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At what months can a child be placed (girls and boys)

Today we will discuss another one interesting topic, which interests many young parents, what time can boys and girls be imprisoned so as not to cause harm, what is the opinion of experts on this matter? Infants develop differently, therefore, despite the fact that parents would like to teach their child to sit faster, this process should in no way be rushed. To the question, from how many months can a child (girls and boys) be seated, there is a very specific answer - official medicine believes that this can be done starting from six months. And this applies to both boys and girls.

Immediately after birth, the newborn's main activity is sleeping and feeding.

The baby’s very first skills are the ability to:

  1. Take toys;
  2. Roll over from back to tummy and back;
  3. Hold your head.

But there are still many actions ahead that need to be mastered perfectly. little man. One of the most important criteria for the successful formation child's body is the ability to sit. Moms and dads should not artificially push the baby to do this, but if he tries to sit down on his own, it is worth putting this desire under control.

Some babies show this desire quite early - at four months. This may indicate that the child is physically ready for this. Since this has happened, there is no need to stop the child either, but it is necessary to double the monitoring of him. In most children, the back muscles gain strength only by six months, but there are always exceptions.

It is categorically not recommended to seat a child prematurely, just because someone sits at 4-5 months. This can disrupt the normal formation of the spine and cause curvature. In addition, the fact that a baby begins to master this skill only at 6 months is not considered a pathology.

What time can girls and boys be imprisoned is a very interesting question, because there is a concept that girls should not do this before boys. However, the belief that boarding too early will cause the child proper development and even the bending of the uterus is not confirmed in life. True, another problem can happen - curvature of the pelvic skeleton and, as a result, disruption of the genitourinary system in the future. And the average period is the same for all children - from six months to 7-8 months.

In fact, boys develop at the same pace as girls. Now, if landing does not happen until eight months of age or later, the child must be shown to a doctor. Since such a lag may be due to violations nervous system, only a neurologist will be able to recognize the causes of the delay.

Reasons for late boarding of a child

Infants begin to roll over, raise their heads, including sitting up, each at their own time. But sometimes a child lags far behind his peers. What could be the reason for the backwardness?

The formation of a child’s body can be influenced by various factors:

  • It turns out that identical twins, as well as fraternal twins, always develop a little later than other infants. Their muscle tissue remains weak for a long time and only gets stronger around seven months.
  • Pediatricians often tell new mothers not to breastfeed their baby - this has a negative impact on the speed of development. Overweight babies begin to sit up much later.
  • Premature babies born at 6 and 8 months also develop more slowly, contrary to popular belief that they quickly catch up and outstrip nine-month-old babies.
  • The more parents pay attention to regular exercise and physical exercise with a baby, the earlier he begins to sit down, as his muscle tissue strengthens faster.

From how many months can a child (girls and boys) be placed is a purely individual question. But the opinion of doctors regarding children whom their parents are rushing to grow up and perform actions for which they are not yet physiologically ready is unanimous - premature interference in the natural process of development cannot end in something good. But the baby is already in childhood, and sometimes in adult life may face many problems and disorders in the reproductive, reproductive and musculoskeletal systems.

What time can girls and boys be imprisoned?

If you do not anticipate events, the child himself will try to sit up as soon as his back muscles are fully strengthened, and the body is, in general, ready for such changes.

This will take some time and will take place in stages:

  1. First, the baby tries to find support for his arms and thus learns to stretch;
  2. The process includes the shoulders, which help the baby sit down;
  3. The landing is successful and the baby remains in this position for 3-4 seconds, sometimes a little more, after which the child falls on his side;
  4. The time when the baby manages to stay in a sitting position gradually increases;
  5. As a result, the baby sits steadily and the back is straightened.

When the muscles are properly developed and strong enough, the baby’s back will be straight and he will be able to sit confidently. That is why it is not recommended to rush the development of a skill - a little earlier or later the skill will appear in accordance with the characteristics inherent in nature.

The policy of non-interference is not the only thing left for parents who are worried about their child. They will have to help their son or daughter at every stage of this difficult path for the child:

  • To protect the child from injury when falling on his side - for this you can lay a mattress or a thick blanket on the floor;
  • For a month, sit the child down every day, supporting the back for a few minutes;
  • Constantly monitor the baby and, if necessary, come to his aid.

What you can’t do is support your baby’s spine with bolsters and pillows, otherwise he won’t be able to train his body and strengthen his bone muscles. At first, one hour is enough for such activities. More long time training can negatively affect the condition of his spinal column.

It is believed that excessive care in this matter can even slow down the physical and emotional development son or daughter. If you constantly support the child’s back, he will never be able to maintain his balance on his own.

