Physical activity in the senior group. Outline of a physical education lesson (senior group) on the topic: an open lesson in physical education in the senior group "The Secret of Health"


Physical education class in senior group"We are not too lazy to engage in physical education, we are friends with it every day"

Program tasks:

  1. Educational:to consolidate the skills of correct walking,

consolidate the ability to act quickly on a signal, develop correct posture, to form the ability to hit the ball on the floor with both hands, to develop accuracy and eye when throwing the ball into a basketball hoop, to cultivate attention, the ability to navigate in space.

  1. Wellness:develop physical qualities dexterity, speed,

balance, endurance, strength, flexibility.

  1. Educational: develop interest in physical education

classes, to train endurance, patience and attention.

Sport equipment :

gymnastic sticks according to the number of children, gymnastic bench - 2 pcs., basketball balls according to the number of children, marking cones - 4 pcs., basketball hoops - 3 pcs., arches for crawling "rainbow", the board is smooth.

Lesson progress

Children are built in a line, equal.

caregiver : Guys, look what a beautiful day today! We have many guests and they are all in a good mood. And today, together with them, we will go to the country of "Sportlandia".

I part. Jump to the right! Get in the column! Step march! The audio recording “Hymn of the Barbariki” sounds (performed by the children's ensemble “Barbariki”). Children perform the movement to the music.Walking and running in a column one at a time;walking and running between objects scattered throughout the hall. Walking and running in alternation. Walking on heels; walking on toes, socks together, heels apart, heels together, socks apart. Rebuilding in two columns.

II part

Complex outdoor switchgear with gymnastic sticks.

  1. I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, gymnast. stick in both hands, hands down.

At the expense of 1 - raise the gymnast. stick up over your head;

On account 2 - hands with a stick in front of you at chest level;

On account 3 - up again;

On account 4 - I.p. (5-6 times)

  1. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, gymnastic stick behind the head on the shoulders.

On account 1 - turn the body to the right to the left;

On account 2 - i.p. ,

On account 3 - turn;

On account 4 - i.p. (5-6 times)

  1. I.p. - o.s., gymnast. stick in hand, hands down.

On account 1 - squat, gymnastic stick forward to arms outstretched; on account 2 - get up, stick down;

on account 3 - squat;

on account 4 - i.p. (5-6 times)

4. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, gymnastic. stick in front of you in both hands.

on account 1 - lean forward and stretch with a stick to the toe of the left foot;

to account 2 - i.p. ;

on account 3 - lean forward and stretch with a stick to the toe of the right foot;

on account 4 - i.p. (5-6 times)

5. I.p. - Lying on your back, gymnastic. head stick.

At the expense of 1 - raise the gymnast. stick and legs up, touch the gymnast. stick feet;

on account 2 - i.p. (5-6 times)

6. I.p - lying on his stomach, arms extended forward, gymnastic stick in his hands.

At the expense of 1-raise the gymnast .. stick up, bend over;
at the expense of 2-4 - slowly lower the gymnastic stick and return to the sp. (5 times).

7. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, gymnast. stick on the shoulders.

Jumps: legs together, legs apart. (5-6 times)

8. Step in place (restoration of breathing).

After the command: “To the right!”, “Close up!”, the children line up in two columns, then they rebuild into a column one by one and perform the main types of movements one after the other in a streaming manner.

The teacher invites each child to put the stick in place and take the ball (basketball No. 3) and stand in line. After the teacher explains the task, the children move on to perform the main types of movements.

ATS with balls.

Obstacle course (performed in-line)

4 cones are placed along the hall (the distance between them is 1 meter), “ladders” are placed on the floor, basketball hoops are hung at a height of 1 m, then two gymnastic benches are placed (butt to each other),arches for crawling "rainbow".

  1. Beating the ball on the floor with both hands, moving forward between 4-5 objects (cubes, cones). The distance between objects is 1 m.
  2. Walking on a smooth board (ball behind the head).

