Year of birth of Maslyakov Sr. Other projects


Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. Born November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Soviet and Russian TV presenter, Honored Art Worker Russian Federation(1994), long-term host of KVN.

Father - Vasily Vasilyevich Maslyakov (1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, military pilot, navigator, participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he served in the General Staff of the Air Force.

Mother - Zinaida Alekseevna Maslyakova (born 1911), housewife.

Maslyakov's childhood passed in Sverdlovsk and partly in Chelyabinsk. After the war, his father, a military pilot, was transferred to Main Headquarters Air Force in Moscow.

different from childhood sharp mind, graduated from high school with honors.

After school, he entered the energy department of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. It was thanks to MIIT that Alexander Maslyakov became the host of the most enduring and popular show countries - KVN.

First he got into the student theater. Journalist, director and producer Anatoly Lysenko recalled: “Sasha and I met in 1960. By that time I had already graduated from MIIT, and we, engineers, the kings of amateur performances, were recruiting guys into our student theater. And suddenly a guy came in with beautiful wavy hair. He said "hello" and smiled. And I caught myself on the fact that I was smiling too. I looked at the others - they, like me, threw off their masks, smiled. This is Sanya's fantastic gift. "

And in 1961, a new youth edition was formed on Soviet TV: KVN, later this abbreviation began to be deciphered as the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful”. Although initially KVN is the first letters of the names of its creators: Kenigson, Varshavsky, Nikolaevsky. We add that the most popular brand of Soviet TVs (boxes with a tiny screen and a lens) was also called that at that time.

The KVN game instantly became super popular. And her future presenter Alexander Maslyakov then just studied at MIIT. He was not a kaveenshchik, but he participated in student productions.

The MIIT KVN team was known by that time, and in January 1963 it won one of the TV games. After this game, the youth edition decided to take a new step - so that the next KVN game would be led by players from the KVN MIIT team, the winners last game. The captain of the Miitovites offered the role of presenter to Alexander Maslyakov. He agreed and after the television debut became famous throughout the USSR.

On Soviet TV, it was customary for a popular program to be led by two - a man and a woman. Svetlana Zhiltsova was approved in pair with Maslyakov - in contrast to him, the presenter with experience and with accumulated fame. The couple turned out to be extremely harmonious, complementing each other. They immediately became associated with KVN. And a rumor spread around the country that Svetlana Zhiltsova and Alexander Maslyakov were not only colleagues, but also spouses.

However, in the same year, KVN was closed by the decision of the chairman of the USSR State Radio and Television Sergei Lapin.

“I don’t want to offend all the captains who played in the 60s, many are no longer there, their memory is bright. And I don’t want to offend Yulik Gusman. But all this is a little mythologized. Then there was only KVN, and there was nothing nearby! every word, even accidentally spoken, was perceived differently. They say: oh, how they joked then! Yes, they joked in different ways in the 60s! Both bad and good," Maslyakov recalled.

Although KVN disappeared from Soviet screens in 1971, Alexander Maslyakov remained on them. By that time, he had become a leader paired with Zhiltsova, moreover, an ideal leader for a youth program.

Conviction of Alexander Maslyakov

One of the secrets of Maslyakov's biography is his prison past.

So, according to some sources, in 1974 he was convicted for illegal currency transactions and ended up in colony UN 83/2 in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. But he somehow managed to get out of prison pretty quickly. It was also repeatedly mentioned in the media that during the investigation he was in the Tula pre-trial detention center. Finally, older people remember a feuilleton in one of the central Soviet newspapers dedicated to Maslyakov, which was called "Sasha no longer laughs."

It is appropriate to recall the statements of the well-known Russian singer, who repeatedly made harsh comments about Alexander Maslyakov, and also mentioned his prison past.

Alexander Vasilyevich himself invariably assures that he has not been in prison ...

From the second half of the 1970s, he reappears on television.

Each youth program hosted by Maslyakov immediately became super popular: “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls” and “Come on, guys”, “Addresses of the young”, “Funny guys”.