Knowing what time girls and boys can be boarded, and understanding the risk of early boarding, parents will no longer make the same mistake. However, they can do everything to beloved child prepared as best as possible for new achievements.

How to prepare your child for boarding

Many parents are interested in what methods will help strengthen muscles. small child in order to prepare him as best as possible for such a crucial moment as a sitting position.

Doctors recommend special gymnastic exercises and massage, which can be done directly on the changing table or on the floor covered with an orthopedic mattress or blanket. Fitball using a special ball is also considered extremely useful. In addition, water exercises with a circle are prescribed for the development of muscle tissue.

1.Massage sessions can be carried out by a specialist, and subsequently by parents, if they quickly master this technique.

Procedure and basic techniques:

  • The child's back and buttocks should be massaged;
  • The procedure begins with light stroking movements from bottom to top and from the spine;
  • Next, the same movements are made with slight pressure;
  • At the end, soothing stroking with the fingertips follows again.

2.Strengthening exercises are aimed not only at the development of the back, but also the baby’s tummy and arms.

The exercises are very simple:

  • In order for a child to learn to stretch, you should put him on his tummy, and place cubes or other interesting objects at some distance;
  • They place their fingers in the arms of a child lying on his back and carefully pull him towards him as soon as he begins to hold on to them;
  • Rattles can be hung above the baby's crib, pursuing a similar goal - pulling his hands towards the toys.

Regular exercise will make your baby strong and ready for new achievements.

3.Exercise using a fitball It is better to do it in the first half of the day, an hour and a half after feeding. At this time, the baby is full, satisfied and in good mood. The baby will need to be undressed and the ball covered with a sterile diaper.

  • The baby should be alternately placed on the ball with his back and tummy, while being held for safety. In this position the ball should swing slightly.
  • Having placed the baby on his tummy and holding his legs, the fitball needs to be moved back and forth.
  • You can press the ball so that it springs; at this time the child is on his tummy, and after a while, on his back.

If the child begins to cry and be capricious, it is better to stop classes and continue them the next day.

4.Swimming lessons are carried out by special children's instructors, but they can also be practiced in your own bath, using a circle for infants. True, this is only allowed for children older than one month, after their navel has healed.

At what month can a child (girls and boys) be placed, the child’s pediatrician will help determine. Despite the fact that babies of different sexes have approximately the same development periods, doctors recommend that boys be placed no later than six months, and girls after seven months.

You should always remember the dangers of early planting, which threatens to cause irreparable injury to the child. Parents have no right to interfere in such important process, but can only take care of strengthening the baby’s health and physical capabilities for the further successful formation of the body.

At what months can girls and boys be imprisoned: video

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When boys can be seated should be decided after it is noticeable general development.

The long-awaited event happened, and a small heir appeared in the family and future man. For the first few months, a tiny child just lies down and learns about the world from a horizontal position, but after a few months he will get stronger and will already make quite conscious movements. All parents want their baby to quickly gain relative independence, and therefore many of them are concerned with the question of how many months can boys be placed and what conditions must always be observed in order not to harm his health.

In order to fully address this issue, it is necessary to know the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system. little man and carefully observe its overall development.

All babies are born with a spine designed only for a horizontal position. The spinal column of a newborn child does not have natural curves like that of an adult. Kyphosis and lordosis develop gradually, and they are responsible for normal posture when a person walks or sits. The baby’s spine is not stable and does not have the necessary muscular framework, so sitting down earlier is fraught with curvature of the spinal column. Under the influence of this process and the child’s own weight, not only the entire motor system, bones and muscles, but also the main internal organs will suffer, and this will negatively affect their functioning.

When boys can be seated should be decided after their overall development is noticeable. Strengthening the muscles and spine depends on when the baby begins to roll over, raise his head, and actively move his arms and legs. All these actions, insignificant for an adult, are very important for a baby and lead to a gradual and necessary strengthening of the whole organism. It is believed that the necessary anatomical formation of the musculoskeletal system is achieved by approximately six months of life and before this time there is no point in attempting to place the boy.

At what age should a child be seated (video)?

How to determine that a boy’s body is ready to sit

Caring parents record every day any changes in the baby’s behavior and compare its development with generally accepted norms.

Some babies are naturally phlegmatic, reluctant to roll over, and are indignant when they are turned over on their tummy. This means that their muscular system and spinal bones do not receive active load and strengthen more slowly. Such crumbs should not be planted before six months.

Other babies, on the contrary, are mobile from birth, begin to roll over on their own, turn their heads in all directions, wave their arms and legs, and under the influence of these movements the spine also strengthens, Such babies can be carefully and for a few minutes seated when they are closer to 5 months.

In general, an experienced pediatrician will tell you the time when you can put boys in bed after a thorough examination.

