Ancient fairy tales for every time in contact. Old tales for all seasons


Great Rus' stretches from end to end of the earth. This is a wonderful land, glorious. She is rich in her bowels, in nature of wondrous beauty inexpressible. And there is plenty of everything in Rus': both fish, and birds, and every beast.

Here you will meet wide valleys, and high mountains, and dense forests, deep seas-oceans, you will see full-flowing rivers, mirror lakes. 1
Mirrored - like a mirror; reflective mirror.

The steppes are endless.

A chief wealth Russian lands are its people.

From ancient times they came to these lands and glorified Rus' with their work, intelligence, talent for the whole of God's world.

The Russian people are mighty, they managed to protect their mother land from all enemies, they didn’t give an inch of it and saved its native expanses for their children.

That is why they say that with such a people and faith, Rus' stood, stands and will stand.

And from time immemorial 2
For a long time, for a long time.

It happened like this: the peasants work from morning to night, tirelessly, the women run the household, look after the kids, and the old people give them advice and a decree in everything. Young people learn from them how to live on this earth in peace with people, in harmony with themselves, how to manage the economy skillfully, maintain health and not once again blunder, not get into a mess.

At any time Rus' is beautiful. In winter, you will find her in snow-white expensive decoration, which captivates the eye. It is all entirely sparkling diamonds, yachts 3
Yahonty - old name rubies, sapphires and some other precious stones.
Yakhont azure - sapphire.
Yakhont worm - red ruby.

Azure, iridescent, silver and fathom 4
Sazheny - building seated with strung ornaments (beads, pearls, etc.); obsolete).

Pearls skillfully embroidered, intricate frosty patterns decorated with snow-white lace, the thinnest, and trimmed with fluffy hoarfrost.

And the strands of erratic pearls in a precious winter outfit are completely uncountable.

In spring, our land is full of cherry blossoms and apple orchards, full of aromas of blossoming buds and flowers.

In summer, Rus', like a red-haired girl in a motley sundress and a wreath of meadow herbs, blush, cheerful, with blue eyes, like the sky and lakes, with tight braids that resemble a poured wheat ear. And she walks, barefoot, through fields and meadows, smiles at the sun, rejoices at a fine day and birdsong, carries the gifts of nature in her basket.

In autumn, nature reveals all its wealth, in gold and ancient brocade 5
Brocade is a complex patterned dense silk fabric woven with gold or silver threads (less often with their imitation).

He puts on outfits, wears jewelry made of amber and worm-like yachts alternately, crimson capes 6
Crimson is a precious ancient silk fabric of purple color.

Trying on.

In their turn, all twelve months they enter the service of Mother Nature, and for a whole month each one manages. January comes first, it is a turning point in winter. Behind him are February-bokogrey, March, April-“play-ravines”, May herbal, June with bins empty after winter, July-sufferer - the crown of the fly, August-kapustnik, September-flyer, October - dirty, wedding, November-leaf fall Yes, December is winter.

Let's talk about their deeds and worries.


They say among our people that a happy New Year - happy year shows the way. And if the new year begins in January, then between the winter months it will always be honored and placed.

And the father is fierce, and proud, and skillful. Old people rightly say that January is the sovereign of winter, grandfather of spring, and sang throughout the year. January has a magnificent decoration, a long beard, a magic staff. This month is not used to being bored, everything is in work and worries. Happy January to the people and New Year comes and Christmas 7
Christmas (Christmas) is one of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary. In Orthodoxy, it is one of the twelve holidays. It is celebrated on January 7 (according to the new style).

And the Old New Year, which is on St. Basil's Day 8
Vasiliev Day - the first day of the new year julian calendar. On this day Orthodox Church celebrates the Circumcision of the Lord (one of the great holidays) and the memory of St. Basil the Great (c. 330 - 379), Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, a famous church writer and theologian.

Falls, and Baptism 9
Epiphany (Baptism of the Lord) is a Christian holiday established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. In Orthodoxy, it is one of the twelve holidays. It is celebrated on January 19 (according to the new style).

And Tatyana's Day 10
Tatiana's Day - January 25 (according to the new style). On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church venerates the martyr Tatiana and those who suffered in Rome with her. Martyr Tatiana, deaconess, was martyred in Rome for refusing to bow pagan gods under Emperor Alexander Severus.

Early in the morning, January sits down in his carved sleigh, and on a troika rushes across the snow-covered land, looks around at his household.

Looks January: in new year's eve Makar can’t sit at home - he trudged to visit Stepan.

- Where are you, a piece of bread above the grandmother's hut? - Jokingly called January Month clear. - Shine a little, see the guest!

The Moon came out from behind the clouds and says:

- Why follow something? It would be just right for him to sit at home, with his family at the table. There is no Christmas fast in the yard, but since ancient times in Rus' they don’t invite anyone to Lenten cabbage soup and don’t go to visit themselves.

“I know, I know,” answered January, “well, don’t grumble too much, but help a living soul.”

