Social project "interactive museum". Interactive excursions for schoolchildren


In our age of innovative technologies, it is becoming more and more difficult to attract the younger generation to museums, so Moscow began to master new ways of exhibiting. The usual inspection under the lulling explanations of the guide steps aside, freeing up space for visibility and interactivity.

"Experimentarium" - a museum of entertaining sciences

by the most prominent representative new formation is the young museum "Experimentanium". The motto of the museum is touch, test, experiment, ask. After all, everything you are used to may not be so simple. And visitors willingly adhere to these recommendations. In what other museum can you hear so many happy laughter, happy squeals and heated discussions? Here, no one will ask visitors to keep quiet, moreover, some exhibits require the audience to scream as loudly as possible.

For example, a device for measuring the strength of the voice. It is made in the form of an ordinary wooden box with a round window, into which you need to shout with all your might, and the light bulbs as light indicators will show the level of the received sound. This is a great way to relieve emotional tension and avoid stress. Another way to get electrical energy, and at the same time improve health, is a bicycle generator, the visitor pedals, and at this time his battery mobile phone is charging.

Thanks to the following exhibit, men can feel in the role future mother carrying a baby. To do this, you need to wear a special heavy vest in the shape of a stomach, and it weighs about ten kilograms. It also clearly demonstrates the development of the child in the mother's belly.

The laws of light reflection are demonstrated using a magic box. If you look into it through the peephole, it seems that it is black inside, but in reality the walls are white.

In the museum entertaining sciences visitors will know why a spy mirror is needed, why funnels in the southern and northern hemispheres twist in different directions how a person identifies the source of a sound.

Tired of experimenting? Then it’s worth doing exercises for ... the brain! Unraveling the secret of the Houdini knot, controlling the ball with the help of thought - these are far from all the puzzles offered.

If schoolchildren usually get bored in the lessons of chemistry, physics, biology, then in the Experimentanium, thanks to unusual exhibits, all the studied phenomena become exciting and interesting.

Darwin Museum

Trying to keep up with new trends and classical museums. So, in addition to the main exhibition, the Darwin Museum now has a 5D cinema and a planetarium, and the Walk the Path of Evolution exhibition provides an opportunity to plunge into the past 3.5 billion years ago. Viewers move through the intricate labyrinth of earthly evolution, on their way there are questions located in the most unexpected places, you can answer them by clicking on the buttons with different options. And everything that is allowed to be touched is marked with stickers depicting a hand. Who will refuse tempting offer touch a real mammoth tooth or a fern print? Such an intellectual interactive relay race is very popular with both children and their parents.


InnoPark in Sokolniki will not only tell you about physics and chemistry, its exhibits give you the opportunity to independently call up the studied phenomena, observe their development and get interesting explanations from the guide. Here, physics and mechanics come to life in the hands of visitors. A magical basin turns guests into shamans who make a cherished wish. If you rub the handles of the basin, and the water boils in it, then the wish will come true. Only now the water does not heat up, but boils due to vibration from vibrations.

Moscow Planetarium

The Universe is getting closer in the Moscow Planetarium, which is at the European level in terms of equipment. One of the expositions called "Lunarium" is made in the form of a space station. Visitors become space travelers, walk around the compartments, set up space experiments in the Lunar Laboratory, become a starship pilot, launch rockets. And correspondents from the past will talk about the events that preceded the birth of life on Earth, and about the emergence of the Universe. You can relax on the site with meteor badminton. To do this, you need to throw flying meteorites into space and hit the planets solar system displayed on the projection screen. You can participate in an interactive quiz, answering exciting questions about the star system. Or you can just dream and become the creator of life on other planets, make artificial clouds, generate cosmic energy, compose foreign music and ride a space bike.

It turns out that visiting a museum is not necessarily a boring event, and science is not only the lot of scientists. If you combine these two concepts and add interactivity, then visitors will be able to have a very interesting time. But Russia is still lagging behind the whole world in this respect, if in Europe there are already about 400 such museums, then in Russia there are only a few of them.

What is interactive school museum? What can you see in it and in general is it worth paying attention to such establishments? All these questions will be answered below.