You can make your own decision about sitting down in the following cases:

  • The child actively and easily turns over from back to tummy and back.
  • The baby confidently holds his head and lifts it from a horizontal position.
  • The baby stands confidently, holding your hands.
  • The baby makes attempts to rise on his own, and by holding onto his fingers he can assume a vertical position.

At what month should you decide to sit your son and pay attention to his physique. It is recommended to sit down heavyweight infants as late as possible - their body weight negatively affects the fragile spine. Slender boys tolerate sitting up well in their arms even at five months. Pediatricians advise placing a child for a long time after he has already begun to crawl well - standing on all fours the baby contributes to the correct formation of the spinal column.

Sit down on time and correctly (video)

What to consider when sitting down a boy

It must be taken into account that a sharp transition from a horizontal position to independent sitting is not permissible. That is, you cannot immediately put the child in pillows and leave him in this position for half an hour or an hour; the load on the motor system and ligaments should be gradual.

  • You can sit your baby in your arms from three to four months. In this case, the child’s body position should be semi-sitting, and the legs should not be strongly bent.
  • The first attempts to sit down are limited to a few minutes.
  • If the baby does not make active attempts to roll over, does not stay upright on his legs well, and does not want to crawl, then sitting on pillows or on a high chair should be postponed.
  • Throughout the first months of life, you need to help strengthen the muscle frame. To fulfill this condition, light massage, daily gymnastics, laying the baby on his tummy, stimulating him to turn over and raise his head are suitable.
  • It is recommended to make the first attempts to sit down on mother's lap. In this position, the baby's back is fixed, and the tailbone does not rest against a hard base, so it is much safer to sit this way. You can start sitting on your knees at five months for a few seconds.

Some babies absolutely do not want to sit on chairs or on the sofa at either five or seven months. If the baby is crying and trying to lie down, then you should not sit him down - the child himself will want to lie down. certain time see the world from a different angle. Many babies first begin to crawl, stand up on their own, and only then feel comfortable in a sitting position; this is completely normal and there is absolutely no need to worry.

Let's continue reading about the development:

  1. When the baby starts to walk on his own
  2. Development by month to year
  3. What should a child be able to do at 1 year old?

Boys and girls need physical activity to the same extent. Without it, the child will not be able to fully develop either intellectually or mentally. Gross motor skills like sitting are not always easy for infants. It happens that the baby first begins to crawl and only then makes attempts to sit up on his own. It is important that these attempts take place. Parents need to encourage them unobtrusively.

When does sitting become a habit?

The sitting skill of a baby boy is associated with his general physical development. If he holds his head well, deftly rolls over onto his stomach, begins to crawl and actively explore the world, then he will learn to sit in time. There are boys who sit down early - at 6 months. There are heroes who are in no hurry to take a sitting position and can sit down at 8 or even 9 months. All these figures are within the normal range.

When and how can you teach

Boys can be seated from the age of five months. How to do this correctly?

  • Assess the condition. Pay attention to the child's reaction when you try to lift him by the arms. He should be in a good mood, well-fed and cheerful. The boy himself may strive to take a vertical position. Or he may not like it at all. Perhaps the baby is not physiologically ready and accepts this exercise without enthusiasm. Perhaps the position makes him uncomfortable. The safest way to sit down is not from the back, but from a position on all fours. To do this, the baby should be placed on his stomach as often as possible.
  • Consider weight. If a boy was born premature and weak, he develops according to individual scheme. He has at least two months left to catch up and catch up with his peers in development. If the baby, on the contrary, is overweight and is very large, it will also be difficult for him to sit down.
  • Find a cozy place. If your baby is not ready to sit on a chair or bed, you can try holding him on your lap. It will be supported by your stomach - a soft, warm, reliable place. The baby should not sit upright, but in a semi-lying position. The baby can be in this position from 3–4 months, but a short time.
  • Give preference to crawling. Modern pediatricians recommend not to interfere with the process of developing the skill of sitting. The child must do this on his own. Crawling is a good opportunity to train the muscles and ligaments of the body, which will allow you to sit down confidently in due time. Encourage your boy to crawl as much as possible. It is better to organize this process on a warm and safe floor. There is an opinion that boys need more space for motor, psycho-emotional, intellectual development. Still, the spirit of distant ancestors - nomads and conquerors - lives in them.
  • Dose your sit-ups. Try to sit the boy down regularly, but for short periods of time. You can start in a few seconds. Over time, the child may remain in this position for several minutes. Avoid positions where the child sits at an angle of 90°. It is advisable to plant it at an angle of 40–45°.
  • Eliminate artificial support. You can’t start putting boys in an upright position right away. It is not recommended to support the baby's back with pillows and bolsters made from blankets. Only by 8 months do the natural curves of the spine begin to form. A vertical posture can be not only uncomfortable for the baby, but also harmful to the skeleton.
  • Include external stimuli. If a boy has a goal in the form of a bright toy, he will usually achieve it. Do not rush to support your child if he is leaning over and loses his balance in a sitting position. He needs to learn to feel his own body and maintain balance. Only through training, trial and error (and sometimes bumps) can he learn to sit on his own.
  • Strengthen your muscle frame. Any physical activity of the boy is encouraged. In a few years, the topic of physical development will become even more relevant, because gender education will be included: “a man must be strong.” Muscle strength, agility, endurance for a boy will play big role in gender identification. In the meantime, he needs strong muscles and ligaments to learn to sit independently.
  • Ensure safety. If your child is sitting on a bed without sides, be there at all times. He may have poor balance, sway and accidentally fall on his side. Also, make sure that there are no hard objects around that the baby could hit when falling on his side.