He reported from World festivals youth and students in Sofia, Berlin, Havana, Moscow, Pyongyang.

For several years he was a regular host of international song festivals in Sochi, and also hosted the Song of the Year program (1976-1979).

Maslyakov - the first host of the program “What? Where? When? ”: in 1976 he held the second edition of the game (there was no host in the first edition).

In 1986, on the initiative of Andrei Menshikov (the captain of the KVN MISI in the 1960s), the youth editorial office of Ostankino decided to revive the KVN. Alexander Maslyakov was invited as the host - as a symbol of the continuity of the KVN of the 1980s of the KVN of the 1960s. Then few people thought that Alexander Maslyakov would become a symbol of KVN.

Maslyakov, on the other hand, turned KVN into what it is now - into an industry for making humorous air and, of course, making money. She first became a permanent presenter, leader and director of the popular KVN program, then president of the International Union of KVN and television creative association AMiK, which produces the program.

Even though the games major league KVN Maslyakov plays the role of host, twice he was a member of the jury: in the final of the 1994 season and on summer cup champions 1996 - both games were held as part of KVN cruises.

Maslyakov and KVN opened the way for many current TV stars.

"There are no former KVN players ... The guys end their KVN life and go to other television incarnations. On other channels, the process is faster. It is important there that the face is illuminated and, whatever it says, let it be. And the level of humor in some programs and the show sits down a bit. Everything is more vulgar, they are less picky. I don’t like it. But they are also watched. The channels are happy. Viewers are quite satisfied with this level of humor," says Maslyakov.

Note that once he was the host of the Vzglyad program (he broadcast this program on April 1, 1988).

He is the chairman of the jury of the TV show "Minute of Glory".

In January 2012, he became a member of the "People's Headquarters" (in Moscow) of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

Alexander Maslyakov is the owner of numerous titles and awards: Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation; Academician of the Academy of Russian Television; Laureate of the Ovation Prize (1994); laureate of the TEFI award (“For personal contribution to the development domestic television", 2002); Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree ("For a great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years creative activity", 2006); Kazakh order "Dostyk" II degree (2007); Ukrainian Order of Merit, III degree (2007).

In August 2016, the creative association AMiK filed for Federal Service on intellectual property of the Russian Federation for the registration of the trademark "Alexander Maslyakov".

Corruption scandal of Alexander Maslyakov

On December 1, 2017, it was reported that . According to the data of the international anti-corruption organization Transparency International, which received wide publicity, a number of violations were found in the work of Alexander Maslyakov. According to Transparency employees, Maslyakov allegedly did not comply with the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by law on the heads of state unitary enterprises. In 2011, Alexander Vasilyevich, being the founder of the private creative association AMiK, which owns exclusive rights to products under the KVN brand, became the head of Planet KVN. The building of the Havana cinema was handed over to the state enterprise. In 2015, according to the anti-corruption organization, Maslyakov became individual entrepreneur, although by law the heads of SUEs do not have the right to combine work and business.

A year earlier, Planet KVN and AMiK, whose director is Alexander Maslyakov Jr., created a joint venture called Dom KVN.

“Already in this very fact there are obvious signs of a conflict of interest: Maslyakov, as the head of a state-owned enterprise, made a deal with a private company owned by himself and his family,” the experts emphasized. - Article 22 of the Law “On State and Municipal unitary enterprises» requires that such transactions be approved by the owner, i.e., in this case, the Moscow Property Department. In addition, the director of the State Unitary Enterprise is obliged to report to the management all information about the organizations that he and his close relatives manage or own by more than 20%.

In the House of KVN, AMiK received a 51% stake, which allows the director of the new company, Angelina Maslyakova (the wife of the son of a famous TV presenter), to manage the assets of the State Unitary Enterprise, including the Havana cinema. “The Maslyakovs retained the KVN trademark and received control of the property donated to the KVN movement. And it is actively exploited commercially,” experts say.

Alexander Maslyakov. Documentary

The growth of Alexander Maslyakov: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexander Maslyakov:

Married. Wife - Svetlana Smirnova. They met in 1966 thanks to KVN: Svetlana worked as an assistant director of KVN.

