Creative project "mini-museums in kindergarten" creative project "mini-museums in kindergarten" municipal preschool educational institution for children. Project around the world on the topic: Project "Mini-Museums in Kindergarten"


Currently, one of the topical issues in the field preschool education is the search for new forms of organization of interaction between preschoolers and their parents, implemented in order to increase the competence of adults in matters of education. - a proven, progressive form of pedagogical activity, which:

  • allows you to improve the subject-spatial environment of groups;
  • promotes acquaintance of children with museum culture, the world around them;
  • opens up opportunities for independent research.

Themes of the mini-museum at the preschool educational institution

The main feature of the museum exhibition created in the kindergarten group should be a change in the role of pupils. Children for the most part do not like museums because of the prohibitions to touch the exhibits, the inability to examine and understand all of their elements due to the location at some distance (behind closed windows). In a mini-museum, preschool children should not be passive observers, but interested subjects of action. And the level of interest of the kids is primarily determined by the themes of the mini-museums opened in the preschool educational institution.

The theme of the created exposition depends on many factors - the regional characteristics of the area, the age and interests of preschoolers, the level of professional training and creativity educator and parents. Practice shows that with skillful interpretation, almost any field of activity can become interesting topic for a group mini-museum.

Exhibition displays have already been created in many kindergartens in our country. Teaching staff share their experience of successfully creating small museums, rethinking traditional themes. But in some preschool educational institutions, unusual exhibitions were also opened that contributed to the realization of the creative activity of children.

Popular themes of mini-museums in groups of preschool educational institutions:

  • “Wonder Tree”, “Such Different Flowers”, “Exotic Animals and Birds” are expositions designed to acquaint kids as closely as possible with the world of wildlife.
  • “Voditsa-sap”, “City of Masters” (an exposition dedicated to the recycling of waste), “Our Home is the Earth” - reveal the problems of environmental education.
  • "Native City", "My Motherland - Russia", "Museum of Military Valor", created as part of the implementation of patriotic education.
  • "Theatrical Art", "Picture Gallery", "Sounds around us" - topics designed to introduce preschoolers to art.
  • "Puppet Museum", "Fun-toys", "Multi-remote" - expositions dedicated to the heroes of cartoons and fairy tales, toys.
  • "Mini-museum of railway transport", " Best friend”(exhibition of dog figurines), “Ball Museum”, “Museum of Magical Things”, “Cheburashka Museum” are examples of copyright expositions created by preschool teachers together with children and their parents in different parts of our country.

Creation of a mini-museum in the preschool educational institution

Organization museum expositions for preschoolers is a laborious task that requires coherence of actions from all participants in educational relations.
Creation of a mini-museum in the group of preschool educational institutions provides for the implementation of several stages of activity:

  1. Conducting consultations with children and parents.
  2. Choice of location for exposure. It is very important that the location of the exhibition allows to replenish it with new exhibits in the future.
  3. Collection of exhibits that can be provided by parents or created in the process of joint creativity of kids and adults. Registration of exhibits in the catalog.
  4. Design of an exhibition mini-complex, which provides for the creation of scenery, tags for exhibits, decoration of the room.
  5. The choice of guides, which may be children of the senior or preparatory group, members of the families of pupils.

Variants of mini-museum locations

Cons of this solution:

  • providing access to the exhibition for a limited number of pupils (children of one group);
  • remoteness from the dressing room (precedents are rarely created for communication between parents and children on exhibition issues);
  • the fact of creating a mini-museum will remain unknown to a large number of family members of pupils from other groups.
locker room When organizing an exhibition mini-complex in the locker room, the advantages of free access to the exhibits are preserved not only for children from a particular group, but also for other pupils and their parents. Premises for extra classes Music halls, art studios and other premises of the kindergarten are characterized by a sufficient amount of free space, but at the same time they are very rich in content. The creation of a mini-museum in such premises will be associated with the need to implement bold design solutions. halls Free access to such premises is a big plus and minus at the same time. On the one hand, parents have the opportunity to visit the mini-museum at any convenient time, individually or in groups. On the other hand, due to the lack of access control, educators do not have the opportunity to replenish the exhibition with truly valuable and interesting exhibits.

Presentation "Mini-museum in the preschool educational institution"

The completion of works on the arrangement of the museum exposition within the walls of the kindergarten should not go unnoticed. To once again draw attention children's team and the parent community to the subject of the project, it is recommended to presentation and grand opening of the mini-museum in the preschool educational institution. For clarity, you can create several slides and use a projector, or prepare a short stage story.

As part of the presentation of the museum, the following blocks of information should be presented:

  1. History of the creation of the exposition. The kids will be pleased to know that it was their passion for nature studies or an increased interest in a particular category of toys that served as the idea for creating a unique project that was visualized.
  2. The goals and objectives of museum pedagogy, the voicing of which allows adults to realize the importance of the experience of creating an exposition in the context of the educational process.
  3. Brief presentation of the different collections of the exhibition. Practice shows that during preparatory work children have time to get acquainted only with those exhibits that were brought or created by members of their families. The first solemn tour of the mini-museum helps to draw the attention of pupils to individual subjects, which will later be studied in more detail.

It will be interesting for children and adults to find out what can be done in the mini-museum, what excursions and activities will be held on the basis of the group exhibition complex.

A presentation on Museum Pedagogy in Kindergarten should be carried out in a fun and integrative way, involving the participation of toddlers and their parents. The continuation of joint work on the project helps students feel involved in the process of museum collecting, creates excellent prerequisites for subsequent easy assimilation of the material.

Passport of the mini-museum in the preschool educational institution

An obligatory element of the museum infrastructure, which contributes to the transfer of experience in the implementation of museum pedagogy projects, is passport of the thematic mini-museum in the preschool educational institution. This reporting document can be formatted in text form with the inclusion of flowcharts, illustrations, or in the form of a colorful presentation.

The structure of the mini-museum passport

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Chapter Content
Front page The name of the museum exposition is indicated, data on the group of authors are given: the names and surnames of responsible educators, information about their education, positions, experience in teaching practice.
Location Indicate the permanent location of the museum, configuration data (presence of shelves, prefabricated structures).
The purpose and objectives of the exposition Goals:
  • improvement of the conditions for conducting the educational process;
  • in groups;
  • implementation of an integrated approach to the education of preschoolers.
  • the formation of interest in collecting, the search for historical truth;
  • organization of conditions for joint activities of pupils and members of their families;
  • conducting cultural and educational work.
Content and forms of work This may be the activity of studying literary sources, search work carried out in order to replenish the exposition, excursion and lecture work.
Museum management Most often, the functioning of the museum mini-complex is carried out according to the principles of self-government.
Preservation of the museum fund Provide a list of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of the exhibition.
An appendix should be made to this item - a list of all exhibits, which must be systematically updated.

Mini-museum in the senior group of the kindergarten

Museum activity should not end at the stage of a successful presentation of the project. On the contrary, the exposition should be improved and supplemented, and its elements should be included as subject material in various types of activity.

The work of the mini-museum in the group of preschool educational institutions provides for mandatory excursions - by preschoolers or their parents. This approach allows you to implement several important functions:

  1. Educational - through the training of visual and auditory perception new information preschoolers, providing all possible assistance to the educator in the preparation of exposition and presentation materials, expanding the boundaries of the main program material.
  2. Developing. The presence of new objects in the group space stimulates the activation of pupils' thinking, the expansion of vocabulary, and has a positive effect on the development of intellectual data.
  3. Educational, realized through instilling the skills of a thoughtful, critical perception of new information.
  4. Educational. During the implementation of the museum project and subsequent work on it, preschool children receive elements of social experience, learn to work in a team to achieve a common result.

The experience of using museum pedagogy has not been fully studied. Using a Variety of Shapes methodical work on the theme of the exhibition - holding thematic conversations, excursions, creative activities - allows you to diversify the educational process and significantly expand the cognitive horizons of children.


Romanyuk Elena Vasilievna


MBDOU kindergarten "Deer"

YaNAO, Shuryshkarsky district, village Muzhi

Stages of the project "Mini Museum in kindergarten»

In process museum complex Kindergarten employees had to try their hand as designers, artists, and as museologists and historians. The whole work can be divided into three stages.

  1. 1. Preparatory stage

At the beginning of the work, the team of each group (children, educators), together with their parents, determined the theme and name of the mini-museum, developed its model, and chose a place for placement.

Mini-museums turned out to be different both in design and content:

Conducting consultations;

Conducting conversations about creating the meaning of the museum in the group;

Conducting classes;

Conducting a parent meeting (“Mini Museum in Kindergarten”);

Cooperation with the House Museum "Komi-hut", social and leisure

Conducting a workshop with parents;

Joint entertainment evenings;

Joint excursions to the museum;

Examination of exhibits in the museum.

  1. 2. Practical stage (or project implementation stage)

Creation of a mini-museum in a group;

Collection of exhibits for the museum;

Development of excursions.

  1. 3. Implementation

Opening a mini-museum in a group;

Excursion to the mini-museum;

Invitation of guests (children from other children's institutions, parents);

Meeting interesting people;

Development of various types of excursions for the museum;

Replenishment of attributes for the museum;

Holding educational activities in the mini-museum.

Description of the mini-museum "Such different bark"

Target: To acquaint children with the protective functions of the bark (the bark is the "clothes" of the tree), with its diversity, some tree insects, tree fungi, human use of the bark, folk crafts, and also form the basis of environmentally competent behavior (why it is impossible to damage the bark).


  1. Acquaintance with the structure and diversity of trees, the relationship of plants and animals, the importance of trees in people's lives;
  2. Raise children to respect nature.
  3. Continue to teach children to play with cones, wooden toys, look at annual rings on stumps, study books, make crafts from wood, bark, cones, leaves together with their parents and replenish the exposition.

"Such a different bark"

The mini-museum of the tree planned by the staff of our kindergarten turned out to be so voluminous that we decided to first study individual parts of the trees, and then create a mini-museum dedicated to the plant as a whole.

We create mini-museums in the process of working on each block of classes in the N.A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature." The idea of ​​the “Mini Bark Museum” was born when my children and I studied the “Plants” block and worked on the “Our Tree” project. All exhibits are placed in a group, on shelves, on the floor and walls. The mini-museum is made in the form of a three-dimensional tree.