So Nikolina Storonka appeared in the distance - a small village, seemingly handsome, to the glory of St. Nicholas 11
St. Nicholas - St. Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of Lycia, Wonderworker (c. 270 - c. 345), one of the most revered saints in Rus'. The Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Nicholas on December 19 and May 22 (according to the new style).

Received her name.

There is Ignatov's hut at the very outskirts, and a little further Demyanov's hut became visible.

January took a closer look - the village is still sleeping. He then decided to go into the forest first, to look at the trees and visit the animals. The forest of January had already noticed for a long time, he was delighted with his dear guest. The mighty forest bowed to the first month of the year, they began to talk. But in the village they don’t understand the conversation, but they only hear that the snow-covered forest has begun to make more noise, the trees, hitherto bound by frost, crackle more and more from hour to hour.

Two friends talked among themselves about this and that, January visited some of the little animals, and there he was going to the village again.

Went back through a young spruce forest, there are trees in skirts 12
Christmas trees in skirts - a type of fir tree, in which the crown reaches the very ground, forming a magnificent "skirt".

Once again I admired the Orenburg snow scarves 13
Orenburg shawls are warm, high-quality shawls knitted from sheep's down.

Wrapped them up. From the undergrowth 14
Undergrowth - shrubs and low trees, the crown of which is below the level of the main forest.

I went down the snow right to the river, to the winter road 15
Zimnik - a road that is laid in winter to shorten the distance. You can't use it in summer.

Take a look.

The ice on the river, so intricately cut by the runners of the sledge, sparkles like precious crystals.

“Well, the peasants came up with an idea to arrange a sledge track here,” thought January. “The road to the city has become twice as short.”

And from the winter road to the village is within easy reach. January came to Nikolina Storonka, began to look into the windows, draw intricate patterns on them.

January sees, and in the village things are arguing: the huts are heated hot, the economy is respected, the kids are looked after, bread is baked, cabbage soup and porridge are smoking in the ovens.

“Well done,” January smiled into his fluffy mustache. - They live well!

January also dropped in on the Yegorovs. He sees January, grandfather Kuzma the joker is alive and well: everything is in one pore, speechless and cheerful. He sits, sews felt boots and amuses his grandchildren with stories.

- Grandpa, tell a story! his grandchildren ask.

- Tell me, grandfather! - the youngest granddaughter whines.

“Look at you, well, all right,” the grandfather answers and squints his eyes so cunningly. Then he says: - Do you want a fairy tale about a fox? She is in the forest. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me!

- No, grandfather, this is not like that! We are good! the grandchildren scream.

- Okay, why not tell a good story? For example, let me tell you a story about white bull... That's the whole fairy tale!

The grandchildren are dissatisfied, they squeal, they demand another fairy tale. Here the grandfather with a serious look starts:

- Once upon a time there was an old man, the old man had a well, and in that well there was a dace 16
Yelets is a fish of the carp family.

; here is the end of the story!

- No, no, grandfather, not like that! Tell another one!

- Well, what kind, I won’t understand? - Grandfather Kuzma is pretending to be angry.

- You need a long, long one! the children scream.

- Well, okay, okay, that's enough. You will have a long, long one. Listen only:

In some kingdom
In some state
There lived a king
The king had a court
There was a stake in the yard
Bast on a stake17
Bast - lime bast soaked and torn into thin strips, which is used to make washcloths, ropes, bast shoes, matting.

Why not start the story over?

Here the grandchildren are angry and laughing, and grandfather Kuzma is with them.

“Well, Kuzma, well done! – increasingly thought on road January. - Well, after all, it wasn’t sweet all the way with him: and the bitter gourd came on the threshold, and he knew the hard times more than once, but he was still cheerful and cheerful, his nose didn’t hang ... Yes, it’s right: life is not entirely easy and simple , and yet she is no cuter. And everyone has one, and it is given to everyone for joy and for good deeds! .. "

Time passed, and there, on the January blizzards, Christmas arrived with its solemn Service, fairs, merry festivities, carols 18
Carols are Christmas folk songs.

Yes, mummers.

People have fun in Christmas time 19
Christmas time - holidays between the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord.

From Christmas to Epiphany, rejoices.

Gorazd January with the villagers together and carol and go to the market 20
Torzhok - bazaar, market (outdated).

To pass, to huddle at the fair in noisy ranks, to look at the goods from the merchants who have come in large numbers, to measure their prowess with the good fellows, to compete with strength.

The days go by, and there the turn of Vasiliev's day has come. I loved January Vasiliev evening: a generous evening, Good evening. From him he himself received his nickname: January is the month of Vasilyev, the beginning of the whole year, and the middle of winter. This evening they are generous, living 21
Zhito - any grain unground bread.

They are sprinkled in huts so that life, and wheat, and all kinds of arable land are born 22
Wheat is the same as living.

And the hospitable hosts have already stocked up a pig and a boletus for Vasilyev's evening, neighbors and relatives 23
Relatives - relatives (colloquial).

They are waiting for a visit.

