Organization of theatrical activities for preschool children. The role of the teacher in organizing theatrical activities of children


Organization of theatrical activities of children in preschool educational institutions.

It is necessary to start work on the organization of theatrical activities of children in preschool educational institutions with the organization of a subject-developing environment.

The issue of organizing a subject-developing environment in a group must be approached creatively, trying to diversify its components. I will give an example of the organization of a subject-developing environment for the organization of theatrical activities in my group of the kindergarten "Eaglet".

Types of theaters:

1.Bee-ba-bo (a set of puppets for playing out)

2. Table theater.


4. Finger theater.

5. "Theater in faces" - masks of heroes, hats, medallions.


Attributes for dressing up (made with the help of parents).

Each of listed species theater was introduced into the group gradually. The implementation of theatrical activities in a group is carried out in accordance with long-term planning. forward planning was drawn up for a period of one year with the participation of both teachers of the group, in accordance with the main program of the kindergarten.

The first type of theater that the children met was a plane theater on a flannelograph, then the theater of B-ba-bo and table theater.

The meeting took place in I-junior group the children watched theatrical performances shown by educators. At this stage, it is important to form an interest in the theater, intrigue the child, and attract his attention. Then the children got acquainted with the "theater in the faces", here for the first time they themselves acted as actors, of course, their role is still small, their remarks are more like onomatopoeia of chickens, imitation of the movements of a bunny, a fox; but after all, the age in the I-junior group is only 2 years old.

Thus, the children came to the II-youngest group already familiar with 4 types of theater. At this stage, it is important to maintain the interest of children in theatrical activities. Words for dramatizations are memorized like nursery rhymes or poems during a walk, repeated more than once, so the child gains confidence, becomes capable of improvisation.

IN middle group introduced finger theater, puppet theater. The finger theater is interesting, first of all, because playing it, the child trains fine motor skills. It does not matter what it is made of: salt dough, wood or plastic - putting it on a finger, the child feels the structure of the doll, he needs to manipulate his fingers and at the same time make sure that the doll remains in place. As you know, "the mind is at your fingertips." Thus, the finger theater can be called universal.

In middle and older preschool age, in all types of theater, children become independent, often invent their own plot, distribute roles. Children of this age really like to show themselves performances with all kinds of theater, especially B-ba-bo. Feeling their independence, children express their emotions in a more multifaceted way, emotional and figurative coloring of speech appears, children do not get lost in the new plot, they easily modify the plot and replicas of their characters. It is necessary to evaluate independently staged plays, certainly positively, otherwise the child's interest will fade away. Positive motivation is important in all activities of children preschool age, and in theatrical activities, its importance should not be underestimated. A positive response from the teacher can help overcome some shyness, help to believe in themselves, and liberate the child.

The stage of preparing the scenery is very important and interesting, of course, you can put scenery made by a real artist, but the process of creating scenery with the involvement of children is very interesting, educational for them, it also contributes to the development of speech and the development of imagination. After making scenery, learning roles, showing the performance to parents, the children are full of new ideas and suggestions. They independently draw sketches of future scenery.

Let's take a closer look at working with parents. Theatricalization is probably exactly the area that can be attracted to and interested in every parent. The experience of my group suggests that all parents respond and try to assist educators in their work using theatrical activities.

The main types of work with parents were:

Conversation - consultation (on ways to develop abilities and overcome the problems of a particular child)

Exhibitions (photo exhibition, exhibition of children's works, for example: exhibition of drawings "Fairy Tale", "Magic Costume", photo exhibition "My family in the theater", " home performance»)

Joint creative evenings(parents are involved in staging performances, to participate in the competitions of readers "Me and Dad", "Let's tell a poem together")

Creative workshops (this is where parents and teachers share their experience, jointly prepare material for children's leisure activities)

In addition to all of the above, parents were involved in the manufacture of costumes, scenery, attributes, posters, and help in choosing plays for staging.

An equally important direction in the system for the development of coherent speech and imagination through theatrical activities is the cooperation of the educators of the group and the music director.

