Black and white flower symbol. Blue color: its symbolism and impact on humans


Let's talk about color. My favorite is BLUE...

Blue is the color that is often seen as the symbol of everything spiritual. Unlike red, this color is "cold" and sets most people up for reflection. Depth psychologists associate it with "spiritual dissolution, a soft, easy and thoughtful way of life." It is a heavenly color associated with Ancient Egypt with the sky god Amun. G. Heinz-Moor calls the blue color “the deepest and least material color, the medium of truth, the transparency of the coming emptiness: in air, in water, in crystal and in diamond. Therefore, blue is the color of the sky, Zeus and Yahweh put their feet on blue.

"The bone of those burned by passion is turquoise..."

Bone burnt by passion - turquoise -

Secret dream...

I looked into the eyes of many

That one or not that one?

In a quiet dance twisted into a light circle

Are shadows? Is it a thread of darkness?

The stems of children's hands are too thin,

Pasterns are heavy...

Fingers are flexible, like a vine with a vine,

Braided, winding ...

Shimmers in dull turquoise

Necklaces tie.

The faces are too pale, the profile is clean,

Delicate branches of the legs ...

In the hair of each amethyst -

Dark flare.

The haze of clothes hides the outline of the shoulders

And transparent chest;

Their bodies are like candle flames

Can the wind blow...

... And I myself, wavering like smoke

smoldering fires,

Ascending to green-gold

Give me evenings.

Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin

Amulets blue or blue color eliminate the evil eye. Robe of the North German god Odin of blue color, as well as the mantle of the Virgin Mary, which in poetry was also called the "blue lily". Vishnu in the ancient Indian myth is painted, like Krishna, in blue, teaching Jesus is depicted in a blue robe. “The blue color, a symbol of the Truth and Eternity of God (since what is true is eternal), will forever remain a sign of human immortality” (P. Portal).

IN Ancient China blue was ambivalent. IN traditional art creatures with a blue face are demons and ghosts, or so the god of literature Kui-khzin appears, who once committed suicide out of wounded ambition. Initially, there was no native Chinese word for "blue, blue" - the word "hin" denoted all shades of colors from dark gray through blue to green, as well as the path of a scientist who devotes himself entirely to studying by the light of a lamp. Today's color characterizing word "lan" means, in fact, indigo, the color of a simple working overalls. Blue flowers, eyes, ribbons and stripes were considered hateful and unlucky, while in Europe the "blue flower of romance" is close to the spiritual flight of thoughts. In China, the wood element was placed in a row with the east and blue. IN Ancient Mexico in illustrated handwritten editions, turquoise and water were depicted in light bluish-green, but there was no place for it in the symbolism of the parts of the world.

In folk symbolism Central Europe blue is considered the color of fidelity, but at the same time, the color of mystery (the fairy tale "Blue Color"), delusion and uncertainty ("blue fog", "talk to the blue", "a trip to the blue distance"). The combination of the concepts of "blue" and "drunk" is difficult to explain and it is connected, apparently, with a bluish tint of the cheeks and nose of unrestrained drunkards.

In political symbolism, blue is given to liberals (or national liberals). Blue Freemasonry is the traditional system of Johannes Freemasonry.

In prehistoric, as well as in the art of peoples who did not have a written language, blue was rarely used, since it was difficult to find suitable source materials for its production. Blue-dyed fabrics are popular in Western Sahara and the desert bordering countries in the south, in particular under the Re-Cleybat Nomaden of the former Spanish Western Sahara, under the Tuareg and in Mauritania.

In this section, I will put some considerations about the great diversity various characters used in tarot cards, including colors, elements and natural objects, numbers, plants and flowers, animals, celestial bodies and buildings. It can serve as a reference tool for beginners and those who are just learning Tarot.
I will also post interesting links here regarding symbols.
I think this section will be updated. Stay tuned.

Links to some character dictionaries:

Encyclopedia "Symbols, signs, emblems" -
Symbols and signs - -
Encyclopedia. Signs and symbols -

Symbolism of color

Ya. P. Obukhov "Symbolism of color" -
Color symbolism -
Symbolism of color in ancient Egypt -
Christopher Rowe "The concept of color and color symbolism in ancient world" -

Since I am working with the King Arthur tarot deck, I will also include links here regarding the symbolism of the Celts.
Celtic symbols -

A. Buryak "Medieval symbols in the culture of the West" -


In terms of color symbolism, there are huge differences between Tarot decks. Sometimes colors are used from a purely aesthetic point of view, and sometimes, in decks like the Robin Wood Tarot or those that use an alchemical, magical or kabbalistic color system, their choice is strictly conditional and subject to rigid rules.