A clear night in Nikolina Storonka on Vasily, quiet, in some places snowflakes fly by, there are many stars in the sky - they promise the peasant a berry year. Magic Winter: live and be happy!

And about that it must be said that the peasant is not always friendly with January. Suddenly, on the road, the old man will meet him with a snowstorm, then he will sweep all the roads, so much so that it’s impossible to get to the nearest village or to the forest for firewood: it’s hard for the horse to go, but the owner is afraid, if the cold is serious and you can’t see it behind the white snow never mind.

But the peasant does not give up, he is not afraid of work even in the winter, he does not want to give in to Father January.

It happens that village peasants will gather together and in a herd 24
Band - all together (colloquial).

Heavy snows of the wilderness 25
Wilderness - the middle of winter (colloquial).

They dig, the roads are powdered with new landmarks 26
Landmarks - poles or poles that were placed in a stand to mark the road.

They mark so that no one happens to the right way stray and freeze in the middle of the field.

January became thoughtful, looking at the peasants, his eyes narrowed mischievously. He decided to test the workers here too, sending his icy winds and distant frosts on them. The men are working, but the frosts, the icy winds and the blizzards with the swirls 27
Zavirukha - blizzard, blizzard (reg.).

They don’t retreat: some cheeks burn, others tear their ears, third noses whiten, fourth under the casing 28
Casing - building sheepskin coat.

Da zipun 29
Zipun is a peasant's outerwear, which is a caftan without a collar. Zipuns were usually sewn from coarse homemade cloth.

They climb.

The peasants do not let up, they work and do not give up: that is how the old man-January was amused and appeased.

It's time for Epiphany Christmas Eve 30
Christmas Eve - the eve of the holidays of Christmas and Epiphany.

January knew the peasant well, knew his soul, his mighty spirit, his needs and aspirations. Father January knew that all over Rus' this evening the owners of the zealous weather would notice that he could tell a lot about the harvest.

And I decided January on the Epiphany evening before Epiphany 31
Epiphany - The Baptism of the Lord. The name “Theophany” was adopted for the holiday because at the baptism of Jesus Christ there was a manifestation of all three Persons of the Godhead: the Father testified with a voice from heaven about the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on Jesus Christ, confirming the words of the Father.

Shake the old days, keep up with the circle, and don’t let down or offend any of the hard-working people.

January wrapped the forests anew in snow coats, hid the plains under white blankets, brought out intricate patterns on all the windows in the village - beautiful, like Vologda lace 32
Vologda lace is one of the types of Russian lace woven on bobbins ( wooden sticks). In the Vologda Oblast, this fishery has existed since the first quarter XIX V.

Then he silvered the huts with frost and went to the river. There the ice is rubbed to a shine, Jordan 33
Jordan - an ice hole in the reservoir, made in the form of a cross for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord for the rite of consecration of water and ablution.

For ablution and blessing of water, he helped arrange, scattered sparkling frosty sequins in the air, added a chill.

January ordered Metelitsa from the very early morning not to skimp on fluffy snow, which promised a good harvest.

And he strictly and strictly ordered the Clear Moon to shine brightly in the night, so that at midnight a peasant would draw healing water from a river or from a well and carry it home to the last drop, without slipping or spilling anywhere. The peasant himself will always drink that water from any infirmity, and add it to livestock feed, if he falls ill.

As has been customary from time immemorial, a peasant before this great holiday asked January for advice about bread. The old man-January looked and looked at the grain, a handful of peasants left in the yards for the night, and that year he decided to completely silver wheat and rye with hoarfrost, highlighting them among other grains and instructing the peasant on the mind, what to sow the most, so that a rich harvest to collect and not get bogged down in debt.

“Wheat by choice feeds, and mother rye feeds all fools completely,” January reasoned. Looking at the grain in the yards, the old man noticed that the night was dark. Here, with his miracle staff in the night sky, he also lit the frequent stars, which prepared the peasant for the harvest of peas and promised flocks of sheep.

January looked around and smiled. Good night: quiet, starry, frosty. He did everything for the holiday, put things in order everywhere.

So one day a bunch of hard-working, resilient peasants in one remote village pleased January, yes, more than aspirations, they asked the whole Russian land from January for mercy and a harvest for the whole year.

Well, what about January? He left all the holidays, took a walk, He defended the Services and handed over his magical staff to February right on time.


So February entered his service, driving into the village on snowstorms and blizzards. He looks: people poured out into the street, rejoices at something.

February poked at the wind, so that it would calm down and not interfere with listening to what the women were talking about and the peasants were talking about.

He listened - and he himself is not happy about it.

“Father-February is getting husband,” says the godfather 34
Kuma is the godmother in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godfather.

Kume. - Yes, the little man is angry that he has few days allotted.

“But, as people say, “do not be fierce, but you will have to meet the spring,” she answers.

“That’s for sure,” said Marya, a neighbor who came up to them. - Although February is angry, he smells spring. February snow - and that smells like spring.