What does the mini-museum introduce

  • Section "Portrait Gallery". Pieces of the bark of different plants are decorated in the form of paintings (attached to a cardboard base and inserted into frames). Each sample is signed, an image of a tree leaf is added to it. This section allows the educator to show the types of bark that differ in appearance and structure. different trees(oak, birch, pine, spruce, aspen, cypress, etc.); let the children touch, smell the bark, compare it by color, thickness; show that it is possible to determine the age of a tree or the place from which it was taken from the bark (from the top of the tree or at its roots), explain what a cork layer is; the bark is the "clothing" of the tree, its protection.
  • Section "Bark and inhabitants of the forest". The bark is a shelter for many insects (in this section, children can look at a log with small insect toys placed in the crevices of the bark). The bark is the food of moose, hares and other animals. (A piece of bark is attached in the center of the wall panel, around which images of animals are located.)
  • Section "Why the bark needs to be protected" . This section helps to explain to children why it is impossible to destroy the bark, to make inscriptions on it. It contains a picture depicting a person's hand carving letters on a tree trunk. The rest of the materials demonstrate what happens to a tree when its bark is cut. (It is affected by various fungi, insects, as a result, the tree becomes ill, dies). Here you can also get acquainted with the destroyers of tree bark: tinder fungus and bark beetles. The section presents “portraits” of the latter, a diagram-drawing “How the bark beetle lives, samples of bark “spoiled” by humans and “lace” wood eaten by beetles. In a conversation with the children, the teacher emphasizes that the beetles do not “kill” the tree, they only destroy its trunk after the bark is damaged, and the tree becomes weak and sick.
  • Section "How people use the bark". The section contains various products made from bark, for example, from birch bark (household items and decorations, birch bark letters); illustrations, for example, of how the roof was made of pine bark; Bast shoes made of bast (linden); corks, bark souvenirs. It tells about how people are treated with bark (sachets with oak bark are hung out); soften with its help the skin (tanning); dye fabrics and other materials (hence the name of the color - "brown", the color of the bark).
  • Section "What does the bark smell like." In the section there are linen bags with a strong smell of bark, for example, food cinnamon, juniper bark. The pouches are tightly tied and attached to the panel with long cords. A sign is hung on the panel, explaining to the children that this exhibit can be smelled.
  • Game library. Game tasks are made out in the form of texts and are indicated by the sign "Adult Help". They can be located in different sections of the mini-museum. Such tasks can be: the labyrinth "Help the woodpecker get to the bug"; exercise “Lay out in the correct sequence” (children are invited to lay out in a certain sequence pictures reflecting the scheme of the possible death of a tree: the bark of a tree is cut with a knife - a fungus appears - bark beetles appear - the tree dies); "Who is the most attentive?" (children, together with adults, find animals hidden in the mini-museum, count them, for example: how many are in the museum ladybugs? Trudovik mushrooms? Where did the bark beetle hide?). Since the mini-museum is interactive, children can touch its exhibits, complete sections on their own and complete a number of tasks, for example, with a box of sensations. The teacher puts in it daily or once every few days a new object related to the bark: pieces of bark differing in characteristics (thick, thin, smooth, rough), a fungus, an insect (toy), an object from the section "Birch bark".
  • Section "Golden Pens" - children's bark crafts, drawings, applications, etc.

How we work in a mini-museum.


The teacher brings the children to the mini-museum and gives them time to consider everything. Draws attention to the fact that most of the space in the museum is occupied by a tree. This means that this tree wants to “tell” something interesting about itself. Shows a sample of bark and asks if the guys know what it is. Where did they see the bark? Explains that every tree and shrub has bark. He asks what the children themselves are wearing today. Emphasizes that each tree, like a person, has its own outfit - the bark. It protects plants from cold and wind in the same way that our clothes protect us. Preschoolers touch, examine the bark, find out whether it is rough or smooth, how many slits are in it. Then consider the layout of the tree. (A slot is made in the "bark" - a pocket where the image of a bug is inserted). Children determine whose antennae stick out from a crack in the bark and pull out a bug. The teacher says that the bug hid in the bark from the cold, where he found a warm slit. Children also consider other bugs hidden in the bark. In conclusion, the teacher makes a generalization. Today we learned about the bark, what is the bark? (children's answers) The bark is the special clothing of plants. All trees have it. The bark is rough and smooth, it has many slits, and bugs can hide in the slits.

Getting acquainted with the "Birch bark" subsection, children examine the structure of the birch bark (thin, layered, with different layers), determine which side of the bark - external or internal - was used in the manufacture of crafts. They touch the birch bark, put it on the cheek to feel its warmth, sniff it.

The teacher talks about how birch bark is mined for crafts, paying attention to the fact that birch bark is removed only from those trees that are being prepared for felling.

The teacher shows the children decorative items made of birch bark (caskets, bracelets, key chains, belts, etc.) and permanent household items (combs, tuesas, salt shakers, baskets). Preschoolers get acquainted with different ways of making such products: sewing together large solid panels with a thin birch bark thread, weaving their birch bark strips, appliqué, carving, extruding a pattern, etc.

How to draw a bark (fine activity)

  1. The outline of the trunk is drawn. Wavy lines are drawn along the trunk with a candle. Then everything is painted over with dark brown watercolor.
  2. The outline of the trunk is drawn. The rough structure of the bark is transferred using poke technology.
  3. A stencil is cut in the shape of a trunk. The stencil is superimposed on a sheet of paper. Stenciled paint is applied with crumpled paper or a crumpled cloth. You can use colors of different shades of brown paint.
  4. The outline of the trunk is drawn. Thin sausages are rolled out of brown plasticine, which are laid out along the trunk, gradually filling all the space between the contour lines.

Working with parents

At the beginning of the year, a parent meeting was held, where we introduced the parents to the Museum and Children project. And it was also said that “acquaintance with the outside world included classes in ecology, emphasizing that they will contribute to the overall development of the child, increase the level of his culture, transform the skills of environmentally safe behavior.

We conducted a survey of parents and asked them to answer "Why do we need museums?". There were several answers:

Museums are meant to be visited.

To see different paintings, how beautifully they were painted.

So that old things that are no longer needed can be seen.

What things abused our ancestors: grandmothers, great-grandmothers.

In museums, people collect various beautiful paintings, figurines, so that they do not disappear and that everyone can admire them.

A colorful announcement is posted for parents in the group. Many parents travel and bring exhibits, such as paintings from birch bark, tueska, boxes, various caskets. Many parents of our children have houses built next to the forest. Children know very well that the forest is very necessary for people, animals, birds, insects, that the forest feeds us, heals and protects us.

Every autumn we organize joint excursions to the nearest forest, where a “forest man” meets us, conducts various games and contests. Together with parents we collect cones, dry leaves for application. Unusual sticks for crafts made from natural material, to replenish the collection.

Every year, for the Autumn holiday, parents together with their children prepared interesting crafts from natural materials, for which they received prizes.

Dads made feeders for wintering birds. Dad's winter bird children made feeders. In winter, children feed the birds with millet, bread, and lard.

The parents of Sandrine P.A. helped a lot in creating a mini-museum. From dry rods he made a wattle fence for us in the group. I fixed the artificial tree on the wall on the wall, attached shelves to accommodate wooden items.

Popov S.G. helped us with a photo exhibition of pictures of nature about his native land, albums, photo calendars, photo magnets, frames for panels.

Brusnitsina A.G. , Anufrieva T.V. they often invite us, our kindergarten children, on an excursion to their Komi-hut museum and the ShRNM museum at the exhibition are different. Anna Gennadievna and Tatyana Vasilievna tell and show pictures of the family collection, household items, handicrafts from birch bark associated with nature. They give our mini-museum wooden figurines, dolls sewn by the hands of their parents. And also we were presented with products from birch bark by such parents: Milyakhova N.D., Kunina N.V., Sandrina A.S. to create a developing environment for the museum.

Working with the museum is also fruitful because many children visit it with their parents on weekends, which allows them to consolidate their knowledge and deepen the impressions gained during the general excursion.

Significance and use of mini-museums in preschool

In groups, children have toys, and in the mini-museum they are attracted by the real things that adults use - tools, household items, decorations. Children pick up exhibits (in real museums you can’t touch them, but in a children’s museum you can), they begin to explore, learn, and try to act with them. In the children's museum, what children see, everything that surrounds them and everything that happens in the classroom affects them, and even a small detail has a wonderful effect. Everything beautiful that children's eyes see is imprinted in their sensitive hearts, the impression affects the character of the child.

The museum has an invaluable influence on the upbringing of children. Children receive bright, life-long impressions. Knowledge acquired in the first years of life will never disappear from memory. The mini-museum in groups allowed the educators to make it familiar and attractive to children. Beautiful museum exhibits, the atmosphere itself create conditions for various activities, games, conversations. For the development of speech, imagination, intelligence, emotional sphere of the child. Children gain knowledge about different subjects and phenomena, about relationships with other people, and much more that has evolved over the centuries and passed down from generation to generation.

Any object of the mini-museum can suggest a topic for interesting conversation. Exhibitions were organized on the basis of mini-museums. Big interest both adults and children were aroused by the exposition “The teapot is a friend of the samovar”. Its basis was made up of various teapots. There were a lot of different teapots in the form of strawberries, apples, grapes, large and small teapots. Listened to their story. Participation in the creation of the exposition was attended not only by educators, but also by parents. Among the exhibits there were a lot of old porcelain from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

The preschoolers of our group got acquainted with the mini-museums of their "colleagues". IN junior group in our garden "Deer" a mini-museum "Northern Color" was created - exhibits and the life of the people of the Khanty, Komi. And in middle group a mini-museum "Sorceress Water" was created. The mini-museum has become an integral part of the developing subject environment of our kindergarten. Important feature these elements of the developing environment - participation in their creation of children and parents. Preschoolers feel their involvement in the mini-museum: they bring exhibits from home. The guys from their older groups conduct excursions for the younger ones, replenish them with their drawings. It also houses children's work done jointly with adults. In real museums, you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums, it’s not only possible, but necessary! Each mini-museum is the result of communication between the teacher, children and their families.

The main thing is that we achieved our goal: both during the creation of mini-museums and after that, many parents visited “real” museums with their children - ShRNM, Natural and Ethnographic Park - Zhivun Museum. House-museum "Komi Izba", children shared their impressions after visiting the museum with teachers, children, and parents wrote reviews about what they saw.

The results of my work are:

  • The introduction of the child into the world of art, the development of his artistic culture.
  • Promoting the emergence of a value attitude to art, interest in museums and exhibitions.
  • Formation of the "image of the museum" as a collection of beauty objects of cultural and historical significance.
  • Development artistic perception, understanding the language of art, figurative thinking.

Advice for parents "Let's go to the museum!"

We live in Men. There are three museums in Muzhi village.

  1. Shuryshkarsky Regional Museum of History and Local Lore (SHRIKM).
  2. Natural and ethnographic park - museum "Zhivun".
  3. House-museum "Komi-izba".