Work with this specialist was carried out on following directions:

Consulting educators of the group on working with children (development of the articulatory apparatus, consolidation of the studied sounds, work on plasticity, expressiveness of speech)

Individual sessions professional teachers with children, including together with the educator

Ministry of General and vocational education

Sverdlovsk region

District Department of Education GO Bogdanovich

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 18" of a general developmental type with priority implementation

artistic and aesthetic development of pupils





Compiled by: Dolgaya M.V.


Bogdanovich, 2013

The theater teaches

how not to make a thick book.


Theater is one of the brightest emotional means that shape the taste of children. It affects the child's imagination by various means: by word, action, fine arts, music, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations.

Theatrical activity allowsprotect the child from aesthetic deafness.

allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of expressiveness of speech, intellectual and artistic - aesthetic education. It is also a source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual wealth. Works of art make you feel excited, empathize with characters and events, and in the process of this empathy, moral assessments determined by relationships are created, which are simply communicated and assimilated.

The main methods are the following:

1. Reading the educator from a book or by heart. This is a literal translation of the text. The reader, preserving the author's language, conveys all shades of the writer's thoughts, affects the mind and feelings of the listeners. Substantial part literary works read from a book.

2. The teacher's story. This is a relatively free transmission of the text (permutation of words, their replacement, interpretation are possible). Storytelling provides great opportunities to attract the attention of children.

3. Staging. This method can be considered as a means of secondary acquaintance with a work of art.

4. Learning by heart. The choice of the method of transmitting a work (reading or storytelling) depends on the genre of the work and the age of the listeners.

Methodical methods:

      1. Reading a fairy tale with focusing the attention of children on precisely those character traits with which they need to be introduced.

        Analysis of the fairy tale based on the leading questions of the teacher in order to single out heroes with different character traits by children.

        Fulfillment by children of tasks according to the verbal description of the appearance of the heroes of the fairy tale, their clothes.

        The performance by children of tasks for the transmission of speech (manner of conversation and pronunciation) of the heroes of a fairy tale using the example of individual replicas.

        Children performing tasks to create "suggested circumstances" to describe the environment and situations in which events develop.

        Performing exercises to depict various emotional states based on the existing expressive repertoire of children in order to further expand it (surprise, joy, fear, anger, fatigue, care, etc.).

        Playing excerpts from fairy tales, conveying various character traits of the heroes of the fairy tale.

        Playing sketches (scenes from life), conveying the character traits of various familiar people.

        Playing etudes with an indefinite ending ("What would you do in this situation?")

        Playing out improvisations that convey various life situations(cleaning the room, getting ready for a visit, saying goodbye before parting, caring for the sick, etc.).

Theatrical activities in kindergarten

According to M.N. Makhaneva (“Theatrical classes in kindergarten”), it is advisable to focus on the content of classes on theatrical activities in kindergarten. They may include:

View puppet shows and conversations on them;

Dramatization Games;

Preparing and acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations;

Exercises for the formation of expressiveness of performance;

Separate ethics exercises;

Exercises for the purpose of social emotional development children.

Methods of working with children theatrical activities in the classroom is built in stages:

1) at the first stage, children collectively reproduce the text of the fairy tale;

2) at the second stage, one child is invited to read for all the characters in the fairy tale;

3) at the third stage, children perform a number of creative tasks (express joy, fear, etc.);

4) at the fourth stage, the fairy tale is read by roles, etc.

Classification of theatrical games

Theatrical games can be divided into two main groups: dramatization and directorial (each of them, in turn, is divided into several types).

In dramatization games, the child, playing the role as an "artist", independently creates an image with the help of a complex of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness.

The types of dramatization are:

    games imitating images of animals, people, literary characters;

    role-playing dialogues based on the text;

    performances of works;

    staging performances based on one or more works;

    improvisational games with acting out a plot (or several plots) without prior preparation.

In the director's game, "actors are toys or their substitutes, and the child, organizing activities as a" screenwriter and director ", controls the" actors ". "Voicing" the characters and commenting on the plot, he uses different means of verbal expression. The types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten:

desktop, planar and volumetric,

puppet (bibabo, finger, puppets).