So what is interactive museum? This is an institution where both children and adults can usefully spend their time. As a rule, this is a cultural and entertainment institution. But out of habit, it is disguised under the word "museum". So, this institution is a real scientific attraction. Here everyone can participate in experiments, cognitive activities and even experience. In such a building there are special themed rooms. Because a person has the opportunity to try everything that he wants. So, as a rule, this is the hall of biology, optics, logic, inventions, anatomy, illusions, astronomy and acoustics. In general, there is where to roam. Here you can see such incredible things as tornado emulators, plasma balls, echo tubes and even a black hole. That's why true connoisseurs science look at all this will be very interesting.

Thanks to a huge number of interactive exhibits, anyone can feel like a real explorer. Indeed, in this way, there is an opportunity to touch science. Learn the unknown and try to conduct interesting experiments and experiments. Only in such establishments can you try to build a bridge with your own hands, without using nails at all. Even more than that, it is also possible to create lightning, look into infinity and make magnets fly. Isn't that supposed to draw attention? After all, in fact, all this is very interesting. But these are far from all the discoveries that a person can make. The motto of many interactive museums is the ability to touch and grab everything that comes to hand. That's why these places were created. Moreover, if something becomes incomprehensible, then an explanatory text is attached to each exhibit, where everything is described in detail. If it’s still not really, it turns out, to figure it out, then you can ask the guides for help.

Usually, after visiting such a place, there is a desire to continue experiments at home. Why not do it? For such purposes, a special shop is provided. Everything is here, from young chemist kits to mind games and puzzles. In addition, it is possible to purchase special encyclopedias. Moreover, they are designed not only for children, but also for adults. Based on all the above, it is worth making a generalized conclusion. So, the interactive school museum is the place where everyone can try themselves in a new role. That is, to become a chemist, scientist, physicist and a person who is subject to the elements. As a rule, the age of visitors is not limited. Naturally, the smallest can be a little bored doing something on their own. Yes, and the point here is to a greater extent lies in the fact that the children themselves will not be able to do much. Therefore, without the help of an adult is clearly not enough. Social project"school museum" aims to interest children. Show them a new and interesting world.

Now it's time to move on to the other part of the question. So, what can modern interactive clubs offer, and what new technologies are used to create such establishments? First of all, it is worth noting that a lot depends on computerization. museum activities. Just regarding this issue, some material will be provided. Before undertaking the creation of such a place, it is worth considering all the examples of work. So, for starters, everything should be automated. Such work is carried out by the asset of the school museum. So, the first step is to pay attention to accounting and storage activities. What does she mean? As a rule, this is the registration of new exhibits, registration of their movement, acceptance for temporary storage and exclusion of some of them from the documentation. Do not forget about compiling topographic inventories, maintaining special maps, as well as conducting reconciliations.

Restoration activities play an important role. It includes the maintenance of preservation files, as well as the preparation of restoration passports. Next comes scientific work. At this stage, descriptions are compiled, and inventory books are also started. After that, the preparation of catalogs and analysis of material for publications and receipts begins. Then follows exhibition work. In this case, the selection of exhibits that will be presented at the exhibition is carried out. And finally, the preparation of catalogs and accompanying documentation. After all, as described above, it is not always clear what to do with this or that exhibit. Therefore, without accompanying text just not enough. The last point is propaganda museum collections. It includes the preparation of publications, Internet sites, the development of various interactive systems for visitors. Social school project does not represent anything supernatural, but at the same time it is aimed at showing children how interesting and useful certain sciences are.

Worth consecrating another the most important question. As a rule, there is a certain barrier between exhibits and visitors. But how to overcome it then? In this case, museum technologies come to the rescue. Thanks to them, it is possible to interact with the exhibits, as well as independently study the information that is attached to them. That is, a person himself can draw up a plan according to which he will move around the interactive museum and participate in certain experiments. Now a few words about the attractiveness and originality of technology. It's no secret to anyone that modern man hard to surprise. Therefore, it is always worth thinking over a simply stunning installation. Thanks to this, a person can immerse himself in unique experiences. To create a unique space, you need to use multimedia technologies. They are the ways to supplement the existing exhibits or act as the main objects in the museum itself. So, it's not easy to do this job. After all, it is necessary to fully convey all the features of a particular exhibit. So if we are talking about historical figure, then it is worth considering both the sound and the image. After all, you need to convey the spirit of that time, and show it vividly. IN traditional museum it is quite difficult to do this, and in principle it is impossible.

