Open lesson in the middle group decorative drawing. Abstract of a lesson in artistic creativity in the middle group. Decorative drawing: “Painting of the Dymkovo horse”


Abstract of the lesson on

Decorative drawing

(Dymkovo painting).

"Ryaba Hen".

(middle group).

Kotova Marianna Valerievna

educator MOU Primary School- Kindergarten with Inya,

Okhotsk region. Khabarovsk Territory

Program tasks: Consolidate with children the knowledge previously acquired about Dymkovo painting; the ability to paint voluminous toys with the main elements of Dymkovo painting; exercise in drawing up a pattern and selecting colors that match the color of the painting; to develop in children an interest in Russian folk art and aesthetic taste.

Preparatory work:Examination of the album "Dymkovo toy", Dymkovo toys

(industrial production), introducing children to the history of the Dymkovo toy, an exhibition of children's works.

Material for the lesson:Paints, samples of the main elements of painting, large voluminous paper toys, a cassette with a recording of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

Lesson progress:

The teacher invites the children to listen to the fairy tale "Kurochka Ryaba" on the record.

Educator: Did you find out what the story is? Do you know all the characters in the story? And what happened to them?

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

Educator: Someone must have come to visit us. Come in, please! It's strange, they knock, but they don't come in. Let's see who's here!

The teacher, together with the children, opens the door, behind the door there are large voluminous toys made of paper (white)

Educator: It's weird how they got here! Who left them here? Look at the guys how sad and not funny they are, they probably feel very bad. Why do you think toys can be bad? (children's answers). You know, these toys remind me of someone. And you? Correctly. These are the characters of our beloved Russian folk tale"Ryaba Hen". And they are probably sad because they are not smart. Let's help them! Let's paint them with the most cheerful painting - Dymkovo, with which toys are painted in Rus'. Look at our exhibition. (Children name the main elements of Dymkovo painting).

The teacher invites the children to play story game"Workshop of little artists". Recall with children the order of creating a pattern; the artist first comes up with a pattern, and only then they begin to draw. Children, if they wish, choose the character they like and begin to draw. (2 children per toy). The teacher reminds the children that during work you need to talk in an undertone so as not to interfere with each other, paint toys carefully, take your time and negotiate among themselves. The teacher conducts individual work with each child, helps in choosing the elements of the painting if the children find it difficult and the location of the pattern on the toy.

Educator: Well, we have all the toys painted. Look how smart and beautiful they have become. Well done. Nice work!

Knock on the door.

Educator: Again, someone is knocking on our door. Please, come in!

Grandma Malanya enters the group.

Grandma Malania:Oh, kids - killer whales, hello! Have you seen my toys here by any chance? I went away for just a minute, I wanted to take it to the workshop to the craftsmen, but they disappeared somewhere.

Educator: Grandma Malania! Are these your toys by any chance?
Grandma Malania:(looks at toys) No, not mine. Mine were white and boring, but those over there are so cheerful that the eye rejoices.

Educator: So it was all the same your toys. They stood at our door and cried, and we decorated them, dressed them up and cheered them up.

Grandma Malania:To know and in truth these are my toys! Well done guys! Real craftsmen are artists! You should definitely be grateful for this work. (grandmother Malanya distributes treats to children)

Educator: Thanks for the treat, and now a fairy tale!

Children stage the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

Grandma Malania:Well done, guys, made grandma happy. I really liked how you painted my toys and they also liked yours. That's why I decided to give them to you. And now I have to go, the grandchildren are waiting at home. Goodbye!

Grandma Malanya says goodbye to the children, they invite her to visit them again.

Municipal Preschool educational institution general developmental type


with priority implementation of activities on

artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 8 "Teremok"

Open lesson

in middle group on building skills for successful social interaction:

"Filimonov toys"

decorative drawing

based on the Filimonov painting

Abstract developed

Educator: Ivanova M.K.