“Uuu, stupid women,” February was angry. - And you don’t know that my Timofeevsky frosts 35
Timothy frosts (popularly referred to as "half winters") are bitter frosts that usually begin on St. Timothy's Day (February 4, according to a new style). These frosts are traditionally stronger than Epiphany, but they do not last long - two or three days.

Though not debts, but Epiphany cold will be stronger. You forgot that February - "April grandfather" in your opinion - is also called Lyutich, Studich and Ledich. Be patient with me, because there will be no winter in the spring before! You won’t slip through me, you won’t step over me, you’ll only live by the day!”

February said how he cut off and soon burned the earth with such frosts that the villagers on the street took their breath away.

As February hears here, a sonorous song is very close, a valiant song rings fervently in the frosty air, someone’s ax in the forest really knocks.

“And who can’t sit at home in such a frost? February thought. “Look, what a brave man you have found in the whole village!”

February has come closer. Looks, and behind the clearing Ivan, younger son Prokhor Gavrilova, chopping firewood happily. Brushwood and snowbreaker 36
Snowbreaker - trees broken under the weight of snow.

He already picked it up, now the old tree, felled by a snowstorm, wants to send it home. Yes, but Ivan will have a lot more trouble with him, for a long time his hatchet will still knock. And his brothers are still lying on the stove, they don’t show their nose not only into the forest, but even beyond the threshold.

February died with a cold, he wants to drive Ivan home. Soon the frost will grow stronger again, the blizzard will break out. And his horse is already old, it won’t take you in such weather, I carry a heavy one. Go home, Vanya!

“Nothing,” Ivan encourages his old horse. "Tea, let's not miss it!" Sokha feeds us with you, dresses and shoes a hatchet, and God protects!

"That's a stubborn one! - with annoyance, February hit his staff. - Stubborn what!

February is blowing with a cold wind again, it hurts Vanka's face with a grain of snow, and sends him home from the forest. Yes, but nothing comes out of February again, Vanka does not have time to freeze at work.

"How to drink let it freeze, fool," thought February.

But, there's nothing to be done, frost is not a decree for a hard-working peasant. Here Vanka finished chopping wood and got ready to go back. February blows after him, annoyingly drives home with the wind.

He arrived, and Marya-beauty was already waiting for him at home, serving cabbage soup and porridge, putting pies on the table, pouring fragrant tea.

“That’s all right,” thought February, “friendly, loving, satisfying. With such a master, Marya, as if behind a stone wall, will live in goodness for the whole century. Yes, and Ivan and Marya will not be lost. Good wife Yes, fatty cabbage soup - do not look for another happiness!

So day after day February goes on the Russian land, it plows with cold 37
Plow - winnow, blow (outdated).

He will straighten his snow cap, which is a little off on one side - you see, and in the air small snowflakes have begun to flutter. The harsh month will stroke its snowy beard - immediately fluffy snow falls on the ground. February shakes by chance with a sleeve - a blizzard begins to weave intricate snowy laces and quietly lowers its needlework to the ground. And if the old man, a month, gets tired of walking from region to region in Rus' on foot, then he will quickly fly around it on snowstorms, blizzards and swirls.

Yes, the blizzard time is standing, dashing frosts and fierce winds are driving heat from the hut. Well, be angry, February, don’t be angry, blow don’t blow, and it didn’t go to Christmas - to Great Day! 38
great day - vernacular name Easter, Holy Resurrection of Christ.
Not for Christmas, but for Great Day - not for winter, but for spring; not cold, but warm.

So exactly half of the February term flew away under the blizzards.

At this time, Rus' from time immemorial 39
The Presentation (Meeting of the Lord) is a Christian holiday established in memory of how the Infant Lord, brought to the Temple of Jerusalem by the Virgin Mary on the fortieth day after his birth, was met by the righteous elder Simeon, to whom it was predicted by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until see the Savior of mankind (see Luke 2:22–39). In Orthodoxy, it is one of the twelve holidays. The celebration takes place on February 15 according to the new style - on the 40th day after the birth of Christ.

Magnifies. The people glorify the meeting that was in ancient times, when the old righteous Simeon the God-bearer was honored to see our Savior and take it in his arms. Here the Old Testament ends, and the New - the very beginning.

And on the Meeting of the Winter meets with spring. If winter takes over, the cold will remain for a long time, and if spring-red overcomes the decrepit winter, the thaw will be soon, the sun will begin to warm more strongly.

It is known to Father February that winter, even though spring is older, is not always smarter than that. He starts to rage, get angry. And what will you achieve? It happens that winter will throw snow in the face of spring, and grab it with frost, and blow it away with a fierce wind.

And spring has a meek, gentle disposition, lowers its head and leaves. And the face is even more beautiful, it will become even more blush from the cold.

“Spring maiden, why do you come at your own time, if only winter has no time to argue with you?” Why don't you fight for yourself, why don't you stand on your own? - it happens, February will ask her.

“All this is useless,” Spring answers him meekly. - Winter is a master of arguing with everyone: in February she fights with me, in November - with autumn, and in August - with summer. And so it lives. Yes, only in a dispute, February-father, the one who is smarter will always yield. And beauty cannot be preserved forever, if the temper is spiteful and unkind. Anger over the years on the face comes through, from beauty former trace without leaving. And I don't need it.

