Saying examples in fairy tales. Features of Russian fairy tales


The people saw flaws in own life, fairy tales helped him to eradicate them. First of all, they scourge lazy, stupid and impractical people, empty dreamers, ridicule stubbornness, talkativeness, stinginess. “In them,” wrote V. G. Belinsky in the article “On Folk Tales,” “you can see the life of the people, their domestic life, their moral concepts and this crafty Russian mind, so inclined towards irony, so simple-hearted in its cunning.”

Such are fairy tales about animals, magical and social fairy tales, which differ from each other in the nature of fiction, and in characters, and in events.

But they are all about life common man, about the problems that worried him; they entertained, taught and educated people devoted to native land, honest and kind people, people who can be relied upon in a difficult time of trials.

Fairy tales - works great art. When you meet them, you don't notice them. complex construction They are so simple and natural. This is evidence of the highest skill of the performers. Looking at the tales more closely, you discover the virtuosity of their composition (composition), the expressiveness of the language. It is no coincidence that the greatest masters of the word advised young writers to learn their craft from storytellers. A. S. Pushkin wrote: “Read simply folk tales, young writers to see the properties of the Russian language".

Fairy tales (especially fairy tales) often begin with so-called sayings.

Read, for example, the saying to the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron". It is about an owl. The storyteller himself emphasized that we are dealing with a saying, and "the whole fairy tale is ahead."

The purpose of the saying is to prepare the listener for the perception of the fairy tale, to tune him in the appropriate way, to let him know that the fairy tale will be told further. “It was on the sea, on the ocean,” the storyteller begins. - On the island of Kidane there is a tree - golden domes, walking on this tree cat Baiyun: goes up - sings a song, and goes down - tells fairy tales. That would be interesting and fun to watch! This is not a fairy tale, but a saying is coming, and the whole fairy tale is ahead. This fairy tale will be told from morning until after dinner, after eating soft bread. Here we will tell a fairy tale ... "

A saying can also end a fairy tale: in this case, it is not directly related to the content of the fairy tale. Most often, the storyteller himself appears in the saying, hinting, for example, at a treat, as in the fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster:“ Here is a fairy tale for you, and a glass of butter for me. ) it’s impossible to say. Whoever listened, to that coon, a squirrel, and a red girl, and a black horse with a golden bridle! " And in this case, the purpose of sayings is to make it clear to the listener that the fairy tale is over, to distract him from fantasy, to cheer him up.

The traditional element of a fairy tale is the beginning (beginning). The beginning, like a saying, draws a clear line between our everyday speech and fairy tale narration. At the same time, the heroes of the fairy tale, the place and time of the action are determined in the beginning. The most common beginning begins with the words: Once upon a time..., Once upon a time..., etc. Fairy tales have more detailed beginnings: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king ...” But often fairy tales begin directly with a description of the action: “I was caught in a trap with a biryuk ...”

The stories also have unique endings. Endings, as their name implies, sum up the development of the fairy-tale action. Here is how, for example, the fairy tale "Wintering of animals" ends: "And be with your friends and still live in your hut. They live, live and make good." Fairy tale " magic ring"ends like this: "And Martinka still lives, chews bread." Sometimes the ending is formulated as a proverb in which a general judgment is made about the content of the tale. In the fairy tale “The Man, the Bear and the Fox”, the fox dies, putting its tail out of the hole for the dogs. The storyteller ended the tale with the following phrase: “It often happens: the head disappears from the tail.”

In fairy tales, repetitions (usually not verbatim) are widely used. In each new repetition there are details that bring the fabulous action closer to the denouement, enhance the impression of the action. The repetition is most often three times! So, in the fairy tale "The Master and the Carpenter" a peasant beats the master three times for insult, in the fairy tale "Ivan Bykovich" the hero fights to the death with Serpents for three nights in a row, and each time with a Serpent with a large number of heads, etc.

