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Ferrari World- the largest closed thematic object in the world. Its length reaches 700 m, total area- 176 thousand sq.m. Located in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates).

Burj Dubai is the world's tallest building designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Based in Dubai (UAE). At the official opening ceremony, it was renamed the Burj Khalifa in honor of the Sheikh and at the same time the President of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan.

- In his best! The project is presented by the bureau Kobi Karp. Construction is planned on Watson Island (USA, Miami). The announcement of the project says that this tower, which has a height of 975 meters, will be able to easily remove the crown from Dubai. According to official figures, the 160-storey eco-city of Miapolis will be more than 183 meters taller than the famous Dubai giant Burj Khalifa. The building will include countless entertainment and living spaces.

The Cleveland Clinic is the Low Ruvo Center for Brain Health. original name- . An unusual building is located in Las Vegas (USA). The author of the project is Frank Gehry. The project consists of two blocks and is estimated at $100 million. One wing houses the research center and the other wing houses the patient rooms.

- skyscraper-waterfall, tower " sunny city". It is being built for the 2016 Olympics, which will be held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The project was developed by the eminent Swiss bureau RAFAA Architecture and Design. He pledges to become "the eighth wonder of the world." The function of the tower is to provide clean electricity to the nearby Olympic Village along with the city of millions. Moreover, at a height of 105 meters in the Solar City Tower there will be cafes and shops. The roof will be equipped Observation deck, where you can admire the panorama of Rio de Janeiro along with the prostrate bottomless ocean. For lovers of extreme recreation, a platform for bungee jumping is provided.

- a house designed by the bureau Senosiain Arquitectos. Located in Mexico. Built in the style of biorchitectura at the request of a young couple. The house has, thanks to which young people with two children now live in a fabulous "underwater kingdom".

- one of the most luxurious hotels in the world, which is built in Singapore ( Southeast Asia). The hotel houses the largest casino in the world, worth about eight billion dollars. Marina Bay Sands consists of three vertical towers, which in turn are connected by an amusement park in the form of a ship. The park-ship stretches for 340 meters in length and can accommodate 3900 guests. The project is implemented by Las Vegas Sands.

- National Museum located in Abu Dhabi (UAE). The museum project was created by Foster + Partners and is dedicated to the President of the United United Arab Emirates, How historical monument, timed to coincide with socio-economic changes, initiated by Zayed bin Sultan Al Naiyan himself - Sheikh and the President of the United Arab Emirates in one person.

- the most extreme observation deck in the world, which is located on Mount Osterfelderkopf (Alpspitz, Germany). The view from the AlpspiX site is breathtaking. Kilometer height, two mutually intersecting steel beams, the feeling of free flight over the abyss...

Although the observation deck was built not so long ago - in October 2010, nevertheless, over the past few years, tourists have fallen in love with it and even become a kind of Mecca for lovers of extreme sensations.

located in Dubai (UAE). Meydan City is a development project of Meydan Group LLC, covering an area of ​​18.6 million square meters. square meters. The project is a complex for horse racing, a hotel and a number of premises for entertainment events.

Unusual modern architecture, designed by SAMOO design studio, is an eco-project of the South Korean National Institute of Ecology. The territorial area is 33 thousand square meters. architectural structure honorably bears the title of the think tank of the country.

Chicago Spire- project of the famous architect Santiago Calatrava (Chicago, USA). The height of the skyscraper reaches 609 meters (150 floors). The Chicago spire is shaped like a drill and includes 1,193 apartments, which feature three-meter ceilings and full-wall windows.

Eco roof project for a market in Seoul ( South Korea). Developers: Samoo Architects & Engineers. The goal of the project is to abolish unpleasant odors and the constant noise generated by cars scurrying by.

- underground station (London, UK).

- TV tower, which is located in the city of Guangzhou (PRC). The height of Canton is 610 meters. To date, this is a record height among TV towers. The record-breaking tower has broken the record until recently high tower CN (Toronto, Canada).

