GCD in the senior drawing group “Frost patterns on the window. Outline of a lesson in drawing (senior group) on the topic: Abstract of directly - educational activities in the senior group Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"


Municipal government preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of children No. 7 "Spikelet" in the village of Blagodatnoye Petrovsky municipal district Stavropol Territory

Synopsis directly - educational activities

V senior group

Educational area"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Prepared by:

educator MKDOU

DS No. 7 "Spikelet" Likhatskaya E.A.

v. Blagodatnoe

Topic: "Frost patterns on the window"

Target: develop Creative skills children.


Educational:arouse in children an interest in winter natural phenomena; acquaintance with non-traditional technique drawing: wax crayons and watercolor; improve the skills of children in drawing.

Developing: develop imagination, creativity and fantasy, visual observation, the ability to notice the unusual in the world around us and the desire to reflect what we see in our work.

Educational: to cultivate independence, curiosity, initiative, artistic taste.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical.

materials : photographs of frosty patterns on glass, an album sheet in the shape of a window, a candle, watercolor, thick brush No. 8, a glass of water.

Preliminary work:observations on a walk for winter phenomena in nature.

GCD progress:

Organizational part

Educator: This morning I received a letter from Santa Claus. Want to know what's in it? But to open the envelope, you need to solve riddles. Let's try.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter - They fall from the sky in winter

It hurts he can bite And circle above the ground

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, Light fluff, white ...

After all, on the street ... (Snowflakes)


Do not suck the tomboys From the sky he flies in winter,

Ice lollipops! Don't go barefoot now.

I swallow pills myself, every person knows

Because he ate ... What is always cold ...

(Icicles) (Snow)

Educator: Well done! You are very observant, so you guessed all the riddles. Tell me, guys, when do all these natural phenomena occur, at what time of the year?

Children: In winter.

Educator: Right. And the most faithful and indispensable assistant is Frost. When winter comes, the cold comes. Frost walks around the world. He walks through the forests and fields. He also came to our house. He knocked on the window, and at that time we were sleeping and did not hear anything. Frost left a beautiful letter. We woke up in the morning and looked out the window. What a beautiful, painted! All in lace and patterns! Frost wrote this, drew twigs of grass, little white snowflakes, curlicues and cold hooks.

Educator: And now let's open the letter and find out what is written there.

Opens the envelope.

Educator: Look at what beautiful patterns he sent us in a letter. Let's take a closer look at them together. What do you see? But Grandfather Frost writes that he does not have time to decorate all the windows and asks you to help him. Can we help you guys?

Children: Children: Yes.

Educator: But to draw such patterns you need to be real wizards. I will definitely help you become them and teach you how to draw such patterns. Want to?

Children: Yes.

Educator: But first I suggest you warm up a little.


It's cold and windy outside

Children are walking in the yard

Handles, handles rub

Handles, handles warm.

So that our hands do not freeze,

We clap our hands.

So that our legs do not chill

We sink a little.

We are not afraid of frost now

We all dance merrily.

Practical part

Educator: Well, we rested a little, and now we will begin to create magic. It's very simple, you just need to listen and look carefully. For this we need magical materials: candles and watercolor.

The teacher shows how to draw thin lines and offers children a choice various patterns from dots, lines and twigs. And then he explains that you need to take and sketch everything in watercolor. The drawing drawn by the candle will not be painted over, but will show through, as the candle repels water.

Educator: Before we start drawing, let's prepare our fingers for drawing.

Finger gymnastics:

Your helpers, look

A dozen friendly brothers.

How nice it is to live when they are not afraid of work.

In any difficult work, they cannot be found equal.

And today they will help us draw.

V .: If you understand everything, you can start working.

The teacher watches how the children work, helps if they fail (individual work).

Outcome of GCD: exhibition and analysis of children's works.

Teacher: Let's see what we got. Which beautiful windows(we mark in each work the most successful element). You are great today. Did you enjoy drawing in an unusual way- a candle? Thank you for your help, for such beautiful windows. I think Santa Claus will be pleased that we helped him decorate them.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 7 of the combined type", Kanash

Lesson summary




teacher Honorina K.V.


