Punks behavior. Punk subculture: an introduction to an unusual movement


The word "punk" has long history. Even William Shakespeare called so cheap prostitutes in his play Measure for Measure. Then the meaning of the word changed a little, and already in the 20th century, punks are prisoners. Later, the word "punk" acquired another meaning: "dirt", "garbage".

Unlike many other subcultures, whose ideological boundaries are not so clearly defined, punk has become exactly the culture that clearly found and reflected its individuality, declaring to the world: “We are not like others, and we really like it!”. Initially, punk was a counterculture that developed into a whole countercultural movement. The difference between the counterculture and the youth subculture is the opposition to politics and society as a whole and the denial of everything that surrounds them. By by and large, the first Russian punk can be called Evgeny Bazarov, the hero of Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons": it was he who first began to deny everything that is most important for a Russian person: God, family, love, the existing political system, even the most minimal human needs. The first punks - both Western and Soviet - were the same nihilists, spitting on all generally accepted values. They set their own "chaotic order".

At first, the activities of American punks did not go beyond the boundaries of club parties. They did not engage in brawls and behaved very decently: they practiced music and avant-garde literature- symbolism, futurism. In general, as the American media wrote about them then: "The intelligentsia is having fun, it's okay." That's what everyone thought until the punk rock storm hit London in 1976.

The song "Anarchy in the UK" by the Sex Pistols became the anthem of all punks

The official starting point of the daring subculture is October 22, 1976, when the first punk single "New Rose" by The Damned was released. A month and a half later, the Sex Pistols released the song "Anarchy In The UK". In the spring and summer of that year, more and more punk bands appeared in London, playing energetic and noisy music and turning on the crowd with their, to put it mildly, indiscreet behavior on stage. A little later, in the mid-1970s, this urban culture came to the USSR along with the songs of the founding fathers of punk: the Sex Pistols and the Ramones, who drew inspiration from the work of the extremely popular a decade earlier The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. The latter, by the way, set the style for the punk community not only in music, but also in clothing.

The Sex Pistols and Ramones became the founders and symbols of the punk movement

On stage, punks choose an aggressive and defiant, and sometimes even vulgar style of behavior, which gave impetus to the creation of a special worldview of punks: a critical attitude to everything that surrounds them. Punks strive for freedom and complete independence, promoting the principles of "not for sale", "rely on yourself" (DIY - Do it yourself - Do it yourself).

Quite a few important role the formation of punk is played by Iggy Pop, the lead singer of The Stooges, known for his many antics on stage. It was he who set the style of behavior of punks on stage. Iggy Pop pioneered stage diving, or "stage diving." But this was only the beginning: the musician vomited right on the stage, he cut his chest with a razor, and ended the concert with an unbuttoned fly. After that, during the concerts of The Stooges, Iggy, who traditionally performed bare-chested, often injured himself, insulted the audience, undressed completely and jumped into the crowd from the stage.

For the first time, Soviet punks heard about the first Western from accusatory articles in the newspapers of the Soviet Union and plots of the Soviet program "International Panorama", but instead of obeying the totalitarian finger and starting to despise them, they chose them as an ideal. Here it is - the essence of "true punk".

"Punky Hoy!" - Such exclamations could be heard everywhere and everywhere in the 80s of the last century in the open spaces Soviet Union. It was then that this greeting of punks came into Russian from English.

By the way, there are several versions of the appearance of this exclamation: according to one of them, the Russian “Hoi!” takes its origins from the English "Oi!", which served as a greeting for cockneys (natives of London from the middle and lower social strata). In the late 1970s, with this word, Harry Bushell, a journalist music magazine"Sounds", called the direction of punk rock, which proclaimed a return to "true, proletarian roots", promoted an active confrontation between power and society. When this word passed into the Russian language, the letter “x” was added to it, which sounded very ambiguous and bold, because it resembled one well-known Russian swear word.

According to another version, the word "hoi" was formed from the English "oi-oi-oi". These exclamations sounded in the songs of skinheads in the 70s, which eventually became the reason for the creation of a new style: "oh", or "street punk". Later, everyone who was not lazy began to shout "oh" - most often in choral accompaniments. The first exclamations of "HOI" on the Russian punk scene came from Yegor Letov (leader of the group " civil defense»).