“It’s true, a beautiful girl,” February says to her in response, “it’s true, but only winter, even though sometimes it’s evil, but still, oh, how beautiful it can be. Don't take your eyes off!

To this, Spring answers him:

- After the autumn thaw 40
Mud is a time when the roads are not suitable for driving due to rain or snowmelt.

Father-February, everyone is waiting for the young beautiful winter to set foot on the ground. She is pure 41
Chistuha - clean (simple).

Artisan, everyone loves it. She will clean everything around, cover the earth with a white clean veil, amuse the soul of ordinary people with magical beauty. And all over Rus' people are happy about winter. People admire the young rich woman. She has mountains of silver in store, and there are no diamonds and snow-white outfits at all. After a while, winter wears out its snow-white outfits, smears it in order, loses diamonds and pearls, starts to rage, shows its temper to everyone. Here the people are not up to the beauty of the winter - proud and arrogant. Behind her cold beauty every day more and more bad character peeps through, the fierce winter begins to annoy. And over time, the winter becomes completely evil, hateful to everyone. She is now unsociable, running away from people, ashamed of her dress in black thawed patches. That is why winter leaves the village first of all, throws still snow-covered fields and already chained unreliable ice rivers and hides in the forest, away from human eyes. There, winter will linger the longest, will wander aimlessly among the trees in its pitiful attire of dirty snow, and then leave the forest, seeing how in Rus' the people are calling spring with great hope.

“What is true is true,” February usually answers her, “there is nothing to object to.

“So today, spring has not begun to stand on its own,” February says to the brother-months, “so the first snowdrop is still far away.

“Yes,” January says thoughtfully, “how winter does not get angry at the end, but everything will submit to spring ... No wonder the people noticed that February builds bridges, and March breaks them, that there is no winter that would not end.

- That's right, brother-January! February answers him. - Yes, only spring will not come tomorrow. While it's my turn, I'll shake it once or twice with gray hair! Come, brothers, the service is calling!

Here, hour by hour, the frost began to grow stronger, the women from the street hurried home, and soon such a snowstorm broke out in Nikolina Storonka, which cannot be expressed in words. Strong February is the month of blizzards!

- Yes, - they said in the village, - look how the blizzard has gone crazy! 42
rage - get angry, get angry (simple).

February is not joking! - And run home.

It became boring and depressing on the street, the sky was a gray matting 43
Gunny - a fabric of a rare plain weave.

It hung low above the ground.

And under the roofs, piled with snow, some warm their feet by the stove, some climbed onto a warm couch, and some buried themselves under a downy blanket from the cold. Cats, and those before the frosts huddle up to the stove.

February yearned, grieved, there is no joy alone. Another thing is in huts and huts.

February looked in one window, and there were a lot of people, laughter, fun, a fire in the stove - and it crackles merrily.

The merchant Platonov's house is also cozy and joyful.

The master's daughters chirp, beads, bright brooches and rings look at each other, beads, silk threads on richly embroidered women's kokoshniks 44
Kokoshnik is an ancient women's festive headdress.


Grandfather Ivan and Baba Nyura also don’t leave the house - they tea themselves in an old man’s way. Baba Nyura tells something, and Ivan, thoughtfully, sips tea from a saucer, eats ruddy bagels.

February admired their samovar, painted under Khokhloma. How good are Khokhloma patterns! 45
Khokhloma (RF, Nizhny Novgorod Region) - a type of Russian folk art craft: decorative painting on wooden products (on dishes and furniture), characterized by a floral pattern, made in red and black (less often - green) tones and gold on a golden background.

Leaves, flowers, berries, twigs-stalks are painted with juicy, bright colors: red, black, green, and gold are displayed, and between the leaves, as if the golden light of the sun peeps through. Beauties!

February also looked in the window to Demyan. He is fussy somehow, the kids are chattering, playing with toys that my friend brought them from the Christmas fair.

February was very fond of the carved peasant and blacksmith bear, who in Vanyusha's hands pounded on the anvil with hammers.

He saw a great many such in all Rus'. Kids love this toy!

Varenka also has fun. She has wooden hens bending down as if pecking at grain.

"This is Bogorodskaya carving 46
Bogorodsk toy, Bogorodsk carving - this is primordially Russian folk craft carved toys, such as "twitchers", "blacksmiths", as well as wooden sculpture. This craft originated in the village of Bogorodskoye, Moscow Region, in the 16th–17th centuries.

February thought. - Pleasant linden wood to the touch. It is no longer painted, smooth, the carving is intricate - it's a pleasure to watch! And what is Nastenka playing in the corner with? Dymkovsky 47
Dymkovo toy(Dymkovo, Russian Federation, near the city of Kirov) - painted clay figures of people and animals, sometimes made in the form of whistles.

Whistles, or what?

February took a closer look - there she has not only whistles, but also clay dolls, colorfully decorated in white.