White is traditionally considered the color of purity and innocence and is usually represented by white clothes and white flowers. White symbolizes the unity and source of all things, since all other colors are hidden in white. In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, white is the color of the higher Sephiroth, from which all creation flows.
In the Robin Wood Tarot deck, white crystals at the ends of the wands symbolize purity of thought and intention. White or silver color means the light of the moon and the feminine principle associated with it (gold and yellow colors solar, masculine opposites). Also, white is a symbol of purification and rebirth, which is especially emphasized in the traditional version of the Death card. Death rides a white horse, symbolizing the purity of heart necessary for such a transition, and holds a banner with a white rose on a black background, speaking of rebirth after passing through darkness and the unknown.
White also symbolizes moderation.
The white flag is interpreted as a call for reconciliation. On the other side, White color- the color of cowardice.
White has additional meanings when paired with red or black.
It can also symbolize: completeness, self-giving, unity, lightness, isolation, futility, equality, justice.
At African peoples white color characterizes devils.
IN medieval Rus' this is the color of freedom: cities freed from state taxes (that is, taxes and obligations to the state) were called white settlements.
for Buddhists - self-mastery, salvation, White Tara - the highest spiritual transformation through the feminine, the one that leads out, beyond the darkness of fetters, the Mother of all Buddhas;
among the Celts - the goddess of the earth;
the Chinese have the White Tiger, the west, autumn, metal, mourning.
Christians have a purified soul, joy, purity, virginity, innocence, a holy life, light, integrity. White is worn on all ritually important occasions: baptism, confirmation, engagement, marriage, death. This is the color of saints who have not experienced torment and holy virgins, as well as Easter, Christmas, Baptism and Ascension.

White black

The combination of black and white has special meaning in Western mysticism, a school of thought that greatly influenced the creators of the Rider-White-Smith deck. Paired black and white columns, which can be found, for example, on the card The High Priestess, symbolize the two pillars of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, representing the passive female (black) and active male (white) principles. In this form they represent an absolute that does not exist in real world but only as an archetype.
The combination of black and white is also present in the Chariot card. In the Robin Wood deck, black / white, passive / active pairs are underlined Chinese character yin-yang above the heads of unicorns (in traditional Rider-White-Smith decks, instead of unicorns, black and white sphinxes are depicted). The author of this deck, the American pagan Robin Wood, emphasized the masculine and feminine principles by providing unicorns with gold and silver jewelry and horns, symbolizing, respectively, the radiance of the Sun and the Moon. Unicorns are moving in different directions but harnessed together. One of the meanings of this card is to integrate these two energies and make them work for you.

White Red

The combination of white and red, especially in images of flowers and clothes, can often be found in the Rider-White-Smith deck and in many others. This combination of colors can be viewed on several levels. Firstly, white symbolizes the passive principle and purity or innocence, while red symbolizes the active principle and passion or lust. This can be confusing at first, because in the combination of white and black we just discussed, white represents the masculine principle, while in the white/red pair it is associated with the feminine principle.
The combination of black/white appears in only a few cards, while white/red is much more common and almost always present in cards where one of the main themes is duality. The magician is able to use both of these energies, as evidenced by his red cloak worn over a white tunic, as well as red roses and white lilies surrounding him.
On a more esoteric level, red and white are the key colors of the alchemical tradition, and this is one of the reasons for their frequent appearance in the Rider-White-Smith deck, as well as in some early decks. In alchemy, red is also associated with the masculine principle, and white with the feminine. In the process of the Great Work (the symbolic transmutation of lead into gold), the male and female principles are first separated from gross matter and purified, and then, at the final stage, “marry” - red (mercury) combines with white (silver) to make gold . Red also symbolizes blood, while white symbolizes mother's milk. In some versions of the Temperance card, you can see two merging streams - blood and milk, as, for example, in the Wheel of Change deck.
It can also symbolize: sign of the devil, purgatory, death.