Soviet punks differed from each other both in ideology and in appearance - depending on the place of residence. The punks of Siberia, for example, came from the hippie movement, which they soon became disillusioned with and vehemently denied. The Tallinn punks were absolutely identical to the Stockholm and London ones. Moscow punks were for every taste, depending on their favorite bands and the location of the party, and the punks of Leningrad (the first in the USSR) staged punk performances and led a bohemian lifestyle. The first punk in the USSR is considered the leader of the St. Petersburg group "Automatic Satisfiers" Andrey Svin Panov, who defecated right on the streets and in the front door of Boris Grebenshchikov, and also had sexual intercourse with a bus exhaust pipe. He was one of the leaders of the St. Petersburg punk party, which, among others, included even the young Viktor Tsoi.

Punks of the country of the Soviets

Punk = hippie + a lot of aggression

Punk was an extraordinary response to the crisis of the hippie movement and to the "limp" music of the time, which had moved away from the energy and rhythm of traditional rock and roll. They called themselves "children of the garbage" as opposed to hippies - "children of flowers."

The worldview of punks is quite close to that of a hippie, however, if the idea of ​​a hippie fits into the slogan “Down with money, the world is already infinitely beautiful!”, then for punks it is rather “The world is still disgusting, so nothing will help it.” Punks, unlike hippies, are quite aggressive, and are considered anarchists in terms of political views (with the light hand of "Sex pistols", who released the cult single "Anarchy in the UK").


The bow of punks always shocks: bright unnatural hair colors, Mohawks, shaved temples, a lot of varnish to make the hair stand up. By the way, the fashion for the Iroquois was introduced by the British punk band The Exploited.

Ripped jeans with chains tucked into Dr. Martens and Converse sneakers. The manner of wearing sneakers was started by the Ramones group, and they adopted it from the Mexican punks - Latinos. The leather biker jacket was adopted by punks as an attribute of bikers from the 50s, when motorcycle and rock and roll were inseparable from each other.

The attributes of punks were introduced to the masses and the fashion industry by the English designer Vivienne Westwood. By the way, the fashion for punk bow has become extremely relevant in the last three years. Today, not a single fashionable lookbook is complete without ripped jeans, black leather jackets, white or red converse, old-school T-shirts with punk rock bands logos. And in the last couple of years, shaved whiskey has also returned to fashion.

Punk rock festivals

With the relative diversity of punk rock festivals, they all continue to exist for no more than two or three years. They gather no more than 150 participants. And punk fests are held mostly in the forest or in abandoned factories - a minimum of convenience, but how much drive and impressions: “Troika-fest”, “Varnak-fest”, “Horizontal”, “Hellsummer fest”, “Interesting punk aesthetic Boyscout Fest.

Basically, punks gather at gigs of punk rock bands - concerts without seats with the possibility of mosh and slam.

Punks on the gig. Stage dive

Punks today

Most of today's adherents of the punk subculture claim that they came to it thanks to the work of "light" pop punk bands: Sum41, Simple Plan, Blink 182, Fall Out Boy. Even if you compare their songs with the songs of the same representatives of the pop-punk creativity of the Ramones, the songs of the former sound much softer and more poppy. Also, pop punk is distinguished by the absence political orientation, characteristic of punk rock in the first place, as well as a general positive direction.

Today, punk as a counterculture no longer exists: now it is one hundred percent youth subculture, because the way of life, behavior, Political Views punks do not stand in opposition to the existing social system, political system or moral values. The appearance of punks has now become only a tribute to the outgoing fashion.

Perhaps today the very culture of punk has practically ceased to exist in the form in which it appeared. However, at the same time she gave birth a large number of new movements. Around the beginning of the 2000s, some “post-punks” began to appear in the world. It cannot be said that they follow the ideas of the 80s and 90s, since the old ideas are irrelevant now, but it cannot be said that they are completely without ideas either. Post-punk continues to evolve, and no one knows yet what will happen to this reborn social phenomenon Tomorrow.

In recent years, the now familiar word "informals" has flown into our speech and taken root in it.
Informals are those who break out of the formalized structures of our lives. They do not fit into the usual rules of conduct. They strive to live in accordance with their own interests, and not those of others, imposed from outside.

feature informal associations is the voluntariness of joining them and a steady interest in a specific goal, idea. The second feature of these groups is rivalry, which is based on the need for self-affirmation.