In fairy tales (especially in fairy tales), so-called constant (traditional) formulas are often found. They move from fairy tale to fairy tale, conveying established ideas about fabulous beauty, time, landscape, etc. They say about the rapid growth of the hero: “Grows by leaps and bounds”; his strength is revealed by the formula used in describing the battle: Waving to the right - a street, to the left - an alley. The run of a heroic horse is captured in the formula: “A horse gallops above a standing forest, below a walking cloud, skips lakes between its legs, covers fields and meadows with its tail.” Beauty is conveyed by the formula: “Not in fairy tale tell, not to write with a pen. "Baba Yaga for the first time meets the hero of a fairy tale always with the same words:" Fu-fu! Before the Russian spirit has not been seen, it has not been heard, but now the Russian spirit appears in mind, rushes about in the mouth! What , good fellow, are you whining from business, or are you trying business?

In many fairy tales you can find poetic parts. Most of the traditional formulas, sayings, beginnings and endings are created with the help of a verse, which is called a tale. This verse differs from A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N. A. Nekrasov and other poets, with a certain amount syllables and stress in verse. A narration verse is constructed only with the help of rhyme; Poems can have different numbers of syllables. For example:

In some kingdom

In some state

On level ground, like on a harrow,

Three hundred miles away

It is in that

in which we live

Once upon a time there lived a king.

In fairy tales we meet with songs. Heroes of fairy tales in songs express grief and joy, songs reveal their characters. In the well-known fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, a rooster screams its song in fright, falling into the paws of a fox and calling for the help of a cat; they sound sad in fairy tale"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" songs of Alyonushka and Ivanushka; in satirical tale"Illiterate village" pop, deacon and deacon sing folk songs in the wrong place - in the church, during the service.

Widely used in fairy tales is dialogue - a conversation between two or more characters. Sometimes fairy tales are entirely built on dialogue, as, for example, the fairy tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse". Dialogues of fairy tales are live dialogues. They convey the natural intonations of the speakers, perfectly imitating the reckless speech of a soldier, the cunning speech of a peasant, the stupid, with arrogance, the speech of a master, flattering speech foxes, rough - wolf, etc.

The language of fairy tales is rich. Animals in fairy tales have proper names: cat - Kotofey Ivanovich, fox - Lizaveta Ivanovna, bear - Mikhailo Ivanovich. The nicknames of animals are not uncommon: the wolf - “because of the bushes hap”, the fox - “there is beauty on the field”, the bear - “to crush everyone” ... Onomatopoeia is common in fairy tales: “Kuty, kuty, kuty, the fox carries me behind dark woods!" Epithets (definitions), hyperbole (exaggerations), comparisons are actively used in fairy tales. For example, epithets: a good horse, valiant, dense forests, a tight bow, a downy bed, a black raven, a self-cut sword, a gusli - self-guds, etc. .

As you can see, a fairy tale is a complex, very skillfully constructed work, testifying to great talent and skill of its creators.

Try now when reading fairy tales yourself to pay attention to sayings, beginnings and endings, to songs, repetitions and constant formulas, try to find poetic places, epithets in the texts of fairy tales - and you will feel how right A. S. Pushkin was, calling on the young writers to learn the Russian language from "common people" fairy tales, which are truly unsurpassed examples of the art of the word. But after all, not only young writers can learn the Russian language from fairy tales, right?

What a fairy tale! And meanwhile this folk genre is divided into several more groups, one of which contains sayings and boring tales. This is comic folklore for children. A fairy tale is not for the sake of a fairy tale, but for the sake of fun. Short, without the main action and completion, these works folk art created to make laugh, confuse the little listener. An unexpected deception is revealed after the first two lines of the tale, numerous repetitions, and now the children have a cry of discontent or a cheerful laugh. Yep, blew it!

Boring Tales

Boring tales can be put on the same level as nursery rhymes and jokes. With these short fairy tales, according to V. Propp, the narrator wanted to calm the children who endlessly asked to tell fairy tales. And unsurprisingly boring tales are short and at the same time endless: "... start reading from the beginning ...".

