Problems of studying Bashkir literature. Modern problems of science and education


State. university

The main stages in the development of Turkic (Bashkir) literature and its inter-literary relationships

Story Bashkir literature, especially the twentieth century, in national literary criticism is already being studied in some detail, in its various forms and directions. Only in the second half of the 20th century a number of histories of Bashkir literature were created in Russian and Bashkir languages. For example, “Essays on the History of Bashkir Soviet Literature” (part 1. Ufa, BSU, 1963; part 2, 1966), “History of Bashkir Soviet Literature” (Ufa, 1967, in Bashk.), etc. A major contribution to the study of the stages of development of Bashkir literature was the six-volume "History of Bashkir Literature", published in 1991-1997. in Bashkir.

In 2001, a team of authors from the Department of Bashkir Literature and Folklore of the Bashkir State University for the first time wrote a university textbook on the history of Bashkir literature - "Bashkir Literature of the 20th Century" in the Bashkir language. In addition, there are many monographs and manuals on certain periods in the development of national literature, creative personalities, historical and theoretical problems.

However, it should be said that such multifaceted studies of the stages of development and their characteristics in a given period are still carried out within a rather limited historical framework, mainly limited only to the 19th and 20th centuries. Other, earlier stages in the development of national literature are still poorly understood. The reason is partly the class approach to literature in the Soviet era, ignoring the national spiritual heritage etc. At the same time, studies of the last decades by both national-local and all-Russian scientists, I think, make it possible to greatly expand the scope of studying the history of national literature and clarify the criteria for its periodization, to determine the features of individual stages of formation on the basis of modern scientific achievements.

The history of Bashkir literature, as well as oriental and Turkic literature, is rooted deep into epochs and goes through a number of peculiar stages of development. According to the peculiarities of poetics (genre forms, metrics, rhyme system and poetic tropes), as well as the nature of interliterary relationships, the history of Turkic (Bashkir) literature can be divided into three large periods: ancient Turkic, medieval and modern literature.

Ancient Turkic literature, the presence of a rich heritage of which has already been proven by many prominent researchers, is the common property of all Turkic-speaking peoples, including, of course, the Bashkir.

The ancient period of Turkic-language literature, often contested in the recent past, is being intensively studied, especially in the second half of the 20th century (, etc.). A significant contribution to the collection and study of ancient Turkic verse is made by the books "Poetry of the Ancient Turks: VI-VIII centuries." (M., 1965), "Development of Turkic poetic forms in the XI century" (M., 1971), "Poetics of ancient Turkic literature and its transformation in the early classical period" (M., 1976), "Poetry of the ancient Turks: VI-XII centuries ." (M., 1993).

As the accumulated material shows, ancient Turkic poetry multi-genre, rich in poetic searches, vital and reflects the realities of the then reality. In lyrical poetry, love, the beauty of nature, the purity of the soul and human relationships are sung. This high poetry, in no way inferior to the then Iranian, Chinese, Indian literature, which also has ancient roots.

At the same time, the ancient Turkic poetry of the 6th-12th centuries is special and, despite the intense relationship with the literatures of other great peoples of that time, is original. One of the main features of the ancient Turkic verse is, first of all, that, as noted by and, “the ancient Turkic verse was an alliterative verse ... alliteration at the beginning of the verse performed rhythmic (fixed the meter) and compositional (strophic) functions. Rhymes, in modern understanding, in ancient Turkic poetry - runic letters - no, the lines into stanzas were united by alliteration. As a rule, the sounds of two lines of a quatrain were alliterated, which varied each time in different ways: abs, abab, aabb, aabs… Within a stanza, alliterative stops could be placed in any order: follow one after another, be at the beginning and end of a line of poetry, or in different lines.”

Tellingly, alliteration in some Turkic literatures ah, and today has not lost its former significance. As he writes, for example, “alliteration in Tuvan poetry is a verse-forming factor. In more than 96% of the analyzed poetic works, alliteration is used as the initial consonance, the initial rhyme. Moreover, alliteration is approved by the rhythmic determinant of Tuvan verse.

Ancient Turkic poetry, as is known, is also distinguished by the variety of verse stanzas. In modern Bashkir poetry, as in all European (world) poetry, a four-line stanza is mainly established, and in Eastern, in particular, Farsi-language poetry, a unit of verse - a stanza (beyt) - almost always consists of two poetic lines. In ancient Turkic poetry, it seems, there is no strict canonization of the lines of a stanza. “Divination book” (book of divination), perhaps the most voluminous section in the mentioned collection “Poetry of the ancient Turks of the 6th–12th centuries”, at the same time gives the breadth and variety of ancient Turkic poetic stanzas. The composition of the "Divinatory Book" is very interesting: it is composed of 65 independent texts, which are also multi-line stanzas.

Among these stanzas there are quatrains and tertiary lines, but more - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc. lowercase stanzas. The amplitude of poetic lines in individual stanza texts ranges from 3 to 13. Moreover, each stanza has its own independent composition, expresses a complete thought, that is, it is, as it were, a separate genre form. This is a very interesting phenomenon, some three- or four-line stanzas, which have structural and substantive independence, could be compared by analogy with such small forms of oriental (say, Iranian-Arabic) poetry as kitga, robagi, etc. And it’s a pity that the stanza - both as a unit of verse, and as a genre form, and also as a worldview - is almost not studied in our country, although the emergence of any forms has its own foundations and reasons. A researcher from Tuva in his dissertation “The Triad in Tuvan Literature and the Poetic Form Ozhug Dazhy (Three Lines)” (Ozhug Dazhy is a stone of the hearth. - R. B.) presents the three-line phenomenon not only as a form of a stanza, but also as one of fundamental principles religious and mythological ideas and philosophical conclusions rooted in the depths of the people's consciousness and worldview, since the number "three" is considered as one of the main classifiers of the space-time structure of the universe. I think that this is also a very fruitful way of studying the essence of a phenomenon, studying the relationship between form and content from the standpoint of historicism and the philosophy of people's worldview. The researcher compares the Tuvan three-line (ozhug dazhi) with the Japanese hokku (haiku), Korean sijo (hyanga), European tertsina, etc., simultaneously determining the individual characteristics of each of these forms.

There are three-line and other peculiar forms in Bashkir poetry of different times, which undoubtedly requires careful study, identification of genetic and temporal connections, functional features of the poetic form and its origins. Unfortunately, ancient inscriptions of monuments, epitaphs, representing, perhaps, precisely these sources, have not been studied from a national standpoint. Moreover, the clarification of the general and the particular in national literatures, of course, is impossible without broad literary comparisons and comparisons.

The second, medieval, period of Turkic-speaking (and Bashkir) literature, especially for the Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia, the Volga region and the Urals, including the Bashkirs, is, I think, common Turkic monuments of the 11th century. “Kutadgu bilig” by Yusuf Balasaguni, “Divan lugat at-turk” by Mahmud Kashgari, as well as a monument of the 13th century. "Kissai Yusuf" Kul Ghali. All these monuments are ethical and didactic works written according to the canons artistic creativity followed by such well-known works of Arabic-Farsi-Indian literature as Panchatantra (4th century), Kama Sutra (3rd–4th centuries), Kalila and Dimna (9th century), Qaboos -name" (XI century). In the poetics of these monuments, the influence of the Arab-Persian epic poetry, which is manifested, first of all, in a clear rhyming scheme of the size of the Iranian-Arabic masnavi: aa bb cv. The Turkic poetry of the preclassical period, as is known, has no rhyme at all.

The time of writing these classical Turkic-language monuments of the Middle Ages (XI-XII centuries) almost coincides with the period of development of classical poetry and Persian-Arabic literature (X-XIII centuries), which is not surprising: many gifted poets, immigrants from the Turks, wrote their works in Iranian or Arabic. As a result, the ancient Turkic poetry of the VI-VIII centuries. and considered classical Turkic poetry of the 11th-13th centuries are not only two different stages of evolution, but quite different in terms of genre system, versification, structure, rhythmic organization of the verse, etc. independent periods, which, of course, does not exclude their continuity and primordially -Turkic literary and poetic traditions. In a number of national cultures and literatures, they also represent independent trends, for example, in Iranian-Arabic literature - "adab literature" ("adab" - morality), in Indian literature "shastra" and "threads of shastra" ("shastra" - advice, "niti-shastra" - advice on morality), etc.

The peculiarity of the monuments “Kutadgu bilig” by Yusuf Balasaguni, “Divan lugat at-turk” by Mahmud Kashgari, as well as “Kissai Yusuf” by Kul Gali, which are considered the original basis of classical Turkic poetry, is that, being formed under the strong influence of Iranian-Arabic literary poetics, at the same time, they also preserve the original Turkic principles, carry the traditions of ancient Turkic poetry (alliterative verse, sometimes the absence of rhymes), genre motifs (in the Divan Lugat at-Turk, scenes describing the battle of the Turks, military campaigns are very close to the manner of depicting similar events in ancient Turkic monuments - the Small and Large inscriptions in honor of Kul-Tegin and the inscription in honor of Tonyukuk). “Kutadgu bilig” and “Divan lugat at-turk”, thus, represent a new stage in the development of Turkic-language literature, growing up under the direct influence of Persian-Arabic poetics and Muslim spirituality. And most importantly, unlike ancient Turkic poetry, they have a clear rhyming scheme for the size of the Iranian-Arabic masnavi: ah bbw...

The third period in the development of Bashkir literature begins in the 18th-19th centuries, and continues to this day. This period differs from the previous ones in that literature is already presented here in the broad Eurasian system. Accordingly, new, similar to European, genres arise (lyrical forms of poetry: verse, ballad, elegy, poem, etc.; prose: novel, story, short story, short story, etc.; dramatic: comedy, drama, tragedy) , new principles of versification are also being formed (metrics, rhyme, poetic tropes and figures). This period of the development of national literature has been studied most fully and consistently (as evidenced by the histories of literature published in the Russian and Bashkir languages), although the issues of the origins and genetic relationships and interactions of Turkic-language literatures in the general system, the features and achievements of each of them continue to be little studied. and individual steps. It seems that the Yakuts and Khakass largely preserved the ancient Turkic poetic traditions (see the studies of A. Kulakovsky, N. Toburokov, and others), while the Central Asian, Ural-Volga Turks (including the Bashkirs), starting from the 10th century , as already mentioned, were strongly influenced by Persian-Arabic poetry, and then, in the last centuries (XIX-XX), European (Russian) literature. The presence of a canonized system of Persian-Arab poetics in Bashkir poetry speaks of Eastern roots, in particular: aruz-metrics; kafiya-rhyme; badi-poetic tropes and figures, as well as genre forms and motifs: ghazal, robagi, kasyda (madhya), kitga, qissa, dastan, hikmet, neser, etc.; about European - the formation of modern genre forms of literature.

Obviously, Bashkir literature and its poetry, being Turkic-speaking in its origins, has already gone through a rather long history, having accumulated rich and original artistic experience at each stage of development. However, not all stages and their features have been studied well enough. The problem of studying national literature in systemic connection and continuity is in great demand. The solution of the issue would help the revival trend - the best traditions of the past should actively participate in the modern creative process.

The prospect of the development of Bashkir literature and literary thought seems to be largely due to a consistent, objective study of the entire history of the national artistic thought, its features at individual stages, the creative use of the entire arsenal of artistic means in modern literary practice.

Bashkir Literature of the 20th Century: A Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions. Comp. and scientific ed. Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, prof. . Ufa, 2003, -33.4 p.p.

Steblev Turkic poetic forms of the XI century. M.: Nauka, 1993. S. 23.

Bashkir literature. B.l. developed on the basis of bash. folklore, based on the traditions of ancient Turkic literature and Eastern literature. Earliest letters. bash monuments. literature belong to Bulg. era (see Volga Bulgaria). Diverse and stable connections and interactions decomp. ethnic groups, terr. and linguistic affinity of the Turkic peoples. the peoples of the Ural-Volga region during the period of the Volga Bulgarin led to the formation of a single, so-called other Bulg. literature in the Turkic language. Lit-ra of this period was not narrowly national, it was created by the efforts of the Bulgars and other Turkic peoples. peoples that were part of the Volga Bulgaria. History knows the names of Bulg. writers Burkhanetdin Ibrahim al-Bulgari, Hamid ibn Idris and others. Traditions of the ist.-lit. prod. Yakub ion Nugman "Tavarikhi Bulgaria" ("History of Bulgaria") were continued in the 19th century. in one writings bash. writers G. Sokroy and T. Yalsygul. Classic an example of the literature of the Bulgar period is the work. Kul Gali "Kissa-i Yusuf" (13th century), which is the common property of the Bashkirs and Tatars. In bulg. period continues the tradition of poetic. tombstone inscriptions, leading from the Orkhon-Yenisei monuments (see Husseinbek cachene). Epitaphs give an idea of ​​the originality of literature and the peculiarities of the language of a particular period. Their department poetic clichés later turned into an element of the traditional beginning of bash. shezhere, ist. notes, baits. Lit-ra of the Ural-Volga region up to the 19th century. was handwritten and anonymous. The writer either simply did not indicate his name, or as a result of repeated rewriting, the authorship was lost, and the production. became popular. Texts usually have several versions and editions; depicted events and characters in the production. often have a conditional, abstract character. On Wednesday. centuries from Arabic, Persian, Ind. lit-r in Turkoyaze. the literature of the Ural-Volga region was penetrated by the plots of many others. prod. (“Jokes of Khoja Nasretdin”, “Kalila and Dimna”, “Forty viziers”, etc.) and their region arose. versions (“Al-kissa Buzyeget”, “Bakhtiyarname”, etc.).

From the 2nd floor. 13th c. the Kipchak period of development of B.L. begins. (see Kipchaks, Golden Horde). Lit-ra of this time as a system was regional in nature. So, “Gulistan bit-Turki S. Sarai”, “Zhumzhuma Sultan” by Khusem Katib, “Muhabbatname” by Khorezmi, “Khosrov ve Shirin” by Kutb and other works created during this period and having a single lit. language and art. system, became common monuments of the Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Tatars, Uzbeks and other Turkic peoples. peoples. In the Middle Ages. B.l. traditional prevailed. for east. literature genres: gazelle, dastan, qasida, qissa, hikayat. Dastan Mahmud Gali "Nahjel Faradis" and other works. religious-didactic content contributed to the development of prose. genres. Kissa and the dastans "Ali-batyr", "Kisekbash kitaby", "Kissa-i Sakam", "Kissa-i Fattahetdin" formed the basis of hagiographic. liters.

The best examples of Sufi poetry (see Sufism) - Prod. Middle Asian. poets A. Yasavi, Bakyrgani, Mohammed Chelyabi, Allayar-Sufi and others - contributed to the development of the epic. traditions, ending. the formation of some popular genres, the design and consolidation of B.l. Sufi motifs in the 15th-17th centuries found a vivid embodiment in the television of the poets Ummi Kamala, Mavli Kului and others, in the 18-19 centuries. — G.Usman, Sh.Zaki, A.Kargaly, M.Kutush-Kypsaki, H.S.Salikhov, G.Sokroy, T.Yalsygul and others.

In the era of the Golden Horde, many Turks. scientists and writers were forced to leave their homeland and continue their work in other countries. Information about the bash has been preserved. poets Sanjar Gilmetdin al-Bashkordi and Nasretdin an-Nasyr, who lived in Egypt.

Turkophone. literature, which existed in the Urals and the Volga region in the 11th - 16th centuries, did not have strict nat. borders. Inside the region.. system differentiation bash. nat. Literature begins with the 16th century: there are elements inherent only in bash. literature of the national subjects, a close connection with folklore is established. An intermediate type of creativity between literature and folklore is intensively developing - oral literature.

The accession of Bashkortostan to Russia was a turning point in the development of the spiritual culture of the Bashkirs. The consolidation of the people has intensified, a broad prospect of close ties and creativity has opened up. interaction with progressive Russian. culture. In B.l. along with the general region. signs appear nat. and terr.-geogr. topics related to the Urals, with the life and life of the Bashkirs, new genres arise, poetic. forms that are unique to bash. poetry. Among the handwritten a special place is occupied by shezhere, in which the chronicle of the family, genealogy are closely intertwined with the presentation of the ist. events, stories and legends. In the dastan genre, “Aile yryuy shezherehe”, “Karagai-kypsak yryuy shezherehe”, “Usergan yryuy shezherehe”, “Yurmaty yryuy shezherehe” were written; in the genre of tavarikh - "Tavarikhi bashkort", "Chingizname".

Bashkir uprisings of the 17th-18th centuries. activated nar. journalism and dem. direction in liters. The most means. prod., reflecting the socio-politic. the situation and revealing the reasons that led to the restoration, - a letter from Batyrsha to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna (see "Batyrgian batshaga hut"). Significant for B.l. period of the Peasants' War of 1773-75 is the TV-in Salavat Yulaev, which embodied the best traditions of oral and writing. bash. poetry. Discovery in the 17th-18th centuries. madrasas in Bashkortostan, teaching in them Arabic and the Persian language contributed to strengthening ties with the East. liter swarm. The influence of TV-va Navoi, Nizami, Saadi, Firdowsi, Hafiz is growing; the genres of ghazal, masnavi, hikmet, etc. develop. In poetry, the canonized verse aruz prevails. In 1812, the book “Kuz-Kurpyach, a Bashkir story, written in the Bashkir language by one Kuraych and translated into Russian in the valleys of the Riphean mountains, 1809”, written by T.S. Belyaev, was published in Kazan in 1812. Presumably, he also recorded another monument to bash. literature - "Aldar menen Zuhra".

