A message about the good people of our country. The homeless man returned the wallet


by the most long-awaited gift what people expect from celebrities is a face-to-face meeting. And the stars are happy to do it. Such people famous people There has always been a lot both in our country and abroad. Can you remember famous doctor Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich, who was known for his charitable activities.

Wheelchair basketball with Gerard Piqué

The famous defender of the football club "Barcelona" Gerard Piqué sat in wheelchair specifically to be on an equal footing with people in wheelchairs with a diagnosis of paralysis of the legs and play basketball with them. Basketball first appeared in the United States around the 40s and has recently been included in the list of programs of the Paralympic Games.

This event was held in Spain at the Guttman Institute - a specialized medical center that provides assistance to people with brain or spine injuries. The event was organized by the Foundation Laures Appeal, which - " Sports for good", and their main goal is to unite together social work And physical activity. Approximately 15 famous people athletes from various disciplines of sports. Among them is Gerard Pique.

The Zapashny brothers visited the Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery together with a tiger

Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery ( research institute) Zapashny brothers visited with their ward tigress Marfa. One of the sick children dreamed about this Ivan Voronin, which came under fire in the city of Shakhtersk. The boy has no legs, one arm and almost complete loss of vision. Under the shelling near Vanya, his father and younger brother, and was evacuated to Russia.

Askold and Edgar, having put Marfa in the hall of the institute, brought Vanya to her. The boy stroked the beast and said that he was not afraid at all.

After the visit Edgar shared his thoughts: “The word “courage” and “children” should not be interconnected, but what we saw today cannot be called in any other way: when a nine-year-old child courageously fights for life and at the same time finds the strength to rejoice. Holding Vanya in my arms, tears welled up in front of my eyes, what to hide.

Before leaving, the Zapashny brothers presented the child with a small tiger cub toy in memory of their meeting.

Maria Sharapova gave a master class for Sunny Logan

Well-known tennis player, founder of a charitable foundation that supports victims of Chernobyl nuclear power plant - Maria Sharapova gave Sunny Logan a lesson, a girl who was able to overcome such a disease as a rare form of lymphoma. Sunny dreamed of meeting a famous athlete for a long time. Even before the illness, the girl was fond of tennis, which, according to her, helped to overcome this serious illness.

After meeting with Sunny Logan, Maria Sharapova shared her impressions: "The girl plays tennis quite well and she can become a very good athlete."

Robert Downey Jr gave seven-year-old Alex an "iron hand"

Robert DowneyJr. who played in the film "Iron Man" gave Alex Pring prosthesis similar to one's hand famous hero. The boy was missing one arm from birth. The prosthesis was made by the company Limbitless Solutions, the founder, which is Alberto Manero.

The goal of his project is the manufacture of inexpensive bionic prostheses for children from low-income families. The price of one prosthesis is about $ 350, for a prosthesis that almost does not differ from real hand or feet is quite accessible.

Alex Pringi happily demonstrated the possibilities of a prosthesis donated by his favorite actor.

Igor Akinfeev invited the boy from the hospice to the sports base of CSKA

The famous goalkeeper of the CSKA football team Igor Akinfeev organized a meeting with a little fan Sergei Zenkin at the sports base of CSKA. Sergei is being treated at the First Hospice with a diagnosis of a brain tumor, which, unfortunately, is inoperable.

On the basis of CSKA, Sergei met not only with his favorite goalkeeper, but also with his coach - Leonid Slutsky. He also took a picture with the players Zoran Tosic, Vasily Berezutsky and Sergey Ignashevich.

Sergei discussed football news with his idol, talked about past matches and immediate plans, and was also able to attend the team's training. In addition, the boy told Igor how he found out about his diagnosis and how the treatment is going. During the story, the boy almost burst into tears.

After the meeting, Sergei Zenkin's mother said: “Such meetings are very supportive. And the rest will follow."