In 1971 they got married. Svetlana is the constant director of the popular TV show.

On April 28, 1980, the couple had a son, Alexander. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow state institute international relations, in 2006 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in economics on the topic "Forms and methods of managing sub-federal non-residential real estate" in State University management. Then I decided to continue family tradition- became the host of the programs "Planet KVN", "Outside the Game" and "Premier League of KVN", since 2013 - the general director of the father's company "AMiK". Alexander Alexandrovich is married, his wife's name is Angelina (nee Nabatnikova, born February 14, 1980, journalist, publicist, director of the KVN House), in 2006 they had a daughter, Taisiya.

Alexander Vasilievich does not drink alcohol.

Filmography of Alexander Maslyakov:

1964 - Blue light. 25 years of Soviet television (film-play) - presenter
1970 - Mechanical adventures of Tarapunka and Plug - host of KVN
1975 - Ar-hi-me-dy! - entertainer
1982 - I don't want to be an adult - TV presenter
1984 - Obstacle Course - Correspondent
1985 - How to become happy - host of the competition
1986 - Love me as I love you - presenter of the program "Ah, come on, girls!"
2009 - Voices of fish - Maslyakov
2010 - Leonid Yakubovich. Without a butterfly (documentary)

The permanent host of the KVN program Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov was born in the city of Yekaterinburg on November 24, 1941. His father was a military pilot and took part in the Great Patriotic War, and after its completion he continued to serve in the air force. The mother was in charge of raising the child. It is very interesting that 4 generations of the Maslyakov family called the boys the name Vasily, and only the mother of the future presenter Zinaida decided to break this tradition by giving the child the name Alexander.

Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov (senior): wife, children, biography

After graduating from school, Alexander chose the Institute of Transport Engineers in Moscow for admission. The guy then did not even dream of fame and a career as an artist. After completing his studies, he worked for some time in his specialty, but eventually decided to take up journalistic activities. A young 4th year student got on television by accident. He was asked to take the place of one of the five presenters, who will be filmed by the winning KVN team. It was Maslyakov who hit the screens.

In the photo: Alexander Maslyakov Sr.

KVN began its existence in the early 1960s. Initially, it was led by Albert Axelrod, but a few years later he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova. After some time, only Maslyakov remained the leader. At first, they worked only on live broadcasts, but then the Soviet censorship took up the jokes of the teams and the program began to be released only in recordings, cutting out all the extra fragments. It even got to the point that KVN was closed. How did it develop after that? creative biography Alexandra is a mystery He does not like to comment on this period.

After 15 years, the program beloved by many returns to the screens, and with it the irreplaceable presenter - Alexander Maslyakov. Already through a short time KVN beats all the ratings on television, humorous games under this name develop into a whole movement. At present, the program does not run counter to political ideology and goes into live on TV.

Svetlana Maslyakova - wife of Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich (senior)

The personal life of Alexander Maslyakov interests fans no less than his career and creative achievements. Moreover, it is also directly connected with KVN. It was there that the presenter met his only and beloved wife Svetlana Smirnova, who now bears her husband's surname. Who is the wife of a famous showman by profession? At the time of the acquaintance, the young girl got a job as an assistant director. IN given time she continues to work in this direction, only as a director.

In the photo: the wife of Alexander Maslyakov in his youth with her husband and son

The wife of Maslyakov Sr. in her youth (her photo can be seen in this article) did not even think that her lover would achieve such fame and popularity. She loved him the way he was. Married couple, like many others, made plans for the future, dreamed that they would have children. In 1980, dreams began to come true: the first-born was born to the lovers, who was also named Alexander. I must say that Alexander Maslyakov Sr. and his wife were incredibly happy about this event. The son followed in the footsteps of his parents, and when he grew up, his father made him CEO company "AMIK". Also, the young man acts as a host of entertainment programs.

In the photo: Alexander Maslyakov with his wife, daughter-in-law and son

Now Maslyakov Jr. already has his own family, he is married to famous writer Angelina Marmeladova. In 2006, the couple had a daughter, who was named Taisiya. Even at the age of five, the girl said that she was determined to follow in the footsteps of her father and grandfather and become the host of KVN.

