Topics of the lessons lecture on Russian literature. "Family Thought" in the novel "War and Peace"


Let's discuss it at specific example. You should have read Alexander Volodin's parable "Two Arrows".

But first, let's talk about the playwright Volodin. Do you know his name?

Guys, Alexander Moiseevich Volodin is one of the modern playwrights. He worked in the second half of the 20th century. Here is his portrait you see on the screen. And one of the students in your class will tell us more about it. He prepared a message about him in advance. Let's listen to him.

The student reads the message:

Russian Soviet playwright, poet, prose writer, screenwriter Alexander Moiseevich Volodin ( real name- Lifshitz) was born on February 10, 1919 in Minsk. Left an orphan at an early age, from childhood he was brought up by his uncle, a Moscow doctor. After graduating from school, Volodin entered in 1936 in the Moscow aviation institute(because of the opportunity to move to a hostel), but after six months he left. He worked as a laborer, having studied at short-term courses in Serpukhov, for some time he taught in the village.

Military service ended with participation in the Great Patriotic War. In 1949, thirty-year-old Alexander Volodin graduated from VGIK and left for Leningrad, where he worked as an editor at the Lenfilm and Lennauchfilm film studios.

Volodin's first play, The Factory Girl (1956), was staged in theaters in Moscow, Leningrad, other cities of our country and abroad, and enjoyed great success.

In the late 1960s, in Volodin's dramaturgy, new genre- play-parable. This genre includes the plays: "Dulcinea de Toboso" (1969; post. 1971), "Castrucci" (1968, post. 1988), "Mother of Jesus" (1970, post. 1988), as well as a trilogy about primitive people "Two Arrows "(1967; post. 1980), "Desman", "Lizard" (1969; post. 1982).

Dramatist Alexander Volodin sconch

was in a St. Petersburg hospital on the night of December 17, 2001, at the age of 83. He was buried at the Komarovsky cemetery near St. Petersburg.

Here short biography writer. And we will focus on the fact that the playwright in the late 60s of the XX century wrote plays-parables. And one of them you should have read for today's lesson. This is a parable about primitive people "Two Arrows". How do you imagine primitive people? Did you like this parable? What moments did you especially like?

Identify the characters in the parable. What does it say? ( Charactersprimitive people. A parable about how discord went in their Family)

(Kin - parents, homeland, native; arrow - hunting, lifestyle, wars; advice - discussions; blood feud- Lifestyle….)

What values ​​did the author want to tell us?

Values ​​(universal): justice, peaceful life without killings, mercy, responsiveness, helping one's neighbor).

What is the main idea of ​​the parable?

(The main idea is that all disputes, strife can be resolved peacefully, without killing).

Do you remember the names of the heroes? Who has them, who doesn't? What do their names tell us?

(Eared - “... He is still very young and really somewhat lop-eared; Man of the Fight is a born warrior; Eloquent - he made a speech all the time, came up with new interesting words). The Head of the Family, the widow has no names, but only general concept. What is it connected with? (They are wearing general characteristics. We imagine what a Head should be, and what a widow should be)

What is advice? (trial). What caused Rod's crack, leading to the "lawsuit"?

(death of Long).

Let's find in the text, as the author describes funeral rite primitive people.

People held Long's body high on a boar's skin. They gave him a parting word. The head said sadly:

Nothing, Long, where you are going, the grass will be even juicier, there will be more prettier trees, the lake will be even warmer ...

And people confirmed:

Nothing, Long, you'll be there happy man, there you will be even better than here ... Eloquent said eloquently:

My teacher!

You will be the most eloquent of all there.

And each your word will be in place.

And you yourself will rejoice, listening to yourself ...

People confirmed:

You will be smarter than everyone there. Everyone will be amazed at your intelligence.

The walker exclaimed with inspiration:

Women will love you there too

and they will all take care of you.

To make you sweet

with the last of all

like the first of all!

Good women to you, Long!

Beautiful women, better than us! the women wished. Boy's man spoke courageously:

If you meet any of the Scorpion tribe there, you will slay him with one blow.

Let no other be required.

People did make the change though.

But you won't have any enemies there, Long One! You will only have friends. Only friends.