Standing apart from white, black signifies mystery, the unknown and darkness. In traditional decks, very few cards emphasize black - perhaps only on Death and Devil cards. In other decks, the black, star-studded sky can represent the great cosmos, the universe, and the movement of the planets that affects our lives here on earth.
It can also symbolize: emptiness, hopelessness, power, sexuality, complexity, formality, elegance, wealth, fear, evil, anonymity, depth, sadness, anger, mourning, death (Western cultures).
the Chinese have north, yin, winter, water, a turtle from the four Spiritually Gifted Animals;
In the West, black is associated with mourning and with the dark aspect of witchcraft, black magic, black arts.
In alchemy, it means the absence of colors, dissolution, the first stage of the Great Experience, fermentation, something sinister, a descent into hell.
among Christians - the prince of darkness, hell, death, sadness, mourning, humiliation, spiritual darkness, despair, corruption, corruption, evil spells; this color is used for services related to the dead and during Good Friday.
among the Hindus, tamas, sensual and downward movement, time, the dark aspect of Kali and Durga;
In Egypt it means rebirth and resurrection;
Jews (in Kabbalah) - understanding, kingdom.


Gray is also rarely used in the Tarot, but if it is present, it usually means dusk, thunderstorms and misfortune.
It can also symbolize: Neutrality, stability, wisdom, modesty, dignity, completeness, old age, sadness, mourning, depression, ashes, humiliation, punishment.
For Christians, it means the death of the body and the immortality of the soul (hence the wearing of this color by religious communities);
Jews (in Kabbalah) have wisdom.

Red/yellow/blue (and green)

Red, yellow and blue are the three primary colors, and as such they have a corresponding esoteric meaning. This is the first emanation white light or the source of the universe, correlating with the three "spiritual" elements - Fire (red), Air (yellow) and Water (blue). The fourth, worldly element of the Earth is associated with the secondary color - green. The cool colors - green and blue - represent the energies of Earth and Water, which symbolize the passive, feminine, receptive qualities, while red and yellow are associated with the masculine, active qualities of Air and Fire.
All four of these colors can often be found on cards that combine all four elements in a magical or ritual context.


As already mentioned, red is the color of fire; it represents action, passion, inspiration, energy, blood and vitality, mercury, the planet Mars, the suit of Wands (although sometimes it can be swords) and the astrological signs of the fire trine. This is the passion for life, as well as anger, lust and other animal impulses; for this reason, the lion on the Strength card is sometimes red. The Empress sits on red pillows and bedspreads, symbolizing menstruation and fertility. Emperor - a card on which red occupies a very great place; here the color speaks of his strong will, as well as the association with the astrological sign Aries.
It can also symbolize: wealth and luxury.
Buddhists - activity, creation, life;
among the Celts - death, red rider, catastrophe;
the Chinese have the Sun, phoenix, fire, summer, south, joy, happiness, the happiest of all colors;
Christians have the suffering of Christ, the blood shed on Golgotha, the fire of Pentecost, zeal in faith, love, strength, dignity, priestly power, fearlessness, the color of the clothes of cardinals as servants of the Pope.
For Jews (in Kabbalah) means severity;
Hindus have activity, creative power, life energy, rajas, as an expansion in manifestation, south.


The Emperor is one of the few cards that has Orange color; that is how the mountains and the sky behind him are painted. This can be considered a hint of difficulties and problems that can only be overcome with the help of willpower. In other decks, orange is simply used as an attribute of the element of Fire and the suit of Wands.
It can also mean: In Chinese and Japanese means love and happiness; symbolized by a citron with fingers.
The Jews (in Kabbalah) have brilliance and splendor.


Yellow is associated with the element of Air, as well as with the masculine principle and the energy of the sun. Yellow can also be associated with superconsciousness and a direct connection with higher realms(hence his presence on the Jester card). For comparison, red is a reflection of the mind or consciousness, and blue is the subconscious realm.
It can also symbolize: anxiety, separation, madness.
among Buddhists - saffron, the robe of a monk, symbolizes the rejection of everything, lack of desire, humility;
the Chinese - earth, center, metal, moon hare, Ching dynasty;
for Christians, it acts as gold - this is priesthood, divinity, truth found in revelation. The clothes of Glory were worn for the celebration of the days of the Confessors.
Dull yellow meant betrayal, deceit, Jews, heretics, Judas Iscariot.
For Jews (in Kabbalah) it means beauty.
The Hindus have yellow-gold, light, life, truth, immortality, the west.