Often this is a funny short story that wipes away the tears of resentment in the eyes of the child from the fact that they don’t want to tell him a fairy tale. Children quickly memorize boring tales and repeat them with pleasure.

In some kingdom
In some state
Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a garden,
There was a pond in the garden, there was cancer in the ponds...
Whoever listened is an idiot.

Do you want a fox story? She is in the forest.

It's summer outside, under the window is a shop,
In the dace shop - the end of the fairy tale!

Once upon a time there was an old man, the old man had a well, and in that well there was a dace; here is the end of the story.

There was a king Dodon.
He built a bone house.
Scored from all over the kingdom of bones.
They began to wet - soaked,
They began to dry - the bones dried up.
Wet again.
And when they get wet - then I'll tell you!

There was a king, the king had a court,
There was a stake in the yard, a bast on the stake;
not to tell the tale first?

The crucian swam and swam near the dam ...
My story has already begun.
The crucian swam and swam at the dam ...
The story is half told.
I would have caught you by the tail of a carp ...
Yes, it's a pity that the whole story has been told

I'll tell you a story about white bull... That's the whole fairy tale!

- Tell!
You say: tell me, I say: tell me...
- Shall I tell you a boring tale?
-No need.
You say don't, I say don't...
- Shall I tell you a boring tale? (and so on)

Tell a story about a goose?
- Tell.
- And she's already gone.

Tell a story about a duck?
- Tell.
- And she went to the booth.


Saying- she is a fable among the people, a saying - is repeated in many fairy tales, and follows before the beginning of the main narrative. Often the saying is not connected with the main text of the tale. She, as it were, anticipates, prepares the listeners, opens a window into the world of fairy-tale action. Russian proverb is easy to learn. These are 2-3 sentences repeated in many fairy tales. "They lived, were ...", etc.

Sometimes folk saying becomes a household name and at the same time it is located in the main narrative: "Sivka burka is a prophetic kaurka", "elbow-deep in gold, knee-deep in silver", "... turn your front to me, back to the forest."

Surprisingly, a saying can also be located at the end of a fairy tale. Then she completes the story and the child, listening or reading, understands that the plot of the story is invented "... and I was there, drinking beer honey ...", "... it flowed down his mustache, it didn’t get into his mouth ..". Often these last lines make the kids laugh: "... blue caftan, but it seemed to me to throw off the caftan ...". Sometimes the tale ends with a proverb and sums up or reveals the moral of the tale.


The tale starts from the beginning, reads to the end, does not interrupt the middle.
Chur, do not interrupt my fairy tale; and whoever kills her will not live for three days (a snake will crawl into his throat).
On the ocean, on the island of Buyan.
This is a saying - not a fairy tale, a fairy tale will come.
Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.
In a certain kingdom, in a certain state.
In the thirtieth kingdom.
For distant lands, in the thirtieth state.
Under the dark forests, under the walking clouds, under the frequent stars, under the red sun.
Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass!
A frying pan from the nostrils, steam (smoke) from the ears.
It breathes fire, it blazes with fire.
The tail covers the trail, lets valleys and mountains between the legs.
With a valiant whistle, a column of dust.
The horse beats with a hoof, gnaws at the bit.
Quieter than water, lower than grass. You can hear the grass growing.
It grows by leaps and bounds, like wheat dough on dough sour.
The moon was bright on the forehead, stars were frequent in the back of the head.
The horse is running, the earth is trembling, the frying pan is bursting from the ears, the smoke is pouring out of the nostrils (or: the frying pan from the nostrils, the smoke from the nostrils).
Elbow-deep in red gold, knee-deep in pure silver.
It is clothed with heaven, girded with dawns, fastened with stars.
The duck quacked, the shores tinkled, the sea shook, the water stirred.
Hut, hut on chicken legs, turn your back to the forest, your front to me!
Stand, white birch, behind me, and the red maiden is in front!
Stand before me like a leaf before grass!
Clear, clear in the sky, freeze, freeze, wolf tail.
Not in words (not in a fairy tale) to say, not to describe with a pen.
A word is not thrown out of a fairy tale (from a song).
Not for reality and a fairy tale chases.
The tit bird flew to distant lands, to si: the sea-okian, to the kingdom of thirty, to the distant state.
The shores are jelly, the rivers are satisfying (milk).
On a field-clearing, on a high mound.
In an open field, in a wide expanse, behind dark forests, behind green meadows, behind fast rivers, steep banks.
Under a bright moon, under white clouds, and frequent stars, etc.