There are some classifications of youth organizations in the areas of their activities, worldview.
1. Musical informal youth organizations. ( the main objective such youth organizations - listening, learning and spreading your favorite music.)
2. Informal organizations in sports. (The leading representatives of this trend are famous football fans, as well as rockers)
3. Philosophizing informal organizations. (Hippies stand out among them.)
4. Political informal organizations. (IN this group informal youth organizations include associations of people who have an active political position and speak at various rallies, participate and campaign)

The last group, political informal organizations, are punks.

If we consider "Punk" in a broader sense, it refers to the musical group of informal organizations.
Music plays a very important role for punks, as they prefer passive protest and rarely undertake open rallies and campaigns that have a bright political coloring. Through music, punks express their worldview.

Punk, punks, punk rockers, punkers (from the English punk - dregs) - a counterculture that arose in the mid-1970s in the USA and Great Britain, a characteristic feature of which is a love for fast and energetic rock music (punk rock) and freedom, a protest against the establishment, conservatism, authoritarianism, nationalism and radical capitalism, as well as a commitment to the ideals of anti-racism and anti-fascism. The legendary American band the Ramones were the first musical group who played punk rock. The Sex Pistols were the first British punk band. After the emergence of these and other groups, punk spread throughout the world (since the 1980s in the USSR). In Russia prominent representatives punk are Siberian collectives (the most famous is Civil Defense, whose fans have emerged as an independent movement - letov punks, named after the founder of the collective Yegor Letov). Punk was a kind of response to the crisis of the hippie movement and its bias towards mysticism, to the rock music of the time, which moved away from the energy and rhythm of traditional rock and roll, as well as to the difficult situation for young people in the labor market.

The processing of public opinion went in the direction that, they say, there is nothing good in any system until it is opposed by an anti-system. This threat is simply necessary to prove the viability of the system itself and its correct development path. Punk is such an anti-system. And if the system was bad, punk would have swept it away. If he did not succeed, then the system is beautiful. The punk was knocked down by the fact that he was allowed and taken out of the underground. Punk was allowed on television and pop stages of any halls. From here a new wave began. Punk rock began to deform, change, dismember in a variety of musical, political, aesthetic directions. Dozens of new styles have appeared with their own concepts, new artistic thinking, vision of the world, other goals.

By age, punks are predominantly older teenagers. The boys take the lead.

The desire of a punk to attract the attention of people around him in any way, as a rule, leads him to outrageous, pretentious and extraordinary behavior.

Origins and influences.
"Punk has its origins in the mid-1970s, when the Beatles and the Rolling Stones influenced the emergence of many youth rock and roll bands," the article says. Lost generation on the Volkey magazine website.

A relatively raw and rough sound, based on just a few chords, a defiantly primitive sound, combined with a vulgar demeanor on stage, began to be cultivated by the American band The Stooges. Its leader, Iggy Pop, rejected musical sophistication, appreciated the unbridled drive in rock and roll. The link between the punk movement and the previous generation of beatniks was the godmother of the punk movement, Patti Smith.

Some young punks like to shock the public with their anti-conservative looks, however, it should be noted that for other punk rockers, appearance is a minor detail. The ideologue of the appearance of punks was the English designer Vivienne Westwood, who brought punk paraphernalia to the masses and the fashion industry.

Language, jargon.
Characteristic is the use of words from the thieves' jargon ("maza", "hawal", "labat") and the marginal use of "smart" words ("parallel" in the meaning of "do not care", "purely" in the meaning of "indifferent").

Some punks prefer fun hairstyles with multi-colored, upright hair, often with shaved hair or mohawks. Punks significantly influenced hairdressing with bold, bright hair colors and asymmetrical hairstyles. The fashion for the Iroquois was introduced by the British group The Exploited.

chains and pins in clothes, studded wristlets, badges and patches with band names or various kinds of statements.

Comfortable city clothes:
T-shirt (often black), jacket (usually "leather jacket"), jeans, sneakers, sneakers or heavy boots. Clothes are often specially torn and worn, sometimes provided with provocative proclamations.