If a boy learned to sit early, on his own, without the active participation of his parents, this is not a reason for special pride. It’s just that his body has matured to this skill. If a boy is 8–9 months old and he makes no attempt to sit down, this should alert parents. It is imperative to consult a neurologist and orthopedist to rule out neurological and musculoskeletal disorders.

Experience of foreign mothers: 3 unclear questions

Russian-speaking mothers living abroad are often perplexed by the questions raised on forums about seating the baby. In European countries, Canada, and the United States, this topic is not raised or discussed at all. What kind of questions are these?

  1. When should girls sit down? When they are ready for it. Not only mothers, but also pediatricians have heard nothing about the curvature of the uterus and the impact on the female reproductive system.
  2. When can a male child be seated? A similar question that leads foreign mothers to a dead end. Moreover, in Europe, gender education is currently undergoing significant changes. And its principles are not entirely clear to the Russian mentality. But that's a completely different story.
  3. When can babies sit down? Whenever they want. In Europe, it is customary to travel with babies immediately after birth. They spend a lot of time in car seats and specialized child seats. Neither pediatricians nor orthopedists talk about contraindications to early sitting up, or about the dangers of vertical load on the spine at such a young age. Maybe because abroad there are no such concepts as “train”, “teach”, “plant”, “plant”. There, children sit down on their own when the time comes - and that’s it, no demagoguery around this topic.

These examples once again confirm how strongly tradition and mental environment influence parents. In the same tradition, professionals - doctors, to whom we entrust our children - study and gain experience. The question is not whether it is good or bad. The question is the spirit and strength of tradition.

If parents don’t know what time boys can be imprisoned, then to some extent they are happy in their ignorance. After all, there is no danger in this particular case and in this ignorance. It’s worse if moms and dads know too much and are at a loss as to what the right thing to do is.

Newborn babies develop very quickly. It would seem that a boy or girl just yesterday did not know how to hold their head up, but today they have already succeeded.

For example, the son begins to move actively, and the parents have a question: when can the boys sit down? And how to do this so that the baby does not experience discomfort, so that there are no consequences for physical health and development in the future?

Child development: month by month

To answer the question of when you can sit a boy, you need to understand the peculiarities of the physiological development of babies.

Much depends on how the child’s musculoskeletal system develops. After all, in fact, a newborn is distinguished by a fragile spine, the natural curves of which are just beginning to form. That is why I do not recommend sitting down too early, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl.

As soon as the child begins to hold his head, lift it, turn his body over and crawl, curves of the spine appear. The musculoskeletal system itself becomes stronger, which means your boy becomes more prepared to start sitting down.

This period occurs for approximately 5-7 months, the spread is explained by the fact that not all babies develop in the same way; no one has yet been able to bring the individuality of physiological processes under a single regime.

What does the term “plant” include?

Before the moment comes when you can sit a child, especially a boy, on your own, parents must slowly prepare the spine for this. Perfect option- sitting down. They are different:

  1. Sitting on mom's (or dad's) arms. For a slender and nimble boy, this stage can begin by 3-4 months, but phlegmatic heroes should approach it later. The greater the body weight, the more pressure it will put on the spinal column.
  2. Sit down during gymnastic exercises- the safest option. The boy holds onto the parents’ fingers, and the adult, in turn, carefully and slowly lifts him up. Then, just as quietly, he returns the child to its original position.

Sitting correctly is a whole science

Often parents who are interested in how long it is possible to sit a boy down, for example, in his arms, are guided by neighboring children or the opinion of the older generation. There is a main rule in proper sitting: watch how your boy develops.

