Scenario of the event according to Cossack customs for children. Scenario of a school-wide event with a presentation: Cossack gatherings


On both sides of the stage, according to the plan, the parade participants are lined up, under the signal of the director (full name of the leader), the parade participants take their places on the stage and on the sides of the stage, their places indicated by chips.

18.00 Parade of festival participants

Dear Dankovites, participants and guests of the holiday! Today, you are witnesses of a big, bright cultural event!

For the first time, on the ancient Dankovo ​​land, saturated with the glory of gunners, archers and Cossacks, an Open Interregional Festival is being held Cossack culture"Free Don"

Through the centuries, the Cossacks carried their face, their temper. All the greatest heritage of bright and honest people helped to survive, live and win, carrying through the epochs, centuries and years the motto sacred for every Cossack: soul to God, heart to people, Life to the Fatherland, honor to no one!

The 1st Open Interregional Festival of Cossack Culture "Free Don" opens the parade of participants!

In the forefront are representatives of the Cossack districts and societies. Welcome!

1. Representatives of the Voronezh Cossack District, the Military Cossack Society "Great Don Army" (Voronezh)

2. We welcome representatives of the Ryazan Cossack District of the Don Cossacks, representatives of the Military Cossack Society "Great Don Host"

Ataman - Cossack colonel, Sergey Korotkov.

3. In the ranks, representatives of the Ryazan Cossack district of the Don Cossacks of the representative office of the Military Cossack Society "Great Don Host"

Ataman of the village "Miloslavskaya" - Cossack colonel Blokhin Alexander Ivanovich

4. Ataman of the Ryazhsky farm Cossack society - military foreman Golubyatnikov Konstantin Konstantinovich

5. Representatives of the Battalion named after St.

6. Regional branch of the "Union of Cossacks-Warriors of Russia and Abroad" in the Lipetsk region - Ataman, Cossack colonel Sergey Andreevich Gordeev

By ancient tradition, all important Cossack events accompanies the Don Icon Mother of God, Most Holy God, whose miraculous power helped the Cossacks in military battles.

Today the Don Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is with us.

The parade is continued by creative teams and soloists:

Ensemble of Russian folk song"Obereg", the city of Dankov, - the leader is Yuliya Sobol!

Terpeneva Ksenia and Kovrelina Violetta - Lipetsk, DK "Matyra"

Children's ensemble "Beads" - Lipetsk region, Gryazinsky district, Yarlukovo village, leader - Svetlana Alekseevna Filippova.

Ensemble "Stanovlyane" - Lipetsk region, Stanovlyansky district, with. Stanovoye, leader - Leonov Valery Anatolyevich.

Ensemble Cossack song"Expansion" - Lipetsk region, Khlevensky district, with. Yelets-Malanino, leader - Lyapin Alexander Vasilyevich,

Ensemble "Merry busts" - Ryazan region, Korablino, leader - Pavlov Vitaly Albertovich.

Ensemble "Orthodox Village" - Ryazan region, Miloslavskoe workers' settlement, leader - Zakharov Sergey Ivanovich.

Ensemble "Donets-well done" - Voronezh region, Verkhnekhavskiy district, with. Uglyanets, head - Skapintsev Alexander Sergeevich.

Dmitriev Alexander Viktorovich - cornet, Voronezh, performer.

Ensemble "Khutorok" - Belgorod region, Starooskolsky urban district, with. Soldatskoye, head - Nikolaeva Valentina Mikhailovna.

Folk team, Ensemble of Cossack song "Ryasskoye Pole" - Ryazan region, Ryazhsk, leader - Shipilova Nadezhda Petrovna.

Ensemble of Russian song "Pridonye" - Lipetsk region, Dankov, leader - Oleg Anatolyevich Evdokimov.

Ensemble of the Cossack song "Quiet Don, Lipetsk region, Dolgorukovskiy district, Bratovshchina village - leader - Bulantsev Eduard Alekseevich

Ensemble "Cossack daring" - Lipetsk region, Krasninsky district, with. Yablonovo, head - Bartenev Viktor Ivanovich.

People's VIA "Cossack patrol" - Lipetsk region, Dankov, leader - Mikhail Nikolaevich Petrunkin.

18.05 Festive prayer service.

For centuries, the Orthodox faith has been and remains the spiritual basis of the Cossacks, their strength and valor. The Don army has become a symbol of courage, selfless devotion to the ideals of the state and selfless service to the Fatherland. Our ancestors repeatedly proved their love for the Motherland on the battlefields and in peaceful life.

Don land! Today, again, from the smooth surface of the river to the very heavens, the spirit of quality is glorified, which at all times remains the stronghold of the state, the support of life, and the Orthodox faith.

For the solemn prayer service, please, everyone rise.

Cossack brothers, hats off!

A festive prayer service is conducted by the clergy of the Yelets and Lebedyansk diocese

18. 15 Official part.

The history of the Cossacks is an integral part of the past of the Don land and the whole country, as well as an important component of the present and future of Russia.

Today, the Cossacks protect public order, care for the environment, engage in patriotic education youth. In the Lipetsk region, a system of propaganda of the best examples of Cossack culture is being comprehensively developed, centuries-old traditions are being revived, and more and more residents are joining the Cossack movement.

The current generation of Cossacks, their children and grandchildren will worthily continue the traditions of their ancestors for the glory of the Don and the Fatherland.

Dear participants of the holiday, you are welcomed by:

Listing of positions and full name


More than two hundred participants came to the first Interregional Festival of Cossack Culture, to whom the organizers of the holiday are grateful, they represented the authorities, the Cossacks, political parties of Russia, in the implementation of the propaganda true values and the best examples of culture great country. Following the traditions of festive hospitality and good neighborliness, the participants of the big event are being awarded today.

Awarded with a Letter of Appreciation

Thank you letters are being handed out.

The whole history of the ancient Cossacks and the present, their bitterness and joy, in epic legends, in sports games, in creativity, in public affairs, in truthful songs in dances, music and poetry.

All the greatest heritage of bright and honest people helps to live and win. We are launching the first Interregional Festival of Cossack Culture "Free Don!"


Late progress announcements. Participants of sports Cossack games and concerts occupy their reference points.

Dear participants, spectators and guests of honor, we invite you to the events of the holiday. Unique Cossack sports games are waiting for you:

cutting with a checker;

knife fight;

Cossack arm wrestling;

wrestling in a circle;

checkers battle;

pillow fight (children)

Submitted to the competition different types fish soup prepared from fish of different breeds. The jury, headed by the chairman-director of MUP "Pitanie" Natalya Viktorovna Alferova, has already evaluated the prepared dishes. In the next hour, the results will be summed up and the winners in the nominations will be determined.

"The most appetizing ear."

"The most exquisite ear."

"The most rich ear."

"We managed to cook - we managed to serve."

"The most cunning recipe."

"The most fragrant ear."

"The most piquant ear."

"The most popular ear."

"The most original ear."

Dear viewers are invited as an audience jury. Together with the plate, you get a token and give it to the team whose ear he liked the most. The team that collects the most tokens receives the Grand Prix of the Real Donskaya Ear Contest

A fascinating journey into the world of creativity awaits you; masters of arts and crafts have prepared unique products and handicrafts for you.

Anyone who wishes can ride horses, and we begin the concert program of the festival.

The Cossacks zealously preserve their traditions and customs, the character and beauty of the Cossack culture has survived the centuries, entrenched in folklore: dances, songs, ditties, fairy tales.

Today, we bring to your attention dances and songs performed by talented people center of Russia.

Concert program

Opens our concert program, the spiritual singing of the clergy of the Dankovsky deanery.

The turn of creative teams and soloists has come to show their talent and reveal the beauty of the Cossack song culture. Greetings, - Ensemble of Russian folk song "Oberig", leader, laureate of the 1st degree All-Russian competition Russian song performers Ruslanova Yulia Sobol Yulia Sobol!

1. Ensemble of Russian folk song "Amulet".

Until 1954, the Dankovsky lands were part of the Ryazan principality, then the Ryazan province and region. All the traditions that brightly complemented the many-sided Lipetsk Region have been preserved, and now our good neighbors will speak to you, famous performers Cossack song, - Folk group, Cossack song ensemble "Russian Field" - Ryazan region, the glorious ancient city of Ryazhsk, leader - Nadezhda Shipilova!

2. Ensemble of the Cossack song "Russian Field"

The younger generation knows, understands and loves the Cossack song traditions, they are very good for both the soul and the mind, Ksenia Terpeneva knows this like no one else - the city of Lipetsk, the recreation center "Matyra" - in her performance it sounds, "For the Kuban, over the river"!