3. Throwing the ball into the basketball hoop from the chest.

4. Rolling balls on the gymnastic bench.

5. Rolling the ball into arcs for crawling "rainbow" and crawling.

Repeat 2 times.

Mobile game "Airplanes".

Children are divided into three (four) links and placed in different angles hall. In front of each link is a cube of a certain color.

At the command of the educator: "Get ready for the flight!" - children - "pilots" make circular movements with their hands - start the engines. "Fly!" - says the teacher. The "pilots" raise their arms to the sides and run in one direction throughout the hall. On command: "Landing!" - the children return, and each link takes its place near the cube. The teacher notes which link was built faster. When the game is repeated, other guys are appointed as unit commanders.

III part

The game of low mobility "Locomotive with stops".

With the help of a counting rhyme, the engine driver is selected, behind which all the guys are built. A hoop is handed out to everyone, and to the music they imitate the movements of a steam locomotive, following all the instructions at the stops:

First stop: Khlopotushkino!
They clap their hands. Then the steam locomotive moves on.

Second stop: Poprygaikino!
They jump. Then the steam locomotive moves on.

Third stop: "Dancevalkina"!
They dance. Then the steam locomotive moves on.

Fourth stop: "Krichalkino"!
They scream. And on the last verse, the locomotive takes the guys to the locker room.

MBDOU D / s "Zvezdochka" p. Pervomaisky

Summary of GCD for physical education in the senior group

"Health Secret".

Prepared by the teacher:

Ispulatova A.A.

Pervomaisky 2015

Synopsis of GCD on physical culture in the senior group "Health Secret".

Program tasks:

Repeat walking in a column one at a time with completing tasks at the signal of the teacher, running;

Improve snake walking;

Exercise in crawling on a gymnastic bench, grasping arms from the sides;

Repeat jumping exercises;

Repeat climbing through the arc sideways;

Develop balance while walking on a tightrope;

Develop physical qualities: agility, speed, balance, flexibility, strength, general endurance;

Raise the need for daily physical exercise;

To cultivate positive qualities of character (the ability to work in a team, willpower, purposefulness).

Organizing time.

Showing the video "Legend of Health" (on the projector)

Children enter the hall, building in a line.

IN: Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Let's all say hello together.

Educator: Sport, guys, is very necessary!

We are friends with sports!

Sports assistant!

Sport is health!

Sports game!

Physical training!


And we want to tell our guests:

“We are going to look for the secret of health,

We take health seriously

We know that everything is possible in our power! »

To strengthen the health of the legs, it is very useful for the guys to walk.

Walking :

  • High knee walking
  • on socks
  • jump run
  • on the heels
  • serpentine walking
  • running (1 minute)
  • walking
  • rebuilding through the center in two columns.

Then the children go in a circle, take a gymnastic stick in their right hand and line up through the center in twos.

Q: To find out where you and I ended up, we need to look around.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Q: - And what is the name of the station, you will know when you guess the riddle:

Cold, but not space

Hot but not flame

Not a clock, but ticking?

(heart ).

That's right, please tell me guys, what is the size of our heart. (answer with cam)

Right. And who will tell me where the heart is. (The answer is in the upper part of the body, to the left of the middle).

Now, put your hands around your neck and listen to your heart beat.

What do you hear? (knock-knock-knock-knock). How it beats fast or slow. (answer: slowly). And I suggest you do a warm-up and once again measure our pulse.

Outdoor switchgear complex with gymnastic sticks

For the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle:

  1. "Stick Up" I. p. - leg stand at the width of the foot, stick at the bottom with a grip wider than shoulders. 1 - stick up; 2 - bending your arms, stick back on your head; 3 - stick up; 4 - stick down, return to starting position (5-6 times).
  2. "Propeller" I.p. – main stand stick down. 1-stick forward. 2- turn the stick vertically, lowering the right hand down, raising left hand up; 3- stick horizontally; 4- stick vertically, lowering the left hand down, right hand up; 5 - stick horizontally; 6- starting position. (5 times)