Target : To teach children to notice the beauty of the winter landscape. Develop creative imagination. To cultivate the desire to draw, to create an environment that helps to reflect the image of a winter miracle.
Tasks : Learn to draw Frost patterns in the style of lace, to improve the technique of drawing with the end of the brush. Develop a sense of form and composition.

Educational areas in integration:socialization, cognition, reading fiction, music, health, communication.

Demo Material: Posters "Winter window", "Winter".

Frost Patterns Tech Cards
Handout: Tinted blue gouache landscape sheet, squirrel brush, white gouache, a jar of water, napkins.
Methodological techniques: conversation - dialogue, looking at illustrations and talking about them, physical education, summing up.

The course of the lesson.

1. Introductory part.
- Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now? (Winter).
- That's right guys. Now we have winter. (I show illustrations with a winter landscape). And what changes in nature do we have in winter? (It is cold outside, it is snowing, the sun is not warm, cold winds are blowing, birds have flown to warmer climes, some animals are hibernating)
- . We are also preparing for winter. Put on your warm coats, hats, boots.
- And what colors prevail? (children's answers)
- Tell me, what else is white in winter? (snow, snowdrifts, trees in the snow, snowflakes, patterns on glass).

Today I have prepared winter riddles for you:

1. In the mornings in the dawn mist

Who draws on glass? - (Frost).

2. The forest has grown - white forest

Do not enter on foot

Do not enter on a horse. - (Winter patterns on the window).

The poets spoke about this feature of winter as follows:

Blizzards came to us

The cracks were covered with snow.

On the window the old man - Frost

Ice, painted. (G. Ladonshchikov)

2. The main part.

And now I invite you to imagine that it is frosty outside and our windows are covered with beautiful winter patterns. The music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky will help you dream up.


I propose to draw patterns with the help of movements, music and ribbons.

(children with white ribbons improvise patterns to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter Dreams").

I invite children to view the painting "Waiting" by K. Vasiliev.

What season is shown in the picture?

How did you guess? - (Patterns on the glass)

What time of the day is shown in the picture? - (evening, a candle is burning, the room is dark)

Did the artist work only with white paint?

What tones did the artist use to convey color in patterns? - (pink, yellow, blue)

Ice patterns are not pure white, they reflect the flame of a candle, the light of blue winter evening, so there are yellow, pink and purple highlights on the frosty patterns.

What are winter patterns like?

And now I invite you to relax in front of our magic screen.

Children sit on the carpet in front of the video projector screen and watch slides on the topic: "Winter Patterns".

Today you saw different winter patterns. Let's dream up and draw our patterns.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine them.

Did you manage to come up with a pattern?

Then go to your jobs.

3. Practical part.

I suggest that children draw "frosty" patterns in the style of lace using decorative elements-dot, circle, curl, leaf, petal, shamrock, wavy line, a straight line with a knot, a grid, a flower, a loop and others.

The music is “Winter Dreams” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. The kids get to work. In the course of activity, I draw the attention of children to dense filling, observing the sequence with the elements of the surface of the sheet - from the center to the edges. I remind you that the patterns should be openwork, light.

I personally help with advice to children who have difficulties.

4. Consideration of the results of the work.

At the end of their work, the children put on stands. Reviewing work. I invite each child to tell about what patterns they saw on the window.

5.Result. I sum up the work of the children and propose to remember and sing a song about the winter patterns "Santa Claus".

Galina Semenets
Abstract of OOD on drawing in the senior group "Frost patterns"

Program tasks:


Teach children draw frosty patterns. Create a situation for the free creative use of various decorative elements (point, circle, curl, leaf, petal, wavy line, straight line). Improve technique drawing with the end of the brush. Develop a sense of form and composition


Develop interest in visual activity. Develop creative imagination, fantasy. improve fine motor skills fingers and hands.


Raise interest in the study of natural phenomena and display them in visual activity.

Previous work: conversations, viewing patterns on the windows; learning poems about frosty patterns; a conversation about the art of lace-making on the example of Vologda craftswomen; examination of lace products; drawing decorative elements of lace.

Methods and techniques: show, story, art word, questions for children, practical actions of children, analysis of work.