In the 19th century The development of literature in the spirit of modern times was facilitated by the activities of the reformers A.A. Divaev, Kh. Zhdanov, Z.Kh. Rasulev and others. 19th century educational literature develops. In its origin and development means. the role was played by the teachers of Neplyuevsky cadet corps M.M.Biksurin, M.Ivanov, S.B.Kuklyashev, who in their creative work. and scientific-ped. activities focused on progressive Russian. culture and education. Many bash. Enlightenment writers were educated in Russian. uch. institutions or new method madrasas (see Jadidism). Cr. Akmulla and M.I. Umetbaev became representatives of the Enlightenment movement in Bashkortostan. Addressing in their products. to the social subjects, poets-enlighteners saw the solution of the contradictions of society in the dissemination of knowledge, pinned their hopes on educated people. At the end of the 19th century bash formation begins. dramaturgy, its genre forms and structural features. In B.l. last quarter. 19th century the features of enlightenment gradually become stronger. realism. Means. prose is evolving. Under the influence of Russian and app. lit. traditions, such genres as the story, the story begin to develop. Along with the book. “Kissa-i Jamshid” (1889), “Kissa-i Hikmet” (1897) by Sh. Kashafetdin and coll. hikayats "Belek" (1872, comp. V.V. Radlov), written in the traditional. east genres appear realistic. prod. - the stories "Salima" (1899; "Salima") and "Asma" (1903; "Asma") by R.F. Fakhretdinov, stories and novels by Z. Hadi.

At the beginning of the 20th century in B.l. the critical method begins to form. realism. More and more obvious is the fragility of the social. foundations; not only the fate of the individual, but also the fate of the whole society is recognized as an acute problem that requires the worst. research. On the pages of gas. "Ural" and satirist. and. "Karchyga", "Chukech" are printed rev. poem. and journalistic works. Sh.Babich, F.V.Valiev, M.Gafuri, G.Gumersky, A.S.Isyanberdin, B.G.Mirzanov, G.Kh. .M. Suleimanov, A.Z. Tangatarov, F.K. Tuikin, Ya.G. Yumaev, S.S. Yakshigulov. In their productions they turn to the the past of the Bashkir people, thinking about its disasters. situation, call on the people to actively fight for their rights.

After October revolution in B.l. advanced two ideological-thin. directions: national-patriotic, defending the ideas of bash. autonomy, independent development of national culture and literature (Sh. Babich, Kh. G. Gabitov, Suleymanov and others), and revolutionary-democratic, sharing the views of the Bolsheviks (S. Kudagi, A. M. Tagirov, Sh. A. Khudaiberdin, D. Yulty and others .). During these years, there is a youth lit. org-tion national-patriotic. direction "Tulkyn" headed by Sh. Babich, disintegrated in 1920 after the dissolution of the Bashkir government.

During the Civil War, lit. forces united around the Bolsheviks. "Bashkortostan heberdere", "Kyzyl kurai", "Ҡyҙyl yul" ("Red way"), "Kyzyl batyr", etc., which published production. M. Gafuri, Tagirov, D. Yulty, young poets G. Gumer, B. Ishemgul, Yarly Karim, Shamun Fidai and others. roar prevailed. pathos, motives for building a new life, heroic. subject. Such genres as fable, pamphlet, song, poetic have become widespread. appeals, agitation poems, epigrams. In prose, small genres developed: sketches, nesers, essays, stories, which were mostly journalistic. character.

The formation of dramaturgy was associated with the creation in con. 1919 Bashkir Drama Theatre. His repertoire included plays by M.A. Burangulov, H.K. Ibragimov, Niyazbaev, D. Yulty. The drama "Karagol" (1920; "Karagul") by D. Yultiya, the comedy "Bashmagym" by Ibragimov won particular popularity. Social changes in the life of the country, thoughts and feelings of the proletarian masses are reflected in the book. "Ҡomartgylarim" (1924; "My memoirs") D. Yultiya, "Ҡyҙyl tәlgәshtar" (1925; "Red clusters") M. Gafuri, "Esh syuagy" (1926; "Dawn of labor") G. Yanabi, "kaban yyrҙary "(1926; "Songs of the Plow") S. Kudash. Lit. and. "Belem". "Yany yul" (1923; "New Way"), "Yanylyk" (1927; "News"), "Sasan" (1927; "Sesen"), "October" (see "Agidel"), where the works were published. S.Agygia, G.Amantaya, V.Valida, A.Karnaya, G.Khairy. Development and formation of B.l. in the 20s. took place in a sharp ideological and aesthetic. fight. Differences arose. creative directions, styles: abstractness and rhetoric in poetry, naturalism in prose, expressionism and constructivism in dramaturgy. The novels “Ҡara yөҙҙәr” (1927; in Russian translation “Shameful, 1938; in subsequent editions “Black-faced”), “Tormosh baҫҡystary” (1928; “Steps of Life”) by M. Gafuri are published; “Berense köndär” (1929; “First days”), “Tashkyn darya tarmagynda” (1928; “On the turns of a stormy river”) by Tagirov, depicting the difficult past of the Bashkir people and their struggle for a brighter future. Stories, nesers, novels by I. Nasyri “Göldar” (1927; “Guldar”), “Һөzhүm” (1929; “Attack”) and others were created in a romantic vein. ”, 1976) G.Khairy tells about the struggle and life of the Bashkir people during the roar. Bash on stage. t-ra of drama, new plays are staged: “Ҡyҙyl yondoҙ” (1925; “Red Star”) M. Gafuri, “Kuseu osoronda” (1926; “In transition period”) Tagirova, Tirmandә” (1926; “At the mill”) D. Yulty. The first letters appear. org-tion. In 1923, an association of poets of Bashkortostan was created in Ufa. A creative worker worked at the Bureau of Journalists of the Republic. writers section. In 1928, these two organizations merged into the Bashkir Association of Proletarian Writers. In 1934, the Union of Writers of the BASSR was created on the basis of the BAPP.

1st floor 30s became the period of rise of B.l. During these years, the genres of poetry, prose, and dramaturgy were intensively developing. Writers continue to work fruitfully, who declared themselves back in the 20s: M. Gafuri, G. A. Davletshin, B. Ishemgul, S. Kudash, Tagirov, G. Khayri, D. Yulty, T. Yanabi. A new generation of masters of the word comes to literature: Kh.L. Davletshina, K. Dayan, M. Karim, S. Kulibay, K. Mergen, M. Kharis. However, under the conditions of the strengthening of the totalitarian regime, writers were deprived of the freedom of creativity, the right to their own. opinion. Socialist realism was implanted in a directive order. The class struggle, the chanting of a new life, the glorification of the party and its leaders formed the basis of many works. Main the theme of the poetry of this time - social. reorganization of life: "Tractors Aigylyu" (1933; "Tractor driver Aikhylu") B. Ishemgula, "Ishembay" (1934; "Ishimbay") G. Gumer, "Os yyr" (1935; "Three songs") G. Salyama, " Er" (1936; "Earth") by B. Bikbay, "Yamle Aғiҙel buyҙary" (1940; "Beautiful valleys of Agideli") R. Nigmati, "Auyl" (1940; "In the native village") H. Karima and other playwrights , depicting the victory of the new over the old, link it with the struggle for spiritual and morals. improvement of people: the dramas "Һаҡmar" (1932; "Khakmar"), "Duҫlyҡ һәм moхәбт" (1939; "Friendship and Love"), "Yalan ҡyҙy" (1939; "Daughter of the Steppe") by S.M. Miftakhov; plays by Tagirov, N.K.Karipov and others. The novel develops intensively in prose. The action of the novels of the 30s. takes place during the First World War and Civil. war. Ch. the principle of image formation is the image from the standpoint of class, communist. party spirit with an underlined "vitality", and often a documentary image. The novels “Kaldattar” (1933; in Russian translation “Soldiers”, 1934), “Ҡyҙyl guardsmen” (1935; in Russian translation “Red Guards”, 1935), “ҠҠҙыл ARMеецтар” (1936; in Russian translation “ Red Army soldiers, 1961) Tagirova; "Khan" (1934; in Russian translation "Blood", 1934) by D. Yultiya; "Kүҙәy" (1934; in Russian translation "Kudey", 1965) by I. Nasyri are characterized by epic. the scale of the plot and the display of the dynamics of the development of characters. In production the image of the hero of the time, a fighter for the social. justice. However, the promotion of only social-class accents to the fore impoverished the thin. images, crowded out the special, national, led to an increase in the trend of vulgar sociologism, one-sidedness in reflecting reality.

Con. 30s - 40s became in B.L., as in society as a whole, a period of loss. In 1937-38. pl. writers (G. Amantai, Davletshin, B. Ishemgul, I. Nasyri, Tagirov, D. Yulty, T. Yanabi and others) were subjected to political repressions. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War pl. the writers went to the front. M. G. Abdullin, Karipov, A. Karnai, H. Kunakbai, Miftakhov, B. Mukamai, M. Kham, M. Kharis and others died the death of the brave. The war radically changed the theme of the works. The heroism of soldiers at the front, selflessness. work in the home front, love for the Motherland - main. themes of the literature of those years. Prose of the military. years is represented by small and cf. genre forms: short story, essay, short story. The image of the fighting people becomes central: “Atly Ilmyrҙa” (“Horseman of Ilmurz”) by S. Agish; “Bayguzha Sayetғәlin” (“Bayguzha Saitgalin”) by K. Dayan; "Politruk Lavrov", "Nastya" by V. Dima; “Il saҡyra” (“The Motherland Calls”), “Mohәbbatkә ulem yuҡ” (“Love is immortal”), “Sergeant Galin” by H. Karim; “Fascist - keshe tugel” (“Fascist is not a person”), “Doshmanga birelmәҫkә” (“Do not surrender to the enemy”; all - 1942), “Zөbәy Үtagolov” (1943; “Zubay Utyagulov”) D.G. Kiekbaeva; "Kaldat" (1944; "Soldier") by A. Chanysh. Essays and stories about the war were combined into cycles and collections: “Don dalalarynda” (1942; in Russian translation “In the steppes of the Don”, 1942) by S. Kudash; "Front өson" (1943; "For the front") S. Agish; "Bashkort tar" (1943; "Bashkirs"), "Egettar" (1944; "Dzhigits") by K. Mergen. The form of verse becomes popular. messages: the collective poem “Fronttagy bashkort egettarenә bashkort khalkynan hut” (1943; “Letter of the Bashkir people to the Bashkir horsemen-front-line soldiers”); poems Ulter, ulym, fascists!” (1942; “Kill, my son, a fascist!”), “Kinen kәlәshendenen Khattary” (1943; “Letters from your bride”) R. Nigmati, verse. “Bashkort Khalkyna Yauap Khat” (1943; “Reply letter to the Bashkir people”) by M. Karima and others. The dramaturgy of this period continued the traditions of the 20-30s. as in the image heroic. past people in the plays “Ҡһym tүrә” (1942; “Kakhym-turya, or 1812”) by B. Bikbai, “Iҙеүкәй мәнн Moraҙym” (1943; “Idukai and Muradym”) by Burangulov, and in the display of modernity - “Urman shaulai "(1942; "The forest is noisy") R. Nigmati, "Ber ata balalary" (1944; "Children of the same family") B. Bikbay, "Yau" (1944; "Battle") K. Mergen and V. S. Kedrov and etc.

In the 50s. a new stage in the development of Bashkir literature begins. The ranks of writers are replenished by front-line soldiers I.A. Abdullin, Sh. Bikkul, A. G. Bikchentaev, M. Gali, Kh. Gilyazhev, D. F. Islamov, Ya. They bring to literature not only war-scorched lines, but also a new worldview. Lyric. the hero has grown immeasurably, he experiences a great patriotism. feeling and at the same time feels responsible to all mankind. During these years, a whole galaxy of young poets appeared in literature: R.Ya.Garipov, A.Kh.Igebaev, M.N.Karimov, R.A.Safin and others. contributed to the creation of about the working class. The plays “Sagiҙә” (1948; “Sagida”) by Bikchentaev and R.Kh. Khairullin, “Taran gulysh” (1949; “Deep breathing”) by I.A. city") K. Mergen. This theme is revealed in the novels "Naryshtau itagenda" (1951; in Russian translation "On the slopes of Naryshtau", 1954) by K. Mergen, "Swans remain in the Urals" (1954; in bash. translation "Ҡarasәy yuly", 1957) Bikchentaeva, "Aҡselәn tashҡanda" (1955; "When Akselyan overflows") B. Bikbay. There are works in which an attempt is made to comprehend the events of the roar. and after the time: novels "Niger" (1951; in Russian translation "Fundament", 1952) S. Agish about drama. the fate of the man of the earth; "Berense aҙymdar" (1952; in Russian translation "First Steps", 1975) A. Vali about the first generation after the revolution. bash. intelligentsia. The story “Kyҙҙar” (1954; in Russian translation “Girls”, 1957) Islamov; “Tulgyn өҫtөndәge kala” (1954; in Russian translation “The Town on the Waves”, 1955) by G. Gumer; plays “Tuy dauam itә” (1947; “The wedding continues”) by M. Karim, “Beҙ ayyrylyshmabyҙ” (1949; “We will not part”), “Bazhalar” (1954; “In-laws”) by I.A. Abdullina, “Yaҙғy yyr" (1961; "Spring Song") N. Nadzhmi draw post-war. reality with an optimistic positions. Means. phenomenon in B.l. was the publication of the novel "Yrgygy" (1957; in Russian translation "Irgiz", 1961) Davletshina, written in difficult conditions of persecution and persecution. A new stage in the development of B.l. in the 60s. was the first publication in B.L. trilogy "Yaҡtyga" (1958-69; "Toward the Light") Z.A. Biisheva, who created the express. pictures of the life of the Bashkir people at the turn of epochs and the image of a woman of the new world. The rethinking of the phenomena of reality is observed during this period in M. Karim's TV. In the dramas “Yangyҙ ҡaiyn” (1950; “Lonely birch”) and “Yyrlanmagan yyr” (1961; “Unsung song”) the author raises topical societies. problems and related moral issues. personality degradation. The desire to deepen the psychology. analysis, attention to the problems of morality are displayed in the product. “Yomart er” (1959; “Generous land”) Islamova, “Pogongyq haldattar” (1965; in Russian translation “Soldiers without shoulder straps”, 1969) H. Gilyazheva, “Zangar Satyr” (1976; “Blue Tent”) Sh.M. Yanbaeva, "Altynbika" (1960; "Altynbika") and "Akshoshom mineen" (1964; "My Swan") F.A. Isangulova, "Auylym Yuly" (1963; "The Way of My Village") and " Er biҙәge "(1967; "Beauty of the Earth") N.S. Musina, "Keiәү" (1968; "Son-in-law") and "Steamboat tauyshtary" (1976; "Steamboat whistles") R.G.N. Nizamova, "Tan nurҙary "(1971; "Rays of the dawn") Z.A. Sultanova, "Gölbika" (1973; "Gulbika") and "Yaygor" (1975; "Rainbow") A. Hakim, only lights”) F.A.Asyanova; as well as in the TV-ve of N. Gaitbay, T.Kh. transl. "May rain", 1960), "Golyemesh saskәһe" (1963; "Wild Rose Flower") by A. Vali; “Ozhmakh vәgәҙә itmәyem” (1963; in Russian translation “I do not promise you paradise”, 1967) Bikchentaeva; "Өҙәrem yul ​​keshelęre" (1970; in Russian translation "People of distant roads", 1977) Musina; “Borköttar oya tashlamai” (1972; in Russian translation “Eagles do not leave their nests”, 1976) by Y.N. Valeeva; “Synygyu yyldary” (1972; in Russian translation “Years of maturity”, 1979) by A.A. Bayramova; "Kabantui" (1980; "Sabantuy") T.B. Sagitova; “Beүә buyҡayҙary hary tal” (1987; “Willows on the Buy River”) by Yanbaev.

In the literature of the 60-80s. along with the traditional The topics also reflect the problems of ecology, the achievements of science and technology. The circle of heroes is enriched, while naib. clearly manifested focus on the socially active hero, deepening. revealing the character of a contemporary. Genre forms become diverse. In 1970, the first one was published in B. l. satirical novel "Dan turtagy" (in Russian translation "Bubbles of Glory", 1975) by A.Sh.Girfanova. The play “Ay totolgan tonde” by M. Karim was the first bash. tragedy. Together with the tragedies “Salauat. He aralash et tosh" (1971; in Russian translation "Salavat. Seven dreams through reality", 1983) and "Tashlama utty, Prometheus!" (1975; in Russian translation “Do not throw fire, Prometheus!”, 1979) she formed a kind of trilogy, combined. the desire to reveal the meaning of human. being. The dramas “Raysa” (1957; “Rice”), “Ҡyҙyl pasha” (1982; in Russian translation “Krasny Pasha”, 1987) by N. Asanbaeva are distinguished by the depth of psychological analysis; “Aseyemden sal sästäre” (1960; in Russian translation “The gray hair of my mother”, 1967), “Aselär kotälär uldaryn” (1975; “Mothers are waiting for their sons”) by A.M. Mirzagitova; “Yorak menan shayarmaykar” (1962; “They don’t joke with the heart”), “Tile yashlek” (1972; in Russian translation “Naughty youth”, 1972) by I.A. Abdullina; "Yanbika" (1973; "Yanbika") Safin; “Un өsonsө chairman” (1979; in Russian translation “The thirteenth chairman”, 1981) by A.Kh. Abdullina.