For the muscles of the body:

  1. "Turn around" I.p. - standing, legs apart, stick down. 1-2 turn of the torso to the right, arms straight, do not bend your knees; 3-4 return to the starting position. The same to the left. (6 times)
  2. "Incline". I.p. – sitting, legs apart, stick on knees. 1-stick up; 2-tilt forward to the right leg, touch the toe; 3- straighten up, stick up; 4- return to the starting position. The same to the left leg (5 times)

5 . "Duck" I. p. - lying on his stomach, hands in front, stick in both hands, legs together. 1 - raise arms and legs at the same time, hold for 1-2 seconds; 2 - initial position; 3 - raise arms and legs at the same time, hold for 1-2 seconds; 4 - starting position (5-6 times).

For the muscles of the legs and feet:

6. "Squatting" I. p. - stand feet on the width of the foot, stick below, grip on the width of the shoulders. 1 - sit down, stick forward; 2 - starting position (6 times)

7. "Jumping". I.p. – main stance, hands arbitrarily, stick on the floor on the right. Jumping over the stick to the right and left for a count of 1-4, then pause and jump again. Repeat 2-3 times.

"Massage" I. p. - sitting, toes of the right foot on a stick. Roll out the stick with your feet (from toes to heel). Repeat the same with the left leg (6 times).

Again we measure the pulse on the neck (the heart beats quickly)

Q: Now let's rest a bit and do some breathing exercises.

There is no life without breath

Light fades without breathing

Breathing birds and flowers

He breathes, and I, and you.

We breathe quietly, calmly, smoothly

We all breathe slowly
We hear the silence around.
(slow breath through the nose. When rib cage begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause). As you exhale, say "U-x-x-x" repeat (4-5 times)

Structural exercises:rebuilding from columns to a circle (children walk in a circle, put the sticks back in place). Running, walking (1 lap each). Reorganization in a row.

Q: And so we ended up at the next station "Sportivnaya". ATS.

Q: There is an obstacle course in front of you and only those who do daily exercises and go in for sports will be able to overcome it. (the exercise is performed by the in-line method 3 times).

  1. "Over the bumps through the swamp" - jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs.
  2. "Crawl on the bridge" crawling on the bench on the stomach.
  3. "Crawl under a fallen tree" - crawling under an arc.
  4. “Don’t Slide Down the Cliff” is an exercise in movement coordination. Children must walk along the rope (toe to heel) hands on the belt.

V: Great job, real athletes!

P/GAME. "We are funny guys."

M/P GAME: "ANSWER, CATCH, THROW". (What you need to do in order not to get sick) children stand in a circle and catch the ball.


Exercise "Lazy"

(Children lie down on the carpet, make themselves comfortable. Arms are extended along the body, relaxed. Legs are straight, not crossed. Quiet calm music plays)

Today my children did a lot of work, played and probably got tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. Imagine that you are lazy and bask on a soft, soft carpet. The surroundings are quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers your entire body. You rest easy, you are lazy. Rest your hands, rest your legs ... (pause - stroking the children). Your breathing is perfectly calm. Your arms, legs, your whole body is relaxed. A feeling of pleasant peace fills you from within. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, throw off laziness and at the expense of "three" open your eyes. You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood.

Q: So you and I found ourselves in our favorite kindergarten.

Summing up the lesson.


Guys, how are you? That's great. Do you think we managed to reveal the secret of health? And through what exercises, name them? Why do people need to do them? So what is the secret to health?


Whoever goes in for sports, he smiles in life.

There is no better recipe in the world, be inseparable from sports.

You will live 120 years - that's the secret!


Surprise moment: Exit Greek goddess with treats.

Walking in a column one at a time.

B: - Lesson is over, goodbye!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten general developmental type with priority implementation of activities

By physical development children number 50"

Final summary

physical entertainment.

Educational area "Physical culture".

Subject: " Sports, health, me»

Senior preschool age

Prepared by:

Skvortsova Olga Nikolaevna,

physical education instructor

MBDOU No. 50 of Orenburg.