Materials and equipment: sheets of paper of different colors, gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins, presentation « Frost patterns»

OOD progress:

1 Organizing time : Music plays "Winter Dreams" P. I. Tchaikovsky

2 Main body: The teacher offers to look out the window and begins to talk in a question-and-answer form:

caregiver: What season is it now?

Do you like winter?

What interesting things happen in winter?

Today I have prepared winter puzzles:

1. In the mornings in the dawn haze, who draws on the glass? (Freezing) .

2. Without arms, without legs, as well can draw? (Freezing) .

3. The forest has grown - the white forest cannot be entered on foot,

Do not enter on a horse. (Winter patterns on the window) .

The teacher shows a slide « Frost patterns» and read a poem about Frost the artist:

Frost is the best artist, goes through the city.

It will blush your cheeks, pinch everyone by the nose.

And at night, while I was sleeping, he came with a magic brush,

And on the window painted sparkling leaves.

The teacher exposes lace products against a dark background and offers to compare Frost patterns with a fancy interweaving of threads in lace. Then the teacher offers to consider, compare, describe the composition « Frost patterns» .

caregiver: - Guys, how can draw so fabulously beautiful patterns?

First you need draw with a simple pencil general form- circle, oval, rhombus, snowflake or other shape. Then it is necessary to outline the reference lines that will pass through the entire form, crossing it in different directions: on a circle through the center (3-5 lines, on a square in the form of a straight line. Such reference lines in lace are stronger (thick) threads. And from these reference lines (threads) go, in turn, thinner threads, covering the entire form with a cobweb. These threads go straight or in a wave. At the places of their intersection there are nodules - dots or circles

Today you saw different winter patterns. Let's dream up and draw our own patterns.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine them.

Did you manage to come up with pattern?-

What paints can be used for drawing frost patterns?- ("cold" colors)

Everyone has it "cold" Colors can be shades, how can I get them?- (mixing paints and adding white)


Before starting work, I propose to stretch our fingers and perform finger gymnastics.

1, 2, 3, 4 we made a snowball with you

Round, strong very smooth,

And not at all sweet.

3. Practical part

Children choose their own color of paper for frosty window, examine the lace and begin paint.

Suggest to children draw« frosty» patterns, in the style of lace, using decorative elements - a dot, a circle, a curl, a leaf, a petal, a wavy line, a straight line with a knot.

Music sounds "Winter Dreams" P. I. Tchaikovsky. The kids get to work. In the course of activity, the educator draws the attention of children to dense filling, following the sequence of elements of the surface of the sheet - from the center to the edges.

Reminds that patterns should be openwork, light.

Individually helps with advice to children who have difficulties.

Consideration of the results of the work.

At the end of their work, the children put on stands, decorate them with frames in the form of a window. Reviewing work. The teacher invites each child to tell about what patterns they saw on the window.

4. Bottom line. The teacher sums up the work of the children and offers to remember and sing a song about winter patterns"Grandfather Freezing» .

At the end of the activity, the children lay out their « Frost patterns» on a free table and examine them, highlighting the most accurate, interesting work and tell how they liked the chosen work.

Related publications:

Abstract of the lesson on drawing with an eraser "Frost patterns" Drawing on the theme "Frost patterns" in non-traditional technique Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive.

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group "Winter-winter, frosty patterns" Program tasks: Recall with children the main signs of winter. Introduce a new technique for drawing a frosty pattern using polyethylene.

Drawing "Frost patterns" in non-traditional technique Priority OO: Artistic and aesthetic development. Goal: Acquaintance with a new species.

Summary of the Gzhel patterns drawing lesson in the senior group. Purpose: - to continue to acquaint children with Gzhel painting. Tasks:.

Spruce classes: - Arouse children's interest in winter natural phenomena; - Develop visual observation, the ability to notice the unusual.

Directly educational activity in drawing in the middle group "Frost patterns" Tasks: To teach children to draw frosty patterns, to introduce the new “palette” drawing equipment, to teach them to experiment with paints.

Synopsis of the GCD "Frosty patterns" in the senior group.

OO Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing.

Non-traditional drawing technique. Semolina drawing.

Prepared and conducted:

Educator Alyakina EA.

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", “Social and communicative development, « cognitive development» , « Physical development» .

Types of children's activities: productive, cognitive-exploratory, playful.