A visit to the museum has a profound effect on children: the novelty of architecture, the interiors of the halls and the exhibits themselves - the originals create a special atmosphere of the “image-museum”, develop cognitive interests. Meeting with unique and highly artistic works introduces the child to the world of universal values, history, educates artistic taste, the need for beauty. To make visiting the museum a joy for you and your child, I have prepared recommendations based on a survey of parents and children of our kindergarten:

  1. Choose a museum according to your interests and the desire of the child.
  2. Talk to your child about the museum profile rules of conduct. For example: “When I first came to the museum, I really wanted to touch everything with my hands. Why do you think I didn't? And what will happen if everyone in the museum talks loudly?
  3. The tour of the museum should not exceed one hour. Information learned at the threshold of fatigue is not effective.
  4. After visiting the museum, talk with the child about what he remembered, what was interesting, beautiful, ask the child to tell in kindergarten about the museum, the exhibits; Share your experience with caregivers and other parents.

Feedback from parents and children after visiting museums.

"Museum Night 2011"

1. The whole family has been visiting Museum Night for the third year already. It's so interesting and educational. The step-by-step movement through the exhibition halls according to the itinerary lists indicating the direction of travel intrigues and fascinates. More and more tests, earn more "Mouzons". I really liked writing poems, playing the fairy tale "Turnip", solving a crossword puzzle, visiting the "Winter Plague". Thanks for the delicious tea and treats!

Shumsky, Rochev, Kogevin family

2. Many thanks to the staff of the Komi Izba museum for the fascinating and interesting event"In the footsteps of the bear cub Oshpi." I liked it very much. The children completed all the tasks with interest, the guys were interested in different competitions, communication with museum staff.

Parents and children

d / s "Deer"

  1. We visited an exhibition in the ShRIKM museum of photographs by S. Popov. T. Parshukova’s paintings of the native northern region “First Frost”, “Swans”, “Autumn Harvest”, “Bird Cafe”, “Ripe Cranberries”, “Winter Outfit”, “Gull Chicks”, “Eagle’s Nest”, “Ice Drift on the River Obi". I liked all the pictures. The conversation about the paintings was interesting, fascinating, informative, which was conducted by the guide Olga Nikolaevna. Thanks for the great tour.

family Kunin, Romanov, Konev x

  1. older children and the preparatory group of the nursery school "Olenenok" together with their teachers and parents visited the exhibition in the museum "Komi hut", "Magic shred", "Friend of the samovar - teapot". The children saw a lot of pillows, tablecloths, blankets, curtains, appliqué napkins, panels, a rug, as well as a lot of different teapots in the shape of strawberries, apples, teapots large and small. I really liked the variety of teapots, listened to their story. The guide Natalya Ivanovna told and showed pieces of scraps and teapots. We thank Natalya Ivanovna for the interesting conversation and excursion. Health to you and good!

Parents: Solomatova N.F.

Daughter Alena

Milyakhova N.D.

Son Ignat

  1. Kindergarten "Olenenok" visited the exhibition "Clothes of the peoples of the Komi-Zyryans and Khanty" at the Finno-Ugric festival in the CNT. We thank Anna Alexandrovna for an interesting, informative conversation. The exhibition presented various sewn and knitted things, dolls, items made of birch bark, beads, bone, and wood. Very big beautiful exhibition. Children answered quiz questions, guessed riddles, played folk games, and also learned Komi words. For the correct answers, the children received prizes and presented gratitude for creativity and active participation in the Days of Culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples with young talents. Many thanks to Anna Alexandrovna for the exhibition and conversation.

d / garden "Deer"

children and educators

  1. Our family visited an exhibition at the Komi Izba Museum, where old things, exhibits and the life of our ancestors are kept, reminiscent of the traditions of our ancestors. It's good that there is such a house-museum where you get younger, children can find out how their grandmothers, great-grandmothers lived, see what clothes they wore, what the situation was in the house. How grandfathers, great-grandfathers fished, what craftswomen our grandmothers were. How hard-working our ancestors were, children look and will try to be like them.

Thanks to all the museum staff and Tatyana Vasilyevna for her creative work.

Family of Utkins, Brusnitsyns

  1. Evening dedicated to I.G. Istomin was organized by Tatyana Vasilievna "Memorial Day" fellow countryman I.G. Istomin. Our wonderful writer passed away, leaving behind more than 20 wonderful books: such as Zhivun, Arise, Grass, The Last Feline. There are many verses that we residents of the village of Muzhi will never forget, we will study and wish the youth to take an example. I think who does not know the works of I.G. Istomin, he does not know the history of the Yamal region. Thanks a lot museum staff for an interesting warm welcome. The organizer of the evening, Tatyana Vasilievna, who is trying to gather guests, is attentive to us with a warm soul to everyone who comes to the evening.

Parents, guests:

Solomatova E.G.

Popova I.V

Panashchenko E.A.

  1. We visited the museum. We listened to Tatyana Vasilievna talk about the streets of our village Muzhi. The children answered the questions: “What streets do they know? What street do they live on? Who is this street named after? Tatyana Vasilievna interestingly told about creative people after whom the Istomin, Arkhangelsky, Filippov and others streets are named. An educational session for children. It helps to bring up true patriots. Children and we parents learned a lot of interesting and new things from the life of famous countrymen. The conversation alternated with games, songs, physical pauses.

Kindergarten parents:

Marukhlenko O.V.

Rocheva N.N.

Sandrine P.A.

Cooperation with the family on the project "Museum and Children"

No. p / p



Methodological techniques

Workshop "Knowledge of the museum in the development of the child"

To acquaint parents with the tasks of child development through museum pedagogy. Encourage parents to be active on weekends. Contribute to the cultural growth of the family.

Mini-study "Can a museum influence the development of a child?" open demonstration of classes in "Komi-izba"

Russian folk toy "matryoshka"

Consultation "Let's go to the museum" Memo for parents

To enrich the pedagogical skills of parents. Contribute to increasing attention to the cognitive and aesthetic development of the child.

Conversation on the questions "Why did you choose this museum?" “What do you want to draw the child’s attention to?” Recommendations of the educator for visiting the museum.

Conversation with parents after visiting the museum. "Magic shred" "Friend of the samovar-teapot"

Involve parents in the discussion. Contribute to the development of their confidence in their educational capabilities about the magic patch.

Conversation on the questions “What exhibits interested you and the child?” What advice would you give to other parents? "Where did you decide to go next time?"

Joint entertainment evenings "Museum Night"

Involve parents in a cognitive dialogue with children. To direct the game initiative of adults to the knowledge of the interests of their child, emotional rapprochement with him, participation in common activities.

Theatrical games, surprise moments, contests, quizzes. Statement of parents about visiting museums.

Exhibition of photo paintings "about the native land" by S.G. Popov, T. Parshukova

Contribute to increasing the attention of parents to museum pedagogy, to photo paintings of our region.

Photos of our nature: Ural mountains, river, berries, trees, birds, animals.

Museum and children

Acquaintance with the activities of our village, our region, the streets, after whom the streets are named.

Familiarization of parents with the content of the work, recommendations for visiting exhibitions in the museum.

Excursion to the natural and ethnographic park-museum "Zhivun"

Familiarization of guests with the customs of the Khanty people. How they celebrate this holiday, what customs they use and continue them, passing them on to their children and grandchildren.

Abstracts of the lesson on the project of the mini-museum "Museum and Children"

Subject:"A friend of the samovar is a teapot."


  1. To introduce children to the Russian samovar (in comparison with the teapot);
  2. To acquaint with the ceremony of tea drinking in Rus';
  3. To instill in children the desire to be hospitable;
  4. Expand the vocabulary of children with the words "samovar", "tea drinking", "bagels", "teapot".

Material: bagels, dryers, jam, samovar, kettle, sweets).

Lesson progress:


Hello dear guests!

Come, sit down comfortably.

"God grant that

Who to our house, -

Dear guests,

Little kids.

The Lord would give you

And living, and being,

And healthy!

I'm very glad to see you all. Children, look here (showing the samovar). What it is?

Samovar - the children answer.

Child reads a poem

For a long time in the world

Lives for years old

sung by poets

Pot-bellied samovar.

Radiance studying

Frosty blue day

He warms the heart

Special warmth.


What a beautiful samovar! And which of you has a samovar?

(children answer).

Mistress: a long time ago, when even your grandmothers were not yet in the world, a samovar appeared in Rus'. He decorated the hut and treated everyone to tea. And they made such samovars in the city of Tula. At first there were few of them. To buy a samovar, one had to have a lot of money. Then in Tula they began to make more samovars, they began to cost less. It was then that almost every family could afford a samovar.

Mistress: What is it for?

Children: to drink a tea.

Mistress: Tea in Rus' was very fond of drinking.

You drink tea - you live up to a hundred years ”(proverb)

Children repeat the proverb.

Mistress: Children what does a samovar look like? (comparison of a samovar and a teapot).

And why did you decide that the samovar looks like a teapot?

Children talk:“The teapot and the samovar have a bottom and a lid. Water is boiled both in a samovar and in a teapot. There is a spout from where boiling water is poured (Ksyusha, Egor, Igor, Sasha, Kristina).

Mistress: Guys, guess riddles

  1. At the nosed Phocas

Constantly hands to the sides

Foka boils water

And shines like a mirror.


  1. Button on the head

A sieve in the nose

One hand

Yes, it's on the back.


(children guess)

Mistress: Let's put the samovar with you, let the water boil in it, and we will paint the teapots.

(children decorate teapots).

Mistress: It's a pleasure to look at your teapots and samovars. They did a good job, but they also knew how to relax and have fun. Now we will play and have fun.

  1. Game: "Guess who called"

A child is chosen by a counting rhyme. He is blindfolded. Children get up in a round dance, go in a circle, to whom the adult shows, he says:

"Mashenka, ay-ay,

Listen, I'm calling you."

Mistress: Masha, don't open your eyes

Who called - guess.

If the child guessed correctly, the caller becomes in the circle.

  1. Game: "Brook".

The players line up in pairs one after another. Each couple, holding hands, raise them up (form a gate). The couple passes through the formation of the players and stands in front, etc.

The game is played at a fast pace for 3-4 minutes.

Mistress: They liked to drink tea in Rus'.

Who do you think with?

(Barankas, dryers, jam, sugar, sweets - the children answered).

Mistress: In Rus' they liked to drink tea with bagels, dryers, jam. Do you like jam?

Children: Yes.

Mistress: What is jam made from?

- (apples, plums, pears, cherries)

From berries (blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries, cranberries, blueberries).

Mistress: While we were talking and playing, the tea was ripe.


He puffs, the water bubbles,

It doesn't want to get hot anymore.

The lid rattled loudly

Drink tea - the water has boiled.

Oh yes, a samovar!

Drink, drink, do not be shy, you drink tea - you live up to a hundred years.

Healthy tea

With tea dashing does not happen!

(brings tea to children).

Children drink tea with bagels, dryers, sugar, sweets.

After tea, the children thank the hostess and leave.