A special atmosphere has always been considered one of the critical factors in each interactive institution. After all, this allows not only to attract the audience, but also to turn random visitors into regular guests. A harmonious combination of light, sound and video are able to do their job. All this together in a certain way affects the emotions of a person. It also contributes to the transformation of the exhibition hall into the most real world special art, knowledge and nature. Museum interactive technologies are aimed at popularizing information about the most traditional objects at first glance. Almost every museum has exhibits that are of interest not only because of their authenticity, but also because of their antiquity.

In addition, the history of creation, restoration or acquisition also attracts attention. Usually the curators are in no hurry to reveal to visitors all the secrets of the collections. Although, in fact, for certain people it is these exhibits that carry a certain peculiarity, and for the sake of them they came to the museum. It should be understood that nothing can be hidden. If at first glance it seems that this or that exhibit is not able to interest people, then you need to make sure that this happens. A person needs to be interested and it is desirable to do it right. In fact, creating an interactive school museum is not so easy, but not so difficult either. It sounds paradoxical, but that's the way it is. The main thing is to inspire each exhibit, show its history and thus interest people. It's just that you need to do it right. In this case, all modern technologies come to the rescue.

The activity of the school museum is aimed at ensuring that children learn science on their own. Moreover, they not only received information in the form of a theory, but also participated in some experiments and experiments.

m. Lubyanka
From 5 years
Tickets: from 400 rubles.

"Alice. Return to Wonderland is a multimedia adventure that combines a favorite fairy tale with interactive projections and augmented reality technologies. In the park, you can do whatever comes to mind: break teapots with hedgehogs, run on buttons and draw with giant pencils - in general, perform miracles. The space of Wonderland comes to life as guests complete Alice's incredible tasks. The park has 650 square meters of multimedia entertainment, 42 million pixels of colorful projections and 9 interactive zones connected by one plot.

Know Yourself, Know the World Center at the Darwin Museum
m. Akademicheskaya
From 5 years

Tickets: from 30 rubles, with a ticket to the Darwin Museum

On the first floor of the Darwin Museum is an interactive educational center with an area of ​​200 sq.m. The entire Universe is concentrated here - from the smallest microorganisms to objects of a planetary scale. Using the latest technology, you can see the world from a bird's eye view or through the eyes of a small mouse, hear the heartbeat of a hummingbird and beat your own heart.
The center is designed for self-guided tours: interactive exhibits, interesting tasks and games allow you to do without the services of a guide. The exposition is located on several levels, so a walk through the center will be interesting for adults, children, and people with disabilities.

Interactive museum "Lunarium"

m. Barrikadnaya
From 5 years
Tickets: from 450 rubles, up to 6 years - free of charge

The Lunarium Museum is located in the Moscow Planetatium and occupies two floors. Among the 80 exhibits of the sections "Astronomy and Physics" and "Comprehension of Space" you can spend the whole day. Each exhibit is a separate laboratory with which you can interact. Visitors get acquainted with the nature of many phenomena and physical laws: you can create clouds and tornadoes yourself or look closely at a black hole, ride a space bike and find out your weight on other planets, make an interplanetary voyage, make observations through telescopes of various optical systems, save the planet from asteroids, send a message to aliens, launch an air and hydrogen rockets, learn the properties of weightlessness and vacuum.

Museum of Soviet slot machines in Moscow

m. Kuznetsky most

From 5 years
Tickets: 450 rubles. (includes games on 15 machines + excursion)

Cool museum for connecting generations. In the collection of active slot machines produced in the USSR since the 1970s, there are " sea ​​battle”, “Sniper”, “Magistral”, “Gorodki”, “Safari” and many others (about 60 copies). The exposition is fully interactive: you can play everything by dropping a 15-kopeck Soviet coin into the coin acceptor, as well as listen to a tour and refresh yourself with Soviet soda or a milkshake.