Purpose of the event:

Consolidate knowledge about non-traditional technique of image drawing with semolina, skillfully use a brush (apply glue with the end of the brush, carefully perform "fill");



  • Enrich and expand children's knowledge of the signs of winter;
  • Be able to hold a conversation, talk about characteristic properties and events that take place in winter.
  • Compose short story with the help of a teacher.
  • Teach kids step by step drawing patterns in an unconventional way(PVA glue plus filling semolina) .


  • Develop figurative representation, creative imagination, fantasy;
  • To develop the desire to actively and benevolently interact with the teacher;
  • By using non-traditional technique drawing to develop in children a persistent interest in visual activity;
  • improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands.


  • Cultivate interest and observation in natural phenomena.
  • Cultivate interest in unconventional drawing
  • Cultivate accuracy, work culture

Materials and equipment:

  • Image presentation frosty patterns.
  • Pictures depicting winter nature.
  • dark paper (blue, purple).
  • Napkins, plates semolina, plastic spoons, PVA glue.
  • Magic hats frost.
  • TV screen made of cardboard.

preliminary work:

Observations on walks of winter phenomena, changes occurring with the weather; contemplation frosty patterns, observation on a walk of the shape and structure of a snowflake, pattern drawing in the snow, decorative drawing« pattern on the window» , conducting experience "education patterns on glass» .

Hearing musical compositions A. Vivaldi "Winter", P. Tchaikovsky « Winter morning» .

Learning poems and songs about winter.

Dictionary: Frost patterns, thaw, weather forecast, ice, fabulous.

1. Organizational moment. Introductory word of the educator.

2. Conversation about winter.

3. Dynamic pause "In our yard freezing

4. View presentation « Frost patterns» .

5. Conversation "How do they appear Frost patterns

6. Finger gymnastics "Snowflakes"

8. Creative play "Weather forecast"

9. Reflection

GCD progress

1. Organizational moment.

Introductory word of the educator.


Children, how good it is that we are now standing here all together, side by side, and we can join hands and make a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.


Guys guess the riddle:

The cold has come

The water turned to ice.

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped crying

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen?

Children: children's answers

(Children sit on chairs).

2. Conversation about winter.

caregiver: That's right guys - winter has come, a wonderful time of the year! And why is it wonderful, what is good, what can you do in winter?

Children: children's answers (nice, you can sled, skate, ski, play snowballs, make snowmen)

caregiver: Winter is the coldest and harshest time of the year. You go out into the street in winter and look at the landscape, from which you can’t take your eyes off. Trees in the snow, not the earth, high snowdrifts rise, which you look at and rejoice at.

Listen to an excerpt from a poem by A. S. Pushkin "Winter morning":

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

What did you learn from the poem? What is winter like? Which natural phenomena are there in winter?

Children's answers: (snow-white, frosty, cold, snowy, fabulous, crystal, white, snowy, fluffy, shiny, beautiful, windy, freezing, snowfall, ice, blizzard, etc.)

Educator:"Which beautiful time year!” adults and children rejoice, throwing snowballs at each other. In winter, you can walk outside and enjoy the freshness of the air.

Let's go for a walk!

(Children stand scattered on the carpet).

3. Dynamic pause. Physical education minute "In our yard freezing

In our yard freezing

So that the nose does not freeze,

Gotta stomp your feet

And clap your hands.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

How on fabulous picture.

Let's catch them with our hands

And show mom at home!

And all around are snowdrifts,

Snow covered the roads.

Do not get stuck in the field so that

Raise your legs higher.

We go, we go, we go

And we come to our house!

(Children sit on the carpet).

caregiver: And with the onset of cold weather, beautiful Frost patterns. Listen to the riddle:

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple and this is willow

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

White paint alone!

I look - do not break away:

Twig lines are gentle!

And the artist is happy try,

You don't even need brushes.

I wonder who this artist is?

Children's answers.

caregiver: - Certainly, Freezing.

Let's take a closer look at what beautiful, magical and fabulous frost draws patterns on the windows.

4. View presentation « Frost patterns»

The teacher's story while watching the presentation.

“How short-lived these works of nature are, but how beautiful!

From the contemplation of miraculous patterns amazing fantastic are born artistic images.