Topics for classes and excursions with children and parents of the senior - preparatory group under the project "Museum and Children"

Memo for parents "In the museum with a child"

Senior educator: Nosenko Tatyana Nikolaevna municipal autonomous preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 32 st. Novoalekseevskaya municipal formation Kurganinsky district

Why we created mini-museums. How often do our children go to them? We conducted a survey and found that most of Kindergarten pupils have never been to the museum. The reasons are very different. Firstly, there are no museums in our village and it is located in a place remote from the cities where most museums are located. Secondly, many parents believe that it is too early for preschoolers to attend such institutions. And, thirdly, many fathers and mothers simply do not come up with the idea of ​​such an excursion.

How to attract the attention of parents to museums? Direct campaigning is unlikely to help here. Therefore, to begin with, we decided to create our own "museum complex" , which includes mini-museums in group rooms and an art gallery.

What is a mini-museum. Of course, in a kindergarten it is impossible to create expositions that meet the requirements of museum work. That's why we named them "mini museums" . part of a word "mini-" in our case, it reflects both the age of the children for whom they are intended, and the size of the exposition, and a certain limitation of the subject matter.

An important feature of these elements of the developing environment is the participation of children and parents in their creation. Preschoolers feel their involvement in the mini-museum: they participate in the discussion of its topics, bring exhibits from home. The guys from the older groups conduct excursions for the younger ones, replenish them with their drawings. In real museums, you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums, it’s not only possible, but necessary! You can visit them every day, change them yourself, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and look at them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of an exhibition. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families.

Placement of mini-museums. In any kindergarten there is a problem of free premises. For the location of mini-museums, various parts of the group rooms were used, "dressing rooms" , bedrooms, walls at the entrance to the group, etc. One of the requirements for the location of museums was as follows: each of them must fit into the interior of the premises. The exhibits were located on shelves, racks purchased or made by parents, attached to the walls, stood on the floor.

Children's age. The content, design and purpose of a mini-museum must necessarily reflect the specifics of the age of children in this group. So, for example, a museum of measuring instruments appeared in the preparatory speech therapy group, and a mini-museum of birds was created for kids. Mini-museums are constantly updated with new exhibits. It also houses children's work done jointly with adults.

Project stages "Mini-Museums in Kindergarten" . In the process of creating the museum complex, the employees of the kindergarten had to try themselves in the role of designers, artists, and in the role of museologists, historians. The whole work can be divided into three stages.


At the beginning of the work, the team of each group (children, teachers) together with their parents, they determined the theme and name of the mini-museum, developed its model, and chose a place for placement. Mini-museums turned out to be different both in design and content.

Each educator developed his own subproject, which was built according to the following scheme: (diagram drawing), description (equipment, exhibits), the name of the first study tour, development prospects, options for children and parents to participate in its creation.

The methodological service of the kindergarten developed a procedure for conducting a presentation on the best mini-museum, which was discussed with the team upon completion. Parents were invited to visit various museums with their children and discuss what a museum is, why it is created, why people visit it, etc.


Nondescript flights of stairs were turned by us into an attractive art gallery. On the walls there are photographs, reproductions of paintings depicting nature and animals.

Adults and children, following their models, created mini-museums in groups. Big role parents played in this process, bringing exhibits, helping in the design. At the last stage of this stage, the educators, together with the children, developed the content of excursions around their museum, and the preschoolers themselves suggested what exactly they consider it necessary to tell about their mini-museums. Those who wish to become tour guides.

Description of mini-museums according to the plan:

  1. Name.
  2. Supervisor.
  3. Location.
  4. Content and exhibits.
  5. Goals and objectives.
  6. How is used.
  7. Tour themes.

Making a presentation "Our Mini Museum" . For each mini-museum, the educators made up business cards that contained a brief description of the exposition. The originality of the design and presentation of the material was welcomed. The plan for the presentation was announced at the very beginning of the work. First of all, the design, content and originality of the subjects and exhibits were evaluated. A jury member card was developed, which accelerated the generalization of the results. Such cards were pre-printed and distributed to each member of the jury, which included kindergarten teachers. The jury members discussed the evaluation criteria in advance, compared their understanding of these criteria and, after getting acquainted with the expositions, filled in "Score Cards" . The required characteristics were evaluated on a three-point system (each - maximum 3 points). When summarizing the materials, the data were summarized according to all criteria for each mini-museum. Thus, in the card of each member of the jury, overall score for each mini-museum. And, finally, to determine the winners, the scores of all jury members for this mini-museum were summed up. Based on the results of the calculations, "rating" mini museums. The winners, respectively, were those who scored the largest number points for all criteria from the majority of the jury members.

Mini-museum scorecard in groups

(to be completed by each member of the jury)

Mini-museums in groups allowed educators to make a word "museum" familiar and attractive to children. The exhibits are used for various activities, for the development of speech, imagination, intelligence, emotional sphere of the child. Any item of a mini-museum can suggest a topic for an interesting conversation. Preschoolers of different groups got acquainted with the mini-museums of their "colleagues" .

Mini-museums have become an integral part of the developing subject environment of our kindergarten.


  1. Comprehensive educational program "CHILDHOOD" : / T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva and others - St. Petersburg: OOO , 2016 - 352p.
  2. Educational area "Social and communicative development" "Childhood" ) : Teaching aid / T.I. Babaeva, T.A. Berezina, L.S. Rimashevskaya; ed. A.G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: OOO PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" , 2017. - 384 p.
  3. Educational area « cognitive development» (Methodological set of the program "Childhood" ) : teaching aid/ BEHIND. Mikhailova, M.N. Polyakova, T.A. Ivchenko, T.A. Berezina, N.O. Nikonov; ed. A.G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: OOO PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" , 2016 - 304 p.
  4. Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" . Methodological set of the program "Childhood" : teaching aid / scientific. ed. A.G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: OOO PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" , 2016 - 400 p.

Features of museum work with children preschool age

“On Sunday, my sister and I left the yard. “I will take you to the museum,” my sister told me.”

But what if there is no way to go to the museum on Sunday? That is why in remote preschool institutions they decided to create their own museums, albeit small ones. Over time, this direction has gained great popularity, and today mini-museums are an integral part of the developing environment of many preschool institutions.

Museums of kindergartens are interactive, that is, any mini-museum contains exhibits that you can touch, smell, and examine. You can play with the exhibits and, if you wish, even take them home for a while. And this feature, of course, attracts children. And once they have an interest, learning becomes more effective. In addition, a mini-museum for a child is something of their own, dear, as children take part in its creation.

The organization in the kindergarten of a mini-museum dedicated to a certain subject, an object of nature or a phenomenon, is facilitated by the use of the method of a systematic approach.

The object under consideration is conditionally placed in the center of the table of nine cells "system" (1)

Any object (system) does not exist by itself, it is always a part of something or is located in some special place. (a tree in the forest, a designer in a box, a dress in the closet). This place in which the object is located and of which it is a part is called the "supersystem" (2)

An object (system) is often heterogeneous in its essence. It consists of some parts, details (the dress has a bodice, sleeves, a skirt, a collar, etc. This cell is the anatomy of an object, called "Subsystem" (3)

Cell 4 talks about what the system was like in the past. What was a cup before it became a cup? What was the Christmas tree before it became a Christmas tree? (Past system)

The future of the system is considered in the 5th cell. What will happen to this object? (future system)

We examined the object in a number of positions and have already received a variety of information about it. With children of younger preschool age, it will be enough to dwell on these positions. Older preschoolers are able to reason more deeply.

If we consider the system in the past, we can find that it also has its own supersystem and subsystem. If the bird was an egg in the past, then above the egg system there was a nest with other eggs, and "mother's tummy" (6 - the system's supersystem in the past). And such an object as a book can be considered from the point of view of the changes that took place with it: what the book was like in the old days, how it was created.

Any system in the past also had its components. The same egg consisted of a shell, white and yolk. And for books, for example, birch bark was used.

The system in the future is considered in the same way - its supersystem and subsystem (8.9). Who will the chicken be? What will the book look like in the future?

6 system in the past

2 The cup is part of the service. Service illustration or real doll service. Illustrations that expand children's ideas about where cups can be stored. (cupboard, sideboard)

8 Method of focal objects (TRIZ). The cat is fluffy, meowing, tailed, striped. Definitions selected for new words are transferred to our Cup object

4 system in the past: sand, clay, pieces of wood, pieces of plastic.

1 a cup is the main character (an image of a cup, a panel with appliqué made of paper, fabric, a cup made of papier-mâché)

5 the history of the cup: earthenware, wooden goblets, shell, animal horns

7 system in the future. Cracked cup or its fragments (in a plastic box). New cup designs.

3 Parts that make up a cup (a collection of cups of various shapes and configurations: cups with one handle, two

9 Antisystem


Neutral system

This table can be supplemented with a few more positions:

Anti-system - relatively speaking, the enemies of our object.

Cosystem-friends of the object.

The neutral system is something that does not react to our object in any way.

Goals and objectives of the museum

  1. Implementation of the direction "Museum Pedagogy"
  2. Enrichment of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution
  3. Enrichment of educational space with new forms.
  4. Formation of the concept of the museum among preschoolers
  5. Expanding the horizons of preschoolers
  6. Development of cognitive abilities and cognitive activity.
  7. Formation of design and research skills and abilities.
  8. Formation of the ability to independently analyze and systematize the acquired knowledge.
  9. Development of creative and logical thinking imagination.
  10. Formation of an active life position.

Where is the museum located?

“Who wants, looks for opportunities, who does not want, looks for reasons” - folk wisdom.

The latest projects of kindergartens already provide premises for the organization of mini-museums. Nevertheless, even in cramped conditions, if desired, you can find a corner for a small exposure. Even a cardboard folding screen located in the dressing room will help make room for a small traveling museum. We note right away that any location of the mini-museum has its pluses and minuses. There are no ideal conditions in any case.

group room

This option provides an opportunity to build the museum material gradually, as new information is received. The teacher can at any time turn to the materials of the museum, and the children of the group can view the exhibits if they wish.

Minus: Access to the lesson is given to children of only one group. The remoteness from the dressing room limits the free communication of children with their parents on the topics of the museum.

locker room

Benefits of communicating with parents.

The cons are the same.


In this version, mini-museums are located in public places, which makes it possible to visit them at any time convenient for the educator. All parents can view the exposition, including individually, with their children. The mini-museum provides an incentive for communication. At the same time, open and uncontrolled access to the museum limits the possibility of presenting rare and valuable exhibits (and not very valuable ones sometimes disappear).


The attention of preschool children is still not sufficiently formed. It is characterized by short duration, instability. Therefore, the effectiveness of all work in the mini-museum will largely depend on how well the exhibits are located, on the degree of their attractiveness for the child. The most optimal option is to place exhibits at different levels: vertical and horizontal. Racks and wall shelves, screens, stands, tables of various sizes, cabinets will help to solve this problem.