3. Terpeneva Ksenia - Lipetsk, DK "Matyra" - "Over the Kuban, beyond the river"

Russia is strong neither in Moscow nor in St. Petersburg, all the strength and power of culture is kept by the provinces, small towns and villages, like inexhaustible holy springs inspire and nourish the country, with their work, creativity, songs and dances. Hello!

Children's ensemble "Beads" - Lipetsk region, Gryazinsky district, the wonderful village of Yarlukovo, leader - Svetlana Alekseevna Filippova.

4. Ensemble "Beads" - Lipetsk region, Gryazinsky district, p. Yarlukovo

And the stench on the stage, representatives of the regional center - Lipetsk, the recreation center "Matyra" Violetta Kovrelina, the dance - "Varenka" and your applause!

5. Kovrelina Violetta, Lipetsk, DK "Matyra"

Today is really a big holiday, connoisseurs and bearers of Cossack culture have gathered, this day will become memorable for every participant in the Volny Don Dank festival, it will help to keep this day in your hearts for a long time, it will help - the Khutorok Ensemble - Belgorod Region, Stary Oskolsky Urban District, representing the speaker of in many ways the village of Soldiers, the leader is Valentina Nikolaeva!

6. Ensemble "Khutorok" - Belgorod region, Starooskolsky urban district, Soldatskoye village

And again on the stage, our good neighbors, representatives of the Ryazan region, on the eve of our holiday, our Dankov artists visited the holiday in the village of Miloslavskoye, having received a lot of pleasure from the warm welcome of the audience. Let's welcome together - Ensemble "Orthodox village" - Ryazan region, Miloslavskoye village, leader - Sergey Zakharov!

7. Ensemble "Orthodox village" - Ryazan region, the village of Miloslavskoe

Another wonderful Ryazan group invites us to plunge into the song traditions of the Cossacks, your applause and - Ensemble "Merry Busts" - Ryazan region, Korablino, leader - Vitaly Pavlov!

8. Ensemble "Merry busts" - Ryazan region, Korablino

The geography of our festival is expanded by a wonderful creative team Voronezh region, they are just great, because their talent and artistic skill wins the hearts of the audience from the first song line! Meet!

Ensemble "Donets-Molodtsy" - Voronezh region, Verkhnekhavsky district, with. Uglyanets, leader - Alexander Skapintsev.

9. Ensemble "Donets-well done" - Voronezh region, Verkhnekhavskiy district, with. Uglyanec

Cossack songs, this is all life! Wedding songs, comic and for dancing, songs of the Cossacks about family affairs and of course about the Cossack prowess. The unique song traditions of the Cossacks are revealed to you by the Cossack Song Ensemble "Razdolie" - Lipetsk region, Khlevensky district, with. Yelets-Malanino, leader - Alexander Lyapin!

10. Ensemble of the Cossack song "Razdolie" - Lipetsk region, Khlevensky district, with. Yelets-Malanino

Cossack songs, this is all the many-sided Russia, the motives and themes of the songs are so good that, perhaps, there is not one that would leave the listener indifferent. Knows this for sure - The ensemble "Stanovlyane" - Lipetsk region, Stanovlyansky district, with. Stanovoe, leader - Valery Leonov.

11. Ensemble "Stanovlyane" - Lipetsk region, Stanovlyansky district, with. Stanovoye

The phenomenon of Cossack songwriting is expressed in their diversity, they are somehow overweight, then they flare up with a bright spark of simple-hearted joy, they break into our souls like the wind and stay there forever, this will prove - The Quiet Don Cossack Song Ensemble, Lipetsk Region, Dolgorukovsky District - leader - Eduard Bulantsev!

12. Ensemble of the Cossack song "Quiet Don", Lipetsk region, Dolgorukovsky district

Creativity of the team, which now will delight you with its creativity, is known to every resident of the Lipetsk region, the team was warmly welcomed in neighboring regions. So, on stage, laureate of the 1st degree regional competition patriotic song "Wings of Victory" (2016) Russian song ensemble "Pridonye, ​​leader Oleg Evdokimov!

13. Ensemble of Russian song "Pridonye" - Lipetsk region, Dankov, leader - Oleg Anatolyevich Evdokimov.

Our concert program of the festival is continued by representatives of the Liptsk region, - a wonderful, talented composition of the Ensemble "Cossack daring" - Lipetsk region, Krasninsky district, with. Yablonovo, head - Bartenev Viktor Ivanovich.

14. Ensemble "Cossack daring" - Lipetsk region, Krasninsky district, with. Yablonovo

Modern composers working in the genre of the Cossack musical creativity, absorbed all the best accumulated over the centuries. Now a team will perform in front of you, in the repertoire of which there are songs on the topic of quality, own composition, this is a new generation of people who know a lot about the Cossack song.

15. People's VIA "Cossack razezd" - Lipetsk region, Dankov, leader - Mikhail Nikolaevich Petrunkin.

Glorious Cossack Army. In patrols, in deserts, in the wilds, at outposts and posts, Cossack horses passed, guarding Russia. From still waters Don to all corners of the Russian land, the Cossacks went to serve the royal service. So it was here on Dankovo ​​land, Cossack prowess and courage, drove away from the borders of the Moscow principality hordes of Crimean and Nogai Tatars. Glorious Cossacks. The Cossack song flowed loudly in the Cossack settlement of Dankovskaya. Today we once again glorify the Cossacks, who stood and will stand guard over Russia and the Orthodox Faith, strictly adhering to the precepts of antiquity, today, all the power of the Cossack spirit in the unique folk songs!

Kaqzaks perform 2 ceremonies: “Putting a boy on a horse” and “Initiation into kazkas”


Otshumel, walked the quiet Don. The main songs are sung, the prowess of the Cossacks is glorified. There is a reason to say thank you to everyone who came to touch the native roots, the spirit

20.00 Cossack fire place

Today there were many dances and songs. The Cossack Cossack song kindles hearts that form one big bonfire of love, the traditions of brotherhood and unity. And let this fire burn for everyone human heart warming with the warmth of cordiality and hospitality.

A fire is lit.

We say goodbye to you, take a spark of the Cossack flame with you on the road, gathering around a burning love for the glorious folk traditions!

Folklore matinee - gatherings"COSSACK CURN"

(in elementary grades.)

Teacher of the Kolodezyanskaya OO of the Tarasovsky MOU Sivolapova Lyudmila Ivanovna.

Goals and objectives of the matinee:

  1. To acquaint students with the rites and traditions of the Don Cossacks;
  2. Introduce children to the creativity of the inhabitants of the Don;
  3. Develop Creative skills, children's artistic taste;
  4. To cultivate love for the native land, pride in the historical past and present of their small homeland;
  5. To acquaint students with the work of the writer-countryman M.A. Sholokhov.
  6. Develop students' creativity.


  1. the class is decorated with utensils (like a Cossack kuren);
  2. a loaf on a towel;
  3. portrait of M.A. Sholokhov; On the desk
  4. proverb: "Who knows how to work, he knows how to have fun.";
  5. attributes for dance, skits, games;
  6. children are dressed in folk costumes;
  7. cassette with Cossack songs, tape recorder.

Teacher: (Quiet music sounds with Don tunes)Our small homeland Donskoy. Our region is beautiful. It was about him that our countryman writer M.A. Sholokhov so excitedly wrote: “Dear steppe under the low Don sky! Vilyuzhin beams, dry valleys, red-clay ravines, a feather-grass expanse with a haunted nesting trace of a horse's hoof, barrows, in wise silence, protecting the buried Cossack glory ... I bow low and, like a son, kiss your fresh land, the Don steppe, watered with Cossack stainless blood.

Our matinee is dedicated to our small homeland. Today we will join the work of the Don people and our countryman-writer M.A. Sholokhov, let us recall the rites and traditions of the inhabitants of the Don region.

(montage in verse)

The more we value the past,

And in the old we find beauty,

At least we belong.

2 student: Russia is mother! Praise to you!

You've seen a lot over the centuries.

Whenever you could speak

You would have a lot to say.

3 student: From the father's threshold

From the cherished dwelling,

Winds, winds the way - the road,

Golden track.

4 student: Winds, winds the way - the road

Past the meadow, past the log,

Past villages and cities

Over a thousand years...

Teacher: Since ancient times, people who later became known as Cossacks settled on the banks of the Don River. Cossacks are former peasants, townspeople, small princely combatants. The desire for a free life forced them to flee to the outskirts of the country. There they did not depend on anyone, they became free people.

At all times, the Cossacks were devoted and courageous defenders of their homeland. In 1737, Tsarina Anna Ioannovna ordered to create an army in these lands to protect the Russian borders. For valiant service, the Cossacks were awarded more than once.

What are the awards on the coat of arms Rostov region You know? (bunchuk, bean tail, mace ...)

