School dance on March 8.


Gentle and lyrical or cheerful and incendiary dance on March 8 will be great gift mothers, grandmothers, educators and teachers. IN kindergarten with boys and girls, you can learn simple numbers with dolls or hearts. Or invite the guys to dance to interesting music along with moms and dads. IN primary school it is appropriate to rehearse more complex choreographic elements with the students and turn the performance into a colorful, spectacular and spectacular show that all the guests who come will want to film, so that they can later review and once again rejoice at the first children's successes.

Dance of girls on March 8 with dolls - the younger group of kindergarten, video

With girls junior group kindergarten, you can learn a simple, but very original dance with puppets by March 8. You won't have to memorize any intricate movements, all dance steps are simple and accessible for understanding and perception even by very young and inexperienced artists. As musical accompaniment almost any children's song with a light, clear rhythm and kind, touching words about children, toys and traditional activities little girls.

Special costumes for the number are not needed and this will greatly facilitate the task. It is enough just to dress the little ones in elegant dresses, make beautiful hairstyles and tie lush bows. Girls can bring dolls from home. Dancing along with their own favorite toys will be much more familiar, convenient and comfortable for them.

Dance on March 8 in kindergarten - a video that made the whole room cry

There is nothing more tender and touching than a dance at the matinee for March 8 in kindergarten, performed by dads and daughters. This is one of the most pleasant, sublime and reverent spectacles, from which the whole hall will cry. To put such a number in the senior or preparatory groups you will need to conduct something like a casting and choose from all the babes those who feel best musical rhythm and is not shy about speaking in front of an audience. Since not every dad will agree to go to choreographic classes with his daughter, and then dance in front of all the educators, parents and invited guests, it is better to leave 7 or 8 participants in advance. Then it will be a little easier to form pairs and start preparing.

Rehearsals will have to start at least a couple of weeks before the holiday. Girls will need to come to dance lessons with their dads. The choreographer or rhythm coach will undertake the staging and practicing of movements. At the end of the classes, just before the onset of the celebration, weaker couples will be eliminated by themselves and only those daughters and dads who cope with the dance perfectly will remain. It is they who will take part in the final presentation.

Any touching song with a calm, soft melody is suitable as musical accompaniment. In the video below, Igor Nikolaev’s composition “Little Daughter” is used, which fits very well into the idea and meaning of the holiday.

There are no special suits for men. They perform in white shirts and classic dark trousers, while girls need dresses of the same style and color. Snow-white outfits with puffy muslin skirts and bodices with thin straps look the most successful. In them, babies look very elegant, gentle, attractive, and with their light, airy figures they emphasize the reliability and solidity of their fathers. The mothers who came to the festive performance will watch the fathers with their daughters with tenderness and stealthily wipe away the tears that involuntarily come to their eyes from such a touching spectacle.

Fashionable dance with mothers on March 8 for boys and girls

One of the most successful ideas is to put for a matinee in honor of March 8 fashion dance children with mothers. Such numbers always look advantageous and cause delight and tenderness in the audience. It is appropriate to rehearse and include in holiday program number where mothers will dance with their sons. For boys, in this case, you will have to choose the same suits - white shirts, dark vests and dark trousers. Moms can perform in their own holiday attire.

Dance of girls with mothers in honor of March 8

A cheerful, cheerful and provocative dance of girls with their mothers will decorate any event dedicated to March 8th. Both babies and parents will be happy to go to the center of the assembly hall and demonstrate their gracefulness and choreographic abilities to the guests of the performance.

Touching dance of boys on March 8 with hearts

The dance with hearts that boys perform for their mothers on March 8 looks very gentle, touching and reverent. The performance takes place to the calm, lyrical song "Dear Mother" (words by I. Kosyakov, music by N. Timofeeva). The guys move beautifully around the hall to the melodic accompaniment and all the time press them to their chests. Stuffed Toys in the form of a heart, symbolizing children's love and devotion to oneself dear person in the world - mom.

Beautiful dance on March 8 in elementary school - video

If you want to hold a matinee in honor of March 8 at an elementary school in a bright, original and extraordinary way, it is worth preparing a difficult one with the girls classical dance, and a beautiful refined room in oriental style with fans. To bring the idea to life, you will need to select 10 girls from the students of the class. A plastics teacher or a rhythm coach will have to set up and find suitable movements that are characteristic of Japanese culture And traditional dances with fans. Too complex pas should not be included in the room. It is enough to teach schoolgirls to mince around the stage with small steps on their toes, beautifully wave their hands and plastically “tremble” with a fan. As a musical accompaniment, music without words, consonant with the murmur of water and the rustle of bamboo leaves, is suitable. It will add realism to everything that happens and create an effect for the audience. total immersion V mysterious world Lands of the Rising Sun.

With costumes, there will be no particular difficulties. The role of a kimono will be performed by silk robes up to the knee yellow and of blue color. It is better for girls to make hairstyles high and carefully decorate them with long wooden knitting needles for hair. Fans can be made from sheets of thick cardboard, and with outside cover with shiny gold and blue paper. They will shimmer beautifully in the process of movement and make the dance more spectacular and intense.