Tasks of theatrical activities in kindergarten:

    Raise a steady interest in theatrical gaming activities;

    Expand children's understanding of surrounding reality, clarify children's ideas about objects and phenomena surrounding them;

    Develop dialogic speech in the process of theatrical gaming activities;

    Learn to use different forms interactions between children in a theatrical game;

    Stimulate the development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination;

    Expand elementary mathematical, ecological, moral ideas through theatrical activities;

    Encourage children to improvise on the theme of familiar fairy tales, poems and stories, to invent new fairy tales;

    Develop an understanding of moral character human, emotional awareness of oneself;

    Cultivate initiative and imagination in making puppets for your own performances.

    Special theatrical sketches and exercises;

    Games for transformations;

    Action games with imaginary objects or memory physical actions;


    Games for the development of motor abilities;

    Rhythmic study;

    Musical and plastic improvisations;


    Articulation gymnastics;

- lip charger,

neck charger,

Charging for the language.

    Breathing exercises;

    Write a fairy tale;

    Come up with a dialogue;

    Tell the story on behalf of the hero or on your own behalf;

    Tongue Twisters.

Theatrical activities is the most important means of developing empathy - a condition necessary for the organization of joint activities of children.

Theatrical activities allows you to form the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each interactive work or fairy tale has a moral orientation. As a result, the child learns the world with his mind and heart and expresses his attitude towards good and evil.

Theatrical activities allows you to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character. This allows you to overcome shyness associated with difficult communications, self-doubt.

List of used literature.

    Artemova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers: A book for a kindergarten teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. -127 p.

    Makarenko L. On the problem of introducing children of senior preschool age to theatrical art // Preschool education. - 1994. - No. 4. - P.32-33.

    Makhaneva M.D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten: A guide for workers preschool institutions. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001. - 128 p.

typical, which include the following types activities: theatrical and gaming, rhythmoplasty, artistic and speech, theatrical alphabet(elementary knowledge of theatrical art).

Dominant - dominates one of the specified activities.

Thematic, in which all the named activities are united by one topic, for example: “What is good and what is bad?”, “About dogs and cats”, etc.

Complex - a synthesis of the arts is used, an idea is given of the specifics of the arts (theater, choreography, poetry, music, painting), modern technical means(audio and video materials). All types combined artistic activity, alternate, there are features of similarity and differences in the works, means of expression of each type of art, in their own way conveying the image.

Integrated, where not only artistic, but also any other activity acts as a core activity.

Rehearsal rooms, where the “run” of the performance being prepared for staging or its individual fragments is carried out.

When organizing classes, it must be remembered that knowledge and skills acquired without desire and interest do not stimulate cognitive activity preschoolers.

modern school is in the process of modernization: technologies are being improved, new standards are being introduced. The formula is returned - "training + education", and the latter "should go only through joint activities adults and children, children with each other, in which the appropriation of values ​​by children is the only possible. At the same time, education in principle cannot be localized or reduced to any one type. educational activities, but should cover and permeate all types: educational and extracurricular activities. Right now, students should be involved in research projects, creative activities, sports events during which they will learn to invent, understand and master new things, be open and able to express their own thoughts, be able to make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.

We believe that to stimulate children to a figurative and free perception of the world around them (people, cultural property, nature), which, developing in parallel with traditional rational perception, expands and enriches it, best of all through the organization of theatrical activity. N.N. Bakhtin convincingly revealed both the “teaching”, and “educating”, and “ennobling” role school theater. This effect is due to the fact that theatrical action, by its psychological nature, is close to children's creative play, which is of great importance for the education of many valuable properties of the child's personality. Teachers in practice are convinced that psychological features children's games bring her closer to nature performing arts. Thus, natural prerequisites are created for acting with children. Exactly junior school student is able not only to discover the theater, but also to become an active participant in stage activity. Theatrical activity creates conditions for a more successful socialization of the individual. In addition, the participation of children in creative process The implementation of the play at all its stages has a great educational meaning.

Therefore, in our school for several years, within the framework of extracurricular activities organized work theater studio"Semitsvetik". All interested children from the age of 6 can engage in it, without presentation special requirements. The process of theater classes is built on the basis of developing methods and, above all, the theory of the leading activity of A. Leontiev, and is a system creative games and sketches aimed at developing the psychomotor and aesthetic abilities of children. Theatrical games designed for the active participation of the child, who is not just a passive executor of the instructions of the teacher, but an accomplice in the pedagogical process. New knowledge is assigned in the field problem situations requiring joint active searches from children and adults.