In the photo: Alexander Maslyakov with his daughter-in-law and granddaughter

Maslyakov Sr. continues to be actively engaged in creativity, acts as a host of programs. The wife, whose photo can be seen in this article, helps her husband, acting as the director of his programs. This is one of the most strong families domestic show business, which can be called almost an ideal. Rumors about the illness and even the death of Alexander Vasilyevich were repeatedly circulated in the press, but, fortunately, they turned out to be just rumors. The favorite of the public is alive and continues to work on new masterpieces that should bring joy to viewers and cheer them up.

Name: Alexander Maslyakov

Age: 75 years old

Place of Birth: Ekaterinburg

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 86 kg

Activity: TV presenter KVN

Family status: married

Alexander Maslyakov - biography

In 1961, the first release of a television show took place, which can be called unique for Soviet culture those years. They called it the "Club of the cheerful and resourceful." Three years after the creation of this show, viewers first saw on the screens of a new presenter - a student of MIIT - Alexandra Maslyakova. The biography of this person is closely connected with the history of KVN. His name is associated with the legendary song "We start KVN". Alexander Maslyakov became the symbol of the most popular comedy show in the country.

Alexander Maslyakov - childhood and youth

The most "cheerful and resourceful" man in Russia was born in the family of a military pilot. Maslyakov's biography is surprising in that he was destined for a serious profession and life, far from television spotlights. Father is a navigator and a participant in the Great Patriotic War. In peacetime, he worked at the Air Force Headquarters. Having such a father, hardly young man dreams of a public profession could come to mind.

The son of a military pilot, after graduating from school, entered one of the most prestigious technical universities in the country. Alexander intended to become an engineer. However, courses for television workers operated at the institute on an additional basis. Alexander Maslyakov became one of the listeners. In the biography of the leading KVN, this period became decisive.

Alexander Maslyakov - television

After receiving a diploma in higher education Maslyakov, as befitted a respectable Soviet people, went to work in his specialty. However, soon, due to random circumstances, he ended up in the editorial office of one of the youth television programs. Here, until 1976, the presenter was listed as an editor. However, Maslyakov entered the stage for the first time long before that.

Alexander Maslyakov - KVN

prototype famous show was the program "Evening of cheerful questions". It did not last long and was soon closed. And a year later, KVN was created. Television humorous games, the permanent host of which is long years became Alexander Maslyakov, became insanely popular. A wave of KVN swept throughout the Soviet Union. In schools, pioneer camps and universities, competitions began to be held, which are a simplified version of the popular program.

The participants of KVN were extremely witty. However, in their work they sometimes crossed the permissible boundaries, which, with strict Soviet censorship was unacceptable. In 1971, the program was closed. Fifteen years later, KVN was reopened. Alexander Maslyakov, of course, was invited to the role of the host.

Alexander Maslyakov - reporter

Starting his career back in the years of his student biography, Maslyakov was insanely popular among Soviet youth. In addition to his main activity, he was a reporter. On duty, he attended various international festivals in Sofia, Berlin, Pyongyang and other cities. For several years he was the leader international festival in Sochi.

Alexander Maslyakov - Honored Art Worker

Apart from famous program, Maslyakov led vigorous activity on TV. He led such projects as "Song of the Year", "Alexander - Show". And in the nineties he headed a mass informal movement, which involved not only Russian students, but also residents of the CIS countries. Under the leadership of Maslyakov, tournaments were created, most of of which today has an international status.

For his work, Maslyakov was awarded many awards. One of them is the Ovation Award. Few people today know that Maslyakov is one of the founders of the intellectual program “What? Where? When? ”, and since 1994 - Honored Art Worker. He is still actively involved in television programs and show. In 2007, a program was broadcast on television, providing ordinary people with the opportunity to demonstrate their unique abilities. Alexander Maslyakov is the chairman of the jury of this competition.