Some punk girls (pankushi) use a defiantly sexy image (bright makeup, bouffant hair, short skirts, torn tights or stockings).

The ideology of the Panks is quite close to the hippie one in everything that concerns the neglect of material values, however, if the idea of ​​the hippie is expressed as "why is money, the world is already infinitely beautiful", then for the Panks it is rather "the world is still g ... oh and nothing will help it »". Unlike hippies, punks are quite aggressive in terms of political predilections, they are considered anarchists (with the light hand of "Sex pistols", who wrote the pension "Anarchy in the UK", a cult for punks).

related subcultures.
Skinheads- a youth subculture of the sixties, which received a "second birth" during the punk era. Traditional skinhead music - Ska, Oi!, Rocksteady and Reggae.

Fashion- predecessors and contemporaries of punks. Influenced punk rock. Music mods - Ska, Soul.

Rude boys- Jamaican youth, predecessors and contemporaries of punks and traditional skinheads. They influenced the appearance and musical tastes of both. Rudboys music - Ska and Rocksteady.

Straight edge- a subculture generated by the early American punk / hardcore scene of the early 80s, the most characteristic feature of which is the rejection of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, as well as promiscuity.

Goths- a subculture close to punks that arose in the early 1980s. Goths tend to have a pessimistic outlook and are not interested in socially critical topics. They favor minor gothic rock, black, and a dark (often vampiric) aesthetic. Goths often wear "Iroquois" hairstyles, but not colored, like punks, but looking like they are put on black shoe polish.

Punk or punks (English "punk") - a youth direction in culture that arose in the late 60s - early 70s in the UK; style - punk is inherently associated with the name.

The word "punk" in English, before the advent of the actual punk movement itself, was used as a curse, meaning about the same as "scum". In other cases, it could be used as a common obscene expression.

In American slang, the word "punk" was used in relation to six prisoners or simply to people related to criminal activity. Also, the word "punk" could mean "garbage", "rotten", "dirt".

The appearance and attributes of punks:

The origins of punk as a style originate in the 60s, when in an era influenced by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, youth bands performing rock and roll appeared. Despite the fact that the hippies had a strong influence on world culture, in the 70s they were already a little fed up. Young people wanted something new and sharp. Instead of the peaceful hippie slogan "Love and Peace", the punks preferred the formula "Sex and Violence", and "anarchy", "rebellion" and "garbage" became the main words of punk style.

Initially, the style of "punk" arose as a direction in music thanks to American group The Ramones. The genre of "punk rock" involved not so much skill as the desire to play, combined with a deliberately primitive sound, defiantly vulgar behavior on stage and diving into the audience crowd.

Malcolm McLaren, a British musician and producer, became the ideologist of the popularization of the punk style in fashion. The beginning of the style was laid in 1975 in London, when McLaren, in connection with new provocative anarchist trends that came from America, he decided to change the fashion direction of his own, opened in 1971 together with Vivienne Westwood. So the boutique, which was quite popular, changed its name "Let it Rock" to the bold "Sex". The new store was aimed at marginalized youth. And here we can not keep silent about Vivienne Westwood, who is considered the creator of the "punk" trend in fashion.

Not everyone modern punks know that their favorite Mohawk, ripped jeans and other style attributes came up with Vivienne Westwood. Now she is one of the most famous designers in the world, but at that time this was unthinkable. Early married only to escape from a poor and destitute family, Vivienne Westwood abandoned art school. True, she did get Teacher Education and even worked as a teacher. However, a calm and measured life lasted only three years, until Westwood divorced her husband and met McLaren. Together they began to actively engage in the affairs of the store.

With no special education or experience in tailoring, she was the first to invent completely crazy attire - torn and T-shirts with defiant inscriptions that McLaren composed.

"I'm not a terrorist, don't arrest me", "Be reasonable - demand the impossible!", "Empty generation" or the fascist slogan "We are not afraid of ruins!"

- such inscriptions adorned T-shirts torn from all sides.

