Advertisement for an art studio for children. "I want to draw!": How to make a profitable art studio


January 14, 2018 Art school "Magic Hands"

Good afternoon Thank you for your feedback - your opinion is important to us!
Yes, on January 14, at 15:00, a master class on the Ebru took place at the Magichands studio, which lasted until 17:00. The lesson began a couple of minutes later, as evidenced by video recordings. Recording available upon request.

What number did you call and what time? There are 2 contact numbers in the studio: 8 495 971 20 88 and 8 919 725 57 88. From 2 pm to 4 pm, judging by the listing of calls, there were no missed calls.

5 people were registered for the master class, three of them came.
As for calling back and clarifying where the client is, the teacher does not always have the opportunity to quickly transfer information to the administrator about those who did not reach. As a rule, the lists are verified later - the next day. Also, it happens that clients sign up for a master class and simply do not come.
We have a small workshop with a chamber atmosphere, we are an association creative people who love their job!
We are very sorry that such a strange situation happened and you could not get to the master class.

In the future, we will improve our service and creative programs! And as a bonus to cheer you up - we give you a 20% discount on your next visit. To obtain a certificate, please contact our email

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December 25, 2015 Art School "Your Stage"

You entered into lease agreement No. 26 on August 5, 2016, indicating the schedule of the actual rental time and the amount of rent at the rates in force on the date of conclusion of the agreement.
Since September 1, 2015, the prices for renting the hall have changed in the studio, about which the relevant information appeared on the website on August 15.
On September 7, you entered into a new Agreement on new studio rates.
There are air conditioners in the hall. On the panorama of the studio, they are also visible to the naked eye :)
During the rental of the studio, the equipment was fully functional. Your technician has been given the right to customize lighting and projection equipment to suit your performance.

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December 25, 2015 Art School "Your Stage"

Good afternoon, Vitaly. Thank you for your feedback.
you rented theater Hall for the production of the play "Yesenin" several times during September.
Before the start of the lease, you came to the studio twice and inspected the hall. Administrators Anastasia and Elena showed you our space, informed you about the terms of the lease and that we do not provide props for rent.
Renting a hall with high-tech expensive equipment provides for the responsibility of the tenant for the condition of the equipment used during the lease. We took into account your wish to reduce the risks of possible equipment malfunctions and signed an additional agreement with you to the contract.
After the start of the lease, you extended the contract with us twice, rented the hall additionally for new dates in October. The cost of renting the hall was specified in the contract and did not change during the term of the contract. Which in your case was especially beneficial, since by signing a contract for a long period of time, you were not affected by the increase in the cost of rent after the increase in studio rates.
Our studio is equipped with two air conditioners, with which you could control the air in the studio yourself and take into account the wishes of the actors and guests.
View the hall where, right on the stage, in a modern theater space, students of the Courses acting skills and rhetoricians are being trained, you can visit the 3-D panorama

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August 27, 2011 Art school "Club of draftsmen"

It's not about how similar the drawing is to the original. Don't reduce everything to a question of similarity.
The way you personally draw is about what you personally are, in what state, mood.
You can sharply and rudely depict something completely different from the original, and there is no need to compare. It is more interesting to feel yourself through the drawing, your perception of the external. The goal of drawing is similar to something, someone, other people's drawings, obviously doomed to an attempt to catch up.

If you look at the drawing as an act in itself, your self-sufficient action, this is much more interesting.

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Rohini Gallery is a place where you can get acquainted with the work of famous and contemporary artists from all over the world, visit creative evening, art show or lecture. However, the gallery also hosts painting and art workshops every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The gallery conducts recruitment both in adult groups and in children's groups (for children from 8 to 16 years old).

Bolshaya Akademicheskaya street, 6/1

House of Burganov 0+

The main part of the exposition and educational activities for children are held in this museum almost under open sky. Teachers of the creative workshop teach the children the basics of the work of a sculptor, help them master the work with a brush and various paints instill a sense of beauty. students high school can take part in quests, and adults can listen to lectures on the history of art.