All kindergartens and schools always prepare amateur performances for the main women's holiday for their beloved mothers and grandmothers. Children begin preparations in advance, devoting a lot of time and effort to rehearsals. One of the most bright rooms always considered on March 8. It is very interesting to watch how children try to impress their parents, to perform movements synchronously, correctly, professionally.

by March 8 - this is the best gift from daughters and sons who put in the best possible effort. Performance in bright beautiful costumes, complex fascinating elements - this is how breathtaking the viewer is, that you want to look at it again and again.

in kindergarten

With great interest and special joy, mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers go to watch a festive performance in kindergarten. Toddlers perform movements so diligently that parents will remember and be touched by their children for a long time to come. Dance on March 8 in kindergarten- this is a whole event for children, they are always looking forward to this holiday to please their beloved mothers.

With intensive preparation for the holiday, teachers, together with children, teach dance etudes, while developing many useful qualities in children: a sense of rhythm, hearing, thinking, memory, coordination of movements, synchronism, diligence, as well as the ability to work in a team.

Choreographic schools that are professional with children younger age are always filming their students' performances. Children enjoy watching their productions, and parents are proud of the success of their children.

Children's dance on March 8 video can be viewed on our website. You will see a lot interesting ideas, high-quality plot installations, various dance etudes. These are our pupils who congratulated their relatives on Women's Day.

This is an opportunity to properly shape a child's body, teach kids to show their talent, not be afraid of the stage, and give them self-confidence. They are still small and vulnerable, so the main thing is to support their desire, teach them to listen and hear.

In the future, all these skills and abilities can bring success to the child, turn from a hobby into a favorite job that will bring not only pleasure, but also a regular income. But this is the most important thing - to educate in children the ability to move forward and achieve their goals.


The statement that dance can convey any feeling - true truth. Touching and cute ballroom performances, incendiary and fast dance numbers will help diversify the standard program of the holiday. Therefore, both in elementary school and in kindergarten, at least one dance for March 8 must be included in the program. It can be a performance by girls or boys. But the most attractive is considered to be a joint room with mothers. In the video examples of numbers and ideas for productions, you can find great options for babies different ages. If desired, you can put children's dance and with dolls, hearts.

Original dance for elementary school on March 8 - video example of performance

Dances in honor of March 8 can be both fast and slow. The former help create a cheerful mood, while the latter just relax and admire the dancers. Therefore, the program of the event should include dance numbers of different tempos.

What original dance can be staged in elementary school by March 8?

Perfect for the theme of the holiday children's dance on March 8 in pairs. Such a bright performance will delight all guests and will surely please the dancers themselves.

Unusual dance in honor of March 8 for elementary school

When choosing a number, it is necessary to take into account the dance skills of schoolchildren. The following video will help dedicate a beautiful and simple dance to all women on March 8 in elementary school:

Beautiful and fast dance for the holiday of March 8 from the boys - video examples and ideas for staging

First of all, pay attention to mothers and grandmothers who came to extracurricular activity, boys must. Their sparkling performances original dances will help the women present to spend time both fun and interesting.

Video example of a beautiful fast dance in honor of March 8 from the boys

Boys know how not only to be naughty, but also to show their strength, the ability to cope with any tasks. It will help to reveal talents and beautifully congratulate all women on their holiday next dance boys on March 8:

Cute dance for kindergarten on March 8 - with dolls and hearts

The use of toys will help make the performances of kids in kindergarten really original and cute. For example, you can put on a dance with your favorite dolls. A dance with hearts will help to combine the congratulations and the number, which the children will then hand over to their mothers.

An example of a cute dance in honor of March 8 for kindergarten with dolls

A bright dance of babies with dolls will surely please both mothers and grandmothers. The attached video will help you get acquainted with an example of staging such a dance with puppets in kindergarten by March 8:

Cute dance in honor of March 8 with hearts - for kindergarten

Staging a cute number can include both ordinary toys and non-standard props. About how to do beautiful dance with hearts on March 8 in kindergarten, the following video will help:

Touching dance of kids with mothers on March 8 - for elementary school and kindergarten

There is nothing more tender than the relationship of mother and child. And there is nothing sweeter than their joint dance. Such a number must be included in the festive program for women's day. Both girls and boys will be able to beautifully perform a dance with their mothers on March 8.

An example of a touching dance with mothers by March 8 at school and kindergarten

To put a dance on March 8 at a school for children and mothers, you can agree in advance with your parents. But such a number will look no less attractive as a surprise. How to submit touching dance on March 8, the following examples will be told in kindergarten and at school:

Unusual dance for girls by March 8 - video example of a number

Girls love dancing with or without reason. Therefore, for their holiday, both babies and schoolgirls will want to make a dance performance. Help them make this choice. the right direction, original music and many rehearsals.

What unusual dance for girls can be staged for the holiday of March 8?

Not only bright costumes, but also properly selected attributes can make the girls dance beautiful. The following tips will help you learn how to make girls dance on March 8 original and unusual:

Touching or incendiary, slow or fast - any dance on March 8 will look appropriate. Boys, girls and their mothers can participate in it. Original performances can be made with additional props: dolls, hearts. Among the proposed video examples and ideas for staging children's dances by March 8, you can find amazing solutions for have a nice holiday both in elementary school and kindergarten.

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