Vivienne is the first to make herself a buzz cut out of bleached hair - branded hairstyle in the style of punks around the world. She was also the first to mock a T-shirt by tearing off the sleeves, ripping the shoulder seams and tying the patches in a knot at the back. Her most scandalous work is a T-shirt with a portrait of the English Queen Elizabeth II with a safety pin in her lip, which produced the effect of an exploding bomb. Each model created by Westwood called for shaking the morally established society. To do this, their joint store with McLaren had everything - with a swastika on the sleeves, T-shirts and T-shirts with obscene inscriptions, torn tights, everything in rivets and spikes in leather jackets, brutal belts and, of course, incredible quantities of safety pins that fastened the patches of torn clothes. It is not difficult to imagine how wildly popular the Sex boutique was in London. It was a real Mecca of punks, which gladly opened its doors to everyone.

In 1974, Malcolm McLaren became the manager of the group, for which he himself came up with the scandalous name "Sex Pistols". They played about as professionally as Vivienne Westwood - sheila, but this did not prevent them from becoming scandalous idols of the new generation and helping to popularize the punk style.

For all its vulgarity and marginality, punk style captured the minds so much that even the Italian version of the publication "" in 1976 devoted several pages to punk anti-fashion. In 1977, Zandra Rhodes (nicknamed the "Princess of Punk") presented her collection titled "Conceptual Chic" featuring ornate satin with holes and safety pins. The fashion for punk style has led many presenters to decide to use it commercially. They began to release special collections that were of high quality (unlike homemade punks themselves) and went like hot cakes, bringing high profits.

After the Sex Pistols broke up, Vivienne Westwood left McLaren and continued to work independently. She became interested in creating collections in historical style but, of course, not without a punk aesthetic. In the early 80s, her models were not painted, their hair was covered with mud and burlap hats.

Now punk style in clothes is rare. Quite often you can hear that Italian and French masters create collections under the influence of the punk style, but this is rather post-punk, where a few elements of the punk style remain.

Subcultures have existed at all times. Young people, in the hope of expressing their individuality, tried to dress in a special way, not like everyone else. Clothes were followed by special thinking, and in the end it all grew into an ideology. The world was covered by a wave of hippies, disco, grunge and punk. Punks are considered one of the most outrageous of all genres. Everyone has heard about them, and at the same time there are still people who wonder: who are punks? Let's try to figure this out.

From music to subculture

Punks owe their appearance to the eponymous musical direction- punk rock. This style of music appeared in the 70s of the last century in the United States of America and Great Britain. The musicians rebelled against all other directions of rock, which at that time became too lyrical and depressing. And so punk rock appeared, retaining the fervor of the good old rock and roll, combined with a primitive playing on musical instruments. The primitiveness of the game was deliberate, because punk rock is something that is available to everyone.

In the 70s, the world recognized more and more new groups: Pink Floyd, deep purple Yes, Led Zeppelin, Genesis. They quickly received universal recognition, and after that, large fees for concerts. The members of these groups lived in expensive mansions, traveled in luxury limousines with personal bodyguards. That which united them with the punk youth gradually disappeared. Their 12 minutes and performances to the soundtrack simply did not look like what street rebel teenagers loved so much.

On November 6, 1975, the London College of Art was shocked by the performance of a defiant punk rock band with an equally defiant name. It was the Sex Pistols. Subsequently, they became the idol of punks. They had what real punk rock needed: simple chords, primitive low cost playing, affordable gigs.

The meaning of the word "punk"

The word "punk" comes from English spoken word, meaning "bad", "cheesy". It is not known for certain how exactly the representatives came up with the idea to be called that way: either they called the anarchist rebels that way, or because their music was called that way. One way or another, the word stuck.


The ideology of punks is based on freedom. The punk subculture stands for the realization of human freedom without any pressure from the outside. In other words, if a person is free to walk around in whatever he wants, then he really should be able to walk down the street in torn shoes and not get poked in the back. Free speech is another important point for them. In their songs, punks are not shy in terms, use obscene language, because the right to freedom of speech is guaranteed by many human rights conventions.

Despite the judgments of society, punk is not a fashion at all, but an idea that gives meaning to the representatives of this movement. Many consider this age factor, as if this is just something that will pass after adolescence rebellious age. In reality, this is not always the case. True punk stays that way for life.

Characteristic personality traits

The question of what is punk is not entirely correct. It is better to ask, and then everything will immediately become clear. One true representative of the subculture is able to give an idea of ​​​​what the whole direction is.