A new attitude was introduced into the literature of the 1970s. prod. S. Alibay, K. Aralbay, Asylguzhi, V.I. I.L.Kinyabulatova, R.F.Miftakhova, H.Nazar, R.S.Nazarov, B.Nugumanov, R.Tuygun, R.Shakur, T.Yu.Yusupov and others. Ganieva, T. Karamysh, K. K. Kinyabulatova, F. A. Rakhimgulova, A. A. Tagirova, F. Kh.

The development of prose was marked by the appearance of funds. works that recreate the life of the Bashkir people in the years of Oct. roar-tion. The appearance of the novels “Bөrtoklәp yiyyla altyn” (1966; in Russian translation “Gold is collected in grains”, 1970), “Aҡman-toҡman” (1971: in Russian translation “Akman-tokman”, 1973), “Yashenle yәy "(1975; in Russian. Transl. "Thunderous Summer", 1976) Y.Kh.Khammatova; “Arysh bashagy” (1970; in Russian translation “Rye ear”, 1977), “Ir-egetkәy menan at bashy” (1973; in Russian translation “Faithful horse and good fellow”, 1977), “Һәykәldәr terelәр өсөн” (1975; in Russian translation “Monuments for the living”, 1985) Isangulov marked the fortification in B.l. trilogy forms. Hist.-biogr. novels “Bakhtizin” (1974; in Russian translation “Bakhtizin”, 1982) V.M. Iskhakov, “Kinya” (1977; in Russian translation “Kinzya”, 1982) G.G. ikәn ”(1977; in Russian translation“ We will still live ”. 1981) Sh. Bikkula,“ Tyugan kon ”(1978; in Russian translation“ Birthday ”, 1979) Khammatova,“ Sanңҡsanңҡ itә Irәndek bөrkөtө ”( 1978; in Russian translation “The scream of an eagle from Irendyk”) by A. Chanysh, “Ҡosh yulynan baram” (1983; in Russian translation “I’m walking along milky way”, 1987) by I.A. Abdullina. Military The theme is developed by the collections of novels and short stories “Beҙ diңgeҙgә kitәbeҙ” (1973; “We are going to sea”), “Aҡsarlaҡtar һyuғa toҩшә” (1975; “The seagulls descend on the water”) by A.S. Gareeva and “Shonңҡar yuly” (1975; “The Way of the Falcon”), “kaualarҙa yondoҙ” (1977; “Stars in the Sky”) by A.Sh.Magazova. There is a process of returning nat. and east. traditions, the desire to rethink the poetics of folklore. Such are the dramas “Tylsymly Kurai” (1957; in Russian translation “Magic Kurai”, 1978) and “Zolkhizә” (1981; “Zulkhiza”) Biisheva; the poems “Yylmaiyu” (1960; “Smile”), “Ser” (1961; “Mystery”) and the story “Ononoҙaҡ bala sak” (1976; in Russian translation “Long, long childhood”, 1977) by M. Karima, in which reflected a qualitatively new principle of synthesis decomp. styles.

In the 80s. in B.l. there is an active development of all genres. Dozens of collections of stories have been published: “Shishmә” (1980; “Brook”) by M.S. Burakaeva, “Monar” (1980; “Maryevo”) by R.B. A.Kh. Vakhitova, "Bikle hazina" (1982; "Hidden Treasure") R.N. 1983; "Hard science") R.F. Baibulatov, "Beҙҙең duҫ" (1984; "Our friend") R.G. Sultangareeva, "Yәshәreү sere" (1984; "Secret of Youth") Girfanova, "Batyrlyk darese" ( 1984; “Lesson of Courage”) R.Z. huts” (1987; “Congratulatory letter”) by M.Kh. Sadykova, “Yalgan һuҡmaҡ” (1987; “False path”) by Karimov, “Kүgarsen yyry” (1987; “Pigeon song”) by Garipova, “Borolmala” (1988; "At the turn") Gareeva, etc. Variety of thin forms of assimilation of reality led to the creation of production-series: dilogy by G.G. , covers a wide time. the interval from collectivization to the present day; Musin's trilogy, including the novels "Zangartauҙa - аҡ bolan" (1980; "White deer on Sin-mountain"), "Yaraly keshe tauyshi" (1985; "The cry of the wounded"), "Tan menen syk yuldarga" (1988; "Come out in path at dawn"), raises the moral and environmental problems of the modern. society. Epic novels “Maskou Yuly” (1968; in Russian translation “Road of Moscow”, 1974) Islamova, “Ҡoyash bayymay ҙa bayymay” (1995; “The sun still does not set”) are published by I.A. Abdullina, the story “Yarlyҡau "(1986; in Russian. Per. Pardon", 1987) by M. Karim, telling about the tragic. pages of the Great Patriotic War. There is an upsurge in the development of the national literary criticism and literary criticism. For the first time, the multi-volume collections “Bashkort Halyk Izhady” and “Bashkir Folk Art”, the collective work “Bashkort әҙәbiate tarihy” (in 6 volumes, 1990-96; “History of Bashkir Literature”) were published for the first time; monographs by V.K. Amirov, R. B. Akhmadiev, Baimov, Bikbaev, Vakhitov, M.F. Questions of the theory of literature are being developed (K.A. Akhmedyanov), lit. heritage of the Bashkir people (S.A. Galin, G.S. Kunafin, A.I. Kharisov, G.B. Khusainov and others). In the 80-90s. in B.l. there is a further improvement of genre forms and styles. The process of formation of scientific-thin. worldview, liberation from dogmatic. installations, ideological cliches characteristic of B.l. owls. period. Published ist. the novels “Börköt ropes” (1981; in Russian translation “Wing of the Golden Eagle”, 1987) by K. Mergen, “kauyr ҡumta” (1982; “Leather Box”), “Dumbyra Syny” (1986; in Russian translation “ Cry of the dumbra”, 1988) by A. Hakim; “Tonyaҡ amurҙary” (in 2 books, 1983-85; in Russian translation “Northern Amuri”, 1987) by Khammatov; "Karaһaҡal" (1989; "Karasakal"), "Ahyryzaman kotkandә" (1993; "Waiting for the end of the world") B.Z. Rafikov; "Khanly ille bish" (1993; "Bloody 55th") Khusainov; "Shunda yata batyr һөyәge" (2000; "The remains of the batyr lie here") Musin. The novels “Syuaҡ kөndәr” (1986; “Fine days”) Isangulova, “Beҙ yәshәgәn er” (1988; “The land on which we live”) Sultangareeva, “Kilmeshak” (1988; “Alien”) A.M. Bulyakov, “Yauap birer kon” (1989; “Payback”) Baimova, “Yerem, keshelarem” (1996; “My land, my people”) Sultanov, “Bөyrәkay” (1997; “Buryonka”) Garipova reflect the negative aspects of collectivization, the problems of barbaric relationship with natural resources moral degradation personality. In the wake of the collapse of the USSR, the revival of the national movement, novels were published in which the events of Oct. rev-tion, Citizen. war, 1930s, consequences of the cult of personality: "Oyörmә" (1992; "Hurricane"), "Dauyldan ҡotolou yҡ" (1994; "There is no escape from the storm"), "Karuan" (1997; "Caravan") Khakimova ; “Tamyp ta gyna kala ҡandary” (1993; “Blood is dripping with drops”), “Taftilau” (1996; “Taftilyau”) by G.A. Khisamova; “Kitmәҫ өson kildem” (1994; “I came to stay”) by M.A. Khaidarova; "Sybar shonqar" (1997; "Flight of the Falcon") Baimov and others.

Liter con. 90s - early. 2000s develops new topics, using different forms and methods of presenting material, strives for a deep reflection of reality, for an analysis of acute life conflicts. Topical are the problems of the development of a person's personality, friendship of peoples, the relationship between the fate of a person and the fate of the people, increasing civic responsibility. In B.l. entered a group of poets raising acute social topics in openly journalistic. form, leading an active search in the field of verse form (extension of vocabulary, variety of rhythms, enrichment of rhymes). Original forms and techniques of versification are characteristic of TV-woo G. G. Ishkinin, R. Tulyak, A. Utyabay, A. R. Yuldashbaev. The rise of the epic beginning, increased interest in the social. The world is distinguished by the poetry of S.N. Abuzarov, D.M. Sharafetdinov, G.G. Zaripov, R. KulDavlet, Kh.Kh. Attention to internal world lyric. hero, a special gullible intonation is inherent in TV-woo poets T.S. Davletberdina, Yu.S. Ilyasova, T. Iskanderia, G.M. In prose, the themes of modernity are premier. in the psychological and moral aspects - reveal F.F. Akbulatova, G.M. Gizzatullina, H.N. Tapakov, R.R. Urazgulov. Children's literature is developing. Modern B.l. as a type of society. consciousness and spiritual culture continues thin. chronicle of the life of the Bashkir people.

Literature of the multinational Republic of Bashkortostan. “My dear land, Sweet rivers, fields, Birch and black trees, The Ural rearing up into the sky, - I melt one dream: to sing my Motherland. ... Over the expanses of glades My Ural, my giant! Yet I am not alone: ​​A little breeze will blow, It will bring news to me About my native side, About those familiar places, About honey springs, About the land where My handsome man, my Ural, rose to the sky, He brings news to me. "Salavat Yulaev. "Native Country""

  • 1 Fiction
    • 1.1 History
    • 1.2 21st century
    • 1.3 Oral Bashkir literature
  • 2 Dramaturgy
  • 3 Bashkir tales
  • 4 Bashkir proverbs and sayings
  • 5 Children's literature
  • 6 Scientific literature
  • 7 Epistolary literature
  • 8 Literary magazines
  • 9 Literary newspapers
  • 10 Folklore
  • 11 Literary criticism
  • 12 Literary awards
  • 13 Educational institutions
  • 14 Literary associations
  • 15 Literary museums
  • 16 Interesting Facts
  • 17 Literature
  • 18 Notes
  • 19 Links




The sources of Bashkir literature are ancient Turkic written monuments such as the Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions and handwritten works of the 11th century in the Turkic language (“Divanu lugat at-Turk” by M. Kashgari, “Kutadgu bilik” by Y. Balasaguni).

The creation of Bashkir written literature was preceded by oral folk art. The Bashkirs had a rich folklore. The works of oral folk art reflected the views of the ancient Bashkirs on nature, their life experience, and moral ideals. Genre composition of works is diverse: epic and fairy tale, legends and legends, kubairs (heroic tales), riddles, songs, baits, gazelle, madhiya, marsia, qasida, dastan, hikmat, qissa, hikayat, nazym, nasikhat, munajaty, gazelle, masnavi, kitga , parsa, neser, masal, latifa, sayahatname, shezhere, tauarih, hitap, maktub, name and many others.

Bashkir folk art includes the epics "Ural-batyr", "Akbuzat", "Zayatulyak and Khuukhylu", "Kara-yurga", "Akkhak-kola", "Kungyr-buga", Alpamysh and Barsynkhylu, historical and everyday songs, baits , fairy tales and legends, many of which were transmitted orally. Salavat Yulaev's poems belong to oral folk art. The writers of the 18th-19th centuries T. Yalsygula Al-Bashkordi, G. Sokroy, Sh. Ya. Zaki, G. Salikhov created mainly spiritual poetry associated with religious consciousness. Enlightenment ideas were reflected in the writings of writers and scientists of the 2nd half of XIX century: M. K. Akmulla, M. Umetbaev, M. Bekchurin (Bikchurin, Biksurin) and others. The originality of religious enlightenment was manifested in relation to the solution of social problems. R. Fakhretdinov's writings ("Asma", "Salima", "Family", "Instructions") condemn greed and ignorance. According to his conclusions, immoral acts are also inherent in rich people.

Bashkir enlighteners-democrats Mukhametsalim Umetbaev (1841-1907), Miftakhetdin Akmulla (1831-1895), Mazhit Gafuri (1880-1934), Shaikhzada Babich (1890-1919), Daut Yulty (1893-1938) exposed the acuteness of social problems, for them the way of smoothing out contradictions was unacceptable.

At the beginning of the XX century. (1906) a national Tatar press appeared in Bashkortostan, first in Orenburg (magazines Shura, Din ve megishet, Chukech), then in Ufa (newspaper Tormysh, 1913-18). Many Bashkir poets, prose writers, playwrights were published in Tatar magazines, newspapers published in many cities of the country, including Ufa (there was no periodical press in the Bashkir language), published their books in Tatar publishing houses.

Many works about Bashkiria were created by Russian writers of the 19th-20th centuries - A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov (unfinished novel Vadim), S. T. Aksakov, V. I. Dal, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, P M. Kudryashev, M. L. Mikhailov, P. M. Kudryashev, V. S. Yumatov, V. S. Losievsky, M. L. Mikhailov, M. V. Avdeev, Anatoly Rybakov (novel "Ashes and Ashes" ). they reflect the history and culture of the Bashkir people, their struggle against tsarism and foreign invaders. The historical novel by S. Zlobin "Salavat Yulaev" (1929) entered the treasury of Russian literature.

The first Bashkir writers and poets of the 20th century were Sh. Babich, Kh. Gabitov, D. Yulty, S. Mryasov, K. Idelguzhin, T. Yanabi (Kalimullin), G. Amantai, Zaini, Davletshin and others. They were published in the newspaper “ Bashkurdistan" since 1924. the form of separate books - since 1923.

Mazhit Gafuri

At the beginning of the 20th century, Bashkir writers Mazhit Gafuri also appeared in the literature of Bashkiria, writers - participants in the Civil War: Garif Gumer, B. Z. Ishemgulov, Tukhvat Yanabi, Imai Nasyri and other Red Army newspapers published the first works of the Komsomol poet Shamun Fidai, Yarly Karim , Bolshevik publicist Sh. A. Khudaiberdin.

On the stages of the Bashkir theaters were staged: the drama of M. Burangulov "Ashkadar" (1920) and the musical comedy of the playwright and composer H. K. Ibragimov "Shoes" (1921), ridiculing the mores of the bourgeois and merchants. 1920 D. I. Yulty wrote the play Karagul about the struggle of the Bashkir workers for freedom. Bashkir poetry embodied the thoughts and feelings of a man of labor who became the master of his own destiny: the collections of M. Gafuri, S. F. Kudash, G. Gumer, T. Yanabi and others. At the end of the 20s, young writers Sagit Agish, Gabdulla Amantai, Ali Karnay, Rashit Nigmati, Tazhi Mukhitdin, Gaynan Khairi and others; the heroes of their works are youth, Komsomol, fighters for a new life.

In a turning point, such figures of Bashkir culture as Zaki Validi, Abdulkadir Inan, Galimyan Tagan, Mukhametsha Burangulov were formed. Zaki Validi (1890-1970) - the leader of the Bashkir national movement, one of the founders of the Bashkir autonomy, who wrote hundreds of works on the history and culture of the Turkic peoples, including the Bashkirs. Abdulkadir Inan (1889-1974) - a researcher who has invested a lot of work in Turkological science. Mukhametsha Burangulov (1888-1968) is an outstanding Bashkir folklorist, thanks to whose tireless work it was possible to preserve the pearls of the Bashkir epic.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, Bashkortostan began with the rise of Bashkir literature. Literature developed along the path of socialist realism. Novels and novels by S. Agish, B. G. Bikbay, Kh. L. Davletshina, A. Karnay, S. F. Kudash, I. Nasyri, A. M. Tagirov, poems by M. G. I. Yultiya, dramas by S. M. Miftakhov. The growth of industry in Bashkiria, the formation of the working class are reflected in the essay by A. Karnay "Ishimbay". (1935), in A. M. Tagirov’s story “The Blood of Machines” (1934), in verses by Rashit Nigmati, Kadyr Dayan, Salakh Kulibay. Poets Batyr Walid, Maksud Syundukle, Muslim Marat and others came out with poetic works about the working class. received the theme of the Revolution and the Civil War: the novels of A. M. Tagirov (“Soldiers”, parts 1-2, 1931-33, “Red Guards”, 1934, and “Red Army Men”, 1936), D. I. Yulty (“Blood ”, 1934), I. Nasyri (“Kudey”, 1936), stories by A. Karnay, Kh. B. Mukhtar, I. Nasyri, Ch. Kh. Khanov, B. Kh. Khasan and others. Humor and satire are developing: stories by Sagit Agish, stories by Gubai Davletshin, Bulat Ishemgulov, Kirei Mergen, Tukhvat Yanabi, poems by Gainan AmiriGainan Amiri. The genre of the poem became widespread: “Shunkar” (1936) and “Child” (1939) by G. Salama, “Beautiful valleys of Ak-Ideli” (1939) by R. Nigmati, “Country of winners” (1935) by T. Yanabi and others. Plays by S. M. Miftakhov, B. G. Bikbay, K. Kh. Dayan, and N. K. Karip appeared.