In addition, the Cossacks were given blue and red cloth as a gift. So it appeared among the Don Cossacks blue-red form.

We learned a lot about life, life, folk traditions from the works of the writer, M.A. Sholokhov. M. Gorky said about his work as follows: "He writes like a Cossack, in love with the Don, with Cossack life, with nature." This year, in May, this great Russian writer, laureate of Nobel Prize, our countryman M.A. Sholokhov.

Sholokhov was born in the farm Kruzhilin, Vyoshensky district. Today Kruzhilin is a large well-maintained farm. And what did Misha Sholokhov see in the steppe Kruzhilin a little less than 100 years ago? Naked hollow at the small river Chernaya. Rarely standing adobe rubble under the reeds, miserable bases and sheds, stunted trees and silent virgin steppe for many miles. TO peasant labor Cossacks taught children from childhood. From the age of five or six, the guys were always in business. And everyday experience was gained from the elderly. Byvalschiny and fables, the genealogy of the farm, nicknames, military stories, incidents in fishing and hunting - everything that the steppe farm life is rich in was transmitted, told by the old people. And not just, but always between times: the grandfather sits, fixes collars, saddles, and around the kids he cleans corn cobs or sorts out potatoes. Grandfather will not sharpen lyas without work.

Everything that Sholokhov experienced in his life, that he saw around - nature, people, historical events on the Don, he described in his immortal novels and short stories. Let's see one of the scenes from the story "Nakhalyonok"

STAGE OF AN EXTRACT FROM M.A. SHOLOHOVA "NAKHALENOK" (book publishing house "kid" Moscow 1972, pages 11-13)

Teacher: WITH early years Misha learned to understand the folk song. He had a good ear for music. And what melodious songs on the Don! Listen to Cossack songs - eat honey with a spoon. Who knows the Cossack songs? A COMPETITION is announced (with the involvement of guests. Sing a verse or chorus)

And what fun dancing! lookdance sketch "At the Don".


Teacher: We can observe the life and life of the Cossacks in folk proverbs: Without corners, a chicken is not built; without a proverb, speech is not spoken. One of the proverbs is written on the board as an epigraph to our matinee. WhichProverbs and sayingsDo you know the Don people?

(A Cossack without a horse is an orphan.

And the checker is sharp, and the spirit is stronger.

Where the Cossack, there is glory.

Do not brag about going on a hike, but brag about going on a hike.

With a good song, the path is shorter, and life is sweeter, and death is easier.

Don is quiet, and his fame is loud.

A Cossack without friends is like an oak tree without roots. etc.)

Teacher: The Cossacks guarded the Russian lands from external enemies. We went through the steppes with patrols, for reconnaissance. From folk epics, from the Cossack song we learn about the Cossack service to the Russian state. Let's start a Cossack song about the brave Cossack warriors.

Student: Blade and saddle and fast-footed skate -

Cossack fate is fate ...

Calls the Cossack from the village on the road,

On a campaign war tube.

Gay, gay, Cossacks, by regiments, squadrons,

Frozen wave pets;

We are the quiet Don, dear Don

Sons in life and in death.


Teacher: But the Cossacks knew how to fight and work not only, they knew how to relax and have fun. Who knows how to work, he knows how to have fun.

Now imagine that the brave Cossacks and the beautiful Cossacks have gathered for gatherings. Harvest in the bins, horses in free herds. Putin is over. Now you can take a walk, have fun, sing songs.

(poetic montage)

1 student: On the mound, in the light

Or on some logs

Gatherings were going

The elderly and the young.

Did you sit by the torch

Ile under the bright sky -

They talked, they sang songs,

Yes, they led a round dance.

Enjoyed good tea

With honey, obviously without sweets.

Just like today, we talked -

There is no life without communication.

2 student: And how did they play? Into the burners!

Ah, the burners are good.

In a word, these gatherings

They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century.

The old world has changed.

Today we are all in the bottom of the barrel

Personal dachas, their apartments.

Our leisure is sometimes shallow,

And what is there to say

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived.

3 student: If you are at ease

And they came to us not for an hour,

We offer gatherings

Spend it right here

The fire of the soul does not go out.

Grandfathers sincere leisure!

Rest is not trifles -

Time for games and news.

Let's start the party!

We open gatherings!

For friends and guests!

4 teaching: Gather, dear guests,

old and young

All people are honest.

For a leavened feast.

With songs and dances

Ditties and fairy tales.

With hearth pancakes,

Honey pancakes,

Yes, with Russian kvass

Yes, with a splash.

(the curtain opens. An impromptu room. Children in Cossack costumes take their places in the "hut")


Cossack: We welcome good guests

Round lush loaf.

He is on a painted platter

With a white towel.

We bring you a loaf

Worshiping, we ask you to taste.

Cossack: The tradition is alive.

Alive - from the older generation.

Rituals and words are important

From our past.

And so please accept

The one who came to the gatherings

On this festive plate

From our hands and bread and salt!


Cossack: Drola, accordion player, magician,

At the party in the ranks.

Song, good Russian song

I give you the first word.


Cossack: The party is up!

Night looked into the yard ...

The beginning has a warm-up

Like a thread, cobweb-

The one that makes conversation.

As once in the old age,

In those distant years

Quizzes were held

Like what, where and when.

How then, friends, for you

Let's run it now.


  1. What Cossack traditions do you know?
  2. Which distinguishing feature uniforms of the Don Cossacks?
  3. name military ranks Don troops.
  4. Name the homeland of M.A. Sholokhov.
  5. What was the name of the river Don in ancient times?
  6. Why is the Don called Quiet?
  7. Why is Don also called Ivanovich? (originates from Ivan Lake)
  8. Name the animals (plants) of the Don region.


* Strong, ringing and honed.

Whom he kisses, he is off his feet. (saber).

* He rides on someone else's back, carries a load on his own. (saddle).

* Shoulder straps are yellow, checkers are sharp,

Peaks are long, horses are greyhounds,

They ride through the field with songs

Seek honor for the king, and glory for himself! (Cossacks).

* He lay down in the sun, but all in Eric ran away. (snow in spring).

* Not a Cossack, but with a mustache; about four legs, not a horse. (cat).

* Cossacks came without axes, cut down a hut without corners. (ants).

* Shaggy Cossack, sash in the middle, walks around the yard, order

Suggests. (broom).

* The curve of the two brothers carried to the Don to swim. While the brothers are swimming, the curve is lying around idle. (buckets and yoke).

Cossack: One two three four five,

We're here to play.

Teacher: One of the most favorite children's games was game of "Kite".

Children choose a "kite" and a "hen", the rest are "chickens".

The choice is made using counters:

Cossack: Arrived from afar

From high to high

He went down to the base

To catch chickens with us.

Aty-baty, aty-you,

This kite will be you!

Cossack: To the base chickens

They fled without a hen.

To help me burn

Know you to be a mother hen!

(Game conditions)

The front player is a "brood hen"; the rest line up in the back of the head behind the "brood hen", holding the waist of the one in front. "Kite" digs a hole. The mother hen walks around the kite (and the chickens follow her) and sings:

I walk around the kite

I carry three coins each:

For a penny, for a piece of advice ...

"Kite" stops digging. He tramples around the hole, crouches, waves his arms like wings. A dialogue occurs:

kite, kite, what are you doing?

I dig a hole. I'm looking for a penny.

What do you need a penny for?

Buy a needle, sew a bag, fold the pebbles. Throw at your kids in order to catch them later.

For what?

So that they don’t climb into my garden!

And you make the wattle fence higher. And no - so catch it!

The “kite” tries to catch the “chickens”, and the “hen” tries to block his path. "Chickens" following the "hen" move in a chain, evading the "kite". The mother hen tries to face the kite all the time, shouts: “Shoo!”. She waves her arms, but she cannot grab the "kite". The game goes on until the “kite” catches all the “chickens”. When the “chickens” break, they immediately try to restore the chain.


Teacher: What other games of the Don Cossacks do you know? ("In buckles", "Burners", "In leapfrog", "In colors", "In gypsies" ..) There were also games of a competitive nature: for dexterity, strength, ingenuity.

Cossack: It's time to rest

And now without preparation

The game starts

"Who is the smartest today?"


Teacher: Girls at gatherings at parties did not sit idle. With conversations, songs, they sewed, knitted, spun yarn.

Cossack: Come closer, spin

Weave yarn on shirts.

The one who spins the thread longer

This is the gift that awaits.


Teacher: And the children gathered around the grandmother. They are fascinated listening to grandmother's tales. We will also listen.

A GIRL IN A GRANDMA'S COSTUME TELLS THE TALE "COSSACK AND THE FOX" ("Native land" reader for reading. P. 47-48.)

Cossack: To comfort your soul

And leave a mark in my soul

I propose to sing ditties,

There are no better songs than these.