Orenburg - 2014

Subject: « Sports, health, me ».

Target: to consolidate and improve skills and abilities, to be able to use the skills of physical culture in everyday life.



To form in children the ability to play together, coordinating their actions with the actions of others.

Encourage children to be independent and be active in games and exercises.

To instill feelings of empathy, to respond to the emotions of the educator.



Interest in games - relay races and physical exercises using various items;

Ability to act independently, in case of difficulty, turn to an adult for help;

Develop expressiveness motor actions;

To promote the formation of children's interest in physical exercises through moral and aesthetic experience;

To form and improve motor skills and skills in games - relay races.


Form universal prerequisites learning activities(the ability to interact in the game, the ability to work according to the rule, according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions).

To form a cautious and prudent attitude to a potentially dangerous situation.

Learn to use verbal and non-verbal communication.


To form in children an idea of ​​healthy lifestyle.

Contribute to the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Create conditions to meet the natural need of children to move.

Activate children's vocabulary:

Techniques for managing the activities of children in the NOD:

    Techniques for setting goals and motivating children's activities: simulation game situation in order to pose a problem and create motivation.

    Techniques for activating the activities of children in the process of GCD: conversation, creating a developing environment, making a riddle, creating problem situation, survey, analysis and conclusions.

    Methods for organizing the practical activities of children: storytelling, commenting, the use of didactic aids and visual material.

    Techniques for maintaining interest in children: musical accompaniment, usage demo material, alternation of types of children's activities.

    Assessment and self-assessment techniques: encouragement, determination of the winner jointly with the teacher and children, mutual assistance of children.

Creating an environment for organizing and conducting GCD : 4 racks - a landmark; 16 pins; sled - 2 pcs.; gymnastic sticks - 6 pcs.; medals.

Types of children's activities in the NOD:




Reading fiction.

Expected results:

Development of pupils' interest in Russian traditions, games - relay races and physical exercises;

Children's ability to act independently;

The manifestation of emotional responsiveness in activities and communication with adults and peers;

Upbringing moral qualities;

The ability of pupils to solve intellectual and personal tasks;

Formation of universal prerequisites for educational activities;

Criteria for evaluating the activities of children in the classroom

    Child asks a question .

    Actively participates in productive activities.

    Shows independence.

    Seeks help from adults and children and provides it to their peers.


    Reacts emotionally.

    Subordinates motives.

    Shows will power.

Integration educational areas:



Tasks to be solved


Expand children's ideas about sports, improve spatial, quantitative, temporal representations.

develop attention, logical thinking, creative imagination children.

Develop interest in games - relay races and physical exercises using different objects.

Take an active, interested part in the educational process.


Practical actions with and without objects.

Create an idea of ​​healthy lifestyle in children.

To develop in children a sense of pride in their own successes and achievements, to encourage them to improve a positive moral choice.

Promote the development of gaming activities. To form the ability to interact in the game, to perform actions in a certain sequence. To accustom to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) adequate to age, to apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new tasks (problems) set by both adults and themselves.

To develop the ability to act independently, in case of difficulties, turns to an adult for help. Show emotional responsiveness in activities and communication with adults and peers.

Physical Culture

Performing basic types of movement

Follow the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Reading fiction


To form the ability to draw conclusions, inferences.


physical training

Compliance with elementary rules and safety standards when performing exercise


physical training

Formation in children of ideas about healthy way life


Cultivate solidarity and mutual assistance. In relay races, to educate children in excitement, a sense of concern for their comrades (team).

To create an atmosphere of fun, goodwill, the need for collective communication, friendly competition and pleasure

GCD plan

1. Introductory part:

Creating a motive for children's activities. game situation.

Varieties of walking and running

2. Main body:

Game exercise "Gate".

Game exercise "Tachanka"

Herringbone tightrope walking

Game exercise "Leapfrog"

Relay race I: Obstacle Course

Relay race II: Relay "Snake"

Relay raceIII: "Whose team will line up faster"

3.Final part:

Finger gymnastics.
Gymnastics for the eyes "Sunny Bunny".
Breathing exercises.