On the sea, on the ocean, on an island on a buoy, there is a baked bull: crushed garlic in the back, cut it from one side, and eat it from the other.
On the sea, on the ocean, on the island on the buoy lies the white combustible stone alatyr.
Is it close, is it far, is it low, is it high.
Not a gray eagle, not a clear falcon rises ...
Not a white (gray) swan swam out ...
Not white snows in the open field turned white... |
The dense forests are not black, they turn black ...
What is not dust, the field rises ...
It’s not a gray-gray fog from the expanse that toils ...
He whistled, barked, with a valiant whistle, a heroic cry.
You will go to the right (along the road) - you will lose your horse; to the left you will go to live not to be.
Until now, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, has not been seen in sight, but now the Russian spirit is in the eye.
They took them for white hands, they sat them at white-oak tables, for tablecloths, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks.
Miracle Yudo, Mosalskaya lip.
To get dead and living water.
baba yaga, bone leg, rides in a mortar, rests with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom.

I was there, drinking beer; beer flowed down his mustache, but it didn’t get into his mouth.
They began to live to live, and now they live, they chew bread.
They began to live to live, to gain mind, and dashing to get rid of.
I myself was there, I drank honey and beer, it flowed down my mustache, it didn’t hit, my soul became drunk and satisfying.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and I knit bagels.
Once upon a time there was a king of oats, he took away all the fairy tales.
I was there, slurping an ear together, flowing down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.
He began to live in the old way, dashing not to know.
Beluzhins served - remained without supper.
He began to live and visit, to chew bread.
When it fills (doskachet, live), then I will say more, but for now there is no urine.
I was at that feast, I drank honey-wine, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth; here they treated me: they took away the pelvis from the bull and poured milk; then they gave a roll, helping in the same pelvis. I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat, I decided to wipe myself off, they began to fight with me; I put on a cap, they began to push in the neck!
I dined there. he drank honey, and what cabbage was - now the company is empty.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

Sayings and boring tales for children are very interesting. They not only occupy the child, but also allow you to train your memory, develop your imagination, but also make the world of childhood wider and more interesting.

Understand the content, diction, orthoepic and logical features of sayings and fairy tales. Determine your attitude towards what is being said.


Not white swans fly across the sky, Russian people tell fairy tales. A fairy tale is a true story - not a true story, and not a lie.

Believe her, do not believe, but listen listen to the end. The end is the crown of the whole thing.

We have fairy tales that a flock of birds, but not one of them is empty. Whoever understands the hint will leave with the booty, we have heard our fairy tale. Good is all to live and grow, and evil to sweep away from the earth.

Our fairy tale begins from the truth, grows on fiction, reaps it with jokes, blows jokes, sells it to a storyteller for an affectionate word.

Yes, it’s not a fairy tale yet, but a saying, and a fairy tale will be ahead.

On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a tree - golden domes. A bayun cat walks along this tree: it goes up - it starts a song, it goes down - it tells fairy tales. Tales are told in the morning after dinner, after eating soft bread. This is not yet a fairy tale, but a saying, and the whole fairy tale will be ahead.

We ask now, honest gentlemen, to listen to our fairy tale. Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.

Begins, begins good fairy tale. A good story is not from a sivka, not from a cloak, not from a prophetic kaurka, not from a valiant whistle, not from a woman's cry.