1. Eh, stamp your foot, stamp your right hand,

I'm going to dance, even though I'm small.

I'm going to dance on the straw

Reach out, people, on the sidelines!

2. Wider circle, wider circle

Give me a wider circle.

I don't go dancing alone

There are four of us.

3. I didn't want to dance

Standing and shy

And the harmonica played

I couldn't resist.

4. And in our yard

frogs croaked,

And I'm from the stove with a shoe,

I thought girlfriends.

5. I walked through the village

And Vanyushka saw -

Sitting under a bush and crying:

The chicken hurt.

6. I danced in three legs,

Lost my boots

Looked back:

My boots are on.

7. A hedgehog sits on a birch-

White shirt.

On the head of a shoe

Cap on the leg.

8. If there was no water,

There would be no mug

If there were no girls

Who would sing ditties?

Teacher: Cossacks have always been distinguished not only by courage, but also by wit and fun.

Cossack: Fables in faces

They sit in the lights

Let them make laughs.

Do you want to know which ones?

And here are…


1. (Mistress and Fedul):

Fedul, what pouted his lips?

Caftan burned through.

Can you sew?

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate remains.

2.(Mistress and Foma):

Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?

Yes, I caught a bear!

So lead here!

He doesn't go!

So go yourself!

Yes, he won't let me!

3. (Mistress and son):

Son, go to the river for some water!

Belly hurts!

Son, go eat porridge!

Well, if your mother tells you, you have to go! Where is my big spoon?


(montage in verse)

1 student: In the sky as if from whitewash

The milky way lit up

Noisy gatherings

In our festive light,

Where we had to rest.

2 Student: Days of communication are milestones of happiness,

Everyone is happy to have a get-together.

Business time, but fun

Happy people anyway.

3 Student: We shared the news

We tried to entertain you.

We say goodbye to guests

Saying: See you soon!

4 Student: Won't fade, won't fade

If you are not dumb, not deaf,

The lightest, the clearest

Gatherings Russian spirit.

5 Student: gatherings, parties,

Stars in the festive heights

These are Russian pictures.

Our life in Rus'.

6 Student: Life is so different

Not overseas, foreign

This is our side.

All that was remembering

Let the native country live

Very Russian, earthy,

The best country in the world!

Teacher: In my Don side

I breathe wormwood at the hour of sunrise.

I don't know how anyone, but me

Don water is sweeter than honey.

I don't know about others, but I

All is hearing, all is greedy attention,

When I hear the nightingale

Sublime glee.

The autumn forest is quiet, silent,

Downpours roared over the steppe,

But the nightingale whistle and click

They sound marvelous in the soul.

A little bit saddened the heavens,

In nature bright colors few,

But pleases my eyes

Cast brush viburnum scarlet.

Let the poplars fly around

At the steppe I repeat the springs:

"Blessed be the earth,

Where I happened to be born."

And I would like to end our matinee with the same words of M.A. Sholokhov, with which we began our holiday: “I bow low and, like sons, kiss your insipid land, Don, Cossack, watered with rust-free blood, the steppe!”



1. I'm young, I'm young, not quick-witted

The girl is playful and talkative.

2. I'll go to the garden - grief takes me,

Garden trouble - knee-deep quinoa.

3. I'll go knee-deep into a swan,

Will I go out, will I go out, but on a steep mountain.

4. I went to the garden to weed my quinoa,

I looked back - behind is a Cossack.

5. Cossack, Cossack, Cossack, Cossack dear little friend

You walk more often, but wear more.

6. When a ruble, when two, when a ruble and a half,

When a hryvnia, seven hryvnia.

7. I’m young, I’ve been walking up young

All the quinoa remained in the garden.


Because of the forest, the forest of spears and swords

Rides a hundred Cossacks with mustaches

Hey, hey, speak up!

Hundreds of Cossacks with mustaches are coming.

Ahead is our combat commander, -

Leads a hundred Cossacks behind him

Hey, hey, speak up!

Leading a hundred Cossacks behind him.

"Hey, you, brothers, mustachioed, mustachioed!

Hey, hey, speak up!

Checkers out! Follow me across the field!

You guys don't be shy, don't be shy!

Hurry to the rubble quickly!

Hey, hey, speak up!

Hurry to the rubble quickly!

The bullet fell, flew like a bee,

Hey, hey, speak up!

Heroic blood flowed like a river.

Dance sketch "At the Don"

  1. “A young Cossack walks along the Don”

Girl in a Cossack costume. With rocker and buckets.:

1) (verse)

With a triple variable step, he goes out to the left, goes around in a circle, stops in the middle.

2) falling (couplet)

3) back triple variable pitch, (verse)


Rotate around in a crouch (left, then right)

  1. "In the meadow, in the meadow"

A boy in a Cossack costume on a horse.

1) Running with high knees (verse), "leaves" from the opposite side. Runs around the stage, stops in the middle. (At this time, the girl is “pulling water into buckets”)

2) side step crosswise, jump on two legs (repeat 4 times)

Turn right, then left.

3) (verse) I saw a girl. The girl is walking at the moment a simple step to the center of the stage, takes off the scarf, puts it on his shoulders). The boy “circles around her, puts the horse near the tree.

  1. "From under the oak, oak ..."
  1. (verse with chorus) A girl on her toes performs a “spring”. The boy sneaks up from behind, tears off the scarf, runs around the girl, teases her, waving the scarf. The girl tries to pick up the scarf, unsuccessfully, waves her hand in her hearts, stamps her foot, puts her hands on her belt.
  2. (verse with chorus) The boy jokingly ties a scarf around his head. Walks in a "goose step" around the girl. She pretends not to notice him. He throws a scarf over the girl (in the waist area), trying to catch her, moves back, dragging her along.
  1. "Golden Bee"

The girl is released from the "captivity", goes forward, stomps her foot (three times). With stomps (Cossack dance) she moves back to the middle of the stage. The boy at this time moves forward with stomps, They become close. The boy gives one end of the scarf to the girl, he has the other end.

The girl wraps herself in a scarf, a stomp; then it turns around, stomp (repeat 2 times), wraps up again, the boy holds her by the waist, with a stomp they turn around together.

The boy throws the handkerchief. They turn to face each other. The boy tries to hug the girl, she slips out under the arm.

The girl performs a stomp, playfully covers her face with a scarf. The boy is trying to look under the scarf. The girl, waving a scarf, gives it to the boy, he puts it in his pocket.

The boy squats, the girl claps her hands.

The girl performs a crusher (or “winder”, or “heels” - depends on the talent of the performer), the boy claps his hands.

5. "Like beyond the Don, across the river .."

The boy hugs the girl by the waist, leads her to the yoke, helps to raise the yoke, takes the horse (as if leading it side by side), slowly leave. (The movement is a simple step).

The movements in the dance are simple, the main thing is artistry: it is necessary to convey playfulness, enthusiasm.

Folk script Cossack holiday in the senior group

The course of the holiday

1 Cossack: Hello good people. Dear guests!

Do you sit at home today,

Yes, look out the window

Be sad and be sad!

We are glad to see you at our place.

In our upper room of the Russian house!

2 Cossack: Here for you dear guests

There will be a big holiday

Joyful holiday.

autumn festival

Let's have fun and be happy.

1. Autumn walks through the gardens,

Walks - smiles.

Like in a fairy tale - here and there

All colors change!

2. Gives autumn miracles,

And what more!

The forests are dressed up

In golden hats.

3. Leaves fall, playing,

And they cover everything around.

And we, walking in the garden,

We will collect leaves in a bouquet.

4. Hot summer fled into the distance,

Warm days dissolve somewhere

Somewhere there were forests and oak forests,

Berries, fruits, trees and herbs.

Well, now only the leaves are turning yellow

And they fall as soon as they can.

5. It rains all over the earth,

wet road.

Many drops on glass

and little warmth.

Birches sleep in silver

brighter green pines,

Because it's autumn outside

6. Again the autumn time swirled with the wind.

She enchanted everyone with wonderful colors!

Look, what a carpet of leaves at the threshold!

Just a pity that bright days a bit in autumn...

7. Autumn time, it's your turn!

Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.

And leaf fall, and bird flight,

Both the forest and the garden are full of charm.

8. In the autumn forest, every bush is sweet.

Everything froze, as if in a wonderful fairy tale.

And a fine rain sprinkled from above

Foliage, its changing color

9. Clusters of ripe mountain ash turn red,

Mushroom will show us his hat.

And the gold of birches and aspens

So you want to take it with you in an armful!

10 . Beautiful autumn! succession of days

Your gray winter is flying towards.

But we save every magical moment,

He will be marked in our memory.

11. How many leaves:

Yellow, red.

The wind blows - they fly.