Nastenka rearranges different figures: she has mothers, and nannies, and water-carriers, and different gentlemen, and horses, and cows.

The eldest Arisha also has a toy from the fair - clay, all colored, Romanovskaya 48
Romanovskaya toy is a clay toy that got its name from the village of the same name, located near Lipetsk.

February about Romanushka 49
Romanushka in the Romanov toy is the keeper hearth, the mother traditionally depicted in wedding suit and a headdress symbolizing the starry sky.

I often heard from brothers-months. It happens that autumn November will say to the month of May: “You are dressed, May-month, today it is colorful, like Romanushka.”

February also looked in the window to Baba Nastasya and Grandfather Fedot. Fedot is sleeping, Baba Nastasya sour 50
Kvashnya - building fermented dough.

Kneading, Varenka towel 51
Towel - a towel Eastern Slavs, usually with an embroidered or woven pattern.

Lovingly embroiders, stitch to stitch puts.

Lily Kornilyeva. old fairy tales for every time.

“Great Rus' stretches from end to end of the earth. This is a wonderful land, glorious. She is rich in her bowels, in nature of wondrous beauty inexpressible. And there is plenty of everything in Rus': both fish, and birds, and every beast. Here you will meet wide valleys, and high mountains, and dense forests, deep seas-oceans, you will see full-water rivers, mirror lakes, boundless steppes. And the main wealth of the Russian land is its people. From ancient times they came to these lands and with their work, intelligence, talent glorified Rus' for the whole of God's world. The Russian people are mighty, they managed to protect their mother land from all enemies, they didn’t give up an inch of it, and saved its native expanses for their children. That is why they say that with such a people and faith, Rus' stood, stands and will stand. With these words begins the book, which today we bring to your attention. And it is called - "Old tales for every season." ***

This book was published by the Symbolic Publishing House in the Box of Fairy Tales series. It is written in the spirit of Russian folk tales and talks about the twelve months that everyone visits Rus' at one time (in this book - Nikolina Storonka) and observe how the Russian people live from sowing to harvest, from winter to autumn, from one Orthodox holiday to another. The speech of the heroes is replete with proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, jokes. A child can learn from the book a lot of information about traditional Russian folk crafts, weather signs, Orthodox holidays, the old way of life of people in the villages, animals and plants typical of Rus', Russian cuisine.

The author of the book - Lilia Nikolaevna Kornilyeva - candidate philological sciences, associate professor, author of more than 40 publications on Russian literature, English literature, regional studies of Great Britain and the USA. As they say on the website of the Publishing House, "Old Tales for Every Season" is the first work fiction written by the author. This is also the first experience of cooperation between an English scholar and an Orthodox publishing house. “Fairy tales,” says Lilia Kornilyeva, “were written in 2013 for my own child. I have always been fascinated by the story of Winnie the Pooh, originally written by Alan Milne for his son, admired the way Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna Romanova, sister of Emperor Nicholas II, told fairy tales to her sons Tikhon and Gury own composition and immediately illustrated them, being a wonderful artist. The original of these fairy tales in Danish is kept in Denmark, and the Russian transcription of good and instructive stories about Tishka, Mishka and Grishka with original watercolors by Olga Alexandrovna was published several years ago with the active assistance and support of Olga Alexandrovna's daughter-in-law - O.N. Kulikovskaya-Romanova.

Since this book tells about the seasons, and about 12 months, the author begins his story with the following words: “At any time, Rus' is beautiful. In winter, you will find her in snow-white expensive decoration, which captivates the eye. It is all entirely with sparkling diamonds, azure, iridescent yachts, silver and planted pearls, skillfully embroidered, decorated with intricate frosty patterns, snow-white lace, the thinnest, and trimmed with fluffy hoarfrost. And the strands of erratic pearls in a precious winter outfit are completely uncountable. In spring, our land is full of cherry blossoms and apple orchards, full of aromas of blossoming buds and flowers. In summer, Rus', like a red-haired girl in a motley sundress and a wreath of meadow herbs, blush, cheerful, with blue eyes, like the sky and lakes, with tight braids that resemble a poured wheat ear. And she walks, barefoot, through fields and meadows, smiles at the sun, rejoices at a fine day and birdsong, carries the gifts of nature in her basket.

In autumn, nature reveals all its wealth, dresses in gold and ancient brocade outfits, alternately wears jewelry made of amber and worm-like yachts, tries on crimson cloaks. In their turn, all twelve months they enter the service of Mother Nature, and for a whole month each one manages. January comes first, it is a turning point in winter. Behind him are February-bokogrey, March, April-"play-ravines", May herbal, June with empty bins after winter, July-sufferer - the crown of the fly, August-kapustnik, September-flyer, October - dirty, wedding, November-leaf fall Yes, December is winter. Let's talk about their affairs and worries, - the author says, and slowly starts his story, starting naturally from January. However, we turn the pages and find the month of November, which corresponds to the present time of the year. Most recently, October ended, the Feast of the Intercession passed Holy Mother of God, the October weddings, which in Rus' were traditionally held this month, were noisy. And now October gives way to his brother. The author writes about this later.