Punk is a person striving for independence, in other words, individualism. Such a person, even though he is often among a noisy company, is a loner in himself. He does not care about society with its problems and the needs of other people. Punks are characterized by anarchy, anti-authoritarianism, anti-homophobia, nihilism. Punk is an asocial person who rejects any culture, does not respect older generation according to the principle: "If you are old, then you are respected." He is always against any order, power.


The punk subculture has its own character traits, thanks to which it can be distinguished from all others, including external ones. Even though the appearance is for punks special significance no, they all look the same.

  • Iroquois. This hairstyle originated before the advent of punks. The Indians did it during their secret rites in order to scare everyone around in this way. Punks use different variants. IN classic version the hair is shaved, and only a strip of long hair remains along the head. They are placed with varnish like large needles.

  • Hairstyle - "garbage". Suitable for everyone who does not like to bother. It is enough just to ruffle the hair, and the hairstyle is ready.
  • An abundance of accessories. These are chains, rivets, stripes, collars, wristlets, pins. They cover the entire image from head to toe according to the rule "the more the better."
  • Ripped pants. They are torn either on purpose, as a sign of protest, or they are not sewn up after a fight at a concert. Even if piquant areas are visible due to holes in the pants, this does not bother anyone, because it’s even better that way. Punk is always about freedom and violation of social norms, and sometimes it can be shocking.
  • Leather jackets. They are distinguished from biker ones by the fact that they are decorated with paint cans. They can have different inscriptions and many rivets.

In the view of society

Many years of practice has shown that people refuse to understand what punk is and what he wants to show the world. According to polls conducted by sociologists in the Russian capital, it was revealed that most of the population considers them nothing more than people suffering from schizophrenia. They are considered a deviation from the norm, sick and ill-mannered.

On the one hand, this point of view is quite justified. Many punks themselves show themselves not from the very better side by committing crimes. While propagandizing words, actions, thoughts and views, they eventually did not think that they themselves were violating the same freedom of other people. This is not to say that all punks are like that, because many of them are worthy of respect. Initially, punk is about accessible music and a protest against the dullness of life. Over time, turning into a bunch of real ragamuffins, punk lost its true face.

Alas, they are called garbage, as in the 70s. The youth, who once wanted to find freedom, in the end did not find universal recognition. And today there is a decline in the punk movement and its replacement with new directions.

Some of which disappear without a trace, while others leave a deep mark on the history of teenage culture. Today we will talk about one of these phenomena, it is Punks which means you can find out a little below.
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However, before continuing, I would like to show you some pretty interesting news on the subject of subcultures. For example, what does Wonabi mean, what is ZEF, how to understand the word Grunge, who are called Alternatives, etc.
So let's continue what does punk mean? This term was borrowed from in English"punk", and translates as rotten; something unnecessary or worthless; jerk, inexperienced youth, scum.

Punk- a culture popular among young people, especially in the late 1970s, characterized by an opposition to power, expressed by shocking behavior, clothes, strange hairstyles, and fast, rough music

Punk rocker is a person who wears punk clothes and loves punk music

Punk is made up of many smaller subcultures including "anarcho-punk", "crust punk" and "horror punk", which are distinguished by unique articulations of punk culture. Some youth cultures broke away from punk to become their own, like goths," psychobilly and emo.

Early history

In the late 1960s, The Stooges and the MC5 began playing a stripped-down, louder and more aggressive form of rock and roll ( sometimes called "pre-punk" or "proto-punk") in response to the commercialization of the hippie counterculture. Bands such as the Ramones, Television and the Talking Heads were heavily influenced by this style and developed it further. These New York bands opened frequent punk clubs and formed the first punk communities.

During the same period, similar groups were created in other places, for example The Modern Lover] in Boston; Electric Eels, Rocket from the Tombs, and The Dead SEX dildos in Ohio; The Saints in Brisbane, Australia and The Stranglers and the Sex Pistols in London. On July 4, 1976, The Ramones and The Stranglers played at The Roundhouse in London. This show is often cited as the event that started the punk movement in the English capital. By the end of 1976, many fans Sex Pistols created their own groups, including The Clash, Siouxsie & the Banshees, The Adverts, Generation SEXXX, The Slits and X-Ray Sex. Other British bands that appeared included The Damned, The Jam, The Vibrators, Buzzcocks and London.