Mustai Karim, People's Poet of Bashkortostan

During the Great Patriotic War, poetry developed. Books by T. G. Arslan, A. M. Valeev, M. S. Karim, H. K. Karim, N. N. Najmi, R. Nigmati and others became a poetic chronicle of the war. The images of the heroes of the front and rear were created in the books of S. Agish (“To the Front”, 1943), K. Mergen (“Bashkirs”, 1943, “Dzhigits”, 1944), S. F. Kudash (“In the Steppes of the Don”, 1943 ), G. Gumer (“Stories of grandfather Yulsura”, 1945) and others. Dramas by B. G. Bikbay, K. Mergen, A. K. Mubaryakov were staged on the Bashkir stage.

In the post-war years, the following were published: the story of S.F. Kudash "Towards the Spring" (1952) - about the friendship of the poets Gabdulla Tukay and Mazhit Gafuri, his memoirs "Unforgettable Minutes" (1957), "In the Footsteps of Youth" (1964); G. Gumer's story "The Town on the Waves" (1951) is about the work of raftsmen, his autobiographical story "From the Threshold to the Upper Room" (1957). The genre of the novel has developed greatly. Kh. L. Davletshina's novel "Irgiz" (1957) depicts the friendship and joint struggle of the Bashkir peasants and Russian workers. The following novels are devoted to the past of the people: Z. A. Biisheva “The Humiliated” (1959), Y. Kh. Khammatov “Gold is collected bit by bit”. The novels of S. Agish (“Foundation”, 1950), A. M. Valeev (“First Steps”, 1952), B. G. Bikbai (“When Akselyan Spills”, 1956) depict the socialist transformations of the Bashkir village. The struggle for oil in Bashkiria is shown in the novels of K. Mergen "On the slopes of Naryshtau" (1948-49) and A. G. Bikchentaev "Swans remain in the Urals" (1956). The novels of A. M. Valeev “May Rain” (1957), “Wild Rose Flower”, D. F. Islamov “The Generous Land” (1959) and “The Road of Moscow” (1968), A. G. Bikchentaev “I am not I promise you paradise "(1963), Kh. G. Gilyazheva" Soldiers without shoulder straps "(1964). Of the poetic works, the verses and poems of T. G. Arslan, Sh. S. Bikkulov, M. Gali, H. K. Karim, K. K. Kinyabulatova, S. G. Kulibay, N. N. Najmi, R. Nigmati , G. Z. Ramazanova, M. Syundukle.

The textbooks include poems by the poet Rashit Saitbattalovich Nazarov.

Children's literature was also written. There were stories by Z. A. Biisheva (1908-1996), A. G. Bikchentaev, R. B. Gabdrakhmanov, F. A. Isangulov, M. S. Karim, K. Mergen.

See also Calendar poetry, Kargysh (folklore), Kulyamas, Bashkir poetry.

XXI Century

... “There is no higher happiness for a person - consent to live, strengthen peace and tranquility. For four and a half centuries we have been going together - Russian and Bashkirs.

Alexander Filippov

Writers contributed to Bashkir literature: poets R. T. Bikbaev, R. Ya. Garipov, A. Kh. Igebaev (people's poet), N. A. Gaitbaev, M. N. Karimov (people's poet), Ya. Kulmy , F. A. Rakhimgulova, R. A. Safin, R. G. Khakimov (poet, singer and composer), prose writers I. G. Gizzatullin, G. G. Ibragimov, V. M. Iskhakov, N. S. Musin and etc.

Poets who write in Russian also work successfully in the republic. Filippov, Alexander Pavlovich (1932-2011), an outstanding Russian poet, prose writer and translator, became the People's Poet of Bashkortostan. Novels and stories about animals by the writer of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus Zayanchkovsky Ivan Filippovich are read all over the world. Sergei Ivanovich Matyushin (1943-2012, Salavat) published seven books of prose.

In Bashkortostan and about Bashkortostan, Russian-speaking writers of the Republic, natives of Bashkortostan - Yu. Andrianov, R. Akhmedov, M. Gafurov, A. Kuznetsov, R. Pal, S. Sinenko write a lot. Writers A. Genatulin, V. Gerasimov, M. Karpova, M. Lvov, V. Sorokin, who moved to Moscow, connected literary activity with their "small motherland". Writers G. Bannov, D. Daminov, V. Denisov, A. Dokuchaeva, B. Pavlov, V. Perchatkin, I. Slobodchikov (novels "Big Glades", "Time of Hope"), I. Sotnikov, V. Trubitsyn, G Shafikov, who were born outside of Bashkortostan, moved to Bashkortostan for permanent residence and create works here about their "second" homeland.

The older generation of Bashkir writers includes the poets Rif Akhmadiev, Sarvar Galyautdinov (poems for children), Valery Rakhmatullin (military lyrics), Rosalia Sultangareeva, Syumel (Nafisa Khabibdiyarova), Khismat Yuldashev (poems about the Motherland), prose writers Rafael Zinnurov (the epic poem "The Way Bashkortostan"), Rinat Kamal (the novel "Alfira"), Finat Shakiryanov. Writers Niyaz Salimov, Alfiya Asadullina, Rais Tulyak, Farit Khasanov, Farzana Akbulatova, Salavat Karim, Akhmer Utyabaev, Munir Vafin, Rashida Shamsutdinova, Ramai Kagir, Lilia Sakmar, Irshat Tlyaumbetov, Rimma Galimova, Azamat Yuldashbaev, Gilman Ishkinin, Aidar Khusainov continue to work , Damir Sharafutdinov, Salavat Abuzarov, Flyur Galimov (the novel "The New Bashkir"), Ralis Urazgulov, Aidar Khusainov, Damir Sharafutdinov, Salavat Abuzarov.

Oral Bashkir literature

In Bashkir philology, the concept of "oral literature" is used in two senses, as verbal folklore and as a product of the author's improvisational professional creativity. Oral and literary creations were recorded over time, but before that they existed for a certain time in oral form by authors or performers.

Bashkir oral literature went through several stages:

  • Conditional, associated with the origin of various rites and rituals; starting from antiquity, it covers the period up to about the 14th century. new era (before the beginning of the Yyrau era). Bashkir ritual folklore has preserved the names of folklore bearers: Tulka, Karmkyt, Tulpy, Sukak, Kuzkort, Korkuta.
  • The epoch of Yyrau is associated with the names of the carriers of improvisation Khabrau, Asan Kaigy, Kaztugan, Shalgiiz. Their work fell on the XIV-XVI centuries. But the word "yyrau" in the Turkic written sources in the meaning of an oral poetic creator is mentioned earlier. Thus, in the monument “Divan lugat itturk” by M. Kashgari (1073–1074), it is interpreted as “player on a musical instrument”, “singer”. The word "yyrau" has retained its main meaning (for the Bashkirs - "folk singer") for a millennium. Many zhyrau, who lived in the XV-XVIII centuries, were not only poets, but also leaders of tribes, uluses, tribal unions, as well as batyrs, leaders of the tribal squad. their improvisations raised issues expressing the needs and aspirations of society. Yyrau wandered, knew common problems neighboring related peoples.
  • The era of sesens falls on the Russian period of Bashkir literature. "Sesen" is called the Bashkir masters of the oral word. The names of sesens were forgotten until the 11th century, and their improvisations became folklore. The sesens who carry folklore and oral literature include: Katai Gali sesen, Ihsan sesen, Turumtai sesen, Suyunduk sesen, Kildysh sesen, Emmet sesen, Karakai sesen, Yahya sesen and others. Bayik, Makhmut, Buranbai, Ishmukhamet Murzakaev, Gabit Argynbaev, Mukhammetsha Burangulov (XVI - first half of the XX century). The epic of the sesens saw the transition of oral authors to a written presentation of compositions, while losing their improvisational qualities, subordinating the ideology of the existing system.

In this era, sesens of the first half of the 20th century are known - Farrakh Davletshin, Sait Ismagilov, Mukhametsha Burangulov. They were awarded the honorary title "People's Sesen of Bashkiria". Of these, only Mukhametsha Burangulov embodied the qualities of oral masters of the 16th-19th centuries: improvisational, performing, and collecting.


Main article: Bashkir dramaturgy

From the very beginning, Bashkir dramaturgy relied on the centuries-old traditions of Bashkir folklore and the written heritage of the Bashkir people of past centuries. The history of theater began with ritual folklore, which has a pronounced dramatic structure. Narrators of epics - sesens - were distinguished by the highest skill of performance. Sesen carried several functions: they told the audience the content of the epic and acted as living characters, actors and musicians, creating a stage effect.

An important role was played by the work of enlightenment writers, their discussions about education, social problems, socio-political and philosophical views intellectuals were expressed in the periodical press in the form of dramatic sketches.

The first officially recognized Muslim performance in Bashkiria was the play “Ignorance and Learning” (a free translation of A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “A Hangover at a Foreign Feast”), staged by I. Kudashev-Ashkadarsky in 1906 in the city of Ufa. The first play that reveals the heroism of the Bashkir people in the Patriotic War of 1812 was "Heroes of the Fatherland" by F. Tuikin.

At the beginning of the 20th century, genres of historical-heroic, socio-political, socio-philosophical drama arose, which reflect the mentality of the Bashkir ethnos, highlight the topical problems of the era. These include historical dramas - "Heroes of the Fatherland" by Fazyl Tuykin, "Yangur" by Avzal Tagirov, "Salavat-batyr" by Fatkhelkadir Suleymanov.

The dramas of D. Yulty, S. Miftakhov, B. Bikbay, I. Abdullin, A. Abdullin, M. Karim, N. Asanbaev, A. Atnabaev and others formed the basis of the repertoire of the Bashkir theater.

The development of national dramaturgy was accompanied by searches and experiments in the sphere of genres of dramatic art. Significant phenomena were the tragedies "In the night lunar eclipse"," Do not throw fire, Prometheus! M. Karim, "Nerkes" by I. Yumagulov, "Akmulla" by K. Mergen; dramas "Karagul" by D. Yulty, "Bashkir Wedding" by M. Burangulov, "Karlugas" by B. Bikbay, "Raisa" by N. Asanbaev, "Mothers are waiting for sons" by A. Mirzagitov, "The Thirteenth Chairman" by A. Abdullina; comedies “Shoes” by X. Ibragimov, “Sister-in-laws” by I. Abdullin, “Kidnapping of a Girl” by M. Karim, “Shombai” by K. Mergen, “Twins” by A. Atnabaev, plays by F. Bulyakov “Forgotten Prayer”, “Bibinur, ah , Bibinur!. and etc.

The fruits of the new, socialist reality were the Bashkir Soviet comedy (“Shoes” (1921) by Kh. Ibragimov, “Bread” by S. Agish, “My Family” by K. Mergen). Philistinism was the main object of ridicule of the Bashkir comedy. Comedies satirically denounced social vices, remnants in everyday life and consciousness individual people and fought for the strengthening of collectivist principles in life, the establishment of higher moral principles.

The dramas of modern playwrights are well known: A. Kh. Najmi ("Arc with bells", "Atambay").

Bashkir fairy tales

Ural Batyr vs Giant Diva

Bashkir fairy tales are known as author's and folk. It is customary to divide Bashkir fairy tales into fairy tales about animals, magical, heroic, social tales. Such a classification Bashkir fairy tales was first proposed by N.K. Dmitriev. Russian translation by A. G. Bessonov, a collection of Bashkir fairy tales with an introductory article by Dmitriev, was first published in Ufa in 1941.

One of the first to collect and systematize Bashkir folk tales was the scientists D.K. Zelenin, A.G. Bessonov, N.K. Dmitriev. Their works were continued by A. I. Kharisov, J. G. Kiekbaev, K. Mergen (A. N. Kireev), M. Kh. Mingazetdinov, L. G. Barag, N. T. Zaripov, A. M. Suleimanov, F. A. Nadrshina, G. R. Khusainova.

Most popular hero Bashkir legends is the Ural-batyr - a fighter for the happiness of people with evil forces. And there are many evil forces in folk legends. These are the evil demons Yalmauz, Juha, Ajaha and the spirits - the owners of Eya

Fairy tales in the Bashkir language were written by Bashkir writers Rashit Sultangareev, Fakiya Tuguzbaeva, Mukarama Sadykova, Rail Baibulatov, Gulnur Yakupova, Tamara Ganieva, Nazhiya Igizyanova. The writer V. I. Dal collected Bashkir legends and fairy tales. Literary processing Bashkir fairy tales were studied by the writer A. Platonov.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the attitude to the interpretation of fairy tales was contradictory. Under the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideology, it was necessary to illustrate the ideas of class struggle and the construction of socialism in fairy tales. This trend was reflected, for example, in the fairy tales of G. Amantai "Tauykbike" ("The Hostess Hen"), "The Tale of the Crow". Since the end of the 1930s, the degree of socialization of fairy tales has been decreasing. the plots of fairy tales, writers already preferred to invest in the ideas of fidelity, friendship, mutual assistance, etc. Fairy tales are increasingly becoming a part of children's literature. Some plots of Bashkir fairy tales take on a poetic form: Dayan's fairy tales “How a dog found its owner” (1939), S. Kudash “The perspicacious hare”, etc.

Based on the plots of Bashkir folk tales, plays for children by A. Girfanov "Khurusai-batyr", A. Yagafarova "How the dog found its owner", created fables (S. Ismagilov "The Wolf and the Fox" (1947), G. Amiri "The Old Fox "(1953), Sh. Bikkul "The Mole and the Ferret" (1953)), literary tales, stories (S. Agish "Turykay"), poetry.

In modern literary tales, their folklore foundations, ways of constructing a plot, the traditional system of characters. The folklore canon in the development of the storyline is relatively stable, and the author's individuality is more often manifested in the image. fairytale heroes, in dialogues, in portrait characteristics, in descriptions of the details of the action.

See also Bashkir folk tales

Bashkir proverbs and sayings

Main article: Bashkir proverbs and sayings

Bashkir proverbs and sayings concentrated elements of folk wisdom in a few well-aimed words.

Famous folklore scholars A. G. Bessonov, A. I. Kharisov, A. N. Kireev, M. M. Sagitov, N. T. Zaripov, S. A. Galin, G. B. Khusainov, F. A. Nadrshina, A. M. Suleymanov, N. D. Shunkarov and others.

Bashkortostan publishes a series of books "Bashkir folklore: research and materials", collections of Bashkir fairy tales.

Children's literature

The main functions of children's literature are educational, educational, education of aesthetic taste, hedenistic (pleasure), rhetorical.

The origins of Bashkir children's literature are Bashkir folklore, oral folk art. Children's folklore and children's written literature take into account the psychology and age characteristics of children. Some genres in the Bashkir children's literature were created under the influence of folklore, so K. Dayan processed folk tales in poetic form.

Children's literature of the entertainment genre includes lullabies, pestles, nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, undershirts, teasers, sentences, choruses, fairy tales.

In Bashkiria, the first authors of fiction for children were M. Gafuri, D. Yulty, G. Gumer (“The Story of a Red Tie”, 1927, “Stories of Grandfather Yulsura”, 1945), Kh. I. Nasiri, K. Mzrgen ("Aldar and Shaitan: Stories for Children", "Bashkir Folk Riddles".), A. Karnay (collection of stories "Turgai") and others.

Bashkir writers F. Rakhimgulova (Poems for Children), A. Yagafarova, F. Tuguzbaeva, G. Giezatullina, I. Gapyautdinov turned to children's literature.

Fairy tales for children were written by Bashkir writers S. Surina (children's dramaturgy, processing of folklore), F. Yakhin (everyday fairy tales), K. Dayan (processing of folk tales), Dina Talkhina, Bikkul (Bashkir literary fairy tale), N. Fazlaeva and M Burakaeva "Legends of Ilmentau".

During the Great Patriotic War, S. Agish wrote books for children: "Bay", "Petka Yakushin and Petka Bayramgulov", "My Three Months".

Works for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren in the Bashkir children's literature were mainly created from the mid-1950s. this time R. Nigmati wrote poems for kids: "Answers to my daughter's questions", "The First of September", G. Yunusova wrote children's poems, shifters, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, fables, riddles: "I'm only three", "Magic gift" , "Dandelion", A. Yagafarova wrote poems and fairy tales about work, games.

Masters of Bashkir children's literature Z. Biisheva "Let's be friends" "Golden Egg", "Love and Hate"; B. Bikbay; F. Isyangulov "Descendants of Yaubasar" wrote children's works based on folk legends and legends.

The children's works of Mustai Karim include the stories "The Joy of Our Home", "Taganok", "Alfiya's Stories", "Long, Long Childhood". In these works, the world of the child appears "created by the child himself."

Scientific literature

Bashkortostan publishes literature on priority scientific areas for the republic: chemistry, medicine, mathematics, history. Scientific journals are published: "Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan", "Atmosphere, Bashkortostan", "Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan", "Medical Bulletin of Bashkortostan", online journal "Oil and Gas Business", etc.

Significant publications of the Bashkir Encyclopedia publishing house in recent years include:

Encyclopedia of Bashkortostan in 7 volumes, 2005-2011. Large teams of scientists of the republic in various fields of science are working on the encyclopedia.

Academic explanatory dictionary of the Bashkir language in 11 volumes, work on which is expected until 2016. A team of scientists from the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences is working on the dictionary. The dictionary is multilingual: the interpretation of words is given in the Bashkir language with a translation into Russian.

Salavat Yulaev: encyclopedia (dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Salavat Yulaev). 2004

Bashkortostan: a brief encyclopedia (in Russian and in Bashkir). 1996

"History of the Bashkir people" in 7 volumes. Authors: Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The first volume covers the period from ancient times to the 4th century AD, the second - from the 5th to the middle of the 16th centuries, the third - from the second half of the 16th to the 18th century, the fourth - the 19th century, the fifth - 1900-1940, the sixth - 1941-1985 , the seventh volume - from 1985 to the beginning of the XXI century. Years of publication: 2009-2012.