Great importance given to individual and group work. The program is compiled taking into account and using modern innovative techniques and methods. Breathing and articulation gymnastics, developing games, exercises and trainings are used. These tasks are offered at the beginning of each theater studio lesson with a mandatory justification: what exactly do these exercises develop (memory, attention, articulatory apparatus, fine motor skills, etc.), why are these qualities needed in the work of an actor and how they can be useful in people's lives other professions. In addition to exercises for attention and imagination, we do exercises for interaction with each other, learn to work collectively, observe animals, objects, people, learn to perform simple etudes.

Theatrical activities help to expand the child's consciousness, develop his ability to manage his feelings, teach the child to consciously relate to his feelings, to inner world. In addition, they provide an opportunity to comprehensively influence the fundamental areas of the child's psyche: the mind, will, feelings, develop communicative universal learning activities. Participation in theatrical games and performances provides a “success situation” for every child.

And, of course, special attention is paid to introducing students to the basics theater culture through conversations, excursions to the theater, acquaintance with the creative teams of our city, and performances by visiting artists. Nothing impresses kids like performances. creative teams, acquaintance with the theater "from the inside".

And last but not least. At any creative work as much as possible is highlighted, the personality of the child is manifested. For children, participation in productions, perhaps, will be the first experience of meaningful, appreciated, recognized creativity.

The form of the theater gives the teacher the opportunity to freely show imagination, skills, aesthetic preferences. Experience shows that during the preparation and after the presentation, the teacher-student relationship is enriched, becomes closer and more trusting. The teacher's authority grows as children's team, and in the eyes of parents and colleagues - the audience of the performance.

Theatrical activities of preschoolers.

Description: this material is interesting and useful for parents, educators, music directors kindergartens, for teachers additional education.
Target: the importance of theater in the life of a child, the guiding help of an adult.
1. To acquaint parents, teachers with theatrical activities and its significance for the development of the child.
2. Show what a huge impact theatrical activity has on disclosure creativity child.
3. To teach to navigate in the directions of work on theatrical activities.

"The Magical World of Theater!" Theatrical activities of preschool children.

Theater is Magic world! He gives lessons in beauty, morality and morality. And the richer they are, the more successful development is. spiritual world children.
B. M. Teplov

Theatrical activities in kindergarten

This is a good opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child, to nurture the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice the world around them interesting ideas, embody them, create your own artistic image character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, the ability to see unusual moments in the ordinary.
- Theatrical activity helps the child overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness.
-Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.

The value of theatrical activity

In children's educational institutions can and should be given to all types of children's theater, because they help:
- to form the correct model of behavior in modern world;
- raise common culture to introduce the child to spiritual values;
- improve the child's speech, activate the dictionary, improve the sound culture of speech, its intonation system; improve dialogic speech grammatical structure;
- introduce the child to children's literature, music, fine arts, etiquette rules, rituals, traditions, instill a steady interest;
- gives elementary representations about the types of theater;
- improve the skill to embody certain experiences in the game, encourage the creation of new images, encourage thinking;
- be creative in any business, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the development of stage creativity, musical and artistic abilities of children;
- develops skills public speaking and creative community.

Main areas of work with children

Theatrical play
Theatrical play is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity inherent in man.
Tasks: to teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. Develop the ability to voluntarily tense and relax individual groups muscles, memorize the words of the heroes of the performances, develop visual auditory attention, memory, observation, creative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts.
Rhythmoplasty includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of natural psychomotor abilities of preschoolers, freedom and expressiveness of body movements, gaining a sense of harmony of one's body with the outside world.
Tasks: to develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to a command or a musical signal, the willingness to act in concert, develop coordination of movement, learn to memorize given poses and figuratively convey them.
Culture and technique of speech
This section of the work combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus.
Tasks: develop speech breathing and correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, logic of speech; learn to compose short stories and fairy tales, pick up the simplest rhymes; pronounce tongue twisters and poems, replenish lexicon.
Fundamentals of theatrical culture
This section of the work is designed to introduce children to elementary concepts and professional terminology theatrical art, with its features and types of theatrical art; with the basics acting skills; with the culture of the viewer.