Polytechnic Museum at VDNKh


From 5 years
Tickets: 350 rubles, up to 15 years old - free of charge

The exposition "Russia makes itself" presents the discoveries made by Russian inventors and scientists in different years. It consists of seven thematic blocks: "Energy of the core" about projects for the use of nuclear energy and about dire consequences nuclear war; "Plasma Energy" - about how people "tamed" lightning; "Radio +" - about electromagnetic waves; "Illusions" about holograms indistinguishable from real objects; "Analogues of Nature" - about what ideas scientists borrowed from nature, and "New Anthropogenesis" - about precise mathematical calculations and the first robots. "Beyond Earth" is about space flight.

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

m. Maryina Roshcha
From 7 years old
Tickets: 200-400 rubles. ticket, up to 6 years - free of charge

The exposition of the museum tells about the history of Russia from the reign of Catherine II to the present day on the example of the culture and life of the Jewish people. 12 thematic pavilions are equipped with panoramic cinemas, interactive screens, audiovisual installations.
On excursions, schoolchildren are introduced to the history of the Jewish people in an interactive format: the children will find themselves in an old Jewish town with its squat houses, a market, a synagogue and a school; will become participants in the ritual meeting of Saturday in Jewish family and see a multi-sensory 4D film about the creation of the world. You can also take part in a quest during which the secrets of the most unusual artifacts museum collection.

Robot station at VDNKh


From 4 years old
Tickets: 450-650 rubles.

The robot station is an edutainment space for the whole family. At the Robostation, you can watch the huge robot dog Sirius, who speeds up to 40 km / h, feeds the robotic paw and emits “thunder bark”, “cosmic yap” and “moon howl”, and also a make-up artist robot, an art robot flute, Homer the bartending robot, the beggar robot, the smoothie robot, the climbing robot, the Rubik's Cube robot, the prankster robot.
Also at the exhibition there is a Robot School with courses and workshops on robotics, a multimedia zone: a cube with quadrocopters, quests with the participation of robots and a mini-workshop for the production of robots led by engineers. Here de you can get a diploma in robotics, determine whether the child has a talent for engineering.

Museum-theater "Skazkin Dom" in the shopping center "Riviera"

m. Avtozavodskaya
From 1 year
Tickets: from 890 rubles. children, 550 rubles. adults

The new interactive museum-theater "Skazkin Dom" is a project from the creators of "KidBurg", and here children with their parents from the threshold enter the Russian fairy-tale space. Guests participate in fairy-tale events, together with the actors they move from house to house through magic doors located in the most unusual places- in the stove, old stump or well. There are also performances for the little ones (from 1 year old). IN fairy tale woven games and funny fun, tests and riddles, songs and dances.

Interactive museum "Alysium"

m. Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya

From 5 years
Tickets: from 550 rubles. children, from 500 rubles. adults

Interactive game center dedicated to "Alice in Wonderland". This entertainment in which children take an active part in their favorite fairy tale. Well recognizable illustrations by J. Tenniel turn the walls of the center into the pages of a book. "Rabbit House", huge chess, a collection of puzzles and puzzles from around the world, "circular cinema", a playground for the little ones and a mini-amphitheater coexist here with "magic" multimedia trees.
The Alisium project was implemented by the famous Russian architect Andrei Vovk, who took part in the creation of the Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center in Moscow.

Bioexperimentanium "Living Systems"

m. Savelovskaya

From 5 years
Tickets: from 225 rubles, up to 4 years - free of charge

Museum from the creators of "Experimentanium". main object research in "Living Systems" - a person. The exposition occupies two floors. The area of ​​the museum is 2.5 thousand square meters. More than a hundred exhibits have been collected here, representing the human body as a complex multifaceted system. And in the “Difficulties of the habitual” zone, you can experience for yourself what people with disabilities face every day. At the Digest This master class, children will learn what happens to food inside a person and will even be able to “digest” food with their own hands.

Museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentanium"

m. Sokol
From 4 years old
Tickets: from 350 rubles, up to 3 years - free of charge

"Experimentanium" - the pioneer of the interactive format in Moscow scientific museums for children. On three floors, an interactive exposition is presented, which covers the main areas of science. Each room contains exhibits that you can interact with: explore, collect, solve puzzles, pull, jump and even scream.
In the museum, children are introduced to electricity, magnetism - with the help of the exhibits of the hall of the same name, you can make a magnet levitate, draw with magnetic chips and see a magnetic cloud. There is in the museum "Water Room" - an interactive water installation; hall "Mechanics", where you can conduct entertaining experiments; Hall "Laboratory", Lecture Hall "Perelman", Lecture Hall "Tesla" and a spherical cinema.