This is the Sun, divine power, the splendor of enlightenment, immortality, God, as the light of the uncreated, highest value, that which fills life, its matter, fire, radiance, glory, endurance, the masculine principle. The golden color of the Sun symbolizes all the solar gods, the gods of cereals and also the gods of the ripening of the harvest.
It can also symbolize: the Celts - fire;
among the Egyptians - this is the sun god Ra, a golden grain;
the Hindus have life, light, truth, immortality, seed, the fire of Agni.


Green is the color of the earth element, representing life, nature, abundance and growth. In the old Tarot decks, it is not so common, since the images of nature are almost not represented there.
Ambiguous in meaning. This is life in a bright green color and death, expressed in a dead, bluish gray-green hue. Youth, hope and joy, but at the same time, change, inconstancy and jealousy. Composed of blue and yellow (Heaven and Earth), green has mystical properties. Combines the cold blue light of intelligence with emotional warmth yellow sun in order to produce the wisdom of equality, hope, renewal of life and resurrection. As the color of Venus and Mercury, a pair of lovers, green is spring, reproduction, joy, confidence, nature, paradise, abundance, prosperity, peace. As the color of immaturity symbolizes inexperience, hence the playfulness, bordering on stupidity and naivety.
Green changing to gold is the young god of grain, the green lion, or the green man, before he turns into ripe grain or gold.
It can also symbolize: tranquility, peace, hope.
For alchemists, the Green Lion or the Green Dragon is the beginning of the Great Experience, the young god of grain, growth, hope.
Buddhists have bright green - the color of life, pale green - the realm of death, a corpse and everything related to the sphere of death;
among the Celts - Tir-nan-og, the Green Island, the color of Brigit, the goddess of the earth;
the Chinese green color carries the same symbolism as blue, with which it can change places in the Blue or Green Dragon, spring, east, tree, and also in water.
For Christians, bright green is immortality, hope, the growth of the holy spirit in man, life, its triumph over death and spring over winter. It is also initiation, good deeds. In the Middle Ages, it was the color of the Trinity, Epiphany and St. John the Evangelist.
Pale green is identified with Satan, evil and death.
Among the Egyptians, Osiris symbolizes the unripe green grain that turns into gold.
The Jews (in Kabbalah) have victory;
In Islam, green is a sacred color.


Blue is the color of the element of Water, as well as the subconscious. Many cards that have a blue sky or just a lot of blue are associated with the workings of the subconscious or through the subconscious - these are the High Priestess, the Hermit, the Star, the Moon, the Eight of Cups and the Two of Swords. Any figure dressed in blue clothes has the mind turned to internal matters, or this character somehow uses the power of the subconscious.


The color of the Great Mother, the Queen of Heaven, and of all the gods or powers of Heaven. It is also the original simplicity and the infinite space which, being empty, can contain everything.
It can also symbolize: peace, tranquility, stability, harmony, unification, trust, truth, security, purity, order.
among Buddhists - the coldness of Heaven above and the waters below, the wisdom of Dharma-Data;
among the Celts and Druids, a bard and a poet;
the Chinese have Heaven, clouds, the Blue Dragon of the East, spring, tree;
for Christians - Heaven, heavenly truth, eternity, faith, fidelity, the color of the Virgin Mary as the Queen of Heaven;
For Jews (in Kabbalah) it means gratitude;
Hindus wear Indra's blue raincoat;


Purple is rarely seen in a Rider-White-Smith deck and typically represents luxury, abundance (King of Coins) or power (Emperor).
Purple is also strongly associated with psychic energy and mysteries - as, for example, you can interpret the appearance of a purple drapery behind the back of Justice. More modern decks use magenta more extensively.
It can also symbolize: spirituality, nobility, ceremony, incomprehensible, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance.
among Christians - royal and priestly power, God the Father, truth, humiliation, punishment; Ribbon and advent color.