Tasks: to acquaint children with theatrical terminology, with the main types of theatrical art, to educate a culture of behavior in the theater.
Work on the play
Work on the performance is based on author's plays and includes acquaintance with the play, fairy tale, as well as work on the performance - from sketches to the birth of the performance.
Tasks: Learn to compose etudes based on fairy tales; develop skills of action with imaginary objects; develop the ability to use intonations expressing a variety of emotional states(sad, happy, angry, surprised, delighted, plaintive, etc.).

Organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers at different age stages

Junior group

At the age of 2-3 years, kids are keenly interested in playing with the doll, they are impressed by the small stories shown by the teacher, they are happy to express their emotions in motor images-improvisations to the music. Theatrical play is closely related to role-playing game, therefore, most games reflect the range of everyday interests of children: games with dolls, with cars, at a construction site, at a hospital, etc. Familiar poems and songs are good game material. Showing mini-plays in the table theater, with the help of separate toys and puppets, the educator conveys the palette of experiences through intonation, and, if possible, through the external actions of the hero. All words and movements of characters should be clearly defined, differ in their character and mood, should be followed at a slow pace and the action should be short. In order to liberate and eliminate the inner constraint of the kids, special etudes and exercises for the development of emotions are carried out. Using the tendency of children to imitate, it is possible to achieve an expressive imitation by the voice of various sounds of living and inanimate nature. For example, children, depicting the wind, puff out their cheeks, doing it diligently and carelessly. Theatrical play allows the child to enter into special relationship with the outside world, into which he cannot enter on his own due to the limitations of his capabilities.

middle group

The child is gradually moving:
- from a game "for oneself" to a game focused on the viewer;
- from a game in which the main thing is the process itself, to a game where both the process and the result are significant;
- from playing small group peers performing similar roles to playing in a group of five to seven peers whose role positions are different (equality, subordination, control);
- from creating in-game dramatization a simple image to the embodiment of a holistic image, which combines the emotions, moods of the hero, their change.
Interest in theatrical games deepens. Children learn to combine movement and text, movement and word in the role, develop a sense of partnership, use the pantomime of two or four actors. The theatrical and gaming experience of children is expanding through the development of dramatization games. Working with children we use:
- multi-character games - dramatizations based on the texts of two - three - private fairy tales about animals and fairy tales("Swan geese");
- games - dramatizations based on stories on the theme "The work of adults";
- staging a performance based on the work.
The content is based on game etudes of a reproductive and improvisational nature (“Guess what I'm doing”).

Senior group

Children continue to improve their performing skills, a sense of partnership develops. There are walks, observations of the environment (behavior of animals, people, their intonations, movements.) For the development of the imagination, tasks such as: “Imagine ...”, etc. are carried out. Creating an atmosphere of freedom and looseness, it is necessary to encourage children to fantasize, modify, combine , compose, improvise based on existing experience. So, they can change the beginning and ending of familiar plots, come up with new circumstances in which the hero finds himself, introduce new characters into action. Mimic and pantomic etudes and etudes for memorizing physical actions are used. Children are connected to inventing the design of fairy tales, reflecting them in visual activity. In dramatization, children manifest themselves very emotionally and directly; the process of dramatization itself captures the child much more than the result. The artistic abilities of children develop from performance to performance. In the process of theatrical activity, a special, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world develops, general mental processes develop: perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, attention, memory, etc.

preparatory group

Children of the preparatory school group are keenly interested in theater as an art form. Preschoolers already know the basic rules of behavior in the theater. Special games - conversations, quizzes - will help prepare them for visiting the theater. Acquaintance with various types of theater contributes to the accumulation of live theatrical impressions, mastering the skill of their comprehension and aesthetic perception.
Game - dramatization often becomes a performance in which children play for the audience, and not for themselves, directorial games are available to them, where the characters are puppets obedient to the child. This requires him to be able to regulate his behavior, movements, and think about his words. Children continue to act out small stories using different types theater: table, bibabo, poster, finger; invent and act out dialogues, expressing intonation the features of the character and mood of the hero.
IN preparatory group important place occupies not only the preparation and holding of the performance, but also the subsequent work. The degree of assimilation of the content of the perceived and played performance is clarified in a special conversation with children, during which opinions are expressed about the content of the play, characteristics are given acting characters, expressive means are analyzed. At this age, children are no longer satisfied with ready-made stories - they want to invent their own and for this they should be provided the necessary conditions:
- aim children at creating their own crafts for the director's board theatrical game;
- introduce them to interesting stories and fairy tales that contribute to the creation of one's own plan;
- give children the opportunity to reflect ideas in movement, singing, drawing;
- Show initiative and creativity as an example to follow.