Sometimes you see exotic plants: leaves of palms or lotuses or unprecedented birds with huge beautiful feathers. fairy beasts with fluffy ponytails.

Frost patterns remind magical gardens in which unusual trees and flowers grow. In such a garden you can meet a spikelet, a feather, an aster and a chrysanthemum, spruce branches, crystal snowflakes!

5. Conversation "How do they appear Frost patterns

caregiver:- What do you think, children, how Frost draws these patterns?

Children's answers: (It blows cold on the glass, by magic, throws snowballs on the windows, and they stick to the window)

- Frost draws patterns transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold panes of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they are connected to each other. ice floes clustered on bumps, and gradually an ice garden grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun!

And the result is different patterns and drawings, in which you can even see the outlines of familiar objects. Here's how they form Frost patterns, and the artist, here without a doubt is Freezing.

caregiver: Does the weather always happen in winter frosty? Are there warmings? What are their names?

Children's answers: thaw is a short-term warming in winter.

caregiver: And today it’s a little warmer outside and frost does not draw patterns on our windows. How can we be? I would love to see beautiful patterns?

Children's answers: (draw yourself)

caregiver: Today we will draw frosty patterns themselves. And how will we paint, and what, I'll tell you now.

Let's turn into fabulous frost- put on magic hats and turn into helpers for a while frost.

The children take their places at the table.

6. Finger gymnastics: Snowflakes

I stand and catch snowflakes in my palm. (Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the index, on the palm right hand).

I love winter, and snow, and snowflakes! ( Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the right

hands, starting with the index, on the palm of the left hand).

But where are the snowflakes? (clench fists)

Water in the palm , (unclench fists).

Where did the snowflakes go? (clench fists)

Where? (unclench fists).

Fragile ice-rays melted. ( small shaking

relaxed palms).

As you can see, my palms are hot. ( Stroke your palms together.)

7. Drawing with non-traditional technique glue + semolina.

Guys, do you like semolina ? And I offer you today draw frosty patterns exactly semolina! Not the porridge itself, of course, but semolina! After all, semolina miraculously similar to snow grains! After all, it is not for nothing that people say - « manna from heaven is falling» and they say in the snow - « groats» . I added to semolina a little - a little bit of multi-colored shine - because the snow sparkles so beautifully, so that our work would turn out just magical!

Myself pattern we will draw glue - dip the brush in glue, and, like paint, draw curls patterns. You need to draw with glue quickly, gently with the tip of the brush and a thick layer so that the glue does not have time to dry, because now that everything drawn, we will take semolina with a spoon and, like real winter helpers, pour it on glue - grains sequins with sequins will remain on the sheet exactly where it was a pattern of glue and excess grits gently shake on the oilcloth. Can you handle it?

Children's answers: (Yes)

Doing work by children.


Our patterns It takes some time to dry, I suggest a little distraction.

8. Dynamic pause. Creative play "Weather forecast"

caregiver: - Guys, this morning you were dressing for kindergarten, moms and dads were going to work, and everyone wanted to know how to dress, what the weather is today. Where can we find out?

Children's answers: (on TV, watch on computer)

caregiver: Do you want to know the weather forecast for today? Let's sit down at the screen of our "TV" and let's listen.

Who wants to introduce us to the weather forecast for today?

Wishing children talk about the weather with the help of educator: "The night was small frost and wind, fell in the morning fluffy snow. During the day the sun will shine and there will be no wind. A blizzard is expected in the evening and warming, or strengthening frost. Be careful - the road is very slippery!

caregiver: Thank you for the wonderful forecast.

The children return to their seats.

Our frosty patterns are ready!

9. Reflection.

patterns all turned out different, unusual, wonderful.

Let's make a big window together frosty patterns!

The children with the teacher place crafts on a magnetic board.

caregiver: Let's enjoy. What do yours look like? patterns?

Children's answers: (on a fluffy snow-covered spruce twig, on a feather of a fabulous fire bird, on a magic flower, on a crystal snowflake, on New Year's fireworks, etc.)

They are so shimmery, so sparkling.

Guys, did you have fun today?

What do we know about winter?

With what way drawing did we meet today?

caregiver: I really liked the way you were "magical frosts» I think that we are waiting for many interesting and fabulous winter activities ahead of us!

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