- energy passage, made in the best traditions of modern world architecture. The project, which is located in the Italian city of Perugia, was developed by Coop Himmelb(l)au. Before you is not just a bizarre roof that sets off the famous pedestrian street of the city, but also an energy turbine that functions due to the sun and wind.

is the center contemporary art. This gigantic building was designed by famous architect, a woman whose work is revered in all countries of the world. Place of deployment: Cagliari, Italian region of Sardinia.

- architectural project team of Dynamic Architecture, presented in the form of a rotating tower (Dubai, UAE).

The head office of the eminent giant car manufacturing company bmw located in Munich (Germany). The authors of the project are the team of the bureau Coop Himmelb(l)au.

- a gallery that is located in the administrative center of Edmonton (Canada). Designed by Randall Stout Architects.

Bella Sky Hotel is a design hotel embodying original modern architecture. Based in Copenhagen (Denmark). The slope of the towers of the largest hotel in Scandinavia is 15 degrees. Note: just imagine, the famous falling leaning tower of pisa tilted 3.97 degrees.

- Hamburg Philharmonic (Germany), project by Herzog & de Meuron. The building, built on the banks of the Elbe, includes 3 concert halls, a hotel, 45 apartments and a public area called the Plaza. The latter is located at a 37-meter height above the water. 360° panoramic view.

From year to year, leading architectural bureaus delight us with such bright and multifaceted projects. I think such modern world-class architecture brings you only positive emotions, but not vice versa. Of course, there is something to envy, peering into these unusual architectural masterpieces of our time and the near future. Be that as it may, the project bureau team wishes you inspired architectural and design ideas and, of course, their implementation!

Architecture modern city develops in tune with the constant development of urban culture, industry, and the growth of society. Social and technological progress accelerate and stimulate the further development of old cities and the emergence of new ones.

Architecture of the city: some general information

Urban construction is designed to expand the infrastructure and living space of a person, to create new architectural complexes. Its other, no less important role is to preserve the historical appearance of the city, maintaining its original atmosphere.

The architecture of the modern city includes landscaping. Its goal is to create and improve living conditions for citizens, to preserve natural resources within a certain territory.

Many post-Soviet cities were built according to standard designs and therefore are still largely similar to each other. Monotonous Soviet buildings can be found in every CIS country, be it Kazakhstan, Armenia or Russia. But there is one city, with whose most unique appearance thousands and thousands of people all over the world dream to get acquainted - this is Moscow.

Architecture of the city of Moscow

Moscow is the "center of the world", attracting many thousands of tourists every year. Moscow architecture can be called a kind of historical chronicle, which captured the victories and defeats, sorrows and joys of the entire long life of the capital.

Metropolitan architecture is characterized by trends and images that have been taking place over the centuries. All the events taking place on the historical stage of the country, one way or another reflected in the appearance of our city. The 15th century imprinted itself for a long time with the stone architecture of the Assumption Cathedral and the Kremlin. The reign of Catherine the Great was remembered for the birth of classicism - the Senate, Big theater, Pashkov House and Tsaritsyno Travel Palace.

After Patriotic War In 1812 the capital was rebuilt. Historical Museum, became a monument of those times. In the 20th century, Art Nouveau appeared, its examples are the National, Metropol, Yaroslavl Station hotels. The 21st century has given rise to cutting-edge architecture with its skyscrapers, shopping malls and multi-storey offices, which in their own way decorate and complement the multifaceted

Modern architecture as art

The architecture of the modern city is engaged in the formation of the external living space of people through the construction of new and the maintenance of old buildings. This art includes three main aspects:

  • Urban planning - the creation and reconstruction of buildings.
  • Volumetric architecture - design of residential and industrial enterprises.
  • Landscape architecture - arrangement of squares, park areas, public gardens.

In addition, the architectural environment has a strong emotional impact on the inhabitants. Along with other factors, it contributes to the development of patriotic feelings.