Punk rock

Music is the most important aspect of punk. Punk music is called punk rock, sometimes shortened to punk. This is a specific style of the rock music genre, although punk musicians sometimes incorporate elements from other genres. Punk subcultures often distinguish themselves by having a unique punk rock style, although not every style of punk rock has its own associated subculture. Most punk music includes simple arrangements, short songs and lyrics that uphold punk's values. Punk rock is usually played in groups as opposed to solo artists.

Punk fashion

Punks seek to disrupt traditional fashion with very theatrical use of clothes, hairstyles, cosmetics, jewelry and body modifications. Cloth punk adapts existing objects to an aesthetic effect: specially torn clothes are held together with metal pins, rivets; wrapped with ribbon, painted with a marker or painted with paint; the black lining can become a dress, shirt or skirt. Clothing made from leather, rubber, and vinyl is also common, perhaps due to its association with transgressive sexual practices such as bondage and sadomasochism. Some punks wear tight jeans, "brothel creeper" boots, risqué T-shirts, and possibly leather motorcycle jackets and Converse sneakers.

Some punks create spiked hairstyles, mohawks or other incredible shapes, and color them in bright, unnatural colors. Punks will use safety pins and razor blades as jewelry. Punks tend to show their love for the band or punk culture with badges or patches that adorn their jackets and other clothing items. They sometimes flaunt taboo symbols such as the Iron Cross. Early punks were sometimes worn Nazi swastika in order to shock the public, but the most modern punks have anti-racist views and most likely wear a crossed-out swastika symbol.

External punk aesthetic

Aesthetics punks are defined by the type of art they use. They are usually attracted to the underground, minimal, iconoclasm, and satirist. Punk art adorns album covers, concert flyers and punk zines(punk magazines). Usually this simple images, with clear messages, punk drawings are often associated with political issues such as social injustice and economic inequality. The use of images of suffering to shock and create a sense of empathy in the viewer is common. Alternatively, punk art may contain depictions of selfishness, stupidity, or apathy to induce contempt in the viewer.

A subculture is a group of people who have values, beliefs, and behaviors that go against the consumer society.

Most of the early work was in black and white, because it was distributed in thematic magazines printed in printers. Punk art also uses the studio's mass-produced aesthetic. Factory Andy Warhol. Punk had a hand in the stencil art revival spearheaded by Crassus. The situationists also influenced the look of punk art, especially Sex Pistols. Punk art often uses collage, exemplified by art Crassus, Jamie Reed and Winston Smith. John Holmstrom was a punk cartoonist who created work for Ramones and Punk Magazine. art movement"Stuckism" was formed in punk, and they called their first major show " The Stuckists Punk Victorian", which was shown in art gallery Walker in 2004 at the Liverpool Biennale. Charles Thomson, co-founder of the band, described punks as " major breakthrough' in its art form.

Punk dancing

A variety of dances are popular in the punk subculture. They are usually performed at punk shows. These dances often seem chaotic or even violent. The punk subculture and its immediate predecessors have been the source of many of these dance styles since the 1970s. " Moshing" And " pogo" are the types of dance most closely associated with punk. Stage diving (jumping into the crowd from the stage) and crowd surfing (ride on the hands of the public) were originally associated with proto-punk groups such as The Stooges, but were picked up at concerts by punk, metal and rock bands. (Ska-punk) transitional musical style that combines elements of ska and punk rock) contributed to the "skanking" dance style. Punk concerts are more like petty riots and brawls than rock concerts. Hardcore is a more recent development based on all of these styles.

Punk Literature

Punk has produced a significant amount of poetry and prose. Punk has its own underground press in the form of punk zines that feature news, gossip, cultural criticism and interviews. Some magazines are in the form " perzines". This is a kind of magazine; the prefix "per" means "personal". Although most magazines can be considered personal because they are the work of one person, this term describes magazines that deal with one's own personal experiences, opinions and observations. This genre is becoming better known in the "zine" community, and probably the most popular format for zines (magazines) today.