Horizontal and vertical surfaces

The location of all the exhibits in only one horizontal plane, for example, on a children's table, is not practical. In one plane, collections look best, that is, objects of the same name. For example, a collection of sea shells placed in this way, differing in color, shape, size, immediately gives an idea of ​​their diversity. A mini-museum may well contain a collection, but its main task is to show an object from different angles, to reflect its relationship with other objects. Secondly, in the horizontal plane it is difficult to unite the exhibits by themes and separate them visually. And this complicates the task of keeping the child's attention within the same group of objects. If the teacher does not have the opportunity to use more suitable corners, the situation can be corrected as follows. From large building cubes, cylinders, bricks on the table, you can build multi-level coasters, fasten them together with adhesive tape and beautifully drape with a light fabric.

The development of the vertical can be carried out as follows:

  • placement of material on wall shelves;
  • use of screens;
  • use of stands;
  • mobile use;
  • placement of small material on dry or artificial tree branches.

Stands are especially convenient in use. Their main advantage is that they are easy to manufacture, light and safe for children. The stands are highly mobile and allow easy and quick re-arrangement compositional solution museum. When using stationary shelves, the change in the mini-museum exposition is not as noticeable to the child as when using stands, which may differ in shape, color, and location. And this fact plays an important role: we have already mentioned that it is the effect of novelty that is of great importance in attracting and retaining the child's attention.

Stands are used to place illustrative information, diagrams. It is very convenient to attach light bulky objects to them.

If a certain place is reserved for museums, it is very convenient to attach two or three small hooks to the ceiling. This will diversify the composition of the museum with vertical elements. For example, hang a mobile phone, a time spiral (description in the "Mini-Museum of Measurements" section), garlands, etc.

How to make and where to place stands

For the manufacture of the stand, you will need sheets of cardboard from packing boxes, burlap, matting, linen or other plain-colored fabric, PVA glue, and a breadboard knife. Stands on burlap or onboard look best. Exhibits are preliminarily laid out on cardboard and the size and shape of the blank are determined. It can be squares, circles, rectangles. Sometimes irregular shapes work best. The workpiece is cut out with a breadboard knife, thickly smeared with glue, burlap is applied and the irregularities are smoothed out. The edges of the burlap are cut along the perimeter, leaving 4-5 cm for bending the edges to the wrong side of the stand. The edges can not be glued until the front side is glued. It must be borne in mind that the packaging cardboard from moisture can bend. Therefore, you need to put the workpiece for a while under the press. In kindergarten, for this purpose, you can find an unexpected option: for example, put a blank under the carpet on which children play. The heaviness of the carpet and the weight of the children playing on it perfectly cope with the role of the press. And if the teacher makes a stand together with the children, then they are especially happy to unfold the game in a zero place. When the workpiece dries, its edges are folded and glued. The edges of the burlap (fabric) can not be folded. In this case, the fabric is cut to the edge, and the contour is decorated with elegant braid, decorative cord or ordinary twine. Chintz fabric elements give special elegance to burlap stands. This option is very enlivened, for example, our "Museum of Folk Dolls". You can attach the exhibits to the stand using a glue gun. You can just sew them on. (Cardboard can be easily pierced with a regular sewing needle.)

Decorative panels will help to do without a drill and unnecessary holes in the wall when fixing the stands. If you stretch thin ribbons, braid between the panels, you can attach children's works and decorative elements. Stands are hung on a thin line, at the right height, by analogy with the paintings in art museums. This way of making stands and placing them on the walls allows teachers to create mini-museums in the same corner in a completely different way. different styles. Vertical design techniques also include vases with spreading branches. To the latter, you can hang small exhibits, small pictures, medallions with riddles or tasks. The compositions are very airy and stimulate children to action. (Children enjoy touching and looking at hanging objects and pictures.) Vases can be made and decorated to match the theme of the museum. Techniques used in the design: applique on fabric, paper; patchwork technique; decoupage; mobile, origami, making models and dummies.


It must be remembered that mini-museums are not always adapted to conduct full-fledged classes. Long standing in one place and lack of space can negate the most fascinating story of the teacher.

1. Sometimes it is more expedient to break all the information into several subtopics and conduct so-called five-minute conversations. But if the teacher keeps the attention of the children sufficiently, then several topics can be considered at once in one approach.

2. Of course, preschoolers also pay attention to other stands, the story of which, perhaps, is not included in today's teacher's plans. In this case, you can use such a tactical move. The teacher says: “We will talk about this next time. But I suggest that you yourself look carefully and guess what (air, wood, water, etc.) they wanted to tell you about. There is very little time for discussion. The teacher does not answer the questions of the children, does not give leading questions. In response to children's suggestions and questions, he says: "We'll talk about it next time." If the children are well versed in the material on their own, the next time they visit the museum, the teacher offers the most active child to become a guide in a particular section.

3. If the teacher is aimed at developing the explanatory speech of children, then another option is possible. The teacher invites the children to approach the section of interest to them together with their parents and tell the rest of the children about what they learned the next day.


When creating and using mini-museums, we did not forget that the leading activity of a preschooler is a game. Therefore, in each mini-museum in the corner of independent activity and in other sections, children are given the opportunity to play. The theme of the mini-museum itself will tell you what games should be: role-playing games, dramatization games, didactic games, etc. Didactic games or materials for game exercises are placed in boxes and envelopes. Some tasks can be placed on stands. It is advisable to choose such exercises so that the children themselves can guess what kind of task they need to complete. In the process of working with children in mini-museums, we selected and adapted a number of famous games and also developed their own. Below is a description of a number of such "universal" games that can be used when working in any mini-museum. It is important that their rules are well known to children. The teacher only changes the content of tasks depending on the subject of the museum.


Lotto has been one of the most loved board games by kids for decades. The game proposed by F. Fröbel more than 200 years ago has not undergone major changes over time. The game consists of a large card with the image of the main object and a set of small cards with images of objects that correlate with the main in certain qualities. The teacher can independently develop and make this exciting game, taking into account the theme of the mini-museum. For example, in a mini sand museum, this could be the lotto "Animals of the sandy desert", "How people use sand"; in the mini-museum of fallen leaves - "Such different leaves", "Who needs leaves"; in the mini air museum - "How a person uses air", "Flying animals", "Flying seeds", etc.

Action games

This game requires a large canvas (field), on which a route is drawn in the form of a line, as well as chips according to the number of players and dice with numerical designation on the edges. By throwing a die, the child determines the number of moves he must make. On the route line at a short distance from each other there are stops - multi-colored circles. The color of the circle indicates the task that the child must complete. This may be skipping one move, returning one or two moves back or forward, allowing you to make one more, extra move. You can make your own game. To do this, the teacher selects a poster on the theme of the museum, a poster, for example, “Desert”. On the poster, a route is applied with a felt-tip pen or paper stripes, on which multi-colored circles are glued - stops. The teacher determines what the colors of the stops will represent. For example, red means that the participant in the game must remember an animal that lives in the desert, green means guessing a riddle (riddles can be written on special cards that are included in the game kit), yellow means you need to depict an animal using pantomime. If the child finds it difficult to complete the task, he can either skip one move or give a forfeit, which at the end of the game will redeem by completing fun tasks. Such a game can be performed on any theme of the museum.


To play, you will need a set of task cards and wooden clothespins of different colors. The task card is a circle divided into six to eight sectors. Each sector has a picture. In the center of the circle is the main symbol that defines the theme of the game. The symbol helps children understand the task without the help of an adult. For example, if a droplet is depicted in the center, the child must find animals for which water is a “home”, a habitat. The content of several pictures in the sectors is related to the theme of the game, the rest of the pictures have nothing to do with it. When completing tasks, the child marks the necessary (that is, related to this topic) sectors, for example, with blue clothespins, and not related to it - with red ones. A card with a completed task, thanks to clothespins, becomes like the sun.

Colored clothespins

This manual is a simplified analogue of the "Logic-Baby" manual. The playing field is divided into two parts. The first of them shows the objects to which you need to find the correct answer. These pictures are placed in multi-colored frames or marked with a colored circle. On the second part playing field the answer options are shown (pictures). The child finds a (paired) picture corresponding to the task and marks it with a clothespin, the color of which matches the color of the frame of the task picture.

Rings of Lull

"Rings of Lull" is one of the options for using the method of morphological analysis. According to A. M. Strauning, morphological analysis- “one of the most common methods for finding new solutions, ideas - is the first example of a systematic approach to enumerating options. It includes the analysis of objects that we want to use, and the synthesis of new, familiar or previously unseen objects ”(Strauning A.M. “Methods for activating the thinking of preschoolers”). The principle of making the game is as follows. Circles cut out of cardboard are divided into 4, 6, 8 sectors. An image is placed in each sector. The principle of selecting pictures can be different. For example, various trees are depicted on one ring, and their leaves or seeds on the other; animals are drawn on one ring: domestic, wild, fish, birds, on the other - their "homes". In some preschool institutions, rings are put on pencils and untwisted on weight, which, according to the teachers themselves, is very inconvenient. Because of this, children quickly lose interest in the game. In addition, in this version, all the pictures remain in front of the children and distract their attention. In our kindergarten, a special inpatient manual on a rigid basis has been developed and manufactured. It allows the child to focus solely on solving the problem. (The author of the adapted version of the game is L. V. Loginova). It is impossible not to note the versatility of this game material. With only a few rings, you can get either different versions of the game or additions to the game you are using. The kids love this tutorial. They are happy to replace rings on their own, combine tasks, try to independently determine the goal and rules of the game.

For the manufacture of benefits, two rectangular pieces of hardboard are taken. Its width is equal to one diameter of your rings, the length is 2-4 cm less than two diameters of the rings. On the bottom sheet of hardboard, in the places of the alleged middles of the rings, pins are strengthened, on which two gramophone records are then installed with Lull's rings superimposed on them. Make a small border around the perimeter. Legs are attached to the underside of the game. A window is cut out in the upper rectangle. In this case, the combined pictures should be visible. The lid is not strengthened in any way, but simply superimposed on the sides of the base.

For free and convenient rotation of the rings, you can use the basis in the form of old records. The circles are easy to rotate for the ledges, which are formed due to the fact that the width of the allowance is 2-4 cm less than two diameters of the plates.

ve. Pictures of the alphabet should reflect the theme of the museum. For example, everything that relates to the theme "Sorceress-Water" (droplet, snowflake, snowman, boat, icicle, etc.)? or to the topic “Such different sand” (desert, camel, lizard, glass items, hourglass, sandbox, shovels, molds, etc.) - A small word is made up of pictures (letters), which children must read using the alphabet. (For more on this, see the Mini Flower Museum section.)