The long one was placed in a depression dug near the lake, in such a position as if he were sleeping on his side. He was a skinny, middle-aged man. A spear and a piece of meat were placed next to him for the first time, until he settled down in the Land of Ancestors.

Young men beat drums, blew whistles from bird claws. The men in headbands represented the ancestors who had come to meet Long and take them with them. The women were crying. More than others, his widow wailed.

What other rite can be found in the text? (dance of war) Find it in the text:

And began the dance of war. They took off, sagged, as if caught by an invisible arrow, fell dead and rose again to rush at the enemy. To the thunder of drums and rattles, the warriors performed a frenzied dance.

If it's in the head! roared the Man of Battle. - If it's in the liver! If it is in the heart!

And jumped on bent legs. And he let out a demonstrative cry, and they all repeated it at once. Then he stretched out his hands and stopped the dance.

There is another spell in the text. Find it. (Turtle spell)

What happens during the trial? Can you say what you think? Under what circumstances is this revealed?

“Women, I want to ask you. Have you turned to Long with any request?

Yes, we spoke to Long, - said the woman who was bolder.

With what request?

We told him: "And you are still silent, Long One. You see everything, but you are silent," said another.

What did he say to that?

Is it necessary to be firm?

Is it necessary to be honest?

And should I lay down my head

exposing wrong?

Don't know.

And is it necessary, forgive me,

pave the way for others

to make it easier for them to go

when there is a hole in the soul?

Don't know.

In the reflections of Long, one can hear an underlined semantic echo with the famous monologue of Hamlet "To be or not to be ..."

What did Long mean by this? Are his words relevant today?

Let's read this poem expressively.

Remember the end of the parable. Why is the Head leaving? What words does he speak?

…I will not lead you this way. You have already followed it. I have long been standing in the dust raised by your feet.

Who else is being killed? (Eared, Weevil).

What is the meaning of the title of the parable? Why are they shooting in the back with two arrows? How can you explain it?

What does the Boy Man say after killing Weevil?

Who was shooting there? Bind and punish!

Are there not enough kills?

Isn't it time for peace

peace and order in our kind?


No, it hasn't! And there will be no more!

On the proverb slide, select those that fit the parable "Two Arrows":

Life is given for good deeds

Live in such a way that neither from the God of sin, nor from the people of shame

“A person leaves, but deeds remain; therefore, in the end, the person remains” A. Isahakyan

“Everyone who has been useful to another has benefited himself” Seneca.

Justify your answer

And what proverbs can you give that would fit the parable.

How could you continue this parable?

Number ____________ Russian literature Grade 10

Lesson topic: « Two Katherines. "Thunderstorm" by A. N. Ostrovsky and "Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district» N. S. Leskova

The purpose of the lesson: To repeat the previously covered material on the biography and work of Leskov and Ostrovsky, to give comparative characteristic the main characters from the works of Leskov and Ostrovsky, to find the similarities and differences in the images of the two heroines

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2.Main part

A) Checking the house. assignments (memory card on the biography of two writers, prepare questions for a conversation on the work of Leskov and Ostrovsky)

B) The word of the teacher about the task of the students: to give a comparative description of the main characters from the works of Leskov and Ostrovsky, to find the similarities and differences in the images of the two heroines

B) Conversation on works

The word of the teacher What works are widely known (answer: Thunderstorm "A. N. Ostrovsky and" Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district "N. S. Leskov)

On the plot of these works, plays, films, operas were created.

(slide review and tear-off O To And h opera)

Question: What ep And zo d you saw in operas

D)) Reading excerpts from works

1.(Leskova "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District": Diana (about the external data of Katerina Izmailova) Aizhan (about the murder of her husband Katerina), Christina (about the crime that Katerina committed on the Volga River)

2. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" is read by Ira Molchanova - Ekaterina's monologue

E) Work in groups 4 groups (compilation of posters in the form of two heroines)

C) Poster presentations

Sample student responses Drama Ostrovsky Leskov's essay


Merchants' wives (material and social arrangements) Calm and free childhood and adolescence. Marriage without love and charm. Aversion to house building. Passion of natures