Academicians Baimov, Robert Nurmukhametovich, Bikbaev, Ravil Tukhvatovich, M.V. Zainullin, Z.A. Nurgalin and others were engaged in the study of the history of Bashkir literature and its analysis.

Epistolary literature

Bashkir epistolary literature refers to the literary genre used in the form of "letters" or "messages" to any person or a wide range readers. First epistolary works Bashkir literature has been known since the Middle Ages. These include letters from the Bashkirs to Ivan IV, the “Letter from Batyrsha”, a letter from the Bashkirs of the Ming tribe on issues of patrimonial land ownership to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1671), a letter from the Bashkirs of the Ufa district about harassment by government officials to Peter II (1728). written appeals of Salavat Yulaev and others. In these letters and appeals one can find evidence of the life of the Bashkirs, their social status, Bashkir legends, proverbs and sayings. The originals of the genre are stored in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts in Moscow.

Bashkir poet Akmulla, Miftakhetdin of the 19th century in the works of the genre "Letter to Father", " Open letter to Khazret Nurgali", "Isangilde Batuch", "Kypchaks from Syr" exposes the vices of society, sets out his life principles.

In the 10-30s of the twentieth century, many poems of the Bashkir poets M. Gafuri ("Love Letters"), G. Amiri, B. Bikbay, G. Gumer, B. Ishemgul, "Hey Bolshevik", " Kuraiu", "Open your eyes" by Sh. Babich, the poem by S. Kudash "Lat" (1930; "Letter") and writers - nesers B. Ishemgul, I. Nasyri, T. Yanabi and others.

During the Great Patriotic War, the poets B. Bikbay, A. Vali, K. Dayana, M. Karim, S. Kulibay, M. Kharis turned to the epistolary form, after the war - K. Aralbay, A. K. Atnabaev, M. Gali , Kh. Gilyazhev, I. L. Kinyabulatov, F. T. Kuzbekov, P. Najmi, H. Nazar, R. S. Nazarov, G. Z. Ramazanov, R. A. Safin, V. Tulyak, etc.

In modern Bashkir literature, works of the genre are known: the appeal “Khalgyma khat” (1982; “Letter to my people”) by R. T. Bikbaeva, the kubair “Amanat” (1969; “The Treasured Word”; R. Ya. Garipova.

Literary magazines

  • "BABICH" is a literary, socio-political, satirical illustrated magazine published in Ufa in 1922-23.
  • Belsky expanses - published since 1998. The journal publishes works by Russian, Bashkir, Tatar, Chuvash, and other writers. The founders are the Cabinet of Ministers and the Union of Writers of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • Magazines "Yanalyk" and "Sesen". In 1930 they were merged into one magazine "October" (since 1949 - "Literary Bashkiria"). Now "Literary Bashkortostan".
  • "Agidel"
  • "Vatandash"
  • "Amanat" is a children's and youth magazine in the Bashkir language.
  • "Bashkortostan kyzy" is a monthly literary and art magazine for women in the Bashkir language.

Literary newspapers

"EDEBI UDAR" ("AҘҙәb blow" - "Literary blow"), newspaper. The organ of the BAPP, from May 1932 - the organ of the committee of the Union of Writers of the BASSR. It was published in Ufa from April 1931 to January 1933 once every 10 days in the Bashkir language.


Materials about Bashkir folklore are in diary entries and notes of Eastern and Western missionaries and travelers of the early Middle Ages (Ibn Fadlan, Plano Carpini, Guillaume de Rubruk, etc.). Bashkir folk traditions and legends were used to describe the region by Russian travelers and researchers (I. K. Kirilov, P. I. Rychkov, I. I. Lepekhin, P. S. Pallas, I. G. Georgi, V. N. Tatishchev) . During a trip to the Orenburg province in 1833, A.S. Pushkin recorded a version of the epic “Kuzykurpyas and Mayankhylu” from sesen-narrators, and the writer, linguist-lexicographer Dal, who accompanied him on the trip, collected information on the history, life and oral poetry of the Bashkirs and published the plot of the Bashkir epic "Zayatulyak and Khuukhylu" translated into prose under the name "Bashkir Mermaid".

IN late XIX For centuries, representatives of the Bashkir intelligentsia - P. Nazarov, B. Yuluev, M. Baishev, M. Kuvatov, M. Umetbaev, G. Enikeev - have been collecting and systematizing Bashkir folklore.

In 1922, the Society for the Study of Life, Culture and History of Bashkiria was created in the Bashkir ASSR, which became the center of research in the field of Bashkir folklore. he collaborated with S. Mryasov (“Samples of fiction from the period of the Bashkir 6ys and khans”), Kh. Gabitov (“ wedding ceremonies among the Bashkirs”), G. Vildanov (“Bashkir batyrs”, “Laments among the Bashkirs”), M. Burangulov, S. Galimov and others.

In the 1930s, folklore sections were created under the Union of Writers of the BASSR and the Scientific Research Institute of Language and Literature. The society launched a great work to collect works oral art and the formation of folklore funds. Folklore was collected by Bashkir writers - A. Karnay, B. Bikbay and others. Thanks to folklore collectors, the names of talented Bashkir storytellers, storytellers, singers, kuraists, improvisers became known. The epic legends "Akbuzat", "Yulai and Salavat", "Idukai and Muradym" were published in Burangulov's notes, collections of Bashkir proverbs (1936), Bashkir folk tales (1939).

In 1932 in Ufa was opened national culture(since 1938 - language and literature named after M. Gafuri). Employees of the institute went on scientific expeditions to the regions of the republic and neighboring regions.

In the 1950s, the works of IYAL published a three-volume collection "Bashkir Folk Art" ("Bashkort Halyk Izhady", 1954-59), collections "Bashkir folk proverbs"("Bashkort halyk mәҡәldәre").

In 1951, the Bashkir branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences began operating in Ufa, and since 1957, the Bashkir State University. A new stage in the development of national folklore began, characterized by the expansion of the collection and publication of folk works and the emergence of serious scientific research.

Since the 60s, the folklorists of Bashkortostan have begun to prepare a multi-volume collection "Bashkir Folk Art" ("Bashkort Halyk Izhady") in the Bashkir language. Work on it ended in 1985 with the release of 18 volumes.

Bashkir folklore at the beginning of the 21st century was enriched by the books of F. A. Nadrshina - the epic "Ural-batyr", traditions and legends, songs and proverbs.

Since 2004, folklore expeditions have been organized in the Republic of Belarus to the northern regions of the republic, where they almost never took place. Folklorists worked in Tatyshlinsky (2004), Yanaulsky (2005), Buraevsky (2006), Askinsky (2007) districts, as well as outside the republic - in Sverdlovsk (2004, 2005), Orenburg (2004), Saratov and other regions. The results of the expeditions were collections: "Expedition materials - 2003: Zilair region" and "Expedition materials - 2004: Alsheevsky region", etc.

The publication of the collection "Bashkir Folk Art" continues. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the following volumes have been published: "Historical epic", "Epos: kisses and dastans", "Written kisses and dastans", "Epos: irteks and epic kubairs", "Proverbs and sayings", "Riddles", "Tales about animals "," Game folklore and folk sports”, “Historical baits”, “Fairy tales proper”.

According to the program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Monuments of domestic science. XX century" was prepared for the reprint of the classic of Bashkir folklore - the book by S. G. Rybakov "Music and songs of the Ural Muslims with an outline of their way of life" (1897) and "Bashkir folk tales, recorded and translated by A. G. Bessonov, edited by prof. N. K. Dmitriev” (Ufa, 1941).

literary criticism

Bashkortostan also develops literary criticism and literary criticism.

Bashkir literary criticism arose in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Prior to this, separate articles on literature were published in the reviews of T. Yalsygul al-Bashkordi, G. Usman. The first information on folklore, language and Bashkir literature was given by M. Biksurin, S. Kuklyashev, M. Ivanov (“Tatar Grammar”, 1842).

M. Umetbaev in 1897 in the book "Yadkar" (1897) conducted a systematic analysis of Bashkir literature. series of books "Asar" (1900-1904) R. Fakhretdinov summarized materials about the life and work of Bashkir writers. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, writers Fakhretdinov, M. Gafuri, A.-Z. Validov published information about Bashkir literature, presented literary portraits of writers, book reviews.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, writers themselves were more often involved in literary criticism. The main genres of literary criticism were reviews and reviews. articles by A. Chanysh, Zh. Lukman, Sh. Shagar, G. Amantai raised questions of the theory of literature, genres and styles. The first books about the life and work of the writers Gafuri, A. Tagirov, Ishemgul appeared.

In 1944 A. Kharisov's book "Theory of Literature" was published. In the early 1950s, literary articles by Kharisov, Z. Sharka, Kirey Mergen, G. Ramazanov, Kh. Zinnatullina, A. Kudashev were published on the problems of the development of literature in the war and post-war years. Monographs by G. Khusainov about the life and work of S. Kudash, Yulty, R. Nigmati, M. Karim, books by M. Gainullin about the Bashkir dramaturgy of S. Miftakhov, S. Safuanov about the life and work of A. Karnaya, N. Zaripov were published. I. Nasyri and others.

In the 1950s, in the BASSR, the national literary heritage of the Bashkir people was considered within the framework of the method of socialist realism. In 1965 Ramazanov's book "Creativity of Mazhit Gafuri" was published. Kharisov's publication "Literary heritage of the Bashkir people: XVIII-XIX centuries" was a contribution to literary science. (1965). BASSR began to regularly publish collections of critical articles. Bashkir literary critics began to deal more with the theory and methodology of literature. These are the books of K. Akhmedyanov "Poetic Imagery", A. Vakhitov "The Bashkir Soviet Novel" (1978), R. Baimov "The Fate of the Genre" (1984).

M. Kh. Gainullin, G. B. Khusainov, R. Bikbaev created works on the genres of Bashkir poetry, dramaturgy, and the development of Bashkir literature. R. Bikbaev's monograph "The Poetic Chronicle of Time" analyzes the important phenomena of modern Bashkir poetry. Baimov, T. Kilmukhametov, A. Khakimov, R. Shakur, Z. Nurgalin, R. Amirov contributed to the study of genres and main problems of Bashkir literature.

G. Kunafin, M. Idelbaev, A. Vildanov, I. Bulyakov, Z. Sharipova have been working in Bashkir literary criticism since the 70-80s. Works on the history of Bashkir literature were prepared: "From the history of Bashkir literature", (1975); "Literary heritage of the peoples of the Ural-Volga region and modernity" (1980); "The system of genres in Bashkir literature"; "The poem "Kyssa-i Yusuf" by Kul Gali: Poetics. Problematics. Language of the work" (1988). The development of archaeographic and textological research areas began. The "History of Bashkir Literature" was published in 6 volumes, which explores the emergence, formation and development of Bashkir literature, the evolution of its genres over periods, the life and work of Bashkir writers.

Modern Bashkir literary criticism consists of three main areas: literary theory, literary history, literary criticism. A. I. Kharisov, K. A. Akhmedyanov (Theory of Literature), M. F. Gainullin, S. A. Galin, N. T. Zaripov, Kh. Sh. Zinnatullina, A. G. Kudashev , K. Mergen, G. Z. Ramazanov, S. G. Safuanov, A. Kh. Khakimov, G. B. Khusainov, M. Kh.

A great contribution to literary criticism was made by Timergali Kilmukhametov (the monographs “Dramaturgy of Mustai Karim”, “Dramaturgy and playwrights”, “Power of the people”, “Mukhametsalim Umetbaev: life and work”, “Poetics of Bashkir dramaturgy”. Articles about the life and work of S. Agish, B. Bikbay, H. Davletshina, Z. Biisheva).

The search for new characteristics of the literary process in the "turbulence of being" leads some Belarusian literary critics to conclusions about the inadequacy of the past to the future, de-ideologized lyricists. Observations on the work of Bashkir writers at the beginning of the 21st century. allow them to identify "attractors of self-organization of Bashkir literature" and visually represent attractors in the form of some "channels" (cones or funnels) that fold, draw in a lot of "trajectories". They see the processes of self-organization of literature in open non-linear structures.

Literary work in the Republic of Belarus is carried out at the Institute of the History of Language and Literature of the USC RAS; Bashkir State University, Pedagogical University and other universities. Articles on literary criticism are published in the journals "Agidel", "Belskie open spaces", "Vatandash", "Yadkyar" ("Heritage"), etc.

Literary awards

  • The Salavat Yulaev Prize is the highest award of Bashkortostan in the field of art (500 thousand rubles).
  • Literary award named after Ramzily Khisametdinova Mindigalievna
  • The All-Russian Literary Prize named after S. T. Aksakov - established in 1999 by the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the International Fund for Slavic Literature and Culture, the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Writers of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • Prize to them. M. Akmulla for works of literature and art - established by the Decision of the Miyakinsky District Council people's deputies in 1980.
  • Angam Atnabaev Prize;
  • Rashit Mingazevich Akhtarov Prize (Rashit Akhtari)
  • K. Akhmedyanov Prize
  • Republican youth award in the field of literature and art named after Shaikhzada Babich (50 thousand rubles).
  • Prize named after Grigory Beloretsky (Larionov)
  • Mukhametshi Burangulov Annual Literary Prize.
  • Prize named after Vazih Iskhakov;
  • Gali Ibragimov Prize;
  • Gali Sokoroy Prize;
  • Prize named after Gayan Lukmanov;
  • Gilemdar Ramazanov Prize;
  • Dinis Bulyakov Prize;
  • Zainab Biisheva Prize;
  • Galimdzhan Ibragimov Prize
  • Vazih Iskhakov Prize
  • Prize to them. Ramilya Kul-Davlet founded by the newspaper "Yashlek"
  • I. Murzakaev-Balapanov Prize
  • Mukhametsalim Umetbaev Prize;
  • Literary award named after Nazar Najmi - established in 1998 by the administration of the city of Dyurtyuli and the Dyurtyulinsky district. Awarded to figures of literature, performing arts, architecture and local history for a special contribution to the development of the culture of the area
  • Ramazan Umetbaev Prize;
  • Bulat Rafikov Prize;
  • Gilemdar Ramazanov Prize
  • Rami Garipov Prize;
  • Stepan Zlobin Prize;
  • R. K. Usmanova Personal Literary Prize
  • Fatih Karim Prize (Bizhbulyak district);
  • Fatih Karim Prize (Belebey);
  • Khakim Gilyazhev Prize.
  • Sergei Chekmarev Literary Prize
  • Muzagit Khairutdinov Prize
  • Yanybay Khammatov Literary Prize
  • Yanysh Yalkain Prize;
  • Poetry Prize "Rainbow over Agidel".

Educational establishments

Bashkir State University

Masters of the word of the Republic of Belarus are trained in higher educational institutions of the republic:

Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Academy named after Zainab Biisheva - Faculty of Philology.

Bashkir State University. Faculty of Philology.

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla.

Literary associations

Literary organizations of the 1920s: "Tulkyn", "Bashkir Association of Proletarian Writers" (BAPP).

Union of Writers of the Republic of Bashkortostan. (foundation 1934). The union includes 234 writers of the Republic of Belarus. Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Bashkortostan, Rif Galimovich Tuygunov (born 1946), poet, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, winner of the Sergey Chekmarev and Fatih Karim Prizes. The first chairman of the board was Afzal Tagirov. The victims of Stalin's repressions in 1937 were the writers Daut Yulty, Afzal Tagirov, Tukhvat Yanabi, Gabdulla Amantai, Bulat Ishemgul, Gubai Davletshin.

The Union of Writers includes: Sterlitamak Writers' Organization, Uchaly Writers' Organization, Sibay Writers' Organization, Yanaul Writers' Organization, Kumertau Writers' Organization.

Literary Association "Meleuzovsky Dawns".

Literary association UFLI (Ufa literature).

Literary museums

Museum of M. Gafuri in Ufa
  • Memorial house-museum of S. T. Aksakov
  • Museum of Philip Vukolov-Erlik - Chuvash writer, folklorist, composer and theater figure in the village of Maly Meneuz, Bizhbulyaksky district of the Republic of Belarus.
  • The house-museum of Khakimov Akhiyar Khasanovich - a famous Bashkir poet and writer. The museum is located in the city of Davlekanovo, Republic of Belarus.
  • The National Literary Museum of the Republic of Belarus with 5 branches: the M. Akmulla Museum, the M. Gafuri Museum, the Sh. Babich Museum, the A. Mubaryakov Museum, the M. Umetbaev Museum.
  • Museum of the Bashkir writer Jalil Kiekbaev in the village. Karan-Elga Gafury district of the Republic of Belarus.
  • The house-museum of Zainab Biisheva in the village of Tuembetovo, Kugarchinsky district of the Republic of Belarus.
  • Museum of three writers - Ramazan Umetbaev, Kim Akhmedyanov, Ramil Kuldavletov - in the village. Almukhametovo, Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Belarus.
  • Bulyakov Dinis Museum - in the village. Smakovo RB.
  • Museum of M. Tsvetaeva - in the village. Usen-Ivanovskoye, Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Belarus.