  • At 3-4-5 months (depending on the boy’s build), you can start sitting on your hands. It is necessary to ensure that the child is half-sitting.
  • The first sitting down should last no more than a few minutes.
  • Only an actively moving boy is physically prepared to sit down. He holds his back weakly and doesn’t roll over well, which means his moment hasn’t come yet.
  • The best preparation for sitting down is proper carrying in your arms and mother's massage. If you work with your child every day and encourage any activity, then there will be no problems with development.
  • Starting from 5 months, you can slowly sit the boy on his mother’s lap (the baby’s butt sags and is not on the mother’s legs). The time interval is a few seconds.

Boys have their own characteristics

It is a proven fact that boys and girls develop differently; they can even be seated at at different ages. But this does not mean at all that a boy can be placed in pillows at 3-4 months and left for a long time.

This is wrong. Yes, boys are a little ahead of girls in terms of sitting down, but the curves of the spine that shape their posture appear in them at about the same time - between 4-6 and 6-8 months.

Before six months, artificial attempts to sit the boy down will bring him nothing but harm.

When parents ask whether it is possible to sit down a boy at, say, 4 months, I always answer in the negative. It’s possible to start doing this in your arms, and you can learn in detail how to properly carry a child in your arms during the first year of life in the course “My Favorite Baby”

Only harmonious development and compliance with all stages guarantees the child’s strong physical and mental health.

What to do if the boy does not want to sit

It happens that a naturally calm child is not very interested in physical activity, he does not crawl too quickly, and does not like to roll over. Often parents begin to panic when they find out at what month boys begin to sit and compare these indicators with the achievements of their child, and then get upset.

Yes, there are children who do not want to sit, if your boy belongs to their category, there is no need to force him to do something that causes discomfort. Most likely, he prefers such an overview of the world around him, and when he wants to look at it and play while sitting, he will do it on his own.

Read more about when a baby starts sitting

We practice, we play, we train

To prepare your baby as much as possible for sitting down, to strengthen his musculoskeletal corset, in addition to proper carrying in your arms and mother’s massage, you can do the following exercises:

  1. Turns: very effective method, is that the mother supports the baby by the legs and helps him turn from back to stomach and back
  2. Flight: brings incredible emotions to a child when one of the parents holds him by the shins, under the belly and rocks him.
  3. The child, with his straight arms moved to the side, grabs his mother’s hands and pulls himself towards her.
  4. The child, supported by the armpits, moves his legs and “dangles in the air.” Boys also really like this exercise.

Often parents are interested in when it is possible to put boys, for example, in jumpers, believing that this device promotes early sitting skills. But this opinion is wrong; jumping up to a certain age only harms the child’s spine.

A happily “jumping” baby is not the norm of development. Jumpers as entertainment are suitable for a child who is already sitting, standing and starting to walk independently.

Modern devices designed to free the mother's hands are not always useful for the baby. Walkers fall into this category. Yes, the baby runs briskly around the house, having fun, and at this time the mother is organizing home life. I am often asked when it is possible to put boys, or more precisely, at what age, in walkers.

My opinion: no earlier than 8-9 months (more about this in the article When can you put a child in a walker). By this age, most children sit and stand independently, and some move along the support. An earlier age is not acceptable for using walkers. This is a strong load on the spine, and also an additional source of injury.

The long-awaited event when a newborn child appears in a family is associated with great joy and a lot of worries. A newly born baby lies down in the first months of its life. Since he begins to recognize his parents and explore the world around him. Over time, his body and muscle corset begin to strengthen, the child becomes more active and mobile, begins to try to sit up, crawl, and then takes his first steps. It is quite logical for many parents to ask when they can sit boys down, how to do it correctly, how long a child can sit for the first time and what the consequences for health and safety may be. further development early or improper sitting down of boys.

This question can be answered correctly only by knowing the developmental features of infants, the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system of a newborn, and also taking into account the individual characteristics of an individual child.

This question is very common among parents, especially young and inexperienced ones. Very often they do not have the proper knowledge regarding at what age it is correct to start sitting a boy down, how long he can sit, whether he needs help or rely in this matter entirely on Mother Nature and the natural course of events.

Due to its anatomical features, the child’s muscular corset and his musculoskeletal system begin to strengthen by 5-7 months. It is this age that is optimal for sitting down.

During this period, most babies begin to independently try to take a semi-sitting position. This usually occurs from a lying position or from a position on all fours.

As soon as the baby manages to take a vertical position for the first time, he will try to repeat it again and again, because learning the world in this position it is much more interesting. No matter how much his parents try to put him down, he will still try to sit up. Very often this happens spontaneously at 4 months, when the baby, while playing, can lean on a pillow and take a half-sitting position and stay in it for a few seconds.

Early sitting down of children should not last more than 1 hour a day.

At the same time, it can be unequivocally stated that It is not recommended to artificially sit up a boy, no matter how long this process takes, since in this case the child’s spine may not yet be ready for such a load. This can provoke a number of problems in the future, the development of scoliosis, etc. Orthopedists and pediatricians are categorically against this, at least until 6 months of age. On the other side, If the child has not started sitting up by 9 months, you should contact your pediatrician and find out if the baby has any health problems.