Feeling box

The "box of sensations" is used both for independent activities of children and for fulfilling the tasks of the teacher. It doesn't take much to make it. 1 th effort. You can take a shoebox, a parcel box. It is good if the lid opens easily - through it you will place objects inside. In our kindergarten, a variant of a box with a front sliding (that is, rising up) lid was used. Such a box allows children to see what lies inside. In this case, the child who feels the object cannot see the contents. Two holes are made on the sides of the box. Their diameter should allow the child to put his hands inside. For each hole outside a sleeve from an old children's sweater or the top of an old sock is attached. The box can be decorated with different stickers (it is best to make them removable and change depending on the theme of the mini-museum) or sheathed with a beautiful fabric that attracts the attention of preschoolers. From time to time, the teacher puts various objects in the box. The task of the children is to identify them by touch and explain by what signs they did it. Older children are engaged with the box on their own: one of them hides the object, the other determines it by touch. Such an exercise on the development of sensory skills can be carried out, for example, before starting an excursion to a mini-museum. If the box contains

stone, children go to the mini-museum "The Magical World of Stone", if a piece of bark - to the mini-museum "Such different bark".

For any mini-museum, you can also make a whole set of well-known and favorite games for children, for example:

  • "The Fourth Extra".
  • Find Five Differences.
  • "cut pictures". (For this game, you can take
    suitable pictures from the wall illustrated
  • "Guess what's in the bag."
  • "Labyrinth".
  • "Whose shadow?" (learn by silhouette).

Noisy pictures are pictures with hidden images. Let's give an example of such a picture for the mini-museum "Such different sand". The task of the child is to find an animal of the desert in the picture and color it.

Mini-museum "Visiting a fairy tale"

Purpose of creation. Acquaintance of children with folklore, development of speech, imagination, fantasy.

The program "Nature is Our Home": the exhibits of the mini-museum are used for work on the "Man and Nature" block.

How to issue

As in any mini-museum, the museum of fairy tales definitely needs a compositional center that will immediately stand out. It can be a large fabulous oak made using the papier-mâché technique, painted or made in the form of an appliqué. The center can also be a magic chest in which all fairy items are stored, or a layout big book. If you place this mini-museum in the Museum of Russian Life (“The Upper Room”, “Izba”), then the “Granny-Storyteller” doll will suit the role of its keeper. The position of custodians may apply and scientist cat, and Fairy. If a bookshelf is made the compositional center of the museum, then the librarian from the cartoon “Vovka in Far Far Away” can become the curator of the museum.

The exhibits are placed on shelves, tables, attached to screens or vertical fabric sheets.

In order to attract the attention of parents to the mini-museum, we posted the following announcements:

Dear fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers!

Do you want to plunge into the magical world? A "Fairytale Museum" has opened in our kindergarten. Heroes popular fairy tales kindly provided for our exhibition magic items. Hurry up! The museum does not work for long, because magical objects must be returned to fairy tales.

Our museum is special - visit it with the whole family!

  • Invite the child to name objects that are familiar to him.
  • Remember in which fairy tale they meet.
  • Have you forgotten what is Magic power these items?
  • As you know, there are special magic words that help awaken their fabulous power. Does your child remember these words? And you?
  • Ask your child riddles that are hidden in golden acorns.

Sections and exhibits

  • self-assembled tablecloth - any embroidered or painted square piece of fabric;
  • walking boots - any rubber boots decorated with elegant braid, rhinestones or painted with acrylics will do;
  • a plate with an apple;
  • gusli-samogudy;
  • hat-"invisibility" - any beautiful hat;
  • magic ball;
  • the needle in which the death of Koshchei was hidden. It can be made from a sheet of foil rolled into a narrow cone and put in a chest or box;
  • magic wand (a wand made of any material can be painted or decorated with decorative braid, beads, lace, rhinestones);
  • Ole Lukoye umbrellas (one is multi-colored, the other is black);
  • a pot of porridge (put a synthetic winterizer or foam rubber in a cauldron or clay pot, giving them the shape of a creeping porridge);
  • a fake pumpkin or a real pumpkin (a fairy tale about Cinderella);
  • Aladdin's lamp (a vessel of an unusual shape with oriental ornaments).

In the museum you can use cards with riddles. Texts are written on acorn cards and hung on oak branches, put in a basket to the storyteller grandmother. The entries on the pages of the magic book also look good. The museum will be decorated with interestingly designed books with fairy tales.

On the game table there are a variety of board games, cards with tasks and coloring books on a fairy-tale theme. The museum also houses beautifully designed books of fairy tales. On the game table are a variety of board games, cards with tasks and coloring books on a fairy-tale theme. You can place here and various types of puppet theaters for independent children's dramatization.

The museum of fairy tales can also contain portrait gallery great storytellers of the past and present. Portraits are issued either in the form of an album along with illustrations for the fairy tales of this author, or as a set of cards. If in-depth work is carried out with children to familiarize themselves with fiction, then such a set can be used to perform a didactic exercise for the selection of illustrations for fairy tales by one author. To designate folk tales, a picture with a large number of people is used, for example, a round dance, evening gatherings or festive festivities.

Independent activity corner If children are familiar with the techniques of creating fairy tales using cards, the mini-museum is supplemented with these cards. In short, the number of exhibits and their variety depends on the imagination of children and adults.

Mini-museum "Ryabushka Hen"

Purpose of creation. Expand children's ideas about the world around them, introduce kids to pets using the chicken as an example, with fairy tales about it, develop speech, form an emotional attitude towards animals.

Our home program- nature": the mini-museum is used when studying the blocks "Animals", "Man and Nature", as well as within environmental project"Write a letter to an owl."

Note. The theme of the mini-museum was chosen taking into account the age of the children and their favorite fairy tale. Chicken Ryaba is one of the first fairy tale characters that a child meets. In folklore, the Hen and the Cockerel are no less popular than the Chanterelle-sister and Gray wolf. A lot of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, songs are dedicated to them. The rooster has become a hero more than once popular prints. His image was decorated with embroidered towels. Probably, the importance of this bird in the past was so great that a positive attitude towards it was instilled from early childhood. And, despite the fact that modern urban children see the first cockerel and hen for the first time only in the picture, they immediately win children's hearts, arouse curiosity and interest. In addition, in any program for working with children early age there is a lot of material for kids to get to know the hen, cockerel and chickens. These are poems, songs, nursery rhymes, outdoor games. The Mini-Museum of Ryabushka Hen will help the child get to know the topics that are most understandable and interesting to the child of the fourth year of life.

Sections and exhibits

Section "Chickens are different." There are a variety of toys, images of a chicken, a rooster, a chicken (soft, rubber, ceramic, wooden, paper, made by children and parents, connected by grandmothers). They remind of the love with which people have always treated this poultry.

Section "House for chicken and cockerel". A chicken coop layout will help the teacher talk about how a person takes care of chickens, builds special houses for them.

Chicken food section. The exhibits of the section are a collection of various feeds (wheat, millet, corn grains).

Section "Chicken from an Egg". On a separate shelf there are toys that reflect the development and life of a chicken (cockerel): an egg - a chicken - a chicken.

Section "Ryabushka Hen Family". The section presents toys depicting a rooster, a chicken (there may be several) and a chicken. It is advisable to choose toys that are proportionate in scale.

Section "What gives us a chicken." The section contains a collection of different eggs (wooden, painted and unpainted, plastic, beaded, etc.).

Section "Theatre Corner" - toys table theater for the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk".

Section "Book corner". On the shelf, which is at an accessible level for kids, there are books about a chicken, a cockerel, and chickens.

Corner of independent activity Since the independent activity of children in the younger group is limited, the teacher himself offers to consider books, toys, etc. In the corner there are various didactic games, pictures for viewing.

How to use with children

Since at this age the activity of a child, as a rule, needs the support of an adult, children come to the mini-museum with a teacher. At the same time, the teacher can offer one or two children to look at books, pictures, take a toy and play with it.

The exhibits of the mini-museum serve illustrative material in classes on familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech (“Introduction to the egg”, “Cockerel and his family”, examining the picture “Chickens”, reading K. Chukovsky’s story “Chicken”, learning nursery rhymes, folk tales). Kids are happy to take part in the construction of a chicken coop, drawing chickens, painting Easter eggs. Speech tasks are also solved when compiling a story about a chicken family: a rooster is dad, a chicken is mom, and children are chickens. Children talk about what chickens eat, what parts of the body they have. The teacher makes riddles and, together with the children, looks for “answers” ​​in the mini-museum. Examples of riddles:

These go everywhere together, Doze together on a perch, Get up before everyone else, Drink water for a very long time: After each sip, they look into the clouds for a long time.


white feathers,

Red comb.

Who is that on the peg?(Cockerel.)

Kvokhchet, bustles, calls the children together, Gathers everyone under the wings.(Chicken.)

Children listen to poems, nursery rhymes, portray a cockerel, chicken, chicken.

An example of a folk song:

Chicken Ryabushka, where are you going?

To the river.

Chicken Ryabushka,

What are you going for?
- For some water.

Chicken Ryabushka,
- Why do you need some water?
- Water the chickens.

They want to drink

They squeak all over the street: - Pee-pee-pee-pee!

Mini-museum of "dolls of our grandmothers" (folk doll)


  1. dolls made without a needle.
  2. Wedding dolls.
  3. Puppets for the World Tree.
  4. Dolls made with a needle.
  5. A corner of independent activity.

Mini-museum "I want to know and measure everything"

1.time: clocks, calendars.

2 Length.

3 temperature.

4 Weight.

Mini-museum "Sorceress Water"

1 Life in water

2 Water in nature

3Water in solid state

4 Water is steam

5 Water in human life. (water in everyday life; Water in the life of plants and animals)

6 People, rivers, seas.

7 Water on emblems.

8 Water is in danger.

9 corner of independent activity.