Initially (since 1905), the works of Bashkir authors were published in periodicals in the Turkic literary language .. In the 1910s, there was a transition to modern Tatar literary language. the beginning of the 20s - the transition to a mixed Tatar-Bashkir language. Since 1924, works in periodicals have been printed in the modern Bashkir literary language.

Bashkortostan honors the memory of the great poets and writers of Belarus and Russia. Museums were created: Salavat Yulaev, M. Gafuri, S. T. Aksakov. Monuments to Salavat Yulaev, M. Akmulla, M. Gafuri, Z. Biisheva, A. Pushkin, V. Mayakovsky and others were erected. Cities and streets of the cities of the Republic of Belarus were named after the writers. Encyclopedia Salavat Yulaev published.

Translators of fiction and spiritual literature from the Bashkir language into other languages ​​and vice versa work in Bashkortostan: Aidar Khusainov, Zukhra Burakaeva, Gulsira Gizzatullina. A large group of translators is translating the Bible into Bashkir from Hebrew. Agidel magazine publishes translations foreign literature into Bashkir.

In general, the work of translators in the republic is in little demand. There are no customers for translated literature and there is no demand for it, since there are no modern bestsellers in the Bashkir language.

Corporate publications on the history of enterprises, cities, and educational institutions are published in the republic. In 2013, the capital Encyclopedia of JSC Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat was published.

The titles of People's Poet of Bashkortostan and People's Writer of Bashkortostan were established in the Republic of Belarus.


  • Bashkir epic "Ural-batyr". // Heroic epic of the peoples of the USSR. - M., 1975. - T. 1. - S. 67-114.
  • Soldier baits. / comp. : K. A. Aralbaev. - Ufa: Kitap, 1997. - 112 p.
  • Bashkir encyclopedia. Ch. ed. M. A. Ilgamov vol. 1. A-B. 2005. - 624 p.; ISBN 5-88185-053-X. v. 2. V-Zh. 2006. −624 p. ISBN 5-88185-062-9.; v. 3. Z-K. 2007. −672 p. ISBN 978-5-88185-064-7.; v. 4. L-O. 2008. −672 p. ISBN 978-5-88185-068-5.; v. 5. P-S. 2009. −576 p. ISBN 978-5-88185-072-2.; v. 6. Councils of people. economy. -U. 2010. −544 p. ISBN 978-5-88185-071-5; v. 7. F-Ya. 2011. −624 p. scientific ed. Bashkir Encyclopedia, Ufa.
  • Bashkir folk tales / Zap. and trans. A. G. Bessonov. Notes H.K. Dmitriev, Ufa: Bashknigoizdat, 1941 -S.3-30.
  • Gainullin M., Bulyakov I. Stages of development of the Bashkir dramaturgy. book: Anthology of Bashkir dramaturgy. 2 parts. Book one. Ufa, 1984, p.6-24. - On the head. lang.
  • Glebov A. About the Bashkir dramaturgy. October, 1936, No. 2, pp. 24-29.
  • Ignatiev R. G. Bashkir Salavat Yulaev, Pugachev foreman, singer and improviser. - "Proceedings of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at the Imperial Kazan University." T.XI, 1893, issue 2, pp. 147-166; issue 3, pp. 222-240; issue 6, p.528-534.
  • Shakur R. Way to a thousand years. History of Bashkir literature from ancient times to the present day / R. Shakur. M .: LLP "Rarog", 1996.
  • Khusainov G. B., Bikbaev R. T. Literary criticism and criticism // scientific search. Ufa, 1982. G. B. Khusainov.
  • Bashkir enlighteners-democrats of the 19th century. - M .: Nauka, 1981.


  1. Belsky expanses No. 3 2004
  2. Tatar Encyclopedia
  3. Bikmukhamedov R. G. Literature of the Volga and Ural regions // History of World Literature: 8 volumes / USSR Academy of Sciences; Institute of world literature. them. A. M. Gorky. - M.: Nauka, 1983-1994. T. 8. - 1994. - S. 165.
  4. Losievskiy Vladimir Stepanovich
  5. 1 2 Literary names - Our literary pride - Catalog of files - Website of the Kugarchinskaya Central Library Library
  6. Arslanov Timer Gareevich | literary map Republic of Bashkortostan
  7. New Literature | Sergei Matyushin. Retrieved January 13, 2013. Archived from the original on January 30, 2013.
  8. Belsky expanses No. 4 2005
  9. Akhmadiev Rif Barievich
  10. Encyclopedia of Bashkiria → YIRAU
  11. Kubagush-Sesen
  12. Gabit Sesen
  13. site of playwright Florida Bulyakov - BIOGRAPHY
  14. . Retrieved January 6, 2013. Archived from the original on January 13, 2013.
  15. Yagafarova Aisylu Shaikhutdinovna | Literary map of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  16. Sarvar Surina - Literary names - Our literary pride - Catalog of files - Website of the Kugarcha CBS
  17. Her poems and songs continue to be heard among the people (To the 60th anniversary of the birth of the poetess Dina Talkhina) | news bashinform.rf
  18. Journal "Oil and Gas Business"
  19. encyclopedias
  20. Bashkortostan published the first two volumes of the academic explanatory dictionary of the Bashkir language - bashinform.rf - News of the new Bashkiria
  21. Watandash / Compatriot / Compatriot
  22. Bashkortostan Kyzy
  23. Watandash / Compatriot / Compatriot
  24. R. Bikbaev "Poetic chronicle of time"
  25. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the Sverdlovsk Region
  26. Watandash / Compatriot / Compatriot
  27. Newspaper - Republic of Bashkortostan - Society - And in science remains a writer
  28. Literature of the New Bashkortostan: Book Publishing Resources / Publishing / Science / Project Ahey / Publications / MULTI MEDIA JOURNAL - MMJ.RU
  29. Literary Prize named after Ramzily Khisametdinova Mindigalievna | Literary map of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  30. Watandash / Compatriot / Compatriot
  31. Literary awards of the Aurgazinsky district | Literary map of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  32. Vazih Iskhakov Prize | Literary map of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  33. Ishmukhamet Murzakayev-Balapanov | Literary map of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  34. Usmanova Rafiga | Literary map of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  35. Award named after Muzagit Khairutdinov | Literary map of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  36. Rif Tuigunov elected Chairman of the Union of Writers of Bashkortostan - bashinform.rf - News of the new Bashkiria
  37. Meleuzovskaya CBS - Literary associations
  38. Russa - Tsvetaeva M. Museum
  39. Belsky expanses No. 3 2004. Retrieved February 7, 2013. Archived from the original on February 13, 2013.
  40. Memorial house-museum of Mazhit Gafuri
  41. Books, postcards about Salavat - salavat jimdo page! Salavat


  • Baimov R. N., Khusainov G. B. Bashkir literature.// Article in the Bashkir encyclopedia.
  • Gulnur Khusainova. The state of Bashkir folklore at the beginning of the XXI century.// Article in the journal "Vatandash"
  • XX century and the Bashkirs, w. "Vatandash"
  • Cultural world of Bashkortostan
  • Article in Bashkortostan: a brief encyclopedia
  • http://rus.bashkir-encyclopedia.rf/index.php/prosmotr/2-statya/120-babich-zhurnal
  • Rif Akhmadeev. Literature of patriotism (Bashkir literature during the Great Patriotic War) / / Article in the magazine "Vatandash"
  • Bashkir literary criticism
  • Development genre system in Bashkir poetry of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Kunafin G.S.

Literature of Bashkortostan

10 classes

G. Salavat, 2003

Compiled by: Mitina T.I., teacher of the highest category of gymnasium No. 1 (d. 18 b. A Matrosova, Salavat, Bashkortostan).

Place photo

This textbook on the culture of Bashkortostan is intended for teachers and students of the 10th grade; compiled on the basis of the program for grades 1-10 recommended by the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan for secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, compiled by a group of authors - M.Kh. Idelbaev, A.M. Suleimanov, F.T. Kuzbekov, R.A. Kuzbekov under the guidance of Doctor of Philology, Professor S.A. Galina.

Review of the textbook of the course "Culture of Bashkortostan" in grade 10

The subject of the manual corresponds to the program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus and contains sufficient information for conducting lessons at the level of state education standards. The material in lesson developments is selected taking into account modern scientific ideas in the field of history and culture of Bashkortostan. Particular attention is paid to the study of the most important, key and complex issues, basic concepts and topics.

The study guide also includes options for homework and a six-month summative test.

Gubaidullina F.Kh., methodologist of the department of the Bashkir language and literature of the Bashkir Institute for the Development of Education.

10 Grade I semester

Subject: From the history of Bashkir writing

The history of the writing of the Bashkir people was not easy: there are several stages in it. The first is considered Orkhon-Yenisei writing, created in the Turkic Khaganate, an ancient state of the 6th century AD. scientific name - runic script by analogy with the writing of the ancestors of modern Scandinavian peoples (Swedes, Norwegians) and Germanic peoples. Since the ancient Turkic writing was found on stone slabs, rocks, utensils, it was also called runic. Signs were carved, carved or painted on stone, metal, bone; birch bark, animal skin, wood could also serve as a material. The name - Orkhon-Yenisei - was written because. was first discovered on rocks and stones on the Yenisei River (Siberia) and on the Orkhon River (Mongolia). For about 200 years, no one was able to read the signs on the steles, vertically placed flat stones. Only in 1893 W. Thomsen(Denmark) and V. Radlov(Russia) simultaneously and independently of each other were able to decipher the ancient Turkic writing. This letter consisted of 36 letters, of which four letters denoted 8 vowel sounds. It was semi-consonant, i.e. not all vowels were written in the word. Orkhon-Yenisei monuments are poems in honor of kagans and commanders. The largest of them is obituary poem in honor of the commander Kultegina(685-731), who made victorious battles on a white horse (Akbuzat). A similar motif is widespread in the Bashkir epic - "Ural Batyr", « Akbuzat". In a small inscription there is even an indication of the name of the author of the poem - he was Kultegin's nephew - Yogyl-tegin. In the poems written in the Orkhon-Yenisei script, there are many repetitions, appeals, rhetorical questions, comparisons and parallelism, there are also proverbs.

The Orkhon-Yenisei monuments are directly related to the history and culture of the Bashkir people. It is known that the Bashkir tribes Tabyn, Katai, Tangaur, Kanly were part of the Turkic Khaganate. Moreover, the founder of the Turkic Khaganate Tumen-kagan(another name according to Chinese sources is Bumyn-Kagan), according to the Bashkir shezheres, is considered the ancestor of the Bashkirs of the Tabyn tribe, who currently live on the territory of Gafury, Arkhangelsk districts. Major Bashkir writers and scientists - such as Mazhit Gafuri, Daut Yulty, Jamil Kiekbaev, Anur Vakhitov- according to their pedigree - Bashkirs-Tabyns. According to legend, Kultegin was the ancestor of the Tangaur tribe, whose representatives currently live at the junction of the borders of the modern Khaybullinsky, Zilairsky and Baimaksky districts. Bashkirs-Kanlins today live in the western regions - Buzdyaksky, Kushnarenkovsky, Birsky.

Consequently, the ancient Bashkirs were not only familiar with the runic writing, but also used it. In the Chekmagushevsky district there is a Tombstone with runic letters carved on it. Scientists also found that out of 36 letters - signs of the runic alphabet 17 characters common among the Bashkirs as tamgas, which marked tribal or family property (utensils, bee boards, trees, livestock, saddles, weapons). Common to the Orkhon-Yenisei monuments and Bashkir folklore are such images as Humay, Akbuzat. The Bashkirs, like other Turkic peoples, used writing in 6-10 centuries before the adoption of the Arabic script.

The second step in the history of writing among the Bashkirs must be considered Arabic graphics. 922 year - the beginning of acceptance by the Bulgars (ancestors of the Tatars) and the Bashkirs Islam, simultaneously with which written evidence in Arabic appears. In the 14th century, under Uzbek Khan (1313-1342), Islam was already the state religion of the Golden Horde. The most ancient monument of Arabic writing is considered on the land of the Bashkirs to be a memorial tombstone in the cemetery of the village of Mavlit, Kushnarenkovsky district, dating back to 1342-1343. A monument of architecture and writing is also cachene(mausoleum) Khusainbek in the Chishminsky region, who was an Islamic missionary. Year of death - 1341.

Arabic writing is very peculiar. Words are written and read from right to left. The alphabet has 28 letters, of which only 3 letters are vowels. 22 letters are connected using connecting lines on both sides and have 4 styles (isolated, at the beginning of a word, in the middle, at the end of a word), and 6 letters can only be connected on the right and have only 2 styles. Each letter has a numerical value. There are auxiliary subscript and superscript signs: fatha, kesra, damma). During the time of manuscripts, numerous handwritings developed. The most famous kufi - one of the ancient handwriting - existed until the 10th century. The classic six handwritings are naskh, suls, reyhan, touhi, mukhakkak. The Bashkirs used the Nastaliq handwriting, created in the 14th century by the calligrapher Mir Ali Tabrizi. On the basis of the Arabic alphabet, the Turkic-speaking peoples (including the ancestors of the Tatars and Bashkirs) created their own written literary language, which is popularly called Old Turkic. Its peculiarity is that it is not a national language, but a script used by almost all modern Turkic-speaking peoples (Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Tatars, Uzbeks, Kirghiz and others). The Bashkirs have been using this script since the 11th century. Many works of Bashkir literature are written on it. The poem of the ancient Bashkir poet Kul Gali (1183-1236) "Kyssa - and Yusuf" (1233) can be considered a classic example. Numerous Bashkir shezheres, the legend “Chingizname”, “Letter from Batyrsha to Empress Catherine II”, appeals and orders of Salavat Yulaev, works of poets of the 19th century A. Kargaly, T. Yalsygulov, H. Salikhov, G. Sokroy are recorded in the Old Turkic language.

Next The (third) stage in the development and history of the Bashkir writing should be considered the use Tatar literary language(from about the end of the 19th century), also created on the basis of Arabic script. The works of remarkable Bashkir writers such as M.Akmulla, M.Umetbaev, S.Yakshigulov F.Tuykin, M.Gafuri, Sh.Babich, D.Yulty, A.Tagirov until 1924 were written and printed in the Tatar language. Based on the Arabic alphabet, a written national Bashkir language was created in 1924, which existed until 1929. During these 5 years, textbooks, newspapers, magazines, and works of art were printed in the Bashkir language in Arabic letters.

Another step in the history of Bashkir writing is the period from 1929 to 1940, when writing was translated into latin graphics.

Since 1941, the Bashkir people have been using Cyrillic, i.e. Russian graphics or, more correctly, the modern Russian alphabet. The Bashkir alphabet has 42 letters - 33 Russian and 9 specific. During these 60 years of development, teaching systems, dozens of textbooks, dissertations, etc. have been created.

General conclusion: the change of writing led to a break with the historical past, to mankurtism (Ch. Aitmatov, “And the day lasts longer than a century” or “Snowy stop” - the child-son kills the Mother), to nationalism, to an inferiority complex (after all, the Arabic script is practically inaccessible to the people ).


    How many steps in the history of Bashkir writing?

    What are the stages in the history of Bashkir writing?

    When did the Orkhon-Yenisei letter appear?

    What is tamga?

    What monuments of this period can you name?

    Name the monuments of Arabic writing?

    Which of the Bashkir writers used the Tatar literary language?

    Make a chronological framework for the history of Bashkir writing.


    A short message about the life and work of M. Akmulla.

    Message about the life and work of Sh. Babich.

    Find and repeat material about the symbols of statehood of the Republic of Belarus

    Find and write in a notebook the meaning of words - symbol, emblem, language, writing, demography, nation, consolidation

Subject: Symbols of statehood of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Vocabulary for the lesson:

    Demography - the science of population, its changes. It examines the size of the population, its geographical distribution and composition, the processes of population reproduction (birth, death, life expectancy) and the dependence of the composition and movement of the population on socio-economic and cultural factors.

    Nation - historically formed form of community of people; nations are characterized by a common territory, economic life, a common language, some features of the psychological and spiritual appearance, manifested in the originality of culture.

    Consolidation - strengthening, uniting, rallying individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common goals

    Writing - a sign system for fixing speech, which allows using descriptive i.e. graphic elements fix speech in time and transmit it over a distance

    Language - means of human communication; (language is inextricably linked with thinking) a social means of storing and transmitting information; human behavior control tool

    Emblem - conditional image of a concept or idea

    Symbol - an object or action that serves to symbol any image, concept and idea.

It is generally recognized in the world that the symbols of the state are the flag, coat of arms, anthem. Repetition (flag- a panel of one or different colors attached to a pole or cord, often with emblems of the state ; coat of arms- a distinctive sign of the state, city or estate, clan, depicted on seals, coins, flags; hymn- a solemn song adopted as a symbol of the state).

The modern period of the Bashkir state symbols begins on October 11, 1990 with the adoption of the "Declaration on the state sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus", the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus approved the state flag(authors: artists Masalimov Ural Timerbulatovich and Asabina Olga Evgenievna), which is a rectangular tricolor cloth, consisting of stripes of blue (top), white (middle), green (bottom) colors; in the center of the white stripe there is an emblem in golden color - a circle, inside of which there is a stylized kurai flower, consisting of 7 petals. Symbols of the colors of the flag: blue (clarity, goodwill, purity of thoughts), white (peacefulness, openness, mutual cooperation), green (freedom, eternity of life). The kurai flower is a symbol of friendship. Its seven petals (7 was revered as a sacred number by the ancestors of the Bashkirs) symbolize the seven clans that marked the beginning of the unity of the peoples inhabiting the Republic of Belarus. Kurai is a plant and at the same time the national musical wind instrument of the Bashkirs.