Relaxation "Magic dream".

Determination of the winner.

Summing up entertainment.

GCD duration

5 minutes

20 minutes

5 minutes.

30 min.

The course of directly educational activities

Parts of GCD



1. Introduction. Creation of a pedagogical situation.

Creating a motive for children's activities.

2. Main part.

3. The final part.

Evaluation of children's activities and self-esteem.

Summing up the GCD.

Children in a column enter the hall one by one.
Physio Instructor:

" Hello, Dear friends!

Guys, give a smile to each other and say hello to each other.
Communicative game "Hello!"
You greeted each other and wished health to each other. I also greet you. Hello guys. I called you in one word - guys, because you are still children or small. And how can you call your dads, moms, uncle, aunt in one word?
Children : Adults.
Physio Instructor:

And we call older people old people. Who belongs to them?
Children : Grandmothers, grandfathers.
Physio Instructor:

And who are we all together?
Children : People.
Physio Instructor:

Children, since we are human, then we are all the same?
Children : No.
Physio Instructor:

Let's check this with the example of children. Take a good look at each other. How are you different?
Children : There are girls and boys among us. We differ in height, length and color of hair, eyes.
Physio Instructor:

Well done, you got it right. Do all of you know how to smile or not?
Children : All.
Physio Instructor:

And I'll check now.
Psycho-gymnastics "Cheerful face".

Physio Instructor:what beautiful smiles you have, how fervently smiles Vika, Olya, Tanya, etc. Guys, we are all different, but we are all alive. How is a living organism characterized?
Children : We breathe, we move, a living organism grows, multiplies.
Physio Instructor:let's show everyone how we can breathe and move. Wish you Have a good mood, dexterity, endurance, speed, luck.
"Group, jump Right - in." "To the left, behind the guide in the column, march one step at a time."

Physio Instructor:

One, two, three, breathe evenly!
Try to keep up!
Then strong and healthy
You will become from the warm-up.
(To the music, the children walk in a column one at a time, performing rebuilds on a signal).
- Walking is normal in the column.
- On a signal to different directions, snake between cubes.

Corrective exercises:
- on toes, heels, inner and outer arches of the foot
- small and wide
step - walking with a high raising of the knee (through bumps)
- normal running, with overwhelm of the lower leg, snake between the hoops.
- normal walking, breathing exercises "Snake hisses". (4 p.)

Physio Instructor:

Guys, our life consists of movements. And the more we move and perform motor actions, the better our health is.
I will tell you a secret -
There is no better recipe in the world
Be with sports - inseparable.
Then you will live a hundred years!
Here's the secret guys!
Sunshine, smile!
Charge, stand up!
Outdoor switchgear complex with a gymnastic stick

1. "Stretch"

I.p. - o.s., stick below.

1 - stand on toes, stick up

2 - i.p.

3 - 4 the same.

2. "Turns"

I.p. - stand legs apart, stick forward.

1 - turn the body to the right

2 - i.p.

3 - 4 the same to the left.

3. "Squats"

I.p. - o.s., stick in right hand, one end on the floor

1 - 3 squats

4. - i.p.

4. "Spring"

I.p. - kneeling, stick down

1 - 3 tilt the body back with a straight back, stick forward

4 - i.p.

5. "Massage"

I.p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind, a stick on the floor under the feet

1 - 2 roll the stick forward

3 - 4 the same back.

6. "Jumping"

I.p. - O. s., stick on the floor

1 - 16 stick jumps.

7. Breathing exercises "Hug yourself."

Hands to the sides inhale through the nose, hug ourselves, exhale through the mouth, smile, pronounce the sound "s-s".