Age: from 3 to 16 years old, lectures for adults are held

Opening hours: Mon–Wed, Fri–Sun 11:00–19:00; Thu 11:00–21:00

Phone for inquiries: +7 (495) 695–04–29

per. Bolshoi Afanasievsky, 15, building 9

Gallery "Look of a child" 6+
Territory of kindness and creativity

Charitable Foundation with by the same name founded an art studio to support children whose social status defined by the word "disabled". Children with special needs try to realize themselves in creativity, they are taught to work accurately and confidently with paints, paper and brushes. Children's imagination is inexhaustible - the works of young masters are exhibited at all-Russian and city exhibitions, take part in festivals.

Age: 3 to 16 years old

Opening hours: Mon–Fri 10:00–18:00, Sat–Sun 11:00–17:00

Phone for inquiries: +7 (495) 607–73–50

per. Pushkarev, d.16, st. Bolshaya Polyanka, 26 building 1


The Institute of Russian Realistic Art conducts classes for children and adults. Visitors to master classes master drawing in gouache and watercolor, listen to theoretical classes in art, get acquainted with the constant museum exposition and exhibitions. The concept of the museum is the revival of the traditions of the masters of Russian painting.

Age: 7 to 16 years old

Phone for inquiries: +7 (495) 276–12–12

emb. Derbenevskaya, 7/31

Center for Contemporary Culture "Garage" 0+

The center is amazingly organized work with the younger generation. The children are engaged in a real art workshop. Educational process focused on special projects: "In the footsteps contemporary art”, “Animastudio”, “Architecture. The Art of Seeing”, “Art Therapy”, etc.

Age: 3 to 15 years old

Phone for inquiries: +7 (495) 645–05–20

st. Crimean Val, house 9, building 32

Flacon Design Factory
One of the first creative clusters in Moscow

A whole constellation of children's art studios and creative workshops for all ages has been organized on the territory of the design factory. The children draw pictures and master the profession of a potter, paint various figurines and do decoupage. High school students realize their ambitions in design courses and workshops.

Age: 3 to 16 years old

Opening hours: Mon–Sun 11:00–22:00

Phone for inquiries: +7 (495) 790–79–01

st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36/4

School of watercolor by Sergey Andriyaka 0+

The organizers of the museum did not forget about the younger generation. At the Andriyaka school, master classes in drawing in the technique of multi-layered watercolors, trial lessons are held. Children strive for beauty. Number of people who want to have a picture painted with my own hands, is constantly growing. Fine art lessons allow you to discover creative potential child.

Age: 3 to 16 years old

Opening hours: Wed–Sun 11:00–19:00

Phone for inquiries: +7 (495) 632–18–17

Gorohovsky lane, 17

Central House of Artists 0+

Of the dozens of exhibitions simultaneously taking place in the Central House of Artists, children will surely choose something interesting for themselves. The museum organizes festive fairs and art salons, which take into account the widest tastes of visitors.

Age: 3 years and older

Opening hours: Tue–Sun 11:00–20:00

Phone for inquiries: +7 (499) 238–96–34

st. Krymsky Val, 10

Museon Arts Park 0+

Numerous sites of the Muzeon park attract a large number of children different ages. They are met by educational stands, competitive programs, fairs and festivals. The organizers prepared regular children's classes for children in painting with brushes and sponges, creating collages and paper costumes, weaving baubles, sewing felt gnomes, painting stones, etc.

Where to take the child? When choosing a suitable center or circle, fathers and mothers are guided by a number of criteria. Sometimes it's not the most important things that come to the fore. For example, the proximity of the art studio to the house is relevant in the vast Moscow. But what else do you need to pay attention to when choosing a place where the child will learn to draw?