Directions of modern architecture

IN different countries the architecture of the modern city is called differently. We call it “modern”, in Germany “art nouveau”, in France “art nouveau”. Art Nouveau, as an architectural trend, was formed in the late 19th - early 20th century. It is characterized by a protest against the established, archaic appearance of buildings. During the construction in this style, steel, concrete, glass, and later plastic and other technological materials began to be used for the first time. This style is distinguished not only by external aesthetics and thoughtful functionality. The next after modernity, in the 20s of the 20th century, constructivism was formed, which absorbed the "soul" of the victorious proletariat. Its main task is to serve the new production. During the construction, reinforced concrete was mainly used. According to the designs of the constructivists, not only plants and factories were created, but also residential buildings, schools, hospitals, and clubs.

The end of the 1940s was marked by the emergence of a minimalist trend in architecture, which reached its peak by the 1960s. The creed of the minimalists is "Nothing more!". The buildings of this time are laconic, they do not have decor and other excesses. main idea minimalist designers - search perfect proportion, a combination of comfort and functionality, in the understanding of the time. The development of modern architecture did not stop there. Minimalism soon became obsolete and was replaced by modern style high-tech, for many years strengthened in urban architecture.

Hi-tech - modern city architecture

The formation of this idea was influenced by new technologies that accompany Metal, glass, cutting-edge materials and structures, monolithic forms, power and strength embodied in buildings - this is the high-tech style. It includes three sub-directions: industrial, bionic and geometric high-tech.

The industrial direction is characterized by a peculiar frankness of design. It flaunts all communications, connections, ceilings, creating decorative and functional structures on their basis.

Geometric hi-tech is a variety of geometric shapes, a combination and interweaving of the most unexpected and unusual configurations.

Bionic hi-tech is characterized by imitation of the appearance of wildlife, harmonization appearance buildings and dwellings with the help of smooth transitions and lines characteristic of those common in nature.

The architectural style reflects common features in the design of building facades, plans, forms, structures. Architectural styles were formed in certain conditions of economic and social development society influenced by religion, state structure, ideology, traditions of architecture and national characteristics, climatic conditions, landscape. The emergence of a new type of architectural style has always been associated with technical progress, changes in the ideology and geopolitical structures of society. Consider some types of architectural styles that served as the basis for various trends in architecture in different periods time.

archaic architecture

Buildings erected before the 5th century BC are usually referred to as archaic architecture. Stylistically, the buildings of Mesopotamia and Assyria (the states of Western Asia) are related to the buildings ancient egypt. They are related by simplicity, monumentality, geometric forms, the desire for large sizes. There were also differences: symmetry is characteristic of Egyptian buildings, asymmetry is present in the architecture of Mesopotamia. The Egyptian temple consisted of a suite of rooms and was stretched horizontally; in the Mesopotamian temple, the rooms seem to be attached to each other randomly. In addition, one of the parts of the temple had a vertical orientation (ziggurat (sigguratu - peak) - temple tower, characteristic temples of the Babylonian and Assyrian civilizations).

antique style

Antiquity, as a type of architectural style, refers to Ancient Greece. Greek buildings were built in the likeness of the Megaron residential building of the Cretan-Mycenaean era. In the Greek temple, the walls were made thick, massive, without windows; a hole was made in the roof for light. The construction was based on a modular system, rhythm and symmetry.

Megaron - means in translation "great hall" - a house of a rectangular plan with a hearth in the middle (beginning 4 thousand BC)

The ancient architectural style became the basis for the development of the order system. There were directions in the order system: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian. Doric order appeared in the 6th century BC, it was distinguished by rigor and massiveness. The Ionic order, lighter and more elegant, appeared later, and was popular in Asia Minor. The Corinthian order appeared in the 5th century. BC. Colonnades became a sign of this type of architectural style. The architectural style, the photo of which is located below, is defined as the antique, Doric order.

The Romans, who conquered Greece, adopted the architectural style, enriched it with decor and introduced the order system into the construction of not only temples, but also palaces.

Roman style

View of the architectural style of the 10th-12th centuries. - received its name "Romanesque" only in the 19th century. thanks to art critics. The structures were created as a structure from simple geometric shapes: cylinders, parallelepipeds, cubes. Castles, temples and monasteries were built in this style with powerful stone walls with battlements. In the 12th century towers with loopholes and galleries appeared near castle-fortresses.