Mini-museum "The Magical World of Stone"

1 From mountain to sand

2 Stones help us to build and live

3 Building stones.

4 Stones decorate.

5 Stones write and draw.

6 Stones help with the housework.

7 K

amni in the garden

8 Independent Activity Corner (Experimenting)

WORK EXPERIENCE "Organization of work on the creation of a mini-museum in the preschool educational institution"

“The Russian people should not lose their moral authority among other peoples - an authority worthy of winning by Russian art and literature.
We must not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments.
Literature, language, art… National differences will continue in the 21st century if we are concerned with the education of souls, and not just the transfer of knowledge.”
(D.S. Likhachev)

1. The main characteristics of the experience

1.1. Brief annotation
The essence of the experience is the implementation of the "Museum Pedagogy" direction in kindergarten, the enrichment of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution, the enrichment of the educational space with new forms.
Practical significance experience lies in the possibility of its application in the daily practice of any educational institution.
Work in the museum is very exciting for children, it naturally stimulates their creative thought, strengthens and develops the cognitive interests of children.
1.2 Relevance of experience.
Now the country has not only an economic crisis, but also a crisis in the upbringing of the younger generation. Toddlers in our daily lives are surrounded mainly by modern rhythms, speech heavily distorted by foreign words, comics. Traditions that existed in Rus' for centuries were broken, the threads that connected the older and younger generations broke. Therefore, it is very important to revive the continuity of generations, to give children moral principles, patriotic sentiments that have been preserved in folk art. In the educational process, the ruthless cutting off of one's roots from the nationality leads to lack of spirituality.
There are many museums in our city. We conducted a survey and found out that the majority of kindergarten students never went to the museum with their parents, and different reasons. Many believe that it is too early for preschoolers to attend such institutions. Some moms and dads do not come up with the idea of ​​such an excursion. A good solution to this problem was such a form of work as the conclusion of an agreement between the preschool educational institution and the Tula Antiquities Museum, where we have organized our pupils for many years.
How to attract the attention of parents to museums? Direct campaigning is unlikely to help here. Therefore, we decided to create our own "Mini-Museum". When choosing the profile of the mini-museum, the direction was determined - acquaintance with folk crafts. This was due to the socio-pedagogical needs of modern society and the state of the problem of folk pedagogy. The conditions for the revival and further development of the traditions of folk pedagogy is the understanding of the importance of Russian folk toys in the system of preschool education. Folk toys disappear extremely quickly from childhood, preference is given to foreign toys (Barbie dolls, robots, etc.).
Our desire to know what a folk toy was, how it was played, and what it meant, this is not only a cognitive interest, but also a natural desire to know and remember the past of our people
1.3 Conditions for the formation of experience
The experience of working on the theme "Mini-Museum in Kindergarten" developed gradually. We started creating our museum in 2012. During the year, a creative group was created, the direction was determined, the location was chosen, the name of the mini-museum was chosen. Along with the paperwork, bit by bit, exhibits were collected for the exposition. Since 2012 all teaching staff of our institution takes part in the work of the museum, in the replenishment of the exposition.
1.4 Novelty of experience
The novelty of the experience lies in the implementation, search and development of innovative approaches to solving problems of forming children's ideas about the museum, developing creative and logical thinking, imagination, forming an active life position of children, expanding the horizons of preschoolers. The importance of the museum in the upbringing of a child cannot be overestimated. The "dialogue" with the museum develops children's visual-effective thinking, forms an idea of ​​the objective world created by human hands, helps the perception of the sensory basis of the word, the verbal description of objects. The accumulated experience in museum pedagogy shows that the creation of a museum also contributes to the establishment of emotional closeness in parent-child relationships.
Modern programs of preschool education are focused, as a rule, on introducing the child to the world of universal values: the formation of an attitude to the man-made world, to people, to the Fatherland, to work, to art, and culture. The content of modern federal programs to varying degrees of manifestation is focused on these values, but the regional component is of particular importance in their definition.
1.4 Labor intensity of experience
The methodical process of organizing a mini-museum in a kindergarten is a long, but fascinating process. It included the following:
- organization of the subject-spatial environment (mini-museum), corners of the native land in groups;
- selection of artistic and didactic aids, materials, compilation of a bibliography on the developed topics;
-use of technical teaching aids (TME): audio, video - technique;
- professional development of teachers through consultations.
All work on the creation of mini-museums can be divided into three stages.
The first stage, preparatory- "Planning a mini-museum".
At this stage, we have created a creative group of teachers who organize the work to create mini-museums. Developed thematic planning mini-museums and museum expositions. We determined the prospects for creating mini-museums and developed an algorithm for creating mini-museums:
Choosing a theme for a mini-museum, determining the location of a mini-museum, planning expositions, choosing a design for a mini-museum, selecting exhibits, designing a business card and a passport for a mini-museum, developing forms for working with mini-museum expositions, developing an introductory tour in a mini-museum museum, development of class notes using mini-museum expositions.
The second stage, practical - "Creation of a mini-museum".
Getting to work, we understood that a positive result can be achieved only if the interaction of all participants in the educational process is carried out: children, parents and the teaching staff.
The choice of the theme of the mini-museum is based on the interests of the children, the initiative of the teacher, who knows how to captivate and interest his pupils, often the museum appears in the group as a result of the implementation of the project of the same name, as happened in our case.
The location of the mini-museums was determined taking into account the interactivity and multifunctionality of the museum space, psychological comfort and safety of activities. Folk wisdom says: "Who wants, looks for opportunities, who does not want, looks for reasons." Even in the most cramped conditions, if desired, you can find a corner for a small exposure. Even a folding cardboard screen placed in the dressing room will help make room for a small traveling museum.
Placement of the museum in a group room allows you to build the material of the museum gradually, as new information is received. The teacher has the opportunity to refer to the materials of the museum, and the children of the group, if they wish, examine the exhibits, discuss their features, ask questions to the teacher, use some of the exhibits for directing games, use didactic games and conduct independent research at the experimental table.
If the area of ​​the dressing room allows, the museum can be placed there as well. This allows for closer communication with parents. Further education rooms and studios are also ideal for mini-museums. But in order to attract the attention of children and not merge with the general background, it is necessary for the teacher to show the art of the designer.
The attention of preschool children is still not sufficiently formed. It is characterized by short duration, instability. Therefore, the effectiveness of all work in the mini-museum will largely depend on how well the exhibits are located, on the degree of their attractiveness for the child. The most optimal option is to place exhibits at different levels: vertical and horizontal. Racks and wall shelves, screens, stands, tables of various sizes, cabinets will help to solve this problem.
The location of all the exhibits in only one horizontal plane, for example, on a children's table, is not practical. In one plane, collections look best, that is, objects of the same name. For example, a collection of watches placed in this way will give an idea of ​​their diversity. Some collection can be presented in a mini-museum, but its main task is to show an object from different angles, to reflect its relationship with other objects. Secondly, in the horizontal plane it is difficult to unite the exhibits by themes and separate them visually. The development of the vertical can be carried out as follows:
- placement of material on wall shelves;
- use of screens.
-use of stands;
-use of a mobile phone;
Involving Parents
When organizing the work to involve parents in the selection of mini-museum exhibits, we relied on the following principles:
- partnership of parents and teachers;
-unified understanding by teachers and parents of the goals and objectives of museum pedagogy;
-help, respect and trust from parents.
In the process of work, parents gradually became active participants in the creation of mini-museums in groups. Together with mom and dad, the children picked up exhibits, made them with their own hands (crafts from abandoned things), designed expositions, which helped stimulate cognitive activity children, brought parents and children closer, made them real partners.
The third stage, activity - "Functioning of mini-museums".
In real museums, you can’t touch most of the exhibits with your hands, but in our mini-museums it’s not only possible, but necessary! Here it is appropriate to quote the words of the outstanding Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: "The mind, heart and hands of the child should be involved in the learning process." We attach particular importance to such a pedagogical possibility of a mini-museum as the maximum and systematic use of the principle of visibility, which was mentioned above, namely, the demonstration of exhibits, the opportunity to touch them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of an exposition, a participant in the creative process. After all, each child replenished the exposition with his creative works, made in the classroom and in free activities. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. The mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families. The key to a good mini-museum in kindergarten is its interactivity. If children are allowed to touch, smell, play, examine a real medal up close, they feel involved in the process and begin to be interested in the history of the creation of the exhibit, it is easier to learn the material. Mini-museums have become an integral part of the education of a creative person, and we are sure that the child leaves the museum with a sense of confidence climbing “one more step”
2. Theoretical base of experience.
Museum Pedagogy
The concept of "museum pedagogy", which appeared in the early 1980s, was borrowed from German terminology. Modern museum pedagogy is developing in line with the problems of museum communication and is aimed at solving the problems of moral and patriotic education and activating the creative abilities of the individual.
The active use of museum pedagogy in the educational process helps to familiarize children with the origins of folk and national culture, contributes to the preservation of folk traditions, fostering a sense of patriotism and spirituality. Getting to know the museum allows preschoolers to develop the ability for aesthetic contemplation and empathy, to form respect for other cultures, the need and ability to independently master the world. Museum pedagogy in kindergarten is one of the components of preparing a child for further education at school.
So at what age should a child be introduced to the museum? This question can be answered in different ways. Preschool education can be seen as preparatory stage for museum pedagogy. In the process of cognitive and play activities in kindergarten, the child gets acquainted with such an important phenomenon. cultural life society as a museum.
The leading method in working with preschool children is the game. It is in the game, simulating a variety of situations, that the child learns the world around him, masters the necessary skills, acquires own experience. Imagination and fantasy, at its most developed in childhood, help the child to feel the spirit of a particular historical time, and therefore, to master, transform and appropriate the accumulated historical and cultural values.
The forms of museum pedagogy are an art gallery, photo exhibitions, reproductions of paintings and children's creative works, and the creation of collections.
A museum is a place where objects of culture, everyday life, history, and arts are stored and exhibited. This is a place where people come to see, to learn something rare, something that everyone will not see. It is the repository of human memory. People come to the museum to touch something sacred, something dear, something they want to remember. Everything in the museum is special: both the exhibits and the atmosphere. And you need to behave differently than you can behave on the street or at home. Unfortunately, a preschooler does not often go to museums. And thus deprived of the opportunity to join this side of the culture of the people. But what if the museum is “brought” to a child, placed within the walls of a preschool institution? But such a museum must necessarily have a number of features in order to become interesting and enjoyable for him.
In the museum, first of all, you should collect exhibits that will allow the child to learn more about their own and other peoples, their way of life, art, folk art, costumes, toys, tools, nature and sights. Offering such exhibits to a child, we strive to develop in him cognitive interests, social feelings and, on their basis, lay the foundations of patriotism and a tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities.
The second feature of museums in a preschool institution is that each exhibit of the museum is available to the child. He can not only look at it, but also touch it. A preschooler tends to learn the world through the senses. It is not enough for him just to see something with his eyes, he remembers more and better when he touches the thing, takes it in his hands, maybe moves with it. The completeness of perception, the strength of memorization increases. Therefore, when coming to the museum, the children, of course, with the help of the educator, have the opportunity to take an object of interest to them from the shelf and examine it and even play.
All these features make the museum their own for a child. Museum pedagogy presupposes the presence of research and project activities with kids. In museum pedagogy, it is important to give children an idea that the process of formation and development of the surrounding world is complex and lengthy, but the way of its knowledge is no less complex and interesting. culture, and museum pedagogy with its methods and means can enhance the impact of the museum on the inquisitive soul of the child.
The work in the museum is based on generally accepted principles:
1. Visibility. When selecting a collection, the educational function is primarily taken into account. The museum collection should contain a large visual and practical material.
2. Natural conformity - a mini-museum should take into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children different ages and provide conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of each child;
3. Integration - a mini-museum should take into account the content of the educational program of the preschool educational institution and help in the implementation of its general tasks and the tasks of individual educational areas, in particular
4. Scientific content - the presented exhibits should reliably reflect the theme of the mini-museum, explain various processes and phenomena within the framework of the chosen topic in a scientific and at the same time accessible language for the child;
5. Interactivity, which allows children to enrich their personal experience based on sensory perceptions.
6. Mobility. The compositions of the museum are designed in such a way that, if necessary, they can be used mobile (for example, taken out in separate groups in the “museum chest”)
7. Availability. All exhibits must be accessible to visitors.
8. Humanism (exhibits should evoke careful attitude to the nature of things).
9. The regional component - a mini-museum should provide for the organization of work with children to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of their region, as well as the culture of other peoples, which contributes to the development of tolerance and the formation of a sense of patriotism.
3. Technology experience
The purpose of creating a mini-museum is to improve the civil and patriotic education of preschoolers through familiarization with Russian original art - folk crafts
Tasks of the mini-museum
familiarization of preschoolers with the museum and its meaning, with the most basic museological terms;
development of initial skills of perception of the museum language;
the formation of a sense of history, a sense of time, a sense of the inseparable connection of the past with the present and future;
formation moral guidelines pupils have a sense of pride in the Tula region;
increasing the role of museums in the education and upbringing of the younger generation;
familiarization with Russian folk crafts, the history of their origin,
fostering respect for working people, admiration for their creativity;
education of patriotic feelings, love for native land and the desire to learn the culture of the Tula region (through folk crafts);
development of creative thinking, imagination, fantasy;
improving the professional level of teachers through training seminars, mutual visits, exchange of experience, individual counseling.
4. Realization of experience
Mandatory conditions for creating a mini-museum:
- a museum asset from among teachers, parents, pupils;
- museum items collected and registered in the book of receipts, premises and equipment for storing museum items;
- museum exposition;
- regulations on the mini-museum, approved by the head of the educational institution.
Mandatory documents when opening a mini-museum are: a passport, an inventory book of the main fund, an inventory book of other funds (scientific auxiliary, exchange, temporary storage, interactive), a work log (statistics on events held on the basis of a mini-museum, quantitative characteristics participants, name, types, forms of events, etc.); work plan.
The decision to open a mini-museum is approved by order of the head of the preschool educational institution. The head of the mini-museum is appointed, the schedule of work and the Council of the mini-museum are approved.
Responsibilities of the head of the mini-museum
The management of the museum is carried out by the educator -
responsible organizer,
The head of the mini-museum is obliged:
- Accept exhibits, ensure their safety, take them into account in the catalog
- To study pedagogical, local history, art-historical
- Plan activities (excursions, classes, conversations, leisure activities,
entertainment, etc.) with children, teachers and parents of pupils
- Carry out methodological and educational work with teachers and
- Assist teachers in using the exhibits of the mini-museum
in the educational process
- Keep records and ensure the safety of exhibits.
All exhibits are recorded in the inventory books of the main and temporary fund.
The thematic exposition of the mini-museum "Folk crafts" consists of 7 sections -
1. Filimonov toy
2. Dymkovo toy
3. Russian matryoshka
4. Golden Khokhloma
5. Gzhel ceramics
6. Gorodets patterns
7. Secrets of Tula masters
Forms of work in the mini-museum "Folk crafts"
Classes held in the mini-museum lay the foundations of humanism, provide preschoolers with the opportunity to touch the history of folk crafts, their hometown, region, assist in the process of forming a respectful relationship between parents and children, and contribute to the rapprochement of kindergarten and family.
It must be remembered that mini-museums are not always adapted to conduct full-fledged classes. Long standing in one place and lack of space can negate the most fascinating story of the teacher.
Sometimes it is advisable to break all the information into several subtopics and conduct five-minute conversations. But if the teacher keeps the attention of the children sufficiently, then several topics can be considered at once in one approach.
In the mini-museum in the corner of independent activity, children are given the opportunity of independent activity. It is advisable to choose such exercises so that the children themselves can guess what kind of task they need to complete.
An important feature of mini-museums in preschool educational institutions is the participation of children and parents in their creation. Preschoolers feel their involvement in a common cause. In real museums, you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums, it’s not only possible, but necessary. It is convenient to visit them every day, you can independently change, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and examine them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of an exhibition. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families.
important place the work of the mini-museum is devoted to sightseeing and thematic excursions, informative conversations and events, and the organization of exhibitions. Much attention is paid to the training of young guides from senior preschool groups who, with the help of teachers, conduct excursions around the museum for parents and children of primary preschool age. This work helps to solve the following tasks:
revealing the creative abilities of children;
expansion of ideas about the content of museum culture;
development of initial skills of perception of the museum language;
creation of conditions for creative communication and cooperation.