November 2010

Program tasks: Teach with Confidence(no break) draw straight lines. To consolidate the skills of children to decorate the silhouette with elements of decorative painting(dots, straight lines and strokes) .

Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape, rhythm, proportions.

Cultivate interest and aesthetic attitude to folk art independence, accuracy.

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with Filimonov toys, their origin, viewing illustrations depicting Filimonov products. Drawing all the elements of the Filimonov painting, working them out in an independent and joint activities. Didactic games"Rainbow" for the purpose of exercise in the selection of harmonious color combinations.

Materials, tools, equipment: silhouettes of ducks, geese, cockerels; paints, pony brushes No. 3, napkins, cups of water,

Demo material : Filimonov toys.

vocabulary work : Filimonov toys, museum

Course progress.

Educator: I invite you to the museum of folk toys. Here we will see various toys made by craftsmen. And now, to test your knowledge, we will play.

D / and "Choose a Filimonov toy" (from the proposed - Gorodets, Dymkovo, Filimonov toys - choose the last one and justify the choice)

Are you familiar with these toys? Name them? (children examine and name familiar toys)

Well done! You have completed the task. And now I suggest that you become masters for a while and invite you to the workshop.

To enter it, you must answer the questions.

What are Filimonov toys made of?

What elements of Filimonov painting do you know?

What tools are needed for painting toys?

To divide into groups, I suggest you take cards and find each other by the elements of the painting. Select a messenger to receive the task. Messengers choose a silhouette.

The kids come in and sit down at their jobs.

Now you get to work. Try to keep your work beautiful, neat. At good master The workplace is always clean and tidy. Check if everything is ready to go?

It remains to warm up our fingers

Finger gymnastics

The spider walked on a branch,

And the kids followed him.

Rain from the sky suddenly poured,

Washed the spiders to the ground.

The sun began to warm

The spider crawls again

And all the children crawl after him,

To walk along the branch.

Children start work, the teacher monitors the work, advises, suggests techniques

Physical education minute

We nod our heads
We'll shake our noses,
And we'll knock our teeth
And we'll be quiet for a bit.
(We press index fingers to lips).

We will twist our shoulders
And let's not forget the pens.
Let's shake our fingers
And let's get some rest.
(Bending down, swing with relaxed hands).
Summary of the lesson

Educator: Let's see how our masters did the job.

Are all ducks okay?

Whose work do you like best? Why?

What is the most accurate toy?

And who decorated with his pattern?

Educator: Who worked from the heart, have fun now, dance!

Children dance to the Russian folk music, have fun, rejoice.

Compiled and conducted by: Rymareva Inna Anatolyevna

Purpose: To introduce students to the painting of folk clay toys; expand the horizons of children about artistic folk crafts;

- Refine the elements of the Dymkovo pattern, convey a bright color.
- To form the ability to create patterns according to one's own design, using a variety of brush techniques.
- Learn to highlight the elements of the geometric pattern of Dymkovo painting (circles, straight lines and wavy lines, cell, dots).
- Develop aesthetic sense, fine motor skills, eye gauge.
.- To cultivate love for the folk art of Russia.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with Dymkovo products, their painting.

Equipment and materials: model for coloring "Dymkovo horse", gouache, brushes, jar for water, napkin, poke ( cotton buds 1 pc.), Dymkovo toys, posters "Dymkovo toy", presentations "Dymkovo toy", parcel, letter.

Guys, this morning the postman brought me this parcel for you. I wonder what's there? Let's see.
Here is a letter for you and some toys.
(The teacher reads the verse and shows the presentation.)
“They are sleeping by the highway
In hoarfrost,
The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping,
Softly falling snow
Blue smoke billows.
Smoke comes out of the chimneys
It's like a haze all around.
Blue gave.
And a big village
They named it Dymkovo.
They loved songs and dances.
Miracle fairy tales were born in the village,
Evenings in winter are long
And sculpted there from clay
All toys are not simple,
And magically painted.
Snow-white as birches
Circles, cells, stripes
Seemingly simple pattern
Can't take your eyes off!
And glory went about Dymka,
Earning this right
They talk about her everywhere.
Amazing miracle
We will bow again and again.
About the ancient Dymkovo toy
Let's tell the story now.
Presentation display.