State coat of arms The Republic of Belarus was approved on October 12, 1993 by the Supreme Council of the Republic. The author of the coat of arms is Fazletdin Farrakhovich Islakhov . The coat of arms has the shape of a circle, in which, against the background of the rays of the rising sun, S. Yulaev is depicted on his horse, framed by a national ornament and decorated with the emblem of a kurai flower against a background of a tricolor ribbon with the inscription "Bashkortostan". Salavat Yulaev is a Bashkir warrior, a symbol of national and international friendship.

State hymn- an attribute of statehood and was approved on October 12, 1993. Its author is the conductor of the military brass band Farit Fatihovich Idrisov. The national instrument - kurai - sounds in the anthem.

The modern coat of arms, flag and anthem as state symbols fully comply with heraldic laws: the historical relationship of traditions, turning points in the history of Bashkortostan are taken into account

Additional material on the topic:

a) Akmulla Miftakhetdin - an outstanding Bashkir writer, poet - educator of the 19th century. The phenomenon of Akmulla is the recognition of his work as close to all Turkic-speaking peoples, he was born in 1831 in the family of a mullah, studied with the Sufi poet Shamsetdin Zaki in the Sterlibashevo madrasah, then was the shakird of the madrasah in Troitsk, wandered around Bashkiria and Kazakhstan for many years, having mastered many professions ( joiner, carpenter, tinker, tailor), took part in sesen competitions, knew well the philosophical treatises of the East and the wealth of Bashkir and Kazakh folk art. Akmulla developed in himself the features of a poet and thinker, who synthesized in his creative practice the achievements of philosophical thought and culture of the East and West and acted as an innovator poet, a humanist poet, who expressed the most progressive ideas of the era in his work. His soul was filled with pain and suffering ordinary people, and equally burning hatred for the world of beys and tarkhans. Slandered by the Kazakh bay Batuch Isyangildin, he spent four long years in the Trinity Prison, where he retained his fortitude and created many well-known works. The world of the rich paid off with him in the most ruthless way: Akmulla was killed in 1895 on the way from Miass to Ufa by hired killers.

Akmulla (translated by M. Gafurov)

When apart dear ...

When the sweetheart languishes in separation,

Wherever you go, the soul strives for it,

When the wife is smart, kind, loved,

And heavenly maidens can not be compared with her.

It's not for nothing that fairy tales are composed about love,

You are poor, if you do not know the female affection,

And lonely, like one who has lost loved ones, -

Not for you shine in the world of colors.

But the pearls of love will appear as rubbish,

If there is no mind behind the languid female gaze.

With a bad wife and a smart one will become stupid,

And stupidity goes hand in hand with shame.

The wife and the horse must match the granite

Face male honor, courage, strength,

And if the wife and the horse are useless,

It's time for a man to lie alive in the grave.

Everything goes at random for the unfortunate,

He will not achieve the desired goals.

The unlucky one, as they say

A fox can also bite a camel.

To avoid ruin in the sea of ​​life,

Think slowly about decisions.

Only a shrewd man in choice

Worthy of all respect

Everything in the world has its reasons:

People turn gray early from the torment,

Behind failure fails

A country where unlucky men.

b) Shaikhzada Babich

An Eastern saying says: "Great people are meteors burning themselves to light up the world." Such was the outstanding master of the artistic word Shaikhzada Babich in Bashkir literature, who flashed like a bright star in the sky of poetry. He entered the literary world in pre-revolutionary times. He was born in 1895 in the family of a mullah, studied at the Ufa madrasah "Galia", taught in Kazakhstan, was fond of the work of the Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbaev, extolled the poetry of the Tatar thinker Gabdulla Tukay, he himself revealed himself early and brightly in lyrics, raised humor and satire to new heights , introduced in the literature in the 19th century by Akmulla and developed in a new way by Tukay. Babich treated poetic creativity strictly and demandingly. “If there is no heavenly star in each line,” he wrote about the lyrics, “and heavenly bliss does not radiate from each line, then why are they? Rather than tire your eyes with reading nonsense, wouldn’t it be better to burn it in the stove and warm your back with pleasure! His life was embarrassingly short. He died at the age of 25 at the hands of traitors to the revolution - he was killed in 1919. But he managed to leave a valuable legacy to people, which became the national pride of the Bashkir people.

Sh. Babich (translated by S. Lipkin)

The custom of imitation

The hoary custom of imitation by the whole world has taken possession of the earthly.

Mere mortals, we too dutifully follow him

This custom tied the wings, and our thoughts, and deeds,

He tied both the angel and the demon, the children of good, the fiend of evil.

The devil imitates the devil, and the brother imitates the brother,

And the girls, entering the age, want to imitate the married

Years look like each other, centuries take an example from centuries,

And the boys, when they play, resemble old people.

My friend, penetrate the essence of the universe, and you will finally comprehend

That all living things imitate, likeness needs a model.

Sometimes a person is vicious sometimes like a demon, sometimes like cattle,

But, defending fornication and abomination, he will bring a verse of the Koran.

And we sang with tears, like our grandfathers and fathers,

Boots with pointed toes and we put on like youngsters.

And we, imitating the East, cut out pompous verses,

We curls, like Shakespeare and Pushkin, grew longer.

And we, seduced by the East, have become more stupid than sheep, -

Having decided that he became the second prophet of Mirgalyau, the mishar-merchant

Custom has imposed a ban on thought, on search, on daring:

There is no need to open the Americas, the Old World is good for us too!

Let the path of creativity die out, the star of reason go out,

But let the custom of imitation always reign menacingly!

No matter how you fight with imitation, no matter how you fight, no matter how noisy -

It still stubbornly owns the world and people.

They will tell me: - Give up faith, it is ridiculous, condemned!

I will answer: - But our faith is woven from imitations!

Yes, imitation is our custom, and nothing can help here, -

She looks like her mother, let her silly daughter be!

Task: solve the crossword puzzle

Option 1

Questions: 1. the form of an obituary in honor of the commander of the Turkic state; 2. One of the rivers that gave the name to ancient writing; 3. a small fairy tale or short story genre of Bashkir folklore and literature; 4. the name of the commander in the monument of ancient Bashkir writing; 5. Danish scientist - decipherer of the ancient Turkic script; 6. stone slab - monument; 7. the kingdom of the Turks; 8. combined name of the Nordic countries; 9. one of the rivers after which the ancient letter is named; 10. sculptor of the famous equestrian monument to Salavat Yulaev; eleven. state assembly RB; 12. one of the objects of worship of the Bashkir pagans.

Exercise: explain in writing the resulting word in column number 13

Option 2

Questions: 1. a pattern of rhythmically repeating elements for decoration; 2. distinctive sign of the state; 3. one of the 6 classic handwritten Arabic scripts 4. wild Bashkir horse; 5. ancient writing of northern European peoples;6. conditional image of an idea or concept; 7. cloth on a pole or cord; 8. solemn main song of the country; 9. poet-educator of the 19th century; 10. Russian scientist who deciphered the ancient Turkic script.

Exercise: explain in writing the word in column number 11


    What is common and what is the difference between the concepts of "language" and "writing"?.


Dictionary work. Define the terms: attribute, sovereignty, heraldry, ornament, nationality, migration.

Subject: Population and the current demographic situation.

It is well known that until the 16th century the population of the republic was mono-ethnic, i.e. consisting of a very large percentage of the Bashkirs. After joining the Russian Empire, the situation changed. The word "demography" means the science of population. There are enough demographic problems in the Republic of Belarus. Let's consider the situation with the population over the last quarter of the 20th century in terms of three indicators: numbers, reproduction, and ethnic composition.

A) RB by number of the population was included in the first seven subjects of the Russian Federation. The population was influenced by the colonization of Bashkiria, when a systematic influx of population began, but there was a sharp reduction at times - World War 1, civil war, the national liberation movement, the famine of 1921, the Great Patriotic War. The pre-war strength was reached in 1956. In subsequent years, there was migration associated with the lack of work, especially in agriculture / farming, with a weak social sphere. The crisis in the last years of the 20th century is the reception of refugees and internally displaced persons. In 1993, for the first time since the war, the death rate exceeded the birth rate. But the natural decline in the population was replenished due to migration, so the total population increased: a hundred years ago in 1897 there were only 1 million. 991 thousand people, the 1995 census gave a figure of 4 million. 73 thousand people

b) By reproduction of the population of the Republic of Belarus - since the 60s, the downward trend in natural population growth in the republic has been stronger than in the Russian Federation. In the 1970s, the number of marriages decreased, the number of divorces grew, and many illegitimate children were born. Starting from the 1990s, mortality began to grow, and the mortality of men in all age groups exceeded the mortality of women. Many single-parent families appeared. Half of the deaths are associated with circulatory diseases, accidents, poisoning (including alcohol and drugs), injuries. In the last years of the 20th century, the number of patients with HIV infection increased in Belarus. Due to migration, Belarus lost 252.2 thousand people over 10 years (80-90). But over the past 10 years, the influx of migrants began to exceed the outflow of the population.

V) By national composition population, there is a phenomenon of multinationality, which has historical reasons: the location of the region on the main routes of ancient migration flows between Europe and Asia and colonization. According to the brief encyclopedia of Bashkortostan, 30 nationalities now live on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. This is the data of the last census, which took place in 1989, i.e. 14 years ago .. The most numerous: Russians -39.3% of the total population (51% in the city and 18% in the countryside), Tatars - 28.4% (25% in the city and 33% in the countryside), Bashkirs - 21 .9% (14% urban and 34% rural).

Bashkirs live both in Russia and in the world.

In the Republic of Belarus there are two cities where 99% of the population are Bashkirs - these are Uchaly and Baymak (as well as 21 agricultural districts).

In the Republic of Belarus - one Tatar city is Tuymazy and 12 urban villages. type.

There are 14 Russian cities in Belarus.

Mari live compactly in the Mishkinsky and Kaltasinsky districts.

The Chuvashs occupy the Bizhbulyak region. As a percentage of the total population, Chuvash make up 3%, Mari - 2.7%, Ukrainians - 1.9%, Mordvins - 0.8%, Udmurts - 0.6%, Belarusians - 0.4%, Germans - 0 .3%. There are other nationalities as well.

Vocabulary for the lesson:

    Attribute - an essential feature, a permanent property of something, an integral part of an object.

    Heraldry - an auxiliary, historical discipline that studies coats of arms as specific historical sources, as well as the compilation, interpretation and study of coats of arms.

    Ornament - a pattern consisting of rhythmically ordered elements, designed to decorate various objects (utensils, weapons, tools, clothing), architectural structures, works of plastic arts.

    Sovereignty - complete independence of the state from other states in its internal and external affairs. National sovereignty is the totality of a nation's rights to freedom of choice of a social and political system, to territorial integrity, and economic independence.

    Migration - resettlement, movement of the population within one country.

    Nationality - belonging to the nation.

I would like to cite the data taken from the statistical collection published by the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Belarus in 2002, as figures close to the current state of the population of the republic.

The permanent population of the republic continues to decline, especially in rural areas (a village in the Republic of Belarus is slowly dying, people are fleeing the villages). Migration is decreasing, people continue to come to Belarus only from Uzbekistan, where it is simply impossible to live. The birth rate is falling: in 1991, 58.2 thousand citizens were born in our country, and in 2000 - only 41.6 thousand. The death rate is steadily going up: in the same 1991, 39.6 thousand people died, in 2001 - 55 thousand. If children are born, then in incomplete families where there is no father: if in 1993 there were 6138 single mothers, then in 2001 - already 9947. The fact is very sad - almost a third of all those born in the republic (23 .7%) in the column "father" has a dash.

In the republic, life expectancy is falling - if in 1990 the average life expectancy was 70.5 years, then in 2000 it was 4 years less, and life expectancy generally decreased by almost 5 years. A truly big topic is the cause of death. Diseases of the circulatory system remain the most terrible human scourge (in 2000, 29,114 people died for this reason; and in 2001, already 30,376 people die less often from cancer); the number of deaths from diseases of the digestive system has increased in the last two years (1172 people in 2000 and 1358 in 2001); vascular lesions of the brain (strokes) 7028 and 8289, respectively. More people died as a result of accidents: 7611 - in 2000 and 7746 - in 2001, and the number of deaths in road traffic accidents increased (by almost 70 people), in case of alcohol poisoning - by 112 accidents. There were unacceptably many suicides (suicides) - 2530 in 2000, 2468 - in 2001. And many murders - 738 and 717, respectively. Hence the question: "Who should live well in Bashkortostan?"


    What is the number, reproduction, national composition of the population?

    What is the state of the population at the end of the 20th century in Belarus?

    What are the reasons for migration?

    What are the main causes of death in Belarus?

    Why is the death rate for men higher than for women?

    What changes are needed to stabilize the situation?

    What are the living conditions of youth in Belarus?


Find the history of the creation and images of the coats of arms of the cities of the republic - Salavat, Ufa, Sterlitamak and others.

Subject: National language and problems of nation consolidation.

The social structure of society is made up of historically established communities of people: tribes, nationalities, nations. Modern humanity is represented by about two thousand different peoples, and in our country there are more than 100 of them. At the same time, there are about 200 independent states in the world. Consequently, most peoples live in multinational states. And that means, no matter how dear to us historical memory about our national roots, it is important for us to understand something else: we all live and will always live together with people of different nationalities. This requires from each of us a special personal delicacy and responsibility in dealing with people of different nationalities. Moreover, different peoples have more common features than differences, and the commonality is constantly growing, as the interdependence, interconnectedness and integrity of the world are increasing. But the rapprochement of peoples does not mean the denial of their national characteristics. It is the originality of their culture that serves as a living source of the spiritual wealth of all mankind, the infinite diversity of world culture.

A nation is a historically formed form of a community of people and a nation is characterized by a common territory, economic life, a common language, some features of the psychological and spiritual appearance, manifested in the originality of culture. You know from history that clan and tribe are characteristic of primitive society; nationality is formed with the appearance of classes and the state. A nation arises only under capitalism, under conditions of collectivization of economic and cultural ties, the creation of a single national market, the elimination of fragmentation in the economic life of the Middle Ages, and the rallying of the various nationalities that make up the state into a single national whole. Today, the concept of "ethnos" has become firmly established in science along with the nation, nationality. This Greek word means "people" and does not have an unambiguous characteristic. An ethnos is understood as a set of people who have a common culture, who are aware of this community as an expression of a common historical destinies. A broader interpretation of the term is that it combines the concepts of tribe, nationality, nation.

Consequently, the nation is the most developed historical and cultural community of people. It develops over a long historical period as a result of the combination of representatives of various (related and not related to each other) tribes and nationalities.

Language is the most important element of culture, the main form of manifestation of national and personal identity, as the main means of communication between people. Usually, representatives of one nation speak and write the same language, which does not exclude different dialects. The apparent simplicity of this sign leads many to believe that language is an undoubted sign of a nation. However, this is not quite true. In Switzerland, for example, there are 4 equal languages ​​- German, French, Italian and Romansh, but the Swiss are a single nation. Another example can be given: the British and Americans (US residents) speak the same language, but they are different nations. But still, language is undoubtedly one of the factors influencing national relations.

Briefly: language is a means of communication, thinking; national language - the language of a certain nation; colloquial language - live folk or common speech; literary language - a kind of written language; dialect - a local or social dialect, dialect, which is a kind of national language; jargon - or slang - the speech of any social professional group, which is distinguished by a special composition of words and expressions, or is it a conditional language that is understandable only in a certain environment; slang - expressions used by people of certain age groups, professions or strata.

The Bashkir literary language is a historically developed and developing variety of the Bashkir language. Its characteristic features are written fixation, stability, processing, supra-dialectic, universality. It is a means of oral and written communication in the Bashkir society.

The Bashkir literary language is both an independent and subordinate system. It is an independent system in the sense that it is the language of works, the language of writers, the language of journalism, scientific literature, religious literature, business, official language. At the same time, this is a subsystem of the "national" language - in addition to the literary Bashkir language, there is also a spoken language and the language of folklore.

The Bashkir literary language has pre-national and national stages of development. The first is divided into 4 periods:

    From the 13th century up to 16th c. literary. Turkic language of the Ural-Volga region

    From the middle of the 16th to the 18th century. -an increase in the Kipchak and Russian elements.

    First half of the 19th century - Sufi literature in Turki + folk spoken language + folklore language.

    Second half of the 19th century - educational literature, the formation of new styles.

The second (national) stage has 3 periods:

    From the end of the 19th century until the 20s of the 20th century. - this is the language of the Turks + the old Tatar literary language, democratization and an increase in the Bashkir lexical grammatical features.

    From 1920 to the 1930s, the formation of the modern Bashkir literary language takes place on the synthesis of the old written traditions of the Turks + the language of folklore + the folk spoken language.

    1930 - 1950s - the years of the accelerated development of the modern Bashkir literary language and the formation of functional styles.

The Bashkir nation, which took shape at the beginning of the 20th century, created the literary Bashkir language (in addition to the common territory, economy, a certain psychological and spiritual appearance), in which, in addition to national oral and written communication, scientific work, official communication, journalism takes place, and a common culture develops . The Bashkir literary language is one of the components of the consolidation of the nation.