And in a waltz spinning beautiful

Leaf fall overhead.

12. So that the baby-earth winters without hassle,

Autumn sews a patchwork quilt for her.

The leaf is neatly sewn to the leaf,

The stitch adjusts with a pine needle.

13. We said goodbye to the warm summer

Autumn has come to us again

She painted everything in golden red.

14. Everything around, as in the picture: both birches and aspens,

In golden standing outfits, it means autumn is somewhere nearby.

15. Yellow leaves are circling in the air

Raindrops are merrily tapping on the glass.

16. Summer flew away quickly, like a migratory bird into the distance.

Autumn wonderfully spread

Fading shawl!

17. Circled over me, the rain of mischievous leaves

How good is he

Where else can you find this.

18. It suddenly became twice as lighter

Yard in the sun

This dress is golden with a birch on the shoulders.

19. Someone painted the forests with yellow paint,

For some reason the heavens have become lower,

The tassels of rowan flared brighter,

All the flowers have withered, only the wormwood is fresh.

20 . Autumn, you can be sad and laugh

Cry like rain, then smile.

Bright colors to please us!

To threaten the gloom of the sky every time,

Autumn, do you want to surprise us all?

Children in chorus: We will love any Autumn!

Song" Gold autumn"

1 Cossack:

And let's sit down, Cossacks, in a tight circle. Let's sit, talk, let's remember the past.

They sit down.

2 Cossack:

Let's sit side by side, let's chat nicely about the Cossack holiday

October came to us - father, and before that we worked well. they grew vegetables in the garden, fruits in the gardens, bread in the field. They worked hard, harvested the entire crop, now you can relax, have fun, play, have fun, have fun with ditties and dances.

Children sing ditties.

1. We are Cossack girls

We can't grieve.
Without ditties jokes

Oh, do not live in the world.

2. Don't look at me

Break your eyes.

I am not from your village

Don't you know?

3. There are a lot of guys, a lot of guys,

Guys have nowhere to go.

When the horses are tired -

We will harness them.

4. I will go out, I will go out to dance
In brand new shoes
All the guys say
What am I like a picture!

5. I love to sing ditties,
I love to dance.
And young girls
In the dance gently hug.

6. We have a good harmonist
And he plays well.
Stretch the accordion wider -
I'll sleep with you ishsho!

7. Let me dance
Let me stomp
Is it in this house
Are the floorboards cracked?

8. Accordionist - for the game,
Well, for me - for dancing,
Harmonist - kalach,
I - a bunch of lamb!

9. They say that I blush,
They say that I'm white
I will wash myself in the river with everyone -
And I won't change my face

10. How in the fall I broke
Red Kalinushka,
She knitted sheaves in the fields
Broke her back.

2 Cossacks:

We sat up for something. Isn't it time for us to play?

A game " Wattle"

: Cossacks are a remote and cheerful people, mischievous

Come out, Cossacks, play with me!

And for you the game you will like it.

The game "Daddy" is being played

1 Cossack:

And you, Cossacks, proverbs Cossacks know?

Children: Yes!

1 Cossack: Then I begin, and you continue. Ljubo?

Children: Love! Love!

1 Cossack: Ataman without a mustache and beard ...

Children: What is a fish without water.

1 Cossack: Talent from God. Children: And success comes from work.

1 Cossack: Good mistress ... Children: More expensive than gold.

1 Cossack: In the field, a Cossack warrior ...

Children: And the owner of the house is hospitable.

1 Cossack: Both in the field and in the war ... .

Children: Cossack everywhere on horseback.

2 Cossack:

Song:"Eh, Don Cossacks»

1 Cossack: Gloriously the Cossacks sing, but also prowess in dancing

able to show.


My dear Cossack, he is famous everywhere

He is the first at work and at the walk is famous ..

dance"Cossack quadrille".

2 Cossacks:

I really want to know, Cossacks, do you understand what they are talking about at our holiday, I will speak in Russian, and you will talk in Cossack.

To speak - to speak; Complain - Complain sing - play; Round dance - chickens; house-kuren

People are the world; Today - none; Rooster - kochet; Supper - supper;

A little - crumbs; Doll - kundyubochka; Hello - have a great day.

2 Cossack: Cheerfully, Cossacks!

1 Cossack: We fell in love with your sonorous songs, and cheerful dances, but our holiday is coming to an end

Song“How the Cossacks walk behind the Don”

2Cossack: So the autumn holiday is over...

I think it lifted your spirits!

I want to sing, always smile ...

Children, do you agree with me?

"Introduction of preschool children to the origins of the Kuban culture"

Scenario Development


This development is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, music directors.

In this work, I set a goal - to familiarize preschoolers with their national culture and create positive, sustainable motivation. Education in preschoolers of love for their native land, respect for the traditions of their land and people of work, education in preschoolers of a respectful attitude in communicating with relatives and peers, to help increase self-confidence, as well as the development of cognitive interest in folk art native land, to the surrounding world through the perception of musical Kuban folklore.

I would like to hope that this scenario will help teachers of preschool educational institutions to bring to the consciousness of children the main idea - familiarizing preschoolers with their national culture.

Relevance of development:

For modern man it became relevant to restore cultural and historical ties with the native land, with their small homeland.

It is necessary to start this process from childhood, from the most accessible to children - the personality of the child himself, the life of his family, getting acquainted with the biography of their parents, grandmothers, children begin to understand the connection of times, the continuity of generations, begin to understand their involvement in historical events. It is in childhood that the foundations of cognitive interest in the study of the city, as a microworld surrounding the child, are laid; conditions are created for the formation of moral feelings, ethics of behavior. The child in the already familiar, familiar opens up new sides. A sense of patriotism begins to form in him: love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to her, responsibility, a desire to work for her good, to protect and increase wealth.

Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one's small homeland - the place where a person was born. The beloved land is the source, the beginning, from where a person takes a step into Big world. From the native corner of the earth begins for little man huge country, a citizen of which, having matured, he realizes himself.

But it is not enough to sing of one's land. We must listen to the voice of history, comprehending its connection with the present.

In this regard, it is of great importance to familiarize younger students with the history, culture, economy, and life of their native land.

The culture of Russia cannot be imagined without folk art, which reveals the primordial origins of the spiritual life of the Russian people, clearly demonstrates its moral, aesthetic values, artistic tastes and are part of its history, the introduction of a child into their native culture, familiarization with those spiritual values ​​that are the human principle, uniting all people. Oral folk art, musical folklore, folk decorative - applied art should find a great reflection in the content of education and upbringing of the younger generation now, when samples mass culture other countries are actively introduced into the life, way of life, worldview of children. Folk art as a manifestation of the creativity of the people is close in nature to the creativity of the child, which is why it is close to the perception of the child, understandable to him.

Development tasks:

1. Studying the history of the native land, customs, traditions and spiritual culture of their people.

2. Formation of civic and patriotic feelings, love for the Fatherland.

3. To promote the development of students' skills of cognitive, creative activity.

4. Development of skills for conducting feasible research work in the field of local history.

5. Raising love for parents, loved ones, studying and preserving family traditions.

6. Education of patriotism, humanism, tolerance, love for one's family;

7. Formation of love for the native city and interest in the past and present of the native land

8. Development of a caring attitude towards your city (sights, culture, nature);

Development goal: to give children basic knowledge about the history of their native land; formation in younger schoolchildren of the traits of citizenship, patriotism, moral behavior, a person-citizen, integrated into modern reality and aimed at its improvement; formation of an active citizenship feelings of love for the past, present and future of the native land, native village, his people;

Theoretical and practical significance This development lies in the fact that it contributes to the development and strengthening in children of a sense of love for their native land. Through knowledge of the history and culture of the native land, a moral personality citizen and patriot of his homeland, which includes different forms work with children and their parents, as well as with teachers. This allows you to carry out the process of education purposefully.

Perspective: the history of the development of the Kuban, holidays, features of linguistic culture is an important means of implementing the regional component, which is aimed at shaping younger students' ideas about the world around them, the history of its occurrence, rituals, customs, and folk traditions.