In this case, there is no clear answer to the question of when boys can be seated, since each baby is unique with its own biorhythms. Some people can take an upright position without assistance at 4-5 months, and some even later than at six months of age. Some children first sit down, others do the opposite, sitting perfectly without support by the age of 6 months. At the same time, by contacting a specialist, parents can completely close the topic that concerns them in terms of developmental and health problems.

An experienced doctor will be able to assess the overall health of the baby and determine whether there are any deviations from the norm. If the boy’s health is fine, but he has not sat down by 6 months, parents should wait a little. Usually, weakened children or those who were born prematurely begin to sit up later, respectively. It is recommended to plant them later.

As for the children who for a long time it is not possible to take a vertical position, and the issue of boys is already losing relevance for parents; there is a possibility that such children have weak and inelastic muscle tissue. Parents should help them in this case by consulting with a specialist.

How to help a child who does not sit down for a long time

First of all, the child should be shown to a specialist who can accurately determine that the cause of late sitting down is precisely muscle weakness, and not any serious problems. Parents of such children will be recommended the following activities aimed at developing and strengthening the muscular corset of the abdomen and back:

  • a set of exercises aimed at tension separate groups abdominal and back muscles;
  • a massage session that you can perform yourself at home or entrust to a professional massage therapist;
  • laying the boy out on his tummy while simultaneously placing a colorful and bright object in front of him that will arouse interest;
  • swimming and exercise in the pool.

All of them will help bring closer the joyful moment when the baby can sit down for the first time.

How can parents tell when their baby is ready to sit down?

Many parents are so attentive to their infants that they record literally every change in their behavior, facial expressions or movement. Some mothers have boys who are prone to displaying phlegmatic behavior. They do not take it well when they are placed on their tummy, they become indignant about this, or even cry, be reluctant, or perform other movements. In such children, the bones, spinal trunk, and muscles do not receive the proper load and, thus, develop and strengthen more slowly. As for such boys, then it is not recommended to plant them earlier than at six months of age.

More active boys, who constantly perform various acrobatic tricks, are able to roll over on their own very early, turn their heads to the sides, diligently move their legs and arms, and can begin to sit up a little earlier, for example, at 5 months. This is especially important if the child is trying to sit up on his own. This means that his muscles, spine and bones are already strong enough, and he can easily practice new poses.

Parents who decide to start sitting down should take into account that the change from horizontal to vertical position should not happen quickly and abruptly.

This is unacceptable and can provoke a number of undesirable consequences and even spinal injuries. It is also not recommended to cover a sitting baby with pillows on all sides, as this will deprive him of the opportunity to change his position when he gets tired. The first attempts to take a sitting position should be short-term, just a few minutes, and not exceed half an hour a day. It is necessary to gradually increase the time the child remains in an upright position. Thus, parents will be able to help their boy master a new position for perceiving the world around him and will avoid problems with the child’s health in the future.

Will be useful for parents.

Experts believe that in physical development There are no differences between infant girls and boys. This also applies to the ability to sit independently. But there is a popular belief that girls begin to speak earlier, and boys begin to walk and run earlier. In addition, there is an opinion that boys can be tried for a short time from 4 months, and girls - no earlier than 6, or even 7 months. Is it so? In such early age there is a risk of harming the future woman - disrupting the proper development and formation of the genitourinary system. But these data have not been scientifically proven.

Some definitions

Not every parent correctly perceives the concept of “sitting down.” In this situation we are talking about a semi-sitting position. This type of sitting is possible using mother’s hands, a high chair or stroller straps.

So at what age can boys be seated? It is believed that a male child can assume a close to sitting position by the age of 4 months. But this is only if:

  1. half sits in a stroller with a seat angle of 45 degrees;
  2. is in the arms of the parents - its back is pressed against the adult’s stomach, and its legs are bent.

Before you start to sit your baby down, it is necessary to take into account such factors, How:

  1. readiness is in this position;
  2. activity;
  3. child's weight.

As for sitting fully in a child seat or on a chair with a backrest, experts strongly recommend waiting until the moment when the child himself wants to take a sitting position.

When can boys be put in a stroller or high chair? Physical readiness for normal sitting in a child is formed at the age of 6–9 months.

Which child can sit up earlier?

Many parents perceive their child's achievements as their own. This gives rise to the desire to show off the child’s first steps, his new skills and abilities. But those children who started doing something earlier than their peers are no better than them. These skills will become available to every child over time. The ability to sit and the speed of physical development depend on the following factors:

It has been proven that a premature baby has the opportunity to reach the level of his peers 2 or 3 months later. In other words, if a child is premature, he will learn to sit no earlier than 8 months of life, and in some cases by 12 months.