Criteria for choosing an art studio for children

First of all, the qualifications of teachers. Experienced teachers have diplomas and certificates, they have already graduated more than a dozen students. Worth walking through the studio, looking at environment. How is the learning process structured? Are the classrooms well equipped? Is drawing for children a priority for art school. Do not be too lazy to inquire - what have the graduates achieved? Are there any among them who have chosen a profession related to artistic creativity? You can ask if master classes are held here, which are given by famous painters.

An important question - what will children draw? Pencils and watercolors? This is not enough. Find out if the children will be taught to work with gouache, pastel, if they will be shown how to draw oil paints? Maybe other modern materials will be included in the training program? What genres can children master by visiting the art studio? Will they be taught to draw still lifes, landscapes, portraits? What about animals? Perhaps the child's abilities will be able to reveal themselves in a certain genre, and then he will specialize in it.

Will there be art history classes in the program? To continue your education, to withstand the competition in schools and universities - you need to have the appropriate knowledge, understand the work of artists.

Did you get positive answers to all questions? Feel free to enroll your child here. Worthy teachers work with children here, and the methods they use are working successfully. This means no time will be wasted. And, perhaps, drawing will become the main profession for your son or daughter.

Training program

The program is important when choosing an art drawing studio for children. The best option when training starts from scratch. That is, the teacher starts classes with children who do not have initial training, or possess knowledge and skills to a minimum. Then the training goes on the principle - from simple to complex. First, beginners learn to draw a still life, then move on to depicting plants. From them - to the landscape. They comprehend the basics of perspective, and then they can already depict animals and birds.

When the skills are fixed, the hand becomes confident, you can complicate the program, and move on to the next stage of training. It will consist of cycles that are similar in content to the previous ones, but students are already given more complex creative tasks. As a result, by the end of the usual educational school, the student already owns the necessary technique to take creative exams in colleges and universities.

Diversity as a guarantee of harmonious development

Being engaged in an art studio, kids master certain skills. This is where they study. artistic perception the surrounding world. They begin to notice the beauty in the ordinary, which previously eluded the eyes. Teachers teach children to give a correct assessment of someone else's creativity, to choose the best from it, to give an appropriate assessment of bad taste.

Groups in the art studio are small. For each pupil, individual approach. Mastery artistic techniques develops the muscles of the forearms, hands, fingers. For example, thanks to graphics, the child's coordination of movements improves, and painting contributes to the general looseness of the hand.

Over time, the artistic activity of students begins to manifest itself already at the stage of discussing the work. Music, poetry, prose become full-fledged components of the classes. This is how images are born that find their embodiment in drawings.

Systematic work in the art studio develops best qualities V young artist. He learns to comprehend beauty, becomes observant, disciplined, hardworking, grows up as a harmoniously developed personality.

The history of drawing has been going on for more than 30,000 years, and in this it only competes with music, which is also one of the ancient species art. Many people remember that at first there was rock painting- using coal and ocher, human ancestors applied images to the walls of caves. Over time, the drawing technique, of course, changed - from primitive images to real works of art.

Drawing is the base fine arts, and it can be both an auxiliary step for creating something more, and independent work. Drawing is extremely popular among the younger generation - and often in an absolutely free form for very young and old people. special rules for older kids. Graphics are also in demand - that is, an art form that uses spots, dots, strokes and lines. In our city there are many studios, centers, art schools where children can take up drawing and graphics, learn the techniques and nuances of this art form.

Drawing, no doubt, is very useful: creative thinking develops, fine motor skills, imagination and memory of children. This activity allows you to relieve stress, relax, overcome fears and complexes. There is even such a thing as art therapy: it helps to get rid of emotional and psychological problems. Drawing and graphics help to discover new world because every creation is individual image, special vision.

What colors to choose for a child?

The first rule that caring parents need to remember when choosing colors for their child is this: “Paints must be childish”! They must be appropriate for the age and needs of the child, be safe and not expired. So, for one-year-old babies and a little older, the most the best option there will be finger paints, for children a little older you can already buy gouache or gel finger paints - also for drawing by hand. It is worth moving on to more serious options when the child learns not only to hold the brush in his hands, but also to own it. Teachers recommend purchasing gouache for brush painting, as well as pastel for children aged 5 years and over. And “first-graders in five minutes” and schoolchildren can also receive paints for drawing on fabric or stained glass as a gift.

