accepted meaning that is implied: even an unsightly or small-looking object can turn out to be very expensive and have a high value.
  • "The spool is small, but heavy. And the spool is small, but expensive." In this expression in question it's about money. Indeed, on a small spool in Rus', one could purchase many different goods.

Sayings similar in meaning

There are many expressions similar in meaning to "small spool, but expensive." Also widely used are such analogues as "small, but remote" (or in the old Russian version "small, but remote") or "small nightingale, but great voice."

0 Phraseologisms and sayings serve as an adornment of our everyday speech. Russian proverbs can impress not only foreign citizens, but also the inhabitants of the country themselves. We will talk about one of these expressions in this short publication, this Small spool but precious. However, before continuing, I would like to advise you to read a few more informative articles on the subject of prison jargon. For example, what does Rotten Vienna mean, who is called the Six, which means In nature, what is Forshmak, etc.
So let's continue The spool is small, but the meaning of the proverb is dear? For the first time, this phraseological unit was recorded in Dahl's dictionary of 1853, in the section "many-few".

Small spool but precious- so they say about a discreet, unsightly, modest, both a person and a thing that, in fact, can turn out to be unexpectedly valuable, interesting and bright, worthy of all attention and respect

Small spool but precious- so in everyday speech they say about those who are small in stature, but have so many positive qualities

Synonyms of saying small spool, but expensive: the boxes are not large, but stackable; the spool is small, but weighty; the beast is not great, but the lapist, the nightingale is small, but the voice is great; the river is shallow, but the banks are steep; the pot is small, but the meat is cooked; rarely, yes aptly.

The meaning of the phrase is that one cannot judge by appearance about what is outside, about the nature and value of the object.

What does golden mean?

Spool in tsarist Russia called a measure of weight, which was equal to 4.26 grams. In addition, the most common weights used to measure silver and gold weighed exactly 4.26 grams. A small measure of weight, but very valuable in its qualities.
Moreover, the golden Kievan Rus called petty gold coin, weighing 1/741 lb. After October revolution, the old measures of weight were rejected by the new government, and replaced by new ones, which we still use now. It is worth noting that in the last years of the spool, it weighed 1/96 of a pound. The spool is small and expensive - seemingly unsightly, discreet, humble person(phenomenon, action, expression) in fact can be very interesting, valuable, bright, important, worthy of attention and respect. Therefore, to judge by appearance, by the fact that on the surface it is a thankless, and sometimes harmful

What is a goldsmith?

The spool is the smallest old Russian measure of weight, equal to 4.26 grams. It was 4.26 grams that the weight weighed, which measured the amount of gold and silver. The spool is also a small coin, known since the times. In treaty letters, this was the designation of a gold coin weighing about 1/741 of a pound. The spool, as a measure of weight, went out of use in 1917 with the transition of Russia to the metric system of measures and weights, until the spool was 1/96 of a pound

Synonyms of the proverb "small spool and dear"

  • Unsightly nag, but run good
  • Great stump and hollow
  • Rarely, yes.
  • Once, yes much
  • Small pot, but the meat cooks
  • Small pot, yes pleaser
  • Shallow river, steep banks
  • Not a wide stream, but holding
  • The nightingale is small, but the voice is great
  • The language is small, but it turns over a person.
  • A small bird, but a sharp fingernail.
  • Small nail, but sharp
  • The beast is not great, but the lapist
  • The cricket is not great, but it sings loudly
  • Small spool, but weighty
  • Not a big jug, but capacious
  • The box is not large, but stackable
  • An ant is small, but it digs mountains

The use of the saying "small spool but expensive"

- “Any fool, Fedenka, has enough stupidity for the whole world. And the mind is like gold ... Talent is not given to everyone. Small spool but precious"(Gladkov "The Tale of Childhood")
- “Although the publication belongs to the miniature ones - all seven volumes fit in the palm of your hand - it turned out to be weighty and rich in content. It is rightly said: the spool is small, but expensive!(newspaper "Pravda", 28.05.92)
- “Even before that scene at the rector’s, my father called him, Sumaedov, only by his first name and patronymic. A lot was mixed in this: irony, self-irony, reverence (perhaps), self-humiliation, probably, there was also a direct mockery, but there was also an emphasis on the leading, dominant role of the son in the family. The spool is small, but it is prolific, but it is expensive "(Esin "Spy")
- "Even better and sweeter younger brother Ivan Small. This is truly a small spool, but expensive. Ivan Maly, although he did not come out tall, but works for three "(Mordinov "Springtime")

Choosing the right engine for a snowmobile is not an easy task. Serial engines in many parameters (in particular, in terms of power density) do not satisfy amateur designers. This is what makes some enthusiasts choose a rather complex, but Right way- create motors of your own designs, using serial units and parts.