Parents and preschoolers try themselves as designers, artists, guides. But before "plunging" children into the world of culture and art, teachers introduce them to the professions of museum workers, the appointment of excursions. Children were able to learn the rules of behavior in in public places, feel intellectual, emotional and aesthetic experiences, prepare and mentally tune in to work on organizing your own mini-museum.
During the practical phase of the project, teachers developed perspective plan work with children and parents.
When conducting excursions, we try to build a cognitive process
in the following logical sequence: “from simple to complex
and unknown."
"Simple" - an informative part, which is presented in finished form by a guide or thought out by children on the basis of previously acquired knowledge;
"Complicated" - involves the participation of children in problem-search activities;
"Unknown" - this part includes material that is based on hypotheses, legends, and requires further reflection and study.
It seems to us that it is the inclusion of this part that makes children perceive the topic as something personal, affects natural desire each child to solve riddles, their craving for the unusual and interest in the inexplicable.
For children of younger preschool age, it is advisable to gradually introduce them into the world of the museum. We believe that the first excursion to the museum, direct acquaintance with the concept of "Museum", with the rules of conduct in the museum is best done in the middle group. Prior to this, it is necessary to build work in the “pre-museum period” with children of younger and middle groups in such a way that some of the exhibits become familiar to them. Then the first visit to the museum for them will be in many ways a "meeting with old friends."
The first acquaintance with household items of Russian people, products folk arts and crafts, it is most reasonable to carry out in the form complex classes, expanding and generalizing the knowledge of children and in various activities: familiarization with the outside world, musical development, children's fiction, speech development, mathematics.
Another most effective approach in the "pre-museum" period is "stories with continuation", when after the information received, the children are included in productive activity. For example, after getting acquainted with a clay toy, preschoolers themselves "turn" into real Russian craftsmen and make toys from clay.
The content of excursions for older preschoolers is undergoing changes: tasks, forms and methods are becoming more complicated. The information part (presented by the guide) becomes much shorter and consists only of facts absolutely new for children. The main part of the tour is based on the dialogical interaction of adults and children.
Children are constantly involved in the work: they analyze, experiment, express hypotheses. At the end of the excursions, young visitors always have the opportunity to individually examine the exhibits that aroused their particular interest, and ask questions to adults.
Children of senior preschool age are already ready to get acquainted with the world of the museum.
The task of the educator is not only to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in the museum, but also to teach them to “communicate” with museum exhibits, listen carefully to the guide’s story, ask questions, pay attention to the smallest details, be able to highlight the main thing, analyze and compare. It also takes care of museum exhibits, sees their uniqueness and beauty, respects the historical and cultural heritage countries.
At this stage, it is necessary to emphasize for children the difference between museums in preschool educational institutions and "adult" museums, where they will soon go with their parents. If in kindergarten visitors can pick up individual exhibits, examine them, explore them, then in city museums this is most often impossible to do.
Of great importance is the active involvement of children in the formulation of ground rules for museum visitors in kindergarten. Only under the condition of the personal interest of each child, these rules will be naturally accepted, and not imposed.
Rules of conduct in the museum
1. Do not interrupt the guide and ask your questions only at the end of the tour.
2. You can pick up individual items with the permission of the guide.
3. Try to consider even small details.
4. Remember as many interesting things as possible, so that later you can tell your family and friends about what you saw, draw interesting drawings.
Possibly in verse:
We came to the museum and here
The tour guide met us.
He's in charge here - remember that
and heed the advice:
Do not interrupt the tour guide
Stay away from your group.
Don't ask questions right away.
wait until the end of the story.
Do not touch all the exhibits with your hands,
and look at some eyes.
Try to find out more
to tell others about the museum.
Recommendations for organizing a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution
Organization of the museum accommodation
1. If you are forced to limit yourself to a small room to create a museum, then:
- build work with children in subgroups - no more than 10 people, so that the exhibits are available for review by each visitor.
- carefully consider mini-zones that correspond to the content of the museum and the format of the available area;
- plan in advance the order of rotation of museum exhibits and options for their storage outside the museum (in the so-called "stores")
2. Do not overload the museum with showcases and stands, leave room for museum experimentation and organizing thematic exhibitions for interactive work with children.
3. Consider museum lighting in advance. It is best to additionally use lighting elements for exhibition cabinets.
4. Do not overload the museum room with color shades. Let all attention be paid to the exposition, and it is advisable to keep the color of the walls and floor in a laconic range. Blinds are best suited for windows - they do not burden the space.
Thinking about content:
1. Pick up a variety of museum exhibits and their number in advance. For example: to conduct an outdoor exhibition of a “museum chest”, several items of the same purpose may be needed. In this case, they are not all displayed in showcases, but are purchased for future use and stored in “stores” until a certain time.
2. When determining the subject of expositions, adhere to the rule of “gradual change”: something remains familiar for children, and something new is introduced in stages.
3. If you are on initial stage and do not have a variety of material - in any case, do not expose it all. The main task of the museum in a preschool institution is to constantly maintain the keen interest of pupils in it and prevent boring monotony.
4. Be sure to build the perspective of the museum. Do not pursue active updating of materials. Separate themes and exhibits will be present in your museum with a certain cyclicity. This is due to the peculiarities of educational process: familiarity with individual topics takes place in preschoolers in stages, with additions and complication depending on age.
Mini-museums have become an integral part of the education of a creative person, and we are sure that the child leaves the museum with a sense of confidence climbing “one more step”
LIST of literature on the creation of museums in kindergarten
1. Panteleeva L.V. Museum and Children, Ed. House "Karapuz", Moscow 2000
2. "Museum Pedagogy", edited by A.N. Morozova, O.V. Melnikova, Creative Center, Moscow, 2008.
3.O.L.Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva, “Introducing children to the origins of Russian
folk culture”, St. Petersburg, Ed. "Childhood - Press", 2008
4. N.A. Ryzhova L.V., Loginova, A.I. Danyukov "Mini-museum in kindergarten", Moscow, "Linka-Press", 2008

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