Actors from the series "Voronins" helped Lisa from the hospice to get to the cinema pavilion

A ward from the children's hospice "House with a Lighthouse" 8 year old Lisa with the help of the "Voronins" visited film set. The girl has a complete loss of vision due to an incurable form of cancer, but this does not prevent her from listening to the series "Voronins" 10 episodes a day.

On the set, Lisa tried herself as a cameraman, gave the command “Cut!” and “Motor!”, read the next episode and held the microphone. In the cinema pavilion, the child felt at home, the girl even gave some non-childish advice to the director of the series.

Yulia Savicheva sang especially for Sonya in the hospice

14-year-old Sonya, a hospice patient, told the employees of the Vera Charitable Foundation that she dreams of meeting with Julia Savicheva. And the very next day the girl met with the singer.

Sonya has an inoperable brain tumor and was in serious condition, but in spite of this, Sonya and Yulia spent almost 2 hours together. They talked and sang songs. Savicheva brought her autographed CDs and cakes for her.

Before leaving, Julia invited Sonya to her concert and promised to find her eyes in the hall.

The deceased Lokomotiv hockey player secretly helped sick children

And you can't forget Ivana Tkachenko.

Ivan Tkachenko, the leader of the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv, secretly helped children with cancer until his death.

16 year old Diana Ibragimova from Voronezh, a terrible diagnosis was made - acute lymphoblastic lecosis. The girl could be saved only by an operation that costs huge money. And only after the death of Ivan Tkachenko, Diana's mother found out who saved her daughter from death.

Ivan Tkachenko transferred 500,000 rubles each for the treatment of Diana Ibragimova.

Sometimes it seems to us that the world is closed in its cruelty and the pursuit of money, but it's not! Evidence of this is the good deeds that famous people do. And how many more things ordinary people do, we just don’t know about it ...

"Rus' is not without good people!" Russian people can be safely attributed to the most sympathetic peoples of the world. On the pages of history you can find many characters who throughout their lives have tried to make the world a little better. Among them are doctors, soldiers, nobles, and even royalty.

The opening of universities, specialized printing houses and schools, helping orphans, the hungry and the homeless is far from full list good deeds of these people, which will be discussed in our material.

Even during his lifetime, Fyodor Rtishchev, a close friend and adviser to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, received the nickname "gracious husband." Klyuchevsky wrote that Rtishchev fulfilled only part of the commandment of Christ - he loved his neighbor, but not himself.

He was from that rare breed of people who put the interests of others above their own "I want." It was on the initiative of bright person"The first shelters for the poor appeared not only in Moscow, but also abroad. It was common for Rtishchev to pick up a drunk on the street and take him to a temporary shelter organized by him - an analogue of a modern sobering-up station.

How many were saved from death and did not freeze in the street, one can only guess. In 1671, Fyodor Mikhailovich sent grain carts to the starving Vologda, and then the money received from the sale of personal property. And when I found out about the need of the Arzamas people for additional lands just donated mine.

During the Russian-Polish war, he took out not only compatriots, but also Poles from the battlefield. He hired doctors, rented houses, bought food and clothing for the wounded and prisoners, again at his own expense. After the death of Rtishchev, his "Life" appeared - a unique case of demonstrating the holiness of a layman, and not a monk.

The second wife of Paul I, Maria Fedorovna, was famous for her excellent health and tirelessness. Starting the morning with cold douches, prayers and strong coffee, the Empress devoted the rest of the day to taking care of her countless pupils.

She knew how to convince moneybags to donate money for the construction educational institutions for noble maidens in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Simbirsk and Kharkov.

With her direct participation, the largest Charitable organization- The Imperial Humanitarian Society, which existed until the beginning of the 20th century. Having 9 children of her own, she took special care of abandoned babies: the sick were nursed in foster homes, strong and healthy - in trustworthy peasant families. This approach has significantly reduced child mortality.