The main buildings of that era were a temple - a fortress and a castle. The buildings of this era were simple geometric figures: cubes, prisms, cylinders, during their construction vaulted structures were created, the vaults themselves were made cylindrical, cross-rib, cross. In the early Romanesque architectural style, the walls were painted, and by the end of the 11th century. volumetric stone reliefs appeared on the facades.


Architecture is the art of building, the ability to design and create cities, residential buildings, public and industrial buildings, squares and streets, gardens and parks. In many cities of our country you will find ancient kremlins and churches, palaces and mansions, modern buildings of theaters, libraries, youth palaces, in front of which you will want to stop and take a closer look at them.

So would you stand in front of a museum interesting picture or sculpture. This is because buildings and streets, squares and parks, rooms and halls, with their beauty, can also excite the imagination and feelings of a person, like other works of art. Masterpieces of architecture are remembered as symbols of peoples and countries. The whole world knows the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the ancient Acropolis in Athens. However, unlike other arts, people not only contemplate works of architecture, but also constantly use them. Architecture surrounds us and forms a spatial environment for the life and activities of people. Here are the houses where you live; schools, technical schools, institutes where you study; in theaters, circuses and cinema - have fun; in gardens, parks and yards - relax. Your parents work in factories and institutions; shops, canteens, stations, metro are constantly filled with visitors. It is hard to even imagine how you can do without these and many other structures.

The diversity of architecture depends not only on the creative imagination of the architect (the so-called architect in Rus'), but also on the conditions of construction: warm or cold climate, flat or mountainous terrain, the capabilities of construction equipment, wooden, stone or metal structures, the aesthetic tastes of residents and much more. . In construction, the labor of people of many professions is used - masons, designers, scientists and artists. All of them work under the guidance of an architect. (Architect in Greek means "master builder".) A person in this profession must have great technical and artistic knowledge. Admiring the Gothic cathedral, the Moscow Kremlin or the cycle track in Krylatskoe, we admire not only the peculiar beauty of these structures, but also the work and skill of the builders.

Even in ancient times, the tasks of architecture were determined by three qualities - usefulness, strength, beauty. Each building should be useful, meet its intended purpose. This is also evident in his appearance, and in the nature of its interior. Residential building, theater and educational institution- three different types structures. Each of them has its own purpose, and each building should be convenient: in one case - for housing, in the other - for showing performances, in the third - for study. It is also important that each of them be durable, strong. After all, buildings are created not for one year, but for a long time. But architecture would not have become art if the third important requirement, beauty, had been ignored.

The well-known human desire for beauty inspires creative fantasy the architect to search for ever new unusual architectural forms, the uniqueness of the appearance and the brightness of the artistic image of the building. Here we see the most different buildings both ancient and modern. Take, for example, multi-storey residential buildings: one is high, like a tower, the other is in the form of a long straight plate, the third is bent in a circle. They have the same purpose and similar structures, they are designed for the same climate, they stand in the same city, but the architect's imagination for each of them has found its own form, its own color solution. This is how structures arise with their individual traits by which we recognize them. And each building makes its own impression: one has a solemn, festive appearance, the other is strict, the third is lyrical. Monuments of architecture related to different eras and countries, differ from each other in appearance or style, as well as living conditions and artistic tastes of people of those times. Look at the pictures and you will see for yourself.

A bright period in the history of Russian architecture is the middle of the 18th century. This is the time of rapid construction of palaces, large temples, the heyday of the Baroque style. V. V. Rastrelli (1700-1771) was the largest architect, who largely determined the style of buildings of that time. The facades of its buildings, painted in white, blue and gilding, are unusually elegant. The enfilades of halls, richly decorated with molding, and wooden mosaic floors of rare beauty are magnificent. The best buildings of V. V. Rastrelli are the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo (now the city of Pushkin), Winter Palace and the Smolny Monastery in St. Petersburg, Grand Palace in Peterhof. On the island of Kizhi in Lake Onega, the wooden Church of the Transfiguration (1714), the bell tower (1874) and the Church of the Intercession (1764), built without a single nail, have been preserved. Eiffel Tower in Paris. It was designed in the middle of the 19th century. engineer Gustave Eiffel. Originality, bold design and architectural form made the tower famous.


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