Dreaminess Boredom

The breadth and beauty of the Volga; folk song; melodious speech Emancipation of the soul

Walking around empty rooms: a bedroom with feather beds

Mental and spiritual restlessness


Purity, timidity, selflessness, a premonition of retribution, a thunderstorm in the soul, fear of God

Assertiveness, greed for love pleasures, murder, revenge for treason, complete oblivion of one's personality in the name of "Earrings"

Death in the Volga


Beauty, light, height love feeling

"Hot heart", forever pure


Lack of spirituality of personality, predator, slavery of love

"You will never remember without heartfelt trepidation"

3.Total: Essay What image made the greatest impression on you?

4. Reflection From heart to heart Which image made the greatest impression on you?

(wishes to each other and analysis of the work of each student by others)

5 Assessment and homework

"Two Katerinas". "Storm"

A. N. Ostrovsky and "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District"

N. S. Leskova

Katerina Kabanova Katerina Izmailova

The author of the project "The World of Bibigon" The presenters and experts are: 1. Arkhangelsky Alexander Nikolaevich candidate philological sciences, journalist, TV presenter, writer, cultural historian, author of more than 10 textbooks, including the textbook "Russian Literature: a textbook for grade 10 secondary school: At 2 o'clock"; 2. Bak Dmitry Petrovich Candidate of Philology, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Vice-Rector of the Russian State Humanitarian University; 3. Aleksey Nikolaevich Varlamov Doctor of Philology, Lecturer at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, writer; 4. Volgin Igor Leonidovich Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Candidate historical sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and Literary Institute them. A.M. Gorky...

Author of the project "The World of Bibigon" The presenters and experts are: 1. Arkhangelsky Alexander Nikolaevich Candidate of Philology, journalist, TV presenter, writer, cultural historian, author of more than 10 textbooks, including the textbook "Russian literature: a textbook for the 10th grade of a comprehensive school : At 2 o'clock"; 2. Bak Dmitry Petrovich Candidate of Philology, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Vice-Rector of the Russian State Humanitarian University; 3. Aleksey Nikolaevich Varlamov Doctor of Philology, Lecturer at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, writer; 4. Volgin Igor Leonidovich Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky, member of the Union of Writers and the Union of Journalists of Russia; 5. Pasternak Elena Leonidovna Doctor of Philology, Lecturer at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University; 6. Smelyansky Anatoly Mironovich - laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, professor, doctor of art history, rector of the Moscow Art Theater School; 7. Kedrov Konstantin Alexandrovich poet, critic, candidate of philological sciences, doctor philosophical sciences, twice nominated for Nobel Prize, head of the poetic school of metacode and metametaphor, lecturer at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky; 8. Velikodnaya Irina Leonidovna Head of Department rare books and manuscripts Scientific Library Moscow State University, candidate of philological sciences, professor of Moscow State University; 9. Murzak Irina Ivanovna Professor, Candidate of Philology, Vice-Rector for international relations MGPI (now MSGU); 10. Andrey Leonidovich Yastrebov Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of History, Philosophy, Literature, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MSPU); 11. Korovin Valentin Ivanovich Head of the Department of Russian Literature, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MSPU), author of a textbook on literature for senior classes; 12. Sobolev Lev Iosifovich Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, teacher of the Russian language and literature at the Moscow Gymnasium No. 1567; 13. Lekmanov Oleg Andershanovich - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Leading Researcher at the Institute of World Literature. A.M. Gorky; 14. Spiridonova Lidia Alekseevna - Doctor of Philology, Head. Department of the Institute of World Literature. A.M. Gorky; 15. Anninsky Lev Alexandrovich - literary critic, writer, critic, publicist, candidate of philosophical sciences; 16. Ivanova Natalia Borisovna - Doctor of Philology, writer, publicist, literary and art critic, literary historian; 17. Kling Oleg Alekseevich - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory of Literature, Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University; 18. Golubkov Mikhail Mikhailovich - Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of the History of Russian Literature of the 20th Century. Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University; 19. Pavlovets Mikhail Georgievich - Candidate of Philology, Head of the Department of Russian and foreign literature and methodology of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MPGU). 20. Agenosov Vladimir Veniaminovich - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MPGU), Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Lesson summary

Subject: "literature"

Topic: The philosophy of life of Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin

Duration: 45 minutes

The purpose of the lesson:

determine the moral and philosophical position of Lermontov in the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

Lesson objectives:

1 .Developing:

develop the ability to reflect on what has been read, analyze the text, discuss, draw conclusions and generalizations;

2. Nurturing:

to cultivate independence of thinking, the need to figuratively express their thoughts. To instill love for the works of Russian classical literature.