With all the scale of her activities, Maria Fedorovna paid attention to trifles that are not essential for life. So, in Obukhovskaya psychiatric hospital Petersburg, each patient received their own kindergarten. Her will contains the following lines: “Give life to Your Spirit with meekness, love and mercy. Be helpers and benefactors to the suffering and the poor.”

A descendant of the Rurikids, Prince Vladimir Odoevsky was convinced that the thought he had sown would certainly "sprout tomorrow" or "in a thousand years." Close friend Griboedov and Pushkin, the writer and philosopher Odoevsky was an active supporter of the abolition of serfdom, worked to the detriment of his own interests for the Decembrists and their families, tirelessly intervened in the fate of the most disadvantaged.

He was ready to rush to the aid of anyone who applied, and in everyone he saw a “living string” that could be made to sound for the good of the cause. The St. Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor, organized by him, helped 15,000 needy families. There was a women's workshop, a children's rooming house with a school, a hospital, hostels for the elderly and families, and a social store.

Despite his origins and connections, Odoevsky did not seek to occupy an important post, believing that in a "secondary position" he was able to bring "real benefit." The "strange scientist" tried to help young inventors realize their ideas. The main character traits of the prince, according to contemporaries, were humanity and virtue.

An innate sense of justice distinguished the grandson of Paul I from most of his colleagues. He not only served in the Preobrazhensky Regiment during the reign of Nicholas I, but also equipped the first school in the history of the country in which soldiers' children were trained at the place of service.

Later, this successful experience was applied to other regiments. In 1834, the prince witnessed the public punishment of a woman who was driven through the soldiers' formation, after which he petitioned for dismissal, stating that he would never be able to carry out such orders. Petr Georgievich devoted his further life to charity. He was a trustee and an honorary member of many institutions and societies, including the Kyiv House of Charity for the Poor.

Retired lieutenant Sergei Skyrmunt is almost unknown to the general public. He did not hold high positions and failed to become famous for his good deeds, but he was able to build socialism in a single estate.

At the age of 30, when Sergei Apollonovich painfully pondered over future fate, 2.5 million rubles fell on him from a deceased distant relative. The inheritance was not squandered or played at cards. One part of it became the basis for donations to the Society for the Promotion of Public Entertainment, the founder of which was Skyrmunt himself. With the rest of the money, the millionaire built a hospital and a school on the estate, and all his peasants were able to move to new huts.

All this life amazing woman was dedicated to educational and pedagogical work. She was an active participant in various charitable societies, helped during the famine in the Samara and Ufa provinces, on her initiative the first public reading room was opened in the Sterlitamak district.

But her main efforts were aimed at changing the situation of people with disabilities. For 45 years, she has done everything so that the blind have the opportunity to become full-fledged members of society.

She was able to find the means and strength to open the first specialized printing house in Russia, where in 1885 the first edition of the Collection of Articles for children's reading, published and dedicated to blind children by Anna Adler".

To get the book out in Braille, she worked seven days a week until late at night, personally typing and proofreading page after page. Later, Anna Aleksandrovna translated the musical system, and blind children were able to learn to play musical instruments.

With her active assistance, a few years later the first group of blind students graduated from the St. Petersburg School for the Blind, and a year later from the Moscow School.

Literacy and professional training helped graduates find jobs, which changed the stereotype of their incapacity. Anna Adler almost did not live to see the opening of the First Congress of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.

The whole life of the famous Russian surgeon is a series of brilliant discoveries, the practical use of which has saved more than one life. The men considered him a magician who, for his "miracles", attracts higher powers.

He was the first in the world to use surgery in the field, and the decision to use anesthesia saved not only his patients from suffering, but also those who lay on the tables of his students later. By his own efforts, the splints were replaced with bandages soaked in starch.