An interactive museum is a place where the exhibits can be touched, touched, played with, carried out, for example, an experiment, Scientific research. First of all, children are, of course, interested in such museums. But adults, too, are sometimes not averse to catching up and touching with their hands, for example, a real tornado. More and more such museums are being opened in Moscow - this fashion, which has arisen not so long ago, has reached Russia. Let's dwell on some of them.

Related materials:


The museum, located on Butyrskaya Street, not far from the Savelovskaya metro station, has a simply vital set of things that a child dreams of. Here and optical illusions, And bubble and a mirror maze. You can make a cloud, play with magnetic dust patterns, try different musical instruments, launch a Foucault pendulum, experiment with levitation, climb into the cab of a huge truck and visit the darkest room in the world. Especially appreciated is the tornado, which is generated from steam in front of an astonished audience.

Dads, as well as future dads, moms, however, and everyone who wants to, are given to vilify a specially made " pregnant belly”, children can assemble and disassemble the model human eye, tooth, brain, anything. Music, physics and anatomy is a good combination, referring back to ancient philosophy.


Lunarium is an interactive museum at the Moscow Planetarium. Two floors, two departments: "Astronomy and Physics" and "Comprehension of Space". Here, by the way, there is also a tornado - apparently, the idea of ​​conquering such a formidable element leaves no one indifferent. And the Foucault pendulum - where without it.

An interesting experience for losing weight ladies - you can find out your weight on other planets. Alien lovers have the opportunity to send a letter into space, and stellar adventures can shoot asteroids and launch rockets. Along the way, you can get a fair portion scientific knowledge, look through a telescope, get acquainted with the theory of the Big Bang.

The Lunarium also has a system of discounts and benefits. Children under 6 years old, veterans of the Second World War go to the Lunarium free of charge. Wheelchair users - an 80% discount on a ticket, non-working disabled people of groups I and II, large families and orphans - 50%. A full ticket costs 350 rubles.

Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1 -


This small interactive science museum is located in Sokolniki Park. Here you can, for example, assemble your robot, get rabuga in a test tube, tame fire. There is also a mini planetarium. And, of course, soap bubbles and several physical models - for example, a standing wave, gravitational races. There are guided tours around the museum.

Tired of scientific experiments, children can safely watch cartoons and play constructor, there are several types of them for these purposes.

It is possible to leave a child here for some time in the playroom - for a fee.

The cost of visiting together with an excursion is from 300 rubles (for an adult with a child). On Tuesdays there are social benefits - free admission for disabled children and large families.

Moscow, Sokolnichesky Val, 1 -

The museum, of course, is not scientific, if only to some extent historical. But it's definitely interactive.

Target Audience: Adults who used to play these slot machines when they were kids and now miss them. “Sea Battle”, “Air Battle”, “Safari”, “Magistral”, “Auto Rally”: naive and unpretentious, but for Soviet children not spoiled with this kind of entertainment, they were once a holiday.

Now you can try to capture that same feeling again - buy a glass of pop in the museum and shoot plenty of magic laser torpedoes at ships. The cost of visiting the museum together with a tour and games on slot machines is 300 rubles (the ticket includes a game on 15 slot machines and an excursion).

Freak show of scientific entertainment

Panopticon is a stylish steampunk museum, which is located on the 9th pavilion at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The Panopticon is intended for those who are fond of experiments with lightning and, in particular, the experiments of Nikola Tesla.

The lightning program, which can be seen in the Panopticon, consists of the Megavolt Lightning Lord show (technologies of the brilliant Nikola Tesla), the Miracles of Science laboratory (levitation, seething, explosions and other entertaining experiments) and video projection - "Nikola Tesla - Great scientist".

Entrance to the museum - 500 rubles.

Boring inconspicuous museums and excursions are long gone. Children are increasingly creating and coming up with unusual expositions, because little fidgets require something new, special and modern. New Moscow offers fidgets the most different ages visit very interesting interactive museums, where you will definitely not be bored.