Indicators of a boy's readiness to sit down

We have already found out when the boy can be seated. Now you need to determine the indicators of the child’s readiness to sit independently.

These are mainly the following indicators:

When the child sits down on his own

When infant can sit with the support of an adult? Almost all infants cope with this task in approximately 5 or 6 months. At the same time, the baby constantly falls into different sides. Many mothers believe that they can cover the baby with pillows and sit him there. It is not right. The baby may fall forward and then fall to the floor. It is not recommended to leave the child in this position for a long time due to the heavy load on the back.

You can gradually sit the boy down, while holding him and constantly being close to him. This is how the baby trains his back and pelvic muscles. Gradually, the time the baby stays in this position will begin to increase, and the child will fall from side to side less and less.

The final skill of sitting will be formed when the baby can sit up independently from any position that is most comfortable for him. Basically the most comfortable position from which a boy can sit down on his own , is "on your side" or "on all fours". They succeed in this no earlier than 8 months, and sometimes later.

The most difficult thing to do is to sit down from the “lying on your back” position. From this position, a boy can sit up on his own only by 12 months, or even later.

Many parents commit big mistake, guided by the wishes of your child. There is no need to confuse the concepts of “wants” and “can” sit down. It is necessary to remember that even if the baby wants to sit, leaning on an adult, but he is not yet able to sit down on his own, he cannot be held in this position for a long time.

If your baby is about to turn 12 months old, and he doesn’t even make any effort to sit independently, it is necessary to show him to specialists (orthopedist and neurologist). Such a situation may indicate deviations in the boy’s health, or may be individual feature its development.

How to properly develop sitting skills in a child

If you don’t work with your child and let his development take its course, he will later learn to sit.

How and when can you start sitting your child down? It is very important to encourage your child and strive to help him achieve results. To do this, you should follow certain rules for developing the skill of sitting:

Is it worth rushing to sit down?

For what reason is it not necessary to sit down a child under 6 months of age? Komarovsky claims that first the baby needs to learn to crawl, and only then sit. The next step in his physical development should be walking. And here's the reason. Nature intended that all phases in a baby’s development proceed in turn. If you jump over one of them, health problems are possible in the future.

For example, in addition to strengthening the pelvic and back muscles, the boy must form ligaments that encircle the spine. These tissues, unlike muscles, cannot be influenced from the outside. The bundles are ready for use at approximately 5 months. Orthopedists say that scoliosis in schoolchildren is a consequence of early sitting down. Constantly sitting at a desk and a heavy backpack with books only aggravate this problem, and are not its source.

Do not forget that in the future your a little boy will grow up and become a strong man who should be a support in his family and reliable protection. It is very important to instill in him not only the moral principles that exist in our society, but also ensure good health.

Your boy will be able to sit independently by 8 months, if everything is done correctly and you monitor his health and mood. There's no need to rush. Just be patient and methodically prepare your boy for sitting in a stroller or highchair yourself. One day you will notice his new achievement.

The birth of a child is always a great joy in the family. He is surrounded with care, love and attention. At first, he is completely dependent on his parents. But the child’s body grows and develops very quickly. His muscles are getting stronger, and he is already beginning to show independence in some small things, for example, he is starting to try to sit up on his own.

And at this moment, the baby’s parents begin to wonder how the child should sit down correctly, when should this happen, and is it possible to help him with this, so as not to harm him?

Previously, it was believed that this process is another stage in the natural development of the baby, but in Lately many doctors are confident that parents can contribute and help their child in a way that will only benefit him.

Stages of baby development during the first 12 months

In the first months of life, the human spine is not yet strong enough, and it is just beginning to form. Every day it changes, the necessary bends and muscles begin to appear, which should strengthen the baby’s vertebrae.

  1. For the first three months, the baby is still too weak, so he is constantly lying down and does not even try to roll over, much less sit up. At this time, there is no need to try to change it somehow.
  2. After the third month, the neck muscles are already strong enough for the child to try to hold his head up on his own.
  3. Already in the sixth month, the child makes attempts to sit up independently. By this time, the thoracic region has already managed to form and strengthen.
  4. At the ninth month, the child’s body may already be strong enough for him to begin to take his first independent steps.
  5. However, these stages summarize statistics; the development of each baby is individual, so you should carefully monitor all the baby’s movements.

Each boy sits individually

Many parents ask the question of what month they should start boarding boys, but there is no specific answer. The child himself will give the first signs when he is ready for this, and you will understand from what period he needs it.

Why is it dangerous to plant a boy too early?