He was the first to use the method of sorting the wounded into heavy and those who make it to the rear. This has reduced the death rate by several times. Before Pirogov, even a minor wound in the arm or leg could end in amputation. He personally carried out operations and tirelessly controlled that the soldiers were provided with everything necessary: ​​warm blankets, food, water.

According to legend, it was Pirogov who taught Russian academicians to conduct plastic surgery, demonstrating the successful experience of engrafting a new nose on the face of his barber, whom he helped to get rid of ugliness. Being an excellent teacher, about whom all the students spoke with warmth and gratitude, he believed that the main task education - to teach to be a man.

GR continues a series of articles in support of the largest charity event in Russia called Soul Bazar.

"Soulful Bazar" is a project aimed at promoting charity among citizens, which tells about the activities of various non-profit organizations, shows options for participating in charity and offers to choose a convenient and pleasant way to help for each of us.

Today, we'll be sharing powerful and touching acts of kindness by famous people around the world.

Robert Downey Jr donated a hand-shaped prosthesis to a disabled child iron man»

Robert Downey Jr. has backed a University of Florida student project called Limbitless Solutions, which creates low-cost bionic prostheses for young children. This is not the first time that the film actor has done good deeds: in 2014, he specially dressed in his famous Iron Man suit to please little boy.

Johnny Depp arrived in the image of his favorite hero to the hospital for sick children

Being on the set of the next part of "Pirates caribbean”, the actor took time out from filming to visit sick children in a hospital in Brisbane, Australia. The unexpected visit of the actor caused a real pleasant shock to the little patients in the hospital, which treats newborns and children under the age of 16. According to eyewitnesses, the 52-year-old actor handed out engraved coins to children and tried to give each child at least a little of his time.

Johnny Depp is not the first time in the form of pirate Jack Sparrow comes to the children in the hospital. According to him, he never warns anyone about his arrival in order to surprise the children.

Will.i.am donated $750,000 children from disadvantaged families

The popular singer donated his entire fee from the show "Voice" to the Prince's Foundation, a charity dedicated to providing education to children from low-income families in the UK.

Chulpan Khamatova helpschildren with oncological and hematological diseases

In 2006, the actress became a co-founder of the fund " Gift a life". Thanks to her foundation,today in Russia 85-90% of children have learned to help with this terrible diagnosis. IN 2014 magazine " Ogonyok put Chulpan in 14th place in the ranking« top 100 powerful women Russia".

The Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation helps children with complex diseases

During the first five years, the fund managed to save 130 children's lives. IN interview« Moskovskie Novosti,” he explained why he decided to do it: “I just remember those eyes. Not the eyes of a child, because he is not afraid of death yet - he has not gained anything yet, to be afraid of losing it. I remember my mother's eyes, especially when it happened full transition from negative to positive. At such moments, something settles in you and in your colleagues. Something so important appears, that stays with you forever.

Gosha Kutsenko Foundationhelps children with cerebral palsy

« Step Together" was founded in 2011, since that time the fundarranges twice a year charity concerts and auctions, where he invites friends for support. Fundprovides legal assistance, advises families, where children with a diagnosis grow up, purchases medical equipment and medicines.

Natalia Vodianova and her"Naked Hearts"

What is good? For each person, the concept of the word GOOD is different. Hearing this word, one will think about actions, the other about help, the third about something else. IN modern world this word is so strongly suppressed by negativity that many schoolchildren do not know how to correctly answer the question: What is good?

Mother Teresa One of the most famous people who did good and left a huge mark on the Earth with their actions and will forever remain in the memory of people is Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa - this name is known to people all over the world, it has long become a household name and is associated with mercy, compassion, love. But how many people know what exactly the famous nun is famous for and why she became the Mother of all the poor, humiliated and helpless?