Serious punk zines include "Maximum RocknRoll", "Punk Planet" and "Cometbus". Numerous novels, biographies, autobiographies and comics have been written about punk. Love and Rockets is a wonderful comic book with a story that features the Los Angeles punk community.

Jim Carroll and Patti Smith are two examples of punk poets. To the group "Medway Poets" included punk musician Billy Childish, a strong influence on Tracey Emin. The autobiographical works of Jim Carroll are perhaps the first punk literature. Punk inspired the cyberpunk and steampunk genres.

Punk films

To date, there have been many punk movies, punk rock clips and punk aesthete videos that are common to some bands. The use of freeze frames is typical of punk videos. Movement " No Wave Cinema"owes a lot to the punk aesthetic. Derek Jarman and Don Lights were both punk filmmakers.

Life style

Members of the punk subculture are commonly referred to as punks, punk rockers, or less commonly, punkers or " punx". Not everyone who plays in the punk subculture is identified as punk. There are many sub-genres of this style that only loosely follow the main line. These people use several different terms to distinguish themselves from true punks, but usually they use the word "punk" as a suffix.

As a rule, most people fall into this subculture in high school. Although teenagers are the main age group V punk, there are also many adults who have a punk mentality but don't necessarily show it in their clothes. Some punks end up leaving the subculture, after which they are considered to have sold out to the consumer system.

Punks are generally white, working-class or middle-class teenage males, although there are exceptions to the rule. Punk - with a few exceptions, a male individual, although they are not outspoken sexists. Since their inception, punk girls have always played an important role in the punk subculture, but quantitatively, they are significantly inferior to the stronger sex. However, compared to some alternative cultures, mainstream punk is much closer to gender equality than other youth cultures.

Although overwhelmingly anti-racist, the punk subculture is composed primarily of white people, especially in Europe and North America, with some punk factions espousing white supremacist views. The rest of the subculture usually holds these views. Many ethnic minorities took part in the development of the subculture and contributed to its development, such as blacks, Hispanics and Asians. Documentary « afro punk examines the role of African Americans in the punk subculture.

Initially, most punks came from a working class background with big cities, but things have changed since then, so many punks now come from the middle class and live in their own homes. Punks often earn minimum wage or are unemployed. A number of punks are homeless, and some rely on food stamps or shoplifting to survive. There is tension within the punk community between those who refuse to work and those who have permanent job.

Several notable figures in the punk community have died of drug overdose or suicide. Substance abuse is common among punks, except for " straight edge faction The original punk movement was largely fueled by heroin, methamphetamine, and alcohol. Methamphetamine and alcohol continue to be widely used in this subculture, although heroin use has declined since the early 1980s. The punk subculture also has an association with inhalant abuse.

Punk communities

Punks mostly interact with each other in their area, forming a local punk scene. In dozens of countries around the world, almost all large, medium and even small towns have such communities. Several local punk bands with close ties to each other form a regional association. The worldwide punk community can sometimes be called " punk scene"(punk scene).

Punk scenes, both local and regional, are concentrated in North America, Europe and Japan. There are also scenes in Central America, South America and Australia. The more cosmopolitan cities of mainland Asia and the Middle East also have punk communities. In Africa, the punk scene is mostly limited to South Africa. In general, punk scenes are most represented in metropolitan areas.

How punks express their culture varies from community to community, and there can be huge differences between regional scenes. The global punk subculture contains many languages, citizens of dozens of states, representatives of different nationalities and ethnic groups. This wide variety of backgrounds ensures that punks create a vast range of culture that reflects the unique conditions of their local or regional communities.

Local punk communities can range from dozens of snouts to thousands of members. The local hangout usually has small group devotees punks surrounded by random periphery. On the outer fringes of the punk community are poseurs and wannabes who are not considered part of the subculture at all by core members.

The typical punk scene consists of several bands who play music live and record albums; fans who attend these shows and buy these albums; the independent record labels that create these albums; magazines that document the activities of bands, fans and labels; visual artists that create artwork for these shows, albums, labels and magazines; and fashion designers who create clothing and accessories. A punk can perform any number of these functions in his local scene, and for one punk it is not uncommon to include all of them.

Some punks and punk bands, especially punk rock bands, rise to prominence in their region, or the punk subculture in general, and some continue to remain in the mainstream.

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