“Well, now you, brother-November, stand up for your honest service,” October-month says to November. - Here are those magic staff, get to work as soon as possible and don't forget about my handbook for you. Treat the young with sweet, intoxicating honey!” (This October is talking about the newlyweds). “Okay, okay, I won’t forget, tea, not the first time,” November answers him. - Come, brother-October! - And November went across the earth importantly, dignified, measured tread. November is a majestic month, rich innumerably, tory. He always throws mountains of gold at people's feet, walks on them himself and never regrets it. And for the time being, November holds all its little silver in its bosom, does not dare to squander it. And even at the end of his term, he is not greedy here either: everything is as it is, pours out onto the ground so that it becomes brighter. November nights, they are dark to the snow! And if snow falls in November, then most likely it will lie until the very spring.

And so lives in the world November-leaf fall, November-half-winter - winter's brother. Lives, as they say, does not grieve. Either with winds, or with rains, or with frost, or with frost, or with all sorts of rot. And no one here tells him. In Nikolina Storonka, time, as always, flies like a swift-winged bird. They lived not lived, you see, and even three November days are gone. Tomorrow is Kazanskaya. Winter is on the doorstep. However, “it started raining heavily in the morning. “Here you are! - says Baba Motya, looking out the window. “It’s bad weather in the yard today: a violent windmill has broken out, the rain breaks down.” Yes, it’s bad weather today, it’s raining, - grandfather Tikhon answers her thoughtfully. - It was bad weather, but the rain prevented ... At such a time, a good owner will not drive the dogs out of the gate. It’s a good speech that there is a stove in the hut! And my grandfather climbed onto the couch to warm himself.

So and so, a cold rain was pouring, but in a warm hut everything was uneasy! After lunch it got colder. The road, washed out by the rain, took on all large breasts. And in the evening it started to snow. It happens so often - it rains on Kazanskaya in the morning, and in the evening it lies in snowdrifts. And so day after day will pass, after Kazan Dmitriev's Day, and Grandfather's Week (or Dmitrov's) will fly by unnoticed. And it seems that in this weather boring things. But as the hero of this tale, grandfather Tikhon, says, "who is lazy and boring - that year-round melancholy." Therefore, we will not be bored and lazy, but we will work during the day, and in free time- read books. For example, here are such "Old tales for every season."

*** According to Lilia Kornilyeva, the book "Old Tales" was also written in honor of St. Nicholas of Myra, the Wonderworker, from whom the writer herself and her family saw many miracles and help. Therefore, the village in which the action of all twelve tales takes place is called Nikolina Storonka, and the image of St. Nicholas is clearly or veiledly present in several tales at once. This book is for family reading, because small, and not very small children are so fond of listening to fairy tales, especially if they are read by dad or mom. And the "Old Tales" presented in this book, according to the publishers, will help to awaken in children a sense of patriotism, love and pride in their homeland, arouse a keen interest in mother tongue and Russian culture, to introduce the child to the traditions and customs of our ancestors, to instill traditional spiritual values.

Lilia Nikolaevna Kornilieva

Old tales for all seasons

Old tales for all seasons
Lilia Nikolaevna Kornilieva

Fairy tale box
The book is written in the spirit of Russian folk tales. She tells about twelve months, which each visit Rus' at one time and observe how the Russian people live from sowing to harvest, from winter to autumn, from one Orthodox holiday to another. The speech of the heroes is replete with proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, jokes. A child can learn from the book a lot of information about traditional Russian folk crafts, signs of the weather, Orthodox holidays, the old way of life of people in villages, animals and plants typical of Rus', and Russian cuisine. "Old Tales" will help awaken in children a sense of patriotism, love and pride in their homeland, arouse a keen interest in their native language and Russian culture, familiarize the child with the traditions and customs of our ancestors, and instill traditional spiritual values.

Lilia Kornilyeva

Old tales for all seasons

Great Rus' stretches from end to end of the earth. This is a wonderful land, glorious. She is rich in her bowels, in nature of wondrous beauty inexpressible. And there is plenty of everything in Rus': both fish, and birds, and every beast.

Here you will meet wide valleys, high mountains, dense forests, deep seas, deep oceans, full-flowing rivers, mirror lakes, endless steppes.

And the main wealth of the Russian land is its people.

From ancient times they came to these lands and glorified Rus' with their work, intelligence, talent for the whole of God's world.

The Russian people are mighty, they managed to protect their mother land from all enemies, they didn’t give an inch of it and saved its native expanses for their children.

That is why they say that with such a people and faith, Rus' stood, stands and will stand.

And from time immemorial it has become so: the peasants work from morning to night, tirelessly, the women run the household, look after the kids, and the old people give them advice and a decree in everything. Young people learn from them how to live on this earth in peace with people, in harmony with themselves, how to manage the economy skillfully, maintain health and not once again blunder, not get into a mess.