This is not a fairy tale, but a saying, a fairy tale will be ahead.

Once upon a time there was a crane with a crane, they put a stack of hay - can't you say again from the end?

Here's a fairy tale for you, and for me - knitting bagels.

The story begins

From Ivan's leprosy,

And from Sivka, and from Burka,

And from the prophetic kaurka.

The goats have gone to the sea;

The mountains are overgrown with forest;

The horse from the golden bridle broke,

Rising straight to the sun;

Forest standing under the foot

On the side are thunder clouds;

The cloud moves and sparkles

Thunder scatters across the sky.

This is a saying: wait,

The story is ahead.

P. Ershov.

Fairy tales Three sons-in-law.

An old man lived with an old woman. And they had three daughters. Three daughters, three intelligent women, three beauties - neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor described with a pen.

Once an old man was driving with firewood from the forest. And the night was dark. The horse walks, stumbles, hurts itself on the stump-deck. She wandered, she wandered, and she became completely. The old man is this way and that, but it turns out in no way - it is necessary to spend the night in the forest.

Eh, - says the old man, - if the bright moon looked out, I would eldest daughter gave!

He just said, and Month Mesyatsovich looked out, illuminating everything around. The old man went quickly, drove home well.

Here the eldest daughter got dressed, dressed up, went out onto the porch - Month Mesyatsovich took her to him.

How long, how short, in the white winter, in the blue snows, the old man rode from the fair. His clothes are thin - zipunishko and paws, his hat is torn. Frozen, cold, teeth chatter, bones crackle.

Eh, - he says, - if the Sun came out, I would give him my middle daughter!

He just said, and the sun came out. Warmed the old man, melted the snow. The old man went quickly, drove home well.

So the middle daughter got dressed, dressed up, went out onto the porch - her Sunshine took her into her mansions.

How long, how short, in the warm summer, the old man went to fish. I caught a full boat of fish: ide, crucian carp, and brush. I just wanted to return home, but the wind died down. Here the sailboat hung, like a rag.

An old man is sitting in a boat, grieving: there are plenty of fish, but there is nothing to eat, water is all around, but there is nothing to drink.

Eh, - he says, - if only the Wind-breeze blew into my sailboat, I would give him my youngest daughter!

He just said, and how the wind-breeze will blow! The sailboat ruffled - dragged the old man to the bank.

So the youngest daughter got dressed, dressed up, went out onto the porch - her Wind-breeze took her into his mansions.

Here a year has passed, old man and says:

And what, old woman, I’ll go and see my eldest daughter. Is it good for her to age for centuries at the Month.

Go, father, go and bring down the gifts!

The woman baked pies and pancakes. The old man took the gifts and went on his way. He walks, wanders, stops: after all, the path is not close to the Moon. Walked, walked, came late at night.

My daughter met him and was delighted. And the old man to her:

Oh-oh-oh, sickly! Long way to you, daughter. Shel-brel, tired all the bones.

Nothing, - the daughter says, - now you will go to the steam bath, you will steam out the bones - everything will pass.

What are you, what are you, daughter! Night in the yard - it's dark in the bath.

Nothing, father.

So they took the old man to the bath. And Month Mesyatsovich stuck his finger through the crack - he lit up the whole bathhouse.

Is it light for you, father?

Light, light, son-in-law.

The old man took a steam bath, stayed with his daughter and went home. He walks, wanders, stops: after all, the way home is not close. Walked, walked, came late at night.

Well, - says, - the old woman, drown the bath. And then I walked and wandered, tired all the bones.

What are you, old man! Night in the yard - it's dark in the bath.

Nothing, he says, it will be light.

The old woman went to the bathhouse, and the old man stuck his finger into the slot:

Is it light for you, old woman?

What light - dark - dark!

Yes, how grandmother stumbled, she beat the tubs, shed water, barely alive jumped out. And the old man keeps his finger in the crack.