The editors have repeatedly provided the pages of the magazine to amateur designers who talk about the principles of engine design, their manufacturing technology. special interest Readers were aroused by an article by F. Kizelov (“M-K” No. 6, 1978), which described the manufacturing technology of a boxer engine - a motor that has a number of advantages compared to engines of other schemes. Today's article by A. Kozhakhmetov from the city of Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region, is about improving the "opposite".

At Troitskaya city station young technicians we built several snowmobiles and karts. The main engine used was the PD-10 tractor launcher. What we just didn’t do with these motors: we boosted them and paired them, but desired results it was not possible to achieve. Large weight, dimensions, relatively low power density, and forced options have poor engine life. They tried to increase the power by improving the purge, but this did not help either.

The fact is that on the vast majority of two-stroke engines, the piston controls the inlet of the combustible mixture into the crankcase. He opens the window, not reaching 60-65 ° to the top dead center (TDC), and closes it after the same 60-65 ° after its passage. Thus, the intake phase is symmetrical with respect to TDC, and there is nothing to be done about it, since the relative position of the edges of the window and the piston when it moves both up and down is the same.

To improve the filling of the cylinder with a mixture, it is advisable to start the intake 130-140 ° before TDC, and finish after 40-50 °.

Rice. 1. Valve timing of two-stroke engines(numbers indicate the following points: 1 and 2 - the beginning and end of the purge (156°), 3 and 4 - the beginning and end of the bypass (120°), 5 and 6 - the beginning and end of the intake when controlling the spool (170°), 7 and 8 - the beginning and end of the inlet when the piston is controlled (146°).

And there are such engines - with a disk spool or with a petal valve that controls the intake of the mixture. They only became widespread in Lately. Distribution using a disc spool allows a liter power of about 130 hp to be developed. With.

Disc spool installed on our new engine, is a figured steel plate with a thickness of 0.4-0.6 mm (steel 65G). Geometrically, these are two articulated circular sectors of different radii with smooth transitions between them. The disc is mounted on the crankshaft journal and rotates in narrow gap, formed by the left half of the crankcase and the spool cover. The inlet holes are cut in the cover and crankcase, the branch pipe for the carburetor is welded from duralumin pipes and attached to the flange of the crankcase cover.

The disc spool works as follows. During rotation, the moment of coincidence of the cutout of the disk and the holes in the cover and crankcase comes. This opens the access of the combustible mixture to the crankcase from the carburetor. The intake duration is determined by the width of the notch in the disc. In our engine, the intake phase is 170 °, but, apparently, it makes sense to select the optimal angle empirically, that is, gradually increase the notch in the disk, while simultaneously measuring the engine crankshaft speed with a tachometer. Thus, it is possible to achieve the optimal duration of the intake phase, and hence the maximum torque on the engine shaft.

The spool disc is mounted on the crankshaft through an intermediate sleeve and is fixed on it with a nut. The sleeve itself is seated on the left neck of the crankshaft and can move along it in the axial direction between the housing wall and the spool cover. The gaps between the spool and the cover and between the spool and the body should be within 0.4-0.5 mm, they are regulated by the selection of appropriate gaskets.

If it is planned to install such an engine on aircraft where the weight of the structure is of fundamental importance, it is best to use an M-42 type magneto. When using the motor on land (water) transport, it makes sense to use either contactless ignition or conventional ignition with an interrupter. In the latter case, you can take two six-volt coils from Java or IZH motorcycles and an appropriate generator (for example, G424 with a RR-330 relay-regulator).

A - the design of the spool engine in the version with a propeller:

1 - spool, 2 - cheeks of the crankshaft, 3 - bearings of the right support, 4 - neck of the crankshaft, 5 - pin, 6 - key, 7 - nut, 8 - screw, 9 - lock screw, 10 - nut, 11 - magneto mounting glass, 12 - key, 13 - stuffing box, 14 - bushing with valve nut, 15 - left support bearing, 16 - valve cover, 17 - left half of the crankcase, 18 - right half of the crankcase, 19 - engine mounting stud, 20 - spacer bushings, 21 - stuffing box, 22 - screw bushing with generator drive pulley.

B - installation of a multi-ribbed pulley on the engine:

1 - breaker body, 2 - stud for fastening the spool cover, 3 - stud for fastening halves of the crankcase, 4 - multi-ribbed pulley.

B - crankcase and main engine components:

1 - right half of the crankcase, 2 - left half of the crankcase, 3 - branch pipe, 4 - carburetor 2926SBD ("Java"), 5 - M-42 magneto.

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