Forms of organization of theatrical activities
When choosing material for staging, you need to build on age opportunities, knowledge and skills of children, enrich their life experience, stimulate interest in new knowledge, expand their creative potential.
-Joint theatrical activities of adults and children, theatrical activity, theatrical play at holidays and entertainment.
-Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical games in Everyday life.
-Mini-games in other classes, theatrical games-performances, children visiting theaters together with their parents, mini-sketches with puppets in the course of studying the regional component with children, involving the main puppet - Petrushka in solving cognitive problems.

Forms of work
- Theater games
- speech games
- Rhythmoplasty
- Dramatization of songs, chants, round dances
- Usage various kinds theater
- Dramatization of fairy tales
- Visiting theaters;
- Interaction with parents

Types of theater in kindergarten
- bibabo
- table theater
- theater book
- theater of five fingers
- mask theater
- shadow theater
- finger shadow theater
- theater of "living" shadows
- magnetic theater
- puppet theater
- flannelgraph theater

Organization of a theatrical activity corner
Corners for theatrical performances and performances are organized in kindergarten groups. They allocate space for director's games with a finger, table theater.
In the corner are:
- different types of theaters: bibabo, tabletop, flannelograph theater, etc.;
- props for playing scenes and performances: a set of dolls, screens for puppet theater, costumes, elements of costumes, masks;
-attributes for various game positions: theatrical props, scenery, scripts, books, samples musical works, posters, cash desk, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.


Theatrical activities in kindergarten can be included, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, in the educational activity carried out in the process organizations various types of children's activities: Playful, communicative, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading. As with organization of regime moments, educational activities, and in an independent game activities


Generate interest in

Develop communication and creative features children through theatrical activities.

Develop, in progress theatrical game, qualities corresponding to the gender of the child.

In my group, I tried to create the necessary conditions for theatrical activities of children. Equipped theater center which includes the following types theater: Finger, glove puppet theater, toy theater, desktop (2 types, theater mittens, theater of emotions, as well as a small dressing room.

All types theater used both in the classroom and in free independent activities children and in regime moments. From the early age, kids looked with interest small theatrical performances took part with pleasure in various game situations, using theatrical attributes.

Thanks to this, the dialogic speech of children developed, vocabulary was replenished, children easily memorized small texts. good help parents provide us, they brought us glove puppets, helped to make theater mittens, replenished the library of fairy tales. She herself connected the characters of the finger theater to a fairy tale"Turnip", "Kolobok", "Ryaba Hen". Made a portable screen, light and comfortable.

Children began to show various actions themselves, thereby developing role-playing dialogue, fantasy and imagination.

In free play activities, we often play a concert or theater. Children receive information about theater and concerts. About what is in the theater has a stage, spectators, artists. There are places for spectators and spectators must behave according to the rules. In preparation for the morning. I teach poems and songs to children. I teach them expressiveness. Children get used to speaking in front of an audience, become more relaxed and free.

Already at a younger preschool age, children imitate adults, copy their actions. Exactly at theatrical games, there are noticeable differences between girls and boys. Heroes of fairy tales girls. They have a natural mind and resourcefulness (Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, boys are industrious and thrifty (Zhiharka, Boy with a finger, etc.) Boys and girls. Gender-matched characters are offered.

For the purpose of self-education, I attend a regional creative seminar "Fairytale Therapy" Created a personal piggy bank methodological material on this topic. Together with the pupils of the group, they take an active part in conducting theater weeks in preschool. Prepared and presented a story "Mitten", "The Tale of stupid little mouse» , theatrical production"Zhiharka"

Invite parents to participate in theatrical activities, makes our family clubs interesting, memorable

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