How to choose a watercolor sketchbook

One of the most popular types The paints are watercolors. However, it is not as easy as it seems at first glance to choose an album for them. The main mistake of parents is that they succumb to the desire of the child, who is guided only by its cover, on which, for example, the heroes of their favorite cartoon flaunt. First of all, it is worth choosing an album with rather “powerful” sheets of paper: their density should be 200-300 grams per square meter. Thin sheets will not even allow the paint to "stand" on them, and they will change shape due to water.

Private art schools are currently not very common, as many entrepreneurs do not consider such a business to be serious. This is due to the fact that long years art courses were carried out free of charge. Even now at the base ordinary schools there are drawing circles in which children study for a nominal fee. But, despite the fact that there are many free art sections, this business is quite in demand.

The target audience

In order for the opening of an art school to bring a stable income, you need to choose the right target audience. You need to think about who the classes will be for. To make the right decision, it is advisable to assess the demand and supply of these services in a particular territorial unit. As a rule, children's art circles are available in sufficient quantity, and classes for adult artists are a rarity. So how do you open an art studio?

Business registration

Before starting work, an art school must be registered. If you plan to recruit staff and issue official certificates to graduates, you need to obtain the status of a non-state institution. It costs a lot of money and involves many difficulties. Not every entrepreneur will take the risk of investing in such a risky project.

The main difference between art school and other educational courses is that most people go to classes for fun, not to get a diploma. Therefore, it is better to register as individual entrepreneur, at least for the first time. This will save money.

Room selection

With great responsibility it is worth approaching the choice of premises for the future studio. First of all, you need to calculate your own financial capabilities. The cost of renting a room depends on many factors, so it is worth considering various options. The school does not have to be located in the city center, it can be a remote area. It is important that there are residential complexes nearby, as well as good transport interchange. It is unlikely that people will want to commute for hours to classes, especially after a hard day's work.

The interior of the room also deserves attention. The room should be quite spacious and bright. To avoid suffocating odors of paint and solvents, it is advisable to take care of the presence of a hood.

The area of ​​the room depends on how many students are planned to be enrolled. It is not necessary to immediately invite a lot of people, as this is an additional cost for easels and other necessary supplies. If lectures are held at the school, desks must be purchased.

A mandatory requirement for a room that will be used as an art studio is the presence of a sink with a flow warm water. This is necessary for washing brushes and hands after class. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for an art school, it is necessary to include utility costs there.

Basic principles of work

Before you open an art studio, you need to think through the basic principles that will underlie all work. Most schools require students to purchase all materials themselves, but some stock will still be required.

Easels, paper, brushes, paints and other supplies can be purchased at wholesale prices to help keep costs down. But you should not choose low-quality materials, this is not in the best way affect the reputation of the school. But the furniture can be purchased not new, but in good condition. total amount costs depend on the number of students.

State set

Before you open an art studio, you need to calculate the number of students who can study at the school. In the event that recruitment is not planned and classes will be held on your own entrepreneur, you should not take more than 6-7 people. Indeed, during training, everyone will need to pay attention, helping to correct mistakes. The duration of the lesson can be from 1.5 to 2 hours.

You need to take staff selection very seriously. A teacher who loves his job and enthusiastically involves other people in drawing is a godsend for an art studio. He is able to create creative program, which will not only give students knowledge, but also be able to contribute to their relaxation and rest. Such a school will definitely have regular customers and also make a profit.

It is imperative that a class schedule be drawn up so that students can plan their time. If the main audience is adult working people, then it makes sense to conduct training only in evening time. If desired, you can find property owners who will agree to rent out premises for certain hours. With this question, you can turn to existing schools for help by renting classes from them. This will cut costs significantly.

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