Arrest of Alexander Maslyakov

In 1974, precisely at the time when KVN was closed, Maslyakov was arrested for illegal currency transactions. The time frame was short. And a few months after the arrest, the presenter was released. However, there is no exact evidence that there would be such a period in the biography of a TV star. Against this version is the fact that in the Soviet Union it was almost impossible for a person with a criminal past to be on television again.

The reason for the closure of the program in 1971 is not fully known today. In the seventies, rumors circulated around the country that the arrest of the host was the reason for this sad event. However, according to Maslyakov’s memoirs, the show was banned due to the fact that during external image censorship workers suspected a parody of some participants in the program. Maslyakov outwardly hardly looked like German philosopher. Team members, on the contrary, could appear on stage from time to time in the form of mustachioed bearded men, if the plot required it. One way or another, there is no exact information about the reasons for the closure of KVN.

Legends about Maslyakov

Personality famous people always shrouded in rumors and speculation. Alexander Maslyakov is no exception. The most common misconception among the host's fans in the seventies was the rumor that he love affair with Svetlana Zhiltsova. Contrary to popular belief, celebrity couple only on the screen looked harmonious. In reality, Alexander Vasilyevich is an exemplary family man.

Biography of the personal life of Alexander Maslyakov

WITH future wife Maslyakov met on television. Svetlana Semenova worked as an assistant director of KVN. She held this position for many years after her marriage.

According to another tale about life famous TV presenter, Alexander Maslyakov dreamed of calling his son none other than Kaveen. Whether this is true or not is unknown. But the only son of the President of the International Union of KVN was named after his father. Alexander Maslyakova Jr. graduated from MGIMO. He defended his PhD thesis. However, he later decided to follow in his father's footsteps and became a TV presenter.

According to reports in breaking news, Alexander Maslyakov, who for many years led the Planet KVN state unitary enterprise, resigned in early December 2017. According to the press center of the organization, the departure of the head of the popular show from the post of CEO was initiated by himself, back in the spring of this year.

The reason for this decision was the desire to bring their own labor activity in accordance with the requirements of the legislation adopted in the Russian Federation. Now Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, according to the latest news, will only host all episodes of the program, remaining the media face of the project, but he will not be able to resolve property issues.

As already reported in all open sources According to information, in early autumn 2017, a scandal erupted due to Transparency International checking the activities of a unitary enterprise, for many years managed by the firm hand of the founding father of a popular entertainment show.

Then this non-profit organization to identify corruption components in all unitary enterprises published documents stating that the TV presenter, respected by all, was involved in a major fraud.

According to the members of the inspection commission, the head of KVN transferred the ownership of the Havana cinema to the ownership of the company AMiK, once established by himself. And by law unitary non-profit organizations they have no right to do so. Moreover, after checking permits by Transparency International, it turned out that such a scam became possible with the approval of the mayor's office of the capital. The members of the inspection organization had to apply to the State Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation with a corresponding statement, which initiated a new collapse of all kinds of inspections.

Alexander Maslyakov was fired from AMiK

In other words, according to the latest news, Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov Sr. sold the premises to himself.

As a result of the prosecutor's investigation, it turned out that the TV presenter was not involved in anything criminal, so the owner of KVN will not be held criminally liable.

In defense of the head of KVN, his colleagues took part in the game as members of the jury. So, for example, Valdis Pelsh said in an interview with reporters that without Alexander Maslyakov, who was fired from the post of head of KVN, the program would be different, so he would remain its permanent host for many years. At the same time, the head of the program will lay down some formal duties. did not stay away from the scandal, saying that he did not see a big problem in the scandal, artificially inflated by unscrupulous media.

Prohibition on the use of abbreviations

Not far behind in scandalous fame from the famous father and his son - Alexander Maslyakov Jr. As it became known in the latest news of December 6, 2017, the successor of the TV presenter as director of AMiK forbade the creators of the film about the history of the program to use the word KVN.

According to Russian legislation, the acronym has long been considered the intellectual property of an association owned by a popular family. Therefore, the authors of a documentary film do not have the right to introduce it into their works, without the official permission of the owners of the "trademark".