Greatness, uniqueness, justice, truth, anxiety, restlessness, uncertainty, melancholy.
These are intelligence, knowledge, religious passion, holiness, sobriety, humility, repentance, sadness, moderation, nostalgia, grief, mourning, old age.
It can also symbolize: among Christians - priestly right and power, truth, fasting, sadness, obscurity, repentance. Color of Mary Magdalene;
Jews (in Kabbalah) have a foundation.


Pink usually takes on a hue of purple and is most often found in the suit of Cups, implying a psychic connection as well as the light side of emotional pleasures. Sometimes pink color speaks of abundance or sensual pleasure, as in the Ace of Cups card, which depicts a lotus bud.


In most decks, brown is quite rare, but if it does occur, it speaks of a connection with the Earth or of a person busy with everyday affairs.
It can also symbolize: for Christians - spiritual death, death for the world (if members of religious communities wear this color), proclamation, punishment, degradation.

Rainbow or iridescent colors

Rainbows and the iridescent spectrum are often used in the Robin Wood Tarot in a completely different forms: crystals at the ends of wands, iridescent goblets or multi-colored hilts of Swords, but also sometimes appear in other decks. The rainbow represents wealth, abundance, wish fulfillment and happiness. It can also symbolize a wide range of resources that can be used or that need to be protected, a variety of problems and their possible solutions; the map on which the rainbow appears can describe various life situations and celebrate the diversity of life and the integration of the whole.

Do you pay attention to colors? literary work? It turns out that any color can also be read as a word, or interpreted as a signal, sign, or symbol. The symbolism of color is used in liturgy, iconography, heraldry, alchemy, literature and fine arts.

In the classification developed in psychology, two groups of colors are distinguished: the first of them includes warm, “stimulating” colors (red, orange, yellow and white), and the second group consists of cold colors correlated with relaxation processes (blue, indigo, violet). and black); green color can belong to both groups.

Color epithets are performed in fiction the following three functions: semantic (for example, a pink complexion is a sign of an enviable health of a character, the reddishness of boots is evidence of their wear, the color of a banknote indicates its dignity, etc.); descriptive (color epithets are attracted by the writer so that the description becomes visible, convex) and emotional, influencing feelings in a certain way.

Interestingly, each nation has its own "vision" of the symbolism of color. Book Club suggests recalling the primary colors and their possible meanings in the literature.

1. White

For Belarusians, white color symbolizes purity and innocence. White is identical sunlight, and light is a deity, goodness, life, the fullness of being. But, in addition, white can mean death, illness, evil, alienation, suffering.

« He dreamed that he was entering empty house with white walls, experiencing the painful feeling that he is the first human being to cross this threshold»

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude

2. Black

Black color has a "negative" meaning, it is a symbol of death, evil. The symbolism of black in most nations is mostly negative. In the black sky, in the depths of caves, pits, wells, in deep shadows, something mysterious and dangerous is hiding. Black makes a person's vision powerless, which in itself threatens with danger.

« And then a black rumor crawled through the lanes and streets ..

3. Red

The red color in the Belarusian and Russian linguistic culture is sacred. Previously, in Russian, the word red meant beautiful, beautiful: red sun, red girl, Red Square. It also means tension, concentration of energy - hard work, struggle, war, conflicts, tragedy, drama, anger, cruelty, rage, passions.

« On the endless waters
Clothed in purple by sunset,
She speaks and sings
Unable to raise the wings of the troubled ...
The yoke of evil Tatars broadcasts,
Broadcasts a series of bloody executions,
And a coward, and hunger, and a fire,
The strength of the villains, the death of the right...

Alexander Blok

4. Yellow

It means states associated with positive energy: fun, relaxation of tension, joy, celebration, play, beauty.

The negative symbolism of yellow and gold is sin, betrayal, venality, madness, withering, sadness, decay, despair, illness. Such expressions as the yellow press, yellow trade unions, the Yellow House are well known; "Yellow Jack" - the flag that was raised on ships as a sign of quarantine. In medieval Spain, heretics were dressed in yellow when burned at the stake of the Inquisition.

« From your mysterious love
As if in pain, I scream
Became yellow and fit,
I can barely drag my feet...

5. Green

This is the color of the vegetation; hence all its positive meanings: growth, spring revival of nature, hope (for the harvest), youth. Color garden of paradise(Eden), an oasis in the desert, a Muslim paradise.