Preschool childhood is the beginning of life. It can be compared with the morning dawn, turning pink with a gentle blush. rising sun. This period of the child largely depends on adults, both the educator and the parents raising them. It is great if adults fill the life of a child with the light of kindness and affection, spiritually enrich the environment in which he grows up, and lay the foundations for high human principles. Even KD Ushinsky wrote: "A people without a nation is a body without a soul." Unfortunately, in last years become a priority material values and spirituality and morality go by the wayside. The educational influence of the family is sharply reduced and national culture. But in preschool institutions work on familiarizing preschool children with the culture of the Russian people has noticeably intensified. LN Tolstoy said: "Happy is he who is happy at home." Patriotic feelings are laid in the process of life and being of a person who is within a specific socio-cultural environment. From the moment of birth, a child instinctively and naturally gets used to his environment, nature and culture. Thus, the formation of love for the Motherland among preschoolers should be considered their accumulation of social experience of life in their city, the assimilation of the norms of behavior adopted in it, relationships, familiarization with the world of its culture. And what can spiritually enrich the environment of a child? This is folklore, a special area of ​​folk art. It includes a whole system of poetic and musical-poetic genres of folklore. For many centuries, folklore lovingly and wisely teaches the preschooler, introduces him to the high moral culture of his people. The value of folklore lies in the fact that with its help an adult establishes emotional contact and emotional communication with a preschooler. Interesting content, richness of fantasy, vivid artistic images attract the attention of a preschooler, bring him joy and at the same time have their educational impact.

A large Motherland always begins with a small one - the place where a person was born, his family, yard, home, kindergarten and school, forests and rivers located nearby. House or kindergarten, native land or city has its own history, features of nature, its own traditions. And it will help bring preschoolers closer to the history of their native land - northern folklore.

Kuban folklore is a special area of ​​folk art. It carries the multifaceted and at the same time integral and unique character of the Cossacks. Courageous, strong, severe - according to epics; cunning and mischievous - according to everyday fairy tales and games; cheerful, perky, resilient - based on dance and comic songs; wise, observant - according to proverbs. Kuban folklore can only be understood in living life in accordance with peasant life and nature. This means that it is necessary to create a special atmosphere for the activities of preschoolers or joint activities preschoolers and adults, close to real. If possible, create an environment in which the preschooler would feel like a participant in the events, while using different types of activities. We strive to enrich the soul of the child and strengthen physical health with the help of folk art and customs of the native land.



Target: develop in children cognitive interest to the customs and creativity of folk culture, create conditions for ethically valuable forms of communication with loved ones, awareness of the uniqueness of the features and qualities of the child.

A reader enters the stage and reads a poem:

Cossack region! Into the darkness of ages

I look, your descendant is distant.

I see the glory of the Cossacks,

Cossacks I hear a sad cry ...

Holy memory of that glory

From the younger generation

It has long been covered with a veil

Fog of cold oblivion...

May they be glorious in our days,

Who returns the memory of the edge.

I'm in front of them to the ground

I bow my head in bow.

The second reader reads another poem:

Very often behind events

And behind the hustle and bustle of days

We don't remember our old days

We forget about her.

Although more familiar

We fly to the moon,

Let's remember the Cossack customs,

Let's remember our past!

The presenter comes out in a Cossack costume.

Leading. Good day, honest people! Behind the labor day: and the hay was mowed, and the haystacks were swept away. And they went to the forest for berries and mushrooms, and they managed to catch fish. Finished the job - walk boldly! And when the sun goes down, red girls come to the outskirts and good fellows dance round dances, ditties and songs to sing, show themselves and look at others, click seeds yes kind word will talk.

MISTRESS. Please, dear guests, please!

MASTER. Fun and joy to you!

MISTRESS. We have been waiting for you for a long time - we are waiting, the holiday does not start without you!

MASTER. We have a place and a word for everyone!

MISTRESS. We have in store for you fun for every taste, someone a fairy tale, someone the truth, someone a song.

The stage is gradually filled with all the participants of the gatherings - in pairs or threes approach the hosts, bow and take their places on the benches.

Cossack song sounds

"How the Cossacks walk behind the Don."

How the Cossacks walked behind the Don,

How the Cossacks walked behind the Don.

Stood, thought the girl is young,

The girl is young.

One Cossack does not drink, does not walk.

Stood, thought the girl is young,

Stood, thought the girl is young,

The girl is young.

He chooses his bride.

He chooses his bride.

Stood, thought the girl is young,

Stood, thought the girl is young,

The girl is young.

You, Cossack, become my wife.

Stood, thought the girl is young,

Stood, thought the girl is young,

The girl is young.

Oh, vine garden, green grove,

So who is to blame: wife or mother-in-law?

The mother-in-law is guilty.

(The first verse is repeated.)

Three villages, two villages.

The girl is cheerful.

The girl is cheerful.


Dunya went out of the thief

To the green garden.

Dunya plucked burdock,

Yes, under the spine.

Dunya sewed a sundress

And elegant, and non-woven.

Laid in a corner

In a birch bark.

Where did the cockroach come from?

Ate Dunin's sundress.

In the course of the poem, Dunya improvises, looks into the box,

takes out a large fake cockroach, gets scared, throws it,


1st LEADING. (Calms Dunya.)

Disperse, honest people,

No dust, track!

Good fellows go

Walk a little.

The song "How the Don Cossacks faithfully serve the Don ..." is performed.

Like Don Cossacks they faithfully serve,

Traveling along the borders

They don't worry about anything.

There is wine, we drink yayo,

No wine - drink water

We won't change for anything

Cossack fashion.

The girl is sitting in the tower,

Hands tucked up,

In front of her stands a Cossack,

Taking off the cap.

The Cossack twisted his mustache,

He reined in the horse.

Yamu girl says

He does not order to go to the tavern:

"You will go to the tavern,

You will drink all the money there.

Father-mother will meet

What will you answer?"

We'll get drunk

And let's answer boldly:

“There is wine, we drink yayo,

No wine, drink water.

We won't change for anything

Cossack fashion.

2nd LEADING. The good fellows sang a dashing Cossack song. According to the tradition of that ancient time, red girls come out with a response song.

The song is performed by the girls "In the garden by the valley ...".

In the garden by the valley I picked a rose,

Tore and threw under those gates.

Tore and threw under those gates,

Do not laugh, Cossack, that I am an orphan.

You would have come to woo, but I would not have gone.

You come to me to woo me, but I won't go.

I will go around Russia, I will find more beautiful.

I traveled around Russia and all the cities,

But I did not find more beautiful than you, orphan.

The Cossack returned under those gates,

The girl comes out crying.

And the girl came out crying,

It can be seen from the face - a betrothed.

In the garden by the valley I picked a rose...

1st LEADING. At the Cossack gatherings, they not only sang songs, but also danced round dances. Good fellows looked closely at the girls, chose brides for themselves.

GIRLS. Ay! Ay! Hello!

Let's hail through the forest,

Let's go to the birch

Let's start our round dance!

A round dance is performed to the song "We were in the round dance."

2nd LEADING. There are talents on the Don,

I speak confidently!

Since people are still singing

Know that all is not lost.

The Cossack song “At the Meadow…” is performed.

Oh, in the meadow, in the meadow,

With a wide field

With a familiar herd

The horse was free to walk.

You walk, walk, my horse,

Until I get it

How do I catch, yes I'm a nuisance

Silk knot.

How the Cossack caught the horse

Bound by the bridle

Hit with spurs under the sides,

The horse flies like an arrow.

You fly, fly, my horse,

Fly, don't stumble

Near Milky's yard

Get up, stop.

The horse stopped

Hit with hooves

For my darling to come out

With black eyebrows.

But my darling didn't come out

Her mother came out.

"Hello, hello, dear son-in-law,

Welcome to the house."

I won't go to the house

I'll go to the light

I'll wake you up with a sound sleep

Sleeping girl.

The girl didn't sleep

The guy was waiting.

I hugged with my right hand,

Kissed hard.

And in the morning the whole village

The whole village knew

Like a Cossack and a Cossack

Kissed hard.

1st LEADING. Oh, the Cossack soul is wide!

And wherever you are in the wilderness,

They just took spoons

And play from the heart!

Spoon ensemble performs to the melody of the song "Varenka"

or "Wattle".

GIRL Tara-ra, tara-ra,

The boys are coming from the yard

Songs to sing and dance

To amuse everyone around!

The song "Everything, everything, the Cossack was pleased ..."

Everyone, everyone, the Cossack was pleased,

I didn't know any need.

And now I have experienced

I have been to Sevastopol.

In the open field fear and grief

Every day and every hour.

Day we get wet and tremble,

We don't sleep all night.

Himself cold, the horse is hungry,

Somewhere to lay your head.

The Black Sea roars

The ships are on fire

And we extinguish, strangle the Turks,

Glory to the Don Cossacks.

Great Russian glory,

We are always proud of her.

My faithful horse is under me,

Pika-glory of the Cossack.

Shashka is a true friend

And a rifle on the enemy.

2nd LEADING. People have always loved to dance on the Don. In a dashing dance, the soul of the Cossacks is revealed.

Go around the whole planet

There is no better Cossack dance.

Balalaika and accordion

Kindle a fire in us!

A dance is performed to the song "Unharness, lads, horses ...".

2nd LEADING. Come on, let's sit down,

Let's talk nice!

They sound funny.

Fedul, why pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

Can you sew?

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate remains.