Ped. technology: personality-oriented learning.

Lesson type: lesson-dispute.

Methods : method of creative reading; Heuristic method - a dispute on the questions proposed by the teacher;

Research Method - independent solution Problems.

During the classes

I .Organizational part


Checking readiness for the lesson;

II .Theoretical part of the lesson

1. Goal setting and motivation

I am reading an excerpt from a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov « My future is in the fog."

The evil in me struggled with the shrine.

I squeezed tears from my heart;

Like a young fruit without juice

It withered in the storms of rock

Under the sultry sun of being.

So, the topic of today's lesson is “The Philosophy of Life of Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin

2. Knowledge update

I ask questions, students answer.

1. Do we have the right to condemn Pechorin's actions?

2. Why, speaking of Pechorin, do we mean the whole generation?

3. What is our impression of Pechorin at the first meeting with him?

4. What is Pechorin, if you judge the hero by his actions?

5. Does Pechorin justify his era and upbringing?

6. How does Pechorin characterize his diary?

7. Is Pechorin worthy of imitation?

8. In what sense is he a hero of his time?

9. How to explain that the novel is called moral and psychological?

10. What is morality? What guides Pechorin when he does moral choice?

11. Is Pechorin moral?

III . Formulation of the problem

When opening a debate, the teacher asks: literary heroes always talking and arguing. And Lermontov also predicts in the "Duma":

And our ashes, with the severity of the judge

And a citizen

A descendant will offend contemptuously

Verse, -

He kind of tells us which way to go.”

Some add: “The preface to the novel says that the vices of the time are collected in Pechorin. Vices! So, he really requires condemnation, evaluation! ”-“ But in Pechorin, not only one bad thing has been collected, ”others object,“ why immediately condemn him, you must first understand what is bad in him, what is the norm, and why?

1. Word of the teacher.

Let's think about the value of a person - good intentions or deeds? What leads Some add: “The preface to the novel says that the vices of the time are collected in Pechorin. Vices! So, he really requires condemnation, evaluation! ”But after all, not only one bad thing has been collected in Pechorin - selfishness? Is it possible to fully justify a person if his bad deeds are generated by the influence of time, upbringing? Does disappointment make a person attractive?

Let us turn to Pechorin himself once again, to his complex character, to the actions of a man whom the author himself brought closer to us, speaking of civil law descendants strictly judge him. It is important to find out if his story is instructive for us, people of a completely different era, a different upbringing?

The "eternal" confrontation between good and evil gave rise to disputes between Onegin and Lensky; Lermontov was outraged by the shameful indifference to good and evil.

We are interested in understanding the causes of the tragedy of a person who has not found himself. He left “for centuries neither a fruitful thought, nor a genius of labor begun.” This is all the more important because Pechorin is a “Hero of his time”, one of those who absorbed his sorrows, sufferings and vices.

But ... is it easy to understand the hero of the thirties?

“No, it’s not easy,” the guys say, because even close friends, Maxim Maksimych, for example, did not understand him. Others will not agree: “It is easier for us than for Maxim Maksimych, Vera, Werner, Mary; at a distance it is more visible, and besides, we have before us not one episode, but the whole life of the hero, his diary, confession.

Pechorin's personality fully and vividly appears before us, but his character is complex and contradictory, and in previous lessons we could see this with you.

What is the main thing in a person, what determines his value? What he thinks and says about himself? Obviously not! Maybe the fact that about him becomes a criterion for evaluating a person. But on what does our opinion about a person ultimately depend? - On his behavior in life, on how he treats other people.

What is the difficulty in assessing Lermontov's hero?

We spoke earlier about the dualism of the image of Pechorin.