At any time Rus' is beautiful. In winter, you will find her in snow-white expensive decoration, which captivates the eye. It is all entirely with sparkling diamonds, azure, iridescent yachts, silver and planted pearls, skillfully embroidered, decorated with intricate frosty patterns, snow-white lace, the thinnest, and trimmed with fluffy hoarfrost. And the strands of erratic pearls in a precious winter outfit are completely uncountable.

In spring, our land is full of cherry blossoms and apple orchards, full of aromas of blossoming buds and flowers.

In summer, Rus', like a red-haired girl in a motley sundress and a wreath of meadow herbs, blush, cheerful, with blue eyes, like the sky and lakes, with tight braids that resemble a poured wheat ear. And she walks, barefoot, through fields and meadows, smiles at the sun, rejoices at a fine day and birdsong, carries the gifts of nature in her basket.

In autumn, nature reveals all its wealth, dresses in gold and ancient brocade dresses, alternately wears jewelry made of amber and worm-like yachts, tries on crimson capes.

In their turn, all twelve months they enter the service of Mother Nature, and for a whole month each one manages. January comes first, it is a turning point in winter. Behind him are February-bokogrey, March, April-“play-ravines”, May herbal, June with bins empty after winter, July-sufferer - the crown of the fly, August-kapustnik, September-flyer, October - dirty, wedding, November-leaf fall Yes, December is winter.

Let's talk about their deeds and worries.

They say among our people that a happy New Year shows the way to a happy year. And if the new year begins in January, then between the winter months it will always be honored and placed.

And the father is fierce, and proud, and skillful. Old people rightly say that January is the sovereign of winter, grandfather of spring, and sang throughout the year. January has a magnificent decoration, a long beard, a magic staff. This month is not used to being bored, everything is in work and worries. With January, the New Year comes to people, and Christmas, and the Old New Year, which falls on Vasily's Day, and Epiphany, and Tatyana's Day.

Early in the morning, January sits down in his carved sleigh, and on a troika rushes across the snow-covered land, looks around at his household.

January is watching: on New Year's Eve, Makar does not sit at home - he trudged to visit Stepan.

- Where are you, a piece of bread above the grandmother's hut? - Jokingly called January Month clear. - Shine a little, see the guest!

The Moon came out from behind the clouds and says:

- Why follow something? It would be just right for him to sit at home, with his family at the table. There is no Christmas fast in the yard, but since ancient times in Rus' they don’t invite anyone to Lenten cabbage soup and don’t go to visit themselves.

“I know, I know,” answered January, “well, don’t grumble too much, but help a living soul.”

And now Nikolina Storonka appeared in the distance - a small village, in appearance comely, which received its nickname for the glory of St. Nicholas.

There is Ignatov's hut at the very outskirts, and a little further Demyanov's hut became visible.

January took a closer look - the village is still sleeping. He then decided to go into the forest first, to look at the trees and visit the animals. The forest of January had already noticed for a long time, he was delighted with his dear guest. The mighty forest bowed to the first month of the year, they began to talk. But in the village they don’t understand the conversation, but they only hear that the snow-covered forest has begun to make more noise, the trees, hitherto bound by frost, crackle more and more from hour to hour.

Two friends talked among themselves about this and that, January visited some of the little animals, and there he was going to the village again.

I went back through a young spruce forest, there I once again admired the trees in skirts, wrapped them in Orenburg snow shawls. From the undergrowth I went down the crust straight to the river, to look at the winter road.

The ice on the river, so intricately cut by the runners of the sledge, sparkles like precious crystals.

“Well, the peasants came up with an idea to arrange a sledge track here,” thought January. “The road to the city has become twice as short.”

And from the winter road to the village is within easy reach. January came to Nikolina Storonka, began to look into the windows, draw intricate patterns on them.

January sees, and in the village things are arguing: the huts are heated hot, the economy is respected, the kids are looked after, bread is baked, cabbage soup and porridge are smoking in the ovens.

“Well done,” January smiled into his fluffy mustache. - They live well!

January also dropped in on the Yegorovs. He sees January, grandfather Kuzma the joker is alive and well: everything is in one pore, speechless and cheerful. He sits, sews felt boots and amuses his grandchildren with stories.

- Grandpa, tell a story! his grandchildren ask.

- Tell me, grandfather! - the youngest granddaughter whines.

“Look at you, well, all right,” the grandfather answers and squints his eyes so cunningly. Then he says: - Do you want a fairy tale about a fox? She is in the forest. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me!

- No, grandfather, this is not like that! We are good! the grandchildren scream.

- Okay, why not tell a good story? Here, for example, I will tell you a fairy tale about a white bull ... That's the whole fairy tale!

The grandchildren are dissatisfied, they squeal, they demand another fairy tale. Here the grandfather with a serious look starts:

- Once upon a time there was an old man, the old man had a well, and in that well there was a dace; here is the end of the story!

- No, no, grandfather, not like that! Tell another one!

- Well, what kind, I won’t understand? - Grandfather Kuzma is pretending to be angry.

- You need a long, long one! the children scream.

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