Guys, did you like Dymkovo toys? I suggest you play a little. Let's turn into Dymkovo toys for a while. Get in a circle. As soon as I name any toy, you need to try to depict it in motion.
Game "Depict a toy"
"Lady!" (Children try to move in the way that, according to their ideas, the Dymkovo lady walks, holding a long imaginary skirt, moving her shoulders).
“Horse!” (children jump like a horse).
"Turkey!" (children walk, raising their legs high, flapping their wings, puffing out their cheeks).
Turn around, turn around
Bow down low!

Guys, let's take a look at the toys that were sent to us by craftsmen from the village of Dymkovo.
We are noble toys
Folding yes okay,
We are famous everywhere
We will love you too!
(P. Sinyavsky)
The Dymkovo lady is very elegant. By white background craftswomen generously “scattered” circles, cages, large and small peas.
Look how good
This girl is beautiful
Scarlet cheeks are burning
Amazing outfit.
(Folk art)
Dymkovo cavaliers with feeling dignity often depicted on horseback or paired with a mistress.
With ribbons and bows
Yes, under the arm with dandies
We walk in pairs
We swim with peahens.
(P. Sinyavsky)
Here is a smart turkey,
He's all so good.
At the big turkey
All painted sides.
Look, fluffy tail
He is not at all simple -
Like a sunny flower
And the high comb
Burning red paint
Like a king's crown.
The Dymkovo cockerel is full of dignity and fighting enthusiasm. A circle always shines on his chest - a symbol of the sun.
These birds are vociferous
And smart as chintz!
(Folk art)
Dymkovo horses with a lush mane and tail.
Clay horses rush
On stands that there are forces.
And do not hold on to the tail
If the mane missed. (Folk art)

Oh, guys, why are they so not bright and not decorated at all.
Let's fix this and paint them with Dymkovo patterns. We will now go to the workshop, where you will turn into real artists in painting the Dymkovo toy.
(Children sit at the tables and look at the board, where the painting scheme of the Dymkovo horse hangs)
Today we will paint the Dymkovo horse. Pay attention to the elements of the painting. What do you see? (Straight, wavy lines, circles, rings.)
And what colors are the toys painted with? (Toys are painted with yellow, red, blue, green, black paints)
What elements are patterns made of? (The patterns are made up of circles, dots, dashes, rings).
Showing techniques for drawing horse painting elements:
Large circles - with the whole brush, turning on the heel; Small ones - with a poke and cotton swabs;
Dash - reverse side brushes.
I think we're all ready to turn into folk craftsmen. It remains only to say the magic words:
Turn left and right
And turn into craftsmen!
Before work, I want to wish you that your toy is not only beautiful, but also kind and cheerful. Decorate so that looking at her, the soul rejoices.
Physical education minute
Now guys get up
Raise your hands slowly
Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,
Hands down and so stand.
Lean right, left
And you get down to business.
We have all become masters
They took brushes and paints.
The colors sparkled brightly
Everything comes alive like in a fairy tale.
Independent work children. During the work of children, individual assistance to those who find it difficult.
Guys, you guys are real artists. What beautiful horses you have.
We are talking about the Dymkovo toy,
We will remember more than once.
And now, friends of a girlfriend,
We will finish our story.