Another year has passed. The old man began to gather for his second daughter.

I'll go, old woman, I'll visit my middle daughter. Is it good for her to age with the Sun.

Go, father, go.

So the old man is on his way. He walks, wanders, stops: the path to the Sun is not close. Walked, walked, came late at night. My daughter met him and was delighted. And the old man to her:

Oh oh oh! - he says, - the path to you is long, daughter! Shel-brel, he wanted to eat.

Nothing, - says, - father. Now I'm going to bake pancakes.

What are you, what are you, daughter! Night in the yard is not the time to heat the oven.

And we don't even have a stove in the hut.

The hostess dissolved the dough. The village of Solnyshko is in the middle of the hut, and his wife pours dough on his head and gives pancakes to the old man - good, ruddy and buttery.

The old man ate, got drunk and fell asleep.

Went home in the morning. He walks, wanders, stops: the path home is not close. Walked, walked, came late at night.

Well, - says, - the old woman! I walked, wandered, I wanted to eat. Let's bake pancakes.

What are you, old man, in your mind? Night in the yard is not the time to heat the stove.

And we don’t need an oven in the hut. You know, make the dough, and I'll bake.

The old woman dissolved the dough. The old man sat down in the middle of the hut.

Lei, - he says, - on my bald head.

What are you, old man, are you sick?

Know Lei! - speaks.

The old woman poured him dough for his bald head. What happened here, what was done here! .. For three days the old man was washed in the bathhouse, washed by force.

Well, a year has passed. The old man became younger daughter going to.

I'll go, old woman, youngest daughter I will visit. Is it good for her to age with the Wind.

Go, go, dad.

The old man went. He walks, wanders, stops, bypasses the wide river. Directly across the river the way is close, and around it is far to go.

Well, it arrived. Daughter and son-in-law were delighted. The old man stayed with them, celebrated and went home. And the daughter and son-in-law went to see off.

Here we come to the river. The old man says:

I'll go around.

And his son-in-law:

Why bypass? Swim across the river - it will be closer here.

But how to swim? There are no boats.

Don't worry, father. Throw a handkerchief into the water, wife!

The old man's daughter threw her handkerchief into the water. The wind blew him up. The old man sat down, and the Wind immediately sent him to the other side.

Thank you, breeze-in-law.

Only the old man made his way to the house, didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t sit down, says:

Let's go, old woman, I'll ride to the sea.

Let's go to the sea, and the boat is flowing.

Here, - the old woman says, - and ride.

Don't worry, wife. Throw a handkerchief on the sea!

What are you, in your mind? The scarf is expensive, embroidered with wool.

Throw it, I say, it will not be lost! The old woman threw a handkerchief.

Jump! says the old man.

The old woman jumped, and the old man let's blow. He blew, blew - and the old woman was already knee-deep in water. The old man blew, the old man blew - and the neighbors had already dragged the old woman out of the water a little alive.

From that time on, the old man gave up visiting his sons-in-law. Grandfather lies on the stove, sews boots, eats pies and tells fairy tales.