    Line up these concepts in a chronological series: tribe, ethnic group, nationality, clan, nation and explain.

    Find the symbols of the statehood of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

A. Flag, national ornament, oran.

B. Tamga, coat of arms, kurai.

V. anthem, coat of arms, flag.

G. kurultai, national costume, anthem.

    Explain why the Old Turkic language is not national?


Prepare a report on the current state of the peoples inhabiting the Republic of Belarus - Western Bashkirs, Russians, Tatars (Mishars, Teptyars), Chuvashs, Maris, Mordovians, Udmurts, Ukrainians and Belarusians, Germans and Latvians according to the IKB Reader pages 149-178.

Subject: Sesen is the creator and bearer of the Bashkir epic.

The Greek word "epos" means "word", "story", "song" and has long been one of the three main genres of fiction (along with lyrics and drama). Epos is narrative literature. Every nation had and still has artistically gifted people who are able to explain and convey information in a poetic form. Among the Bashkirs, such a person was called a sesen (among the Kazakhs, an akyn). Sesen is a poet, improviser and singer. He improvises in the form of a song recitative to the accompaniment of a dumbyra. Sesen competitions were held with the confluence of people on the yiyins. In the kubair (a form of the heroic legend among the Bashkirs) “Dialogue between Akmurza and Kubagush”, the social ideal of the sesen is expressed: “He does not protect evil, he does not spare the enemy, he loves justice, the grief of the country is on his lips, the joy of people is in his songs.” The main qualities of a sesen (besides the talent of a poet, singer, musician, experience, knowledge) were considered by the people to be wisdom, resourcefulness, and wit. In modern Bashkortostan, the traditions of storytellers are being revived, and the title of "People's Sesen" is also awarded. The history of the Bashkir people has preserved the names of famous sesens: these are Khabrau, Erense, Kubagush, Karas, Makhmut, Baik Aidar - they all glorified their native land from the 14th to the 18th centuries; Murzakaev, Argynbaev, Almukhametov, Mukhametkulov, Aminev-Timyani, Kulembetov lived and worked in the 19-20 centuries, after the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) Burangulov, Davletshin, Ismagilov glorified their names, who were awarded the title of people's sesens.

Habrau - lived at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. Folk singer - yyrau. Nogais (Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Karakalpaks) call the folk singer and zhyrau According to Kazakh literary critics, he came from the Kipchak tribe, lived in the city of Saraichik on the Yaik River and was close to the Khan's palace of Tokhtamysh. But during the palace strife, he took the side of Emir Idige. In the Bashkir epic "Idukai and Muradym" Khabrau is presented as a wise elder at the age of 100 and a defender of the people. He is also the author of the kubairs included in this epic: “I am your elder - aksakal”, “Oh, Uraltau”, “Death of a high mountain”, “What is considered bad?”. Scientist V.M. Zhirmunsky considers Khabrau the ancestor of the yyrau among the Nogai peoples.

Yerense - sesen- the years of his life are unknown, approximately 13-14 centuries, he is recognized by different peoples, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Altaians consider him their poet. His name as a poet-improviser has become a household name, however, just like wits. His image is preserved in folklore - in fairy tales, short stories and parables. Like his father, he is clairvoyant. The legend connects him with Yamantai - batyr. He composed the "Appeal of Erense-Sesen to Abulkhair-Khan". He is the author of many kulyamas. He became famous as a hero of fairy tales - anecdotes, in a different way, latifs. Like him, there are short funny stories in India about the cunning Birbal, among the Turkmens - about Mir-Ali, and among the Uzbeks and Karakalpaks - about Khoja Nasretdin. The grave of Erense-sesen is located in Bashkortostan near the village of Bashkirskaya Urginka in the Zianchurinsky district. The Bashkirs also have a kubair "Erense-sesen". Glorified among the Bashkirs and the wife of Erense - Sesen - Bendebike. Her mausoleum - cachene - exists near the village of Maksyutovo, Kugarchinsky district. She is known for not allowing hostility to flare up between the Bashkir and Kazakh clans.

Cubagus- lived in the 16th century - biy and sesen. According to legend, he led the struggle of the Bashkirs - Mints against the Nogai Murza Karakulumbet. He was defeated and forced out of the Dyoma valley, lived in the Urals among the Cathays. For many years he was at the head of the movement of the Bashkirs against the khans. One of the first to accept Russian citizenship - citizenship. In "Aityn Kubagush - sesen with Akmurza - sesen" he exposed the cruelty of the Nogai khans and murzas. (There is material on the book "Legends and Traditions of the Bashkirs" p. 223)

Karas- lived at the end of the 17th - the first half of the 18th centuries. Batyr and storyteller. According to legend, he is a representative of the Tilyau clan from the village of Nauruzovo, the son of Mergen Kushkilde, the great-grandson of Kubagush-sesen, the cousin of the batyr Kildesh. He went down in Bashkir history as a defender of the eastern lands from the raids of the Kazakh feudal lords. His wisdom, fearlessness, justice are reflected in the aitysh "Karas and Akma". In the legend "Karas and Karahakal" the image of a sesen is created as a spokesman for people's thoughts.

Mahmut Foot- late 17th - early 18th century. Mahmut is a legendary Bashkir folk kuraist, poet, and improviser. The first records about him were made by M. Burangulov in 1912 from M. Saitov. Many legends, lyrics with his name were recorded in the 60s of the 20th century by K. Diyarov. The melody of his song “On Foot Mukhmut”, which he composed during a trip to the Russian Tsar, entered the repertoire of the Bashkir classics.

Baik Aidar- (1710, the village of Mukhmutovo - 1814). Baik Aidar is the son of Tarkhan Baynazar, a participant in the Bashkir uprising of 1735-1740s and 1755-1756s. Pursued by punishers, he hid in the Kazakh steppes. Upon his return, he called on the Bashkirs to participate in Peasants' War 1773-1775. By the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, he was 102 years old, he admonished the batyrs with his poems, and met those who returned from the war with the glorifying song "Baik". His heritage should include "Aitysh Baik - Sesen with the Kazakh Akyn Bukhar", "To the Bashkir Wars - Defenders", "Song of Baik - Sesen". The popular dance "Baik" is attributed to him. In fact, “Baik” is an old Bashkir dance, originally performed during epic performances. Starting from the 19th century, in connection with the wonderful performance of this dance Baik - sesen, it becomes, as it were, independent. Now there are several versions of the dance, but the elderly Bashkirs always perform it (and if the young ones, they imitate the old people, imitate them.). In the Baik dance, an image of an experienced person is created who has not lost optimism in old age, always with humor.


Dictionary work. Define the terms: recitative, common noun, kulyamas.

Subject: M. Burangulov - people's sesen of Bashkortostan (1888-1966)

The drama of fate does not devalue

her fate, but on the contrary, increases it

value: not everyone can accept

fire on yourself...

Azat Abdullin

or can be used as an epigraph

Your flame burned...

Gabdulla Tukay

The creators and bearers of the Bashkir epic - sesens played an extremely important role in the public life of the Bashkirs. When there was a danger of invasion by foreign invaders, the sesens called on the people to defend their native land, often becoming the head of the army. In peaceful days, sesengs took part in resolving many life issues. “When disputes and skirmishes arose between tribes because of migrations and tebenevok,” wrote M. Burangulov, “sesens performed.” The people called sesens only exceptionally gifted storytellers who possessed not only performing talent but also the ability to improvise. Mukhametsha Burangulov, who possessed phenomenal memory and the brilliant talent of an improviser.

He was born in 1888 in the village of Urga - Ilyas Yumran - Tabynsky volost of the Buzuluk district of the Samara province (now the Luxembourg district of the Orenburg region) in the family of a middle-class peasant. At the age of 11, he remained an orphan, in 1901 he entered the Kargaly Madrasah, in the summer he taught children in the Kazakh steppes, and was hired as a farm laborer in rich families. In villages, he got acquainted with the work of Kazakh akyns and recorded samples of Kazakh folklore. After completing his studies at the madrasah, he worked for two years in the commission for the population census. During these years, M. Burangulov met the famous Bashkir storytellers Gabit Arginbaev and Khamit and adopted epic poems from them - kubairs "Ural-Batyr", "Idel and Yaik", "Akbuzat", "Kusyak - Biy", "Karasakal", " Mergan and Mayan. From them, Burangulov recorded a large number of baits. In 1909-1911, Burangulov studied at the Khusainia madrasah in Orenburg, and in the post-October period he worked in the educational bodies of Bashkortostan, taught the Bashkir language and literature.

Burangulov's interest in folk poetry woke up very early. Even shakirdom, he recorded songs, legends, tales of his native land. M. Burangulov published one of his first recordings of the popular folk song "Ashkadar" in 1924 in the Shuro magazine in Orenburg. Having studied the folklore heritage of the Bashkir people, he begins to write plays based on the plots of folk songs and legends. The fact that most of the dramas of Mukhametshi Burangulov were written on the plots of folk songs and legends predetermined, basically, their best sides, as, for example, in the drama "Ashkadar" (1917) Its plot is simply naive: the young hunter Yumagul and the girl Tankhylu love each other, matchmakers come to the girl's father and after much deliberation, the parents decide to marry her off as Yumagul. The wedding took place, and the young people lived happily. But during the hunt, Yumagul died, his parents called kuraists and singers, who composed the song "Ashkadar" about the death of the hunter. This scene is from the life of ordinary people who lived on the land of Bashkortostan. In 1922, a self-made team of the Bashkir Institute of Public Education staged Burangulov's play "Ashkadar" and the play was a major success, especially the audience noted the performance of Sagida Rashitova, who played the role of Tansylu. In 1924, she was invited to the Bashkir theater in Ufa and became a famous actress, taking the stage name Tansyla Rashitova.

M. Burangulov built a house in his native village, hunted, traveled from 1922 to distant villages, collecting folklore materials: historical songs, legends, ritual songs. One day, a familiar hunter told M. Burangulov that an old man lives in one of the auls, who knows many folk tales, legends and songs. Burangulov took a keen interest, harnessed his horse, put a ram in the sleigh and left. He returned home only a week later, in a good mood - after all, he managed to record a lot of interesting things, and he gave a ram to an old man who lived in poverty. Since 1924, M. Burangulov lived and worked in the village of Tulyan, Meleuzovsky district, taught at a school.

As soon as a professional Bashkir theater was organized, Burangulov's plays took one of the main places in the repertoire. M. Burangulov directed his efforts to expand the national repertoire, creating the plays “Yalan Yarkai”, “Buranbai”, “Bashkir Wedding”, “Salim Canton”, “Tevkelev”, “Gang Abzelilov”, “Shaurakai”, “Prosecutor”, “ Enzhekay and Yuldykay, etc.

In 1938, M. Burangulov moved to Ufa and began working at the Research Institute. M. Gafuri, was engaged in the classification of folklore materials, and continued his work: "Collective Farmers", "Shepherd", "Red Stone", "Gulnur", "Meetings" (1939-1940). The operas "Mergen" and "Tashtugai" written to his libretto were performed at the Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theatre. Burangulov also tried his hand at creating cubes on topical topics. In 1944 he was awarded the title of People's Sesen of Bashkortostan, but in 1950 he was repressed. Rehabilitation was only in 1956. He devoted another 10 years of his life to his beloved work - folklore, tirelessly collecting and processing Bashkir folk art. On March 9, 1966, he died after a long illness. Only decades later, the work of the folklorist and the work of the seseng and playwright received a well-deserved high appraisal. In 1977, the publishing house "Nauka" published a collection of "Bashkir folk epic" in two languages ​​- Russian and Bashkir, compiled mainly from the materials of M. Burangulov.

Mukhametsha Burangulov is the oldest representative of the Bashkir literature of the Soviet period. He is the author of plays that still do not leave the stage today, kubairs, which are still known to many. His main merit lies in the fact that he preserved for posterity the treasures of folk poetic thought - the archives of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic contain records of many storytellers collected by M. Burangulov.

Bashkir literature

Bashkir literature

BASHKIR LITERATURE is one of those young revolutionary literatures that arose exclusively due to the October Revolution, which created new socio-economic conditions for the Soviet system.
The Bashkirs, due to their close socio-economic and cultural ties with the Tatars in general, fell under the influence of Tatar literature. For the Tatars, who were expelled or fled from the Kazan Khanate and the Golden Horde after their fall, the Bashkir steppes were a convenient refuge. The Tatars who settled here were superior in culturally Bashkirs and therefore influenced their development. The opening of the Mohammedan spiritual assembly, headed by mirza-nobles from the Tatars (1789), in the center of Bashkiria favored the fact that the Bashkir clergy assimilated the religious and mystical Tatar literature. In the 19th century Bashkirs for the most part continue to study in Tatar madrasahs. The students of these madrasahs got acquainted with works in the Turkic language. (on turkitel), i.e. with ancient Tatar literature. Tatar writers and mystic poets came out of these madrasahs, and some Bashkir writers also came out of here. But the latter wrote in the same language. ancient Tatar literature. Todzhetdin Yalchegyl Ogly (1767–1838) compiled in the old Tatar language. commentary (“Risale-i-gaziz”, published in 1850) to the didactic lyrics “Sabatel-Gadzhizin” (published in 1802) by the mystical poet of Central Asia, Sufi Allayar. They wrote in the language of ancient Tatar literature after the revolution of 1905. For example, Babich (see), like other Bashkir poets, wrote almost all of his works of art in Tatar. and this contributed to the development of new Tatar literature.
At the end of the XIX and at the beginning of the XX century. in Bashkiria, Tatar trading capital begins to develop. This circumstance contributes to the strengthening of the influence of the Tatar bourgeoisie. After the revolution of 1905, Bashkir students (shakirds) began to enter the “Jadid” madrasahs together with the Tatar shakirds. These shakirds, and consequently the Bashkir intelligentsia, more and more fell under the influence of Tatar literature and language. The movement of the Tatar bourgeoisie along the path of pan-Turkism created suitable and convenient conditions for this process. In the first revolution, the Bashkirs did not even think that in the Bashkir language. there could be books, magazines, or even newspapers. But still, the rich Bashkir folk poetry had a noticeable influence both on the form and on the content of oral literature and partly written fiction of the Tatars. So the melodies and rhythm of Tatar songs noticeably reflect the Bashkir influence.
The first shoots of Bashkir fiction appeared in 1919, for example. poems by Babich. Kh. Gabidov, D. Yulty, S. Mirasov, Idelhuzhin, Tukhfet Yanabi (Kalimullin), G. Amantai, Zaini, Davletshin and other young revolutionary Bashkir writers and poets who appeared later were representatives of this new literature. The periodicals of the Bashkirs, even after the October Revolution, from 1918 to 1924, despite their Bashkir names, were Tatar in language; in Bashkir only a few articles were published. Nevertheless, at this time, measures are being taken to publish the first newspaper in a purely Bashkir language. Since 1924 it has been published entirely in the Bashkir language. newspaper "Bashkurdistan". B. fiction in the form of separate books begins to be published also in 1923-1924. The Bashkir writers themselves consider 1924 to be the birth year of B. L. and the Bashkir literary language, linking it with publication in the purely Bashkir language. newspaper "Bashkurdistan".
At first, heroic lyrics prevailed in B. L., just as it was in Tatar and Russian proletarian literature in the first years of the revolution. Bashkir fiction is imbued with the pathos of romantic heroism, which expressed the enthusiasm of the Bashkir people, their selfless faith in the revolution, and partly has an agitational and didactic character. In this regard, Kh. Gabidov’s poems “Ural Songs” and T. Yanabi, who sings about farm laborers and the rural poor, are characteristic, as well as the works of some other Bashkir poets, and in their works they adapt old forms and techniques to the new content, especially folk forms. songs. Here one can also notice the influence of the forms of pre-revolutionary Tatar literature.
In B. L. there are still few works that give images and pictures of the daily modern life of the Bashkir people. Recently, the Bashkir magazines "Bilim" and "Sesen" have published, however, stories depicting the life of the people. The same phenomenon is observed in the lyrics. Most of B.L.'s poets and writers are still in the first stage of their literary and artistic development. Despite this, B. L. begins to identify a fairly large number of talented writers and is growing rapidly.
Most of the works of B. L. are plays, the plot of which is borrowed from the old Bashkir life, from B. folk literature, fairy tales and legends. These are: a play by Mukhamedsh Burangulov called "Ashkazar" (published in 1923), a play by S. Mirasov - "Salavat batyr" (Salavat the hero), a historical play by H. Gabidov - "Enyekai menen Yuldakai" (published in 1926). True, small propaganda plays with plots from the October events are also beginning to appear. Fiction works are mostly placed in the magazines "Bilim" and "Sesen". Sesen magazine is the first art magazine that seeks to unite young literary forces. Tatar writers-poets also participate in it, but their works are placed with a translation into the Bashkir language. Work is underway to collect and publish works of folk art. The Academic Center of the People's Commissariat of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Bashkir Scientific Society for the Study of the Local Territory pay serious attention to this. Bibliography:
Collection of scientific society "Bashkurt aimagy", No. 2, Ufa, 1926; magazine "Bilim", Ufa, from 1924 to 1928; "Sesen", Ufa, from 1927 to 1928; gas. "Bashkurdistan", Ufa, from 1924 to 1928; Asar-Rizaetdina Fakhretdinova, part 2, 1901; part 6. 1904; part 12, 1907; part 15, 1908.

Literary Encyclopedia. - In 11 tons; M .: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .

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