The filmmakers are outraged by such close observance of commercial rights by the "cheerful and resourceful" owners of AMiK, especially since they had to incur additional expenses to change the name and to replace the posters.

Facts from the biography of the presenter and the background of KVN

Born in Yekaterinburg in 1941. More about the childhood of the 76-year-old popular TV presenter so far nothing is known.

After school, the young man went to conquer the capital and entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. While still in his fourth year at the university, the student became interested in creating KVN, which received such a name from the brand of the TV, which became the first product of the domestic industry. Therefore, Maslyakov decided to retrain as a TV journalist and graduated from a specialized university with the appropriate specialization.

The very idea of ​​creating fun program belonged to Sergei Muratov, who decided to air the program "Evening of funny questions", the plot of which was copied from the Czech prototype of the show. The program survived only three broadcasts, after which it was closed due to a misunderstanding related to the oversight of the TV presenter.

As soon as the hype subsided, the creators of the program released new project, calling it "KVN", in which 5 presenters participated, insuring each other in different unpleasant situations associated with live broadcasts.

Gradually, the number of entertainers was reduced and only Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova remained on the stage. Then the whole country was sure of a happy family life this famous couple. And no one knew that Alexander had long and happily married another Svetlana, who became the director of the program and gave birth to his son.

For the first 7 years, KVN went out exclusively “live”, which terrified the heads of television - students did not hesitate to joke live about the shortcomings in the USSR, which at that time was severely persecuted.

As a result, the transition to recording the program in the studio influenced the leadership’s ban on the performances of bearded jokers - one of the censors saw in such images a mockery of the great ideologist of the Communist Party, Karl Marx. The unpredictability of the speeches of the program participants led to the State Security Committee becoming interested in their work. Soviet state and the program was closed in 1971.

A lot of rumors are connected with this story, which claim that the permanent host of the funny program was in prison for "currency fraud". Alexander Vasilievich himself, in response to such accusations, only laughed - to work for Central television leading with a criminal record was impossible. Moreover, all channel employees underwent a tough selection under the all-seeing eye of the State Security Committee for reliability.

For 15 years, the transfer was banned. The state of affairs on Soviet television has changed in connection with Perestroika. In 1986, the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful again appeared on television. The extraordinary popularity of the program is evidenced by the fact that literally after a few years of its return to the list of television programs, wit competitions crossed the borders. Soviet Union- competitions with international status began to be held in Israel and Poland, in the UK and the USA.

KVN became a kind of cradle of many pop humorous groups, which later became independent units in the country's television spaces.

The most famous of them are: Ural dumplings” and “Kvartal 95”, which currently have their own show programs and even release films under the registered trademark of teams that once won various festivals of a humorous competition. A huge number of young talents consider their starting point to be work in KVN teams, which gave them the opportunity to become stars of modern show business, popular and famous.