The tale starts from the beginning, reads to the end, does not interrupt the middle.
Chur, do not interrupt my fairy tale; and whoever kills her will not live for three days (a snake will crawl into his throat).
On the ocean, on the island of Buyan.
This is a saying - not a fairy tale, a fairy tale will come.
Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.
In a certain kingdom, in a certain state.
In the thirtieth kingdom.
For distant lands, in the thirtieth state.
Under the dark forests, under the walking clouds, under the frequent stars, under the red sun.
Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass!
A frying pan from the nostrils, steam (smoke) from the ears.
It breathes fire, it blazes with fire.
The tail covers the trail, lets valleys and mountains between the legs.
With a valiant whistle, a column of dust.
The horse beats with a hoof, gnaws at the bit.
Quieter than water, lower than grass. You can hear the grass growing.
It grows by leaps and bounds, like wheat dough on dough sour.
The moon was bright on the forehead, stars were frequent in the back of the head.
The horse is running, the earth is trembling, the frying pan is bursting from the ears, the smoke is pouring out of the nostrils (or: the frying pan from the nostrils, the smoke from the nostrils).
Elbow-deep in red gold, knee-deep in pure silver.
It is clothed with heaven, girded with dawns, fastened with stars.
The duck quacked, the shores tinkled, the sea shook, the water stirred.
Hut, hut on chicken legs, turn your back to the forest, your front to me!
Stand, white birch, behind me, and the red maiden is in front!
Stand before me like a leaf before grass!
Clear, clear in the sky, freeze, freeze, wolf tail.
Not in words (not in a fairy tale) to say, not to describe with a pen.
A word is not thrown out of a fairy tale (from a song).
Not for reality and a fairy tale chases.
The tit bird flew to distant lands, to si: the sea-okian, to the kingdom of thirty, to the distant state.
The shores are jelly, the rivers are satisfying (milk).
On a field-clearing, on a high mound.
In an open field, in a wide expanse, behind dark forests, behind green meadows, behind fast rivers, steep banks.
Under a bright moon, under white clouds, and frequent stars, etc.

On the sea, on the ocean, on an island on a buoy, there is a baked bull: crushed garlic in the back, cut it from one side, and eat it from the other.
On the sea, on the ocean, on the island on the buoy lies the white combustible stone alatyr.
Is it close, is it far, is it low, is it high.
Not a gray eagle, not a clear falcon rises ...
Not a white (gray) swan swam out ...
Not white snows in the open field turned white... |
The dense forests are not black, they turn black ...
What is not dust, the field rises ...
It’s not a gray-gray fog from the expanse that toils ...
He whistled, barked, with a valiant whistle, a heroic cry.
You will go to the right (along the road) - you will lose your horse; to the left you will go to live not to be.
Until now, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, has not been seen in sight, but now the Russian spirit is in the eye.
They took them for white hands, they sat them at white-oak tables, for tablecloths, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks.
Miracle Yudo, Mosalskaya lip.
To get dead and living water.
Baba Yaga, a bone leg, rides in a mortar, rests with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom.

I was there, drinking beer; beer flowed down his mustache, but it didn’t get into his mouth.
They began to live to live, and now they live, they chew bread.
They began to live to live, to gain mind, and dashing to get rid of.
I myself was there, I drank honey and beer, it flowed down my mustache, it didn’t hit, my soul became drunk and satisfying.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and I knit bagels.
Once upon a time there was a king of oats, he took away all the fairy tales.
I was there, slurping an ear together, flowing down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.
He began to live in the old way, dashing not to know.
Beluzhins served - remained without supper.
He began to live and visit, to chew bread.
When it fills (doskachet, live), then I will say more, but for now there is no urine.
I was at that feast, I drank honey-wine, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth; here they treated me: they took away the pelvis from the bull and poured milk; then they gave a roll, helping in the same pelvis. I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat, I decided to wipe myself off, they began to fight with me; I put on a cap, they began to push in the neck!
I dined there. he drank honey, and what cabbage was - now the company is empty.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

Form start

Crane and heron

Russian folktale

An owl flew - a cheerful head. So she flew, flew and sat down, and turned her tail, but looked around and flew again - flew, flew and sat down, turned her tail and looked around and flew again - flew, flew ...

This is a saying, and this is what a fairy tale is. Once upon a time there lived a crane and a heron in the swamp. They built themselves at the ends of the hut.

The crane became bored of living alone, and he decided to marry.

Let me go woo a heron!

The crane went, - tyap-tyap! - kneaded the swamp for seven miles.

Comes and says:

Is the heron at home?

Marry me!

No, crane, I won’t marry you: your legs are in debt, your dress is short, you fly badly yourself, and you have nothing to feed me with! Go away, lanky!

The crane went home without salty slurping. The heron then thought about it:

"Than to live alone, I'd rather marry a crane."