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Synopsis of GCD in the middle group on decorative drawing "Mittens for a bunny"

Lyabusheva Lyudmila Vasilievna, educator MBDOU Kindergarten No. 1 of the city of Spassk, Penza region
Material Description: This abstract of GCD in drawing is aimed at developing children's creativity, to consolidate the previously studied methods of drawing with a brush and paints, as well as to form a culture of speech behavior (to educate children in kindness, responsiveness, sensitivity to the world around them, decisiveness in helping, the ability to use in speech polite words). This summary will be useful to both teachers and parents.
Synopsis of GCD in the middle group on decorative drawing "Mittens for a bunny"
Integration of educational areas:"Reading fiction"," Artistic creativity", "Communication", "Socialization", "Cognition".
Target: to teach children to independently determine the content of the picture and depict what was conceived.
Educational: Continue to teach children to use paints of different colors, to consolidate drawing techniques, to consolidate the skills of accurate work.
Educational: To develop aesthetic feelings, fantasy, a positive emotional response to a self-created image, children's creativity.
Educational: To cultivate initiative, independence, kindness.
preliminary work: Consideration of samples of "mittens" and discussion of techniques for working with paints, making silhouettes-mittens.
Materials and equipment: plot picture"Bunny and the Moon", samples of "mittens" for examining patterns and decorative elements, watercolor paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins, "mittens - blanks" for coloring.
Methodological techniques: game motivation, conversation - dialogue, reading a fairy tale by V.A. Sukhomlinsky "How the Bunny Basked in the Moonlight", a conversation on what was read, finger gymnastics"Friendly family", independent work, analysis of work, encouragement. caregiver: Hello my guys! A new day has begun, which means that a lot of new and interesting things await us ahead. Come on, I will smile at you, you will smile at me and each other, and then the whole world will smile at all of us!
caregiver: Children, do you think the rays of the moon can warm us?
Children: No, only the sun can warm.
caregiver: And I know one hero for whom the rays of the moon were warm, warm. Do you want to know why? Then we sit back and listen to the fairy tale “How the Bunny Basked in the Moonlight” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky “The Book of Conscience”)
How the Bunny basked in the moon
It's cold in winter for Bunny, especially at night. He ran out to the edge. Frost is crackling, the snow is shining under the moon, a cold wind is blowing from the ravine. Bunny sat down under a bush, stretched out his paws to the moon and asks:
- Moon, dear, warm me with your rays, otherwise it will be a long time to wait for the Sun.
It was a pity for the Moon of the Bunny, she says:
- Go through the field, through the field, I'll light the way for you. Go straight to the big stack of straw.
Bunny went to a stack of straw, buried himself in the straw, looks out and smiles at the moon.
- Thank you, dear Moon, now your rays are warm, warm.

Conversation on questions
caregiver: Why, guys, was the bunny cold? What do you think?
Children: It was winter, and in winter there are severe frosts.
caregiver: What did the bunny ask the moon for?
Children: For the moon to warm him.
caregiver: Why does the bunny call the rays of the moon warm?
Children: Because the moon helped him.
caregiver: Are they really warm?
Children: No.
caregiver: From what then did the bunny become warm?
Children: From kindness, care.
caregiver: Thanks to what he was able to get to the haystack?
Children: Thanks to the light that was emitted from the moon?
caregiver: How did the bunny ask the moon for help? What words did he use for this?
Children: Moon, dear, warm me with your rays. Kind, gentle, polite.
caregiver: How can you call a bunny, what is it?
Children: Polite, kind, well-mannered.
caregiver: Let's help the bunny too. Let's make a gift "mittens" for him. But first, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Friendly family"
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
And the last one is me
Here is such a family!
(We massage each finger alternately on the left hand, then on the right).

Independent work of children.

Job Analysis.
caregiver: All the guys are great, they did it. Children, whose mittens did you like? Why?
Children: I liked the mittens of Marina, Kira, Uliana, because they are decorated neatly and beautifully.

caregiver: Well done everyone! And I, children, liked your gifts to the bunny and you yourself! Do you know why? Because they helped a bunny in trouble. In life, you should always come to the rescue and do only good deeds.

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