Physio Instructor:

Everyone knows very well:
Physical education strengthens
Our muscles, arms, body.
We start preparing
Get out for a workout!
Everyone is happy and healthy
And ready to work!
Instructor in physio:

Ready to check how the muscles and arms work.
Children : Yes, ready.
ATS: Game exercise "Collars". Instructor in physio:

We will do exercises
We will become stronger.
We crawl under each other -

We play "gates" (1 min.)
Game exercise "Posigutki".
One two Three
Facing each other, we sat down.
We hold hands, we jump deftly
In the game "Posigutki" we need skill.
(Children sit in pairs opposite each other, connecting the soles of their straight legs. Last couple, holding hands, jumps over the legs of all those sitting, sits in front, the one following the last one starts moving as soon as he jumped over them) 1 min
Game exercise "Steam locomotive". Instructor in physio:

Here comes the locomotive
Two pipes, a hundred wheels

He wants to beat everyone

Wants to be the fastest.
(crawling on low all fours in pairs, one child holds the other by the feet with a side grip).
Game exercise "Tachanka" (30 sec.) Instructor in physio:

Russian people love
Feast of power for every age
We'll go on a cart

Let's be stronger than everyone.
(one baby goes in his arms, the other holds him by the shins) (30 sec. each)
Instructor in physio: On the rope, who will pass Who will pass, will not fall?
Herringbone tightrope walking (prevention of flat feet) balance.
Game exercise "Leapfrog" (30 sec)
AND instructor in physio:

Get together kids
This Russian game.
We jump over each other when
This, of course, is the game of Leapfrog.
(Children perform leg jumps apart through each other, relying on the back of a child who squats in front of the crouching point-blank) AND instructor in physio:

Don't you want to play?
Show your prowess?
Children : Play, we are always happy!
Will there be awards?
AND instructor in physio: And the reward will be laughter
Friendly and cheerful.
Relay race I: Obstacle course (crawling under an arc or rope, jumping from hoop to hoop, running back)
Relay race II: Relay "Snake" (crawling between the legs of the whole team, to the landmark)
Relay race III: "Whose team will build faster"

AND instructor in physio:

Did you play well? And now we walked and breathed (walking in a column with breathing exercises).

AND instructor in physio:

Now let's test your ingenuity and ingenuity.
Puzzles: All my life they go in overtaking,
And they can't overtake each other.
Children : Legs.
With two mothers
Five sons each

One name for all.
Children : Hands and fingers.
One speaks, two look,

two are listening.
Children : tongue, eyes, ears

Between two luminaries, I am alone in the middle.
Children : nose.
They don't sow. They don't plant, they grow on their own.
Children : Hair.

AND instructor in physio:

Well done guys, your heads are bright and work great. Olya, Sasha and Tanya were especially distinguished.
Kohl guessed all the riddles
We start again
Train your fingers.
Finger gymnastics.
AND instructor in physio:

For a long time, everyone's eyes looked tired.
Gymnastics for the eyes "Sunny Bunny" is carried out.
AND instructor in physio:

Why do we need a nose?
It's a big question!
Children do breathing exercises.

Relaxation "Magic dream". AND instructor in physio:

The boys are resting

The eyes are closed.

Sleep comes in silence.

Sleep comfortably on your back.

Cheerful, cheerful and again

We are ready to work.
Walking in a column one at a time.

AND instructor in physio:

Remember guys
Ignorance, laziness and laziness
To diseases the first step
Walk in the air, do not eat before bed
Sleep with the window open in the summer
Be friends with water, swim, wipe yourself
Exercise in winter and summer.
Rock on, kid.

In a good hour, Fizkult - Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray!
AND instructor in physio:

Guys, today you conducted the training very cleverly, and I want to award you all with medals. And who, what medal will receive, you decide for yourself. Children evaluate themselves. Misha says: “Today I was the most dexterous and receives the “I am the most dexterous” medal, Katya says: “Today I was the fastest and receives the “I am the fastest” medal, and so every next child ...
Guys, I wish you health. Goodbye.



Socialization, physical culture, communication, cognition, music, reading fiction

Socialization, physical culture

NOD duration: 30 minutes.

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