Thomas, why don't you come out of the forest?

Caught the bear.

So lead here.

Yes, he won't.

So go yourself.

Yes, he does not let!

Ivan, is it warm in your hut?

Warm! You can warm up in a fur coat on the stove.

Patrick. Hey Mackey, what did you do today?

Makei. Looking for gloves.

Patrick. Found?

Makei. Found!

Patrick. Where were they?

Makei. Yes, behind the belt. Where are you walking?

Patrick. For seven miles!

Makei. Kissel slurp?

Patrick. No, look for a mosquito!

Makei. Which mosquito is this?

Patrick. Yes, the one who wants to bite me by the nose!

Makei. Yes, he is with you!

Patrick. Where is it with me?

Makei. Yes, on your nose! (Slaps him on the nose.)

Matyukha. Dude, do you want to eat?

Tyukha. No. I had a bite.

Matyukha. And what did you eat?

Tyukha. Yes, I ate a piece of bread.

Matyukha. And you would soak her in a pot of sour cream.

Tyukha. She didn't fit in the pot.

Grandma comes out.

Son, go to the river for water.

Belly hurts.

Son, go eat porridge.

Well. Since your mother tells you to go.

1st LEADING. Oh, good nursery rhymes warehouse,

Well, our songs are fine!

The song "I believed, I believe ..." is performed.

The house stands over the river

Pier near the river.

The boy kisses the girl

He asks for his right hand.

Chorus: I believed, I believed, I believe,

I believed, I believed

But I will never believe

That you love me.

White rose - goodbye

Scarlet rose of love

Yellow rose of separation

I am dying of sadness.

Picking a white rose

I give a scarlet rose

The yellow rose of parting

I trample under my feet.

Love - do not love, do not,

You're still young.

The time will come - you will love,

But it will be too late then.

Years passed young

Wrinkles covered the face

Hair turned gray

Now no one is needed.

The guide with the bear enters.

Guide. Make way, honest people!

The bear is coming with me!

The bear bows.

Guide. He knows a lot of fun

There will be a joke, there will be laughter!

2nd leader. Bear, can you sing?

The bear nods its head in the affirmative. The guide gives the bear an harmonica, asks him to sing it louder. Bear

picks up an accordion and starts playing. Sings silently, widely

opening your mouth.

Guide. Painfully quietly you sing. (To the audience.) Can you hear it? (No!) Ask the bear to sing louder!

All participants in the gatherings ask the bear to sing louder. Bear

starts to roar loudly. The guide steps back, covering his ears with his hands. The bear continues to play, approaching the frightened guide, who waves his hands away from him. The guide takes the accordion. The bear bows.

Guide. And now show us, Mishenka, how red girls blush, look in the mirror, preen themselves!

The bear sits on the floor, looks, preens.

Guide. And how, Misha, do small children like to steal peas?

The bear crawls to the side, flops.

Guide. And how did grandmother get ready to bake pancakes, only burned her hands?

The bear does, roars.

Guide. And how do women slowly wander to the lordly work?

The bear barely moves.

Guide. How do they run home from work?

The bear runs fast.

Guide. Show everyone how Dunyasha enters the circle, dancing famously!

The bear puts a scarf on his head and takes hold of its ends.

Dancing to the music. When the music ends, he sits down on the floor.

Guide. Mishutka is tired! (The bear gets up.) And he bowed to the people!

(The bear bows. The guide leads the bear away.)

1st Leader. How many times have I cursed

Sing songs to the harmonica.

How the harmonica will play

I can't sit!

Girl. Let's stand, girls, in a row,

Let's sing ditties.

Boy. Yes, and we, perhaps, will rise,

Let's not leave our friends.

2nd leader. What gatherings without ditties and without seeds ?!

Seeds on a tray are carried around the hall, treated to the audience.

Ditties sound.

All. We know a lot of ditties

Both good and bad.

It's good to listen to

Who doesn't know any.

Oh, you are mother Russia,

How good is that!

Even if we live badly,

But we dance and eat.

We will sing ditties to you,

Still wonderful

That the old women will go dancing

The old people will dance!

A group of boys in headscarves sing ditties:

Oh, bye, bye-

Swan in the garden

Cheryomushka white,

What has love done?

The darling walks through the village,

Walking, smiling

It turned out that he inserted his teeth,

The mouth does not close.

My sweetheart is beautiful

She lived across the river

Wanted to see

Swam in the sieve.

There used to be Russian braids

At my darling

And now in a new fashion

Shaved nape.

Oh, bye, bye

Swan in the garden

Cheryomushka white,

What has love done?

Boy. white girls,

Where did you get white?

Girl. We milked the cows yesterday

Washed with milk.

Boy. You listen, girls,

We'll sing silly.

A pig grazes on an oak

A bear is steaming in the bath.

Boy. There is a cart on the mountain

Tears drip from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain

Putting on boots!

Girl. Where are you going, Vanyusha?

After all, a cart without wheels!

And Vanyusha answers ...

Boy. Prepare oats.

All. Oh, enough, we got drunk

Give me a new one!

Oh thank you harmonist

For a fun game!

Girl. I'm stomping my foot

Let me stomp another one.

Come to me, Vanyusha,

Dance with me!

Boy. I put my foot on my toe

And then on the heel.

I will dance Russian

And then squat!

A dance is performed to the melody of the song "Golden Bee".

1st Leader. Kind people! Should we not remember the songs of the old-timers?!

The song "Like beyond the Don, beyond the river ..." sounds.

As for the Don, for the river,

Under the green oak

The Cossack parted

With a black guy.

The Cossack parted

In the field near Rostov

Embraced in the wind

Dashing Cossack.

The Cossack said to the Cossack,

Taking off on a horse:

"Don't cry, don't cry for me,

My dear!"

He said and jumped

Along the steppe road.

Goodbye, dear Don,

Quiet Don wide.

2nd leader. Night has come, brought darkness.

The cockerel fell silent, the cricket crackled.

Mom came out and closed the shutters.

All the guys sleep, sleep,

The whole world is told to sleep.

1st Leader. We are proud of the old

She became our family.

Always make someone happy

Our great-grandfathers work.

2nd leader. Tie, Tie-edges dear,

Here the Cossacks have been living for centuries,

They glorify native spaces,

Razdolny songs are sung.

A song about the Beginning is being sung.

Between the green hills quietly the river runs.

A village stands on its banks,

And with the river it bears the same name,

This name has entered my soul forever.

Drowning in the gardens that bloom in spring

My village, you are the most beautiful of all.

And in the spring nightingales do not let you sleep at night,

Nightingales sing about love to you and me.

Maybe there are golden edges on earth,

Only dearer to my heart are you, my tie.

Here the nightingales sing over the spring river,

Here is my homeland - dear to my heart.

At the end of the song, the participants of the gatherings, waving their hands, leave the stage.

1. Shmakov S.A. Non-traditional holidays at school. – M.: New school, 1997. Sleptsov M.F. And again the evening, and again together ... Smolensk Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers. Smolensk., 1997. - 184s.

2. Kuzina T.F., Baturina G.I. Entertaining pedagogy of the peoples of Russia: advice. Games, rituals. - M .: School - Press, 1998. - 144 p. ("Education of schoolchildren". Library of the journal. Issue 1)

3. Box of miracles, children's village gatherings and other school extracurricular activities. Cheboksary: ​​CLIO, 1997. - 98s.

4. Gorbunova G.N. “At the beginning of my life, I remember school” Scenarios. “Publishing school” “RAIL” M., 1997. - 96s.

5. Reader on the history of the Don Cossacks. Compiled by Astapenko. R-n-D: Rostov University Press, 1994

6. I.G. Bogachenko. A.M. Ryabchenko. Don is our home. A collection of scenario developments to help class teachers, educators, teachers additional education. Issue II. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of the Rostov regional IPK and PRO. 2006

7. G. Astapenko. Life, customs, rituals and holidays of the Don Cossacks ... Bataisk: Bataisk book publishing house, 2002

8. Linguistic local history. Toolkit ed. T.I. Pavlova. R-n-D: Publishing house RO IPK and PRO

9. Baturina G.I., Kuzina T.F. Folk pedagogy in the education of preschoolers. - M.: A.P.O., 1995. - 72 p.

10. Acquaintance of children with Russian folk art. St. Petersburg: "Childhood - Press", 2001.

11. Knyazeva O.A., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. Program - St. Petersburg: Accident, 1997. - 158 p.

12. Programs of preschool educational institutions. - M .: ARKTI, 2000. - 48s.

Target: Involve children in Cossack traditions and rites.

Enrich children's knowledge about the culture of the Cossacks, holidays.

Formation among preschoolers of citizenship, patriotism, moral behavior, a human citizen, integrated into modern reality and aimed at its improvement; the formation of feelings of love for the past, present and future of the native land, city.