Today Russian television It is simply impossible to imagine without Alexander Maslyakov. Leaders, presenters, directors, producers change, new stars light up and burn out, and Alexander Vasilyevich, with his always slightly ironic and at the same time embarrassed smile, still modestly stands in the corner, pretending that he is almost superfluous on stage. But indeed, an ordinary Moscow engineer Sasha Maslyakov could live his life in a completely different way ...
If not Patriotic War, the son of military pilot Vasily Maslyakov and housewife Zinaida Maslyakova would have been born in Leningrad. But after the outbreak of hostilities, his mother, who was in her ninth month of pregnancy, was forced to evacuate. Somewhere along the way, she gave birth to Sasha - the future TV academician and permanent head of KVN was born on November 24, 1941.
Maslyakov's childhood passed in Sverdlovsk and partly in Chelyabinsk. After the war, his father, a military pilot, was transferred to the main headquarters of the Air Force in Moscow. Maslyakov finished school excellently, so the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT) accepted him, as they say, with open arms. However, he studied well at the institute, which did not prevent the artistic boy from studying in the student theater, trying himself in different roles.
In 1964, Maslyakov first got on television, although at first the young man did not really like the television authorities. “Unsightly boy,” one of the leaders issued a verdict, after which she waved her hand and dropped: “Although, let's try!”
The smiling student (Maslyakov was graduating from the institute at that time) from the first appearance on the stage showed himself to be a talented, witty, and most importantly, extremely restrained person. He came to the court - the young leader had a rustic, but pleasant face, good voice and the ability to keep yourself on stage.
In those years, KVN enjoyed unheard of popularity. Thanks to him, Maslyakov received invitations to other projects: “Come on, girls”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Addresses of the young”, “Bend” are also closely connected with his name. But in 1972, television and other officials, tired of fighting with sharp-tongued KVN officers, covered the program. It cannot be said that this unsettled Maslyakov, but a few years later his life underwent cardinal changes.
Trouble struck in 1974 - famous TV presenter sentenced for illegal currency transactions. In the USSR, it was forbidden to buy foreign currency at a bank or at an exchange office, as it can be done today. This was strictly followed. Those who dared to break the ban were severely punished. In 1961, the authorities unequivocally declared their attitude to such cases, introducing into the sanction articles for "illegal foreign exchange transactions" death penalty. In a few years, the number of Soviet citizens shot, accused of currency speculation, reached 8 thousand people. In the early 60s, a group of Moscow currency traders, led by a certain Rokotov and Faibishenko, fell under the "distribution". The young people were “smeared with brilliant green on their foreheads”, the rest were sent to prison for many years. And yet, even such harsh measures did not stop those eager to get rich. After all, a lot of money was earned on the currency - for example, $ 1.5 million was found in the same Rokotov during his arrest! And this was in the early 60s, when citizens of the USSR earned no more than 100 rubles a month.
Most often, the currency was bought and sold by artists, musicians, famous people who traveled abroad on "duty" basis. They had acquaintances of sellers who often collaborated with the KGB or OBKhSS (the department for combating the theft of socialist property). Chekists received information, after which they “took the fly” on those who violated the law. Further actions it is not difficult to predict - the "guilty" were offered to become "snitches". Those who refused were imprisoned, the rest wrote an "opera" together. It must be assumed that Maslyakov became a victim of such operational development. Judging by further events, Alexander Vasilievich made contact with law enforcement did not go. For which he got the deadline.
According to some reports, during the investigation, he was in the Tula pre-trial detention center, which local historians, in the absence of other celebrities who honored this institution with their attention, recall with pride. After the trial, Alexander Vasilievich was sent to colony No. 83/2 of the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region. Try all the charm of using strangers credit cards! at the lowest prices. Very high quality material! There he sat for only a few months, having served his term as a “man” and having gone free on parole. Although there are other versions of this. For example, the late Tver bard Mikhail Krug claimed that Maslyakov, who was imprisoned for currency fraud, was made a “cockerel” in the zone. It is known that the Krug maintained ties with criminal leaders and could know more than mere mortals. But we should not forget that among the "shadow" leaders there are also those who "for the sake of a red word will not spare their father." So let's leave this statement on the conscience of the bard and those who interviewed him.
It is noteworthy that the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service also maintain deathly silence regarding Maslyakov's criminal record. It is understandable - it is a long-standing matter and no one wants to wag their tongues in vain. Alexander Vasilyevich himself swears that there has never been such a page in his life. At the same time, people of the older generation claim that immediately after the story happened, one of the central newspapers published a feuilleton dedicated to Maslyakov, with the biting title "Sasha no longer laughs." So - who to believe, it is not clear. Presumably, to Alexander Vasilyevich - firstly, because the one who laughs last laughs well. Secondly, the smile is the trademark of the famous TV presenter. And even if in his life there was difficult period, he managed to get out of everyday troubles without losing his natural love of life.
In the mid-80s, Alexander Vasilievich did everything to revive the fairly forgotten KVN. Having overcome many obstacles, he became its permanent leader, and after some time the president and founder of the AMiK company (Alexander Maslyakov and company). KVN has spread all over the world, wherever there are Russians. Alexander Maslyakov managed to connect the cheerful and naive sixties with our controversial and fast times.
Egor Schwartz

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