What is the duality of the image?

One of the main contradictions of man is the contradiction between "mind" and "heart". Between the emotional and rational principles in man. In Pechorin, a rational person suppresses an emotional one.

Pechorin says about himself: “I brought out only a few ideas from the storm of life - and not a single feeling. I have long been living not with my heart, but with my head. I weigh, analyze my own passions and actions with severe curiosity, but without participation. There are two people in me: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him ... "

Man of sense suppresses the emotional, as a result, Pechorin turns himself into moral cripple. What does it mean? It changes the system true values: tries to rationalize moral laws which leads him to selfishness. Pechorin is guided by reason, not feeling (“he could not bear a single feeling”).

Formed into a table:

It is obvious that moral simplification occurs for the needs of society. Pechorin becomes a victim of this society. However, over time, he makes others victims (Mary, Vera, Maxim Maksimych, etc.). Yes, and Lermontov's hero does not linger for a long time in one place, he searches, rushes about, and this struggle begins "the remaining indestructible life of the heart."

Let's find out Pechorin's attitude to his own actions: is he strict with himself, Does it justify him that he bitterly repents, executes himself (in general, is it possible to forgive a person's actions if he himself condemns them)? What becomes for Pechorin the inner court, the court of the heart, the source of torment? The path to change, self-flagellation?

“I run through my memory of all my past and ask myself involuntarily: why did I live? For what purpose was I born? .. And, it’s true, it existed, and it’s true, it existed, and it’s true that I had a high appointment, because I feel immense strength in my soul ... ”, Pechorin argues.

Maybe the meaning human existence in the formation of the soul, in preparing it for life in the Higher Worlds, what presupposes all sorts of trials? Perhaps the soul is really immortal, and the period of earthly life only gives its impetus further development?

The mind and heart could assimilate metaphysical truths - the result of thousands of years of insights of mankind - from its smallest fragments that came into contact with their own convictions; the world of his works is multidimensional, includes not only earthly existence, but also the existence of the Universe.

Finishing our today's conversation about the hero of our time, about Pechorin, we part unreconciled. The duality of Pechorin himself gave rise to completely polar points of view on the personality of the hero in the class. Some are full of respect and love for this person. And no wonder: in Pechorin there is a certain magnetism, an attractive force. This is how original, original natures are always struck by "inimitable strangeness and a sharp, chilled mind ...".

Others (perhaps there are not so many of them, but they exist) refuse any sympathy for the hero, seeing in him a portrait. Woven from vices. And they can be understood too.

Time will pass, and we will return again and again to the questions that Pechorin asked himself. Maybe something will change in our attitude towards him, but the main thing is that it is impossible to treat the hero with indifference.

I have complex relationship to Pechorin, and, perhaps, this is a feeling of bitterness and pride - from the consciousness of the strength and significance of Pechorin's inner protest against an existence that could satisfy only "conceited mediocrity."

I think you will agree with me: Pechorin can be treated differently, but the experience of his life is terrible. You can argue a lot about what prompted the hero to act one way or another in each individual case, Pechorin's behavior is really contradictory, so in general we are talking about the dualism of his image.

IV. Summing up the lesson

In general, the fate of Lermontov's hero is tragic and hopeless. Having departed from life, the “hero of time” left for centuries “neither a fruitful thought, nor a genius of labor begun.” Maybe this is too high a requirement? But Pechorin left behind neither a friend warmed by the warmth of his participation, nor a woman happy with his love.

To repeat the fate of Pechorin would mean drinking the cup of loneliness, deep dissatisfaction and skepticism, homelessness and longing.

And yet the example of Pechorin is not fruitless. It has not left readers for many years, disturbs, torments, makes us answer the main questions in Sami: what is happiness? What does a person live for? What can he give people? Who is to blame if life fails?

In this sense, our dispute does not end, but only begins as a conversation about the responsibility of a person before his own destiny, as well as before time, an era, the essence of which was correctly reflected by Naum Korzhavin:

What about time?

Time is long.

It's non-negotiable

You are up for discussion...

The hero of our days will be discussed in the next lesson.

v. Homework . Questions for the lesson-dispute are given during the lesson.

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