This modest fragile woman with a sympathetic heart and hard-working peasant hands, she always found herself in the hottest spots the globe to help people, pray for their well-being and say simple good words who can support them in Hard time. More than one book has been written about her, more than one film has been shot. She called herself a pencil in the hands of God writing to the world love letter. She lived hard life, went through many trials, but her soul remained open to people whom she gave her love, care and helped in any way she could. "If you want to make the world a better place, go home and love your family!" These words belong to Mother Teresa.

short biography She was born on August 26, 1910 in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, to an Albanian family. Her real name is Agnes Gonja Boyagiu. She was the youngest of three children of Nicola Boiagiu, a wealthy building contractor and merchant. Agnes means "born under the star of the Lamb", pure and innocent. And indeed, this little strange girl was different from her peers. Already at the age of fourteen, she told her mother that she wanted to devote her life to serving God and asked permission to take the veil as a nun. When she turned eighteen, Agnes left her native Macedonia forever and settled in Dublin, the capital of Ireland, where she became a novice in the monastic order of the Irish Sisters of Loreto, and a few years later she was tonsured with the name of Teresa. Two decades passed in thanksgiving prayers to the Lord and tireless work: Sister Teresa taught at girl's school St. Mary, giving education to children from the poorest families, sang in the church choir. Seeing how people suffer from hunger, dirt and disease, she gradually realized her destiny: to help the disadvantaged in every possible way, to do deeds of mercy and compassion.

10 Commandments of Mother Teresa 1. People can be unreasonable, illogical and selfish - forgive them anyway. 2. If you've been kind and people have accused you of secret personal motives, be kind anyway. 3. If you are successful, then you may have many imaginary friends and real enemies - still succeed. 4. If you are honest and frank, then people can deceive you - still be honest and frank. 5. What you have been building for years can be destroyed overnight - keep building anyway .. 6. If you have found serene happiness, then you may be envied - still be happy Do good anyway. 8. Share the best you have with people and they will never have enough - keep sharing the best with them anyway. 9. No matter who says what about you - accept everything with a smile and continue to do your job. 10. Pray together and be in unity.
Mother Teresa's top advice Mother Teresa's top advice to people: material point of vision you have everything in this world, but your heart is saddened; don't care what you don't have, just go and serve people: hold their hands in yours and express love; if you follow this advice, you will shine like a beacon."

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The most touching deeds that prove that the world is not without good people.

In this world of wars, rallies and political upheavals, it is very important to remain human and be able to help out in difficult times. Sometimes doing a good deed is not difficult at all, but many people simply pretend not to notice anything, although they know very well that they could help. But even the smallest act of kindness would bring more love and joy than all the riches of the world.

In this collection website decided to collect the best acts of kindness for the outgoing 2013. We present to your attention the stories that have won the hearts of people around the world.

Service company from american state Pennsylvania chose a very original and touching way to clean the windows in a Pittsburgh orphanage. Employees descending from the roof from floor to floor were dressed in superhero costumes - Batman, Spider-Man, Superman and Captain America.

It's no secret that the Internet is replete with all sorts of videos about Russia in the "trash" category with our drunk, fighting fellow citizens, lawlessness on the roads and other attributes. Everyday life Russians filmed on video recorders. But Arkady Moryakhin from Alma-Ata decided to show that in Russia there are not only reckless drivers and drunk driving, but also people who do good deeds and help each other just like that at any time of the day.

Famous writer JK Rowling lost her billionaire status because she spent so much money on charity. This is the first such case in the history of Forbes.

A real incident that happened in the American town of Fresno will make your heart beat faster. Ordinary firefighter Cory Kalanick was checking in a smoky room after a fire, when he suddenly saw this little ball of fur that did not show signs of life.

12 thousand residents of the city fulfilled the dream of five-year-old Miles Scott. The performance was organized by Make a Wish, a charity that grants the wishes of terminally ill children. The fact is that the boy is sick with leukemia. He has been undergoing treatment for several years and is now in remission.