« Green color caresses at noon with a shadow,
He gives peace to the soul and vision.
And the grasses are green, and the darkness in the forests,
Green light fluctuates in the eyes.
Green is the dress of any garden,
And for the jasmine, the stem is like a reward

Amir Khosrow Dehlavi

Negative symbols: decay, decay, demonism, disgust, anger, envy, longing, madness, horror of death. These meanings come from the color of mold, rotting organic matter, evil mythological animals (serpents, dragons), mysterious inhabitants of the forests (goblin, Green King), eyes of predatory nocturnal animals and birds, bitter poisonous herbs.

6. Blue

The symbolism of blue comes from an obvious physical fact - the blueness of a cloudless sky. In the mythological consciousness, the sky has always been the abode of gods, ancestral spirits, angels; from here main symbol blue is divinity. IN medieval Europe blue was the color of a knight's costume, wishing to demonstrate fidelity in love to his lady

« He seemed to be waiting for guests - for days on end the doors and windows were open in all rooms: in the white hall, in the blue old-fashioned living room, in the small sofa room, also blue and hung with oval miniatures, and in the sunny library, a large and empty corner room with old icons in the front corner and low ash bookcases along the walls. And everywhere in the rooms variously green, sometimes light, sometimes dark, trees with bright blue between the branches looked festively approaching the house.»

It symbolizes the cosmic spirit, truth, spirituality, involution (the descent of the spirit into the material world) blue color. The blue road is the road of spirituality.

The symbolism of blue

WITH energy center blue color Tantrism connects the clarity of visual comprehension of reality. As well as the ability for spiritual poetry and the understanding of dreams.

In the East, bright blue is considered a color that protects against black magic, damage and the "evil eye". In Tibet, it corresponds to the goddess of diseases and medicines.

Blue is the color of Christ, truth, innocence, peace, tranquility and music.

Blue is considered the color of boys. In this color, such character traits as freedom, carelessness, carelessness, optionality, friendliness, a tendency to change the situation are manifested. If these traits are preserved with growing up, such young men often become sailors or pilots. In adolescence and youth, this color is more often preferred by girls than by boys. More than half of babies under the age of three do not perceive blue tones. In adults, about one in ten people suffer from this form of color blindness.

With the perception of blue, time is even more underestimated than in green. And not only time. The very space of this color seems to move away from us during the day. Although in the evening it comes to the fore.

Maybe that's why the color blue reduces the level of anxiety. Calms and relaxes in a colder way compared to green. Some even consider blue a little restless: due to its seriousness, sadness, etc.

The effect of blue on humans

When exposed to blue, a person's muscle tension and blood pressure decrease. Breathing slows down, becomes less deep. The duration of exhalation increases.

Color analytics calls the blue color "rise above the passions" or "frigid-sterile." As the color of carelessness and carelessness, he does not make claims and therefore does not accept obligations.

In some cases, more dark shades blue psychology interprets colors as cruelty and severity of stubbornness, suffering from sudden isolation or rooted pride.

In color therapy, blue color has an analgesic character, so it is good to use it in the fight against infectious diseases. When used locally, it exhibits antiseptic properties. Usually reduces suppuration of wounds. Effective in inflammatory processes. Used in the treatment of cancer.

The blue color is almost indispensable for some rheumatic pains. Its radiations cool and soothe, lower body temperature.

For nervous patients, it is more soothing than green. Blue color governs speech, so it is good to use it in the treatment of stuttering. Brings peace and tranquility, especially in cases of nervous overexcitation bordering on hysteria.

However, abuse blue color may lead to some fatigue and even depression of the patient.

It has been experimentally established that blue not only lulls you to sleep, but also creates a feeling of freshness, which is also important for falling asleep quickly. Bedrooms should be painted in blue and blue tones.

Treatment with blue color relieves the course of many diseases and ailments: sore throat, fever, childhood illnesses (measles, mumps), various inflammations, spasms, severe pain(burn, snakebite), itching of the skin and genitals, headaches and migraines. Used in cases of shock, insomnia and neuralgic pain.

Greenish-blue (turquoise) color has a calming effect on the general motor system, balances high emotional fluctuations, and also reduces aggressiveness, so it can be used during meditative, relaxing and calming exercises.

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