Children's interactive museums have turned into certain educational studios of a new format. After all, who, if not children, wants to feel, smell and even make out all those exhibits that they are told about. There are plenty of such newest interactive museums for children in Moscow, I will tell you about the most interesting ones.

Museum of Soviet slot machines, st. Kuznetsky Most, 12, +7 495 628-45-15.
Young why-and-so kids adore this place, where for them the entire collection of rare Soviet slot machines is at a glance. Most of the exhibits are still working today, you can try its functions and touch all the details. During the tour, the children will be told the story, different moments and other adventures that these old machines went through.

"Experimentanium", Leningradsky pr., 80, room 11, +7 495 120-05-20.
This is a whole universe of children's experiences where young experimenters can get to know physics more by taking part in very colorful and vibrant experiments. In one day with all the poses, it may not be possible, but after the first visit, your child will ask you to take him again to this diverse place. The museum has more than 200 exhibits that explain the laws of physics, magnetism, mechanics and even electricity.

Museum of Russian folk toys "Zabavushka", 1st Pugachevskaya st., +7 499 161-26-18.
A wonderful place where children learn a lot about the history of the creation of the first Russian folk toy, its temporary changes and participation in the lives of many famous people. Children can participate in various master classes, lessons and tasks.

Museum of Automobile History, Koptevskaya st., 71с1, +7 495 286-72-54.
Not only boys, but also girls like it here, because where else can you see art objects that will acquaint every visitor with the history of the appearance of domestic and foreign cars.
The collection includes various buildable toys from around the world, restored vintage cars, pedal cars and the most famous car those times - "Moskvich-3". Provided on the territory of the museum a large number of various objects of the ancient era, Soviet Union and modernity.

"Coral Reef", scientific and educational center, Bagrationovsky pr-d, 7, +7 495 517-43-79.
This place is very beautiful and interesting, where visitors can get acquainted with the mysterious world of coral reefs and its inhabitants. There you can listen to guides talk about which sharks are dangerous, how to properly dive or dive to the bottom, learn all about the diving pump and even put on diving gear. A variety of master classes, programs for all ages and other curious events are repeatedly held here.

Animation Museum, Exhibition of Achievements National economy(VDNKh), VDNH, House of Culture, 84 A, +7 495 940-69-60.
A very interesting class place that could not be left out of the list of interactive museums in Moscow for children. Here for you there are more than 2500 exhibits that participated in the creation of cartoons. Tons of dolls, scenery, models, sketches and other materials from the Soyuzmultfilm studio, Lucasfilm, The Walt Disney Company, and others that can be recognized immediately from your favorite cartoon. There is something to see here, because this museum recalls the wonderful moments of the most beloved cartoons.

"Ice Age", All-Russian Exhibition Center, P-n 71, Moscow, +7 499 929-09-13.
This is the whole property of the capital, the museum-theater has sheltered on its territory the most real figures, skeletons and parts of mammoth carcasses. Here is a woolly rhinoceros, a cave lion, Saber-toothed tiger and other representatives ice age. Children love this museum as the tour comes with realistic sound and light effects.

"Bioexperimentanium "Living Systems", Butyrskaya St., 46с2, +7 495 120-05-04.
This is a real laboratory where you can feel like a real pathologist. Children can learn everything about the structure of their body in a realistic way. On the territory of the interactive museum for children, there are entire playgrounds, of which there are approximately 100 pieces. The visitor has the right to touch, smell, study, look and try to look at certain places. In such a museum, children have great opportunities.

Panopticon of Scientific Entertainment, 119 Mira Ave., +7 495 774-09-31.
This is an extravaganza of children's emotions, where all guests will find themselves in unusual world obscure objects and systems. The notorious lightning gathers full halls of curious visitors, where a whole show is held for them, intense seething, explosions, splashes, and other moments that show realistic lightning. Everything happens so naturally that sometimes even adults get scared at certain moments.

"Once Upon a Time", Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNKh), All-Russian Exhibition Center, Mira Ave., 119, building 8, +7 495 974-61-87.
Children are shown a variety of interactive performances-excursions, exhibitions, shows, master classes and other entertainment in the style of "traveling through fairy tales". Everything here looks so beautiful that even adults are happy to fall into childhood, along with their little fidgets.

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