98-year-old beggar, grandfather Dobri from the Bulgarian village of Bailovo, dressed in homespun clothes and ancient leather boots, often stands outside the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Sofia. Every day he gets up early and walks 10 kilometers from his home to the capital. In 2010 during filming documentary film about the cathedral, a Bulgarian television journalist made a shocking discovery in the archives of the church - the most generous private donation the cathedral has ever received - 40,000 euros was made by an old beggar - Dobri's grandfather.

The 98-year-old saint does not touch a single penny of the money that is served to him. He lives on his pension of 100 euros a month, as well as non-monetary alms in the form of fruit and bread. Grandpa Dobri helps many others, for example, he paid utility bills orphanage, which was on the verge of turning off heat and light. He also helps the homeless. But about everyone good deeds We will never know Dobri's grandfather because he never talks about them.

Red Mark was one of the most famous Dutch fans. In the early 2000s, he managed to unite the opposing groups of Feyenoord fans. Before the start of preparations for the new season, sad news came - Red Mark is terminally ill. The doctors gave him a month at best, a week at worst. In a few days, an unforgettable action was organized for Red Mark, who had supported Feyenoord for 41 years.

kind granny

A resident of Magadan, Rufina Ivanovna Korobeynikova, knitted and donated three hundred pairs of warm socks to the flood victims in Khabarovsk.

In October

Who sleeps sweetly on the shoulder of an unfamiliar passenger in the subway, has circled the entire Western Internet. Inspired by this touching act, charity organization Charidy decided to conduct its experiment in the New York subway. The hero of the video pretended to be tired for a whole hour, falling asleep on the shoulders of passengers sitting next to him. At first, the passengers waved, but then ...

The homeless man returned the wallet

“Today, having left the house early in the morning in order to avoid traffic jams, I went to fetch my mother in order to go to the dacha together later. Having gathered all my favorites together, I was already ready to go to the country, when suddenly I discovered that my wallet with ALL documents for the car, rights, cards, passport was gone - in short, my whole life disappeared without a trace. In desperation, I returned home and suddenly the doorbell rang at my door. stranger. At first glance - an ordinary homeless man, but with clear kind eyes. He greeted me, introduced himself and after the phrase “You must have lost your feet ...” handed me my wallet. Silent scene. With shaking hands, I start rummaging through my wallet and understand that everything is in place and even the money! My husband immediately handed him the money, which he refused! You see, a man without a fixed place of residence found a wallet on the highway, got on the train, then the subway, then the minibus, searched for my house for an hour just to help. He left, and we stood for a long time and thought about it. simple man With capital letter!" Irina Demidova.

An ordinary American couple who arrived at the gas station gave us all a stunning and unexpected lesson in the joy of life. Will is a bartender, Monifa is a fitness trainer, they have been married for 12 years. simple, fun, open people sincerely loving friend friend and life, who know how to enjoy every moment, even such an unexpected one. Instead of being shy and modest, they gave a fantastically funny, kind and touching show near their car, first conquering the presenter and viewers, and then the entire Internet.


Serb Renato Grbic, 51, from Belgrade, owner of a restaurant near the Danube bridge, has rescued 25 people who tried to commit suicide by jumping off the bridge over the past 15 years. After Renato pulled the first suicide out of the water, his small motorboat is always ready. “While I’m working, I’m always watching the bridge - I just can’t turn my back on those who decide to voluntarily die,” says Renato. Seven years ago, in mid-January, he pulled an 18-year-old girl out of the water. Turns out she lives next door. Now the girl comes to his restaurant every year to celebrate her birthday. A couple of years later, she invited him to the wedding. “Every time I see her, my heart beats faster,” admits the lifeguard.

“My husband and I also met a very kind person. Last winter, during cyclone Javier, when all the roads and yards were covered up to the tops of cars, our car was also quite covered. There was no shovel at home, everything was sold out in stores too, we collected everything that was more or less digging at home, we leave, and our car stands dug and with a flat path to the exit. And under the janitor there is a note.

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