During play, many people try to stand or sit down the baby when he is not yet ready for this. But doctors urge parents not to do this, urging them to be more attentive and careful in this matter, no matter how much effort it costs them.

Until the child himself begins to show the first signs that he is already bored just lying down, and he wants to start looking at the world around him from a different angle and in a completely different position, under no circumstances should he be forced to sit down. Many mothers make a kind of insurance in the form of pillows that they place under the boy’s back, but this should not be done either. For now, such a position is unnatural for a baby and may well lead to improper muscle and bone development of the boy. His vertebrae are still too fragile to support his body in a sitting position. And due to the underdevelopment of the chest, breathing problems arise, and air does not flow in sufficient quantities when they begin to sit down too early.

Boys should be put into walkers after 6 months

Also, you should not put your baby in high chairs, car seats or sliders for the first 5-6 months.

Signs that a boy is ready to sit down

Each child develops differently, so it is impossible to predict exactly at how many months you should try breastfeeding. This largely depends on the weight of the baby. Children with more weight can be started later than children with less weight. This is explained by the fact that a large mass will put too much pressure on the child’s vertebra, which means it can lead to further abnormal development.

Initially, the baby needs support

There are several factors by which you can understand that the boy is ready to sit up on his own and can already be sat down:

  • He easily and without outside help turns over from his stomach to his back and vice versa.
  • He moves his arms and legs quite actively and even reaches out with his arms, trying to get something.
  • He already holds his head up without any problems and makes attempts to help himself with his hands to take a more stable position.

What you need to pay attention to when a boy starts to sit up

When parents see that their baby is ready to sit up, they should consider several important factors.

A sharp change in position from vertical to horizontal is a big burden on the body of a child who is only a few months old. Therefore, you should not sit your baby down for too long. The transition should be gradual.

The sitting circle will prevent the child from rolling over

The best way to sit down a boy is to start on his mother's lap. In this case, the backrest will be fixed. The mother will be able to fix the baby’s position for a few seconds, and then carefully return it back to the lying position. How long will it take? At first it’s only seconds, but each time you can increase it a little.

At the very beginning, you need to make sure that the baby’s legs are not too bent, and the baby himself should be reclining, as it were.

To help the child, you should massage the child for the first few months. This will strengthen his muscular corsage and will help him in the future to sit down quite easily and in due time.

Many babies crawl first and then sit

Some boys begin to crawl first and only then sit up on their own. Let him crawl as much as he wants, and his muscles will become stronger for further development. This is also normal, so don't worry.

At what time should you start to worry if your child doesn’t want to sit down?

Many children do not want to sit down even at 5 and 6 months, and begin to be capricious and cry, trying to lie on their back again. You shouldn’t try to change this and forcefully imprison a child, no matter how old he gets.

Cases when a child does not try to sit up, although it is high time, are not that uncommon. But if this happens, then you need to contact your pediatrician. He will examine and find out if there is any disease that is preventing normal development.

If the boy does not sit before 10 months, you need to contact a pediatrician

If a medical examination reveals that the child is healthy, the reason may be that the child is receiving too little attention. In the first few months of life, parents should especially monitor their baby. Almost everything plays a huge role in this matter. The child needs the correct and regular meals. It is desirable, of course, that it be mother's milk.

The boy needs to do special gymnastics and massage. It is better if all this happens in a playful way.

To do everything correctly, you should consult a doctor who will show you the entire necessary set of exercises and how many of them you need to practice. And then the baby himself will be ready to be gradually seated.

At what months can a boy be placed in a kangaroo or walker?

Every parent dreams of a few minutes of rest. And it’s quite difficult to constantly walk with a child in your arms, and your hands hurt, and you’re constantly busy, you can’t go to the store, and there’s nothing you can do. In such cases, they resort to objects that save themselves.

Kangaroo for babies should be used after 4 months

One such miracle tool is the walker. It’s fun for the child and a few minutes of relaxation for the parents. Usually kids are delighted when they are put in this strange structure, and they take great pleasure in running around the house in it as long as they are allowed. But it’s worth putting him in a walker only when the boy begins to sit confidently.

In addition, you don’t need to let your child run around in a walker for too long at first. The first few times can be limited to 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time slightly. Also, do not forget that walkers can put pressure on the perineum in boys, which can lead to disturbances in the development of the reproductive system.

Kangaroo has become a kind of rescuer for parents. This allows them to move freely and the child is always with them, and is also securely secured.

Boys sit down and start walking later than girls

But it’s still better not to leave the boy in them for a long time, and if you’re planning a long enough walk, then it’s better to use a stroller.

You can plant a baby starting from 3-4 months, but not earlier. By then he should already be able to hold his head up on his own. You need to choose such a backpack based on weight and height. He should feel comfortable there and not be pressed anywhere.

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