Comes to the crane and says:

Crane, marry me!

No, heron, I don't need you! I don't want to marry, I won't marry you. Get out.

The heron wept with shame and returned home. The heron left, and the crane thought:

"In vain did not take a heron for himself! After all, one is bored."

Comes and says:

Heron! I decided to marry you, marry me!

No, crane, I will not marry you!

The crane went home. Then the heron thought:

"Why did you refuse? What's the point of living alone? I'd rather go for the crane."

She comes to woo, but the crane does not want to. That's how they go to this day to woo each other, but they never get married.

Fairy tales are something that helps not only to develop a child's imagination, but also to expand it. inner world to make it bright, exciting and full of adventure. Thanks to them, kids learn the concepts of good and evil, acquire the desire to become like their favorite hero.

Each story is usually preceded by proverbs. They are also present in Pushkin's works.

The concept of saying

Since fairy tales relate to something, the approach to their story should be appropriate. In order for the child to pay attention to the narrator, he must be intrigued and interested. That is why Russian storytellers used the so-called proverbs that precede the beginning of history.

The introduction to the tale is not related to its content, but at the same time explains where or with whom the events take place. For example, “there lived a king”, “in a certain kingdom, in a thirtieth state” and others. Also, the saying could become the end of the story, as if summing up the event or talking about the storyteller himself.

Sayings in Pushkin's fairy tales are not accidental, since he loved this view. folklore and knew from childhood thanks to his nanny - Arina Rodionovna.

Pushkin and fairy tales

The poet's tales are based on Russian folk tales which he enjoyed listening to and recording. For example, in the plot of the fairy tale about Balda, written in the Boldino estate, there is a story heard and recorded in the village of Mikhailovsky.

Not only Russian fairy tales influenced the poet's work. The content of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" is "written off" from a legend from German folklore, and the plot "On dead princess"is similar to the work of the Brothers Grimm about Snow White.

"The Legend of the Arab Stargazer" became the impetus for the creation of "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel". Knowing how folklore works, we can conclude that sayings in Pushkin's fairy tales are not accidental.

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

This instructive verse retelling of an old legend teaches children to keep a promise. Sayings in Pushkin's fairy tales, examples of which are present both at the beginning and at the end of his works, bring to them the techniques of ancient storytellers.

In the beginning, they are attracted to the plot. In "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" the introduction is: "In distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state lived and was glorious king Dadon. This technique is accepted by most storytellers, which indicates its significance and effectiveness.

Sayings in Pushkin's fairy tales, examples of which can be found at the end of the work, are also clearly expressed in this story: "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson".

In some sense, the "afterword" in this example is more like a conclusion after an instructive fable. In a sense, this work by Pushkin is indeed more like a valuable lesson.

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Two introductory lines about the evening work of three sisters near the window fall into the concept of "telling" in Pushkin's fairy tales about Tsar Saltan. After that, the plot can go along any line, but the intrigue is already there, now it only needs to be developed. After such a seemingly ordinary beginning, the poet creates a truly exciting story, during which children experience an adventure and follow their heroes, who are threatened by danger, and disappointment, and fear of loss. loved one. But they still have a happy ending.

As in most folklore works, sayings in Pushkin's fairy tales at the end of the story are short and concise: “I was there, I drank honey, I drank beer,” and the end of the phrase depends on whether the narrator has a mustache or not.

The poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" differs significantly from the author's fairy tales, so his introduction in this case is quite long and detailed, although it has nothing to do with the content.

Usually, sayings in Pushkin's fairy tales fit in 2-4 lines, when here this is a separate poem, better known as "At Lukomorye, the oak is green." Narrating in it about the place of events, the poet creates fascinating world that every child wants to be in.

The saying of the first and last chapters of this poem are the same words: “Deeds for a long time past days, legends of antiquity deep. Thus, Pushkin, as it were, is not an author, but only a retelling of events that occurred in ancient times and have come down to our time in the form of a legend.

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