1. Studying the history of the native land, customs, traditions and spiritual culture of their people.

2. Formation of civic and patriotic feelings, love for the Fatherland.

3. To promote the development of cognitive, creative skills in preschoolers.

4. Education of love for parents, loved ones, study and preservation of family traditions.

5. Education of patriotism, humanism, tolerance, love for one's family;

6. Formation of love for the native city and interest in the past and present of the native land

7. Development of a caring attitude towards your city (sights, culture, nature);


For a modern person, it has become urgent to restore cultural and historical ties with his native land, his small homeland.

perspective : the history of the development of the Cossacks, holidays, features of linguistic culture is an important means of implementing the regional component, which is aimed at shaping preschoolers' ideas about the world around them, the history of its occurrence, rituals, customs, folk traditions.

The Cossack song “Oh, guys, oh, Cossacks” sounds, the children enter the hall, sit down in their places.

1-cossack: Have a great day dear guests! Fun and joy to you! Beautiful and young, funny and daring! We have been waiting for you for a long time, the holiday did not start without you.We have a place and a word for everyone! Today you will hear many wonderful songs. And the song will be born where there is a lot of sun, light, joy. Such is our Stavropol land. Cheerful round dances do not stop here, Cossacks are smart and beautiful, Cossacks are strong and brave.

1 child Our Motherland is Russia,

And I know about it.

It's the sun in the blue sky

Forest, sea, meadows, fields.

2 children I also know that Russia

My beloved land, dear

And distant roads

They will always bring you home.

3 children My land is steppe,

native Stavropol,

I love you more and more over the years.

Your fields are wide expanse

We glorify our Motherland in songs.

4 children They know how to sing in the Stavropol Territory,

Taught songs to the steppe,

How not to sing - the wheat will sing,

Cherries were removed - how not to sing!

Children sing the song "Flourish, dear land."

1 Cossack: Look, some kind of Cossack farm can be seen, let's go to the light.

(2 Cossacks come out)

2 Cossacks: My dear guests! Come into my hut, into the upper room.

And why are you so smart and beautiful today?

Children: We have a holiday of the first pants.

2 Cossacks: What kind of holiday do you know?

At the age of 4, the Cossacks received the first trousers with stripes as a gift. So today you received your first Cossack pants with stripes. The first trousers and hat are a sign of belonging to the Cossacks.

reb: Come out, honest people!

No dust, track!

The Cossacks are coming now

Dance a little!

reb: Hey play my harmonica

And don't ask for mercy!

Look, love

How the Cossacks will dance to you!

Children of the preparatory group perform "Cossack dance".

1 Cossack: Have a healthy day, Cossacks!

(Children performing dance read poems).

1 reb: We are Essentuki Cossacks

Very friendly guys

Century ready to live peacefully

Russia - to serve mother!

2 reb: Don't offend kids

To multiply the glory of the ancestors,

Honor the laws of the Cossacks

Everyone is ready from youth.

3 reb: And without checkers and horse

We can't even live a day

That's what we guys are

All dashing Cossacks

Century ready to live in friendship

And cherish Russia!

Reb: Gutarili that you have a holiday of the first trousers today.

Reb: And we give you horses. After all, from the age of 4, a real Cossack was taught horseback riding.

2 Cossacks: Thank you kind guests. Now we will practice horseback riding.

An attraction is being held: "Ride on a horse" - the older group.

1 Cossack: Well, what did we practice riding horses, and now let's play a song"Chubariki" as a gift to our guests.

Meet the folklore group "Belfry".

2 Cossacks: Cossack and Shvets and reaper,

And a player on the pipe, and a singer in the choir,

And well done in battle!

Do you, Cossacks, know proverbs?

Children tell Cossack proverbs.

1. Tolerate a Cossack - you will be an ataman.

2. The Cossack will not eat himself, but will feed the horse.

3. Everything will be born on Essentuki land, you just need to work hard.

4. In the Stavropol Territory, the law is like this - off with all enemies from the earth!

5. Cossack in work, as in battle - glorifies his Motherland!

6. A Cossack without friends is like an oak tree without roots.

7. From laziness the Cossack is ill, and health hardens from work.

1 Cossack : There are talents in the Stavropol Territory,

I speak confidently!

Since the people sing and dance

Know that all is not lost.

Children of the middle group perform a round dance "Like in our backyard."

1 Cossack:

Oh look! Vanya, a Cossack, is riding along the street to the end. Oh yes, Vanya is a daredevil, a daredevil is well done!

(Vanya rides in a circle on a horse backwards, a Cossack girl comes out to meet her - a girl) - children of the preparatory group.

Cossack - girl:

What are you, Vanya - simplicity,

Bought a horse without a tail.

Sat back to front

And went to the garden.


Hostess, let the water get drunk, otherwise you want to eat.


Drink some water, and look how our Cossacks and Cossacks play.

1 Cossack:

Gather up, people!

Wider, wider, round dance!

Let's play duck

The best to choose!

The Cossack game "DUCKING" is being held - a preparatory group.

Choir: How do you, duckling, fly across the field?

Duckling: This is how I, a duckling, fly across the field (waving his arms).

Choir: How do you, duckling, build a nest?

Duckling: That's how I cobble (twirls his arms).

choir : How do you, duckling, pluck a feather?

Duckling: That's how I pluck (pinches his shirt).

choir : How do you lay eggs, duckling?

Duckling: This is how I lay the eggs (squats down).

Choir: How do you, duckling, hatch chickens?

Duckling: This is how I bring it out (beats fist on fist).

choir : How do you overclock them all?

Duckling: That's how I accelerate!

Everyone is running in all directions, and the duckling must catch. Caught becomes a duckling.

2 Cossacks : And how will the girls and the Cossacks gather - well done

So is the place for the song.

Where the song flows, life is easier there.

Sing a funny song.

Children sing the song "KAZACHATA".

reb: Go around the whole planet

There is no better Cossack dance.

Balalaika and accordion

Kindle a fire in us!

Children senior group perform the dance "COSSACK DANCE".

1 Cossack: And now we will play again, entertain the guests.

The game "Who will take the whip faster?" - preparatory group.

reb. We can’t sing all the glorious songs,

Do not say good words to everyone.

Stavropol is a wonderful land,

Like the whole of Mother Russia.

Children of the preparatory group perform the dance "Swans".

2 Cossacks: Guys, we live in an amazingly beautiful corner of Russia - in the North Caucasus.

The children of the preparatory group read.

1 child The Caucasus has -1000 valleys,

The Caucasus has -1000 peaks.

The beauty of the meadows and the pride of the skies,

A chain of snowy mountains and a sunny song.

2 children We live in the Caucasus among mountains and steppes,

We live in the Caucasus and there is no better place.

We love our Cossack, amazing land.

Good Stavropol, grow rich, flourish!

3 children We live in the Caucasus among mountains and plains,

Cossacks say:

“May there always be peace!

May there always be happiness, may there always be light,

May there always be joy and health in a hundred years!”

Children sing the song "White, blue, red."

1 Cossack: Many nationalities live in our Stavropol Territory, they are all friendly with each other.

In our city of Essentuki, people of different nationalities also live, for example: Armenians, Circassians, Georgians, Greeks.

And now Rostislav Latsenov will perform the national greek dance"Lezginka".

2 Cossacks: Guys, dear guests, today we praise our Stavropol region, the people who live in it, our city, where people live in peace and harmony.

We are all Stavropol residents, we are Essentuchans, but first of all we are Russians, residents of a large and powerful country.

The older children are reading.

reb. Stavropol Territory - flowering land,

Rich gardens, endless fields.

Native land, work and sing.

In work, in song, we are with you.

Reb. So that your gardens bloom, so that Narzan beats from under the ground.

I live in Stavropol, I love my native land,

It is good in winter and summer and especially in spring.

Reb. Fun party ours is in full swing

Legs are torn to dance.

We are all on a roll today

It's great for us.

The children of the senior group perform the dance "The young woman went for water."

1 Cossack:

All that is dear to the heart

That's what the song asks for

And crimson dawn

And under the sky a grove.

Look from the hill

You can see the blue river

You can see the endless distance

What is the name of Russia!

The song "You live, my Russia" is performed.

2 Cossacks: We sang for you

And danced for you

If you like fun, come again!

1 Cossack: Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say goodbye

Until happy new meetings!

A Cossack song sounds, the children leave the hall.

1 Cossack: You won't be full of games and dancing.

Our people are famous for their noble treats.

Hot tea is our strength, table decoration

“There is no dashing from tea” - that's what people say.

2 Cossacks: And we ask you guests

Sit down at the table with us.

And with fragrant bagel tea to eat!


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